#i leave them there so that i can see them and remind myself that i still need to decide on it
Walking the Road for Her
Wanda Maximoff x Gray Witch!Reader
Word count: 1.2K
Summary: You can't live without Wanda and you've tried everything else so when Agatha comes knocking on your door you accept immediately, but the teen that's with her...he seems so familiar
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3 OF AGATHA ALL ALONG! Grief/Loss, hallucinations, death/mortality, emotional distress, supernatural elements, implied self-sacrifice, character death, reunion with a deceased loved one
Authors notes: Thank you @scarlethexelove for indulging in my random Wanda thoughts.
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When Agatha asked for you to walk the witches road, you didn't hesitate. She was put off by your eagerness, but never told her why you were walking. You kept that part to yourself she didn't seem to mind. Everyone had a reason, and everyone had their secrets, so no one asked, and you weren't about to tell them you wanted, no needed Wanda back.
You would give up anything and everything to have Wanda back. If it meant to team up with Agatha, you would do it.
So you did. You met up with her and put on the cheery smile she hated. You always assumed she hated you for being a younger witch still full of life, but since Wanda died, you felt like you died too. You got along well enough with the others. You knew Jen the best being closer in age, though you didn't care for her products.
The teen seemed eerily familiar, but you can't put your finger on it. Why does he remind you of Wanda of a life you can't seem to remember.
You're overly protective of him. You don't let him have the wine, and when you hallucinate from said wine, you blink, and suddenly, you're looking at Wanda. Back in her early twenties with the eyeliner, ripped stockings, painted nails, and rings on every finger. You cry over it, cupping her face until it turns back to his.
“Are you okay.” He looks at you with concern. You pull away quickly and wipe your eyes.
“S-Sorry.” You quickly run the ingredients back, trying to escape the feelings. You need to stay strong. You need to get Wanda back.
You end up getting through the trail. Not without its costs. Losing Sharon wasn't something you had in mind, but the witches road is treacherous and has no place for mortals. You never should have let Agatha do that, but hindsight and all that. You knew you had to press on and on the road Teen asks,
“Are you sure you're okay? You and Sharon called out for the same person.” You swallow hard.
“Yeah I'm fine. We all had hallucinations about things. I'll be okay.” You tell him and then mumble under your breath, “Not like I don't deal with it every morning...” his head swivels.
“What was that?” He asks.
“Nothing, just mumbling to myself.”
The further you journey, the harder it gets. Sometimes, you want to give up, to give in, and join Wanda another way. But something stops you every time. You almost think you can feel her, feel her all around you. In the trees, the air, the leaves beneath your feet. With a quick turn of your head, you think you so the soft auburn color you miss so much. The road is playing tricks yet keeping you grounded to your goals.
You make it to the end. Finally passed the last trial everyone who had made it. Their prize awaited them. You waited, didn't see her, and then you heard a whisper in Sokovian.
Your name.
You looked around everywhere. “Over here milaya.” You hear her call. You whip around and see her. She doesn't look like the Scarlet Witch anymore. Back before that. Like when you were on the run. You run into her arms without a second thought.
You can't help as you cry. Burying your face in her neck as your body shakes with sobs. Her vanilla scent invades your senses. “Shhhh sweet girl, I've got you.” Wanda holds you close. Your heart feels whole again now that you're back in her arms.
Your sobs turn into sniffles. “I've missed you so much.” You mumble against her. Her nails lightly scratching at your back. Something she's always done to sooth you. Kissing the side of your head and letting her lips linger.
“I know Detka. I'm so sorry. I'm here now. I'll never leave you again.”
You held onto Wanda tight, afraid to let go as if she'd disappear again if you stopped.
Wanda opened her eyes, looking past your shoulder her eyes widened in surprise and then softened as she saw him.
“Bi-Billy?” Wanda's voice shakes slightly. You pull back but not fully letting her go. You follow her gaze that lands on the teen. Your brows furrow before you look back to Wanda.
“Wanda?” You question her.
She lets go of you when Teen responds to the name. He tries to say something, but the sigil protects him. A wave of Wanda's hand changes that. “Billy?” She asks again.
“Yes, that's me.” You're really confused as you see Wanda's red tendrils come out sending red waves through his eyes before disappearing. “M-mom? H-how did you...?”
Billy runs towards Wanda, slamming into her, but she doesn't budge. She holds him tightly in her arms. “What kind of mother would I be if I didn't know my own son?” Wanda whispers. It's just loud enough for you to hear. Confusion morphs into realization as you look on.
The reason he looked so familiar, the reason he reminded you of her. Of course, it was one of the twins. Sure you hadn't been a part of the hex, but you had seen the recordings of it. Last you had seen the twins, they were 10 inside the hex.
Your heartbeat quickens when you remember what you had seen next as the hex fell the you Wanda had created was destroyed along with the twins. She had held you tightly until you were no more.
It's a shock to see him in the flesh. To understand who he really is. He pulls away from Wanda and turns to you. “Mama?” He's cautious having been giving the memory from Wanda and realizing that you had never got to meet him. Do you even know who he is? Will you accept him as your own?
Your breath catches. It's like waves of memories flood through you as if they had always been there. Everything from the hex coming to life as tears fill your vision and spill over. “Oh my sweet little boy...look at you!” Your arms wrap around him tightly. It had been there, blurry when you thought about it. Of this being your son. “Mama is sorry you had to go through all of this.”
“Mama don't apologize. I'm happy to have you back.” He pulls away slightly keeping an arm around you and opening his other for Wanda. She joins into the hug.
“I'm happy to have both of you back.” You can feel the tears pricking your eyes.
You hug them both tightly. This still left you without one son, but you knew you'd find him. If Billy made it out somehow, then Tommy must be out there, too.
Wanda cups both of your cheeks and looks between you. “Moya lyubov i moy syn (my love and my son).” Tears in her eyes she can't believe she is back and that she had both of you. Her heart is almost complete, but there is still a missing piece to the puzzle.
You didn't need her powers to know what she was thinking, “We'll find him, milaya.” She smiles at you, giving a soft peck on your lips.
“We will. Now that I have you two I know we will.”
This was more than you could have asked for at the end of the road.
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jjonglemons · 2 days
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Jongho / NSFW
You’ve been working at a new company as a Marketing Manager for nearly a year. It’s clear that Choi Jongho, the CEO, has taken a liking to you throughout your time there, and vice versa. Finally, your subtle flirtations with each other reach a boiling point.
WC: 2.8k
Warnings: smut, female reader, boss!employee, dirty talk, praise, bdsm, some fluff
Enjoy :)
“Finally,” you exhaled, reaching the office building with three minutes to spare. Not that your boss, Choi Jongho, was very strict to begin with, but nonetheless, you always valued being punctual when it came to your job. Unbeknownst to you, the trains were operating on an alternative schedule due to maintenance, so naturally when you reached the station at 8 AM sharp as you always do, you began stressing when you saw the timetable. Thankfully, there weren’t any delays for once and you made it to work by the time it said you would. Today, you had a very important presentation that would be disastrous to miss.
“Good morning, Miss!” The secretary greeted you cheerfully.
“Good morning,” you nodded back, smiling kindly before making your way into your office.
For the first time, you were in a position where you weren’t stuck in a cubicle, tightly snuggled in an overcrowded space of a fire hazard quantity of colleagues. You inhaled, letting out a deep sigh and closing your eyes for a moment to ground yourself for the day. Suddenly, you heard a light shuffling of footsteps that stopped in your doorway. 
“Good morning, Y/N.” You opened your eyes to see a smirking Jongho leaning against the doorframe, “how was your weekend?”
“Not too bad. I spent most of it wining and dining by myself.” You winked playfully, leaning forward to rest your chin onto your intertwined fingers. “What about you?”
“You want the honest answer or a lie?”
“Whatever you want.”
“I was babysitting my brother’s kids,” he sighed, “I love them and all, but trying to get work done while a three and five year old are screaming at you to play with them isn’t ideal, to say the least.”
You chuckled at his annoyance. That’s something you’ve dealt with yourself, being an aunt to three little ones. “I get it. Well,” you continued, “I hope you can find some time to let loose this week. I’m sure it was stressful, and only more so that we have this huge meeting today.” You knew that wasn’t going to help him feel any better, but the blunt side of you spoke up before you even realised.
“Ugh,” Jongho groaned, extra dramatically for effect, “don’t remind me. I still have some last minute tasks I need to finish.”
“Then you better get to it,” you commanded, clapping your hands and shooing him away jokingly.
He shot one final smile in your direction before taking his leave. “Catch you later, Y/N.”
“All those who vote no, raise your hand.” Jongho, said as the discussions from your presentation concluded.
You felt your throat drop into the pit of your stomach upon seeing eighty percent of the room raise their hands. You expected this. This new campaign idea of yours was a risk, but nonetheless, seeing it actually fail in front of you, despite all of the hard work you put into it, punched you in the gut. Hard.
“I think she had a lot of wonderful points,” Jongho added, “would some of you care to reconsider?”
The room stayed silent, no one seeming to change their minds. Your cheeks grew hotter as your embarrassment increased, unsure whether you wanted to scream at everyone for insulting your work or cry about being a failure. You gulped, sneaking a glance at Jongho beside you. His face was stoic. Of course being the CEO, he had to save face, but you couldn’t help but notice the concern in his eyes. You could tell he genuinely liked your idea and felt empathetic to this ordeal. But unfortunately, in order to keep democracy in the company, he couldn’t just ignore everyone else's opinions on the matter.
“Seriously?” He murmured, noticeably aggravated. No one seemed to hear or notice, though, other than you. He cleared his throat. “Okay,” he sighed, “then this idea is scratched. Todd, you will be presenting on Wednesday, okay? Everyone’s dismissed, thank you for your time.”
You stayed behind as everyone filed out, needing a minute to process your humiliation. You knew it wasn’t out of hostility, but it was hard not to take it personally, especially since this idea was one of the few you were really proud of. You truly hoped it would have been a game changer.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn’t realised Jongho was still in the room with you. “I’m sorry,” he expressed, continuing to clean the whiteboard, “I know you put a lot of thought into this from the little bits you’ve shared with me throughout the month. I wish I could have done more.”
You smiled, some of your unpleasant feelings fading into a sense of affection towards your boss. He may be your authority, but he’s always treated you as an equal. As a friend, not just a colleague. You’d admitted to yourself already that you had a crush on him, but it would likely pose an issue if you were to attempt to pursue anything. Though, you weren’t stupid; you could tell the feelings were mutual. 
“It’s okay,” you sighed, “Honestly, I’m pissed. I wanted to tell everyone how much they sucked,” you laughed, “but obviously that wouldn't have helped anything. I really loved this idea.”
“I’m mad, too,” Jongho said, gritting his teeth slightly, “you’re the best marketer in this fucking company and I’m tired of people not noticing that. Or ignoring it, I don’t know. Whatever it is, you deserve so much better.” He was inches away from your face now, “If I wasn’t trying to be a good boss, I’d say “fuck it” to the votes and have your idea plastered everywhere immediately.”
Thankfully the meeting room was windowless- even the door was lacking a peephole- because if someone were to walk by at this very moment, the way you two were standing would raise suspicion. 
“That’s sweet of you,” you said softly, lightly biting your lip.
Jongho stared at you for a moment, watching your movements. He had a million thoughts running through his head. He was angry on your behalf, at how much the colleagues seemed to undervalue you. He was angry at himself for not doing more to help, but realistically, he knew he couldn’t do that without turning into an inconsiderate boss, and he never wanted to be one that didn’t listen to nor care about his employees. He kept thinking about how beautiful you are; how kind and attentive you’ve been towards him, and everyone, since you started working there. He couldn’t forget the fact that you always stood by his side when rumours about him would spread around the office, giving him the benefit of the doubt. 
Despite only knowing each other for just short of a year, you truly saw him. All of the times you’d peak into his office when you’d stay late, noticing the art doodles that decorated his notebook as you quietly said goodbye to him. Or the times he’d fallen asleep at his desk, so you’d carefully organize his folders into a nice pile just so he’d have less to think about when he’d wake up to go home. All of the little things that made him Choi Jongho as a person, not just a CEO.
Suddenly, it didn’t matter that he was your boss. All he wanted was to show you that he cared and was proud of you, even if no one else did. 
And that’s when he lost all sense of reason and forgot you were anyone but Y/N, his friend and the person he was surely falling in love with.
“Can I kiss you?” Jongho asked, his voice coming out as a gentle whisper.
You blinked a few times in shock, unsure whether you had misheard him or not.
“Sorry, that was uncalled for,” he added, scratching his head shyly as he stepped away from you. He blushed, darting his eyes towards the wall. 
“Yes,” you said, interrupting the train of self-deprecating thoughts that were beginning to form in his mind. “Please kiss me,” you finished, adding more confidence to your tone.
Jongho inhaled sharply with nervousness and excitement for a moment before his lips found yours. He cupped your chin to bring you deeper into the kiss, but he suddenly stopped and pulled back, leaving you confused.
“The door,” is all he said before rushing over to quickly lock it and return back to you.
You gripped at the lapels of his suit, pulling him closer so that your bodies closed the gap between the two of you. Your tongue found its way into his mouth rather quickly, earning a muffled moan from him. 
“Shhh,” you giggled between kisses, “you have to be quiet.”
“I know, I know,” he assured, gripping your hips so he could push up against your core, “will you be, though?” he teased. He trailed his fingers along your hips to reach the button of your trousers, tugging at it lightly.
“Is that a challenge?” You baited, biting down on his lower lip. He whimpered, causing you to erupt into a giggle again, “damn, seems like you’ve already lost.”
Jongho’s eyes became clouded with a lustful glare, your taunting pressing him in all of the best ways. He flipped you over, pushing you against the meeting table. He gripped your hair and pulled your head up so it was flesh with his chest, his head dropping beside your ear. You could feel the heat of his breath trickling down the side of your neck. “I don’t think so, love,” he smirked. 
He used his free hand to unbutton your trousers, moving his fingers closer to your sex painfully slow. You hissed, wriggling beneath his grip. “Don’t tease me, Jongho,” you scoffed, “I’m already mad, so don’t make it worse.”
While this fact was true, you both knew you were just using those words as an excuse to rowel each other up even more. He chuckled as he reached your dripping core, fingers sliding between your folds as he began to make circles on your clit with a slow, yet urgent pace.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Jongho breathed, “I knew you liked me, but I didn’t know it was this much.”
“Who said I liked you?” You hummed, fluttering your eyes shut.
“Ha,” he scoffed, pushing one finger into you, “you couldn’t lie about that even if you tried.” 
Your moans began to grow in volume as Jongho pressed the tip of his fingers against your g-spot, sending shivers through your entire body. He slowly entered with a second finger, being careful not to hurt you. He began to curl his fingers, feeling your arousal increase with each movement. “You’re doing so well for me, baby,” he hummed, watching the way you twitched beneath him. He used the weight of him and the resistance of the table to keep you steady, moving the hand that was gripping your hair to now cover your mouth. “As much as I want to hear those pretty little moans of yours, I don’t need either of us getting fired.”
“Aren’t you the one who fires people?” You managed to get out through the shifts of his hand from the movement of your bodies.
Jongho didn’t respond. He was too engrossed in the feeling of your wet pussy around his fingers. He pushed a finger into your mouth, earning a slight gag from you. You began to bite down and suck on it, causing him to hiss. He started to pump his fingers faster, placing his thumb on your clit for more stimulation.
“Fuck, Jongho,” you whined as quietly as you could, “I’m going to come too soon if you keep this up.”
“I want to see you unravel,” he paused briefly to turn you once again so you were facing him. He picked you up to sit you on top of the table, quickly pulling your trousers down to your ankles so he had full access. He kept his hands steady on your thighs, deciding to take a seat in one of the meeting chairs so his lips could meet your sex. He sucked on your clit, making sure to add a bit of teasing by playing with pressure and taking small breaks to tug at your lips. "You deserve this, baby," he moaned as he continued to taste you. 
You could feel your orgasm building up more and more by the second, but you didn’t want to cum without feeling him inside of you first. “Baby,” you moaned, “please fuck me. I want to cum with you in me.”
Jongho didn’t waste any time as he quickly stood up, pushed the chair away, and unbuckled his belt as he placed kisses on your nose and lips. You pushed his hands away from his throbbing member so you could give him some foreplay, too. You slowly moved your hands up and down his shaft, feathering the touch when it reached his tip.
“Shit,” he inhaled sharply, losing his balancing ever so slightly he had to grip the edges of table to keep him steady, “that feels so fucking good, love.”
You kept going as you slowly inched yourself towards him so your core was now hovering over his hard cock. He placed his hands onto your hips, lining himself up with your entrance.
“Can I?” He asked through heavy breaths.
You nodded, guiding him inside of you. You both let out a hum of release simultaneously, taking a moment to just savour how it felt to be connected in such an intimate way. 
“I never thought our first time together would be in a meeting room,” you joked, tugging on his arm so as to tell him he could start moving. He began thrusting into you steadily, sighs of pleasure dripping from his lips. “It’s fun, though,” you added, with a near ungodly tone as he reached the right spot at that same moment. Your mouth hung agape in pure bliss, your eyes alternating between absorbing his fucked out face and watching how he fucked you.
Your wetness engulfed his cock, Jongho choking on the moans he so desperately was trying to hold back. “I’m so proud of you, taking my cock like this.” He bit down on his lip, hard, hoping it would stop them from escaping. “Baby, I could do this every day,” he said, quickening his pace, “I could live inside this sweet pussy of yours.”
“It’s only yours, Jongho.”
Something about you willingly handing yourself over to him triggered the possessive, animalistic part of him, and he began to thrust into you deeper with one hand reaching up to grip your neck.
“Oh, fuck,” you screamed with a whisper, placing your hand over his on your neck to keep it right where you wanted it, “please, Jongho, more.”
“I might break this table if I do that,” he growled, squeezing your neck a little harder.
“Then just fuck me on the floor.”
Before you knew it, he had your legs thrown over his shoulders, back pressed against the carpeted floor. Who knew how many people had walked on it with their gross, outdoor shoes, but at that moment, you didn’t care. All you wanted was for Jongho to keep fucking you and make you cum for the remainder of the work day. 
“Baby, I’m going to cum soon,” Jongho said, pulling at your ankles to keep you as close to him as possible so he could keep pounding into you relentlessly, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he repeated over and over with each thrust. “Look at you, so perfectly fitting around me.”
A scream began to escape from your mouth, so you threw your forearm up to it to bite on for suppression. Your muffled whines and convulsions underneath of Jongho pushed him further to his climax, his eyes beginning to roll back as your body shook more aggressively. “Fuck, Y/N” he let out a loud grunt with one final, deep thrust, throwing his head back in pure bliss as he filled you up. This final thrust sent you over the edge, flailing beneath him. You screeched quietly, gripping his arm tightly as you spilled your juices down the sides of his cock. The two of you laid there for a moment, heavily breathing as you came down from your highs. 
You looked at each other, beginning to grin as you both reentered the present. You propped yourself up onto your shoulders, leaning up to kiss his cheek gently. He blushed, pulling you up so he could fall back onto his butt and have you seated in his lap. He wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling himself into your neck, peppering kisses along your shoulder.
“So,” you said after a few moments of quiet, “how are we going to explain this when we leave the room?”
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v-h-lupin · 20 hours
Gravity Falls AU
I don't have the time or energy to make this au myself!
SO! i wordvomit it and leave it to you people, the internet
once again. Obviously hate JKR. this is for fun.
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Dipper and Mabel are Harry and Luna.
Or, if you wanna bring ocs into it, one of them is your oc, and the other is one of them. so like Harry and oc or Luna and Oc.
Grunkle Stan
Sirius Black. Can you imagine him running the mystery shack? i love it. He loves those kids so much but like. yes. work the cash register.
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Grunkle Ford
Regulus. I cant fully articulate the reasons. But you know. Regulus was always book smart and didnt always wanna do his own thing but when lines were drawn he did what he had to do.
Remus Lupin. Ok i know that the FiddleFord ship is popular but i just. look, If you think about it from a non-ship angle, remus being the secretly smart but crazy man (because of all his memory erasure) makes sense. kinda reminds me of those mary headcannons, honestly.
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I know this requires me to look past BillFord. but this would be great as Tom Riddle-- or! an extremely pissed off Peeves, as my friend called him. The Tom thing works because Bill was super pissed about Ford "betraying" him, and regulus betrayed Voldemort with a big "F u" that he didnt see until it was too late!
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elysiumblue · 1 day
Pick a card - Loki's advice on how to improve your life 😬
I'm finally back to this blog. Shit happens in my life, so I took some time to deal with it, and I failed, so I walked away from the situation, which not only allows me to take care of myself but also gives me time to take care of you with some general readings. I feel Loki wants to provide you with some advice to improve your life this time.
As this is a general reading, please remember to take what resonates and leave the rest behind. If one pile doesn't sound right to you, you can pick another one, or more than one pile if you feel called to.
Also, this is just a tarot reading giving you some advice that can help with your situation. You're the one that has the control over your life.
👇🏻 Pick a color that you feel drawn to 👇🏻
(It may be a coincidence, but the randomly generated colors this time match the box of the tarot deck I am using for this reading, which is The Somnia Tarot by Nicolas Bruno 🥴)
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
I see that you may be dealing with tough situations that make you feel extremely isolated right now, or just left one recently. It can be tough family situations that leave you no choice but to be independent from them, or an extremely toxic workplace where you are being bullied. I don’t want to go into details of the situations because it's a general reading, and I also don't want to trigger people. You know what is going on if this pile is resonating with you.
Now, you see nothing good in the past situation, or the one you're dealing with right now that makes you feel you're stuck. All you want to do is fast forward to the future to see what the future can offer you. Loki admires that you have the clarity to see that the situation is indeed shitty, and have the honesty to admit it. Loki will be with you, offering you support in getting rid of the situation. However, Loki also wants you to be more grounded.
For some of you, I see that you're betting a lot on your partner, or a very trusted individual, to take care of you, and to create moments of joy in the future. Loki thinks that it's great for you to enjoy your life with someone you love, but at the same time, he wants you to be cautious and make sure that you're not building your whole life around them. Loneliness is caused by not having someone that knows you, and you have to take time to understand yourself, instead of spending all the time and energy orbiting that person. Their company can give you comfort, but it is never enough to fill the void inside you, if you're not putting effort into fixing the hole in you.
For another part of you, Loki wants to remind you to take time to discover yourself, instead of merely reacting to situations. For example, it's great that you have the idea to leave your toxic family. However, it shouldn't be your sole purpose of existence. You have so much potential, so much more than just the victim of the circumstances. You can develop hobbies, find your philosophy of life, create a network of people that can support your future, and more... You may not be able to see what you can do with yourself right now, but just believing in the potential itself is good enough to open yourself to receive more blessings from life. Otherwise, being too focused on the negative stuff will cause you to attract more negativity into your life, as the universe feels that all you want is more problems to solve.
Overall, Loki's message to this pile is to ground yourself and regain control over your life so you can be the main character in your own life. You are the only one that is able to build strength within yourself. Everyone else in your life is just capable of providing you with the assistance you need. Stop indulging in what others have the potential to do with you, what others are doing to you, or what you can do for others. It will burden you to a point that it can break you down. You can never fully control what others do. All you can do is focus on yourself.
Start acknowledging that you are strong, and it is just as important as any other person in your life. The past was screwed, and the future is never guaranteed, unless you have a clear enough idea yourself. Take time to think about what you truly want to happen in your life. Loki wants to remind you again that you are more than things that happened to you, so it is time to let things happen in your life for your own enjoyment.
Pile 2
First, I feel that someone who's reading this pile is actually considering if you should start working with Loki or not, and you may be looking at this reading to see if Loki is vibing with you. Loki wants you to take this reading as a sign that he wants to work with you.
I see that you are losing hope for life, because it seems that everything that has happened to you is terrible, and it feels like it will continue spiraling. For this pile, I see betrayal, and a fight with someone you care about. It may be a group with a really immature, aggressive leader, with mindless people that can do nothing better than following the leader like an NPC. The vibe I've got from it is a very stereotypical high school mean girl/boy bully type, like you have to please the "boss" or you get no friends at school, but it can also just be an indicator showing me how immature those people are. I also get a vibe of being stuck in a religious group, that has ideas you just cannot agree with, or even harmful for your mental health or sense of identity. Although you feel that what they've done to you is wrong, you don't want to leave them as they mean a lot to you. For example, your whole family, and even the whole community, is following that religion. Letting them know what you actually think, feels like a social suicide.
Loki acknowledges the suffering you are going through right now, and he agrees that those people have done you wrong. He wants to remind you to stop making excuses for those people, because it's a fact that they've done you wrong, and you're hurt by them. Also, Loki sees no reason why you have to limit yourself, or mold your thoughts for the sake of others, because theirs are not better than yours. To be honest, theirs are probably worse than you.
You're being put to a community that does not match your frequency, and it sucks. Still, it's a test to see if you're brave enough to be honest to yourself and support your own decisions, or waste time to become one of the NPCs following random rules. Loki suggests you leave that group, but in a peaceful way. It can be slowly disengaging from the group, fading away from their life, or just straight up stop showing up, because sometimes, people care less about you than you think, as they don't really care about you at all.
Loki ensures that you will find a better friend group that will be supportive of you and does not intend to hurt you if you start being honest to yourself and your own feelings, because there's a saying that your energy will match the energy of people who surround you, and vice versa. I can see that they may even have the potential to be your lifelong friends or even partners. For those who want to get rid of your existing religious group, Loki invites you to work with him. Loki ensures that he will help you bring better people to your life, as well as helping you to restore honesty to your life. He will make things better in your life.
There may be lonely times that you have to face if you start distancing yourself from the group. However, Loki wants to remind you that he is always here for you to go through the tough times. All you have to do is ask for him to be with you. He also wants to remind you that you are always surrounded by your spirit team, that are constantly protecting you and guiding you to a better path. Use the period of silence to stay tuned to them, review what you want in your life, and ask for their blessings.
Pile 3
For this pile, I feel that you are always the one who takes responsibility and leads others. You can see value in doing so, and you really want to continue guiding others to the better path. However, recently, I feel that you have a feeling that you cannot keep doing this anymore. It can be that the value of the team or company you work for doesn't match your vision anymore, or finding out that people are actually not appreciative of your efforts, or it can just be the stress and effort you have to bear is too much for you to keep doing this.
You question if quitting this position is the best option. It can be you worrying if you can get better pay from elsewhere if it's a job you're thinking of quitting. It can also be you worrying if it's too selfish for you to take care of your own feelings, sacrificing the potential of others staying on a better path. If this is the case, Loki wants to tell you that what you think is the best thing for others, may not be the most suitable thing for them. Some people just lack the energy to stay in a better place, and it's not your responsibility that they're not good enough. Attempting to go through others’ lessons for them, is the worst thing you can do, because not only will they not learn anything from it, now you have to bear the "karma" of screwing up their own lesson. If you don't believe in karma, then I still want to remind you that it's a waste of time and energy to try to make someone become a better person, when they don't have the intention to do so. If you're not the "fated one" to serve them the lesson, then you just cannot do it, no matter how much you care for them, and how much time you spend on them. Also, spoiling them will lead them to keep asking more from you, which probably explains why they're not appreciative of your efforts.
Loki wants to remind you that you're not born to just nurture others. You have to nurture yourself as well. Ironically, if you start taking care of yourself and caring less about how or what others are doing, it helps you to achieve your goal of being a better leader and taking care of others faster. It's because you've been blessed with a great vision that provides you with the charisma and leadership skills to be a leader. What you're worrying about right now is limiting your vision, and it's time to release yourself from it. As soon as the fog is cleared, you will see a new path that leads you to your destination.
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thehealingsystem · 6 months
being an open trans person online is an exhausting experience at best and a traumatizing experience at worse
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lupismaris · 20 days
#nothing makes me truly reaffirm my commitment to being poly like the day after a rugby match#i love my bf. i love them wholly and truly for who they are. i dont want them to change outside of healing. y'know that being the best you.#but i dont want them to be someone else. so the fact theyre not a coddling caregiver isnt something I'm ever going to change in them.#they bring me coffee and check in on me and set reminders for my meds and tell me when they have to leave for errands with mum#but they always have to see to other responsibilities because they are that person.#and I love them for that. i love them for being a dutiful son and a pragmatic foreman who prepares for the week.#what does this have to do with polyam james you may ask? well ill tell you-#im learning as i have been for a while now#that as i am a chief caregiver for many ppl in my life including bf and now the ruggers (im a board member)#i deeply deeply DEEPLY want/need care when im in crisis or at a low point and theres no low point quite like post match#when your systems are coming down from adrenaline and everything fuckin hurts like hell and whats worse you're injured#im not good at being taken care of i acknowledge that. but to be coddled and handled with care rn?#have someone to sit with me and make me food and eat with me and help me stay tethered and hold me a bit and smoke with me#idk not even in a sex sense just to be held and cared for#thats why poly am is a thing for me. i love my partners and I dont want to change them i dont want to force all this on them#certain needs can be met by certain ppl in certain ways etc but love is love it is always love its just shown differently#as i was writing this bf called to say he was bringing home nonalc beer for me. i know he loves me. i know he cares. it's just different.#tbd im so very tired and achy and weepy today dont mind me#the match was great for the squad but im not thrilled with myself#hence wanting to curl up in a hole and not come out
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aceofbooks · 4 months
Posting on main so that I might get a little more attention: to my fellow self shippers, do you get comments/asks about reality shifting? Or have I just unlocked some obscure portion of the community.
Thanks in advance 🩶
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nothing interesting here it's the exact same scene i just like seeing it
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filmcel · 9 months
Hey man, some advice from someone on their way into their mid twenties: don’t continue into higher education if you don’t want to. I know it’s easier said than done, but I mean it wholeheartedly. School is draining, and if just the thought of it is causing you stress, than actually going will be worse. It’s hard when it feels as though there’s all of this pressure to not disappoint yourself parents or anyone else that expects this of you, but you are what matters most. You should be your top priority. You should do the things that are in your own best interest. I tried to go to college multiple times after graduating (and struggling to do so immensely despite the fact that I’m smart and school came easy to me. I was just incredibly burnt out on life by that point) and it never ended up working out. College isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. You’re not less than or a failure for not doing what society tells you you have to do to be successful. You can find meaningful work that doesn’t break your body and soul without college. You can maintain or create new friendships without college. Put yourself first, and you’re doing great 💜
thank you 😭
#saying more in tags bc i’m shy#currently bc i’m so young i’m just going to stay with what i’m doing#i was able to figure out my shit for today and i start next week#i’m an easy quitter so if i fucking despise it u best believe i’m leaving#but maybe it ends up being amazing. i rlly don’t know .#just doing this now to please my family.#i still work and i have friends. my future goals aren’t limited to school and i have to remind myself of that.#getting a life outside of school has helped me become a better person i think.#and i hope if i remember that i do have a life outside of school i’ll survive going to class if i know it’s not the end of the world if i’m#not the absolute best.#for now i’m too young to say no to my parents#all things considered i should just say no#but living w them is hell dealing w this#i think my best option is to dip my toes in and see how it goes.#i don’t even have to push myself too hard. and they won’t either bc they know anything is better than nothing#but i do not regret at all the time i spent out of school#i was able to work so much and as annoying as work can b i’m very grateful i got to do that#bc not only has that helped me make my closest friends but also …MONEY.#soon i’ll get a car. and soon i can start planning my own future#captain’s log#One step at a time ☝️🙏#incoming transmission#i appreciate u anon .#but this year i’m going to try and b easy on myself#we’ll see how that goes#also it’s low stakes bc it’s just community college#maybe if i can take stuff that interests me i can figure myself out more#bc while ik ever job doesn’t NEED college degree. idk what i want to work in.#there’s things i’d love to do. but i have zero knowledge of anything
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I don't think adachi I'd part of the Ichipolycule cause he is loyal to kashiwagi
They are on their third divorce but he knows he will take him back
adachi and kashiwagi can chaperone the ichipolycule field trips to the aquarium they just have to make sure those crazy kids are back by 5PM or theyre getting in the van and driving back to the bar and eating dinner without them
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hearties-circus · 1 year
I kinda feel like I've just hard erased any happiness or elation I had from being done with school all just so I wouldnt get asked a stupid question anymore I hate this I hate this
#gamer txt.#not once have i actually fucking wanted to go to college this was just the only way to make ppl stop asking me about jobs#but im realising now that was a stupid decision and i hate that i made it i hate tgat i had the chance to back out and didnt#the only thing that made school worth it before was my friends that was the only time id get to see them#now im going back to school completely without them like a fucking idiot#i know college is different from highschool i get that and i do want to learn fab weld but fuck me this was dumb#i know damn well im not going to make any new friends during this course im more terrified of people than ive ever been#and i stick out from my class like a sore thumb#whats worse is my nervousness from this has started fucking with my appetite and hunger and that is the worst possible thing it could do#that is like the number one way to break me#im already in such a vulnerable state i do not need constant fucking reminders of trauma i cant fucking escape#and im meant to just be normal and be a person and go to class on monday?#im this close 👌 to just dogging it. im pretty sure ill be getting the train in like i could full well just fuck off and leave#its not like they have my mums number she wouldnt know any different from what i told her#can i not just stay in the purgatory of being a teen old enough to be done with school but young enough to not have a job forever ?#please? im not ready for this im not i couldnt be less ready for this why did i let myself succumb to this pressure? i hate it#g-d i havent cried in. months now. this feels so. this is too much this is way too much fot me i cant do this#i dont know how i thought i could when the hell have i ever been able to do something like this on my own#theres nothing to me on my own i dont have any confidence i dont have any strength i need my friends for that and i dont have them
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diurnalcritters · 10 months
Tumblr media
Day 449
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elsolaer · 1 year
i have many thoughts in general but this tidbit from tingyun's voice lines is one of the things i wanna elaborate some more on at some point...
" Every time I head out, I leave a letter behind and lock it in the drawers of my shop. If I come back, then I'll burn it later. If I don't... then it'll be something for others to remember me by."
#OOC.#this post is more of a reminder to myself before i go try to write some stuff for nat and/or stelle#but idk i like her concept of being pacifistic despite the inherent dangers of her position as... basically a galactic ambassador?#it says that most reps take weapons with them but she refuses to because she believes that you should build relationships from a foundation#of peace instead of threat of violence#which has worked in her favor but idk its kinda sombering knowing that she basically leaves her last words in a letter every time sh#e leaves for another planet to do her job because she knows shes leaving herself vulnerable if somebody wanted to do something to hurt her#and she burns it every time she comes back only to rewrite it again months later when she goes on her next trip#xi.anzhou's lore is ROUGH dont get me wrong but theres a lot of fun concepts in there that im smashing together LMAO#also her traveling the way she does opens up so much room to meet literally anybody#its just jarilo-vi right now but as more worlds open up it just gives her more room to work with#also the fact that it opens up a lot of possiblities for world building for her to come to these planets because she's there ON business an#trade & commerce is one of the BIGGEST things a society needs. one decision could steer the entire direction of their society in a complete#y different direction#like even just introducing more leisurely/hobby focused products can be a huge turning point for a war stricken world#or better materials for their tech and their buildings#new crops in exchange for what they have#literally the exchange we see in her lore is her discussing taking just a few samples of a world's plants and growing it on xianzhou for#commercial sale AND that world would recieve shipments of said crops along with wahtever other deals they struck#and blablabla yes i know capitalism whatever. tis the way of the world and i think its really interesting frmo a worldbuilding standpoint#tingyuns a very interesting character because she can change a lot of things in very little time in the big picture#i feel like she's commonly brushed off as a shallow character who doesnt do much but she's one of the most accomplished characters in xian#zhou EASILY#yes you could argue that jing yuan is more because of his general shit or yukong is the helm master blablabla like Yes they are also very#accomplished but she is the literal only reason that the grand fairs are FAMOUS throughout the galaxy. they werent until she took leadershi#she's completed trade missions to SIXTEEN different panets and is implied to have formed alliances with at least a few of them#and was the one to renew xianzhou's mutual alliance with the IPC#i dunno#also i think people see her as way more of a trickster than she is#like ... i thought she was too but she really isn't particularly mischevious? girls tried to leave MULTIPLE times during the story bc she
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sk3l3t0n444 · 1 year
#im a fucking liar and imma vent in the tags#a server i was in got fucking raided with homophobes calling me a faggot and telling me to cut myself#and i miss people that arent coming back#and you can guess if youve been following me for a while#i miss them#so much#but i feel like i cant talk about it#like they were the only person i could imagine spending my life with and just like that they were gone#i cant function at all...everything reminds me of them and it hurts#what am i supposed to do now? just act like it never happened? cuz i cant#they changed my life...and to forget is like forgetting the best parts of my life#but those memories hurt too much#and i miss my brother...but no...hes not moving back here#and hes happy there...but i miss him...#and maybe its selfish...but just seeing him leave and not talk to me every day? it hurts like hell#all i have is my friend#and i feel bad putting this all on her cuz shes amazing#and she doesnt need to try and fix it...it cant be fixed#and i just want her to realize that ill be fine on my own#but the truth is i wont#i cant even begin to think of what life would be like without her#she celebrates good things with me#mourns bad things with me#and i dont need her to feel sad or like she has to be responsible for me#and im so clingy to her that shes prolly so sick of me#like she prolly has had to stop herself from blocking me#and she fucking saved me so many times...and she doesnt know how many#i would be sitting there with a blade or pills in my hand and she would call or text and be a guiding light for me#and im prolly becoming codependant on her and i need to give her some space but i cant#anyways thats 30 tags now ummmmmm well ill prolly reblog this and keep venting cuz im a mess
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
it’s 7:25 and I’m discussing dolls once again
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neverendingford · 4 months
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