#and then she comes again all sweet sickly smiles expecting me to shower her with love the next moment after being fucking scolded like hell
kaiserkisser · 29 days
today is such a stark contrast to yesterday in how much i fucking hate today (vent/rant in tags bc i forgor to do it on my vent one)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Puppy Fight: Chaggie ft. Emily
Puppy Love part 3 / Jazzercise part 2
Charlie: (hyping herself up and shadow boxing as she walks into the new hotel gym) Alright! I got this! I've been working on my cardio. Just a few more sessions before- *SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!!*
Vaggie: (wearing even shorter spandex shorts than last time, wrist wraps, and her sports bra, grunting as she works through a set of Muscle Ups, body absolutely slick with sweat) Eighteen!!!..... Gah, fuck! .......Nineteen!!!
Emily: (hair tied up in a messy bun, powder blue, long sleeve, skin tight exercise shirt, and navy blue shorts that cut off just below her glutes) Come on, Vaggie! You got this! One more!
Vaggie: (takes a deep breath, scowls as she grits her teeth, and nearly roars as she muscles her way up and over the bar into a full extension) Twenty!!!
Emily: (jumps and squeals excitedly) Woohoo! You did it! (makes another check on a whiteboard) That's three rounds of twenty muscle ups, fifty mountain climbers, and 100 jump-ropes!
Vaggie: (drops to the floor with a sigh, wipes her face with her black sweat rag, and takes a drink of water) Thanks for helping me push through, Emily. I was kind of surprised you even showed up. Charlie didn't have another group exercise planned for a couple more days when the next meeting with Heaven came up.
Emily: (staring bashfully at Vaggie's muscles) Oh! Well, you know! I figured it would be good to come down early! You know. Catch up with Charlie. (eyes scour over Vaggie's abs and shoulders) See the sights.
Vaggie: (suddenly feeling a little naked) Riiiiiiiiight.... Well, I'm gonna go hit the showers. Thanks again for the help. (quickly jogs towards the door and stops as she sees Charlie) Hey, Babe! I didn't know you were going to be working out today. You should have said something. I would have waited for you. (shifts her eye back at Emily)
Emily: (awkwardly looks around to make sure she isn't being watched before she sneakily takes the sweat rag Vaggie left behind)
Vaggie: (whispering back to Charlie with a slight blush and a wink) We could have shared a shower after.
Charlie: (heart throbs painfully) Dammit! How did I not think of that before now?!
Vaggie: (chuckles before kissing Charlie lightly on the cheek) Another time. I'll be sure to save you some hot water. Love you. (slips through the door and jogs up to their room)
Charlie: Love you too~ (eyes dart to Emily as soon as the door closes and she zips over to the pull up bars with a smile painfully plastered on her face) Hi, Emily!
Emily: Yipe! (jumps and hides Vaggie's rag behind her back) Oh! H-Hi, Charlie! H-How are you?
Charlie: I'm good. I'm good. (obviously not good as her tail slithers along the floor behind her like a snake ready to strike) I wasn't expecting to see you for a few days.
Emily: Oh! Yeah, well, l-like I told Vaggie. I figured I'd come down a little early so we could catch up!
Charlie: (sickly sweet tone) Well, what better way to catch up and build a bond than by exercising together?! (wraps an arm around Emily's shoulder tightly and leads her over to the treadmills) How about it, Emily? I'm sure you guys up in Heaven exercise all the time!
Emily: (balks) Actually, Charlie, I'm suddenly not feeling the greatest. I think I got teleportation sickness.
Charlie: Then a light jog should help you get that good airflow that you need. (pushes Emily on a treadmill and takes the one right next to her before turning them both on and ramping up the incline and speed to 5/10 and 6/10) This should be a good warmup, right?
Emily: eeep!
Charlie: (sitting and soaking her dead legs in an ice bath with a whine-growl)
Vaggie: (brings in a protein shake and hands it to Charlie) And what did we learn?
Charlie: (growling and baring her teeth like an angry puppy as she takes the shake) To mark every last inch of your skin the week Emily arrives. (all sad and sappy) She's still my friend! (back to snarling as she takes a sip of her drink) But she needs to remember that you're MINE!!!
Vaggie: (blushing) ......Did I completely miss something?
-In one of the guest rooms-
Emily: (whimpering as she soaks her noodle legs in a hot bath) Owie.... (stares at the sweat rag on the bathroom sink) ......*sigh* Worth it. I'll have to apologize to Charlie later. I think she liked those rainbow sprinkles back in Heaven.
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Baby’s First Race
Summary: Baby Raikkonen meets Ted Kravitz ahead of the season. 
Word Count: 900
Warnings: Babies. Fluff.  
Authors Notes: Sickly sweet, I’ll just say that. After a long haitus I am back! This time with fluff. Usual cast of characters, y’all know the drill. If you’re looking for more, find it here.
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“Ah! Man of the weekend! Kimi Raikkonen. Ladies and gentleman, if you haven’t heard, he’s just had a baby. Let’s see if we can get a word from him, shall we?” The paddock's most familiar voice crept up behind them, a bulky camera looming right behind it as Ted Kravitz caught up to the young family.
Looking to his wife, Kimi raised an eyebrow, not willing to give Ted a response unless instructed outright.
“You like Ted. If you do this one, I’ll let you skip the rest of them today.” Laura checked her watch. There was plenty of time, and if she was being honest she’d rather it be Ted too, at least to rip the bandaid off after the off season.
Kimi nodded and slowed his step. Placing his hands protectively over the baby sling attached to his chest, he turned towards Ted and his cameraman. Impatient as ever, Kimi’s eyebrow threatened to quirk up, and he strained to seem interested in chatting.
Undeterred by Kimi’s demeanor, and excited by the presence of the baby, Ted pressed on, grinning wildly at the camera again before turning back to the trio.
“Been a while since we’ve had a baby around here. I missed the shower, but we’ve got a gift for you around here somewhere. Missed the announcement too, very well played Laura, I must say.” Ted kept the microphone upright as he fumbled around, finally offering a crinkled gift bag to Laura.
Laura let a shy smile peak across her lips, trying to appear inconspicuous as though the timing of it all had been purely coincidental and not meticulously planned. Ted knew better. With a wink, he kept up.
“Should we be expecting a Rosberg exit at the end of the season? Not the first to leave for family, and you wouldn’t be the last.”
Kimi shook his head and clutched the carrier tightly, calmed only by the sound of Matias cooing against his chest.
“Right. Fatherhood’s not turned you into a talker, fair enough.” Ted paused briefly, shifting out of the way of a freight box as a small team of Red Bull workers wheeled down the paddock. “It does change you a bit though, any new feelings coming into this season? Nervous, excited, unsure?”
“Same. As usual.” Kimi let out a raspy laugh, bouncing slightly on his heels. “Car looks good. Team feels good. Development is on track, obviously it's still early with you know, the data, but I’m not nervous about results.”
“Excellent. I am going to have to run off here soon to try and catch your teammate, but first, any goals, expectations for the car, for yourself?”  
“Just to drive well. Make them proud.” Kimi looked between Matias and Laura before turning his attention back to Ted, his mood softened.
“Great answer. Good luck today guys.” Ted gave the family another smile before spinning to face the camera head on. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Iceman!”
Left to themselves, Laura positioned herself to stand in front of her husband, a smirk playing on her lips as she stared him down. “Not so bad, huh?”
“No. But no more.” He returned the expression in earnest, bobbing the baby carrier as he looked at her. Relenting to her promise, she nodded before reaching out to touch Matias’ cheek.
“I’m already proud of you. You know that don’t you?”
“Sure, Kultsi.”
“You don’t have to be difficult. Fatherhood is supposed to change you. Maybe you should let it make you easier to deal with.” Laura chuckled at the joke, knowing full well just how different he’d become in the months since the birth of their son.
“And what? Give you a break? You’d be bored of me.” He was quick to snap back, his voice biting with sarcasm and grit. He turned slightly, stepping into a shallow gait, still unadjusted to the offset weight of the carrier.
Laura fell silent for a moment, stepping in line with him, studying his face as they walked. He was fighting a smirk, trying to stay serious for the sake of the joke. Her own grin softened as she looked at him, a funny feeling in her chest.
“I love you, Kimi.” She took his hand, her fingers gripping his own tightly as the feeling persisted. It came a few times before Matias had been born. An overwhelming sensation that could only be boiled down to joy in its purest sense. Complete and total love, so strong that it buzzed in her chest until tears pricked her eyes.
It had been there when he stepped safely out of a burning car during a race, and again at their wedding. It nearly strangled her the day their son was born. She had sobbed in the hospital when they placed her baby on her chest, the feeling wracking her body and leaving her defenseless. It subsided in the days after, fading slowly until it lay dormant, striking without warning every so often in the months that followed.
Now, so many months later, she didn’t cry when the feeling crept in. Her eyes would well, but she wasn’t afraid of the feeling anymore, so she didn’t let them fall. The joy was pure, unbridled, so Laura welcomed it.
Shaking it off, she focused on the walkway in front of them. Smiling as her husband spoke back to her. “I love you both—more than anything.”
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
Hello, fellow whores. You asked for it and I hope I delivered. I present to you: T’Challa in heat❤️‍🔥! This one had me blushing, y’all.
The next request I work on will either be sugar daddy silver fox T’Challa or Star-Lord T’Challa. I know I just threw the latter in the lineup, but apparently, people are seriously feeling the lack of Star-Lord T content here and I want to do what I can to help fill the void.
Check out my masterlist to read my other stories and oneshots, and, as always, comments and reblogs are my lifeblood! Enjoy😘
Word count: 4,903
CW: SMUT, infidelity
Instinct [instiNG(k)t] noun: an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli.
For centuries, the descendants of the great Bashenga retained their hold on the Wakandan throne. Challenge Day after Challenge Day, they beat their opponents and were rewarded by Bast allowing them to ingest the heart-shaped herb. The herb imbued them with a panther’s strength, speed, and instincts, effectively turning each of them from an ordinary man into the Black Panther. Now, strength and speed are pretty self-explanatory, but what exactly were their instincts?
When T’Challa was crowned king and ingested the heart-shaped herb, he visited the ancestral plane and reconnected with his baba. Their reunion was one full of tears, but most importantly, T’Chaka took the time to impart his wisdom to his son. T’Challa spent hours talking to his baba about life, what to expect as king, and, most importantly, what to expect as the Black Panther.
T’Chaka had warned him about what was to come, but until it happened to him months later, T’Challa was in denial. It couldn’t be that bad, right?
Wrong. When T’Challa woke up one sunny Wednesday morning, he felt strange. He felt feverish but not sick. Like most days, his morning wood stood at attention, tenting the crisp white sheets that laid across his lower half. He looked at the clock and saw that he had plenty of time to take care of himself, so he rolled to his side and reached for the tub of shea butter in his nightstand. T’Challa bit his lip as he rubbed his hands together to melt it down, but when he reached down to stroke his length, he nearly bit clean through it. He was much more sensitive than usual, and he wondered why...then it hit him. He jumped up and grabbed his kimoyo beads with his slippery hands, and he frantically opened his calendar.
“Twelve weeks,” T’Challa groaned as he counted backward to the night he became the Black Panther (the second time.) “Fuckkkk.”
He was in heat, and it was only going to get worse. T’Challa wracked his brain for ideas on what to do to fix his problem, but all he could hear was T’Chaka’s words echoing through his head.
“You should find a partner sooner rather than later. The instinct will take over you, and it will become unbearable if you do not have anyone to aid you.”
T’Challa had been so busy trying to rebuild the kingdom that his cousin damn near broke that he had forgotten to look for someone. Sure, there was Nakia, but she had moved to Oakland and their relationship quickly fizzled out. Then, there was that one Dora Milaje after he regained the throne, but that was a one-night thing and she went back to her wife the next morning. He needed to find someone, but who?
As the king’s mind wandered through his options, sweat beads began to form on his chiseled body. He knew he’d be no good today, so T’Challa typed up a message to his family and staff that he would be taking the day off. With that taken care of, all he needed to do was figure out how to get through this heat in one piece. T’Challa looked down at his dick again. It was swollen with need, and he watched as droplets of precum escaped from his tip. He couldn’t take it anymore and decided to bear through the sensitivity. Carefully, as though he might hurt himself, he reached his hand down and grabbed it in his hand. The whimper he let out was foreign to his ears, but it was all he could do when he felt the intense wave of arousal wash over him. He gritted his teeth as he began to slowly move his hand up and down his shaft. It seemed that everywhere his hand went, it left a deep burning sensation in its wake, but he just couldn’t stop. He rutted into his hand, and as soon as his thumb swiped over his reddened tip, he came undone quicker than he ever had before. His body jerked as the milky white substance spilled over his hand, and it seemed that he had plenty to give. However, instead of leaving him sated, all that did was arouse him more.
T’Challa had made a mess all over himself and decided to take a shower, but every touch of his hand, or even the water, drove him up the walls. He needed some pussy, fast. He exited the shower and allowed his body to air dry as he moisturized his mahogany skin. Minutes passed before he noticed that he was still massaging himself, too caught up in the sensation to notice the passage of time. His dick was rock hard again, and he groaned in frustration as he attempted to stuff it into silk lounge pants. He called for his breakfast to be brought to him and spent the day in his quarters, alternating between desperately jacking off and going through his contacts to find the right person. It had been so long since he had opened that figurative little black book that all of his usuals were taken, and unfortunately for him, they were hellbent on remaining faithful for some reason. As the day went on, his hunger grew in intensity, and it got to the point where neither his hand nor his sex toys could cut it anymore. He felt lost, he felt horny beyond belief, and he felt...famished.
T’Challa looked at the time again and realized that he hadn’t eaten in hours. He placed another order from the kitchen and waited impatiently for it to arrive. It wasn’t that he couldn’t wait for the food to be brought up; he was impatient because every moment that passed without him touching himself brought him more pain. He didn’t need the poor kitchen staff walking in on him feverishly pleasuring himself, so he just sat there and attempted to focus his mind elsewhere. Eventually, there was a knock at the door, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Room service,” a melodic voice called out, and T’Challa smiled to himself at his friend’s playful tone. It was Xoliswa. He hadn’t seen her in almost a week, and he was sure she was out of town, yet here she was bringing him his dinner. Xoliswa started working in the kitchen at the palace seven years ago, and they grew close over the years. He was even in her wedding.
T’Challa unlocked the door with his beads, and she came right on in with the cart full of more food than he usually ordered.
“Somebody’s hungry today,” she joked. Just as T’Challa was about to respond with some smartass remark, an aroma hit him square in the face. It definitely wasn’t coming from the heaping portions of doro wot and rum cake he ordered. It was sickly sweet and made the hairs on the back of his neck stand at attention, as well as something else.
The king began to salivate. “New perfume?”
“No, just the usual,” Xoliswa sighed. “Why?”
“No reason. You just smell different today is all,” he gulped to keep from drooling at her smooth, brown legs that were always on display. His eyes traveled up to the curve of her hips and the thickness of her waist before grazing over her delicious-looking chest and landing on her plump lips. Of course, he had noticed her looks before, and they would playfully banter and flirt back and forth from time to time, but this was the first time he was really seeing her beauty. Not only could he see it, but he could smell her from across the room, and his body was reacting in ways he couldn’t control. His dick sprung up and immediately started to harden as he watched her ass bounce in her flowy shorts when she pushed the cart out to the balcony. She had gone too far away, and he felt the intense need to be closer to her, so he bolted up and made his way outside with her.
“Here, let me help you.” T’Challa quickly picked up the heavy tray before she could and placed it on the table before taking his usual seat.
“I thought you didn’t feel good today,” she crossed her arms over her chest, unintentionally pushing her ample breasts even closer together. His body burned at the sight, and he visualized his lips wrapped around her undoubtedly perky nipples. He needed her body on his, but he knew he shouldn’t. Xoliswa was a friend, a confidant, a married woman...
“I don’t,” T’Challa cleared his throat and tried to focus his mind on anything but her. It wasn’t working, though. “But, uh, it’s not what you think. I just needed a day, that’s all.”
“Want to talk about it?” Xoliswa asked as she leaned against the balcony. He was acting strange, and it concerned her. “You know I’m here for you if you need me.”
“Don’t say that,” he chuckled darkly as something flared inside him.
“Why not?” she tilted her head to the side and uncrossed her arms. He would’ve sighed in relief, but she just made it worse by stepping closer to him. Xoliswa placed her hands on his shoulders the way she always did and began kneading his bare flesh. Little did he know, he wasn’t the only one fighting back their arousal. Xoliswa had a small crush on T’Challa since the moment she laid eyes on his muscular frame. Had she not been in a relationship the entire time she’d known him, she would’ve dropped down on her knees and given him the business by now. However, Xoliswa loved her husband and wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing...except for the occasional nights where she closes her eyes and all she can see is him. All she can feel is the king.
T’Challa let out a low groan as her hands worked out his stress, and as usual, the sound made Xoliswa flood the panties that had gotten wedged between her fat pussy lips. The scent of her arousal traveled straight to his nostrils, and his pupils blew wide. He jumped up and crossed the balcony in just a few quick strides, needing to get away from her before he truly lost himself to his lust.
“Seriously, what’s up with you today?!”
“N-nothing, you just...you smell so good, and- Xo, I can’t.”
“Can’t what?” Xoliswa narrowed her eyes as she tried to figure out what could possibly be wrong with him...but then her eyes fell to the large dickprint in his silk pants. She had seen him in those and similar pants several times before, and although they always left little to the imagination, she had never seen him in his full Bast-given glory. But this time? This time she could almost make out every vein through the soft fabric, which made her pussy spasm with need and release more wetness.
T’Challa could see that Xoliswa was staring right at his dick, and he knew she liked what she saw by the whiff of sweet honey that wafted his way. A low rumbling started in his chest like an engine revving as the burning need in his loins intensified.
Xoliswa spoke barely above a whisper, stunned but in awe of the man before her, “Why are you-”
“My heat,” he sighed.
“Your what?”
“My heat!” T’Challa snarled, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Any other time, he would assume he had scared her, but he knew better now. He could hear her heartbeat, he could smell her dripping pussy, and he could see her hardened nipples and the way her luscious thighs rubbed together in a feeble attempt to quell the throbbing between her legs.
“W-what’s that?”
T’Challa gestured for her to take a seat, and she lowered herself into the chair across from his, squirming in her pooled fluids. Her obedience just made him harder, if that was at all possible. He gingerly sat down across from her and just stared for a moment, her breathing getting shallower with each inhale.
“One of my newly acquired panther instincts requires me to, uh, mate every three months.”
“So...you basically ovulate four times a year,” Xoliswa joked in an attempt to break the tension, but he began to growl at her again, causing them both to shudder at the other’s arousal.
“It’s more than being a little horny and fertile, Xo. I have to- no, I need to find a release, or I’ll go crazy. My whole body is on fire, and masturbating just makes it worse. I’ve been in here all day-”
“You’ve been in here jacking off all day?”
“And it’s not helping?”
“Not at all.”
“Have you tried-”
“Yes. Whatever it is, I’ve tried it. Trust me.”
Silence descended upon the pair as they both stared at each other, stuck in a lustful feedback loop, chests heaving and mouths watering. Xoliswa was the first to break, so she stood and headed for the door. She had to get out of there, the atmosphere was too thick, and she couldn’t think straight with him staring at her like a piece of meat. She couldn't stand to look at him any longer or she might do something she’d regret later, but when he grabbed her wrist and looked up at her with those pitch-black eyes, she knew she was in trouble.
“Xoliswa, please,” he begged. He knew he had no business asking that of her, but he was desperate, and she just looked so damn delicious.
She bit her lip as her eyes traveled back down to his bulge that had started leaking through the fabric of his pants.
“You like what you see?” his voice was lower than she’d ever heard. It seemed like everything he did turned her on more and more. T’Challa took a deep inhale so he could know for sure, and his head swarmed with the smell of her. “Yeah, you like it. I can smell that sweet pussy; it’s dripping for me, Xo.”
He had never spoken to her like that before, and every word lured her further into his trap. She had a brief moment of clarity and pulled her wrist from his grasp, taking a step back.
“T-T’Challa, I’m married-”
“Tell your body that, then,” he grumbled as he stood and stalked closer to her. She backed up with every step he took until she was wedged between his body and the doorframe. His arms went up on either side of her, and he leaned in close enough for her to feel his breath tickle her lips. “Tell me right now: do you want me?”
Her eyes darted around, desperate to look at anything but the coal irises that would surely draw her in. “I-I-”
“Say it, Xo. I want you so fucking bad,” T’Challa growled with his face buried in her neck, imprinting her scent deep in his brain. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but take a little bite. As soon as his teeth made contact with her skin, she let out a light moan and set his body into overdrive. He pressed his hips into her, and the heat of her skin made him whimper. The noise shocked her, and she realized just how much he needed her...as if the ten inches of clothed steel pressing into her stomach wasn’t enough of a sign.
Xoliswa had secretly wanted this for a long time. In her dreams, he’d fuck her good and deep and leave her a sobbing, leaking mess. Truthfully, if he had ever come onto her before this, she probably would have caved then, too, but she thought he was too gentlemanly to do so and pushed the dirty fantasy to the back of her mind. Boy, was she wrong. Right now, T’Challa couldn’t give a shit about chivalry and certainly didn’t care about her husband. Right now, all he wanted- no, all he needed was her body.
She pulled his curls to remove him from her neck, and he growled again at the titillating pain and the loss of contact.
“You want me?” she whispered, her lips mere centimeters from his.
“Mmm, more than anything.”
Xoliswa’s hand traveled down his body, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. T’Challa’s lip found its way between his teeth again as he struggled to maintain composure, but it all flew out the window when he felt her hand wrap around his throbbing length.
“Fuck! Xo, stop playing and-”
“You need me?” she teased as she pulled his pants down over his hips and let them pool at his feet. She wrapped both of her hands around his girth and stroked him softly. He was so sensitive that he jerked away from her hand, but she grabbed him and pulled him back in. Xoliswa had dreamed of this day, so why not make her dream come true?
Suddenly, T’Challa’s self-control went out of the window as he thrust into her hands and wrapped one of his much larger hands around her throat. She stared back at him with lust clouding her eyes as he met her lips for a hungry kiss. The taste of her on his tongue drove him wild, and she felt his dick begin to twitch. She picked up her pace and gripped him a little tighter, making him stick his tongue further down her throat. She melted into him. The firm grip he had on her made her knees weak, and just as they began to buckle, he pulled his lips from hers and said the three magic words he had uttered so many times in her dreams.
“On your knees.”
Xoliswa fell to the ground and looked up at him with her mouth opened wide for him to use. And use it, he did. T’Challa was surprised she could take all of him without any training, but he guessed her husband might have been around his size.
Her husband. He had a married woman on her knees, slobbering up and down his shaft. He had Xoliswa on her knees…
Just the thought of how wrong this was turned him on even more, and as if the same thought had occurred to her, Xoliswa started sucking harder. The spit foaming in the corners of her mouth and running down her chin soaked her chest, and the king longed to see more. He reached down and ripped her shirt down the middle, freeing her breasts from the confines of modern clothing. T’Challa grinned when he saw that not only was she not wearing a bra, but her nipples stood erect like two Hershey’s kisses ready for him to devour. Just the way he liked.
Xoliswa didn’t care that he had ruined her shirt; all she cared about was making her king cum. She wanted to taste him and swallow everything he had to give, so she grew impatient and turned it up a notch, fondling his balls in her hands as she sucked on him. Her tongue swirled around his tip, and he gripped her locs in his fist to hold her down on him as he exploded into her mouth. Splashes of him coated her throat, and she swallowed every last drop he gifted to her. She blinked up at him with those innocent-looking eyes as she sucked him like a straw, milking him for all he’s worth. Normally, he would get overstimulated at this point, but that seemed impossible. Xoliswa gave him the best head he’s had in a long time, but it still wasn’t enough to sate him.
T’Challa pulled her head off him, and the bridge of spit that connected them was a sight to see. He reached down and lifted her to her feet, kissing her once more to taste his saltiness on her tongue.
“You still...want...this pussy?” Xoliswa asked between kisses.
“Mmmmhmmm,” he grunted as he pushed up on her again.
Xoliswa pushed him away, and he looked at her like she had betrayed him. His face relaxed when he noticed the feral look in her eyes and the way her pheromones filled the air.
“Take what you need.”
T’Challa saw red, and the next thing he knew, he was buried deep inside her as he pounded her into the mattress. The arch in her back deepened as he fucked her rougher than her husband could have ever dreamed of. Xoliswa struggled to see as she reached for the sheets to hold onto, but he wouldn’t let her. T’Challa pinned her hands behind her back and continued to plow into her as she screamed.
“Fuck, yes! Just like that, baby! Ooooh, T’Challa-”
“You like that?”
“Then take it. Fucking take it!” he roared as he released inside her, but neither was ready to stop. Xoliswa loved how his cum felt dripping out of her, making her pussy even wetter than it already was. Keeping it juicy for him to do whatever he needed to do to her body.
“This tight fucking pussy, Xo,” he groaned as he slowed down and grinded into her, stirring her insides. His heavy hand came down on her ass, and she let out the most adorable squeak. He smiled and did it again and again, her pussy tightening around him with every strike until she couldn’t take it anymore. Xoliswa’s body convulsed as she came all over the king’s dick.
“T’Challaaaa!” she wailed, and he stopped to massage her cheeks.
“Too much?”
She looked back at him and smiled mischievously with a glint in her eye. “No, my king.”
“I’m your king?” he teased while rubbing her clit, making her hips circle on his dick as he stood still and let her work.
“Yessss,” she whined.
“Then cum for your king one more time. I have another load for you,” he whispered in her ear with his teeth firmly gripping the lobe. His fingers tickled the underside of her clit, and she bucked her hips. “That’s your spot, huh?”
“Y-yes, my king!”
He alternated between circling her clit and strumming the underside for barely a few moments before her pussy began to grip him again. T’Challa leaned back and watched the way her pussy spasmed on him. He couldn’t hold out and exploded inside her once more.
“Mmmm, baby, I love when you do that.”
“You love when I cum in this pussy?”
“Mmmhm,” her voice grew higher in pitch the more she felt him twitch inside her.
“Good, because I’m not done with you yet.”
T’Challa pulled out slowly, and she moaned as his bulbous head dragged across her g-spot. He flipped her over with ease and slid right back into her slippery canal. She loved how full he made her feel, how he stretched her walls and beat the breaks off her pussy. But this? This felt so good.
His hips moved slowly as he stroked deep into her and gazed into her eyes.
“I just need one more, babygirl. One more, and I think I’ll be good, ok?”
“Whatever you need, my king,” Xoliswa whispered against his lips and pulled him into an open-mouthed kiss. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, and he chuckled darkly.
“You want me in there deep, don’t you?”
“As deep as you can go, baby.”
“You’re filthy. Does your husband know what a little slut you are?”
Xoliswa released all over him again.
“Oh, you like when I talk about him when I’m in these guts? You like being reminded of how naughty you are, don’t you?”
“Mhm,” Xoliswa nodded with tears threatening to fall from her eyes from how good it felt to have T’Challa inside her.
“Let me ask you something,” he leaned in close to her ear and thrust harder. “Does he fuck you like I do?”
Xoliswa frantically shook her head, “N-no!”
“Then you come to me whenever you need a taste of what a king can do for you.”
“Yes, baby!” she keened as he picked up the pace and dropped his weight on her.
“You know this pussy is mine, now, right? He can use it if you want him to, but this shit belongs to me. You’re fucking mine, Xoliswa.”
“Mmmhm, say my name, babygirl. Tell them who owns this tight little pussy,” he punctuated those last three words with thrusts so deep she swore she could feel it in her ribs. “Who owns you?”
His eyes rolled back in his head at hearing his name fall from her lips. Her voice was shaky and hoarse, but she screamed his name over and over again as his hips pounded into hers, the curve of his dick angling just right to keep her creaming all over him.
“Fuck, baby, here it comes. You ready?”
Xoliswa looked him dead in the eye and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “Cum in your pussy, Black Panther.”
He hadn’t expected her to call him that, but it lit something within him, and he came harder than he ever had before. He bit into her neck as he spasmed inside her, pumping her full of his essence. She came from the feeling of him releasing so much and putting it right where it belonged. Their bodies fed off each other, and when one would spasm, it would trigger the other to cum. T’Challa peppered sweet kisses all over Xoliswa’s face and spoke to her in hushed tones, “Thank you, babygirl.”
Xoliswa couldn’t speak; she could only moan incoherently. Minutes passed before their bodies began to tire of the constant state of arousal, and they slowly pulled apart. She whimpered as she felt their fluids escape her and drip slowly down her crack, and he could only watch in awe. He had never produced so much, and he wasn’t sure if it was because of Xoliswa or his heat or a combination of both. Whatever it was, he wasn’t ready to give it up just yet.
“Call Abdul. Tell him you have to work tonight,” he rasped, making a devilish smile appear on her face. She knew she was in for the night of her life, and just the thought of what was to come had her playing with her overstimulated clit. He swatted her hand away and replaced it with his own. “Call him. Now. Make sure your camera is off.”
T’Challa kissed from her neck down to her chocolate nipples and took a bite, making her yip at the sensation. “Be quiet, or he’ll catch you. You don’t want that, do you?”
“N-no, my king,” she stuttered out as she pressed Abdul’s contact card and called him.
“What’s up? Aren’t you supposed to be working? Or are you slacking off with T’Challa again,” he joked, and Xoliswa locked eyes with a smug T’Challa as his tongue swirled around her nipple.
“N-no, I’m at work,” she struggled to speak as T’Challa trailed his tongue down her body and suctioned his lips around her clit. She snapped her legs shut around his head, making him pry them open with a menacing growl.
“What was that?” Abdul asked.
“What was what?” Xoliswa chuckled nervously.
“I thought I heard something. Anyways, what’s up, sweetie?”
“I, uh-” she stopped herself and muted the call for a moment to let out a moan from the pits of her soul as T’Challa showed no mercy on her. His tongue masterfully maneuvered around her clit like he designed it himself, and the three slender fingers curling inside her coaxed another orgasm out of her.
“Take him off mute right fucking now,” T’Challa ordered with a mouth full of pussy.
“Hello? Xo?”
She scrambled to unmute the call and calm her breathing down as the king nibbled on her labia and sped his fingers up inside her.
“I’m here, baby. I-have-to-work-late-so-I’m-staying-at-the-palace-tonight!”
“Wait, slow down. I can barely understand you. Are you ok?”
“I’m ok,” she giggled as T’Challa nibbled on her inner thighs. “I’m staying here tonight.”
“Oh, no problem. Don’t let T’Challa work you too hard, ok?”
“I won’t!” she squeaked.
“Good. You get back to work, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Tell him you love him,” T’Challa whispered against her pussy lips, and Xoliswa couldn’t help but oblige.
“Yeah, sweetie?”
“I-I love you.”
“I love you too, Xo. Call me when you get off,” he blew her a kiss through the phone, and she hung up right as T’Challa started chuckling.
“You almost got us caught!” she fussed.
“You liked it. Don’t lie.”
Xoliswa bit her lip to hide her smile, but it didn’t work.
“Maybe a little.”
“Mmmhm. Nasty slut, letting me use you like this. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.”
Xoliswa’s pussy jumped, and T’Challa couldn’t help but smile at her.
“Maybe you should teach me a lesson,” Xoliswa moaned as she ground her hips on his fingers, and his dick hardened right back up. “Or punish me.”
“Fuck, Xo, where have you been all my life?” he groaned and pulled his fingers from her, lining the head of his dick up with her entrance.
“Married...to my husband,” Xoliswa teased. T’Challa’s nostrils flared, and she knew it was on.
She wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night.
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @motheroffae, @love-mesome-me, @toni9, @bribrisback, @impremenior, @nahimjustfeelingit-writes, @dersha89
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
i don't like you
james potter x reader
—author's note: This was a story from my main that I adored so I thought why not rewrite it? The plot is the same, my ability to tell a story however, has changed. James and you do not like each other. Not even a bit. I hope you enjoy ;) Please do leave a comment, it makes my day.
—warning(s): couple of harmless pranks, slytherin! gender neutral!reader (pronouns aren't used).
—word count: 3,431
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Groaning, you got up and squinted to make out the details of your dorm. Shouts and rushing made your head thump. You slowly realized a god-awful smell was filling up your room, quicker than you could think. Squeezing your nose shut, you rushed out. Other Slytherins were alongside you, you could hear coughing all around. Your eyes pricked with tears, your throat felt raw. Seeing a very familiar messy dark-haired boy run away jeering; you sensed rage gripping your form like a vice.
Third time. It was the third time the same week that Potter and the elder Black brother had pranked you all. Except it wasn’t funny anymore. That was what pranks were supposed to be right? Something that made everyone laugh along? Looking towards Elodie who was clenching her eyes shut at the sensation, you made a plan in your mind. You knew it was crazy. But when did that ever stop you? James had never conversed with you. Nor you, him. Yet it was clear that he did not like Slytherins. Not one bit.
James yawned, stretching his limbs for a new day. Scrunching his nose, he felt a flowery scent attack him. Maybe it was just Sirius with one of his experiments. Shrugging, he got up and into the shower. That day he had transfiguration, charms, and astronomy. Thankfully nothing with the snakes, they might still be sour about the prank they pulled yesterday. Getting out of the washroom, he hummed to himself as he passed Peter who was still fast asleep. Remus was asleep and Sirius was furiously scribbling on his homework. Always finishing at the last moment.
He didn’t realize the uniform he was putting on until he looked at himself in the mirror. And boy oh boy did he panic. Eyes widening almost comically, he rummaged through his wardrobe, everything a dark green color with silver accents. A note fell at his feet.
“Dearest Marauders,
Take this beautiful gift of green robes from me. I know not all of you deserved this, but then again, I didn't feel like any of you should be left behind. I know how much you love us, Slytherins. Why not showcase it?
With love,
(Y/n) (Y/l/n)”
“Sirius! Remus!” he called out. “Wormtail!”
Sirius didn’t even look up from his parchment, Remus let out a grunt in response. The only answer he got was a faint ‘what’ from the shared bathroom.
“Mates listen to this,” James said firmly, reading the letter out loud. That got their attention. “Our robes are all green. Vivid Slytherin green!”
Remus got up suddenly, with wide eyes rushing to check his almirah. He groaned loudly on finding them in the same predicament James foretold grass-like and smelling heavily of flowers. Sirius however, started crackling.
“What?” James bellowed, his nostrils flaring.
“Well, the sarcasm in that letter is…” He snorted, stopping himself seeing James’s frown. James shook his head as Remus glared at them both.
“This has a strong one-week dye,” he said, punctuating each word, infuriated. “There’s no way it can be removed before the expected time. Why should I suffer for all the things you two do?”
“And I am not suffering?” James quipped back as Remus just shook his head, huffing, and went back to his bed. James looked at Sirius who didn’t look worried at all.
“What? Aren’t you bothered at all?” James asked.
“I look great in everything,” he replied shrugging, making James want to punch him.
He dressed up quickly after, dashing out of the dorm towards the great hall. Ignoring the looks of the students from around and the snickers he looked for you amidst the Slytherin table. It was infuriating, how casually you ate your breakfast, almost oblivious. Stalking towards your place, he cleared his throat grabbing your attention. Your eyes sparkled amusedly, taking in his appearance.
“Why the hell did you do this?” he demanded.
“Now, that’s not a way to talk about the gift I gave you,” you said, batting your eyelashes as he scowled at you. You muttered a spell under your breath, waving your wand slightly before continuing. “I worked hard, you know?”
“You Slytherins are the best thing to walk on this planet!” he shouted before he could stop himself. His eyes grew large. Everyone’s attention now seemed to be on your table.
“Thank you, I know,” you smirked, challenging him. He narrowed his eyes on you.
“You put a speaking charm on me didn’t you?” he hissed as you put on an innocently sweet expression.
“Well, I thought you needed some help with words,” you prompted, getting better reactions than you hoped for. James growled, jumping up and down in annoyance. You tried not to laugh. Did. But the corners of your mouth turned up anyways. He looked like an idiot. The giggle you let out grabbed his attention, his cheeks turning a rosy red.
“I don’t like you,” he said in a rather squeaky voice.
“I don’t like you,” you retaliated. James hated himself for thinking the laugh you let out looking adorable. Anger, which was more of a frustration gawned on his skin. He knew exactly what he was going to do next. Giving you a sickly sweet smile, he enjoyed the slight shiver that went through your arm. Let the prank war begin.
You rushed out of the bathroom, vexed. It had been a long exhausting day and this was the last thing you needed. Your skin was tinted green. Bright neon green. Elodie stared at you in stupor.
“What happened?” she asked and you couldn’t help the raucous whine that escaped your lips.
“I don’t know, okay? I was in the shower and after using soap, my skin turned freaking green,” you hissed as Elodie tried to calm you. You handed her a small piece of paper. “Oh and look what I found beside the shampoo bottle.”
Dear (Y/n),
A gift from me, to showcase your pride in your house. You could thank me later.
P.S. This gift in no way means I’ve started liking you. I don’t.
“James. James did this; that bastard!” you said, nostrils flaring as Elodie rubbed your back.
“Well, it’s just hands and legs…”
“I'm gonna get back at him. Just watch me.”
Your jaw clenched. You knew just what you were gonna do. James started a fight with the wrong person. And you didn’t like him. At all.
You were reading your book when you saw James pacing towards you, from the corner of your eye. Trying to keep a straight face, you fixed your gaze on the book in your hand. Yet you couldn’t help the twitch your mouth gave as he stood right in front of you, folding his arms.
“Wow,” he breathed through clenched teeth. You looked up.
“Real mature of you,” he said in a baby’s voice. It sounded like he pronounced everything through his nose. You made an effort not to start crackling right then.
“Well, one of us had to be, right?”
“Yeah. And giving me the baby voice makes you the adult.”
“I’d think so, yes.” You said brushing his hair. They were surprisingly soft. James glared at you.
“I don’t like you.” He squeaked as you raised an eyebrow.
“I thought we already established that. I don’t like you either boy,” You said, letting out a laugh.
Adjusting your cap, you pulled your books closer to you. It was like everyone was staring at you. Specifically how stupid you looked. A whistle caught your attention. James, it had to be. When you turned towards the sound, you were sadly proved right.
“I like your cap,” he commented, clicking his tongue.
“Geez. Thank you. Just bought it,” you said, threateningly. Take one step James, I dare you; you thought. He didn’t get the message.
“I wonder how it would look on me,” he said, taking a step towards you. You hissed.
“Sorry, not gonna let you borrow it,” you tried to say in a normal tone, but it came out quite high pitched. James dared to grin.
“What if I just…” he said, coming closer as you took a step back, glowering at him in a warning. Not that he took it. He snatched the cap from your head as the long white hair fell. They reached your feet.
“James, give it back,” you warned and he put it on his head.
“Nope,” he said, his eyes full of mischief. You hesitated at his expression, he looked as candid as a child. Maybe you never noticed it, his hair fell round in pretty curls, framing his face. James winked, making you break out of your reverie.
“I think,” he said thoughtfully. “I think I’m going to keep this cap with me, I quite like it. If you want it back, you’re gonna have to take it from me.”
James took a step back as your eyes dilated. He turned around and started sprinting in that direction.
“James!” you shouted, chasing him.
People around you bolted aside, gasping at the scene. A ghostly white-haired student chasing after James as he chortled. It had been going for quite some time and everyone wondered who would win. Few in the favour of James, who had been pranking ever since he set foot in Hogwarts; a few for you since you were a Slytherin and Slytherins never lose. Others just shook their heads, wishing they would get it over with already the cat and mouse game was becoming rather tiring. No one however had the courage to raise their opinions out loud, lest they got involved in the prank war.
“James," you said calmly, though the atmosphere made you anything but. Thick hot fumes rose from all around you making beads of sweat form on your forehead. "James, this doesn’t go in. We have to stir it first.”
“Why don’t you do it then? Little miss know-it-all” he snided. You looked at him fiercely. Slughorn had paired the two of you together for the next project and it couldn’t be more of a disaster. Only if he could just listen.
“I would if you let me,” you pointed out, finally taking over the shared pot. James watched you take a few breaths before starting to work on the potion. Muttering for ingredients from him now and then, you stirred the concoction. Soon, it started to show the exact signs given in their books.
James couldn't help but stare at you as you worked, humming to yourself all the while. You seemed cute like that, bending over the book, occasionally muttering to yourself. His face heated up when you caught his gaze. Luckily he could blame it on the heat.
“Could you cut some beetroots for me?” you asked, ignoring the way he flushed. James nodded, chopping them to the required amount. The two of you finished up fairly swiftly after that.
"So," you started after Slughorn left. He had commented on your work and applauded you both. Happiness was evident from the smiles on your faces. "Library at 4?"
James grinned, giving you a thumbs up. He packed up his stuff before turning to leave. You couldn't help but stare at his retreating figure, thinking, maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Shrugging, you shook away the thought and went your own way. There were things you had to get done that day.
As time passed, the thought started becoming more predominant. He wasn't so bad, your mind reminded you time and time again. The more you started to know James, the more you believed in it. Constant teasing and bickering wasn’t something that became unheard of between the two of you. But it was more lighthearted now… almost as if you were friends crackling over a shared joke. James had somehow caught your eye again, in a completely different way.
It seemed you were noticing new things about him, like how he didn’t look at you with hatred. Come to think of it, was it even ever ‘hate’? Yet there was something soft about the way he gazed at you now, gentle even— you couldn’t put your finger on it. You had come to enjoy his goofy personality, the smile he gave when his eyes were light with mischief. Knowing where these musings led, you had tried your best to beat them down. What was it that you did not try? Remembering every single detail that made you despise him once, all those times your blood boiled at the prank he pulled but nothing— nothing ever worked and your heart still fluttered every time he complimented you.
Was it that bad an idea though? Liking James?
You shivered, pulling your sweater closer to you. Walking had failed to heat your body the way it always did and you reckoned that your deliberation also had something to do with that. It wasn’t about you liking him, your mind prompted, it was about whether he could feel the same way. And if you knew something, you knew that you couldn’t take the answer to be no. The skip in your step halted, and you couldn’t help the sigh that escaped your lips.
Path to the library couldn’t have been more daunting. That was until you saw James and Lily around the corner. Talking, laughing, and standing too close to be called friends. Evans, the one girl James was head over heels for, the one girl you never paid attention to much.
It was like the final shoe dropping. James and you didn’t like each other. People knew that you did as well. It was time you believed it too. Your stomach twisted up at the sight, your mood souring. You turned, walking away.
“Oi!” James called out to you, apologizing to the students he bumped into. You brisked forward, hoping to make it to your dorm. It didn’t work, James ran to catch up with you. Damn his long legs.
“Stop fucking running,” he huffed on reaching you. “Where are you going? We have a study session. You haven’t changed your mind, have you?”
You gritted your teeth.
“I was heading to the library but you and Evans seemed quite busy, so I thought against it,” you said, albeit aggressively. Jealousy was never a good color.
“We were just talking for a moment,” James explained. “I want us to complete the project first though.”
He looked at you, confused. It was hard controlling your anger right then. You couldn’t help the dry laugh that escaped your lips.
“Of course,” you said in a temper. “The faster we finish up the project, the faster you can get rid of me, right? Because you don’t like me.”
James’ smile dropped. Sadness gave way to rage. Of course, you still thought that even after all the time he spent with you.
“Yeah. I don’t like you,” he hissed, gritting his teeth. “So let’s complete the project, shall we? To get rid of each other?”
You looked away. It was the last thing you wanted to hear. You yearned for him to tell you otherwise, to apologize for his words, and to reassure you that it wasn’t so. That you two were something. Friends, companions, anything but this. Yet the bigger part of you told you that he was right. And you were nothing to him.
“Yeah, sure.”
The following study session was tense. You two never worked quietly. Jokes, laughs, and incessant chatter filled the air when you were together. James had regretted his words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He watched your expression fall and a wall build up around you. Your eyes hadn’t met his since. It ate him up. Somehow he didn’t know how to break the bubble he created.
He hated seeing you close off to him.
You heaved a sigh checking the last lines you’d written and then looked at the clock. It had been two hours.
“I think we should stop. There are just two pages left, we can do them tomorrow and you’ll be free,” you said, packing up your things. James opened and closed his mouth as you picked up your bag.
“Hey, wait!” he said as you turned towards him.
“I didn’t mean to, “ James started, but you cut him off.
“James, it’s alright,” you said, taking a deep breath blinking away the tears that emerged. “I understand. You don’t like me, I don’t like you and we’re stuck together for some time. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
James sucked in a breath. That wasn’t right. At all.
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you,” a voice came and you shifted to see Elodie. You looked over at James, whose eyes pleaded you to stop. But you couldn’t.
You left the library, walking towards your friend leaving behind the boy who stood transfixed at his spot. Why did he feel like he was losing everything? He grudgingly moved his feet towards the common room, your thoughts plaguing his mind. James heard a shout behind him, twisting to see Lily jog up to him.
“James, I was wondering,” she began biting her lip. “Maybe we could sneak out for some butterbeers today? It’s freezing and the snow looks heavenly.”
James found himself shaking his head. His mood was far too spoiled for anything.
“Not today, Lily,” he answered. “I’m tired.”
“Oh, I meant it as a date, you know?” Lily added hopefully. James considered her for a moment. It was everything he had wished for years. Yet he couldn’t feel the happiness that should have come with it. He wanted, no— he needed someone else, someone who made him far giddier. He needed you.
It was like a bolt striking him. He had never been so sure of anything else. Unable to keep the grin off his face, he spoke his next words in a rush.
“Lily, I’m sorry but I can’t,” he shouted, sprinting towards the dungeons. Running through the rather empty corridors he saw the snow which coated the grounds. His breath came out in puffs as he urged himself to move faster. He stopped when something caught his eye. You. Standing out in the snow, looking at the sky with a smile.
Moving towards you, he conjured up a snowball and threw it on your back. Your eyes widened in shock as you jumped, looking towards him.
“What now James?” you snapped.
He conjured up yet another ball and threw it at you. Your eyes grew larger and you glared at him.
“I wanted to say something,” he said as you conjured up a ball and threw it at him in response. He hissed at the icy sensation.
“Then say it.”
“I don’t want to get rid of you,” he said, throwing a snowball at you as your teeth clattered at the sensation. You threw a snowball in return, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Then stop acting as you do.”
He threw yet another ball at you.
“You make me act like that,” he stated. You threw a huge one in response.
“I make you act like an idiot?”
“Yes, you drive me crazy,” he said, throwing some snow at you as you grunted.
“Then why don’t you leave me alone?” you huffed as he threw yet another ball at you, making you cough and splutter.
“Because I can’t.”
“Why?” you asked, throwing a ball at him.
“Because I can’t leave the best thing that happened to me,” he said, making you stop. You stalked towards him and poked his chest with every word you spoke.
“I'm the best thing that happened to you? What is this? Some kind of sick prank? You don’t even like me,” you sobbed, frustrated and angry. That was how he made you feel. Everything all at once. James didn’t know how to answer you so he just took your hand away and cupped your cheek with his other one, leaning in to kiss you. Your eyes fell shut as feeling his lips against yours. You grabbed his shirt pulling him closer feeling his arms tighten around your hips, sucking his bottom lip. When you pulled away you both caught your breath.
“I promise those are the truest words I’ve ever said,” he whispered, his hair messier than usual. He cradled your face, pressing his lips against your forehead. You crossed your arms.
“I still don’t like you,” you said in faux anger. James let out a teary chuckle.
“I don’t like you either,” he replied, smiling.
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—as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you.
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stayatiny · 3 years
The King~ Chapter 8
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(Gif made by me)
Pairing(s) King!Werewolf! Bang Chan x Human!Reader
Series Warning(s) – Swearing, Violence, Wolf Dynamics, Smut (in later chapters) and along with others that will be added later.
Chapter warning(s) – Swearing and a fluffy ending
A/N – So this is it the last chapter and it is a little shorter than what I wanted but I liked this ending. I know it took a while for me to get this up. I hope you all enjoyed this little series. I will be starting a new series soon along with some one-shots. Enjoy. Thank you to all who liked, followed, or reblogged.
When I woke up the next morning, I feel like someone ran me over with a semi. I could hardly move and if I did it hurt. I pulled back the sheet to see that I was still naked from last nights adventure. But the beating I got from Eric made things a terrible shade of purple, a sickly green, and black. I finally realized that Chris wasn’t next to me, but a note was on his pillow.
-Had to get up early to report what happened. Will be back with a doctor to look at your wounds.
Love Chris.
I put the note back where I found it cause you know pain. I let out a sigh, bored. I look to the door when I hear the doorknob jiggle. I see Chris dressed in a pair of slacks and a crisp white button up shirt.
“Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?” I frowned, as I tried to move around.
“I guess you don’t need to tell you that, that is a dumb question, right,” I joked. Chris smiled. He sat on my side of the bed and picked up a button up shirt from a few nights ago.
“Here put this on. The doctor will be here soon.” He got up and got me a clean pair of underwear and helped me get dressed. By then a female doctor came in. I’ve never seen her before. She had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and baby blue scrubs on. She’s so pretty. I feel a bit jealous actually.
“Oh yes Doctor Lee, thank you for coming this early in the morning. We had an incident last night,” Chris explained.
“Yes, I’ve heard about the Kim family this morning. They were always a shifty family. Alright, let me look at you, Y/N,” she said smiling. She walked over to me and had me raise my shirt for her to see the bruising and scratches.
“Well, nothing is broken but your bones are severely bruised. So I suggest not working for about two weeks, getting plenty of rest and fluids, and I want to see you next week to make sure that you are healing properly, alright?” I nodded then she helped me lay back down. She was extremely sweet and cared about her work as a doctor, which was never a bad thing. She headed out the door as Chris walked back over to me. I was getting tired, even though I had just woken up an hour before.
“I know that you are tired but you need to get some food in you before going back to sleep,” Chris said, then disappearing through the door. He soon reappeared with a PB&J sandwich and some milk and some water too.
“I’m assuming that this is still your favorite.” I smile and nod happily eating my breakfast/lunch.
“When you get done, I put some pain killers on the nightstand so please take them and go to sleep,” he says. He stands up and heads out of the room leaving me alone. I never realized how busy Chris was with being a king. I took some medicine for the pain and chug down some water. I laid there waiting for sleep to take over, but I was wide awake now. I huffed and turned over to Chris’ side of the bed. I snuggled down into the blankets it starting to feel chilly in the castle. Autumn was settling in nicely now. The leaves and grass starting to lose their colors. Some trees already almost bare. I sit on the bed when I hear the door open. It was Hannah. She smiled and sat on the bed next to me.
“How are you feeling? Chris asked me to come check on you and to make sure that you’re okay,” she said pulling her legs onto the bed. I smiled.
“I’m okay for the most part. I don’t wanna just stay in the bed though,” I say, fiddling with the blankets. Hannah nodded in agreement.
“Here how about I get you up and help you get a shower. I know that it will help you feel better and release tease muscles.” I perked up hearing about a hot shower.
“Sure but I’ll need help getting up and getting dressed,” I say trying to stand. I get on my feet while Hannah helped me to the bathroom. She took the shirt. She gasped as she saw the bruises around my body. I don’t think she realized what really happened until she saw the marks.
“Hannah, I’m okay,” I said, smiling at her. She remained silent and turned on the faucet to the tub. I frowned. She was rarely ever silent.
“Hannah, are you alright?” She pursed her lips then turned back to me.
“I didn’t know that your wounds were that bad,” she said, then turning away from me.
“Holler when you need me to help you get dressed,” she said, then leaving silently. I got into the tub and took a deep breath yeah this is what I needed. I leaned back and relaxed the back of the tub, closing my eyes. I hear the door open.
“I’m fine, Hannah,” I said, not even looking. I hear a chuckle. I look up to see Chris.
“I didn’t know you were expecting her. She told me that you were getting a bath. Mind if I join you,” Chris said, already unbuttoning his shirt. I blush and smile. I nod and lean forward for Chris to get in. I feel him get into the tub cause the water rose with his bigger size.
“Here baby, lean back against me.” I do as he says. I feel and hear his heart beating in his chest. I sigh, snuggling against him.
“Better baby?” I nod and kiss him. He holds me against his chest as I relaxed. After relaxing a bit he washed my hair and body then his. After getting out of the tub and drying off, he dressed me in some of Hannah’s clothes and carried me to his bed.
“Here, babe, lets get you back to bed. I know that you’re tired,” he said, laying next to me. I wanted to ask him something.
“Chris, what are we gonna do about your family? I don’t know how they’ll react to me being your girlfriend,” I said, staring at him as he got into bed.
“If they don’t like it they’ll get the hell over it. I want to marry you and they won’t ever get a say in what makes me happy.” He leaned down and kissed me. I couldn’t help but smile. I was happy for once and didn’t feel like I was just there but now I feel like I actually belong to someone.
“I love you, Chris.” He kissed me harder pulling me, gently, to his body.
“I love you, Y/N and nothing will ever happen to you again.” I kiss him again before dozing off in his arms. Only for me to feel a ring on my left hand.
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hyungieyoongi · 3 years
Spotlight: “Run Away to You” Part 3
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You knew it was just a matter of time before someone figured it out.
Your carefully constructed reality was about to shatter.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Former Actress!Reader
Word Count: 2.0K
Genre: Angst + Fluff (there’s a hug and everything there is fluff on the horizon!!)
Series Masterlist: Run Away to You
Premise: You ran away from your acting career one year ago, disappearing from the spotlight without a trace. No one from your past life knew where to find you. On the anniversary of your disappearance, your carefully constructed reality is shattered.
Part 2 // Part 4
You blinked your eyes a few times to adjust to the brightness of the morning as the sunlight streamed into your room through the crack in your curtains. Your eyelids felt heavy with exhaustion. Glancing at the clock on your nightstand, you let out an audible groan at the time. It was 9:30 a.m., meaning you had slept for four short hours, your brain and restless thoughts refusing to let you sleep until the early hours of the morning.  
After you were finally able to stop the onslaught of tears last night, you sat with Marianne on your carpet and told her everything that happened: colliding with Yoongi at the corner store, the fight in your apartment, and how he comforted you during your panic attack. When she asked about the phone call from your old number, you simply played her the last voicemail Yoongi left you, letting his words sink in on their own.
“Shit,” Marianne breathed out.
“Tell me about it,” you agreed.
Your head was pounding, making you feel like you were suffering a hangover this morning from the lack of sleep combined with the many tears you cried. You went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, hoping the scalding hot water would burn away the memories of everything that had transpired.
You decided to avoid looking at either one of your phones, old or new, when you got out and dressed. Instead, you decided to try and convince your neighbor to let you take her dog on a walk. You desperately needed some company and fresh air to clear your head.
Donning the black hat on the hook by the door this time, you locked the door behind you. At the end of the hallway, you spotted your neighbor holding her little black pug in her arms, peering slightly over the railing at the end that looked out onto the sidewalk and street below.
“Hi there, good morning! What’s going on?” you asked, hoping your attempt at cheerfulness was convincing.
“You have to see this. There are cameras all over the place! The landlord had to come to shoo them from the stairwell and elevator this morning. Apparently, someone famous was sighted here yesterday, and now they’re looking for someone they say lives here? It’s quite the scene down there,” Susan let her pug down as she told you the news. He came bounding over to you, expecting to be showered with cuddles and kisses. Instead, you stood frozen in place, taking in everything Susan had just said.
“Cameras? There are cameras down there? In front of the building?” you asked.
“Yes, dear, isn’t that strange? I wonder if we have a celebrity in our midst!”
You let out a cough, giving Susan a fake excuse that you forgot a jacket so you could leave, ignoring her pug yapping at you for attention.
You were back in your apartment before Susan could question your odd behavior, grabbing your phone that you blatantly ignored when you woke up this morning.
You opened Twitter, going straight to the trending page.
The picture at the top of the list was blurry, but you could clearly make out two figures. It was a picture of you and Yoongi, walking to your apartment from the store. It looked like it had been taken on a phone camera, probably from the park across the street. Someone had to have recognized Yoongi, and now, there were cameras outside your apartment complex.
The picture causing a frenzy didn’t show your face, your hair covering your profile. You scrolled rapidly through some of the comments, people speculating about who the “mystery girl” was that Yoongi was with yesterday.
You knew it was just a matter of time before someone figured it out.
Your carefully constructed reality was about to shatter.
Yoongi’s phone was vibrating nonstop on the bed next to him. He tried to ignore it, shoving his face further under the thick comforter, hoping whoever was trying to reach him would just give up eventually.
When it started to vibrate incessantly once again, he finally glanced at the screen, fully prepared to yell at whoever woke him up.
An old picture of you filled his screen, one that Yoongi took when you first started seeing each other. You had fallen asleep on his shoulder after a long day of filming. You looked so at peace, one of his sweaters that you stole from his closet wrapped around your frame. He had snapped a photo, setting it as your contact photo, smiling at it every time you called.
He had never changed it.
Yoongi immediately sat up when he realized you were calling. He assumed he would never hear from you again, that the chapter between you two was officially closed. This time for good.
He answered on the third ring, but didn’t say anything, waiting to see if the call was an accident.
“…Yoongi?” his heart lurched at the sound of his name.
“Yes?” he asked tentatively, his voice rough with sleep.
“I need help. There’s a picture…of us. Together. I tried to call Marianne, but she didn’t answer. Yoongi, I…I don’t know what to do. I need help,” Yoongi waited, holding his breath, “I need you.”
He threw the covers off himself, already heading toward the door of his bedroom. You sounded so scared.
“I’ll come get you. Tell me where you are.”
Yoongi had given you careful instructions over the phone, his voice calm and calculated. You were supposed to wait in your apartment until exactly 10:30 a.m. and head down the back staircase to the alley behind your building. A car would be waiting for you there.
He told you to wear a mask and act casual, like you were just getting into a rideshare car. Be invisible and inconspicuous.
A black SUV was idling in your alleyway. You opened the backseat door on the driver’s side, shutting it quickly behind you.
“Miss Y/L/N?” the driver asked, turning around to face you. He had a kind smile, eyes slightly crinkling in the corners from his upturned lips. You nodded once.
“Good morning, I’ll be driving you to Mr. Min’s location. He requested that we send this particular vehicle because the windows are tinted for maximum security. Please make yourself comfortable.”
“Thank you,” you said, relieved.
Despite the driver’s assurance, you turned your head away from the window as the car passed the hoard of photographers outside of your building. They seemed to be getting restless with the lack of people coming in and out of your complex. You were grateful to be heading as far away from there as possible.
The car eventually reached a gate, the security guard waving the car forward once it checked the license plates. You pulled into an underground garage. You weren’t familiar with the building; you figured that Yoongi and the boys had moved within the last year as their label continued to grow.
The driver cleared his throat to get your attention.
“Mr. Min would like you to take the elevator, the one just there, ma’am,” he said pointing to the nearest set of silver doors, “to floor 16. He will meet you there.”
“Thank you, you honestly saved me today,” you told him with a grateful smile. He gave you another crinkle-eyed grin.
“It’s nothing, really. Give my regards to Mr. Min.”
“I will.”
The elevator lurched upward toward floor 16, and you realized you had no idea what to say to Yoongi. The doors opened, and you were startled when the man in question was pacing in front of the elevator doors, looking frazzled as he evidently waited for your arrival.
His head snapped toward the open doors when he heard the “bing” of the elevator.
“You made it,” he said simply when you walked toward him.
“Thanks to you,” you replied. “Yoongi, I can’t thank you enough. I know this is the last thing you probably expected today, but I appreciate it more than I can tell you.”
If you weren’t mistaken, there was a pink tinge on his cheeks at your words.
“We have a strategy meeting to get to. The label has some, uh, concerns about the photo.”
Your heart sank at his words, but you realized it was time to stop letting your emotions about the situation run the show. You were potentially going to be forced back into the spotlight you had tried so hard to stay away from. It was time to be professional about this.
“Right. Of course, lead the way,” your tone had become formal, sickly sweet and stiff. It felt unbelievably awkward after spilling your heart out to him yesterday. But you knew your place–you were just part of his label’s damage control problems for the day.
He turned on his heel, leading you down the long hallway, shoes clicking against the tile floor. You followed a foot behind him, wanting to give him, and you, space.
In the meeting, you gritted your teeth, your hands balled into fists underneath the table as you listened to a group of label management and the public relations team discuss what messaging, if any, to put out. Would it be better to let it die down on its own? Release a statement saying Yoongi was visiting an “acquaintance”? There were dozens of options they went through. Yoongi’s eyes kept straying to look at you, but your eyes stayed on the clock above the PR analyst’s head across from you.
When they started discussing whether to release your identity, however, you decided enough was enough. You stood, Yoongi watching your every move.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, but I would feel more comfortable if my publicist was contacted before any decisions are made regarding the release of my private information,” you had worked in this industry, too, and hell, you weren’t going to let these people dictate your life. “As you can imagine, this has the potential to have far-reaching consequences on my own livelihood. It would be best to take no further action until she is in this room with you. Otherwise, I will be forced to contact my attorney.”
The room was silent.  
“Until then, I’ll take my leave. Thank you,” you left with a flourish, the adrenaline leaving you as soon as you made it into the hallway. You didn’t know where you were going, you just couldn’t stay still, your feet carrying you away from the room and the murmurs going on inside of it.
“Y/N, wait,” Yoongi called after you. You sped up, hoping there was a bathroom or something nearby that you could go hide in until Marianne showed up. “Stop walking,” Yoongi’s voice was stern.
You paused mid-step, turning to face him with a blank expression.
“Yes, was there an update from your strategy meeting since I left?” Yoongi rolled his eyes at your comment.
“Y/N, stop, I know what you’re doing. You’re shutting yourself off. I don’t blame you for standing up for yourself back there. But please don’t act like I wanted any part of that meeting,” Yoongi said, defending himself. Your confidence deflated slightly.
“Fine,” you flinched at how harsh you sounded. “I’m sorry. God, all I’ve said to you in the past 24 hours is ‘I’m sorry.’ And I am. I just…this is all…it’s a lot. I didn’t expect to see you again so soon, let alone under these circumstances.”
“My studio is a few floors below us. Come on, let’s get out of here while they figure it out,” Yoongi instructed. He walked past you, but you reached out, hand encircling his wrist to stop him. Your skin burned where it touched his.
“I wasn’t ready for any of this again. It’s all too much, too soon. If people find out who I am, my whole life will change, Yoongi. I-I don’t know if I can handle that.” Yoongi didn’t say anything, so you pulled your fingers away from his arm, expecting him to continue on his way to his studio.
Instead, he wrapped you tightly in his arms, pulling you close against him. He smelled like mint and coffee, and you closed your eyes at the familiarity of it, warmth blooming in your chest.
“It’ll be okay,” Yoongi mumbled, cheek pressed against the top of your head.
Enclosed in the comfort of his embrace, you decided to believe him.
Part 2 // Part 4
Taglist: @loveyoongles @agustd-2020 @delacyrose224 @crispychanniee @sunshinejunghoseokie @jinsearthh @alpacaparkaseok @sheebaba @diamonddia-mond​
Want to be added to the tag list? Let me know!
Check out my other work! ❤️
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mooncxmm · 4 years
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Mentions - Blowjob
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Todoroki had just taken a shower before you had texted him. He thought he would give you a surprise when you get to his dorm. The day he met Nakamura was the day you and him were going to get frisky, yet again. This wasn't your guys first rodeo with one another. You guys took one another's virginities. 
When he heard your guys secret knock, he got excited in more than one way. For the past two days, he had been frustrated. He was frustrated with his father and the whole Nakamura situation. Then he was sexually frustrated. 
Once that door opened, the first thing that you noticed is that your boyfriend was only being covered by the waist. 
God. The things this man did to you. 
"Hi Shoto," you said softly. This wasn't your guy's first time, but he knew how to make you flustered. 
"Petal, I've missed you,
Come on in," Shoto said. He steps out of the way. 
"Thank you boo," You say as you walk in his room. 
It's been awhile since you have been in his room. You look around a bit, seeing he had some new posters. 
Arms wrapped around your waist slowly, your boyfriend rested his head on your shoulder. He plants sweet kisses on your jawline, then he moves down to your neck. 
A blush crept on your face as you felt your boyfriend grinding against your ass. 
" I need you right now Petal," He whispered in your ear, nibbling down on your earlobe right after . 
A shiver goes down your spin and a small moan comes out from you. You needed each other. It's been like two weeks since you guys have done anything sexual with one another. You guys usually have sex once to three times a month. 
Giving in, you start grinding up against him. You let out your sweet moans as Todoroki kisses your neck and grinded against you. 
"I can't wait to ravage you," Shoto growls in your ear. 
You felt so hot and bothered right by his words and his actions. "Pretty please Shoto..ravage me," You moaned out. 
Shoto had enough of the teasing, he stopped everything he was doing to you. He let’s go of you and walks over to his futon, he pops down on it and lays down on his back. Halfie removed his towel and started to stroke himself slowly, he looked up at you then his cock. 
"You want some, Petal?" He asked you in that sexy ass voice of his. 
You bite your lower lip and slowly nod your head, in which he motions for you to come to him. Licking your lips, you walk over to his futon. Hungrily, you watched him stroke himself. 
"Baby please suck me off. I just want to feel your pretty lips on my shaft," He said bluntly. 
Hearing this made you smile, and you implemented. You remoistened your lips, and put the tip to them.
Slowly, you opened your mouth and moved in his meat at the same pace. Gradually, you took in as much as you could and started bobbing. You swished your tongue on the inferior aspect of his shaft, sucking at the same time. While focusing on the pleasing, you take a second to look up at Sho, and you can see him propped on his elbows with his head back. You were doing exactly what he liked
You pulled your head up, saliva on the rim of your mouth. ”Hey, what are you doing?”You teased, your hand on his dick, wet and doing it’s thing.
He gave out a mix of a chuckle and a groan; this is exactly what he liked.
You grinned and, keeping your hand in motion, added back your soft, wet lips, eventually making space for his tip, and sucking on it again while maintaining a pleasurable speed and grip.
“O-Oh my g-god,”Sho groaned out, keeping himself on his elbows, he gripped the cushioning of his futon
At that point, it felt like you had to just pleasure the shit out of him, and you had somewhat forced his cock down your throat, choking on it a bit.
Your eyes started tearing a little bit, and you could really feel his tip moving in and out of place right behind your uvula, shortening your breath, and even causing a little bit of a gag.
Sho had shifted his right arms weight onto his left, and used his right to grab a handful of your hair to keep shoving in as much of his dick as possible down your throat, making your eyes form tears.
He pulled your head up off his cock for a second to look at your slobbery mouthed, teary eyed face, and he smirked. You were his little toy. After a couple seconds of him admiring your pleasure caused mess, he put your head right back where it was and continued.
You could feel he was near to his end, and ended up taking more control while he still had a handful of your hair, going back to using your hand on his shaft and mouth on the tip.
“Petal..”He groaned out in a low tone. This was your sign to start going even faster, and you did.
He pushed at his wanted pace, and you put in the work till the big surprise.
Un-fucking-fortunately, his phone rang. And if not our dorky friends, which it obviously wasn’t, you could imagine who it was.
“Are you gonna get that?” You said in an annoyed tone, stopping when you were almost going to get his surprise.
“Out of sympathetic annoyance, I guess I will,” Sho said in an annoyed and defeated manner.
He leant over a bit behind where he was on the futon, brought his black phone close to his face, accepted the call, and brought it to his ear.
“Hello?” he said monotonely.
"Hey Sho! I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be moving into the 3-B dorms! Isn't that great?!" Nakamura says. 
“Er-Yeah that’s cool,” he said, looking up at the ceiling from boredom.
"Now we will be together most of the time!" Nakamura says and you can hear her clapping her hands happily. 
“when’s this happening?” he questioned, looking back down and locking eyes with you, giving a little squint.
"Oh! I'm moving into the dorms in a couple of days! Isn't this exciting Sho?!" The brunette exclaims. 
Shoto had the phone to his ear, but you could hear her tiny annoying voice from the spot you were in.
“I guess that’ll be cool, you’ll probably enjoy meeting the other people near your dorm.”
"Yeah! I'm hoping I get along with everyone, even your friends! Actually, who was that H/C girl from two days ago?" She asked. 
“Oh Y/N? She’s just my best friend,” he said, making a silly face at his comment.
"Oh really now? I hope her and I can become really good friends," She said, but honestly you can hear the jealousy. 
Her jealousy made you let out a small giggle, even Sho let out a small but stifled chuckle.
“You can try, but I don’t know if you’re really in her scene, if you know what I mean,” he said. You knew it was just a way of hopefully getting Nakamura to leave you alone, but it felt like praise in a way. 
That small bit of praise made you want to savor and bring back alive the moment that bitchass Nakamura had interrupted, so you ended up grabbing his shaft again, and just pursing your lips on his tip.
"Oh? What's her scene like then?" She asked. Damn, this girl likes to ask a lot of questions now
“Why do you want to know so badly? So many questions about someone who’s a stranger to you,” he said, you could see he was hoping for you to do more.
"I'm just curious,Sho, about your bestfriend," She said. 
“Natural curiosity is cool, but if you really want to know more about her, there are other people you could get opinions from,” rolling his eyes out of annoyance as his words came out.
Nakamura let's out a whine. "Don't be cold to your girlfriend now. I just wanna know about your friends," She said. 
“I don’t think I was being cold, just honest,” looking back at you and raising his eyebrows up & down, you’d think not was probably in reference to you still holding his shaft; giving you the idea to start getting busy.
"Oh… Haha I guess I just wasn't expecting that from you, my love," She said. 
“Realistically, you don’t really know me,” he said, locking eyes with you again, giving a pleased smile. “We basically just met, expect the unexpected I guess.”
"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry honey bunny," She said sickly loving. 
‘My love? Honey bunny?’ you thought,‘that’s some cheap-ass cheesy nicknames. The slight annoyance jealousy mix made you bust out the big boys, and started moving up and down his shaft, rotating your hand, AND back to sucking the tip, swirling your tongue as well.
“I-It’s fine Nakam-mura,” he spit out; you were really doing the most, and expecting more reactions.
Nakamura had noticed that he was stuttering a bit and asked,"Is everything alright Sho?' 
“Y-Yeah, I’m-I’m doing just fine, just a little dist-tracted,” he let out. You thought about easing up on his dong, but it was priceless hearing Nakamura on the phone, just being oblivious.
"Well then so what are you up to?" She twirls her hair around her finger as she had asked. 
“Just at the d-dorm, getting ready to go out with a couple of f-friends,” he let out the smallest of groans in the ending of his sentence, playing it off with a clearing of the throat.
"I wish I could be there so you can introduce me to your friends," She pouts. 
“Maybe a different time, you’ll meet most of them soon enough,” he put his hand over his eyes, and layed down on his back after being propped on his arm for the longest. “My friends are pretty well known, you could say, give it a couple days after you move in.”
"Yeah! You're all pretty famous even though we haven't even graduated and became heroes yet," She said. 
“A-Ah it’s not that big of a deal, who expected our q-quirk types in this day and age? Not to t-toot my own horn, but it’s pretty ast-tonishing.” You thought it was cute but remarkable, in a way, how kept together Sho was acting, but it felt like you could amp it up.
"Yeah, that's true our quirks are pretty amazing! I hope if we do have kids that our child has an amazing quirk like us!" She said happily.
“Kids?” He somewhat blurted out, probably from a mix of surprise or shock and your gnarly oral skills.
"Yeah! I really want kids with you Sho. I think we would make great parents!" She said. The thing was that she barely knew anything about Shoto, and she's already thinking about kids. 
“Look Nakamura, I gotta g-go,” he said, moving his hand back to your head, bobbing it.“I’ve got s-some things t-to do before I go out, I have a-a schedule to go by.”
"Awh okay then Shoto baby, see ya later then," She said then made a kissy sound. 
“Laters,” he said, then hung up, throwing his phone back to where he had originally grabbed it from and continued pushing on your head, grabbing a handful of hair again.
“F-Fuck baby,” he groaned out, you knew what was coming. And like before, you put in a bit more work and speed.
“I’m..I’m gonna..c-c..” he squeezed out, and you felt the final push; warm liquid finally oozing into your mouth.
He finally let go of his grip on your hair, and you slowly raised your head, gently sucking as you went, and finally swallowing.
"Thank you sir for the meal," You say then licks your lips. 
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quiveringdeer · 4 years
I hope the readmore posts right. If not. Sorry non filthy followers. This is my first long more than a dm ramble slasher fic. So please be gentle. Would love feedback if you feel inspired to!
Many thanks to @thesightstoshowyou for encouraging me to turn my original rambling into something more. And to @youtastelikesugar for beta reading for me! Love y'all dearly!!
Warnings: Minor character death, abuse, noncon, sexual themes, asphyxiation, strangling, really really not for the casually thirsty. It hits pretty dark moments that go far and some may not want to read. 18+ Please head these warnings!!
You and Bo are an item. Let's not dwell on the how and just focus on the now, shall we?
He's still got the anger issues but for the most part when it comes to y'all you work them out in the bedroom. Or his truck. Or kitchen. The theater. Hell, even that one time on the roof of the house. Who knew stargazing could make someone so frisky?
When Bo needs to have things rough, which is almost always, it's nothing you can't handle. If it was you wouldn't have made it anywhere close to this point in your relationship.
No. You offer up whatever Bo needs. And for a while you are more than enough.
But there's a deep darkness there. And sometimes his hands around your throat merely rendering you unconscious isn’t enough to ease the tension built up inside him.
So you come to an agreement. If he needs this one thing you can’t provide personally then you’ll let him take it from others. 
If you’re topside when new visitors roll in it becomes your own little game betting on which one he’ll choose. And no matter how much the flirting escalates or how many days he keeps them locked away under the station, you’re the one he comes home to. You’re the one providing everything else he desperately needs and desires. 
But as with all things there’s always a threshold. 
So it comes to pass when a sweet young thing roles into town with a couple friends. Immediately you know which of the prey Bo will zero in on. He’s so predictable at times. Or more accurately he’s predictable to you because you know him so well. Sometimes better than he knows himself with the way he still tries to deny those thoughts and feelings that aren’t so easy for him to accept. 
You do your part. Leading persuading the other friends to follow you to the house while Bo works on their car. Certainly some refreshments and home cooked food for their bellies is better than standing around while he fiddles with their car. 
A smirk curves your lips at the face you expect him to make at your flippant comment about his work. Then quickly falls when you realize his attention is too enraptured by his chosen quarry. Swallowing down the sour taste of jealousy blooming on your tongue you force an easy smile back to your lips. 
“Don’t take too long Bo.” You call out as you usher the other visitors out into the Louisiana heat. You’re proud of how carefree your tone comes off. But he catches the warning, meeting your eyes with one of those patented smirks of his. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Darlin’.” 
A small but sweet acknowledgement of claim that easily washes away that bitter tang of jealousy lingering at the back of your mouth.  You were his and he was yours. Even if the victim was unaware or ignoring it. All that mattered was that Bo remember that. 
Vincent takes care of the other two with ease as they sit at the small dining table outside the kitchen door. Just as you’re bringing out two chilled glasses of lemonade to the table he’s knocked them both unconscious. Blessedly without spilling too much blood. 
It’s why you’d moved a table out here to sit the victims. The dark wood of this room easier to remove stains than having to regrout light colored tile in the kitchen. Never again you’d vowed. 
Dinner has come and gone. Vincent has already posed and coated the others in wax. Moved onto the smoothing and carving of their new flesh.
You take extra time in the shower. Allowing the warm water to ease the tension you’ve been carrying since serving dinner for three instead of four. You deep condition your hair and breathe in the calming scent of eucalyptus and vanilla infused candles. You take time letting your hair air dry while exfoliating your face and moisturizing every inch of your body. 
It’s near 10:30pm and still Bo hasn’t come home. You know he’s fine. His new little toy deftly restrained in his own undertown “workshop.” But usually he has the decency to come home! Is he planning on spending the night there?
That bitterness from earlier is clawing up your throat. You blow out the relaxing candle that was doing a pisspoor job of keeping you relaxed and move into the bedroom. You weren’t going to wait up for him. With any luck you’d be asleep by the time he dragged his ass home. 
One. Two. Three. Three fucking days of Bo spending all his free time at the damn gas station. 
In those three days you couldn’t pinpoint exactly why THIS particular fixation of his was making you so agitated but enough was enough. 
Packing up food from this night’s dinner that he’d forgone, yet again, you make your way into town. The gas station doors aren’t locked. Why would they need to be when no one entered the boundaries of this town without you all knowing. 
A heavy bassline thumps through the radio speakers in the lobby. You pay no mind to the words as your ears zero in on the strained screaming of the poor soul who’d become Bo’s current preoccupation. 
Inhaling and exhaling deeply you school your expression into a stoic mask then descend into Bo’s DIY Tartarus. 
This door is locked. In case the prey finds some way to get loosed you presume. 
“ ‘M busy!” You hear Bo growl out over the woman’s reinvigorated pleas for help. 
“I advise penciling me in.” You call back in a sickly saccharine voice. You tended to stay away from either of the twins’ workshops. Even with his hydrophobic and soap-phobic tendencies you found Lester’s art more tolerable. If you wanted to watch any of the brothers with their chosen crafts. 
You believe you hear Bo say something like “stay there” but the soft volume makes you assume he’s not talking to you. Moments later there’s a click before the door swings open to reveal a sweaty, shirtless Bo. Jeans slung low on his hips and haphazardly zipped with the button at his fly remaining undone. “Hey Suga’. What brings ya by?”
With more force than necessary you press the bag of leftovers into his chest while pinning him with a pleasantly chipper smile before walking around him into the space. “Dinner. Figured you’d need something to refuel from all the activities keeping you away from home.” Your gaze sweeps the dim room, drawn immediately to the lamp light illuminating the mattress right in front of the door. 
The poor woman is stretched supine on the dingy sheets. Arms above her head, wrists bound tight with duct tape. Legs spread wide and tethered by the ankles with some thick, garish yellow nylon rope that prevent her from closing. 
“Thanks Darlin’.” Bo mentions cautiously. Your temper isn’t volatile and unpredictable like his. It’s piercing and direct, like a bullet. And when he had his wits about him he did well to remain out of the line of fire. Though obviously somehow he’d gotten pulled into your sights. He moves closer to you, leaning in to kiss your cheek. A gesture you allow, leaning your cheek out for him in encouragement. 
“Welcome. This is a different setup than I remember.” 
“Made a few changes.”
“Hmm..well. I’m not here to interrupt too long. Feel free to continue.” 
A smirk balances precariously on his lips as he pins you with a skeptical look. “Ya wan’ta watch?” 
“Yeah.” You respond with a casual shrug. “I want to see what’s so captivating about this one to keep you here so much.” 
“Alright Darlin’.” Bo kicks the door closed and sets the leftovers to the side before moving back in front of the woman on the bed who’s returned to pitiful sobbing. “Looks like we got an audience sweetheart. Better make it a great show hn?” That patented smirk is fully lodged on his face now as he pushes denim and cotton down over his hips. 
You think about remaining standing to the side but something urges you to sit down on the mattress, near the victims mucus and tear stained face. 
Bo pumps his cock against his palm, pretty baby blues raking over your form as you reach out to tenderly stroke the woman’s hair. She’s babbling again. Begging you for mercy. Mercy you aren’t in any position to grant at this point. Without warning Bo snaps his hips forward, sheathing himself completely in the warm sloppy mess he’s made of her cunt. The force jolts her body up the mattress as it rips a high pitched yelp from her throat 
“Shh...Shhh…” You coo, fingers still tenderly stroking over locks of filthy hair. Dried cum, blood and sweat matting them into clumps you don’t attempt to untangle. Your soothing goes unheaded as Bo wastes no time upping his face. His fingers digging bruises into her hips as he brutally batters her overused hole. The woman’s shrieks ramp up in volume alongside his pace. The pitch ear splitting. You wonder how after three days she hasn’t completely lost her voice. Brows pinching into a scowl you stand from the mattress. The motion raises Bo’s gaze to you but his movements don’t ease up. 
You’re not sure what has possessed you to these actions but in moments you’ve kicked off your shoes and pulled off your own jeans and underwear. The discarded jeans land close to the mattress as you step up to place a foot on either side of her head. Carefully you lower yourself until your pussy hovers over her open mouth. “If you’re not gonna be quiet then at least be useful.” Bo’s thrusts have stopped now. Watching you in a slight daze as you straddle the other woman’s face, frowning down at her as you speak. “Now lick. Do a good job and maybe I’ll find you a way out of this mess. Hm?” You lower your hips as her tongue eagerly lifts up to meet your slit. Willing to do anything to escape this hell she’d found herself in. 
A deep appreciative moan spills from your lips as you close your eyes and focus on the feel of her tongue lapping over and between your folds. When Bo doesn’t immediately begin his vigorous thrusting you open your gaze to him. “Well? You gonna let me have all the fun now?” Fun? Who were you right now? 
A genuine smile you’d almost label sappy blooms on Bo’s handsome face. One of his hands extends up to grip your chin firmly, pulling you forward enough to kiss you deep. All tongue and teeth for a long few moments before pulling back and restarting his punishing pace. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Darlin’” 
The phrase does more to light a fire in your belly than the tongue working your sex or his hungry kiss. A smile brightens your own face as you close your eyes and rock your hips against the woman’s face. Reveling in the positive feelings swirling through your body instead of the negative ones trying to launch up to the surface. 
In time you reach down and swirl your fingers over her clit. You’re sure Bo has worked her through numerous orgasms in the past few days. He gets off even more manipulating that pleasure from bodies that try hardest to resist. But you want to gift her some pleasure. Surely she’s earned it surviving this long. 
Together you pull multiple orgasms from her overloaded body until the fatigue is too much and her body sinks exhausted against the mattress. Barely any energy to keep motion in her tongue. A limp and sleepy doll is no fun for anyone. 
A dark idea lances to the front of your mind. It sets off a shudder through your body like a firework exploding in a radiant sphere of lines with each fizzling out along your nerve endings leaving your whole body tingling. Before your rational mind talks you out of it your hands move around the woman’s throat. It’s strange from this angle but you do your best to apply pressure against her carotid artery and vagus nerve with your thumbs. Causing that beautiful build of pressure which makes one feel like they’re floating. Hands overlapping the front of her throat, the sides of your fingers apply enough force to cut her access to new oxygen without smashing her trachea. The loss of oxygen is enough to immediately spark renewed energy throughout her body. Her bound wrists beat against your back weakly as her body begins to jerk and convulse beneath you both. You know it’s one of Bo’s favorite ways to finish and you want to show him that you can be a part of snapping the tension built up inside him. 
Your gaze trails from where his hips continue bucking into this latest little doll up to his baby blues. She wouldn’t survive this. But you would. You’d still be here. 
“Mine.” You state firmly, leaning forward seeking a kiss which he earnestly provides. His hands cup your face hard while he snaps his hips. Once. Twice. Three times and he’s spilling into her cunt for the last time. Your hands remain closed tight on her throat until the thrashing stills. You can now give him everything. Without your body ending up forever unconscious to be discarded for another. You can give him everything he needs and desires. Only you. 
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96harmony96 · 3 years
Chapter 5
I had a vicious hangover on Saturday morning and figured it was no less than I deserved. As much as I’d resented Lauren’s insistence on negotiating sex with as much passion as she would a merger, in the end I’d negotiated in kind. Because I wanted her enough to take a calculated risk and break my own rules.
I took comfort in knowing she was breaking some of her own, too.
After a long, hot shower, I made my way into the living room and found Cary on the couch with his netbook, looking fresh and alert. Smelling coffee in the kitchen, I headed there and filled the biggest mug I could find.
“Morning, sunshine,” Cary called out.
With my much-needed dose of caffeine wrapped between both palms, I joined him on the couch.
He pointed at a box on the end table. “That came for you while you were in the shower.”
I set my mug on the coffee table and picked up the box. It was wrapped with brown paper and twine, and had my name handwritten diagonally across the top with a decorative calligraphic flourish. Inside was an amber glass bottle with Hangover Cure painted on it in a white old-fashioned font and a note tied with raffia to the bottle’s neck that said, “Drink me.” Lauren’s business card was nestled in the cushioning tissue paper.
As I studied the gift, I found it very apt. Since meeting Lauren I’d felt like I’d fallen down the rabbit hole into a fascinating and seductive world where few of the known rules applied. I was in uncharted territory that was both exciting and scary.
I glanced at Cary, who eyed the bottle dubiously.
“Cheers.” I pried the cork out and drank the contents without thinking twice about it. It tasted like sickly sweet cough syrup. My stomach quivered in distaste for a moment, and then heated. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and shoved the cork back into the empty bottle.
“What was that?” Cary asked.
“From the burn, it’s hair of the dog.”
His nose wrinkled. “Effective but unpleasant.”
And it was working. I already felt a little steadier.
Cary picked up the box and dug out Lauren’s card. He flipped it over; then held it out to me. On the back Lauren had written, “Call me” in bold slashing penmanship and jotted down a number.
I took the card, curling my hand around it. Her gift was proof that she was thinking about me. Her tenacity and focus was seductive. And flattering.
There was no denying I was in trouble where Lauren was concerned. I craved the way I felt when she touched me, and I loved the way she responded when I touched her back. When I tried to think of what I wouldn’t agree to do to have her hands on me again, I couldn’t come up with much.
When Cary tried to hand me the phone, I shook my head. “Not yet. I need a clear head when dealing with her and I’m still fuzzy.”
“You two seemed cozy last night. She’s definitely into you.”
“I’m definitely into her.” Curling into the corner of the couch, I pressed my cheek into the cushion and hugged my legs to my chest. “We’re going to hang out, get to know each other, have casual-but-physically-intense sex, and be otherwise completely independent. No strings, no expectations, no responsibilities.”
Cary hit a button on his netbook and the printer on the other side of the room started spitting out pages. Then he snapped the computer closed, set it on the coffee table, and gave me all his attention. “Maybe it’ll turn into something serious.”
“Maybe not,” I scoffed.
“I’m not looking for happily-ever-after, Cary, especially not with a mega-mogul like Jauregui. I’ve seen what it’s like for my mom being connected to powerful men. It’s a full-time job with a part-time companion. Money keeps Mom happy, but it wouldn’t be enough for me.”
My dad had loved my mom. He’d asked her to marry him and share his life. She’d turned him down because he didn’t have the hefty portfolio and sizeable bank account she required in a husband. Love wasn’t a requisite for marriage in Sinuhe Stanton’s opinion and since her sultry-eyed, breathy-voiced beauty was irresistible to most men, she’d never had to settle for less than whatever she wanted. Unfortunately she hadn’t wanted my dad for the long haul.
Glancing at the clock, I saw it was ten thirty. “I guess I should get ready.”
“I love spa day with your mom.” Cary smiled and it chased the lingering shadows on my mood away. “I feel like a god when we’re done.”
“Me, too. Of the goddess persuasion.”
We were so eager to be off that we went downstairs to meet the car rather than wait for the front desk to call up.
The doorman smiled as we stepped outside—me in heeled sandals and a maxi dress, and Cary in hip-hugging jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt.
“Good morning, Miss Cabello. Mr. Taylor. Will you need a cab today?”
“No thanks, Paul. We’re expecting a car.” Cary grinned. “It’s spa day at Perrini’s!”
“Ah, Perrini’s Day Spa.” Paul gave a sage nod. “I bought my wife a gift certificate for our anniversary. She enjoyed it so much I plan to make it a tradition.”
“You did good, Paul,” I said. “Pampering a woman never goes out of style.”
A black town car pulled up with Clancy at the wheel. Paul opened the rear door for us and we climbed in, squealing when we found a box of Knipschildt’s Chocopologie on the seat. Waving at Paul, we settled back and dug in, taking tiny nibbles of the truffles that were worth savoring slowly.
Clancy drove us straight to Perrini’s, where the relaxation began from the moment one walked in the door. Crossing the entrance threshold was like taking a vacation on the far side of the world. Every arched doorway was framed by lushly vibrant striped silks, while jeweled pillows decorated elegant chaises and oversized armchairs.
Birds chirped from suspended gilded cages and potted plants filled every corner with lush fronds. Small decorative fountains added the sounds of running water, while stringed instrumental music was piped into the room via cleverly hidden speakers. The air was redolent with a mix of exotic spices and fragrances, making me feel like I’d stepped into Arabian Nights.
It was this-close to being too much, but it didn’t cross the line. Instead, Perrini’s was exotic and luxurious, an indulgent treat for those who could afford it. Like my mother, who’d just finished a milk-and-honey bath when we arrived.
I studied the menu of treatments available, deciding to skip my usual “warrior woman” in favor of the “passionate pampering.” I’d been waxed the week before, but the rest of the treatment—“designed to make you sexually irresistible”—sounded like exactly what I needed.
I’d finally managed to get my mind back into the safe zone of work when Cary spoke up from the pedicure chair beside mine.
“Mrs. Stanton, have you met Lauren Jauregui?”
I gaped at him. He knew damn well my mom went nuts over any news about my romantic—and not-so-romantic, as the case may be—relationships.
My mother, who sat in the chair on the other side of me, leaned forward with her usual girlish excitement over a rich, handsome man. “Of course. She’s one of the wealthiest women in the world. Number twenty-five or so on Forbes’s list, if I’m remembering correctly. A very driven young woman, obviously, and a generous benefactor to many of the children’s charities I champion. Extremely eligible, of course, but I don’t believe she's straight , Cary. She’s got a reputation as a ladies’ pleaser.”
“My loss.” Cary grinned and ignored my violent headshaking. “But it’d be a hopeless crush anyway, since she’s digging on Camila.”
“Camila! I can’t believe you didn’t say anything. How could you not tell me something like that?”
I looked at my mom, whose scrubbed face appeared young, unlined, and very much like mine. I was very clearly my mother’s daughter, right down to my surname. The one concession she’d made to my father had been to name me after his mother.
“There’s nothing to tell,” I insisted. “We’re just…friends.”
“We can do better than that,” Sinuhe said, with a look of calculation that struck fear in my heart. “I don’t know how it escaped me that you work in the same building she does. I’m certain she was smitten the moment she saw you. Although she’s known to prefer blondes…Hmm…Anyway. sHe’s also known for her excellent taste. Clearly the latter won out with you.”
“It’s not like that. Please don’t start meddling. You’ll embarrass me.”
“Nonsense. If anyone knows what to do with men, it’s me.”
I cringed, my shoulders creeping up to my ears. By the time my massage appointment came around, I was in desperate need of one. I stretched out on the table and closed my eyes, preparing to take a catnap to get through the long night ahead.
I loved dressing up and looking pretty as much as the next girl, but charity functions were a lot of work. Making small talk was exhausting, smiling nonstop was a pain, and conversations about businesses and people I didn’t know were boring. If it wasn’t for Cary benefitting from the exposure, I’d put up a bigger fight about going.
I sighed. Who was I fooling? I’d end up going anyway. My mom and Stanton supported abused children’s charities because they were significant to me. Going to the occasional stuffy event was a small price to pay for the return.
Taking a deep breath, I consciously relaxed. I made a mental note to call my dad when I got home and thought about how to send a thank-you note to Lauren for the hangover cure. I supposed I could e-mail her using the contact info on her business card, but that lacked class. Besides, I didn’t know who read her inbox.
I’d just call her when I got home. Why not? She’d asked—no, told—me to; she’d written the demand on her business card. And I’d get to hear her luscious voice again.
The door opened and the masseuse came in. “Hello, Camila. You ready?”
Not quite. But I was getting there.
After many lovely hours at the spa, my mom and Cary dropped me off at the apartment; then they headed out to hunt for new cuff links for Stanton. I used the time alone to call Lauren. Even with the much-needed privacy, I punched most of her phone number into the keypad a half-dozen times before I finally put the call through.
She answered on the first ring. “Camila.”
W that she’d known who was calling, my mind scrambled for a moment. How did she have my name and number in her contact list? “Uh…hi, Lauren.”
“I’m a block away. Let the front desk know I’m coming.”
“What?” I felt like I’d missed part of the conversation. “Coming where?”
“To your place. I’m rounding the corner now. Call the desk, Camila.”
she hung up and I stared at the phone, trying to absorb the fact that Lauren was moments away from being with me again. Somewhat dazed, I went to the intercom and talked to the front desk, letting them know I was expecting her and while I was talking, she walked into the lobby. A few moments after that, she was at my door.
It was then that I remembered I was dressed in only a thigh-length silk robe, and my face and hair were styled for the dinner. What kind of impression would she get from my appearance?
I tightened the belt of my robe before I let her in. It wasn’t like I’d invited her over for a seduction or anything.
Lauren stood in the hallway for a long moment, her gaze raking me from my head down to my French manicured toes. I was equally stunned by her appearance. The way she looked in worn jeans and a T-shirt made me want to undress her with my teeth.
“Worth the trip to find you like this, Camila.” sHe stepped inside and locked the door behind her. “How are you feeling?”
“Good. Thanks to you. Thank you.” My stomach quivered because she was here, with me, which made me feel almost…giddy. “That can’t be why you came over.”
“I’m here because it took you too long to call me.”
“I didn’t realize I had a deadline.”
“I have to ask you something time-sensitive, but more than that, I wanted to know if you were feeling all right after last night.” Her eyes were dark as they swept over me, her breathtaking face framed by that luxurious curtain of inky hair. “God. You look beautiful, Camila. I can’t remember ever wanting anything this much.”
With just those few simple words I became hot and needy. Way too vulnerable. “What’s so urgent?”
“Go with me to the advocacy center dinner tonight.”
I pulled back, surprised and excited by the request. “You’re going?”
“So are you. I checked, knowing your mother would be there. Let’s go together.”
My hand went to my throat, my mind torn between the weirdness of how much she knew about me and concern over what she was asking me to do. “That’s not what I meant when I said we should spend time together.”
“Why not?” The simple question was laced with challenge. “What’s the problem with going together to an event we’d already planned on attending separately?”
“It’s not very discreet. It’s a high-profile event.”
“So?” Lauren stepped closer and fingered a curl of my hair.
There was a dangerous purr to her voice that sent a shiver through me. I could feel the warmth of her big, hard body and smell the richly musky scent of her skin. I was falling under her spell, deeper with every minute that passed.
“People will make assumptions, my mother in particular. She’s already scenting your bachelor blood in the water.”
Lowering her head, Lauren pressed her lips into the crook of my neck. “I don’t care what people think. We know what we’re doing. And I’ll deal with your mother.”
“If you think you can,” I said breathlessly, “you don’t know her very well.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven.” Her tongue traced the wildly throbbing vein in my throat and I melted into her, my body going lax as she pulled me close.
Still, I managed to say, “I haven’t said yes.”
“But you won’t say no.” sHe caught my earlobe between her teeth. “I won’t let you.”
I opened my mouth to protest and she sealed her lips over mine, shutting me up with a lush wet kiss. Her tongue did that slow, savoring licking that made me long to feel her doing the same between my legs. My hands went to her hair, sliding through it, tugging. When she wrapped her arms around me, I arched, curving into her hands.
Just as she had in her office, she had me on my back on the couch before I realized she was moving me, her mouth swallowing my surprised gasp. The robe gave way to her dexterous fingers; then she was cupping my breasts, kneading them with soft, rhythmic squeezes.
“Shh.” sHe sucked on my lower lip, her fingers rolling and tugging my tender nipples. “It was driving me crazy knowing you were naked beneath your robe.”
“You came over without—Oh! Oh, God…”
Her mouth surrounded the tip of my breast, the wash of heat bringing a mist of perspiration to my skin.
My gaze darted frantically to the clock on the cable box. “Lauren, no.”
Her head lifted and she looked at me with stormy green eyes. “It’s insane, I know. I don’t—I can’t explain it, Camila, but I have to make you come. I’ve been thinking about it constantly for days now.”
One of her hands pushed between my legs. They fell open shamelessly, my body so aroused I was flushed and almost feverish. Her other hand continued to plump my breasts, making them heavy and unbearably sensitive.
“You’re wet for me,” she murmured, her gaze sliding down my body to where she was parting me with her fingers. “You’re beautiful here, too. Plush and pink. So soft. You didn’t wax today, did you?”
I shook my head.
“Thank God. I don’t think I would’ve made it ten minutes without touching you, let alone ten hours.” She slid one finger carefully into me.
My eyes closed against the unbearable vulnerability of being spread out naked and fingered by a woman whose familiarity with the rules of Brazilian waxing betrayed an intimate knowledge of women. A woman who was still fully clothed and kneeling on the floor beside me.
“You’re so snug.” Lauren pulled out and thrust gently back into me. My back bowed as I clenched eagerly around her. “And so greedy. How long has it been since the last time you were fucked?”
I swallowed hard. “I’ve been busy. My thesis, job-hunting, moving…”
“A while, then.” sHe pulled out and pushed back into me with two fingers. I couldn’t hold back a moan of delight. The woman had talented hands, confident and skilled, and she took what he wanted with them.
“Are you on birth control, Camila?”
“Yes.” My hands gripped the edges of the cushions. “Of course.”
“I’ll prove I’m clean and you’ll do the same, then you’re going to let me come in you.”
“Jesus, Lauren.” I was panting for her, my hips circling shamelessly onto her thrusting fingers. I felt like I’d spontaneously combust if she didn’t get me off.
I’d never been so turned on in my life. I was near mindless with the need for an orgasm. If Cary walked in right then and found me writhing in our living room while Lauren finger-fucked me, I didn’t think I’d care.
Lauren was breathing hard, too. Her face was flushed with lust. For me. When I’d done nothing more than respond helplessly to her.
Her hand at my breast moved to my cheek and brushed over it. “You’re blushing. I’ve scandalized you.”
Her smile was both wicked and delighted, and it made my chest tight. “I want to feel my cum in you when I fuck you with my fingers. I want you to feel my cum in you, so you think about how I looked and the sounds I made when I pumped it into you. And while you’re thinking about that, you’re going to look forward to me doing it again and again.”
My sex rippled around her stroking fingers, the rawness of her words pushing me to the brink of orgasm.
“I’m going to tell you all the ways I want you to please me, Camila, and you’re going to do it all…take it all, and we’re going to have explosive, primal, no-holds-barred sex. You know that, don’t you? You can feel how it’ll be between us.”
“Yes,” I breathed, clutching my breasts to ease the deep ache of my hardened nipples. “Please, Lauren.”
“Shh…I’ve got you.” The pad of her thumb rubbed my clitoris in gentle circles. “Look into my eyes when you come for me.”
Everything tightened in my core, the tension building as she massaged my clit and pushed her fingers in and out in a steady, unhurried rhythm.
“Give it up to me, Camila,” she ordered. “Now.”
I climaxed with a thready cry, my grip white-knuckled on the sides of the cushions as my hips pumped onto her hand, my mind far beyond shame or shyness. My gaze was locked to her, unable to look away, riveted by the fierce masculine triumph that flared in her eyes. In that moment she owned me. I’d do anything she wanted. And she knew it.
Searing pleasure pulsed through me. Through the roaring of blood in my ears, I thought I heard her speak hoarsely, but I lost the words when she hooked one of my legs over the back of the couch and covered my cleft with her mouth.
“No—” I pushed at her head with my hands. “I can’t.”
I was too swollen, too sensitive. But when her tongue touched my clit, fluttering over it, the hunger built again. More intense than the first time. she rimmed my trembling slit, teasing me, taunting me with the promise of another orgasm when I knew I couldn’t have one again so quickly.
Then her tongue speared into me and I bit my lip to bite back a scream. I came a second time, my body quaking violently, tender muscles tightening desperately around her decadent licking. Her growl vibrated through me. I didn’t have the strength to push her away when she returned to my clit and sucked softly…tirelessly…until I climaxed again, gasping her name.
I was boneless as she straightened my leg and still breathless when she pressed kisses up my belly to my breasts. she licked each of my nipples, and then hauled me up with her arms banded around my back. I hung lax and pliable in her grip while she took my mouth with suppressed violence, bruising my lips and betraying how close to the edge she was.
she closed my robe; then stood, staring down at me.
“Seven o’clock, Camila.” sHe reached down and touched my ankle, her fingertips caressing the diamond anklet I’d put on in preparation for the evening. “And keep this on. I want to fuck you while you’re wearing nothing else.”
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yukimoji · 4 years
Oblivion 💕!! I hope you’re well, I’d like to request a cute Tanjirō x reader. Maybe where the s/o starts trying to make herself smell better, like using better soap to wash up. She’s really self conscious and wanted to try and please Tanjirō because she’s too awkward to actually just go and speak to him. They’ve been friends for a while and both like the other, even if they aren’t aware of that obvious fact. So Tanjirō eventually tells her that he prefers her natural scent. A scent of home 💕
(a/n: hi there again! thank you so much for requesting! i hope i did your request justice! i hope you’re well too and stay safe out there! <3 )
(also, beware for typos and grammar errors! happy reading!)
Total words: 1900+ words
Genre: Fluff
No manga spoilers
Warnings: None
The Aroma of Home ( Tanjiro Kamado x Reader )
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For months, Tanjiro had always enjoyed your company.
He first met you during a mission, a demon managed to corner him and he could barely lift up his katana. He was battered up and was beyond exhausted. Nezuko was nowhere to be found, and he was left to his own devices. The demon lunged at Tanjiro, but the boy did not feel the pain or impact that he expected.
He could only stare in awe as a young Demon Slayer stood in front him,  katana unsheathed as the demon faded away into dust. Your eyes were glowing as you stared at him, the gentle wind blowing around your hair gracefully. The moonlight mirrored your figure perfectly, giving you an elegant sparkle.
You held out a hand, and your lips curved up into a soft smile. He lifted his palm to hold onto yours, and felt his face running red at how soft your hands were. Then, your soothing voice echoed out to him for the first time that made pleasant shivers run up to his spine.
"Are you alright?"
You could say you made a lasting impression on the boy.
The last thing he recalled before blacking out of fatigue was your scent. His nose had picked up a beautiful fragrance that was so familiar and pleasant. He basked in the comfort of your aroma as your scent embraced his body with such tender warmth. It felt so calming and for a moment, it gave him a sense of security and peace that distracted him from the cruel world.
Your scent dearly reminded him of home.
After that night, he was determined to get to know you. However, befriending your seemed like a challenge.
Each time he would come near you and try to strike up a conversation, you would tense up and scurry away from his warm presence. He did not understand why, and negative thoughts started to consume him from the inside out. Did he do something wrong? Did he bother you? Do you not enjoy his presence? Do you hate him?
He would be damned if he said this out loud, but he yearned to catch even just a fraction of your endearing scent.
It wasn't until Zenitsu snapped him out of his pity party and said that you were just shy. Tanjiro mentally facepalmed to himself at this revelation. He felt stupid for thinking such negative thoughts, and the boy revised his plans for future attempts to get to know you. However, he felt the blood rushing to his face as conflicting emotions start to overwhelm him when he recalled the way you presented yourself during that fateful night.
You mean to say, that the strong and beautiful girl who saved my life is shy?!  
After that, he started to approach you in a more gentle manner, trying so hard not to startle you. Little by little, you started to warm up to him. Eventually, you became close friends. You even became friends with Nezuko, and it warmed his heart so much!
He valued your friendship to a high regard, the little moments where the two of you would laugh and joke about the tiny things would always bring a smile to his face. He didn't mind that you were a little awkward and shy at times, it just made you look more sweet and adorable to him! Just recalling these random memories just makes his day, and he wouldn't trade his relationship with you for the world.
Not only that, he has great admiration for your swordsmanship and skills as a Demon Slayer. Each time you would wield your katana, Tanjiro would always seem to learn something new from you. When the two of you would be assigned together for missions, it would be a lie to say that the boy would not be ecstatic.
He would always be honored to have you as his partner, and he might not admit it, but he can't help but gawk at the sight of you during battle. The way you would just look all focused and intense during an encounter with a demon makes him feel something that would bring fluttering butterflies to his belly. The way your face contorts into one filled with intensity and determination, contrasting with your normal timid and cute face, makes the Crimson-eyed slayer feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Not only that, he couldn't seem to get enough of your cozy and homey scent. Each time his nose would catch a glimpse of your endearing aroma, the radiant energy would come back and surround his body with such warmth and tenderness.
He loved that about you. You reminded him so much of home.
But then, one day, you began to emit something unfamiliar.
He found that you were starting to smell different. Your scent had started to change to a heavy fragrance of roses and jasmines instead of the homey aroma that he loved so much. He paid no mind of this at first, thinking maybe you just did something different and experimented for the day. But as days went by, the floral fragrances intensified, and the cozy scent that you originally had fully subsided.
It was starting to bother Tanjiro. You had every right to do what you wanted with your body, and he fully respected that. But he can't help but miss your natural and snuggly scent. The longer the floral fragrances intensify, the more anxious and fidgety he grows. He begins to struggle as desperately tries to fight how his body yearns to feel the warm embrace of your natural scent again.
This goes on, until one day, his selfishness gets the best of him.
He was resting at a Wisteria house, after a particularly difficult mission. Fortunately for him, your were assigned as his partner. You became close enough with the Burgundy-haired boy that you didn't mind that you shared a room with him. It wasn't like you were alone with him too, after all, Nezuko's box just layed comfortably across the two of you.  
He layed in his futon, as he was anxiously waits for your return. His mind was going haywire, as he repeatedly practices his questions towards your distinctive new fragrance. He fidgeted on his hands and began to sweat relentlessly, he felt so ashamed that he had the audacity to ask you such questions.
After what felt like eternity, footsteps rang around and you entered the room. Your hair was still damp, signalling that you came back from taking a shower. The strong fragrance of roses and jasmine becomes evident in the air, as the boy's nose scrunch from the overwhelming sickly sweet smell.
"You're still awake." You spoke up, taking a small towel to pat on your damp hair to dry it out.
"Mhm." Tanjiro barely exhales out. He sweated like a sinner in church, large balls of sweat just running down in his face endlessly.
You take a good look at him, and you were puzzled as to why he was sweating and shaking so much. Placing the towel aside, you moved in the direction of your futon, which was placed next to Tanjiro. You sat down, tilted your head slightly as uncertainty and doubt began to grow.
"What's wrong?" You asked, and Tanjiro could feel his soul just leaving his body as Shame completely engulfed his entire being.
Mustering all the courage and dignity he had left, he inhaled deeply. He sat up on his futon, and looked at you dead in the eye.
"Why do you smell so different now?"
Tanjiro immediately knew his mistake, he felt all the color drain from his face and his eyes were blown wide by what he just said.
Your eyes grew as big as plates, clearly taken aback, and Tanjiro just screams and screeches in the inside. He felt all the deities just look at him with utter disappointment as all the honor and moral integrity he had left completely abandoned him. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He wanted to crawl and hide into the corner at how absolutely stupid he sounded! He felt so ashamed, and he wanted to just disappear into the ends of the Earth.
You looked down to avoid his gaze, and chuckled quietly.  "You noticed, huh?" You whispered out.
The Crimson-eyed boy's mind continued to hurl out insults for his act dishonor, screaming at him to commit Seppuku to atone for his crime. Immediately, he stood in front of you, and proceeded to bow deeply repeatedly.
"I'm sorry! That question was too much! Please forget about it and forgive me!" Tanjiro shouts out, his pace never faltering as he continued to bow in front of you. You raised your hands, waving them desperately for him to calm down.
After a few minutes of constant bowing and words of reassurance, Tanjiro finally calms down. You look at him, eyes glistening with an emotion that the Hanafuda-clad slayer cannot describe. The boy can't stop his trembling, the atmosphere in the room felt absolutely suffocating as the two of you basked in the awkward silence.
"I.. I figured you would ask sooner or later." Your voice resonated, breaking the silence. You scrunch up your face, and proceeded to sigh deeply.
"When I knew about your keen sense of smell, I suddenly felt... self-conscious..." You started to explain, averting your gaze from the boy to look down at the floor. "I was worried.. that I.. that I.."
You struggled to find your words, and you could already feel the shame and doubt bubble up in you. It was embarrassing to say the least, and you couldn't tell what Tanjiro's thoughts were in his head. Negative thoughts clouded your mind, and you were more than convinced that Tanjiro was judging you at this very moment.
"I was worried that I smell bad, and I didn't really want you to deal with my disgusting scent everyday. So I started to use different methods so I could smell more pleasing to you." You felt so awkward, and you wanted to be anywhere else than here. Tanjiro didn't move or say anything, and you couldn't tell what expression he was making because you thought the ground was more interesting.
Suddenly, a pair of hands grasps your own. You whipped your head upwards and were met face to face with Tanjiro's Crimson ones, which were filled with determination.
"Please don't say that!" The boy starts, and your eyes went round from his sudden outburst. "You're wonderful the way you are! You never were unpleasant to me, in fact, it's the opposite!" His grip on your hand grew tighter, but in a comforting way as he his continued speech.
"I cherished your aroma, it really made me feel relaxed and peaceful on the inside! Every time you would be close to me, your scent would just bundle me up and wrap me with so much warmth! So, please, don't say that your smell was disgusting! I respect if you want to continue doing what you were doing, but please do consider my next words!"
He leans forward, and you could only look back in complete disbelief. Your lower lip trembles at his close proximity, and you could feel blood rushing to your face as a reassuring grin appears on the boy's features.
"I adored your natural scent because you reminded me so much of home! So don't doubt yourself because you're absolutely amazing just the way you are!"
You're holding back a choked sob, as your eyes start to well up in tears. How, how could anyone be so compassionate and caring towards you? Tanjiro engulfs you in a love-filled embrace, and you happily reciprocate. You started to cry out of the sheer amount of happiness, a wide smile of relief transforming your face.
"Thank you."
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Operation New Me: Young! Father Figure! Wu & Reader
-pt 1 is here
Tags: @agentcheescakesart
Summary: You're still having trouble with bullying. Garmadon pays a visit, and Wu comes to realise just how grave a mistake he’s made.
Snip, snip!
"So that's what's been going on?"
Snip, snip!
"You do know you can always come talk to me if you need anything, right? You always forget that you don't have to do everything on your own."
Snip, snip!
"Alright. How does that feel?"
You glanced in the mirror at your bob cut, shaking it around to get a feel of your hair swooshing against your cheeks. Your hair barely brushed your shoulders, but you had to say, short hair was actually quite nice. It wasn't as heavy as longer hair and was definitely going to be less of a hassle to care for. "Thanks Sensei." 
Wu cast a glance to all the hair in the trash bin, eyeing the piece of gum for a while longer. "What they did to you was cruel. You didn't deserve that." he said. You got off the toilet and brushed a few pieces of hair into the trash. "Some people are just like that I suppose."
"Perhaps...” He paused before saying, “Why don't you shower? Morro and I will make dinner."
You barely remembered having dinner after your shower, everything seemed to pass in a blur of colours and short conversations, leaving you in a dazed sort of state. Wu was quite obviously concerned, but he didn’t say anything. That night, Morro came and slept in your room with you. He said he just 'felt like it', but you knew he felt bad about you getting hit in the face at school.
Friday was swift to come and you thanked the First Spinjitzu Master for making it happen. When the last bell rang, you wished you could be the other teens who raced out of the school like there was no tomorrow. It was silent as you waited in the main hallway, waiting for the moment your sensei would arrive.
When he entered through the front doors, you could have sworn something was off about him. He wasn’t as relaxed or calm as he should have been, and his lips pulled into a deep frown. Morro wasn’t stuck by his side today either, so it looked rather odd to see him all alone. You quickly bowed in respect before leading him down the halls to your assigned classroom.
Walking into the classroom felt like you were about to enter a serpentine’s tomb. Your language teacher, who sat in the middle of the room, sent icy glares your way. She shifted from where she sat at the grouped desks in the middle of the room as your history teacher’s jaw dropped. Wu didn’t seem to notice, but maybe that was because his mind was focused on the meeting. You both took your seats at the desks while your history teacher glanced at Wu apprehensively.
"Hello, a pleasure to meet you.” There was a sickly sweet smile on her face that made you itch. “I am (Y/n)’s language teacher, Ms. Hannden. Are you her father?" You fiddled with your hands under the table, an awkward frown pulling at the edge of your lips. "He's actually--"
"You could say that." answered Wu. He sent you a fond smile that made you feel just the tiniest bit better about the parent-teacher conference. Your language teacher nodded in understanding. "I see. And you are...?"
Your history teacher looked like he was about to faint. Wu kept his gaze trained on your language teacher, as if he were silently picking her apart little by little. You saw the disdain in his eyes for her, but he concealed it perfectly. "My daughter...
You almost gasped.
"...has been dealing with an excessive amount of bullying as of late. I understand that she is new, but I do not believe it is normal, per se, for her to deal with such a considerable amount of violence. To be frank--it is concerning."
Your language teacher folded her hands on the desk, that same sugary smile still on her lips. "That is completely understandable, but bullying is quite a school-wide norm and currently our top priority to fix here. We're trying to access it, but it isn't easy dealing with the large amount of students. At the moment, we are doing all we can to keep it under control. I am truly sorry for what has happened, but I can’t say there is much we can to do help her." Wu frowned in response and your gazes connected again. 
He quickly turned back to the teachers and said, "I see... Was there anything else you wished to speak of?"
Your language teacher paused for a second. There was an awkward silence that ensued before she nodded. "Yes. Your," she looked disgusted, "daughter carries weapons, and that will not be tolerated on school grounds. Were you aware at all?"
Wu looked uncomfortable. "No."
"Well she went off with a warning the first time, but if I so much as see another one of those knives, she'll have to be suspended, or worse, expelled. Not only that, but she has been late to class on multiple occasions despite it only being the first few weeks of term. She will be held-back if it continues, and there will be consequences. Not only that, she has been provoking other students and causing trouble, distractions, and so many other things in this school. She must keep herself in line, especially since I have been hearing various complaints from other students’ parents."
First Spinjitzu Master, what a load of bull that was.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, half expecting Wu to send you one of his 'looks'. Instead he stood up, giving his bamboo staff a good twirl and motioning for you to follow him. "Thank you for your time." His voice was deathly calm. The last time you heard him speak like that was when you, Garmadon and Morro accidently splattered paint on the monastery's front doors and then accidently broke it with the help of the Nunchucks of Lighting (it was Garmadon's idea, not yours).
Wu placed a hand on your shoulder, as if to silently reassure you that he knew you were completely innocent. "I will ensure that I have a...’talk’ with my daughter." You followed your sensei out the door, stiffly looking over your shoulder at the two teachers whispering. 
"Ms. Hannden, you do realise that that is Wu, the son of the First Spinjitzu Master, right?" 
Wu didn't seem to hear that, or rather didn't care to. He only marched through the halls and straight out the door with only one destination in mine: Home. You could tell just by the way he tapped his staff against the ground that he was unfortunately, angry. "Sensei," you quietly mumbled. "Are you angry at me?"
He paused in his step and swiftly whipped around to face you, eyes wide in bewilderment. "Angry? What reason do I have to be angry with you?"
"The teacher said..."
"Well clearly she hadn't a clue what she was talking about. I won't stand for bullying, especially when no one decides to do anything about it." He scoffed to himself. "A school is a place for learning, not stress and heartache. Come on, Garmadon's waiting for us." Wu turned around, flicking his staff into the air while fluidly moving his hands around in long strokes. To the untrained eye, Wu's spectacle was simply an odd performance of 'hand-waving', but to you, it was much more. Wu was harnessing his energy and utilising it to summon a great, white and golden dragon, a skill only the most focused and fearless could do.
No matter how many times you’ve watched the dragon appeared from thin air, it was like magic. The dragon huffed out a long breath as Wu petted him affectionately. You both climbed on, and as soon as Wu gave the reins a gentle nudge, you were off. 
The ride back home was silent, but as soon as you slid off the dragon and set foot on the ground, two familiar people greeted you and broke it. They jogged across the courtyard, waving and excitedly shouting as Wu's dragon disappeared in a flurry of golden specks lost to the wind.
"Took you long enough to get home. We already cooked dinner!" exclaimed Morro. He motioned to the darkened sky and setting sun with a pointed look. "Oh shut it, drama queen,” you grumbled. “It's still summer so the sun's been out all day. Not only that, but we had to sit through a painful parent-teacher conference you were lucky enough to skip."
"Oh, right.” he dumbly said. You aggressively ruffled his hair as he added, “How'd it go?"
"Parent teacher conference?" echoed Garmadon. "I thought you just started school."
Your expression lit up light the sun. “Garmadon!” You tackled him in a hug as he laughed. “It's good to see you again (Y/n)." He ruffled your hair affectionately. "You've grown since the last time I've seen you."
"And you've gotten older." you joked. He chuckled a little as you disconnected from the hug. "I'm not that old."
"Yeah, you're pre-historic!" said Morro. You and him high-fived as Garmadon rolled his eyes with a light chuckle. The emotions of joy and excitement were fleeting as you caught sight of Wu silently making his way into the monastery. He opened the doors, allowing the dim candlelight to flood the courtyard as he disappeared inside. Garmadon followed your gaze before glancing up at the rising moon shining brightly overhead. "It's about time we have dinner, I have a feeling we have a lot to catch up on." You nodded in agreement, following Garmadon inside as Morro explained about how awful your school was.
As soon as everyone had gathered around the dinner table, you knew something was bound to happen, and you were sure Morro probably felt it in the air. Today was supposed to be a good day because Garmadon was back, but all the chaos that had recently happened seemed to dampen the mood. Much to Garmadon’s luck, he remained out of the loop and had no idea what happened, so he glanced at everyone's tired faces in confusion, bouncing from yours, to Morro's and then finally, his brother's.
The tension was suffocating.
"If I may ask," he quietly began, "what exactly did I miss while I was gone?" Wu paused mid-bite to set his chopsticks down. He picked up his tea cup and took a harsh sip of tea. He seemed to be in a sort of meditative state of thought, because he didn't reply right away, so for moments, it was silent again. After another minute or so, he set his cup down, the sound echoing through the empty halls of the monastery.
"I am almost never angry because I know, especially as a teacher, that anger is a strong emotion that can blind decisions and actions." Wu said, only pausing to survey everyone's expressions like a hawk to its prey. "The last time I remember being this infuriated was when I had an argument with you, brother." Garmadon pursed his lips together almost nervously, but Wu ignored him and continued. 
"That had to be decades ago, so this feeling is something I am trying to calm, yet I can't seem to when it concerns you (Y/n). The way you have been treated at school these past two weeks is infuriating, and more so when your teachers--those who should take responsibility--say they are doing something when they are not."
His steely tone send shivers down your spine, and it made you tremendously thankful that you weren't the one on the receiving end of it. Wu took a sip of his tea again as if to calm his intense bout of anger. "None--and when I say none, I single out none--even dare recognise the fact that you have been bullied and attacked by your peers. If you were not a ninja, those girls could have hospitalised you! 
“I cannot imagine what those students have done to each other, and that fact is terrifying in itself. Teenagers will be teenagers, but there is a fine line between simple teasing and assault. I will not stand for such barbaric behaviour." Wu heaved out a long, hard breath before finishing the last of his food and taking his dishes to the sink. He placed a hand on your shoulder and gave it a good squeeze. "You will not go back there. I promise."
And with that, he turned on his heel and disappeared down the hall.
There was a good half minute of silence before Garmadon whistled lowly. His eyes were wide as he made a face that screamed 'wow'. "I haven't seen Wu that angry since...I can't remember, but he was definitely not that angry when we had an argument." Morro snorted to diffuse the lingering tension. "Sensei's a harsh teacher, but he's not an angry person."
"Couldn't have said it better." replied Garmadon. "Besides that, mind telling me what happened?"
You began from the beginning, from how you were nervous for good reason to go to school, then to how you had to deal with tripping, insults, fights, and finally, gum stuck in your hair. Garmadon nodded thoughtfully at the end of it. “So that’s why you cut your hair. I wanted to ask, but I didn’t have the chance to.” He paused, a devious smirk crawling up his lips. “If I were you, I would have fought back and given those girls a well needed lesson.” 
You waved your hand dismissively. “I’m not like you Garmadon. I can’t go around beating people up because I have a positive reputation, unlike some people.” Morro and Garmadon sent each other glances as if to ask who you were referring to. You rolled your eyes. “When I say some people, I mean both of you.”
After a long dinner of re-telling the horror stories of high school life in the city, you took a long, hot shower. It felt nice to have the water run down your tired limbs as you mumbled a little song. Once you finished, you were quick to make your way back into your room and flop down on your bed with a sigh.
As you laid there, relishing in the silence of night, you thought back to all that happened in the past week or so. You recalled all the interactions with your peers, from the times you were tripped, to the fight, then the name-calling, and lastly, the gum.
You almost laughed to yourself at how cliché your life turned out to be at the moment. It was like a high school drama, where the new girl got bullied before finally sticking up for herself. The only difference with you was that you weren't going to stay in high school because you had people who actually cared about your mental health.
Your Sensei didn't doubt your words for a second once you told him what happened, not only that, but he made the quick decision to not allow you to go back there no matter the consequence. And besides, what kind of ninja needed to go to a regular high school anyway?
A light knock at your door jolted you out of your thoughts. By the way the knock sounded, you knew it was Sensei. He had a gentle way of allowing himself to be known unlike Morro who'd rather burst through your door, or Garmadon, who shouted before coming in. You sat up in bed and said a light 'come in'.
Wu quietly slid open the door as you yawned. "Tired?" he said. You nodded as he closed the door. He hadn't changed out of his gi, and the strong scent of freshly burnt incense hit your senses as soon as he took a seat at the edge of your bed. You looked him up and down, surveying the odd way he folded his hands together to the distant look in his usually lively eyes. "I'm surprised you're not asleep Sensei." you said. He shrugged--something he almost never did being how ancient he was. 
"How are you feeling?"
It was your turn to shrug. "Tired, worried as to why you're here maybe." Wu chuckled a little to diffuse the tension. "I wanted to talk to you about school. I understand that it has been....difficult, especially with all you have dealt with as of late." He ran his thumb across his fingers in thought. "I apologise for not noticing sooner. I should have done more for you, and although it is in the past, I can't help but regret knowing that I wasn't there as I should have been."
You frowned and scooted closer to him. “There was nothing to be done.” you quietly said. He couldn't control the actions of your peers, and it wasn't like he could have predicted how evil your classmates were going to be. "It's not your fault."
Wu closed his eyes as if he were in immense pain. A soft, quivering sigh escaped his lips, as if the years he’s lived in this realm were finally catching up tot him. "No.” He turned to you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “As your Sensei, I should have been more aware of what was going on. It is my responsibility to ensure you are safe and healthy. It is also my duty as well to educate you on when it is alright to remove yourself from situations you can prevent. My intentions were pure, but the world is so full of cruelty, and it...it seems I forgot to see it. So not only have I failed as a sensei, but as your guardian as well."
The guilty look in his eyes made your heart ache with sorrow. It reminded you of the day he came into your room exactly like he had done only moments ago and told you that your parents were dead. 
Wu surveyed your shifting expression as if he were afraid you would express anger towards him, or even hatred for making you go to that blasted school. But you could never say anything like that because how was it fair for Wu to shoulder such a burden? He raised you since the day your parents died, treated you like you were his own, and taught you everything you needed to know to become the skilled ninja you were today. How could you hate someone you loved so dearly?
Wu seemed to match your train of thought. He smiled again, this time much more delicately than the last. "You are more than my student (Y/n).” He wrapped his arms around you, sheltering you in warmth unmatched by the sun. “You are my daughter, and most importantly, family.” You rested your head on his shoulder, savouring the love and affection you didn’t realise you wanted to be showered in. You couldn’t stop the tears gathering in your eyes. 
After all the times people called you names, threatened to beat you up after school, and got you in trouble, this was what restored your happiness. For a moment, it was as if nothing else could go wrong because you felt so safe with Wu. 
“Sometimes, people need to change,” he said. “But that person is not you."
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Happier Times
During my Christmas break, I binge read Endless Summer. Just as I expected, I fell in love with my two favorite characters all over again. And since I probably had too many marshmallows last night (hey, it’s been 2020, we all deserve a treat, right?), I came up with this fic idea. It’s sickly sweet and fluffy and cheesy and everything in between. Also, probability? Never heard of her.
Be warned and enjoy :-)
Here’s to happier times: stay healthy and safe! May 2021 be everything 2020 wasn’t.
Book: Endless Summer
Pairing: Jake x MC
Warnings: none, just sweetness and fluff (get some toothpaste ready)
Word count: ~2600 (10 minutes reading time)
The house was haunted.
Well, it was either that, or Taylor was losing her mind.
Between the two, she would rather have a ghost.
It all started innocently, with a missing laundry basket. At first, Taylor thought she left it in the garden, but it wasn’t there. She searched the house from top to bottom, but it wasn’t there either. “It couldn’t just get up and walk away! Have you taken it?” She asked her husband, but Jake shrugged and turned away, murmuring something she’d rather not hear.
It was a long shot, anyway. Jake never did laundry, not unless he really had to. He’d rather scrub the floors or wash windows. If she had to guess, it was because you didn’t have to do it as often, but she chose not to complain. She wasn’t a big fan of the household chores, either.
Next was her favorite coffee cup.
Taylor bought a set of six identical cups when they moved in, but this one was special. A little chipped and faded from years of washing, and still her favorite. Every afternoon, she would sit in her spot by the window and have a coffee in it. It was her “me time,” as sacred as it was short.
Gritting her teeth, she opened the fridge to grab a snack, but to her surprise, the food was also gone. Well, most of it. It was easier to explain——she didn’t know what it was with men and food, but she already got used to the sight of empty shelves. She only hoped he had the decency to restock it.
“Do you need anything? I’m going to the store.” Jake peeked through the door as if reading her mind, and she gestured hopelessly at the fridge. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He shot her a dazzling smile and left before she had a chance to say anything.
“Wait! Have you seen...” She uttered finally, but the loud click of the front door told her it was too late. With a sigh, she plopped in her chair. Coffeeless. It certainly didn’t help brighten her mood.
“At least the weather is great,” she whispered to herself. That much was true. The rains finally stopped, leaving fresh, crisp air behind. The sun was already hanging low, but she could still see stray rays fighting their way through lush greenery, and the blue sky matched the color of her husband’s eyes.
She smiled at her thoughts. So many things have changed throughout the years, but the way Jake looked at her didn’t. The warmth she felt inside when she thought of him didn’t, either.
And if she had a say in the matter, it wasn’t going anywhere. Ever.
Speaking of going anywhere, though—they could take a break and go to the beach. Sand would probably be still damp, and ocean waters cold, but it wouldn’t matter. They had a soft spot for the beaches from the very beginning. It was time to add another happy memory to their collection. Tomorrow, she decided, checking the weather forecast.
When she climbed to the top shelf, she wasn’t even surprised her bag and blanket were no longer among the other beach items. It was just her luck today. Cursing under her breath, she slammed the door a little too hard, summoning a cloud of ancient dust sleeping on the wardrobe.
This day just kept getting better and better.
Huffing and sneezing, Taylor reached the bathroom and stared in disbelief. The laundry basket she looked for the entire morning was back where it’s always been. Adding insult to injury, it looked like it was laughing at her anguish, mocking her with hundreds of its tiny eye-shaped holes. She ignored the insolent box and turned on her heel, trying to ignore the trembling hands.
“It’s fine,” she whispered. “Nothing’s happening. I’m just tired. I need to go to bed earlier. Or maybe have a drink. Yes, that’s a good start.” Mumbling under her breath, she went back to the kitchen and opened the cabinet. Then closed it and opened it again. And again. And again.
The more she looked inside, the more the wine bottle wasn’t there.
It was the last straw.
A sudden cry startled Jake. What on Earth happened? It didn’t sound entirely human. Without hesitation, he ran to the kitchen only to see his wife, as human as she ever was, waving an angry (and a little... dusty?) fist at the furniture. He tried to retreat silently, but she turned and pointed an accusing finger at him.
“You! Do you think I’m crazy?”
“Huh?” He looked her up and down. “You mean, more than usual?” He tried to joke, but under her death glare, the words got stuck in his throat.
“I keep losing things,” Taylor sniffled. “First the laundry basket, then my favorite cup—”
He wrapped his hands around her and whispered so low she couldn’t hear him, “Good riddance.”
“—and now even the wine is gone!”
“I’m sure we’ll find it,” he tried to cheer her up. “Just maybe not right now?”
“Why not?”
“You deserve a break.” He stroked her back. “And, uh, a shower. What were you doing, anyway?”
“Don’t ask. I think the universe hates me. At least today.” 
“Well, I know exactly how to cheer you up.” Jake beamed. “I’m taking you on a date. I already asked our neighbors, they don’t mind having more kids tonight, so we’re free. You know, just you and me, like in ancient times?”
“Come on, we’re definitely not ancient!” She laughed in protest. “But you’re right, it’s been a while. Give me five minutes. Where are we going?”
“A gentleman never tells.”
Thirty minutes later, Taylor felt the car coming to a stop. She still had no idea where they were going—just before they left, Jake asked her to close her eyes and stop peeking, and to her own surprise, she obliged. Now that he held her hand and helped her out, she didn’t even need to open them to know. There was only one place with that smell and salty breeze.
“Just in time to watch the sunset, eh?” She turned to Jake with a smile that quickly turned into a scowl when she noticed the bag he was holding. And all the missing items sticking out of it, her favorite mug and wine bottle included. “Don’t tell me it was you.”
“I’m sorry. Please, don’t be mad.”
She shook her head. “You could have told me.”
“That would spoil the surprise,” he murmured apologetically.
“But why my mug?”
“It was on the front. My bad.”
“And the laundry basket?”
“I forgot where you put this thing,” he swung the bag.
Taylor looked at her husband, trying to keep her dignity, but the laugh she kept inside finally broke free. It started small, with shaking shoulders, but before she knew it, she lost control entirely and doubled over, grabbing on to Jake for support.
“That was... something else,” she wheezed, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Sorry. Thank you. It definitely was a surprise.”
“Mm-hmm.” He grinned and nodded at the blazing sky. “What do you think?”
“Ten out of ten. Just look at the colors,” Taylor sighed in admiration, draping the blanket over their shoulders and snuggling to his side. “Also, great company. And food” —she curiously eyed a flattened sandwich before taking a small bite— “probably not poisonous. Overall, would recommend.”
Jake looked at her with his signature half-smile, and she felt the familiar warmth spreading throughout her body. She raised her hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear, then pulled him in for a kiss and nestled her head on his shoulder with a happy little sigh.
Just as she was drifting off into sleep, she heard his low voice.
“I got a letter today.”
“From the court.”
“Oh.” She gasped, any remnants of drowsiness gone in an instant. A while ago—a really, really, really long while ago—they decided to try and free Jake from his charges. Their friends helped—actually, they did most of the work, from Aleister hiring lawyers to Zahra unearthing real evidence—but they never got any response. 
Not until now.
“What does it say?”
“I don’t know. I couldn’t bring myself to read it.” Jake admitted, smiling bleakly at the thick letter he fished out of his pocket. “I’m feeling like the Schrödinger’s cat right now. Both guilty and innocent until we open it. It’s funny how I couldn’t wait for it, and now I’m not even sure if I want to know.”
“Are-are you—” She stuttered, trailing a finger over the envelope. “Are you afraid you won’t be able to come home?”
“No,” he sighed. “It’s not that. The truth is, it’s not my home. Not anymore. My home is here. With you. No matter what they say, I am home.”
“Oh, Jake,” She wrapped her hands around his waist. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Princess.” He ran his fingers along her cheek and tipped her chin up for a kiss.
Taylor hesitantly pulled out of the embrace. “Well then, if you don’t read it, I will. Worst case scenario, everything stays as it is, right?”
She tore the envelope and unfolded the letter. Despite her apparent bravado, Jake could see her hands were trembling. She turned page after page, and when she finally raised her head, he couldn’t read her face. It was completely blank. Nothing, nil, nada.
“Well?” He blurted out. Deep inside, he felt his heart drop. It wasn’t right. His wife wasn’t good at hiding her emotions. She would smile, her starry eyes would twinkle with joy, she would never stare at him like that if the letter brought good news. His shoulders slumped, and he stared into the distance, blinking away tears. He could feel Taylor’s arms wrapped around him, her shaking shoulders and hot tears soaking through his shirt, but he dared not look.
It wasn’t that he didn’t know it was a possibility. Only now, when his luck took a turn for the better, he wasn’t seriously considering it.
He would get over it. He had mastered “getting over it.”
Just not now.
“Jake? Do you hear me?”
He looked at his wife, dumbfounded. Her whole face lit up. It didn’t make any sense, but she was beaming.
“You’re free,” she whispered. “You’re free.”
“What?!” He grabbed the papers from her hand and scanned line after line, not understanding half of the jargon. Still, the crucial sentence, written in bold, was not open to interpretations. All charges were dropped.
He was no longer a wanted man.
He wanted to shout, sing, dance, everything at once—but all he could do was stare at the letter.
“I can’t believe it,” he whispered. “I thought—You looked so—”
“I was shocked,” Taylor smiled apologetically. “I couldn’t believe it either. I shouldn’t be surprised, I knew you didn’t do anything, but—oh, you have no idea how happy for you I am right now!”
She jumped into Jake’s arms, throwing him off balance, and they both tumbled into the sand, giggling like a pair of teenagers.
“I just... can’t... believe... it,” he muttered, stopping to place a kiss on her lips after each word. “I was sure we lost.”
“But we won.”
“Yeah.” He helper her rise to her feet. “We should head back home, then. Pack our bags. I’ll get the plane ready, so we can start tomorrow morning.”
“So much for ‘my home is wherever you are,’” she let out an exaggerated sigh followed by a giggle.
“I mean, I don’t want to go back there forever. For a few days, a week.”
“For as long as you need.”
They stared into each others’ eyes for what felt like an eternity, even if only a few seconds passed.
“Can you pack my suit?” Jake finally broke the silence. “And a nice dress, and... you know, fancy things?” He waved his hand hopelessly, and Taylor only raised her brows in response. He whispered something into her ear, and her eyes grew wide.
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world. But I swear, Jacob Lucas McKenzie, if you keep anything, and I mean literally anything, from me ever again...!”
Jake fixed his tie for the millionth time. There was no point in denying it—he was nervous. And it wasn’t even his wedding.
It’s just been too long, and—
“Ah, to hell with it,” he muttered and raised his hand to knock, only the door swung open before he had a chance to do it.
“There you are!” A tall brunette in a frilly bridesmaid gown pulled him inside, clearly relieved. “You’re late.”
“Sorry,” he muttered under his breath, stealing a look at the bride, who unsuccessfully tried to tame a stray lock.
She’s all grown up now, he realized with surprise. He half-expected to see a scrawny redheaded teenager, always at odds with the world. That’s how he still remembered and imagined her—except it was well over a decade ago. The young woman he saw right now looked happy and self-assured, and, well, beautiful. He couldn’t not admit otherwise without taking a dig at his own looks, and he was rather proud of it.
“What took you so long?” The bride finally gave up on her hair and extended her arm without as much as looking at him.
“Er, it’s a long story. I don’t think we have time for that.”
Rebecca turned with a gasp of surprise. She expected her cousin, and not her prodigal older brother. Nobody expected him to show up at her wedding, not after he disappeared without a word all those years ago. To be honest, most people probably even forgot she had a brother, the black sheep of the family.
She didn't.
Jake could see all the conflicting emotions on her face. He was glad when she finally settled on a smile and flung her hands around his neck, hugging him really tight like she tried to make up for the lost years.
“This was for everything,” she said with a smile, pulling back. “And this” —Jake staggered back when she slapped him across the face—“is for everything else.”
“I guess I deserved it,” he agreed, massaging his jaw. “Don’t worry, that’s how we show love in our family. You may go!” He shooed away the flock of bridesmaids.
“It’s been a while, Becks.” He smiled softly at his sister, and she snorted in return.
“You tell me!”
“I’m sorry. Really sorry.” He squeezed her hand and stared into her face, not unlike his own. “I never meant for any of this to happen. But it did, and I’m sorry. Will you ever forgive me?”
“I already did. But tell me one thing. Is it safe for you to come here?” Rebecca beamed at his nod and looped her arm through his. “We have to talk. But please, not now. I don’t want them to think I changed my mind.”
“If you want to run, just give me a word. I have some experience, you know.”
“God, no.” She laughed. “No running today, I promise.”
As they walked down the aisle, he kept glancing at his sister and ignoring the guests’ gasps and murmurs. Her gaze was fixed on her fiancee, who in turn was grinning sheepishly at the altar. Funny, how he never took her for the marrying kind. But then nobody took him, either, and there he was.
Maybe you just needed the right person. At the right time.
Because he was sure you didn’t need the gossiping aunts, no matter what customs said.
“Thank you,” she said when they stopped. “I’m happy you’re back.”
Jake smiled at his sister and her fiancee.
“So am I. Good luck, you two.”
He resisted the urge to wave to the crowd and instead darted to where he noticed his own right person. And as he held her warm hand, for the first time ever, he finally felt all the puzzle pieces were in place.
He was, after all, a lucky man.
@choicesficwriterscreations :)
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Prompt: Peggy is sick (like, cold... nothing serious) and hates being taken care of, but Steve isn't going to let her suffer alone.
SOFT. This should be 40s AU but I suck at medical from the 40s. So hello modern, no-powers AU.
Peggy Carter hated, more than anything in life was to be sick. She was not a good patient, she was miserable when sick. She mostly hated when people doted after her like she was some weak, helpless person.
She wasn’t. She was just sick.
And right now, she was miserable. She couldn’t breathe out her left nostril while her right nostril wheezed every time she attempted. Her throat felt raw and aching and worst of all, she couldn’t get enough to drink. Top it off, her body was trying to decide if she should have a fever on top of all of this or not.
The knocking at her apartment door made her groan, only because dragging herself to her feet and stumbling to the door. She almost fell when it opened by itself, another groan dragging from her lips when she saw who was it.
Steve. Of course her hot, new neighbor, and landlord of the apartments. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve flinched when she almost fell, lowering the plastic bag he had in hand. “When you didn’t answer, I was just going to drop this off inside the door, I promise.”
Peggy wanted to get mad, wanted to throw a fit and demand that Steve at least tell her he was coming by or give her some warning about how he was going to invade her privacy, but then it struck her. He probably had and she’d been non the wiser with her phone currently off to avoid people from work blowing her up about a new patient.
So she couldn’t get mad even if she wanted to. 
“I didn’t think you were that type,” she mumbled, speaking out of her nose and no louder than a whisper given her situation. “To invade other’s privacy, I mean.” She could see just how awkward this 6’0, 240-pound man was, looking impossibly small somehow in her doorway.
“No, no I’m not. I grew up with landlords like that and I fuckin’ hated it.” In fact, Peggy got the impression he hated being a landlord too. His biggest passion seemed to be the pastries and sweets he brought around every Friday. 
It’s why rent was so cheap and everyone was lovely taken care of, every little need met. He normally catered to those struggling, Steve told her once when they were walking from apartment to apartment to see which one she liked. He catered to the elderly who could barely get up somedays or to the single moms and those on hard times, and especially veterans. Why the hell she was picked as a tenant, she had no idea. She was none of those things and quite frankly, she was almost afraid to ask.
“What’s in the bag?” Peggy asked, the question coming out nasally. Even Steve flinched.
“Oh, uh, chicken noodle soup courtesy of my ma. She was the blonde lady you spoke to the other day when you dropped off the rest.” Steve’s face flushed a shade of pink and shrugged his impossibly big shoulders. “She said you sounded sick and made this. Guess she was right.”
Peggy’s tongue darted out to lick her dry lips. The smell of the broth made her stomach grumble, becoming fully aware that she hadn’t eaten in forever. She could remember Steve’s ma, almost a spitting image of her with the hair and eyes, even the same freckled nose.
“Do you want to...come in?” Her head jerked and Peggy regretted that action, nearly stumbling back if it wasn’t for Steve’s arm reaching out to prevent her from making contact with the coat rack. 
“Sure.” He paused, looking her up and down. Her nose was a bright shade of red and her eyes rimmed red like she’s been rubbing at them. She curled in on herself, like trying to huddle in all her warmth. She didn’t wear her normal poised clothes, instead of pajamas and a housecoat. 
“You really are sick,” he breathed. “Jesus. How long have you been in here?”
“Three days. I hated calling out of work, but I can’t even smell, and believe it or not that’s a big part of my job.”
Steve lead her over to the couch and tucked her into the cushions, picking up a thick blanket to wrap around her. He turned the heater off and instead turned to the fireplace to get a roaring fire going. The windows were cracked to let in some fresh air. 
He paused at her description, still kneeling by the fireplace with tender in hand. “Part of your job as a veterinarian is to smell the animals?” 
His laugh made Peggy’s heart flutter. The way he laughed, he looked so carefree and warm. Like she wanted to bury herself in his chest and listen to his heart beating. “It is, if I can’t smell then I might miss a key factor as to how they’re sick. Plus, I can barely see straight.”
Steve’s tongue clicked on the roof of his mouth, nodding his head. “You do look terrible.”
“Anyone ever tells you that you suck at talking to women, Rogers?” 
Steve smiled, giving a shrug of his shoulders. “Sometimes. You stay there, I’ll get you tea and soup heated up.”
By the time he was back with a tray full of crackers, soup, and tea, Peggy was properly dozing on the couch. Setting the tray down, he knelt down by Peggy’s side and used a cool rag to press to her forehead, glad to see that she wasn’t so hot. Maybe the fever had broken.
When her beautiful eyes opened, Steve’s smile only grew. This close, Peggy could count his lashes. Oh, he had such pretty eyes, flecks of green inside of a chamber of blue.
“Hi,” she breathed, fully aware right now that she hadn’t been able to brush her teeth for two days due to gagging and the mouth wash wasn’t helping her sick breath.
“Hi,” he breathed in return, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her head. “Soups heated up. C’mon, ma’s cure-all.”
It took some maneuvering to get her to sit up, involving having to lean into Steve’s chest because all energy had escaped her. He had to feed her and Peggy wanted to be frustrated at this, but all she could think about was being pressed into his warm body and thinking how nice this was.
The soup was wonderful, even with hints of ginger and pepper burning her throat. It was a pleasant burn and almost washed away the achingness. The chicken was tender and the noodles perfectly cooked, even Peggy, whose not a snob over food, had to admit it was a wonderful meal.
Steve seemed pleased that she finished half the bowl at least before calling it quits, setting the tray aside. He seemed to get ready to get up but she leaned back into him and this close, Steve smelled that sickness that settled when someone was sweating a fever out.
“Have you showered?” He asked, attempting to be nonchalant, but going by Peggy’s snort, it was anything, but.
“Again, terrible at talking to women.” Her head leaned back and she breathed out a long, aching sigh. “And no, I haven’t been able to get myself off of this couch beyond the kitchen and the bathroom. A bath seems like too much.”
“I think it’ll do you good, so will sleep in a proper bed, not the couch. C’mon, I’ll run you a bath.” 
Before Peggy could protest about how her landlord was going to see her naked, Steve was gone. She could hear him upstairs and the sound of water running. When he came back down, his shirt soaked to the point she could see the abs through the white material.
Oh, that was a nice sight.
“Are you going to strip me?” She teased after Steve had slowly helped her up the stairs, a hand on her lower back to keep her steady after she refused to be carried. 
“I-no-but-you.” Steve was fully aware his face was flushing a bright red, feeling how warm he was.
Peggy was rewarded with the sight of his neck turning a shade of red. He was a full-body blusher then. “I was teasing. I can strip. Just...be here to help me out if I fall? I’ll call you when I’m done.”
Steve stayed outside her closed bathroom door, the floorboard creaking under his feet as he teeter tottered, listening to her heavy sigh as she laid back in the warm water. “Are you okay?” He called. 
“Yes, darling.” A pause, a splash of water. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Pegs. I’m going to go clean downstairs. Just call me if you need anything.”
Before he could do something stupid, Steve found himself rushing down the steps, shaking his head. While Peggy bathed, he took her sick blankets and pillows, airing them out after spraying them down with disinfectant. He wasn’t sure if she wanted them washed or not. He sprayed the couch down while he was at it, opening the windows more to let fresh air in.
A sweep through the kitchen and last check of the living room, Steve was satisfied that Peggy’s beautiful home wasn’t too sickly-smelling. When Peggy had called him, he was already up the stairs, a warm towel in hand.
“Here,” he called after knocking on the door, sticking the towel through the opened door. 
“Oh, it’s warm. Thank you. I’ll be out in a minute.”
When the door opened, Steve saw the bath did help some. She looked better and her face wasn’t so flushed. “How do you feel?” He asked, taking the damp towel and leading her to her already warmed bed, thanks to the heater.
“A bit better, still feel like I could sleep a week.”
“I think you should. The soup should help you feel better in no time. Here.” Tucking her in, Steve paused to gently tuck a loose lock of hair behind her head. “Do you need anything?”
Unable to help it, her lips pursed in thought. “You to stay?”
The question posed made Steve stall in mid-step, turning to look back at Peggy. He fully expected to leave and call or text her later, not ask to stay.
“Stay? With you? Sure, I can...can go downstairs?”
Peggy rolled her eyes. “No, Steven. With me. In bed. Just to...cuddle, until I fall asleep?”
There was no answer to be had because World Infamous Worst-Talker-To-Women-Ever couldn’t say no, not when Peggy was asking to cuddle her until she slept. He slowly got into bed, on top of the covers. She pulled herself in, close to his chest, and breathed him in with a heavy, exhausted sigh.
This close, fresh from a bath, she no longer smelled like sickness, but instead soft and floral and Peggy.
“Get some rest,” he breathed, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her temple. “I’m right here.”
“You better be,” she grumbled in midst of his pecs. “Or I’ll have a serious complaint to the landlord in the morning.” 
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secretficblog · 3 years
In another life - Chapter 4 - Poe Dameron x Reader
Summary:  Long before there were new Jedi, before the fight between the Resistance and the First Order came to an end, there was just a young man, skilled in flying anything he could get his hands on, with the urge to be something greater. Then there was you. You broke him
Rating: M for smut in later chapters
Now on ao3, come say hi if you want to!
Warnings: both of them are idiots, I feel like I only write idiots with zero communication skills, you’ll see; now with more angst; you dumped him;
no use of y/n
Word count: 1640
first chapter here ; second here ; third here
also can we just appreciate gif-makers on tumblr real quick? I could never.
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Poe Dameron woke up to a cold bed with pain shooting through his right side. He lifted his left hand, pressing his thumb and index finger against the bridge of his nose and blinked slowly, adjusting his eyes to the bright light that shone onto your shared bed. He had expected you to be there. Not that he had almost died or anything but he had gotten seriously hurt and with the way you usually fussed over him, he would have bet good credits on the fact that your hovering face was the first thing he would see this morning. Smiling softly, he lifted his hand to the chain dangling around his neck and played around with the ring his mother had left him.
He was going to ask you soon, he had found this little hidden spot outside of town that looked beautiful in the soft evening sun. Not as beautiful as you would look of course, but it was a close second. He would take you there after a nice dinner at this little hole in the wall spot you loved to go to if the two of you had a job well done to celebrate. He would have to wait for that because you would get suspicious right away if he tried to take you for no reason. He could wait a little longer though, if that meant spending the rest of his days by your side.
Poe had been thinking about this for a while now, settling down with you somewhere safer. The nagging urge to do something greater, to help end this war and have his life mean something again never quite left him but your presence stilled it. He often thought about his mother and father these days, marveling about the things they had achieved and the sacrifices they had made for so many lives they didn’t even know personally in a Galaxy that was in dire need of help. He looked up to their achievements but above everything else, he looked up to their unconditional love for each other.
When Lieutenant Shara Bey and Seargent Kes Dameron came home from missions it was common knowledge that their debriefings were not to be held immediately. Instead they would rush to their quarters and envelop Poe in a big hug, sharing a kiss over his head and then they would spend at least and hour with him, sitting with their hands intertwined and him between them. Shara would tell him about the maneuvers she had flown that day, always keeping the horrors of the battles away from him in the meantime. When it was really urgent for them to go to the debriefings they would still make sure to at least pop into the room and let Poe know they were both back and safe. Poe also remembered how his father was never the same after Shara had died. Of course Poe missed his mother dearly, but it was as if a part of Kes had left with her that faithful day. He thought to himself that if he could form this sort of unbreakable bond with someone, not just anyone, the rest would follow along. Poe was certain he had found his someone in you. He leaned back into the softness of the pillows you had picked out on the market of Kijimi and turned his head towards your side of the bed, breathing in your smell and letting his eyes flutter shut. Yes, he thought to himself, being by your side was the right choice. He was where he was meant to be and so he drifted off again into a dreamless sleep.
The next time Poe Dameron woke up he was covered in cold sweat. A feeling of dread still lingered as he sat up abruptly in your bed. He dragged one shaking hand through his matted curls that were now sticking to his head. Looking around for you he noticed that there was no new sign of your presence since the last time he had awoken. “I’m sure she’s just out for a bit longer.”, he muttered to himself. Due to his wound and the two times he had fallen asleep now, he had no idea how much time had passed since you had half dragged him back into your home. Sneaking up on your attackers had been a reckless idea but he could not bear the thought of you getting hurt because of his business decisions. Sitting up with a groan he decided to hop into the refresher before your most likely imminent return. Gingerly peeling off the bandaging around his midst he studied his wound. A clean shot to his right side, nothing vital was hit otherwise he would not be sitting here.
You had patched him up carefully and although he could not remember the actual process he could see you in front of his inner eye, strong hands thoughtfully cleaning and dressing the wound while caressing the skin around it, your sweet mouth talking him through the process even while he faded in and out of consciousness, keeping him informed and guiding him through the pain.
Every step he took to the refresher felt like a parsec to him but the feeling of disgust at his blood and sweat soaked skin was stronger than the urge to lie back down. Once he had managed to reach the room and close the door, he allowed himself to turn around and study himself in the mirror for a moment. His skin looked sickly pale and his eyes were sunken in, dark circles surrounding them. Maybe he had lost more blood than he had thought initially.
Poe’s mind drifted to the amount of angst seeing him like this had most likely given you and he made a silent promise to make it up to you when you got home. His heart warmed at the idea of you returning to him and lighting up when you saw him on his feet again. If he was still strong enough after the shower and you weren’t there yet he would make your favorite breakfast to surprise you before pulling you back into bed with him.
With another glance at the ring around his neck and a small smile he stepped into the fresher. The water felt amazing on his skin, he could not remember the last time a shower by himself had felt this good. He massaged shampoo into his scalp way longer than necessary, letting the zingy-citrusy smell of it waft over him and inhaling deeply. After thoroughly scrubbing the grime of the day off of him and carefully cleaning the area around his wound he stepped out of the shower and dried off. When Poe turned towards your shared dressed to pull out a clean pair of pants and a shirt he noticed that it looked off somehow.
He spent some time looking at it, blinking slowly when the realization dawned on him. Your clothes were gone. His brows furrowed. Why would your clothes be gone if you were just out for a moment? He looked around more and noticed that the picture of your family you usually had on your nightstand was gone too. Poe’s feet carried him out the door before his brain could catch up to the movement, one of the used speeders you had bought after a job had paid way better than both of you had expected was gone too.
He didn’t know for how long he stared at the vacant spot next to his own speeder. His teeth were shattering by the time he was pulled back into reality by the noises of the people of Kijimi waking up and going about their daily business. All of them were non the wiser that his world was shattering in front of them as they left their homes to reach their destinations this morning. Poe Dameron had no destination anymore, his mind was spinning, he was drifting, his ears were ringing, you had left him in the middle of the night and taken his hope for a happy ending away with you.
Slowly, the ringing subsided and the noise of the world bled back into his mind. It was too loud, too much and he hurried back into your home. He saw his reflection in the mirror in the hall when he came in, his eyes were red-rimmed. When had he started to cry? Unfocused, he felt around for the first object he could find and hurled it at the mirror. He could not stand to look at himself right now. What had he done to make you leave? “Fuck!”, he yelled, turning towards the kitchen and clearing the counter with one angry swipe of his arm. As the plates and glasses that were on the counter shattered, he saw a piece of paper slowly drift towards the ground. He didn’t even notice that he cut himself on the remains of your favorite mug as he picked it up. You had written his name on the back of it in shaky cursive and folded it once. 
The blood from his hand mixed with his tears on the paper as he read the last words he had from you. “I’ll find you in another life, Dameron, be a hero”. He should have told you, he shouldn’t have waited, if only you had known he was willing to put the need to become part of the Resistance aside for you, that he wanted you to be with him forever and settle down with you, if you had known, you never would have left him. Poe Dameron sunk to his knees in the middle of your broken home and for the first time since his mother had died he sobbed loudly and openly, mourning the life he could have had.
I am. so. sorry. to put the poor guy through this. As always, thank you guys for reading, comments, likes and reblogs are very, very appreciated, they are what keeps me writing :) 
The flashback is over, so prepare for really awkward tension in the next chapter!
Until next time guys!
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ayatosmlktea · 5 years
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7 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔
Y/N excitedly hurries down the block to their apartment, a joyful spring in her step. She’d managed to leave work earlier than usual wanting to surprise Levi for their seven year anniversary. She had the whole evening planned out, dinner reservations at their favourite restaurant followed by an evening spent in one of the fanciest airbnbs their city had to offer where they would spend the night enjoying copious amounts of champagne and living the rich life. She’d been saving up for their anniversary for almost a year now, the biggest chunk of her budget going towards upgrading their wedding rings. They’d gotten married relatively young meaning that they hadn’t had the money to buy each other expensive rings. Not that it had bothered her in the slightest but now that they were in a better place financially she wanted to show Levi how much she appreciated him. 
The rings were simple, platinum bands with an engraving of their anniversary on the inside. The brisk autumn air stinging her cheeks pink. Her fingers are stiff from the cold as she fishes around in her pockets for her keys, unlocking the door as quietly as possible. Biting back a grin she slips off her boots, removing her headphones she sets down the Cartier bag on the floor. Her eyes immediately notice another pair of heels, not ones belonging to her. The quietness of the apartment suddenly fading as wanton moans fill her ears. She had to be dreaming, there was no way Levi would cheat on her. Their relationship was better than it had ever been, they’d been together for so long would he really ruin all of that today of all days? Her feet make no noise as she walks across the living room warily approaching their bedroom door. She hesitates wondering if this is something she really wants to see but the masochist streak in her urges her on. 
Y/N doesn’t know how to explain the emotions she experiences in that moment. The sight of her husband on his back, head leaning against pillows flustered and sweaty with exertion while pounding into some nameless woman snaps something inside of her. His loud groan twists like a knife in her gut, the sounds of skin slapping make her want to vomit. The conflict in her mind of whether or not to leave and pretend like nothing was happening or to barge in and stab him with his mistresses high heels roots her to the spot. Making up her mind she slams the bedroom door against the wall, striding into the room. The girl shrieks in horror, quickly falling off of Levi who can only stare at in her in shock. He hadn’t expected her to be home so early, he had double checked the calendar to make sure she didn’t have any appointments. She forces herself not to look at him, feeling hot tears pricking her eyes. Grabbing a bag she stuffs whatever clothes she can into it while trying to calm her shaking hands. 
“What are you doing home so early?” Closing her eyes she focuses on steadying her breathing, her throat feels like it’s tightening against the barricade of tears she’s desperately trying to keep back. Grabbing a few other essential items she turns around to meet his eyes. 
“If you can’t remember what today  is then I’m not going to bother telling you. Don’t wait up for me” Twisting the ring off her finger she tosses it into his lap not bothering to look back.
“Wait you’re married?” The girl cries, the question makes her nauseous. Not only was he cheating on her but he was hiding their relationship. The minute she gets back into her car she bursts into tears sobbing loudly. Her hands clutching the steering wheel are the only thing keeping her body upright. Mascara stains her cheeks, tears dripping down her neck. There were so many questions she wanted answers to but didn’t have it in her to face him again. Was the last seven years really all just a lie? She waits until no more tears  fall before starting the car. Drying her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater she heads for the airbnb. She had paid for it and figured that this situation called for unlimited alcohol. 
Pulling up outside the penthouse she parks her car before calling to cancel her reservation. For the time being she feels numb, her brain unwilling to process the fact that she had married someone so vile. After checking in she takes a long shower, the hot water beating against her skin almost numbingly. Eventually she figures that she has to get out and get dressed. The smell of her clothes remind her of him, the detergent he insisted on buying infiltrating her memories. Y/N clutches them against her chest burying her nose in the soft cotton. Her eyes squeeze shut as she remembers the way he had kissed her goodbye that morning. 
She had thought his enthusiasm was because of whatever plans he had in store for them that night but now she comes to the bitter realization that he must have been waiting for her to leave so his mistress could come over. Throwing the clean clothes into the washing machine she fetches a bottle of wine from the fridge popping the cork and taking a huge swig straight from the bottle. Knowing it would soon be dark, despair begins to creep up on her as she realizes that for the first time in years she was going to be sleeping alone. Picking up her phone she dials her best friend.
“Hey Hange, wanna spend the night in a penthouse suite?” Y/N desperately tries to keep her voice light, her chuckle only half hearted as she stares at the bottle cradled in her hands. Hange’s voice raises in pitch demanding to know what happened to her plans with Levi.
“If you bring pizza I’ll tell you everything. I’ll text you the address” She sighs, her spirits lifted only by the fact that she wouldn’t have to be alone and that Hange would be bringing her some much needed comfort food. Almost on cue her stomach growls loudly. Leaning back into the cushions she takes another sip of wine, the brightening of her screen catches her attention. It was a request from someone named Petra wanting to message her on facebook. Her breath catches in her throat, fingers shaking as she accepts the request. Her eyes glaze over the message chewing her lip between her teeth she feels her heart drop into her stomach. 
“Apparently they’ve been seeing each other for a year.” She mumbles stuffing her face with a slice of pizza. Hange’s eyes widen almost comically and Y/N would have laughed if it wasn’t for the fact that she felt like curling up into a ball and disappearing. 
“What a fucking bastard! I’ll kill him” Grabbing the phone out her hands, Hange skims through their exchanged conversation. 
“Yeah, that’s not even the best part” she snorts waiting for her friend to scroll to the most recent messages. Hange turns to her jaw slacked in disbelief. 
“Yep, he has other ones, one of them is from right around our first year of being married. Petra found them through his Facebook- fucking dumbass couldn’t even create a fake account.” Chugging back another glass of alcohol she sighs heavily. 
“I’ve messaged them but they haven’t responded yet. I feel so fucking stupid Hange” her lip trembles as hot tears spill down her cheeks. 
“I know sweetie, but this has nothing to do with you it’s his fault for ruining the best relationship he’s ever going to get” 
“Do you think he ever loved me?” Her voice cracks and Hange’s heart shatters at the state of distress Y/N is in. Her normally e/c eyes full of life are dull and void of anything but hurt.
“I think he does in his own fucked up way but he doesn’t deserve your love.” Her hand gently rubs circles on her back. 
“Please don’t leave me” Y/N’s fingers dig into Hange’s sleeve, the brunette pulls her into a strong embrace.
“It’s going to be okay sweetie, I’ll be here.” 
Levi had tried to find ways that he could get Y/N to speak to him again, he had fucked up in not remembering that it had been their seven year anniversary. He berated himself for having ruined his marriage, she’d supported everything he had done throughout the years standing by his side even when he hadn’t had a penny to his name. 
Cursing internally he unlocks the door to their apartment expecting to find it empty. His heart nearly stops beating when he finds Y/N, Petra, Hange and two of his other mistresses all waiting for him in the living room. Laughing loudly while the tv plays in the background. A sickly sweet smile plastered on Y/N’s lips as she skips over to him. 
“What did you do?” He whispers feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. 
“I think what you meant to say was ‘I’m such an asshole for cheating on you our entire relationship. Please forgive me for being such a piece of shit’” Y/N’s tone is mocking, her eyes holding no love for him as he feels numerous pairs of eyes on him. 
“Please Y/N, don’t do this. I can explain” Levi grabs her arm but she pulls away faster than he can touch her. 
“Get the fuck out of my apartment Levi, I’ll have the divorce papers sent to your office. We’re done. All of us” His eyes dart to the other women, their arms crossed looking at him with repulsion. Shoving several bags into his hands she opens the door ushering him out and slamming it shut without a second glance. 
“Sorry about the interruption ladies, now where were we?” 
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