ethereal dreams
131 posts
MOVED TO @da-yanaa
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
yukimoji · 4 years ago
Hey, everyone! It’s been a while, huh?
I just wanted to post an official apology, this is a PSA for all my followers: I will be finally leaving this account. 
I haven't been active for 4 months due to my personal life as well as due to my academics taking up most of my focus. I went through burn out and had a hard time dealing with the stress. 
Hardships aside, I am currently planning on moving accounts for my art. This account was fun to make and the memories I had with it were great, but I will no longer continue with it. I appreciate every single one of you and thank you all for the time you have shared with me. 
In any event, just know that I will still strive to develop art and projects that I am passionate about, and hope that you all will succeed in doing the same.
Thank you :’))
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
hey, yuki! so I was reading through your imagines and I fell in love with the way you write! it was so much feeling to it, and it's really inspiring! you're actually starting to inspire me to write my own imagines but you know,, anxiety and the fear that pepole might not like it is very scary :') anyways, do keep up the good work! I saw that you were taking a break meaning you probably won't read this message any soon, but hopefully you'll feel better soon. take care! 💖💖💖
AAAAH HI HELLO ANON! thank you so much for liking my imagines! i'm actually quite flattered that you got inspired by them 😳😳
i can understand your hesitation of posting your imagines due to fear of people not liking it, i've been there (and up until now actually LOLOLOL), though that doesn't neccessarily mean that you shouldn't start writing imagines at all! it's all about baby steps! start writing stuff that makes you feel good, ya know, stories that makes you happy! then if you're ready, maybe you could show a friend or two your story and get some feedback. write stories at your own pace and when you feel comfortable enough with sharing it, go for it! i'm sure that i would love to read what you could come up with and im sure other people would enjoy it, too!
it's ok if you don't want to, don't force yourself! in the end, you're doing something that makes you happy and that's all right!
im pretty bad at giving advices bec ya know,,, ya girl's pretty absent minded every moment of the day and i don't even understand what i'm saying but ya know SJSJSJWJWJWJWJJSSJJSJDJD
thank you for your concern! i'm feeling a tad bit better now, take care of yourself too, okay? 🥺🥺💗
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
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Thank you all for liking the stuff I do, words cannot describe how absolutely grateful I am! It really makes me happy to see that so many people find joy in the mediocre stuff I make, and all your feedback and support truly means so much to me ❤️❤️❤️
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you all so much! You all mean the whole world to me ❤️
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Hi everyone!
I know this is sudden, but I'm taking a short break until next monday. I'll be taking some time off because I'm not exactly feeling quite well these days;;
Thank you and I hope you all understand! I love you all and stay safe out there! 🥺💗💗
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Oblivion! Hello, my love. Please could I request some fluff of Shinobu with a female reader? Like some hugs and stuff as Shinobu does research into poisons or something? If not that's completely okay! Thank you :)
(a/n: hi there! this is such a cute request! thank you so much for requesting! i’m so sorry that this came out so late;; 
also, i hope you don’t mind that this became more of a gender neutral reader! (;・∀・) )
(Total words: 1400+ words)
Genre: Fluff
No manga spoilers
TW: Mentions of Needles. 
Experiment ( Shinobu Kocho x Reader )
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You didn't expect anything new to happen today. When you woke up this morning, you were awaiting to go through the same routine that you would experience every day. Eat, train, eat, train again, perhaps a wounded slayer would come to the estate to get patched up. Nothing really transpired in the Butterfly Estate as you spent your days recovering.
You assumed your day to go on as normal, already preparing for another training session, when one of the Butterfly Girls told you that Shinobu requests for your presence in her laboratory. Apparently, she just received new substances from overseas and immediately experimented with them.
You didn't know why you were called, but you wouldn't waste the chance to spend time with the Insect Hashira.
It wasn't until when you arrived that you began to doubt your decisions. Shinobu tended to be very.. passionate in her experiments. When you took a seat on a nearby chair, you felt the blood drain from your face when you caught the sight of a rather large needle situated in Shinobu's hand.
She claimed that she had discovered a mixture that served like some sort of truth serum. Though she doubted that it was going to work on demons, she figured it would affect humans. She was curious how a person might behave under the influence of her newly discovered medicine. Shinobu must have sensed your reluctance, as she reassured you that it was absolutely harmless and that she had already prepared an antidote in case anything goes wrong.
You wanted to say no, you really did. As much as you adored Shinobu, she was a little unpredictable. However, how could you refuse when her purple, doe-like eyes gleamed at you with so much excitement? So, here you were, a sleeve rolled up to your upper arm as the Insect Pillar prepares to inject the substance into you.
Who would've thought that you would be thrown to this predicament?
"Are you sure that this is safe?" You voiced out, a slight quiver noticeable in your voice. You were sweating buckets, trying to stop your body from shaking too much. You drew your brows together, clenching your jaw as you pulled your lips tightly to keep any unnecessary noises from coming out.
Shinobu blinks, and proceeds to give you reassuring smile. "I'm positively sure that this is safe." She spoke out, her voice laced with a slight teasing tone in it. However, her expression dampens when she realizes how uncomfortable you were in this situation.
"You know, if you really don't want to do this, I won't force you." She whispers out, placing a hand on your shoulder to draw soothing circles on it in an attempt to calm you down.
"No!" You answered, rather loudly, surprising the female in front of you as you shook your head. You were nervous, of course, but you would always support Shinobu in her experiments one way or the other. You love her and you know that she loves you, too, and she wouldn't intentionally hurt you in any way.
Giving her an affirming nod, Shinobu gently injects the substance into your arm. The first few minutes, nothing really happened. You felt relatively normal, glancing at Shinobu as she observes you. As time went on, she continues to writes notes and information about your status. It wasn't until about 10 minutes in when you started to feel a little light headed. Your mind was beginning to haze, and your heartbeat was starting to speed up it's pace. Suddenly, you have the urge to just say something, anything that was on your mind.  
You continued to stare at Shinobu, and you could feel the blood rushing to your heart. The way she looked so focused on her work was enough to make you feel flustered. You leaned forward on the chair, raising your arm so that you could rest your head on your palm as you continued to admire the Insect Pillar in all her glory with a lopsided grin on your face.
"You know, you're really cute~."
Shinobu pauses her actions, her eyes widening as she turns her head to look at you. A chuckle escapes from her lips as you gazed at her intently, your [ E / C ] orbs gleaming in absolute adoration. She stood up and approached you, kneeling down to your eye-level.
"Are you feeling okay?" She asked, raising a hand to pat your head. You hummed, and leaned forward until your foreheads met. Shinobu's expression contorted into one of curiosity, obviously awaiting your next move, though you could clearly see the slight flush forming across her cheeks.
"I am, now that you're here." You purred out, fluttering your eyelashes at the wide-eyed slayer in front of you.
Shinobu snorts, and proceeds to laugh uncontrollably at your behavior. Your attention never wavered from her, instead, you could almost feel like you were in heaven, as her melodic laughter blessed you. You felt like you were on cloud nine, and you weren't sure if it was because of the medication or just your feelings for the Insect Pillar.
What was in that mixture, anyway?
As Shinobu regains her composure, she hums and observes your figure once more. You looked utterly dazed, and so struck with devotion as you continued gawking at her. Judging from your behavior, it seemed that the medication did not exactly give out the expected result. She felt a little frustrated, but then it's only normal that you're not going to get the right solution at the first time.
Besides, how could she resist you when your eyes held a sick love glow at them? You looked absolutely delightful. She figured that she would mess with you for a little while.
She placed both of her hands to your cheeks, and chuckled as you immediately melted in her touch. Her purple orbs had a teasing glint in them, a smug smirk plastered on her face as she continued to shower you with affection.
"What are you thinking about?" She asks, as you raised your palms to hold onto her own that was caressing your cheeks.
"Mmmm.." You begin, "Just how much I loovee youu~! I love you soo mucchh~!" You slurred and babbled out, a giddy chuckle escaping from your lips.
Shinobu pouts at this, and removes her hands from your face. You whined, as her warmth left your cheeks. She crosses her hands and her face had a serious expression on it. You tilt your head, feeling hurt and confused by her actions.
"I don't believe you."
Your eyes widened, clearly shocked as you processed her words. Fear crossed your face, and you felt your lower lip quiver. Whimpers escaped from your lips as you fought back the tears forming from your eyelids.
What does she mean that she doesn't believe you? Oh god, did she get offended? Oh no, does she hate you now? Oh no, oh no, ohnoohnoohno-
You were cut off from your inner monologue when Shinobu takes your hand, and places a soft kiss on it. She looks up and meets your eyes once more, and gives you a playful grin.
"Because nothing can match my love for you." She winks, and all that sadness washed away in an instant.
You breathed out in relief, and tackled her in loving embrace. Both of you fell to the ground, and Shinobu couldn't help but chuckle as you continued to pamper her face with little kisses.
"Oh my! Looks like someone is eager!" She laughs out, and you could only growl in annoyance as you continued to ravage her smug expression in kisses.
After a few minutes, you ceased your assault on her face. You kept your hold on her, nuzzling your head on her shoulder. You could hear her heartbeat as the two of you cuddled in silence. The only sounds present in the room was your breaths and the muffled chirps of the birds outside. After a while, you looked up to meet her eyes with a pout on your face.
"D-don't tease me like that again, okay?" You whispered out. Shinobu just snickered at your helplessness and flicked your nose.
"Now, now, where's fun in that?" She jokes, and you only grumbled in response.
She places a soft kiss on your cheek which caught you off-guard. An incomprehensible noise escapes from your mouth as you scrambled to return and nuzzle on her shoulder once more to hide yourself from further embarrassment. She giggles at your actions, and continues on to cuddle with you with no intention of letting go.
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
tumblr istg please stop thanos snapping our posts in the tags. Some people work really hard on their pieces and are so proud of it, only to have their mood dampen to see it dissappear the next day.
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Hey so I just wanted to tell you that your writing is amazing. I really loved the zenitsu one. It was brilliant. I also wanted to ask if its not to much if you can give my friends fanfic a chance. Its called Derive on Quotev and its a Kny fanfic and a reader insert. Me and her are fans of your work so it would mean alot to her if you gave her some feedback on her writing. You don't have to if you dont want to. Anyways love the writing and keep up the great work. 🥰
hi there! thank you so much for reading my fics! im so glad that ya'll liked my zenitsu fic, your support really means so much to me and i just really can't thank you enough 🥺🥺🥺
also, is derive that ghoul!reader insert? i'm pretty intrigued by it and i just wanna make sure im reading the right one so that i dont embarass myself AHAHAHAHA
loves and kisses! 💗
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
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alt. version below the cut ( tw: blood )
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
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It's been a long time....... And HERE WE ARE!!!!!!! The kny oc PART 26!!!!≧ω≦♥♥♥≧∇≦♥♥♥≧ω≦ the series continues!!!
Characters from : @n3k0b3ar , @linkyychan , @yukimoji , @locallydepressedweeb , @snekkysana , @vl--d , @lavendereve , @magia-arts , @chibofrefo , @yampaocookie , @mikatheghostgirl , @akashikohaku , @wowieeitsisa , @misquitz , @monoki-sama , @mikaykay1229 , @teacakeezz , @mpatrycjaarthorizon , @chaoticroombas , @ghostgirlvii-art , @anonimo283 , @v3g3tabl3s0da , @opal-inkpod
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
as a zenitsu stan that craves daily food,, ur recent fic???WAS????*CHEF KISS* MMMMMMM💛💛💛 i needed that so much !!! zen fluff cures my soul !!!!!!!!! TYSM💛💛🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Whsusjwjjwjw ty so much bby im glad i was able to clench ur thirst 😳😳🥺🥺🥺🥺
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Picnics and Cherry Blossoms ( Zenitsu Agatsuma x Reader )
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[ could I please ask for a fluffy short fic with Zenitsu? I just *clenches fist* love him so much. ]
(a/n: receive you shall! thank you for requesting, even though this is seriously overdue im;;)
Total words: 900+ words
Genre: Fluff, just pure, teeth rotting Fluff :DD
No manga spoilers
"C'mon, Zenitsu! We're almost there!"
It's been months since Kibitsuji Muzan was defeated. Without the danger of demons around every corner, everybody was given a chance to live a wonderful life without fearing for their lives. What used to be a world filled with uncertainty, has now been replaced by optimism and hope.
Zenitsu began to court you only a few days after Muzan's defeat. After a very over-the-top display of flowers and presents placed on your doorstep, and a puppy eyed Zenitsu endlessly asking you to let him court you, you decided to give him a chance.
Besides, you liked him, too. You'd be a fool not to accept his feelings for you.
Today, Zenitsu asked you on a picnic date at a hill nearby. After being cooped up in your little hut for a while, you were more than happy to spend some time with your partner.
The male chuckles as he makes his way onward, his Chocolate orbs twinkling in adoration as your pace almost picking up as the sight of a familiar hill came into view. You bounced about in your steps, the warm summer breeze rubbing against your [H / C] locks as it sways in the wind. Your haori danced as you continued to hop excitedly in your movements, a giddy expression ever present in your face as gentle hums of anticipation emerged from your lips.
You looked absolutely beautiful.
When you finally made it on the top of the hill, a big Sakura tree welcomed the two of you as its leaves swayed in the breeze. Pink petals were scattered all over, decorating the lush green grass below. Flowers were abundant in the area as well, sweet little tulips and daisies sticking out from the earth. It was a fairly clear day, but there were big, fluffy clouds that made their appearance as they drifted lazily across the blue sky.
After a satisfying meal, you found yourself sitting on the edge of the blanket, with Zenitsu lying his head on your lap as laughter echoed throughout the field. One of your hands was positioned on the top of his head, softly caressing his Blonde locks, while the other was placed on his broad chest. Zenitsu lifts his hand and positions it over your hand on his chest, gently intertwining it with your own.
Zenitsu focuses at you lovingly as you continue to ramble out narratives, soaking in the sight of how your eyebrows would rise and fall, how your nose would twitch, and how your lips moved as you proceeded to tell the stories of your days. The corners of his mouth quirked up, and he could feel his face flush more and more. He shuddered as you scratched a particularly weak spot on his head, and you let out a soft chuckle that made him blush even deeper.
His heart was rapidly drumming in his chest, and he could feel himself increasingly falling deeper in love with you as each minute passed by.
God, you looked so adorable. You were so, so cute! You were so incredible, so brilliant, and so absolutely and utterly amazing. Oh, how much he wants to stay with you until you were both wrinkly and gray.
His Chocolate orbs clearly glistened with a lovesick shimmer, as he continued to look at you with so much adoration as his feelings for you started to overwhelm him. Your voice was like music in his ears, and he couldn't get enough of the pleasant and soothing sounds that his keen sense of hearing would pick up. You always made him so happy, so cherished, and he wants to return the love to you tenfold.
He lifted himself up slowly so as not to startle you, and plucked out one of the flowers lying on the ground. He turned to your puzzled face, but it quickly transformed into one of surprise and embarrassment as he affectionately places the flower over your ear.
"H-hey! What's this about?" You stutter out, as you felt blood rushing to your face from his sudden actions.
Zenitsu leans closer to your face, his warm breath brushing over your trembling lips. Slowly, he traces his hand from your ear to your chin, and the side of his lips curves up into a small smirk from your bewildered expression.
"Nothing." He breathes out. "It's just overwhelming how much I love you."
Your [ E / C ] orbs widened like saucers and you could almost feel steam coming out from your ears from how hot your face was becoming. You scurried away from his grasp and placed your hands over your face to hide from his teasing eyes.
"Aww! What's wrong?" He chirps out, circling your waist with his firm arms and his broad chest pressing on your back, as he engulfs you in a tight and warm embrace.
"You don't just say that out of the blue!" You reasoned out, burying your face even deeper in your hands as he placed his head on your shoulder.
"Is that so? I'm sorry for startling you." He chuckles softly, your spine shuddering from the vibrations coming from his body. "Look at me, please?"
Slowly, your hands dropped from your face, and you turned your attention towards his playful face.
"I love you."
"W-WHAT?! WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU?" You cried out in complete embarrassment as the grin on his face grew even more.
"I love you."
"I love you."
You smashed your lips on his own, before he could utter another word.
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
three of my recent fics got thanos snapped in the tags again
tumblr's tagging system is so wack like bro,, can you not????
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Memory ( Platonic Sakonji Urokodaki x Young!Reader, Ft. Sabito )
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[ Can i request urokodaki x orphan y/n? Urodoki became a doting grandpa 🤣Would it be fun? ]
(a/n: this takes place before Urokodaki adopted Giyuu and Tanjiro! Sabito and reader is around 5-6 years old. This starts of as a scenario, but it transitions into a headcanon form midway, I hope ya’ll dont mind (⌒_⌒;) 
 Sorry for the huge delay, thanks for requesting and i hope ya’ll enjoy reading! (*^‿^*) ) 
Total words: 2300+ words
Genre: Starts out Angsty, but becomes Fluff midway.  
No manga spoilers
Warnings: Urokodaki is kinda ooc if u squint enough, but it’s doting Grandpa Urokodaki so OuO;;;
It was a snowy day; the village was heavily covered with mountains of snow ranging from the rooftops to the stony ground. To everybody else, it was a day when kids could run wild and have fun in the winter season. Some might have made snowmen, others have made snow angels, and a few have gone as far as starting intense snowball fights.
For other children; yes. It was a perfect day just to go out and hang out with some friends. But not you.
You leaned against the hard stone wall, your fragile body shivering violently from the unforgiving winter cold. Clutching on your ragged and torn blanket even tighter, you sighed in exhaustion as a cold fog escaped from your mouth. You pushed your little figure to hug itself even tighter, trying desperately to warm yourself up, but to no avail.
You were filthy, hungry, and lonely. Looking up tiredly, you stared at the group of kids laughing and playing in the snow filled streets, never noticing once that there was a lone child in the corner that was shivering in the harsh cold. Your lips were pressed into a thin line, your eyebrows were scrunched together as you continued to eye the kids with underlying envy.
As each day passes by, you could gradually feel yourself decaying. What was once well tamed [H / C] hair was now heavily disheveled and filled with knots, clean [S / C] skin now filled with grime and dirt, and your once-vibrant [E / C] eyes sheds its childlike innocence and sparks the longer you suffer in the streets.
Tearing your lonely eyes away from the laughing children, you shifted your attention to the plush teddy bear beside you. It was the last present you ever got from your parents before they were violently murdered by a Demon. The first time you saw the toy, it looked so vibrant and new, but as months passed, it soon deteriorated and had lots of tears and holes in it.
Nevertheless, you still loved the toy to death.
Holding it close, your eyes eventually began to flutter as you gradually began to feel tired. A pained sob escaped from your lips as you struggled to fight back against tears threatening to escape your eyelids. You were completely drained that you lost your sense of your surroundings, as you overlooked the sound of snow crunching that was approaching you.
Soon enough, you felt a figure in front of you, and the delicious scent of hot tea reaches out to invade your senses. Slowly looking up, a man with a red Tengu mask was kneeling in front of you, extending out his hand to offer a cup of hot tea.
Your initial reaction was confusion; who was this man? Why was he there? Why was he offering you tea? You stared at him, your eyes flickering with uncertainty and slight hesitation. He grunts softly, apparently understanding your reluctance towards him.
"You are cold, are you not?" He speaks out, his gruff voice surprisingly filled with warmth and concern.
You were taken aback from the tone of his voice; nobody had talked to you like that in months.
You kept staring at him, your mind whirling around with conflicting thoughts. You felt so unsure if you were to trust this man; he was a total stranger! And you knew better than trusting strangers so easily. However, you could detect the radiant warmth coming from him. You could sense his intentions, and it felt so genuine and true.
Steadily, with your hands shaking, you lifted your palms to accept the cup. It was hot, but it was a comforting kind of warm. You placed the edge of the cup in your mouth, and you started drinking the tea. Heat started rushing all over your body as you kept finishing your drink.
He asks for your name, how you came about in the streets, and if you had anywhere else to go. After a brief silence, he asks where your parents were in a cautious tone.
Suddenly, visions of the dead bodies of your parents erupted in your mind, and you could feel that your chest was beginning to hurt again. The familiar feeling of overwhelming sorrow began to overwhelm you, a knot forming on your throat as the familiar feeling suffocated you once again. You couldn't stop a sob from escaping your mouth, and you attempted to hide in your ragged blanket as tears began to spill away from your eyelids. The man sees your discomfort, and places his hand on your little head to tenderly caress it in an effort to console you.
Then, little quick crunches of snow speedily approached you, as a warm and thick blanket was placed over you. Your tears came to a halt as the sensation of an unfamiliar blanket was draped over you, and you looked up to meet a pair of lavender eyes that belonged to a male child who looked about your age. The boy gave you sheepish smile, and he turned his gaze to the adult who was consoling you. You learned that the lavender-eyed boy's name is "Sabito", and the old man who generously offered you tea is "Urokodaki".
In a blink of an eye, you unexpectedly find yourself sitting in a ramen shop with a delicious Ramen bowl in front of you. Urokodaki, after hearing your stomach rumble with hunger, offered to buy you a meal at a nearby restaurant. Sabito expressed his enthusiasm at this, and after seeing how much he seemed to trust Urokodaki, your doubt and uncertainty seemed to fade away as you meekly accepted his offer.
At that moment, you could sense so much comfort and tenderness radiating from both of them. It's as if all the suffering you've experienced over the last few months had simply been washed away. Yet you were still hesitant; what if it was all just a joke? They had to leave at some point, and you were afraid that you would wound up again in the cold streets.
That is, until Urokodaki offered you to stay with him and Sabito.
They were kind enough to help you out in the streets. They fed you, and they gave you a new blanket for much needed heat as you rotted away. Nobody would help you, nobody even glanced at you. They could well have ignored you like everyone else, but no, they genuinely made an attempt to help you in such difficult circumstances.
So, you agreed to go with them. Which proved to be the greatest decision you ever made.
Urokodaki's cottage was situated on a mountain, and although it was small, they nevertheless did their best to make room for you.
The first few days have been rough. Despite living under the roof a being surrounded by warm blankets, you spent those days lying awake in cold sweat. You tried your best to adjust, you really did, but the familiar feeling of sitting on ice cold gravel never seemed to leave. Not only that, as soon as you try to shut your eyes to get some sleep, the images of your parents will flash in your head, leaving you a whimpering and sobbing mess.
With Urokodaki's keen sense of smell, he could smell your distress over a mile away. He knew that you had a hard time to adjust, it wasn't surprising. However, it pained him how absolutely strong your sorrowful scent was. He could hear your loud whimpers and sobs from your room, and he felt his chest ache from your suffering.  
But nothing could prepare him from what was happening behind your closed door.
There you were, thrashing around in your futon, blankets and pillows thrown haphazardly in every possible direction. Tears were continuously running down your face as you hiccuped and sobbed aggressively.
Urokodaki felt his breath hitch and, in a flash, he knelt at your side and softly raised your head to his lap. He placed a hand on your head, and he started to draw soothing circles to calm you down. Minutes passed, and it seemed like you had calmed down a bit, but tears were still running down your eyelids. After much thought, he started to sing a gentle lullaby, filling the room with soft hums and melodies.  
After a while, he felt you relax as you were finally greeted with sleep. In the corner of his eye, he saw you grip onto your worn out teddy bear even tighter, and made a mental thought to do something special that he hoped will lift your spirits up.
The next morning, you woke up, pleasantly surprised that you had a decent amount of sleep, given that you haven't had a good night's sleep in ages. When you started to come back to your senses, you felt another person in the room with you.
You shifted your body to face the unknown figure, only to be greeted with a sleeping Urokodaki. He was sleeping on the cold floor, his body laying just a few feet away from you.
Days pass by, and you found yourself growing closer to Urokodaki and Sabito. You spent most of your time Sabito, and it got to the point where you even considered him as your brother. He liked to play Sword Fights with you, proudly announcing his dream to become the best version a man could ever be.
On the other hand, Urokodaki acted more like a caretaker to you. He took care you, fed you meals day after day, buying you new clothes, and even went as far as carving you little trinkets and toys to play around with. Soon enough, the harsh winter had ended, and just like the colorful spring blossoms, you transformed into a bright and optimistic child again.
You were forever grateful for Urokodaki's generosity. So of course, you would always try to help out Urokodaki in anyway you can. Cleaning the house, taking care of the plants, accompanying him in travels, you name it.
There was never a dull day when both of them were around. Laughter always filled the cottage as you and Sabito ran around, while Urokodaki silently stood there, keeping a watchful eye on the two of you. If you looked close enough, you swear you could see a smile peeking through his mask.
You later learned that Urokodaki is a trainer for upcoming Demon Slayers. Urokodaki would tell you and Sabito stories of his adventures; and they never failed to entertain both of you. While Sabito was eager and excited for the day when Urokodaki would start training him, you were still deciding whether or not you would join him and become a Slayer yourself in the near future.
Stargazing was also a thing where you, Sabito, and Urokodaki would bond about. You and Sabito would lay your heads on Urokodaki's lap as the two of you would excitedly point at the stars above. Urokodaki would gently caress your heads every once in while, and he would occasionally talk about interesting facts about the stars and moon in the night sky.
Urokodaki is a man with few words. Naturally, he only spoke when absolutely necessarily, however, there is a saying that actions speak louder than words.
On nights where you would have nightmares, Urokodaki would immediately be there for you.
"It's all right, little one. You'll be okay. I'm here for you."
He 'd reassure you, comfort you, and sing you lullabies until you were overcome by sleep again. Without fail, whenever you needed him the most, he was always right on time.
One day, he took notice of your ragged and torn up teddy bear, and asked he could borrow it. At this point, you grew even closer to him, so you trusted him and let him borrow your precious toy.
After a long day of doing chores and playing with Sabito, you were all huddled up on a fire as you all ate your supper. Sabito was rambling about random things, and you were nodding and laughing as he continued on to explain things in a "manly" manner. Urokodaki sat there in silence, watching how the two of you seemed to get along so well made his heart swell with pride. He had a surprise for you, and he hoped that you would like it.
"[ Y / N ]." He spoke. You turned your head to face Urokodaki, and you felt yourself freeze in your spot as you noticed the object in his hands.
It was your teddy bear; all patched up and clean, just like how it looked like so long ago.
It looked like Urokodaki really outdid himself; there wasn't any tears and holes where it used to have, it's dull color had reverted back to the vibrancy it used to have, and its eyes were now full of life.
Warmth quickly spread over your chest as you continued gazing at your beloved teddy bear. A gasp of disbelief came out of your mouth as your eyes began to water. You couldn't contain yourself as you suddenly launched yourself in the direction of Urokodaki, capturing him tightly in a warm embrace. A big smile transformed your lips as you shouted out your gratitude to Urokodaki; the latter only laughing softly as he returned your embrace with utmost sincerity.
Slowly, he swayed side by side as you continued your assault at him. Sabito gazed at the two of you with a loving expression on his face, as well as the feeling of joy and love continuing to engulf him. Under his mask, Urokodaki felt the sides of his lips curled upward, as he also tried to fight back against the tears that threatened to fall as you continued to nuzzle on his shoulder.
Though, nothing could prepare him for the words that you would mutter out as tears sheer joy fell from his cheeks.
"Thank you. I love you, Urokodaki-san."
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Hi!!! I really like your style of writing, and fluff is just so satisfying to read! (I just finished "My world" and I'm a wrack LOL
AaaAAAaah thank you so much! I'm so glad that you enjoyed "My World"!
All of your support means so much to me, and I'm absolutely happy that some people liked my writing sjsjdhdhehejjwwj
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Goodbye, My Beloved. ( Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader )
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[ Muichiro pls or a Giyuu or Rengoku Specific request for rengoku that it’s an angst of reader reminiscing about rengoku after finding out he died maybe the reader is pregnant too. Oblivion ]
(a/n: my second attempt of writing angst! as usual, there will be grammar mistakes and typos here and there. thank you reading!)
Total words: 2100+ words
Genre: Angst
Within a world full of suffering and loss, there was not much room for the warmth of happiness and love to settle in the dark pits of bloodshed and danger. The vast sky above mirrored this sensation, the shades of dark gray circling overhead as thick clouds threaten to shower the earth below with droplets of heavy rain.
You scurried to the backyard of your humble abode, scrambling to grab the damp pieces of clothing that had been put on the drying rack. You proceeded to relocate them inside, as the possibility of heavy rain was looming over the area. After you took care of such a heavy load, you won't allow the rain to throw all your hard work to waste.
Your shared cottage, which was usually filled with joy and excitement, now felt lonely without the warm presence of your husband. Kyojuro was on a mission to investigate a demon riddled train in the far regions. Reports of Demon Slayers assigned to the train and not coming back were gradually increasing, and the Demon Slayer Corps ought to decide to finally send a Hashira to look into the matter.
It's been days since your beloved had journeyed into the far regions, and the knot in your stomach grew tighter in each passing day. In these lonely times, the feeling of fear and doubt has always been with you. While Kyojuro was out and slaying demons, you couldn't help but give in to the sensation of a knot in your stomach twisting and turning as you pray to the gods above for your husband's safe return.
However, you did not doubt your husband's abilities in any kind. He was a Hashira; one of the best of the best in the Demon Slayer Corps. He had decapitated countless demons with a simple quick slash of his Katana, the heads of the Lower Moon demons he defeated considered as prized victories. His breathing style had been passed down throughout centuries, the techniques filled with such precision and finesse that would have taken any demon down.
He always promised to come back to you.
And he did.
Besides, there was something else that increased his desire to come back to you.
You wobbled inside the cottage, a hand caressing your swollen tummy. Months ago, you announced to the world that you were carrying Kyojuro's baby. He was ecstatic by this news, pampering your face with loved-filled kisses as he lifted you up, laughter escaping both of your lips.
Ever since then, he doubled his efforts in his missions. He would take extra-precautions to keep himself safe, as he could not wait to come back home and meet his child.
You sighed and stood in front of the window, looking over the beautiful and vast plains of the area. The sky was getting darker, and you wondered if a big storm was coming. You were beginning to wonder; how was Kyojuro doing? Did he finish the mission? Is he making his way back to you already?
Humming softly, you tenderly caressed your stomach, singing out little lullabies for your unborn child. You felt your baby kick, and a smile tugged its way to the sides of your lips. You were excited for the day when you would finally meet your child. You daydreamed how your days would go by, the images of Kyojuro and you cuddling with your infant filling your heart with so much warmth that your eyes were threatening to water.
As if the gods had heard your pleas, you heard soft knocking coming from your front door.
Your eyes lit up, your [E / C] sparkling with anticipation as you staggered your way to the door. A giddy smile painted your lips, relief washing all over as as you stood in front of the door. As you lifted your hand to grasp the handle, you were a little confused as to why the feeling of dread did not cease. Surely, it was Kyojuro behind the door, right?
You shook your head from your intrusive thoughts. Kyojuro is alive, he must be. And here he was, waiting in the other side of the door, arms open to surround you in his warm embrace.
As you opened the door, you expected to meet a pair of golden eyes that you loved so much, but you were shocked when you saw a single Kakushi in the doorstep. They had a solemn expression on them, their eyes filled with so much worry and remorse that you felt the knot in your stomach grow tighter than ever before. Behind them was another Kakushi, who held some kind of rectangular object in their hands as they looked at you with a wry expression.
You gulped as you started to sweat. Your hands were trembling, as the unwanted thoughts of the unthinkable began to overwhelm you. Despite your increasing doubt, you forced yourself to give the Kakushi a welcoming smile.
"Hello there! What brings you here?" You asked, a slight tremble evident in your voice that gave away how you truly felt at that moment.
"Are you Mrs. [ Y / N ] Rengoku?" The Kakushi asked, their voice filled with concern.
The feeling of dread rose even further, as your heart began to thump wildly in your chest. You nodded, never breaking your smile as their eyes drooped even more.
You wanted to hurl as fear suffocated you.
"Ma'am, we came here to bring you news." The Kakushi started. Your eyes widened when the Kakushi brought out a letter, and began to read out it's contents;
"On the XX day of XXX, The Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro has been killed after an encounter against Upper Moon Three."
What do you mean my husband is dead?
"His body is now relocated back to the Rengoku Estate, where his father and brother are beginning to make preparations for his burial."
No, no. There must be a mistake. There is no way my husband is dead.
He promised me he would come back for us.
"As you may know, the Flame Hashira was sent to investigate a train where a demon was thought to have caused havoc. With the aid of reinforcements, Rengoku successfully saved countless human lives while the demon was successfully destroyed. Upon the sudden emergence of Upper Moon Three, the Hashira Flame gave his life to protect those in harm's way. In the end, Upper Moon Three retreated and all the victims of the train returned to their homes."
No.. No.. No..!
"We sincerely mourn the loss of such a strong-willed man. Rengoku Kyojuro will forever go down in the history of the Corps as one of the strongest. His sacrifices and tribulations will live on, as his death will not be in vain."
As the Kakushi continued to speak, the smile on your face was no longer there. You stared at the Kakushi, eyes blazed with disbelief. You couldn't properly comprehend the information being stated to you. Your chest ached with so much pain and pressure that it was suffocating you. The only thing your mind could do was repeat a sentence;
Kyojuro is dead.
With the last of your willpower, you looked up and met the eyes of the Kakushi.
"..I see." You forced yourself to voice out.
At this point, all you could hear was the heavy beating of your heart. Your eyebrows were scrunched together, and your eyes as wide as saucers. You began to draw labored breaths, placing a hand in your chest as you gripped your clothing tightly.
The clouds above became even more darker, as small droplets of rain started to come down. The gloomy atmosphere was unironically fitting, as you could feel your resolve rapidly decline.
Surge of overwhelming emotions overtook you, as tears continuously spilled from your [ E / C ] orbs. Your body shook violently, and your knees were threatening to fall as each second passes by.  You felt sick, as the urge to vomit started to arise from your throat. Your knuckles were beginning to whiten from how hard you were gripping your clothes.
You couldn't speak, not when the only thing that came out of your mouth was the agony of whimpers and sobs. Your eyes shut tightly, as the tears continued pouring down your cheeks. You let out a pained wail as your knees finally gave in, falling to the ground as you allowed yourself to be racked with cries and sobs.
The Kakushi immediately caught you, holding you in their arms as they gently placed you down. You were a mess, tears wouldn't stop falling down from your face as you screamed into the horizon. The Kakushi holding you proceeded to draw long circles into your back in an attempt to comfort you.
"..We were also given orders to give you this. Rengoku-san specifically asked to give you a parting gift, along with a letter inside." The other Kakushi spoke up.
Without thinking, you stood up, startling the poor Kakushi in front of you. You hurriedly made your way to the other Kakushi, their eyes drooping from your swollen and tear stained face. Your eyes held a silent plea in them, begging the Kakushi to give you Rengoku's final gift.
They held the rectangular object in front of you, as you immediately took it from their hands. You traced the edges of the box, and with a deep sighs, you slowly opened it. You let out a pained cry as a little stuffed toy was inside the box, along with a piece of paper with your beloved's handwriting on it. Your trembling hands grabbed the letter, and you felt yourself fall on your knees once more as your eyes scanned over your husband's penmanship.
"My dearest, [ Y / N ],
My love, thank you for all those years you had spent with me. I will always cherish those moments were it would seem like that there was more than just a cruel world. Thank you so much for making me feel like the most loved man in the world, even with all my flaws and shortcomings.
I wish I could have met our child. Everyday, I anticipate for their arrival and I had always hoped that we could've had a happy family like you deserve to have. I hope this little toy would always remind our child that their father will always love them wholeheartedly, even though I am no longer here.
I wish I could've written more, but my injuries is against me.
Farewell, my love. You and my child were the best thing that ever happened to me, and I would not dare to replace every little moment that we shared together. Embrace my darling child for me, beloved. I will await the day where I could finally meet you again in a better world.
Always and forever,
Rengoku Kyojuro."
Your eyes stared at the letter in front of you. Your tears dropped into his signature, and you shut your eyes once more as you held the letter and the toy tightly in your chest. Heavy rain rapidly streamed down, as mud and puddles started to form around your body.
Your body was soaking wet, but you didn't care. You continued to wail, your cries almost reaching the heavens above. Images of Kyojuro flashed in your mind, as you continue to scream out for your deceased beloved.
You remember the times were he would always come home to your embrace after every mission. He would whisper sweet nothings to your ear, a declaration of love escaping his lips as he would shower you with affection.
Every time he comes back to you, he would always make love to you in the most intimate and passionate way a man could ever do.
And then, you realized.
His eyes.
His smile.
His warm embrace.
You weren't going to experience that again.
After a while, the rain suddenly died down a bit. Your throat was already sore and raw from your screaming, but you still continued to weep under the rain. The Kakushis were trying their best to keep you dry, even putting an umbrella over you, but to no avail. Your clothes were already stained with mud, and you were soaking wet.
Even so, in your daze, you swore that you could feel a pair of familiar arms curl around you. Warmth engulfed you, which seemed like an attempt to comfort you, as you continued to mourn the loss of your beloved. The wind brushes your hair, and you could faintly make out a familiar voice;
"Goodbye, my beloved."
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
Hello ! Can I request a small headcanon of Zenitsu meeting a shy and quiet demon slayer reader during a mission ? ( Maybe Zenitsu get a little scared by her because he didn't her killing the demon). Sorry for my english btw ;w; ! I hope you will have a nice day ! Oblivion
(a/n: hi! im so sorry that this took so long, i hope you can forgive me for being such a neglecting author. i hope i did justice to your request askdjhaskdhakd)
(Total words: 1300+ words)
Genre: idk? Maybe Crack with hints of fluff at the end.
No manga spoilers
Warnings: None
Meeting You. ( Zenitsu Agatsuma x Reader ) I Headcanon
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Darkness had come, the stars were twinkling in the night sky. The bright rays of the moon shone throughout the dark forest, giving light to those who dared to venture inside.
They say that those who go inside the forest, whether it be for curiosity or childish motives, have never been seen again. Only an idiot would have been foolish enough to go inside when such disappearances escalated with each passing night.
Sadly for Zenitsu, he was among the unfortunate few who ventured into the forest, albeit forcibly.
For this particular mission, a Demon was believed to be responsible for these disappearances. With the number of missing people steadily rising, there was no question that the creature had enough strength to be stronger than the average demon.
However, since he was tasked with slaying such a strong demon, another Demon Slayer was assigned as his partner. He was told he was going to meet the fellow Slayer when he arrived in the forest.
Still, the inevitable possibility of facing a terrifying and powerful demon has made Zenitsu shake relentlessly ever since he stepped into the damned forest. He had been walking for a while now, but there was no sign of a Demon Slayer in sight. This only made the knot grow tighter in his stomach as he continues to venture deeper.
"This is so unfair! Why was I even given this mission?! I don't stand a chance against a Demon like this! Why could've they just only give the mission to the other Demon Slayer?! They haven't even showed up! I'm going to be a dead man! I'm going to die sad and alone in this wretched place!"
He does not want to be here.
He just wants to be ANYWHERE but here.
He continues rattling and trembling with every passing step, glistening tears threatening to spill from his eyes. It doesn't ease his anxieties when he hears every little sound in the forest, from the singing of the Cicadas, the buzz of the Fireflies, and the heavy breathing of a large creature aggressively approaching him —
Heavy breathing..  Large.. Creature..?
He whimpers, slowly turning around to meet the bulbous, bloodshot eyes of a Demon. It's elongated tongue was dripping wet with its drool, massive limbs sunk into the dirt, veins popping around almost ready to burst at any moment. A sinister glint was present in it's intense gaze, as it prepared to pounce at him at any given moment.
Zenitsu screams in absolute horror as he dashes off, shouting out profanity and insults as the demon immediately chases after him like a starved beast.
The demon laughs venomously, picking up his pace to catch up with a crying Zenitsu, it's tongue extending out to strike him.
Suddenly, a glimpse of the Demon Slayer Uniform suddenly flashed, as the demon cries out as it's tongue and limbs were suddenly cut apart.
Zenitsu couldn't process his surroundings quickly, as he crashed into a tree. Immediately, his body ached from the collision, and he scrambled to face the demon. His back was flush against the hard trunk of the tree, as his heart continued to rapidly pound in his chest, the vibrations almost deafening his hearing.
He hears quick footsteps from above, high branches shaking loudly with each step. Surely, the other Demon Slayer was here now! He was saved! He was going to live and see another day!
But his inner celebration was interrupted as the demon screamed out dramatically in rage, as it instantly regenerated its tongue. Now, Zenitsu was suddenly well aware of his situation; here he was, cornered against a tree, with a scary demon right across him.
He screams again before the Demon could slaughter him, as he abruptly shuts his eyes as he could he could feel himself pass out at any given moment.
But then, claws and fangs never reached him. Zenitsu continued to shake and tremble, but he attempts to open one eye to see his surroundings. He sees the demon's head at his side, a stunned expression present in it's face as it disintegrates into nothing but dust.
He opens his other eye as he takes in what happened. Relief washes all over his body, but he becomes wary when he hears footsteps approaching him. He feels fear overtake him again, rapidly looking around to try to find the culprit behind the footsteps. He feels his face pale once more, realizing that he never saw the Slayer that killed a demon.
"Oh no, maybe they got angry because all I did was cry! I did nothing to help them! They're going to kill me! I'm dead, I'm a dead man! I'm dead, I'm deadI'mdeadimdeadim-"
He lets out a surprised yelp when a gentle hand touches his shoulder.  He looks up to the owner of the hand, and becomes flabbergasted when he sees a pair of [E / C] orbs staring at him with concern.
"Are you okay?" The mysterious Slayer voices out, an unsure smile present in her face.
Wait a minute.
A girl.. is there with him. He was saved, by a girl!
He was alone in this forest, with a girl!
All traces of Zenitsu's cowardice have disappeared like lightning, as he slowly lifts his other hand to gently brush the girl's hand. A suave expression shapes his face, as he gazes into her eyes with a small smirk tugging on his lips.
"I am, now that you're here."
The girl's face turns beet red at this statement, and quickly retreats her hand from the boy's gentle grasp. She hurriedly scurries away from him, placing both of her hands in her face to avoid the boy's confused look as she turns away from him in complete embarrassment.
Zenitsu's confusion grows with actions of the girl. Usually, when he compliments the ladies, they would either slap him or just glare at him and mutter a "thank you." He never had a reaction when a girl would just cower away from him in panic.
He gets on his feet, slowly approaches the girl, and starts to sense her fear and hesitation of him. He feels the guilt begin to cripple within him, recalling how the girl literally rescued him from imminent danger when he was being coward. Now, here he was, making his savior uncomfortable only because he couldn't control his flirtatious behavior.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry about my behavior! I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable right after you just saved me!" He begins, kneeling in front of the girl while clasping his hands together.
"You went through the trouble of defeating the demon while I was just cowering like an Idiot! I really thank you for saving me! I couldn't help you in any way because I kept whining and screaming, I'm so sorry for being useless, please forgive me!" He cries out, genuinely feeling remorse and regret form his actions.
The girl peeks out from her hands, and sees Zenitsu kneeling infront of her with tears streaming from his eyes. She hesitantly places her hands down, and kneels in front of him.
"..You weren't useless, mister.." She mutters out, making Zenitsu look up at her with utter shame in his eyes.
"While you were running and screaming, the demon never noticed me coming after him. You were so loud and fast that all the demon's attention was directed to you. If you didn't distract him, I would've been dead too. So.. thank you, for that." The girl trails off, giving him a shy smile, making the boy's heart flutter.
After that, the two of them walked out of the forest in silence. The girl never said a word during the walk, and Zenitsu could tell that she wasn't the type to speak unless spoken to. When she announced that she would now part ways with him, Zenitsu realized that he never got her name.
"Wait! I'm sorry for my rudeness, but I never introduced myself. My name is Zenitsu, Agatsuma Zenitsu." He introduces himself, giving the girl a warm smile as he holds out a hand for her to shake on.
The girl just gives him a small smile and, in agreement, nods at him.
"My name is [Y/N] [L/N]. It's nice to meet you."
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yukimoji · 5 years ago
I’m Back!
Hi everyone! I’m so sorry for being absent for so long without saying anything!
Some things just had to happen behind the scenes, and I don’t really have a proper excuse for my neglectfulness. I’m so sorry for leaving you guys in the dark.
Now that I’m back, I’ll be closing requests and I’m going write all requests that had been in my inbox for so long. I hope you all forgive me for being neglectful and I hope the fics coming out in the following days would compensate for my disappearance.
Thank you all for reading my fics, and stay safe out there!
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