#i cant stop drawing him he is a curse.....
janebonbon · 30 days
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[Insert sheepdog pun here]
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blushouyo · 3 months
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i imagine the constant exposure to the cold and fragmentum monsters has left him with quite a lot of lasting damage...
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termagax · 11 months
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i spent like. a stupid fucking long time on this. full under the cut if youre curious
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pikkish · 1 year
A5 doomie?
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Unfortunately I think that he is physically incapable of smiling nicely. His face just doesn't move that way, he is only capable of grinning viciously. You can still have a bunny, tho.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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ask-mrxmts · 11 months
//uhHh gunna go on a small hiatus due to not having internet+other (ill expln in the tags c/tw vent/rambling)
#// i owe like 300+ for my internet ($200+ to reactivate) reason i havent been able to pay it was due to paying rent/bills/groceries/gas#and medication(for my partner) and weve applied to a better job but we need funds to pay for the livescan to continue/finalize the hiring#process but sadly we wont be able to pay rent this month due to some circum's sothats sm ;u;#and aside from all that both of us going thru heavy depression and mental fog#we want to hang out w irl friends but feel like we cant cuz were always broke (our friends still live w their parents/have a safety net) an#we feellike a buzz kill cuz we cant pay for our own meals or afford to go out in general just feeling left out causing us to be depressed#and not wanting to go out/be invited out#we had one friend lecture us abt money when its like dude you&gf pay $200 in rent to ur parents; we live together(w my retired/disabled MIL#and we pay rent household bills groceries gas car stuff medication we get paid bi weekly so like first/ending monthweek checks are for rent#and the mid week check we have to save accordingly for rent but were cured w the pharaohs curse cuz whenever#we have money that we plan to get alil smth for ourselves something goes wrong w the car#like we cant do shit and honestly it feels like someones praying on our downfall or smth cuz its every fkn time we cant catch a break#so yeaa gunna go on hiatus dunno how long tho but wont be too long but i will still be drawing so maybe expect some art dumps#ily guys thank you for putting up w me i dont ghost on purpose im just always depressed and need to be distracted or else the urges comebac#trying to be okay but its hard but i need to grow up#//i have my parents but theyre going to financial hardships too so they cant help and my sisters cant help cuz older sis started a family#amd my twin sis lives w my parents#my mom started working but hadda stop due to having a grapefruit sized tumor on her ovary (which is the other main reason4 my depression#and dad could care less abt my moms condtion (hes the reason for her suffering but ahe refuses to leave him#vent post#sorry went off on a tangent#but istg if i lose my mom im going to fkn hurt him cuz i already lost my dad (my FIL) and i will not be able to mentally recover#like i was there when we got the phone call (couldnt be at the hosptial due to covid reg.) i dont ever want to go thru that heartache again#edit if youd like to help me out i have comms open and i have a cshpp if ur feeling generous ;; $altereghost
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Woof woof… whimper
(Part 10… but technically a continuation of part 9)
Content: Dub-Con/Non-Con, Knotting
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It takes your cock-addled brain a second too long to process what Soap’s just said. What he’s implied. And by then he’s all ready for you to buck against him, confused and angry.
“That’s so — that’s not funny!” You shout.
But he’s got you pinned thoroughly, your chest flat against the mattress and your ass flush against his hips. His cock buried so deep you can feel the hot head of it bullying the deepest parts of you. All your struggling does is make you clench up tight around him, makes him feel that much bigger and meaner inside you. Makes him grunt low and ragged in your ear, all animal appreciation.
“I’m not laughin’,” he replies, nipping at your shoulder.
“G-get off of me, get out, get—”
His hand slides into your hair again, gets a firm hold at the roots and presses your face into the blankets, muffling your protests. Shushes you like soothing a panicked animal.
“Now, now,” he chides, “I still gotta prove I’m not compensating, don’t I?”
You suck in a breath, squeezing your eyes shut. There have to be a million explanations other than the absolutely ludicrous one he’s just presented to you. Cameras, microphones….
How did he know where you live?
How did he know where the spare key was?
How did he know where your bedroom was?
How did he find you at the bar?
Stalker, you tell yourself. He’s a creep, you’ve always known that.
Then where’s your dog?
“N-no,” you warble, bucking again. Nearly scream as his cock twitches inside you; only reason you don’t is because you can barely breathe as it is. He’s so deep inside that he’s practically in your lungs. “No way you’re my — there’s no way. You’re crazy. I’m gonna— ah!”
He draws out as you speak, gradual, and then plunges in again all at once, cutting you off. Grinds his hips in a dirty circle too, burying himself as deep as he can.
“Aww, poor thing,” he coos. “S’alright, baby, I knew this would happen. We jus’ gotta get all those big, scary feelings out first. Then I can explain it all nice and slow.”
You try to scream at him. Try to curse him out, tell him there’s no way in hell you’re listening to a word he says now; never mind letting him spend another second with his dick in you.
All that comes out is a high-pitched keen as he starts fucking you without further preamble. It aches, but you can’t tell in what way. If it hurts, if it’s the best you’ve ever had. Both? Your nerves feel haywire, brain dragged to lust-stupid depths.
“See, there we go,” he rasps, punctuating with a sharp snap of his hips on that last word. “My perfect little mate. Your cunt was made for my cock, made to be bred by me. Isn’t that right?”
You try to shake your head, but his grip keeps you from doing more than sending electricity down your spine, hair pulled taut.
“Yeah it fucking is,” he growls to his own question, canting your hips back further. His fingers grip cruelly into the flesh, sure to leave bruises. You wish you didn’t enjoy the sensation, wish it didn’t make you spasm around him helplessly.
“‘Bout time I owned you right back, don’t you think?” He continues, never stopping or even slowing. You yelp as he tugs your necklace again, arching your back at a steep angle. “Even collared yourself up for me. All it needs is my name.”
Something about that drives some awful, slutty part of your brain fucking wild. The idea of you with a tight leather choker — a collar — with his name (you don’t think about what name) hanging from your throat…
“Like that, don’t you?” He chuckles meanly. “Who’s my good little slut? Who’s my perfect, soaked little breeding whore?”
Tears spring to your eyes as you realize the “I am” is right there on the tip of your over-saturated tongue. If you had air, brain cells, any ability at all, you’d be crying it to the ceiling like the toy he’s treating you as.
He’s going to ruin you, you think. He’s going to fuck you broken. You’re crying and wailing on his cock, think you’d actually throw a tantrum if he pulled out and left you on the edge right now. Would, you realize in horror, beg for him to keep going.
And then he snakes his hand around your hip and starts rubbing your clit — fast, hard little circles. Just the way you like; the way you’d do it yourself. Relentlessly and cruel, even when you try to writhe away from how fast you can feel yourself getting to the edge. Almost frightened by it, how quickly he’s mastered your body’s pleasure.
Frightened by the extra stimulation at your entrance, too. A little extra friction at first — shocking because you’re leaving a puddle on the sheets. But then the friction becomes pressure, becomes… more.
“W-wha….?” You slur, hips wriggling.
Soap (Johnny?) snarls in your ear and that feeling at your entrance grows. Feels, you realize with alarm, like stretching.
“Gonnae take my knot so well,” he rambles, accent thick like syrup, trickling into your empty brain, filling you up with meaningless sounds. “Plug you up full of my cum, breed you right just like you need.”
Any questions or confusion are whisked away by the extra stimulation at your entrance. The sensitive nerves getting just as much brutal attention as your inner walls, your cervix, that sweet spot inside you that makes your eyes roll back.
It all becomes too much all at once and crashes through you, devastating. You clamp down around him tight and needy, lean all your weight back into his thighs. And he practically howls as he sinks into you and stays, grinding and humping without ever actually pulling out again. You feel a flood of heat that seems to go on for an absurdly long time, cock pulsing against your overstimulated walls, milked for every last drop.
You shudder as your brain tries and fails to process it all. Like trying to decipher a foreign language from white noise. It’s nothing but static to you.
You can feel a tongue against your shoulder, scraped of blunt teeth. Soap/Johnny licking the sweat from your skin and nipping bruises into the flesh. You make an annoyed noise that comes out whinier than intended, shoving at his face.
“Get off, you bastard.” Your voice is pathetic, thick with tears and fractured in a hundred places.
“Can’t, bonnie, even if I wanted to.”
You scowl, try to look at him over your shoulder. He takes that opportunity to nuzzle against your temple.
“What?” You ask. “What are you talking about?”
“Did ye hear me?” He chuckles. “Well, maybe not with the way you were screamin’. You’re all knotted up, baby. Can’t pull out — ‘less you want this pretty pussy to tear.”
You jolt, nearly yank yourself off out of pure fear, but Johnny keeps you still again, humming.
“Easy now,” he croons. “Still fussy? Need another to settle down?”
Useless as your brain may be, it recognizes what he means by “another one.” You think you might pass out.
“No,” you snap, petulant even to your own ears. “I want you to explain… explain everything.”
“Alright, hen. C’mere.”
He gently lays you out prone on the bed, then rolls you both on your sides. Hitches your leg up over his hip. You want to protest, but it helps the ache in your poor cunt.
“H-how are you still hard?” You pant, traitorous pussy twitching around him.
He growls in your ear, can feel him grinning against the lobe. “Will stay that way for a bit, lass. Don’ worry, you jus’ have to lay here all nice and still. Keep me warm while I explain things to you.”
And he does. How there are shapeshifters out there in the world, rare as they are. That he comes from a line of them. Recruited to military, as most of them are.
How he was on standard patrol when he smelled you for the first time.
“Like a wet dream, bonnie. Fertile. Spring. Smelled like mine.”
How he instantly knew you were his mate. That he just needed to make you see it. Never a good time to explain it all to you — and then there were interlopers and your silly little books and your pesky toys. How he tried to drop hints around the house, let you come to the correct conclusion on your own. But you never did.
“Honestly it’s a good thing I’m here, hen. You’re so oblivious. Lived with a man and never even knew it.”
That he tried to go about it the other way ‘round, as a man, but you’re just so stubborn. And then how it all led up to tonight. To you finally, finally realizing what you really needed: your mate.
You should be angry, furious. There’s a lot to say about… well, all of it. It’s horrifying and violating and… and…
And he hasn’t stopped bullying your clit since he started talking. Cruel, tight circles. Drawing the hood back with two fingers and stroke with a third, slow and languid and just soft enough to make your head spin. Rhythmless taps. Even pinches when you try to chew him out at one point, half turning to scowl. Instead have his tongue lapping sloppily at yours as your mouth gapes open soundlessly.
Makes you cum twice just like that without ever interrupting his own story, cock still hilted — knotted deep inside you. Honestly, you probably miss a good portion of it, some of the finger details for sure. But you get the broad strokes (among other strokes).
He licks at your overstimulated tears when he’s finished, nuzzling and kissing your cheek.
“I-I miss my dog,” you mumble finally, hands balled against your chest.
“Aww, darlin’,” he sighs, sounding genuinely apologetic. “We’re one and the same. I’m always your boy no matter what form I take.”
It would be more comforting if his dick didn’t throb calling himself your boy.
“‘Sides, I’m better than a normal mutt,” he continues, tugging you against his chest. You want to hate that is instantly makes you feel a little better. “Wolves mate for life, after all.”
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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hai here is a sketch dump with too many fandoms :) sorry about the ungodly amount of men here i have been going through it and by it i mean gay
ok wait i ran out of tags??? it wont let me tag them all😭😭😭 im gonna have to be sparing with them uhh i guess i will have to ramble under the cut then cus i like rambling in my tags but i cant with this one 😭
(ok im back from the ramble: it is way too long.... proceed forward if you want to see some guy just absolutely talk nonsense for entirely too long)
no cus i swear i have tried tagging more stuff than this before and never hit the limit but whatever
hello i really use this like a fkn blog huh
i just wanted to provide some thoughts on the harper and rosé one first bc its important to me 😌 cus i was thinking abt harper and how in my head and heart of hearts she would be the kid who thought you get pregnant from kissing and i dont think she ever really grew out of that belief. <- this ended up spawning the idea of harper being a sex-repulsed ace and i will die on this hill actually. fight me or die, you die either way actually nvm
this is just a buncha blorbos i dont know what to tell you really. sketch pages like these always end up so weird for me bc for some reason my brain always wants the characters in them to interact in some way. whether that be talking or just reacting to what the other is doing... its something i cant stop with, its so stupid and silly and i hate it and i love it. where else would i see kabru slowly losing his mind with how loud phoenix wright is in court????
I THOUGHT I HAD GOTTEN OFF THE RAILS WITH THAT BUT THEN THE NEXT PAGE HAPPENED. and all i could do was laugh and ask "what the fuck am i drawing??? HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHY IS THISTLE HERE WITH LEOPIKA HELP" LIKE that page started with the big leopika and then i was like "man i miss thistle lemme draw him real quick" but the curse struck and now hes being homophobic so </3
i rlly like how the nic(k) page turned out ... i just have a lot of nicks i like drawing idk.. the lil guy is an oc,,, one day his ref sheet will be finished and itll be awesome but not for now, sorry baby, no can do. im weirdly happy with how the hands turned out for all of them tho?? so thats a W
yotasuke, murai, nick (youll never know which one im referring to. .. jkjk its hoult i love the pose there ehehhe), nic and the entire last page r my favs. i like em all but those rlly get me yknow- the olly too ofc but ive already posted him, dont mind him being here, hes part of the set. AND OVER ALL IVE BEEN HAVING SO FUN WITH SHADING BLACK AND JUST LEAVING SPOTS BLANK ITS SO ?`????
WHY IS THIS SO LONG PLS DONT READ ALL THIS THIS IS STRAIGHT UP EMBARRASSING AGHSDFGSDHJSGD im all like "yeah i dont like talking about myself or whatever" but as soon as i get to my process or blorbos or smth the floodgates fucking break open, not even burst man.
also dont mind how i havent even acknowledged pingas twink pokemon counterpart. hes just here for shits and giggles i dont know the guy like at all, i watched a handful of eps of horizons and that was it RIP
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tyongf-nct · 1 year
tongue in the game for me it’s all buffet - mark lee smut
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as promised, mark enjoying his fav snack in the kitchen 🍳
dynamic: mark lee x fem!reader
warnings/tags: smut, oral sex (female receiving), kitchen sex, female only pleasure
“I’m hungry,” Mark sighed, shuffling aimlessly around the large kitchen as you sat on a stool at the island, chuckling quietly.
“Then find something to eat,” you rested your chin on your hand, eyeing him carefully. Mark turned, facing you with a small grin. Your eyes rolled, knowing what was coming.
“Found one,” he smirked.
“Jesus,” you snorted. He stalked over to you, grabbing your hips to lift you onto the island with ease.
“My favorite snack,” he whispered, lifting your chin lightly before placing a sweet kiss on your lips. You sighed contently, warmth building in your abdomen. Mark grazed his way down your neck with soft lips and the occasional sharpness of his teeth. His fingers found their way to your shorts and panties as you lifted yourself enough to help him slide them off. The marble countertop was freezing on your ass but you ignored it, sucking in increasingly fast breaths as Mark lifted the hem of your shirt to expose your chest.
He kissed your belly button, earning a small giggle from you before pebbling small kisses on your hip. He stopped every few inches to bite or suckle and you bucked up toward him at the sensation.
“Just get on with it,” you panted. Mark let out a throaty laugh, glancing up into your eyes before granting your wish and licking one long stripe up your slit.
You gasped, tossing your head back as heat flung through your body. Mark gripped the underside of your knees to keep your legs spread as he began to feast on you. Sloppy wet sounds filled the air, sending hot electricity straight to your core as you grappled to find anything to grip with your fingers. Finally, you settled on Mark’s hair, pushing your pussy toward his face with urgency.
Mark pulled off momentarily. “I know you fucking love this,” he whispered against your center, and you felt yourself throb in response. You nodded, unable to form words as he sucked on your clit. Pleasure coursed through your veins and you moaned, needing that sweet release you knew Mark would give you.
“I need more,” he mumbled, almost as if he were talking to himself before moving his mouth down to slide his tongue into your hole. You cursed loudly, hips canting up in small circles. Mark ate you out with starving determination, only pausing occasionally to whisper something dirty against you.
Pleasure rose steadily before it all came crashing down inside you, your head tossed back and hips pushed up as Mark licked you to your orgasm. You could feel your pussy spasm against his mouth, wetness spread around your core from your arousal and his saliva. He finally pulled off, breathing heavily with shiny lips. He smiled at you as you lay with your legs still spread, catching your breath after an explosive finish.
“So fucking delicious,” he smirked, drawing a lazy laugh from you. The last few sparks of pleasure died down and you were able to sit up onto your elbows, watching as Mark reached to sip a glass of water. He turned back to you, scooting the stool you sat on previously under himself and faced your sensitive center once again.
“Still hungry,” he growled before delving back in.
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seoktized · 10 days
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a/n: this gyub rot is killing me PLS i need him so bad.. reblogs are very appreciated <3 thank u for reading :3
warnings: cursing, phone sex, gyuvin calls reader ‘bunny’ + other pet names (sweetheart, pretty girl, doll), toy usage.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
imagine teasing gyuvin by sending him pics of you all dolled up in a pretty pink set, sending it with a message saying ‘miss you tons’
gyuvin was shocked, you knew he was filming for their new comeback. but he also knew you didn’t care. you just wanted a reaction out of him.
you smirked as texts from gyuvin began flooding in, but the last text was accompanied by a picture.
a picture of his hand resting over his bulge, his jeans down around his ankles. you assumed the photo was taken in the bathroom of the building they were filming in.
‘call me.’
you sat up on the bed, propping your phone up before hitting the facetime button. excitement flowing through your veins as you waited for gyuvin to pick up.
when the call connected you were greeting with an annoyed gyuvin.
“you couldn’t wait until i got home? you’re that needy?” he questioned. you watched as his eyes darted around the screen, taking in your pretty form.
you nodded, “i’m sorry, gyuv.. i was layin’ here and i started thinkin’ about you. i wanted to surprise you.”
“well, bunny, your little surprise got me hard,” he chuckled before shuffling a bit, “now you’re gonna help me out cause i cant film like this.”
there was a pause before he flipped the camera around, revealing his hard cock. the tip red and leaking as he slowly stroked himself.
“c’mon, bun, don’t be shy.” he said lowly.
you moved back on the bed, spreading your legs for gyuvin. he watches as you teasingly pulled off your panties.
“fuck, you don’t think you’ve teased me enough? don’t wanna have to punish your more later.” he said through gritted teeth.
your eyes trailed over to your nightstand, remembering you had a dildo stashed in there for whenever gyuvin wasn’t around.
“wait a sec,” you squeaked before moving out of the camera to grab the toy.
gyuvin’s hand stopped at the base of his cock, waiting for you to come back into view. when he saw what was in your hand, he cursed under his breath.
you quickly adjusted yourself and spread your legs once again, this time reaching down to rub the toy up and down your slick. you moaned as it brushed against your clit.
“put it inside, bun,” he groaned, “i gotta go back soon.”
you nodded and pushed the dildo in slowly, the stretch making your head tilt back and your eyes flutter shut.
“mmm, fuck, gyuvin. wish it was you..” you moaned out.
gyuvin winced, tightening his grip on his cock, imagining it was your cunt wrapped around his length. you opened your eyes, titling your head back down to watch as gyuvin fucked his hand.
a whine escaped your lips as the tip of the dildo reached deep inside your pussy, almost feeling like gyuvin’s.
“that’s it, pretty girl. shit- you gonna cum for me? make a mess all on the bed?” gyuvin’s eyes were glued to the screen, watching as your cunt sucked in the toy.
you cried out, nodding profusely at gyuvin’s words. your free hand snaked down to your clit, drawing circles on the bundle of nerves.
“cum for me, bunny.” he groaned.
the stimulation to your clit and the rasp of gyuvin’s voice was all it took to send you over the edge. gyuvin came at the sight of your convulsing form, a stream of curses flowing from his mouth.
you whimpered as you slid the dildo out and you heard a sharp intake of air from gyuvin.
“ready for you to get home, gyu.” you said with a loopy grin on your face. you sat up to grab your phone then fell back onto the bed.
gyuvin had now turned the camera and you could see his flushed cheeks.
“you’re in for a long night, sweetheart.” his eyes narrowed before a loud knock echoed throughout the room.
“gyuvin? you okay in there? you’ve been gone for like 30 minutes.”
you couldn’t make out who the voice was, but gyuvin rolled his eyes, replying “yea, i’ll be out in a sec.” to the person outside.
“see you later, doll. no more pictures like that while i’m at work okay? can’t risk the boys seeing ‘em.” he said.
you nodded, “mhmm okay, gyuv. see you later, i love you.”
“i love you more,” gyuvin replied before he hung up, quickly scrambling to get out of the bathroom and finish filming so he could go home.
‘time to plan another surprise’ you thought to yourself.
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
і𝖿 thᥱrᥱ𝘴 ⍺ whі𝘴k, thᥱrᥱ𝘴 ⍺ w⍺Ⴘ╰🎀 . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
Geto, Mahito & Choso with Chubby!fem!reader who is a baker 🧁(୨୧ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤)
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ʚ ₊˚ ᥀ Warning : Pet names (my little baker, chubby bunny), mentions of killing, mentions of eating flesh, mentions of pinch & blood, a little bit of overprotectiveness & possessiveness, and maybe some misspelled word. lmk if i miss anything. reader skin color is not announced. overall fluff.
ʚ ₊˚ ᥀ A/N : this is a continuation of the part 1 and part 2 jujutsu kaisen character with chubby!fem!reader who is a baker. lmk what you think, and also if you want another part just tell in the comment with what character :). also pls give me feedbacks and reblogs, tysm!
Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ♡ Part 3
Enjoy reading my fairies╰🧚🏻‍♀️ . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
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✧ Geto
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• sunshine & sunshine protector friendship dynamic ୧₊˚
• love the smell of your bakery like the bread, the chocolate and the pastry smells like yum yummmm
• though he would never admit it anyway...
• always squeezing his time just so he can go and visit your bakery (also to meet you too, but again, he would never admit this)
• love the softness of your body, they.. well um.. they somehow match what you were doing like you were making soft bread and pastry and your body is soft and round too so yk
• and this guy is also a little bit of overprotective over you and also a little bit possesive.
• he just doesnt want you to get hurt or anything & also he wants you to be completely his
• he would rather die than admitting this, but he sometimes think that he doesnt deserve you, and you deserve someone better.
• but as soon as he sees some guy flirting with you, it'll be all kicked out of the window, and he quickly shused whoever that person is (💀)
• but back again, he really loves you and he also love whatever you can do, such as making him feel good in bed.
✧ Mahito
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• prey. thats what he think of you FIRST.
• i mean you look like a chubby bunny who works in a bakery for him
• he also like to tease you about whatever you do, meaningly or even affectionately, but mostly meaningly teasing 💀
• but if someone other than him do the same to you, you have to quickly prevent him from taking their life or else he really does gonna take their life.
• its as same when someone mock you or bully you, they're gonna be dead also.
• love to call you a pet names like 'chubby bunny' or 'my little baker' <3
• he also sometimes observe your bakery from the sewers under your bakery building (💀)
• he... well um, since he's also like a curse or something, he sometimes let the curse to in to your bakery with one rules = do not annoy or endangering you.
• and if they does? well, that day is gonna be the last day they can see the sunlight & moonlight.
• but he does freaking loves you, and one of his fav things to do with you is that he loves to affectionately biting your flesh or just gently pinch the extra flesh you had.
• what I mean by "affectionately biting you flesh" is that biting your body in the most gentle way you could possible imagine, and not like a brutal one until your skin and flesh are torn apart, that would be something else.
• but Mahito is still Mahito, so sometimes he cant help but let one of his sharp teeth drawing blood in your body.
• but if you get hurt, he immediately stop and looking at you with a worry yet confused expression.
• because overall, he's still freaking loves you, and he doesnt want to lose his chubby bunny who works in a bakery bussiness.
✧ Choso
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• thinks he doesnt deserve you.
• this is like the dynamic friendship of the 'no energy friend' with 'calm friend' dynamic
• love your smell, the vanilla, flour, and just the smell of the sugary sweetness bread that patch in your body.
• making him feel cozy and safe.
• he doesnt really admit this out loud, but you somehow, manage to making him feel like a 'normal person' again.
• a normal person who is falling in love with someone, with you.
• thats why he always try to be with you, be at your side, just so he can feel the feelings of it again.
• he also love a gentle and kindhearted person, such as you.
• you're the girl he always dream of.
• i'm not joking while i'm saying this, the first time he confess to you and you accept him, he can feel his whole body and heart and soul is melting.
• he can feel his brain is like being mobbed by butterflies.
• he feel peace and all he feels is just that, he feel joy and happiness.
• he would do anything to protect you. yes we all know he sometimes befriended with curse and some shit, but the one thing is that, he would never let any one of his curse friend getting too close to you or your bakery.
• thats just how he shows himself that he loves you and care for you so much he even doesnt let his friend endangering you.
• he's a broken man inside, but you managed to strengthen him, and he thanked you for all of it.
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poetryvampire · 1 month
Hark! The yearning is upon me.
Headcanons for your first time with Zevlor
Because I literally can't stop thinking about it.
Zevlor x Afab! non-tiefling reader
✨Nsfw✨ with angst
● You've been traveling with Zevlor and the tiefling camp for some time now and yet neither of you have been able to break the undeniable tension between you. More and more often you find yourself alone with the paladin, wishing he would make a move or give some sort of confirmation to his feelings.
● Zevlor is such a gentleman it's almost painful. He's going half mad with his yearning for you. If he was to act on his feelings he would need to court you properly. Prove that he was true with his intensions and you weren't some passing fling. But how to do that in such a stressful time and place? Zevlor's a hopeless romantic. He may have yet to act on his feelings but that doesn't mean he hasn't found himself penning poems of your beauty in his journal.
●You're both walking back to camp one afternoon. Your eyes catch and linger far too long. Unable to stand it a moment longer you give him a soft kiss. Before you can pull away, shocked at your own actions Zevlor deepens it, pulling you into his arms. Next thing you know you're being pushed gently against a tree, your hands moving all over each other.
●It's only the sound of your approaching companions that break you apart. You're closer to camp than you thought. Soon everyone will be gathering back for supper. There isn't time yet you're determined not to let this slip away. You tell Zevlor to come to your tent that night. Those flaming eyes study you carefully and he nods.
● When night falls you wait in a tiny slip of a dressing gown trying to keep calm. Perhaps it was a foolish mistake and he would change his mind. But the low cadence of his voice breaks the silence. Ever the gentlemen he's brought you a bouquet of wildflowers.
●The tiefling's almost speechless at the sight of you; He cant quite put words to what you inspire in him. Drawing him into a kiss you feel passion coursing through him in seconds. You're exploring each others mouths and bodies with an impatience clumsiness. Over come, you pull him down to the bedroll and rip away your night dress, instantly in love with being so exposed underneath him.
● Under his infernal gaze you can feel your wetness pooling. You're so ready to be ravished and by the look in those eyes as they rake over you he's sure to pounce any moment. Yet, he doesn't, he even pulls a bit away. By the Gods Zevlor is aching to touch you and take you and make you his. But seeing you like this, you're almost too beautiful. It's confirming that he doesn't deserve you.
●Zevlor's already cursing himself. Already he's fucking up, as always. There's hurt in your eyes, as if he could ever be unpleased with your form. He comes closer, lightly strokes your leg, plants a chaste kiss to your knee but keeps looking away.
● "Zevlor" you plead "Touch me, please. Look at what you do to me" You spread your legs open pulling a hungry moan from him. He's never been so enchanted or afraid. Slowly you kiss the palms of his hands and press them to your flesh. Soon they're moving on their own spreading reverent caresses over every inch of you.
●You're back in your own little heaven feeling Zevlor pressed flush against you. The full bulge in his pants making you desperate for him. His mouth is praising you now, kissing your breasts, your stomach, your thighs. Automatically you open your legs wider, hoping he continues.
●Oh he does; he can't help himself. Zevlor grips your thighs tight trying to keep you still as he worships you with his mouth. Overwhelmed by how delicious you are and how beautifully you moan his name, he can't help but rut into the bedroll as he pleasures you.
●Before long the heated flicks of his tongue push you over the edge, making your whole body tremble and writhe. Your cries go straight to his cock and before he can stop himself he cums hard in his pants.
● His embarrassment turns to horror as he pulls away from you to see the cuts his claws have left on your thighs. The fears that had driven him away from you for so long were becoming a reality. Somehow he had failed you as a lover by cumming so easily and he had hurt you from lack of care without even having been inside you.
● A cloud of anguish seizes his heart. Zevlor practically bows before you apologizing and affirming his coming here as a mistake he will not let happen against. You beg him stay, telling him you're fine and that he's done nothing wrong. But he's already out the door.
●The emotional whiplash of the night leaves you sobbing into your pillow until sleep takes you. Zevlor needs to let off some steam and goes on a long midnight run. He's furious with himself. The thought of having failed you is almost unbearable. Even worse Zevlor's mind won't stop drifting back to the taste of your lips and the warmth of your breasts. He feels like some kind of untamed brute. How could he ever face you again?
thank you, thank you for reading. This is another one on the list to turn into a proper fic. Haven't decided just how angsty I want to get with it. Any thoughts let me know 🧡
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𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙛𝙛
Headcanon: Daily life of you dating them. Ft Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai and Ranpo
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A/n: accept this as a payback for being gone for to long. Miss you guys, how have you been?
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You need to deal with him fr to much.
Can see him ordering drinks during you dates, specifically asking the waiter to bring two straws only to see him drink it from both.
Are you even dating him if you both haven't already taken couple quizzes on the Internet.
This mf istg. LIKE you are about to kiss and he would bump his forehead with yours.
Either he is 10/10 romantic or will be the worst lover in history.
Aww but imagine, if you are in bad mood and insecure or stuff, or saying why you hate your self, he would overhear that and list you things he likes about you. Cute, BUT STOP HIM BEFORE IT GOES FOREVER.
Never leave him alone at home. This man would bring those glow in the dark stars and paste it all over your room. THE LIGHT SO BRIGHT IT BLINDS YOU EYES.
UwU that gives him and you a reason to sleep together on the couch.
You both tried to set up yourself as avatars on games, trying to get your virtual self together only for Dazai's avatar to turn into a bread and commit arson.
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Can imagine you both raking up leaves and jumping into them.
he trying their best to be quiet while you are taking a nap.
This man gets into a heated argument with someone begins threatening them, only for you to pick him up and toss him over your shoulders walking away while he still shouts.
10/10 perfect dynamic couples
You both will visit a field of flowers as a dating spot and thinking you have time to take photos but then both of you end up laying in the field together and picking beautiful flowers for each other. Bonus when both of you make flower crowns for each other.
He kisses you before heading out to kill people, while you lie still in bed trina cope up completing your education degree he can never have. (Lets be real, they are 22, people are finishing college at that moment and not killing people for fun-)
You tried to connect to his Wi-Fi and jokingly put your own name in as the password.
WELL that actually worked and you are connected to his Wi-Fi. (STFU ITS NOT CRINGE ITS FLUFF)
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THIS MAN likes stealing your phone to change your phone's wallpaper into cursed pics from your Pinterest. 10/10 morning trauma
He helps you dry and brush your hair after a shower and visa versa.
Normalising playing on the swings at a small playground that nobody goes to anymore because that's what two sane persons do.
Hands down, both of you tried to cross your kitchen playing three-legged race.
Never let this man draw. You both will be drawing each other and man will breakdown just because he cant lift a pencil. HOW CAN YOU LIFT A MF GUN THEN??
Once you and him were stranded on a raft in the middle of a lake. DONT ASK WHY.
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You have to tie balloons around his hand so he doesn't get lost in the crowd.
JUST IMAGINE-, He has a french fry in his mouth and dares you to steal it from him. and when you try to do it, he puts the whole fry in his mouth and makes you kiss him. 10/10 RIZZNPO.
Thanks to his amazing direction skills, you both get lost in IKEA.
HUJFDISF He will touch your face and tell you its really soft while he gives nose kisses!>>>
Presuming you can knit, he forced you to make a very very very long scarf, only for him to make you sit beside him and share it. (No dazai, that cannot be your rope)
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Thanks for reading! I am thinking to change my writing theme. But either ways Do vote if you like ig? Byee lysm :D ๑ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY ๑PORT MAFIA ๑MASTERLIST ๑HEADCANONS
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cowboy-robooty · 2 years
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LISTEN TO MY AU, BOY. zomggg check it out okay dish is mai hetalia middle school au ^_^ hope u like how half these draws are literally over two years old but i spliced in like two new images rodf. OKAY ANYWAYS THO. so in this au everyones a 7th or 8th grade because i love violence
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Germany - be careful who you call ugly in middleschool to da max. do not ask him if hes in republican club HES HAD IT HE JUST WANTS TO LOOK "SHARP" HES NOT A CONSERVATIVE STOP IT GUYS YOURE SO MEAN!!1!1!1!!! total A plus student yada yada u know him he also tried to run for student council president and actually won because his competator was england and everyone got their asses up to vote purely because they all agreed theyd fucking had it with englands bullshit but then the school was like wtf u know only 8th graders can be student president but england literally got one vote (from himself) so they have put the entire student body indefinately on hold since stopping people from making pancakes in the boys restroom is a higher priority rn
- Italy - Fucking Idiot. Besties with germany since forever cuz germany was/is autistic asf so he had mad trouble talking to people without sounding aggressive and italy is a fucking idiot who does not give a single shit. they bonded over germany being so fucking disgusted by italy eating grass and glue at lunch that he'd share half of his own lunch wif him and then told that his lunch tasted like his grandmas dentures <3 love wins. been in a friend group wif germany and japan since elementary school teehee!!!!
- Romano - twin brother (yes theyre twins here but romano is still older by matsuno rules) o' italy yeah romano already acts like hes 12 in canon theres nothin else to add
- America - unfortunately cursed with brother of england disease (god bless his soul) motherfucker also already acts like hes 12 in canon tf why do all these characters already act this way. okay but fr tho hes chill hes cool hes a weeb asf tho but pretty close to japan since they bond after school cuz america and englands parents drive china and japan home with them since china and japan's parents are too busy with work so china and japan just hang out at their house. Japan's forced to be apart of englands band but always ends up hanging out with america (because he actually has fun with him) despite how england keeps trying to say america cant hang out with them because hes a 7th grader
8th graders
- Japan - Straight A student as always but hes also the gateway for all the weeaboo infections at school. he introduced america to nico nico douga and hasnt recovered since. he tried to make takoyaki in the school restrooms once because he wanted everyone people to hopefully like them and stop making fun of him for loving balls (world peace will be achieved if i EVERYONE loves balls not just me) but unfortunately everyone kept buying only the pancakes :(((((( older cousin is china (they live in the same house basically tho cuz family lives close together n all). japans in 8th grade with him because he skipped a grade lol yeah japans 12 just like germany and italy
- England - Lead singer of his rock band "The Brapples" (fucking stupid ass name based off the beatles). its an after school garage band consisting of him, japan, and china but they dont even make any music they just hang out bc its hard to do punk songs with a keyboard on classic piano mode and a violin. He acts like hes a big punk rebel cool boy and all and wears cool jackets but hes actually a good two shoes snitch who is the only hall monitor at school because nobody wants to work wif him rodf. literally a fucking menace will rat out anybody instantly unless you bribe him and then he snitches on you for bribing. he tried to go for student council president but literally everybody agrees hes so fucking obnoxious fuck this bitch fr. dont get me wrong tho i luv england rodf hes the kid who everyone fucking hates but hes still accepted in da class friend group albiet with the role of "that friend nobody likes". the dee reynolds of the group if you will
- 7th and 8th graders have mixed P.E. together and everyone has last block P.E. yayyy everyones together!1!!1
- 7th and 8th graders also have mixed lunch together but 6th graders have their own seperate lunch
- prussia spain and france are the mfs who make pancakes in the school restroom
- japan draws ship doujins of germany x italy for cash (all his art looks like the classic how to draw manga books) he sells his doujins for a dollar and everyones thinking theyre getting a little stale but have faith okay americas helping him with his next one to bring new concepts!1!1!1! italy thinks its funnie and likes being drawn hot asf and germany acts scandalized but goes "BUT- WELL WHO AM I TO DISCOURAGE YOU FROM PURSUING THE ARTS.......... and uhm. as the subject matter i should see how youre portraying me as well so you got any spare copies-"
- germany has a secret crush on italy fr and italy doesnt have a crush but does want to marry and travel the world with germany and live with him forever. he doesnt think thats a crush
- they all use human names within the au rodf but for this info post i use country names since thats easier to keep track of
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 6 months
Cursed Lips Sink Ships
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A/N: Nothin special.. Just out fave cursed speaker takin things a bit too far..
Toge didn't mean to. He swear on all that he honors the word just slipped from his lips. If any ones to blame it should be you. Two of you in a empty class room, supposed to be practicing a few techniques. That went out the window when you tripped, grabbing onto Toge's arm and taking him down with you.
He absolutely cannot recall how it ended up with you shamelessly writhing in his lap nude. One hand sloshing around inside your hungry lil puss while the other kneads your tit, deep blue manicured fingers massaging the soft flesh roughly as you moan out to him.
"Tooogeee! You see it? Don't look away, pussy's so wet for you. She likes you so much, huh? Know you like it too. Dont think I can't feel how h-hard your dick is. Bet it's as pretty as you are.. Mmmm.. Keep watching."
So he stares at you through the wide, long mirror adorning the thin wall. The sight and nasty filth spewing from your alluring lips makes his dick twitch and leak in his black slacks. Bad enough they're fucking drenched from the mess spillin outta you and he doesn't have a second pair with him.
"Doing so gooood, Toge. Listen like such a good boy. Ahhh.. Got me so close, gonna cum on my fingers so hard."
Fuck, he wants to see that. NEEDS to see it like he needs air. Toge just hopes he can hold his nut before then. It doesn't help that your ass repeatedly grinds slow circles on his cock. Doesn't help at all that you smell so good: like fresh fruit and blossoms and he doesn't know why that's so arousing.
"Ohfuckohfuck! Never felt this good before. Cause of you, Toge. All cause of youuu!"
Now he has to close his eyes for a moment, can't take the way your head leans back on his shoulder as you stare up at him in a daze. Body so soft, curves on display as you press against him sensually.
He doesn't understand how you think he can endure this. Just the sounds of your loud sloppy finger fuck is finna make him abandon this lil charade. He's bout to have the whole school hear the wails he can draw from your glossy lined lips.
"Open your eyes, Toge. Mmmfuck- gotta keep your pretty eyes on me, member? Eyes on me and n-no touchin. Then maybe I let you get a taste.."
Toge gulps, eyes opening as he squirms into the hard floor. His nails dig sharply into his thighs, hoping that's enough to keep from pinning you down and stuffing his face into your puffy brown folds.
"Ohhhh! Toge! Toge, I'm so close! You ready? Huh, baby? Ahhhfuh- wanna see me cum?"
Its cute how quick he nods for you, gaze so desperate as he stares in-between your legs through the reflection. So fuckin thirsty for it as you lose control in his arms, goosebumps covering his skin when your fingers rub neat little circles on your clit.
"Almost theeeere-"
'Come on, sweetheart.' Toge thinks. 'Cum for me. Lemme have it, y/n. Cum, cum, cum-.'
He doesn't mean to, the word spilling from his lips before he can stop. Cursed energy flowing out with it, compelling you to obey forcefully. The orgasm is so fuckin ferocious, forces your pitiful lil puss to contract around your fingers powerfully. It doesnt matter that you rip both hands from your overstimulated frame, still cumming like you got direct pressure on your throbbing lil button.
"P-plee-easse To! S-stooop! STOP!"
The amount of liquid that comes outta you is insane, bathing Toge's lower half as you drain your pussy on his clothed cock. You buck so widly in his lap, he has to grip your spasming body tight. Just cant take his eye's of your reflection, watching when you reach back to grip the hair at his nape to anchor yourself.
Toge's so sorry, so so fuckin sorry. Can't believe he got caught slippin like this. He doesn't know how to help you more than covering up your hysterical shrieks with his palm as he cradles your body to his. Feels like Satan himself when he has to tense his gut to not buss at the scene before him.
"Salmon.. Salmon.." He whispers soothingly at your ear, apologizing over and over.
You cum for a full minute, the longest 60 seconds of your fucking life. Can't breath or see pass the tunnel vision as your sweaty frame goes limp in Toge's arm. Don't feel him shakin your body frantically and tappin at your warm cheek as he tries to wake you. You're completely outta it when Saturo clears his throat, knockin sharply outside the classroom door.
"Is everyone- uh.. Everything okay in there?"
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Painted Pretty
Travelling through hyperspace after a mission can be boring, unless you’re sharing a ship with five men.
Pairing: All Batch x f!reader
Word count: 2.8k
Rating: NSFW 18+ MINORS DNI!!
Warnings: bukkake, lots of praise, fraternal polyandry (aka the boys are all with reader), consensual recording (it’s a hobby), light marking, cum eating, squint and you might see a breeding kink, fluffy aftercare, also squint for some bratty behaviour (one guess who that is), handjobs, fingering, unprotected PiV, oral (m!receiving and f!receiving), squint again for a possible reference to somnophilia, no clonecest.
A/N: Keeping track of five of them was a nightmare.
I will also die on the hill that Tech and Cross are tube twins.
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It’s cold in the cockpit. Not entirely uncommon when travelling through hyperspace, but you have a feeling your lack of clothes isn’t helping the matter.
The durasteel floor bites into your knees, even with a standard-issue blanket cushioning them. The hum of the engine and hyperdrive fill the air, along with the ragged breathing of the five men standing around you.
“So pretty for us.” The smoky rasp of Hunter’s voice graces your ears as he admires you, eyes taking in every exposed curve of your body as he lazily pumps his cock.
You can’t help but smile sweetly, batting your lashes just a little as you reach out a hand to trail your fingers across his hipbone, raking your nails ever so teasingly down his strong, tattooed thigh. The action pulls a moan from him, a curse leaving his lips. He reaches for you, smoothing his hand across your head, tangling his fingers in your hair.
His hips flex forward, pressing the head of his cock to your lips. They part easily and you draw him in, flattening your tongue against the underside of him. He groans, gently thrusting in and out, watching the way your kiss-swollen lips from the earlier make-out session seal around him.
Slender fingers reach for you and guide your free hand, your fingers curling around the slightly longer but equally girthy cock you’re led to. Your eyes flit to the side, taking in the heat in Crosshair’s sharp eyes as you stroke him.
“Such a good girl.” The slink of the sniper's voice coils around you. The praise makes you preen, even as you continue lavishing attention to Hunter’s cock with every bob of your head.
A warm body presses to your back, your eyes falling shut for a moment at the contact, but you refuse to stop bringing pleasure to two of the men you adore. “That’s it, darling.” Tech whispers in your ear, pressing soft kisses and light bites to the juncture where your neck and shoulder meet, offering gentle encouragement even as he grinds his hard-on against your ass. He slides an arm around your waist, dexterous fingers making contact with your clit and he proceeds to trace slow but firm circles on it. You moan at the sensation, earning a grunt from Hunter as he continues to fuck your mouth.
Hunter pulls out a moment later, the lewd pop of his cock sliding from your lips echoing in the cockpit. He dips down to press a sweet kiss to your forehead before taking himself back in hand, freeing your mouth for one of his vods.
The decision of who’s next is unspoken, and Echo steps forward.
Even as your hand continues working Crosshair, even with Tech pressed against you, you look up and offer Echo a soft smile. His rescue had only been a handful of weeks ago, but he’d fallen so effortlessly into place with the rest of the squad. And now, he’d get a share of you too.
You can see a twinge of self-consciousness on his face, so you reach for him, drawing him in by the back of his metal thigh until you can slide your lips down the length of his hard cock to place a series of kisses, reassuring him silently as you take the tip in your mouth and sink on him until he hits the back of your throat.
The gasp Echo lets out is beautiful, and you watch as his eyes fall shut, hips canting on instinct as he chases the warm, wetness of your mouth.
“See. Sharing ain’t so bad, Reg.” Crosshair lets out a dark chuckle, punctuated by a hiss as you swipe your thumb across his frenulum on the upstroke, your eyes turning to him, eyebrow quirking upwards. He stares you down for a second, but you refuse to look away first, and those sinful lips of his curl into a smirk as his eyes close, narrow hips rolling with each stroke of your hand.
Echo’s hand on the top of your head pulls your attention back to him, and you hold his gaze as he slides in and out of your mouth, watching the stretch of your lips and the small pools of saliva forming in the corners of your mouth. You’re an absolute sight – and he can’t get enough of it.
A firm but steady push on your back has you rocking forward a little, and a muffled cry of delight leaves you as you feel the head of Tech’s cock press against your entrance, his fingers still playing with your clit. “I usually have a lot of patience, darling, but when you’re like this…” He trails off, laving more kisses on your throat as you feel the stretch of him pushing into you.
“Hey no fair!” Wrecker chimes in, the big man has been watching from the sidelines, large hand working his equally proportionate length. He knew you struggled to take all of him, and that you needed to work up to him, so he was usually happy to sit back and wait a little for his turn during group sessions.
Blindly your hand leaves Echo’s thigh, reaching for Wrecker. He steps closer, and your fingers curl around his cock, unable to get a full grip on him. You stroke him once, twice, and he settles a little. You moan around Echo as he continues to fuck your mouth, the sweet drag of Tech’s cock with each of his thrusts driving you insane.
“Fuck, cyar’ika. You should see yourself right now. Absolutely beautiful.” Hunter comments lowly, still jerking himself as he takes in the vision before him. Echo’s cock in your mouth, Wrecker and Crosshair in your hands, and Tech slowly taking you from behind. The streaks of light from hyperspace bathe you in the most gorgeous glow and Hunter can feel that he’s close, the scene pushing him near the edge, and from the quickened heartbeats of his vod, they all are too.
Wrecker’s grunts drown out his brothers, and you’re well-versed by now in what that means. Mouth sliding from Echo’s cock you tilt your head in Wrecker’s direction, closing your eyes, tongue out as you continue stroking him. Seconds later you feel the warm ropes of his release hit your face, catching some on your tongue, which you greedily swallow as he groans through his orgasm. Your hand shifts to run across his hip in a gentle gesture as the last few drops hit your face.
Wrecker has set off a chain reaction. The low growl from Crosshair has you turning your head the other way, eyes still closed and tongue still out. The sniper's hand weaves into your hair, keeping you close as you give him a few more strokes until he’s cumming across your face too, painting you with it. His noises of pleasure are quieter and his fingers ghost down your jawline, propping your chin up. “Let me see.” He whispers as he catches a breath.
Knowing this was his favourite part, you savour slowly opening your eyes, meeting his hawkish gaze. Delight flares in those sharp eyes of his as he looks you over, taking in every small detail of your face covered in his and Wrecker’s cum, and the irresistible colour of your eyes. Most people were unable to hold his gaze longer than a few moments, but you’d never felt anything other than safe under his intense stare.
“Beautiful,” Crosshair whispers, hand falling from your chin as he reaches for a spare rag to clean himself off.
You feel Tech moving, drawing a moan from you as he slides his cock in and out of you, pulling your attention back to the rest of them. “Whose turn is it, beloved?” He whispers in your ear between thrusts. It had caused quite a lot of tension between the brothers at first – who would get to make you cum during group sessions.
Going back over the last few sessions, your gaze slides to Hunter, the corners of your lips curving upwards. “It’s been a while, Sarge.” You purr.
“Fuck.” Hunter curses, gripping the base of himself to stop from finishing too soon.
With a wicked smile, you look up at Echo once again, giving him your full attention, pushing his hand away from his cock so you can work him. “You gonna cum for me, Echo?” You ask, lips pouting a little.
“Cyare…” He grits out, jaw clenched. He’s quick to let out a sharp gasp, hips jerking forward as his release joins the others across your face. The look of satisfaction he wears as he rides through the high makes you smile, and as much as you want to brush a finger across your cheek and taste them, you know you have to wait.
“Good boy.” You can’t help but tease, enjoying the groan Echo lets out and how his eyes close at the praise for a second. You’d had a feeling he’d like it.
It also pulls a noise from Tech, who’d momentarily stilled inside of you, too damn close for his liking. It had amused you no end to learn of the genius's love for compliments, and even if they weren’t aimed at him, you knew those two words would make his exceptional mind go blank.
A whine leaves your lips as you feel Tech pull out of you, rising to his feet and circling you. Your eyes find his behind the yellow lenses of his goggles, and for a second you glance at the small camera attached to them, shifting ever so slightly to give a better view of your body. The action pulls a small smile from him.
At first, you’d insisted he take it off, and with no question he’d left it in his kit crate. But with time you’d warmed to the idea, trusting implicitly that no one outside of the squad would see the videos. You knew he had a whole folder of content buried deep on his datapad, heavily encrypted.
Eyes skipping down his body, your tongue darts out to lick your lips as you watch his hand slide along his cock. Faintly you register the taste of the others in your mouth.
Tech crooks a finger on his free hand, and you scoot forward a little, head tipping back and eyes closing. His breath catches as he admires you, and his hand stills as his orgasm hits him, making his thighs quiver as he watches the pearly ribbons land across your lips and cheek. He reaches out, smoothing his other hand down your throat and across the small marks blooming on your shoulder before he steps back, taking a rag from his twin.
The weight of a heavy gaze lands on you, and you tip your head to search for it. Your eyes meet Hunter’s and he stalks forward, letting go of his cock long enough to grasp you, gently manoeuvring you down onto the blanket. The moment your back hits the soft surface he’s between your thighs, talented tongue lapping at your pussy while one of his hands reaches up to grasp your breasts, fingers tweaking your pebbled nipples. He won’t finish until you do.
Your hands find their way into his hair, snagging a little on his slightly askew bandana. Pleasure zips through your body, back arching as you gasp, feeling the firm press of his tongue as he licks slow lines up and down your folds, ignoring your clit for now. It’s maddening. And he damn well knows it.
“Hunter. Please.” You beg, having been riled up ever since Crosshair had pinned you to the wall of the Marauder and started this whole thing off. You feel Hunter smile against you and his tongue flicks, catching on your clit and stealing your breath as he slides two fingers into you.
He eats you out like a man starved – even though you’d woken up only two days ago to find him between your thighs. The lewd sounds of his lips and tongue devouring you makes your breath quicken, the coil building low in your belly as he drives you towards the edge.
And then he looks up. Those endless brown eyes roving up your body until he meets your gaze focused on you with determination and reverence, tongue furiously working your clit as he scissors his fingers in and out of you.
It’s too much.
Crying out his name, the coil snaps. Warmth rushes through you as you clench around his fingers, mind going blank as small tremors run through your body while you ride out the high.
Hunter’s not done with you, though.
His lips and fingers leave you and you make a noise of protest, even as you try to catch your breath. He grasps your thighs, hauls you closer, and in a fluid motion slides into you, bottoming out.
Your moans combine, the sensation of fullness you feel and the warm tightness he experiences will never get old. All eyes are on you, watching the way your body arches, the way your head tilts back and you gasp as Hunter sets a comfortable pace, pleasure building again with every drag of his cock in and out of you.
He slides a hand underneath your hips, pushing you up a little to adjust the angle, and you see stars.
His thrusts grow sloppy as you climax for the second time, thighs shaking and breath coming in pants as the pleasure sweeps you away. Although he desperately wants to finish inside your warm, wet heat, Hunter pulls out a moment later, drawing you up to rest on your elbows and forearms. A few quick strokes with his hand and he lets out a shaky groan, adding his release to the four others on you.
He winces a little, feeling over-sensitive, and releases his cock. The smile on your face is beautiful, the mischief in your eyes making him love you just that little bit more. He waits a second just to torment you before he gives the smallest nod of his head. You reach up, slowly drawing a finger across your cheek to gather as much of the mess they've made as possible, putting on a little show. Pushing their combined releases towards your mouth, you part your lips and finally taste them.
Varying noises fill the cockpit, each of your five men captivated by the sight, and if you weren’t so exhausted, you’d happily give them 20 minutes to recover before going again.
Hunter pulls you up a little more until you’re sat on your knees, and a rag appears in your peripheral. You feel boneless and sated, and holding yourself up right now is a struggle. Seeing this, Wrecker kneels behind you, letting you lean back and rest against his chest, an arm secured around your middle as Hunter carefully wipes your face clean.
Other hands caress you. Crosshair strokes down one of your arms, while Tech pushes errant strands of your hair from your face. Echo rubs soft circles on your thighs.
“So good for us, babe.” Wrecker comments, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You sink against him a little more, eyes fluttering shut as Hunter finishes cleaning your face, tossing the rag aside. The tiredness starts to settle in – as much as you loved the men around you, keeping up with all five of them was exhausting, especially post-mission.
“Absolutely perfect.” Echo chimes in as you feel the edge of a bottle of water pressed to your lips. You don’t know which of them is encouraging you to drink, but you take a few small sips, only now realising how parched you are.
The water disappears after you’ve had your fill, and you force your eyes open, spending a second looking at each of them. The openness and adoration in their expressions make your heart thump. How did you get so lucky?
“You require rest.” Tech insists, gesturing with a tilt of his head towards the bunks. Wrecker scoops you up effortlessly, and you don’t have it in you to protest. You’d hated being picked up at the beginning, but after seeing him shove assault tanks off cliffs and pry open blast doors with his bare hands, you’re no longer worried.
As you’re carried through the ship you call home, your heart warms at the gentle way Wrecker sets you down on his bunk. He draws the blanket over you, snagging Lula from nearby and offering her to you. The sweet gesture makes you laugh, and you gratefully take the little tooka doll.
Tucked up safely, your eyes close once again as each of them press kisses to your forehead. The bunk creaks a little as Tech joins you, lying down behind you. It’s cosy but you make it work. Nowhere on the ship is big enough for you all to enjoy a cuddle puddle, so they take turns holding you while you sleep. With your back to his chest, the comforting white noise of the engines humming, it doesn’t take long for sleep to draw you under.
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