#i still think he looks great tho
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i was supposed to draw lesbians for visibility week but ILL POST THEM LATER
ive been non stop drawing spirit box radio fanart im sorry but the hyperfixation is STRONG
im not. a huge fan. of how this turned out. oh well tho ive had this scene rotating in my head for a while and i needed to draw it
@spiritboxradio explodes your characters affectionately
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hinamie · 17 days ago
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#my art#free! iwatobi swim club#free! eternal summer#free! dive to the future#free! fanart#free!#makoto tachibana#yamazaki sousuke#hiyori tono#im DONe oh my god i didnt think i could do it#looks at date what do u meAN these only took a week i feel like ive aged 30 years working on these#makoto took the longest by far like th angle the water the FISH shoutout to the blur tool fr i would die without her#also let me tell u a story. the entire time i was working on makoto and hiyori i STILL had no internet#so not only was i fighting the csp offline usage limit i also couldnt download any new brushes so guess who rawdogged the willow and kelp#nothin but a bamboo leaf brush a flat chisel and a dream#these r easily the most in-depth backgrounds ive tackled in a While and i honestly think they turned out rly well all things considered#makoto has 2 b my fav for obvious reasons but as a set i think they r all very strong and cohesive im so !!! pats self on back#sousuke tho is sadly th latest instalment of hina refuses to learn csp perspective tool.. dont look at my diagonals dont LOOK at them >:(((#it's always more apparent w indoor settings sighs gomen sousuke at least u look great in the patient gown :'> resident hospital hottie#ANYWAY ever since tht one free!/colour theory post i have been rotating these three in my head nonstop they make me in sain#so this is my take on them and green this is my love letter to the right hand men of the free cast#and hiyori /j#i jest he's grown on me he has male manipulated his way up from the bottom tier i have been charmed by his petty instigator tendencies#this is what happened to ikuya kirishima hashtag never forget
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bealt-aine · 1 month ago
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thinking about obi-wan and padme antics with her as his padawan lmaoo
they don't fight as much as obi-wan and anakin but something about being constantly out-served by his apprentice definitely riles obi-wan up
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bacchuschucklefuck · 8 months ago
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and! barbarian!fig! its her
#fantasy high#dimension 20#figueroth faeth#fh class quangle#if u look at the junior year design and think tifa lockhart: yeag#I already thought the cleric!gorgug junior year design kinda is very aerith so. lol#but! I do feel like these designs maybe portray the clearest arc out of all of them so far. I like that#some of it came from a bit of necessity which is really fun that mirrors the actual play format thats cool#(necessity being freshman year riz is pretty much a huge block of red flannel lmao. kinda stole figs canon color coding for a bit)#(and he's got the owlbear jacket from taping the games in sophomore year... so I cant give fig the big red blocking until#junior year lmao. coincidentally this forced me to be a bit more dynamic with her concept which is great)#her second pair of shoes very sonic tho. I kinda enjoy that lol#tbh I really love that canon gorgug is like in a pair of chucks 24/7 that is SO funny for a barbarian I hope to keep the energy going#with class swap fig I think a barbarian who wears like collector sneakers is awesome. the foot support is so important to their work#the general idea of a hyperfem girlypop barbarian still ticks for me tbh. idk enough abt the zeitgeist to know if thats passé now or not#but doing Fashion on ur job of bodily tearing ur opponent apart with the least flourish possible is just a hit for me#her knee brace is from like an injury back in her cheer days that she got by overexercising in hope of being good enough that#the team couldn't let her go. the team then used that same injury as a pretext to let her go#I think abt her arc tbh... fig's thing in canon junior year abt the point of her rebelling. I feel like a lot of it can also apply to rage#both knocking things over and holding onto things don't like. make anything new. destruction without at least a glimpse of a vision#of the after is ultimately a cynical defeatist point of view... strategic barbarianism for fig babeyy#yay! once again its time for me to Fucking Sleep. but hopefully I can hammer out a proper ref for riz and gorgug both in the#following week inbetween doing my job. its that time of da year lads (<- fully seasonal worker)
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vaguely-concerned · 27 days ago
you know what I think I was kind of cooking with caterina/johanna hezenkoss as a concept actually. it's giving gilf andruil/ghilan'nain narrative echoes and also if hezenkoss teaches caterina to become a lich/become basically immortal by other and probably even more immoral means lucanis won't have to be first talon anymore and can focus on what he likes about the job (i.e. the actually killing people part not the admin work). everybody wins (*glados voice* ...except the ones who are dead. BUT THERE'S NO SENSE CRYING OVER EVERY MISTAKE --) . here's how toxic yuri can still save the day and also make it worse
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
Nothing further, your grace.
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charles the world is falling apart can you stop voguing and get it together
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djevelbl · 3 months ago
i sat down at my pc to make a wadanohara-inspired trsmp!roscumber design to match my meikai-inspired trsmp!clownpierce and found out my pen ran out of battery, now i gotta let it charge for like 2 or so hours :(
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corner-collects-rocks · 6 months ago
silly little idea: what if one day neil went back to baltimore?
things have been going… too well lately. Neil can’t believe it, he’s been captain of the Foxes for over a year now and he’s been making plans about the future with Andrew. The foxes have been on a hot streak and all the new members are really improving. Neil couldn’t be happier. None of the Moriyamas men or Uncle Stuarts men have been by recently to check in. Neil and Jean talk semi-regularly and it started out… rough. But it’s been getting better. It’s approaching 3 years since Nathan’s death, and not for the first time it hits Neil again. His father is really dead. There’s no ifs ands or buts about it, he’s gone. Neil saw it happen. It still doesn’t feel real.
So Neil buys a train ticket. He needs to see it again. Needs to be sure that his father’s men aren’t waiting for him to let his guard down to exact revenge his father can’t. Neils back in Baltimore and- why did he do this?? This was so stupid now his father’s men are really gonna come for him- Neil walks. Neil walks until he reaches Nathans house. The house he grew up in. The house where a large number of his scars come from. A house that was never a home. A house that served more pain than safety. A house th- a house with a for sale sign in the yard. Somehow Neil missed the cars in the driveway. There was an open house. People were looking to buy Nathan’s house. Neil took a breath, then went inside. He realized he didn’t quit fit in with the couples of newly weds and first time parents looking around, but he had to see it. Neil went upstairs first, to his old room. It looked completely different, the walls had been painted over and the bed frame was new. Neil didn’t mind. That room was never his. It was never somewhere safe to rest at night. It was never somewhere meant to keep the monsters out.
Neil went back downstairs. He knew he needed to go look at the basement. He didn’t come all this way to back out now. He took a deep breath to steel his nerves. The door swung open and Neil accidentally stumbled backwards into the newlyweds he saw when he first walked in.
“Sorry. I didn’t see-“
“It’s alright, you didn’t see it.” One of the women said. She seemed a couple years younger than her wife. Her hair was dyed pink with a blue strand. Her wife was in a blue dress, with a strand of pink in her hair.
“Hey we were just about to go down and look, do you mind if we come with you?” The woman with the blue dress asked. Neil considered it. He figured a tether to the present couldn’t hurt and nodded. He let the couple descend first down the staircase. He looked over his shoulder once at the kitchen before following them down.
Once Neil reached the bottom he looked for any remnants of Nathan’s final moments in the home. Bullet holes in the wall, slashes of his butchers knives in the wood. The entire staircase had been replaced, and if Neil looked closely, he could see remnants of spackle on some of the walls. Neil strode forward to the middle of the room and froze. Any trace of blood from his father, or Patrick DiMaccio or Lola. The basement was clean as if none of it had ever happened. Neil looked again to the walls, faint patches of wall painted over bullet sized spackle holes. He turned around and realized the newlyweds were staring at him oddly. Neil realized they were trying to connect the dots and by then he knew it was time to leave. Neil walked out and turned his phone back on. He hadn’t told anyone where he was going and he had a train to catch.
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dreamieparadise · 1 month ago
Things bubbling in my mind...
[Takes place in HS]
Hayato being disheartened that Momina considers Miruku their Soulmate but can walk it off because 'actually doing research Momina and I are Twin Flames!!!'
Then he tried to find out Momina's thoughts on it only to be reminded she's so...grandma-core [she didn't know what that was??? Thought it was "a new science discovery?" It'd have scrunched his face up bad had Momina not wanted to earnestly learn what that discovery was from him....<- weak to her eyes. But then he had to run leave because having to explain what it actually meant suddenly felt too embarrassing...
Momina asks Miruku, who tells them kinda [also didn't really know but heard of it] and the two Google it! Momina's first thought is, "Isn't this just a soulmate?" Which makes Miruku shrug and old person Momina complains about new fangled terms!! Only for her to read it, think about how Hayato brought it up and then remember how he's actually pretty sensitive and softhearted...
So when she gets home she goes, "I know what Twin Flames are now!! They're sweet, right? I believe multiple people can fulfill important parts like this, you know? Being tied together by something Cosmic...I just don't know terms for them!!" Hoping to make a safe space for Hayato to open up but also sharing her genuine thoughts.
This of course revs him up and he starts sharing his thoughts and theories about such terms and why people feel these pulls in the first place!! So Momina once again brings up the concept of "souls having known each other before they have a body, and its why they can connect so easily when meeting as their current selves" which he definitely believes is a thing too!! <- becomes even more excitable.
Slipping in, without thinking, Hayato goes: "take us for example...!" Only to pause, heart in his throat as he realizes what he just said.
Momina, still smiling, nods. "Yeah! We learned a lot from each other, right? And still do...and grow! I could see us being Twin Flames...!"
Which causes Hayato's face blow up in embarrassment but "r-right!? I see it too!! Yeah....!!!"
Only for Momina to go, still really pleased. "Yeah! Like you and Takeshi...!"
Record scratch. Silence.
The only reason Momina wasn't barked at is because Hayato had been working on controlling his temper so he had to "take a walk" <- said through gritted teeth and immediately stomping out the door. The air dropped 10 degrees.
Momina proceeds to call up Miruku sobbing about how she messed up but: "THEY WOULD BE, RIGHT??? LIKE?? RIGHT AND LEFT ARM OF TSU-TSUNA! THEY HAVE TO BE TWIN FLAMES?!" While Miruku laughs and laughs and laughs at his bestie's slip up...
The two continue to stumble around in their relationship.
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journeyman-tier-fibercraft · 4 months ago
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I realized I had forgotten to swatch for the button hole before starting the second sleeve. And an Hour later I have a swatch with 8 button holes before I got happy with how they look. The pattern basically says "make buttonhole" and I'm not experienced enough with garment knitting to go on just that.
I did manage to confirm that despite sizing up my yarn, I'm still going to need 1 inch/25mm buttons. I don't currently have 6 matching 25mm buttons that would look good with this yarn, so decisions have to be made. And unfortunately my brain has decided the best possible button would be a rose gold coloured shank back(?) button preferably that looks like an actual flower. Which, good luck to me for finding that relatively affordably.
I think I'm just going to knit the cardigan and decide once it's all sewn up. If it fits well and I think I'll wear it, I'll spend the money to get Nice buttons.
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littleprincefan · 2 months ago
after i watched gattaca i started joking that ethan hawke doesn’t know how to kiss women but the more movies with him i watch the more i start thinking it might Not be a joke actually
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bacchuschucklefuck · 10 months ago
bard!riz is so important to me bc the kind of character he would be if the truth-fear balance tips all the way to fear esp. bc he takes so much pride in canon in the fact that his parents are brave badass people and he's following their footsteps. but also bc I have so much fun thinking abt bard!kipperlilly
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
Am I the only one who likes the costume Magneto has at the end of First Class? I mean I get it looks cheap, but the helmet looks GREAT. Wish it wasn't just discarded in Days of Future Past
i agree with you pretty much to a T: i LOVE the helmet it's PHENOMENAL, but the costume itself just isn't it...
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sarellathesphinx · 8 months ago
Constantly torn between genuinely loving the remake timeline’s depiction of Reeve and Cait and being immensely sad that pretty much all of my favorite lines of theirs from the original were totally excised or bc of plot developments will never be said
#Reeve is never going to argue with barret about the reactor bombings. bc the immense damage wasnt avalanches fault and he knows it.#he also looks a lot more wishy washy as a result. which I’m not a big fan of admittedly#his hypocrisy is something I like in the original bc it makes sense. the damage Shinra causes is something he can turn a blind eye to#bc hes so focused on midgar’s development and improving the reactors to better the lives of the ppl who live there#the reactors blowing up and killing ppl is his direct jurisdiction and he cares a lot about the ppl in the city. and so!#avalanche frustrates him even when he knows logically speaking that they have legitimate reasons for the things they do#(like this is additional canon but not least of all bc his fucking mom lives in the city.)#starting him out as already sympathetic to avalanche robs him of like. half his arc#also he’s so much angrier in the original to me whereas in the remake he’s so sad. and both are understandable!#but I liked the anger. I liked it so much#and Cait doesn’t get to have his lovely request for the party to not forget him before he’s crushed in the temple.#bc that sacrifice mattered to that version of him even if he can be replaced!!!#I do love his extra dialogue when holding up the altar in rebirth it’s great but!!!#SIGH.#idk man I love their original depictions deeply and I feel like they got shifted into being more sympathetic but less complex. it’s a shame#still love them tho. I would kill and die for rebirth Cait#text#Reeve tuesti#Cait sith#I think about them so much and I wish ppl appreciated their original arcs more#ff7
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stepfordgoth · 3 months ago
Found this photo of me at 17 today.... Ok work I guess lil queen
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months ago
Its so crazy when you play a game in dub(or watch smth ig) and you listen to the other ones(in this case, the intended language) and its like HUHHHH!?!?! My boy does NOT sound like that !!!
#fuck me tho bcs in my attempts to find a clip of him speaking in eng#i looked clips up on yt instead of changing my settings cause duh#and just fucking spoiled myself for a thousand things in the process 😭😭😭😭#me at me: forget forget forget forget FORGET FORGET#anyways i do not understand his eng voice it sounds nothing like how i perceive him like ?????????#french dub ON top#im like gaaahhhh ong hes so hot bark bark. oh wait i wonder how he was actually intended to sound#cause honestly his voice is a big part of his attractiveness to me#but his eng voice is SOOOO bleh to me. but id need to hear more and im not willing to spoil myself#but god. tho kinda ironic cause i think his model and voice are the same dude. sry sir but im not a fan LOL#*btw i mean arno why am i always so vague 😭#the vibe is sooooo different its actually insane to me#i was like im sure his eng voice is great! nah. tho maybe its cause hes stuck in my brain as the french voice#also may i say one of my biggest pet peeves? its fine or whatever to have smth take place in a country with a foreign language but-#-still have the language be english. that's just a realistic expectation for anglo made projects yknow#BUT GOD. WHEN THEY DONT EVEN FUCKING AT LEAST TRY TO HAVE AN ACCENT MIRRORING WHERE THEY ARE#WHY ARE YOU A FRENCHMAN IN FRANCE SPEAKING ENG WITH A TOTALLY BRITISH ENG#WHY ARE YOU AN AUSTRIA IN AUSTRIA SPEAKING ENG WITH A BLATANT AMERICAN ACCENT#etc etc. theres sometimes where i dont absolutely hate it. but it bugs the shit out of me#especially bcs id rather watch smth in the language where it takes place bcs its more immersive. so like. at least try w the accent#catie.rambling.txt
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