#i want to write more in this verse-- i really do
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lovelytsunoda · 1 day ago
hear that sound | lance stroll
part of the 'welcome to wherever you are verse'
summary: baby hutchence is writing a book!
pairing: lance stroll x hutchence! reader
shinelikeitdoes just posted
lancestroll followed shinelikeitdoes
yn.hutchence followed shinelikeitdoes
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liked by yn.hutchence, lancestroll, officialinxs and 500 others
shinelikeitdoes You've never heard it from me before. 2025.
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lancestroll i'm so proud of you
(comment liked by yn.hutchence)
user so a nepo baby is crying about not having a dad. boo hoo, join the rest of us
-> user girl do you literally know anything at all about who yn hutchence's father was or how he died? educate yourself.
yourmum i can't wait for the world to hear your story. wonderful job, love
(comment liked by yn.hutchence)
chloestroll i hit preorder so fast it made scottys head spin
shinelikeitdoes just posted!
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liked by scottyjames, lancestroll, astonmartinf1 and 641 others
shinelikeitdoes Lance was everything I could have ever wanted and more
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chloestroll you're the best sister-in-law (and auntie) a girl could ask for!
kirkpengilly i do beleive i'm still waiting on a thank you?
-> yn.hutchence you walked me down the aisle at my wedding??? that was literally your thank you?
-> kirkpengilly naming your first born son after me should suffice
-> yn.hutchence with all due respect i am not naming my future baby kirk. lance and i have already decided that if we have a son, his name will be michael
-> kirkpengilly and i wouldn't want it any other way
shinelikeitdoes just posted
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liked by timfarriss, reesesbookclub, lancestroll and 700 others
shinelikeitdoes He was always sacred his mood swings would get out of control one day.
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timfarriss never forget how much he loved you both. he wasn't himself those last few months, but he never stopped talking about how you were the best thing to ever happen to him.
(comment liked by yn.hutchence)
user i don't know the lore...what was wrong with her father? (i'm just here from formula one)
-> user a traumatic brain injury decimated his frontal lobe, stripping his senses of taste and smell and leaving him prone to outbursts of rage. really, it wasn't his fault and it's a miracle that he lived for as long as he did afterwards. every medical professional who has seen his brain scans says the same thing
astonmartinf1 does anyone have a tissue?
shinelikeitdoes just posted!
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liked by andrewfarriss, aprilrosepengilly, fernando_alonso and 759 others
shinelikeitdoes It gave me a purpose in a time where I didn't think I had one
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user this book is going to make me bawl my eyes out and i don't know anything about inxs
reesesbookclub we would love to include your memoir as part of our 2025 reading club list! we've sent you a dm <3
andrewfarriss ah yes i remember the days of sweaty lawn chairs and screaming helicopter parents.
-> timfarriss i think you forgot how much *you* screamed
-> yn.hutchence you cheered louder for me at rugby than you did at your own daughter's piano recital
shinelikeitdoes just posted
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liked by reesewitherspoon, f1, lancestroll and 900 others
shinelikeitdoes YN Elodia Heaven Hutchence-Strulovic invites you to the launch of her new memoir, 'Shine Like It Does'
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f1miamigp we can't wait to host this momentous event!
yourmum your dad would be so proud of you xxx
user yn and reese in the same session? girl its such a shame i cant afford a transatlantic flight rn
lancestroll just posted!
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tagged: yn.hutchence
liked by fernando_alonso, chloestroll, kirkpengilly and 1,345 others
lancestroll congratulations my love. i know this story wasn't easy for you to tell, and that putting all your thoughts on paper was difficult. i'm proud of you just for finishing the book, let alone getting it published. i love you to infinity and back. xx
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yn.hutchence i love you!! thank you for supporting me
(liked by lancestroll)
scottyjames as an aussie i'm biased but i did shed a tear or two...or fifty before the book was over
-> danielricciardo he's still lying on the floor thinking about it
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riddle-me-ri · 2 days ago
I have to very cute ideas for prompts, so I'll just write them both in this ask. How would the hatters react to the reader saying I love you for the first time? Also, how would they react if the reader asked to if they would marry them out of the blue? Like they weren't on a date or anything. Just doing normal everyday things. Nothing even related, then they get hit by that very much life changing question. I think it would be very cute.
a/n: aaahhhh my heaarrrttt it was really hard to choose between the two but for now I'll do how the mad lads would react to reader saying “i love you” cause it would be a very big deal for most of these fellows lol will potentially do the marriage proposal option another time!
Content Warning: none just very sweet and fluffy
The Mad Hatters Reacting To Reader Saying "I Love You"
Arkhamverse Mad Hatter:
- For once, this former milliner is speechless…
- He pauses, repeating your words in his mind…
- Don't be surprised if he asks you to repeat yourself in rhyme.
- One reason is because he wants to make sure he didn't misheard you…
- And the second reason…he just really enjoys hearing it.
- Jervis is a chuckling giddy mess of a man, twirling you around…
- Not bound to let you go now or ever.
BTAS Mad Hatter:
- Jervis’ eyes widened instantly in surprise.
- Normally it was him who admitted his feelings first before inevitably being turned down.
- He couldn't be more delighted that that's not the case here.
- If his irises could form heart eyes they would.
- Jervis is swift in reciprocating your feelings.
- Don't be surprised if he picks you up and twirls you around in pure elation at your confession.
- If you thought Jervis was lovesick before he definitely is now and you're the only cure for it.
TNBA Mad Hatter:
- Jervis grows silent as his pale face reddens.
- Despite seeming uneffected on the outside, Jervis was reeling on the inside.
- He always pondered if you held any fondness for him…he knew he certainly did for you.
- Jervis has imagined various scenarios where he would confess to you, but his nerves often got to him first…
- He's relieved to hear that your feelings are mutual–
- It gives him the confidence to tell you in depth how he feels…
Gotham Mad Hatter:
- His crooked smile somehow grows wider.
- He always knew deep down you loved him…
- It was just a matter of time before you vocally spoke of it.
- Even though he felt his actions spoke enough for him…
- He was more than delighted to repeat the sentiment back to you.
HQTAS Mad Hatter:
- This asshole will act like he didn't hear you.
- But deep down, his heart is beating rapidly up into his throat.
- He isn't entirely sure what to say or do with this knowledge.
- Jervis has long since accepted love was off the table–
- Yet now, here you were confessing your feelings…
- Feelings he definitely did have mind you…
- He just isn't well versed in this mushy romance stuff…
- Just give him some time but be assured your feelings were indeed heard and returned.
Joker's Asylum Mad Hatter
- Did…did he have a sip of tea?
- W-was he succumbing to the visions and voices again or..
- Or did you really say what he thinks he heard?
- You'll have to reassure him what you said, tell him you meant and that you're real…
- Once it truly sets in, Jervis is over the moon.
- He wastes no time telling you he feels the same, he always has, he always will…
Secret Six Mad Hatter:
- Please be sure to tell him when he's at his most lucid…
- He may not fully register what you say if he's under the influence.
- Or he may just think it's another blissful delusion his hat has conjured for him.
- But if he hears you utter that confession in his lucid state–it's gonna take a lot to keep him from bouncing off the walls.
- Jervis will be even more clingy with you than he was previously…
- He is more than delighted to be your lover!
- Don't be surprised if he asks you to say it again…and again…and again…
- It's his new favorite sound…
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deliciouskeys · 30 days ago
1 for ZM please
About a month late because this was the hardest ask on that meme I think!
Fanfic/Authors ask meme : Write a scene from [ZM] in another character’s POV
Terror POV for the entire fic: Ever since my dad brought me to this house, I'm trying to figure out what the deal is between him and his friend. They speak in angry tones a lot, but my dad really works to take care of him. They also get in bed and rub on each other, in which case they're not usually angry. My dad's friend seems disabled or something, because my dad wraps him up in a very long shiny leash. Maybe his friend will fall apart if he's not held together by that?-- I haven't seen him without it. He can't even eat on his own, he never goes outside, and he's usually in a bad mood. Like even more than my dad usually is. I'm really not sure what's wrong with him, but I'm having a good time living out here in a house with a yard.
Juuuust kidding lol.
I rewrote the second half (after the time skip asterisks) of chapter 4 (Depression) in HL's POV. It's probably not that different-- I'd like to think I write in such a way that you can tell what both halves of a dialogue are thinking, even if the third person narration is closely aligned with only one. But someone at some point was asking me what HL's gambit really was in that scene. Well here you go, 3.9k words. Not all of it brand new, of course.
Homelander never expected to find himself in such impossible circumstances. When he first found himself blind and unable to move, all his other senses felt that much sharper, and he was keenly aware of everything around him. But the more time he's spent in this state, the more it feels like he's undergoing mental vertigo. He's left alone for… he's not even sure how long. Time is now measured by how hungry he's gotten, how often he's urinated on the floor beside himself. His days used to be so full, agendas with meetings, appearances, rescues, end to end, 8 am to 8 pm at minimum, weekends included. Other members of the Seven got tired of it, took daily breaks, took long vacations. Maeve couldn't stand being forced to account for her time, and she her schedule was much more sparse than his. Homelander never resented the full agendas. No, what he dreaded was free, unstructured time, dreaded holidays when everyone would stop caring about business. He always felt uncomfortable in his own skin if he had to spend any more time alone in his apartment than the time it took him to get a full night's rest. And for his physiology a full night's rest was, for better or worse, usually only a few hours. So he'd often go on flights while most of the city still slept– he told himself he was patrolling for crime, but really he just didn't want to feel like he had to stay still in any sort of confined space. And now… now that's all he can do– lying on the floor, maybe contorting himself into a sitting position if he's feeling really ambitious. With absolutely nothing to do, nothing to see, no ability to leave, he feels numb. He feels like he's losing his mind, and not in the flashy way– just slowly feeling his sense of self disintegrating. When he was a child he used to be able to converse with himself without looking at a reflection, but that was when he was younger, and not when he was forcibly blinded. Now he only listens to the voice in his head telling him that he was stupid to think he'd be able to free himself, telling him he was going to die without seeing anything again, telling him he may have already gone blind for all he knows.
It must have been at least fifteen days since he was put in this cage, but maybe it's been thirty. He got depressed and stopped trying to keep diligent track of William's comings and goings at some point. He needs to get back to thinking clearly, if he's ever going to escape out of here, but there's nothing left that he wants to think about. He doesn't want to try to think of ways to free himself, because he spent the better part of a week trying all sorts of maneuvers and never made any tangible progress. He doesn't want to think about anything to do with his past life, because every thought is tainted by remembering that higher-ups at Vought were ones who decided to betray him and sacrifice him. Because of what? That he dared to try to act on his own instincts instead of just obeying? That he was too dangerous if he so much as expressed mild disagreement with their tactics? 
So Homelander's thoughts turn to the most basic fixations. Thirst, hunger– those get satisfied periodically, although never in the way he really wants, and he still daydreams about warm milk, other warm, bland, sweet things that could soothe his nerves. His other need has started to gnaw on him day in and day out. At this point, if one of his hands somehow managed to free itself, he'd probably waste precious time jerking himself off before trying to free the rest of his body. He daydreams about being able to shove himself inside something warm and slippery, reminisces about his vigorous nights with Maeve when she still tolerated him, remembers that one precious time with Madelyn. But he can't think himself to completion, it only makes matters worse, and he whines quietly as his painfully hard erection dies down.
His other favorite daydream these days is about being reunited with Ryan. Like the first time he found him, but even more dramatic this time. In these fantasies Ryan would come running, leap into his arms, wrap his arms around his neck, and Homelander would take off into the sky with him, take him someplace safe, away from Vought, away from Butcher's band of misfits, away from the US government. When he thinks about Ryan too long, a lump starts forming in his throat and he starts crying at the unfairness of it all– of being deprived of his son almost as soon as he found out about his existence. He can't open his eyes, but the tears seep out anyway, drip out of the metal plate, dribble down his chin, and he can't even wipe them away.
It should be embarrassing that William returns during one of these bouts of feeling sorry for himself. Homelander can recognize his car from miles away, so he sits up, legs bent, forehead pressed into his knees in a last ditch effort to retain some dignity. But there's nowhere to hide. 
"You alright mate?" he asks, and Homelander genuinely wonders if he means him or his damned dog whose loud breathing is the only sign of anyone else in his vicinity. William must be able to see that Homelander's face is covered in snot and tears. And why should he care or try to hide any of it? Any sense of embarrassment Homelander may have had is long gone. Even in the days of the lab, he was never kept this helpless for this long, and never had so many basic functions tended to by someone else. If William wants to keep him here and clean up after him for the rest of his life, that was certainly his prerogative. 
"Oi, I said, you alright?"
"Oh, fucking fantastic," Homelander says, raising his head had off his knees.
"I'll get you some more water," William says.
Homelander leans back against the unforgiving bars of the cage. The metal William has used to trap him makes him feel weak as he touches it, but it's becoming almost an addictive feeling, the strange diffusion across his muscles that makes them weak, ordinary. Is this what being a normal human feels like? Has he become warped enough that he enjoys feeling like his body's fibers are turning into jelly?
He can hear William refill his bowl of water and set it down next to him. It's a wonder that Butcher hasn't laid out newspapers on the floor for him yet, or maybe some nice sawdust or whatever it is they put in rat cages.
"You want anything else?" William has the nerve to ask.
Why yes, being allowed to feel like a person again would be nice, Homelander thinks. "You can't treat me like a fucking... hamster. You leave me here all day with some water. Nothing to fucking listen to. I'm bored out of my mind. You have a TV in here, but you're just a heartless sadist who won't even turn on some Vought News."
"You know I ain't turning Vought News on," William tells him, as if it's something to be proud of. "Here, you can listen to this."
Homelander feels stupid for being curious for a moment before he hears what must be that painter from TV describing what colors he's about to use. "Motherfucker," he mutters when he hears that William's left the house. 
Today I'm using an 18 by 24 inch double prime pre-stretched canvas, but you use whatever size you'd like.
Is he supposed to feel calm from listening to this infuriatingly self-possessed voice droning on and on about painting techniques?
And I've just covered the entire canvas with a very thin coat of liquid white. The liquid white is just designed to make the canvas wet and to make it slick, it allows us to actually blend color right here on the canvas.
Homelander groans. The slightest allusion to anything that could be remotely sexual wakes his body up, as if it's not in on what dire situation he's in. His body doesn't care. It's begging for an orgasm. Homelander tips back on the floor, desperately trying move his thighs against his cock, but it's not effective. It doesn't help that the painter has moved on to describing the painting techniques and once again, but he's still desperate. Homelander struggles, praying that he can pry his arms apart– sure, the metal wrapping them his forearms together behind his back makes them as limp as noodles, but shouldn't his desperation to touch himself count for something? It doesn't, and Homelander's body finally gives up after getting no physical encouragement.
No, this can't go on like this. He's unable to think straight. Most powerful man on earth and he can't manage to touch himself? He has to get his mind off this infernal fixation.
William comes back in, and although Homelander hasn't spoken to him much in the last few days, he just has to try to extract some information out of him, reorient himself, get back to living in the real world rather than drifting around in his thoughts. If nothing else, he has to better acquaint himself with William, because he clearly underestimated his patience and his cruelty.
"Did they hold a funeral for me yet? I can't even keep track of the days like, this."
He listens to William's breathing change, but he doesn't know if it means he's about to be lied to. "They announced they'll have one. Finally deemed you MIA enough on a classified mission that they're going to have some pomp and circumstance. The whole nation is in mourning. I'm sure Starlight is going to record a new song in your honor."
"Fuck her," Homelander spits out. The fact that she saw him in this pathetic situation, and gets to go back to her dayjob– on his team– makes him that much angrier. "What're you gonna tell Ryan, hm?" he asks. "Or are you not showing him any TV, keeping him captive too. You seem to like that, William. You and Vought."
"Fuck you. I'll tell him the same bullshit the media is going to say. You died overseas on a mission."
And although this should make Homelander feel more hopeless– Vought announcing his funeral means they've really decided he's as good as dead and won't ever return– this gives him a sudden renewed sense of purpose to get out of this confinement and show them all what he's capable of. "You're a sadistic, lying bastard," he mutters, not even sure William's impaired hearing will notice, but he heard.
"And it took you this long to deduce that, mate?"
Homelander can hear that his jailer is grinning ear to ear, clearly pleased with himself. It's a tone he hates, the tone of William when he thinks he's won something. He's won nothing, as far as Homelander is concerned. If he's so proud of being sadistic, and Homelander isn't– not in any particular way–, why aren't their positions reversed if there was any justice in this world?
"You'd be just like me if you had powers," Homelander says. "I guarantee you."
"Whataboutism rubbish. You may well be right," William says. "But I don't have powers and you do, and here we are."
It's a dead end with someone this stubborn and myopic. But Homelander just wants to keep talking. If he can't see, at least talking to someone proves he's not alone– something the voice in his head starts telling him when the house is empty and he only hears William's dog milling about.
"Can I see my son?' he demands, seeing how this tone might work out for him. He has so little that he doesn't really have anything to lose.
"Really? You're going to ask me that? Mate, you're not going to see anything ever again, not if I can help it."
It's an odd sensation, but Homelander can actually feel his eyes rolling despite the metal plate pressed firmly against them. "Fine, can I hear my son?! Jesus Christ. I haven't had contact with him in a year."
Homelander doesn't expect William to agree of course, so his breath hitches when William answers him with a curt "Fine." followed by a child's voice saying "Hello?" 
Homelander's heart skips a beat– it's Ryan's voice, distorted by the phone, maybe sounding older, because God knows he hasn't heard him in a year and that alone make Homelander emotional, that he's missed even more of his childhood. He scrambles to answer, stuttering in his agitation  "Ryan? Ryan, it's your dad, your real dad, don't believe the—"
"Hello?" But of course it was too good to be true. Homelander's shoulders slump as he realizes that he was on mute. 
"You're a fucking monster," he says, sighing, sitting back against the wall and burying his face in his knees again. This is why he stopped talking to William in the first place. It's always frustrating exchanges like these. But this last part was a dirtier trick than usual. Homelander hates that he can feel tears pricking at his eyes yet again. He should be grateful he could hear Ryan was alive and well, but that's a low bar if there ever was one.
"He's doing good, he's in good hands," William assures him, and oh Homelander's hands curl into fists, wanting to punch him full-force. There's be nothing left, and he wouldn't have to hear this patronizing tone anymore.
But as much as he hates talking to William, this is also the most exciting part of his day, and he might as well get all his questions out now that he's deigned to speak to him again and break his short-lived vow of silence. "What are they saying about me online? Can you at least tell me that?" he asks. He's glad he can still pull off an angry, haughty tone despite feeling less and less sure he'll ever be able to get out of this embarrassing imprisonment.
"I don't rightly know, I don't have time to look through Twitterspheres and Reddit threads searching your name. I'm sure it's mostly positive."
Homelander can feel his mouth twist into something that would look ugly on camera but it's just William here, and he has no reasons to disguise his emotions here. "Yeah, and people are just going to forget I exist in another couple of weeks."
"They'll always have the movie franchises to remember you by."
Homelander sniffs in disgust. He never guessed he'd be trapped long enough to even have this conversation. When he was first captured this ragtag band of misfits tried so many different methods to off him, and he thought they were bound to make a mistake somewhere along the way. With William taking him on alone, it seemed even more probable. But William barely touches him nowadays except for what's absolutely necessary– including retightening the wires around his body with annoying regularity so there's little hope of escape.
"Why haven't you even tried to fucking kill me?!" he finally yells. 
"Like I told ya. I want to really hurt you. And you are really fucking hurting like this," Butcher says. "I get to live my life, come home and get to watch you suffer. Don't see any reason to change it."
Homelander would see red if he could see anything. In what universe was any of this fair? What crimes has he committed that deserve being so tortured with boredom and humiliation by turns. He's tired of being talked down to. He's tired of being lectured by someone who clearly has his own demons and issues. He wasn't going to say this, because he wasn't sure of how the conversation would pan out, but at this point Homelander's desperate to get any sort of riled up reaction from William. Anything that increases the chances of William doing something out of the ordinary would increase his chances of escape more than being despondent and doing nothing.
"May I make a personal remark?" he asks.
"Never seen you stop and ask before," William replies, sounding amused but curious.
"Well. People tend to take offense at this one." Homelander pauses one last time, wondering if he's right to play this card now, but at this point he's desperate to shift anything about this terrible setup. "Ever since you undressed me... well, even before that sometimes, but definitely after... you just... reek of wanting to fuck me."
William burst out laughing and for some reason that's one reaction Homelander didn't anticipate in response.
"No I mean it, literally reek. I know it when I smell it. Fucking disgusting, but explains a lot. Wish you'd get it over with already, if that's really what you want, and then let me fucking go on my way."
He pauses but William's still laughing, and it's a sound Homelander hasn't heard before. William isn't faking it. He's actually in rollicking spirits after hearing this, probably because he doesn't believe him. Homelander is at a loss.
"Hurts to hear, I'm sure," he adds but his voice is getting smaller. Is there really nothing he can say to perturb this man?
William finally comes up for air from his convulsive laughing. "Mate... oh my god… Thanks for that, I haven't had that good of a laugh in years."
Homelander can't believe it, all that bitter venom roiling and unable to come up with anything more hurtful. "It's not my fault you're attracted to the man you keep accusing of raping your wife. That's fucked up, I must say," Homelander blurts out, desperate to find something to pique this man, and realizes he's found the magic topic.
He hears William approaching but can't move away before he's grabbed by the neck. "Oi, you fucking self-aggrandizing cunt. You mention Becca again, I dare you, I fucking dare you."
And Homelander opts not to say more even though this is what he wanted– contact, violent contact, and William losing his calm and maybe making mistakes in his rage. But he's out of ideas, and he hates how good it feels to be touched when he's had so little contact. His throat bobs under William's grip, and WIlliam releases him, as if somehow guessing that Homelander's getting something pleasant out of it and immediately depriving him of it.
"And you can tell all that just from the way I smell, can you?" he asks, no longer laughing, but sounding unconvinced. Homelander knows what he senses. He shouldn't be surprised his captor's not aware of his own feelings and proclivities.
"I’ve smelled it plenty. You walk into a crowd of fans, there's always a bunch of mouthbreathers drooling over you. Women mostly, but some men too. But I must say William, I didn't see it coming from you."
"Well, it's rich coming from you," William says. "Getting all worked up every time I say you've behaved yourself, or threaten you with something real embarrassing."
Homelander bristles. "That has nothing to do with you," he mumbles. "Whataboutism," he adds vindictively.
"Maybe, but let me just demonstrate. I'll fucking upload a video of you on your knees in your cage, hovering over a bowl of milk, lapping it up like a little cat or whatever the fuck, ass up in the air."
Homelander can feel the color drain from his face, but unfortunately can also feel the instant reaction. He remembers when it happened. He was desperate for something to soothe his nerves. William served him the milk he asked for but made him get into an awkward humiliating position to drink it. Not like William didn't exude a whole cloud of lusting pheromones or whatever it is that Homelander senses. But apparently only he's the one being blamed for getting hard over strange things. 
"Least dignified thing I've ever seen in my life. I'll fucking do it. They can think that's your captivity footage from your overseas classified mission before you ended up 'dead.'"
There's nowhere to hide. Homelander hates it, but he knows his body responds. When he was growing up in the lab, the scolding over masturbation intertwined shame and arousal into a weird mixture in his mind until they were, if not always inseparable, still unfortunately concomitant.
"Yeah, you like being praised and humiliated, you fucking sick cunt." William sounds triumphant, even though none of this seems particularly relevant. Homelander's not attracted to him, at least. And as soon as that thought crosses Homelander's mind, another one follows closely on its heels, and he regrets it. It's so easy to imagine William sucking him off, and his body has been so desperate for release that the thought is suddenly very appealing.
"I'm not the one collecting footage on his phone," Homelander says, trying to sound angry to cover up how shaky he feels, and how obsessed he's immediately gotten with the idea of making William act on his stupid depraved wishes.
"Look at yourself. Your cock is right begging for it."
"Then touch it." Homelander blurts out without thinking, his cock already throbbing, his body so so hopeful that thinking about sex means it's going to happen. He's feeling so disoriented that he doesn't immediately comprehend that William really reached through the bars, really wrapped his calloused hand around his erection. It feels so blissfully wonderful when his hands starts to move that Homelander's moved to tears of gratitude. And yet just as the corners of his mouth turn up, lost in the pleasure of it all, the contact is gone.
"MOTHERFUCKER," Homelander pants. "You're a FUCKING sadist." He bucks his hips seeking contact with anything. He knows there's nothing around him that could really satisfy– he's tried countless times. "Please, William, please don't just..." Homelander can't even get the words out, before he feels the hand again, just one stingy touch this time, only making things worse.
"Fuck," Homelander practically sobs out. When he hears William recede from the cage, he realizes this is it, he's about to be abandoned again, and that he's only armed William with yet another form of torture against him. He moans and weeps, not caring about how pathetic it looks and sounds, not caring if William is filming him again, sick mind that he has. Homelander tries to rub his erection against the floor, jammed between the hard surface and his body, but it never cut it before, and apparently won't cut it now either.
Homelander is reeling with so much unfulfillment that he hardly notices that William leaves the room entirely. His ears finally perk up when he hears something coming from the room William sleeps in. He can't be sure but it sounds like masturbation.
I hope you're thinking of me while you're doing it, you stupid cruel savage, Homelander curses to himself. He's close to shouting it loud. He would, if he thought there was any chance William would come back and finish what he sadistically started.
Homelander has no cards left to play, no relevant secrets. He could try to bargain, information about Vought for … for what exactly? Handjobs? William wasn't going to let him go for anything, he knows that.
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Fanon Leo gives off a certain Vibe and I don’t like it.
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speedwayy · 1 year ago
1999 recording of noel playing the acoustic track for it's a crime, the unofficial name given to the demo that would eventually become let there be love.
the lyrics are completely different from the album version and they're pretty interesting, so i included them under the cut
Well you can say what you want But you won't get a thing from me And if you don't understand That's it's not in your hands you need
Let there be love Let there be love Let there be love Let there be love
But you can say what you feel And it might never steal from me And then you must understand That it's all in your hands what you need
Let there be love Let there be love Let there be love Let there be love
And I never knew But all the thing's that you've done Are coming right back to you But everybody know's that it's no crime
But does it make you feel ashamed? You never said what you done And there's no need to blame But everybody knows Yeah everybody knows Everybody knows that it's no crime It's no crime
So you can say what you want But you'll not get a thought from me But if you say what you mean Then you might get a thing from me
Let there be love Let there be love Let there be love Let there be love
If I ever knew That all the thing's I've thought Are coming right back to you But everybody thinks that it's a crime
It never makes you feel ashamed You sit around and you sold And then you're passing the blame But everybody knows Yeah everybody knows Everybody knows that it's a crime
It's a crime It's a crime It's a crime
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months ago
I just think, the idea that Disha is lying about Kyoshi's honor and stuff to put some kind of wedge between Roku and Kyoshi would be really cool and spy-y and would fit really well with the weird Cold War-eque/espionage that Roku's era seems to want to emulate. It'd be a cool way of making him doubt himself without realizing he's doubting himself.
And it'd also force a parallel between Roku/Kyoshi and Kyoshi/Kuruk. How, while Kuruk appeared in RoK and Kyoshi didn't have the best opinion of him, really ramped up in her sequel novel to the point she wanted to fucking brawl him. The way it's set up now, Roku's timidness and confusion with Kyoshi could easily fester into the same hatred and want to confront her in Roku's sequel novel too.
And I'm also just grasping at straws but I just really fucking hate how RR is trying to drag Kyoshi through the gd mud. And like it just doesn't work with the knowledge we already know about her and he could've done something (anything really, he didn't utilize her at all) else with her character in Rokus era that would've better explored... and I'm also a bit of a bitter bitch about it. tbh
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demigod-shenanigans · 7 months ago
Btw if it seems like I’m having a lot of Jason thoughts in comparison to Leo and Piper thoughts, I’m not, it’s just that esp most of my Leo thoughts get rambled out in my fic which is almost exclusively Leo thoughts and early on also has a whole bunch of Piper (Piper is like, the main reason I ended up actually writing out the beginning bit instead of sticking to flashbacks like I was originally planning)
I do need to write more Piper pov specifically which I already have plans for, but I’ll get there when I get there
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offthewall1979 · 13 days ago
"I said 'but unlock the door, cuz I forgot the key.' She said 'it's not comin back, because you're sleepin with me!'"
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affectionate-remedy · 15 days ago
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. . .usually I use the modern 'Sumi icons for out of character posts like this, but I'm in one hell of a headspace, so we're using the vampire's instead.
(it's the pinky-finger held up. it's silly, and why I went with it and not the usual.)
That aside, writing's felt weird. Maybe it's because I haven't done a whole lot of it recently, maybe it's because I'm running out of steam with what I've given myself to work with, and what I try to make myself work with. Maybe it's that I'm writing this at one (and now two) in the morning, and the natural post-twelve brain disfunction is kicking in, and maybe I just need to go to bed.
The rest is below the read more, for convenience sake, not for serious themes or such. If you don't feel like reading, scroll down below this post for a kitty-cat.
. . .unfortunately, I'm not going to bed quite yet. I don't need sleep; I need to get these thoughts coherent and on paper before they get jumbled up again.
With all that aside, to the main point of tonight's post; I'm likely going to shelf some alternates for 'Sumi. If not permanently, then until there's a tangible spine to the character's worldbuilding or backstory, as well as some more concise way to differentiate them from each-other besides the imagery of icons and their respective tag on each post.
The main, modern 'Sumi is sticking around, of course, however though, she isn't safe from having her foundations built on and upwards just because she's the anchor of this blog.
Vampire 'Sumi will likely see the light of day (ironically) as I've got a soft spot for her, having previously played her in a DND campaign.
Those two, listed above (modern, and fantasy) are the two that come to mind to keep, no matter what. So, there will probably be a priority on working on those two, before other alternates that I haven't really touched on or written of recently.
. . .though, I must admit, I think the thought to work on the foundations of 'Sumi as a character came from all the thoughts I've been mulling over for the very much so, probably won't be written, Persona alternate, as I wanted to do it and the respective series' frequent darker themes justice and somehow found myself wanting to do 'Sumi justice.
Anyway, that's it. That's the post. I'm going to bed.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year ago
a lil note about muses on here!! i’m going to reduce the amount of muses on my roster, removing characters i rarely use. this may include muses that we write together, but please don’t worry!! i’ll still write these muses with my partners who currently have dynamics with them; they will just no longer be available to the general public and will not be listed on my roster.
i’ll be honest and let y’all know that my focus has drifted away from kny a great deal, and that will be reflected when i edit my roster. most kny muses will be moved to the tertiary list, removed, or reworked for another fandom. i apologize bc i know this will be disappointing for some of you, but i need to make some changes so this blog feels neater and more accurately reflects where my interest lies. i don’t think this comes as a surprise tbh? but still i know it’s not what some people want to hear.
all that said, i do understand if you want to break mutuals — no hard feelings whatsoever!! but i hope we can figure out new dynamics and continue having fun smushing our dorks together if you stick around 💜
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kitkatt0430 · 11 months ago
Talk Shop Tuesday: What's one goal that you're working towards and what steps are you taking to try to achieve that goal? Why is this goal something you want to achieve? <3 -@fieldsofview
So my main goal this year is to have fewer Works In progress - both on the small level of unpublished fics/chapters and the bigger level of chaptered fics/series.
This is to a.) clean up my WiP folder(s) on my computer, try to move stuff that's been sitting there for a long time into the done pile and b.) to close out some of my unfinished works on Ao3 so that I can celebrate them being done!!! Or at least having made progress on them, which is still worth celebrating. I've got a number of WiPs right now and a strong desire to cut down on them, so that's why I set this goal.
The new Arrow Redux series that I started this year has actually been in service of this goal despite technically being a new series on Ao3. It's a WiP that's been sitting in my folders for several years now so it's been good to actually not only make progress on it but to be three fics in posting-wise with a bit written for the fourth fic. This is one that I had a lot of scattered notes for in addition to random scenes written for it (though not all actually work anymore) but it's definitely nice to get that sense of accomplishment at finishing pieces of this series instead of the "meh" feeling of closing the document unfinished once more.
It is admittedly a bit of a vague goal in many ways since I'm not specifying specific WiPs and series, but sometimes if I push too hard on one thing then I wind up burning out fast because I'm trying too hard. But considering I finally got the third part of Thaw completed (thus finally closing out the series) and made progress on two other open series, I think I'm doing pretty good at achieving my overall goal for the year.
Steps I'm taking towards this goal are
trying not to start new WiPs that I know I can't finish in a week or two which I've been surprisingly successful at
I don't open my fic files with the goal of completing them, just at adding to them. Often if I approach it with the 'i just want a little progress, don't have to finish yet' attitude then I wind up getting back into the groove of things more easily after re-reading what's there so far. And then it does wind up finished after all.
I do want to make progress on my older unfinished fics/series the most, so I'm also re-reading what I have so far. It's the best way to remind myself of what happened and where it's been headed... and sometimes also to realize that maybe it needs to move in a new direction. Once I've refreshed myself on what's there, it's a lot easier to move forward on what isn't.
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websitesdotcom · 11 months ago
I love having hobbies this shit is so awesome . I think this is why i’m feeling unsure abt my career path
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mirrortouchedsea · 2 years ago
A kiss as a "yes"
I'm not sure if you have strong character preferences but... Maybe pick two from Eden?
Ask game
25. …as a ‘yes’.
I had to think about the exact scenario for this one but I was very instantly drawn to it being NagiHiyo. I really should read more Eden stories eventually....
The two children were laying on Hiyori's bed, looking through the most recent idol magazine together. Nagisa always thought that the two of them would make a good duo some day, jealous of the idols on the cover that so easily drew Hiyori's attention.
"We should become idols someday," he thought aloud. Hiyori turned to look at him.
"That would be fun, wouldn't it." Hiyori chuckled, flipping through the idol magazine for something. "Let's see...here we go. 'What it takes to be an idol!' Hmm...Nagisa-kun, do you think you could do all of this?"
Nagisa skimmed the interview Hiyori had found and nodded along. "Hmm...I don't see why we couldn't."
"With your mysteriousness and my charm, I'm sure we could become the best idols ever!" The two of them chuckled at the image of them singing and dancing together on stage. It was a lovely dream to Nagisa.
"Then...will you promise me that we'll become idols someday?" Nagisa asked, turning back to Hiyori.
Hiyori leaned in and pecked his cheek, a light blush dusting both of their cheeks. "I promise."
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deathxproof-archive · 2 years ago
AAaaand Starter Call for my AU/Mirror Verse Theta &/or Koschei <33
Like and/or Interact with this post for a Mirror Verse Theta &/or Koschei starter !! Because once more I have brain worms for them!! Multis specify muse probably, but not necessarily required. Length will vary, && if you wanna message me to plot feel free <33 !!!
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causticsunshine · 1 year ago
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crownshattered · 11 months ago
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|| hmmmmmm ex-treasure hoarder vee.......
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