#i think this counts as an incorrect quote
RTC incorrect quotes
part two :) fun fact, this was supposed to be part one but the formatting kept being weird so I posted the other part first. Please tell me if the formatting is still weird and I’ll try to fix it before I post the next part :)
Ocean: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three.  Ocean: One... two... three.  Noel : ...  Ocean: ...  Ocean: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Ricky: Ocean won’t come out of their room! Noel: Just tell her I said something. Ricky: Like what? Noel: Anything factually incorrect. Ricky, shrugging: If you say so. Ocean, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Constance : What are you getting Mischa for the holidays?  Noel: I don't know. It's kind of hard buying a gift for your partner when they already got everything they could've ever wanted when they married you. So I'm not sure yet.  Ocean: I'm getting Mischa a divorce lawyer.
Ricky: *hiding something in his coat* I think we should adopt another kid!  Jane Doe: No. Ricky: Why not?  Jane Doe: Because when you say “kid”, you mean “cat”, and we already have fourteen of those.  Ricky: *unzips coat* fifteen Ocean: The best person I know is myself.
Mischa, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed?  Noel: *half asleep* Mischa, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to himself* the Queen.
Noel: If I say I love you, will you say it back? Mischa: Yes.  Noel: I love you.  Mischa: It back.  *Later*  Ocean: Why is Noel crying face-down on the floor?
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zzoupz · 1 year
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they are siblings to me BTW
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alien-slushie · 5 months
Clopeh: How old is your dad-
Raon: Too old for you and he's busy! Stay away from my father! STAY AWAY from my father!
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lizardpersonyknow · 4 months
Tim, attempting to defend his kill count: Look it was a high stress situation ok! And I was stuck in fight or flight mode! Y'know, the instincts of every human?
Duke: you are trying to tell me that you were so stressed you reverted to your basic instincts
Tim: yes!!
Damian, reluctantly approving: and your instincts are mass murder?
(Dick, in background: yeah that's Tim)
Tim: noooo... It was make things go boom?
Jason, nodding sagely: I get that too, in fact I was under very high stress when I...
Bruce, almost frantic: when you helped people. Because you are. Supposed. To. help. People.
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cashandandrogyny · 6 months
fall out boy circa 2005
Pete: I think we should kiss
Patrick: And I think you should die but we don't always get what we want
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braxix · 6 days
Elrond: How many cousins do we have?
Celebrimbor: Alive? Us, Galadriel, and Gil-Galad.
Elrond: Dead?
Celebrimbor: Way too many.
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murasaki-cha · 7 months
Choi Han: *about the Thames* Cale-nim why is your family so frustrating?
Cale: *also frustrated but weirdly defensive* Why is your family Choi Jung Gun?
Choi Han: .....
Choi Jung Soo: ....dude
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
*sometime when they were younger*
Wrecker: Hey bro what’s your body count?
Crosshair, thinking: I don’t know, like thirty now.
Crosshair: How would that make me a hoe- oh are we taking about how many people I’ve slept with? Well, I haven’t done that yet.
Wrecker: Then… what does thirty mean?
Crosshair: …
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 8 months
ERIDAN: i lovve you…
FEFERI: Swordfis)( slas)( to the c)(est. And you’re on fire.
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hajidumps · 1 year
Alberu: What are we?
Choi Han: People
Alberu: No, like truly what are we?
Cale: You're a dark elf and we're korean
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apollo: valentine’s day is a corporate holiday it isn’t even that special
trucy: you were just yelling and blushing for three hours because klavier got you a bear that says “i wuv you bear-y much”
apollo: that’s not fair those emotions were because i’m afflicted with feelings for klavier and NOT because of capitalism induced romance
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 years
Ice: Mav told me you had a fight at school today.
Bradley: Yeah... I did...
Ice: We don’t send you to school to get into fights.
Bradley: I’m sorry...
*Ice closes the door*
Ice: Did you win?
Bradley: Hell yeah.
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alien-slushie · 4 months
Rosalyn: You know there's a rumor going around.
Alberu: What? That we're gay for eachother-
Cale: Oh my god-Cookies!
Alberu: No see I'm straight, but if there was a man that I could marry it would be Cale.
Rosalyn: How do you feel about that Cale?
Cale, eating cookies: Its not helping with the rumors.
Rosalyn: I think the kiss you shared on my birthday isn't helping with the rumors.
Alberu: Yeah I just hate he didn't give me enough tounge-
Cale: *spittake*
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emmikay · 8 days
Ed: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I committed human transmutation, I’d have five nickels - which isn’t a lot, but it’s crazy I’m still alive, huh?
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airplanejain · 3 months
Claire: Look! I got us both swimsuits for the pool party!
Leon: Thank you.
Claire: Hey, did you know they make thong swimsuit bottoms?
Leon, now at full attention: Oh really?
Claire: Yep!
Claire: *opens shopping bag and pulls out a regular one piece swimsuit for herself*
Leon: ...?
Leon: *realization*
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howwnowbrowncoww · 2 years
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This one goes out to all the Akechi fans; may you all develop better tastes in men one day🙏
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