#i might actually redo this at some point or add more to it but i like how it turned out now!
cutebatart · 2 years
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Feeling a bit conflicted rn, huh? :)
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detailtilted · 1 month
In Search of Supernatural Fans from the Early Years
Hi! I’m looking for the legends who originally recorded old Supernatural convention panels featuring Jared or Jensen, or possibly Misha. See "What I'm Looking For" below. If you know one of them, or if you're a member of a community with people who were in the fandom in those early years, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could let them know about this post. I can be reached at [email protected] or here on Tumblr.
If you aren’t familiar with my project, see the “Project Background” section below. This is not a low-effort exercise to merely repackage old videos. I’m putting many hours of work into each video to improve their watchability and accessibility. I will always credit my sources unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I’m likely to have more success upscaling them if I can get the original video files. Thanks to the videos AgtSpooky kindly sent me, I've learned how big of a difference it can make when I have the original files to work with. That's why I’m putting more effort into finding those elusive original video takers.
The problem is that they all seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Most of their YouTube accounts, LiveJournal accounts, and whatever other accounts I’ve dug up haven’t had any activity in 10-15 years. I’ve left a few messages on some of them, but I doubt they’ll be seen on dormant accounts. I’ve also gone down some crazy and twisted Googling paths trying to find current contact info for them, but without much success. In one case I even messaged the wrong person, who was at least kind enough to reply to the psycho asking for videos to let me know she wasn't the person I'd hoped she was. Oops!
What I’m Looking For
I’ve already finished CHICON 2007, Comic-Con 2008, and CHICON 2008, so I don’t need videos from those events, but I’d be happy to try to upscale your videos for your own collection if you have some you'd like to send me.
Actually, I could use CHICON 2008 Breakfast videos if you have any. I plan to attempt to redo that video either late this year or early next year.
I’ve been trying especially hard to reach people with original video files from either LA 2009 or Asylum 3 (2009), and I’d also be ecstatic to get some from LA 2008.
Any other old con videos you’re willing to share that have Jared or Jensen in them would be awesome. I hope to get to all the old conventions eventually. I haven’t yet defined “old”, so I don’t have a specific cutoff point.
Even if you just have audio files without video, those could be helpful too.
Length doesn't matter. Both long and short videos are welcome. Maybe I won't end up using them all, but the more options I have the better. Even if I don't put your video in my final edit, it would still be used because I always listen to every single video I can find when I'm finalizing my subtitles. Each video sounds at least a little different, and sometimes just hearing the audio in a slightly different way lets me catch a subtitle I'd missed or misheard.
Also, just to be clear, it isn’t necessarily my intent to exclude Misha. I’ve watched and enjoyed many of his convention videos and I liked Castiel for the most part, especially in the earlier seasons. I’m just not obsessed with Misha like I am with Jared and Jensen, and these videos do take quite a lot of work, so I’ve been putting my energy where my greatest interests lie. I’ll absolutely be including him when he’s in panels with Jared and/or Jensen, and in the future I may consider doing some of his solo panels.
So if you have original video files of Misha's solo panels that you’d like to send me, I’d be happy to add them to my stockpile for future possible use. If your videos turn out to be mostly complete, and if they upscale easily, then I might go ahead and do his panel at the same time I do the other panels from the same convention. If they'll take more effort to work with, I’ll probably skip them for now, but I may come back and tackle them if/when I run out of old Jared and Jensen videos to work with.
For any con videos you send me, regardless of whether I use them or not, I’d be happy to try to upscale them and send them back to you for your collection. I can’t always get things to upscale, so I can’t promise success, but I’ll definitely try.
Project Background - Enhanced Edition Con Videos
You can find my videos on my YouTube channel. (If you're already familiar with my project, skip to the next section -- there's nothing new to see here.)
I started this project in December 2023 to enhance old convention videos. My goal is to make them easier on the eyes and more accessible to both new and old fans from around the world. The videos on YouTube from that time can be difficult both to watch and to understand due to a combination of the older technology used to record them, the difficult recording conditions the fans were working with, and the lack of subtitles that make any sense.
I’m enhancing the videos as follows:
Visual Improvements: I’m upscaling the videos if possible, making color corrections if needed, and adding some slight stabilization to reduce the jitteriness. The end result is far from perfect because there’s only so much that current technology can do, but it's noticeably improved if you compare it to the originals.
Subtitles: I’m adding good, color-coded, English subtitles that can be turned on or off through YouTube’s CC button. The color-coding makes it more clear who's saying what when multiple people are speaking, and YouTube can auto-translate them into other languages to improve the accessibility.
Multiple Sources: If one video has gaps in it, then I'll try to find another that I can edit in to fill those gaps so the end result is as complete as possible. If I have more than one source that captured the same portion of the event, then I'll cut to whichever video I think had the best view of the action. In a few cases I’ve added a split screen with two different videos showing simultaneously so we can see action that's taking place in two separate areas. For example, when Jared and Jensen are on opposite sides of the stage. (There were also the infernal talking head bubbles on my Comic-Con 2008 video which nearly made me throw in the towel, but taught me a lot. 😅)
Extra Content for Context: These older videos don’t take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I’ve taken advantage of the extra space to display some still images with text to add extra context for many of the things they discuss. Some things are a lot funnier, or at least a lot more relevant, when you know exactly what they’re talking about. I clarify Supernatural episode references and pop culture references among other things. Sometimes I’ve also inserted short video clips, usually just a few seconds’ worth, if I thought it would add worthwhile clarity or entertainment to the topic at hand.
Current Project Status
If anyone has been wondering how I’m doing on my current video and what’s next… I’m almost done with the last video from CHICON 2008, which was Jensen’s solo panel. I should be ready to publish it on YouTube this Friday, May 24. I plan to use the same schedule as last time and put the Tumblr post up the following Tuesday when it’s a little more likely to be noticed here.
The next sequential conventions are LA 2009 and Asylum 2009, but I haven’t had much success in my attempts to upscale the available videos. If I were to work with what I have now, I know I could turn out something better than what’s on YouTube today, but the end result wouldn’t be nearly as good as what I might be able to achieve if I can get some original videos to work with. So I think it’s more logical to skip over these conventions for now and give it some time to see if I get any responses, in hope of a better end result.
I do intend to come back to the skipped conventions eventually, even if nobody sends me anything. Once I run out of conventions for which I can upscale the videos, if I still don't have anything better to work with for the ones I skipped, I’ll just do the best I can with what’s available. Even if I can't upscale, I can still do color corrections and stabilization, plus the subtitles and extra content. Some of these panels are split up into a bunch of very short videos, so it would also add value if I can combine them into something more sequential and cohesive. (I found 130 videos from the Jared and/or Jensen panels at LA 2009, and most of them were under 2 minutes long. 🤣) I don’t know if there’s enough footage to cover the entire panels seamlessly, but I’m itching to get my hands on that jigsaw puzzle of videos to try to make sense out of them.
So… the next videos I intend to work on will be from Vancouver 2009. This is one of the conventions that AgtSpooky attended and sent me videos for and they upscaled very well. Her breakfast video had already found its way onto YouTube, but wasn't properly credited. Her main panel videos aren't on YouTube as far as I could find, so that version may be new to newer fans. I'm only just starting to play around with upscaling the other sources out there, but my first attempt at the other main Breakfast source came out well. Both breakfast videos were taken from extreme opposite angles, so that should provide some useful editing opportunities. I’d still love to get more videos of this event if anyone has them.
If you made it this far, I am in awe. Sorry for putting this wall of text on your screen! 😅
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razzledazzle-pop · 7 months
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Okay Okay Okay—More Samder Slides headcanons time..You’ve opened Pandora’s Box…
Personal headcanons/design things:
Keeps food in his pockets and then forgets it’s there. The way I know the amount of crumbs are insane.
Re-attached his logo with haphazard stitching so it matched Virgil’s :]
Always loses one sock in each pair. ALWAYS.
Has THE most insane takes. Leads to a lot of fun Patton and Logan discussions actually (*Hits them with the Trolley problem*: DISCUSS)
Patton would take the Utilitarian approach I think…Would think you should always sacrifice the one person in the trolley problem instead of the five because it minimizes the most suffering).
To that point, I really do think all the sides would enjoy watching The Good Place. Probably also The Magic School Bus.
All film media in Patton’s room is on VHS. Even if it came out recently. He made them that way.
I know we’ve literally seen his room in canon but in my heart it looks like Howl’s Room in Howl’s Moving Castle (insane levels of eclectic).
Has set the kitchen on fire 237856 times. It will happen again.
Has hand-made bracelets (themed each of them around one of the other sides).
Also has a hand-made doll collection…Roman’s doll is kind of like a traditional princely doll, Logan is probably a cube craft doll, Virgil’s is Coraline style (later redoes it with Remus’ help to add Virgil’s extra legs and mandibles (they’re articulated. He’s very proud)). Remus is a finger puppet and Janus is a sock puppet (those last two might change later)…
To that point: he still has a spider phobia, but he’s working on it (mostly for Virgil. A lot of it is him being like “could you please describe “x” to me, or draw me a picture before you revert so I know what to expect? :).” It’s going well.
One time they tried theorizing what kind of spider Virgil was. Patton immediately threw in Jumping Spider (he’s not) but Logan was happy to hear Patton had done some kind of research into something.
He’s Roman’s test audience/proofreader. He may be a Yes Man, but he’s good at spotting when character motives are unclear in a story/just generally to bounce ideas around with. They have days where they parallel play. Patton does his arts and crafts and Roman does his writing. At the end of it, they swap and critique.
Me throwing my takes at you (thank you for coming to my TED Talk):
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melverie · 10 months
So I've seen some discussion about the way Mammon talks in 24-11, and how some think Asmo forced Mammon to speak this way while others think it might be because of a issue with the translation. And since I speak some Japanese, I figured I'd break down what's actually going on here
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If you don't want to read through the Japanese grammar explanation, just skip to the last section, but for everyone else I'll try to break it all down. Just keep in mind that I'll simplify some things to (hopefully) make it easier to understand for those that don't speak Japanese
Right away, here's the dialogue above in the Japanese version + written in Romaji for those that can't read Japanese:
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understanding sentence-ending particles
(not really relevant to Mammon's dialogue itself, but I think it'll help make the function of 「です」 ('desu') and 「ます」 ('masu') in the next section a little clearer)
Sentence-ending particles serve to indicate the overall tone a sentence is meant to have. There are a few of them and each one gives the meaning of the sentence a different nuance
The two easiest examples to understand this concept are probably the following:
the 「か」 ('ka') particle basically just a spoken question mark; turns any sentence into a proper question
the 「ね」 ('ne') particle literally functions the same way as 'isn't it'
ちょっと寒い。 ('chotto samui') -> It's a little cold.
ちょっと寒いか。 ('chotto samui ka') -> Is it a little cold?
ちょっと寒いね。 ('chotto samui ne') -> Bit cold, innit? It's a little cold, isn't it?
the auxilary verbs 「です」 ('desu') and 「ます」 ('masu')
Similarly to the sentence-ending particles, these two change the tone of the sentence and are placed at the end. Both make the sentence polite, and depending on what the sentence ends with, you use one or the other. If it ends in a verb, you add 「ます」 ('masu') at the very end, and if it ends in anything else you use 「です」 ('desu')—you cannot use both back to back
Which finally brings us back to Mammon's dialogue
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As you can see, he goes a little overboard. Since 「やり直す」 ('yari naosu'; 'to redo') is a verb, the first use of 「ます」 ('masu') is correct, but everything after that is just overkill and wrong but it sounds very cute (The way Mammon speaks here actually reminds me of how half of my classmates used to speak the first few weeks of uni lol)
But yeah, it's definitely not Asmo forcing Mammon to speak differntly since all of the brothers are talking more politely. And given that they're all under Asmo's charm and serving him, it makes sense that they'd adopt a similar manner of speaking as Barbatos. It's just that Mammon is the King of Casual Speech™, dancing gracefully between 'still acceptable' and 'straight up rude' more or less gracefully at least, so obviously he'd struggle with switching to a more butler-like speech style
It's the same with Beel actually. He's usually the type to just cut straight to the point, which is why he also slightly messed up when speaking politely. To me the original Japanese version reads more like a cute little joke that's in line with both their character, that unfortunately got lost in translation since English just doesn't have an equivalent
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notmaplemable · 4 months
Mable's RWBY Redo: Volume 1 + Trailers
Hello hello, and welcome to my own version of FRWBY, but hopefully without the controversy. But I wouldn't really call this a "fix it" fic or anything. More just a writing exercise where RWBY was more planned out than it actually was/is.
Since it does seem to me that RWBY was written quite a bit by the seat of CRWBY's pants, at least in the earlier volumes. How much that changed, I don't claim to know. But there are a few things in RWBY that probably would've more impactful if they were setup earlier. So, I'm going to try to do that.
I will be keeping most of the major concepts of RWBY the same. Dust, Grimm, impractical but flashy weaponry, the White Fang and that whole thing, Salem, etc. But just because I'm keeping the concept, doesn't mean there won't be changes in execution.
There are also a few things that where the plan seems to have shifted at some point. Like the Raven plotline for example, it seems like Monty was the only one who really knew what he planned to do with that. So I might be willing to go a bit more "off the rails" with that specifically and a few other things.
I'm also going to try to keep in mind the resources RT would've had at the time of each volume. So I won't be immediately changing things to 22 minute episodes with 16 episodes a season or something like that.
I am, mostly, going to be taking an episode by episode approach to this. Though I don't really have any experience with screen writing or what you can fit into a certain amount of runtime. So I'm not going to write out all the dialogue and things for most scenes. Just giving summaries and a few scenes of particular importance.
Though I think here would be a good time to respond to a few comments something like this might get.
No, I don't think I could've done better than CRWBY. No, I don't hate RWBY, I rather love it. No, I'm not going to sideline RWBY for a bunch of "straight white male" characters. No, I'm not going to erase all the LGBT representation. Yada yada yada. If you don't want to read something like this, you are more than welcome to block me or whitelist the tag. This is more or less just a fun writing exercise for me.
I'm doing the ships I want though.
So with that said, let's hop right in.
The red and yellow trailers will be completely unchanged.
The white and black trailers will be unchanged as far as what happens in each trailer.
For the white trailer, the change won't really be to the trailer itself, but more so something that changes things post fall of beacon. The arma gigas fight didn't actually happen and that's not how Weiss got her scar. Why? One fan fic had her get the scar a different way and I like it more than the canon way.
That's really it.
For the black trailer, Blake's design is the only thing that's changing. Now, it's not going to be a complete redesign. Mostly because introducing the rest of RWBY but Blake with their canon outfits would kind of be weird and require a good bit of extra work. I'd imagine at least.
So I'm just going to have her not wear the bow, and with shorter hair. Not quite what she had in Atlas though, probably something closer to Kali's actually. And add some white fluff to her inner cat ears to make them a bit less... flat.
Now, that does remove the dramatic reveal that she's a faunus for the audience. But I think the dramatic irony of only the audience knowing that can make up for it. And the hair can be a bit of a rough signifier of how long between the black trailer and her appearance in V1 was.
And just for the in universe logic of Blake not looking exactly the same if she thinks Adam is going to be coming after her. It's not much of a change, but it is a change.
Volume 1
I'm not going episode by episode in V1, since there really isn't that much I want to change. But I will be shortening to the volume to 10 episodes instead of 16. With the volume ending after "Players and Pieces" with 2 more episodes added to initiation. Which I imagine will mostly just be added action and maybe some conversation.
The first major change is going to be that Jaune still doesn't have his aura unlocked, but he knows what aura is. Or, at least the 5 minutes of research on Remnant's version of google's version of what aura is. He's gonna be looking for a way to have it unlocked. Maybe add in a throwaway like where he wonders to himself if he should ask Ruby to do it.
The second major change is actually something we aren't going to see. The reason why Blake decided to make Yang her partner, since she does seem to purposely seek Yang out in canon but we never really hear the reason. But honestly I can't think of a good enough reason at the moment besides Yang knowing Blake's secret. So we'll just save that for a flashback later and have it implied there was a deeper reason for now.
Everything else pre-initiation should be the same.
Once we get to the cliffs before everything starts, CRDL will not be there. Since we aren't doing jaunedice yet there's no reason to have them yet. We'll also have it stated that there are multiple launch sites and have Ozpin say something along the lines of "of the 200 of you that will go into the forest today, only 50 of you will pass," to give us more of an idea of the size of the class. Though the numbers can be changed to whatever.
Then things get started, everyone partners up, Ren doesnt kill a king taijitu because power scaling. We see Ruby and maybe a few others cutting through the unarmored beowolves, adolescent beowolves to be precise, with relative ease and start to struggle once the armored ones start showing up. To help with the power scaling a bit.
Jaune convinces Pyrrha to help "boost" his aura so he can heal faster. Pyrrha knows that's not how that works but goes along with it anyways. With her having some suspicions of Jaune, but not confronting him about it since... you know.
Everything else in initiation should be pretty much the same. Maybe with an extra fight scene or two. Ruby and Jaune are still named leaders. But we do get a small scene afterwards with both teams heading to their dorms which are of course, right across the hall from each other.
So, a bit after sundown the two teams go into their dorms, with Ruby and Jaune deciding to stay out for a second for a quick chat.
The two new leaders stand in front of their dorms, neither of them saying a word for a moment before Jaune decided to speak.
Jaune: You running up that that cliffside to kill that giant bird grimm was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen.
Ruby: You mean the Evermore? *Jaune nods* Well, it was nothing really... I just saw an opportunity and took it. You know?
Jaune: I guess.
Ruby: But your team took down the Deathstalker, right? I bet that was super cool too.
Jaune: Everyone else did all the work. I kind of just stood there hiding behind my shield.
Ruby: But Pyrrha said you were the one who figured out how to take it down.
Jaune: Yeah, but-
Ruby: No buts! Besides, a good plan can be the difference between life and death sometimes. At least that's what my Uncle Qrow says.
Ruby: That's probably why Professor Ozpin made you a leader.
Jaune: *Rub the back of his head* Yeah... Heh, maybe he made you a leader since you're so good a pep talks.
Ruby: I guess...
JR: ...
Ruby: ...We've been training most of our lives to fight Grimm and bad guys. Maybe learning how to be leaders won't be so hard, right?
Jaune: ...Right.
*RWBY's dorm door opens*
Yang: Hey, Rubes, what are you still doing out here?
Ruby: Just talking to Jaune.
Yang: *Looks at Jaune* Vomit Boy.
Jaune: Can you please not call me that?
Yang: Not until you unruin my boots. *Turns back to Ruby* Now come on, we need our leader, and my favorite little sister, to pick who gets the bed closest to the bathroom.
Ruby: Oh, okay. I'll see you tomorrow Jaune.
Jaune: *smiles* Have a good night, Ruby.
Ruby: *Goes into her dorm with Yang*
Jaune: *Soon after Ruby shuts her dorm door Jaune's smile turns into a look of pure guilt as he stands silent in the dimly lit hallway*
Roll credits
And that's the end of volume 1. Not sure when I'll get to the next volume, but it'll be sometime soon. V2 should be more detailed, and will probably end up being longer than one post.
So yeah, tell me what you think and I'll see you next time.
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Wips on Wedsdays
He kiddos, it's actually my Wednesday so imma post a few wips. tagging @thequeenofthewinter @archangelsunited @kookaburra1701 @rhiannon1199 @viss-and-pinegar @saltymaplesyrup @rainpebble3 @throughtrialbyfire @rosette-dragonborn @mareenavee @snippetsrus @snowy-weather No pressure, this is all just for funs <3
We got art and a smidgen of writing:
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Starting with a close-up of the tat details in the render I'm working on. This redo that isn't purely a redo is coming along well. Just gotta add three more tattoos and alllllllll of his scars. Full art and a writing snippet under the cut.
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IDK I think it's going well so far ;) and a snippet from Sleepers Awake chapter 7
Teldryn hated tombs. He hated tombs, the undead, the fucking bleached ash that covered the floor after centuries of recycling the same old fucking urns! He hated the way the tombs would wind like a maze. These halls had turned him around to the point of utter confusion! Teldryn hated having to enter the halls of the Dunmeri dead. It creeped him out, to put it bluntly. He had complained about this assignment, of course. It was the last thing he expected when Cosades sent him to go meet with a Blades informant who studied over at the Balmora Mages Guild. The old sugar-tooth had been vague about what this might entail. Just telling him that the notes he got from his last mission weren’t fucking enough and he had to go bother some mage about a fucking myth! The Nerevarine, how fucking ridiculous! The expectation with these missions seemed to be something along the lines of ‘a favour for a favour’ and the mage he’d been sent to, an orc named Sham gra-Muzgob was asking one hell of a fucking favour! She was after the skull of some poor sod named Llevule Andrano. That meant he had to break into the Andrano Ancestral Tomb out on the Bitter Coast. Shit was pretty much a one-way ticket to an execution if he was caught. When he’d mentioned that, the woman merely replied- “Then don’t upset the natives when you do it.” Cosades had said this would be a ‘silly little errand’. How the fuck is desecrating the remains of a member of a fucking hugely influential family in House Redoran a silly little errand? Then there was the justification gra-Muzgob gave him for all of this shit. Something about his people’s death practices being primitive, superstitious nonsense. Teldryn had held his tongue as best as he could. The last thing he wanted was to be thrown in fucking Fort Moonmoth again. The shit they did there…he was glad they’d only pulled out his toenails. Teldryn sucked in a deep breath, trying his best to calm his nerves as he stepped into what he hoped was the chamber that this skull was being kept in. “Look for the one with the ritual markings,” he murmured under his breath as he pulled down the old, silk scarf he’d taken from Suran. A keepsake he allowed himself amongst the things of his that his mother managed to save after his grandfather had thrown most of his belongings into the fire. Llaro had really tried to erase his existence entirely. He wanted to shake the hand of the guy who killed the miserable old cunt! Teldryn tapped his fingers on the rough chitin of his pauldron as her scanned the small, sand-coloured room. Carved into the earth thousands of years ago, the clay walls were smooth and rounded around the edges. His eyes fell on what looked like a small altar at the lip of a pool of ashes. An enchanted chitin dagger and a skull with something carved into its forehead, Daedric runes by the looks of it. Red pigment coloured the thin grooves in the bone. It made him shudder as he knelt down by the altar and stared into Llevule Andrano’s hollow eye sockets. He wondered if he should say something before he went and just took the thing. He knew that there was some sermon that one would recite when they visited the dead. Something that eased the ancestor’s spirit of some shit like that. He had never actually listened to what was said in those sermons. Never listened to the shit spoken by the temple priests either. Honestly, he found it boring, preferring instead to disappear into his own head whenever they started to rattle on. Shit was way more entertaining…until his mind became the enemy of course. He longed for that simplicity. Shit was folly. Teldryn wracked his brain for something appropriate to say. Sure, he might not have cared much for the Tribunal’s teachings as a kid but fuck if he wasn’t bitterly fucking aware of how wrong this all seemed. Teldryn sighed as he took the skull into his shaking hands, opting to mutter a simple “Sorry,” to the spirit before he pulled his scarf from around his neck and wrapped the skull in it before he carefully placed it into his pack.
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night-market-if · 1 year
Dev Blog 7/1/23
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Hello my reader!
I'm here with a mini development blog for you all. So far I have added to the base game something like 40k more words. This is not including coding. I have also cleaned up some code errors that wouldn't let you get past the Deep, and negated a conversation with Hazel in the last chapter.
All I have left now is a clean up of some minor name codes and the editing of all the NSFW scenes. Then I can have a few people beta it and I can redo the UI of the game.
I would also like to say that the asexual route within the game is going to change a bit. The more I have learned about asexuality, the more it has come to my attention that there are a vast amount of ways that this can be represented. So, I have decided to address this by allowing an option to have a conversation about this with your RO before any NSFW scene. It can be that the MC doesn't like sex at all to the MC not opposed to it when it feels right. I know this is going to not satisfy some people but this is kind of what I feel comfortable writing. I feel like, at this point in my writing career, I just don't know how to approach it in the variation that asexuality actually is. That might change as I continue writing but for now, that's how I would like to keep it.
That being said, the sexuality code in general has also changed. You no longer have a code saying you are attracted to just men or just women. You can flirt with whoever you want without consequence. You can also deny anyone you want without consequence. Instead, I will just be coding in when you choose which RO you wish to explore the Night Market with. Polys will of course come after all of that. I felt this was also a fair representation. If you are someone who does not want to flirt with a certain gender, then don't chose the flirt options for it. It will then not open any of the flirtation scenes. Or, you know, tell Milo and Bella to just back off. :)
Now onto some personal stuff.
I am stressed. I mean, like really stressed. I thought I would have everything done by today and I am not done. Mainly, I feel bad for my Kickstarter backers. I have so much I owe them and everything is only in about the 70% done area. I am so sorry guys. I have been beating myself up over this for a while now when it became clear that this was far more work than I thought. It's crazy to me. I'm absent from Tumblr and Discord at this point and yet I have been busier with work than I've ever been.
I'm also terrified I'm just not doing enough to the base game. Things that I thought would fit great, ended up not fitting at all. Things that I thought would be an easy addition turned out to be way out of the realm of my capability. It's just all been a learning experience where I've felt like I'm letting you guys down.
And at the end of the day? I really just want to write Book 2.
I know I owe no one an explanation. I've just had this weird feeling I've had to battle the last few months where I am feeling like I have to choose between my family life and my work life. And I hate it. My husband took two weeks off work just so I could work like crazy and I am still not done which is bothering me. Which means weekends are sometimes spent not with my kids but instead working away again. And, because we are a split family, it isn't always like I can make up for this time mid week.
I'm not really looking for advice on this. I'm just kind of trying to be transparent. The stress is for sure getting to me and believe me, I am looking forward to this going up on Steam more than anyone at this point. And then I'm sure I'll spiral because I'll be certain somehow barely anyone will buy it. LOL! But hey, at least I just got two more cats to add to my life. They can purr away my stress that night.
That's everything guys. Thank you for being who you are and I promise you, I am taking care o myself. I'm just a stressed person by nature, I think.
I hope everyone else is having a good summer and you all are getting some wonderful reading time in. If you celebrate the 4th, here's to hoping you have lots of good food that day!
With love,
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xephia · 3 months
Hi, i hope this question doesn't bothers you, do you have any videos of your process?, im currently starting to learn how to do digital art and have trouble knowing where to start and what to do (im always like, should i start drawing this part first?, is it better to do clean lineart or just paint over the sketch?, do i work on the lights first or the shadows?, etc)
I can probs make you a video on this at some point based on something I'm currently working on, although I have a few on my tiktok already (@ xephia) if that helps!
My process is a bit messier than many other artists - I alternate between stages of sketch and colour before I even think about ‘final colour’. I’ll start with a sketch like the ones below, then slap some rough colour on. This is because IMO colour is an important part of the composition so I want to see what works before I line. They’re not meant to be pretty or social media ready. This stage can look super messy or tidy depending on how I feel or how complicated it is. And they can look wildly different; here’s some examples:
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That stage also helps me decide if I want to finish the piece or if I should abandon it (I abandon a lot). Sometimes this stage takes 15min, sometimes 2 hours, it really depends on the piece. But for me personally, it’s crucial because otherwise I find it very hard to envision how it will look later, or forget what I was planning.
Then, I do at least one more layer of ‘sketch line art’, which is basically a first layer of line art to see what works and what needs changing. I colour the important bits relatively cleanly (usually character/s) and add might some subtle shadows/gradients and/or lighting to get a feel of what it will look like finished. Sometimes I repeat this process a couple of times if I’m not happy with how the first iteration looked. This stage usually looks a little like this character sheet I’m working on, and this slice from a Kiki delivery service sketch:
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It’s usually not until I’ve done all that, that I go over and do the final lineart, making it thicker, colouring the lines, redoing the flat colours, tidying it up, and adjusting where needed. Essentially I don’t start ‘finishing’ a piece until I’m happy with where everything sits and what colours I’ve picked. It’s only at this point I feel like the sketch is ready to line, and lining and final colouring can actually take less time for me than all those layers of planning somehow haha.
At this point I keep tidying, cleaning, lining, colouring, until the piece feels complete. Sometimes complete for one piece is tidier than complete for another, it really depends.
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I’ll also use Procreate’s push tool to adjust things as I go in all steps - it saves a lot of time and isn’t cheating.
Although as you can probably tell from my examples, I do change this procress up a lot depending on the piece! Sometimes I’ll even paint over parts of my final piece like I did in this magical girl street. I think find whatever works for you, everyone will work differently and things like mood, energy levels, how patient you feel, how stressed you are, if you have any hand pain or shaking, and how much free time you have that day to draw can all affect your process day to day, week to week.
Some days it will be easier and more comfortable to sketch messily, other days tidier. Some days you will draw well, other days not well at all. At least for me, I find consistency almost impossible.
So I think there's no right or wrong order to do things and it's great to switch it up and keep things interesting for yourself, and different processes work for different people. Hope this helps!
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multi-mess-au · 23 days
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HELLO! I am very happy to say I’ve made a banner, character cards/templates, and locations for upcoming events!
Now for some speaking points, I am @drawingsomes that’s the creator of this au, and I just want to say that I’m glad for anyone interested in this blog or post, truly I’m glad.
The logo is something I just wanted to set up for any other official art I show. The banner is something without lots right? Well actually when I introduce more and more characters I’ll add to the banner until I’ll add too much than redo the whole banner.
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For each alternative universes, I have made a template for each, and every ones character card. This will detail what each character’s owns, names, age, weight, hight, gender, hair, eyes, species, and bio. Along with that I have made an character line up for the 4 main characters going from shortest to tallest
(No main Fnaf characters yet, but I did make one for that too)
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1. You may ask questions to move the story forward.
2. Ask events will happen (during the ask event you can ask the villains or other characters you don’t usually see).
3. I don’t care what you do with fan art just don’t try to sexualize me or my characters especially the minors.
4. Adding your oc is allowed in my au since it is multiple verses just keep your oc from the 5 main aus alright? And make sure you ask me first alright? (Normal ocs from no fandom is ok).
5. This au might come across some sensitive topics and I’ll obviously put a warning before showing anything.
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poupeesdecirque · 9 days
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Cosplay Progress, Wigs, adjusting, plans
So this is kind of everything right now as some cons are approaching I am planning to do some things!
First of all I want to upgrade Allen's battle gear a bit and make another Innocence Glove for the prisoner outfit, but both is at planning stage for now.
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The boots for the 3rd Uniform arrived <3 ft lil Shoe/Boot set up.
At this point I think I own more boots for cosplay than I have shoes/boots for my daily life XD
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My new wigs came in, one will be the default for the 3rd Uniform and the other is actually the wig for Clown!Allen. Both need work.
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First of all it's Link's turn again, I had to adjust the pants as they are way too long for me.
Then the wig... the color is beautiful and the base is really nice.
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Out of the parcel vs brushed out.
I am still super new into actual wig styling other than just cutting + hairspray. This would have been my wig base in earlier days but ... I have a crimping iron now and I will use it!
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Half crimped vs. fully crimped. As you can see it's less wavy now and doesn't look as shiny anymore, it has a better grip and doesn't tangle as fast.
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Added the braid for Link, I might redo that more than once depending on how it does on Cons.
Some super quick tests as Link as it was super hot as I worked on the wig:
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the other wig.
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Same procedure here. Base wig, crimping, cutting and styling. I am quite satisfied how it turned out, I am getting used how to crimp. I hope I can earn enough skill to retry on doing hairlines soon.
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Some tests. I didn't bother to put the full make up on here as I just wanted to see how it looks overall.
So yeah, all prepared for some conventions to happen!
Next is either one of the mentioned add ons or ... actually starting on the Clown.
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lwamonstergirls · 2 months
A Complete Change to the AU
Okay, I've thought about it, and I've decided that I wanna do a change up of the Monster AU in some ways.
First off, I'm gonna be changing the origins of the Monster AU completely! No longer will this all be because of a spell that Akko screwed up, but instead this will be how things were always like. Luna Nova would have always been a school for monster girls, and all the characters, aside from Akko, would've been born monsters. Akko on the other hand, would be a girl who got turned into a werecat after being bitten by one a few years before she got into Luna Nova. And in this world, no school would except her since she was no longer human, so her parents had to look up and down to find Luna Nova, since it was the only school for monsters, that was also about studying witchcraft! So yeah, the monster stuff would've always been the case. It would also allow me to go full spec evo on this AU, possibly add some hybrid monsters to spice things up, and make some kinds of views and kinds of societal norms to monster society~!
Second thing is, a few students will have their species changed, either due to me not finding those previous choices interesting enough to have them stay that way anymore, or due to me not liking how rushed some choices seemed! Plus, over the years I've grown fond of some more background witches, so I figured giving them better, more cool monster choices, would be more respectful~! Plus, I wanna have the background witches to be able to have more spotlight on them, like just as much as the main cast in this AU, so this would help for sure.
Also, due to a few characters sharing the same species as the fae folk custodians, and since they're obviously still sharing the same magical resources, that means that the school would probably need a larger magical resource than just the Sorcerer's Stone. Which means, that strike episode with the fae's would never happen in this AU. Which is good since I abhor that episode. Literally the only episode of the anime that I cannot stand. Then again, it's probably best for the fae's that that never happens. Because if they did start attacking the students, the dragons like Sarah would vaporize them. So yeah, that episode never happens.
In fact that's another thing I should bring up! Since the background characters are no longer background characters, and since everyone is a monster of a different species with certain abilities, the series will obviously take some different turns, have some relationships established that weren't there in the original, have plot points that weren't in the original series, and just have it overall be much more distinct from the original series, so that it doesn't feel like I'm just mimicking it but with monster girls.
One final thing, I might redo my previous bios, since the plot is different and obviously some new rules should be established for this world. Don't worry though, none of the girls I talked about already will have their species changed (except maybe Mary's), and I'll keep the stuff about their biology that I've already talked about in the post, just with some changes to the world building and maybe add some stuff if I feel like it. Because the zoology part of my brain really loves talking about the biology, spec evo, and world building of this AU~!It makes me genuinely happy that I'm reviving it and being able to actually do something with it~!
Okay, I think that's everything! I hope you all enjoyed this news and be sure to stick around because the next post is coming soon! Bye~!
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
Major ACOC Spoilers
so, there are a few posts out there pointing out two math errors in acoc ep9 - Liam’s damage to Ciabatta being miscounted as 67 instead of 77, and Jet’s riposte for 13 damage not hitting Ciabatta when it should’ve. this is true. this might lead one to wonder, “well, if those extra 23 points of damage were counted, would Ciabatta be dead? would Jet have lived?”
I wanna clear things up for all of yall who are watching ACOC for the first time after the ravening war, so i did the math (under the cut) by counting his hp in the finale as he took damage.
Ciabatta had 118 hp
it wouldn’t have made a difference. if both errors were fixed and he was dealt the full 77 + 13, he’s still walking out of there with 28 hp.
to be clear: absolutely no shade on the intrepid heroes/brennan. no one clown on this post about whether they should’ve done this or that. it was 3am in a warehouse in Hollywood on a wicked messed up shooting schedule. Jet’s death was a beautiful, emotional scene, and it’d be weird and narratively dissonant to go back and redo it bc some math was wrong.
i did this math bc my logic brain just needs to know how the numbers do for my own personal peace of mind. given the several other posts I’ve seen trying to calculate this same thing, others have the same problem. so. enjoy.
Ciabatta doesn’t physically appear in the finale until pt 2
“The last Ceresian force musters, appears at the front of the wall with Imperator Ciabatta” is at 1:33:00ish
first damage done to him is by Saccharina, when she Cone of Colds his whole force in front of the castle for 41 damage (1:37:08). it hits him and the forces he was leading, and they do not save for half.
after that we have this exchange:
Zac: Ciabatta's-
Brennan: Ciabatta is still very much alive.
Emily: Okay. He's very much alive though, he's doing really well?
Brennan: Yes.
Emily: Okay. Then just to fuck with him, I'm gonna fire breathe on him.
and she does. Cinnamon uses his breath weapon to deal 57 damage, demolishing the rest of the forces
Brennan: He does not save for half. He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured.
then of course the final damage is done by Ruby w the water-steel dagger
Siobhan: It's 4d6.
Brennan: 4d6, he just rolled a natural 4 on his Constitution save.
Siobhan: Great, it's actually three Constitution saves. It's 12.
Brennan: 12 damage, but you also add your sneak Attack.
Ally: Oh!
Brennan: Yeah.
Siobhan: 12, 14, 16.
Brennan: More than 20?
Siobhan: Yeah.
Brennan: Standing in the burned and frozen remains of his soldiers, what happens to Imperator Ciabatta?
[as a 7th lvl rogue, Ruby has 4d6 sneak attack dice]
so, presumably, Ciabatta had 20 hp left before being stabbed.
41 + 57 + 20 = 118
now, I highlighted those exchanges for a reason. It is technically possible that Brennan was using a similar mechanic for Ciabatta leading his troops as the PCs leading theirs- being attacked as a troop by another troop does deal the commander as an individual some of the damage, but not all. so, the Cone of Cold may not have dealt all 41 points of damage to him. here’s how he’s described after the Cone of Cold
“very much alive” “doing really well”
after breath weapon “He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured“
so it is possible that the Cone of Cold did not do full damage bc of troop mechanics. however. personally I feel like since Saccharina is not attacking as a troop but as an individual (with a dragon), it’s not troop v troop action.
fun fact: Saccharina’s breath weapon attack + Ruby’s finishing blow is 77 damage - the same amount of damage Liam (should have) done to Ciabatta in episode 9 (that didn’t take him down)
so as long as Saccharina’s Cone of Cold did more than 13 damage [Jet’s riposte] to Ciabatta (which I’d fucking think it would even w very unlikely troop mechanics), then it wouldn’t have made any difference.
and bc we know he took at the very least a non-zero amount of damage from the Cone of Cold (“wounded but okay”), nothing would’ve saved Jet. the other assassins had already hit, and even with the math fixed on Liam’s damage 77 would never have taken him down. the only difference even possible is that her 13 damage riposte might’ve downed him, but even that is extremely unlikely - Ciabatta would’ve had to take less than half damage from Cone of Cold, and he did not save.
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techav · 1 year
Failure Unrelated
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Someone asked me a question — am I able to separate the bus speed from the CPU speed, since all my logic is synchronous and timing depends on the clock speed?
My initial thought was no, that wouldn't be possible; I didn't design the system that way. The idea got stuck in my head though. I started looking over the board layout and it looked like it might be easier than I initially thought — just cut a trace here, run a bodge there, and build a little adapter board.
... Which of course turned into another cut trace, a few more bodge wires, and a lifted pin on a PLCC socket. But still, the idea seemed solid. I had the CPU and FPU wired to one clock pin, and all of the bus logic was wired to another clock pin. I had an adapter with sockets for two oscillators and a jumper that would let me select whether the bus had its own clock or just used the CPU clock. That last feature was key for testing — I could set the bus to use the CPU clock initially so I could make sure everything was still running the same as before I made any changes.
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Fire it up and ... nothing.
Ok, just a loose connection on that PLCC socket. Firm up that connection and try again. This time it boots as expected. I can swap out the oscillator and run the system at different speeds, just like I could before. Time to move the jumper and add a separate bus clock.
Fire it up and ... nothing.
Maybe a different set of oscillators?
... nothing.
Ok, take a step back. Remove the bus oscillator and set the jumper back to run the bus off the CPU clock.
... nothing.
Try a different oscillator, maybe?
... nothing.
Maybe it's that PLCC socket bodge again. I should redo that.
... nothing.
Ok, clearly I've broken something. I'll move those bodges all back to the old primary oscillator pin and remove my adapter board from the mix.
... still nothing.
Time to break out the logic analyzer and see what the heck is going on. Solder some 30 gauge wire to the test points I left on the board — 50mil rectangles of no solder mask on 10mil traces. Add test leads to the top 8 bits of the address bus so I can see what the CPU is trying to access. Add test leads to clock, reset, address & data strobes, bus error, and data strobe acknowledge signals so I can keep track of the start and end of cycles. Then ran a few captures, resetting the system a few times to watch its behavior.
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Power comes up, reset triggers, the CPU comes to life and requests the first long word (reset vector) from address $0000,0000. Since I'm running an 8-bit ROM, the bus controller asserts DSACK0#, and the CPU continues fetching bytes until it has the long word. Same thing for the initial stack pointer. The next read is from address $F000,0000, since that is where ROM is located. There's a bus cycle targeting address $E000,0000, which is the first instruction on my ROM (move.b #7,$E0000000). Another 4 cycles targeting ROM for the next instruction long word fetch. Then another 4. It's definitely running code. Then another 4 ... on the fourth access the CPU sits with Address Strobe asserted for nearly 16 microseconds before the bus controller times out and asserts Bus Error.
The CPU tries to read the Bus Error vector. Bus Error. The CPU tries to address the serial port. Bus Error. The CPU tries to read address 0 again. Bus Error. From that point on, every 16 microseconds until the system is reset 6 seconds later ... Bus Error.
That's ... odd. Because the Bus Error can only be asserted by the Bus Controller, and only when the CPU is not addressing ROM or the serial port (since the Bus Controller is responsible for timing accesses to those devices).
I have no idea what is failing, but it does not appear to be the fault of the clock signal. It actually reminds me of a problem I was having when I tried to bring up both the FPU and video chips, where suddenly the bus controller was asserting the UART enable signal when the CPU was addressing the video generator. Perhaps I should take a closer look at my bus controller.
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kirabook · 1 year
P3Reload Content. What's in and out? My opinion.
Ignoring most of the controversy, here's what I think will be included and what won't with some evidence.
Elizabeth's Quests and dates ARE likely in the game. Elizabeth's quests and dates were not in the original release of Persona 3 but became a staple after FES. We're all highly aware of how important Elizabeth is to Makoto's story in the grand scheme of things, excluding her is highly unlikely.
Evidence: QUESTS can be seen in the main menu.
(UPDATE: Quests were in game but the dates and additional quests were not)
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P3P Rescue Missions ARE likely in the game. These were not in the original release of Persona 3 or Persona 3 FES but was added in portable.
Evidence: The billboard can be seen in the mall and intractable on the map since it matches the other intractable map icons.
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Aigis's social link is likely in the game. I have no evidence other than the fact she gets a major focus at the beginning of the trailer. Aigis did not have a social link in the original release of Persona 3, but was added into Persona 3 FES and continued into P3P
Walking Koromaru is likely still in the game. Yes surprise, walking Koromaru alone or with your teammates was not in the original release of Persona 3, but was continued in FES and P3P. My evidence for this is the fact that they will be adding character stories, not removing them. Atlus is Atlus, but I don't think they would remove the only way for Makoto to interact with Koromaru in a meaningful way in FES and P3P.
Taking your team out to see films during the Summer Film Festival is likely still in the game. Again, this was not originally included in the release of Persona 3, but was continued in FES and P3P. My evidence for this is basically the same as the previous point. They are adding onto existing content, the film festival is one of the few ways Makoto can interact with his team in FES and P3P.
The Surveillance footage is likely still in the game. Once more, this is a feature that wasn't in the original release of Persona 3, but was added in FES and continued into P3P. Though I hope they change some of them to be a little less weird and more on the funny side and I have no definitive evidence that it will be included, their removal seems highly unlikely.
(quick add) Weapon Melding will likely be in the game. The Antique shop in the mall was added in FES and can still be seen and intractable in the trailer. This was not in Persona 3 vanilla.
(UPDATE: This shop was in the main game but not weapon fusion)
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MISC: The weapon shop includes accessories now and the old jewelry store is now a perfume shop, both were changes made in P3P and are not in FES or Persona 3 vanilla.
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Now for what's NOT INCLUDED (and why):
Makoto using all weapons will probably not be included. This is a carry over from P3P to save on animation costs I believe. They didn't want to animate Kotone using all the weapons so Makoto was nerfed to using a 1 handed sword. It appears this is still the case since the weapon shop specifically says "For Yukari" on the bows. I believe the original trailer had no problem showing Makoto with different weapon types, which they did not show during the reveal trailer. As weird as this sounds to say, I actually think this is a point in the favor of FemC eventually being included. P3R has taken a LOT from P3P from a glance.
The Answer will likely not be included. While I think it's no that hard for them to reskin a dungeon with Aigis as the MC to create The Answer, that's not the problem I think. Based on the same statement that mentioned excluding FES and P3P content, they are adding a significant amount of new content and character stuff.
Pretend we will see everyone's flashbacks from The Answer in the main game in their new and improved social links or through new story moments in base P3R. Can you see how that might make half of The Answer kind of pointless?
I think including The Answer won't be as simple as redoing what we already have. They will have to reformat that to fit the NEW Persona 3 and all that entails. If this is how it's going to play out, I don't mind waiting for DLC, as long as I'm not paying $60-$70 bucks a second time. With the Unreal engine and all this new tech, they should be able to update their methods like Kingdom Hearts did. No more releases at full price, just offer DLC for half price.
Kotone will likely not be included. Again, maybe not for the reasons you think. I'm aware they initially had ideas of having a female protagonist from the getgo when they were creating the original Persona 3, but that's not how things panned out. They created Makoto Yuki and based most of the story around him.
Now they're redoing his story and adding and changing a bunch of stuff. The story of Persona 3 is no longer the same. Just like with The Answer, they can't just copy and paste Kotone's story from P3P into P3R.
Just like The Answer, I would prefer if they took their time perfecting P3R and then at a later date, repaint the game in her image... PROPERLY THIS TIME. This means Kotone can be treated right this time, with custom cutscenes and all. I know people love FemC and her characterization OUTSIDE of P3P, but I would like to see that characterization properly in game this time. If they take their time to adjust the story in a way that will suit her as well, then sure. They should take that time.
I think The Answer and whatever it becomes should be a package deal with a Kotone DLC. Why? Because not only is it a lot of content, but the then The Answer will apply to Kotone as well.
This also means The Answer can be tailor fitted to include Makoto and Kotone depending on which protag you selected.
Or, they could go buck wild P3P style and find a way to mix the universes given Makoto and Kotone's fate (if you know you know).
So there's my thoughts. I needed to get it off my chest because all this doom and gloom was just... not it. Not saying you can't be disappointed obviously, but the writing was on the wall for a while now.
I also want a definitive version of the game, but with the leaks, it became clear weeks ago that that wouldn't be the case. No amount of copium or rage is going to change that, the game is likely 90% complete now and putting on the final touches for launch. Atlus wouldn't delay it either, not after what happened with Persona 5.
I believe with my full chest that P3R is the definitive version of the game. Or rather, I believe with my full chest that P3R will eventually have a DLC that includes Kotone and The Answer, at last bringing the Persona 3 "definitive" debate to an end.
I also wish people would be kinder to each other no matter which side you land on. There's no point in making fun of people saddened by the lack of Kotone. Like wtf, how would you feel if Makoto was suddenly excluded from everything??? Bad right? Just stop, things would be so much better if you chilled out and consoled your fellow P3 fans instead. Kotone fans are P3 fans too. Though I can say the same about Kotone fans pissed that she isn't there and turning their anger on Makoto. Makoto is a perfectly good protagonist. No, his social links weren't great, but that's partially why people wanted a remake in the first place. This isn't a 1 to 1 game and those poopy social links will probably be improved. The arguments are pointless.
The statement "There is no FES or P3P content" has been proven false by me, a random internet user. P3R is clearly a combination of all the games, I think the only major missing things are The Answer and Kotone and that's it right now.
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rippedfleshh · 3 months
eyeless jack word dump <3
jack is stuck in a slow descent of losing all sense of humanity. he’s lost along the line where man meets beast, unable to pick a side but inevitably being assigned.
it isn’t an immediate thing, the process of him being less and less man. i can imagine these terms of pure monstrous whims start off short, he loses his memory and sense of control for a day or so before he’s left with what he can draw from conclusion. but as time progresses, these increments become longer and much more grueling to up keep.
^ theoretically, there will be a point where “jack” won’t be present. just the sickness inhabiting him is left to spare.
moving on, the more human side of jack spends his time studying while he can. he doesn’t follow a god and in all honesty curses him, but he still has this hopeless thought of “what if.. just maybe”
the demonic side does what you could gather. he kills people. shocker! as much as i want to say he’s calculated i know for sure he’s reckless. I mean leaving shit everywhere and the only escape plan is hoping he can leave before police arrive.
at first, he definitely was more calculated because he only had the intention of gathering the inventory he needed. as thing progressed his motive has unwillingly shifted and he only aims for mass carnage.
jack gives off sort of Henry Letham vibes during the whole experience.
as for how slender plays a role in his story, i honestly don’t see him being interactive as much. sure, the entity finds jack intriguing but he decides to hold off for a bit. he hopes to gain more intel before putting a plan in action.
unfortunately, jack is so in and out of his own reality to be hyper aware of his surroundings. that being said, he’s becoming aware of the prolonged staring of an unforeseen source. part of him thinks it’s just his paranoia, while the other part knows something is there. he finds himself hesitant on seeking anything out though, thanks to his past.
also, I should add (this is me half ass editing) that even though I say jack has a more human part of him he still maintains the same appearance. he’s still got the looks of a monster (a quite dashing one) but the actual evil persona comes in and out. of course, it progressively gets worst and at some point there is no human part left.
note this definitely could have been better and I hope it makes sense. I had to rush a bit because this has been sitting in my drafts but I don’t have the cognitive function to write something actually decent rn. sooooo ta da! jacks around 21 here and if you don’t agree w some of this then that’s fine but don’t take it serious. I might redo this one later
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outofangband · 1 year
Hi, a new headcanon about Morwen just popped in my mind and I wanted to share it with you!
I don’t remember the exact details of the story but Morwen lived in increasing isolation and danger after Húrin left, and she presumably didn’t go out of her house at all in the last months in Dor-Lómin. Anyways, she had almost no one to help her, couldn’t go out to the market without taking huge risks, but she still needed fresh food on a regular basis (other supplies might also be a problem to acquire but it’s less vital)
So I thought about a vegetable garden to grow her own food within the boundaries of her house (I imagine it as the kind of ancient roman houses with a central courtyard and a walled back garden or something similar), and the image of Mowen and a young Niënor gardening together just makes me smile so much. It would be their little haven, a patch of greenery; roots and leaves and fruits, not perfect but enough to bring some relief in the hard daily life. Gardening is their special time together and some if Niënor’s happiest memories.
That definitely makes sense! Seeds are something that can be stored and saved more easily than other kinds of supplies and they probably had jars of them before the Occupation. I headcanon that Húrin really liked to garden and had both an indoor and outdoor one so there might have been seeds leftover from that, even plants that could be replanted!
The beautiful gardens around the house probably fall into dissaray because there's no time to really tend it and not enough people. But I like Morwen cutting out a section of it in the tangle of weeds and herbs (lots of herbs grow wild when they're not weeded, plus Morwen having a lot of wild growth around the house adds to the witch aesthetic...anyways, obviously not the point)
Morwen and later Niënor tend to a smaller part of the now wild gardens, ensuring that vegetables and even some fruit grow along with vital herbs. They really have to work with what was already there because there aren't many opportunities to get new produce that could potentially have seeds but there are a few places.
(I actually headcanon that they got a few seeds from Doriath in letters from Túrin)
Perhaps Aerin gave her some too, seeds are relatively easy to smuggle, maybe she can sew them into pockets on clothes like I headcanon Morwen did when she gave Aerin herbs.
Actually now I want to write something about Morwen and Aerin sitting in the garden together. As you said, just a tiny sanctuary amid all this horror. Thorns and tangled weeds, some of them quite literally poisonous surrounding them but in this little space there is the gentle smell of herbs and Niënor searches for June bugs along the leaves.
Thank you for sending me the headcanon, I really really like it. I really like world building for their house both before and after the Nírnaeth(I really need to redo my post on it!)
I'd love to make a longer post about it and credit you! I love world building for gardens.
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