#i love spooky horror blogs too much
hyrles · 1 year
no think only eldritch horror muse but no fc/character ideas in my noggin
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wynnyfryd · 5 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 63
part 1 | part 62 | tumblr masterlist | ao3
cw: references to canonical horror. short update today while i restructure some stuff in the next scene <3
“I’m staying with him,” Steve says, toeing a weed in the soft soil. Testing the give. Thinks maybe he’ll be doing that for the rest of his life. 
“Uh,” Robin objects. They’re at the top of the hill again, halfway to the car — everyone but Eddie, who refused to leave the boathouse after telling them in horrific detail how a cheerleader floated up to the ceiling and popped like a cheap balloon, and whose pale, frightened face Steve can see staring at them through a grimy window, two black dots hardly daring to blink. 
Max calls him a total space-case.
Robin groans up at the sky. "As much as we would all love to have a spooky sleepover with you two under a tarp—”
“Mm, would we love that?” Dustin wonders. 
“—I'm not so sure our parents would be too thrilled about us not coming home when there's a freaky evil killer magician on the loose!"
Max snorts at that; mutters under her breath. “My mom probably wouldn’t mind.”
Dustin whines, “Mine would!”
Three people turn in unison to lay into him for being a dick, but he’s already holding up his hands in surrender, cringing so hard it folds his face like crumpled paper. “Sorry,” he winces. “Sorry. That was rude.”
“Yep,” Max agrees with a flat smack of her lips.
Eddie's still waiting by the window.
Steve just nods at them — arms folded, shoulders broad. "Dustin’s right.” He turns to Robin. “You both are.”
“Thank you,” she sighs, the sound long and airy, sweet with relief that he's seen reason.
She takes a wide step toward the car.
Steve says, “Which is why I'm staying here, and you're all going home."
Her foot falls back down to the ground; legs stretched in a standing split, shoes slipping on wet grass. “Oh, my god." This sigh is sour. "Oh, my god, of course you are.”
“We’re not leaving you,” says Dustin.
“Wasn’t asking,” Steve replies.
Robin lets out a strangled noise of frustration and shimmies herself upright. "Steve, please!" She marches over. "I know you’re all” —her hands come up around her head, voice warbling; wooOoo-ooh— “about your boyfriend-slash-not-boyfriend-slash-whatever being in danger, and I get that, babe, I really do, but I don't! Know how! To drive!"
Steve turns to Max. 
She’s looking right at them, mouth pinched in a flat line over the laugh she's holding back. Restrained as ever, but Steve can see the glimmer of excitement at the edge of her expression — the subtle twitch of her nostrils, the muscle jumping in her jaw. 
I've driven it before. 
"...Do not," he warns as he presses his keys into her palm; closes her fist around the metal, "fuck this up."
part 64
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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hymemena · 27 days
꒷︶꒷꒥꒷︶˚. Countdown To Halloween Challenge .꒷꒥꒷︶꒷
Below you will find 31 headcanon questions/prompts for the Spookiest Season, one for each day of October. For multimuse blogs, feel free to pick a different muse every day or just do one muse for the whole month! If you enjoy the challenge, make sure to tag some friends or reblog this post to spread it! I hope everyone has a safe, spooky Halloween! This was inspired by and is not affiliated with @/mimis-memes’ Halloween Countdown Challenge!
1. What does your character do when they're scared?
2. Is your muse squeamish?
3. Does your muse believe in magic? Spirits and demons?
4. Would your muse go to a haunted attraction? What about a corn maze?
5. What is your muse's ideal pumpkin carving stencil?
6. Would your muse put much stock in tarot or oracle card readings? What about astrology?
7. Make a short 3-4 song playlist for your muse during Spooky Season.
8. If your muse could only pick one candy bar to receive while trick-or-treating, what would it be? What would they not want?
9. Describe your muse's perfect Halloween Party invitations!
10. Surprise a writing partner with a starter based on the prompt Costumes! Let the ideas flow!
11. Does your muse see themselves as practical or would they use magic for everything?
12. What does your muse associate with Halloween/Spooky Season?
13. When does your muse start celebrating Halloween? Do they ever stop?
14. Does your muse like to dress up? What is their ideal costume?
15. Your muse just got pranked for Halloween! Write a drabble or an open starter about their reaction to it!
16. If your muse could use Halloween magic to reach out to a loved one who has passed on, would they? Why or why not?
17. What is your muse's stance on Ouija boards?
18.Tell us some Halloween trivia your muse knows! It doesn't have to be correct!
19. How is your muse with the horror genre? Do they enjoy it or dislike it?
20. If your muse found out that someone that they knew was a magical creature, how would they react? Write a drabble/short exchange for this!
21. What does your muse do if the weather is too cold for their costume? Do they layer up or change?
22. What is your muse's reaction to being scared? What do they do in that split second where they think something is about to get them?
23. When did your muse stop trick-or-treating? If they didn't, why not?
24. Does your muse have a comfort food/drink in the fall? What is it? Do they make it or prefer to buy it?
25. Surprise! It's time to write a starter for another mutual! This time the theme is 'scared you!'
26.How does your muse feel about Pumpkin Spice?
27. What is your muse's preferred form of reanimation? Zombies? Electricity? Magic? Explain their favorite tropes for these things and their connection to it.
28. Does your muse like to watch movies or listen to music for the season? If so, what is their favorite movie? Song? Any other media that you may like?
29. Is your muse easy to scare? On a scale of 1-10, how easy is it to scare them? On a scale of 1-10, how advised is it to scare them?
30. Write a short fic/drabble about your muse being lost in a corn maze!
31. Take this quiz to see your muse's Halloween Aesthetic! Once you have it, make a moodboard/aesthetic board/edit of your muse with this theme!
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superstar-nan · 9 months
Fight Tooth and Nail
Day 1
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Summary: Your best friend goes missing after working a shift as an overnight security guard for the upcoming horror attraction Fazbear's Fright. You masquerade as a journalist to investigate their disappearance and find yourself with more questions. Questions that only a murderous animatronic intent on killing you has answers to.
Words: 3,586
Fun stuff: Springtrap/Reader/Michael, gender neutral reader, cannon typical violence, vv slow burn and romance is more implied kinda?? I'm very aromantic and the characters have complex relationships. william and michael are very much corpses and very much gross. Uploaded from my Ao3.
───── (\ /) ─────
Your eyes flitted from the hastily scrawled note in your hand to the crumbling building in front of you. You knew it was supposed to look rundown to add to the scare-factor, but even from the back Fazbear’s Fright seemed more likely to receive several health code violations over screams. Maybe it was the broad daylight, or maybe it was the metal beam that collapsed in front of you right at that moment, but you couldn’t imagine the horror attraction gaining as much attention as the newspaper clipping led you to believe.
You hesitantly opened the back door, praying another metal beam wouldn’t collapse on top of you. It was unlocked, just as the man on the phone said it would be.
“Hello?” You said, before reeling back into the fresh air outside. The stench coming from inside wafted in a plume of rotten eggs and sweat. You gagged, taking in a couple gulps of fresh air, and then steeled yourself as you entered the building. The door shut with an uncharacteristic soft click behind you. 
“Hello?” You called out again. You blinked a few times, trying to adjust your eyes to the dark interior. 
“Over here!” A hand waved out of a room to your right with a dim, ghastly yellow-green light spilling from its doorway.
You walked into the room; an office filled with grime (possibly decorational), loose wires (hopefully decorational), and trash (definitely not decorational). A young man with a nonchalant grin swiveled on his chair to face you. He said your name and you nodded. 
“Awesome,” He held out his hand in a wide, informal handshake, which you returned. His grip was loose and a bit sweaty. “I was the guy on the phone.”
“Oh,” You said as you distractedly looked around the office. There were big boxes filled with Fazbear Entertainment merchandise along with character posters plastered on the walls. “It’s nice to meet you in person.”
“For sure, for sure,” He started clicking through security footage, drawing your attention. 
You noticed there were quite a bit of people throughout the building, all splattering blood stains or grimming-up corners to make the attraction just a touch more spooky. You bit your lower lip. Would any of them be willing to reveal some information to you, or would they keep you from investigating anything useful? 
“Welp,” He clapped his knees and stood up, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Why don’t I show you around? You can get the gist of all the best scares of the place for... uh, who’d you say you write for again?”
“Scary Attractions Monthly,” You said, taking out a pen and notebook. It was a fake name for... something. Maybe a magazine or blog. You didn’t put too much thought in it and apparently neither did he.
No, you weren’t here to write a glowing article on a mediocre, somewhat distasteful, and very unsanitary hazard of a horror attraction like you said you were. 
You were here because of a call. A call you received at four in the morning. A call you didn’t pick up, but you wished you did. 
“Right, that,” He said in a way that told you he was going to forget it again. “Well, you’re gonna love the place, we found some real legit relics!”
You just hummed as you followed him out of the room. 
“The attraction opens in like a week, so everyone’s been working extra hard to make sure everything works, and nothing catches on fire.” He stopped in front of a disassembled torso of Freddy. “Uh, not that anything would, that was, uh, “off-the-record” .”
“Right.” You said, pretending to cross something out. 
“Yeah, so when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work their way towards where you came in; that’s the exit. We’ve got some totally vintage relics, man. Like this foxy head, super authentic.”
You squinted at it. 
“Like, it’s not a crappy cosplay for sure .”
That made you think it was a crappy cosplay.
“But it’s not just these totally authentic pieces that make the place, the whole place is rigged super vintage.”
You stepped to the side as two employees rushed past you, holding a heavy box of miscellaneous mechanical parts, “What do you mean?” You asked.
“Like, the whole place is built like it’s 1987, just like from the missing kids stuff,” It felt a little insensitive to refer to that tragedy as the ‘missing kid stuff’ . “The ventilation, the electronics, even the cameras and stuff, all for that authenticity.”
You swallowed, “So there’s no security footage?”
“Nah, but we’ve got a guard on around-the-clock, even overnight, so it’s perfectly safe.” You already knew that. Your best friend was an overnight security guard.
Suddenly, a pipe burst, spewing some white, cloudy vapor rapidly at an employee who was struggling to get the pipe under control.
“And is the ventilation perfectly safe?” You asked.
“Heheh,” he started to sweat. “Basically, I mean. He’s probably fine. Here,” He turned you around to a different hallway, “Let’s go this way, you gotta see the coolest part of the attraction.”
You followed him to an area with no one present. It was an odd feeling going from a busy part of the attraction to this place of complete emptiness, and you finally found the creeping horror of the attraction. With the molding tiled floor that was once bright, the low-ambient lighting flickering on-and-off, and the decades-old child’s drawings interspersed on the walls, the place really felt haunted. 
Then, the smell of rot and decay hit your nose in a crashing wave. You held your nose and gagged. It was worse than when you walked into the attraction, and then you knew why this area was so empty. 
“You gotta get that pen out because you’re not gonna believe this,” He said. “We got one, a real one!” He looked back at you gagging and coughing. “Oh. Yeah, the smell is, like intense , but you get used to it quick.” 
“What do you mean...?” Your sentence was lost on you as your entire focus was drawn to figure in the corner. 
A very large figure in the corner. A rotten bunny animatronic that towered in the shadows. 
Chills danced up your spine in your visceral fear. You were stalled by some animal instinct you didn’t know you had. 
It was large and lumbering and fully intact—ruined and soiled with time. It had to have been nearly seven feet tall, even as it stood motionless in its hunch. It looked almost half a century old, and even in its decayed state you could still see the design of what it once was: a golden Bonnie suit now corrupted a dingy green by age and rot.
Your heart beat slowed when you realized it wasn’t moving. It was just an animatronic; part of the attraction. Even as you followed your guide towards it, its eyes flashed with reflected light in a way that was perfectly terrifying. This really was a great find for the attraction. 
“So cool, isn’t it?” He said, knocking on the animatronic’s mildewy chest, and though logically you knew that wasn’t dangerous, you couldn’t help the drop in your gut as he touched the thing. “It’s like it was made for this place.”
“No kidding.” You said, and you meant it. Honestly, that animatronic might’ve been the scariest thing you had ever seen, let alone the scariest part of the attraction. You dared to take a few steps closer to it. You weren’t able to pull your eyes away from it, almost as if you did it would lunge at you. 
Its eyes looked too human. You wanted to throw up.
“Yeah, so spooky.” He also was transfixed, but not for as long as you were. “You wouldn’t believe how long it took to find it! We found some vintage audio training cassettes with it. We’ll probably have them playing, like over the speakers while people walk through the attraction. It’ll make the place feel legit .” 
The cassettes didn’t even cross your mind, “Does it still work?”
“Uh, yeah, probably.”
You were finally able to pull your eyes away from the rotted Bonnie. “Probably?”
“Well, I’ve never seen it move, and no one else has either, but nobody moves it and sometimes it’s not in the same place so probably. The cassettes mention something about the suits following kid noises, but I haven’t seen that either. And uh, we’ve got a guard checking the cameras all the time, so it's not dangerous.” 
He said that so nonchalantly you were baffled, “Are you sure about that? Didn’t somebody get bitten by one of these things years ago?”
He started to sweat, “Oh ye-yeah, that’s something uh, we’re working on this week. We’re grabbing a mechanic or... There’s a week until the place opens so, you know.” He trailed. 
Your face blanked. Well, it wasn’t any of your business how dangerous these things were anyway. You were only here for one reason. “Right,” Your eyes wandered back to the animatronic.
Your heart dropped. You held your breath.
Its eyes were looking at you. Eyes that were too human. 
It wasn’t looking at you before, was it? You would have certainly remembered it looking at you. You swallowed as you took a step out of its sight. Its eyes didn’t follow you. You must’ve imagined it.
Turning away from the rotted Bonnie, you put your pen to your notebook, “Having overnight guards is a good safety precaution.” You said, and his shoulders visibly relaxed when you said it. “And it’s pretty authentic to the original Pizzeria.”
“Oh, for sure, for sure,” He said. “That’s what we’re trying for, authenticity and all. Plus, they’ll also be a part of the show to really get that feel of a pizzeria!”
“The place hasn’t opened yet, but do your guards run into any trouble at night?”
“Nah, or at least I don’t think so.” 
His nonchalance irked you, “You don’t think so?”
“Well, nobody’s mentioned anything to me yet, so.” 
“Hmm.” You tapped your pen on your notebook before setting it back down, “I heard a rumor that one of your night guards disappeared on the job, is that true?”
“What?” He started to look nervous again, though whether it was from the pressure of saying the wrong thing or the guilt of having done something wrong, you didn’t know. “Oh uh, I don’t really know anything about that, where did you hear that?”
“Somewhere online.” You said, casually. 
“Well, it’s not true, somebody would’ve said something or—”
“But if there’s only one person on the night shift, how would somebody be able to say something?”
A click was heard behind you. Almost like the sound of a gear. Both you and the man you were talking to turned toward the rotted Bonnie suit. It didn’t move, or at least it didn’t look like it moved. It was still. That didn’t matter. You and the man you were with were deadly silent for a few moments. 
“We should, uh, we should talk in the office, right?” He said, and it wasn’t a balm that he was anxious as well.
“Yes, that’s a good idea.” 
The two of you left the area with the animatronic, and you felt the air around you lighten. It seemed he was right when he said you’d get used to that rotted smell, because you didn’t notice how much it was a relief to get away from that thing. 
“Anyway,” He said as the two of you walked. “I don’t know anything about a night guard disappearing. Yeah, a night guard quit suddenly without any notice a few nights ago.” The two of you ducked as a vent dropped nearly on top of you, barely being stopped by two employees who grabbed it just in time. It didn’t slow either of your gaits, “And yeah, this is not the first time that’s happened and is eerily similar to events that happened thirty years ago. But there’s always a bad string of luck before grand openings, typical exciting attraction stuff. So...” The two of you slipped into the office as a group of employees brought in a string of large boxes, “Probably don’t mention any of the rumor stuff in the article.”
You eyed him head to toe as he sat in the office chair. He was sweating a little under your scrutiny. He wouldn’t give you anything if you antagonized him, so you smiled and he relaxed, “Of course, it’s typical. Especially for haunted attractions.”
“Heheh, yeah, ‘course,” He swallowed and sniffed. “Well, uh, what other questions can I answer?”
“Tell me a bit about the security guards' role in the show.”
He leaned back slightly in his chair, “Oh yeah well, this is where they will be, in this office. When the place opens, people will come in where I told you before, and work their towards this office, and pass them, and out the exit.”
You wondered if your faux-enthusiasm was believable enough, because it felt as stiff as the disassembled animatronic pieces, “Oh, very cool.”
“Yeah! Just like a real security guard from a pizzeria.” He said, “Or well, they are real security guards, but you get what I mean.” 
“Absolutely,” You said. “Can I see the cameras? They’ve got such a neat 80s vibe to them.”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” He rolled his chair over so you could look over his shoulder. “I just click the camera here and... one sec.” He pulled an old panel with a few technical reboot options on it, before clicking one. You leaned your arms on the back of his chair as you watched the cameras fizzle from white static to a poor resolution of video footage. “There,” He said. “Pretty legit, huh?”
“Very legit.” You paid very close attention as he flitted through the different cameras, or rather what the cameras didn’t catch. 
“Yeah, in trying to make the place feel more vintage we have overdone it a bit, heh heh. Some of this equipment is barely functional!” His eyes widened slightly as he held up his hands, “But still functional, of course.”
“Of course,” You said. “Well, I thought I might take some more notes on the attractions and then I can let myself out in the front?”
“All the way to the other end of the building? Sure, if you want.”
“Thanks,” You held out your hand. “It was great meeting you.”
He smiled and shook your hand, and you almost felt bad for lying to him. He was just a guy excited about horror attractions doing his job. Even if he was brushing the dangers of this place under the rug; brushing your best friend's disappearance under the rug... No, nevermind. You didn’t feel even a little bad.
“It was awesome meeting you too,” He said. “Can’t wait to read about us in...” He forgot your fake journalism blog/magazine/whatever. “A few days or whenever you get around to writing it.” What a save.
You threw him one last smile before making your way through the busy preparations. You pretended to take a few notes, gave your best impression of someone interested in an empty Chica head, and attempted to talk to a few employees. Talking to the people who were working was more fruitless than you hoped. They either were too busy to talk to you or were skirting around certain subjects like the man who’d shown you around had. You attempted to find real evidence and real clues as well, but that was just as fruitless. Fake blood and artificial claw marks fooled you every time and you had to pass it off as admiration and journalism.
No, if you wanted to know what really happened, you would have to get into that office. Look at it more closely and see if there were any traces or clues left by them. Or even if you could take a look at the cameras more closely, see if a bird’s-eye-view gave perspective. You could only hope that maybe there would be an hour between the day shift and the night shift that you could look around and do some real investigating.
First, you needed to find a good place to hide. Somewhere the cameras couldn’t see, but employees wouldn’t spot you either. From what you saw, the cameras even extended to the vents, which was insane to you. However, not all of the vents were monitored. In your mind, you imagined some big locker or box you could hide in, but there was nothing like that, so the vents would have to do. 
Your stomach dropped. Hiding in the vents also meant you couldn’t be seen tampering with them, which meant you had to go to the area with the least amount of people. You rubbed your eyes. You were an adult. You shouldn’t have been so hesitant to be around what was basically a giant toy, a decoration. A nearly seven foot, moldy, possibly dangerous decoration that could crush you just by falling on you. You swallowed.
Steeling yourself, you walked toward the area with the rotted Bonnie.
There it was. Unmoved in a way that mocked your fear. Just as horrible to smell (was it really that ruined by mildew? Did someone stuff food in there? Did some poor animal die in there?), but you were getting used to it quickly. After a quick moment of choking. 
You wondered briefly what it must’ve looked like on stage, alive with music and light, warm in color and a delight to children. That must’ve been such an exciting thing thirty or forty years ago. Now it wasn’t even a shell of what it once was, it was a perversion. Twisted and moldy in such a way that its wires looked like guts and its endoskeleton was dulled like bone. Its smile that must’ve been cheery at one point now looked like a permanent, malicious grin. Its eyes—ever too human for your liking—and teeth were nearly the same dingy color of its mildewy fur. You realized this Bonnie was missing his bowtie, and that made you sad for some reason. 
You cursed under your breath, “What happened to you?”
You hadn’t realized how close you had gotten to the rotted Bonnie. Not unlike the sickening smell that you had adjusted to, you seemed to have adapted to the initial fear the animatronic instilled in you. Suddenly in a morbid curiosity, you were wanting to poke and prod at it; to test how rusted its joints must’ve been or to try peeking for rot inside. You shook your head of the impulse. 
You turned your head to look at the way you came. There wasn’t anybody passing by just yet. You looked at the camera, which didn’t seem focused but you couldn’t be sure. Lastly, you looked at the vent against the wall. 
In an effort to alleviate the tension beating against your chest—caused by a fear of getting caught, a fear of not finding anything, and a fear of the rotted Bonnie themself—you threw the animatronic a wink and said, “Keep an eye out for me, will you?”
You hurried to the vent, throwing a cautious glance behind you. You knelt in front of it, fully prepared to use a piece of shrapnel you found to undo its screws. However, you found the screws had already been pulled loose, interestingly enough. You briefly wondered who could have the strength for that as you quietly shifted the vent open and slipped in, gently and silently putting the vent back. 
You laid there on your stomach for a few moments as your exhilaration began to calm down. You hoped this place’s ventilation system wasn’t so “vintage” and “legit” that you’d suffocate or get some noxious gas spewed into your lungs.
As your heartbeat fell slower and slower, you cast your eyes downward. You had a long evening of waiting ahead of you. You shuffled quietly until you could get a hold of an earbud in your pocket. You took it out along with your phone, putting the earbud in your ear. You tapped on your most recent voice messages. 
Maybe you’d be able to recognize something in the voice message... or maybe you just wanted to remember why you were doing all of this.
You tapped on your phone until their voice message began playing in your ear.
Heavy, muffled breathing.
More silence.
Your name in a shaken whisper.
“...Come...” Their voice was hushed so so quiet. “...Come to...”
A child’s laughter, not quite right.
The sound of the phone dropping.
Your finger hovered over the option to play the message again. Your best friend was working at Fazbear’s Frights the night you got that message. They were supposed to meet you the morning after. They didn’t. After giving the message to the police, Fazbear Entertainment reported that your best friend had clocked-out at 6AM that morning and that there was no incident during their shift. You didn’t buy it. Whether there was some big corporate conspiracy, or whether something happened and Fazbear Entertainment just didn’t want to delay the attraction’s opening, you didn’t know. But a body hadn’t been found and that was something . Something to hold on to. 
You would get to the bottom of it.
You rested your head on your arm as you played the message again.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 2 months
Send this to a stay! Have them describe themselves and see who their followers would “Ship” them with in the group!
I'm sorry @seungfl0wer, I keep forgetting about these tag games n stuff🥲
@moonchild9350 and @jehhskz also sent this to me so I will just answer here💕
I am a very extroverted person, like I'm not shy at all, I will make friends with anyone and everyone in an instant but at the same time I really appreciate my alone time. I actually feel like I'm more shy on this blog than irl, idk why😭
Anyways, I like spending equal time with people and alone. I'm also a yapper and if you are my friend, you better be ready for me talking your ear off lmao and also prepare for constant hugging, touching, head patting, butt slapping and overall cuteness agression💀 I flirt with my friends a lot it's unreal lol they literally tell me that I own a harem with all of them in it lmao
I can be sarcastic sometimes and my humor can be borderline rude sometimes too?? I don't do it to someone who can't clap back tho sksksk
I'm also a very independent person and like doing things by myself and figuring them out by myself, I like taking the lead and solving a problem and of course helping anyone with their issues, especially listening to people and giving them advice, though I can be sarcastic sometimes I really want people around me to feel cozy
For hobbies I'm not very sporty, I do love dancing though and I've been dancing since I was a child. I'm more into artistic hobbies and brainy stuff. I love both painting and math (don't shoot me for this lmao), I am a science enthusiast and I love everything about space (wanted to be an astronaut as a child💀). I love anything that's a challenge to my brain, makes me sit and think logically. I am also a computer nerd (have a degree in business IT) and I love anything to do with programming, videogames and stuff like that. (I'm saving money for a good computer so I can start making my own games.)
I also really love anything horror themed and spooky. But I'm flexible with my preferences, I love all genres of music and film. I love to explore new things all the time and put myself out of my comfort zone. And I love cats a lot hehe. I play guitar sometimes but I'm not very good at it?
I think I wrote too much lol💀 For a partner I'm not even looking for anyone lmao but I would like them to just be respectful of me, my needs and feelings and that we can support each other and teach each other new things. I don't think I have a type haha I just like whoever I like I guess
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Enid Sinclair Relationship Headcanons
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Fandom: Wednesday
Sweetest, wonderful, most sunshine girlfriend ever that makes every day so much better by being around her.
Enid is very affectionate, hand holding, hugs, cuddling, physical touch is her #1 love language.
Also really likes the idea of love languages and wants to know yours! Says you're compatible even if the chart doesn't agree, she also just likes trying to guess other peoples' with you.
Doesn't think she's the jealous type but someone stole her spot next to you and she growled at them.
Was happy as soon as they left! Slipping her hand into yours and talking as if nothing happened, you just smile at her, amused.
She loves making playlists for you! Has a playlist for every occasion, roadtrip, grocery trip, study date, and they all have super long names and will send you ones titled "because i miss you ❤️❤️❤️"
She will try to finds song you will like, and listen to your favorite songs and bands even if she really isn't into it.
She loves Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, will recreate TS music videos on tiktok using littlest pet shops.
Tries to get you to dance with her! She loves dancing in her room and having fun and does her best to get you to join. She likes dancing just for fun, and little tiktok dances, but also wants to dress up with you and try to 'recreate' romantic dancing scenes.
You send her Monsters and Men on a playlist "indie werewolf tunes"
She tries to be vague but it's very obvious she's bragging about you on her blog.
Skin care is very important!! She'll drag you to her room for facemasks and manicures, she can do some pretty impressive little nail designs on you too.
She comes up with the cutest dates! has a pinterest board dedicated to cute things you can do together and cute couple ideas.
Biggest heart eyes if you surprise her with a cute date even if it's simple like a picnic 🥺
So! Many! Cute! Nicknames! She wants you to like your nickname and have something special for you but she can't help but call you anything that comes to mind "sweatheart, honeybun, cutiepie, cupcake"
Personal Space is really not her thing and if you're okay with it she will be touching you all the time, in your bubble, leaning her head on you, just being casually cuddly.
Very into PDA but tells you she doesn't want to be cringy or 'too coupley' and explains to you how to go about that.
They're all very sweet and you tell her they seem pretty fitting for her instead, which she will argue with you on.
You call her even cuter things though, even if you're not really one for giving out nicknames. "Lovebug" is just too good not to call her.
She always tries to do things that interest you! Even if they're spooky or uncomfortable likes bugs...she looks so pained but fully puts in an effort to enjoy it if you do.
Uses emojis with every text, she is a fast texter and can go on nonstop when you're not together and suddenly your screen is a wall of at least 40% emoji to text ratio.
So many hearts and "🥺🥺" and every other sweet/cute one. She can convey such long things with emojis and you've become a pro at deciphering her hieroglyphs.
Shopping dates! Even if you don't buy much, choosing outfits for each other to try on is so much fun.
100% will buy a stuffed animal and call it your child, switching who's bed it sleeps on regularly is a must.
Movie nights! She actually likes watching horror movies that aren't too gorey, but is easily spooked. She falls for every jumpscare and her claws come out when she yelps.
Her instinct is to protect you though! Which means if you're scared or not, you'll be yanked into her lap for safely, and might get a little poked by her claws while she clings to you.
You will defend her from anything but when someone called her your golden retriever,,,you admit there wasn't much of an argument there and she was a tiny bit offended.
You send her pictures of cute things with "this reminded me of you ❤️" and you can hear her squeal from 2 corridors away.
She told you her fears of dying alone if she's never able to transform, that she would be alone all her life and no one would love her so you blurted out "You wont be alone, I love you and I'll be there."
Which made you worry because you never actually talked about the future even though you know you want to be right her the rest of your life.
She froze for a moment, staring at you with watery eyes and you really started to panic but she surged forward wrapping you in a werewolf strength hug and kept crying and thanking you.
She tried to be diplomatic when you met her family but when her mom is disappointed in her, and you, and she's really unsure if you were serious about physically fighting the hag woman, it was not a relaxing time.
Her dad likes you though, he sees how happy you make Enid and that's all he wants.
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r0s3s26 · 2 months
This is @shxtodxroki here for our match-up exchange, I’m just sending this from my main blog :>
Name: Bee
Pronouns: She/her
Gender for Matches: I would be happy being paired with any gender! And I'd like romantic matches please :D
Fandoms: Haikyuu and JJK :>
Character Preferences: If possible I’d prefer no villains in JJK like Mahito or Sukuna (Though like you said in your ask, my exception would be Choso!) 
Appearance: Bright pink hair (which is wavy if I take care of it properly) that goes a little past my shoulders, 5’7” with green eyes, pretty pale and I have freckles but you can see them much better in the sun. Tend to prefer more cute, pastel and/or feminine styles, but I also like to mix things up sometimes and try different styles especially anything cozy (and I like wearing nerdy/silly t-shirts and shorts/sweatpants almost all the time when I’m at home). I have stretch marks on my legs that I’m a bit insecure about, and lots of little freckles/moles on my arms! 
Personality: Introvert, I love spending time with the people I care about but I also need at least a little bit of alone time each day just to decompress and relax. I have pretty bad anxiety, so I tend to overthink and I’m frequently stressed even if I don’t show it, and even about small things that most people don’t even think about. I’m also super awkward and shy especially when I first meet people especially since I sometimes struggle to read social situations, I’m really not the type to initiate conversations much at first and I even struggle with initiating physical affection with someone I’m close to. Once I feel safe and close with someone I tend to ramble quite a lot about my interests or just topics I’ve dived into recently, and I think I’m a pretty good listener as well! :) I try my best to generally be a friendly person and look out for others, and I tend to avoid conflict unless someone I love is being hurt. My worst trait is probably my procrastination. I’m currently in college and studying to hopefully become an either an ELA or sociology professor, not totally sure yet. I really love learning about things I find interesting/important and getting to share what I learn with people :] I usually enjoy staying up somewhat late as I just like being up and being able to use my time how I like.
Qualities in a Partner: Confidence/willingness to initiate since it’s something I struggle with, someone who’s patient and willing to listen when I’m having a hard time (and I’m more than happy to do the same in return) and someone honest and loyal. Since I’m very anxious, I’d prefer someone who’s open with their affection with me! They don’t have to make it super obvious in public or anything though:) And someone who’s willing to kill/get rid of bugs! My ideal first date would probably be something simple like going out for coffee/a sweet treat and a walk, something that would give us a chance to talk and get to know one another!
Love Languages: Gifts and physical touch for giving (I love getting to see people’s reactions when I get them gifts I know they’ll love) and physical touch and words of affirmation for receiving.
Interests/Hobbies: I’m a big fan of horror or mystery movies/media. (My favorite movie is Knives Out) I really enjoy reading and writing too! I enjoy anime/manga (my favorite anime is Yuri on Ice) and there are a few kinds of video games I really enjoy like visual novels (especially spooky ones), games like Danganronpa or or “cozy games” like Minecraft or Stardew Valley! I also play the cello and I work backstage as the stage manager in most of my school’s theater productions. I really enjoy all kinds of music, I listen to anything from k-pop to musicals to “emo” music to just regular pop. I’m currently trying to learn how to play DnD, and I really enjoy collecting things even when I lose interest! (As in, even after I stop fixating on an interest so much and switch over to a new one, I never get rid of the merch because it still brings me joy and reminds me of how important that thing was to me :> ) I like anything that makes me emotional, whether it’s soul-crushingly sad or super heartwarming, I just like when media can make me feel things, and I’m a big crier since I tend to get emotional pretty easily :]
Dislikes: Bugs, math, people with an ego that makes them treat others poorly, vanilla-scented things
Sorry this is so long, I tend to ramble on and have trouble condensing things lol but I hope this is enough, and thank you so much again for agreeing to this exchange! I’m excited to see what you think :)
Your Matchups are…Kurro Tetsuro and Nanami Kento
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<3 He would think your style is super cute
<3 Would buy you accessories that he thinks would look good on you
<3 Also buys matching nerd t-shirts
<3 Because his best friend is kenma he has a lot of experience with introverted people
<3 I feel like he is a secret omnivert but he puts up a extravert front
<3 Like pretends to be super social but actually get overstimulated super quick(projecting)
Like picture this:
You both just left early from a work party at his job because your social battery was going down and you had been wanting to leave for a bit. Once you guys get home and start settling into bed he gets his over the ear headphones he usually uses for working out, and he gets into yalls shared bed and just starts cuddling into your side and is just super quiet. You pull him closer and whisper “are you ok?” he nods his head yes and just nuzzles his head into the side of your neck and wraps his arms around you and just calms his breathing
<3 When you guys first met/started to hang out he was super ok with carrying the conversations for a bit until you wanted to open up more to him
<3 He would help you stay on track and study for your degree
<3 Study dates would be 50% actually studying and the other 50% would be talking shit about your classmates and the people at his job
<3 He would tell you fun facts each day just cause
<3 When he gets little gifts from you he ether puts them on his work desk or his desk at home so he always has a little piece of you to remind him off
<3 Would try getting into some of your hobbies with you like horror movies and manga
<3 But for video game stuff he introduces you to Kenma because he is a streamer and now you are a regular guest on his streams when he plays games like Minecraft, Danganronpa, or any other game he thinks you would also enjoy to play
(Kurro secretly loves that you and his best friend also get along so well cause you 2 are the most important people in his life)
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<3 You and Nanami are pretty similar in certain ways
<3 Like you are both pretty introverted and will probably keep to y’alls selves most of the time
<3 Likes the style/aesthetic difference between you both
<3 Also will buy you stuff that matches your style
<3 Both of these rich ass man ready to spoil you, lucky asf
<3 Secretly would like physical affection
<3 Like the biggest cuddle bug but don’t tell anyone else that or he will be mortified
<3 Would kiss your stretch marks, and whisper things he loves about you to make you feel better like this:
You both had just gotten out of the shower and ready to unwind for the night. You are in a pair of his boxers and an old Yuri on Ice shirt reading a manga you had recently bought. Nanami goes and lays next to your legs on the bed, slightly laying his head in your lap. He sees your exposed stretch marks and starts to kiss them and whisper sweet nothings into your skin. Stuff like “You're so beautiful my love” and “Love you so much”. Just being such a lovey dovey sap for you
<3 Loves going to cafes with you
<3 Has a list going on with you where you rank the best cafes in the area so you both know which ones to go to next
<3 So we both know what Nanami looked like in high school
<3 I feel like he still listens to that type of music still
<3 Like has playlist full of Panic! at the Disco, Pierce the Veil, Paramore, MCR, maybe some green day in there
<3 Also still has his old t shirts so sometimes you both wear the same band tees unironically and laugh at each other
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(Authors Note: Sorry if it isnt super long, im still trying to get my groove with this😓)
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sproutfits · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're doing well!
If you'd be comfortable doing so, I'd love a matching outfit set for the magnus archives! If you're not familiar with that podcast, and the fictional characters within, it's a horror podcast which I know would maybe only appeal to a niche group of us regressors- But think cryptids and paranormal stuffs and spooky vibes! While the cryptids in the story have their own symbols, I'm not gonna ask for anything too specific so that way you have more creative freedom! ^^ there's..not really much out there for spooky flips/carers/regressors unless I just haven't found those blogs yet, but I think it'd be nice to showcase that it's alright to like spooky stuff while smol, or while taking care of a smol!
Also,, if you can't or would rather not do this request that's A okay and I understand! Thank you anyways!
Hi there!! I have listened to multiple seasons of TMA but barely remember a thing about it. My knowledge of it is based on seeing fanart on tumblr, mostly. I remember friends telling me it was based on common fears, with a different fear each episode. But i also remember the eyes in the fanart and the spiral. I stuck mostly to the color scheme of green and black, with some added elements of fear and eyes and spirals.
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I just want to say that i don't know every single person's childhood; what they considered the good parts. I know some people liked horror media as children and that could help them regress! Even if i personally couldn't handle it, that doesn't give me the right to tell you what you can regress with.
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3584-tropical-fish · 3 months
Day three of @podcastgirlsweek :
WIP Wednesday! We all have art/fic/ meta we've been meaning to get to. This is your day to finally commit (as long as your WIP is about podcast women, of course.)
Opened up one of my AU planning documents for this, so: introducing (on my blog, at least) @the-zenith-calls' and my part-crack, part-fix-it, part genuine means of character analysis crossover AU! Possibly the worst way to introduce it, as this doesn't include any of the characters that actually make it a crossover, but it does mark a significant scene for the B-Plot.
(Luckily for me though, Lia has a more proper post about it! Go look at their art, it’s literally so so cool and I love it so much!)
Summary: Georgie had been expecting a fairly peaceful evening, but unfortunately for her, Melanie's post-work gossip session quickly turns into what feels a bit too much like an interrogation from one of their local vessels of horror.
Melanie has had a key to Georgie’s flat for a couple of months now, so Georgie isn’t all too surprised when she opens the door and immediately flops face-first into the couch of the main room with a groan. Georgie decides to let her lie there for a moment, but when a second groan comes from somewhere in the couch cushions, she decides it’s better that she bite the bullet now, rather than let Melanie stew in… whatever it is she’s stewing in.
“What’s wrong?”
Another groan from the couch. “Work.”
Georgie almost laughs at that, but instead says, “You’re going to have to be a little bit more specific than that. Was Jon being an arse?”
Melanie flips herself over on the couch and props herself up on its arm to look at Georgie. “Yeah– well, no. Not really. A bit? It’s more what he’s not doing. And what Martin is.”
“I thought you didn’t talk to Martin anymore.”
“I don’t. No one does, least of all Jon. And that’s just the problem.” She slumps back into the couch. “Jon doesn’t even try to talk to Martin anymore, and Martin decides to make it worse by holing up in his office and blasting music! And his taste is horrible, Georgie, I can’t stand it.”
Georgie stares at the back of the couch. Luckily for her, Melanie can’t see the face she’s making. “That is… not what I was expecting from your ‘everything is spooky’ job.”
“Me neither,” Melanie says, her voice filled with an agony that Georgie had expected to be reserved for “my boss and coworker just performed nonconsensual surgery on me” situations. Apparently, that voice has also been deemed suitable for… whatever this situation is turning out to be. 
“Have you tried to talk to him about it?”
“Yes, actually,” Melanie says, poking her head above the back of the couch again. “And somehow I’ve become his wingman.”
Georgie looks back at her. “I’m sorry?”
“I told him – like a fool – that I’d try and get Jon to talk to him again. Not because I particularly want them to get together! I mean, I do, because they tend to pine at truly unprecedented levels if they are anywhere near each other, but mainly because I need to stop being constantly bombarded with Martin’s music taste if I want to get out of the Archives.”
Georgie continues to stare.
“Of course,” Melanie continues, “I'd much rather Martin just get over him so I don’t have to talk to Jon. But I highly doubt that will happen anytime soon.”
“And why not?” 
“Have you seen the man?” Melanie asks incredulously, and then she tilts her head and reconsiders. “I mean, it’s kind of hard to see him anymore anyways. But you know what I mean.”
Georgie hums. “I suppose I do. Well, just let me know how that one works out for you, alright? I’m expecting updates on the workplace drama now.”
Melanie laughs at that. “As if you don’t get all the workplace drama already.”
Somewhere on a wall just out of Georgie’s line of sight, a door creaks open. She doesn’t notice it, but what she does notice is the voice that comes from just beyond its threshold. It makes her think of shattering glass.
“And do I get any of these workplace updates?”
Melanie almost falls off the couch with how fast she twists around to face whatever it is that has entered Georgie’s apartment uninvited. “Helen!” Her voice gets defensive. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Georgie steps out into the main room to see Helen leaning against the frame of a bright yellow door, her body – or what has to be her body, even if it twists more than a body should – blocking the view of what seems to be an endless corridor on the other side of the door. The colors of the hallway are unlike anything Georgie has ever seen, and there’s something else about it that just seems off-kilter. She can’t quite place it.
Helen herself seems off-kilter, but Georgie can at least point to what it is that makes her look the way she does. Her fingers, for one, are much too long, and her hair curls and twists into spirals that shouldn’t be possible. Her limbs are gangly and bend at awkward angles to fit inside the doorway, and her smile… Georgie isn’t quite certain how to describe it. 
She decides that perhaps it’s best not to try.
“I’m a little out of the loop when it comes to the Archives, these days,” Helen says, tilting her body in something of a shrug. “But I would rather like to have an idea as to what’s going on there, and I can only hope that you’d…” she tilts her head and folds herself around the doorframe, “humor me.”
Melanie crosses her arms and eyes Helen. “And why – exactly – don’t you know what’s going on there? Jon mentioned to me that he hasn’t seen you in a while, and I know that I certainly haven’t seen you recently. Where have you been? Why show up now?”
Helen sits down (where on earth did that chair come from?) and smiles sweetly. “Oh, no reason that matters to you. Now, you were updating us on workplace gossip?”
“I was updating Georgie, actually.”
“And now you’re updating me as well! So, get to it!” She grins. “I brought wine for your troubles.”
Melanie throws her hands up and turns toward Georgie again. “Do you see what I have to deal with? Every day?”
“Yes, hon, I see.”
Melanie stares at her. “You’re no help.”
“She’s not really doing anything, is she?” Georgie asks. “As long as she behaves” – she gives Helen a hard look – “I don’t see why she can’t stay.”
Helen laughs gleefully, and the glasses sitting out on Georgie’s table rattle. Georgie raises her eyebrow. Thankfully, Helen stops laughing, and Georgie takes her place at her kitchen table to listen more carefully to Melanie’s work updates. “Might as well get started now, Melanie, if you want her to leave sooner.”
Melanie groans and flops back onto the couch. “Fine. Fine! I guess she can just stay here, and loom ominously, and–”
“I did say that I brought wine.”
“And I don’t trust your wine!”
“That’s probably a fair judgment,” Helen says, and the wine bottle (which had appeared seemingly out of nowhere at some point during the conversation) disappears under equally befuddling circumstances. Or at the very least, circumstances that Georgie certainly doesn’t understand. “But tell me,” Helen continues, “what’s the whole kerfuffle with Jon and Martin now? I thought by this time those two would have figured themselves out.” She grins again, her teeth sparkling in a way that Georgie knows shouldn’t be possible. “Much like you two have!”
Melanie groans, but begins to explain anyway. “I’m sure you know how Martin is, what with your whole… everything. Poking your head into places where you’re not wanted. And I’ve told Georgie about my gripes about him enough. Take that – volatile already – and combine it with the fact that Jon has apparently made some new friends? Yeah, it’s not–”
“Jon has new friends?” Georgie asks, perking up in her seat.
“Haven’t I told you about them?”
“You might have, but if you did I thought you were joking.”
“Unfortunately for me, I’m not.”
“Who are these people?” Helen asks, with an edge to her voice that Georgie isn’t entirely certain that she likes. 
“You know, I don’t really know!” Melanie says. “Apparently they both came in to give a statement, one after the other, on a day I wasn’t there. And a week or so later, they were set up in the Archives and I’ve basically been avoiding them ever since. Jon’s been telling me ‘Oh, they don’t have anywhere to go right now,’” – this she says in an approximation of Jon’s voice, but doesn’t quite get anywhere close to anything accurate – “But Basira seems to trust them, at least! And Daisy’s out of that coffin now, so I suppose it doesn’t hurt having them around.
“Except, of course, for Martin getting pissy about it.”
Georgie begins to ask a question, but Helen beats her to the punch. “Do you know where they showed up from?”
Melanie shrugs. “I haven’t asked, and they haven’t cared enough to let me know. And really, I don’t care all too much.”
Georgie leans back in her chair. “Why do you want to know, Helen?”
The smile never once drops off her face as she answers, “I like to know what’s going on, is all. It’s good to be connected in this great, wide world of ours, and currently my connections are a little… lacking at the moment.” She stands suddenly and claps her hand, the echo bouncing strangely off the walls of Georgie’s flat. “Same time next week, then, girls? Sounds like a plan!”
Before either of them can say a word in protest, the door behind her swings open and she steps backwards through it with a polite wave. The click of the door as it closes leaves no room for any argument. 
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scooby-review · 9 days
Every Scooby Doo Where are You Episode Ranked
Perfect!; Great!; Good!; Okay!; Meh!; Bad! 
25. A Tiki Scare is no Fair
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24. Scooby's Night with a Frozen Fright
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23. Decoy for a Dognapper
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22. Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf
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21. Mystery Mask Mix Up
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20. Nowhere to Hyde
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19. Mine Your Own Business
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18. What a Night for a Knight
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17. Bedlam in Big Top
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16. What the Hex Going On?
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15. Which Witch is Which?
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14. Never Ape an Ape Man
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13. Scooby Doo and a Mummy Too
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12. Don't Fool with a Phantom
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11. A Clue for Scooby Doo
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10. A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts
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9. Haunted House Hang Up
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8. Spooky Space Kook
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7. Jeepers it's the Creeper
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6. A Night of Fright is no Delight
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5. That's Snow Ghost
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4. The Backstage Rage
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3. Foul Play in Funland
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2. Go Away Ghost Ship
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1. Hassle in the Castle
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Where are You will always be one of the most fondly thought of Scooby Series by proxy of coming first. With such a simple yet captivating storyline it's also no shock that this series spun into a 55 year long franchise (happy belated anniversary also!). Because despite all these factors working in the series' credit, it's also so popular because it's great!
I had a great time watching most of these episodes! I think so much of the series success came down to the inspirations it took from what came before it, most notably The Archies, the group of teenagers with an animal mascot was the biggest inspiration, and originally the gang were also going to be in a band. This cast is half of the drive of the show, and sure, Fred and Daphne wouldn't grow into less of cookie cutter characters for a little while, but I love them nevertheless! Meanwhile the other three characters are so distinctive already, they make their presence known, and honestly, this is one of my favourite renditions of Scooby as a character. He hasn't become too much of a mascot yet, his iconicity hasn't turned the character into an overzealous near parody of himself, that also is great sure, but here I especially loved how he was written.
Of course, the other half of the show's success comes down to the monsters. These creatures are what makes or breaks an episode, they are the objective, the wall, and the endless rotation of foils for the gang. As mentioned in my previous post, they're great, and they can often make or break an episode, with many of my least favourite episodes housing my least favourite villains.
Finally, I want to touch on the backgrounds, which ooze with gothic style, they are another factor in keeping the show so popular, in carrying the tone and themes of the show, pulling deep into the gothic origins of horror and tamer universal monster movies.
Both the episodes and series as a whole keeps to a nice length that never over stays its welcome. The series is a joy to watch, even with a slight dip in quality when we reach the second season. Where are You is great!
Reviews for every episode can be found on my blog! Thank you for reading :)
Onto The New Scooby Doo Movies next!
Previous: Ranking Every Where are You Villain
Next: The New Scooby Doo Movies Season 1 Episodes 1 - 4
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the-haunted-office · 19 days
Hey guys! I wanted to take a moment to post on here about the Themes of my blog. This is taken directly from my rules, and it's all the kinds of lovely little themes - happy and dark - that you can find here on my blog. There is a lot of dark and triggering material, but my blog is also a comedy blog specifically to balance that out. I love horror and comedy together.
Anyway, please have a read, and let me know if have any questions or if anything is unclear. Thank you! :)
⭐ Themes
Being centered around horror, my blog features a lot of dark and sometimes heavy themes, such as death, violence, murder, blood, gore, illness (including terminal illness), and occasional mentions of self-harm and suicide (as is portrayed in the typical The Stanley Parable manner, i.e. muses not taking their own lives and physical health seriously because they can respawn in video game fashion, so they may do things like jump off a building, volunteer to be experimented on, joke around about death, show little fear of being hurt or killed, or just generally show little regard for their own safety).
Themes of mental health are also present on this blog. Many of my muses have mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, although it is not heavily or openly discussed in threads. These issues are present through their behaviors, actions, and reactions to other muses and the world around them. They are very much human in that way, so if this sort of characterization bothers you, please be aware of this. I will not trauma dump on your muses, however be aware that they each have their backstories, and they will react to the things your muses say and do and that their reactions are their own - not mine.
My blog is also, obviously, heavily themed on the paranormal and supernatural, so there will be a lot of things about ghosts, spirits, ghouls, monsters, extraterrestrials, cryptids, icky and gross things, freaky and scary things, and just anything in that genre. If it’s anything spooky and my eyes come across it, it’s probably going to come up at some point on my blog. This includes religious things like demons and exorcisms and possessions and themes of that nature (these are not as common, but I’m mentioning them here because I know some are more sensitive to these themes and I want people to be aware that they may be present).
Dark themes aren’t the sole themes on my blog, though! It’s also a comedy blog! And that’s a good deal of what you’ll see here. The silly juxtaposed with the dark. Horror and comedy placed side-by-side is one of my favorite things ever, and I love playing with it here. I love getting a laugh out of dark and troubling themes, out of things that would normally be too frightening to look at. It minimizes the things that are too hard to handle on their own. Life, and death, doesn’t have to be so ugly and scary. We can laugh at these things too, and then they aren’t so scary. Besides, I’m here to have fun too, and that’s what I want my blog to be about as well.
It’s also about friendship and love and never giving up. Found family is another heavy theme on my blog, as is love always winning at the end of the day. It’s about the power of choice and breaking out of your narrative, and sometimes breaking THE narrative. No one is ever bound to the path set before them - you always have a choice, even though the choice might not be clear or obvious. Sometimes you have to carve out the path yourself, brutally, even violently, but as the great mathematician Ian Malcolm once said, “Life, uh, finds a way.”
Untangling life and navigating our way through it all, while having a laugh at the horrors, that’s what it’s all about, baby!
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stars-tonight · 2 months
This is @shxtodxroki here for our match-up exchange, I’m just sending this on anon since that blog isn’t my main blog :>
Name: Bee
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/her
Gender for Matches: I would be happy being paired with any gender, and I’d like a romantic match-up please!
Appearance (brief): Bright pink hair, 5’7” with green eyes. I tend to prefer more cute, pastel and/or feminine styles, but I also like to mix things up sometimes and try different styles especially anything cozy
Personality: Introvert, I love spending time with the people I care about but I also need at least a little bit of alone time each day just to decompress and relax. I have pretty bad anxiety, so I tend to overthink and I’m frequently stressed even if I don’t show it, and even about small things that most people don’t even think about. I’m also super awkward and shy especially when I first meet people especially since I sometimes struggle to read social situations, I’m really not the type to initiate conversations much at first and I even struggle with initiating physical affection with someone I’m close to. Once I feel safe and close with someone I tend to ramble quite a lot about my interests or just topics I’ve dived into recently, and I think I’m a pretty good listener as well! :) I try my best to generally be a friendly person and look out for others, and I tend to avoid conflict unless someone I love is being hurt. My worst trait is probably my procrastination. I’m currently in college and studying to hopefully become an either an ELA or sociology professor, not totally sure yet. I really love learning about things I find interesting/important and getting to share what I learn with people :] 
Qualities in a Partner: Confidence/willingness to initiate since it’s something I struggle with, someone who’s patient and willing to listen when I’m having a hard time (and I’m more than happy to do the same in return) and someone honest and loyal. Since I’m very anxious, I’d prefer someone who’s open with their affection with me! They don’t have to make it super obvious in public or anything though:) 
Ideal Date: Something simple like going out for coffee/a sweet treat and then maybe a walk, where I wouldn’t get too anxious and we could talk and get to know each other!
Love Languages: Gifts and physical touch for giving (I love getting to see people’s reactions when I get them gifts I know they’ll love) and physical touch and words of affirmation for receiving.
Interests/Hobbies: Horror or mystery movies/media. (My favorite movie is Knives Out), reading and writing too, anime/manga (my favorite anime is Yuri on Ice) a few kinds of video games like visual novels (especially spooky ones), games like Danganronpa or “cozy games” like Minecraft or Stardew Valley! I play the cello and do theater (backstage work) I really enjoy all kinds of music. Trying to learn how to play DnD, and I really enjoy collecting things even when I lose interest! (As in, even after I stop fixating on an interest so much and switch over to a new one, I never get rid of the merch because it still brings me joy and reminds me of how important that thing was to me :> ) I like anything that makes me emotional/when media can make me feel things, and I’m a big crier since I tend to get emotional pretty easily :]
Sorry this is so long, I tend to ramble on and have trouble condensing things lol but I hope this is enough, and thank you so much again for agreeing to this exchange! I’m excited to see what you think :)
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🥛 i think i've written before that suga is an ambivert?
🥛 i will stand by that
🥛 he'd be happy to make the first move! may take a while before he plucks up the courage though
🥛 is the type to send you love letters
🥛 secret admirer from afar trope
🥛 when he confesses, it's with a bright blush on his cheeks and a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers
🥛 suga is pretty easygoing and tends to be a mediator (until he gets worked up or excited about something)
🥛 once he gets fired up he can ramble on for a bit
🥛 suga is definitely not a big pda guy but wouldn't withhold physical affection in private
🥛 i think he'd love to receive gifts from people
🥛 not in a materialistic way of course
🥛 but rather he likes seeing what people come up with and it makes him feel very appreciated and thought of
🥛 especially because his students post-timeskip will probably all give him cute things for teacher appreciation day
🥛 (let's be honest suga is probably going to win teacher of the year at his school every year)
🥛 praising and taking care of you just comes very naturally to him
🥛 also since he's an elementary school teacher post-timeskip he's definitely used to dealing with all sorts of people
🥛 since he teaches younger kids, suga will learn how to communicate and encourage in a gentle manner
🥛 i think even pre-timeskip he'd be a good listener and would give great advice
🥛 also really good at encouraging or reassuring you when you feel stressed out
🥛 he's very observant, especially with the people he cares about
🥛 suga doesn't strike me as a video games person but if he was to play a game, it'd definitely be a cozy game
🥛 something he does before bed if that makes sense
🥛 if he's up to it he'd read a bit before bed
🥛 sometimes though he's super tired after work and just wants to curl up with you to play a game or watch anime with you
🥛 since he's definitely an anime fan
🥛 he loves listening to you play the cello because it helps him relax
runner up for you was suna rintarō!
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A/N: there you go bee, i hope you like it! thank you for agreeing to do this exchange with me 🫶 also off topic but i wish i could play the cello, it looks SO COOL (i played violin and piano)
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Hello! I would like to request a Jason Voorhees x Agender! Reader who somehow keeps ending up at Crystal Lake, every year, and faces Jason, every year. Each time, they end up getting the other counselors killed, but make it out fine, a few scratches or bruises, but other than that they're fine.
Maybe Jason starts to like seeing them, either because if they are there, then the others will be easy to kill, or because he likes seeing them? Up to you. Also, great blog, love your stuff, have a wonderful day!
omg yes!! thanks for all complements :D i have so much ideas for this one! so its one of longer ones! This can be read as platonic or romantic!! Pronouns are They/them! Request Open!!
Jason with agender!Reader
I can imagine it started by pure accident, their friends invited them over to party and vibe far away from city. You know the drill, somone gets too drunk, Jason goes brrr and everyone either dies becasue of their own stupidity or because Jason was in silly mood. y/n acidently kinda became this one main character in horror movies than just can't die, like they apear in every movie, but somehow they just can't rest :/ (for example Laurie Strode or Sidney Prescott)
First meeting with Jason was terryfing, big guy killing their friends like it was nothing. Imagine how y/n felt when year later their other friends decided to make suprise party there! and they didnt tell y/n where it was (obviously, its a suprise party duh). And everyone just assumed y/n were joking about whole "killer in the forest" thingy cuz its a campus ofcourse people will try to scare other people! ahh y/n soo goofy trying to spook their friends! Just like last time, absolute horror and killing spree happen, I can imagine y/n being more agile(but more jumpy probably due to trauma or sometihn idk).
Probably after few visits in Crystal Lake they kinda got used to whole "uwah spooky big guy with machete!!! uwah soo spooooky be spooked!" prompt. I can see them being like "Hi Jason, sorry i wasnt here last year i had stuff to do yknow" or "Hi Jason how was chrismas man?" aah casual conversations with killers>> He will be suprised and kinda akward, noone talks to him like to normal person :(
Its not like our Boy will stop trying to kill them constantly, but he will leave them for last,! Mostly because he acually enjoys their company a little. Especially if y/n talks to him like to normal human being!
Everytime they escape the Crystal Lake he kinda looks forward to see them next year, kinda hopes they will comeback and run around screaming and stuff. I can see y/n being less and less attached to other campers cuz they now theywill die lol.
Imagine y/n giving him tips which person kill first "ayo Jason can you kill this guy first, he said my oufit looks ugly :(" "..." (he agrees).
After finding out that Jason doesnt really have a family, y/n decides to give him little gift on chrismas (he will cry and if its some sort of plushie, he will hug it to sleep).
Also after few years he might stop plotting on killing them, like y/n seems chill and overall nice, theres no reason why he should kill them!
Once y/n was walking through forest and she acidently walked into some sort of bear trap :( and Jason was just standing there akwardly... like ??? should he help you??? or like not??? eeeh?? HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT TODO i mean after few stressing seconds (and y/n bleeding out) he helped them and MAYBE ONLY MAYBE he helped them with bandages :3
"Jason :((( it was raining and i slipped and my sweater is ruined :(" jason can't really respond, but he will lisen and probably get a new sweater or a hoodie for them(it mightt have blood on it)
Pls any phisical contact with this guy is a blessing, he needs hugs and other cute stuff! Please hold his hand while you guys are walking together. Also hopefully y/n is a talkitive person cuz they will do the talking! He enjoys lisening to them dont worry!
If anyone dares to be rude to y/n, Jason will speedrun killing them (in gruesome way ofc <3)
Ofcourse y/n probably has some scars because of Jason being all evil bab in past, and he will feel kinda guilty for whooping them with machete like 10 times, but eh who cares, they have both arms and legs so nothing really happenndddd rightt???
Overall 8/10 will give hugs and flowercrowns, but pls dont bring ur close friends to Crystal Lake he will stab :)
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ash-and-books · 5 days
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Rating: 1/5
Book Blurb:
A teenage psychic is drawn deep into the honeycomb of an abandoned hotel—and into a cat-and-mouse game with a predatory entity—in this riveting new supernatural horror novel.
Everyone in Gypsum, Texas knows the Hotel Alvarado changes at night—especially Quinn. A teenage clairvoyant, he’s been having dreams about it… dreams that call him to its dark, abandoned halls. The hotel is a monument to the town’s more prosperous past, when celebrities flocked to the mineral spas and films were shot in the desert. The Great Depression killed all of that, it killed the Alvarado, and frankly it killed Gypsum, too. Now, when the sun goes down, things no longer living stir deep within its creaking depths.
But the dreams are relentless. When Quinn braves the hotel’s darkness with his best friend June and unrequited love Selena, looking for answers, he gets only one: ghosts aren’t the scariest thing lurking inside the Alvarado (although they’re there, cold and restless and angry). 
No. He’s been called by something worse: a predatory, inhuman entity that threatens to wipe Gypsum off the map, along with everyone in it. And wrongly—accidentally—he’s let it out. It takes the shape of a handsome young man. It walks. It talks. It laughs. It can even make you laugh. But its appetite for death can never be sated. Quinn has always had the power to see the future… can he find the power to change it?
Small town mystery featuring a teen psychic with two other teens enter into an abandoned hotel to discover the dark secrets of their town as well as face off against a mysterious supernatural hotel. Quinn is a teen clairvoyant who has been having a reoccurring dream about a mysterious abandoned hotel. Quinn decides to investigate it with his best friends June and Selena. They all have to find a way to stop the evil entity before it destroys their town. Unfortunately this one was a miss for me. I could never really get into the story and just found myself not caring all that much. I tried to get into it but it never really hooked me. While this one wasn't for me if you like horror books do give it a go for spooky season~!
Release Date: September 24,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Holiday House / Peachtree / Pixel+Ink | Holiday House for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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tolkienhorrorweek · 30 days
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Tolkien Horror Week?
Tolkien Horror Week is a week-long event to celebrate all the spooky and creepy bits of Tolkien's writing—both the things he tells us explicitly and the things he leaves up to our imaginations.
When is Tolkien Horror Week, and where is it happening?
Tolkien Horror Week will be hosted on this blog from October 27 – November 2, 2024. You can also post to our AO3 collection.
I think I've seen this event before.
Terrifying Tolkien Week ran until 2019. This is a new event run by a new mod but still with the goal of celebrating all things spooky and creepy in Tolkien's work.
Who's modding this?
@emyn-arnens but likes will come from her main blog @starsuncounted.
How can I participate?
You can participate by creating fanfic, fanart, edits, gifs, rec lists, playlists, headcanons—you name it. If you can make it spooky, we'll love it.
Given the nature of this event, we ask that you tag any trigger or content warnings applicable to your work. For more information on this, see the "How do I tag trigger/content warnings?" section below.
To have your work shared on this blog, mention @tolkienhorrorweek in the body of your post and include the tags #tolkienhorrorweek and #tolkienhorrorweek2024 in the first ten 10 tags.
You may also submit a post to this blog.
How can I make sure you'll share my work?
See the answer above.
Your post should be reblogged within 24-48 hours. If you see a like on your post from @starsuncounted (the mod's main blog), your post is probably in the queue. If it’s been 24 hours and you don’t see a like and your post hasn’t been reblogged, feel free to message or send an ask to this blog. Tumblr’s tagging can be wonky, to say the least.
What counts as horror?
That's up to your discretion! We'll take all kinds of spooky, spine-tingling creations—whether that's pure horror, gothic/gothic horror, dark fairytale, or any other kind of dark interpretation of Tolkien's work.
Maybe you want to write hobbits telling shiver-inducing ghost stories, or Frodo having an even worse time in Mordor (physically or mentally)? That's great! Want to lean hard into the torture of thralls in Angband? Right up our ally. Want to leave the gore implied? Perfect. Want to delve in the history of the Barrow-downs? Tell us more! Want to make an edit or gifset of all your favorite creepy Middle-earth locations? We want to see it. Want to create a playlist for [insert your favorite Elf]'s time in Angband, or a soundtrack for Sauron's time in Númenor? Awesome! Want to draw the transformation of Elves into Orcs? You get the idea.
Do I have to participate every day?
Nope! Participate as much or as little as you want, whether that's creating your own works or engaging with others' works and cheering on creators.
Do I have to follow the prompts?
Nope! The prompts are there to inspire, not to restrict. All Tolkien horror content is welcome, regardless of whether or not it follows the prompts.
Additionally, prompts can be combined (whether from the same day or different days), so don't feel restricted by the set of prompts for each day.
Does what I share have to be completed?
Nope! Don't worry about meeting a certain word count or only sharing completed pieces—we'll happily take short posts, drabbles, drafts, sketches, WIPs, etc. Feel free to update or promo ongoing Tolkien horror WIPs or re-share older Tolkien horror works, too.
Is there an AO3 collection for this event?
Yep! You can find the AO3 collection here.
Can I focus my fanwork on my OC(s)?
Absolutely! This is an OC-friendly event.
Can I post NSFW works?
NSFW works are welcome as long as the Tumblr post itself is SFW (or the NSFW content is placed below a read more) and the content is appropriately tagged. The easiest way to share would be to post your piece to the AO3 collection and create an SFW promo post for Tumblr.
Can I use generative AI to make something for this event?
No. Original, handmade work only, please. We want to see what you come up with!
How do I tag trigger/content warnings?
Here is a list of common trigger/content warnings.
For Tumblr, trigger/content warning tags typically follow either of these forms: #tw [subject] #cw [subject] or #[subject] tw #[subject] cw. Pick one and stick with it so your followers know what tags to block if they need to.
What if I don’t finish my fanwork in time for the event?
Feel free to post what you have and tag the event anyway—in-progress works are welcome!
Alternatively, tag the blog whenever you are finished and ready to post it—we're happy to promote Tolkien horror works year-round!
I'm not up to creating something, but I still want to participate.
Awesome! Reblog creations you love and let their creators know how much you enjoyed (or were creeped out by) their work. Or you can head over to AO3 and leave kudos and comments on fics that gave you the shivers. Or, if you really want to share the love, you can create a rec list of your favorite pieces/creators, or drop a note in their inbox telling them how much you appreciated their work.
Are there any rules?
Just a few. Please be a respectful and positive community member! Here's what that involves:
Do not repost content by other creators without their explicit permission. Please reblog instead to support their work.
Respect other people’s headcanons and interpretations, even if you don’t share them.
Content and creators espousing any form of negativity, bigotry, aggression, or discrimination against others will not be tolerated.
Disrespecting these rules will lead to being blocked from the event.
I have another question.
You can drop it in the ask box.
The event info page is accessible here.
This FAQ has been adapted from @nolofinweanweek run by @melestasflight and @tolkiengenweek run by @arofili.
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neighborlywelcome · 10 months
Hi! If it isn't too much trouble, may I get a romantic tadc + platonic wh matchup, please? Thank you so much in advance!
I'm agender, bi, use they/she pronouns & can be matched with any. I work at a cat cafe & I'm a big animal lover general. I'm a bubbly & easy-going person, yet also highly ambitious & competitive at times & tend to curse quite often.
I value justice a lot, so I'm not one to play unfairly. I enjoy writing poetry, video games, shopping & wearing makeup. Currently hyperfixated on anything horror or supernatural. I'm a very cuddly person & my main love language has to be gift giving. I collect several things, including jewelry, stickers & a crystal collection, I'm especially proud of. I'd love a partner who's loyal & a little protective, when needed & my fav date would be exploring an abandoned building together or going to the funfair.
Thank you! Your blog looks lovely, by the way!
Hello! Absolutely you can! Thank you for your request and your kind words!!! :)
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Zooble would be a perfect match for you! You’re different in a lot of ways, like Zooble is more grumpy/uncaring while you’re bubbly and ambitious. But you also have a lot in common, like cursing a lot and you both value justice. (Zooble was quick to shut Jax down when he was bullying Pomni, so when push comes to shove I believe they can stand up for what’s right and they don’t tolerate nonsense like that.)
Zooble is one of those people that just hates everyone, but once they open up to you, they soften up a lot! I can see them easily going from tolerating your company to becoming close with you, even if they show their appreciation in small, subtle ways.
They like animals a lot more than people since they’re less annoying so they adore the cats you surround yourself with! I can also see them relating to the cats a bit too much lol.
Horror and supernatural stuff is right up their alley since they’re not easily scared and they seem to type to enjoy that kind of stuff too. Exploring an abandoned building, especially if it seems haunted, sounds like the perfect date idea with them.
It’ll take them awhile to get used to your affections like cuddling and gift giving. They probably don’t know how to respond to being gifted things since they’re not used to it, but rest assured they love everything you give them. They’ll probably just thank you by giving you something in return, probably something to add to one of your many cool collections!
Lastly, they like indulging in your hobbies like playing video games together or doing makeup. They’re not competitive so they’ll enjoy watching you do your thing most of the time, nor are they great at makeup. But they’ll let you teach them or experiment with doing makeup on their face, which is bound to be fun with all the shapes. (They wouldn’t be caught dead let anyone else touch them like that, so it’s a high honor.)
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Eddie is sweet, caring, and reliable and will definitely be drawn to your positive, caring nature. You’d be great friends for sure!
One of Eddie’s favorite things about you is your love for collecting things! He’s very proud of his stamp collection himself and could spend hours going through it with you while also looking at your stickers and crystals and whatever else! He’ll even ask if you can trade every now and then, mostly stickers for stamps since they’re pretty similar.
Eddie is a notorious scaredy-cat and is not a big fan of horror movies or anything spooky scary like that but he’ll be eager to learn more for you! He needs to work on his bravery anyway so he’ll ask you questions about supernatural topics until he gets too frightened to hear any more.
He’s a good listener in general so if there’s anything you need to talk about, he’s your guy! He’d happily hear you out on any pressing issues like moral debates and offer some of his own advice. As the town’s mailman, he knows a thing or two and has many words of wisdom to share!
Did you know Eddie does drag? I’m sure that means he loves makeup and shopping too so it’s a great pastime for the two of you to do together. He may not seem the type, but he knows a thing or two about style!
And best believe he will read any poetry you write! He is an expert on letter-writing (which he claims is very nearly the same thing) so he will gladly read your poetry, complimenting the parts he likes and offering critique should you want it.
Overall, Eddie is a loyal and great friend who’s here to help you through thick and thin. No matter what, you’ll always have this mailman in your corner!
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