#i thought this up in the shower lol
oblivious-idiot · 1 year
music artists i think lockwood and co would listen to
lockwood - he gives me 80s alt vibes yk? mainly those songs full of feels but he'd 100% blast out abba or wham!
the cure, kate bush, the smiths, queen, david bowie, elton john, tears for fears, u2, the cranberries, the police, the front bottoms, abba, wham!
lucy - she's definitely 00s/10s indie i think but also 80s alt like lockwood (i'm blaming @wellgoslowly and @ikeasupremacy for the au they came up with)
arctic monkeys, regina spektor, coldplay (specifically the parachutes album), adam melchor, wallows, the cranberries, radiohead, the police, her's, the crane wives, sam fender
george - i feel like he'd be the kinda guy to listen to soft 60s/70s/80s music while cooking
the mamas and the papas, simon and garfunkel, fleetwood mac, lemon demon, oingo boingo (weird science - for those skull experiments), abba, prince
kipps (special mention) - all i can imagine him listening to is 10s/20s soft indie lmao
cavetown, billie eilish, phoebe bridgers, her's, lizzie mcalpine, sufjan stevens, dodie, peter mcpoland, hozier
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mblue-art · 9 months
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BAD SANSUARY // [14] tears for owl-bones's event !
"...Killer, it just looks like I have running mascara."
"it's such a look though."
messy kisses and post-nuzzles
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spookyji · 3 months
someone validate me on this thought pls
— (dubcon + (sorta forced) cheating) —
beomgyu who has a massive crush on you, soobin’s gf,, like the jerking off to soobin fucking you across the thin walls, not the most subtle stares,, it’s so obvious to everyone but you because beomgyu’s kinda mean to you, the way he dismisses everything you say and calls you dumb; making fun of soobin, always saying you’re dating him for his dick and watching you defend him
and it’s a shame you can’t process that he’s mean bc he likes you a bit too much, always fantasizing about your pretty dumb self and how pretty you’d look being his. so maybe soobin shouldn’t have asked beomgyu to drive you home… because beomgyu’s held back too long, hasn’t he?
and then like dubcon smut w mean gyu ya and better keep it a secret because beomgyu will tell soobin you wanted it,,,
i dunno maybe i’ll write it LOL
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seriousturd · 2 months
Been loving this dynamic
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chemicalarospec · 1 month
you've heard of: aroacespec "is this person flirting with me" confusion, now get ready for: Does this person think I'm flirting with them (and also are they flirting "back" with me) because I accidentally bumped into them a lot?
#new jersey girl seems to really like me that makes me happy#nobody's been attracted to me before#but it'll make me sad if she asks me out#because even though I LOVE her i think i'd have to say no just because i really imagine myself#with a boyfriend far more than a girlfriend lately and i don't want to put her into a relationship that might end up feeling like#misgendering...#aro#ace#aroace#aroacespec#aromantic#arospec#greyromantic#greyro#I said this#we've been walking all over campus together and she's um. not a very considerate walker i keep#almost getting pushed off the path so that's whyh i keep bumping into her lol#but also she seems to like standing/sitting near me?#and i said 'i think my face is a little...' because i was thinking it felt like it got too much sun#and she was like 'i think your face is a little too-- wait what did u say?'#and i said i didn't even use an adjective but said burnt/red was what i should have siad#and she just said 'i think your face is a little'#like is that an oblique compliment??#okay the funniest part is yesterday she said some random girl came up to her and said she looked pretty and she wasn't sure if it was#flirting or just a compliment so she doesn't even know what flirting is either lol#also she calls me Data now bc i told her about hwo my uncle said my parents consult me like picard consults data lol#tbh maybe i gave her the wrong signals by moisturizing when she was in my room last night?#(kept sticking my hand under my clothes. my roommate brought her in right after i showered)#i asked my roommated if that was weird and she thought it was fine but she might not be the best metric
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flumpermergen · 4 months
Very important very canonical list of what BSD characters would say “urm what the sigma” either ironically or unironically
Dazai and Ranpo both say it ironically often back and forth to each other or to confuse the rest of the agency. Dazai especially would say it after a ten minute lecture by Kunikida in which Kunikida would respond with another ten minutes of yelling at him for not taking anything seriously.
Yosano says it once or twice when the moment’s right mostly to tease Kunikida for taking it so literally but not nearly as often as the other two.
Kyouka and Kenji heard Ranpo and Dazai say it and started repeating it even though neither of them understand what it means but it sounds funny.
Lucy joins in with Dazai and Ranpo in saying it especially towards Atsushi who doesn’t get it but just awkwardly laughs it off cause he doesn’t know how else to respond.
Tachihara said it once with the black lizards and again with the hunting dogs and both times was met with confused silence. He was trying to get a laugh but ended up just feeling hella cringy and never said it again out of embarrassment.
Gin actually did giggle when Tachihara said it but no one heard it under her mask. Now she mumbles it under her breath occasionally and once said it in front of Akutagawa who was also very confused.
In another life I firmly believe that Q would be an IPad kid who laughs at skibidi toilet jokes. If he ever were to canonically gain internet access he would defo laugh at and use the phrase unironically.
Take one look at Kajii and try to tell me he doesn’t say the most cringy chronically online shit every time he opens his mouth.
Nikolai starts saying it all the time the minute he hears the phrase. Everyone else just assumes it’s something he made up to annoy Sigma so they don’t question it. Meanwhile Sigma himself is initially confused as to why Gogol keeps using his name in vain like someone would to god. He increasingly gets more and more annoyed at it because it’s very obvious Nikolai is only doing it to make him upset. Once Sigma is at peak annoyance, Gogol starts replacing the word sigma with other words that start with the letter S like scallop or something to subvert his expectations. This only makes Sigma more annoyed as it’s obviously just a replacement for his name and its meaning remains the same. Although Sigma acknowledges how silly getting all worked up over something stupid Nikolai did is, he still can’t help it. Gogol uses the excuse that he’s not saying his name anymore so he can’t get mad at him. Finally one day Nikolai airdrops Sigma multiple TikTok’s about “sigma males” causing Sigma to have an existential crisis over what his name means and the implications of being named after such a thing cause he would never treat women that way all while Nikolai laughs about it from afar.
Natsume because of the vibe and I think it would be really funny
Come back next week to learn which kids 2000’s/2010’s virtual world each bsd character played on obsessively and why.
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Me: Ah fuck, I don't want to shower
Ten minutes later: Ah fuck, I don't want to get out of the shower.
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tattoo truth prequel lmao
#rgg#ryu ga gotoku#ryu ga gotoku 7#yakuza series#yakuza like a dragon#yakuza 7#jo sawashiro#masumi arakawa#snap sketches#this is just a silly unserious comic but i couldve made it serious if i thought hard about it probably#wait what was i saying i forget#oh wait i remember. anyway this is my truth from henceforth until rgg gives me the confirmation i want#its funnier this way.. lol#OH WAIT BUT I WAS SO ENGROSSED DOODLNG THIS I DIDNT DISCLOSE MY TERRIBLE MORNING#so i had a class at 8am right. thats what i and twenty other students thought#i was gonna say kids but... we're all in our twenties..... im gonna throw up ANYWAY#so firstly i accidentally fell back asleep after my morning routine so i woke up at 7:30 and like . i had to speedrun a shower right#and i didnt have time to eat and im just like 'oh god im gonna be late its so bad' and im running to the building#and this building sucks i always get lost in it but i turn the corner and i just see. A Hallway Of Students just waiting#and so i join them and like ten minutes pass so i just start rewatching WotH until by like 8:30 some genius is like#'hey it says the professor's not on campus....' SO WE ALL JUST LEAVE. LIKE THANKS FOR THE NOTICE ASSHOLE i cant wait to drop your class#oh but the best part my id card still doesnt work so as im getting back to my building i see the door like. 25% on its way to closing#so MY unnecessary ass runs across the street to grab the door right before it closes and then i just gotta awkwardly look at the door woman#like <:) hi i live here i promise the universe is just out to get me <:)#anyway.. i have one more class like three hours from now. its spanish so hopefully no biggie#and then after that... i hope my id card works and then ill prob call the bank..... great....#after that... who knows... maybe ill explode.. ok im done bye LMAO I JUST REALLY WANTED TO TALK BOUT MY DAY#thats the real reason why i mustered the will to finish this sketch i hoarded for weeks. i needed to rant LMAO OK BYE
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neil-jostenminyard · 7 months
thinking about how much neil’s posture must change after the books. like, not only he is allowed to take up space and be noticed now, but i’m 100% sure he becomes so much more confident and really grows into himself as he steps into the captain role for the foxes.
never mind being allowed to dress how he wants (or letting others dress him lol) and getting enough to eat and (mostly) enough to sleep and having a workout regiment that includes strength training!
you know homeboy is turning heads everywhere he goes and commanding attention whenever he walks into a room
(i’m sure it drives andrew mad sometimes, but he’s mostly just immensely satisfied to see neil so comfortable & confident in his own skin)
(i’m also sure neil can change his body language to not-be-noticed mode like he’s flicking a switch on. i like to think he doesn’t bother most of the time, because he’s fought so hard and survived so much to be able to take up space for himself, so why should he hide? let people notice him.)
(andrew always notices him, though, no matter what his posture and body language is like. andrew has always noticed him.)
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styxbugg · 3 months
Have a couple of Ditzie head canons cause I think they're interesting
They act as a sort of clock/day and night cycle in the Rock; their light dims when they sleep, dimming the Rock as well. (A very long time ago they used to be nocturnal, but soon adapted to the diurnal schedule of the Fraggles.) Fraggles know when it's night and when to sleep when they see the lights dim.
Ditzies populate the most used tunnels and caves, so ones that haven't been walked through in awhile tend to be dimmer.
Because Ditzies only dim when they sleep, the Rock is never fully dark. To get true darkness, a Fraggle would have to travel far outside the Rock without singing anything.
Ditzies tend to follow Fraggles around the tunnels for awhile, even if they're not singing, because they know it's very likely the Fraggle will start singing eventually. (They won't follow Fraggles if they get too far from the rock)
Most Fraggles are vaguely aware of the Ditzies. They may not know exactly what Ditzies are, but they know that singing will get a darkened cave to light up. (Most Fraggles don't know that tunnels outside of the Rock aren't lit up.)
There are some groups of Ditzies who live outside of the Rock and live off of natural music, such as streams, whistling wind, and other insects and animals
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kaiserkisser · 1 month
today is such a stark contrast to yesterday in how much i fucking hate today (vent/rant in tags bc i forgor to do it on my vent one)
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kinda thing i thought of
Even though in canon, most likely this wouldn't end up happening but what if Hank thought that originally, when (if) Connor deviated, that he'd hate him and etc etc because he, by technicality, was his owner and sorta wasn't all that nice in the beginning. Sure, he got better, but he wouldn't admit that to himself, and end up thinking Connor would leave him when he deviated.
Why? Because most deviants left their originally work areas and owners and seemed to resent them when Hank saw it in the cases he and Connor did. And, in this like, au, vision, headcanon, idea, whatever, Connor was pretty cold when he first met Hank which made Hank a little bit of an asshole towards him before Connor started to like.. grow into being alive lol. So, naturally, Hank assumes the minute Connor deviates and actually is alive and has choices that he'd hate Hank for being an asshole and abandon him, right? Correct.
And so he lives like this the entire rest of Connor's pre-deviation. (This like, thought process was especially significant after the Bridge scene.) This like, trying not to get attached to Connor even though he kept seeing him like Cole because he knew he'd leave him ("knew"). He didn't want to feel like he lost a friend, a son, Cole again.
When he saw Sixty come, he knew it wasn't Connor. He knew Connor deviated. He thought Connor had left him. It took all he had not to just fucking re-experience the grief of losing someone again.
Even though they weren't that close, it was just something between the two. (found family go brrrr) Something that made them feel close, like family almost.
Seeing Connor in the Cyberlife Tower felt like a relief. But seeing how he tried so desperately to defend Hank, it shattered his entire world-view. He spent a good portion of knowing Connor thinking he'd leave him after becoming an actual person, but now he was faced with a completely different option. Maybe Connor did care about him?
He'd never admit that he probably cried afterwards. Probably happy to see Connor again and have that one shred of hope. Of course he acted normal (ish) in the tower, had to. Couldn't let Connor know this revelation was happening now.
Seeing Connor after the whole revolution, that fucking hug fucking broke him. Because he thought he'd never see Connor again. He thought Connor woulda hated him afterwards. Turns out, he didn't. Turns out, the dude actually likes him. Wow. Hank never thought that was possible. Especially after how much he hated androids.
Even after Connor was clearly a deviant, even after Connor clearly expressed how he wanted to stay friends with Hank after the revolution, Hank couldn't seem to accept it. He banged into his head that Connor would've left him and now? What else was he supposed to do?
But god DAMN did Connor freak out when he found out. Y'know, imagine finding out that someone who you care about so much and see as a father figure thought you'd leave them.
And Connor managed to work it out with Hank. Probably. Because you don't want to ruin your amazing relationship with your dad basically because of preconceived ideas that can be resolved.
Also might make a comic with this later. Just to overload myself even more with work!
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
Consider This Scenario:
Makoto Kagutsuchi getting sick with a bad cold for the first time ever in his life.
He'd totally be the type of lunatic that would drink cold medicine or cough syrup directly from the bottle like it was an energy drink. And there would be multiple bottles.
It WAS medicine right? It would make this stuffy and yucky feeling go away so he could go back to work??
(Spoilers) TW// vomit mention
He was immortal, what could possibly go wrong?
Only for him to suffer the HEAVY consequences of intense hallucinating, a higher fever and a lot of vomiting later.
Then he’d have a seizure and die.
And then when he comes back,
He would never do that again.
well maybe just one bottle next time.
(makoto no)
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sysig · 8 months
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Finally made it through (Patreon)
#Doodles#Here it is! Finally transitioning into 2024 doodles! Heck!!#A small handful to bid the year goodbye#Starting with trying to doodled something and it not going to plan so nevermind lol#Sucks too 'cause it was one of those shower thoughts that I got Really excited about and then every step ended up getting frustrated#Wanted to make a cover of a song and then the song had no instrumental-only version :/#Okay well the concept was meant to be a fem cover of non-human characters - I'll draw up what I think they'd look like! No#Designs were underwhelming and looked weird :// So I gave up lol#Maybe another day! But not this day not when I keep being stopped lol#Only Christmas! Yes I wore the ribbons it's an important tradition and also I like cute in them#Ma got me some fine-tip markers so I had to test them haha - they scan a bit dark so I don't think I'd use them for scanned doodles#That purple is pretty tho I do like it#Was really excited about the gold but nahh oh well I still appreciate them haha#Oh and the tests were on my latest Blank Slate scratch page haha#I've set it down again for the moment but Ch. 4 is probably about 70% done! :)#Had a lot of fun moving pieces around hehe ♪ To no one's surprise Scriabin has painted himself into a corner#Might have a mini project/side project planned around Blank Slate at some point hmmm#Other than the fic itself haha#And finally seeing out the year - it's been over for a while now!#Always feels funny to approach it's end and ring in the new
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keeps-ache · 4 days
lost vocation: fish
#just me hi#i am fresh from the shower helloooo world hfbsh#wanna go swimming again before it gets real cold.. i love you lake lol :)#reed doesn't like lakes and i kiinda get it; the depths and the unseen yeya#but there is also something comforting about being in something very large and very heavy. it's all the right pressure n i like it :>#pools are Not the same and simply cannot match up </3 also they're so hard to breath around so Lol#hot tubs have it out for me i dunno what i did but they are displeased about it#Okay i just remembered the heavy chlorine smell usually comes from a lot of urine in the pool so that's uh. hm#also i have nearly drowned in more pools than lakes so that too hghfshvk#for most of my life i was shorter than i am now. and pools give you that false sense of security like 'oh sure i can touch the bottom i'm#good :D' and then that's when it GETS ya. bfhsv#lakes are not lying to you though they Will get ya. but they're nice about it <3#the only thing i really have a problem with in lakes aside from the obvious drowning risk is. The Creatures#fish have nibbled me more than i am happy with lmao :(#like if i had a nickel for every time it happened i would have more than 1 but i'm not really sure how many hfbvsh#the first time it happened was AWFUL it felt like someone Scratching their fingernails on me and HOUUUU#first time that happened i genuinely thought there was some funkin Thing gonna get me in the waters lmfsvhf <3#i do like the dragonflies though even if they make my skin kinda itchy when they land :D they like to chill and i just float around instead#of doing anything so we're good friends lol :3#//anywho i'm kinda tired; been sorta fixing my sleep schedule but i got like Turbo Anxiety for a couple days a lil while ago and it messed#that up a bit but i'm getting it back on track hgfhs >:3#mysterious turbo anxiety comes in the middle of the night and whacks at unsuspecting victims.. honestly quite rude i think we can all agree#//okay wells i gotta go rn :) maybe i'll do somethin.. who knows!#poking myself with a stick ; we'll get something from this eventually hfshfv#toodles toodles !!
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
fun connection on this archived kickstarter update from the 2011 production/s of "the bus" as found by @broadway-heere-i-come ft. many pics from their trip to wichita, kansas for several performances there, including this one
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fantastic stuff & was noticing that it seems like partly legible lyrics back there, which sent me over to consult that q&a sincerely me vlog again like hang on lol. and sure enough
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lo, behold
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#giving ''every moment'' vs ''where a moment'' but i'm sure either is plausible just based on listening. anyone got a cd insert booklet#tragic that further pages of the kickstarter aren't waybacked up. may not have let you access them if not a backer?#lot of great stuff on page 1 though fr#will roland#hey beautiful#(the The Bus tag lol)#live it up!:#deh#maybe could've used a fourth take actually lmao. let's all watch the 6+ min ''interview'' w/those two seeing spamalot together#love the bit right at the start where someone asks what mike faist's hair smells like & will immediately launches into explaining what it#feels like & michael park is like oh yup. we've all been there. probably the more fun answer anyways#speaking of him b/c it's such a Journey of a video i never remember precisely when mike faist barrels through the door#get out!!! what were you thinking....#used to keep forgetting it happened at all which was a delight. happens during the karaoke / singing in shower answer!#oh i also had the thought like. the Probably Non Phone Photography of 2011 here#noticed that like ''Portrait of someone near the camera with motion blur towards its focus point'' & also noted it as feeling like#a Stock Photo kind of phenomenon now decidedly Out Of Date. then thinking like well that might not be much of a coincidence lol#as in: it would be a spontaneous Photo Effect ppl were more accustomed to At The Time. maybe!#(just realizing fantastic grammatical ambiguity. i meant the ''including this one'' in the opening there to be going off of ''many pics#[...] including this one'' but that it can be interpreted as ''several performances there [...] including this one [will karaoke.jpg]''#like wow works great either way actually lmao. no notes)#p.s. i dunno why some of the lyrics were bolded. did not enter any of the terms into the search. Watch You Smile While Sleeping emphasis
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