#i need to stop thinking of marauders on reality shows
ecstarry · 25 days
imagine reg and james entering love is blind as a joke but actually falling in love in the pods and being the only couple that actually says yes at the altar
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thebibutterflyao3 · 2 years
Marauders Fandom
We need to talk about Lily Evans.
The amount of misogyny directed at this character is truly mind-boggling and I think many of you are completely unaware you’re doing it. There are so many rich, in-depth characterizations of the male characters in the Marauders era because we accept that they are deeply flawed people. It’s because of these flaws that we identify with them, adore them, and can relate to them. These four idiots experience damaging trauma, homophobia, discrimination, and countless character building experiences that allow them to capture your imagination. Through fanfiction, we inflict numerous situations and create relationships that challenge logic, reality, and canon. It makes them powerful figures in our minds!
Now, let’s talk about the female Marauders era characters. Dorcas and Marlene are lesbians. Marlene is a Sirius-variant. Dorcas and Mary are Black. Lily is perfect in every way. Mary is stylish and popular. This is more or less the level of depth given to these characters in nearly every fic I’ve read that includes them. What a disgusting disservice to women.
Female characters can be written with just as many flaws, experience the same challenges, and deserve the opportunity to grow into the powerful figures they could be. The one that I feel is shafted the most often is Lily mother-fucking Evans. The witch who was at the top of her class, compared in canon to Hermione as a perfectionist and know-it-all muggle-born, who grew up with Petunia as an older sister, and Severus Snape as a best friend. You’re going to look me in the eyeballs and tell me this woman wasn’t complicated? She wasn’t flawed, traumatized, and intense? We’ve taken the rich characterization potential this character offered and given it to Regulus Black. The correlations that can be made between Regulus and Lily are wild, yet anyone who writes her as anything but sunshine and rainbows is accused of villainizing her.
News flash: Your misogyny is showing. Why do you expect Lily to be perfect? Because society expects women to be perfect. Why are male characters allowed to be flawed assholes? Because society allows and accepts men as flawed assholes, encourages it even.
I find it endlessly fascinating that I can write Regulus as a snarky, intense, anxious, and a complete prick with nothing but full support from the fandom because he’s “traumatized.” If I write Lily the same way? I’m “villainizing” her or you “hate her” for thinking she knows better than everyone else. Stop treating women like dolls. We are powerful individuals with the potential to brighten or destroy your whole fucking world. Don’t make the same mistake the patriarchy has and dismiss, undermine, and overlook women.
I know Lily Jane Evans (yes, I gave her a middle name because she fucking deserves one). I wrote a 430k+ deep dive into her childhood and upbringing, as well as all 7 years at Hogwarts. I explored her friendship with Snape, her family, and her relationship with James. I’ve done my research and I built her character from the ground up. Lily Evans is an anxious, intense, introvert who made Hogwarts her home and rose to the rank of Head Girl before she left. Sound like Percy Weasley to anyone? She’s certainly a compassionate, loving, and generous person too, but let her have flaws! Let her be annoying, feel inadequate, and fuck things up! Let her live!
If you want more fanfiction focused on female characters, stop pretending they are perfect. No one wants to write about perfect people. No one wants to read about them either. Let women be flawed assholes too. We can do both. We’re flexible like that.
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the--fith--marauder · 6 months
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After years and years of fantasies and day dreams, James Potter was finally at his and Lily Evans' wedding. Well actually, soon to be Lily Potters' wedding.
All of his fellow Marauders stood by him, each of them his best man because how could he choose just one of them? They were all best friends so why put one above the others. And remember, they all swore to it in 3rd year.
“No matter what, we'll all be each other's best men! So we don't need to make anyone feel left out!”
They had just had the ceremony. James cried, so did Lily. Sirius did, trying so desperately not to show it and there were definite, but not obvious tears down both Remus and Peters' faces. Beautiful vows exchanged, a shiny diamond ring and most importantly, the kiss.
“You may now kiss the bride..” James had been waiting for those words since the dawn of time, and finally his dream was now a reality.
He watched his new wife walk down to the edge of the dance floor, bouquet in hand as all the ladies gathered behind her in a group to try and desperately catch it. After all, who didn't want to be the next one married? James sat at the bar, not two metres away, with Remus at his side, waiting for the event to unfold.
He turned to Remus, noticing the sweat dripping from his face and the uneven breathing.
"Moony, you good?" James had asked, concerned for his friend.
"Oh..yeah Prongs" Remus said, wiping his forehead and tighting his grip inside his own pocket.
The pair returned to watch, as Lily was about to throw the bouquet of flowers into the small herd behind her. She raised her arms and all the ladies began to reach upwards. But Lily stopped, she turned around to face everyone and brang the flowers back down to her chest. The music halted, and was no longer blasting in people's ears, it was now soft and gentle.
She walked away. No. She started walking over to someone. She clicked her heels past every girl in the small group and placed the bouquet in Sirius' hands. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows confused, that was until Remus joined the pair and Lily backed away with a smile, soon joined by James, holding her close.
Sirius softened his gaze at Remus, smiling contently. Remus got down on one knee, and pulled a ring, presenting it to his boyfriend, proudly.
Sirius began to tear up, clutching harder at the flowers' stems.
"Sirius Black, you have been: my best friend, the light of my life, my escape, and my love for years. I have loved you in more ways than one, and I will continue to love you until the petals of an iron daisy wither away...so I'll always love you..." he clarified after a short pause, giggles were heard from behind the soft leaves of the flowers.
"With great joy, I ask you Sirius..will you marry me?" Remus said, smiling and eyebrows knitted together.
Sirius covered his eyes as to not show his tears, he nodded his head continuously, and dove on the floor in front of Remus to lock him into a hug.
James' grip on Lily's waist had tightened and he grinned from ear to ear. He didn't think that anything could make this day better, but know and behold he gets married, and his best friends get engaged.
The engaged couple, slowly rose up to a stand, still clinging onto eachother will happy smiles and giddy eyes.
Peter was the first to congratulate them, pulling the pair of them into a hug. "Wow guys, always a flare for the dramatic.." He said, smiling.
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scorchieart · 1 year
Hey, Scorchie! ☺️ For the ask a reader meme: A9, A10, B3, B10, C4, C9
Take care! (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) 💖
Hello Syn! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you're taking care, too 💖
A9: Who was your first ship?
Haha, I honestly rarely get bit by the shipping bug. And if I do, it's always for canon relationships. The earliest I can think of is Aang and Katara.
A10: Who did you have your first fanfic-related conversation with? What was it about?
Ooooh, here's a short story-time.
I answered in another ask that the first fanfic I read was a Harry Potter fic. Well, that fic was introduced to me by my two best friends. We called ourselves Chocolate, Chip, and Cookie back then (I was Cookie 😋)
We talked about what we liked/disliked about the story and how certain scenes fit/didn't fit with the main canon. It was so fun that the three of us decided to try our hands at writing a fic. Chocolate had the best handwriting, so she was the scribe. Chip was the biggest Potterhead, so she was our fact-checker. And I... I was the fanfic noob, so I was just along for the ride. We came up with a story about the Marauders at Hogwarts and we shared it with the other fans in our class to humble success. That was years ago, and we never posted the story online, so the only copy is still over at Chocolate's house somewhere.
And that's the story of the first fanfic I ever worked on.
B3: What’s the best device to read on (phone, laptop, tablet…)? Why?
If you asked me in high school, I would say phone because it's the easiest to hide under the blankets when you're pretending to be asleep. Today I say laptop because it's more convenient to open tabs in case you want to save a story for later and it's easier to type comments on.
B10: What is the best plot twist you’ve ever seen?
In the realm of fanfiction, the best twist I've read was in a Hunter x Hunter story where an OC character was introduced so seamlessly into an existing arc from the series and then was revealed to be the target of a canon character... it made sense in the context of the story and it was so emotional it blew my mind (and my heart).
I tried looking for the story again to link it here, but it seems to have been removed T.T I don't think a story necessarily has to be super long to have a satisfying plot twist, but this beast was 70k+ words. And it was incomplete the last time I read it.
C4: What thing that fandom loves do you actually kind of hate? Why?
Ok, so the main reason I don't participate in shipping culture is because I've seen the ugly side of it on the internet and irl. Such wonderful art and stories and creativity have come out of ships, but the reality is that's not always the case. You can do your best to ignore it, but if a shipping war breaks out sometimes it's best to dip entirely. It's exhausting just to watch, I can only imagine what it must feel like to be a part of it.
To my knowledge this doesn't exist in the ikemen fandom, and I appreciate that.
C9: What show did you really try to watch, but you just couldn’t?
I am notoriously bad at completing recommendations people give me in a timely manner. I need the person who recommended the thing to sit with me and watch it so I can get the best experience, I think.
But one show I tried watching with a friend but I couldn't complete is Akame ga Kill. I never read the manga, but the impression the first 5 episodes gave me was that it was a generic dark world that kept trying to flood you with gore and edginess to distract from its very bland plot and characters.
Reader to reader, let's share some questions.
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igarbagecannoteven · 1 year
hi annie!! thanks so much for stopping by i hope you're doing well 💙
👀: okay so neither of these are 5sos fics but i'll give two different vibes to keep things interesting :)) first off we've got Slitherdale by JombleBoingus which bella read to me out loud after we finished the final season of riverdale and it made me laugh so hard i was actually gasping for air! you don't need any knowledge of riverdale in order to enjoy it so. yeah sdkfjlskdjfljd You're On Your Own, Kid by ohmygodshesinsane which is a heartbreaking marauders-era character study of marlene mckinnon that' just. ohhhh my gosh so heartbreaking and so good and really struck a cord with me in how it talks about relationships and i just. i don't even usually read marauders-era stuff (or much hp fic in general) but this was very well done.
🧠: okay i don't know how long a ramble this is going to be but i am currently entrapped by the television show of all time, aka riverdale and i'm just sorta gonna word vomit about it a little bit so um. yeah you are under no obligation to read this. putting it under a cut bc. yeah. i'm crazy i'm a crazy person do you see me writing my own speech patterns into tumblr posts that's crazy sdkljflkdjs
OKAY so currently thinking about how jughead claims that he and veronica are supposed to be foils to archie and betty which like, on one hand kinda, but on the other hand not really i feel like they're more, not foils exactly but two sides of the same coin but different? i'm missing a word but whatever that is for each other. while archie and betty are both solidly middle class, jughead and veronica are on the extreme opposite ends of the spectrum, with veronica being pretty wealthy and jughead being from the "wrong side of the tracks". jughead is homeless in season one (and seems to have been living that way for a while) while veronica has just been "displaced" since most of her family's wealth has been seized since her father was arrested for embezzlement. in season one she tries to comfort ethel, whose parents are worried they're going to lose their house due to money troubles, by saying that she knows what it's like to lose a home even though the conversation is taking place in the dining area of her penthouse/fancy apartment. she does kinda try to relate to jughead this way as well but not as explicitly (possibly bc she knows he'll call bullshit) HOWEVER despite the fact that it seems like veronica and jughead's living situations couldn't be more different, in the final season (spoiler alert) veronica gets locked out of her parent's flat and is forced to live in the movie theater where she works just like how jughead lived at the drive- movie theater *he* worked at in the very first episode!!! (obvs there are still key differences since veronica owns the movie theater but my point still stands) continuing to compare s7 veronica with episode 1 jughead, while in the beginning jughead's parents were the absent ones with his mother and sister in another state and his dad an alcoholic gang member, in s7 veronica's parents are now absent as they've sent her to riverdale to live by herself despite the fact that's only fifteen or sixteen. they've both been put in positions where the adults in their life expect them to be fully self-sufficient while still in high school and don't even bother to check in regularly to make sure they're actually doing okay. then there's their belief that their respective besties are much better, more perfect people than they are, despite the really obvious signs that they aren't perfect (archie's vigilante complex, "dark betty", etc) but there's the difference in how they handle those feelings, with jughead mythologizing archie to the point that he warps reality around this fact while continuing to view himself as an outsider in archie's life, while meanwhile veronica spends much of season 1 trying to deserve to be betty's friend by becoming a better person and eventually (spoiler alert) falls in love with her in s7 and AAAAAAA there are so many more parallels and/or juxtapositions btwn these two but i'm gonna shut up now thank you for your time.
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hazelsmirrorball · 2 years
The Marauders| Marauders X GN! READER
Summary: Peter gets a camera and decides to make a reality show with his best friends, the marauders.
Notes: The tilted parts are for you guys to identify where are they doing the little interviews. Also, I wrote this at one am but I honestly like how fun it is. I could do more parts if you guys enjoyed part one. This is based on the office confessionals so I hope you guys like it. 
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 James sat down on the Gryffindor common room couch. He straightened his robes and smiled mischievously towards the camera he waves the camera man to come closer, which he does. He slowly whispers like he was telling the world’s biggest top secret. 
“So, I did a thing…” he intertwines his hands together and before he could continue talking to the camera, Sirius ran quickly behind James pushing him harshly out of the couch and face forward towards the floor. 
“You can’t take credit for what I did” Sirius said with an annoyed tone in his voice making emphasis on the “I”. He jumps on the couch from behind sitting where James previously sat.
“HEY! YOU CAN’T JUST PUSH ME AROUND PADFOOT” James said while brushing himself off and sitting next to him. James punches Sirius' arm making him return the gesture. Both boys started fighting, the camera slowly focused on Remus who was near the stairs reading a book. When he looks up to catch the guys, he instantly rolls his eyes and closes his book standing up. 
Remus looked at the camera while fixing his sweater. He cleared his throat ready to start with his confessional. In the background you could see James and Sirius wrestling on the floor.
“James and Sirius had come up with the marvelous idea to set up our single friend, (Y/N). They said that (Y/N) should loosen up a little. Being honest I think they should just let them be. I think I know (Y/n) pretty well to say the least, but they don’t want to listen to me. And when you don’t listen to me this is what happens” he said while pointing towards James and Sirius. 
“Should I stop this?” Remus asks Peter, making him shake the camera, yes. 
“You know what, I think I should go to drink some tea with (Y/n). I’ll let you work with that. Have fun” 
Peter gets closer, getting a clearer view of James on top of Sirius. He was tugging Sirius by the hair in reaction towards that Sirius accidentally kicks the Peter’s leg making him fall on top of them. 
“Fuck Sirius! I think you broke the new bloody camera” 
“Why do you care so much about the camera? We almost killed Peter” 
“We? You mean you, you were the one that kicked his leg” James said pushing him.
“You provoked me James” Sirius said, pushing him back.
 The camera cut off to James and Sirius sitting in the hospital wing. 
“First of all, we want to say, sorry Peter.” Sirius said with a soft shy smile while holding an ice bag on the back of his head. 
“And we would also like to clear the air, we both came up with the idea to set (Y/N) up with someone, we’ve known them ever since first year and by the way they talk to us I believe they are in desperate need of help. We want them to be all lovey dovey with someone. Everything right now is going according to plan” James said while holding an ice bag on his eye, making emphasis on the ‘we both’.  
 “It’s going amazing if I do say so myself, we are literally love gods” Sirius responded while licking the blood off his lips. 
“They really said that?” The camera cuts off with (Y/n) sitting in the confessional room. They laugh sarcastically while rolling their eyes. (Y/n) covered their face while shaking their head.
“I’ve told them several times that I don’t need their help and if I ever needed the help the last people I would recur too, would be them. James desperately fails every time he tries with lily and don’t even get me started on Sirius love life. In conclusion if you mixed their love lives together in a blender and compare it to mine I can assure you mine would still be better than theirs. I just…I’m doing fine by myself. Sirius and James believe I need a partner but in reality, I actually enjoy how everything's going right now. They have tried to set me up with everyone and when I mean everyone, I mean e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, hell even Slytherins. I’m not desperate, they just need to let it go. I supposedly have a date with someone tonight, I’be honestly already lost the count of how many dates I’ve been on, but I don’t feel like going to this one, my stomach hurts so it’s best if I ditch” 
         Sirius puts some red roses on a vase to decorate the center of the table while James sets it up with fine dining utensils and plates. Both were dressed up in some fancy robes trying to look as close as possible as waiters. In the background there was a violin playing that James had enchanted.  The place was decorated in complete elegance. White tablecloths, fancy chairs, tasty appetizers, everything was straight out of a movie. They really wanted their friend to feel amazing. 
“Do we have everything we need?” Sirius said while sitting on one of the chairs. James quickly followed his actions. 
“Yeah. I think so…We are just missing your brother and (Y/n)” 
“I can’t believe Regulus said yes to go on this blind date” Sirius said while observing the table. 
“I don’t think it’s blind anymore since everyone already knows about us setting them up with (Y/n)”
“Shush Prongs… don’t ruin the moment” Sirius said while shushing him with his pointer finger.
“Take your dirty hands of me” James said while slapping his hand away.
“Stop it! I really feel like we are missing something”
“ wait a minute, Padfoot! We are missing the cute little menus Lily made and she will kill me if we don’t use them since I begged her to do them. ” James exclaims while dramatically standing up
“I’m not going back to look for them.” Sirius responded quickly
“I don’t want to either” James responded in the same tone 
“Not it” both boys said it at the same time. They turned towards Peter with a grin. He shakes the camera no but both of them push him out of the doors. 
“Oh buddy you’re going in”
“It’s on James’s bed” Sirius said while waving him off. 
“And hurry because Reggie is on his way” 
Peter started walking while filming his shoes. He didn’t really mind leaving his camera on. He was to lazy to turn it off. He kept his quick pace entering the common and he then started walking towards their dorm. From afar he could see that the door was semi opened so he leaned forward peeking his eyes and his camera through. His eyes widened in shock and his camera fell straight towards the floor getting a clear view of what was happening. 
         He blinked his eyes several times, not believing what was in front of them. He rubbed his eyes still trying to snap out of it. This couldn’t be real,Remus and (Y/n) making out on James’s bed. No one, not a single soul, would imagine to see those two together. Peter in his state of shock bumped into the door. Both of them snapped their heads towards him with wide eyes.
It focus on Remus and (Y/n) both of them in the confessional room. Their hair is all over the place, clothes are messy and unbuttoned, their lips are swollen and their breathing was heavy.
“Well, this is a little bit awkward” (Y/n) said while looking at their lap.
“Let’s address the elephant in the room, we are dating” Remus said blushing furiously
“Since second year” (Y/n) said in the said tone.
 “SURPRISE” both of them smiling while doing jazz hands
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thenightling · 3 years
How Highlander the Series helped shape me as a person
     You wouldn’t expect something like Highlander The series to help you grow as a person but for me it was a big stepping stone in my perception of others and our capacity to change and forgive.
     Highlander was about this race of immortals who can only die via decapitation. The immortals live as ordinary humans until at some point they die a violent death and wake up to discover that they’re actually immortal.  The immortals have a belief that thanks to all their in-fighting one day only one of them will remain. “In the end there can be only one.”  The main character was Duncan Macleod, a good guy immortal who only killed in self-defense or if an evil immortal threatened those he cared about. 
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        When I first watched Highlander the series in 1992 I was ten-years-old.  And in season 3 they introduced the character Methos, the oldest immortal, but he looked like a grad student.  In season 5 they revealed his backstory...
        They showed that Methos used to be a ruthless marauder, a part of a band of cruel men called "The Four Horsemen" and he was Death.  This was in The Bronze Age.  Not only did he slaughter entire villages but he also took another immortal woman as his slave and mentally broke her  and raped her several times.  She developed Stockholm Syndrome.  And no, not the “Haha, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is Stockholm Syndrome” kind. (Note: I do not actually think Beauty and the Beast is Stockholm Syndrome.  It's a tired old joke that needs to stop.) I mean trying to please her captor and win his approval kind, where her sense of self was utterly lost.   Eventually she snapped out of it and escaped but only after she nearly got raped by one of the other men.  
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       Years later not only did Methos repent but he had become a pacifist who avoided fighting to not let that darkness back in.  He had worked as a doctor in the nineteenth century, treating the poor and enslaved, and he didn't want his 1990s friends to know how terrible he used to be. He was clearly ashamed. The character had grown a lot.  
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         Ten-year-old me thought the show only did this to possibly reveal he was still evil all along and then kill him off.  To my surprise they did NOT kill him off.  The show's depiction of Good and Evil had been pretty black and white up until that point so I was very much not expecting this twist.  My mind was blown. 1990s Methos was so different from his Bronze Age self of five thousand or so years earlier.  He had even fallen in love with a dying woman and tried to find a way to make her immortal too, to save her life.  
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         I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that this was the same character.  I raged against it the way someone would scream “Problematic!” today.  I thought of it as bad writing at the time. It didn't feel like the same character to me.  But as I got older I was grateful I had seen those episodes (Comes a Horsemen and Revelation 6:8.)  It taught me about shades of grey and forgiveness and not the half-assed forgiveness you see in modern TV like the girl in Vampire Diaries "needing to be forgiven" for things she did when her emotions and conscience were literally shut off via hypnosis.  It taught me that anyone could be redeemed. And it taught me that our pasts don’t have to define us.  It taught me, better than any other work of fiction before it, that people can change for the better.   
        I don’t think any TV writer, today, would be brave enough to let a character with that dark of a backstory be a good person in present day and be forgiven.  Hell, it was pretty brave for the mid-90s.  And it’s a shame too.  Modern audiences have so much trouble forgiving characters with dark pasts now.  And it’s not just a matter of fiction.  It’s a reflection of reality.  If you can’t forgive fictional characters how can you forgive real people or even yourself?  
       In 2019 they made an awful new version of A Christmas Carol for the BBC that went out of its way to be extra dark and have Scrooge not forgiven by someone. I think it undermined part of the point of Charles Dickens’ story. And that’s all too common today.  If we keep teaching people to not forgive, soon no one will be able to forgive themselves for their own short comings, even minor ones.
      And this is why I am grateful I grew up with shows like Highlander the series.  It taught me how anyone can grow and change.  I think this is something a lot of people don’t understand today.  
    What provoked me to think of this old TV show now?  Well, I was just on Twitter discussing the new Sandman series based on the stories by Neil Gaiman.  In particular we were discussing the immortal character, Hob Gadling, and his friendship with Morpheus (the lord of Dreams).  There’s a part of Hob’s backstory that modern audiences might have trouble with. Hob was involved with the beginning of the European slave trade.  He regretted it years later but modern audiences might have trouble getting past that. 
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       Another story component of The Sandman that modern audiences might have trouble with is Nada forgiving Morpheus for leaving her in Hell for rejecting him. I hope they don’t change that for modern sensibilities.  It’s important for Morpheus’s growth as a character to not only forgive but to learn to accept being forgiven.  It’s only because Nada forgives him that Morpheus starts to apologize for other past wrong-doings, something Delirium says he would never do before.   
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      Note: To anyone who wants to watch these episodes of Highlander The Series that I just described to you, if you are in the US you can watch it for free on Tubi.  The episodes Comes a Horseman and Revelation 6:8 are in Season 5 of Highlander: The Series.  
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remusmainhoe · 2 years
sirius x reader shifting
so im not entirely sure what this is, I was just having some fun. I have never shifted, Its basically like the reader shifting/transporting to their world, and them knowing she's from another reality. kind of just an escape from whatever is going on in life right now. im still working on it but wanted to share.
The light leaking through the curtains of your bed shinning in your eyes, forcing them open. The red colors from the Gryffindor dorm welcome you. You can't believe you just shifted realities.
“Y/n, come on, we have to get ready for breakfast. We have the Hogsmeade trip today.” Lily said drawing the curtains of your bed. “I know you’re from another reality, but hopefully breakfast is still in the morning where ever you come from, come on.”
You sat up on your bed, still not believing you were there, but got dressed and started making your way down to the common room. When you reached the bottom of the stairs you met Sirius Black, James Potter, and Remus lupin, after a moment Peter hurried down the stairs from the boys' dormitory. 
“Hello love,” Sirius said approaching you, he grabbed your hand and lightly kissed your forehead.
The six of you started to make your way to the main hall, Sirius was still holding your hand. The castle was enormous, and just how you had imagined it. The main hall was packed with students eating their breakfast, you sat next to Sirius and the others, in awe of all of the food on the table. 
“I'm glad you’re finally here” Sirius whispered in your ear “I have a genius prank I wanna do later” a mischievous smile played on his face.
“I'd be glad to help” was the first word that you had spoken since you got there.” but first, I'm gonna need you to show me around or give me the map because this place is fucking huge,” you said causing them all to laugh slightly.
“You’ll get the hang of it” Sirius waved you off nonchalantly.
“And I don't think Sirius will want his precious y/n separated from his side, so I doubt you’ll have to worry about getting lost” James teased, causing you to flush a bit and smile. 
“Shove off mate, you’re just sour 'cause Evans won’t notice you” Sirius countered.
“Wait, James isn’t with lily ye-“ you stopped yourself before you finished your sentence, internally kicking yourself. James was too distracted to catch what you had said, however.
“Does it happen 7th year?” Remus whispered to you “I have a bet with the rest of the guys”
He smiled proudly when you nodded lightly.
You looked over at Peter, who was observing James trying to impress and catch Lily's attention, cheering him on every now and then.
You looked over to the Slytherin table, and you found regulus, sitting with Barty crouch jr, and Snape. At the teacher's table, you saw a younger version of Dumbledore, McGonagall, Hagrid, sprout, and filch. Slughorn was sitting where Snape would later sit. It then occurred to you that you forgot to script some things.
“What year are we?” You asked the marauders who for a moment looked puzzled.
“6th” answered Sirius.
“Right,” you said, “what’s the date?”
“October 17, 1975” Remus said.
Then it hit you, Sirius would be disowned this year. The book had been very vague and only said he ran away when he was 16, but not the exact date he ran away. You knew his birthday is November 3rd. 
“So how old are you lot again?” You asked trying to sound casual, Sirius chuckled lightly. 
“Were all 15, of course as the eldest of the group, and wisest, I am to be turning 16 very soon” Sirius announced to you.
After breakfast ended, you and the rest of the group headed to the village.
“How far is Hogsmeade?” You asked.
“About a fifteen-minute ride give or take” James answered.
“Do you guys play quidditch?” You asked, Your curiosity for the world starting to get the best of you.
“Yeah, I play chaser”
“I'm a beater” Sirius informed you.
You looked around to see that you were not at any hearing distance from the other students and whispered to them, “so are you guys an animagus yet?”
“How did you know?” Sirius questioned you with a look of surprise.
“Oh please I’ve read the books” you answered
“they have books about us in your reality?” James asked.
“Weeeelll sort of, I've said too much” 
“What do you mean sort of?”
“Well I scripted out certain things when I shifted realities, so some of the information from the books I read, could be different than the events and future of this reality” you tried to explain.
“So I'm famous?” James asked.
“Not really,” you said, not wanting to tell him that he was going to have a child with the girl he has been in love with for 6 years and that the child will be famous but orphaned. Seemed like a lot for a bloke to take in all at once.
“What stuff did you script out?” Remus asked intrigued.
“Well mostly things that will happen in the future, like any deaths” 
“We die?” Peter asked.
“Well, in the book I read, yes, but this reality's future is different.
“Well, it would only be different apart from the point of when we died in the book” Remus reasoned.
“Yeah, there are just some key parts that I'm not sure how it will affect things.” You said.
“So you know everything that will happen up to when?” Sirius asked.
“Ummm, I know the important things that happen during your years at Hogwarts,” you said. 
“Does Evans go out with me?” James asked.
You tried your best at keeping a poker face “I cannot comment on whether lily Evans will go out with you, both outcomes will have a very big impact on the future.” You tried your best to not say too much.
“She'll come around,” James said at last.
“So you know about the animagus thing?” Sirius asked you.
“Yeah, and it's also pretty obvious ‘moony, worm tail, Padfoot, and prongs’. Not very subtle” you said with a grim.
“Oh come on, who could figure out something so crazy like us being animagus, with our nicknames” James countered.
“I don't know why you changed remus’ name, he already means wolf boy” you joked.
“Wait what?” Remus asked.
“Well, from what the author has said, your parents went to a naming seer, right? The name ‘lupin is derived from the Latin ‘lupines’, which means ‘of a wolf’, and ‘Remus is a figure from roman mythology who was raised by a wolf. Not to mention that your dad's name Lyall is the old Norse word for wolf.” He looked at you with disbelief.
“All hail Remus John lupin, the king of coincidences” James and Sirius exclaimed.
After a moment it hit you, and you started looking around checking your robes. Sirius stared at you confused.
“What are you looking for darling?” He asked.
“Do I have a wand” you kinda just said without much thought making Sirius bark out a laugh.
“You mean this one?” He said reaching to your inner pocket and taking out a stick.
You held it carefully, not wanting to accidentally hex someone. It was an odd feeling knowing how to use the wand, yet never having held a real one.
“You're adorable” Sirius whispered only for your ears, wrapping an arm around you to hold you closer to him. His scent warmed your heart, wanting to stay in his arms for the rest of your life.
After breakfast, the lot of you headed to Hogsmeade, Sirius holding your hand the whole way. You started to check your robes again, making Sirius laugh.
“Now what?” He asked with amusement.
“Do I even have money?” You said not being able to hold your laughter.
“Don't worry about that” Sirius said.
You were going to respond but before you could you had arrived at Hogsmeade, the town was more breathtaking than you could have pictured. You didn’t know where to start, you wanted to see everything.
“Where do you want to go first,” Sirius asked looking at you.
“I wanna go to zonkos, madam puddifut, and ooh what’s over there?” Your mind running 100mph.
“Ok, why don't we start with zonkos joke shop,” Sirius declared with amusement seeing you marvel at it all.
You went through all of the shops that you could see with Sirius, leaving the others back at zonkos. Snow started to fall lightly over the cotton-coated village, you couldn’t help but keep looking at Sirius. His hair, those eyes, his smile, that voice.
“Do I have something on my nose?” He joked lightly.
“Nope” you stated.
 “then why do you keep looking at me like that?”
“Because I'm here and I can,” you expressed.
You both slowed down, he cupped your face in his hands, and both of you remained like that for a while neither daring to look away. His lips graced yours kissing you lightly and thoughtfully, you had closed your eyes but could recognize him even just by his lips.
“You both better stop snagging or we’ll miss our ride back to the castle” James interrupted abruptly.
You both turned to him.
“I could kill him” Sirius sighed, crouching down to the snow and swiftly throwing a snowball at James who ducked and ran with the others laughing.
Sirius looked at his watch, “the git’s right though, we should start heading back”.
You all sat together on the way back, exhausted from the long day. You looked out the window, staring at the castle from afar, mesmerized by the view. You had imagined this place, seen it from behind a screen, but it was nothing compared to this. The structure was coated with a delicate coat of snow, glistening with the little light that shined from the sunset, the warm light being drowned by the night. 
The lot of you arrived and started toward the Gryffindor common room. You started to drag your feet subtly, not realizing how exhausted you were from the long day. Sirius suddenly paused in front of you crouching slightly.
“Climb up,” he said.
“Huh,” you asked.
Before you could do anything, he scooped you up and started walking, the others began conversing about the next prank.
“We’ll meet you guys at the tower later” Sirius announced to the group as he carried you.
The others chuckled but parted ways, leaving you and Sirius alone walking.
“Where we going?” You questioned.
“It's a surprise” he replied.
“That’s no fun” you teased, but you weren’t going to protest, you looked at the paintings on the walls. 
You found yourself after a couple minutes, standing in the astronomy tower, the stars shining above you. 
“I come here sometimes, to get away from it all, it's quiet up here,” he spoke.
The stars sparkled beautifully, but neither of you was looking, you just stood there staring at each other. You couldn’t help the smile that played on the corner of your lips, Sirius grabbed your hand, his other making its way to your face holding it gently. You wanted to remember everything, engrave in your mind the way his hands felt, memorizing each line on his palms. Your eyes shut, letting him guide your movements. You could never get tired of those lips, the way his scent engulfed you. 
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spectral-kitkat · 3 years
Some of my Marauder Era headcanons
Thanks to watching so many Marauder edits with ATJ, I can never unhear Liverpudlian James Potter. So in my mind James is Scouse.
He’s also very skilled at playing the guitar. He will occasionally start playing songs in the dorm or the common room and 9 times out of 10 people will join in.
He was NOT obsessed with Lily, asking her out everyday, he did it a few times across 2nd year - 6th year. He realised in 6th year that he would prefer her friendship then not have her in his life at all, so he stops trying to ask her out and hangs out with her as friends. 
He realised in 2nd year he liked her but he didn’t know what he was feeling was love until 3rd.
He’d never let Sirius know but he always kept an eye on Regulus just in case. He knew Sirius would never want his little brother hurt but he wasn’t likely to reach out on his own.
I have adopted the headcanon of James not showing his patronus off in front of the class because of Lily because it’s amazing!
He kept a secret stash of chocolate frogs behind his bedside table that none of the others knew about just in case Remus needed some.
When Peter needed help with a transfiguration, James went through all the wand movements and the spell with him, even though it was 1 in the morning.
Even though the sorting hat separated him from Regulus, he caught his brother’s eye when he was on his way to sit at the Slytherin table and gave him a small smile and a thumbs up. Sirius may have hated Slytherin and everything his family stood for but he knew Reggie was happy so he wasn’t going to ruin that for him.
He was the one who found out that becoming animagi would help Remus.
He took Marlene to Madam Puddifoots in 3rd year as a joke date (they had both realised they were gay but didn’t know how to go about telling other people so Sirius asked her to tea to help cheer her up.) They spent the entire time people watching and making fun of the decor. It’s still one of his favourite memories and one he held on to closely in Azkaban.
He would always throw out hypothetical creature battles for the Marauders to discuss (eg: Basilisk vs Erumpent, Mooncalf vs Demiguise, Bowtruckle vs Cornish Pixie)
During his first night in Gryffindor, he had a nightmare about what his parents would do to him. He went to McGonagall and she offered him a biscuit and they spoke until the early hours. She reassured him and from that moment on Sirius always thought of Minnie as a mother and McGonagall will always see Sirius as her son.
For his 17th birthday, James and the Potters bought Sirius his motorbike. Peter bought him a helmet and Remus (after working 2 jobs that summer) saved up enough to buy Sirius his leather jacket. Fleamont also took Sirius into another room and gave him the Potter Family watch. When Sirius tried to explain that it should go to James instead, Fleamont tells him that it belongs to him, since he is his and Euphemia’s eldest son.
He is Welsh. His accent lessened as he got older but when the Marauders do something particularly stupid he will still curse in Welsh under his breath.
He was Quidditch commentator from 3rd year - 5th year. He quit when he became a prefect (he totally wasn’t fired because of his less than innocent comments)
Remus was an avid Dr Who fan. The 4th doctor being his favourite.
Most people think Sirius is the one who leaves all the cigarette butts in the ashtray but in reality Remus is the biggest smoker out of the 4.
During the Christmas break of 4th year, Remus invites the Marauders to the cinema. They end up going to see ‘Murder on the Orient Express’. Safe to say the train journey back to Hogwarts after Christmas break was the most tense train ride of Peter’s life.
Lily and Remus would make references to their favourite TV series and movies, confusing the others as to why they find a conversation about coconuts and swallows so funny.
On days where his lycanthropy made him sluggish he would always lean on whoever was next to him. Peter would rub his back, James would ruffle his hair and Sirius would hug him. 
Remus’ favourite book is ‘The lion, the witch and the wardrobe’, his favourite song is Piano Man by Billy Joel and his favourite film is The Jungle Book as his mother took him to see it at the cinema.
He is the most sarcastic, snarky person once you get to know him properly and responsible for most of the prank ideas.
The first date that Sirius took him on was a a late night picnic in a field near Hogwarts. After eating they lay down and stargazed, Sirius adding commentary about the different stars and constellations and how they got their names.
Was the most skilled wizards chess player out of all of them. He once won a game in 3 moves.
He always gave good advice. When James was struggling about what to do on his first date with Lily, Peter told him to just be himself and to calm down. One time when Remus was particularly self destructive about his scars and condition, Peter hugged him and gave him some chocolate. He then told him that his scars showed how defiant and brave Remus really was and that the fact he was dealt the shittest hand known to man and is still able to joke and laugh means he can do anything he puts his mind to. After the ‘Prank’ incident, Peter was the first to talk to Sirius. He told him that what he did was extremely hurtful and that yes James and Remus are totally pissed at him but that they still love him deep down and it will take a while before things will get better.
He was the first one who managed to turn into his animagus form. The reason being that whenever he had a minute to himself he would try again and again to change. He knew how much Remus needed him and it pushed him hard enough that he succeeded. 
He always got the Marauders sugar quills for Valentines as a way to show how much he loved and valued them as friends (which is what made his betrayal even worse)
He had a short romance with Emmeline Vance. He asked her out in the 4th year, all while thinking in the back of his mind that she’ll turn him down. She said yes and they dated until 6th year. It was a mutual breakup as they both decided they were better off as friends.
In 6th year Peter pulled a prank on James on Valentines day. At 7 in the morning James was rudely awaken by a dwarf singing ‘I can’t help falling in love’ by Elvis Presley in his face. What Peter didn’t know is that Sirius decided to get in on the prank by adding another dwarf every hour. When James tried to run away from them Remus chimed in and cast a spell so that the dwarfs were tethered to him. James Potter went to bed that night surrounded by 13 singing dwarfs. Once he was finally asleep, Peter removed the spell.
When James stopped asking her out she thought she’d be happy. Eventually she realised she liked him and decided to take matters into her own hands. She asked him out to Hogsmeade and it took James a minute to answer as he was so shocked she actually liked him back.
Her favourite song was ‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ by Gladys Knight and the Pips.
She secretly loved Quidditch and during the first Gryffindor match of 7th year she wore one of James’ old jumpers.
Due to her parents deaths, she had no one to walk her down the aisle so she asked Remus. He immediately said yes.
She had multiple nicknames. James would always call her either Lily-pad or Love. Sirius would call her every flower under the sun apart from Lily (and Petunia). Remus and Peter would call her variations of her name (eg: Lils, Evans). Marlene, Dorcas, Mary and Alice would call her Pumpkin.
She was a massive Beatles’ fan and her first dance with James was to ‘I Will’ as that had been the song he was singing before she asked him out.
She was the only person who ever got close to beating Peter at chess.
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An anonymous lover (part 2)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particularly rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, Sirius’ mom being a b*tch, not proof read
Words count : 1.7k
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
Part 1 - You're here - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Sirius hated receiving letters, he felt absolutly like shit everytime he received one, he hated this, hated how much the words of his mother affected him. He should be used to them by now, shouldn’t he ? “You are the shame of the family”, “a useless son”, “a blood traitor”, and so on, and so on, he’ve read it all. But still, here he was, in his bed crying like he never cried before.
He was happy his friends did not try to force him out of bed to go to class. James did say he would check up on him after he ate, after the morning classes, he would probably bring something to eat, thought Sirius. He felt so grateful to have him and his other friends in his life, to feel appraciated for who he was, with his flaws, to feel taking care of, to feel loved, but...
Sirius couldn’t stop himself to think his mother’s words were, in some ways, true. She was saying them so much, over and over again, it had to be found on reality, right ? The pain in his chest, that weight in his stomach, the feeling of rope around his throat, suffocating him, he was unable to move any member of body. So after his friends left for the morning, he closed his eyes again, trying to get some sleep after his troubled night, maybe his mind would be more at peace after a long nap.
He groaned when he got woke up by a tapping sound. “Stooop”. When the sound did not stop he stood in his bed, pissed. “James I swear if you don’t stop I-”. But his friend wasn’t in the room, no one for that matter. He looked around, trying to locate the tapping, he finally saw an owl at one of the window and get out of bed to open it.
He froze when he saw why the owl tried to get in, a letter. Sirius felt all his blood running out of his body, and the air of his lungs escaping through his mouth. Wasn’t one letter enough mother !? With a trembling hand he took the enveloppe, and watch the animal fly away. He closed his eye, breathing in and out, before daring to look at what was in his hands.
And when he looked, he couldn’t help a confused expression, that was deffinitly not from his mother. The paper was decorated with drawing of stars who seemed to.. glow ? Wierd. He smiled when he recognize the constellation on the front, his star shining the most, with written “To: Sirius Black” in dark ink.
He got intringued, and delicatly open the enveloppe, trying not to tear it. His eyes wided when he unfolled the paper and saw flowers previously dry getting fresh as new and moving drawings, a dog, a stag, a rat... He smiled, the letter must be from his friends, trying to cheer him up. It was beautiful. He felt a warm feeling going trough his body, and staying in his heart.
The lines were written in a dark purpully color, he liked that. “Dear Sirius Black, it had come to my attention you were feeling down because of a letter you received recently”, he greeted his teeth, it’s true, he must have left quite the impression yesterday at lunch. “and because I consider you to be one of the greatest person of this school, I decided to remind it to you through this letter. You and I don’t know eachother that well ”. Wait, what does that mean ? It’s not from the marauders ? “but I hope I will be able to make you feel better with my words. On how much you impact people’s life here, on how much your are loved, even by people you ignore even exist, with your pranks, like for exemple -”.
Sirius savoured every words, curves, loops, they were explaining that time the marauders field the corridors with bubble, thanks to it they were able to get away from dentation with Finch, “a very unjustify detention !” had they specified, he smiled at that, always a pleasure to help someone to get away from the janitor of Hogwarts.
They were a whole paragraphs of all the nice things Lily Evans had told them about him, “She may not show it much, but she really loves you, she admire the way you stand up for what is right, and so do I”. Whoever was that person, they know Evans, that was a beginning to discover their identity, even if a part of him still thought it was from his friends.
But that little part quickly wanished when the stranger started discribing little things he had not realised about himself, the way his nose scrunch when something annoyed him, they big smile he got when he respond correctly to a teacher who thought he was not listening, he blushed a little. Sure, Sirius was perfectly aware of the affect he had of people, but he didn’t believed anyone was really paying attention to him.
“Your are an incredibly honest person, and we lack that kind of people. The ones true to themselves, not bending to others’ expectations, and by being that way you trully are the brightest star in the sky, and unfortunatly, some people will do anything to take those person down, jealous of not being them. But do not listen to those person, keep shinning, because they will stay wretched, but you, Sirius, you will have a good life, you will be great, the best of person to have around.”
Sirius couldn’t help the tears from falling again, but they were good ones this time. These last words were what he needed right now. His smiled desappeared though when he didn’t saw any name at the end of the message. He flipped the paper, over and over again, trying to find a name, a nickname or anything, observing the little animals who kept running around as he was reading, and he looked as they seemed to try to show indicate the enveloppe right next to him. Oh, is the name written there ?
But nothing on it either, so he looked inside, a piece of sturdy paper was nicely fold, they were a word on it. “Kiss ?”. He openned the paper and froze when he got surprise feelling something on his face, slapping his hand on his forhead. “WHAT THE F-”. He ran to the nearest mirror, dropping everything on the way and looked at his face.
He was searching everywhere for a mark, was this letter a prank ? His blood boiled at the idea, of being fooled by such nice words just to be hurt right after.. but nothing. He calmed right down when he found nothing. He took back the letter, the enveloppe and the “kiss”.
“Was that.. It's really a kiss ?”, he sat on his bed again, openned the paper and payed more attenttion to it this time, yes it was. He felt lips gently pressing down on his forhead, right at his hairline. He smiled, it felt incredibly nice. He closed it before openning it once more, closing his eyes too. The kiss doesn’t last long, but it didn’t make it any less pleasant.
He felt incredibly giddy about it, he realised he had never been kissed there before, well, not that he can remember anyway. Not by any of his friend, despise being really close to them and not shying away from physical affection, not even in past relationship, he had kissed his exes of course but that felt so.. Sweet and tender, he couldn’t wait to feel it again.
When he was about to do it again, James entered the room. “You’re awake !”, James got closer to his friend and groaned at what he had in hand. “Y’ mom again ?”, Sirius shook his head “Not her, for sure, open that”, he gave his friend the little card. He looked at it and open it, and flipped it aound like it was nothing. “S’pose to do something or ..?”, Sirius’ eyes widen, “What, you didn’t feel it ?” taking back the paper he looked at it before doing what he was doing before but nothing happenned this time. He only saw three darken dots. Shit, did it run out ?
Sirius felt a huge wave of dissapointment going through him, if he had know better he would have try to not waste them so fast. “Y’good Pads ?”. Sirius nobbed. “Yeah yeah, ‘just it had kisses in it”, friend looked at him like he had lost a part of his mind and smirked. “Did you loose your head ?”.
Sirius hit him with a pillow, owning a laugh “Fuck off Prongs !” he looked down at the letter James had in his hand, the boy was waiting for his friend’s permission to read it, when he had it he observed the little animals running around. “Is that us ? Brilliant !”, “It is, yeah”, Sirius installed himself, leanning against the headboard of his bed while James was reading.
After a few minutes James whistled a bit, “Pads ! Quite a lover you’ve got here, heh ? Who sended it ?”. “That’s the problem, Prongs, I don’t know ! I just received it !”
“Wha’ ? There no way you have no idea ! Got to be someone who tried something before, no ?”, Sirius put his head back, hitting the headboard, his face anwsering for him. “Don’t worry Pads, will find her !”, Sirius raised an eyebrow, “How d’you know it’s a girl ?”, James laughed a little “Too clean of a handwritting to be a boy”. Sirius rolled his eye, to him not being much of a proof, hesitating to bet like he would usually do just to try to proove him wrong.
“You’re feeling ok to go back to class ? We could ask Evans, they seemed to know eachother”, Sirius sneered at him, “Sure, all the excuses to talk to dear Evans” making kissy sounds with his mouth, owning a hit from James, “Fuck off, I’m only trying to help you here !” Sirius smiled, “I know, thanks Prongs”
Sirius quickly got ready, carfully putting the letter on his nightstand with the enveloppe, smiling like an idiot, thinking of all the things said in the letter. He decided to take the kiss with him, it might not do anything anymore, but holding it helped him feeling the sweet kiss on him again. He didn’t know who was that person but he will for sure getting more of these from the source when he found out.
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Winter In The Shade IX
Part IX
Sirius Black x Ravenclaw Reader
W.C. : 2251
Requested by @amourtentiaa : It is Sirius’ fifth year at Hogwarts, the same year he ran away from home and to the Potter’s. Soon, he discovers the unfamiliar sight of his brother Regulus smiling and looking truly happy, next to him a Ravenclaw girl who immediately captures his interest. What will happen when the Black family gets involved in their sons lives and the ones they hold close to their hearts?
Warnings: Food. A little violence (Someone gets slapped in the head) :)
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The marauders didn’t stay at the Great Hall for long, running out of the large room as soon as the shouting coming from Professor Mcgonagall was heard from the front of the room; grins were drawn on all four faces as soon as her stern voice broke over the magic of their little Christmas show, leaving them frozen with excitement at the thought of another run to avoid the anger of Minerva Mcgonagall.
They all stared down at the source of her voice before breaking out of the first shock, the four marauders slipping on the same snow they had conjured to catch themselves a second later and making a run for the door. Their laughs echoed the stone walls of the Castle, their rapid footsteps leaving nothing behind but pure excitement as everyone witnessed Professor Mcgonagall marching after them with the most stern calm anyone had ever seen.
Although, you were sure your eyes didn’t come up with the small smile tugging at her lips.
“They’re amazing.” Félix murmured in amazement, his eyes gleaming as he looked at you.
You chuckled lightly, ruffling his hair as you let the smile on your lips completely settle on your face. “They are something else, I´ll give you that.” Your eyes wandered at the door, Sirius’ form disappearing from your sight just seconds ago as his words still played inside your head. The exchange had been so short and yet it felt like it dragged for hours, you were sure your own head was already adding to the memory to make it look like something that never happened, changing the entire interaction to something you might read in one of your favorite novels.
By the second time you replayed the memory in your head, it had already become something completely different from what reality had served you. Or has it?
You wanted to think, believe, that whatever Sirius was becoming in your life, that whatever role he was playing in your story, it was just something random. But deep down you knew it felt different. He wasn’t just another person you would meet in your time at Hogwarts, he felt more important. You alone were giving him more importance just by thinking of him, by wondering. Because you knew that no one asks questions to then say they don’t care.
Sirius almost slipped three times on their way to safety from Professor Mcgonagall. One while trying to run over the melting snow in the Great Hall, the second one as he ran straight into Moony’s back as he was being too careful not to step on the plates and goblets of the Great Hall, and the third one as he stole one last glance in your direction.
You weren’t supposed to be there.
Not that he complained. You were the Christmas present that he never expected, sitting there with that little boy that always seemed to be at your side.
He hoped no one noticed the way his act dropped as soon he set his gaze on you, the way he felt his grin morph into a soft smile, the way his shoulders fell from their confident stand, the way his steps slowed until he was standing in front of you, how his voice came in a light whisper and not his usual loudness. But then again he didn’t really care if they noticed. In fact, he wished they saw it all, that they took notes and photographs to remember the look on Sirius Black when he unexpectedly set eyes on you.
The raw look of love.
He had been scared at first. Love. Love, love, love. But after many nights in panic, many interventions from his friends who seemed to enjoy this confusion from him more than actually helping him figure out this foreign weight in his chest, he realized it was what it was. He loved you and it terrified him. He was mainly concerned at the speed in which it had happened, he thought love took time. Maybe it did for some. Not for him, not with you.
A hand around his arm snatched him out of his head and away from the hallway, the shushing sound of his friends as they all tried to stifle their laughter bringing him back to the present.
Mcgonagall stood right in front of them, turning in all directions with a look of disbelief in her eyes.
Sirius held his breath, seeing the small smile appearing over her lips as she let out a sigh, lowering her head with the softest shake. “Those boys,” she murmured, rolling her shoulders back and taking her straight posture again as she started to walk, whatever words she said carried away with her.
They waited a few seconds, making sure they were in no danger. James threw his arms over their heads, taking his cloak from them as he put the soft fabric away. “Well, I’ll call that a success,” he said cheerfully.
“More than a success.” said Peter, turning to Sirius “I didn’t know Y/N would be here.”
“Me neither.” he admitted, starting to walk with the others.
“I thought you said she left this morning,” James laughed, turning in his place to walk backwards “Follow her and all.” He said still buzzing with excitement, the boy looked ready to run around the Castle grounds five times and return back with energy to spare.
Sirius elbowed his best friend on the side “I wasn’t following her.” he stated “She just happens to be with my brother all the time.” he mumbled, the bitterness in his voice not going unnoticed.
“We know, we know.” James said, throwing his hands in the air “Still... she is here.” he said, stopping in his tracks as everything in his body changed.
“That is clear.” said Sirius, missing the look James gave his friends as they all stopped and turned their heads “But-”
“Pads.” Remus muttered “She is here.” he whispered harshly, eyes locked behind him.
“I know.” Sirius hissed, looking oddly at his friends “I saw her at the Great H-”
Peter scoffed, taking Sirius by his shoulders and turning him on his place, his eyes locking on your form nearing them, breathlessly stopping in front of them. They all stood frozen, as if you were another professor hunting them down for their little show just minutes ago.
You let out a breath, resting your hands on your knees for a moment before you look up at them “Hi.” you whispered with a smile.
James was the first one to react, the shock of seeing you there long gone as he smiled back “Hello.”
A long silence fell between all of you, James snapping out of his shock not being enough as they all remained silent. You stared at them for a second, inspecting each of them for a moment before you glanced over your shoulder expecting to see something threatening. The hall was empty.
“Are you all alright?” you asked in concern.
“Just perfect.” chuckled Peter, a tight smile on his lips as he turned to Sirius, seeing the panic in his eyes. “Right, uh- Wh-what are you doing here?”
“Don’t be an idiot,” James smiled “You’ve met her, she studies here.”
Peter turned to him with a look of disbelief.
Remus shut his eyes closed and let out a heavy sigh.
You rolled your eyes, suppressing a smile as you turned to your side while avoiding your eyes from wandering to the one person you wanted to look at.
Sirius was already looking at you, his eyes drifting momentarily to James as he laughed, bumping fists with him in what he hoped was a discreet manner.
“Actually,” you said, gathering their attention “I was hoping to ask you,” you pointed at Sirius “That same question.”
“If I study here?” he asked with a fake pout “Here I thought you remembered our time together fondly.”
Your eyes widen “The four of you are impossible.” you mumbled.
“It’s a talent.” James said with a shrug.
“The secret to our success, really.” Peter added.
“Besides our good looks.” Sirius said.
“And one brain.” Remus mumbled from beside you, his tall frame leaning on the wall beside you as he rubbed his temple.
“That too.” Sirius conceded.
Your mouth hung slightly agape, staring at the four of them and wondering how they worked together so smoothly. Only Merlin knew.
Shaking your head you locked eyes with Sirius, although nervously and with your stomach doing flips inside you, you managed to maintain a somewhat confident stare “What are you doing here?” you asked him, silently thanking Remus in your head as he gathered Peter and James and dragged them away from you.
“I could ask you the same,” he told you “I thought you said you were going home for the Holidays.” he raised an eyebrow, his intense gaze making you feel little but never making you falter.
“I never said that.” you stated, lifting your chin as you crossed your arms.
He mimicked your stance, making it a little hard to take him seriously with the ugly sweater he wore but the look on his face told another story, no matter what he wore he had an air to him, a familiar one, confident and powerful “Neither did I. Guess we need to work on our communication.”
You scoffed, glancing away for a second “Right.” you returned your eyes to him, pursing your lips and wavering in whether you should muster your next words “I thought Christmas was important for your mom. Regulus said…”
“Regulus and I have different ideals.” he said sharply, making you back away slightly, frowning at him. “I’m sure he has told you.”
“No. He hasn’t.” you said, confused at his sudden change, making you stand straighter “That’s what I came here to ask you, not that it matters.” you turned your head, looking over the heads of his friends and motioning your hand in the air, muttering “It’s really none of my business.”
Right on cue, Félix emerged from the end of the hall and ran to your side “Now?” he asked excitedly and you nodded.
Turning away from Sirius you walked behind Félix and towards James, Remus and Peter.
Félix was the sweetest boy, having lots of cookies you helped him bake the previous night, he had asked you to help him find Remus and his friends to give them some of the cookies. But now, as you stood before them their voices turned off and the weight in your heart became more prominent. What did he mean by different ideals?
You were more than aware of his presence behind you, standing like a shadow behind your back. Both Regulus and Sirius had snapped at the mention of the other, then why did Sirius’ reaction sting more?
Félix had paid little mind to the rest of the Marauders, giving them cookies and smiles as he hovered over Remus, asking him thousands of questions and barely stopping his talking. You saw Sirius’s hand as he took the gift from Félix, but you kept your eyes on the small boy in front of you, avoiding the pair of grey eyes and his gaze on you.
“A-and how did you manage that spell?!” Félix asked “I’ve tried it before, froze my hand and one of Y/N’s books. Sorry about that,” he paused briefly, looking at you before he returned his attention to Remus.
“That is a very advanced spell.” Remus told him, giving you a smile as he looked back at him with the same excitement “Are you sure you should be trying those spells on your own?”
“Y/N helps me and I help her with Herbology.” he told him smugly.
You made a sound as you reached for Félix, grabbing him and covering his mouth “And that is enough from you.” you said, his eyes confused as he fought your hand “Thank you for listening to the little beast,” you told them, starting to back away from them “I promise the cookies are safe to eat.” you said, dragging Félix with you as they all watched the two of you in amusement “Merry Christmas!” you yelled, giving all but one of them a smile before you disappeared from their sight.
Automatically, they all walked to stand next to each other, staring at the spot where you stood.
James pursed his lips, nodding slightly before he turned to his right, his hand in the air as he slapped the back of Sirius’s head.
Sirius shrinked himself, lifting his arms in protection “What was that for?!” he asked, rubbing the back of his head.
Remus and Peter stared judgingly at him, hoping for the realization to hit Sirius but he was just too oblivious.
James put on his most serious face and adapted to a strange pose in him “Regulus and I have different ideals.” he mocked, his face changing back to one of disbelief as he raised his hand again but restrained from hitting his friend, letting his hand fall to his face “Scare her away more, would you? I think she didn’t get it, let me go get her so you can ruin everything!” he finished exasperatedly.
Sirius's head snapped to the way you went, his eyes wide as it finally dawned on him. The way you avoided his eyes, how you backed away from him, your more tense stance, the lack of smile in his direction when you left.
“I did ruin it, didn't I?”
TAGS If your name is like this it means I could not tag you :(
@iwritesiriusly / @trinimalfoyyy / @megaprincesscakes / @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend / @amourtentiaa / @zaidlyn / @aconfusedslytherin / @abbott27 / @aconfusedslytherin / @the-lonely-poet-loves-to-weep / @dreamcxtcherr / @angelsandsorcery
Winter in the Shade
@plethoraofpuppies / @dracoissohot / @funravenclaw2002 / @nehireerdogan / @ktyflwr / @lilyevanswhore / @edithsvoice / @medalloway-blog / @falconxbarnes / @blackst0nes7077 / @gabitanaka47 / @padsfirewhisky / @lazzwhile / @lilylikethefl0wer / @crazy-beautiful / @blackenergy / @ninawhatfandom / @justchecking-mayheadback / @just-wordsandthoughts / @simpforslytherins / @letmeinplease22 / @auggie2000 /
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Some spoilers of ep1, ep2 and ep8
Also a TW later on (it's notified so don't worry)
I hate it, but I still think about what my bf told me a few days ago about Crosshair
Basically he told me "I'm sure he doesn't have a chip and he's willingly following the Empire"
And I was like "no because he reacted to Order 66, said the infamous 'good soldiers follow orders' and they showed a scene where he was tortured as they enhanced his chip so it could totally take control of him"
But then yesterday I think I read this post on Tumblr where OP said smth like "what if he gets the chip removed but remains loyal to the Empire"
And I'm telling you, this is making me nervous because I know he's an asshole to the regs and he's cold and irritating; hell I would probably punch him if I met him irl.
But also. I can't imagine him just being bad. I can't picture him willingly hunting his brothers, trying to kill them, obeying orders like a good little soldier and being used as a war tool by the Empire when he couldn't take an order from Rex if Hunter didn't agree to it first.
Like... I know some people don't like him/ hate his guts, which I understand (difference btw fiction and reality, like I said above I would probably punch the snark out of him if I met him irl) but I also see the way he's synchronised with his brothers, the way he teases Wrecker with silly bets on who will take out the more droids; or the way he gently pat Echo's shoulder when they rescued him; or the way he holds so much respect for Hunter and his leadership.
I mean, family is a damn weird thing, sometimes you fight, you drag each other down, you make snarky remarks; but you also always got their back when they need you, you'd do anything to protect them from intruders and you'd put yourself on the line to make sure nothing bad happens to them.
And that's what he does everytime we see him with the BB pre-Order 66.
And post-Order 66, he sticks to his brothers, even if he disagrees with Hunter about the fate of Caleb, even if he feels filled with frustration and anger. He only turned against them when he's completely brainwashed by Tarkin and the enhencement of his chip; and even then we still have moments where he's doubting/hesitating (ep8), reflecting back (ep2).
So yeah. Do what you want with that, I just want Crosshairs saved from the chip, and see the aftermath, the consequences it has on his relation with his brothers; and with himself.
(TW: violence/ death, implicit mention of wanting to die, break down)
Just imagine:
Crosshair getting rid of the chip, fully aware of what he did under its control; all the killings and the tracking and the death threats on his brother's lives.
The way he almost shot Hunter, then Tech, then tried to get Omega killed.
The scars on his face being a painful reminder of him ordering his Empire squad to brun his family alive.
Have him sit by himself in the cockpit of the Havoc Marauder, unable to sleep because of the nightmares he has everytime he closes his eyes.
Let him get really uncomfortable when one of the Batcher join him; Wrecker or Hunter, sitting in silence in one of the seat, trying to keep him company but not wanting to invade too much...
But it's too much to bear anyway, and he breaks down. He shoves his face in his hands, barely able to mutter a "sorry"
And first he got tears rolling down his cheeks as he whispers "I couldn't help it", and it get worse when he says that he tried, he really did, he missed his shots even though it was atrocious and so hard to fight against the damn chip
And as he ugly cries, cockpit filled by his sniffing and his sobs, he confesses that he wanted one of them to get him.
"I wanted the nightmares to stop"
And his brother, sitting next to him, so taken aback by his confession, his behavior, he doesn't even know what to say neither how to react
Because the snarky and cold-facaded Crosshair is gone and all that's left is a broken man, a little brother begging for forgiveness.
I want a brutal shift in his behavior, as a direct consequence of the effect the chip had on him; the possessive and oh so nefast influence.
I want him being mentally and physically unable to mock or get snarky at his brothers because it triggers memories of the times he really did try to hurt them.
I want him to be as silent as usual, but now when he talks it's always to bring out something positive his brothers did or said; or a constructive criticism on a plan, a mission. He still chews on his toothpick, even more than he did before, and he cannot sleep alone anymore.
He grows to loathe cold blue, and doesn't protest when Omega paints a miniature version of his plush on his helmet. The next time the Batchers cross path with Rex, he takes him to a quiet corner and apologize about that one mission to save Echo, about the regs- the brothers Rex lost during Order 66.
I want him to realise that he was an asshole, but he is not a bad person in his core. Let him face the consequences of his snark; but also let him heal from the traumatic experiences he had to endure because of the chip, the Empire, Tarkin and Palpatine.
Edit: just tagging @loth-wolffe again don't mind me I deleted the comment that's why 💀
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unnecessarywriting · 4 years
To Be a Chocolatier - Remus Lupin
Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
A/N: This is something I was working on. I hope you all like it. Remember, requests are still open!!! Thank you for all of the support <3
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To Be a Chocolatier
Breakups are fun. Typically they consist of muggle films, ice cream, chocolate, firewhiskey, sad songs, and occasionally some parties. These were all true for you, except, you weren’t as sad as you were letting on. True, you had just been dumped by a decent Ravenclaw, and you had been dating long enough for the “L-word” to spill out of your lips, but that doesn’t mean you were sad. He wasn’t the one. You knew that from the beginning, but he was fun and was comforting to have around. Now, two days after the breakup you sit in the common room with a book in your lap as the fire roars. It was pretty late considering the silence. Typically, it was too hectic for you to get some relaxation, but tonight it’s quiet. Too quiet. That means the infamous Marauders were out doing something.
You flipped through the pages in the chapter, enjoying the warmth that emanated from the fireplace. You were aware of most of your surroundings, however, you didn’t hear the girl step out from her dorm into the common room. She stood by the stairs and quietly observed you, trying to understand you.
“You feeling alright Y/N? I know this breakup is pretty rough, but you should really get some sleep.” It was Lily Evans, a long-time friend, who was too pure to understand the truth of the situation. Lies, especially about love, are a complex concept, and  the clever witch could never understand. So, you play along. She feels like she’s helping, and you don’t get a guilt trip about leading anyone on, although he was the one who broke up with you. And, it was to be with another girl, so who was really leading who?
In the end, you nodded your head and said that you would be up in a minute, and that you just wanted to finish your chapter by the fire. Lily seemed to believe you and went back up to the dorms. A few pages later, you heard the portrait and assumed that the boys were probably returning from whatever mischievous quest they were on. Three of them paid no mind to you as they giggled their way back up to their own dorm. One of the boys, however, caught wind of your presence.
“Y/L/N right?”
“That would be me. You are Lupin, Gryffindor prefect and babysitter to those three,” You said motioning your head up to where the boys just were. He chuckled and nodded.
“I heard what happened with that Ravenclaw kid. I know we don’t know each other well, but are you okay?” He seemed almost uncomfortable with the conversation.
“Yeah I’m fine. Things happen I guess. I’ll move on soon enough,” although truth be told I already had. He sat down on the couch next to me. 
“What are you reading?” You closed the book with your finger on your current page and showed him the cover. It was a muggle book you picked up from a muggleborn a few weeks back. It was just something you used to pass the time. You both sat next to each other with a comfortable silence. All that could be heard was the crackling fire. Then, you heard a bit of rustling and looked over to see him pull out some chocolate. As he was breaking off a piece for him to eat, you held out your hand to him. He looked at you incredulously. You motioned your hand towards him. Eventually he placed the piece of chocolate into your hand, and you shoved it into your mouth.
“Chocolate cures everything you know,” you said, still savoring the sweet taste.
“Not everything,” he responded bitterly. You glanced over at his features.
“Well, maybe those things that it isn’t curing don’t need to be cured,” you offered. 
“Maybe. What about you, are you cured of your breakup yet?” You laughed.
“After that small piece? It’s gonna take more than that my friend.” You began to get up, realizing that it was getting late, and you did have to go to class in the morning. You wished him a goodnight and walked up to your dorm. A small smile glued onto you face the whole way up.
For a few days after this occurrence, you would see Remus around school, and in classes. If you saw that he had chocolate, you would wander over to him with a hand raised, awaiting your prize. Everytime he would chuckle at your child-like attitude and shake his head, but ultimately, you always got what you wanted. The other Marauders were becoming more interested in these interactions. Remus was not someone who was often involved with the girls at Hogwarts, in fact, this was the first real time that they saw something like this from him. 
When it came time to go to Hogsmeade, you made your way with Lily by your side. She was complaining about some stunt that James pulled. You knew that she secretly liked him back, but you would never call her out on those feelings, at least not until she was able to realize them herself. You both walked into Honeydukes, where you were scanning the aisles looking for the best sweets.
“So, are we finally going to stop stealing my precious chocolate away from me?” I smiled to myself before I turned to meet his face.
“Well, it just so happens that the cure for a breakup requires a higher dosage of sugar than what you have been offering me. This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook quite yet,” you finished with a smirk. 
From afar, four pairs of eyes were watching this encounter. The three boys and Lily were amazed to see what was becoming of their friends. Sirius and James made it their mission to get Remus to ask you out. Peter was along for the ride, since he liked seeing his friend happy. Lily, on the other hand, was skeptical. You were supposed to be recovering from a breakup, so why were you so quick to move on? She knew Remus, and thought he was a pretty decent guy, and she didn’t want him to get hurt by becoming the rebound. 
You were unaware of how you were feeling. In your past relationships, there had been a sort of convenience and comfort to not being alone, but none of those boys managed to elicit real emotions. You were giddy for the first time in your life, and it was scary, but also exciting. Everytime you were around Remus, it was like things were falling into place, and you couldn’t have been happier. Remus was also beginning to feel something for you. It seemed as though whenever you were around, he had a smile tattooed on his face. Even if you weren’t around, he could feel his lips start to turn upwards with thoughts about the next time he would see you.
A few nights after the trip to Hogsmeade, you sat in the common room with all four of the marauders. You were over on a chair minding your own business with another book in your hand. Occasionally, you would glance up and peek at Remus. Sometimes, your eyes would meet and you would send him a playful wink. During one of these instances, Sirius and James made the choice that tonight was the night to get you two together.
“Prongs, I think I need help on that transfiguration assignment.”
“Sure Padfoot, let’s do that. Wormtail, we may need you for, uh, moral support.” With that the two schemers dragged their friend up to the dorms leaving you and Remus alone in the common room. He looked up at you and motioned his head to the recently vacant place beside. You put down your book with a playful pout, but smiled as you made your way to him. The next few hours consisted of different conversations about everything and nothing. You were both now laying down on the ground, when you sat up and looked at him.
“If you were a muggle,” you paused.
“If I were a muggle what?” He urged sitting up to face you.
“No. It’s dumb. Forget it.” You went to lay back down but he grabbed you and pulled you up.
“Let me hear it. C’mon, I deal with those three idiots upstairs. Anything you say sounds smart.”
“Okay. If you were a muggle, what would be your dream job, and don’t you dare say a teacher or professor, because that is just plain cheating.” You spit out the last part knowing he would choose the easiest of the options.
“I don’t know. Maybe, uh...He looked around the room and saw a wrapper. How about a chocolate maker?” You laughed obnoxiously at his answer. “What? It’s not that funny,” he replied sheepishly. 
“Oh, Mr. Moony, to be a chocolatier. What a fitting dream it is.” You continued to laugh at his choice, and eventually he joined in.
 Your night together ended in joyous laughter. It was perfect, and you soon found yourself in a place you never thought you would end up.  You were falling hopelessly in love with Remus Lupin, and there was no you were coming back.
The next morning, you had slept in. You didn’t mean to, but your dreams were filled with Remus and you just couldn’t bring yourself back to reality where you two weren’t together. At breakfast, Lily made her way to the Marauders to talk to Remus about his relationship with you. She wanted the both of you to be happy, but she didn’t want anyone to get hurt in the process.
“Lupin. Can I talk to you for a minute?” Remus looked at the boys, but eventually got up to talk with Lily.
“You know, Y/N is still dealing with her breakup, and I just can’t help but wonder how you fall into all of this. I mean, they were together for a while, and I’m just worried that she is using you to get over him. I’m sorry.” She finished with a nervous look on her face. Remus’ expression was unreadable. Was he angry at Lily for making such accusations? Was he upset at himself for falling for someone who was using him? He needed time to process so that is what he did.
Later that day, you saw him in the halls with Sirius by his side. You wandered over to him like you had been doing all of this time, but he just shouldered past you and left you confused and alone. Sirius looked as though he was apologetic, but even he didn’t know what was going on. When he asked Remus about it, he was told to “mind his own damn business.” This was a clear sign that Remus was pissed, and no one could figure why. 
This occurred for another week. Both you and Remus were feeling the effects of this distance. You two had grown so accustomed to the time you spent together. The smiles and inside jokes were gone and no one knew why, except for Remus and Lily. They boys were annoyed with the sudden irritability of their friend, but they thought it had to do with his furry little problem. Well, the full moon had gone and nothing changed. Remus was still bitter, and no one could stand it anymore. 
On the other hand, Lily was seeing what real heartbreak looked on you. Before, you were reserved, but there was nothing that told her that you were really grieving the loss of a relationship. The lack of contact with Remus was taking a toll on you. You were sad all of the time. You hardly smiled anymore, and you lost the spark that made you so incredible. It wasn’t until you started skipping meals to avoid having to look at Remus that she realized that she had made a huge mistake. 
One morning, she went to breakfast alone, which concerned Remus because you typically tried to talk to him or the other Marauders in the morning. This time it was different, and he was worried, but more than anything he was angry. He shouldn’t have had this much of an impact on you, especially when this was all your fault. You were the one who was using him to get over your ex. At least that was what he thought. After letting these thoughts get to his head, he made the decision to leave the great hall and take some time to himself in the library.
 This was the perfect opportunity for the three boys to get an idea over what happened from Lily. She told them everything, including how she thinks that she made a huge mistake. Sirius and James started plotting different ways to get the two together, but Lily knew that she just needed to come clean to her friend and pray that you would forgive her in the end.
Later that day, you were in bed contemplating which sweets to eat, hoping that they would end the emptiness you felt inside. You couldn’t bring yourself to eat any of the chocolate you had bought prior to the silent treatment you were receiving from the boy that made your heart pound. As you picked up some sugar quills, you heard the door open. When Lily appeared before you, she looked desperate. 
“There’s something that I need to tell you, and I just need to start by saying that I am so sorry.” She paused and waited for your reaction.
“Go on then,” you said carefully.
“Well, you see, uh, a little while ago, I um, had a chat with Remus. I was trying to look out for the both of you. I may have, just slightly, insinuated that he was your rebound, and that nothing good could come out of whatever you two had going on. Listen Y/N, I am so sorry, and I see now that what I did was wrong, and I know you will never forgive me but-” 
“Stop rambling,” you interrupted. “I’m not mad, well I am, but I understand. I was playing up the whole breakup thing before and you were looking out for Remus. I understand where you were coming from, but I just wish you would have talked to me about it before. This thing with Remus is more than anything I’ve had before.” Lily watched you with a small smile. She made a huge mistake in thinking that you didn’t really care for Remus. Here you are, already plotting how to get him back. You never would have done that for anyone else. It was refreshing for Lily to see you growing up and falling in love. 
“Lily, you were the one who caused this issue though, so I’m gonna need your help.”
“Whatever you need. I can’t see you mope around the dorm anymore.”
“Good, but this plan may require a bit of flirting with a Potter. Do you think you can handle it?” She laughed.
“I don’t even think I need to flirt to get him to help.” She thought back to this morning and how desperate the boys were to get their friend back up in high spirits. 
The rest of the day and the following morning were spent making sure that the plan was perfect. That night, you set everything into motion. You had been waiting by the fire in the common room, just out of sight from anyone who was entering through the portrait hole. Sirius was bringing Remus to the common room, while Peter and Lily managed to keep everyone out of the common room for as long as possible. James was assigned to charming the common room to keep Remus inside for a little while. It wouldn’t last long, but it should be long enough that you two make up.
When you heard two voices enter the common room, you panicked slightly. What if this didn’t work? Had you really lost the only person you’ve ever really fallen for when you did nothing wrong? You were petrified to say the least. When he finally got wind of your presence, he went to rush up to his dorm but James pushed him back.
“You two are going to talk whether you, Mr. I’m-too-stubborn-for-my-own-good, like it or not.” With that, the two pranksters left you two alone. Remus looked at you with a look that you could only define as that of betrayal. 
“You know, I lied that night when you gave me that piece of chocolate.” He looked at you with confusion written in his features. “I was cured of my breakup long before you showed up. I didn’t understand what heartbreak felt like until you stopped talking to me. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, you weren’t aware of the truth. Don’t get mad at Lily either. She wasn’t aware either. Listen, from what I hear from the boys, you have been pretty insufferable lately, and I know that it’s my fault but I think I found a way to fix it.”
Remus watched you carefully as you walked towards him. You held out your hand to him, and in it was some chocolate. His eyes trailed up to yours where you held a hopeful smirk.
“Chocolate cures everything, and right now, I need you to be cured so you can see just how much you mean to me Remus. You were never the rebound. You’re so much more than that to me, and I don’t want to spend another day of my life without you there with me.”
He silently grabbed the chocolate and began to unwrap it. He stopped and looked up at you with a mischievous grin.
“It’s melted, my dear.” You looked at the item in his hand and facepalmed.
“I’m so sorry Remus, I was waiting for you by the fire, and well, chocolate and heat don’t really mix all that well. I thought this was going to be romantic.” You felt so stupid. How could you mess up the easiest part of the plan? 
He scooped up a small bit on his finger and sucked on it. “It’s still delicious.”
You looked up and grabbed some as well just as he had done before. 
“Darling,” he began, “you’ve got a little something on your lip.” You smiled.
“So do you,” you said before closing the gap between the two of you. When your lips met, it was heavenly. The combined taste of chocolate and Remus sent you to another realm. You brought your hand to his face, unaware of the chocolate that was still on your fingers. When he finally pulled away, you saw the mess you had made. Small giggles spewed from your mouth, and they soon turned into large laughs.
“Mr. Moony, you really are taking this whole chocolatier thing too far,” you managed to get out between laughs. He brought his hand up and felt the residue of his sweet gift. He looked at your face, completely guilt-free, and down at the bar of melted chocolate. He smiled and sneakily swiped a few of his fingers into the chocolate. He waltzed over to you as you tried to calm your breathing after your giggle fit.
“Well, I think it’s about time that you become Mrs. Chocolatier. Don’t you think?” He dragged his fingers down your cheeks and across your lips, as your face contorted into that of pure surprise. 
“Wow, you really do look the part now. Oh, to be a chocolatier Ms.Y/L/N.” He brought you in for another sweet kiss. But was interrupted by the sound of gagging from Sirius and James.
“We leave you alone for a couple of minutes and this is what you two do? Look at this mess. And to think Moony, you call us children.” You and Remus just giggled at the small ranting from Sirius before he pulled you in for another kiss.
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Obsession (Part II) ▪︎ Dark!James Potter x Reader
《 harry potter fandom • dark!james potter x reader • marauders era 》
☆ you are responsible for your media consumption. this content has extreme warnings / triggers. this content may make some people uncomfortable. please be safe and take warnings seriously. if you need help or need to talk to someone, i am available for anyone ☆
♡ warnings: noncon/dubcon, sexual obsession, delusional obsession, physical abuse, mentions of death, definitely 18+ ♡
《 summary: when the reader does not reciprocate love for James Potter, he snaps into a complete delusional obsession with her. 》
○ part one: ○
James had fallen asleep holding you. You don't know how you managed to get away from him without him waking up, but you did. You ran harder than you'd ever ran before. Partly from fear, but partly because it felt good to feel your heart pound against your chest. It reminded you that you were still alive. You were almost back into the castle when you collapsed onto the stone ground, unable to move your legs any further. Your whole body felt like jello, similarly to your mind, which was in some distant land refusing to return to accept the events that had occurred. You were sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. You were so far gone, you didn't even feel Severus' arms when they wrapped themselves around you and picked you up. You buried your face into his chest as he carried you to the hospital wing.
James awoke in a panic, feeling you not in his arms. He looked around, realizing you were long gone. He should have gone to look for you, but he couldn't help but stop to smile at the thought of you. He could still taste you on his tongue, smell your perfume on his clothes, feel the shape of your lips against his, hear your soft moans. He got hard just thinking about the expression you had when he made you come.
"She loves me," he reminded himself.
He stood up, grabbing your bookbag from under the tree before confidently strolling back down to the castle. He made his way to his dormitory, setting your bag down and sitting on his bed. His mind continued to be overwhelmed with the thought of you. He reached into your bookbag, curiosity overcoming him. He pulled out random study books, stopping when he reached the potions one. He flipped it open, a note falling out of the front page. He opened it, seeing it was a note from Snape.
"I know you are upset you got a bad mark on the last quiz. The professor only gave you a bad mark because you're better than them. Seriously, (y/n), you are amazing at potions making. One day, you'll be working as the Potions Master and I'll be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts and we'll be able to give bad marks to all the kids we don't like. Keep your head up. - Severus"
James slammed the book shut and hastily put it back in your book bag. He was furious that someone would talk to his girl like this. He was furious that you would keep a note like this from someone like Snape. He crumpled the note, tossing it into your bag as Sirius, Remus, and Peter came running into the room.
"Where have you been?" Remus asked, clearly stressed.
"Where have you been?" James retorted, his anger from the note translating into his question.
"(Y/N) is in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey won't tell us anything. We've been trying to look for you!" Sirius said.
"Come on!" Remus called out, already making his way out of the room.
James quickly followed them, his mind racing with worry for his girl. What could have possibly happened since he saw her last? He thought to himself as they all quickly made their way to the hospital wing. When they arrived, James saw Snape sitting outside of the room. Anger immediately filled him. He knew he would have killed him if it was his fault (y/n) was hurt. He went to confront him, but Sirius grabbed his shoulders roughly.
"Come on."
They all walked into the room. James saw you curled up in the corner of the room and his heart broke for you. He wanted to wrap you up in his arms and never let go.
"(Y/N)? What happened?" Sirius asked.
"No visitors!" Dumbledore yelled.
James looked at you, waiting for you to look back at him, waiting for you to tell the headmaster you wanted him to stay, but you never did. They left the room, the door slamming shut behind them. James thought of you, how you had gone from happy in his arms to the broken girl in the hospital wing. He looked over at Severus, anger immediately engulfing him.
"Snivellus," he called out antagonistically.
He began making his way over to him, but Remus grabbed his arm and held him back.
"Not now, James. Severus is the one who brought her here. He helped her," Remus explained.
"What happened, Snape?" Sirius asked.
"I don't know," Severus responded, his voice showing his irritation.
He clearly did not want to deal with the four idiots. He was more focused on his friend's safety.
"When I found her, she was..." he broke off, having a hard time thinking of the state he had seen his strong friend in. "Someone assaulted her."
James tried to push past his friends to get to Severus, but they held him back.
"Stop!" Sirius yelled. "This is not what she needs right now!"
James ran a hand through his hair, trying to control his anger. Dumbledore opened the door and looked between all of the boys.
"Mr. Snape, you are being requested."
It took everything for James to suppress his anger as Snape stood and entered the hospital wing. The door shut and James mind raced with ideas that only fueled his rage. He remembered how your body felt as you came, he remembered how it felt to slip his cock into you, and then he imagined Snape doing the same things to you. He imagined you moaning his name, kissing his lips. James imagined rushing through the doors and smashing his face then grabbing your face and kissing you. James walked up to the hospital wing door, trying to swing it open, but it wouldn't budge.
"Dumbledore put a charm on it, James. It won't open," Remus explained. "Come on. We'll come back tomorrow."
You laid curled up on the bed in the corner of the dark hospital wing, unable to sleep. Severus had left at curfew and you could feel the loneliness echoing off of the room, you wished he could have held you forever. At least in his arms, you felt safe, you felt like someone was looking out for you. You were lost in your thoughts, enslaved by the memories of the night.
The door to the hospital wing slowly creeped open, a sliver of light from the corridor shining through. Adrenaline poured into your system, intensifying every feeling in your body. You reminded yourself of the enchantment Dumbledore had placed over the room. You reminded yourself you were safe.
"Sev?" You called out. "Is that you?"
The door opening widened, but there was no one there. You sat up in the bed, looking intently at the door as if to see if it was truly open or if your mind was deceiving you. You went to stand to close it, but you were stopped in your tracks. You heard footsteps slowly making their way closer towards you. You pushed yourself back on the bed, your back firmly against the headboard. At the foot of your bed, the invisibility cloak slowly lifted, revealing James. You were locked in place, unable to move or scream even though you wanted to.
"Baby, what's wrong?" James asked, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
He moved to sit beside you on the bed. He wasn't touching you, but your skin crawled with the memory of his last touch.
"Get out," you said firmly, somehow finding the strength.
"Get out?" James laughed. "Come on, baby. You know you want me here. Otherwise, how would I have gotten in?"
You never knew confusion was such an intense emotion until that moment. You tried to deny it, but remembered the charm. Did you want him here? Did you want him? Your thoughts were broken by James' hand grabbing your thigh, his thumb gently caressing your skin. You reached for his hand to push it away, but he caught it, bringing it up to his lips. You pulled away aggressively, but James didn't seem to notice.
"Stop, James."
His eyes were focused on your lips as he moved closer to you. He grabbed your ankle, pulling you down onto the bed as he hovered over you. His hand went to your face, cupping it softly. You pushed against his chest, trying to push him off. You could feel his hard on pressing against your stomach.
"James, get off of me! Please, stop!" You screamed.
"Don't do that, baby," he soothed. "I love you. And you love me, you know that."
His hand moved down to your neck as he pressed his lips against yours.
You jolted up in a panic, looking around the empty room frantically. You were out of breath, your throat dry and sore. You pressed the palms of your hands against your forehead, imprudently trying to force the nefarious memories and thoughts from your mind. You spent the rest of the night with your eyes searching the dark, empty room for any sign of movement, paranoid your nightmare would become a reality and you would be forced to relive your worst experience all over again. Somehow, the castle now seemed to be home to many more ghosts.
You spent the next week in the hospital wing. Severus brought you all of the classwork you were missing so you were not falling behind. He spent as much time as he could with you, making you feel far less lonely. Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were incredibly patient and understanding of the incident. They came to check on you at least once a day and never pressured you to leave the hospital wing. You knew it was time to return to your usual daily routine, but the idea of being forced to interact with James felt like a nightmare. You laid on the hospital bed, your books and parchment sprawled out as you worked.
“What happened to you?” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed, breaking your concentration and causing you to look up from your papers.
Severus walked through the doors with a vibrantly purple and black eye. His hair fell over it, but it was impossible to hide.
“It’s nothing,” he said. “I’m just here to visit (Y/N).” 
Madam Pomfrey allowed him to walk past her, but continued to shake her head as she walked over to her healing potions on the side of the room, scanning through them for the appropriate one.
“What happened to you, Severus?” You asked, sitting up on the bed and immediately reaching your hand out to push his hair behind his ear. “That looks awful!”
“It’s nothing, (Y/N). Would you stop?”
He pushed your hand away as he sat on the bed next to you. 
“Was it them? Tell me, Severus.”
“Why don’t we just focus on you? You’re the one in the hospital wing after all.”
“So are you now, Mr. Snape,” Madam Pomfrey stated. “Sit still and look up.”
Madam Pomfrey applied a thick cream to Severus’ eye. The colors dissipated and the swelling went down until eventually the ailment almost completely disappeared. By the time Madam Pomfrey finished treating Severus, it was time for him to leave for his next class. He grabbed his books and began walking out of the hospital wing.
“Wait-” You called out, surprising even yourself. 
You collected you classwork before standing and making your way over to Severus.
“Are you leaving?” Madam Pomfrey asked, clearly contemplating whether to allow you to go.
“Yes, Madam. Thank you for everything,” You said before turning to a shocked Severus. “They know better than to mess with us when we’re together. Let’s go.”
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crab-instruments · 3 years
Dust in the Wind Part 5 (tbb)
Master <Part 4 Part 6>
Pairing: Hunter x Secret Jedi! Reader (GN)
Rating and warning: General audience, fighting, injury, panic/stress
Words: 2.2k
a/n: Action! We fight some people. Notes at the end. I hope the action is somewhat easy to follow and interesting.
My writing process involves me thinking of fight scenes as I listen to music while I walk, this one is choreographed to Rat A Tat by Fall Out Boy. This is unimportant and uninteresting but is how I get a lot of my ideas.
Surprisingly, this is the longest part of written and I cut it short. Thanks for all the likes and reblogs, y'all. Keeps me going.
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Cid had given the Batch a mission to the Outer Rim. Tech had told the squad what planet but you had zoned out. Restarting your life every time something goes south was taking a toll on you and while your new crew was accommodating, it didn’t stop the stress of existing. You had gotten closer with the Batch on the trip to the next mission since it was a bit further out and you had time to get to comfortable. Wrecker and Omega seemed to enjoy your company the most, wanting to play games and share stories with you. Otherwise you helped Tech and Echo around the ship and chatted with them. Down times were spent with Hunter in the cockpit, watching hyperspace.
“Maxis… do you know how to sew?” Wrecker had caught you outside the armory, holding something behind his back.
You blinked, not used to seeing Wrecker so timid. “Uh yeah, I can sew. What do you need?” With a swift movement, he brought a red and black tooka doll between you. One of the arms had a rip in it, showing the stuffing inside.
His eyes looked sad as he said, “Lula got caught on a hook.”
“Ah, that should be easy. I can patch Lula up while you’re on your mission, so she’ll be ready when you get back.”
Wrecker smiled wide and pulled you into a hug. When you separated, he then held Lula out for you to take. As your hand touched the doll, your senses were overwhelmed with a rush of emotions and your head filled with memories that the doll contained. It stunned you for a moment and you had to close your eyes, not having experienced a force echo in a while. Luckily none of the memories were traumatic, just loud since Wrecker had strong emotions.
“Are you okay, Maxis?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking how cute Lula was,” you said with a smile.
The time between taking Lula from Wrecker and entering the planet’s atmosphere was fuzzy. Your mind was still on experiencing the force echo. Psychometry was a force ability that few Jedi had but most of the time it was a pain. You had to train a lot to get it under control when you were younger and when people found out about it, they wanted to do study you and learn everything about it they could. Since you had left the Jedi life and mostly disconnected with the Force, the echoes had dissipated. Having one suddenly didn’t sit well.
Tech’s voice grounded you back to the present as he alerted everyone he was landing the ship soon. Hunter appeared in the seat across from you, something in his hand. “This mission shouldn’t take very long, just a few hours. Here’s a comm, we will let you know when we are on our way back or if something goes wrong. I know you can’t fly but it would be useful if you could get the ship ready in case we need to leave in a hurry.” You nodded and took the comm. “Will you be okay, Maxis? I did say this would be dangerous. Although it’s unlikely, they could come to scout the Marauder.”
“Oh yeah. I’ll be fine. If anything goes wrong on my end I can let you know as well, though I bet the worst thing is I prick my finger sewing Lula together or shock myself with a live wire.” Hunter’s face softened and he seemed to relax a bit. Your eyes held his until the ship shook when it landed. When he got up, he put his hand on your shoulder for a moment before getting ready to head out.
You watched as they shuffled out of the ship, saying a quiet “be safe, please,” as they disappeared from your view.
The reality of being by yourself seemed to set in, making the Marauder daunting. There was Gonky, at least. Shaking that off, you settled in and got to work fixing up Lula’s arm. You made quick work, almost wishing you had more to work on. Taking apart the ship to make repairs was risky if they needed to leave quickly.
Slumping back in your chair, you held Lula in front of you. “What do you think I should do, Lula? I could go clean the air filter or organize the wires in one of the control panels, even though Tech does a pretty good job at color coding them. A few of the sensors could be looked at but… I’m still a little stumped on… why I got a force echo from you. You are special, I’m sure, but… I guess I could meditate for a bit, see if that helps clear things up.”
You crossed your legs in the chair and put Lula in your lap. Meditating was supposed to be relaxing, but it was harder to find a calm now. It felt empty, in a way. You tried hard though, seeking an answer as to why now.
After a few moments, your eyes shot open. Something was wrong. You gasped for breath the feeling of overwhelming apprehension. Someone was heading toward the ship. Three, maybe four, people and they didn’t feel like your crew. Hunter did say he would alert you when they came back and it hasn’t been that long.
Swiftly, you got to your feet and headed towards the cockpit where the comm was still sitting on a chair. However, you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw a white bucket helmet walk around the front of the ship through the windshield. Troopers. Your heart pounded in your ears and you sank quickly to the floor. The fear of being caught by the Empire was arguably your biggest fear, they hunted Jedi ruthlessly, even hearing about troopers trained to fight Jedi specifically.
A noise came from where the entrance ramp was, they were trying to get on the ship. You remembered that Tech had told you about an escape hatch in the cockpit, so you quietly crawled to it and lifted it up. You did your best to make sure that you were in the clear and dropped down.
“Dank farrik! It’ll be another minute to open the hatch,” one of the troopers exclaimed. It seemed the others were spread out around the area, so making a run for it wasn’t necessarily the smartest decision but taking on four troopers by yourself wasn’t wise either. Close quarters combat was a strength of yours, training to not depend on your lightsaber was a priority for your Master. Long range combat would be more of a struggle, as your shooting accuracy left something to be desired. One of the reasons you ended up leaving the Order was it became less about peace keeping and more about being a soldier, and the senseless death had caught up to you.
You did your best to keep calm. Everything in your body told you to run, escape, survive, but… what about the ship? This was your home now. Hunter… the squad… depended on this ship. If you didn’t do something to protect it, what would happen?
Unfortunately for you, the choice to run or fight was taken from you, when the trooper noticed you crouching by the front of the ship.
“Hey! Foun—” before he could finish his sentence, you rushed him. The trooper had his blaster pulled out when he saw you. You used the element of surprise to go for a disarm, checking his blaster arm with your left, getting your right hand on the opposite side to redirect his hand. The blaster clearing your stomach as you brought your right arm across your body. While sweeping with your right, you used your left to get a grip of his wrist. With this, you were able to free your right hand to strip the blaster from him, squeezing his wrist to force his hand lose and you were able to swipe it out of his grasp. Once the blaster was out of his hand, you pulled his left arm back, hooked your foot behind his right to destabilize him, and then gripped the front of his armor tightly to put as much power as you could into pushing him into the ground, you kneeling next to him. While not quiet strong enough to knock him out, it was enough to stun him for a moment since you used his and your weight against him.
You heard a movement behind the ship, the other troopers had been alerted. Scrambling for the blaster, you switched it to stun and shot twice, knocking out one trooper. The third trooper came from around the front of the ship and shot. You had just enough time to twist your body and dodge a majority of the shot, but it still skinned your left arm, leaving a nice wound for later. Two more shots from you to knock him out.
While your arm screamed in pain, you had one last trooper to deal with. Keeping crouched, you rounded the front of the ship.
“Freeze!” The trooper was right in front of you and you were staring down the barrel. Kark! Slowly, you put your hands up in a half surrender, but in that moment you thought of a plan.
“Catch!” You tossed the blaster towards him and the trooper, confused, went to catch it. You pulled your knife out of your thigh holster and rushed him. Using his now bent knee, you jumped and wrapped your legs around his mid-section, using the boost of the jump to shove him to the ground. You pressed the blade to his neck, ready, but hesitated. You couldn’t follow through, even when your life seemed to depend on it.
No good deed goes unpunished. The trooper pushed you off but you land within arms reach of your fallen blaster and you made quick work of stunning him.
For a moment, you sat there, breathing heavily and you hands shaking. Your pulse raged in your ears and adrenaline rushed through your veins.
Achievement Unlocked: You protected the Havoc Marauder! But now what? And what if… the squad finds out? Something about them knowing you took down the troopers didn’t sit right. The odds were stacked against you, what if they start getting suspicious? What if… What if Hunter gets mad?
Checking the trooper in front of you, you found a pair of handcuffs. More than likely they would all have handcuffs and you could move their bodies away from the ship, effectively disposing of them.
One by one, you dragged the troopers bodies away, putting them in some foliage after handcuffing one arm and the opposite ankle behind their back. Hopefully this would keep them relatively immobilized when they woke up. After moving the last one, you could no longer handle the pain of the blaster shot and headed to the ship.
You looked for the med kit and handled it with shaky hands. After applying the bacta and patching it up, you did your best to hide the wound with your sleeve. You then went to your backpack and grabbed the small notebook and pencil. Something about writing felt better than using a holopad, so this is where you kept your notes for supplies and such. Though it was difficult, you wrote ‘bacta and bandages’ to your supplies list. Hopefully they wouldn’t get mad at you using their supplies but just in case, you would just silently replace it. No one would know.
As everything seemed to wear off, all you wanted to do was crawl into a small area and hide. You found an area between some crates and sank down, willing yourself to melt into the floor. In an effort to calm yourself, you muttered a few bars of the song that had stuck with you.
“♪ Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind ♪”
A beep cut into your thoughts. “Maxis, come in, do you read me?” Hearing his voice, you became renewed with a sort of energy. You stood up, walked over to the cockpit once more, and grabbed the comm. “Loud and clear, Hunter.”
“Great, we’re done and on our way back, we had a small set back but no other problems.”
“I’ll start up the ship for you.”
When Hunter and the squad got close, Hunter sense something was off. He signaled for the group to halt as he went to go investigate. Hearing some slow breathing from a few sources, he approached the bush carefully and paused when he noticed four knocked out troopers tied up chaotically. Tech noticed Hunter’s hesitation and walked forward.
“What did you fin—Oh. How did four Imperial Troopers end up here? You don’t supposed they went for the Marauder and Maxis took them out?”
“Who else would have? Four troopers… they have the strength to take out four troopers by themselves?” Hunter sounded bewildered. He finally looked at Tech, “Maxis didn’t attempt to alert us and I missed it, did they?”
“No, but it could have been inconvenient at the time. However, there wouldn’t be a reason why they wouldn’t have contacted us after dealing with the situation. Perhaps something else went wrong.”
With that, Hunter signaled the rest of the crew to board the ship with caution.
Part 6 _______________________________________________________
Psychometry/Force Echo: This is the next Jedi Fallen Order reference, also seen in 1 or 2 episodes of TCW. I based the reader's ability from the game. Fight scene choreo: Warning, video contains fighting scenes. I love MGS and specifically the CQC in MGSV. For this scene, the first disarm is a combo of the moves described in 1:08 (beginning) and 4:01 (ending). It was mainly supposed to be the second one but the arms are switched so as an artist of my craft, I must adapt. The last move is mostly just the Peter Pan jump from 5:23. I tried to describe the action as best as I could without being like "left right must left right" but here is the visual aspect of it.
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salazarslytherin · 3 years
player, heartbreaker (wolfstar)
requested: nope! written for @acosmis-t ’s writing challenge! send in your own request here
summary: in which sirius breaks remus’ heart- not for the first time, but definitely the last.
prompts: 6. “i love you.”, “no you don’t” 8. “how was i such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?” 13. “maybe they were right. you never did change.”
cw/tw: angst, cheating, just tears, and a whole lot of em
word count: 2.4k
🃛 masterlist!
a/n: if you enjoyed this oneshot please consider reblogging and/or dropping me a follow! it’ll help me out a lot :)
I love you.
Those three words meant so much to Remus. Shunned by so many throughout his life, coming to Hogwarts and feeling the warm embrace of friendship and the overwhelming amounts of love that came with it made him lightheaded, feeling as if he were floating on air.
Those three words had made Remus excuse so much. Times he’d gotten in trouble with McGonagall because of a stupid prank Sirius had pulled and blamed on him.
“She’ll pull me out of quidditch for this! You’re the perfect student, she’ll let you off the hook! I love you Moony!”
Remus wasn’t let off the hook, but he never held it against Sirius.
Dangerous and idiotic pranks were forgiven- like the Full Moon Incident with Snape in fifth year. The Black heir had grovelled and apologised, spending many nights on his knees, begging for Remus’ forgiveness.
“Moony I’m so sorry, I was just, infuriated by the sheer audacity of Snivellus. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I love you, and I would do anything to prove to you that I can make it up to you.”
It took another full moon for Remus to forgive him, but he never forgot the heartbreak and betrayal that the incident had brought him.
Yet, he didn’t hold it against him. Because it was Sirius Black.
The first boy to show him friendship, the first boy to show him affection, the first boy to show him love.
Not long after the Incident, the love between the two had blossomed- growing from a platonic, brotherly love to one that was more complicated.
One was the Prince of Gryffindor; the biggest player and heartbreaker that Hogwarts had seen in decades. Flirting and fucking girls and boys alike, Sirius Black left behind him a trail of tears and heartbreak. Yet he was never resented for it, because that’s just who he was.
Sirius Black, the serial heartbreaker.
The other was quiet. The most unassuming member of the Marauders- studious and always willing to help others regardless of house and year. A Werewolf littered with scars, but the gentlest person you could ever meet. Remus Lupin was the kindest soul you could find, but vicious when you needed him to be. Although quiet, he was charming and outgoing, the kind of person you could have a beer with, but also come to for your troubles.
Remus Lupin, the kindest boy at Hogwarts.
The two were best friends, but perhaps there was always a little bit more.
Sirius was openly bisexual, flamboyant and flaunting of his sexuality, he flirted with anyone and everyone.
Rumour has it he tried to flirt Filch out of detention once.
Remus was gay, but only told others when asked. He didn’t think his sexuality was anyone’s business, perhaps except his and his partner’s only.
As a result of these two polar opposites that were too similar for their own good, there was always an underlying sense of attraction. Remus would watch Sirius from behind a book, smiling at his jokes, laughing at his antics.
Sirius always admired Remus’ scars, equating them with bravery and beauty.
One day, the attraction had just clicked, and the words “I love you Moony” became “I’m in love with you, Moony.”
The stolen glances turned into shared, lingering looks in classes after a make-out session in an alcove- Remus turning red when he realised he was wearing Sirius’ shirt instead of his own, one that was just a tad bit too small for the Werewolf, then vermillion when someone pointed out a hickey Sirius had left on his neck.
Nights were no longer lonely– neither of the two was plagued with nightmares anymore as, much like the year before, many nights were spent with Sirius on his knees- albeit under very, very different circumstances.
Not long after they had gotten together, Gryffindor won yet another quidditch match against Slytherin, and a Marauders party had exploded in the Common Room. Students from every house, save for Slytherin, partied the night away with bottles of firewhiskey and cake from the house elves, which ended up more on people’s faces than in their mouths.
Remus, not one to “party hard” like Sirius or James, found himself sitting on the window seat, chatting with passersby, sipping on a cup of firewhiskey while watching his friends on the dance floor.
“Hey there Lupin. Not out there with the rest of your marauders?”
Lily sat herself down next to Remus, clutching her own firewhiskey as she watched her boyfriend dance with Remus’, Peter bouncing awkwardly between the two.
“Not really feeling up for it. Why aren’t you out there yourself? Thought you’d be out dancing with James, you two seem awfully close these days.”
A blush graced Lily’s face, coughing slightly to cover her embarrassment as she turned to face her fellow prefect.
“Well, you and Black seem awfully close yourselves. Are you actually dating him?”
From anyone else, Remus would’ve thought the question rude and blunt, intrusive, even. But over the years, he began counting Lily Evans a friend almost as close as the Marauders, so he shrugged, and let it slide.
“Maybe. What’s it to you?”
The redhead shrugged, looking out onto the dance floor where a Ravenclaw had grabbed onto Sirius, grinding onto his front as the Gryffindor seemed to welcome him, holding his hips close to his own, the pair lost in the music.
“I just worry about you, Remus. I know you two are best friends, and you should always trust the people you’re with, but, we all know what Black’s like. I don’t want to see you become one of the ones he leaves behind.”
Remus clenched his jaw at the sight of Nathan Sulzer grinding on his boyfriend, his heart clenching slightly as Sirius did nothing to stop him.
“I’ll be fine Lily.”
James wandered towards the two of them, pressing a kiss to Lily’s lips as he shoved Remus lightly on the shoulder.
“Alright, Moony?”
Remus felt his heart break slightly as Nathan peppered kisses on Sirius’ neck, the same spots he had kissed that very morning before the quidditch match. James followed the werewolf’s gaze as he failed to reply, his own fist clenching in response.
“Merlin Moony, I’m so sorry. I swear I thought he would’ve changed for you. I love that man but I swear he can be so thick somedays.”
Remus shook his head, feeling tears well up that he willed away, putting down the cup and pushing himself off the seat.
“It’s fine. I’m going to head upstairs first. G’night you two.”
“I love you Moony.”
“Love you too Prongs. Night Lil.”
That was not the night Sirius Black broke Remus Lupin’s heart for the last time. Later that night, the beater had come up, small hickeys staining his neck and collar overturned as he begged Remus for his forgiveness.
“I was so drunk baby I didn’t even realise what he was doing. Just celebrating, I didn’t even know who I was dancing with! I love you so much Re I’m so sorry. It will never happen again.”
Remus forgave him. He always did.
After all, this was Sirius Black he was faced with.
And if we know anything, it’s that Remus Lupin always forgave Sirius Black.
Later that week, when Nathan Sulzer came to Remus to ask for help with a transfiguration essay, he merely turned and walked away, causing Nathan to wonder what he’d done to earn the ire of the kindest boy in Hogwarts.
It was the last day of exams in sixth year. Remus and Peter, being the only ones in the Marauders to take NEWT level Ancient Runes, were the last to finish their exams. Excitedly discussing what was to come in the summer as well as the final weeks of school, the two made their way back to Gryffindor tower.
“So what are you doing over the summer Wormy? Have your parents settled on a vacation spot yet, or are you going to finally stay around for once?”
Peter smiled softly, shrugging as he clutched his books to his chest.
“I’m not really sure, but I think we should be around for the last few weeks. You’re staying with Prongs and Padfoot for a while, right? I think I’ll probably be able to join you if you’re still there by the time I get-”
The pair’s conversation was cut short as they ascended the stairs to their dorm, hearing a piercing feminine moan coming from their room.
“Merlin, never pegged Lily for the vocal type.”
Peter frowned, uncomfortable.
“Clearly you’ve not been around the Potter household when she stays with Prongs during Christmas. ”
Shuddering, their soft laughter was cut short as footsteps thundered up the stairs behind them, muscular arms landing on the two Marauders’ shoulders.
“Alright, lads! Finally finished with your exams?”
James Fleamont Potter stood behind his two fellow Marauders in all his glory, making the boys freeze in their actions.
“I- you-”
Remus’ mind was moving a mile a minute, the reality clocking in but he refused to admit it. This had to be some sort of a sick prank.
“If you’re out here, then who’s that in there having sex with Lily?!”
Peter pointed at the door, the confusion and adrenaline running through the three boys making them miss the soft moan of ‘Sirius’ coming from behind the doors.
“What?! Nobody better be having sex with my Lily!”
The heavy wooden doors flew open as James kicked it with all his might, revealing Emmeline Vance naked and on top of the one and only, Sirius Black.
“Padfoot?!” emerged out of Peter’s mouth at the same time as the words “That’s not Lily!” came from James’, before reality dawned upon the two, turning to face the werewolf.
“Get out.”
“Moony I-”
For the first time in a long time, Remus felt a fire rise in his stomach, his temper snapping as he threw his books on the ground.
“All of you, get out!”
The werewolf’s head snapped up at the naked boy on the bed, who was stealing fearful glances at the girl quickly redressing next to him.
“Except you, Black.”
Sirius had awkwardly finished putting on his clothes as Remus stood beside his own bed, feeling nothing, his previous anger had sizzled out and left him hollow.
“Moony I-”
“I don’t want to hear you speak. I don’t, I just,”
A memory flashed by Remus’ mind, that party after Gryffindor’s first win of the year. Lily’s words echoing in his mind: we all know what Black’s like.
“Maybe they were right. You never did change.”
A cold laugh emerged from the prefect’s lips, looking up at the ceiling he’d become so familiar with over the past year. The one he’d studied night after night with Sirius in his arms, the one he’d memorised when he wondered whether he did anything wrong when Sirius apologised to him for this thing or that, breaking his heart bit by bit, day by day.
“How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, of all people, could ever love me? Sirius Black, prince of Gryffindor. The biggest player Hogwarts has ever seen, the biggest heartbreaker there’s ever been!”
Remus continued laughing his emotionless laugh, one that made Sirius wince and shudder. It was so unlike him, so hollow, so cruel.
Nothing like his Remus.
“Of course I love you Moony. I love you.”
Sirius made his way over to Remus, his calloused hands reaching out towards Remus’ scarred ones.
“No you don’t.”
Remus’ hand was enveloped for a mere second, the familiar warmth begging him to stay before his sinking heart reminded him of the hurt he was pushed under by those same hands, and ripped himself away.
“If you loved me, you would never have done this. If you loved me, you’d never have made me doubt whether you really wanted to be with me. If you’d loved me,”
Remus looked at Sirius for the first time since James and Peter left the room. As their eyes met, Remus felt the tears welling in the grey eyes he loved so dearly pulling at his heartstrings, clenching his jaw before continuing, willing his own tears not to fall.
“We wouldn’t be here. I was in love with you, but you were in love with the idea of me. The chase, the excitement of a relationship you couldn’t flaunt all across the halls.”
Muted ‘no’s and soundless protests were made as Sirius fell to his knees in front of Remus for the umpteenth time that year, but this time out of desperation, an attempt to salvage something that couldn’t be salvaged.
“But you got tired, and you found the excitement in sneaking around with others. Pushing the boundaries to see how far you could get without being caught.”
Tears fell freely from Sirius’ eyes now, clutching onto Remus’ trousers as he cried out.
“That’s not it. Please Re, I love you, I love you so much. You’re everything for me, my home, my only. Please don’t do this.”
Remus’ own eyes flew shut, but he continued, tears escaping as rapidly as the words did.
“And now you’ve gotten caught. I hope it was worth it, because I’m done forgiving you. I’m just so, so done. I’m tired of not being good enough for you, I’m tired of second guessing myself and wondering why you end up in other people’s arms.”
Sirius shook his head fervently, incoherent words and sobs wracked from his throat as he hugged Remus’ legs with more strength than he knew he had, shaking his head at the werewolf’s words.
“You know, I would’ve done anything for you. I forgave you each and every time you crawled back to me. No matter how many times you broke my heart, I turned to putty in your hands every time you told me ‘I love you’.”
Remus’ hands landed on the boy’s shoulders for the last time, a motion so familiar, yet so foreign at the same time, pulling him away. He took Sirius’ chin into his hand, tilting his head up to meet his tearfully hopeful eyes.
“I love you Remus.”
Desperation dripped from the animagus' voice, his eyes searching Remus' face for one last bit of mercy, one last "I love you".
“I love you Sirius. But I don’t want to love you any longer.”
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