#i love the idea of them getting to reforge their relationship
devilart2199-aibi · 3 months
TF Reforged character dynamics/relationships! 💫
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Doodled a few chibi heads last weekend, which got me to drawing more! And then I thought "why not use them to map their AU character dynamics a bit??" :D
This is pretty rough rn and doesn't explain everything so things will probably change!! (Also lots of bots are missing like the Stunticons and Combaticons)
"Teacher" acts more as Mentor here since in Primers case she is learning on the job most of the time.
The Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology got me thinking about how the bots hone their skills 🤔 Originally I was going to do something like IDW2 since that was my only reference at the time, where a new bot gets a mentor and they tour the bot around, letting them temp at various places until they find a job they like.
But after reading a majority of IDW1 I feel like they are more locked into whatever fits their alt mode best and what benefits their society. More strictly functional. I do like the idea because it gives more fuel for an uprising.
I'm thinking of doing something like IDW1 now, with certain bots making spaces for themselves that ride the line. A clinic that helps heal bots and ALSO does a bit of modifications and vanity work is necessary right?
Like what the heck does Swindles casino do for the collective tho? Keep bots entertained so they don't form a group of... Decepticons...? lol Well there is the races so I guess entertainment is necessary 🤔
Anyway! "Classmate" refers to any bot in higher training at the same time as another. So Brainstorm and Primer were both in Engineering at the same time and First Aid, Spoiler and KO were in the same Medic training course.
And that's a buncha random stuff for now. Feel free to inbox any questions if curious! I love yapping about them 😂
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I had to write a story about Barbatos in Nightbringer. I love him so much I couldn't possibly stop myself. This is written from MC’s perspective so we still don’t know how much Barb does or does not know about MC’s time travel situation.
MC had an established relationship with Barbatos in the present day, so when they travel back in time and he doesn't know them, they have a hard time with it. Obviously I'm very interested in this particular aspect of Nightbringer. There shouldn't be any spoilers, though.
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GN!MC x Barbatos
Warnings: just some angst as described above
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The first time you saw Barbatos after arriving in the past, your chest constricted. It was painful to know that you were only a stranger to him now. It occurred to you that he knew more than he let on, but you weren't about to ask him and risk causing a time paradox. So you had to continue acting as though you didn't know him, that you didn't already love him, that you hadn't already spent the best moments of your life in his arms.
You did your best. Most of the time, you were busy keeping track of the brothers and working as their attendant. Your thoughts were mostly occupied by the need to reforge your pacts so that you could return to your own time. So that you could return to the time when he did know you.
You couldn't help yourself, though. You had this need to be near him. So you found yourself sneaking around the Demon Lord's Castle whenever you had a spare moment. You usually only caught a glimpse of him from a distance. It was never enough, but it helped if only a little.
You had been curious about what Barbatos was like here in the past, but so far he seemed almost exactly the same - reserved and completely loyal to Lord Diavolo. Aside from not knowing you, the only other difference was the problem he seemed to have with Solomon.
You had no idea how he felt about you now and most likely you would never know. It wasn't like you could just go ask him. He might not have any opinion at all and maybe he actively disliked you considering you were Solomon's apprentice.
None of this mattered. You just wanted to see him. To be in his proximity. Even if you knew that skulking around the castle made you seem extremely creepy.
You just didn't have a real reason to be at the castle and you didn't feel like you could just drop in to say hi. It wasn't like that anymore… or it wasn't like that yet? You shoved those thoughts aside. Thinking about time travel too much gave you a headache.
So there you were one evening on the castle grounds, trying to hide behind some rose bushes, when you heard a devastating screech right at your feet.
You jumped, nearly falling over.
Little D No 2 was wriggling on the ground. "Ooooww! You stepped on me!"
You reached toward him. "Oh I'm sorry, little guy, I didn't know you were there! Are you okay?"
Little D No 2 managed to straighten himself out. "Maybe watch where you're stepping next time, huh? What are you doing out here in the bushes, anyway? You're acting real suspicious!"
You grimaced. "I know. I'm sorry. I'll leave."
You turned to go, but Little D No 2 tugged on your ankle. "Hey, it's okay! Don't look so sad. Maybe I can help? Are you in trouble or something? Are you hiding?"
"N-no," you said. "I'm not in trouble. Don't worry about it, I'll just leave."
"Now I'm even more suspicious," Little D No 2 said. "I better go get Mr. Barbatos!"
"NO!" you cried out, grabbing him. "No, don't do that, please!"
Little D No 2 kicked his legs in irritation as you were holding him a little bit above the ground now. "Hey! Put me down! You just keep acting weirder and weirder!"
"Listen, I was just passing through, okay?" you said. "I'll just go on home now, so you don't need to go get anyone. I promise I'm not doing anything bad!"
"If that's true, why not just tell me what you're doing then?" Little D No 2 said. "Nobody crouches in bushes if they're just passing through!"
You had to admit that he had a point. You sighed. "I just… wanted to see Barbatos, that's all." You felt the heat rushing into your cheeks.
Little D No 2 stopped kicking his feet. "Huh? But you just said you didn't want me to get Mr. Barbatos. And if you wanted to see him, why didn't you just come in and ask for him? Why creep around the garden?"
"It's complicated," you said.
Little D No 2 opened his mouth, about to say something, but then he looked over your shoulder and started squirming again. "Mr. Barbatos! Help!"
You straightened up and spun around to see Barbatos standing nonchalantly behind you. You dropped Little D No 2 in your surprise.
He yelled, "Oof!" as he hit the ground, then scampered over to hide behind Barbatos.
"Oh um, sorry, I was just leaving," you said quickly, looking around for the best escape route.
Barbatos smiled, but it was not at all reassuring. "Good evening, MC. May I inquire into why you are manhandling Little D No 2 out here in the bushes?"
Oh boy. You might not have been in trouble before, but you certainly were now. You clasped your hands together. "Um… well, it's just…"
"They wanted to see you, Mr. Barbatos!" Little D No 2 piped up helpfully. "But they were being really weird about it!"
Barbatos looked surprised. "Oya. If you wanted to see me, why not come inside the castle?"
"That's what I said!" Little D No said.
"Um," you said, not willing to explain further.
"What is it you need of me?" Barbatos asked.
You couldn't look at him. "That's just it. I don't actually need anything."
There was a long silence. You could feel Barbatos observing you, thoughtful.
Little D No 2 jumped up and down a little. "What! Just when I thought you couldn't get weirder!"
"Little D No 2, please go back inside the castle," Barbatos said.
Little D No 2 saluted as best he could with his little arms. "Yes, sir!"
As he scuttled away, Barbatos continued to look at you with a piercing gaze. "I would like you to explain yourself, please."
What could you say? You couldn't tell him the truth. And this was Barbatos. He would likely be able to tell if you lied to him. Certainly that's already what he was expecting of you. Barbatos was a master at not revealing his thoughts, but you were sure he found you especially suspicious right now.
You frowned, eyes still on the ground, and settled for telling as much of the truth as you could. Even if it made you sound crazy. "I'm sorry," you began. "I wanted to see you because I just… wanted to see you. And I thought it would be a really strange thing for me to show up here saying I just wanted to be with you. I mean, we're basically strangers. But there's just something about you… I…"
You trailed off, unable to say anything more as you felt yourself creeping too close to the truth. You could also feel the burn of your cheeks. You looked up and you knew Barbatos could see your blush even though it was dark out.
Barbatos regarded you quietly for a few agonizing minutes. Then he smiled again. And this time, you felt your heart flutter as you recognized his genuine smile. It was the one you had seen so many times before - equal parts fondness and indulgence.
Having seemingly decided that your garden activities were mostly harmless, Barbatos extended a gloved hand to you. "I see," he said. "In that case, why not join me for a cup of tea?"
Your eyes widened. "Really? You don't mind?"
Barbatos chuckled. "I would not have offered if I did."
You tried not to let the happiness brimming inside you show on your face. You schooled your expression as best you could and took his hand. "I would love to have tea with you."
Barbatos led you into the castle and to a small table set up beside a window overlooking the garden. He let go of your hand and pulled out a chair for you.
The tea was already made. In fact, it looked as though Barbatos had been sitting here drinking it when he noticed you and Little D No 2 out in the bushes. If you had been undisturbed, you probably would have seen him through the window, which was really all you had hoped for. Now you were inside with him and you silently thanked Little D No 2 for getting stepped on.
Barbatos left you for a moment and then returned with a second tea cup. He poured some for you and handed it over.
"You were having tea by yourself?" you asked, taking a sip.
"The Young Master is working, as he should be," Barbatos said. "And I had a moment to take a short break."
"You always seem to be busy," you said. "You don't take breaks like this very often, do you?"
You already knew the answer to this, but you had to make it sound like you didn't know Barbatos as well as you did. You wondered again if Barbatos was actually fully aware that you were from the future. If anyone in the past did, it would be him. Still it wasn't as though you could ask him. It was just too risky. So you did your best to make it sound like you really had just met him recently.
"There is always more to be done and I would rather be productive than idle," Barbatos said.
Well, there was no doubt that Barbatos was the same in the past as he was in the future. Other than his inexplicable hatred for Solomon, he was the same demon you knew and loved. This made it both easier and harder to be around him.
"You're really okay with me being here?" you asked. "You know, since I'm Solomon's apprentice and all… I know you aren't particularly fond of him."
Barbatos laughed softly. "I don't hold it against you," he said. "You are not responsible for your teacher's actions."
You smiled in relief. Then you started asking him questions about tea and the Devildom just so you could listen to the steady cadence of his voice. You felt yourself lulled into a sense of ease, the same feeling of contentment that caused you to fall in love with him in the first place.
It had already been evening when you were discovered in the bushes and soon it was even later. Barbatos looked at you pointedly. "It's rather late, MC. Certainly you should return to Cocytus Hall before your teacher comes looking for you."
"Oh," you said, looking at the time. "It's later than I thought. Yeah, I guess I should go."
You stood up from the table, which Barbatos had already cleared of the tea things, and made your way back toward the castle entrance.
You paused at the door and Barbatos stood beside you, watching you.
You looked at him, wanting to say so many things, but holding it all inside. Trying to keep those words in your heart made your chest squeeze with pain. If you weren't careful, you would give yourself away. You looked back at the door.
"Thank you, Barbatos," you said, eyes on the ground. "This was really nice and I appreciate you inviting me in after I was being so weird earlier."
Barbatos reached out, put his fingertips beneath your chin, and turned your face so you were looking at him. "You said before that there is something about me, but there is something about you, too. I will be honest, MC. I am interested in learning more about you, even if you are apprenticed to that disgrace of a sorcerer."
You were too overwhelmed by Barbatos's close proximity to laugh at the way he casually insulted Solomon. "Oh, then maybe we can have tea together again?" you suggested.
Barbatos smiled, letting his hand fall away from your face. "I would enjoy that immensely." He opened the door for you.
You stepped outside then looked back at him. He was still smiling, that genuine smile that gave you butterflies. "Good night, MC," he said.
"Good night, Barbatos," you said. You turned away as the door closed, walking fast through the Devildom night toward Cocytus Hall. Your heart was racing. It didn't matter when you encountered him, you knew Barbatos would always have this effect on you. Even if he didn't know you. Even if you had to keep secrets from him. Even if now this feeling was bittersweet.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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blorbologist · 1 year
- Wedding rings convergently evolved in a lot of contexts due to some divine events/recurrences (ex: halos of some aasimar and divine casters). Though how they're used varies (some cultures have many, with rings being added as the couple has children or for other life events; some wear them in their hair or as body piercings; some insist the couple or someone close to them make the rings themselves; sometimes they're made as a chain that's ceremonially broken during the wedding and reforged).
- I love the common HC that elven weddings involve ceremonial knots and rope/string tying the couple together! Drow use white-silver threads (heated debate rage as to if this is nods to Loloth or the Luxon in the Dynasty), wood elves will use plant-based fibers grown from each family's land/plants that grow near their home, and all elves will use fancier material to indicate wealth. A common practice for half-elves, especially from societies where they’re more common and can share this knowledge, is to intersperse the weaving and knots with rings, or save the threads to make into necklaces or armbands.
- many Ashari wedding practices (a little different for each tribe) have their roots in Drashari & Age of Arcanum customs that survived. For Zephrah in particular, I like the idea of the couple writing their vows, folding the paper into a bird or flower or something specific to Them (Vaxleth would 100% do a raven) and sending it flying from the cliffs. I'm undecided if they're supposed to use wind spells/cantrips to keep them aloft or trust in the air to carry them and their hopes for the relationship. (The people living downwind think it's good luck to catch Ashari wedding vows, and sometimes make the trek up to return them to the happy couple.) They don't know this is adapted from the spell kites of Cathmoíra.
- Several parts of Wildemount include planting something Important as part of the ceremony. Either something that will grow (a tree, a vital crop, a favorite flower) or not (a memory capsule, an offering, or something meant to decay). If the planting doesn't go well, or if the plant/burried thing gets damaged down the line, it's seen as a terrible omen. Couples living in cities will keep theirs on windowsills or roofs to ensure they get enough light, and it’s a common source of gossip if a neighbor's plant is unwell or if the pot of soil tips during a storm, spilling out the gifts within.
- I've thought. So much. About Whitestone weddings. The city-state was very isolated for years, so their practices are very tailored to their home. Laurels are made out of the Sun Tree's shed leaves, which are also scattered around their feet. Weddings are usually held at dawn or midday for Pelor reasons, and the rings are weighed in scales blessed by Erathis to ensure the partnership is equal. The ceremony is usually held in front of the Sun Tree, and if the couple is very lucky or of high status a fallen bough will be brought with them into their marital home to keep them safe and blessed by its shade (and it's meant to be burnt as firewood should they face a challenge they feel they can't surmount, be it a terrible winter or awful fight). Most couples only get a twig or small branch though. Actually, you'll see soon ;3
- Vex's wedding ring is 100% forged from melted down gold pieces from her own person. Because there's a chance, however small, that one or two pieces used were among those Percy gave her when they first met. Percy includes some residuum in his, partially because he wanted to make sure their rings could both be used as Resurrection components should anything happen... and partially because he still remembers the Sunken Tomb and how his offering of residuum then was not accepted. He doesn’t want to forget what his mistake cost them, a reminder to be careful (what if he had succeeded? would Vax not have - then he might - fuck.).
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
I’m a lesbian (tho gender is a bit Complicated so idk if I should call myself that) but I do love the idea of Minthara x male drow reader because the Forgotten Realms wiki describes a “functional” romantic relationship between a female and male drow as “a spoiled brat and her well trained, obedient dog” and this is fiction so 😌
Also the idea of him leaving the Underdark with practically an army at his back to find her, he’s scary and ruthless and commanding, but the second he finds her he’s just like “yes ma’am, whatever you need ma’am”
Anon we should trade braincells because this idea is fucking gold.
Drow Male Reader, who was just for her during her days in the underdark. Like any other servant Male in the Baerne house, battle runs through his blood, he was shaped by war.
Who Minthara claimed you as her prize from her first ever successful surface raid. Her red eyes landed on your figure between all of the other males and announcing to the matron of the house that she wanted ownership over you.
She was ruthless, never allowing you to show even a hint of weakness. Breaking and reforging you into the strong capable warrior that you are today. You were hers fully in body and mind, even after a full day of brutal training, she'd still expects you to be laying ready for her on her bed each night.
You've known her body more than she has, given her pleasure more than she thought was possible. You've made it your sole purpose to memorise and trace every curve and mole on her painting of a body.
Part of the reason she kept around for so long was because she could see clearly how determined and willing you were to serve her. While other princess switched males every other month like toys, Minthara has always made it clear that you were off limit. That you belonged to her.
You've never betrayed her, even with the pathetic attempt of the uprising happened you still stood by her side. Watching the other males be cursed into driders without even a hint of sympathy for them, to you they deserved a worse fate for even thinking they could lay a finger on your mistress.
So imagine when in one of her raids, a one she refused to take you on, saying how it would be a matter of a couple days at most before her return, she never comes back.
You're restless, barely even acknowledging your own statues as you march into the matron hall and voice your concerns for Minthara. Ready for whatever punishment your disrespect will ensure if it meant you get your lover back.
Somehow, through various methods of blackmail, backstabbing and even begging or seducing, you accumulate a big enough army to march it into moonrise towers. Having sniffed information from some half-orcs your intel kidnapped and tortured.
Not even the shadowcurse deters you from moving forward, even when half of your army dies or flees in cowardness.
Fate has it that you manage to infiltrate the tower and be at the perfect spot to be able to view her argument with Ketheric. That fucking male faerie who dared to sit down on a throne whole your Mistress stood. That sorry excuse of a walking corpse that dared to threaten her life and make her argue for it.
Immediately after it ends, you signal for your remaining army to march into the tower. Hundreds of drow warriors emerging from the Shadows as they clash with the absolute followers.
You don't care for them or their lives, your main objective is to get to your Mistress and get her to safety.
In the aftermath, when it ends, when it's just the two of you in a far away camp safe from the shadowcurse. You kneel against her legs as you offer your apologies for taking so long, she pats your head, spreading her legs to make space for you.
And like any loyal dog you immediately obey and sit on the floor between them, your head on her thigh as she holds your face with her hand.
An unspoken trust between the two of you.
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Hey, I was hoping to get some advice. A lot of our systems members have been striven to dormancy because I (host) have been really rigid with how that certain fictions and introverts "should" act. I don't mean to do this and I try really hard not to so that, but a lot of my friends left because they couldn't take it. Along with thus I have issues where I try to autofill headmates sentences which often passes them off, or I get really anxious that I'm actually talking over them and they aren't saying anything to me. This has made a lot of others uncomfortable but idk how to stop. If I could get some advice on this that would be lovely
Hiya! We’re sorry to hear that y’all have been going through a difficult time >_< for what it’s worth, our host went through something similar after our own syscovery! He had a problem with wanting to control many aspects of our lives, of trying to speak for us, and telling us how we should think, feel, and act. It was rough! But it’s gotten much better for us, and we can talk a bit about how we reached the point of connection and camaraderie where we are today! >w<
Okay so the very first thing should be like noticing when you do something that hurts or offends your headmates. Just try to pay attention and recognize when you do stuff like try to control them, interrupt them, or assert yourself over them! Once you have been paying attention to how you treat your headmates for a while, it’ll become easier to like, actually change your behaviors :3
Y’all might find like round-tables or in-system meetings helpful! Our system has a meeting inside every couple months or so to check in with each other and make sure everyone is doing okay. It can get kind of crowded and hectic, but it’s been a great way for alters to be heard, voice their concerns, and collaborate in useful ways! Maybe you could try to have a meeting with your headmates where everyone can feel welcome to speak from their heart without fear of being cut down or interrupted. It could set a good example for what positive communication could look like in the future!
And like, through all of this, it’s really important to remember that headmates are unique and different, and that absolutely includes introjects and fictives! Some fictives may be comfy identifying strongly with their source, others may act nothing like it, some may not really care about their source, and others may be more focused on defining who they are in the present… and all of that is okay! Challenging your preconceived notions or ideas about what introjects are and how they should act might make it easier to keep from trying to control the actions of the introjects in your system.
All in all, try to be kind to yourself and your system in all that y’all do! Forgive yourself when you make mistakes and try to do better in the future, but also ask for forgiveness and remember to apologize when you do harm! Try to learn and grow when you mess up, and don’t let it get you down! Holding resentment against yourself for struggling to give your headmates agency won’t help anyone in the long run, so it’s better to try and let it go so you can focus on being better in the future!
Gah, sorry this got so long and rambly! >_< But good luck with starting to reforge and maintain positive relationships with your headmates. We hope things get easier for y’all soon! :3
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The Way I Loved You
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 9k
Pairing: Jake x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt, ex!Jake
Context: YN has some big news. Chaos ensues, as per usual.
Disclaimer: THIS IS UNEDITED, this chapter has been driving me insane and I just wanted to get it out of my drafts. Also, English isn’t my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and awkward wordings to come. Also, I guess this fic could be triggering for some because it’s kind of sad and angsty.
Previous Track: Style
Chapter soundtrack: That’s the way I loved you – Taylor Swift
(By the way, for every ‘Chapter Soundtrack’, basically the idea is that it’s a song that YN eventually wrote with that chapter of her life in mind)
He is sensible and so incredible
He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says, "You look beautiful tonight"
And I feel perfectly fine.
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain,
And It's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name.
So in love that you act insane,
And that's the way I loved you.
Breaking down and coming undone,
It's a roller coaster kind of rush.
I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you.
Alright, let’s get into this.
The plane cut through the clouds, having left the US behind as YN and the band embarked on a journey together. YN couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with anticipation as the Paris skyline unfolded beneath them.
The past six months had been quite a personal success. A mosaic of regular shared experiences had broken down any residual tension that might’ve lingered between her and Jake. Their casual encounters at shows, festivals, and birthdays-alike had served as genuine moments of connection, reforging the group dynamic they had all missed.
YN’s relationship with Harry, on the other hand, had blossomed into a real spectacle that constantly adorned the front pages of tabloids. This, of course, earned her a lot of suffocating attention, but amidst the whirlwind of it all, she managed to find refuge in the simplicity of the few moments she spent with the band.
The purpose of their Parisian escapade was twofold — YN was set to attend the art exhibit opening of an old friend of hers, while the band sought out some specific piece of music equipment that Sam had simply refused to order online.
It was a perfect opportunity to blend business with pleasure.
The jet touched down at Charles de Gaulle Airport and as they stepped onto the tarmac, the crisp Parisian air infused the atmosphere with a sense of adventure.
As the day unfolded, the city of lights revealed its magic. Goofing around in a place where no one paid attention to them was exactly what they’d needed. It felt just like old times.
They explored hidden corners and indulged in local delicacies until the jet lag simply became too much to bear. With tired but cheerful eyes, they returned to the hotel as the city lights began to shimmer.
The lobby buzzed with the chatter of a day well-spent. YN got off the elevator on her floor, wishing the boys a good night with a smile.
As she stepped into her hotel room, her gaze wandered across the space. The muted ambiance contrasted sharply with the vibrant memories of the day.
The blinking light on the telephone caught her attention, and curiosity compelled her to check the answering machine.
With the press of a button, none other than her fiancé's voice resonated in the room, a familiar warmth despite the miles that separated them.
"Hi, love, hope you're havin' a good time with the guys. Wish I could be there with you, but I'm still in London.” She smiled softly as his words wrapped around her like a comforting embrace.
“Listen, I just wanted to let you know I just got off the phone with the jeweler,” a pause hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the unspoken, “they said they're done."
 YN fell back onto the bed with a huff, the mattress embracing her in its soft contours.  Stretched out on the bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling, the weight of the secret she’d been keeping pressed on her conscience.
Harry’s voice, a distant echo, continued to fill the room, “The ring should fit perfectly now."
The next day arrived, and jet lag had firmly taken hold, but YN shook off its drowsy grip to join Josh, Jake, and Danny in the hotel's dining room for some brunch.
The fatigue was evident on everyone's faces. She inquired about their plans for the day.
 "Well, we have an appointment at the music store in an hour," Danny replied.
Josh scoffed, "If Sam ever decides to—"
"If Sam ever decides to what?" Sam's challenging voice cut in as he strolled over, taking a seat at their table.
"Samuel, how nice of you to join us," Jake teased.
"You know I need my beauty sleep, brother. Don't be jealous," Sam retorted. YN chuckled at the banter, enjoying the familiar dynamic.
As the conversation continued, Danny, with a raised eyebrow, steered the discussion back to the important topic, “As I was saying,” he resumed, “we have an appointment at the music store in an hour. How long do you reckon that will last?” he asked.
 Sam, with his typical nonchalance, replied, “Not sure; the call was all in French. Might be ten minutes, could also be ten hours.”
The eye rolls from Josh and Jake were nearly audible, a synchronized response to their younger brother’s signature unpreparedness.
“Alright, we should probably head out right about now,” Jake declared, scanning the surroundings. He sighed in anticipation, “For all we know Sam may have gotten the address wrong as well.”
The youngest, catching wind of the ribbing, protested with a whine, “Hey now, that’s not fair,” as the group headed out through the bustling lobby.
Once they stood outside the hotel, Danny turned to YN, “Are you heading to your friend’s thing?”
One of YN’s old friends was having the opening night of her new art exhibit, an event which they were all planning on attending later that evening, and YN had mentioned the possibility of going early to lend a hand.
“Yeah,” she replied absent-mindedly, “I’ll see if she needs anything.” She looked away in apprehension.
“Alright then,” Sam said, “we’ll see you later.”
As they were about to part ways, YN nervously blurted out, “Do you all need to be at that appointment thing?” She paused, turning to Josh, “I mean… the equipment is just for the players, isn’t it?”
Josh instantly scoffed, feigning an offended expression, “Well, I happen to play something called the vocals, YN, thank you very much.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” she insisted, an unusually tense expression on her face, “please?”
Sam was about to retort with a whole bunch of technical issues but Josh, catching on to his friend’s unspoken plea, quickly intervened, "Uh, you know what, guys? I think I'll stick around with YN for a bit. I can catch up with you later."
The others, slightly taken aback, glanced at each other, then at Josh and YN.
“Sure, no problem,” Danny smiled.
YN grabbed Josh and the pair strode away, arm in arm, leaving the others slightly dumbfounded.
Josh couldn't help but shoot YN a puzzled look, to which she responded with a silent gratitude that spoke volumes.
The rhythm of their footsteps echoed a subtle tension in the air. After twenty minutes, Josh, usually the easygoing one, couldn't help but enquire, "So, what was that about?"
She glanced at him, her expression a mix of urgency and hesitation. "It’s nothing, let’s keep going we’re almost there.”
He stopped dead in his tracks, “come on, there clearly is something,” he stated, crossing his arms, “and I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.”
She stared at him, tempted to call out his bluff, but decided against it, knowing it was only a matter of minutes anyway.
 “Alright,” she sighed nervously, “I have some news.”
The air hung heavy with the weight of revelation. YN's eyes, now wide with anticipation, searched Josh's face for a reaction, a sign that he had processed the bombshell she had just dropped. The silence echoed like a distant melody, the street a quiet stage for the unfolding drama.
YN finally broke through the deafening quiet. "Aren’t you going to say anything?" her voice carried a mix of vulnerability and desperation, a plea for connection.
Josh, still processing, stared into the distance as if searching for answers among the unseen horizons. The creases on his forehead deepened, and the corners of his lips twitched with unspoken thoughts. "I just—” he finally uttered, “this- it’s is a lot to take in."
 "I know, I'm sorry to spring this on you like that," YN said, her words softening the room's tension. She continued, "I've been dying to tell you- or anyone for that matter, but- with the boys and other people always around, I was afraid it would turn into a big thing, and the news would get out."
Josh remained silent; his eyes still locked on some distant point.
"So..?" YN pressed on. She needed a reaction, a response, anything to bridge the chasm that had opened between them.
"So..." Josh hesitated, choosing his words with measured precision, "we're not heading to your friend's exhibit, are we?" he finally inquired, his question cutting through the haze with unexpected clarity.
"Well,” YN couldn't help but let a smirk play on her lips, “remember we always said you'd have dibs on giving your- style opinion if I ever tied the knot?" she teased, the corners of her lips curling with a hint of mischief.
Josh’s eyes widened with surprise, "Hold on, what?" he exclaimed. The tempo of the conversation had, once again, caught him off guard. "Didn't you just get engaged?"
"I know, it's all going a bit fast," she admitted with an excited sigh. "But Harry and I were at this Westwood show a week ago and the bridal look was just exquisite," she paused, “one thing led to another and we just- booked an appointment.”
Josh returned to his silence; surprise still etched on his face.
"Come on, don't be mad," she implored, her tone softening. "You know you love a private fitting," she added, attempting to inject a bit of lightness into the atmosphere, to soften the edges of the unexpected news.
 After a while, Josh looked up, meeting her eyes. "There’d better be a lot of champagne involved," he finally quipped.
She smirked, a sense of relief washing over her. Finally, a normal reaction from her friend. "And only the best,” she assured, “this is Paris, after all."
The boutique, nestled in the heart of the 7th arrondissement, exuded an air of exclusivity that transcended the ordinary. As YN and Josh stepped into its realm, they were greeted by the hushed whispers of luxury. The walls, adorned with mirrors, reflected the rare creations that hung elegantly on display.
An impeccably dressed man emerged to welcome them with a pronounced French accent. Every detail of his attire spoke of an innate understanding of elegance, a testament to the boutique's commitment to excellence.
It was the kind of boutique that dealt exclusively in one-of-a-kind couture looks, each piece meticulously curated through age-old relationships with some of the most illustrious maisons in the world. It housed creations that transcended mere garments; they were wearable art, destined for the most exclusive clientele.
 Led by the man, Josh and YN were ushered into a private fitting room. A sanctuary of privacy, it was adorned with soft, indirect lighting and the air was filled with a faint scent of peonies.
With a polite nod, the man assured them that he would return shortly with the dress YN had come to try on. As he exited the room, Josh couldn't resist calling after him, sending a playful reminder to bring in the champagne.
The leather sofa cradled them in its plush embrace as a delicate silence lingered, both YN and Josh settling into a cocoon of thoughts.
Josh, breaking the quietude, voiced the question that hovered between them. "So, you're really engaged, then?" His words hung in the air.
“Yeah,” a wistful smile played on YN's lips at the surreal nature of her situation. "I guess I am."
"How did it happen?" Josh asked, the question laced with genuine curiosity and a hint of brotherly concern. Her eyes sparkled as she recounted the proposal.
Josh listened attentively, a complex array of emotions crossing his features. He wanted to be solely happy for her, to share in the joy of her new life, but the reality of the situation still needed time to settle.
"It's all moving so fast, isn't it?" he mused, a thoughtful expression clouding his features. YN nodded in acknowledgement.
The atmosphere shifted as Josh leaned back against the velvety cushions, his eyes fixed on a distant point. "On the bright side of things,” he suddenly stated, “Sam owes everyone twenty bucks.”
She looked at him with a confused smile, “What?”
Josh sighed, memories flashing through his eyes. “About four years ago, the guys and I made this whole wedding bet thing” he giggled, “Sam, of course, bet the first marriage among all of us would be him and Carole King,” they both laughed, “guess that’s not happening.”
 “Did you bet on anyone?” YN asked playfully.
Josh nodded silently, a serious expression quietly returning to his face. “Yeah," he finally admitted, a veil of nostalgia covering his eyes. YN's smile softened, a hint of understanding in her eyes. Of course, Josh would’ve bet on her and Jake.
"Life takes unexpected turns," she gently stated as she leaned back into the sofa. “Who would’ve thought?”
“Yep,” he mirrored her words, “who would’ve thought?”
 As the minutes passed, the pair found solace in the shared silence.
The man finally returned with a garment bag that made YN’s eyes sparkle in excitement. Josh, taking charge of the celebratory mood, promptly popped the bottle of champagne, the effervescent bubbles escaping with a soft hiss.
He poured the bubbly liquid into two crystal flutes, the delicate clink resonating in the air as a toast to the unfolding moment.  
As YN disappeared into the changing area, Josh took a seat, sipping the effervescent liquid and allowing its crisp taste to dance on his palate.
Amid the subtle symphony of sips and the rustle of fabric, Josh suddenly heard some noise emanating from the main area of the boutique. Curiosity piqued, Josh set down his glass and ventured toward the source of the commotion.
“I don’t think this is the place, it’s all clothes in here.”
Josh closed his eyes as he recognized the all too familiar voice. Sammy. He sighed, recognizing the imminent chaos that his baby brother, in all his oblivious glory, was probably about to unleash upon the sophisticated boutique.
 Josh let out an exasperated breath, mentally preparing for hurricane Sammy. As the chaos drew nearer, he glanced toward the main area.
 « Puis-je vous aider? » the owner inquired, attempting to bring order to the unfolding comedy.
“Oh, um, oui, oui, oui, Bonjourrrr Monsieurrrrr, ” Sam stammered in response, « nous, uh- ouch! Daniel, my foot!” he whined.
Danny interrupted, mercifully ending the linguistic massacre, “I’m sorry, do you speak English?” The owner nodded in response. “Great, um, I don’t suppose this building is also an art gallery by any chance? We’re looking for our friends.”
“I’m afraid not. Who are your—” the manager began before being cut off.
“It’s okay,” Josh interjected, stepping out from the doorway to the fitting room with a mixture of amusement and mild irritation, “they’re mine.”
“There he is!” Sam exclaimed before turning back to the owner, “merci very much, pal,” he said, tapping the flabbergasted-looking man on the shoulder.
As Sam and Danny approached, Josh wasted no time addressing the impending chaos. "How did you even find us her—” he interrupted himself, “Danny, how many times do I have to tell you to stop tracking my phone?"
Danny, caught off guard, stammered, his ears turning red, "I don’t know what you’re talking ab—"
"I swear to G—" Josh began, frustration evident in his tone.
 “It doesn’t matter,” Sammy interjected, nonchalantly dismissing the potential drama. “Weren’t you going to some gallery?”
“It’s- a long story, not really mine to tell,” Josh replied, visibly nervous, “weren’t you going to the music store?”
 “Well, we did go,” Danny rolled his eyes, “only someone apparently booked an appointment for the year 2032-”
“Here we go again!” Sam groaned, throwing his arms up, in the air “I already said it was my bad, what more do you want from m-”
“Alright,” Josh sighed, his patience wearing thin, “you guys should head out, like, right now. Where’s Jake?”
“Jesus, chill out, he’s just outside, on the phone with Ma’,” Sam informed, attempting to diffuse the tension.
Danny, with his signature grin, couldn’t resist adding his two cents. "You know," he said, "if you guys wanted to go shopping, you could’ve just said so."
"That’s- not it," Josh retorted, his tone carrying a mix of irritation and urgency. "Will you please just listen to me and go before—"
“Hey!” Jake suddenly appeared from behind the other two, “Ma’ says hello,” he slowly looked up from his phone. “What are we doing here?” He took a moment to assess his surroundings, “Are we going shopping?”
“No, we were just about to leave, actually,” Josh replied nervously, his words rushing out. “Y/N will meet us later.” The air seemed to tense with an unspoken secret, the ambiance of the couture boutique now a battleground for conflicting interests.
"Is she not here?" Sam asked, glancing around the shop.
"No, she’s—" Josh began, but he was suddenly cut off by a voice from behind him.
“Alright, I’m coming out…” a voice range out.
Lord, help us all.
“…but I swear to God if you start crying, I will kick your—" YN’s figure materialized from the fitting room, and instantly froze. Her eyes widened, and her words hung in the air as she recognized the crumpling faces in front of her.
The four guys, equally dumbfounded, if not more so, slowly took in the sight of their friend wearing, what very much appeared to be a wedding gown.
Sammy was the first to break the silence, “What the—”
"So… now you know," Josh announced, absurdly loud, attempting to divert attention, "This year’s MET Gala theme is all-things-white, I know, I know, controversial, but, uh—"
“Josh,” YN cut in. She was thankful for her friend’s futile attempt to cover for her, but it was time to be honest. She turned to the boys.
“So…” She sighed hesitantly, “I guess the cat’s out of the bag, then. I’m kind of—" she paused, the word struggling to come out, “engaged?”
“You’re joking,” Sam blurted out.
“I don’t have my ring,” she clarified, “It’s getting resized, but—”
“Are you for real?” Danny interrupted.
There was a moment of palpable silence, and then YN timidly confirmed, “Y-yeah.” She wore a shy smile, and they scanned her face for any sign of dishonesty, finding nothing but sincerity. The realization hit them like a freight train.
“When’s the due date?” Sam couldn't resist adding.
“I’m not pregnant, Sam,” she snapped back, her eyes rolling with annoyance.
“Holy shit,” Danny exclaimed, rushing towards her and spinning her around. She laughed, feeling the tension dissipate.
“Someone’s making an honest woman out of YN, that certainly wasn’t on my bingo card” Sam teased, earning a look from YN, a mix of annoyance and amusement. “Alright, come here,” he opened his arms, and she gladly stepped into the embrace. “Congrats, superstar,” he mumbled into her scalp.
YN’s eyes finally landed on the one person who had yet to say a word.
Jake stood there, completely still. His gaze remained fixed on YN, an array of emotions flickering across his face. Surprise, disbelief, and perhaps a touch of realization danced in his eyes as he took in the sight of YN in a wedding dress.
 In that moment of stillness, Jake's mind raced. The news of YN's engagement hit him with an unexpected force. Despite knowing that they had both moved on, seeing his ex-girlfriend on the verge of marriage obviously stirred something within.
He watched as YN stood before him. She radiated excitement, yet looked at him with nervous doe eyes, as though seeking approval. Jake's features softened into a faint smile and he finally broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m so happy for you.”
She instinctively wrapped him in a soft embrace. Taken aback, he eventually wrapped his arms around her waist. “Thank you” she mumbled against his chest, “that means the world.”
“Okay,” Sam’s voice interrupted the moment of tenderness, “now that this is out of the way, let’s talk about this” he said, motioning to the dress she was wearing with an expression of disgust.
The atmosphere lightened as the group transitioned seamlessly from the weight of the revelation to their usual playful banter. "You don't like it?" YN inquired with genuine surprise, her eyes flickering from Sam to Josh, seeking confirmation.
Josh’s mirrored expression conveyed that his baby brother may have had a point, the unison hinting at a rare consensus. YN sighed with playful resignation, a mischievous grin creeping across her face as she hatched a plan to address the situation.
"Alright,” she announced, the glint of mischief in her eyes, “you know what we have to do, then." The boys, catching on to her playful intent, mirrored her smirk in anticipation.
"Fitting Frenzy!" they chanted with a jump, as Danny and Jake shook their head with both amusement and despair. The impromptu decision dispelling any lingering tension as they embraced the whimsical spirit of the moment.
The boutique transformed into a whirlwind of shades, fabrics, and laughter as said fitting frenzy ensued. Each member of the group contributed their unique flair to the impromptu dress-hunt, turning what was initially a stressful situation into a memorable experience.
"Eggshell, Daniel?" Josh's voice echoed through the boutique, a mock sense of outrage coloring his words. "Have you gone mad? Do you think our Y/N will have some barn wedding?"
Danny, unfazed, shot back with playful defiance, "Well, I'd rather have her in an eggshell gown than that horrendous bedazzled mess you suggested." Their banter echoed through the fitting rooms, punctuated by bursts of laughter that drew bewildered glances from the boutique staff.
YN, caught in the middle of the sartorial crossfire, couldn't help but chuckle at the playful antics of her friends.
Amidst the banter, Sam emerged from a changing room, strutting down the shop in a princess ballgown layered over his shirt. "You know, this is actually much more fun than what we had planned for today," he declared, twirling around.
The boutique's managing director, growing increasingly concerned with the boys' chaotic energy which clashed with the usual etiquette of his establishment, observed the spectacle with a mix of confusion and disapproval.
As the afternoon continued, YN found herself submerged in a sea of fabrics and styles. The excitement that had initially fueled the endeavor was now tinged with a hint of desperation as she tried on dress after dress, searching for the perfect one. Despite the growing frustration, she maintained a sense of fun, laughing at the playful banter of her friends.
 Throughout the disorder, Jake moved around the boutique, occasionally offering suggestions but seemingly preoccupied with his own thoughts. His attention wavered here and there.
“Hey how about this one?” Sam interrupted his brother’s train of thoughts holding up a dress to him, but Jake wasn’t paying attention, his gaze seemingly stuck on something. “Jake?” Sam inquired.
 Breaking from his distracted reverie, Jake finally voiced his suggestion, pointing at the specific garment that had captured his attention. "No," he said definitively, "She should try this one."
The owner's enthusiasm echoed through the opulent boutique, his thick French accent lending an air of sophistication to his words. "Aaaah, I see you have the American eye, don't you? We curate very few pieces of American design, but this one," he declared, his fingers delicately grazing the luxurious fabric of the dress in contemplation, "yes, it is… quite delectable, is it not? Tom Ford, 1986. A good year."
As he held the dress with a certain reverence, Sam eagerly announced, "We'll take it," seizing the hanger from the poor man's hands and dashing toward the fitting room. "YN, look what we found!" he gleefully shouted through the boutique, the proclamation carrying a hint of mischief that made the owner flinch.
Apologizing once again for his brother's exuberance, Jake offered a sincere "Sorry about that" to the slightly rattled proprietor. The old man, despite the chaos Sam had caused, chuckled halfheartedly as he returned to the meticulous task of sorting the upscale garments.
After a pause, he turned back to Jake, his eyes holding a glint of appreciation. "If I may," he said with a knowing smile, "you have a good eye. She will look exquisite in it."
Jake nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of satisfaction warming his chest.
As he headed back towards the fitting room. A chorus of oohs and aahs reached Jake’s ears.
There she was, YN, adorned in the dress he had chosen just moments ago, the sleek and elegant silk hugging her frame in a way that seemed tailor-made for her. The dress accentuated YN's beauty in a way that left him momentarily breathless.
Caught in the moment, YN looked around the room and inquired, "What do you think?" A chorus of enthusiastic responses filled the air.
"Now that's what I'm talking about," Sam chimed in, eliciting a genuine smile from YN.
Turning to Josh for his opinion, YN received a heartfelt compliment that seemed to catch her off guard. "You look really beautiful," Josh admitted, his voice slightly breaking with emotion.
"Gosh, stop it,” she playfully remarked, attempting to lighten the mood, “You're going to make me cry, and I haven't even seen it."
“Well go on, then,” with a helpful hand from Danny, YN was guided onto the small platform, facing the grand mirror. Taking a deep breath, she finally looked up at her reflection, and the room held its breath in anticipation.
Her eyes began to glisten as she took in her own reflection. The dress reflected Jake’s taste for the understated, emphasizing the beauty of simplicity and allowing YN's natural grace to shine through. It was a creation of plain elegance, a sleek masterpiece crafted from immaculate porcelain silk that draped effortlessly on her frame.
A soft smile played on YN's lips as she stood there, momentarily rendered speechless by the sight before her. "It's-” she eventually said struggling to find the right words as emotions bubbled to the surface. “It’s so…"
"…you," Josh finished the sentence for her, “it’s so you.”  The collective affirmation in the room conveyed a shared understanding—the dress wasn't just an exquisite garment; it seemed to be an embodiment of YN's essence, a celebration of her being.
The owner, with an air of grace, stepped forward, breaking the tender moment. He inquired, "Now, what are we thinking in terms of hair?"
 "Up," Jake and Josh said in unison. Jake glanced down, slight embarrassment coloring his expression.
YN nodded with a radiant smile, "Up it is."
"Would you like to see our collection of hair accessories? Just to get an idea." the owner offered, leading to an affirmative nod from YN. A skilled stylist promptly approached, delicately crafting an elegant updo, revealing YN's delicate collarbones.
As she perused the display case of accessories, YN settled on a sophisticated white gold pin adorned a single pearl. The owner, appreciating her choice, carefully retrieved the accessory.
However, the pin slipped through the owner's fingers, hitting the floor with a delicate clink. Before anyone registered the mishap, Jake had descended to one knee. He delicately picked it up, his movements fluid and confident, as if the gesture had been rehearsed a thousand times before. The boutique seemed to hold its breath as Jake rose to his feet. Sam and Danny exchanged a knowing glance.
The clearing of Jake's throat pierced through the stillness, drawing attention from the clandestine intensity of the scene. His eyes met YN’s through the mirror, seeking permission.
A nod from her, gentle yet affirmative, signaled her consent, along with a soft flutter of her eyelashes. With a deliberate step, Jake closed the distance between them, the air charged with unspoken anticipation.
He extended his hand, gently placing the pin in her hair. In a moment suspended in time, his fingertips accidentally brushed against the nape of her neck. A feathery touch that let an electric current pass between them.
As the two stood side by side, the lavish Parisian boutique provided a glamorous backdrop to a silent interlude. YN, adorned in the white gown, and Jake beside her, found themselves momentarily immersed in the alternate reality painted in the mirrors. The soft ambient lights seemed to cast an otherworldly glow.
In that suspended moment, their reflection seemed to carry whispers of the 'what-ifs' and the divergent narratives that fate had penned for them.
As their gazes met in the mirrored picture, an unspoken understanding lingered in the air—a shared acknowledgment of a parallel universe where the threads of destiny had woven a different tapestry.
The boutique owner, sensing the shift in dynamics, played the role of an artful conductor, steering the ensemble away from treacherous territories. "Beautiful!" he exclaimed, his voice serving as a gentle reminder of the present moment. “Isn’t it?”
The spell broken, Jake and YN found themselves back in the shared reality of the Parisian boutique. The moment dissipated, leaving behind a trace of wistfulness and a shared understanding that some paths, no matter how enticing, were to remain veiled in the realm of what might have been.
In that fleeting moment, Josh and Sam exchanged another knowing look. They understood the silent undercurrents that had rippled through the room, visible only to those attuned to the intricacies of their story.
 "Yeah,” echoed Jake softly, a touch of unease in his voice “Beautiful."
Suddenly, a voice breaks the contemplative atmosphere, announcing, "Hope I’m not interrupting." To everyone's surprise, the figure standing at the door is none other than that of YN’s fiancé.
Harry’s entrance cut through the atmosphere like a gentle disruption, eliciting a swift reaction from the gathered ensemble. In the blink of an eye, Jake stepped away from YN, creating a visible distance as the unexpected visitor approached.
The shift in dynamics was palpable, the subtle recalibration of postures a silent acknowledgment of unspoken boundaries.
"Oh my god,” the surprise painted across YN's face turned into sheer joy as she hopped off the platform, and sprinted towards Harry, her hand tenderly finding its place on his neck. In an impulsive burst of delight, she planted a kiss on his lips, an expression of unrestrained affection that spoke volumes to those around. “What are you doing here?" she exclaimed in disbelief.
 Harry, with a casual charm, explained, "Just landed an hour ago, thought I’d surprise you." His eyes then shifted to greet the boys, who still bore the remnants of surprise on their faces. As the initial shock settled, YN, still wrapped in the delight of the moment, turned to Harry with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.
 "Are you coming to the opening tonight?" she asked, anticipation of his response lingering in the air.
“No, I’m flying back as soon as I’m done with my interview,” he said, “Actually, I have to run right now, I’ll make sure to send Camille flowers though, tell her congrats for me, will you?”
Camille, Jake thought reluctantly. Harry knew YN’s other friends. How come Harry already knew her other friends? How come he’d never heard of Camille before?”
“Are you sure you can’t stay just a little while longer?” she pleaded.
“Sorry, my manager’s expecting me back in London by tonight,” he said, prompting a subtle pout from YN. “Aw, come on, don’t make that face, love. Here, I have something that’ll cheer you up.” He reached in his coat pocket and pulled out a small leather box and Josh cast a quick glance at his twin brother, who observed the scene. “I swung by Cartier on the way here,” Harry opened it to reveal a dazzling engagement ring. “There,” with gentle precision, he slid the ring onto YN's finger, “fits like a glove.”
"Thank you," YN smiled, her words accompanied by a tender kiss Harry planted on her hand.
“I left a little something at your hotel as well” he murmured, and she smirked sheepishly in response. She, by nature, may not have been driven by material gifts, but she knew how excited Harry always got.
“You’re the sweetest” she said softly.
“You are,” he retorted, “and would you look at you!” he exclaimed, eyes dancing with admiration as he twirled his fiancée around, reveling in the enchanting vision she presented. The moment, however, took an unexpected turn as he took a closer look at what she was wearing, “Hey, this isn’t the dress we’d talked about,” he questioned.
“Yeah, the Westwood didn’t exactly pan out,” Sam interjected, before YN could respond “that’s on us, mate.”
“Is this the one, then?” he said, gesturing to the gown she had on.
The room seemed to hold its breath as his question lingered. A wave of discomfort washed over YN. The very thought of walking down the aisle to Harry in the dress felt terribly inadequate for some reason.
“Uh, no,” she gently admitted after a pause, "I think I'll keep looking,” she shrugged. Her words prompted groans of disapproval from Sam and Danny. "It should be perfect for us," she insisted with a smile, though in truth, she was uncertain whose feelings she was trying to spare.
"Whatever feels right for you," Harry said, "I’ve got to run. It was nice seeing you all," and with one last peck on her lips, he exited the room.
Harry's departure left the boutique enveloped in a subtle sense of relief as Jake grappled with an internal turmoil that mirrored the brewing storm outside.
Irritation, disguised beneath a veneer of nonchalance, slowly began seeping through his veins.
 Suppressing the inconvenient truth that lay dormant within him, Jake found himself grappling with an internal struggle between acknowledging the depth of his feelings and maintaining the carefully constructed walls he had erected around his heart.
YN silently turned back to the boys, casting a quick glance at Jake. The subtle creases of his brow, a silent acknowledgment of a storm brewing beneath the surface.
“I think we’re done for today,” she declared, as she fumbled with the ring on her finger. “We don’t want be late.”
As the day melted into the evening, YN's wardrobe transitioned from the sleek ivory gowns of the boutique to a fun silver dress that shimmered with each step she took. The metallic fabric reflected the neon lights that illuminated the night, outside of the art gallery they were heading towards.
Adorning her ears were emerald earrings, thoughtful gift left by Harry at the hotel, glinting subtly as they caught the sporadic flashes of the vibrant light.
The anticipation of the evening's celebration seemed to clash with the subdued mood that had settled among the group as they approached the venue,
YN, still tense after the afternoon's emotional rollercoaster, maintained a dignified composure, though the echoes of her emotional turmoil lingered beneath the surface.
Jake, who hadn't uttered a word, let alone glanced in YN’s direction since their departure from the boutique, appeared increasingly tired as resentment simmered beneath the surface.
The vibrant energy that had characterized their friendship now hung in a delicate balance, disrupted by the unexpected currents set in motion. YN, though saddened and upset by the palpable shift in dynamics, chose to endure the silent treatment. It was true that she could have handled things with more thoughtfulness earlier.
They were welcomed into the space by the sound of music and sight of a decent crowd, a mix of art enthusiasts and socialites, swirling around the vibrant works of art.
Camille, with cheeks flushed and a self-soothed confidence fueled by a few drinks, spotted YN from across the room. "Oh my God, you're here!" she exclaimed, rushing towards her old friend with genuine excitement. She enveloped YN in a warm hug, her voice reflecting both joy and intoxication. "How have you been?" The two of them chatted for a minute.
The attention then shifted to the Greta boys, looking as handsome as ever. Camille, her eyes gleaming with mischief, greeted the boys with a seductive charm. "Well, bonsoir, gentlemen," she cooed, extending her hand with theatrical elegance, "Enchantée."
Seizing the opportunity for a flirtatious exchange, Sam pushed his brothers aside, positioning himself at the forefront. With a confident flair, he lay a delicate kiss on Camille's hand. “The pleasure is all mine,” he said, prompting the others to roll their eyes.
As the evening unfolded within the pulsating confines of the neon-lit gallery, Jake sought refuge at the bar, carefully avoiding any contact with YN like a sailor steering clear of a storm. His deliberate avoidance, a self-imposed exile, left her feeling adrift amidst the swirling currents of tension.
Distressed by the unspoken chasm between them, YN ended up seeking solace on the terrace, where the crisp night air provided a temporary respite from the stifling atmosphere inside. Her eyes were fixed on the ring on her finger, it glistened delicately in the light, yet felt heavier than ever on her finger.
“What are you doing out here?” Danny's voice interrupted the solitude, breaking the quietude of the night. He approached YN, his breath forming visible puffs in the chilly air.
"Is that a cigarette I see in your hand?" he asked, genuine surprise coloring his words.
"Old habits die hard, I guess," YN responded with a wry smirk. She wasn’t a regular smoker, but when days were high in stress, she sometimes found comfort in the smell and taste of tobacco, a weakness from years past. She took one last drag before moving to put out the cigarette.
"No need to put it out," Danny reassured her.
"It's okay, I don't mind," YN replied, extinguishing the cigarette with a flick of her fingers. The cool night air seemed to match the tense atmosphere lingering between them. Danny, breaking the silence, finally broached the sensitive topic that loomed over the night like a specter.
"So…" he began, his words hesitant.
"So…" she echoed, her eyes teasing him.
"Marriage, huh?" Danny eventually voiced, the question lingering in the air like an uncharted path in the dark.
"Yep," she replied, a soft smile playing on her lips. Danny and YN shared a glance that conveyed an unspoken acknowledgment — a few years back, the notion of YN embracing matrimony was nothing short of an absurdity. She and Jake had broached the topic once or twice, but it simply wasn’t her style. Not at the time, at least.
As her short response hung in the cold night air, Danny's eyes held a mix of curiosity and concern. "Are you happy?" he gently probed.
"You know…?" she paused, the words carrying the weight of introspection, "I think I am." As she spoke, the echoes of her own journey reverberated through her voice.
There was a time, not too long ago, when the prospect of happiness felt elusive, hidden in the shadows of heartbreak. After Jake, she had wandered through life with difficulty. The idea of happy-ever-after had seemed like a distant dream, an illusion shattered by the echoes of what had been.
Yet, Harry had entered her life like a gentle force, a subtle breeze that whispered promises of new beginnings. It wasn't the same love, nor did it intend to be. The edges were softer, the hues more muted, but it felt right, it felt- sensible.
She had once believed that devotion could only wear the guise of what she had known with Jake, but life had a way of rewriting its own narratives.
Danny, leaning against the cold metal railing of the terrace, absorbed YN's words with a thoughtful expression.  "You've come a long way," he remarked, his voice gentle, “Both of you.”
"Yeah," YN responded, her gaze momentarily drifting to the city skyline. “He hasn’t said a word to me all afternoon, though.”
Danny nodded, understanding the weight of unspoken words. "You know him, better than most. It doesn't mean he's not happy for you; he’s just never good with change."
Amid the day's tumultuous atmosphere, Danny once again stepped into his role as the voice of reason. His words carried a soothing reassurance, a balm to the unease that had settled over YN.
She sighed, the night air carrying a hint of hesitation, "I hope so.”
 A gust of wind swept through, eliciting a shiver from YN.
“You should go back inside,” Danny said with a gentle nudge, “Wouldn’t want you to catch death before you make it down the aisle.”
 “Yeah,” YN chuckled back, “that would not be a good look.”
As YN walked back inside, her eyes locked onto Jake, who, upon meeting her gaze, promptly diverted his course, striding purposefully in the opposite direction and disappearing into the men's room. The continuous avoidance and unspoken tension had reached its breaking point, and Danny’s reasonable words seemed like no more than a distant echo.
Fuck it.
Fed up with the unspoken rift, YN briskly followed the guitarist, determined to confront the lingering unease that had shadowed them throughout the day. With each step, her resolve strengthened. The hallway echoed with the clicking of her heels, a stark contrast to the lively hum emanating from the exhibit area behind her.
The door to the men's room swung open, revealing the dimly lit space within, and YN was met with the sight of Jake standing near the row of sinks. His posture, while seemingly casual, hinted at an anticipation that sent a ripple through the charged atmosphere.
She tried to hold onto her tenacity before it inevitably slipped away. "Can we talk?" she ventured, unnecessary loudly.
A flicker of discomfort crossed Jake's downturned gaze as he replied, "This is hardly the place."
"Since when has that been a problem?" she retorted, frustration seeping into the words. Jake's silence, an unnerving response, hung between them like an unspoken challenge. "We need to talk; you've been avoiding me all day," she continued, the weight of the unsaid pressing down on the confined space. “See? You won’t even look at me.”
"Alright," Jake finally shrugged, looking up at her, "Get on with it."
Caught off guard by the intensity of his gaze, YN hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts.
"Are you okay?" she finally asked, concern evident in the furrow of her brow and the subtle quiver in her voice.
Jake scoffed, turning away. "What do you think?" he spat, his words cutting through the air with a sharp edge.
"You said you were happy for me," she countered, a flicker of hurt in her eyes.
"Yeah, well, what the hell d'you expect me to do?” he shot back, “I wasn't exactly about to make a scene in front of everyone."
"Jake,” she sighed, her voice softening in the face of his evident frustration, “I'm sor—"
"And to find out about it like that?" he interrupted, hurt evident in his eyes. "I mean, I know we've had our ups and downs, but Jesus, I thought we still had some respect for each other."
"I'm sorry," she offered sincerely, "this— it wasn’t supposed to happen like that. I wasn't—"
"Sure,” he pressed, his voice carrying a bitter edge, “and when exactly were you going to tell me, huh?"
"I— I don't know—" she stammered, her words an acknowledgment of the disarray surrounding the situation, a vulnerability laid bare.
"Were you just going to wait until paps got a shot of that huge rock you carry on your finger?" he continued, and YN wished she could sink into the ground.  The rapid clenching and unclenching of Jake’s fists revealed the intensity of his emotional turmoil. "Or better yet, wait for me to see photos of your fucking honeymoon in the press—"
"Stop it, you know I'd never do that," she interjected defensively.
"Actually, I'm not sure I know anything about you right now," he retorted.
"And what's that supposed to mean, exactly?" she demanded, her voice tinged with defiance.
Jake looked at her for a moment, his own frustration simmering beneath the surface. "You're seriously going to make me say it?" he shot back.
"Well, I'm not a fucking mind-reader!" she roared.
"Come on, YN” he rolled his eyes, “Marriage? Mrs. Styles?" he mocked, his words carrying a weight of disbelief as if grappling with an inconceivable reality.
"Yeah, well, what about it?" she spat, attempting to conceal the hurt that flickered in her eyes.
"Please," he shook his head dismissively, as if challenging the very essence of the decision she'd made. “That's not you."
"And what do you know, huh?" she said, the echoes of her frustration reverberating off the restroom walls. "We haven't been together in years; what makes you think you know what I want for my life?"
"Because I know you!" he yelled, the force behind his words revealing a desperation to be understood. Silence hung in the air, a palpable tension between them before Jake pressed on, "and better than that jackass does, apparently,"
"You don't even know him!" she shot back, her defenses rising.
"See, that's the thing," he scoffed, a bitterness underlying his tone, "I don't need to know him. I know your taste in men."
Her eyes flickered with pain, a wounded expression betraying the impact of his words. "That's a low blow," she eventually said, a mix of hurt and indignation coloring her response, "even from you."
"Yeah, well, only the truth hurts, I guess," he mumbled, a bitter acknowledgment hanging in the air as he walked past her and headed towards the exit.
"So what?" she called out, the desperation evident in her voice. "Was I supposed to stay single for the rest of my life?" He turned around, his heart breaking as he met her sad eyes. She continued, "I—After everything- do I not deserve a chance?"
"No, that’s not-" an instinctive pull drawing him closer to her. His hand gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. "You know all I want is for you to be happy."
"Well, I am. For maybe the first time in years, I am," she whispered, nuzzling her cheek into the palm of his hand. "Harry, he's good, he makes me feel- safe."
He felt a pang in his chest at her words. "I'm sure he does," he said sadly, his words weighted with an unspoken ache. "That— that's not the problem."
"Well, then, what is it?" she searched his eyes, desperate for understanding.
"It's just— " he hesitated, the words burning in his throat, unwilling to ever come out. His fingers delicately brushed her hair behind her ear, and his gaze lingered on the emerald earring that dangled from her lobe. "He’s-” Jake continued, his eyelids flickering, “he's got good taste."
 With those words, he walked out, leaving YN behind, paralyzed, the weight of the unspoken lingering in the air.
YN found herself back in the exhibition area, but the vibrant artwork was a blur as her mind wrestled with her recent exchange with Jake. The odd thrill of their heated encounter served as an unsettling reminder of what she’d left behind.
She’d messed up and he’d messed up, a pattern that seemed to keep on haunting the both of them, even in friendship.
Truth was, he’d probably been right. She wouldn’t have had the guts to tell him about her engagement.
Why, though, was a question she couldn’t quite answer. Perhaps she’d enjoyed that in-between. On some level. Perhaps she’d wanted to witness his unfiltered reaction, or she’d been curious as to what might happen if she let the news come out on its own. Perhaps she’d simply been bored out of her mind.
Her songwriting had seemed to have run dry recently. The more time passed, the more she found that ‘happiness’, whatever that was, presented a ridiculously uneventful subject. After all, there would be no grand choirs to sing, no chorus could come in about two people sitting doing nothing.
Perhaps Patty had been right when she’d said YN had always needed to go to war to find material to sing. But it was a dangerous game, one she’d renounced a long time ago. Too much of her blood had been shed. She had let the sword fall to the floor, only to be replaced by the ring on her finger.
Immobilized by a sea of emotion, YN suddenly felt a comforting presence beside her. Josh's voice cut through her thoughts.
"Don't worry about him,” he offered, “he'll come around eventually. It's just a lot to process."
"I know," she replied with uncertainty, her eyes still fixed on the artwork as if seeking solace in its silent forms.
"One of you was gonna end up getting married someday," Josh continued, "you just happened to be the first. That's nothing to apologize for." His hand found hers, the silent gesture conveying a silent promise of support.
The following day unfurled with an air of quiet tension. It was YN’s turn to deliberately avoid Jake as they moved through the day's activities. However, the serendipity of travel arrangements had a laid out different plans for them.
As they boarded the plane, YN's eyes darted across the cabin in search of her seat, her desire to maintain distance palpable. Yet, the universe seemed intent on weaving a narrative of its own.
There, in the vast expanse of plane seats, she had apparently been expected to sit next to none other than the very person she’d been trying to avoid.
A flicker of reluctance crossed YN's face as she hesitated near the row, contemplating her options.
Just as she decided to retreat, Jake's hand gently reached out, “YN, come on,” a silent plea evident in his touch, "please?" His words hung in the air, soft yet compelling. It seemed he had renounced his fighting mood from the day before. She relented, sinking into the seat beside him.
The hum of the plane engines served as the backdrop to a charged silence, unspoken tension echoing in the space that stretched between their bodies.
Once takeoff was done, Jake hesitated, glancing towards YN with a contemplative expression. Breaking the uneasy silence, he began, "About yesterday..."
She met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions, a silent invitation for him to continue. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did," Jake admitted, his voice carrying a blend of regret and vulnerability. " It's just... it all caught me off guard."
YN, too, felt the weight of remorse settling in. "I should've told you. I should've found a way to tell you before,” she looked down at her hands, “but everything happened so fast, and I-I didn't know how…"
He nodded, a mix of regret and understanding in his eyes. "Still, I was an ass.”
"I get it," YN replied softly, meeting his gaze. "It's a big change. I never intended for you to feel blindsided."
He sighed in acknowledgment, "I guess we both have a lot to process. I never expected- I mean, I didn't think it would hit me that hard."
She met his gaze, a shared understanding passing between them. "To be fair, I never expected to find myself here either," she admitted, her voice soft. "But things change, I suppose."
"Yeah," he whispered, "they do."
The tension that had gripped the air between them began to slowly dissipate as YN chose to inject a much-needed dose of levity into the confined space of the plane.
"If that makes you feel better," she remarked with a gentle smile, "I’ll make sure to have a full-on meltdown when you get married, that way we’re even."
“Deal,” Jake chuckled, a warmth spreading through him, "just make it memorable, okay? Maybe hire a choir or something."
"Oh, absolutely," she nodded with mock seriousness, "I'm thinking fireworks, synchronized swimmers, the whole shebang. It's going to be an event."
“And of course, you'll need a soundtrack.” He mused, “Maybe something like ‘I Will Survive’ or ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’?"
"Solid choices," she laughed, "but I was thinking more along the lines of Cryingby Aerosmith. Really amp it up, you know?"
"Ah, a woman of refined taste," he quipped, "I'll be sure to add it to the playlist.”
She nodded, playing along, "And a fog machine as well, for my dramatic entrance.
"Well, naturally," Jake responded, “Can't forget the fog.”
The banter continued, a familiar cadence of playful exchanges that danced on the edge of shared memories. YN, feeling a sense of relief, leaned into the easy camaraderie they had always shared.
"So," Jake eventually needled, a curious glint dancing in his eyes, "have you set a date?"
“No, not yet" she responded with a casual shrug. "But knowing us, it's probably going to be a while. We're constantly swamped with work. You know how it is.”
“Too busy to plan your special day?” he smirked, “I don’t believe it, you were already picking your dress, weren’t you?”
“Well, I do have my priorities straight,” YN laughed. “But seriously, though,” she insisted, “I swear you might end up tying the knot before I do.”
Jake chuckled in response.
He would contemplate the conversation in the following weeks, assuming the wedding talk had merely been banter. The idea of YN getting married seemed like a distant future, perhaps years away.
Little did he know that merely a month later, a small, elegant envelope would arrive in the mail, bearing news that would unknowingly alter the course of their fate.
Miss YN YLN and Mr Harry Styles Request the pleasure of your company at their Wedding Save the Date
Next Track : St Jude
Series Masterlist
Hope you liked it! Once again, I am begging you all to interact and leave comments it makes me so happy to get feedback and reactions xxx
Also, this is only the beginning lol. I have a billion drafts for other chapters so stay tuned, peaceful army.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
The ending of DMC 5 leaves the door very open for new character dynamics to be formed. Which is exactly what this question is about.
(Keep in mind that if you don't want to or don't think you can you do not need to cover all of these dynamics)
(Also, I do not mean any of these dynamics as a group just for clarification)
How do you believe Dante and Vergil will move forward with their relationship after DMC 5? What about Vergil and Nero? How about Dante and Nero?
Vergil is going to end up needing to form a dynamic with all of the characters after he and Dante return from hell. The characters he will inevitably end up interacting with on a normal basis will be: Lady, Trish, Kyrie, Nico, Patty, and Morrison. How do you believe his relationship with all of these characters will turn out? How will they start off, and how will they develop?
Dante has a dynamic with most of this cast, but what do you think his dynamics with Kyrie and Nico will end up being like?
What dynamics do you believe Nero will have with Lady, Trish, Patty, and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Trish will have with Kyrie and Nico will play out?
The dynamic Lady will have with Kyrie?
The dynamics Kyrie will have with Patty and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Nico will have with Patty and Morrison will play out?
What dynamics (other than anything involving a member of the Sparda family with another member) are you most interested in seeing playing out?
(I have another question planned to do at some point asking you to talk about dynamics not included here)
Quite a loaded question, my favourite DMC anon! Your asks are lovely as always, and I`ll try to answer these to the best of my ability
(all of the relationships mentioned here are written as platonic, and incest shippers are Real-Impacted on sight)
the longest and easiest to answer: the sparda loser twins
I strongly believe that what the twins truly needed all these years to start healing was each other, and the yearning for their brotherly reconnection is the reason their relationship is mendable (unlike trigun twins, but that`s just my opinion). Both of them became extremely closed off after the attack, and their personalities were forged in literal hellfire, hence, their absolutely horrible, no good, very bad coping mechanisms - their childhood knowledge of each other is the solution to this trauma. Dante can see right through the Vergil`s pretentious and arrogant behavior to know his brother is hurting, and Vergil can relearn to see that the attention-attracting behavior and general clowning of Dante`s is a veil to hide behind, and they can call each other out on this bullshit to talk like actual adults. Which might happen after some brotherly stabbing (because their only response to pain has been violence for the majority of their lives and that’s not a healthy habit but I don`t think they will grow out of it any time soon), but they both want their bond to be real again, and that will require honesty. I have no idea how long mending of their brotherhood will take, but am sure they will make it work in time, and will finally start healing
(I do hope they also take the stabbing out of their fighting, because even if demonic pain tolerance is high it is still physical pain and that is not a thing you want to invoke on a relative you have a good strong relationship with), which will also positively affect all of their relationships with other characters (*cough cough* like dante helping vergil through his newfound fatherly feelings towards nero, and vergil getting dante right back with his secretive but very fond father figure-ly bond with patty *cough cough*)
Vergil must apologise for breaking the Rebellion. While the twins have equal score in killing each other (Dante>Nelo, Urizen>Dante (yes, I believe Urizen actually killed Dante as it would be thematically appropriate since 5 parallels 3 so much)), but Nero restored Yamato, while Rebellion was sort-of reforged by Dante himself. Still, Vergil did break Dante`s beloved sword which must have hurt Dante (for some reason the fandom glosses over it, like, yeah he made a DSD for himself which is very cool and all, still, it is not the familiar Rebellion and it is a loss, even if it is bittersweet)
Vergil is #1 person on the (short) list of characters Dante is physically affectionate with (both to tease and for funsies; I live for the 'Dante coaxes a piggyback ride out of Vergil' fanart, fics, everthing and everything that has this trope; also the twins sleep better when theyre close or together; Vergil relearns positive touch through Dante's affections)
If Vergil and Dante are two halves of a one stupid loser whole, then Vergil and Nero are two identical idiots. They struggle with their feelings and need time to understand them, while at the same time being hotheads with little patience, which is quite an explosive combination to form a relationship around. Luckily, they have help! Nero has learned to lean on Kyrie in time of emotional need, and Vergil… will need time to learn to express himself, if not more openly, then at least without as much pretense as he has now (and he has Dante to yell at him when Vergil starts making stupid decisions yet again), and both will certainly need their ‘straight men’ to help out at times. I believe the Heaven in Hell`s Despair series of fics, by the amazing EirianErisdar on ao3, covers their struggles and triumphs of creating a father-son bond wonderfully.
Dante and Nero`s relationship is a more treacherous case. Dante and Vergil damaged each other a lot through the years, but they had the same goal – to reunite and stand together as brothers again. Nero and Vergil have had a very rocky start, but both clearly want to bond and they have a new relationship to figure out.
However, in this instance, Dante has actually had a sort of secret relationship with Nero as his uncle, which was built on a lot of things unsaid, and it ultimately betrayed Nero`s trust, even if Dante was trying to act in his best intentions (actually no, Dante just could not face any more Vergil ghosts than he already had, so he hid away from the problem and Nero as he usually does). Paired with Nero`s temper, this makes mending the relationship with his uncle probably an even harder task than forging a new one with Vergil. The way I see out of this is two scenarios: - Dante figures himself out enough to come clean to Nero about why he hid everything from his nephew (…as much as I`d love that, unlikely, Dante is a very old dog with his trickster trick at this point, even if he will improve after fixing his bond with Vergil, old wounds are very painful to pick on) - OR… Vergil tells Nero of his troubled history with his twin, and with some help from Vergil or Kyrie Nero comes to understand Dante`s actions and forgives his sorry uncle. I do believe Nero needs someone (Vergil or Kyrie) to actually slap him in the face with a detailed explanation of how to see through Dante`s clowning, because Nero`s temper wouldn`t let him otherwise. After that, I think they are very cool, and Dante would make an excellent uncle (noogies all around, Nero can protest all he wants, he`s not getting out of them) They certainly share some of their taste in music, and are secretely jealous of the others revvy sword/demonic motorcycle. Nero is, obviously, another person on the list of people Dante is physically affectionate towards.
Vergil & Lady or Trish
This is harder for me to figure out, mostly because the main character trait of the women in DMC is giggle physics. My guess is that Vergil and Lady will be neutral-hostile to each other, Lady seems to me like a character that will hold her grudges for an entire lifetime, or they will be completely neutral to each other, and I don`t think either of them would be interested in improving their relationship.
If not for her encounter with V, Vergil would be hostile towards Trish, but she treated a part of him well in the past, and that juuuust might be enough for him to be neutral towards her. Their actual history is shrouded in mystery and as it's unknown how much she was involved in Nelo Angelo's mind-washing so that`s very much up to interpretation. I really like all the headcanons about Trish trying to be an older sister to twins, but personally can`t see that happening, still, those headcanons are very nice.
Vergil would be very much unnerved by Kyrie – she has a sort of motherly care for people around her, which would trigger all of Vergil`s mommy issues combined, so he would be very tense with her at first. There is an amazing fic This Emptiness is so Real by Night_Companion on ao3, which has my favorite portrayal of Kyrie out of all the fics I`ve read – the author wrote her like a woman grown up in a religious- and military-heavy culture, with a steel spine just like her brother, who has seen how much trauma the veterans go through, and has learned to be a calming presence in their lives. It is her active choice and decision to try to help traumatized individuals, she has self-taught herself these skills and uses them to her advantage. This gives her an edge to be uniquely equipped to see through the twins horrible coping mechanisms, which actually scares the hell out of them both, because both haven`t known honesty since the fire. Kyrie might have a hard time forgiving Vergil for what he did to Nero, but that doesn`t mean she won't try to comfort him (as she always does for those who need it), and in time, she will forgive him (probably shell do it later than Nero himself does). After that, they will get along wonderfully, maybe they'll share a quiet evening with tea together.
Kyrie will have this quiet menacing aura around Dante, until he explains why he never told Nero they were family, she would totally be pissed about that, but with her skills she will see Dante has been through a lot and that decision was heavy for him to bear too, and she`ll forgive him (faster than Nero though, as she is more understanding towards his situation). Later they will get along great. Dante considers her to be his niece, and she is one (of a very short list) of people he is physically affectionate around (hugs as greetings for sure, maybe he`ll whisk her to dance around if there`s a good song on a radio (while Nero is aggressively shy, jealous and getting over himself in the corner nearby)). Help me remember fic by Okutama on ao3 has had a great scene in the final chapter (not a major spoiler, don`t worry) where Nero asked Dante to lead Kyrie down the aisle on their wedding and I say y e s to this headcanon aggressively. She might also get some firearms training from Dante (imagine Kyrie with a rifle). Also, let Kyrie swear, she needs it with these idiots.
Nico would tease Vergil a lot, and just as with Nero. It might be weird for Vergil at first, but seeing as he is living with Dante now, he would accept the teasing surprisingly quickly and well. I don`t think Nico holds any grudges against Vergil after he verbally apologizes to Nero for the arm, then they`re good to go. (also I loved the idea presented in one of the fics I`ve read (please remind me the source if you know I completely forgot it) where in an alternate-timeline-dream sequence Vergil found smol Nero and adopted Nico, so they grew up as literal siblings. While I don`t think canon versions of them can grow that close, they can be fond of each other and easy-going in their friendship, so that would be nice too)
Patty, my beloved (headcanon-very-heavy territory ahead)
Patty will yell A Lot and Loud at Vergil for all he put Dante through on their initial meeting, but after Dante and Vergil fix themselves, she will be tentatively curious about Dante`s mystery twin. After that they would find connection in berating Dante over his housekeeping together. Patty would be fond of Vergil`s sense of style and his taste for some classical culture like literature and violin, while also benefitting from Patty`s ‘straight man’ nature for him and Dante both, as she points out any bullshit she notices (except sometimes when it matters, she lets it lie, which is how she was able to keep in contact with Dante all these years).
I am fascinated by the loser twin parallels regarding their (adopted) children – Vergil the unknowing and absent father, and Dante the secret protective but unacknowledging father figure for years. After dmc5, Vergil was forced to deal with being a father to a young adult, and Dante had been keeping in contact and protecting Patty since she was a small child, all the while avoiding the implications of his caring nature towards her, honesty and actual responsibility for her.
When Vergil is in good graces enough with Patty and learns of her history with Dante, he will piece together how big of an idiot his brother is (as he had to work hard to forge a bond with Nero, while here is Dante having the gall to completely ignore the obvious connection he has had with Patty for almost a decade (while also being very impressed)), and he will force a conversation with Dante about it (because Vergil despite all the years apart knows his brother perfectly well as can now see that the unsaid has been hurting his brother, same as keeping Nero in the dark was, and at the same time hurting Patty as well). Dante needs a powerful wake up call (as he knows Patty fro almost a decade) and Vergil knows his brother well, plus has the will and no-tolerance for his brother's bullshit to cut straight to the issue at hand, plus to encourage Dante to do better.
But yeah, in short Vergil and Patty get along great (which scares the hell out of Dante and Nero). If Patty ever learns fencing - Vergil would be the one to teach her.
Patty is another person on the list Dante will get physically affectionate with (actually she was the first person to start physically affectionate interactions with him since the fire - she literally throws herself at him in the anime and its adorable))). They listen to some pop rock together, and Dante taught her some cheap and easy tactics against demons to use and firearms. PrecariousSauce is to be awarded for the 'Call and Return' fic as it is the lifeblood of a patty stan, and the scene she learns driving from Dante is one of my favourites in all the dmc fics I've ever read. Another favourite scenario (trope?) of mine is when Patty and Vergil meet for the first time, Patty throws herself at Dante and hugs him, bt after Vergil is introduced she straight up punches him with all her might (she learned from Dante, of course))
Nero and Patty are house-on-fire kind of cousins, they can meet up (or phone) to vent about the sparda loser twins they have/chose as their dads, and are generally a good mix together. Both can be hotheaded, but the other will cut the first down to size with reason if needed. They help each other with holiday gifts for the twins. She and Nero tease each other mercilessly, same as with Nico.
some other characters
Vergil will have a good working relationship with Morrison, same as Dante.
Twins and Lucia…no much go off on. I wonder if meeting Vergil will reignite her previous crush on Dante, except on Vergil this time -than would be a cute little scenario, but not much to say besides that. I`d love for Lucia to make a comeback, at least to give her more character, and at most for her gameplay to be updated and her to be playable again. (Lucia is the only character I can ship Dante with, however their lives are too different and far apart in canon for that to happen, additionally Dante was specifically avoiding any kind of honesty with people around him for decades so there is no healthy basis for relationship there, but I can dream a little)
No specific idea for Dante and Nico. She needs to get over her hero worship of him first.If she dares, I think her attempts to provoce him with jokes will go right over Dante, as he is impenetrable to any kind of teasing, and he will probably just sleep on their way to the job if they ride together. Maybe they have similar music taste and listen to the same radio station or smth.
Dante/Vergil/Nero and Lady, Trish and Morrison are colleagues, I don`t really have anything more than that. Same goes for the other relationships you`ve listed later in the ask.
Cerberus!!! (and other Demon Arms)
I find DMC Cerberus' designs adorable and would love to get more of these doggos, they're are great. Also, Dante needs a dog - Let him have Cerberus as a pet please. And it would be cool if Vergil could summon Shadow back the same way. The twins need their emotional suppor pets.
Or just, any devil arms in general. I think it was very cool when each one had character and was able to talk, it would be great to see that again in some shape (love the Balrog voicelines). Fanfaves like Nevan also would be very welcome to make a comeback.
Thank you for the ask as always! Hopefully this was somewhat entertaining to read)
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blackjackkent · 7 months
All right, time to wrap up the Sorcerous Sundries arc by letting Hector and Gale nerd out about books together.
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"I found the Annals of Karsus. Here - you should read them."
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Hector - former monastery sage that he is - finds it quite gratifying how carefully Gale takes the ancient tome from him and thumbs through its pages. The wizard's eagerness is obvious, but in spite of it he is careful, exceedingly gentle with the fragile pages; like Hector, he has experience with handling such tomes.
His eyes flick rapidly through each page, scanning, scouring, lifting out relevant passages. As he begins to absorb the knowledge within the ancient book, his skin grows pale. "That devil Raphael was telling the truth," he mutters. "There's no doubt. The Crown of Karsus is what's controlling the Elder Brain. And this... this is no mere journal. It contains Karsus's original plans for the Crown's construction." His eyes lift to Hector's. "His designs for godhood."
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Hector feels a chill run down his spine at the words. "The design for self-destruction, more like," he points out. "Didn't this crown *kill* Karsus?"
Gale shrugs. "Not exactly... it was what he did with it that sealed his fate, and for a time, that of magic itself. The Crown was merely the means." A long silence as he again peruses the book.
"The book states that the Crown and Netherstones were originally one construct," he goes on after a while. "Seemingly sundered at the moment of Karsus's downfall."
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There's a new energy in his voice, one that Hector hasn't heard there before, reflective of some great churning of thoughts in his mind. Gale's true genius is at work here, something that reaches far beyond Hector's own. "If we can collect the crown's setting, and the three Netherstones, and with the correct invocation of certain spells and gestures detailed in these notes... I think I could reforge it."
Hector stares at him. Reforge the Crown of Karsus? "To what end?" he asks uneasily.
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"To every end you can imagine, and a thousand more beyond," Gale says, snapping the book shut with an air of finality. "Just think of it. The power of the gods in mortal hands at last. We'd be free of doctrine and dogma, confined only by the limits of our imaginations!" He's breathing faster now, his eyes widening. "I promise you - the gods will never grant us such a blessing, no matter how much we worship and adore them."
(A/N: I do love when the game gives me moments that unintentionally directly connect with my headcanons, but I also do love moments like this where it's like 'This is a HILARIOUSLY bad tack to take with this OC in particular.' Gale, buddy, you could have framed this literally any other way and it would have gone over better. Claiming you just wanted to control the brain would have gone better than this - though not by much.)
Hector's mouth draws into a tight line and his eyes narrow. Does Gale not understand that what he is describing is anathema to everything Hector stands for? The idea of stepping beyond the reach of his goddess is not empowering but terrifying, and blasphemous to boot. Not to mention that Gale's reach outstripping his grasp is what landed him in the situation with the orb in the first place; how does he not see that such hubris would only get him into trouble a second time? But most of all...
He's hurt that after all this time, after all the struggles they've shared together, Gale would look at him and urge him to such disdain for divinity with a straight face.
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[CLERIC] "Don't dare to assume why I worship," he says, his tone markedly cooler now. "Not all of us share such transactional relationships with our gods."
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"But do you not expect something in return for your devotion?" Gale asks pointedly. "Some favor, some stir of courage, some *response*?"
(A/N: And there's one of those actual "ow, that fits perfectly" moments. Yeesh.)
Hector flinches. Gale knows perfectly well that this is a vulnerable spot for him to choose to stick in the knife of his words. Hector has long regretted the fact that - while Gale, Shadowheart, and even Lae'zel have heard the voices of their gods directly, he has heard nothing but silence. It's a cruel jab, and he's sure Gale knows it.
"I worshiped Mystra loyally for years," the wizard goes on bitterly, "and in that time she granted me the barest sliver of the power I was ready to wield. Even with the fate of the world at stake, she had little to offer me than the means of blowing myself up at a more convenient time." His voice is rising in energy, almost shouting into Hector's face now. "Mystra wanted the brain obliterated because of this crown! She fears a world in which such power is beyond her control - ready to be claimed by Karsus's successor!"
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Deep down, Hector knows what's really going on here. Gale has started to realize how poorly he has been treated by Mystra, and he is angry and hurting and afraid. And he wants this power that has been denied him - an act of rebellion, of defiance, claiming control over his own life again.
But he can't be allowed to do it. And the way he speaks of it has struck Hector to the heart in a way he can't easily shake off. "I thought you were past this kind of temptation, Gale," he snaps angrily. "You know *exactly* where such overreaching leads."
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"Neither of us can know what truly may be if we don't at least try," Gale shoots back. "Potential is nothing in itself - just a fleeting dream, unless we drag it into the waking world. Please, at least think on it." He gestures emphatically with the book in one hand. "Powerful as he was, Karsus lacked some advantages I can lay claim to. I know Mystra - intimately. And I carry a fragment of the Weave itself within my body." He laughs humorlessly. "Karsus achieved many thigns, but he never managed that..."
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The frantic energy is starting to drain out of him, and perhaps he recognizes that he pushed Hector too far, because his voice softens, takes on a placating, pleading tone. "A long road lies ahead before the Crown comes into our possession. All I ask for now is that you not dismiss this possibility out of hand," he says. "Please... at least think on it."
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Hector is still more than a little angry - and concerned - by the way Gale is handling this discovery, but he sets his jaw and breathes deeply for a moment before answering, centering himself inwardly. "Gale," he finally says, his tone scrupulously even. "I'm urging you to drop this. This Crown *cannot* be reforged."
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Gale frowns, his shoulders slumping. "I see," he mutters. "I suppose I am asking you to take a leap of faith even the most loyal of companions might struggle to land gracefully." A pause. He turns away, absently fidgeting his fingers against the bedpost next to him.
"I've spent so long feeling... inferior," he goes on after a long silence. "Shut out from my destiny over such a simple act of youthful enthusiasm. Perhaps I got carried away with the thought that this Crown could give me back what Mystra took." He rubs his hand involuntarily against his chest, over where the mark of the orb lies under his shirt. "Cure me, even..."
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Hector lets out a heavy breath. He has control of his anger now; while he's still hurt by the tactics Gale took in this conversation, it doesn't prevent him from seeing how badly his friend is hurting. How much Gale wanted this to be the solution that would undo everything that Mystra has put him through, that would give his life meaning equaling his potential after having been slapped down.
A simple act of youthful enthusiasm is, perhaps, a rather simplistic way to look at the mistake he made, of course. But that's neither here nor there.
"You're still destined for greatness, Gale," he says quietly. "But you won't find it chasing Karsus's shadow."
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Gale's eyes flick to the floor. "You're right," he mutters. "There aren't many wizards who'd care to be mentioned in the same breath as him, or his folly."
He looks up, meets Hector's eyes with sudden intensity. "Whatever comes of this, we cannot allow the Crown to be reforged in *Raphael's* image," he points out firmly. "A devil wielding the might of Karsus... it would be the end of everything."
Well, Hector reflects ruefully, on that at least they are perfectly agreed. Though Raphael is dead, so perhaps that threat is past... but after everything that's happened to them, he's in no mood to make assumptions about it.
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impishtubist · 8 months
Another 30+ fan here!
As a scientist I'm fascinated by the social implications and how young fandom reflects the mindset of old puritisem in a progressive coat of paint.
As a fan I'm screaming, yelling, going insane from it. Do any of these ppl know real life same sex relationships?? actual adults dealing with mental illness? Trauma? Abuse? hell, actual relationships??
Sirius Black is a fascinating character. He is a survivor of abuse, on many levels. He left the closed, isolating and radicalizing society, which is one of the most difficult things to do, especially as a teenager. The idea of him being mlm in the 70s and 80s, with all the implications is deeply subversive to the very traditional Wizarding society in general. Add to that a love interest that is coded as chronically-ill with a stigmatized condition?? With trust that has been broken and reforged? That has soooooo much potential. Teen or adult.
But then I get this caricature of not even an effeminate gay man but a misogynistic ofc that happens to inhibit Sirius Black. It's painful to see because it makes mlm feel like het in the worst ways.
Oooh, a scientist anon!
Yes, it is super interesting to watch young people spew conservative ideals these days but with a coat of paint on them to make them seem progressive. It's happening across all kinds of fandoms and even in the original fiction world. Among other things, they seem to think that adults who write about teenage characters (and those teenage characters thinking about/having sex) are pedophiles.
And your last paragraph - yes. Spot on.
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galacticrambler · 20 days
I’m one of the many millennials that grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series and fell in love. Yes, Kevin Conroy is my Batman/Bruce Wayne. With that said, oh my goodness Batman: Caped Crusader is an absolute banger of a show.
The animation looks amazing, the storytelling is fantastic, and the voice cast is top notch. It’s a very impressive show. In a year that gave us X-Men ’97, we are so very lucky to get this as well.
This will have spoilers, so don’t read further if you’re wanting to avoid them.
Bruce and Alfred
In the first episode, I was a tad weirded out when Bruce kept saying “Pennyworth” for Alfred. Then, it continued. And it continued. I watched the guys over at Heroes Reforged on YouTube, and one of them pointed it out as well. I was getting mad.
Then, I finally realized that this was building towards something. It may have taken until the final episode, but when Bruce breaks down and calls him “Alfred”, it was a cathartic moment. He knows he can’t do this alone and knows how much Alfred means to him. This was such a great moment in a series full of them.
Harvey Dent
Making Harvey so handsome was a great idea for this show. It made his gruesome turn into Two-Face later after the shift attack much more impactful. He wasn’t a strange color like a lot of Batman media do to his face, so his face was hard to look at.
This version of Two-Face wasn’t really evil, and I think it worked for this show. They went out of their way throughout this season to show that Harvey and Bruce were pals, so this was always going to hurt more.
(SPOILER) When Harvey gets shot and killed, I loved what they did with Batman. Because of Bruce’s relationship with Harvey, I honestly wasn’t sure what Bruce was going to do with the guy that killed Harvey. Bruce not killing him was a great indication of where he’ll be going in the future.
Jim Barbara Gordon and Batman
While most Batman properties out there focus on the relationship between Jim Gordon and Batman, this show has moved toward building the relationship between defense attorney Barbara Gordon (yeah, Jim’s daughter) and Batman.
It’s a different take from what we’re used to seeing, and it’s an interesting one. This Batman is different, and this relationship is a great example of why.
This show is great. Watch it!
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thimbell · 11 months
excuse me may i please have your thoughts on the hamato lineage i am very curious :0
(thank you for asking anon i love you i am pouring a shot of jinro for you and your ancestors tonight💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖)
Oh yeah I’m like super normal about the rottmnt Hamato lineage— like the parallels you can draw between the cultural generational trauma found in American East Asian households and the Hamato Family’s story, especially in rottmnt get’s me a little 👁👁 ya’know? But also, I think the building and/or reforging a relationship between generations is also so important universally because importance of family is a pretty valued idea across all cultures and demographics. Or I could just specifically focus on the actual tragedy of what being a Hamato meant, and in some ways still is??? Or April’s (because she IS A HAMATO) and the turtles importance in reconnection the generations????
I think about the fear the ancestors had: was it worth being so strict with the younger generations? will the newer generations be tough enough to survive? did they do enough? can they protect their family?
I think about the younger generation’s fears: how can they fill such big shoes? will they be able to find a way to permanently stop the shredder this time? will they have to give up everything like their parents and thos before them? can they protect their family?
I think about the grief the older hamatos feel at not being able to destroy the shredder threat for the younger generation despite trying so hard.
I think about the grief the younger generation feels for the older generation for missing out on a more comfortable and loving life where they weren’t responsible for the fate of the world.
I think about the pride and love the hamatos must feel for eachother generation to generation. The thankfulness for teaching and giving the newer generation the ability to finally defeat their greatest threat (and then some), and the pride the past generations felt when the newer generation could do what they could not. And this is all despite resentment, abandonment, fear, anger, apathy that popped here and there.
But yeah, it’s not like it’s that big a deal or something I think obsessively over for hours at a time.
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cynthplop · 2 years
Weell, how about Annalise surviving but not as the heir of the first game, but rather as the Scholar protagonist of the second game, eh? 😎 Since it's implied the heir commits suicide (yeah, I did a bit of homework as promised and love the lore to bits) Anna could be the one who stops the worldwide apocalypse of the sequel! Anna witnessing the carnage Robin causes among their brothers and just worldlessly standing could be much more traumatic for both Robin AND Anna. Then Robin tells her to run.
Anon I want you to know that this idea has put me on a multiple day unhinged bender coming up with an AU where Annalise lives and becomes the Protege that I sincerely may like enough to make canon.
Also came up with a lil preliminary design for her too because I think my brain's rotting and uhhhhh women????? Uhhhhhhh women? W-women 😳?
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This might be a long one, SO LET'S TALK
Personally I took the whole 'heir is implied to commit suicide' thing as ahhhh, more of a suggestion LOL I mean it happens, it's part of the whole looping timelines bit that Robin's continuously subjected to but he breaks out of it eventually and he lives (although it's not the only way he's died).
Instead of her running, I figure she goes through the same Stabbening anyways but somehow it missed her vitals and she lives. This leaves the entirety of DD1 unchanged as Robin still thinks she's dead, but really she managed to get out of there on her own and got lucky enough to stumble upon a kind couple longing for children (similar to Bonnie DD2's story on purpose because they're both sisters/sister figures to Robin and it can get potentially dramatic hoohoo). They take care of her, she pretends not to remember anything from her life as a Darkest because she finally realizes just how fucked up her whole existence was and she's hurt by the actions of her entire family and no longer wants anything to do with them. So they rename her Isobel, gift from the Light :) That's the only name she'd go by from then on.
In the time it's taking for Robin to get his ass handed to him in the Hamlet, Isobel makes an effort to forget her old life and lives well with the couple for a while, growing up to become a very intelligent young woman and quite the talented markswoman, eventually they save up enough that she gets to go to school. And wouldn't you know it, that's where she meets up with the Academic; they form somewhat of a symbiotic relationship, Izzy provides her (somewhat unwitting) knowledge of the occult, and in return she gets her lodging, food, and even a portion of her education taken care of. Of course this dredges up a lot of memories she's stamped down of her previous family, but hey, it was worth it if her parents were proud of her and living easily. And then, well The Apocalypse happens. I still need to brush up on some DD2 lore and the inciting incident before writing a lil more, I've mainly been watching streams as opposed to playing it myself hehe
Her character as the Protege is kind of an exploration of the opposite of Robin, someone who outright rejects everything that hurt her as opposed to Robin's reclamation and reforging of a new path from the old. As much as I really love this idea and am considering making it canon, unfortunately it kinda nixes the question I imposed of "could the Darkest kids have turned out different if only they had been treated right?" which is, well, yes, according to Anna living. But only to an extent, I suppose. Anyways, much to think about 🤔 and thank you again for the ask!!!!!!
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cathygeha · 1 year
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Steel Reforged by Robin O’Connor
Gladiators of the Vagabond #8
 Eoin and Tori are a bit younger than the previous couples in this series and have been dancing around one another for a while. How they manage to finally find their happily ever after is an action packed story that sees them coming into their own as individuals and as a couple.
 What I liked:
* Tori: human, single mother of part alien baby girl, saved from a stasis pod years after leaving Earth, all family deceased, cook, wants to be a good role model for her daughter, rather taken with Eoin BUT wants to assert her independence
* Eoin: raised in a gladiator stable, freed, team player, protective, lethal, metallurgist, imbibes metals and metallic compounds to replenish himself, caring, kind, rather taken with Tori but has trouble giving her freedom and independence
* Novalee: Tori’s seven-month-old daughter, charmer, growing up, loves her mother and Eoin, secure and feels safe, trusting
* The growth the two make individually and in their relationship
* Getting to see and hear about other characters from previous books
* The way Tori and Eoin are thrust together, their resourcefulness, and how they manage to accomplish a quest to free human slaves
* The idea that enemies can become allies with the right incentive
* The introduction to the Naga captain of the mercenary space ship, Varakartoom, and reading that a new spinoff series about this alien group will be written in the future
* The plot, pace, setting, writing and ending with the setup for book 9
* Knowing that there are two more books in this series
 What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about the idea of slavery, oppression, and the fact that they are probably likely anywhere on earth and in the universe.
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
 Thank you to the author and StoryOrigin for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 4-5 Stars
 Rescuing others has come down to me, the shy, quiet girl, and to do it, I have to give sexy Eoin a second chance.
 Stolen from Earth, my world is turned upside down when I have my unexpected, alien baby. Desperately shy, without to protection of my brothers, I struggled to find my place in this new world, and then he showed up.
 I thought he understood me, but he’s overbearing, overprotective, and after one night of passion? Downright impossible. I need to stand up for myself, so when we need to rescue two more humans, I leap at the chance to prove myself.
 Even if it puts me in danger. Even if it means giving Eoin a second chance.
 After I’ve lost everyone I care about more than once in my life. Letting go is the last thing I’m good at, but it’s what my mate wants.
 The need to keep her, and her baby, safe is overpowering. Especially when we’re separated from our friends and tumbling from one danger into the next.
 To win my mate forever, I will do anything, even if the enemy I have to fight is me.
  Steel Reforged is a full-length standalone sci-fi romance featuring hot alien gladiators, a heroine who’s slowly gaining her confidence, and an overprotective hero fighting for his second chance. This book has a guaranteed happily ever after. Note: each book in the series can be read as a standalone, but for maximum enjoyment, it’s recommended that the series be read in order.
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nickywhoisi · 2 years
Oh god, it’s been a million years on my tumblr. I have still been getting followers steadily, despite my abscense. I’ve gotta admit...it’s felt like I near abandoned it, and I also feel like the follower amount I have is undeserved.
An incalculable amount of things in life have happened. I only have a short amount of time to make this post, and it would be a night mare to read. It has assuredly been a nightmare to experience. I’ve had precious items lost that I’m still trying to reclaim, stinging traumas and upsets that have fallen on holidays when I was planning to have these times as any other would, to relax, countless amounts of chores and errands that I have had to shoulder by my lonesome once again, disquietingly bad interactions with people in any amount of authority, and only recently have I had the miniscule chances to be creative again. I am so glad that I got what I did saved somewhere beyond my now lost laptop...though I only wish I didn’t have to reforge so much of what I didn’t. Still, I’ll try my best.
It may be frowned upon to do a self-diagnosis, but I have just today truly learned about the topic of borderline personality disorder. The condition of feeling giant amounts of emotion at any kind of trigger you could think of, and the intense reactivity that comes with it. I think I may have been showing shades of this quite a few times in the past, and all collected within my gypsy diaries. Something highlighted about bpd that I resonated with far too quickly to ignore is the discomforting trait of having people tend to be overwhelmed by you to the point of losing relationships with people. I had thought that taking a really long time to step away from my poor blog and not have it be a venting station, and not do anything to upset the few healthy interactions I had with people, and give myself time to focus on improving my state of living and build up on my creative works would be the right thing to do. ...Well, I guess it was half good but half bad to do that? I have indeed felt like I can’t ever be wanted, far worse than just like nobody wants me. That there’s this great and terrible internal thing that keeps bursting out during times in which I desire to be more focused and level. Or that I come across truly toxic individuals whom bring out this internal reacitivity in me, but then it gives them a perfect excuse to gaslight me into villainy and they paint themselves as the victims of me. Like I’m the motherfucking big bad wolf. As if that’s realistic behaviour.
But far more important than anything I’ve described is the friendships or small moments of pleasant conversation I’ve had with people here, who also did everything they could to bring me out of the intense misery I was feeling. I’ve never felt more aware of myself now that I almost made them seem sour in my head because of this idea that “they still weren’t seeing the full picture, or reaching the full scope of what I truly need, or still not connecting fully with the sheer capacity of my heart.” But then...I apparently have bpd. Who can match it but me? I shall not say this to sound as if anyone’s supposed to, or dictate anything. I certainly would appreciate it if somebody came along who could, but that’s not my point. I am saying this to record my epiphany, that I was being accidentally unfair to my friends, even while I genuinely love them and appreciate what they’ve tried to do for me so much. I want to be able to grow a little more as the person I am, not to try and reach a state of being that I can never seem to hold on to, and then try to parade this perfected version of myself around to my own friends. I also want to be doing more too; being far more creative, not get overwhelmed by my own projects, not get pre-lethargic about who’s going to like it (though I really do worry about that and I do hope some of you out there will like me and what I do :< ), and then GET IT OUT THERE. Right? It’s high time I steer my focus the right way this time.
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iturbide · 6 years
Now I have the fluffiest image in my head. The creche has a new game to play: Make Duma Smile (Mila taught it to them). So there they all are, taking turns approaching Duma and trying things like telling him a joke, or poking his cheek to see if it twitches (Morgan insists that was her win by technicality), when Tiki (who isn't even playing because she was napping when the game started) just approaches him, hops up on the bench next to him, and hugs him. And the warmest, tiniest smile is born.
Mila you are so tricksy I love this image so much ovo ~
This would be such a hilarious game you know.  People who aren’t attached to the creche are holding back laughter as they watch Henry go to town with the horrible, horrible puns, or seeing the Kanas trying to tickle him through his armor, while Duma remains utterly stone-faced.  (Having been around the Grimas so much, the Morgans have absolutely no fear of this huge scary dragon god and would absolutely go in for cheek poking to elicit a response.)
And then there’s Tiki.  Tiki, who was napping in the sun (possibly with Myrrh, because baby dragon friends), and woke up to the sound of all this laughter and fun, and goes over to investigate.  But she’s still sleepy, because it’s warm out in the sunshine and staying awake is not the easiest thing for her sometimes – so she crawls up next to Duma with a little yawn and hugs him as she cuddles in against his side and falls right back asleep. 
Tiki wins the whole game (and beats out Morgan’s technicality, which she concedes to) without even trying.  And stone-faced Duma (with his tiny, barely perceptible smile still on display because he can’t seem to make it go away) glares at his sister as though to warn her that this had best not happen again I do not like being made a game of. 
(It’s totally happening again, because Mila knows he’s not going to fight kids over this.)
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
Omg wtf... 8’O
Literally a week after writing a Jinx and Silco fic exploring their weird enmeshed codependent parent-child relationship, we get an interview with one of the animators at Fortiche stating that they were supposed to canonically be a romantic relationship. Apparently, even though the idea was scrapped, it still came through in the body-language from the leftover scenes, so now people I know who called it a healthy dad-daughter dynamic are sorta facepalming.
Like - lmfao no shit it wasn’t healthy. I’ve worked for years with CPS, and their physical interactions are exactly the kind of shit that would set my alarm-bells ringing. What doting daddy and devoted adult daughter have special lap-time, nuzzly cuddles, lingering eye-contact, face to face time with their mouths inches apart, and then culminate with the daughter throwing a hissy fit and straight-up tying daddykins to a chair with a literal ball-gag in his mouth. 
I noticed the weirdness. My husband noticed. My friends noticed. YT reactors noticed. TV Tropes noticed. Screen Junkies noticed.
Hilariously and horrendously, in anime-land, this kinda dynamic would be par for the course. Older weaboomers are degenerates to our core. Blood+ aired yonks ago, and we still weren’t overtly shocked by Kai’s growing obsession for Saya, or Saya and Haji technically growing up together as siblings, or the whole Mother and Lover debacle of Diva and her Chevaliers. 
Diva and Amshel were creepy tho. Diva and Amshel will always be creepy.
For Western animation, I guess that stuff is still a bit too risque to let it fly under the radar. Especially given the series is rated 13 and up. 
I also perfectly understand why Riot nixed the idea. Jinx came to Silco as a minor, and a romantic relationship would imply he’d groomed her and taken advantage of her. He’s already despicable morality-wise; that would make him irredeemable. It also works as a neat subversion - we think he’s using her, and then he turns around and proves us wrong from the start. Plus it wouldn’t pack nearly as much punch in terms of narrative symmetry once he kicked the bucket. Arcane is at its crux a story of parents and children, and brothers and sisters, falling apart and trying desperately to knit themselves back together. That familial love is the pulse of the series.
I both understand and respect why they scrapped the relationship angle. Yet somehow, those leftover animated scenes just make the Jinx/Silco dynamic more fraught and disturbing. Vladimir Nabokov wrote Lolita in a style that was almost entirely subtextual, and yet it remains one of the most deftly-handled and horrific works of fiction to date.
It also makes me want to rewatch those scenes in Arcane so I can wonder - “Wtf was going on in their heads?” Seriously. It can’t have been anything wholesome - which would be disturbing but also realistic, in that trauma reforges one’s conceptions of normal vs abnormal behavior, and Jinx and Silco weren’t all that stable to begin with.
I’m reminded weirdly of another series I watched with a similar dynamic - The Borgias on Showtime. The series spends the first two seasons playing up the tender, codependent, yet deeply sweet relationship between Cesare and Lucrezia, who grow more and more perverse and manipulative in their daily lives, yet remain deeply loyal to each other. Then come season 3 the series pulls the rug from under the audience and has them fall into bed together, with disastrous effects not unlike a church organ falling on your head.
Kinda makes me wonder what direction Arcane would’ve gone with Jinx and Silco if the series was for adults, or non-Western animation. IRL this is the kind of dynamic that would make me get out my boxing gloves. But fiction remains a space to delve further into the darker aspects of life, especially things which society shuns victims and perpetrators alike for, and prefers to sweep under the rug. 
Anyway, off to go write more fanfic now. Because seriously: lmfao wtf.
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