#i stand with jews
short-wooloo · 2 months
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But antisemitism isn't real. People would rather have us die and support terroism than support us.
Pro-palestian people are this new generations nazis.
When you erase the past, this is what happens.
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jujusjunk · 6 months
Help Hamza get his family out of gaza.
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i-am-aprl · 7 months
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Jewish protesters at the National March for Palestine in 📍London today 🍉
Photos: X: JustjewsUK
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llanonelson · 5 months
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violottie · 7 months
Hundreds of Jews and allies, including Writers Against the War on Gaza, sagaftramembersforceasefire and Film Workers for Palestine are present in the heart of Hollywood on the day of the Oscars to say: ALL EYES ON RAFAH!
While Hollywood celebrates, Israel prepares for the ground invasion of Rafah, where over 1.3 million Palestinians are seeking refuge. This comes as reports of extreme hunger continue to mount on the first day of Ramadan.
As filmworkers, Jews, and allies, we stand in solidarity with Palestinians. We won’t stop bearing witness. WHILE YOU’RE WATCHING, BOMBS ARE DROPPING" from Jewish Voice for Peace Los Angeles, 10/Mar/2024:
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mixmangosmangoverse · 10 months
I hate to say it but everyone saying there's Pre-Holocaust vibes are correct
We're seeing a massive spread of unchecked, unrepentant antisemitism spreading quicker with social media now. People are cheering on murdered Jewish kids and then fact checking us to tell us it didn't happen
Blood libel is gaining traction like never before all the while Jews in the Diaspora are being attacked
So to all you proud Nazi Punchers, I must ask,
Why are you standing by, letting this happen, repeating things the Nazis could only dream of? Why aren't you standing up, dismantling antisemitism in your movement, helping Jews once again forced to hide in their homes?
Or was it never about protecting Jews? Just about protecting your egos
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myunfortunatelife · 6 months
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I saw this post today on my Instagram feed, and it made me think, "why should we celebrate April fools this year When so called "feminists" that support Israel are big enough jokes within themselves?" So this is your reminder, that no, you aren't a feminist if you still side with oppressors in 2024. Free 🇵🇸.
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gryficowa · 3 months
You know what's fucked up? The law assumes that only Jews were the victims of fascism, which is why we now have the absurdity that if you are a fascist but also a Jew (Zionism in short), you go unpunished because you are a Jew, and those who are against you are anti-Semites
So yes, the anti-fascist law turns out to be a perfect loophole for fascists as long as they are Jews (And in Germany it's so absurd that Jews were beaten and attacked by the police for anti-Semitism, so yes, such a loophole in the law was used for this shit)
The law assumed that other victims of fascism do not exist, so they do not have to be as protected as Jews (And before anyone gets outraged, the point is that every discriminated group should be treated under the law in the same way as Jews, i.e. Queerphobia, racism , Islamophobia etc… were treated as seriously as anti-Semitism, and not treated as a "Joke") and this shows how defective our law is, unfortunately, the status quo will probably also be preserved, i.e. they will add another group and ignore the rest, and then the same loop will occur (It is a gloomy thought, but since they erase other victims of the Nazis such as Poles, LGBT+ people, Roma and people with disabilities, because they consider them less important than Jews in the fight against discrimination, then I'm sorry, but it sucks and this anti-fascist policy works shit)
So yes, the anti-fascist law has so many loopholes that it hurts, it just hurts on many levels, and the absurdity that Jews are beaten for anti-Semitism is proof of this, simply assuming that fascism is only swastikas and hating Jews is harmful on many levels, no, fascism is behavior, it is discrimination, dehumanization etc… The victims are not only Jews, and even then they were not the only ones
Zionism has exploited loopholes in the law to silence its opponents, and it's so disgusting it's nauseating
If the fight against fascism doesn't work because the fascist is a Jew, then you know that this anti-fascist policy is so full of loopholes that it doesn't care about fighting fascism, and it can just be exploited by fascists and people shoot themselves in the foot in this law, yes, we should fight fascism, but we should fucking teach what fascism is and how it works, not teach that only Jews are its victims, damn it
Because we have made Jews victims of anti-fascist law because they are anti-Zionists
If this is how the fight against fascism works, you know something has gone fucking wrong
Today, fascists choose easier targets (Because Jews are better protected by law, because attention, anti-Semitism is taken seriously, not as a "Joke" and that's the fucking difference) like LGBT+ people, immigrants, Muslims, black people, etc… because the law is full of loopholes and society continues to ignore the fact that this discrimination is a serious problem
It just sucks, you can be from a group that was a victim of the Nazis (I'm from Poland, specifically Kashubian, I'm aroace and I'm a person with ASD), and you will still be fascist in the eyes of the law because you are anti-Zionist, the law doesn't care about you because you are not a Jew who wants the genocide of the Palestinians and it is sick, it is simply sick
It's simply such a huge loophole in the law against fascism that now it is showing before our eyes how badly it was made and how people concluded that the victims of the Nazis were only Jews, so now that there is anti-fascist law, it only cares about Jews and so , about those who are Zionists, because they treat anti-Zionist Jews like shit (Germany, I remind you)
It's just sick, the whole law is so flawed and against the victims of fascism, even if they are not Zionist Jews, that it's insane
We would have to destroy the law and build it anew, but the question is whether this would not cause problems for future generations, because we would have to do it damn well and analyze everything, and there would probably be a fucking risk that fascism will find another loophole to its own advantage anyway
The very fact that this loophole was ignored for so many years is also terrifying, because what the Zionists did to the Palestinians from the very beginning is an indication that the law even then closed its loopholes and we are only seeing them now because we have greater access to information
The law also showed that this applies to white Jews, because Arab Jews are not taken as seriously, so don't expect anyone to care about anti-Semitism when you are not a European Jew, because you are an Arab and your being a Jew means nothing, and the law doesn't care about Arabs, so you're fucked
So yes, the loopholes in the law are most visible today and well, the very fact that they were ignored for many years is a long-term problem, and the Zionists have been taking advantage of this loophole for years to their own advantage
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milevenfcb · 3 months
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gUyS lOoK aT tHaT aPaRtHeiD
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When being Jewish (and well educated about our culture) enough for some uneducated goyium to believe you about your faith, scripture, and laws...
Me: You don't know the actual definition of Zionism. It's not political.
Them: No, it is political, it's to kill and take land. Then goes on to say how oppressed palistine has been since 1933... you haven't seemed to care though until now?
Jews have been oppressed in our own land since we existed. There is a reason we spent 40 years in the desert...
This person doesn't know their history... Or that a country doesn't change your ethnicity...
The people were kicked out of countries like Saudi Arabia and Lebanon for being extremists.
Many Jews were killed for the land they call home.
They built a mosque over the second temple... like...
People are so widely uneducated about these issues and terms.
Genocide- Palestinians are Arab. That is a race, an ethnicity is muslim. You are not like us.
Just because we are an ethno-religion, doesn't mean you are too.
I am older than the country for crying out loud.
If a war against an extremist terrorist group is genocide, I have bad news for the USA...
All we wanted to end the war was the hostages back... why didn't that happen? Oh, right, the terroist dictator that starves and kills his own citizens said no.
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arunswild · 7 months
no, I'm sorry, the jewish people do not owe you an apology for existing or for having a homeland, you owe us one for being a racist loser
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jujusjunk · 5 months
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i-am-aprl · 5 months
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Wearing Kippahs in the colors of the Palestinian flag…Jews rally in support of Gaza
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david-goldrock · 4 months
Would you keep me in your closet?
When they tell you that we're the murderers of Christ, blasphemous heretics, who poison the wells and eat christian babies, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're of an infirior race, that our presence destroys culture, that we backstabbed your country, that having kids with us will leave them with the same flaws, that we are inherently and unchanginly evil, and that killing us is a mercy, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're overlords of a secret society, secret cosmopolitiains of the deep state, controlling the media and the economy for our benefit, leaching on the work of good, hard working people, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're white supremacists, fanatic nationals, colonizers, explotators, slave owners, oppressors, occupiers, starving, ethnically cleansing, genociding, harvesting organs off of Arab children...
Today, when they knock on your door and ask politely if you happen to hide me in your house or basement, whatever they may call me, whatever excuse they came with
Would you keep me safe in your closet?
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worfsbarmitzvah · 4 months
there’s such an attitude among ex-christian atheists that religions just spring up out of the void with no cultural context behind them. like ive heard people say shit like “those (((zionists))) think they own a piece of land bc their book of fairy tales told them so!!!” and they refuse to understand that no, we don’t belong there because of the torah, it’s in the torah because we belong there. because we’re from there. the torah (from a reform perspective) was written by ancient jews in and about the land that they were actively living on at the time. the torah contains instructions for agriculture because the people who lived in the land needed a way to teach their children how to care for it. it contains laws of jurisprudence because those are pretty important to have when you’re trying to run a society. same for the parts that talk about city planning. it contains our national origin story for the same reason that american schools teach kids about the boston tea party. it’s an extremely complex and fascinating text that is the furthest thing from just a “book of fairy tales”
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