#me nurturing my golden deer. looks at marianne and ignatz. raph too. uuuuuuu
immamapletreekid · 2 years
*gets into yet another piece of media only for it to take over all my waking thoughts* here we go again
#yes this is about fe3h i do not know why im rambling so. late ive been obsessed for a month#i wake up and think about claude von riegan#i go about my day doing my little tasks listening to my little playlists except im thinking about hubert von vestra the whole time#i eat lunch thinking about my deer children specifically hilda ignatz marianne and lys#i go about my afternoon thinking about linhardt von hevring and his crit quotes#i play this darn game on my cute little acnh switch with a glitter case before bed#and go to sleep thinking about the angst with a happy ending claudeleth fanfic i read earlier that day#thiiis close to making a playlist titled pov hubert von vestra thinks you are a potential hazard to keep around and is planning your demise#thinks about how pretty much the entire cast of characters in fe3h are. well. war cmriminals#me nurturing my golden deer. looks at marianne and ignatz. raph too. uuuuuuu#ohoh adding onto the hubert playlist. i say im thiiis close but really i mean i already have the cover and first ten songs decided#rambling about stuff#rambling about fe#ive been logging on a concerning number of hours into the game bc im trying to finish my golden deer playthrough#before school starts and also im freaking stressed and anxious about school so ivr just been playing to distract myself#what do you mean i have to talk to people ;((((( what do you mean i have to do assignments and tests and readings and presentations#actually should i turn the hubert playlist into a slow burn eventual romance and happy ending playlist#pov you are in love with hubert von vestra#i want to make it for the shits and giggles :3c#i dunno the titles really misleading bc i love hubert but i love him the wsy i love my houseplants and my plushies#so i eont think I'll get the romance vibes. but. may ad well try
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