#i love him so much. he's just a funky dude
asherashedwings · 3 days
Chat. I spent 34 hours in this canvas. I am so tired.
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Anyways, when I began working on Connected Universe AU, I already knew I'd be making line ups. Cuz I love making line ups and I also love suffering.
Close-ups and lots of yapping under the cut
Alternate Universe Boyfriends
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So all these guys, unlike the other BFs present on this line up, are actually BF but from different universes. They're the same dude.
I thought it'd be neat to display the fact that they're from different universes by drawing them all in different art styles. It was also a fun exercise to test my art style range.
So starting from the left, we got Base Game BF. The main universe one. He's drawn in my usual art style. Not much special about him. Boyfriend.XML my beloved. I will note here though that I did take some of the elements form my own BF design and threw them onto the AU BFs. So that's why they all have some sort of jacket/hoodie etc.
Then we got Yourself. I reverted to old tactics and used my sketch for his line art, which results in him having thicker line art in general. I also further distinguished him by giving him harsh black shading. He always has that. He already had it on his face, so I just gave it to the rest of his body too. Cuz silly. You. You could even say. Silly Billy- 💥💥💥
Then we have Funkadelix. Him and a few other BFs make use of the Blackburn brush for their line art, cuz idk I like that brush. I referenced the Mutant Mayhem style when making him, since in the Connected Universe, he's in the same universe as those turtles. His colors are mostly yoinked from the actual Funkadelix sprite. I think. I may have tweaked them a bit/eyeballed them idk. I prolly eyeballed them.
Then we got Monday Dusk Monolith (MDM). I really went with the mentality of "NO ROUND SHAPES" with this fucker. Just wanted him to look super sharp and scratchy, since that AU is literally dealing with an apocalypse. So sharp shapes just made sense in my brain.
I had a lot of issues settling on a style for Mix, so I just chose to take inspiration from the FNF loading screens, cuz it just fit in my brain, idk. His design also features present in my Pico design, like the stupid cleat shoes and stray hair lines. Yknow, since he's literally a mix of BF and Pico. He also uses Blackburn
Finally, HD. I decided to try and go for a semi realistic style for him, proportion wise at least. Cuz. Yknow. HD. He also uses the blackburn brush, but I also pulled an old tactic for him and made his sketch visible over his coloring. Cuz idk, I think it lends towards the vibe.
"Side" BFs
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Okay, now we're REALLY getting into AU territory.
So from here on out, all the BFs are separate people from THE BF, and have their own names and shit.
So staring off, we got Blake. I was reading through his wiki trivia and saw them say his style was more "radical and funky" than base BF's. I saw the word funky and ran with it dawg. So that explains this clothes. I also tried my darndest to get rid of a lot of the BFs caps, cuz dude, I can't have that many fuckers having cubic backwards caps. So I gave Blake a pair of star shaped sunglasses cuz funky, chat, FUNKY. We decided that his stage name is Love Bird, and he chose that cuz that's a pet name his GF has for him, and if he had a band it'd be called The Birds of Paradise.
Then we got .XML. I immediately knew I wanted to give him a mullet. Look at this man and tell me he wouldn't have a mullet. Besides that, not much changed. Since he kept the name of .XML, I imagine he is actually related to BF in some way, and he just goes by his last name. They might be cousins or brothers or something idk. There's also more dumbass info on him here:
Then there's River, or G-Sides BF. I took a lot of inspiration from his teaser designs, cuz they were silly. Literally named his river after the dumbass river design on his sweater. I don't got much info on him besides that. I can't talk about River without including this image so here:
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The New Yorkers
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This group is literally named after the fact that they all live in NY in my AU. Technically, the Minus BFs should also be here, but they're their own group.
Starting with Bartholomew, or B3, I just took the shape of his glasses and ran with it. Chat I needed to get that shape language from somewhere. I actually drew him twice, since the first time around I really was not digging how I drew him. He's fine now tho. His ass only got brim, cuz he had to be different somehow. Other than that. not much changed for him.
Now Evan.. Evan gave me so many issues. Like, dawg I drew him three times. I kept on trying to make the orange in his upcoming design WORK but I just COULDNT chat i COULDNT
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So, per @braveboiart 's request, I ended up getting rid of it entirely and replacing it with his blues and grays. They also gave me the advice of brightening the colors a bit, which was very easy for me to do, I love bright ass colors. I also touched up his design shape wise, since that was also lacking the first time around. So boom, zippers on the pants and baggy ass sleeves. I'm content with how he came out. Chat I did all his design touch ups while I was exhausted out of my mind. Sometimes you gotta be delirious with sleep deprivation in order to cook, kids, trust me (please do not be like me-)
Benjamin was pretty simple. Kept him soft, kept him round, kept him pastel. Got rid of the caution sign on his hoodie since .XML already had that, and just replaced it with paint splatters. Not much more to say.
With X's design, I got a lot of help from my good good friend @minxtheeenby , mainly when figuring out his hair style. Those braids are not actually his hair, and are fuckass cords that connect to his headphones and can move independently. Don't ask about the logic, I will not be thinking about it. He was born in Philly cuz of his fuckass white eyes. White eyes means Philly, I don't make the rules here.
Minus BFs
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The colorful critters, these guys are.
So. Beta. I had actually drawn him before this point, and he didn't change much from then
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He has arrow shaped top surgery scars cuz I love giving constantly shirtless characters top scars and I just. HAD TO once I had the idea to make them arrow shaped. Main things to change since that drawing are some details on his pants and some of his colors; notedly the fact that his hat is a darker color compared to his skin to further distinguish it. Also Brave kept trying to get me to make parts of his design the same color as his nipples. So that happened /lh
Chat. I let my furry show with Blue. BUT CHAT HEAR ME OUT. On the wiki it's stated that he's a "Dog??". You think I could look at that and not go all the way? So yeah. Dog. He's silly and he got his weird ear ring things from his sister (Minus Miku).
Not much to say on Mean, he barely changed. I just drew him in my style and added a few details. He might also be an alien, idk.
Now, I posted about Golden a bit, but for those who didn't see that insanity: I made him an Alien Hominid. Cuz small yellow alien=Alien Hominid in my brain. Flawless logic. (Don't worry chat, I sat down and extensively researched the AH series to the best of my ability to check if it made sense. And I didn't see anything that would make it not make sense?) But yeah, silly. Him and Otis might be buddies, cuz goofy.
Who Fuckin Knows
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These guys are just all the guys I had nowhere else to put. Miscellaneous group.
So first we have Bonnie, or Saturday Night Swappin' BF. He's another one that I had to go back and touch up. I actually touched him up the same night/morning as Evan. He ended up turning purple. The name we assigned him was an omen /j Chat I swear he was originally blue, I don't know what happened
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HC that he just got really into FNaF when he was younger and has just been cosplaying a humanized Bonnie the Bunny ever since /hj
BIDU GAVE ME SO MANY ISSUES AND IDK WHY. It's prolly cuz by the time I got to him I was getting SUPER burnt. But I prospered and was able to finish him. And I don't hate how he came out, so bonus points there. Main change was replacing the prohibition sign on his shirt with a lightning bolt, cuz no one but BF is allowed to have that symbol, and Bidu already had lightning bolt imagery, so eh why not. His eyebrows being green, at least in my style, implies his hair is naturally green, and he just added the blue and pink, and I find that slightly humorous, idk.
Keith (StarCatcher) was another one I had to go back and touch up, but that's due to the fact that I was informed that him and his GF got a redesign before the creator deleted their FNF stuff. So I had to go back and fix my design according to that. I also leaned into the scape suit direction cuz SHAPE.
Now, you might be wondering, why is Flippin BF here and not with the other alternates? He was grouped with him in a previous post? Well, that's because after more assessment, I decided that Friday Night Flippin' is in fact, in the same universe as Base FNF and not an alternate universe like I had previously decided. So I changed his design a bit (mainly just getting rid of his hat and changing the color of his shoes) and boom. Different guy. He is staying pixel art tho. I do still need to come up with a different name for him tho.
Now this next one, Heath, is not from a currently existing mod, but from an FNF AU my friend Minx is making.
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I decided to include him cuz he's silly and I love him. Their AU is canon to the Connected Universe.
Okay, so Cam (Hellbeats BF) changed A LOT. I let my furry slip out again. BUT I HAVE ANOTHER REASON FOR IT. See, in this connected universe, it's not just Newgrounds stuff that is canon. I also made other fandoms I'm in canon. So that means the Hellaverse is canon (specifically my rewritten version of it), and Hellbeats has to fit in with that. So I had to assign the characters species from that universe as well. So I made Cam a cherub, cuz I wanted him to stay short as fuck. He's also a raccoon cuz he's a lil shit and I thought it'd fit If ur curious, this is what everyone else is:
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Okay I'm done yapping now. Gonna be doing the GFs next.
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citruswriter · 1 day
Making Headcanons about the Rise Turtles as Somebody Who's Never Seen The Show
Listen With Me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
A/N: I've been reading a bit of fanfiction so I'm not completely clueless about their quirks and personalities but I thought I'd make this for fun til I get motivation to actually write again yk?
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Raphael 🧡
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First of all. This man is a cutie patootie. Like, come here. Lemme kiss yo forehead. Sweetie pie, baby, pookie. Mwah.
Now that I've gotten that outta the way, I feel like this dude has a lot of squishmellows. Especially the big ones. They're just so soft and, well, squishy.
Favorite season is summer. He likes all it gives and would kill to be able to go strawberry picking or go pick flowers in a flower field with other people without fear of being called a freak.
Speaking of which, this mans will 100% take you on picnic dates in a flower field. Fresh foods and flowers. Expect a flower crown at some point and to look at clouds.
Apparently he's apparently a bit of a crybaby? Which like, please don't hurt him. :(( Poor sweet baby just needs love.
Please give him flowers back. He'll love you for life.
His love language is touch but he's also afraid of hurting you sometimes so instead he really enjoys quality time.
On a more obscure level, his love language is biting. Just soft little noms on your shoulders and arms. Although he will bite in other places if you give him consent.
PLEASE KISS ALL OVER HIS FACE! Just grab his face and kiss his face all over. He'll just melt, maybe gently grab your hips or wrap his arms around your waist.
Will gladly pepper you with kisses as well. Especially those feather light kisses. Face, neck, shoulders, hands, wrists. He's such a sweetie.
Loves hands on dates. So cooking, flower picking, pottery, those kinds of things. And yes he'll keep that funky looking, poor excuse of a vase you made in his room and it will proudly hold the latest flowers you've gotten for him.
Will knit you things. Complaining about needing a new sweater? Bam. Sweater made. Whine that you need more socks because you keep loosing yours? Boom. Socksies.
Knit him something back and he'll sob and thank you a million times. He loves it. Even if you're not good at knitting. It's a prized possession.
Always kissing your hands or nuzzling into your neck. He's such a touchy fellow.
Yes he's the type of guy to have you sling your legs over his lap and just massage your knees or mindlessly draw patterns on your thighs while he reads.
PARALLEL PLAY! Can and will put on some soft jazz or lofi beats and just relax in your presence while the two of you do your own things. The occasional kiss or soft talk occasionally happening.
If you sleep over, good luck getting him off of you if you wake up first.
I see him as a late morning riser. So 10AM kind of thing. Will nuzzle into you and take his time waking up as he just gently rubs your side and breaths in your scent, peppering you with good morning kisses and soft laughter.
Cooks you breakfast and prepares your morning drink. He just loves you so much and the small small smile accompanied with a sleepy kiss and "thank you, my love" makes it all worth it.
Calls you things like my sweetheart, strawberry, and flower.
"Whatever would I do without my flower?
NSFW - Obviously aged up, don't be weird 💛
Terrified to be intimate with you for a good few solid months.
He'll prolly want to have a solid conversation about what you're both into, hard limits, soft limits, stoplight system vs safe words and what to use, and the likes.
Will need some time to warm up to the idea of sex. Expect months of heated make out sessions.
Eventually things will escalate. Steamy moments now accompanied with thigh riding, praises being muttered out to you.
Eventually the two of you will get to oral moments. Please be gentle with him. He's kind of sensitive.
He'll prolly also be very gentle with you when giving head. Tell him what to do, he's so lost. Praise him when he does something you like. He'll pick up on what makes your body sing for him and keep it stuffed in his mind for later.
In the early stages of having sex, he'll be pretty gentle as the two of you explore. Lots of "am I doing this right?" and "you feel so good".
Once he becomes more confident though? Oh shits over for you. 💀 R.I.P (y/n). Sorrows and prayers. You're gonna need em baby.
He's still somewhat gentle but since he knows your limits now, he's more willing to be rough and to bully you.
Ramming into you from behind as you babble out curses, Raph just grinning down at you. "What's the matter, sweetheart? Can't talk? Cockdumb already, are we?"
Remember how I said biting was his love language? Pray because he will bring it into the bedroom.
His love bites are more little nibbles or gentle noms. But give him permission and he'll bruise you while he fucks you.
Will refuse to do it beyond gentle noms in the beginning of the relationship but once he's confident, you're getting bitten.
Bites on your neck while he growls possessively and makes you wail. Bites to your sides as he grips your soft flesh. Bites to your thighs that bruise while he bullies your insides with his cock. He loves seeing you giggle at his soft nibbles, and he also loves hearing you cry out from his bite marks.
King of aftercare, especially after rough sessions. Grabbing a towel to wipe you down, helps you to the bathroom if needed, grabs you some water with some electrolytes added to it. Soft kisses as he praises how well you did and how much he loves you and how he's so lucky to have you.
Loves flustering the shit outta you. You could be talking and he'll just gently but firmly grab your jaw, making you look up to make eye contact and go "yeah love?" or "is that so, strawberry?"
The way your brain immediately stops working as you stutter and your facial expression becomes flustered. He can't help it.
He'll pair it with a soft rumbling chuckle he knows drives you up the wall, lean in and ghost his lips over your skin, maybe lightly kiss your jaw or neck, before backing up and letting you go.
"You were saying, sweetheart?"
Leonardo 🧡
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Little shit.
That's it. That's the post.
Jk. But from what I've gathered, he's absolutely a little shit.
Pray to whatever god you believe in because this man makes it his mission to annoy the ever living fuck out of you.
He will take note of the things that genuinely trigger or piss you off though. As much as he loves teasing you, he doesn't want you snapping at him or giving him the cold shoulder.
Favorite season is spring. He enjoys seeing all the critters and plant life slowly come to life.
Oddly enough, I headcanon him as an early morning person.
As energetic as he is, he loves quiet mornings. Watching the sunrise and taking his time to maybe shower and wake up slowly.
If you wake up early with him, he might make some drinks for the two of you and take you up top to watch the sunrise with him while the two of you whisper plans for the day together.
If you wake up later in the day, he'll wake you up softly and force you to turn his direction and cuddle up to him while he peppers your head with kisses and rubs circles into your muscles as you doze back off.
Once you do wake up, he'll stop what he's doing if he's able and prepare some food for you before making his way to his bedroom in time to see you do your morning stretch.
"Morning, sleepy head. Finally decided to rise from the dead?" He'll tease, smiling when you playfully glare at him. "Awwww, mi vida. Don't pout at me. I'm only teasing. Come. I made you food".
Once you step out of the room however, his tenderness gives way to his annoying ass ego self. But you love it all the same and he knows it.
Will expect praise for the food he made you. He's such an awesome chef, obviously he deserves it.
Loves pulling pranks on you and surprising you with tickles. Have your defenses up because his innocent hug will turn into him pinning you down and tickling you.
Pouty McPoutster. Heaven forbid you have a job or your own place. The audacity you have to spend time away from him is astounding. 🙄 /silly
Loves stealing your shit and then faking innocence when you demand it back.
Spams you with a million memes a day.
His love language is touch as well, but he indulges in it much more than Raph seeing as though he's not as heavy or strong as him.
On a more obscure level, his love language is deep pressure. Loves being your weighted blanket or giving you super tight hugs. Do it back to him please, he also loves it. But be prepared to smack him because he will make an inappropriate joke.
Will fling himself at you. He doesn't care if he knocks you down to the ground and knocks the wind out of you.
Aside from the normal Spanish nicknames, he loves calling you things like his number one, sweet thing, and doll.
Wraps his arms around you and just goes "how's my number one?" or cuddles up into you and goes "wanna watch a movie, doll?"
Our loveable, adorable, asshole.
Please have a sit down conversation with him about boundaries and safe words because this man will not think about bringing it up. He just wants to jump your bones.
In the beginning of the relationship, he'll act all cocky but when it comes down to it, he'll prolly get all flustered. He'll smile through the pain though. Bless him.
Please praise this man. He'll always love praise but he especially needs it in the early stages of ya'll's sex life. He just needs to know he's doing well.
Once he's confident though, it's a whole different story.
The nervous air and anxious jitters are gone and he's so much more cocky.
Praise him and tell him how good he feels in you and he'll just pop off with something like, "bet I'm the only one that can fuck you this good, huh?"
Licking. For the love of the gods. Licking.
Up your neck, up your thighs, on your chest, on your hips. The way you shudder under him just gets him going.
He will make you beg. He's an egotistical bastard and will make you embarrass yourself by having you tell him exactly what you want from him.
Might even grab your jaw and stick his thumb into your mouth and just taunt you. "Come on, mi amor. You can do better than that. Tell Daddy what you want."
Oh yeah, that's another thing. Daddy kink. Sir kink too. Call him Daddy or say "yes sir" to him and he'll go feral. If he's not already fucking you, count the minutes because he will be soon.
Pet 👏 play. 👏 Collars, leashes, ears, tails if you let him. Let him fuck you from behind while he jerks on the leash tight enough to mildly choke you. He loves hearing you whine and struggle to breath properly.
But on the rougher side. He wants to break you. Wants to see you cry as he pumps into you and pushes you over the edge again and again and again.
Will overstimulate you if you let him. "Please Leo I can't take it anymore!" "You can and you will. You wanted me to fuck you and now we stop when I'm done, not when you are. Understand?"
Degrading and brat taming. Loves calling you his cock sleeve, his whore. Just brat and you're guaranteed to have a firm hand to your hip or neck.
"Drop the attitude before I fuck it out of you, slut".
Please wear thigh highs and a short skirt around him. He'll go crazy and bend you over the closest surface.
"Such a whore. Wearing that around me. You know how much that turns me on. I'm sure you were betting on that though, huh? Fuck your such a cumslut for Daddy".
Bad at aftercare at first. But teach him how to do it and he'll quickly master it. Soft touches as he nuzzles into your neck, kissing any bruises or spots that will inevitably bruise. The two of you help clean each other up. You'll offer to get water while he offers to start a shower for you two.
Also loves flustering you. But with nicknames. He has a few nicknames that he has that he only pulls out with the intent to fluster you.
Sparring and you have him pinned down? "Good job, pet". Your brain will short circuit and oh will you look at that? You just lost the sparring match.
Ghosts his lips over your skin until your breath heavy and clutching onto him only for him to pull back and innocently rub your waist.
"You ok, mi vida? You're breathing awfully heavy."
Donatello (My beloved) 🧡
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Tsundere to the max. Omfg. 💀
You think he hates you until one day you need help with a bug on your phone and he fixes it, no questions asked.
"Wow. I honestly thought you wouldn't help." "Why wouldn't I?" "Ion know. I thought you hated me?" "Why would I hate you? Dislike maybe, but not hate. It would be illogical to hate somebody who's done nothing to deserve it".
Ever since that day, you become more comfortable around him and he definitely notices it too.
It doesn't take you long to pick up on all the ways he says he loves you. He doesn't say it often, he shows it. To you, to his brothers, to his dad, to April.
When the two of you first started dating, his affections became more common but albeit private.
Soft head bonks, rubbing your wrist while the two of you read, a soft kiss brushed to your cheek as you get him another cup of coffee.
Before you know it, he becomes much more comfortable expressing his affections to you.
Cuddling into you as the two of you drift off to sleep, sitting in his lap as he works, slinking his arms around your waist and kissing the junction of your neck when your in the kitchen doing something.
His brothers know better than to tease. They don't gotta worry about Donnie, no they gotta worry about your ass. The death glares you send. 🤭 If looks could kill, they'd be dead. Mostly just Leo though.
He's absolutely nocturnal. This man wakes up at about 3-5PM and goes to bed at like 3 in the goddamn fucking morning.
Pray if you're a morning person. Because he does not fucking care if it's time for you to get up. You're cuddling him dammit.
It takes several minutes of gentle kisses and tender words before he finally let's you go with a whine to let you get up.
If you're nocturnal like him though, he loves it. Waking up together and having your sweet moments together.
He'll practically purr into you as you hold him close and have a soft conversation with him. He'll pepper you with kisses and gently knead your plush skin, usually your thighs or sides.
His love language is quality time mixed with parallel play. He loves doing things with you and around you.
On a more obscure level, he loves support swapping. Loves it when you pull him away from his work after he's been staring at his computer for too long (will never admit it though).
Loves pulling you from your own work to force you to stretch or get a snack with him, taking time to sort of just exist in each other's presence as the two of you force the other not to overwork and maybe exchange a soft kiss or two.
Favorite season is winter. Doesn't exactly love the season more so as he loves the things that accompany it.
Warm sweaters, hot coco, cozy nights in with blankets, Christmas. But challenge him to a snowball fight and that man is gearing up to whoop your fucking ass. Prepare to die.
He usually just calls you by your name or simple things like love, hun, or dear. But occasionally, especially in private or when he's feeling extra lovey, he'll call you things like beloved, darling, or dove. (All Donnie's call their partner dove. Fight me).
"Come on, beloved. Break time. Let's get some food, yeah?" No that was not a suggestion.
He's probably gonna be the most confident, and I mean genuinely confident, once the two of you start getting intimate.
Bitch probably has a fucking bullet point list in his head of all the things he suspects you like based off of past reactions to things he's done.
Like Raph, he'll sit you down and have a serious discussion with you on do's and don't's, safe words or light system, what aftercare should look like, etc. He doesn't want either of you to accidentally cross any boundaries.
You don't initiate. You understand that this is something that he will need to initiate.
Like Raph, it'll probably get slowly steamier the longer ya'll date. Kissing will turn into make out sessions as he desperately grips your waist. Eventually he'll be the one grabbing your hips and having you grind into him, making you whine into his mouth. Which he eats up with a smirk because let's face it, he's just as egotistical as Leo. He just hides it better.
Once he finally gains the confidence to go all out on you then, with your consent, he absolutely will.
Please expect to be broken. This man can and will push you above and beyond your limits. He loves it.
The way you cry and wail as he brings you to another orgasm that you swore up and down that you wouldn't be able to handle while he chokes you or yanks your hair.
PLEASE wear cheap mascara around him. He loves to see you cry. Loves to see the mascara become ruined on your face as it streaks down with your tears.
Will bully you. Look at me when I tell you this. I hope you enjoy being degraded
"Fuck your so wet and I've barely even touched. You're an absolute slut for me, aren't you? How pathetic. Getting so horny just from a few simple touches, hoping that I'll stuff you full and fuck you so hard that your mind breaks. Turn you into a stupid slut".
Bondage. Need I say more? This man loves tying you up with different colored ropes and making you all pretty. Loves seeing the marks they leave afterwards.
Will strap you to a fucking machine and have it fuck you agonizing slow while he masturbates until your crying and begging him to fuck you.
Be on your fucking guard because that man will punish you for anything.
You catch an attitude? He's raising his eyebrows at you before giving you a dangerous smirk. "Go ahead, darling. Keep talking shit. It'll only end badly for you".
He'll bend you over his knee and seat your ass till it's red and welted.
Donnie is a man of science. That include biology, which in turn, extends to your biology. He loves finding out just what makes your body sing for him.
He can't get enough of it. He'll do things on purpose just to see your body respond to him. Anywhere from a hitch to your breath as he grips your hips and jerks you closer to him to the way your body arches and your eyes roll back as he moves those same hips so he can fuck you at a different angle.
Get on your knees and beg. It'll give him such an ego boost. Just prattle on about how much you need him and eventually he'll lean over and grip your jaw, prolly shove his thumb in your mouth if you're lucky, and just go "well since you asked so nicely".
Such a sweetie during aftercare. This man can fuck you like he hates you and then turn right around and gently kiss your sore and bruises body. Cleaning your body off and getting you some water. Will probably do his damnedest to convince you to take a post sex shower with him.
When it comes to flustering you, he enjoys man handling you. Sure man handling you during sex is also fun, but seeing the way you get all flustered as he easily maneuvers you however way he wishes in such a simple way just makes him want to laugh.
He'll also grip you in that way that makes your head spin. Grabbing your hips? Sure. It's sweet. Grabbing your hips in a vice grip and subtly jerking your lowering body to his? Your head is spinning and you're three seconds away from begging Donnie to fuck you on the nearest surface.
He'll feign innocence though. Because, of course he will. He's a bastard. 🙄 It doesn't help that he'll subtly grind up against you and drop his tone down to growl in your ear so only you can hear.
"Whatever are you talking about, dove? I'm not doing anything. Maybe get your head out of the gutter, hm?"
Michaelangelo 🧡
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Utter sweetheart. Very affectionate, even if you two are just friends.
Will sprawl himself out on your lap. Don't you dare move him or he'll hunker down into his shell to make you feel bad at the thought of moving him.
Heaven forbid ya'll are dating though. He's 10xs more affectionate. R.I.P to you. Get ready to drown.
He loves peppering you with those feather light kisses, just like Raph. Especially your neck and shoulders.
Loves holding your hand and will randomly kiss your knuckles or pull you towards him for a kiss on the lips.
Absolute baby. Please smother him back. He'll start chirping and nuzzling into you for more.
His love language is a mixture of quality time and touch. Please snuggle with him while you watch a movie. Let him crawl up into your lap while you're on your phone.
On the more obscure side, Mikey penguin pebbles a lot. Finding small rocks or trinkets he thinks you'd like and giving them to you. If you have your own place and you display them in plain sight, he feels very proud and accomplished.
Another biter. Just goes O: 3: on your damn arms and legs. Really anywhere he can reach.
It's soft don't worry, sometimes he'll nip a bit harder if he feels like you're not paying proper attention to him but not so hard that it hurts. Just enough that it jerks your attention to him.
His favorite season is autumn. Everything is yellow and orange! Why wouldn't he love it?
Loves sneaking up top with you to play in leaves with you. Making massive piles or just throwing leaves at each other. He adores it.
He'll pick spare leaves out of your hair before cradling your face and giving you a sweet kiss.
And then, obviously, shoving more leaves in your face. >:D
Please go to a pumpkin patch with him and get an absurd amount of pumpkins to place all around the lair.
Afternoon waker. Gets up at ready at about 11AM-1PM. If you're up before him, he'll prolly text you to let you know that he's awake and demand for cuddles.
Just lay down and let him straddle you, laying on your chest as he churrs while you kiss his face and ask him how he slept. He loves it.
If you wake up around his time, he'll prolly still pull himself up on top of you. Churring and nuzzling into you until your cracking your eyes open and smiling down at him. To which he'll respond with some sleepy morning kisses.
He loves getting ready with you. Brushing teeth together and maybe even picking out your outfit, if you'll let him.
Will make slightly inappropriate jokes. 😂
"You wanna wear pants today? I think these would make your ass look great."
Throw something soft at him and he'll just raise his hands up in surrender and go "heyyyyyy" and pretend to be offended with a giggle.
He loves cooking. So be a dear and brew some fresh coffee while he cooks you both a delicious breakfast yeah?
Always minding his P's and Q's. He's such a gentleman and always so eager to help. Opening doors for you, pulling out chairs for you, getting you flowers, the works.
Get him gifts back and he'll prolly cry from pure joy. Poor baby is almost always bursting with so much emotion. He's a bigger crybaby than Raph.
Other than normal couples nicknames, he uses other nicknames like angel, sunflower, and pumpkin.
"I saw this and thought of you! I love you, pumpkin".
When the two of you first start to get intimate, he's kinda 50/50. Like, he's chill with the idea and genuinely wants to explore your body and make you feel good, like bless his heart he's so honored you trust him with your body in such a way.
But like, he's also super nervous because he doesn't want to hurt you or mess up and then you loose trust in him and never wanna touch him again and then you leave and then-
Yeah he overthinks it just a tad.
Another one where you'll need to have the boundaries talk with him because he'll just never think to bring it up.
You'll need to initiate the first few times.
Get into a steamy make out session with him and place his unsure hands somewhere on your body like your chest, your neck, your thighs, etc.
He'll start to knead the flesh and once you start responding to him he'll have a sort of "oh shit, I kinda like that, I wanna make them do it again" sort of moment.
After that he'll slowly build up more confidence. Shyly exploring your body in moderation and finding your sweet spots and finding out what makes you tick.
Heaven forbid he's taller than you. Dear Lord, prepare to get caged. He enjoys just towering over you and caging you in, watching the way your breath hitches and your chest raises in a more dramatic way.
Once he's gained more confidence, Mikey has two modes. You begging and him begging.
If it's "you begging" mode, this man will tease you all fucking day long but never give you what you want.
Finally when you break he just goes "mmmm no. :D" before telling you that if your so desperate to fuck then you can ride his cock but he's not helping you at all.
He'll smirk up at you with an egotistical grin as he watches you fuck yourself on him. And right when you're about to cum, he'll grip your hips and forcibly hold you down and ruin your orgasm.
And he does it over and over and over again. Just continuously denying you until you're just utterly broken and sobbing for release. To which he'll finally let you.
And once you've finally came. You'll do so again and again and again. What? You wanted to cum so badly. You can do it a few more times right?
Will overstimulate you. He loves seeing your eyes roll back as you try to tell him it's too much.
He'll pepper you with kisses the whole time too. Nuzzling into your hair and breathing your scent in as he rubs your clit in order to drive you over the edge again.
If he's in "him begging" mode. Say your prayers. You're gonna need them.
He's arguably worse in this state. This usually happens when he's just super horny.
He'll just start advancing on you, and if you guys are in the eyesight of others, you'll need to move him before he gets too lost in your scent.
He'll start peeling your clothes off, whining and biting at you. If he could devour you, he would.
If you go to push him off or say no, he'll ignore you (unless you say the safe word, of course).
"No, no, no. Please don't make me stop. Please? Please I need you so bad. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please I need this. I'm so sorry. Please just let me use you. I'm so sorry, sunflower. Fuck please".
He's a menace and it's now your problem ✨thank you.✨
Of course you could never deny him. 🤭💅
He'll sling your legs over his shoulders and grip anywhere that he can, biting at the flesh on your thighs in hopes of leaving a mark.
He'll breed you over and over again while babbling about how good you feel.
Praise him and he'll go feral.
Call him a good boy, tell him how good he fucks you, tell him how full you feel, how nobody could ever make you feel as good as he does.
Boy oh boy.
Say good bye to your legs.
He'll overstimulate you in this mode, but he's much less mean.
"Please angel? Please? Just one more? For me? Please, please, please. Please, I'm so sorry. I need it. Just one more time, I promise. Need to feel you cum on my cock again. Please sunshine?"
Oral 👏 giving 👏 king. 👏 Be ready to have to push him off after spazzing out on his tongue for the 8th time. You just taste so fucking good. He can't help himself.
Afterwards, for whatever mood he's in, he'll take such good care of you. He'll clean you up and you'll shower him with affection, causing him to practically purr into your embrace as you draw him in for post sex cuddles.
As for everyday shenanigans. He's not as bad as some of the others but oh trust me, this bitch has his ways.
Usually involves obscure touches or biting. Like slipping his fingers up your skirt just little too high, kneading the flesh of your thighs or ass as you do your best to remain neutral, desperately clinging onto control as he nuzzles into your neck and groans lowly.
Or he'll bite you slowly but a bit more harshly than his simple love bites, looking at you to see your reaction and then giggling darkly when your body inevitably reacts to him in that way that he loves oh so much.
He gets a kick out of knowing that he can do such simple things to you and almost immediately make your body react to him. He loves knowing he has that much control over you. That your body just knows him and responds in kind.
Come on. Can you blame him? You're just so pathetic for him! It's soooooo cute how quickly you give into him. His pathetic, needy baby.
Catch this man gripping you at the junction of your jaw and neck, squeezing ever so slightly so your eyelids flutter before he leans down to gently kiss you, hand sliding down to squeeze your ass.
"Keep it together, lovely".
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When I tell you that I genuinely didn't mean to make it this long. 😭😭😭 But anyways! Tell me what ya'll think plsssssss. Even if it doesn't match up to the boys real well, I'm still pretty proud of it. >:3
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dykethevvitch · 1 year
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me rn
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untimelyambition · 9 months
veeeery parasocial of me but i love jon matteson hes just a silly little dude
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lovelywingsart · 6 months
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I got another new bab from NaldThal on toyhouse and I love him SO MUCH
His name is Flick
He's my cracked out little gremlin child with rabid chihuahua energy and I absolutely adore him uwu
//Thal makes amazing designs and usually I try not to horde them all (also partially due to money-), but I genuinely could not go without him.
He's so dumb.
I don't think he'll be fully be one of my Resident Evil OCs, but you can bet your ass I'm eventually drawing him with Emelia and Karl.
I can tell you right now that he freaks Karl out and it's great.//
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im-smart-i-swear · 7 months
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Stickbug and his awkward i-didnt-even-want-to-be-in-this-photo smile
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princekirijo · 1 year
Istg I actually need to sit down and write a proper bio for Riku because even I get confused af as to what his personality is sometimes.
#oc tag#“but prince he's your oc how tf did this happen” he has a mind of his own trust me#i mean this is literally one of the parts of his character he is literally so good at adapting his personality#because he felt he needed to as a kid both in school and in the business world#that barely anyone knows what he's actually like#like one minute he's a suave overconfident guy who can take on anything#but hes also the quiet dude in class who never participates is probably asleep but somehow gets everything right and is top of the grade#he loves to flirt but will absolutely blue screen if anyone flirts back because despite the fact he flaunts himself-#he doesn't think hes attractive LMAO#his biggest motivation is spite and he doesn't know when to quit#this boy has so many fucking issues istg#def one of those characters who has so many masks that he hardly knows himself#i have a fear that he's nearly too complex to the point where he's a confusing character and i personally dont think thats a good thing#so i really hope that's not the case for you guys 😬#over my break ive really spent time trying to iron out his character and just make him into soemthing im even more proud of you know#the good thing is that at least his story now has a clear arc and theme which im really proud of#so im gonna use that to build off and iron him out even more#the way i put more work into this funky dude i came up with than like my entire uni work#i love him so much sorry to be mentally ill about a guy i made because i liked a ship too much (and crossover i was having fun with too)#one day i will have a proper post for him with references and everything for him his outfits his personas the lot#one of these days
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red-wop · 5 months
Right but as I am writing the Wall E AU I keep finding plotholes in both the film and in my interpretation and god its driving me up the bend
Like- yk how all of earths population is living in space at that point? Thats alot of bloody ships and now I've gotta come up with an explanation for it because they dont properly explain it in the film but then I was doing some research on it and then I found out that in film canon there was a climate disaster which wiped out over half of the worlds population and thats why theres not as many ships,
godddd why've I decided to make this fic more complicated than it needs to be its literally Silly Red dwarf guys but Silly Wall E robots, I dont know why ive done this to myself wtf
Anyway I'm probably gonna try and ignore that plothole and let it sit in a corner while I continue to write lolll
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b0nelessdoodles · 7 months
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that feel when the ship goes canon 🎉🎉🎉
non-meme version of the smooch and also the rip cause holy shit i love him
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emile-hides · 2 years
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I’m stealing these two
#Emile's Arts#Fairy Tail#Fairytail#Bad anime gets their funky lil guys stolen#Also they're both from 2013-ish like Mid Fairy Tail seasons I don't know how many people care about them#I'm not actually doing anything with them I just want them like. In my arsenal#For later should I ever need top heavy guys#Natsu jipped us from seeing Mato in the Crown so I had to do it myself#Jackpot just murders people and had so much potential as a cool dude but no they had to make him the evil stick huh#Jackpot is my Furry OC not in the sense that he's a Fursona but in the sense that he is a Furry and has a Fursuit#And wears it to do murder#I just think more Furry OCs should in fact actually just be Furries#Like sure you could make them the animal but also what if they were just a guy in the suit like you are#I am not a furry I do not know the innards of the furry fandom I am doing a bit here#Jackpot is like. A Slot Machine suited up to be a body gaurd thing to Mato#And instead they're kind of brothers and also Jackpot's trying so hard to kill him#And many other people#Mato on the other hand loves his little brother Jackpot and supports his Furry life style and his murder life style#So long as he stays with him forever#......#I'm not shipping them I'm not shipping them wait WAIT#...........#....Mato has a Brother Complex#I didn't do that on purpose I swear#They DO NOT KISS#Also I feel the need to say#Mato is the OLDER one he's like pushing 60 he is a King and he is Adult in human terms#Jackpot meanwhile I'm not positive on he was an intimate object till I'm gonna assume recently#I'm making this up as I go#90% of my OC Jackpot lore comes from the Bear Polycule self ship I made and that's lore is also still under construction
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tracle0 · 28 days
Hello who told me to read Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir) cause I just finished that
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PALS!!!! meet my new bestie!!!
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
chris brookes or kip sabian?
theres layers to this depending how you ask it tho. but since you didnt specify im going to assume in general
im always going to be a kip girl (gn). this man is the light of my life, his mere existence on this planet at the same time as im here means the world to me, and honestly he is one of the few people who has the ability to pull me out of a few weeks worth of depression slumps with a single moment
also ive learned so much from him. about life, being yourself, being happy, doing your thing, dealing with hardships, also about wrestling, etc. "time doesnt heal it changes you" is a catchphrase i apply to my own personal life and stuff ive been struggling with
fuck man i flew half way across the world to meet him once (and i will do it again mark my words [also disclaimer i did other things on that trip too and he wasnt the original reason i booked it but he being with surely did happen lol]) and i have a whole forearm sized tattoo dedicated to him
so yeah. kip sabian 💜
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shatteredsnail · 2 years
why are all my favorite characters in the second arc i’m going to go insane
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keeps-ache · 2 years
i've drawn like six pages of blue space stuff in my sketchbook, holy wowz am i on a roll or what?
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evilminji · 4 months
You know what's my JAM?
Extremes being treated as the Serious Dangers they ARE, even when they aren't "oooh its a spooky Grey morality and BADness!" Extreme.
Like? No, people. ALL of them are bad. They are ALL face melting dangerous. The void may crush your soul, but look upon the Face Of GOD? Not gonna be having a fun time! Doesn't MATTER if he's a cool dude! Face melting!
We are creatures of BALANCE. Tiny, fragile, little motes of dust. That can only exsist in the careful, blended, dances of territories and powers that be. We squishy.
Ghosts? Less squishy.
Poor impulse control, too. Especially ones with Fenton genetics. ABSOLUTELY ones with Fenton genetics and a trauma based aversion to therapy. That one? Pretty hardy. Made pretty tough, what with being Fates third favorite chew toy. But? Still gets the Sads, you know? The slightly longer then just seasonal depression.
Would medicine and some therapy help? Oh like a dream!
If medicine WORKED on his Ectoplasmicly contaminated ass. And he TRUSTED therapists.
But... surely, Danny thinks, as he sits grossly in his Depression sweatpants and eats suspect pizza on the floor of his moldering shoebox of an apartment, there must be SOME way to address his Depression? He should... he should DO something about it. Take a break maybe. Look up some ghost doctors or something.
Oooooooooor..... >.>
He could break out that OMENIOUS af, bound in suspect leather, Big Book Of Forbidden Knowledge(TM) that he got from Pariah's.... what, fourth? Fifth? Library? Fuck that Lair is huge. He's STILL cleaning it out and it's been over half a decade. He swears it spawns more floors just to mock him. Bastard. Don't know HOW a building can be a Bastard, but it sure found A WAY.
Book it is! *horrifying Eldritch light as he opens it* huh. Neat. Comes with its own visual effects. *another bite of suspect pizza* Funky.
And so! Danny, the depressed King Of The Zone... fucks of to go cheer himself up in the Fields Of Bliss(TM), an area of Absolute Bliss. Which! Sounds GREAT in theory, now don't it? Lovely even.
Remember that little comment about extremes?
You can ENTER those fields. But no one leaves. No one CAN. The deeper you go? The more doomed you become. Less will to do anything at all. Eat, talk, move. So much as think. Like ALL extreme "Goods", it sounds lovely, but the reality is no gentle little thing.
It's a glue trap.
But how could Danny have known? Honestly, who would have TAUGHT him? Textbooks can only go so far, after all. And placing blame will not rescue the young monarch.
I imagine it's one of his helpers that pieces together what's happened. Come for further clarification on WHERE exactly he wants certain statues moved. Only? Your Majesty? Your Majesty...? Where ever could he BE? Oh? He's left out some of his books. Well, I'll just assist by putting them away for-.....
But! What can the poor man DO? Ghosts are Beings of Will, Emotion, and Obsession. Were it some sort of Holy Blade or Sentient Tree, you know, something INDIVIDUAL with a will they could FIGHT? Oh no problem. But an area of effect? Especially an EMOTIONAL area of effect!? Ooooooh, this is bad. The Zone can't AFFORD to lose ANOTHER King!
Wait. He's heard that there's an organization for this! That loudly cursing fellow who got violently thrown back into the Zone. "Ruined his fun" and all that! Perfect! He'll just hire THEM!
Smashcut? To a nice, peaceful, everybody's screaming Justice League Meeting. John's cursing life, extremely hungover. Zatana still has three cracked ribs. Wonder Woman is enjoying the new sword she... liberated... mid battle. Truely stunning craftsmanship. When?
Knock Knock!
Heads swivel. There... is a glowing green... accountant? Dandy? Dandy accountant. With an equally radioactive day glow green Actual Pirate's Chest Of Treasures, floating next to him. In the void of space; Just beyond the glass. What, the, fuuuuuu-
He seems to be under the impression they are some sort of Heroic mercenaries. And has come to request the retrieve-
"NNNNNOPE! Pariah can SHOVE it!" Snarls a suddenly very awake John Constantine, sitting up straight for the first time in hours. The rest of Dark grimly nod in agreement. Let the fucker rot. It's a kinder fate then he deserves.
No, no, NO! King PHANTOM! Pariah's SUCCESSOR by right of combat! They are not, and were never, allied in any way!
Well, all right then. Road trip to save a young idiot then.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe
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