#alter ramble
alter1412 · 1 year
Realizing that if slugacats where the size of cats, the iterators are smaller than humans, and I read from somewhere that the puppet is around 2-3 feet tall....
That mean that in theory, I can make a plushie of an iterator real size... I CAN MAKE ITERATORS PLUSHIE WITH THEIR SIZE!!!!
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smoothie-sheep · 2 months
I’m being insufferable. Story time!!!
We were looking through our old account a while back- I forgot exactly what we were trying to find- and ended up finding an alter introjected from an artist we liked a lot. Anyways. It led to us remembering a lot about him immediately with was just;
We felt neglected by like. All of our partners at the time and had just broken up with one. So Corvus (the alter) appeared to be the systems little collective boyfriend. They were there a lot to help us not spiral and occasionally try to communicate how we felt to our partners but at some point just kind of stopped coming around. It was just because the situation got more severe so different alters popped up to meet the need to be a bit more aggressive in communicating our needs. (Luma <3 love that guy. Along with the others)
Anyways. This is funny because we didn’t know the artist personally and were so afraid of being perceived that we never commented on anything. We also just completely stopped looking at his content after a while because we
1) Noticed art he was posting was absolutely stuff with a partner and
2) We realized he lived in the same state as us and had to just completely stop looking at anything he posted because we were being extremely delusional/obsessive about the possibility of meeting him unknowingly.
So about 8-10 months later said artist follows us and we lose our shit. We start talking to him after shitting ourself more and having to fight through the fear that we were misreading things and he didnt actually like us. We’ve now been dating him for a year and a half + moved in together lmao.
He knows about Corvus and the fucking guy still half hides from him and gets stupidly flustered if they’re so much as acknowledged.
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milkshakeram · 1 year
Currently stuck between wanting to be gently held and cared for and wanting to be kissed silly by a hot man
-Alasdair(one of the token not aro alters)
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finns-gay-thoughts · 7 months
i just want to cuddle. i want our limbs to be so tangled you can’t tell where one of us ends and the other begins. i want our fingers to be interlocked. i want to feel your warmth. i want to stare into your pretty eyes and tell you things that make you blush. i want to be with you.
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fryday · 1 month
it's the way "you're not gonna want your dinner" was 110% an offscreen interaction. dan's voice went super quiet (only directed to phil, not for the mic to pick up). his light disappointment/admonishment/fondness was totally genuine, not played up, and was obviously addressing something they've been through a thousand times before (but again, this was neither explained nor exaggerated - it wasn't delivered for the audience's sake). and then phil's immediate, unbothered "i am" while staring blankly into space before he looked at the camera and turned it into the disappointed grandma joke (@manchesterau pointed this out!). we witnessed a full, offscreen, completely domestic moment between them and how blessed are we
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potatoeofwisdom · 11 months
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Alastor twirling his microphone appreciation post
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gophergal · 6 months
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a meme specific to my interpretations
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theselfishmachiness · 8 months
the entire “systems shouldn’t do this,” “do this with systems,” “systems want this” is so harmful. it strips away the fact that no matter what, it is a person with a unique life, personality, opinions, standards is begins the screen. pushing people to follow ideas for all systems strips individuality from systems an puts them in a bubble where their only defining factor is they’re system.
listen to individual systems about their boundaries, about what they do. respect their opinions, boundaries and their decisions and don’t force another person’s opinion on them because they said it was a “wrong” thing to do.
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chronicowboy · 11 months
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being so normal!!!!!
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alter1412 · 4 months
i like seeing all of my mutuals slowly fall into the same pit as me >:]
good luck on squid guy though he's annoying to fight
Jsjjs, I am enjoying it so much! The soundtrack is so good! Love his design (when you fight him)! That squid boy won't have to much time jsjs! And then the spider boy! (I think I have at least 9 hours now)
Improving the cult until I can leave it alone for various days will be a blessing. Can't believe the amount of wood and stone one uses can dissappear so fast!
Also the poop quest, just...why?
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janebonbon · 28 days
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[Insert sheepdog pun here]
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thexspiral · 5 months
Things that would get me fakeclaimed on reddit
(Even though I have a professional diagnosis)
High headcount
Alter count is at least up in the 100s, potentially up in the 1000s. Most of these parts are extremely 1 dimensional fragments, but I still count them in my alter count because they are still, in all technicality, alters. No, I do not have 1000s of fully fleshed out alters with their own likes and dislikes and personalities and relationships. Most of them don't even have names.
Rarely switching
I'll be in the front for WEEKS at a time. Switches typically only last a few hours. I only really switch when I'm triggered, and sometimes I DON'T switch when I'm triggered, leaving me in the front for extended periods of time. It's not just me "forgetting I have DID" or "not faking well enough" my brain just does not feel the need for frequent switches anymore.
Being 17.
Because apparently you can't be diagnosed with DID if you're under 18. Nope. The disorder magically appears when you turn 18.
Being an OEA survivor
For some reason this is debated. I guess it's because the online community sucks actual ass, but still. Even if I WASN'T a tbmc surivor, and never claimed to be, I would still, by definition, be an OEA survivor because my abuse was organized.
Having introjects
There's this weird argument on reddit that introjects are only ever abuser introjects. I used to have high levels of introjection when my abuse was primarily rooted in the fact that I was extremely isolated and only had media and my mind to cope with trauma. But apparently, these fictives aren't real because they're from popular media and aren't my abuser. (I have abuser introjects too lmao)
Being alternative
Apparently, you can't like good music and have DID. That's just not a thing that happens. Sorry guys, but you're gonna have to pry Korn from my cold dead hands.
Actually, their criticisms are more about how the person dresses, however I genuinely don't see how this is an indicator of faking. I dress alternative because it's the style that appeals to me. Sometimes I dress normal!! Because being hot all the time is pretty tiring.
Covert switches
You can never fucking win with these people. Overt switches are fake because "DID is a covert disorder" but covert switches are fake because "You would be able to tell, they didn't seem to dissociate at all." It's all bullshit. My switches you would barely ever be able to tell because I'm so good at masking the dissociation.
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finns-gay-thoughts · 6 months
the cold weather lately just makes me think about cuddling up next to you under a blanket, drinking hot cocoa and putting on a movie that we dont really pay much attention to. we have each other, and thats all that matters.
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this-is-krikkit · 26 days
listen, Victor being Yuuri's first sex partner is one thing
but Yuuri being Victor's first sex partner that matters? the first person he gets to cuddle with after where it doesn't feel like he's guilted his lover into staying by his clingy side once they got what they wanted from him? the first person he can explore kinks with because some might work and some might not but either way it's always going to be safe and sane and consensual? the first person he gets to mess up with by bumping their heads together hard while fucking and instead of being an embarrassing tragedy it's the most hilarious private joke they share? the first person he can be a person with instead of a celebrity fuck pin to add to someone's collection, the first who loves him exactly for the messy human he is even though he first knew him as whatever godlike being the media portrayed him as? well, i think that's a neat concept as well.
anyway this katsudon on skates show is okay i guess whatever i wouldn't lose sleep or my sanity over it tho
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findafight · 10 months
When asked who his best friend is Steve will usually say "Dustin" but may vary depending on whose asking and if he wants to annoy Dustin or not, and when people act all surprised etc because he didn't say Robin he gets confused because obviously Robin doesn't count. That's his SOULMATE. That's his sweet cheese and good time boy!! If Robin is in the equation why even ask the question?? She's in a different division!! Playing a different game! There's no contest!!!
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