#i think the issue is i don't *know* what makes me happy anymore
boyywithluv · 1 month
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edelorion · 2 months
#edel vents#disclaimer: really personal issues in the tags. also wishes of death upon others. this is PROBABLY too much information tbh...#so if you're not up for it scroll down fast!!!! the deluge is coming!!!#today was... eventful. bad. also very bad. grandma's birthday celebration was today#and while she... definitely has Old People Issues (racist) shes also very lonely since the death of my grandfather so i can't really not go#i'm the only one who really visits her regularly to begin with#aside from the... very serious racism issue... she's “alright”. i guess. but that's besides the point. there's family there#and among those... my parents. which i don't like to talk to#discovered they threw more of my old stuff away. typical. wanted to strangle them. as usual.#had to “talk” with my mother (read: spend approximately ten seconds reciting exactly why i *don't* talk to her anymore)#so that whole ordeal completely soured my mood.#went home tired. can't really do anything right now.#at least the food was good i guess. but i also really want to cry... which i can't. which sucks.#...i really like to think i've improved as a person. i used to be really hateful of everything and everyone#worst of all myself. still kinda do but i'm... getting better..?#i like to think i've grown past most of it but every time i see my parents i feel this gripping at my heart. as if i haven't really changed#as if instead i'm still the hateful person i “always was” deep down... bc there's this visceral joy that i feel whenever i'm mad at them.#when i looked at my mother and told her how much i despise her i felt a shiver of happiness. righteousness.#to be clear: i do NOT care for her. at all. she's the worst person on this earth#and the only person whom my philosophy of “nobody deserves to die” does NOT apply to. i'm not scared of hating her.#she genuinely deserves this. but...every time i see my parents - and thus her... i feel as if i'm slipping back into that mindset of hatred#i don't want that. not anymore. it consumed me whole. i was a horrible person back then and i've caused so much grief for so many#i can't let go of this hatred. i can't forgive them. they don't deserve my forgiveness anyway. but i'm tired of hating.#i'm tired of letting that hatred define me. i'm tired of letting that hatred direct me. i'm tired of letting it bring me to ruin.#i'm tired of being who i was. i'm no longer “that”. i'm edel now and i'm happy for people now. if i don't like something i just walk out.#i can just leave. “if it sucks hit the bricks” right?.. but i didn't. i had to say it. i had to tell them. her. and i liked it.#and... i'm scared of that. because it tells me i haven't improved.#i'm not sure what i'm expecting out of posting this i guess. maybe help. maybe i wanna be told that this is normal or something.#maybe i just want to get my thoughts in order. i don't know. i'm gonna stop writing now.#sorry for making you read all this. thanks for doing it anyway. tags were cut off on this one btw so it may look like a mess. but. yeah.
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Darius 🤝 Willow
Beefing with the blights in complex, somewhat homoerotic ways
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#willow park#darius deamonne#this has always been my vision of their dynamic/how they parallel each other#IF we are to believe the dana gallery nucleus art that positions them as parallels#it's like. if darius was confident and sunny and bright as a teen but had problems showing vulnerability#possibly afraid of losing status/respect#then that lack of vulnerability followed him into adulthood making him the aloof person we know today cause he never had his ftf breakdown#BUT ALSO. i think abt this too. blights are just like oops! I'm gonns give this person massive abandonment issues!#this will make me feel bad too!! i will suffer because of this but i don't know other ways to live!!!#(at least. that's how i envision the darius/alador breakup i know it's very vague in canon)#(but like. compare how happy they were as kids to how miserable they can both be as adults. they are worse off for this)#i think it'd be neat if willow was the person who nudged darius back towards alador#bc she knows what it's like being hung up on someone you're convinced hates you. it sucks!!#and she's so so forgiving as long as she feels like the person she's forgiving is actually going to put in effort to change#(hence how after Amity follows through on her promise from understanding willow to not let Boscha bully willow anymore-#-IN wing it like witches THEN we see amity get to be a part of the best friend montage. she followed through and that proves she's trying)#(and then obviously hunter stuck his neck out for them with nothing to gain after her hurt them and that showed her that he can learn-#-and change for the better and hence she gave him that opening if he wanted it)#(it's still his responsibility to be a good friend but she'll try if he will. willows forgiving but she's not a doormat)#(and i feel like she wants to know the ppl in her life see her as someone worth improving for bc of her self worth issues)#ANYWAY that was a long winded way of saying she'd have a valuable perspective to lend to darius who seems to be similar to her in many ways#anyway what if i cried abt them
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moonwish · 30 days
turbulent events have happened tonight
#celebrated international children's day with my high school english teacher#yes we have been friends for almost 10 years. since i was in 9th grade#yes he is 19 years older than me#talked about the old friend group which consisted about like three of us high school girls and a bunch of college guys who were all at least#4 or 5 years older than us. yes every guy crushed on the same girl at one point. i was in a relationship with the oldest of them#one of them who was tangentially in the group now has psychiatric problems. i don't know the specifics. he was to get married to this random#ass girl who got pregnant at 22/23 by another guy#idk who exactly but suffice to say they are not together anymore#we discussed my cancer situation. my ex (who apparently will love me forever) was crying a lot about it and seemed shaken up#even at their little guys christmas reunion last year#he texted me in december saying a part of me lives and will always live inside of him and that he loves me no matter what#i was honestly at a complete loss for words because we broke up 5 years ago. we literally had no future together#one of the other guys apparently said back in december that it was no use texting me encouraging words because we had drifted apart#that is the same guy i crushed on for 6 years. i still wished him a happy birthday in april tho.#it's okay because my crush on him vanished as soon as i realized he's a little piece of shit human. still likeable tho#and that is the issue. anyway. maybe i shouldn't have said piece of shit he's more like an annoying asshole which you still find endearing#talking to him now makes me realize he was never all that. high school me just thought he did really interesting things (which admittedly#were very interesting for that time and for our little town)#about my ex tho#even though i have no feelings for him anymore i think it's really beautiful that what we had is staying with him like that. i hope#it doesn't stop him from having a healthy and loving relationship in the future#i know he had multiple relationships after me but none of them really worked out. i really hope he finds that happiness#the way that i have
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
Why So Rude? (Or Yuu's BF Asks Crewel for their Hand in Marriage and What Happens Next Will Shock You)
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For legal reasons, this is a joke. I have been dealing with a health issue of sorts (i am not dying so no worrying ok? just v annoyed) so writing longer stuff is escaping me at the moment, enjoy some crack while I take a breather. More can be found on my masterlist here.
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NO (FLOYD, Rook, and Malleus)
Crewel has been in denial about this "relationship" since it started. Not that his disapproval is really going to stop Floyd, but Crewel 100% refers to him as "Yuu's ex boyfriend" much to the confusion of... everyone who hears that. They do find some common ground in their shared interest in fashion, but Crewel has never forgiven him for his behavior in his class OR his "stealing" Yuu's heart.
Rook on the other hand he didn't have too much of an issue with until he realized just how familiar he seemed to be with his home for someone who had supposedly only been there to visit you. The twenty page letter he wrote to confess his feelings to you didn't help either once he saw the few lines where Rook wrote about the beauty of your finger prints, but he knows his disapproval means very little to someone as obsessed with romance as Rook.
Malleus... is the King of a country genuinely hostile to humans and Crewel thinks he is a little too obsessed with Yuu for his own good. He is also not a fan of how condescending Malleus is towards his disapproval, but it's an issue that will be worked out eventually. They are fighting out of love for the same person, your safety and happiness is all they really care about at the end of the day.
No, but as a joke (Sebek and Jack)
I don't think he has anything against him really, he just wants to see how important tradition and the opinion of his elders actually is to him. When Sebek begins to plead his case because he does not wish to put a wedge between Yuu and their father figure, but cannot deny his feelings for Yuu Crewel's more than happy to "change his mind." He knows you will be happy and well looked after.
Jack is a solid partner, and he is a wolf beastman who speaks of Yuu as his soulmate, his one and only, his eternal life partner and- well. Crewel just can't resist a bit of teasing, he's always been so serious and easy to fluster about these sort of things. The sheepish look on his face when he realizes Crewel has been teasing him makes it very worth it.
I can't stop you can I... (Leona, Kalim, and Rollo)
While Crewel has faith that Leona has what it takes to save his home- he lives in the Sunset Savannah. That is really far away from the Queendom of Roses ( ; ω ; ) have some pity on your poor father he can't travel that far all the time it's bad for his skin. The pressures of being the partner of royalty is something he worries over, but a smug promise from Leona to protect you soothes his worries somewhat.
The flippant way Kalim talks about the assassination attempts is not the way Crewel wants to hear about attempts on your life or heaven forbid your death. Kalim is very sympathetic to this, he has no real argument against how ignorant he was in the past, but he isn't a child anymore. Just filled with a childlike love for the world and determination to make it better. It is hard to say no to that.
Rollo is too much like Trein. His request for your hand in marriage feels like something that the old man would cry tears of genuine joy over, so of course he hates it. Unfortunately he also knows how much this teen grandfather matters to you or whatever so the answer will be yes. At least he has an excuse to visit Fleur City more now.
Give me one good reason. (Azul, Jade, Idia, and Lilia)
Azul was such a good student that he should have zero complaints that you started dating. But he also isn't blind and dislikes being pandered to, which is very much what Azul is doing here. He does wonder briefly if this is a cultural thing and he is being insensitive, but he is still exasperated enough to not immediately say yes. The strange twinkle that comes to Azul's eyes at the prospect of negotiations makes him wish he had though.
Speaking of not being blind, what does the Leech family do and is it legal? Survey says probably yes, but Crewel remembers dealing with Jade's parents while he was in school and has no desire to feed his child to the shar- err eels. Jade immediately begins to sniffle, oh how could Crewel say such bad things about him? A poor innocent eel and blah blah blah. If Jade wasn't such a good partner he'd be cooked.
Crewel understands and appreciates the effort Idia has put in to his personal growth and he has no desire to shit on that... but S.T.Y.X. and the secrecy around it is no joke. He wants to continue having a relationship with Yuu and as soon as Idia reassures him of that he has no more objections.
Lilia is an old man, a war criminal, and a father. Of course Crewel has seen how he was able to live as a student while at NRC but his own credit as a father would be under fire if he didn't object mildly. Lilia has some fun with it and has a bit more respect for him for objecting. So long as the eventual answer is yes.
Yes (Riddle, Trey, Cater, Ruggie, Jamil, and Epel)
While Crewel does have some red flag concerns concerning Riddle's mother, he has no real objections to Riddle himself. He is a perfect gentlemen and the correct amount of nervous to be asking the question. He gets full marks, as if there would ever be any other outcome.
Trey is that sort of solid option that parents really love, but he also has that tight personal relationship with Crewel from his Science Club days. He lives in the Queendom and is tight with his own family there are few better places for Yuu to be.
While Cater isn't Crewel's favorite student, he doesn't hate him or the Shaftlands. He is also not entirely unconvinced that him asking is for a magicam trend but! He has no real major objections. He is more than ready to have two kids, as soon as Cater is willing to admit he could use a stable father figure.
I don't think that Ruggie would even suggest marrige unless he's obtained that stable, high paying job he so baldy wants and has moved his Granny out of the slums. It's the perfect time to ask for permission to propose, and while the Savannah is still super far away (r.i.p. Crewel's skin) he is much more supportive of the two of you and how far you've come.
Similarly to Ruggie, I don't think Jamil would propose to Yuu unless his personal issues with Kalim and his position with the Asim's had been sorted. He wants to actually travel on his honeymoon, and Crewel is very willing to suggest the Queendom of Roses. Jamil's ego is absolutely stroked by how Crewel had zero objections but your adoptive dad doesn't get to see how smug it makes him, Jamil saves the smirks for when you say yes.
I think that Crewel seems to like all of the first years, and Epel is no exception. Sure, his request starts out well put together and polite but devolves into a dialect that leaves Crewel with no idea of what he's saying, but he has a general idea. Of course Epel has his blessing, Harveston sounds like a lovely place for Yuu to live their life in Twisted Wonderland and Epel a perfect person to keep them safe and happy.
He already planned the wedding (Ace, Deuce, Silver and Vil)
I know what you're saying. Crewel approving of Ace? Of course he does! He was in his homeroom class, and Crewel has a soft spot for trouble makers from the Queendom, he was one after all! Sure he might have had some problems with him when you first started dating, but now, when he is deathly serious saying he wants to spend the rest of his life with you? Crewel has been waiting for this since he fist saw carrot head yanking your chain.
Deuce is a much easier sell, Crewel was always a bit harsh on his intelligence, but only because he ran a tight ship and wanted him to reach for the stars. Well he has, and he has you to support him through it, Crewel is so proud of both. He and Dilla have absolutely been hypothetically planning this for years.
While Silver's curse did not endear him to Crewel for his first two years of schooling, he really grew on him when you started going out. He's glad that you've found someone who loves you as much as Silver does, really he is. Unfortunately this means he has to plan a wedding with Lilia, something they both have been doing since you started going out and never talked about. Don't worry! They only intend to fight a lot little bit.
The instant you started dating Vil Crewel entered his mother of the bride era. The permission asking was less Vil wanting to be polite and more him coming up with a way to distract him and convince him to focus on designing the clothes. Thankfully it works and no one other than his dogs have to know just how insane the prospect of his two favorite students marrying made him.
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genshin-obsessed · 5 months
Could I request Diluc, Kaeya, and Zhongli trying their hardest -and failing- not to cry after their wife, due to being tired and frustrated during an argument, wonders if they should get divorced because she thinks she's tying them down?
Ooh, ok, I need to sleep BUT the chance to write angst? sleep can wait! I wasn't entirely sure how to end it so I just left it like this. I'm sure this could be much, much longer but I didn't wanna make it too long, yanno? meant as a fem!reader but I don't mentions pronouns, just the term 'wife'.
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▻ Kaeya
He didn't really know when the argument started. He didn't know what it was about anymore either. It was one of those arguments where the points end up getting lost and you're just yelling at one another about something completely unrelated. Honestly, you two were basically screaming at one another. But then he heard that one, awful sentence he never wanted to hear in his life.
"Why don't we just get a divorce and I won't be ruining your life anymore!?" Suddenly, the room's so eerily quiet that you finally realized what you said. Your gaze held Kaeya's and you watched as his usual cocky exterior just melt and tears fill his beautiful eyes. He slapped the back of his hand against his lips to stop but he couldn't. Your words shook him to his core and every thought in his mind was wiped away.
At some point, he didn't even register you trying to calm him down as he fell to his knees, tears flooding down his face. He didn't even register as he wrapped his arms around you in a near death grip, begging for you to stay.
He loved you, adored you, cherished you, worshipped you basically. So... wherever did you get this idea that you were tying him down? That you were ruining his life? Just where did he end up going wrong for you to have such awful thoughts?
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▻ Diluc
Often talking to Diluc was something that was a little touch and go. He didn't talk much and when he did, he usually only talked enough to get the point across and that was it. Even during arguments, Diluc only spoke when he felt it was necessary. To avoid pointless yelling matches, he kept quiet until you were done.
But tonight was... different. Maybe it was a hard day for him, maybe it was something you said, maybe it was that he had a frustrating spat with Kaeya, or maybe that he was dealing with issues at the tavern... but tonight, Diluc was just as angry as you. You two were yelling so much that even the maids heard you outside of the manor. There was no end in sight.
"Then leave, Diluc! Leave me and you can be happy doing whatever you want! I won't be here to tie you down anymore and you can be a free fucking bird!" Diluc opened his mouth to retaliate but nothing came out. It was like the world stopped moving for a second. This uncomfortable pit grew in his stomach and he just knew it was bad. You thought you were tying him down? Never once did such an atrocious thought ever cross his mind. Never during an argument, never during a bad day, not once in his life.
So... why did you? Diluc didn't realize just how much he hated the silence until that moment. He hated it so much, that the tears he attempted to bury just burst out in a loud cry. Anything to stop that deafening silence.
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▻ Zhongli
Zhongli was by far, the worst person to argue with. Why? He just sat there silently until you were done. Zhongli didn't argue, no. He waited, listened, then just explained his side. If it didn't work, he'd step away. But even an archon such as himself had limits. Your arguments never turned into screaming matches, at least not on his end, but sometimes they dragged on.
Today was just one such day. Even with his near impeccable memory, the man couldn't recall what happened to lead you two here. You were so upset and angry and no matter what he did, he made it worse. Truth be told, he was angry and frustrated too. It was like neither of you were listening to each other anymore.
"Well, if it's all pointless then why don't we just quit now?! Let's just get a divorce and you can go on happily without a wife to just drag you down!" That's when everything just stopped. Zhongli slowly looked away as he registered the words, feeling his chest begin to constrict.
Why... did you say that? Why would you think that? Was that his fault? You figure began to blur and he fell to his knees, desperately grabbing the dining table for support. You were at his side and tried to calm him down, desperately trying to wipe his tears but anything you said after just... didn't touch him. The awful reality of his life had his heart in a death grip and he could only listen if he got away from it.
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rafesfavgirl · 3 months
stop asking me to stay — r. cameron
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❝ please don't fall apart i can't face your breaking heart i'm trying to be brave stop asking me to stay ❞
pairing: bf!rafe x fem!reader
context: you and rafe have been dating for seven months, and while the relationship started it out well, as soon as the honeymoon phase ended (about 3 months in), everything went to shit. you've been trying to put up with it, but tonight, you realize you've had enough.
words: 1.4k+
warnings: toxic relationship, cocaine use, alcohol use, attachment issues, might make you cry, no happy ending, angst asf
you walk out into the backyard full of girls in swimsuits and guys in swim trunks with drinks in hand, strobes of light flashing around, and music blasting, hoping to find your dear boyfriend who had disappeared on you. again.
god, how much longer did he think you were gonna put up with this?
you look around, and head for topper when you spot him. he was playing pong against kelce and some of their other golf buddies.
"top," you call out to him when you walk up to the table to join them.
"hey, y/n," he greets you, as he readies his hand to shoot a ball. he does, and it lands in one of the cups, causing the surrounding guys and girls to erupt in cheers. "what's up?"
"have you seen rafe?" you ask him.
"nah, not lately," he shook his head at you, shooting his other ball.
he misses that one.
you snap your head towards kelce. "kelce?"
"last i saw him he was cutting a line in the living room upstairs, y/n," he shrugs, and you groan, rolling your eyes.
of course he was. fucking fantastic.
you don't even say another word to either of them before you walk away and head back towards the house. you manage your way through the crowd just fine and scurry up the stairs to the second floor.
just as kelce described, you find rafe seated on a couch in the living room surrounded by some guys and girls—one who was a little too close to him for your liking—cutting a line of coke with his black card.
"rafe," you say his name, and his head snaps up at the sound of your voice, his dark blue eyes meeting yours. 
he immediately stands up, pretending as if you didn't just see him cutting the line of coke with his card, shaking off the girl draped over his arm in the process. "y/n."
"can you take me home?" you ask, pulling your eyes away from his. you just couldn't stand to look in them anymore. "i have that interview with the admissions officer from yale tomorrow."
"yeah," he nods, rounding the coffee table to approach you. "whatever you want, baby."
everyone else eyes the two of you carefully, the girl previously draped over rafe giving you the stink eye. no one could ever pull rafe away from the coke faster than you.
when he stops to stand in front of you to block your view of the "friends" he left snorting lines of coke, you look up at him through your lashes, not knowing what to think.
"i've been looking for you for an hour," you say, and he sighs.
"i'm sorry," he replied—you were sick of hearing that though. it was the same half-assed apology every time. and yet, nothing ever changed.
you'd probably go through this exact thing again next weekend when he drags you to some other party.
"save it," you say, catching him off guard.
he knew you didn't like it when did coke, but you never stopped him from apologizing before.
"just take me home," you turn around and walk away from him, making your way back downstairs.
he follows closely behind you, but falls behind a little when you quickly course your way through the crowd on the first floor and he struggles to do the same.
"y/n, wait up," he jogs to catch up to you when you both step outside, but you just quicken your pace towards his car. "babe!"
you hear him call after you, and since his legs are much longer than yours, he manages to catch up and walk in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
"can you just stop for a second?" he asks, placing both of his hands on either of your arms to make you look at him. "what's wrong?"
"do you even have to ask?"
he sighs, and drops his hands from your arms. "okay, so i snorted a line. what's the big deal?"
"was it just a line, rafe?" you asked, knowing he could never just stop at one.
"so maybe it was two or three," he admits with a shrug. "but what's the big deal? we're at a party, y/n. we came here to have fun!"
"you think this is fun?" you ask him, the pent up anger caused by the way he's been acting the last few months rising to the surface. "it is not fun for me to come with you to these parties only to find you've abandoned me after i go to the bathroom to go snort lines of coke, rafe! let alone find some girl draped all over you and you don't even seem to care!"
"oh for fuck's sake, it's not like i'm sneaking off to fuck them, y/n!" he defended. "they do that shit on their own. what do you expect me to do about that?"
"uh, i don't know, tell them to fuck off? to get off you? to stop? to move?" you say, stating several different things he could have said to them.
he knows your right, but as always, he refused to back down.
"god, are you seriously bitching about this?" his voice was louder know, the adrenaline from the coke clouding his judgment and riling him up. "wait- no, that's-" 
he immediately realized what he just said to you, and though he wanted to take it back—and even tried to—it was too late.
"you know what? just go back inside, rafe," you shrug, finally giving up.
there was no use fighting back anymore because you were never gonna get through to him. not when he was like this—coked out of his mind.
"go back to your coke buddies, go back to whatever girl decides to throw herself onto you next, and just forget about me," you tell him. "i'm done."
his coke-induced state of mind seems to fade completely when he hears those two words come out of your mouth.
"what?" his voice was much quieter now, and delicate. something not usual for rafe.
"you heard me," you said, looking him in the eyes. "i can't keep doing this, rafe."
"no, no, no, no, no," he shakes his head frantically, panic clearly building up in him at the thought of losing you. he closes the distance between the two of you and takes your hands in his. "i promise i'll do better, baby. i'll change. i love you."
as much as you wanted to give in and believe him, you knew that your relationship had run its course. he did love you—you never doubted that. but it shouldn't have to be this hard. enough was enough.
you needed to do what was best for you, and this just wasn't it anymore. as much as you loved him, you knew this was the best thing for you. no matter how badly it broke your heart, you had to walk away.
"not enough to choose me," you shook your head, tears threatening to well up in your eyes. "you give in every time."
he drops your hands from his, his demeanor changing again. now, he looked furious. cold. meaner.
"well, i'm sorry i'm not fucking perfect like you!" his voice was full of venom. the rafe cameron you fell in love with was gone. "you know what? just do what you want, y/n. go run off to yale and find some perfectly polished guy! see if i care."
his eyes filled with disgust as he trailed them over you, a scoff leaving his mouth, "i should've just fucked all those other girls. at least they know how to have fun."
while you knew he wouldn't take your words well, you never expected him to be so cruel. but then again, wasn't it always this way? when he was off of it, you never really knew what to expect.
another reason why you had to walk away. it wasn't worth all the exhaustion going back and forth with him. he wasn't worth it anymore.
"go ahead," you say, trying your hardest to keep a solid front. no way you were going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you break.
he rolled his eyes. "find your own way home, bitch," he spat, bumping your shoulder as he walked back towards the house.
the second you knew he could no longer see you, you break.
the rafe you knew was gone.
part 2.
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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oneluckydumbass · 1 month
You couldn't hold back the tears anymore. The stress of the last hours, the uncertainty, the panic that was clearly visible on the others’ faces were more than enough to push you over the edge. As you sat on the floor with your back against the wall, you rested your forehead on your pulled up knees and struggled to stop crying. You should pull yourself together, you shouldn't show such weakness.
But then you felt a gloved hand on your bare shoulder, reminding you that you weren't alone in this. Ghost was there when those canisters released an unknown substance in the room, which is why the two of you were now quarantined together.
“They'll figure it out,” he said in his deep voice, although you could tell his tone was laced with hopelessness.
You couldn't blame him, you were also feeling hopeless. How could you not? They didn't know what that was, and the symptoms would surely get worse with time. The headache and the nausea was already on the threshold of being unbearable, you couldn't even begin to imagine what else was about to come.
Apparently there was something wrong with the blood sample you both gave. You weren't a doctor, you had no idea what the issue was, but they sounded serious. You didn't want to die. Your job was risky, sure, but dying from a bullet still seemed like the better option.
Before you knew it, Simon sat next to you then put an arm around your shoulder so he could force you to rest with your head on his shoulder. Through the mask, he pressed a soft kiss on your head, causing you to look at him with wide eyes.
“What? There's a chance we'll die here, I'm not gonna spend it as if we were just simple teammates,” he informed you.
The thought of him being so openly affectionate warmed your heart. Simon Riley, the man who always made sure to keep his softer side behind closed doors when he was alone with you, was now ready to let the entire team know you were together as a couple. Happy and in love, although you didn't think you would go into details about how you were already talking about starting a little family of your own.
The only sound came from the buzzing neon lights on the ceiling, filling the heavy silence that was making you more and more depressed as the minutes passed. A doctor came in to check your vitals, noted that Simon had fever, then left without saying anything about what they knew so far.
“I love you, Simon,” you quietly noted as you reached out to take his hand that was resting on his thigh.
With a short laugh he pulled up the mask a little and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss, savoring the moment, turning it into a core memory. Because this was an important moment for the both of you, a slow and emotional goodbye in case you didn't make it.
“If we get out of here,” he began cautiously as you lay down with your head resting on his legs, “would you marry me? And I mean it, I don't want a long engagement or a big wedding, I just want to make it official as soon as possible.”
“Just the two of us?”
“Just the two of us.”
You pulled off the glove from his hand and placed a soft kiss on it. His big, calloused hand gave you the comfort you needed now, long fingers lacing with yours in an attempt to calm you down. It would have been a nice moment under different circumstances.
Suddenly Soap walked in, wearing a hazmat suit, but even that wasn't enough to hide the wide grin on his face. “Okay, so we left cameras here to know if you're okay, which is how we heard everything. We agreed that you're idiots because one, we knew about the two of you all along, and two, there's no way you can run away like that to get married.”
Shaking his head, Simon leaned back against the wall as he looked up at the sergeant. “What's the point if we die here anyway?” he asked with a sigh.
To your surprise, Soap took off the helmet with a laugh. “I forgot to mention; the doc gave you the green light. You won't die. It's… I don't know, I was too busy celebrating that you'll live to listen to what he said. Come on, Lt., time to go home.”
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Professor Vargas: No. Definitely not. I would rather build her a house than have her join a dorm full of guys.
Crowley: But... That would add up to our expenses-
Professor Trein: WHICH we could easily afford, headmage.
Professor Crewel: Yes. I agree.
Sam: Look at us already have taken a liking to our little imp!
Professor Vargas: Ha! Yes! The moment I saw her, I claimed her as my daughter!
Crowley: ...
Crowley: *clears throat* Very well. Uh... While we build a house for her and her son, she could stay in the little tent I lent her-
The professors: GIVE HER A ROOM.
Crowley: ...Okay.
Crowley: I suppose the Pop Music Club would not complain if we used their club room for this purpose.
Professor Crewel: Your house will take a month to complete, so you will need to stay in this classroom for the time being.
F!MC: Thank you, professor. And I apologize for causing so much trouble.
F!MC: If there's anything I can do to pay your kindness back, please do tell me.
Toddler Riddle: Yeah. I will help too.
Professor Crewel: There's no need. I will be assigning a housewarden to help you in setting up this room.
F!MC: Th-Thank you, professor!
Professor Crewel: Don't mention it. Have a nice day, pup. *then takes his leave*
F!MC: ...
F!MC: *lets out a sigh of relief* *then smiles at her son* Isn't this great, Riddle?
Toddler Riddle: *nods* Mama doesn't need to knock on people's doors anymore.
F!MC: *hugs him close* Yes. You're right.
Kalim and Lilia: Me! ME!
The other housewardens: ...
Professor Crewel: I am actually thinking of appointing Rosehearts for this job.
Lilia: Crewel, the room they're using is the Pop Music Club's.
Kalim: Yeah! And I want to be friends with her!
Idia: Well, Kalim could definitely buy some furniture.
Lilia: Yes! And I'll buy her son toys!
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: Rosehearts, what do you think?
Riddle: I don't mind.
Azul: Are not you appointing him since the lady's son shares his name?
Professor Crewel: Yes. That's the reason.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Thank you for accompanying me, Cater and Trey.
Trey: We want to meet the lady too.
Cater: I met her in person, and she is really nice. Though it felt like I was talking to someone older.
Trey: *chuckles* She's a mother. Of course, you would feel that way.
Riddle: Ah. We're here.
Riddle, Trey, and Cater: *noticed that the door was slightly open and decided to peek inside*
F!MC: *cuddling her son while reading him a recipe out of a cookbook*
Toddler Riddle: Mama? Do we have to follow everything in this?
F!MC: Hmm... I think we can change the shape of the eggs and carrots.
Toddler Riddle: I'll make them stars.
F!MC: Oh! That will be great, Riddle! Do you want to cook it yourself? Mama will make you mini-kitchen utensils!
Toddler Riddle: Yes, please.
Riddle, Trey, and Cater: ...
*The three decided to move steps back.*
Cater and Trey: *communicates through eye-contact*
Trey: 'Mini-kitchen utensils.'
Cater: 'Yes. And that's so adorable!'
Riddle: *his mother issues are trembling*
Riddle: Professor Crewel, I would certainly appreciate it if you would not assign me chores related to assisting the lady.
Professor Crewel: Why? Is there a problem?
Riddle: ...
Riddle: N-No...
Professor Crewel: I was hoping you would be friends with her because you are the same age and can serve as a role model for her to strive more in the future.
Professor Crewel: In any circumstance, I would delegate responsibility to another person. Do not worry.
Riddle: ...
*Back in Heartslabyul*
Trey: Riddle? What happened to you? Why did you run?
Riddle: I had a pressing task to complete.
Cater: Well, Trey? Have you seen how happy they were when we gave them the mini-kitchen utensils? 🥺
Cater: Ridz said thank you and called me "Uncle Cater".
Trey: *chuckles* Yeah. You almost squealed because of that.
Cater: By the way, Riddle? MC was looking forward to meeting you.
Riddle: Huh? Why?
Trey: She's interested to know what our Riddle is like. You know, someone her son can look up to?
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Maybe next time, Trey.
Riddle: Definitely...
Trey and Cater: ...
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
The TWST boys and their number 1 princess
reader is fem! and is a bit of a bratty princess typa girl😌
i already wrote this on my haikyuu blog a bit back but somehow the song world is mine fits with like every character ever (defo reccomend listening to the song while reading)
seriously it's so fun imagining the song with different characters
Characters featured: Silver, Leona, Riddle, Jack
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₊˚⊹♡ Silver
"Siiilver!~ Where aaaare you?" you called out to him in the courtyard. Lilia told you he would be there so you're beginning your search, well, there.
Why you're looking for Silver in the first place? To hold his hand, of course. None of the subtler methods have worked so far, much to your chagrin.
Holding his hand is the first step to making him your prince, you see. You've spent countless nights fantasizing about him kneeling down and kissing your hand while singing praises about your endless beauty.
Oh, how exciting it is to see the future play out in front of your eyes! You even got endorsement from Lilia for the wedding!
You eventually found him laying in the green grass, peacefully asleep. He really does sleep a lot, huh? You just can't get enough of his face, especially when it's so relaxed and at peace.
Wait... now that you think about it, in a lot of fairytales where princesses are asleep, their problem is solved by true love's kiss. Maybe his issue can be solved by it too....
Forget holding hands, you have a curse to break (atleast you assume it's a curse, since Lilia has told you he can't control it at all)! And being the top princess, you can break it, of course!
You kneel down next to him, quickly checking your breath. Probably smells fine. It's now or never!
As you lean in, his eyes gently open and you immediately jump back, pretending you weren't just about to kiss him. Out of all the times he had to wake up, it was now... You were this close!
"Ugh... I fell asleep again...?" Silver seemed to be bothered, like he always is when he wakes up.
"You did! And I was kind enough to wake you up! You should be glad I happened to stumble upon you!" you tried your best to look unbothered and collected. Silver pouted slightly at your tone.
You got up, placing one hand on your knee and extending the other towards him to help him get up. He silently took it, getting up with your help. "Thank you." he said curtly, expression softening at your happy little grin.
Wait... He just held your hand for a moment there! He really did!!!
The wedding dress! You have to pick out a wedding dress, as soon as possible!
₊˚⊹♡ Leona Kingscholar
"Hmph! Won't you just say something already?!" For some reason, he looked nervous when he heard the anger in your voice. His eyebrows creased in worry for a moment before returning to their normal resting position. He's definitely not asleep then.
You finally got fed up with the lack of acknowledgement from Leona. Practically everyone but him complimented you on your outfit today.
You even dressed up all pretty just to impress him and get him to notice your outstanding appearance. Not that you need pretty clothes to impress. Any guy would be begging at your feet even when you're in your at-home shirt and your old worn out shorts.
Leona should consider himself lucky in that regard. You've fallen for him. He has to act fast or you'll be swept away by a much more noble prince before he can place a ring on your finger.
"Hmmm...? What are you yapping on about?" Leona opened one of his eyes, acting like he has no idea what you mean. He definitely noticed the outfit. He's just choosing not to mention it.
"The dress! You're supposed to mention it!" you stomped your foot on the ground, annoyed with him.
"Oh, I don't really care. It doesn't matter if you're wearin' the finest silk or a potato sack when you're a pain in the ass anyways." he closed his eyes again, sighing with annoyance.
"Ugh! You know what? I don't care about you anymore! I'll go find a guy who can appreciate me properly!"
You were totally bluffing, but you might actually start considering it soon if he keeps acting so annoyed around you.
A great princess knows when to give up, too. Unreciprocated love brings tears, and tears ruin cute makeup.
As you turned on your heels to stomp off to Vil for more makeup advice, you felt your wrist being grabbed roughly.
"Stay here. Just stay quiet and you can stay." He squeezed your wrist, his face looking like the very definition of annoyance and... jealousy?
This is certainly a turn of events. "Fine, I'll stay." You huff. "But ONLY if you say I'm pretty in my dress." You smile smugly, watching him sigh and furrow his brows.
"You look... beautiful." He said it as if he was forced to, but somehow you could sense some truth behind those words.
You never asked him to call you beautiful after all, he definitely could have gotten away with a three-quarter hearted 'you look pretty in that dress'.
₊˚⊹♡ Riddle Rosehearts
"Hiiiii, Riddle!~ Hi Silver, hi Sebek." You greeted Riddle cheerily, treating the other two Equestrian club members like an afterthought. Riddle is much cuter in comparison, after all.
You're here for a poetically romantic reason. You see, ever since you learned that Riddle knows how to ride a horse, a certain fantasy has been visiting you in your dreams every night. Ideally, you wish he had a princely white horse, but you suppose a brown one can fulfill its duty well enough. The fantasy of him taking you on a romantic horse ride is the same no matter what his horse looks like.
Which speaking of, you visit the Equestrian club every day so you can convince Riddle to let you ride his horse, to make your dream a reality. So far, no luck. Actually, you've been trying to get closer to Riddle in general recently.
He isn't the most receptive to your flirting attempts but he makes adorable faces of anger when Cater or Trey tease him about you. Truly, a prince deserving of your attention.
"Hello. Have you come to watch us again?" Riddle asked with no particular emotion behind his voice. Surely, he knew what was coming by now. No need to ask such foolish questions.
"No, I came to ride your horse with you. You should know that by now." You are equally calm and collected in your own request. You try to put on your most cute, charming smile to lure him in.
You have been getting close to Vorpal, since you knew some horses are untrusting of unfamiliar riders. You researched every known piece of horse-related literature you could get your hands on in the library just to impress Riddle with horse facts. You're very prepared.
"You..." Riddle sighed.
"Just let her." Silver placed a hand on Riddle's shoulder, probably getting a little sick of your nagging too.
"...Fine, if I must." Riddle said after a short pause and you damn near passed out from excitement right then and there.
"As you should. I cannot believe you made me wait this long." You kept it casual on the outside, not wanting to let your excitement show too much.
Once you were properly sat on the horse with Riddle behind you, you felt like you achieved something great. You still almost can't believe how many refusals it took for this to happen. But a princess always gets what she wants in the end.
"Just don't be tense. Horses can sense that and it puts them in distress." He instructed. When you turned back and smiled cheekily at him, you noticed his cheeks were pink.
"What is it, my prince?" you gave him puppy eyes.
"D-Do not call me that, or look at me like that. It's distracting." His face got even redder. Yikes, even Vorpal can sense that he's panicking right now.
₊˚⊹♡ Jack Howl
"Get me food. Something sweet." You crossed your arms, raising your chin smugly. This is a non-negotiable matter.
"I don't think I'm indebted to you right now." that was his gentler way of saying he's not doing it. Why he doesn't just straight up say "no" to you is a mystery. Perhaps he knows the proper way to respect a princess such as yourself.
You sighed in annoyance. Seems you have to pick up the charm.
"But Jaaaaack, I'm just so hungry!~ And I can't run around in my pretty heels..." you put on your best puppy dog eyes. Surely, you can convince your future prince to do a simple favour for you.
Future prince...
The fact that wolf beastmen have one partner for life has been keeping you up at night, in both a good way and bad way. That means once you get him hooked, he's there for life, BUT! He can easily get stolen away by another and then you lose all your chances.
Truly, a challenge befitting of someone like you. That's why you're hanging around him so much.
"You know, you make it really hard for me to say no sometimes." Jack scratches the back of his head. "Doesn't mean you succeeded this time, though." he smirks slightly at you.
You would squeal (internally) over his smirk if you didn't feel slightly dissapointed right now. Oh well, you suppose you can't demand everything from your future prince. He is your equal, after all.
Upon seeing your slightly sad face, something bubbled up within him. It doesn't look right.
"I'll go get it. Do you want anything in particular?" he got up suddenly.
"Huh? Jack, you don't have to. I changed my mind." He felt a strange sense of unease to see you acting so... gently. It wasn't a bad thing neccesarily, it just felt wrong. And besides, you'd never 'change your mind' about sweets. He knows you enough to know that.
"I'll still do it.... Not because I feel bad, though. Don't get the wrong idea." he huffed, turning away before you could notice the slight pink dusting his cheeks.
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bluedew · 14 days
general pac reading!!
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i don't know if this is gonna pop up because tumblr's been funny, if it doesn't i might have to make a new account
if it does, then hi, i'm kat, and i'm a tarot reader! this is my first post so please give me criticism and feedback if you happen to stumble across it. 🕸️
you seem like you're yearning for something. maybe somebody, something, the past, etc. you're lingering on what's gone, and this in part due to the lack of closure that you feel you have experienced. some things leave for the better; you cannot keep your heart in the past while your body moves ahead with time. you seem like a fairly shy, naive person, and maybe somebody took advantage of that. you might have some issues with maternal or feminine figures in your life. right now, you have to examine why you think the way you do; look at the recurring patterns and symbols in your life.
signs : monarch butterflies, magenta, 666, spotify playlists
you're trying to grow. and pile 2, i'm proud of you. i don't think you want to be stuck in pain anymore and you're trying desperately to be happier. i think either soon (or you already have) you will realize that happiness doesn't come just from one aspect of your life, whether it be material, romantic, sexual, etc. you're only searching for happiness in one part of your life, when in reality it's hidden all around you. also try to control your irritability; you aren't an evil person, no matter how much you want to believe that you are. but you must heal, or you will hurt innocents by rejecting healing.
signs: felines, the ocean, specific starbucks order, constellations
you're like the moon. and you don't see that. you're probably deeply insecure of some aspect of yourself; but you forget to look at the whole picture. you carry the mystery of the ocean and the brightness of the stars, my darling. and it's about time you realize that. stop breaking yourself into pieces in order to be more 'edible' or 'appealing'. if people aren't hungry enough to keep all of you in their life, they're not your people. you're larger than life, and you MUST stay that way. it is not a bad thing, in your case. stay bright!
signs: fire, 111, 1212, chapter books, teaching
this was very experimental and i don't know what to think of it. please let me know if it resonated; if it did, i might make more.
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lovetei · 1 year
I saw your toxic things the demon bros will do to keep you with them and i absolutely fell in love with. More of, my mental health issues felll in love with- ANYGAYSzz
I was wondering if you could maybe do the same for the side characters¿¿¿¿
Also did you drink water today? Cuz if thats a no here you go 💧💧💧💧
And some cookies just incase 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Love anonymous 👑
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I'm not actually supposed to post anything for tonight, because I don't know? I didn't get to start anything this morning so I crammed this post T_T
But love lots! Hope you enjoy this piece ^^
But seriously, I was like "Oh shit, the algorithm I don't have!" And proceed to finish this.
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What are the most toxic thing they will do in a relationship just to make you stay with them?
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Warnings: Manipulation, yandere themes, execution, mention of torture, psychological torture, love potions, Mentions of murder, framing, alcohol
Links: Masterlist
DIAVOLO will use his authority
He's already so happy to have you by his side
And by staying there you already secured the position of the next ruler that will stand beside him
So, why do you have to leave..?
And the reasons
"I'm not fit enough..."
"I don't deserve this much..!"
"There are more people out there that are more worthy than me..."
Won't cut it.
He knows your worth and he's sure you do too.
So why?
Perhaps you're just nervous that you won't be able to match his grace?
You don't need to.
His grace is unmatched among the demons and yours is too among the mortals.
You both are on the same chapter, just on different pages.
So why make things hard for yourself?!
All you need to do is say yes and everything will be taken care of.
Clothes, food, money, status, security and literally anything.
He loves you and you does too so it's not going to be a marriage with no love...
You're starting to drive him insane, MC.
And he might just do the same to you
So he'll invite you over for a fancy dinner and a few drinks
You accepted, despite knowing that Diavolo might try something after he got you drunk
Thinking that Diavolo forgot that you can't get drunk by just a basic demonus
That's what you are for thinking Diavolo actually misses something, anything about you
So he changed the bottle of demonus to an actual human liquor but neutralized it's taste by the help of his one, loyal servant
Not even two hour passed by and you're already putty in his hands
Dancing just like how he wants it on his palms
Then he'll slide a paper into the table to you, together with a beautiful pen
He then point at an empty line with his finger and said "Look at that MC, this line right here wants your signature."
"Hmm, why?~"
"Because it's such a huge fan of you and it needs you to become something, someone better, so why don't you give it a sign?" Is what he said while smirking.
And there you are, signing the papers while your mind is clouded with alcohol
Oh what is it?
Just a marriage contract
You don't want it?
Look into rules and regulations, Claus 5
It's against your human rights?
How foolish, you're not in the human world.
You will tell the whole Devildom about it?
Lèse majesté
And what's the punishment for committing that? Simple.
BARBATOS and his timeline power
He loves you
So much actually
At first, it was fun to be in a relationship with him
It's fun, slowly opening him up like a present and seeing the gift, a part of him that only you know.
He builds up trust for you and so do you for him
Then it started to get suffocating
He won't admit it openly but you know,
You know that the one who kills anyone who dared act close with you is him
And it terrifies you
You may allow it if it actually harms you, severely
But it's not for your protection anymore
He's doing it out of pure annoyance now
He doesn't like you around the brothers
The angels
Or even Lord Diavolo
In fact, he doesn't want you around anyone.
And it's making you feel more unsafe
He's starting to isolate you from everyone and everything
He's trying to isolate you from the world
So you decided to end things with him
And he doesn't seem to take it lightly like how you expected...
How did you know?
You woke up weeks before that break up happened
You know how it happened and you know who made it happen
It's none other than your boyfriend of course
You thought that maybe if you talk nicely with him he'll actually understand the problem
But he didn't
He started to get more and more aggressive with you
Then when the week end
It repeats
And repeats
And repeats
And repeats again
And again
But it will keep going on like that until you learn
Until you learn that there's no other option than him
No other ending than him
He doesn't mind driving you crazy if it means you'll continue to love him
So good luck, MC.
SIMEON might just ask Father for help
Ho doesn't understand!
Why would you want to break up with him?!
He did everything, MC!
It's not clear!
Nothing is clear!
You just belive that you two are not fit together..?
You don't want him to end up like Lilith..?
He doesn't care!
He'll burn these precious, white wings for you!
He'll kill for you!
He'd actually prefer to end up like Lilith rather than this!
Because, at least, Lilith managed to be with her love until her life ended...
He'd rather be a demon or a human rather then live like the adored angel he is without you...
You'll still leave huh?
Alright then.
I guess he has no choice but to ask Father for help
What do you mean it will cause him to fall? Oh dear, it won't.
It might actually even promote him into a higher rank.
Father wants you in his side.
In fact, the whole celestial realm want you on this side
So when he asked "Father, it seems that we need to take even larger measure to have MC side with us. What do you think we can do?"
What a brilliant plan.
Let's see if you can still leave knowing an innocent life, Luke, will be put under danger because of this tantrum,
Because of you.
SOLOMON and his hidden antics
Oh dear, angel
His little devil
His most prized possession
His favorite concubine,
You won't be leaving him anytime soon, dear.
When you told him that "I want to break up with you."
He kept himself quite for a while before answering "Let me give it some thought, MC. For now, stay with me."
And just as he expected you listened obediently.
But then, his grip around your waits became more rough
And the hand he used to playfully wrap around your neck became more tight
It's hard...
It's hard to feed you his love laced cooking
But he found out that you just loves, adored even, Luke's baked cookies...
And since you're a human, he knows that Luke creates special cookies just for you
One that don't contain exotic ingredients that will upset your stomach
And it just made the work of latching love potions easier for him
He'll just add a few drops and it will do the magic for him
So, all he has to do sit tight
And wait for you to crawl back to his lap yourself.
RAPHAEL will use spears for example
But he loves you, MC..?
He might just start crying if you say more
"Sure... But I'll make sure you'll come back to me..!"
At first, it sounded like a joke and it's funny enough to make you giggle
The beautiful memories of peaceful separation didn't last long after you saw a dead body pinned by spears though
His spears, to be specific
It doesn't even make sense
You don't even know this guy...
He hasn't talk to you and you don't even know him
Hell, you don't even recognize his face...
So what's the catch?
Why is he killing completely random people...
That's what have been running around your mind
You haven't seen him around RAD anymore
And if you do he refuse to answer your questions
Except his face will lightly flush and he'll even smile a little before sa say "Ah~ It's nice hearing your voice..."
His tone, the way he says it, none of theme are innocent
And he made it known that he knows what he's doing
The curiosity didn't last long
Until you found out that the corpses aren't for you from him as a threat
It was for the families of the victims
You found out that each of them have high power among the nobilities of Devildom
And he killed them to make the families think that you're telling him to do so
It's not to make you feel guilty, it for them to start attacking you
Until you're pushed back to a corner where no one else can save you
Except for him.
Man he loves you so much...
But all he do is stare at you blankly after you told him you ant to break up
Staring at you like you're just some kid throwing a tantrum
It's Mephistopheles in front of you, I mean, he's rich, handsome, tall, smart and has good family background
If he's a human everybody would have gone crazy over him already
Plus he wears heels and he has a sexy cane
What more could you ask for?
But yeah...
You don't want to be with him forever?
Sure, he'll talk to Diavolo.
"I'll buy MC's contract and I'll put them under my wing." Is all the reason he needs to say and a few more to have Diavolo selling you
What about your family?
This amount will do right?
I mean...
He paid for what your worth so don't expect it to be much.
Anyways, you're his now
By the eyes of the law, money and his
He'll never let you get away?
And if you did try to?
He'll simply frame you for treason and let's see if you won't come crawling back to him
After finding out that he can choose what type of punishment, torture method, to give you.
But don't worry.
He likes the game cat and mouse
He don't like playing it for a long time though
So be careful
His patience isn't as long as the line of money and connection ahead of him
THIRTEEN basically holds your life
Break up?
"You're not." Is all she said as she holds your candle
She's grinning widely as she let your candle melt, its 's wax falling directly in her hands
"Why would you even want to?" She asked even though she knows, no reason can separate the two of you
And if you did say "I don't care." as she holds you candle
She might just accidentally extinguish one of your loved ones candles
So be careful, MC.
Among everyone
She's the only one who won't joke around.
And just so you know
Her patience is shorter than the amount of time it requires to kill someone's fire off of their candle.
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egoistars · 6 months
your boyfriend doesn't seem to love you anymore, so what do you do? complain to neuvillette of course!
warnings: kissing, u being dramatic, neuvillette being done with ur shit, u and wriothesley being super gross and in love
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you defeatedly slump into a chair in neuvillette's office and sigh for the fifteenth time in the past few minutes. the hydro dragon slides both his hands down his face, much like how he's seen the people of fontaine do when they were in distress.
"(name), if you don't tell me what's wrong i can't help you." in the several hundred years he's lived, neuvillette doesn't think he's spoken those words more than he has now. as he raises a delicate, white teacup to his lips, you burst into tears, violently twisting your head away from him.
"please, don't drink that in front of me," you cry, shoving your face into an overly expensive pillow on his couch. "that duke wriothesley would always drink tea and i cant stand to see it anymore! i will die parched if i have to!"
"if you're implying wriothesley doesn't love you anymore, you are surely mistaken. i'm not too familiar with human emotions, why don't you pay furina a visit? i'm sure she can understand you better."
at the sound of furina's name, you feel your body run cold. the image of your friend laughing until her face flushing crimson red dashes across your mind like an arrow, shooting you in the chest as you bleed out in an impending doom. you love her, truly, but she would never take you seriously in a situation like this.
"hmm, if you don't want to talk to furina, how about i call wriothesley and have you talk to him yourself? he is your partner, he'd be more than happy to talk through this issue with you."
"no! he's the problem! why would i want to talk to the problem? he doesn't love me anymore, neuvillette. he usually kissed my forehead twice before he leaves for work, but today," you pause for a moment, placing a hand on your chest to soothe the agonizing ache of your heart. "he only gave me one."
neuvillette promptly kicks you out.
"now what's this i hear about you crying to the iudex of fontaine about a broken heart?"
normally, the sound of wriothesley's smooth yet slightly mischievous voice would send you sprinting toward him. today however, you were distraught and feeling slightly petty. the only thing that can satisfy your heartbreak was him on his knees, sobbing with a gross trail of snot running down his nose, begging for your forgiveness.
you quickly learn that in the end, wriothesley always wins. with your back faced toward him, he wraps his muscular arms around you in a warm embrace, the fur of his uniform tickling your neck. grumbling unintelligible words, you dejectedly turn to face him but can't hide the thumping of your chest behind narrowed eyes and pouts. wriothesley laughs at you, pressing a kiss on your forehead, one on your left cheek, and one on your rights.
"i'm sorry for forgetting our routine, you petty minx? i ever do something as horrendous as that again, tell me and i'll make it up to you with as many kisses as you want, yeah? if that's not enough, i'll apologize with tears and jump into the primordial sea in your honor."
as the finale of this vomit-inducing opera, he follows the monologue by pressing a loving kiss to your waiting lips, pulling back to rest his forehead against yours.
"yeah you better keep your fucking promise," you threaten. the two of you know you don't intend to be mean by the way you melt into his touch. "i ordered your favorite today so you don't make me regret that."
maybe your boyfriend does love you after all.
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mikareo · 3 months
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౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ midnight love ⠀ ꒰ . . geto suguru x gn reader ꒱ . . . word count; 0.7k
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⊹ ⠀⠀ heartbreak is a cycle. over, and over, and over again.
contains; geto suguru x gn reader, angst, geto dumped you and you can't get over it, mentions abandonment and attachment issues, lots of reader insecurities, womp womp author's note; hey ! XD
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"you really can't be calling me at this hour anymore." suguru's voice is faint. he's likely just woken up from a deep slumber, probably dreaming of something far more interesting and attractive than you are, but that isn't a dream that you'd like to picture. he did this to you.
sometimes, he needs to see what your nightmares look like.
"i'm sorry, it's just that i've been thinking about everything again." clearing your throat, you can't help but notice that your voice can't stop shaking. get a grip of yourself. you're embarrassing. "i feel like we made a mistake. it's not crazy to try things again; we know what went wrong so let's just fix it this time. right? we can be even better this time around."
you know the hopefulness slipping from your tongue is something that suguru has grown to hate. he hates the guilt that it makes him feel. he hates the reminders of a time where he was so madly in love with you that he couldn't imagine sleeping through one of your sporadic phone calls in the middle of the night. he hates how it reminds him how hard you sobbed when he said those three little words. not 'i love you'...but 'let's break up'.
he hates that it makes him regret things.
so instead, he forces you to bottle it all up.
"i'm not interested anymore, i've told you that." the sound of your poorly mended heart shattering once more is far too familiar. "seriously, we crashed and burned so let's just leave it at that."
this is the third time he's said these words. the first being an hour after he dumped you over the phone, when you called him back amidst uncontrollable sobs and he didn't seem to care all that much. the second being a month after what would've been your first anniversary together, to which he was careless with your heart as you poured it out to him on his doorstep. now, the third, where it's been a whole three months since your untimely break up and your sleep has been lost to you for yet another night.
...and he still doesn't care.
he doesn't care about you.
he doesn't care at all.
why doesn't he care?
"suguru, please." it's pathetic to beg, but what else can you do? "i love you. i want to be with you and i'm willing to do anything to make it work. c'mon, work with me, here." just say yes. just say yes and maybe you'll smile again.
he takes a deep breath. you can count down the seconds until he exhales.
you envision a scenario where he bolts from his bed, frantically grabs his jacket, and drives straight to your house. his hand hovers over the front door, ready to knock, when you fling it open and then fling yourself into his arms. suguru laughs at your eagerness, gently gripping your face beneath your jaw and kissing you tenderly. god, it's been so long since you felt his kisses. you could cry from the overwhelming happiness in your heart. the overwhelming joy that he never fails to make you feel when he's truly and completely in love with you, too.
you recall one of your favorite dreams, one just a few nights ago, where suguru had never broken up with you in the first place. in fact, he thinks the mere thought is comically funny. he'd never ends things. you're the best thing that's ever happened to him and he never fails to tell you that at every hour of the day. he's the perfect boyfriend. he's the ideal husband. he's the man that you've been wishing for for your entire life...but he really is just that. he's a dream.
"i don't love you anymore."
you wish this were a scenario. you wish you were sleeping. you wish he could've said anything other than those awful words, but this is reality. dreams don't reflect reality. dreams aren't real. his love for you isn't real. he doesn't love you. he doesn't want you. he doesn't need you. give up. give up. stop making a fool of yourself.
"but i love you."
you're pathetic.
the sigh he exhales is pitiful.
he's so obviously aware of how clingy you've become in your lonesome life that he's not even surprised by your behavior. he's not surprised by your confession. it's almost as if he expected it. he knows your flaws. he knows your stance on abandonment...on attachment...on absence. he knows you can't possibly function in a world without him...
...and he hangs up.
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀thank you for reading! reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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afro-hispwriter · 2 years
Lovers(Aemond Targaryen)
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Aemond Targaryen x Valaryon!Reader
Summary- Aemond catches wind that your mother, Rhaenerya, is trying to marry you off to strengthen the Blacks. So Aemond hops on Vhagar and flies to DragonStone to claim whats rightfully his
Warnings- possesive Aemond, choking, fingering, oral(f receiving, p in v sex, squirting, breeding kink, brief mention of Alys
Part 2
"Did you hear that Rhaenerya is trying to marry off Y/n for more support?" Said Alicent as she talked to Otto. Aemonds head shot up, for once he's interested in what his family talked about at Dinner. 
"What?" He says shocking everyone that he actually spoke. Alicent looked at her son in sympathy, knowing how attached he was to his niece when they were younger.
"Ah yes brother, no more fantasizing about our dear niece anymore." Said Aegon and Aemond slammed his hands on the table. He glared at his older brother before standing up and leaving.
"Aemond." His mother sighed but he didn't stop. He walked all the way outside where his large beast slept. 
"Vhagar." He says and she opens her eyes. She lifted her head and pushed it into Aemonds body in a greeting. "There you are old girl, ready to fly to DragonStone." 
You were on your daily walk. It was really the only thing you could do now since your mother has you on lockdown after your outburst. When she told you about marriage, you were not happy. And as punishment you couldn't send letters to anybody or spend time with Seasmoke. You claimed Seasmoke shortly after your father, Leanor 'died'. 
The sun was setting so you decided to walk back. You didn't notice the figure walking behind you until you were slammed against the wall. Before you could scream a hand was slapped against your mouth. You looked to see your assailant, just to see your uncle wearing a black cloak.
"Aemond." You say muffled and he smiles and removed his hand. 
"Now how is that I find out from my mother you're getting married off? Why didn't you tell me?" He asks and you sighed and leaned your head against the walk.
"I wanted to, believe me, but I got into a fight with my mother and she locked me down, so I couldn't send you a letter." Aemond had to hold back a smirk and grabbed your chin roughly between his thumb and index finger.
"I don't believe you. I think you wanted me to find out when you were already betrothed so id come get you." He taunted and smiled at you. He watched you try to find words to defend yourself.
"Im not lying Aemond I wouldn't do that to you." You say and thats when he starts laughing. You open your mouth in shock and shove him off of you. You start to walk away when he stops you.
"Y/n. Stop." When you stopped in your tracks he smirked. He walked up close behind you and moved your silver locs out of the way. "We're leaving." He kissed your neck.
"I can't leave, I have to be back before dinner." You say and point to the castle. Aemond scoffs and turns away to start walking.
"Now Y/n." He says and continued walking. He didn't bother turning around knowing what you'll do. You looked around before picking up your dress and running after Aemond. He heard your footsteps and held his hand out for you to take. When he felt your hand slide in his he immediately pulled you into his side. 
"What are you doing here Aemond?" He looked down at you.
"Im here for you." He tugged you along for a bit until you reached the beach. "Get Seasmoke and meet me at the island next to DragonStone."  With that he walked away and you see Vhagar come from behind the rock wall. She bend her neck letting Aemond grab the rope so he can climb on the saddle. You watched him fly off and disappear onto the island in the distance. 
You found Seasmoke sleeping on some grass. He heard you approach and stood up on his wings and legs.
"Hey boy, lets get out of here." You say and place your head against his snout. He huffs out smoke and lowers himself down to make it easy for your to hop on. You signaled for him to take off and he did. You had no issue with sneaking off Dragonstone, Seasmome is a quiet dragon, he barley makes noise in the air. 
You flew over the island and searched for Vhagars large form. You saw her walking on the ground and you pushed on Seasmoke's saddle to tell him to land. He landed in a clearing and you hopped down. 
"Aemond." You call and look around. You heard a crunch behind but before you could fully turn around you were tackled to the ground making you yelp. A hand went behind your head as you hit the ground. Seasmoke was ready to burn whoever was hurting you but when he senses Aemond he back off and walked away. "You fuckface." You smack his chest and he chuckles.
"Thats no way to speak to your future husband." He whispers and he lips graze against yours making you pout.
"Well who's to say you'll be my future husband." You say and his smile drops. He then wraps his fingers into your hair and tugs it back roughly making you wince in pain and reach up to grab his arm.
"Never say that again, you're mine." He let you go and grabbed a dagger that rested on his belt. He started cutting through the front of your dress snd you tried to get him to stop.
"Aemond I have no other clothes!" He ripped the dress off the just above your hips. Your nipples immediately hardened at being exposed to the air. He leaned down and pushed his lips around your neck and sucked. He trailed down to your chest and took a breast into his mouth. You gasped and closed your eyes at the feeling of his lips. He swirled his tongue around the bud and nipped. He let it go, leading a trail of saliva out. 
"I cant wait to see these swell with milk." He mumbles and you look at him in shock. 
"What are you saying?" You ask him but he just pulls back and stands. He undoes his cloak and throws it somewhere. Its followed by his boots, armor, tunic top and bottoms, letting you see his semi hard cock. He reached down and grabs the end of your dress and tugged it down completely. He got back on his knees and grabbed your legs and threw them over his shoulders. He lifted you up so your ass rested on his bare chest and you laid on your shoulders. 
"Go ahead and scream for me, we're not in your in room anymore." With that he slammed his lips on your clit and stuck his tongue out. He swirled his tongue around, taking in your arousal. He pushed his sharp nose into your pussy and you screamed, slapping ground and gripped it roughly. He opened his mouth wider and devoured your cunt making tears run down the side of your face due to the pleasure. 
"Aemond need to cum." You gasp and your eyes roll into the back if your head. He smirked into you and closed his mouth to only pay attention to your clit. Just a few sucks and his chin and chest were covered in your juices. “Fuck.” You smushed the side of your face into the ground and gasped for air. He slowly let  you legs down so you were now lying comfortably on your back and your ass was on his thighs. He watched you writhe in pleasure, smirking to himself. He smacked your pussy making you jerk up and hold you hands out. “Stop stop.” You smiled through the overstimulation.
“Would you like me to fuck you now?” He asks and you nodded. 
“Please.” You beg and feel the tip slid through your folds. He slowly pushed in, inch by inch. He let out a groan when he was completely in, the feeling of your pussy tightening around him felt godly.
“Gods, you’re so tight.” He slowly leaned forward and captured your lips with his. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he lowers himself down onto his arms. He started snapping his hips roughly, you clung onto his back and moaned into his ear. He grunted and let out small gasps. You could tell he was letting his guard down, when he snuck into your room on DragonStone he never let himself make noise, always being on high alert. 
He found a rhythm with his thrusts, you scratched down his chest leaving behind red lines. He shoved his hips forward making your thighs slightly touch your chest. His cock was hitting the devastating spot inside of you. 
“Oh fuck Aemond.” Skin slapping against skin and the obscene sounds coming from your pussy. You were sure you’ve already covered Aemonds thighs and crotch with your wetness. “Im gonna cum.” He dug his face in between your shoulder and neck and but down roughly. You gasped loudly and the slight pain triggered your orgasam. Aemonds eyes rolled into the back of his head at the feeling of your tightening around him. He lifted himself up on his knees and grabbed your hips. 
“Fuck you’re my girl, my true queen.” He seethed through his teeth and started pounding into you making you gasp. His hips sputtered as he was nearing his end but before he could he was slammed on his back by you. He looked up at you in shock. “What-.” He was cut short by you slamming yourself on his cock.
“You say im yours, but are you mine.” You say and lean down. “Do I need to worry about finding leaving a whorehouse with Ser Cristion? Or better yet have your favorite whore, or should I say mistress really, Alys Rivers. Show up on the beaches of DragonStone and tell me she’s pregnant with your bastard child.” You glared at but still kept moving up and down. Aemond groaned and closed his eyes, the thing with him going to a brothel and the issue with Alys was almost the cause of him loosing you almost two years ago. He reached up and grabbed your hair and tugged you close. 
“How many times do I have to tell you, she was never with a child she just wanted to make our lives a living hell.”  
“And you still stuck your cock into her.” You seethed, now it was Aemonds turn to glare at you. He slapped your ass roughly then wrapped his arms your torso, followed by lifting his knees up. He pounded into you from the bottom roughly. 
“Im going to put my child in your belly, now you will know how serious I am about being only yours.” He grunted and you bit his shoulder as your third orgasam of the night hit. Followed by the feeling of his hot cum shoot into you. Your body jerked against him and your eyes felt heavy. Aemond felt your body relax and he smirked. “Sleep well Lover.” 
Aemond watched you sleep that night. The moon shone on your dark skin making you practically glow. A true angel. 
He hunted boar for dinner, so when you woke up you’d have food in your belly. In the time he sat around, cooking the boat, Aemond thought about his next move. But he needed to talk to you first. 
You felt yourself waking up, you felt the heat of a fire hitting your face. You sat up and notices Aemonds cloak around your naked body, holding it tightly. 
“Sleep well.” Said Aemond and you turned around to see him eating a piece of meat, you nodded and stood up before taking a seat next to Aemond. He reaches over to grab a chunk of meat to hand to you. “We’re going to go back to DragonStone in the morning and im going to pledge myself to your mother and ask for your hand.” 
“What?” You say in shock and turn you body to him. “You’d be killed before you could get a word out.” 
“Trust me, nothing will happen to me.” He kissed your forehead and you sighed and rested your head on his bicep.
When the sun rose you and Aemond set off back to DragonStone on your dragons. He led you to the top of your roof and helped you down into the window. You got your hair fixed and grabbed a dress to put on. The whole time Aemond couldn’t help but stare at you in awe. 
“Tie me up please.” You say and move your hair out of the way to reveal the back of your dress. Aemond stood up from your bed and grabs the strings.
“In what way.” He whispers into your ear and you roll your eyes. He chuckled and kissed the back of your ear.  He tightened the strings and tied them together. You smiled up at him and he nodded before walking to the door. “Ready?” He held his hand out for you to take, you nodded and took his hand.
“What is he doing here?” Your mother asked as you stood by your uncle. 
“Mother he’s-.” You started but Aemond stood in front of you.
“Princess Rhaenerya, im here to pledge myself to you and your cause. You are the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and queen of the seven kingdoms im here to help you take it from my brother.” He says and draws his sword. Daemon draws his as well and raises it to his nephew, ready to attack. But he nor Rhaenerya expected him to get down on one knee with his sword balanced on both hands above his head. “I would also like to ask for the hand of your daughter.” 
“Why would I accept any of this? You’re the son of the enemy, how can I know you wont betray me or hurt my daughter.” Aemond set his sword down on the ground and stood up.
“I could never dream of hurting her, and if you being on the throne makes sure my beloved is safe I will do anything in my power to make sure that happens.” Aemond grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of it. You tried to suppress a smile that came up, making you have to look away from him. Rhaenerya watched the interaction, it reminded her when she was with Daemon. 
“I accept Prince Aemond, but the only way you will be marrying my daughter is if we win and I sit on the throne.” Says Rhaenerya and Aemond nods and grabs his sword. 
“You have my word, Queen Rhaenerya.” 
A/n- hoped you liked this. While i was writing this I was honestly thinking about writing a prequel about Aemond going off with other women and the whole thing with Alys at the start of him and Y/n’s relationship and also a sequel of them living in peace after everything
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angelicdanvers · 6 months
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, levizmiller, dior.n.goodjohn, and others
y/n — australia’s my new fav country
tagged | levizmiller
levizmiller i’m challenging you to another round of pool tonight ↳ y/n bet
iamcharliebushnell when’d you go to australia? 😭 ↳ y/n when u didn’t show up for acai bowls >:( ↳ iamcharliebushnell im sowwy ↳ y/n DONT YOU DARE ↳ iamcharliebushnell okok sorry but thought you'd be in london ↳ y/n soon, yeah :')
levizmiller y/n im gonna poke you ↳ y/n okayy hi ↳ levizmiller let’s get boba ↳ y/n YES
dior.n.goodjohn I MISS U COME BACK TO ME ↳ y/n once my australian chronicles are over i promise i will <3 ↳ dior.n.goodjohn WOOOO
walker.scobell youre pretty! ↳ y/n thanks lil dude!
i.am.andrewalvarez AUSSIEEE ↳ y/n THE SWEET ESCAPE FR
dailymail Y/n and Levi? ;)
user omg bf reveal happening??
user2 ive never held my breath this much
“GALILEO’S GALS” — 5 notifications!
chanel’s enemy Y/N
lee lee Y/N
dr dre why am i in this gc
chanel’s enemy because u are
lee lee we’re getting off topic Y/NNN CMERE
↳ hiiiii?
chanel’s enemy HIIII HRU ILY
chanel’s enemy WE GOOD WE HAVE SOME ?’s THO
↳ oh?
↳ nooooo
chanel’s enemy that’s a very interesting no
↳ we’re not but idk
chanel’s enemy what
lee lee girl wdym
↳ we’re not dating but i think he likes me? idk
dr dre do you like him back though???
↳ eh he’s very sweet but i’ve always seen him as a best friend, i don’t think we could be more
lee lee do you want to be more??
↳ i mean, i’d give him a chance if he asked? but it’s not anything i’m particularly into or wanting
chanel’s enemy okay that helps
↳ uhhh why
dr dre well if my sleepy ass remembers correctly, everyone and their mother are wondering if you’re dating
↳ nah that aint possible
lee lee it is, stupid dailymail picked up on it first 💀
↳ my manager’s asleep, no wonder she hasn’t updated me lol oh well idgaf they can think what they want
chanel’s enemy but even walker and charlie are 😭
↳ they’re gonna forget it in t-minus four secs it’s fine
dr dre whatever you say, ma’am but are you sure that ‘cryptic’ caption won’t cause any issues??
↳ uhh andrew you’re scaring me
dr dre what if someone likes you? like like-likes you and knows you and gets hella jealous or doubtful? and not saying charlie does but he was raving about how he might finally get to hang out with you, ONE ON ONE. what if he thinks he can't because he thinks you two are dating?
↳ bro first off ik you don’t like me, neither does aryan and i know its DEFINITELY not walker
lee lee girl he had a celeb crush on you a few years ago dont tell him i told u that
chanel’s enemy LMFAOOOO but no andrew has a point how come you didn’t mention charlie? 🤨
dr dre yeah i was just aboutta say 🤨 especially after my little analysis?
↳ SECONDLY, guys, charlie doesn’t. not one bit and that’s obvious, like he isn’t even in considerations. i understand what he may feel but he has nothing to worry about. he knows i won't ditch him or anything lol (right?) but if anything the only person that’d be a little confused or whatnot is william
lee lee huh 😃
↳ we dated for a month back when we were 15 or so and realized we were way better off as friends
lee lee why ?
↳ idk i think i was just jealous of lily 😭 but anyways we’ve been just friends since and i’m completely happy with that. i don't see him romantically anymore, yeah he’s hot but like nah. but yeah if he was confused, it's probably because i was best friends with levi when we dated too and might question if he was the cause of our split?? AGAIN THATS IF HE OVERTHINKS IT
dr dre i feel like i’m reading an autobiographical analysis you definitely are fond towards “millers”
↳ ur welcome <333 and NO i am not
chanel’s enemy okok so we got several people who’d be jealous
lee lee ain’t no way you’re ignoring charlie
dr dre but there could be a possibility? just don’t rule him out
↳ bro he doesn't like me 😭 but yeah trust me everything’s gonna be okay again i dont like anyone and no one likes me, and we'll make sure it's obvious i'm single in case anyone does though that may take a while... ANYWAYS
lee lee suuuuure you should hang out with charlie btw
↳ idk why but im scared to 😭
lee lee but you need to he misses you a lot yk
↳ doesn’t change the fact that im SCARED
dr dre sure you and levi hang out and are sweet and shit but BRO the teeth rotting sugar is you and charlie in your damn COMMENTS
chanel’s enemy i think u like charlie, miss girl
↳ NO
dr dre nah, they’d be cute together, even charlie said so himself
chanel’s enemy you dumbass
dr dre uhhh ANYWAYS said too much im gonna sleep again love youse
lee lee BRO yeah night babes <3
chanel’s enemy LOVE U BAE GN
↳ what the duck STUPID AUTOCORRECT WHAT THE FUCK AINT NO WAY YALL JUST DIPPED fine ily guys too </3 BUT DONT THINK IM LETTING THAT GO EASILY ugh what do you guys mean 😭 aint no way thats true OKOK YK WHAT BYE!! FOR REAL THIS TIME
— taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @gcidrvsh @idontevencare1223 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan @rinisfruity14 @chasebeth @auttumnsayshi @prettygirlformula @alwayswndr @balletfilmss @kestisvrse @1forthemoney2forthekish @eissaaaa @emelia07 @toffytaste @soulaires @bearwon @happy-mushrooms @simrah1012 @blimp-blimp @obxstiles @yuminako @hopexcroc @mackycat11 @knowugetdejavu @0puddleofgender0
thank you so much for all your love and support, it really means the world to me. y/n's beginning to find out certain things, wonder where things will go from here 🤔
as always, i will continue updating the taglist :)
i love you and am so proud of you, stay safe and drink water <3
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