#but I have fun :3c
cloneboywonder · 10 months
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I HEART BIG GIRL JOB MONEY <33333 BABYGIRL COME HOME AND ALSOOOOO I FINALLY WENT TO MY BIG CAVE !!!!! It was very scary I was crying in this image :-( my brothers friends had to like practically hand hold or straight up grab and carry me 😭 dear god I wish I could be the big caver I want so desperately to be 😭😭😭
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ashwii · 5 months
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Red and blue make something
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tenowls · 2 years
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So, I’m awkward with actual humans. It’s not paranoia about my hacked governor module, and it’s not them; it’s me. I know I’m a horrifying murderbot, and they know it, and it makes both of us nervous, which makes me even more nervous. Also, if I’m not in the armor then it’s because I’m wounded and one of my organic parts may fall off and plop on the floor at any moment and no one wants to see that.
one last fancomic to finish off the year, from asr this time!!
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psapraca · 1 year
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wips and sketches
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rednite-dork · 11 months
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I bet those late night studies and research backfires a lot in the morning.
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thirteenducks · 7 months
rest for the weary
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(neuvillette x fem!reader) [sfw]
༻❁༺ content: fem!reader (reader is referred to as 'girl'), no established relationship
༻❁༺ word count: ~1.9k
༻❁༺ tags: sickfic? sort of?, mild hurt/comfort, gentle and tender Neuvillette, being overworked, fainting, neuvillette is sexy in a paramedic kind of way, crimes against gloves, almost-crimes against pastries, "you will be taken care of So Help Me" neuvillette, very self indulgent, can you tell i'm a college student
༻❁༺ author’s note: blame my mutuals for putting talk about neuvillette being gentlemanly and kind on my twitter feed. this is their fault and also the four glasses of sangria i drank before i wrote this
Neuvillette would like to believe he understands human behavior quite well by now. What he does not understand is their tendency to be self-sacrificial to the point of exhaustion. When your stress reaches a fever pitch, he steps in.
You don’t remember if it was the fatigue or the hunger that you noticed first. Both have been on the fringes of your consciousness since you left your bed early this morning. Right now, they’re kept at bay only by a lingering headache that worsens as you step out into the clear day.
The beautiful azure of the morning sky above. The flocks of pigeons that dapple the steps of the Palais Mermonia like sunlight through leaves. The hum of the Court of Fontaine as coffee sales begin for the morning. All are lost on you as you forge ahead, feet barely clearing the cobblestone below them.
The papers on your desk, stacked high and demanding attention, are all that your bleary eyes register at the moment. Anything else is secondary.
As much as your conscience would contend it, your current predicament isn’t entirely your fault. Sure, you had procrastinated a bit when the pile of records was first assigned to you, and maybe hadn’t chipped away at it the way you could’ve if you planned ahead. 
For a gestionnaire, though, it’s also just that time of year when the clouds pour rain daily and the opera house sees a never-ending rotation of cases.
So if that means some sacrifices on your side are required, you’re willing to make them for the good of the Court. You’re certainly not the only one, either. The circles under the Chief Justice’s eyes always grow darker during the rainy season; you hope he’s taking better care of himself than you are.
Once you’ve gotten rid of this batch of paperwork, you’ll be free to rest for a while, you tell yourself. You can take a break. Maybe you could walk to that cafe down the street with the nice cashier and get yourself breakfast, if the rain isn't too bad by midmorning.
Your knees waver under you as you carry the precarious stack of records to the threshold of your office. On second thought, maybe you should ask if they offer delivery.
The low murmur of a familiar voice, a pleasant bass melody, reaches you as you step out into the plush carpet of the hallway. It floats through your dizzy head like syrup.
Good. You won’t have to walk far to give these to Neuvillette, then. You’re not sure your feet would carry you all the way to his office anyway, and you’d rather not field any uncomfortable questions about your health from such an esteemed man. 
Assuming what you hope is a pleasant expression, you approach the Iudex and Sedene as he bends at the waist to inspect a bump on her antler. 
There’s a very becoming look of concern on his face, you notice. It must be nice to be the focus of such care.
The unfazed voice of a Melusine comes from somewhere below you: “I promise it’s just a mosquito bite, Monsieur. I must’ve stood around the docks for too long this morning.” 
“Even so... I would administer some anti-inflammatory soon, Sedene. Please don’t neglect your health,” he chides as he pats her head affectionately.
Neuvillette rises again to his full height, catching your eye as you draw near to him.
A fetching smile upturns the corners of his mouth. He greets you with a stately nod, holding out his right hand for your stack of records. Your gaze flits to his other hand, currently engaged by an apple turnover.
Ah. A gift from a Melusine, no doubt. You hope he enjoys it, even if a part of your brain wants you to snatch it for yourself.
If Neuvillette catches the way your eyes linger on his breakfast, he doesn’t mention it. What he does is quirk his head to the left in a silent question as he continues to stand with his hand outstretched.
Oh, archons. How long have you been standing in front of him with a blank look on your face? Too long to be appropriate, certainly.
Clearing your throat and forcing a smile, you take a step forward to hand off your pile of papers to him. Only, instead of making contact with the floor of the hallway, your shoe falls into thin air as your other knee buckles and your back falls towards the carpet.
As your consciousness slips, you feel a cool hand snake around your waist.
Your head goes limp, bouncing a bit with the impact until the pastry drops to the carpet and Neuvillette’s other gloved hand comes to cradle the back of your neck.
He’s caught you. He wishes you were awake to instruct him what to do next.
He lowers you to the ground softly, brow creased with worry. Sedene stands next to him with a similar expression, holding the turnover she saved as it fell. 
“Sedene. Bring me a pillow from the sofa in my office, please. Quickly.”
The Melusine salutes and she darts off. His eyes never leave your face as he kneels, large frame bent over you protectively.
Releasing your waist, he brings a hand up to his teeth and tugs off the glove in a smooth motion before resting his bare fingers against your forehead. A curse in a tongue unknown to all but him breaks the quiet air and his brows knit together. Humans and their damned self-sacrificial nature.
Sedene returns holding a cushion. He eases it under your head with care, ensuring your neck is supported before he retracts the hand underneath.
There in the Palais hallway, the Iudex of Fontaine strips himself of his judge’s coat, uncaring of decorum at the moment. Gentle hands graze your bare skin as he wraps the garment around your shoulders. Were you conscious, you would feel the softness of the silk lining against your cheek and the scent of the ocean it carries with it.
He knows from his extensive observations of human behavior that you’ve probably only collapsed from fatigue, not sickness. And yet… and yet he cannot keep himself from stroking your forehead, cool fingertips resting there as he meditates.
Another moment passes before he makes up his mind. Your body rises from the carpeted hallway floor into strong arms, seldom-seen muscles flexing under his white undershirt. 
The change in altitude brings you halfway out of your daze. Through hazy vision, you catch the sight of pale skin moving above you. His slit eyes meet yours and you don't manage more than a small sound of confusion before you’re pulled back under by sleep.
With a brief nod to Sedene, Neuvillette carries you to his office in a few quick strides. The door slides shut behind him.
Your hands unconsciously tug on his lapels and you curl your body closer to the warmth of his chest, making his ears burn.
Every time he thinks he understands your species, something like this happens. 
He had certainly noticed your energy waning over the last few days, but he worried about the propriety of mentioning such a thing to you. Would you resent him for asking about something so personal? Should he send someone closer to you to step in before you hurt yourself?
In the end, he had settled for bringing you breakfast from a nearby cafe. He glances at the turnover, now sitting innocently on his coffee table courtesy of Sedene. It taunts him.
The silence in his office is deafening as Neuvillette lays you carefully on the sofa next to his desk. He runs through the list of human vitals in his head.
You’re breathing quite deeply. Your pulse is healthy and strong as his fingers press against the side of your throat. The color in your face is returning to its normal shade. Surely all you lack is a good meal, which he can certainly provide, and some rest. 
Then why do his hands shake as he pours tea into a cup on the table before you?
Why can he not keep his eyes from you as you sleep, chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm? 
Why does he find it impossible to return to the paperwork that calls his name just a few feet away?
A clap of thunder shakes the building.
He doesn’t realize how long his eyes have been trained on yours until you’re staring back at him through lowered lids, awakened by the noise.
It takes about a half second for you to remember the circumstances of a few minutes prior and gasp, sitting up with a speed that makes Neuvillette reach towards you in concern. His coat falls from where it was draped across you and you stare at it, unblinking. 
Your gaze flits to Neuvillette, bare to the wrist. He watches silently as you register the sofa you’re laid upon and the lavish office around you.
The Chief Justice makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat when you rush to stand up, face burning. Your head spins - whether from fatigue or embarrassment, you’re not sure. A million apologies threaten to spill from your mouth at once.
With your head bowed and your feet unsteady below you, you don’t see the hand rising to your face until a cool sensation spreads over your flushed forehead. The surprise of it shuts you up immediately. When you do dare to raise your eyes, you hardly trust what you see in front of you.
There is no anger in the face of the Iudex, in the downturned curve of his mouth or the crease of his brow. Only tender concern presents itself as he addresses you.
“You appear to be feverish. Please, sit back down. I won’t have you fainting again if I can help it.” He removes his hand from your skin, leaving behind a burning sensation that you can't attribute to a fever.
“Mon- Monsieur?”
He tuts, raising the cup of tea to your hand and folding it into your grasp. “Drink, please,” he murmurs, face etched with care. 
You blink a few times, sipping the drink as if compelled by magic. It's sweeter than you’re expecting.
“Good girl.” 
You nearly choke on it.
If possible, Neuvillette looks even more distressed by your sudden coughing fit. “You’re far redder than when you awoke. The fever reducer in this blend should help with that, but in the meantime, please take some of this…”
The minutes pass quietly. Periodically, Neuvillette instructs you in a gentle tone to drink your tea or eat a bit of pastry. He absolutely forbids you to stand after the second time you attempt to excuse yourself.
When he's been assured that you're comfortable, he speaks again.
“May I ask why you believe those papers you were attempting to bring me were worth working yourself to exhaustion over?” 
His words are authoritative, but his voice carries such softness that you can’t help but be honest with him.
“I’m so very sorry, Monsieur. It won’t happen again. I’ve just had a lot on my plate this week.”
Neuvillette's violet eyes are melancholy as they meet yours. “Of course. It’s a busy time of year for us all,” he says, shifting his gaze to the steady rain outside. “I do hope you know, however, that I would far rather your work be late than your health to fail on my account.”
You duck your head. “...I understand, Monsieur.”
The man’s stately expression fades into something unreadable at that.
“...Please, call me Neuvillette.”
You were unaware that his voice, so commanding in the courtroom, could sound so tender directed at you.
Your gaze darts up from the floor. The Iudex is not meeting your eyes. His are fixed instead on the light drizzle pattering the windowpane. A faint swathe of color decorates his lofty cheekbones.
As you smile and nod your head, pronouncing his name with a few words of thanks, the morning sun streams into the room behind you.
It’s getting to be quite the lovely day outside.
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blazing-spectre · 8 months
the fatter you draw gale the more powerful i grow. thank u
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Please enjoy this temporary art-block power-up. The future is in your hands now.
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noodl3s4dayz · 3 months
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redrew that one tv girl album cover w ted n Ellen
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somegrumpynerd · 17 days
Okay so good news and bad news about the bitty I keep seeing at work,
The good news is I saw the little guy again when I was putting food down and I got very close this time!
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He still looked kinda wary but he didn't run or anything so I thought maybe he was coming around to me. I also was putting down the food anyway so I figured I'd offer him some directly.
The bad news is I guess that wasn't the right idea...
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I don't know if this was because he's not friendly or maybe he just got scared or something, but he took the food and bolted after he bit me. I hope I didn't scare him off trying that, I'll let you guys know if I see him again (and if I turn into a were-bitty lol)
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sysig · 8 months
uuuumm for the request thing maybe pastel gaster? maybe with the evil goatparents or evil alphys, haha. or maybe even evil temmie lol.
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Day 29 - He's studying you with a smile...
#My art#Requestober#UT#Handplates#Fellplates#Gaster#Fellplates!Gaster is weird :) I like that about him#Man it's been a heck-while since I've draw him!! He's still heckin' cute - I will always be biased towards wings haha#Didn't have any hair to shade this time so had to give them a little extra attention hehe ♪#The whole shading everything - I've just been really into backlighting lately haha#The halo is a great excuse ♫#I also like how in searching for his refs they were paired to the note of ''Don't think about it for too long it all comes crumbling down''#But now I'm thinking about it!! Oh no!! Lol#Like for example I know there are Mercyplates iterations where the Skelebros never get the plates#But the intention was still there at some point (maybe? It's been a while lol)#Basically my point is - I think Gaster's two hand hole-punches would garner the attention of Someone#Since they were brought up how about Alphys or the Goatparents' - and he gets some accessories to cover up with ♪#Anyway that's all just errant-thought fun to think about Gaster getting hurt lol - even this Gaster?#:3c Maybe#I trust him about as far as I can throw him as much as I thoroughly enjoy him hehe ♪#It was tempting to do something with Alphys and the others as well - the image of him picking up Fell!Temmie and resting her on his lap lol#But I've never drawn any of them and I couldn't find any agreed-upon references so I opted for He Alone#It would be fun to see him interacting with others tho :)#Hardly topical but I think my favourite iteration of AU Alphys is SwapFell?? She's very cool in Swap but hnnrh the armour is so cool#Anyway lol ♪
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insufferablemod · 4 months
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I just wanted to say that I really love ur art and Dave ask blog and I get so hype when you like my John ask blog stuff ! Thanks for being one cool dude :B
AAAafdsdsff tysm! and thank u 4 the dave,,, i love him hes so small,,,, qwq)/<3<3<<3<3<3<<3<3!!! your ask blog is really cute and i love your colors! theyre so lovely! your john design is also adorable so heres a lil fanart :)c
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autisticgayplushie · 1 year
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mango the queer pride puppy!!! :D
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bloomynmoon · 3 months
Bro must be on something cause he’s hearing things
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kurooo-is-here · 7 months
Head cannons for Drayton and Kieran (separate) taking care of a sick reader? Thanks!
Just finished watching an Undertale Yellow playthrough when I got this ask, I'm in shambles 😭😭😭
Anyways, these were super fun to write! Enjoy :D
Warnings: The boys are very protective.
Notes: I actually got pretty sick recently myself, so I resonate with this lol. I'm doing better now :)
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Drayton caring for sick reader
Depends how sick you are. If it's mild, he still worries about you, but he's mostly chill. Tries to crack a few lighthearted jokes to cheer you up, but doesn't let you push yourself until you recover fully.
He understands if you need space too, being sick makes you feel crummy.
If you're REALLY sick, he's SO worried. Doesn't let anyone else come in to check on you unless he trusts them, he just can't risk your health getting worse. If someone he didn't trust insisted on seeing you, they can expect to deal with a protective, hostile dragon boy. He will guard you with his life.
He brings you medicine, blankets, water... whatever you need. Just.. please be okay. You're his treasure, he could never bear to lose you.
If your health gets any worse, he pulls all the stops. Calls his family or anyone he knows, begs them to treat you. Anything to make you feel better.
He's basically back to normal once you recover, but he's a liiittle more on the protective side for a few weeks. Very clingy and cuddly too. You won't be able to leave your bed without him for awhile-- he's not letting you go.
The rest of the BB Elite Four says they've never seen him so worried and ... hardworking. He just chuckles and says, "If the most important person in your life was that sick, wouldn't you worry too?"
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Kieran caring for sick reader
Even if you're mildly sick, he's super worried!! He panics and does his best to give you what you need. If he has to, he will reluctantly call Carmine for assistance. She may tease him later about relying on her, but she's equally worried about you, and you'll make a speedy recovery with them taking care of you!
If you're REALLY sick, Kieran doesn't mess around. He calls the ER, gets you to the hospital ASAP. Even if you insist it's not that serious to warrant a hospital visit, he's sending you to emergency care. He cannot afford to mess around or make mistakes or bad judgement calls right now, you're sick and he can't lose you.
Kieran is by your side whenever possible during your hospital stay. He's constantly checking in with the doctors and nurses, asking questions and making sure you're okay. He comforts you. He cries a bit too. Poor boy is so, SO worried about you.
If anyone dares to mention your absence, he's immediately defensive. He's already worried sick about you, so having to deal with other people asking where you've been is gonna press all of his buttons. He just wants you to be okay. If anyone even peeps a bad word about you, they can expect his Hydrapple to take care of the body. (Joking... hopefully.)
He cries when he hears you've recovered fully. He's all over you-- showering you with hugs and kisses (while making sure he doesn't hurt you himself), getting you home safely, and taking care of medical bills. He doesn't want you to have to worry about money right now, what matters is that you're safe and sound.
Carmine comments that she's never seen him worry like that, and that you'd better not get that sick again! She can't bear to see either of you in such bad shape.
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zaacoy · 1 year
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The sillys!! Back at it again!!!
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videoviolence · 10 days
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