#i think i do need to go outside and touch grass
jazzzzzzhands · 8 months
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ooh take some doodles!! Wawwy wizard but FLUFFY!! Feeling veryyyy fluffy lately!! and a FURBY!! i love them!! God i wish that was meeeee laying so calmly in some warm soft grass Oh! excuse the random ascot study! i'm not erasing it! I don't wanna!
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sp00pypumpkins · 6 months
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I am finally better from being sick a few days ago B] and finished the ref for Zero in the sweet home AU by @asamary (sorry for the tag)
Now I can freely do silly lil comics about it HAHA
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iniziare · 2 months
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Consider Yelan's facial expression to be my own in reaction to opinions shared on both X and Tumblr, and I guess I'm in the minority of the 'loud ones', but I'm pretty excited for Natlan since that trailer, actually. The previous teasers left me a little 'eh', but this definitely got my hopes back up, and I'm back in the right spirits for it (and ready to catch some Pokémon.)
Now I wouldn't be me if I didn't touch on the salt that I've seen scattered across the dash, so here I go. Listen, I read people's objections and I see what you're all aiming at, but in that light want to note that it's often incredibly easy to point fingers (arguably too much so) at others while being, quite honestly, hopefully rather aware that many of our own countries, cultures, and its populations across the board (and no, I'm not excluding anyone here) would likely be just as easily guilty as MHY is with these things. And no, I'm not blindly defending them, but I also won't point fingers at only one without pointing them everywhere else as well, including those you might think would 'never do such things', because I'm absolutely certain that they would. /continues on in the tags.
#ooc. [ don't try to make it logical or edit your soul according to the fashion. rather; follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. ]#salt. [ that breathing sensation? remember it. ]#we all wear biased lenses. and no-- 'informing yourself through social media' doesn't make you aware of how cultures work/look.#people informing themselves through social media is the /worst trend/ that the 2000/2010s have ever brought us. it's insane.#i'm sorry i'm also very tired of people deciding who are minorities and when. and who is allowed to 'get away with things' and who aren't.#and who is guilty and who isn't. and how “everyone is supposed to do everything right” when most people don't even know...#how the culture of their neighboring country genuinely looks outside of simple stereotypes (and usually only bad ones).#we also need to ultimately realize that mhy is chinese. it has (uniquely) gotten a lot of praise for its presentation of japanese culture.#(from what i hear) which is incredibly rare for a chinese company (and others). and then...#it's doing cultures further away from its own less justice. it didn't exactly do mondstadt great. it played into stereotypes.#and then combined them from multiple cultures. same with fontaine. it played into stereotypes /yet again/ in the same way the west does it.#and not just stereotypes from one country and culture. but /several/. but do most people who aren't familiar with those cultures know this?#no. they don't. and why would they? look at even just the west. europe and north america think that they're similar. /they are so not/.#if WE can't/won't even get it right. and yet we pretend to every damned day; why are we condemning a country halfway across the globe?#and also no-- i don't think latam or africa would portray china properly. or france. or the states.#... but you know what all this'll still do? cause people to look up and go 'hey this is so cool-- i want to know the inspiration'.#and people will still look into it. and people will learn.#and people will be drawn to them in life outside of their homes. or at least the ones who want to touch grass. and maybe even foreign grass#sanity knows i've looked infinitely more into chinese culture and customs because of liyue than ever before. with a much higher...#interest than i've ever admittedly had in regards to china. /ever/. just like i've had other games do the same for other cultures...#way across the globe.
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fncreature · 3 months
So. updated theory after 1. rewatching some of Kenadian’s other videos and 2. seeing the but there was more video (thank you @brain-empty) I rewatched the last couple videos in the Omziscool saga, to try and figure out the lore, and oh boy did that help. Here’s my previous theory post, which does relate. (Oh, and here’s the timeline order playlist I made)
After Kenadian kills Omz in the hopper prison video, he gets the Omz mask. From the train escape, and an unlisted video in his lore playlist, it’s shown that he goes on a massive hopper rampage, destroying a large city before… something happens. He wakes up in a cell, with little memory, and the mask is gone with no explanation.
But Kenadian isn’t the only important character found in those videos. In the train escape, one of the guards, is Wato1876. Yes, seriously. It’s entirely possible that during Kenadian’s rampage, a guard or player- Wato- killed him and helped imprison him. And unknowingly, obtained the Omz mask in the process.
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS: Wato does not have the mask on in the train escape video. This is either because it was an oversight and they didn’t think the lore would go this far, or I was completely wrong. I think it’s an oversight, as I don’t think they had plans to take it further until this april fool’s joke.
Here’s where I go completely into theory. I think that the Omz Mask takes the characteristics or some memories of the previous wearer. Kenadian would never go on a hopper rampage of his own volition- he hates hoppers. But Omziscool loves hoppers- they give him power. And it also makes the wearer lack great decision making skills, which Omz is notorious for not thinking through better options. So, once Kenadian gets the mask, he goes on a blind rampage, not thinking through any better solutions. So, then, what happens to Wato? Well, what would Kenadian do? He’d play the long game. He’d think through his options, and play his escape room long game.
That’s where Evil Wifies comes in. The two meet at some point, and he’s still Wato- he can still make good escape maps. And Evil Wifies, is, well, evil. Wato is a knowing participant- but only because of the mask. So, he creates these escape maps for Evil Wifies, until Evil Wifies gets a bit more power hungry- and decides he wants the Omz mask. This is all about power- he creates the clones to make content, for the viewers. It’s only a show if he can get people to watch it. And Evil Wifies is smart- he knows, surely, the mask has drawbacks. He can see them in Wato. So, he makes some sort of agreement that sounds fair, and using one of the smarter clones and slaying Wato for the Omz mask, Omz Mask Wifies is created. All this occurs during the later stages of development of the map made for the debunk. Omz Mask Wifies finishes off the map.
This explains the behavior of Omz Mask Wifies in the prologue- Wato built the escape room. But he can remember bits of it, just the mostly finished version that Wato remembers.
What happens to Wato? I’m not sure. Likely, he has very foggy memories of the entire thing, as seen in the epilogue. He likely stayed a bit longer with Evil Wifies, helping with the rest of the escape room. We can’t be sure what happens after that.
Now, the but there was more video. I honestly have no explanation for what Kenadian is doing there or how he finds it. But from what I can tell, it’s all of the rooms from Wifies’ previous escape maps put together, along with additional rooms in the same style. This takes place after the epilogue, and at some point in between the two videos, Omz Mask Wifies is killed. It’s the same skin- the Wifies body with the Wato ears, but there’s no mask. What happens to him now, we don’t know. Most likely, he was killed by Evil Wifies, but there’s no evidence to support that.
Here’s what I think the timeline is:
-Omziscool Fiasco
-Kenadian gets the mask after killing Omz
-Kenadian goes on a destructive rampage after getting possessed by the mask and is killed by Wato, who is a guard, and sent to prison. 
-Train escape video
-Wato, who now has the mask, and Evil Wifies somehow meet, and Evil Wifies and Wato start working together, creating escape rooms for the Wifies clones.
-Evil Wifies and Wato create Omz Mask Wifies during the later stages of development for the last escape map.
-Prologue (Except the lore bits)
-Main two videos
-After Evil Wifies’ death in the trivia Omz Mask Wifies is sent into the escape room.
-Epilogue, and prologue lore bits
-Omz Mask Wifies is killed, losing the mask
-but there was more occurs
And, a quick summary of all the characters:
Kenadian: Gets the mask after killing Omz, goes on a rampage, is slain by Wato and then escapes from prison transport. At some point after the epilogue, he finds the massive structure of escape rooms
Wato: Is a prison guard before killing Kenadian after his destructive rampage and is a guard on the train as Kenadian escapes. Evil Wifies and Wato meet somehow, and strike some sort of agreement in which Wato is under his control. At some point in the design process for the escape room in the main videos, Omz Mask Wifies is created and, while no longer having the mask, likely helps finish off the map before he’s somehow found by Wifies and Kenadian and questioned in the epilogue.
The Wifies
Wifies: A clone, created by Evil Wifies. There’s not much more to him other than what happens in the main video.
Evil Wifies: ??? No idea who he is or what his lore is. He creates clones to solve escape rooms created by Wato for content. He works with Wato for almost all of the known lore, and creates Omz Mask Wifies to have full control over the Omz Mask. After dying in trivia, he sends Omz Mask Wifies through the map.
Omz Mask Wifies: Oh boy. Everything about this guy is my own speculation. Created by Evil Wifies and Wato for… something? Likely so Evil Wifies can control the Omz Mask without the other issues the Omz Mask causes. Is sent through the escape room after Evil Wifies is killed. At some point after this, he is killed, losing the mask.
Is all of this entirely speculation and probably wrong?
Absolutely. There are so many things I still have questions about. I’m fairly certain Omz Mask Wifies and Wato are two seperate characters (discussed in my previous post about this), but if that’s true, why does Wato say that he “remembers the sunrise. The escape room was already done”? Who killed Omz Mask Wifies? It was likely Evil Wifies, but why? How does Kenadian get to the place in ‘but there was more’, and why is he out in the middle of the void? What does the Omz Mask even do?
I’m still very confused.
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i handed in my last assignment for the uni trimester i need to figure out how to be a functioning human again
i think a good start would be going outside considering i don't remember the last time i left the house. it might've been a month ago??
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galadae · 10 months
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alparlaboratories · 2 years
i think a some dndads listeners need to realize that if the crew  listened to what the fans want the show would be a lot worse overall.
like,  it happened with glenn before, and it’s happening with scary and taylor  now, that people are pressuring the players into making these  characters show more vulnerability or whatever, which would be  completely out of character. you realize the reason they’re good  characters is because they’re not emotionally honest in the slightest  and are so guarded up it would take a lifetime to undo that, right?  like, not every character has to speak like they’re in therapy, that’s a  pitfall I see so many writers fall into, and I’ve fallen into that too.  
I get loving the characters and wanting them to be happy and  open and go to therapy (and in Glenn’s case I saw so many posts wanting  him to ‘take responsibility’ and ‘seek forgiveness’ which is... yeah I  get it, you’re a catholic but with a different name) but that’s not the  kinda story this is, and probably won’t be until the end of the podcast.  these are hurt, broken people and they’re gonna make a loot more  mistakes until they get better. baby steps.
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possiblytracker · 2 years
going about my day cluelessly feeling Marginally better, blissfully unaware of the universe staring, tempted, at my bad ankle like "how can we possibly kick this motherfucker while they're already down" and just going for it
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crazy-fruit · 1 year
Slowly going insane over the fact that I most likely spend more time in the lab than in the field for my thesis.
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bramblepaws · 2 years
good fucking lord
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onefey · 2 years
v come to really hate the "touch grass" phrase. like i get the idea i really get it! but everyone literally uses it against everyone else it's kind of (by kind of i mean wholly and truly) lost meaning to me . i think it's time we either accept that nobody is gonna fucking touch grass or that our autistic asses already touch every grass we see and it's not changing anything
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itstimeforstarwars · 25 days
Spent over 40 hours on my phone this week,,, think I understand why I've been so miserable,,,
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love when you tell a person on tumblr dot com you’re done engaging in a repetitive back and forth conversation that’s going nowhere with them and yet they continue on trying to win and argue you into admitting they’re right. Like okay guess I’ll just be using the block button then lmao
#like honestly#Coming onto my post to argue with me and refusing to leave me alone when I asked you to#I don’t care if you think you’re “educating” me#Genuinely I don’t need the opinions of randos on tumblr#I know I show up for the people in real life#I know I am always always always an antiracist ally working to dismantle oppressive systems everywhere in my personal and professional life#I don’t need someone on fucking tumblr preaching to me that because I didn’t click through to find the identity of op on a post I’m rude#and a bad ally#Genuinely I know in my heart of heart I’m not and I’m doing the fucking work to unlearn colonialist racist bullshit and dismantle oppressiv#Systems of injustice every single fucking day in every single space I’m in#So yeah honestly#Randos on tumblr trying to preach social Justice and allyship to me based on a comment on a post taken entirely out of context can fuck off#I’m not wasting my time defending myself to strangers on tumblr#I know my fucking values and I know I fucking live by them#and I sure fucking know that when I actually do fuck up or overstep I can acknowledge take accountability and apologize#But genuinely not gonna do that for insane people on tumblr who have unrealistic expectations about how people should use this site#No I’m not fucking source checking every goddamn op and contributor of every goddamn post that shows up on my dash before I can reblog#or add my comments to it#That is so insane that people would expect that#Genuinely go outside and touch some fucking grass and maybe try to actually do some real work dismantling social and racial injustice#before criticizing strangers on tumblr dot com for reblogging something with a comment you don’t even disagree with#You just disagree that I was allowed to say it on the post of someone with a certain identity that was NOT STATED OR IMPLIED IN THE POST#Jesus christ#Anyways I’m done bothering with randos on tumblr and their opinions#Next person is blocked on sight
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beneath-thestyx · 8 months
*reads a post in Tumblr*
"[....] and who disagrees with me is a terf!!!"
*leaves and enters the blog that disagrees with the view*
"[....] and who disagrees with me is a terf!!!"
and then none of the two blogs are terfs bc they do believe trans woman are woman and they're actually generalizing a group of people instead of taking down the terfs that are in the group for some reason or another
guys are we really using tearf as a cheap and easy way to say that you hate someone?
like, we literally are cherry picking a post and saying that everyone inside it is like that when stuff are usually a bit more complex than that
I get it you might not like [thing] for a reason or another (or maybe u do enjoy it) but stop fucking generalizing and go straight to the problem instead of just rolling your eye and calling them a terf!!!
#my posts#i think this is what they called chronically online or just online/internet discourse#you guys don't do shit. just keep complaining and say whatever shit your mind is up to#sure it's your blog and you do whatever you want you sir you're being fucking annoying and not doing shit#a lot of you are here just to... idk look at your own self??? and live in an echo chamber that whoever disagrees needs to die#my god. please go touch grass and go outside#read a book#stare at the sunset#go buy a puzzle#try to study#cuddle with your pet#or if you don't have one#snuggle with a plushie or your blanket idk#just leave the internet!!! please!!! you're not doing anything relevant!!! just stroking your own fucking ego!!!#and tbh if MAYBE lots of you didn't acted so sure about how the world works and your opinion is always the right one#and not a WAY MUCH MORE COMPLEX ISSUE at hand i would probably forgive you.#i wouldn't probably be making this post.#maybe.#but anyway#yeah i am making a post complaining that people are complaining#bc hearing about it all the time is so shitty#no i refuse to block people that are complaining bc i feel like I'll be doing the same thing already just in other font#but again if you don't wanna do any of that and rather “be right” on Tumblr (a place NOBODY GIVES A FUCK btw)#sure. be my guest and ignore this. I'm literally not stopping you#just don't come in my inbox complaining about this post or we end up in a loop lol (or at least u since i know how to get out of it)#vent#venting#queer discourse#internet discourse#chronically online
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charlieandluigi · 10 months
Lo, praise be to the gods who taketh mercy on my wretched soul!
For I, today, hast been given a great gift. The gods, in all their wisdom, bestowed upon me something more precious than gold.
A sliver of serotonin.
“Go,” they said, “Taketh thy ass out of bed and get your fucking life together. Go! You have til the sun sets in the western sky and it will be yours no longer. Make what you can out of this day—drink water, do your laundry, get your holiday shopping done, apply for more jobs, and for the love of fuck eat something besides the family size bag of skittles on your bedside table. Just make some fucking food.”
“Praise Be!” I replied, “I will not forget this gift!”
“Sure, just go take a shower, Fuckwad.” They continued, “You have max eight hours before we’re taking it back and we know you’re going to waste time feeling paralyzed because you can’t decide what to do first.”
“I will, and I will be singing your praises wherever I go!”
“Piss off.”
Now I write to share the good news with my brethren. Let it be known across the seas that the gods are gracious and kind. None can compare to their power and majesty. They have granted me a fraction of a fraction of their strength on this day. I intend to use it responsibly and productively.
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goldlightsaber · 11 months
I just saw what is probably the most insane and out of touch post I have ever seen in my life about supporting ao3
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