#i plan on making a plushie of him
alter1412 · 1 year
Realizing that if slugacats where the size of cats, the iterators are smaller than humans, and I read from somewhere that the puppet is around 2-3 feet tall....
That mean that in theory, I can make a plushie of an iterator real size... I CAN MAKE ITERATORS PLUSHIE WITH THEIR SIZE!!!!
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wolfram-but-art · 2 months
Sorry for spamming your notifs but i see alot of engi content from you and so i am legally obligated to chase any engi media i see like a carrot on a stick RAHHRHARAHRAHRAHRAHHHHH
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PFF it's alright mate, go ahead and spam i don't mind. i literally do the same thing.
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my last like 30 posts have largely been about him, he occupies my every waking thought. I am actually obsessed, please, i can't be alone in my blorbo obsession
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from this concept:
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I now have a very cool, very soft, and entirely hand-made 2017 Louie plush !!!!!!
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Very silly tail ⬇️
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He has a completely functional pull-apart jacket zipper !!!
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Also completely functional: the pockets 😼
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And here is also a closeup on the little phone
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He is made up almost entirely of fleece, all hand-sewn. His shirt and some of his eyes are felt (also the scar on his foot). He's stuffed with polyfill . He's weighed down with lentils 😭 His pattern is made custom by me :) I'm not sure exactly how long he took, but I'd guess some amount of months. Maybe 2, but maybe only a few weeks of collective actual work days
He does also have a dog toy type squeaker in him
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springlock-suits · 8 months
Au where Mike fucking died in that hallway and they made him possess the empty dog animatronic
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e-adlirez · 6 months
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas
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12 Geronimos and a tiny little Benji :D
I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it in two days, but here we are :D a little project where I interpreted the artstyle designs of twelve Geronimos in my artstyle :D
We have in order
2000-2005 G
TV show G
my G :3
@skrunklymice’s G
@toastypencils’s G
@2deadkat’s G
@ratonahat’s G
@thisispoggers’s G and Benjamin
@glitchygorge’s G
@agcnt3’s G
@soda-gremlin’s G
and @alloutblue’s G :D
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Behold, closeups :D Merry Christmas, Geronimo Stilton fandom
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paninay0 · 5 months
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belated birthday art for my beautiful beloved Phantom ^v^
(euughh sad that im late to post my art again)
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baroqueghoul · 1 year
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Hroo Hraa !!
Scarecrow in The Long Halloween has got to be one of my fave animated Scarecrow designs 🦇
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khytal · 2 years
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hello capcom I have a proposal
+ promo vid
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ricomola · 1 year
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Tropical fozenoshimas.
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viveela · 2 years
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LISTEN HEAR ME OUT. I strongly believe they all have some pretty good art skills, their names make me believe it...there has to be correlation here idc
Obviously Mikey is The Artist of the bros but they all got their skills, he's just the most art focused one. They all dabble in art in some way I will die on this hill
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bluecloudious · 1 year
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Deranged Italian is forming
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nepnepian · 9 months
So I found out that a Sgt. Frog design for Ky and Sol exists. I was compelled
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timetravelerpyrite · 7 months
What do you want for Delibird Day, young man?
What the-...??
Uhm... safety...? A good place to stay...?
If abstract concepts aren't allowed um... an Absol in some way...?
What the hell...?
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Another Pokemon hot take for you: Charizard receiving two separate Mega forms in gen 6 was a blatant attempt to sell more merchandise and get people hyped for gen 6 after gen 5 was a relative failure, but the results did make Charizard actually really cool as a competitive Pokemon and both forms look sick
#musings#pokemon#dragons#like if any kanto starter was going to get two megas charizard makes the most sense because it's the most flexible#it has the widest movepool and historically has specialized in both attack and special attack depending on your build#personally i think venusaur and blastoise should have gotten two megas as well#a grass/fairy mega venusaur designed as a special sweeper and a water/steel mega blastoise designed as a defensive wall would both be cool#i think this is better than getting rid of one of the mega charizards because charizard having two megas adds a mind game element to it#predicting which charizard your opponent is using based on the rest of their team is a really cool dynamic#and also there's that one time a player in a championship brought a mega charizard x plush with him to battles#while he was using mega charizard y#he used an actual plushie to fool his opponent into planning around the wrong charizard#that's so funny to me#i also appreciate both mega charizards individually because they're both really cool and strong in different ways#mega charizard x is a fire/dragon type giving it the coolest type combination in the game#which is also a very strong one offense-wise#flare blitz and dragon claw or outrage give it excellent coverage#very few things resist both and stab + tough claws make both attacks hit like a truck#it only really needs those so it can run dragon dance for setting up (which is also cool) and roost for recovery#you can even run a tank version that uses will-o-wisp and invests in defense#mega charizard y meanwhile is more like classic charizard but it has drought#which makes its flamethrower incredibly powerful and lets it use solar beam effectively#and anybody who uses fire types often knows how much they appreciate having grass type moves in the team#solar beam plus drought means that mega charizard y actually has a good matchup against most water types#which is totally weird for it#but yeah point is charizard is actually really neat from a competitive standpoint
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cloneboywonder · 10 months
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I HEART BIG GIRL JOB MONEY <33333 BABYGIRL COME HOME AND ALSOOOOO I FINALLY WENT TO MY BIG CAVE !!!!! It was very scary I was crying in this image :-( my brothers friends had to like practically hand hold or straight up grab and carry me 😭 dear god I wish I could be the big caver I want so desperately to be 😭😭😭
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immamapletreekid · 2 years
*gets into yet another piece of media only for it to take over all my waking thoughts* here we go again
#yes this is about fe3h i do not know why im rambling so. late ive been obsessed for a month#i wake up and think about claude von riegan#i go about my day doing my little tasks listening to my little playlists except im thinking about hubert von vestra the whole time#i eat lunch thinking about my deer children specifically hilda ignatz marianne and lys#i go about my afternoon thinking about linhardt von hevring and his crit quotes#i play this darn game on my cute little acnh switch with a glitter case before bed#and go to sleep thinking about the angst with a happy ending claudeleth fanfic i read earlier that day#thiiis close to making a playlist titled pov hubert von vestra thinks you are a potential hazard to keep around and is planning your demise#thinks about how pretty much the entire cast of characters in fe3h are. well. war cmriminals#me nurturing my golden deer. looks at marianne and ignatz. raph too. uuuuuuu#ohoh adding onto the hubert playlist. i say im thiiis close but really i mean i already have the cover and first ten songs decided#rambling about stuff#rambling about fe#ive been logging on a concerning number of hours into the game bc im trying to finish my golden deer playthrough#before school starts and also im freaking stressed and anxious about school so ivr just been playing to distract myself#what do you mean i have to talk to people ;((((( what do you mean i have to do assignments and tests and readings and presentations#actually should i turn the hubert playlist into a slow burn eventual romance and happy ending playlist#pov you are in love with hubert von vestra#i want to make it for the shits and giggles :3c#i dunno the titles really misleading bc i love hubert but i love him the wsy i love my houseplants and my plushies#so i eont think I'll get the romance vibes. but. may ad well try
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