#i dont wanna guess what kind of firsts berne and lili were doing i feel dirty saying the v word
trashbinbackyard · 4 years
pre-relationship for jiro n max, general for lili and berne, love for quina and melina
How did they first meet?
Maximilian greeting Jiro and giving him his first wyrm hunt duties, it was pretty official
What was their first impression of each other?
Maximilian saw Jiro as reliable and hard working. Jiro though Max was like so cool being a captain and all, smart and capable too for sure
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Honestly the entire village of Cassardis would’ve been Jiro’s wingman if they’d have the chance. Max’s friends and fellow captains would tease him about the great and mighty Arisen
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Jiro, he’es soft ok. And I feel like Max tried to keep feelings out of it because technically he was Jiro’s boss for a while
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Max a little, for reasons stated up there. Once Jiro started taking order for Aldous instead he felt more relieved
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Oh neat t. Jiro
“What. The Arisen? How. Why” Maximilian would look down on himself a little because does he deserve the arisen of legends (he does. he absolutely does)
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Berne, being a gentleman that he is asked Lillian if she likes him like he likes her, right after Lillian had picked flowers for him to make him get the message that yes, she likes him, ask her out already
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Hit the beach just outside Cassardis, have a picnic and pick some flowers for ointments, they’re both very practical so no pretty flower shall go to waste
What was their first kiss like?
A little shy, kinda short, but very sweet nonetheless, Lillian had to pull Berne down a bit
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I dont think so? Not that they’re super experienced either when they got together. Lillian’s first serious relationship at least
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Oh there’s a height difference, Lili aint a short gal by any means (180cm), but Berne still towers over her. Not that big of an age difference, by 5-7 years with Lillian being the younger one
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Lillian was born and raised in Cassardis and well, it takes a village. Berne is very familiar with cassardi people just from being posted on the encampment near the village. Lillian met Berne’s family when they got engaged.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Both can handle it, but if they’re together Lillian does most of the talking
Who gets jealous easier?
Eh, they’re pretty solid and old enough to not get petty
Who said “I love you” first?
Quina, like after many times of trying get Melina to just Get The Hint, it took her a kiss on the lips and bashful confession to get through that thick skull of Mel’s
What are their primary love languages?
Touch, gifts and quality time. Melina loves when Quina stays within arms reach of her. She also picks all kinds of flowers and herbs to bring back to Quina on her adventures. And what little time they have together in-between Melina’s travels, it’s always treasured
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Oh every time they see each other they gotta At Least hug, maybe kissu on the cheek. Cuddles always in private, gotta keep that tough fighter facade on (but not after Quina being safe and sound from the dragon bc The Cuddles are happening Then and There)
What are their favorite things to do together?
Go frolic in the forest, pick herbs and flowers (well Quina does, Melina stands watch) hang out with Valmiro. Nap together
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Quina, she’s a healer so she gotta have bedside manner, plus, Melina’s not good with words but Quina feels already better when she’s just there with her
Who’s more protective?
Melina, from childhood bullies, to villagers giving Quina weird looks, goblins, wolves, a wholeass dragon. Melina will lay dead on the ground before something bad would happen to Quina
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
More physical, again, Melina not good with words. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
My love will never die
Pure feeling (seneschal Melina)
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