#like said... loml 💜💜
the-kipsabian · 1 year
chris brookes or kip sabian?
theres layers to this depending how you ask it tho. but since you didnt specify im going to assume in general
im always going to be a kip girl (gn). this man is the light of my life, his mere existence on this planet at the same time as im here means the world to me, and honestly he is one of the few people who has the ability to pull me out of a few weeks worth of depression slumps with a single moment
also ive learned so much from him. about life, being yourself, being happy, doing your thing, dealing with hardships, also about wrestling, etc. "time doesnt heal it changes you" is a catchphrase i apply to my own personal life and stuff ive been struggling with
fuck man i flew half way across the world to meet him once (and i will do it again mark my words [also disclaimer i did other things on that trip too and he wasnt the original reason i booked it but he being with surely did happen lol]) and i have a whole forearm sized tattoo dedicated to him
so yeah. kip sabian 💜
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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🐨 friends. 
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jimiminily · 22 days
Jin is officially discharged from the military! 🥳🎊
Welcome back Jin 🫶💜
It has been 548 days/18 months/1.5 years
(enlisted: Dec 13, 2022
Discharged: June 12 2024, today!)
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Welcome back Jin 😊🥳🎊💜🫶
Firstly it feels so unreal TT im so happy Jin is back, I am really really proud of him. He did so good in his military journey, I'm actually really stunned
Oh I love him so much I can't describe the feeling
He's the first member that got enlisted, now he's the first one to be released/discharged from the military 💜
Now nothing can take him away and that's a relief ☺️💕 finally his military is over
Let's stay forever and together 💜
Welcome back loml 🩷
Today he got discharged and behind the gates you could see him bidding farewell to his military friends, they were all hugging and shedding some tears 🥹
and the members greeted him in front of the military gate, and Yoongi was at HYBE waiting (for reasons, iykyk), and it was such a beautiful moment 🥰 haha Namjoon came with a saxaphone playing dynamite, everyone was hugging each other ☺️ but Taehyung became really buff, in such short time?? They all became a little bigger/buff, and Jimin hugging Tae and Jin looked so wholesome and cute especially with tae 🥹 precious Jiminie🩷
It was great to see hobi and jungkook again 😌💕 I miss them all
Jin arrived at HYBE and started live, I missed him so much omg 😭🫶 it sounds super unreal to watch him start live, he was still in his uniform and shared stories from the military, showed his awards/certificates etc.
I noticed his voice became a bit deeper and he talks a little bit differently yknow like a soldier but that's obvious because he spent a really LONG time in the military, and that is SO adoring 🥹💕💕 the way he talks, the voice I don't know why it is so adoring to me I missed him so so so much.
he's so adorable I'm starting to tear up again Hhahahaha it's been such a long long time🫠 welcome back Jin 😌❤️
Remaining members left to be discharged:
• Hoseok: 127 days left (17 oct, 2024)
• Namjoon and Taehyung: 363 days left (10 june, 2025)
• Jungkook and Jimin: 364 days left (11 june, 2025)
• Yoongi: 374 days left (21 June, 2025)
And these are the links to the weverse posts and live from Jin ♡ (added translations), also a link to BTS long awaited ot7 picture on twitter
@BTS_twt todays tweet on twitter
[Translation] 'I (went) and come back'
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[240612 Jin 🔴 Weverse Live: D-day]
🐹 hello everyone, its been such a long time. bangtan! hello its bts' jin. its been a year and a half. its been so long since being in front of a camera and im not too sure what to say but ill try my best. ah whys the screen turning back in my day it worked so well
normally im much better looking but at my discharge ceremony earlier i cried a bit so im a bit swollen. and i came back to the company and the staff greeted me with posters and everything and this flower *brings out huge flower* oh okay go away now *tosses flowers*
🐹 I came into the building and all the staff were there with a huge bouquet and telling me welcome back! I was so happy and the tears came. I cried twice.
As a soldier, I was telling the soldiers that they shouldn't cry, but they were crying and they were soldiers I spent a year and a half with and I cried.
🐹 Everyone, I've been discharged. It's been a year and a half and I wanted to look good for you but. *shows certificate* It's official. I got a lot of awards. I think I recieved 7-8 awards.
🐹 There was another soldier named Kim Seokjin in our unit so they called my name out twice and I got confused.
my friends also made and wrote me this poster. ah im embarrassed to say this but i was really popular in the military so the posters written with tons of words. they said to read it at home so im going to read a bit here
🐹 This guy wrote me asking to greet a girl group on his behalf
🐹 You dude, see I have only 3 celebrity friends
🐹 "Seokjinnie-Hyung, thanks to you I had so many experiences I will never forget. Thank you. I'm glad we were able to have such good food and good memories. To get to chat with, get scolded along with, live with the world star I was fan of since middle school, it was an honor.
I wasn't scolded though. Cuz I was an ace.
🐹 now! i need to talk about festa. i gave some good ideas but it was criticized! i proposed something for festa since ill have to do it alone, so i talked to the director in charge of festa around oct/nov? but they said theyve already said theyve planned most already. so i suggested a free hug, and they said no. so i pitched my idea of doing a free hug at an outdoor location where we do festa. but they said people could get hurt. but i kept saying i wanted to do it for a month or so because i wanted to hug those who have waited for me. so the company was in discussions, and they proposed that instead of a free hug, how about indoors where one person at a time is let in, and i tried to argue against saying i wanted an outdoor one. and they also said i should only do 50 since its the day after my discharge but i said no, 3,000 people and they finally agreed to 300, and i said no as much people as possible, and they said 500 and i said no, more and we finally agreed on 1,000 people
and this is something i personally wanted to do, so im not sure if the other members will do it. i dont really want this to be pushed to the other members as well. this is purely my interest although i was proposed other events such as fan signs. but i really wanted to do hugs
🐹 i discharged today right? so i havent had much to prepare, but i will do something, but i havent had much to practice and i havent sung in around a year and a half, and i rode in the car with jimin today and we've both talked about how we both are out of practice
now that im a free civilian, i will come to see you often!
i will express my heart to all of you tomorrow!
and i asked cameras to be allowed (t/n: to the festa event) so i hope everyone takes lots of pictures
🐹 our ARMYs who waited for me, thank you the most and love you
🐹 on June 13th, I will— AH IT'S TOMORROW*LONG GASP*
🐹 TOMORROW ! I'll express my feelings/thoughts to you
🐹 ill see you tomorrow! i love you army! thank you! 🫶 bye~ bye~ bye~~ 👋
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'The company has prepared for festa hard, the free hug idea that I talked about was just something I said, everyone ㅠㅠ what I said about coming up with the idea together it seems the context was delivered with the wrong meaning ㅠㅠ
And since there's a lot of people for hugging tomorrow, I request you to pass by quickly ㅠㅠ it will be hard to have a conversation and it's expected go as planned smoothly if you pass by quickly after a quick hug.. looking forward to your cooperation [cutely] ♡'
'Thank you so much to the people and reporters that came and took pretty discharge pictures, and thank you so much to ARMYs that came in front of the company and gave me love because of my discharge
i couldn't give my proper greetings in case it would get too chaotic but i'm so so thankful ~♡
our ARMY are the best'
Jin will be there tomorrow with ARMY's (big events) Like hugging 1000 ARMY's 🥹
See you tomorrow again Jin 💕🙈
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
Hiyaa could you do the dating headcannons but with Sebas?💜If not its okay :)
dating sebastian montoya would include:
-sebas is the loml
-his love language is definetily touch
-he likes to hold you
-big cuddling fan
-he also loves showing you off
-like on tik tok or instagram or literally any app
-filled to the brim with you content
-he would do girlfriend photodumps
-post a bunch of pictures of you totally randomly
-i also think sebas is the friend that takes pictures of everything
-like oh, you're eating a mango? picture you're sleeping? picture you fell on your ass while walking? picture
-also would post the dumbest pictures/videos of you
-”sebas, i am literally running around in circles!” “no, you are CUTELY running around in circles”
-this man does not sleep
-at least not when he is supposed to
-3:30 am energy sprouts
-i dont know if thats how people call them but you get the idea
-thats why he has so many pictures and videos of you doing stupid shit
-he adores bringing you to races
-motivates him to do better
-he is such a family guy as well
-he would want you to get on with his family so bad
-like he would set up "play-dates" for you and his sister
-even though you are a bit old for play-dates
-if you speak spanish his life is complete
-if you dont he’ll teach you
-he would call you nick names in spanish
-he just knows that you like them so he does
-and tell you cheesy pick up lines in spanish
-”tan bonita y sin novio?” (so pretty and without a boyfriend?) “sebas, you are my boyfriend”
-that one doesnt sound that good in english but bear with me
-I think he would really value your opinion
-like if you said not to cut his hair he wouldn't yk
-once again 10/10 experience
-would recommend
-sebastian marry me pls
-i speak spanish
-i'll cook
-i'll clean
-i'll do anything you want me to
-just give me a chance
-also had @myplantregulus help with this one
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fairy-hub · 10 months
i’m happy to be moots with you omg , i’m such a fan tbh 💜
the position thing is so accurate but then i worry if i using to much detail or the same words 😓
but i hope you like my geto works 🤭 he’s the loml and all my works with him always just spawn from nowhere <3
Aw thank you 🥹 we can be fans of each other’s work! 💕💕
I feel you on that, I love me some detail but I’m always asking myself if I’m overdoing it. Lately I’ve been writing a lot of gangbang content so I’m most worried about someone existing within a fic
Or Im like wait they can’t be doing that with their hands if they are doing this. Always re-reading just to double check. Plus I occasionally pull words outta my ass thinking they exist when they don’t. If they do they it doesn’t work with the context
I swear my word counter be mocking me with you’ve said cock 50 times in this fic. Ok and so? It’s what the people want!!! 😤
I’m always a slut for Geto, I got so excited when I saw you wrote for mostly him. I’ve been getting too much toji and missing my other homie-cidal/homo-cidal fav
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I posted 9,896 times in 2022
8 posts created (0%)
9,888 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,674 of my posts in 2022
#dracula daily - 838 posts
#esc 2022 - 115 posts
#goncharov - 43 posts
#the untamed - 27 posts
#jonathan harker - 27 posts
#mo dao zu shi - 27 posts
#mina harker - 24 posts
#jonmina - 24 posts
#figure skating - 21 posts
#lucy westenra - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#u want to destroy a person's creation which is one of humanity's greatest acts. this being van gogh. an artist who's notably suffered a lot
My Top Posts in 2022:
thanks for tagging me @asocialpessimist 💕
4 songs I've been blasting lately:
i'm back in my dimash kudaibergen phase, literally loml 💞
as i've said previously aespa savage is thee 2022 mood
halsey latest album... literally the best
See the full post
6 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with (or tag whomever) 
tagged by @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves thank you bestie 💖
favourite colour: sea blue 💙
last song: she's fine by heize
currently reading: anthology of global love poetry, selected poems by alejandra pizarnik, various wenzhou fanfics
last movie: the love witch, i think? it's been way too long since i've seen anything
sweet, savoury, or spicy: yes to all, maybe sweet the most,,, all 3 simultaneously would be grand
currently working on: dealing with exam burnout and starting the new semester tomorrow
no pressure tags @nymphastral @artemisinfurs @sehn-sucht @castlesmoving @zehaenre @nartaki @hiding--places @nonoggh @full---ofstarlight 💞
8 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 tags
tagged by @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves and @asocialpessimist thank you besties <333 let's see what atrocity happens here
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag/send to ten people (anon or not) 💜
1. The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi - Wei Wuxian
2. Lord Seventh/Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor - Jing Beiyuan <3
3. Overwatch - D.va
4. Heaven Official's Blessing - Xie Lian
5. Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson
6. Pride & Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet
7. Dracula - Mina Murray/Harker
8. Because This Is My First Life - Yoon Ji Ho
9. Mr Queen - Jang Bong Hwan/Queen Kim So Yong
10. Assassin's Creed - Bayek of Siwa <3
no pressure tags @fandom-morelikefandoom @yesternight-was-awesome @nymphastral @nartaki @full---ofstarlight @theresa1441 @artemisinfurs @nonoggh @zehaenre @hanarinhightown
9 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
tagged by bestie @artemisinfurs <33333 thank you for tagging me
Favourite colour: sea blue, baby pink, burgundy red
Currently reading: Dracula via dracula daily, Съкровения by Дамян Дамянов, started Siren Queen by Nghi Vo yesterday ! we'll see how the last one goes
Last song: Paranoia by Kang Daniel
Last series: Tale of the Nine-Tailed ep 5 on TV with my parents lmao, they have been exposed to the wonders of kdrama
Last movie: no idea, haven't seen a movie in ages lmao
Sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet for sure
Currently working on: just passed my last exam yesterday, so now it's all rest and fun! time to read 30 books in one month, draw and paint, compose songs and sing, and so on and so forth
tagging @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves @asocialpessimist @yesternight-was-awesome @nymphastral @full---ofstarlight @hanarinhightown @theresa1441 @nonoggh @nartaki @samodivas @me-sharing-with-the-world @sleepingfancies @amadryades hi mutuals no pressure <333
12 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
was tagged by @nymphastral long time no see bestie 💕
tea or hot chocolate // cozy books or halloween movies // plaid or corduroy // foggy morning or twinkly nights // orange or black // pumpkin pie or apple pie (I only like walnut pie) // wool or velvet // picking fruit or carving pumpkins (taking walks in the park? 😇) // libraries or coffee shops // cinnamon or peanut butter // spooky halloween or cozy halloween // candles or fairy lights  
no pressure tagging @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves @asocialpessimist @artemisinfurs @yesternight-was-awesome @yesyoutubeisruiningmylife @hanarinhightown @fandom-morelikefandoom @full---ofstarlight @samodivas @me-sharing-with-the-world @amadryades hi mutuals <3 I'd love to see what yall would pick 👀💕
12 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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delicatedayzee · 1 month
Top 5 from each album (as of today. We know this constantly changes)
💚 Our Song, Should’ve Said No, Mary’s Song, Stay Beautiful, Cold As You
💛 Fearless, Hey Stephen, White Horse, The Way I Loved You, Today Was a Fairytale
💜 Timeless, Last Kiss, Dear John, Mine, Better Than Revenge
🧣 ATW 10, Holy Ground, Treacherous, Better Man, Come Back Be Here
🏙️ Is it Over Now?, Style, OOTW, You Are In Love, Wonderland
🐍 delicate, …ready for it?, I did something bad, getaway car, call it what you want
💖 Cruel Summer, Cornelia Street, The Archer, Death by a Thousand Cuts, Daylight
🌲 my tears ricochet, the 1, this is me trying, invisible string, the last great American dynasty
🤎 evermore, tis the damn season, tolerate it, cowboy like me, coney island
🌌 Maroon, Midnight Rain, Paris, High Infidelity, Dear Reader
🤍 Down Bad, loml, Guilty as Sin, The Bolter, Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
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monzabee · 1 year
Ooh and I googled it, there’s a a golden retriever too you said it’s a sad movie I hope nothing happens to the dog I would cry sm but I saw it’s on Disney plus so I might watch it sometime!!
Really damnn that’s cool that you applied!! Tbh it’s their loss, you would’ve made an amazing student there <3 and thank youu besite im happy with the subject too ! Lmaoo maybe they’re just gaslighting everyone to think the remote is actually there 😭🤣
I’m glad you’re having fun at the places you visited so far💖 !!!Omg I love rollercoasters too !! how was the rollercoaster park ? Ohh 35• Celsius ? Those are usual temperatures for us here so I’m used to it haha but do you prefer the hot / warm places or cold ones ? It was crazy like we all know the race was open p2 onwards so there were quite a few interesting moments for the points positions which were fun but the wildest thing was giving lando a penalty for “unsportsmanlike behaviour” like fr what!!?😭 my fave thing though was Alex in p7 so so happy for him 💜
1000% agree he literally always looks amazing and even his style he can pull off any look ! Again yess I think he’ll always be baby because he just is 😂💜 love him , he’s literally been the loml since 2011🤣
yes!! the dog kind of narrates the whole movie but it's so sad and i don't know i guess it's one of my faves because it has a dog, angst and also milo🤭 i also really love amanda seyfried so a win-win🥹
the whole application and waiting process was a hell, but i'm glad i didn't go there?? it wasn't meant to be apparently and i'm so much happier here in london!! i need to see this remote with my own two eyes, because i think you might be right bestie😂
the rollercoaster park was amazing, and they had a few new ones since the last time we went so we checked those out as well!! growing up in turkey, i'm also very used to high temperatures in the summertime, but i haven't been going back to turkey during the summers in the past few years so it was a shock😭 i think i definitely prefer the colder weather, what about you?? i really don't understand the penalty thing for lando, even though i read an article about it😭 and I'M SO HAPPY FOR ALEX, HE WAS SO GOOD😭💜💜💜
it's impossible not to love harry, i feel like he's just a big baby at this point but i love him so much😭💜🥹
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emikadreams · 3 years
Wait I just remembered what I've been waiting to read somewhere in a fic:
We know that Feyre is a shapeshifter, she can do way more that just summoning wings, but she choses to do just that at least on page.
So I have this headcanon that she sometimes turns into her "beast form" (the big white wolf she saw in the magic mirror and later painted and gifted to Rhys) and asks Rhys to turn into his dragon form so they can play together and cuddle, and really just get to know that part of each other while embracing themselves.
(Look, I'm 80% sure they will both shapeshift during the upcoming war with Koschei, so they have to train before that)
So, if you feel like writing about this, go ahead. If not... what do you think about this headcanon?💝
Nd yes I do think that FEYRE will have to train more in her beast form cuz for this war...we have to see our queen in action!!!
So a sneak peak of me working on this headcannon!!!
...Rhys was speechless, his mouth ajar as he looked at Feyre with tears glistening in his eyes. He breathed in and said with a hoarse voice, "Feyre darling, I thought it was impossible for you to look more perfect yet you..."
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@thebonecarver @story-scribbler @surielandiareendgame @feysand-loml @wintersouldier57 @kayla-2
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amukmuk · 2 years
25, 27, 34, 58, 72 please? 💜
Hi nonny!!
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Ohh idk, I think brainstorming and writing are my favorite. We all know I'm trash at editing lol
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Dialogue, for sure! It's definitely the part I enjoy the most, too!
34. How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
Oh gosh, I feel like I include so much because I write from experiences a lot of the time so I'll pull examples from my three big fics. In Intertwined, Din has a heart transplant--while I have never known someone or personally experienced that, my mom is in the hospital a lot. So, I know how to help ppl recovery from surgery and, in general, procedures that are followed in that environment. In Perception, a lot of Fox and Riyo's relationship is based off of my own. The loml is similarly sarcastic, coffee-fueled, and sleep-deprived, but he loves me <3 And finally, One Day--I struggle with PTSD, and so this fic was my way of coping with it. However, I've never seen combat so those things are obviously vastly different.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
I can't think of anything, no! I feel like I don't use much figurative language, but I think one of my favorite sequences was that one fic I wrote where Fox is dreaming and wakes up to his arm being amputated.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
Okay, let me preface this by saying all compliments are welcome! They encourage me to keep writing when I feel like I suck. That being said, the compliment that has stuck with me, and probably always will, is when someone compared my writing to fireflies. Idk, just knowing that my writing feels like a warm summer night made me happy :3
Thank you so much for the ask, nonny! These questions were really fun to answer!
from this ask list
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7x10mickey · 3 years
lizzie dearest 💗💜
more harry tiktoks for your saturday! ✨
he really pulled a ‘you’re coming home with me’ with this sunflower
momrry supremacy i love him he said no one is passing out on my watch!!!
the person screaming in the background is FERAL 🦍😭
@unstable_scorpio:this y'all's big time Mafia leader 🤨
one more tpwk bc this video is EVERYTHING
i hope your day is going fantastic 👻💋
BRI!!!!! thank you for stopping by, this made my day so much brighter!!! 💖💗💓💕💞💘
• the sunflower halo omGGGGG he’s the cutest ever, i love that he was just like “gimme” lmao
• oh my god he’s so sweet :((( momrry the loml <3
• that person in the background was me when i saw him ahdhhfhhdjs, also the bark 😭
• the rainbow feather boa!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 also that comment ahshdhhfshsjsj
• tpwk!!!!!!!!!! such a fantastic song, also those glasses!!!!
i hope you’re also having a fantastic day!!! thanks again for blessing my inbox!!
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cressida-cowper · 4 years
What's your favourite Lizzie interview I think mine has to be the one where she talks about nepotism and I think it was the same interview where she said when she was younger she wanted her acting name to be Elizabeth Chase.
hi hi hi! i was in tumblr jail & couldn’t respond right away but i want you to know that i LOVE this ask thank you so much for sending it!!!💜
so i made a post where i linked some of my favourites, but they’re ones with paul (& letitia) and i really wanna spotlight lizzie cause she’s just the loml
i really like that interview as well!! and the other ones she did with that guy!! they were so good & i wish they had more views :/ but i think my favourite (at least right now) is either the one on jimmy kimmel where she says that she saw him at a restaurant and was uncertain of how to interact with him so she went to a different restaurant, the bon appetit ‘interview’, or the one on stephen colbert where she said she didn’t like adrenaline rushes!
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