#i try so hard to be social but maybe it aint enough
snazum · 8 months
debating if the lil fan film i wanna make, i should just play all the parts with the power of editing. i want to get friends involved. but i feel like I can’t.
maybe im in a shit mood rn. We’ll see in the summer. Might only be able to rangle em for a weekend.
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slamdunkhcs · 6 months
slam dunk boys at the gym pt 2
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If Akagi feels that his basketball practices weren’t strenuous enough that day, he WILL go to the gym right after. And depending on his mood, he’ll drag the rest of the team with him 😂
The boys would hate going with him because of how serious he is about his workouts. Like if you’re going with him, there’ll be NO fooling around. If he takes the team with him, he’d make each of the workouts into a competition. Like increasing the machine weight by 5 lb increments and see who can go for the longest 😂
On his own, I’d say he’d only do a couple machines/workouts per session. But he’d be VERYYY intense about them. Like he’d keep building the weight up and do a shitton of sets. Each day he’d be working on specific regions/muscles and he’d make sure to target only those
The gym bros would think he’s so cool. They’d ask about his workout routine, what his diet is, if he takes any protein supplements. Theyd be so jealous of how tall and bulky he is omfg
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I don’t see Sendoh going to the gym often. I think he’d go if he doesn’t have practice one day and the weather isn’t nice enough to go fishing or walking.
But when he does go the gym… ITD BE CRAZY. Unlike Rukawa, Sendoh is more approachable and he wouldn’t be very intense at the gym. So more girls would approach him!!!! He would be polite and give them his number but then over text, let them know he isn’t interested. He would NOT wanna humiliate any of the gym baddies in the moment
His workouts would depend on whatever he’s in the mood for thst day, I don’t think he’d have any set routine.
If he sees someone having a hard time with a specific machine or their workout form is off, he’d go up to them and be like “Hey, can I give you a few pointers?” He wouldn’t want to be annoying about tryna correct them, but legit just to help them out
He’d laugh to himself at any of the gym crackheads 💀💀💀
If there’s something extra at the gym, like a swimming pool or track field, he will do those leisure activities. He’s moreso at the gym to destress and enjoy himself than body building
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He’d go to the gym super often, mainly with his teammates (especially Fukatsu and Masashi). If he has a game coming up (or jus doesnt want to go home yet OR HES BORED), they’ll all go together.
I like to think that their school funded those boys a gym membership to a really nice gym, with extra things like a basketball court, track, and maybe a pool. AND THEYD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Like this boy will have fun!!!!
Sawakita wouldn’t be super serious about weightlifting/his other workouts… but Masashi would try making it a competition as to who can lift the most/do the most sets. AND SAWAKITA AINT TRYNA LOSE
He’d be like Akagi in the sense of doing specific workouts for specific days. He’d def push himself but also take breaks and to not overdo things. He’d be scared about pulling a muscle or being too exhausted the next day
He would have SOOOO many admirers at the gym. Like this guy will have girls practically breaking their necks jus to look at him. But nobody would approach him because he’s surrounded with his scary and intimidating looking friends (mainly Masashi)
I think he’d go alone a decent amount too. Especially if he was feeling sad about something and wasn’t ready to talk to it about it to his parents/friends. Or if he was jus socially drained that day and wanted alone time
Now when he does go alone…. It’s a total switch up 😂. This boy got girls approaching him, asking him for help on their workout, EVERYTHING. He’d be so smug about it to Masashi too, like “The one day I go without you is the day all the ladies talk to me. What a coincidence,” (and then get his ass beat LMFAOOO)
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darkicedragon · 1 year
ococo So I've been thinking of how werewolves would celebrate their birthdays, is it like humans or more like a process of determining the strength/skills of the werewolf to know where to categorize them in the social ladder So it might be not particularly a happy occasion for some werewolves Cause imagine the first time frankenstien decided to surprise Muzaka with his birthday Muzaka goes like o.o???? "You want to spar??" Frankenstien chuckles cause he thought Muzaka was joking "no..not really. I made you this cake" "A cake!" darkicedragon oooh. they might only celebrate every 10 yrs, so franksnteins asking 'early' darkicedragon could be both! a cake THEN a spar 😏 darkicedragon it could also depend on the parents, if theyre wanting/expecting a warrior child, that would say if theyre keeping track their kid's progress
ococo :3 that just put a pressure on the child, cause most werewolves have unrealistic expectations for their children to achieve darkicedragon 'Gonna be the next lord!' 🥰 ococo Tempted to give muzaka a childhood friend who died during those events, cause his parents wanted him to be a werewolves lord material darkicedragon Oooh nyoooooo. Pushed too hard, and possibly thinking their kid was too weak to not survive ococo YES ÒWÓ Maybe one of the reasons Muzaka wanted to become lord is to ban this tradition So many lost lil cubs darkicedragon Yessssss 'Aight, if you wanna train yer pup up to be the lord, you gotta fite me' 'My lord??' 'Well? Aint that gonna prove they can be trained to be strong enough to be lord if you can do it?' ococo Ehehehehe Or Muzaka takes charge of training the pups darkicedragon Yessss ococo 30 pups at the same time trying to land one hit on him darkicedragon Oh nooooo 😂 Muzaka catching them and then swinging them around and putting them on the ground ococo Ruffle their head right before dodging the next wave of the attack darkicedragon XDD making fighting fun so theyre less stressed abt it ococo Also Muzaka adopts hundreds of kids each year XD He knows them all by name darkicedragon the ones that are really young and have scars already owq azure Franken is like =A=''' 'Muzaka, please be responsible. Now, with that out of the way, I've compiled a list with university opportunities for the 347 children we've adopted now -" darkicedragon frankenstien finally has something to spend all his money on 😂 ococo Omg baby beans work so hard to get eligible to frankenstien's scholarship program XD
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Big wrench in the works today. It turns out that driving your car once every 2 months for like a year... or 3... is not good for it. After all the shit to get to this point, my car did not pass inspection. And the bill will be very pricey. And the parts will take time to be delivered and installed.
I lucked out that they had one rental car. I have it in my driveway now. I'm going to have to go to the new place tomorrow for the move-in appointment, it's going to be a big day. I'm really hoping I can get good sleep, I have not been sleeping well at all the past few days and I've been nodding off the past few hours just trying to stay awake long enough to get my cat her night time meds.
I'm realizing that moving is going to be a much more complicated process than I was really processing. Mostly because of the cat medication thing. I managed to reassure my mom that she was capable of giving my cat the medication, and had her come over and do a test run just to reassure both of us. It's an ointment in the ear, it's actually really easy, Max really doesn't mind that much. It took a bit of a fight to get there, she kept trying to pressure hiring movers on me... but I just... I just really don't like the idea. I've talked about it on here before. Once we got over that hurdle and boundaries were clearly explained, things started to level out. She came over to dry-run the meds, saw it was pretty simple and checked out my new arsenal of polished stones and handmade beads. She was genuinely impressed, it was a good feeling.
But this set in another complication. Though she made herself available to help, after a week of silence recovering from major fights, now... she is going to be out of town for the holidays. At least, that's the plan. So... she won't be able to cover me for the cat meds. So I get to drive up tomorrow, move some stuff in... probably musical instruments I don't use, I don't really know what else, maybe just etc art supplies and shit. Whatever I can throw in my car quickly in the AM because there aint no way I'm packing my car right now. Probably not much. Then I'm coming back home... then I'm chilling here for another 2 days... Then I get to try to start moving again.
I'm going to have to check with my old landlords to make sure me staying extra time is going to be okay. Taking that week for mental health and recovering from fights and packing and all that was vital but completely fucked my timeframe. I was supposed to start moving in on the 15th. It's very hard to not be upset about that. The "could have been's". (Thank you for that one, Flex)
So... since I'm running on fumes... I'm trying to just not stress and just take my time. I don't think I have as many possessions as I fear I do. My mom offered to help me drive stuff up and even help move some stuff if there is an elevator. I'm not going to get into how confusing it is when she goes back and forth, but... yeah. The more important offer was some (at least temporary) storage space in her basement, so if there's anything I don't want to be wasteful and throw out... I can at very least just get it out of this place and decide what to do with it later. That option is awesome.
So a big new weight dropped, and another lifted. I'm just taking it one step at a time and seeing where things go. I did check out this portal thing that they have for the building, and they have like... profiles you can fill out for your apartment... like a social media profile or some shit? So I browsed out of curiosity and yes, the people who live there actually look like civilized human beings and not demonic hell-beasts who want to steal my shit and eat my cat, so that's pretty reassuring!
My anxiety has been at an all-time high lately, like... lifetime all-time high... in that it's hard to discern between anxious threats and real threats. They both exist, but the likelihood of both seem equal. Like... the likelihood of me accidentally hitting a curb because I don't know how the new rental car drives, and the likelihood of me having some kinda of Final Destination car accident feel like... on even standing, equal likelihood. And that's just flat-out wrong. So I guess that's just a survival-mode thing, so if you're going through that too, just like... be nice to yourself, try to gather a bit more information, try to get perspective from someone you trust not to judge you, and try to recalibrate a bit. That's what I'm trying, it's not easy work but it does pay off.
And my nighttime safe place routine thing is going pretty damn well. Falling asleep is still pretty easy. It's just the super vivid dreams that are fucking with me. Screw it, I've got some time, I'll share today's dilemma.
The end of my second dream last night was me in a workshop of some kind with Devin Townsend. A mentor figure. We were working at stations next to each other, no clue on what, and I was praising him for a really interesting box set concept piece he came up with. He reciprocated by getting to know me a bit. He said I struck him as the "athletic type", which... kinda took me aback. I started to tell him, "no, not really, I mean I just started skating again, and I barefoot hike a lot, like... a lot. But athletics are definitely not my thing." And I started to tell him I was a creative, an artist... Big pressure because, you know, he might have some work for an artist...
And it just pulled me out of sleep. Big adrenaline surge. I started doing diaphragmatic breathing - I legit seriously recommend this to anyone that gets physical symptoms from anxiety or panic attacks, it really helps calm down physical panic responses and quickly too. I was totally fine in like less than a minute, but my sleep-deprived ass was like... explaining to the ceiling what I do. And I really identified that this is a really big point of social anxiety for me. I would have so much more peace in my social interactions if I just had one fucking title and that's all I did. Me name Bob, me plumber. Done. GG. Simple. But nooooooo...
"Well, I am a multimedia artist, I specialize in pencil, colored pencil and ink, but I'm not limited to traditional mediums. I do music and poetry as well, in fact some would consider those my primary mediums. I have a degree in... Acrylic Painting, for some goddamn reason. I am a former tattooist... kinda... And despite all the above, I am currently working on wood-carving, stone-carving and jewelry making with locally sourced materials." Literally every time I try to nutshell this for people, their brains start melting out of their ears by the second sentence. So I started nutshelling it to condense it, but I always end up leaving stuff out. So now... when I meet new people... the first question I get is: "What's your name?" (sometimes I don't even get that, sometimes it's "How long have you lived in the area?") Which really doesn't have a simple answer when you currently go by 4 different names, and no one says any of them out loud to you. Then the second question, like clockwork, is: "What do you do?"
My remedy for this from now on. I'm going to do what my tattoo teacher taught me, with a twist. She said "get a tattoo of your own design in a visible location." So I inked my own wrist. It was the hardest tattoo I have ever done. But instead of doing that, for this... if someone asks what I do... I'm just going to point to my jewelry, or my custom clothing. And just add in the addition: "I do a lot of other shit, too."
Hopefully that will let me sleep at night!
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how do u handle ur social anxiety? ive been struggling a lot with it lately to the point ive sorta been breaking down and what better way for advice than to ask someone that comforts u (mun[?] too)
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Mun... might have something more useful for you.
aesops way of coping is probably avoidance but we all know that aint the best way aha. anyway this was one ask i could not stop thinking about because i read it n went (john mulaney voice) Huh my anxiety never got so bad till a break down, n then it happened to me a few days later. i do find this funny yes
anyway, the most useful thing ive learnt to handle my social anxiety (not entirely tho but its a good start) is to identify which trains of thought is Social Anxiety tm speaking so u can immediately know those r lies. stuff like Oh they’re laughing at me just as I walk by, they’re laughing at me, or Someone else is here, they probably hate me, I should go somewhere else but I cant, aaaaaaaaaaaaa
(if im not wrong,) usually theyre statements that are along the lines of “they hate you” or “you’re wrong”, n they’re based off an irrational fear of others that can be countered using evidence or, well, logic and rationale. things like “No one is keeping a checklist of your mistakes, you’re literally the only one doing that and scrutinizing each one of them, others dont care so much about these things.” (ive found this to be a very good counterargument to use for a lot of situations so im bolding it) or “You wouldn’t think that if someone else messes up, it should be the same for them. And if they say it isnt a big deal, it probably isnt”. for me i usually keep repeating these more logical explanations n counterarguments to myself to kinda quell the social anxiety voice for a bit. i know there are cases that it doesnt work 100%, but its a good start
n if ur also like me who avoids eating/ getting food cos theres human interaction involved, i kinda try to get my friends to drag me out whenever possible. no shame, even a simple “hey lets drop by the convenience store later so i can grab a snack” is better than starving for like. a day or so. its also cos of this whenever i plan my schedule for the day, i see if i can plan it such that its convenient for me to get food for both lunch and dinner (sorry im not one for breakfast aha). n also i find that if i dont like the food (sorry im a very picky eater), i would rather starve than eat, so now im willing to pay a bit more for food i like n will eat
or just having someone else to talk to about these kinds of things, and kinda having a second opinion of “was that weird of me” or “should i have done that” with someone (ppl give advice better to others than to themselves aha) really helps, i think. u could probably also ask for advice maybe (like this? XD) ((after i had a small meltdown that day i went to my boyfriend’s to complain for an hour n honestly that helped me to release a lot of distressed energy n its better than stewing in it for the rest of the day + i got some advice that i slowly worked on when i was feeling up to it enough))
im also still kinda bad at small talk with strangers, especially ppl whom i just met. i find a small trick to this (that again does not work all the time) is to try to find a relevant topic (background is also fine i guess, depends on context), n as they answer find something about their answer that u can branch off into another topic. it could be a personal anecdote that is remotely related to that topic, it just gives u things to talk about aha (eg someone saw me drawing n commented that one of their friends also draws, n i started talking about how i used to get really bad grades in art class. which wasnt quite the topic but it worked). n when ur ending ur turn to talk, try to have something that the other person can comment on/ answer. having said that, this is hard if the other person is equally awkward/ doesnt give u much to branch off on from their replies (i mean they really only answer your question n rarely elaborates unless prompted. eg “what did you have for lunch?” “pasta.” “oh, what kind?” “carbonara.”). then i say its only as awkward as u make it to be, perhaps u would be better off kinda just sitting together in silence. its not weird unless u make it, n not every moment has to be filled with conversation.
thank u so much for this ask by the way, social anxiety is a huge bitch to have n it sucks extra much that a lot of our fears seem incredibly stupid from a “normal” point of view n we are constantly on edge even if we seem 101% fine cos we’re not fine aha. but just know ur not alone in this, n i hope some of these might have helped. 
i guess i should put some sort of disclaimer here, these r just some of my own personal problems n the solutions i have are mostly for me (maybe except for countering the thoughts), so i understand if they might not work for others. so i kinda recommend just sitting down, identifying which aspects social anxiety is affecting n finding a solution that works for u is kinda the best. try out different methods, if they dont work thats alright, if it does then thats great. it takes a lot of time, admittedly i starved myself for a couple of semesters before i found this solution for myself. it also take a lot of constant effort to counter, n to that i wish u all the best, n good luck in finding methods that work for u <3
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thechocoboos · 4 years
Hey, if you're not busy, could we see how the boys would handle a s/o who's prone to anxiety/panic attacks?
ho ho this hits close to home!
Warning: Anxiety
Headcanons: The Bros with an S/O with Anxiety
Noctis, while he understands the feeling, he’s also the one who’s the least sure about how to handle panic attacks and anxiety
As the prince, he’s had his fair share of anxiety at times, but he still has no fucking idea how to go about helping it
He’s also dense as a fucking rock sometimes, so it took him a little while to recognize your pattern of anxiety and how you behave when it happens
Even then, it took an explicit explanation from you for him to actually realize what was happening
Noctis isn’t quite sure what to do, but he definitely does his best
He has an overall calm feeling about him, maybe it’s from how chill he is, or maybe it’s just everything rolling off his back, but he’s nice in that he doesn’t ever make you feel anymore stressed or anxious
And when you are anxious, once he learns to recognize your signs of anxiety, he becomes really good at trying to help you without bringing too much attention from anyone else
His go-to thing is to try and get you away from others or whatever it is that’s overwhelming you, and he tries to give you time and quietness
He’s also the one who likes to give you long, comforting hugs when it gets bad and who tries to tell you that everything is okay, and that everything will be okay
He ends up going to Ignis for coping mechanisms, and of course, Ignis raises an eyebrow and begins with, “... If there’s anything… bothering you, Noctis, we can always find you a therapist--”
And Noctis has to shake his head and be like, “Nah bro it aint me--”
That topic does spark an idea, and Noctis realizes that he’s the crown prince who can afford anything he wants
And he knows he’s honestly not too great with trying to help you himself, but he has the means to help you get proper help
So Noctis gets you to therapy! Somehow he convinces you, and he wasn’t pushy or pressuring about it either
He’s not super great at helping you find coping mechanisms or anything, but he’s gentle and understanding, and his, for lack of a better word, “chill” demeanor makes it easier to cope at times
Sometimes, it is nice to have someone you trust sitting next to you or understanding that you need a moment, and Noctis and his overall calm demeanor at times can be soothing and feels supportive and comforting
He’ll hold your hand or hold you, his arms tugging you close and the sensation of his chin on your head or his thumbs rubbing circles against your skin can help ground you
Prom gets it. Like, he fucking Gets It
It didn’t take him long to recognize signs of anxiety/panic attacks when he started spending more time with you, but he wasn’t sure of how to approach the topic without being awkward or causing even more anxiety
He knows that it’s not something easy to talk to people about all the time, so it definitely takes a while before he brings it up
When you two finally talk about it, Prompto is probably out of all the bros, the most understanding of it, simply because of the anxiety that he’s dealt with in his own life
He already new a bunch of coping mechanisms--breathing exercises, distraction exercises, various ways to help prevent panic attacks or anxiety from building up too much
He’s also the one who knows what shit to not say; he’s not about to say, “everything’s okay, you’re fine, it’s not too bad--” because he fucking knows that you know that, and knowing that and saying that doesn’t make anything better (@ noctis)
He’s not always the best at realizing when you might have worse anxiety than normal, so he always, always tries to check on you (as subtle as he can, which admittedly isn’t much, but he did make up code words for you two to use!)
Prompto will pull you away from people and sit with you to try and breathe with you
He reminds you to breathe, he holds your hands and listens when you try to talk through your feelings, he reminds you that your feelings are valid and that he’s there for you
He’s also pretty good at distracting you from your anxiety if it gets too much
Grounding techniques??? He knows ‘em all!!!
Sometimes he either picks up on your anxiety and it can rub off on him, and admittedly, when you’re both having massive anxiety, it’s a bit of a wreck
Eventually though, he learns that at times like that, it’s just best for you two to go home and have some quiet time--maybe with each other, maybe not--to try and ground yourselves or calm down
Other times, Prom might not realize at first that you’re having anxiety or a panic attack, especially if he’s super excited or caught up in something
However, he always makes it up to you and when he does realize that your anxiety is skyrocketing or building up at all, he is very quick to try and jump into action to help you cope or get you somewhere less stressful
He even tries to plan around your anxiety, as in, if you guys really want to go to the mall but you have social anxiety or crowded areas make your anxiety worse, he tries to plan to go on days and at times when it’s less busy
He’s not always logical about it, and it doesn’t always work, but he tries, and that attempt is more than so many other people will do, so it really means a lot
He also has the urge to try and help you feel better, but he’s bad at realizing that there are a lot of times when he can’t help, just because there’s not always a root cause (it honestly kills him during those times, he feels so awful knowing there’s nothing he can do)
Ignis was quick to realize, too
He didn’t realize it was anxiety at first, but he did know that something was up
And he’s also quick to discuss it with you
He’s gentle when he asks about your anxiety: how long it’s been going on, what your triggers are (if you know them), what coping mechanisms work best for you, etc
He does try to subtly ask how it might’ve developed, but he never pushes for an answer and understands if you don’t want to dwell on it (and apologizes for pushing any boundaries)
Iggy just wants to understand as best he can, in an effort to try and help you out as much as he can
He keeps an eye on you for any signs of anxiety attacks or panic attacks or anything, so that if your anxiety does flare, he can whisk you away someplace else to try and help alleviate any stress and anxiety
He knows that sometimes there’s nothing he can truly do to make your anxiety go away or to help you feel better, and while it does kill him, he tries to accept that, knowing that if he were to aimlessly fret over it constantly that it could make it so much worse
Ignis is a man of research! He does sooo much research to try and find coping mechanisms, possible triggers like caffeine, and all sorts of other stuff
Like I said, he knows that he can’t always help, but if he can, he definitely will
And make no mistake, this man will tear hell apart to get you safe and somewhere safe for you
And if you ask him to back off or give you space? He gives it. No ifs, ands, or buts, unless your safety is at risk
Similar to Prompto, Ignis does what he can to make plans during times/days when things are less busy for you
Except, unlike Prompto, Ignis’ plans usually work out better
Iggy is also the most subtle about helping you, which honestly makes things so much better
You don’t want everyone else to know about your business or your anxiety, so having a S/O that is actually subtle about helping you makes you feel better about it sometimes
Honestly, Gladio is the one who probs needed the most time to try and accept/understand the whole anxiety thing
He’s the kind of guy who’d try to “teach” someone to not be afraid of shit so that’s probably the mindset he has when you first approach him about it
And it was in fact, that mindset that led to a huge fight, an almost-breakup, and actually caused a lot of anxiety and panic attacks
It took both Cor and Ignis trying to explain the deal of what anxiety is and what not to do for Gladio to finally get the deal about it
Gladio feels guilty about he first handled it for years tbh, but you forgave him when you saw how hard he tries to help you when your anxiety flares or when you have panic attacks
Gladio grows to understand that sometimes anxiety makes it so hard to make decisions and being pushed for decisions/to do things makes it worse, so he’ll often man the helm of decision making when things get tough (like you can’t decide where to eat or what to buy or order at a restaurant, so he’ll ask you if you’re in the mood for smth that he knows you like)
He also can make himself the most intimidating person to get others to leave you alone when you guys are out and about, just for enough time to get you somewhere you feel safer or more comfortable at
After a little bit of time, he ends up being surprisingly very observant about your anxiety and can usually start to tell that your anxiety is getting worse before you even notice sometimes
Sometimes when you have anxiety and just want to hide from the world to try and make it go away, or are shaking so bad and can’t make it go away no matter what you do, he’ll just lay down with you and stroke your hair, taking deep breaths to try and help you breathe again
Sometimes seeing your anxiety or panic attacks makes him feel scared too, just because he knows there’s nothing he can do to make it really go away, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try
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abitofafatass · 3 years
12-9-14 Grif and Simmons (honouraryfirstofficerslog)
“Alright! I’m officially done with drills and maintenance for the night! Just let me grab my wine, and we’ll——
Okay, it looks like I have some catching up to do.”
"You are not gonna drink wine.” Grif had his eyes narrowed, and he pulled Simmons to his side. “We’re not at some social club, you drink piss beer with the rest of us. … Or shit beer in my case.” He wasnt as far along as Tucker was, but he was feeling good enough that he had his arm around Simmons’ waist.
He shuffles over—-almost—-resignedly as Grif pulls him in, glancing down and confirming that yes, Grif’s arm is around his waist before pointing out, “
Okay, first: cheap wine is only about a half-step up from piss beer. And second: you don’t show up to these things empty handed. They’re like potlucks… but with drinking, and no food. Drinking potlucks."
"Those sound like bolth the best and worst potlucks ever.” Grif chuckled. “… You know cheap wine might taste better then piss beer. Is grapes better then barely on the nutrition scale? Fuck it, it’ll still get me drunk, and thats all that matters.
“They might be if they didn’t have all their nutrition fermented out of—-oh fuck, this doesn’t count as junk food, does it?” He nearly chokes on the aforementioned cheap wine as he incredulously stares down at Grif. “How the Hell are you not sad-drunk right now?”
“Do I need to be?” The answer was, of course, that he was feeling rather affectionate and cuddly right now, and Simmons is looking really adorable with that perplexed look on his face. “I’ve got one more day of this bullshit curse. Thats a pretty good reason to celebrate.”
“Fuck no… I wasn’t criticizing you. I’m just surprised.” Believe him, he’s not complaining all. He will take affectionate cuddly drunk over sad moping drunk any day of the week. Affectionate cuddly drunk is kind of nice. In fact, it’s making it pretty hard to keep from smiling as he offers Grif a sage, contemplative nod.
"Anyway, sure… I’ll drink to one more day of your sugar withdrawal.” He’ll even raise his cup in a sort of toast.  
He laughed softly, and clinked his cheap can of beer against it. That was promptly drunk, and he tossed the can away to someplace else for Tucker to deal with later. “Hooray!”
Grif had to tilt his head back a little so that he could see Simmons’ face from this angle, and it made him frown. “Fuck you Simmons. Why’d you have to be so damn tall… It makes it harder then it needs to be.”
“Right, because that’s my fault. My height was a conscious—-goddamnit…” He releases a half-hearted sigh, splaying a hand between Grif’s shoulderblades and steering him towards a nearby bench before pulling him down to sit with him.
"There. We’re on a level playing field now. Happy?”
“Mmmmhmmm,” Grif nodded, and rested his head on Simmons’ shoulder. “For the most part. You’re still too fucking tall most of the time. His arm was still around Simmons’ waist, and there was still a hand on his back.
"But… You know. This is pretty fucking nice right here. I might even drink some of your shitty wine.”
“Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do about that?” He shrugs, shifting closer so he can dislodge his arm from between Grif and the wall—which is definitely there. This bench is against a wall, just for the record—and sling it across his shoulders, which puts him in a much less awkward position. Perfect.
And now that’s done, he’ll just take another swallow of horrible shitty wine, before offering the cup to Grif.
“Well, have at it. Here’s hoping it does turn out to be marginally more healthy than the beer."
"Here’s hoping that it gets me drunk enough that I don’t care.” Grif made a horrible grimmace, and basically slammed it back like he was taking a tequilla shot. “Here, take that back.” Grif settled against Simmons’ chest, listening to the gentle hum of the electronics that kept the maroon soldier alive. Lucky for him, none of that changed how comfortable it was to lean against the nerd. “… know something? This is pretty great.”
“Okay, so you’re not completely wasted. You’re just mildly wasted and being an asshole.” That being said, he’s not going to object to the nuzzling. In fact, he’ll even constrict his arm a little, pulling Grif a little closer.
“…I’m glad we straightened that out.”
“But you, sir. You are not even a little wasted yet.” Grif had a pout on his face. “Looks like someone needs to do more wine shots.” It wouldnt be any fun to be the only drunk one sitting here, now would it?
“That’s not how you drink wine!… And even if it were, maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to sprawl on me."
Because yes, as great as another drink would be right about now, he’s not entirely sure he’s all that keen on disrupting… this.
He huffed, "You’re the one that wanted to sit down, not me, Dick.” Were they doing away with last names now? Grif decided that they were. Besides, it was much more fun to call Simmons by his very penis-ey name when he was drunk verses the one he used ever day.
That train of thought led him to giggling quietly into Simmons’ shirt, and he wasnt about to share the joke.
“Only because you were bitching about my height… and apparently, that’s hilarious.” Or it is just going by the way Grif’s inanely giggling against him. He sighs, giving Grif a moment to get over whatever the fuck’s so funny right now before shoving him off.
"Fuck it. I’m getting another drink. Being the only sober guy in the room sucks serious balls.”
“Yeah, your right, it does suck balls. And Dick.” He really was trying to contain his giggles, but that just wasnt working that well. By the time that Simmons came back, he was wheezing.
“I hope you brought me some too, or I’ll have to jump you Dick.” That set him off again. It seemed like it was going to be one of those drunk nights.
…So that’s what was apparently hilarious.
“It’s not that—-Fucking—-Come on, how old are you?” He seethes, before slumping back onto the bench and handing a cup to Grif.
"And maybe this is where I should say, ‘no, Grif… I think you’ve had enough’ but fuck it. I’m not your mom.”
It was a lot easier for him to calm down after he drank something. As soon as Simmons was comfortable, Grif was back to nuzzleing into his side. “Well, good. Cause I aint gonna kiss my mom, thats fore sure.” From his position, he couldnt quite lean up and kiss Simmons’ lips, but he got the corner of his jaw, so that was good enough.
He turns, offering Grif a small smile—-then freezing because fuck, as nice as that unexpected kiss was, Grif is pretty far ahead of him right now, and how does that work? Does this mean he’s taking advantage?  Probably not if he’s drunk too?
He’s just going to keep drinking.
“Pretty sure nobody thought you had an Oedipus complex… but hey, you brought it up. Maybe there’s room for debate there.”
“Stop it. You are killing the mood, Dick.” Grif had a pout on his face, but that didnt last long. “After all, why would I want to think about mothers when I got you right here?” Grif wasnt so far gone that he didnt remember that they were still in public. But he was far enough gone that he really didnt care that much.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Why Marinette Hates Tim
Marinette blames Tim next summer for all that happened. Why? He cursed her with a vague theory. And Max and her Both know give her a clue and she has to follow it to solve the puzzle—a fatal flaw for her, Puzzler, Hero Stalker (Tim), Riddler and her father, Professor Strange (even if he is using an alias and supposedly dead as far as legal documents go).
Hero Staker Tim swore he’d become Robin if the current one left. It was a joke between them, she thought. Then he vanished the next summer, the first one where there wasnt any Robin mentioned anywhere. It was eery.
Then, then Timothy Drake, heir to some company-who looks a lot like her Hero Stalker—is a Wayne. And there’s a new Robin. This... deeply bothers Marinette. Why? New Robin seeks her out and talks a lot like Hero Stalker. And has a too similar movement pattern and tells.
And wasnt Hero Stalker Tim from a rich but high on neglient at best family? Didnt that happen to Timothy Drake before ending up as a Wayne?
Her that puzzle peice was central to figuring this out and goddamnit. Frost, who hates gossip, told her to just look up the rich families with kids Hero Stalker’s age and see who looked like him and to leave from to his lab and antidotes already.
Frost accidently gave her the vital method to see if Hero Stalker was that dumb to be become Robin after Robin the Second (Jason) was brutally murdered. The answer was yes.
And now Marinette had a crisis. She knew Batman’s identity was Bruce Wayne. How? Tim calls Bruce his dad. New Robin slipped and called him dad. And Tim is New Robin since Tim is Hero Stalker and no one else came close to looking like Hero Stalker from the data pool which involved more hacking than she ever thought she would do.
Marinette, a child, figured out who Batman was by age 9 becuase his new Robin/former Stalker was too obviously himself. She is embarrassed on his behalf, and honestly debates asking Riddler to separate him and Bats in a non-lethal puzzle trap just to lecture him. Becuase what the fuck Hero Stalker! If she can figure it out, then everyone else can too! Probably(?) likely. Either way its bad!
She doesnt though... Riddler puts together she’s concerned for the new Robin, traps Bats in a different puzzle maze from Robin, who is stuck with a grounded Marinette. Why was she grounded, easy. She got caught returning stolen jewlry on camera. It was punishment for failing basic stealth—always take out any witness.
And instead of pointing out she knows who Bats is, she tells him to work on a different persona since ‘i made you weeks ago. Its pretending to be someone you’re not completely is all. I have to do that around Maman and Papa all the time, and whenever i go out with anyone really. Up your secret identity game already!’
Riddler is busy with Bats and didnt do cameras. Why? “Im not redesiging a perfectly good grounding maze every time. They take time and i dint always have it. Its time economics Batman. I dont know what our lovely Princess said or did to your Robin. He’s fine though, see? No major injuries.”
Tim relized Marinette knew Hero Stalker was batman’s new Robin. This meant one thing—he could still help her and the RKC now! Why? He knew even if they made him out, they want to help people and never be like their parents, duh. And if they added to his budding information network with incredibly accurate information so long as he didnt rat them out to Batman, its fine.
Afterall, Pixie Pop wants to help poeple and is working the rouges into vigilantes to help more than hurt, and is doing a great job of it for the most part. So if Pixie Pop is Princess who’s the maybe kryptonian and her powers align with that theory, so what? Superman has an heir already and a bio!son too, apparently. Lois didnt tell him since they werent together then and yeah. So really, Superman didnt need another kid, and Pixie Pop didnt want another dad—“i have Papa and Father and now four of my friends’ dads in Paris called dibs on partial custody. I have more dads than i need for a quartet. That is far too many dads and i refuse to get another one!”
Then Marinette is talking to Alix and finds out about an old director at the Lourve her dad knew, Diana Prince. Marinette was working on a Wonder Woman inspired outfit, and knew her history of Wonder Woman thank you. Its just...
Wonder Woman appeared just after Miss Prince Left. And from the videos Alix sent of her new hero, she was terrifyingly similar to Wonder Woman. Not only did they look alike and have the same hair style preference, it was the same face if she did facial recognition with Markov, her robot son with Max. Then there was gait, generao stances and how she interacted with men and women so differently as both people and damnit. Same person.
She curses Hero Staker Tim for this. She now has to hide two hero identities. Why her?
The third was debatably Ivy and Harley’s fault, but defiantely still Tim’s. Why? He was the one that got her hooked on Barry Allen’s cases, and pointing out that he didnt see meta as bad or evil but as people who can be good or be civilians peacefully. That, she needed that with how much vitrol she had to swallow about her powers indirectly from everywhere but her school and some parts of Gotham.
In her defense, she is a nerd here. A nerd. So realizing the The Flash is also the forensics guy from Central City that she kinda follows on all her social medias, watches the cases of unfold, and knows has a reputation for being late a lot like her but is still well liked. So she may fangirl about his cases with Hero Stalker erm. Tim now, still.
And if one day she managed to pout at her father enough to get him to agree to let her go with Harley and Ivy to Central City for a few days to see the meta museum they just opened up (technically the Flash Museum, but Marinette didn’t care. It was focused on metas not being horrible and that meant a lot to her scared, meta closeted butt).
And then her favorite forensic investigator, The Barry Allen, shows up? Best day ever. He’s nice! And concerned about how much of his cases she knows. Its not her fault this time though! Hero Stalker—Tim—sent her a case of his that went cold and she liked his science and yeah. New hero added to her listpersonal heroes list.
Harley isn’t even mad, just amused as Marinette fangirls over someone that isnt her and Barry has no clue how to respond as a tiny child know him as Barry Allen and thinks he’s awesome? Why?? He is happy but so confused and Iris is dying until Marinette cites cases that she shouldnt know about and tiny child why, how, when and where did you get that information!
The only answer is a friend likes cold cases and has no qualms hacking to find interesting ones, if he’s stumped then Marinette (Jill Smith mr. allen sir!) gets to try. And she is good at it since she can ask an officer in France (officer Raincomprix) about logistical things, common error margins and then puzzle it all out herself from there.
Somewhere she mentions absently that her mom doesnt like her science-y side since her dad was a bad person and liked science but she still likes learning and helping, even if the family buisness is food and service and they want her to either take over or become a designer. She’s thinking maybe for people woth disabilites so she can do more mental work and toy with hiw things bend and move and such.
Iris and Barry are ConcernedTM and debating how to get custody, or get her away from her mom or both. Probably both—no science allowed for a clear science obssessed kid is a red flag for bith of them that somethinf is very wrong. Harley and Ivy wave it off as “trust us, her mom aint budging.”
then the Flash is needed because of some gorilla—Marinette was more focused on an outfit on display and muttering over aerodynamics and friction. Barry is Concerned (smart kid, likes helping, potentially a league ally?) before he bolts, determined to get more on her when he returns and possibly see if he can get cps involved.
Marinette only notices that her hero moving so fast and oh god she did it again damnit! That was superspeed. And only one speedster had similiar measurements, the Flash.
She cant even tell Hero Stalker now because he’s Robin and the Justice League would Flip if they knew she knew 3 of their hero’s identities. She just hit her head and said “i did it again!” Harley pats her head while Marinette burrows into her because why is she a danger to the Justice League and secret identities! She doesnt want to be or to know damnit!
Tim sneezes in the distance and wonders who’s talking about him behind his back this time. He messages batgirl about this bad feeling he has and she laughs it off as the boy developing Batman’s paranoia.
Her Fourth solve was Green Arrow. It was an accident! She swears. She just saw oliver queen with a bow and arrow in a video shooting. and noticed he had a very distinct and familiar style to someone but not who. Then compared it to various archers as her brain was nagging. Then saw a green arrow video and cursed herself again then Tim five more times.
She sent a message to Rose asking why she’s a danger to all secret identities. Rose tells her it is her curse for being too damn smart and not leaving things alone.
Marinette tries reallly hard not to figure out the next one. But really, it should have been an earlier solve and she’s mad at herself for missing it for so long, even if it was more aviodance than denial.
Admittedly this one should have been an earlier solve, but she was very little when she found out about the surgery and everything and it was uncomfortable damnit! So she did what any reasonable child would. Ignore it. Then she went over the file to see if maybe she could possibly target parts of the kyptonian DNA in her to weaken it. And saw who the intended donor was, Clark Kent, a reporter that has impossible luck with big hero scoops, is never injured or rescued, and never been sick. He also looks like... one quick photoshop of his glasses onto superman with a clothing change and she sees her usual disguise technique on goddamn superman. She is overwhelmed with this as ‘oh god superman will kidnap me if he finds out!’ And hides from him whenever he’s in the region—be it France or Gotham.
Her friends think its hilarious, Marinette feels sick from it. She doesnt like this and is genuinely scared for her life and family’s safety now. And we all know how nervous marinettes are.
If at one point batman tried to talk to her on patrol and somewhat suceeded. As in, she spoke beofre bolting.
“I didnt figure out who boyscout and amazon and boltbrain and arrowhead are! Or you and the batfam! Bye!!!!” Yes, clearly Marinette can lie very well.
Batman sees through it and feels sick. He forces a league meeting asap and fills them in.
“this kid put five of our identities together and cant even lie. We need to recruit them.”
“Batman, is this that kid KF mentioned to me?”
Batman nodded. Flash sighed. “Okay. We are on a manhunt for a kid kyptonian that is terrified of all of us, very smart, and may have an active gotham villain as a parent. And somehow knows me and—wait. bats, do you have any pics of your rogues in civilian clothing? I need to test a theory...”
A few minutes later and “oh my god that little kid i met as a civilian figured me out!”
A few days later Flash finds her by acccident as a civilian kid in broad daylight on her own in Central. He doesnt show he knows she knows, And finds out she’s waiting for her babysitter to finish a class.
Flash just asks about a case he put together as Barry Allen that she might know about and...
“Uh, mr. Flash? Why are you asking me? The lead florensics was Barry Allen.”
He tries insulting Barry Allen—he’s late and sloppy and—
only for Marinette to defend him to the death. “He’s late because he stays up late working on other cases. Appearances and organizational skills arent what matters with his expertise mr. flash! He even foghts for metas to have their circumstances and powers impact on them considered dueing sentencing!”
Flash is very touched and shocked. only then he manages to get out of her that where she lives (france) being meta is a life sentence to “a living zombie And jail-time for being born a lot, even if it is t in normal prisons. And you know what? Mr. Allen stated so many times that you need to contextualize powers and abilities and intent in his testimonies for meta cases. Back home youre put in prison for defending yourself...” she tugs at her sleeve here.
“Maman screamed at me when she found out a few kids were getting stalked and i helped out and someone got it on tape. Not becuase my powers showed or anything—father made a treatment so they dont, well, they stay off when i use them and follow all the behavior and environmental rules so they cant put me in one of the centers. But she, she’s stills cared someone will try to check me for abilities back in France, and that she’ll lose me. She doesnt always realize i have them until things like that happen...”
Flash is desperately trying not to adopt her. Wally would love a little sister, and Superman has enoguh kids, Bats does too. he is oreventing arrow form having another one as she’s powered and that isnt a good when working with Green Arrow unless the meta is his girlfriend. And the girl loves science—come on!
batman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman and Superman heard the Feance bit over comms and suddenly it hit them that the kid could be in danger for existing and that an entire country villified being meta to an extreme. That the girl is in hiding and probably using an alias constantly. Batman mentally adopted her ages ago and is now in Worried Dad mode like Flash and apparently Superman was falling into it too. Wonder Woman is in righteous rage mode and ready to fight france herself if she has to—no imprisoning metas for being metas!
Flash decided to be direct since he knew she trusted him as Mr. Allen and knows he’s Flash.“So, am i allowed to know which powers you have?”
Marinette shook her head, visbily distressed and floating skightly. “If, if they ever find out i cant. I cant risk Maman and Papa and Father. I dont know everything but Father only started being a good person after the, the incident where he had to go into witness protection. Maman is dead as far as a lot of people are concerned, or she never existed. Papa doesnt know about any of it. I cant. I cant risk what they worked for by being outted.”
Flash is very concerned. “Thats a lot of pressure to put in yourself, especially at your age.”
marinette didnt make eye contact then. “I have to. If i dont people can connect dots and dashes and blips. Father says its easy for him too and that possibilities are just what we’re both hardwired for but. But i shouldn’t catch as many as i do—my teachers keep saying i need to dial it back and stop catching on so fast and blurting it all out but, i just...” marientte is visibly drowning under the pressure to act not-meta and keep her family safe.
“Sounds like youre a real smart kid.”
“Smart kids dont get caught.” She meant herself with her jewlry returns, Flash thought she meant the JL, and tried to redirect the conversation.
If the JL was out then...
“If you cant tell me, can you at least tell me you have someone to talk to about these things?”
“Auntie Quinn and Rose. Rose doesnt like you guys though.”
Flash laughed a little at that. “Alright, fair enough. Who made her mad? Was it arrow?”
“Batman.” Marinette frowning as she said the enxt bit. “Something about her being given to someone that should never be allowed bear children? She rants a lot so i cant always keep up.”
Batman internally bangs his head against a table. Outwardly, he says “Ivy’s daughter, rose. That girl, she’s the Princess.”
The assemebled winced. They all pushed for Rose to be sent toback to her mother, Ivy, since they didnt trust her with any available mentor and Ivy was usually a low ranking Gotham eco-terrorist pacified by wayne gardens and green initiatives. Apprently Rose has a lot of sway over the Princess too.
Marinette changes the conversation while. Waiting for her babysitter, Ghoul, to leave class. She needs a distraction from her situation that the Flash was willing to give her.
“Can i look at the case again? Something doesnt add up... there! See? Its close to the Speedsters that leave marks at those angles but only if they really mess with the speed force and the spacetime continuum! But theres no evidence of that, its a lightning meta, Possibly using it to teleport since no one came in or out on camera. Its a slight angle and all but...”
Flash decides Marinette will join the Justice League one day or so help him! He also decides to target france’s anti-meta policies and possibly kidnap Marinette.
The League isnt letting him. But he has a fan of Barry Allen who is handling Gotham’s criminals and beign given slack by them... albeit also raised by in-part. But the girl has a strong moral compass that is a lot like most of League’s so.
He’s fighting Bats for custody on principle. His fangirl, he has dibs!
Dont know why it ended up with Flash becoming a ‘Marinette is my daughter now’ person but why not? Wally would like her as a sister, probably.
Marinette blames all of this and the future consequences on Tim. She hates her vanishing freind for this.
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lucidpantone · 4 years
Oh the production is around and is interacting as well. They see everything. That’s why the last minute change of subject in season 4 suddenly after episode 3. But keep in mind that this will not happen again. Since the team doesn’t have the ability to modify quickly and with depth the script on the spot for the big plots. That requires extreme talent and experience from writers and directors alike. Which they know they are lacking. What they are here for is to feed information and create a certain atmosphere when needed because that is the way Wtfock has chosen to do their marketing. It is not only tumblr but all across the platforms in disguise as fandom members.
similar anon: how close is wtfock to the fandom? you mentioned they are too close for some? I know they are here but I have no idea who
similar anon: I don't think the whole Wtfock watching the fans/blogs is such a big deal for them as much people think it is, this is literally normal specially from a show like Skam plus Wtfock is a lucky one because their fans are so easy to move/use/manipulate whoever you wanna call it, the fans are ready to forget, forgive and defend no matter what and the biggest prove is gonna be how they all gonna be back as soon as Sobbe appears and still just because of them and their outcome every other past mistake is gonna become irrelevant, let's be honest they don't really care as much as fans do, they of course are all doing their jobs as the best they can but that's it....
similar anon: They have blogs? Omg what if I follow or they follow me?!....who are they?! Are you one? Or you know one? Or how you know this info?!
similar anon: How you know the production or interns are here? You know them? You are one? Hahaha pass the URL so we can send them ask 🤣😅 jk
Production is very close like I said probably one degree of separation for blogs that are actively in the fandom or insta sphere or twitter world. I dont know about this tho “disguise as fandom members” mainly because they dont need to do that hun. Enough people do this work for free for them. There is no need to disguise it. Also anon just because Sobbe is end game doesnt mean wtfock cant fuck the entire s4 script. Evak is always end game and look at skamfr. Evak being endgame isnt some huge revolutionary plot choice. Now rewriting the original s4 script to introduce more sobbe because wtFOCK needs to play every single card they have honestly makes me nervous. I know the modification to the original script are very much centered around them and in away am like ok maybe this could be cool but I also dont know if Bram wrote the modifications or the intern. We also don’t know who is directing and I have been vocal I am not a big fan of Bente’s treatments. Sorry I know some of you like him and thats fine but I am just objectively as a consumer saying I dont like his style. Am allowed to like what I like. Also concerning the social game knowing wtFOCK they are going to try to push sponsored content and they are not tactful enough to do it well. Its always incredibly heavy handed and distorts the narrative. You all are to close to production if you actually believe that if wtfock fumbles this plot (by lets say episode 5) that the fans wont start dragging them hard then you aint really know wtfam. Wtfock is on an uber short leash. People will come for them and it will be ugly. My hope is the social team learns to use social similar to druck to enhance narratives and make the season immersive and maybe use it to wrap up the other characters while Yasmina and Sobbe play out on screen. Also imo I really wish wtfock wouldn't be so neck deep into the fandom. Gives me David/SkamFR vibes. Thats why people got their feelings hurt on both sides in S4 because they need to back off. They need to stop whispering in people’s ears and leveraging people because its creates this weird vibe imo. Thats just me tho and I dont consider these people friends I understand if you do its hard to not do them a solid here and there.
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flowerymoonlight · 5 years
your company
pairing: Clint x Bucky
genre: fluffy fluffity fluff i aint hurting my boys any time soon
word count: 2,253
summary: James turns Clint’s evening around.
warnings: unhealthy times to drink coffee, don't do it kids
author’s note: another one for @stuckonjbbarnes‘ challenge!! and @piper-koko-barnes-rogers i know we talked about this ages ago but its here
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Clint was stupid. A world-class idiot. How could he even consider the possibility that Barney had changed? Too much wishful thinking was his guess.
When Barney had invited him to his new apartment for beers all the parts of Clint’s brain were flaring red. But he said yes anyway. It wasn’t that Barney wasn’t terrible to him, because he was, but Clint could never really write him off. There must be something wrong with his brain.
He got to Barney’s place alright, just in time to be there and catch the no-filter slurring. Yeah, he was expecting it from Barney honestly, but he wasn’t counting on Jesse and Ray to be there with him.
Jesse and Ray were like cereal and milk, always around each other, and they had quickly befriended Barney in middle school with their one common goal of making fun of Clint for breathing. No, he definitely did not still have bottled up rage for these two.
And, of course, as they were all drunk off their asses – probably a little high too – the insults just started pouring like rain. The worst part wasn’t even when Barney laughed at what they said as if it was a joke, or when he joined them. The worst part was the Clint was so used to it that he couldn’t even find the strength to react to it.
He could only handle two hours before taking the opportunity of Barney going to the bathroom to flee out of there as fast as possible. Clint was stupid for accepting but he had just enough self-respect to not stay and torture himself for too long.
It was still close to 3 am when he was leaving and the only company he had were the street lights casting light every few feet and the lone grocery store that run till the early hours of the morning. It wasn’t exactly freezing but there was a nice chill reminding him that he was alive.
He was lost in thoughts of naps, warm blankets, and hot coffee in a few hours when he passed by a coffee shop. He couldn’t say exactly what made him do it but he stopped to look inside and when his eyes caught the employee behind the counter his heart jumped in his chest.
Positively the most beautiful man Clint had ever seen.
His hair was in a bun and looked like they would feel like clouds under his fingertips, his jaw was adorned with probably a day’s scruff and Clint’s brain provided a millisecond fantasy of feeling it under Clint’s lips. And Clint could just barely keep his eyes from staring holes into the guy’s shoulders.
He realized he must’ve looked like a creep when the guy stopped wiping down the counter and went to fix something else. And Clint only got a glimpse of his ass but damn, could he even handle the rest?
Before he knew it Clint was opening the door to the cafe, getting the attention of the guy and having his eyes land on Clint’s – god they were the most beautiful blue he’d ever seen, this was not right, – and having his brain short-circuit.
Which, was extremely rude because he was not the one to make the decision to go in in the first place and now his brain was leaving him alone in the deep end.
Just my luck.
Then his legs were taking him over to the counter – because it’s weird to just stand in front of the door Clint, shut up – and the guy was smiling at him, wow he could get more beautiful, Clint wouldn’t have guessed it.
“What can I get for you?” He said and, oh, his voice. Why did Clint have to get tortured like this? Clint had been trying to stare at the counter in order not to ogle too openly at a stranger but when he glanced up he saw amusement in the guy’s eyes. Okay, maybe he’s not a total lost cause.
“Uh, french roast, black,” could have gone without the stuttering but he wasn’t written off yet ‘cause the guy’s smile got a little bigger as he started preparing it. He should probably find a better name for him than ‘the guy’. Just then Clint’s eyes caught his name tag. James. He could already hear himself say it over and over again.
Okay, getting out of that daydream. Still in public.
“Can I get ya anything else?” James’s voice brought him back to look at those blue eyes and it was like a spell took over his mouth because he was sure he was meant to answer ‘No, thank you.’ but what came out, oh boy. Clint changed from human to tomato in seconds.
“A couple hours with you would be great, doll.” And while Clint was trying to find his footing again with his face still burning hot his eyes did catch the faintest dust of pink on James’s cheeks and Clint felt a greater sense of satisfaction at his accomplishment – and even slightly less embarrassed.
“Well, that can be arranged,” what did Clint just hear? That was not his brain, right? The shy smile James had on his lips says it wasn’t and Clint feels a rush go through his body before he’s leaning on the counter, getting just a few inches closer to where James was working.
“If you can tell me your name,” James raised his eyebrows and Clint wasn’t about to back down from that challenge and lose a chance of hearing his name on James’s lips.
“I’m Clint.” He said and let a shy smile rest on his lips because nothing was thrown on his face yet, and that was a success in Clint’s book.
“Well hello, Clint,” James smiled at him again, all teeth and sunshine and everything, and placed his cup in front of him.
Clint’s hand instinctively moved to take it and his fingers brushed James’s before he could let go. It gave him a little tingling on the ends of his fingers and judging by the blush and the ever-present smile on James’s lips, Clint was willing to bet he felt something too.
“Thanks, doll,” what was Clint’s deal with that again? Seriously, did his brain and mouth connection had no filter? He was just walking around saying things like that? Well, no, it just seemed to have malfunctioned in the presence of a gorgeous, blue-eyed, with the sun in his smile, barista. He wasn’t like that all the time.
“So, what brings you here in the dead of night, Clint?” Okay, maybe Clint enjoyed hearing his name in James’s voice a little too much, but that was nobody’s business since it would stay in his head forever. And now onto the more unpleasant parts of his question, Clint took a sip of his coffee and just about held himself from proposing right then and there.
“Escaping the harsh reality of my social life, I’m afraid.” Clint settled on something awfully vague and awfully true at the same time. He didn’t want to lie at his first meeting with James but he also didn’t want to unload on a stranger that he wanted to see again – many, many times.
“What about you? The graveyard shift can’t be as fun as everyone says,” Clint tipped his cup to James before he took another sip – Jesus, what did he put in this thing? It’s heavenly. James in return smiled at his poor attempt at a joke and lent against the counter, folding his arms over his chest and Clint’s coffee almost went down the wrong pipe.
“It got me talking to you, didn’t it?” James said it with a smirk on his lips and, okay look, Clint was not a blusher but he had to admit; James had game and it maybe landed a soft pink on his cheeks – but just maybe.
From then on it was pretty easy to flirt with him – and by pretty easy Clint means his brain never gave a filter to his mouth and he kept blurting things he wasn’t meant to. The unexpected and certainly not unwelcome response though was James’s soft chuckles and warm eyes.
And, okay, maybe Clint was a little smitten when he left at an hour when he could see the sun and his eyes were burning just a tiny bit. And maybe he was biting his lip trying to conceal the smile from all the giddy things he was feeling about his talk with James. And he was definitely going back.
The next time Clint walked into the coffee shop during the graveyard shift there were a couple of college students in a corner with their laptops out, headphones on and fingers jamming down on the keyboards. And, yeah, Clint was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t be alone with James but he guessed they would only bother them for refills.
James greeted him with a familiar smile and before he could even think straight a ‘Hello, doll,’ was coming out of Clint’s mouth like it was meant to be there. And, okay, James’s blush made up for the burn of embarrassment on his face but he needed to get back in touch with his filter and not ruin something before it could even start.
Turns out James really enjoyed the nickname, as he had admitted shyly when they were all alone and into each other’s personal space. He said no one had ever called him that and Clint had just preened at him before trying to use it in every sentence after that.
It got him a smack in the shoulder but he got to hold that same hand later and intertwine his fingers with James’s so it all worked out.
It took four dates – and yes Clint was calling them dates, even if James was supposed to be working and he was supposed to be sleeping – for Clint to just go for it and place a soft kiss on James’s lips. He really hadn’t been settle with going for the back of his hand or his cheek on previous dates but Clint still felt an uncertainty that he had a 50-50 chance of getting punched in the face.
He didn’t. But he did get kissed back by James and it was very hard to do anything else than brush their mouths together after that. And if the next time Clint went over to the coffee shop he greeted James with a kiss on the lips no one was around to see it.
And he didn’t hesitate to ask James out on a real date, because as much as he enjoyed their time together at the coffee shop he also understood that only he was calling them dates – in his head. So, when James said yes, Clint preened and held his hand and refuse to leave until his shift was over.
Seeing James in casual but dressy clothes for the first time had Clint with both a desire to take them off and see them being put on and as much as he realized his brain was moving too fast with those daydreams it was just too easy – too right – to not let his mind wander.
He didn’t have to wander much as for the next four months they spent almost every night of the week sleeping in the same bed – and doing other things. But Clint was still a lot of nervous when he finally got the courage to ask James to move in with him – even if it was early – over dinner – he tried to cook but miserly failed and had to order take-out.
James had just smiled at him and took his hand and Clint let out a relieved breath when he said yes.
Five years later and he was sitting at their couch staring out the window the purple sky that the lights of the city wouldn’t let the stars shine through and remembering that first day that got him into that coffee shop and he met his husband.
Clint got out of his daydream by the cushions dipping next to him and a small smile was on his lips before he could even turn his head to look at James. He placed two mugs with hot coffee on the table in front of them before leaning back and snuggling under Clint’s raised arm, draped over the back of the couch.
“I would ask, but I know that look,” James mumbles sheepishly in Clint’s shoulder. He just chuckles softly and turns his head to bury his nose in James’s hair.
“Still haven’t talked to Barney,” Clint tries to joke about that night
“Good riddance,” James replies instantly and curls even more around Clint. “So, are we just reminiscing or should I be worried your head is saying silly things again?” James asks next and honestly, how did Clint get so lucky? He seems to be asking himself that question every day now but he can never find an answer, only be grateful that the universe decided to give him James.
“Just reminiscing, doll,” Clint can feel the shiver the moment it goes through James’s body and smiles at the memory of him first saying it. He leaves a soft kiss on the top of James’s head before going for his mug on the table. Ah, coffee. Always helping me, one way or another.
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trashbinbackyard · 4 years
pre-relationship for jiro n max, general for lili and berne, love for quina and melina
How did they first meet?
Maximilian greeting Jiro and giving him his first wyrm hunt duties, it was pretty official
What was their first impression of each other?
Maximilian saw Jiro as reliable and hard working. Jiro though Max was like so cool being a captain and all, smart and capable too for sure
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Honestly the entire village of Cassardis would’ve been Jiro’s wingman if they’d have the chance. Max’s friends and fellow captains would tease him about the great and mighty Arisen
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Jiro, he’es soft ok. And I feel like Max tried to keep feelings out of it because technically he was Jiro’s boss for a while
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Max a little, for reasons stated up there. Once Jiro started taking order for Aldous instead he felt more relieved
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Oh neat t. Jiro
“What. The Arisen? How. Why” Maximilian would look down on himself a little because does he deserve the arisen of legends (he does. he absolutely does)
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Berne, being a gentleman that he is asked Lillian if she likes him like he likes her, right after Lillian had picked flowers for him to make him get the message that yes, she likes him, ask her out already
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Hit the beach just outside Cassardis, have a picnic and pick some flowers for ointments, they’re both very practical so no pretty flower shall go to waste
What was their first kiss like?
A little shy, kinda short, but very sweet nonetheless, Lillian had to pull Berne down a bit
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I dont think so? Not that they’re super experienced either when they got together. Lillian’s first serious relationship at least
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Oh there’s a height difference, Lili aint a short gal by any means (180cm), but Berne still towers over her. Not that big of an age difference, by 5-7 years with Lillian being the younger one
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Lillian was born and raised in Cassardis and well, it takes a village. Berne is very familiar with cassardi people just from being posted on the encampment near the village. Lillian met Berne’s family when they got engaged.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Both can handle it, but if they’re together Lillian does most of the talking
Who gets jealous easier?
Eh, they’re pretty solid and old enough to not get petty
Who said “I love you” first?
Quina, like after many times of trying get Melina to just Get The Hint, it took her a kiss on the lips and bashful confession to get through that thick skull of Mel’s
What are their primary love languages?
Touch, gifts and quality time. Melina loves when Quina stays within arms reach of her. She also picks all kinds of flowers and herbs to bring back to Quina on her adventures. And what little time they have together in-between Melina’s travels, it’s always treasured
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Oh every time they see each other they gotta At Least hug, maybe kissu on the cheek. Cuddles always in private, gotta keep that tough fighter facade on (but not after Quina being safe and sound from the dragon bc The Cuddles are happening Then and There)
What are their favorite things to do together?
Go frolic in the forest, pick herbs and flowers (well Quina does, Melina stands watch) hang out with Valmiro. Nap together
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Quina, she’s a healer so she gotta have bedside manner, plus, Melina’s not good with words but Quina feels already better when she’s just there with her
Who’s more protective?
Melina, from childhood bullies, to villagers giving Quina weird looks, goblins, wolves, a wholeass dragon. Melina will lay dead on the ground before something bad would happen to Quina
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
More physical, again, Melina not good with words. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
My love will never die
Pure feeling (seneschal Melina)
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sparrow-ink · 4 years
covid diaries aka memoirs of the plague
trying to keep my thoughts organized and coherent has been a bitch recently, so i’m going to try to put them down more or less in order here and see where we end up. this is going to be heavy on personal covid content and might get long, so please skip if either distresses you.
so last tues, the uh... 24th i guess, i started feeling ill. mostly like allergies plus a bad headache. i had a feeling i was getting sick but didn’t want to alarm my spouse or housemate/best friend, so stuck with ‘could very well be allergies and dehydration.’ also it very well could have been, and it was very reassuring for us all to tell each other that. my company had already moved the majority of employees to work-from-home, including me, so i already wasn’t going to come into contact with anyone outside my home.
symptoms got worse over the next few days, congestion, headache, feeling feverish, cough started up. we didn’t own a thermometer, and my spouse and housemate tried every wal-mart, wal-greens, target, etc to find one. housemate said at one place they laughed at her when she asked if they had any. i tried ordering one on amazon with no luck. either they were $90+, out of stock, or not shipping until may. i settled on ordering on for shipment in may. the seller messaged me the next day and said they couldn’t fulfill the order and asked to cancel it.
from our last costco trip we had already (unintentionally) gotten stocked up on toilet paper, snacks, and some dry goods. at some point before I got sick, spouse and I bought a bag of rice and bag of potatoes, because I intermittently try to do mealprepping and seemed being stuck at home would be a good time to try again, what with national and state-wide states of emergency being declared. also seemed good to have them in supply. and we were still stocked up on cold and flu medecine from when i got bronchitis mid-dec to mid-jan. so we were/are pretty well-stocked on essentials? that was reassuring, as i was obviously, noticeably sick by last friday.
i was hoping i would get better over the weekend but i did not. still couldn’t find a thermometer anywhere. governor had issued the state-wide stay-at-home order on uh...thurs? weds? but already being sick, and already working from home, and not going out, it didn’t really affect me much?
i feel like i should mention at this point that since the state of emergency was declared and we started to transition to working from home, i’d been trying to ration my social media (tumblr/twitter/insta) time for my sanity. but also not having information makes me feel helpless, so i had the CDC covid page up and checked every day. and then the colorado state covid page too. seeing the numbers of confirmed cases double, and triple, from week to week was... hm.
also one of my younger siblings moved from colorado to arizona at the start of march, and presumably lost their phone because i haven’t heard from them since despite poking. that hasn’t been concerning during a global pandemic. not at all. they’re probably not dead. i mean, you’d think a bitch could call their older sibling to let them know they’re not dead, but whatever. i’m sure they’re fine. probably. anyway.
where was i. so by the weekend i was Not Feeling Well At All Actually. my cough had become “scary.” my housemate did all the dishes in the kitchen despite not being responsible for most of them. i felt, and sounded, disgusting.
i checked the covid testing requirements again, and basically found that in colorado you had to be dying to be tested for covid. cool.
monday rolled around, still not better. i ended up having work computer issues (their end, not mine) where i basically ended up laying on the couch in my office while IT did IT things. a blessing. i slogged through the rest of the day. just felt like i wasn’t tracking well, couldn’t focus on shit. that evening while watching shows with husbeast & housemate, i had a truly uncontrollable coughing spasm/fit that seemed to just go on. could barely talk without coughing. i coughed all night. i basically didn’t sleep.
tuesday morning i woke up, and started coughing again. i could hear a crackle echo up my throat when i breathed if i was in the right position. i sat up to try and get my breath. i think it was like 6 am. spouse creature (already awake from my coughing) gently rubbed my back. i started crying. i just wanted to sleep, and i couldn’t sleep, and i couldn’t stop coughing, and i felt like i could barely breathe, and things just hurt, and i couldn’t think straight. i felt so... defeated. i think it freaked out the spouse creature. i usually only cry during children’s movies.
i took the day off of work. i hadn’t taken a day yet because i was already working from home, and it was the end of the month which is the busiest for my team, and my boss had said last week that if i felt i could work, they needed me. by tuesday morning i was out of energy and also fucks. i got in the queue for a teladoc appointment. per the CDC and colorado covid websites, telehealth visits are to be the first option in order to help prevent the spread, etc. also i would have done teladoc anyway bc i don’t have a PCP.
it took a few hours to get connected with a doctor. i think i started coughing while he did his intro thing. he basically said, well i think i know what you’re calling about, but why don’t you tell me. i told him. and coughed some more. he said my symptoms are consistent with covid, and in a perfect world they’d be able to get me in for rapid testing, but they couldn’t. that basically people are only getting tested at this point who are getting admitted to the hospital. some people were able to access testing through their PCPs but even that was drying up. he advised me to self-isolate (already on it lol) and for my household to self-quarantine for at least two weeks from when i started showing symptoms. and i could un-self-isolate once the majority of my symptoms calmed down AND when i didn’t have a fever for three days straight with no meds. he prescribed me an inhaler and a cough suppressant pill, though he said the cough suppressant might not do much since it didn’t seem to be working for anyone else with similar.
husbeast had run out to get some more supplies by the time i got on the vidcall with the doc, mostly liquids and electrolytes. he went back out once i gave him the rundown, to fill my prescription and get me the good costco chicken soup once they were open. he also, miracle of miracles, managed to find and buy a temporal thermometer at costco for like $45 i think. a true champion. my temp seemed to be fine in the afternoon, a touch above normal but fine. i’m not actually sure what my personal base temperature is. i should also say that i’d been consistently taking dayquil and sudafed since the previous weds.
that evening my temp started to go up. and up. or at least i think it was tuesday night. maybe it was weds? freaked out spouse, i got up to 102 F even with sudafed and additional acetaminophen. i basically had a fever from tues through this morning (friday), while taking pills like clockwork. always seemed to get worse in the afternoon/evening and be better in the morning. today at least it’s stayed below 100F, even mostly below 99F.
the cough and difficulty breathing has been the worst part. i have delicate baby lungs to begin with, and i have allergies and a history of childhood asthma. so i’m already paranoid about my breathing even with a normal cold. but to hear that i would have to immediately proceed to emergency services should my symptoms progress to: can only get a few words out, can’t stand up or walk across the room, can’t maintain conciousness, to hear that was... something. because then it’s basically like, okay, if I get pneumonia and my lungs are filling up, then i can go see a doctor in person. cool. and i know it says on the websites that there’s no approved treatment for coronavirus, that treatment for less severe cases will be the same at home as it would be in person, but shit. i woke up so many times last night feeling like i was fighting for air, waking up because i was coughing so hard i had to sit up all the way to breathe, and i kept thinking, what if i just stop breathing in my sleep? not like i would notice, right?
it’s been scary. i’ve been trying not to freak out my people with more crying and whatnot, but i’ve already got anxiety and this shit aint helping. i’m trying to stay relatively calm and not make them deal with me losing my shit on top of already taking care of me and bringing me soup and water and pills and asking what they can do for me. i’m tired of being sick. i want a new pair of lungs. i want to not feel like i’ve been hit by a truck. my ribs hurt from coughing so much. my chest hurts. my whole body aches. the headache keeps coming and going. i can’t stop fucking coughing. i don’t want to die, i just want to maybe go into a coma and wake up when this is all over. once the line of dump trucks has stopped running me over.
and i’m just so mad at the lack of preparedness in the US. i’m so pissed that i can’t even get tested, i can’t know for sure what the fuck is happening to me. i’m so mad that the cheeto is president during this. i hate this fucking timeline. i hate that we don’t even have clear numbers on cases because of mismanagement. i hate that i keep feeling like i’m about to throw up because i’m coughing so fucking hard. real fucking reassuring to know that the symptoms i’ve been told to watch for, to know that i need to go to the hospital, are the same ones that constitute an emergency and would mean that i would basically have to be rushed there. wearing a facemask if we can find one.
ugh. the other worst part is that i haven’t even been really coherent enough to write. and i’ve only been able to settle on a few things to read and watch. being sick makes me picky and like, impossible to please. so i’m spoiled for choice with 4+ streaming services, but nothing sounds good. and my people are working from home, but they’re still working. they can’t spend all their time with me. i’m bored, and everything is garbage, and there are only so many times i can rewatch the princess bride. i have been napping quite a lot, but even that doesn’t take all day.
maybe i’ll write some crackfic. then it doesn’t have to be coherent. and it would be in the spirit of covid to write some real absurd shit i think.
anyway. i might delete this later. i feel better for getting events put down and venting.  also i apologize, i have no idea how to do a readmore cut on tumblr anymore.
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tifs-against-terfs · 5 years
I watched Kalvin Garrahs “trans guy reacts to crazy trender 1″ so you don’t have to
here we go again baby
oh wow, a reaction post to a reaction video. nice
“Real trans people actually care if they’re misgendered” People have anxiety Kalvin. People dont always wanna be confrontational.
uploader of the video he’s reacting to literally has dysphoria and kalvin still calls em a trender. don’t say I didn’t call that shit oml
“No trans guy would say that.” Ey aren’t a trans guy. They are genderfluid. you fuck. also way to stereotype
“I can think of maybe why you hate your body, and it’s not because you’re trans” you’ve gotta be kidding me with this shit. keep in mind the original uploader is plus sized. Kalvin please don’t challenge
MMMMM ok the uploader did say they hated their body due to being fat. alright. still fucked up for kal to assume that’s the reason though
Huh maybe people should stop saying that hating your body is what makes you trans cause this is uhhhh what it causes. confusion :///
uploader says boobs a lot and its low key making me dysphoric so in THIS SENSE I can SORTA understand Kalvins annoyance with this
Kalvin makes fun of eir appearance who woulda guess
“that’s definitely a trender pose” noting this for later
*trans person venting about their experience with hating their chest* *kalvin laughs* honestly uhhh what the fuck??
“that’s why republicans fucking hate us, and not all republicans are like that but still” Kalvin. real talk. this aint it. please just stop. Conservatives hate us because they hate the idea of trans people. Not because a child you don’t like was given a platform.
god he’s so fucking. RUDE.
Hes now making fun of the uploader for being misinformed on top surgery
“That’s because you like attention” not to be dramatic but shut the fuck up
“my friend doesn’t have accepting parents and it’s your fault”
“i’m actually angry right now” yeah no shit
“you’re not ftm” Yeah. Yeah Kalvin. eir nonbinary. I don’t know if you know this but nonbinary isn’t just male lite
uploader: “When people try to tell me that I’m not trans, or that I don’t have dysphoria, I get upset, like they don’t know me” Kalvin: “I know enough” hoe I’m one more bitch ass comment away from turning off this video
Pause from the negativity for a hot sec, Kalvin pronounces sports bra like sports brawl so thats. whatever
“You’re mistaking body dysphorphia with gender dysphoria.” then try to help em and people like em understand the difference instead of being a little shit bitching about it on youtube
“I’m at a LOSS for words” then stop talking lmao
“You can be whatever sexuality you want” but not gender? sexuality is a choice and gender isn’t? Ok.
“I actually feel bad for this person” No you don’t. If you did you wouldn’t make a video mocking em and title it CRAZY transtrender
‘If you have the resources to transition, you should. I am the authority on all trans subjects despite not considering myself a part of that community’
stop yellingggggg I have sensitive ears
“Biologically I’m female” Kalvin im gonna be real. Low key making me dysphoric with this shit. I don’t need a reminder I’m not fully male and never will be.
ok not what this post is about but “people with vaginas” HIGH FUCKING KEY makes me dysphoric. Just say afab people.
“that’s a socially constructed gender that y’all have made up” mmmm good ol made up genders argument. A classic
“trans men have put themselves in physical pain in order to cope with dysphoria” weird flex but ok
god the fucking. elitism in this is staggering. “I was willing to wear a binder for 7 days straight in order to not acknowledge my chest. Therefore I have more right to call myself trans than you do.”
uploader: “you should believe people when they say that they’re trans and that they have dysphoria” Kalvin: *says shit transphobes have been spewing for decades just with. Slightly different wording.*
“gender is not a social construct.” Ah yes, the two naturally assigned by god genders. the two factual gifted to us by the moon and stars genders. The naturally occurring genders. the genders where there has never been any more or less genders in any culture anywhere in the world, as they were assigned by fucking mother earth herself.
“I’m DONE with these PEOPLE  A P P R O P R I A T I N G  something I and many other people STRUGGLE with.”
“this is why its so hard for real trans people to get hormones and surgery” or maybe.... just maybe..... its because doctors.... and surgeons..... are also transphobic.... and maybe... it’s not other trans people fault..... that it’s hard to get prescribed hormones........................................
“it is impossible to LIVE with gender dysphoria” I’m doing it. You’re doing it. The uploader is doing it. Multitudes and multitudes of trans people are living when they have gender dysphoria. It’s hard, and a lot of times it fucking sucks dick, but its not impossible. Therapy helps. Knowing you’re not alone helps. Knowing you’ll one day be in a better situation helps.
I’m gonna go. All I gotta say is that video actually angered me. I’m sick and tired of truscum roaming the internet trying to say what trans is and what trans isn’t. Anyway byeeeeee
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shes-outta-sight · 5 years
thank you @flowrxchild @satans-helper @pvre-mourning @cantbehandled-ever for tagging me to answer some really tough, but also very fun, questions!! ✨💛I really love reading all of these, and doing them as well!
What was the last thing you read?
my nutrition notes /:
Favourite movie?
Already a hard question lmao. I’m gonna say Almost Famous (i know, shocker!). others are Interstellar, Lady Bird, Annihilation, La La Land, Pink Floyd - The Wall, and Dazed and Confused lol.
Favourite book?
Call me basic but i’m gonna just say The Great Gatsby. It’s a classic and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read it. I have a lot of favorite books that aren’t popular, but ya girl is so bad at picking favorites.
Dream date?
Definitely a concert. I just want to be with someone with similar taste in music, or at least appreciates mine. Also stargazing, anything outside, or a museum date. idk anything really
Do you have a crush?
on sammy of course! and all of my mutuals (;
What are your hobbies?
listening/finding new music always, watercoloring, reading, and now i love painting denim! I’m trying to get back into my creative hobbies, but school really doesn’t want that to happen
What’s your favourite time of day?
dusk/sunsets. but I’m a total night owl, so late nights are my thing!
If you could look like anything, what would you look like?
Not sure what to say. Honestly I wish i had a better body. and I wish I was more confident with how I actually look!
Are you romantic?
What’s your favourite type of weather?
If I’m inside, I love big rainstorms. I have always found the rain and thunder to be peaceful. However, i love fall weather where the sun is warm, but the breeze is present. (not like Texas fall)
What do you like talking about?
What are your turn ons?
Definitely a sense of humor. I will seriously fall in love with anyone who makes me laugh. Also intelligence, usually someone more outgoing than i am, and easily excited.
Turn offs?
no sense of humor lol, cockiness, and unnecessary rudeness!
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it?
There’s this small sketch of a half sun and crescent moon with faces together that i’ve wanted for a while, maybe on my ankle. i also used to want a small butterfly on my inner arm, and some wildflowers on my ribcage, but ouch!
Do you have any pets?
I have a siamese cat named Flash at my parent’s, but i am getting my own cat next fall when i move into a new apartment. Very excited!
Dream job?
Dream place to live?
As someone who has grown up in a huge city, i would love to live in a small town with more country area eventually. Also wouldn’t mind living somewhere in Colorado closer to the mountains.
Dream vacation?
Greece and Italy has forever been a dream! I would also love to go backpacking through Europe of course.
Do you have any piercings?
i have 2 normal piercings in each ear, 2 cartilage in one ear, and a nose stud
If you had kids, what would you name them?
i’m not one of those people who has exact names planned out because who even knows what i want. However, i have always loved the name “Presley” for a girl.
What are your best traits?
Most of the time, i think my independence is the best. i also think i have a pretty great sense of humor, and my empathy.
Worst traits?
I definitely hold grudges. I try not to, but I do. 
What’s your worst fear?
A few. While I love being on my own most of the time, I am afraid of ending up alone. As a kid i was very scared of being kidnapped, so that still kinda lingers. Also, losing loved ones, and I’m deathly afraid of cockroaches (everything really is bigger in Texas)
What do you want to eat right now
What’s your best vacation you’ve ever been on?
I’ve been to Isla Mujeres in Mexico many times with my family. Also had a vacation with friends in Seaside that was pretty great. Other then that, i haven’t traveled a lot sadly.
Favourite city?
I have that Houston pride (; 
Honestly, I haven’t traveled enough to say though.
Favorite social media platform?
Tumblr! Occasionally twitter. I’ve mainly decided I’m done with instagram, snpachat, etc.
Favourite article of clothing?
i loveee my jean jackets. but also my doc martens, and generally sweatshirts!
Do you play any sports?
haha as a kid, i played pretty much every sport, even including dancing and cheer. I also did swimming and water polo throughout high school, but definitely not good enough for a scholarship, so that ended!
Favourite meal of the day?
i love breakfast, but i never eat in the mornings. so dinner? or breakfast for dinner ! 
What are you excited for?
for once i can say that there are so many things!! i am done with finals next Wednesday so Christmas break!! my bestfriend who goes to university in England is coming home next week, and gvf concert in 17 DAYS!!
Not excited for?
my ochem final 
When was the last time you cried?
yesterday after i took my lab final (see the pattern?)
Dream house?
cottage home for sure!! i don’t want much, but i have always wanted a house with a front porch that has a swing or chairs outside. 
What’s something you hate about the world?
idk if this is cheating, but Ricky i’m going to keep your answer here because i couldn’t say it better myself!
 “Injustice, prejudice and ignorance. I have no tolerance for it and there seems to be a lot of it. Wish a lot more people would just have less hate in them.”
What’s something you love about the world?
i love that despite all of the bad shit, i can still find reasons to be happy. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a huge difference, and more often it’s the beautiful people who make it a better place!
What scents do you like?
i love eucalyptus! also fresh linen and the smell of rain.
What kind of sleeper are you?
ha i don’t sleep. but i have to sleep on my side with one leg out, and i guess i’m a medium sleeper? Not heavy, but I do oversleep early alarms if I’m not careful.
Are you a cat or dog person?
if i can’t say both, then i am a cat person. i love them both, but i have grown up with cats!
How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
lol not long at all probably. idk maybe a few weeks?
Are you trusting?
I think i am?? Unless i’m given reasons not to be I guess. There are probably times where i could be more.
What fictional character do you identify with?
fuck i’m sorry, there’s honestly so many and i can’t choose!
What labels do you commonly get?
I get sensitive all the time. And you know what, I am. Also sometimes i get shy which is also true in certain situations.
What song would be your life anthem?
ooooo idk about an “anthem” but I’m gonna go with tiny dancer, gypsy, or even flower power!
What issues are you dealing with rn?
This semester of school has been really hard on me, so the usual stress and anxiety. Things are starting to look up though.
How can someone win you over?
It’s really not hard. If you’re nice to me, you probably already have. or just make me smile/laugh!
What’s something about you people don’t know?
ummm not sure what else to add
tagging: @mountainofthesunn @aint-no-denying @thatflowerpower @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade @gvfyeet @nosferatyou @woman-ina-dream @pennylane-gvf @highwaytunez @that-glassbottomed-ego @imacrowcawcaww
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hearthandgnome · 5 years
Heres a little PSA for why you should never vote third party and why it DOES matter regardless of what state you live in.
I'm not gonna waste anyones time trying to explain the obvious reasons. By now we all know what the electoral college is, and if you dont, then go google it and then come back to me.
Point is, splitting the vote leads to bad outcomes almost exclusively for the liberal end of the spectrum and basically never for the conservative end. They aint falling for that trap so why should we? Be smart.
Now I hear alot of people who KNOW how that system works but because they live in states that lean heavily in one direction or another they assume it no longer matters. First off, thinking like that is how states shift from blue to red. But second off, and arguably even more importantly, it would still matter. And heres why: it dosnt matter that california will "always vote blue" what matters is that your local neighborhood has made a clear statment on wether or not you are willing to tolerate hate.
Every election the data is collected, analyzed, and released, showing how many people in each district voted for each person. And if the local racists see a smaller number of democratic voters in there area it makes them think they are in the clear to go be racist.
If you dont see the correlation between trumps win and the massive inflix of bigots then I dont know what to tell you. Pay attention maybe?
We were seeing a steady decline of people being openly bigoted. Each year that went by saw advancments being made in all forms of social justice. Things were going good because we had them scared. Then they saw trump get away with murder and they realized it was safe for them again.
If we want to see a decrease in hate we need to make racists scared again.
And the only way to do that is by slapping a big old blue dot over there district. Seeing an overwhelming number of people voting against bigotry in your area will make you way more hesitant to go do bigoted shit.
And no, Grey isnt good enough. Third party is too neutral. It has to be a hard, fast, no give, all in, "NO" to everything they stand for. Or it won't be effective in silencing them.
In an ideal world, one without the electoral college and extreme hate mongering, youd be able to vote for whoever you want. But thats not this world.
This world only has two options that are allowed to win it. And one of them is rounding people up in concentration camps. If that alone isnt enough to make you get over yourself and vote for whoever wins the primaries, then clearly this whole speech will be lost on you. But if you care at all about your fellow man, you'll vote democrat.
I dont care if they are your first choice or not. I dont care if you want to protest against whatever trivial little problematic thing they did was. Fact is your dude literally can't win, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that if you didnt know it already. But its literally impossible. And whatever bs thing the dem nominee did that you dislike? It will never be as bad as trump.
Your vote makes your local racists scared and helps the not trump candidate win and that literally THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IN THIS NEXT ELECTION.
So regaurdless if you think your area will "always be blue" or "always be red" your vote still matters. This is a numbers game now, its about who has the most soldiers. Thats all there is to it.
I agree that it sucks.
I agree that you shouldnt have to.
I agree that this system is wrong.
But thats the situation we have going right now. Theres no room for neutrality in this next election. Your either pro trump or anti trump. Vote accordingly.
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unfortunatematchups · 5 years
i love hs matchups alot?? so may i request a matchup w/ alpha &/or beta trolls? all 3 quadrants is cool, im bi, nb, INTP-T, pisces, bard of doom :3c im shy & introverted, kinda mean at first but im nice once you get 2 know me, im pretty lazy and disorganized, as well as very moody,, i enjoy dark humor and love animals as well. my hobbies + interests include drawing, engineering + coding, any games. i love learning things but im kinda slow (w/ social cues 2),,anyway thanks if u accept!! :3c
what i wrote feels like rubbish but it aint fair to keep stalling this match so 
come bash me later im very tired :^(
-mod olio
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For your Homestuck moirail, we match you with…
♢ She was pretty put off by your mean exterior at first, but that doesn’t stop a Nepeta from being friends with who she wants. Once the ice is broken and the two of you become friends, you’ll find that both of you share very similar interests. From liking drawing to playing games, there’s nothing you two won’t be able to do together for hours on end.
♢ I hope you like cats, because she’s the most feline companion you’ll ever meet. She’ll cuddle or sit near you whenever she’s happy, maybe bring you a little something from her hunt. Her emotions are extremely easy to read, it doesn’t take a psychic to understand when she’s happy or upset (though she’s rarely the latter), so you don’t have to worry about not catching on or misunderstanding her.
For your Homestuck matesprit, we match you with…
♡ Being with a person who’s slow with social cues really makes him feel like he’s the generic, whipped lead in a really shitty fuckin romcom with the stereotypical oblivious second lead. It puts him in great agony, but at the same time he lowkey likes it. It’s romantic to him, y’know? There’s nothing better than a slow burn romance that hits all the cliche notes. 
♡ Hard exterior and soft exterior? Oh boy does he understand. The world’s a cruel place, and it doesn’t make time for you. He’s probably the first to see through that mean attitude and try making friends with you, which he sure is glad he did. Karkat may seem like he’ll be really impatient and yell an awful lot about your inability to pick up on things quickly, but he’s got a surprising amount of resolve. He can and will spend his time making sure you understand something or talk about your feelings so you’re not left guessing and confused, even if he may seem a bit grumpy.
For your Homestuck kismesis, we match you with…
♧ You two share a similar affinity for electronics, so with the nature of your relationship there’ll be a lot of competitions, whether it be planned or spontaneous. Your tendency to get moody and Sollux’s bipolarity causes a lot of civil disagreements and conversations to turn sour very quickly, leading to a very heated pissing match. 
♧ Despite your clashes, though, you two share a lot of similarities. From being Doombound to introverted to liking coding and engineering, there’s a lot you two can agree on and bond over. It’s what allows you two to respect each other enough to form a solid kismessitude, and even though your personalities may clash quite strongly, you two still have a deep-rooted love and respect for each other.
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