#you guys wanna hear about my trip to nyc with a club
I don't think adachi I'd part of the Ichipolycule cause he is loyal to kashiwagi
They are on their third divorce but he knows he will take him back
adachi and kashiwagi can chaperone the ichipolycule field trips to the aquarium they just have to make sure those crazy kids are back by 5PM or theyre getting in the van and driving back to the bar and eating dinner without them
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gogglor · 3 years
Cap-IronMan RecWeek: Something New Saturday
A bit late on this one (life stuff happened, like it usually does), but I didn’t want to miss reccing some fics that have come out in the past year that I’ve found to be absolutely brilliant for @cap-ironman recweek, so here they are.
The Facility
Author: WilmaKins
Word Count: 155,769
Summary: After coming so close to losing against Thanos, the Avengers have decided to set aside their differences and work as a team again. Well, they're trying... But there are a lot of hurts that haven't gone away, and a lot of things still unsaid, and a lot of tension... And that was BEFORE Tony accidentally ended up on an undercover mission with Steve as his fake boyfriend - at what turns out to be an alien sex club.
Why You Should Read It:
WilmaKins is a fluff’n’smut master. They’ve also got a real talent for taking wild ideas and making them work super freaking well. If you wanna read something creative and fun and steamy, check them out.
The Facility is another one pretty outside my fic comfort zone, and another one I’m really glad I read. Steve and Tony are both still hurting really badly from the events of Civil War when they get assigned to go undercover to a shifty couples retreat that turns out to be an alien sex club with lots and lots of drugs. Drugs that can make you do things like acting on the things you want, and saying what you think out loud. It’ll be fine. Anyway, this fic’s probably the best exploration I’ve ever seen of Tony and Steve’s feelings post-Civil War. Check it out if you’re in the mood for a feels trip.
A Common Guttersnipe
Author: BeTheFlame
Word Count: 67,271
Summary: When Steve Rogers walks down the runway, Tony Stark stops breathing. He must have this man as a client - he can make him the biggest movie star the world has ever known. And then they meet, and Steve opens his mouth, and that accent nearly kills Tony. He makes Steve a bet - in six months, he can make even Anna Wintour think that Steve graduated from Phillips Exeter, and in return, Steve will let Tony sign him as a client. Steve takes the bet, thinking he has nothing to loose. And then he learns that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, that he could have danced all night, and that the world will still run without Tony Stark, but goddamn if he wants it to.
Why You Should Read It:
Here’s the thing: I am not an AU person. I like them occasionally, but for the most part I prefer turn-left fics and fics that just build new adventures into existing universes. But then there’s people like Flame that exist out there who specialize in AU’s and who seem to be on a crusade to change my mind and... it’s kinda working.
Guttersnipe was pretty much all anyone could talk about in the Stony discord while it was being updated because wow, what a fic. The OC’s are interesting and well-developed. The relationships are human and real. The dialog is fantastic. The tie-ins to the play are delightful easter eggs. It’s just... a really captivating, interesting, beautiful story. What more can you ask for?
keep me warm
Author: maguna_stxrk
Word Count: 4,024
Summary: Steve will take any and every opportunity to touch and be as physically close as possible to his husband, thank you very much.(Or, five times Steve demonstrates that physical touch is very much his love language and one time Tony seeks him out for it.)
Why You Should Read It:
If you read enough fanfics, you get to know which authors you can go to to get whatever it is you’re craving. BeTheFlame’s got the creative AUs. Scifigrl47′s got stories that’ll make you laugh. Mizzy’s got the ones with lots of exciting twists. And maguna_stxrk’s got the fluff. And what magnificent fluff it is.
This is just a delightful little fic about how much Steve likes to show his love for Tony through physical touch. It’s tooth-rotting and lighter than air, and absolutely delightful. Good read if you need a pick-me-up.
And I’ll end with a self-rec.
15 Things To Do in NYC If You’ve Been Stuck in an Ice Berg for 70 Years
Author: gogglor
Word Count: 39,885
Summary: Tony and Steve can't stand each other, but they agree for the sake of the team and the people that rely on them that they have to figure out a way to get along. So they come up with a plan to spend time together, in the form of a Buzzfeed listicle of things to do in New York City. Because if you go to enough museums with the guy you can't stand, you should *eventually* stop hating him, right? Come for the slow burn, stay for everyone's opinions on Cats the musical and a story about teenage Tony stealing an ice cream truck in an attempt to get laid.
Why You Should Read It:
During the pandemic I had a really rough time missing all the stuff I love to do in New York City. One day I realized I could do them vicariously through my two favorite fictional ding dongs, and this fic was born.
Steve and Tony go from enemies to friends to lovers by going on a bunch of outings together in NYC that were recommended in a Buzzfeed listicle. They learn more about each other and themselves, grow closer, and ultimately fall in love. Some readers have also commented that they plan to use this fic as a guide for some fun things to do in NYC if they ever come to visit, which I’m delighted to hear since it means sharing the things I love about this city with more people.
I was gonna try to write my Sunday post before midnight struck but it looks like I’m too late and too tired. Tomorrow I’ll post my last rec list for fics that were made for Cap-Ironman events, and I’m pleased to say I’ve saved some of the best for last.
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shadowsandtea · 7 years
Better late than never!
Soooo I got tagged by @draco-can-slytherin, @perenelleflamelle, @siriusmaraudeers, & @whompingwillowy to do these questions and I’M SO SORRY IT HAS TAKEN ME SO LONG BUT IMMA BE AN OVERACHIEVER AND ANSWER THEM ALL BC YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME AND THIS WAS FUN. 
Thanks for including me *:.
1. what do you see in the mirror of erised?
- Me, traveling all over the world with my friends/husband & then settling down in a gorgeous modern log cabin home somewhere in the mountains with my husband and several doggos.
2. if you could travel in time, would you? where? 
- Either “The Roaring 1920s” in NYC, so I could be a flapper girl that defied Prohibition and spent all my nights in elegant jazz clubs. Or the 1950s Hollywood with all the old movie stars, where everything was incredibly glamorous. OR the 1960s, so I could embrace my inner hippie/flower child.
3. your last meal on earth - what is it?
- OMG THIS IS SO HARD. I’m gonna have to go with some kind of pizza or pasta, bc they’ve always been there for me.
4. would you want to be a ghost?
- I think it’d be pretty cool, as long as I wasn’t stuck on the earth due to some tragic death or bc I was holding a horrible grudge.
5. what’s your greatest dream?
- To be a travel blogger, or famous actress. Also, getting to travel to space would be pretty amazing!
1. What is something that reminds you of your childhood or a great memory in general? (scents, shows, people, etc)
-The smell of honeysuckle, Angry Beavers & Sailor Moon, feeling the warm sea breeze coming through the car window on the way to the beach, the smells/tastes of carnival food, the colors of autumn leaves, dog hair, the smell of a out door fire pit and freshly cut grass, thunderstorms (my dad and I used to sit outside on the porch and watch them, counting the miles between us and the lightening)
2. What’s your perfect weather?
- If I’m outside, then low to mid 70s & partly sunn. If I’m inside, cold with snow flurries.
3. What’s your favorite past time//activity?
- Reading, going to the movies, being outside and exploring!!!, camping, trips to the beach
4. If you could only talk to one person for the rest of your life who would it be and why?
- Idk if I could ever choose between my husband, parents, or best friend. They’re all so incredibly important to me.
5. What is your star sing and do you agree that you have the traits?
- Scorpio. I’d say I exhibit a lot of the traits of my sign. I am intuitive, determined, very stubborn, and can be intense when I really care about something. I am also very attracted to the unknown/mysterious. I can be secretive and don’t always like to show my emotions. I like to look and feel like I have everything in control. I can manipulative if there’s something I want, but not to the point of causing another person harm. 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure?
- Watching old movies from my childhood and baking shows. Also, FRIED PICKLES
7. If you can learn any language which one would you choose and why?
- French or Spanish. French so I could go live in Paris for a few months & actually be able to have in depth conversations with others. Spanish bc there are multiple countries that speak Spanish so it’s practical; plus, it always sounds so exotic & passionate when you hear it.
8. What animal do you relate to the most?
- Catdog. Like, the cartoon. I wanna be showered in love and affection but I also wanna be left alone cause “I’m an independent cat and I don’t need no hooman” but also let me cuddle you cause I’m a dog.
9. What is “home” to you?
- Home is where I’m the happiest/my best self. It’s where I feel like I truly belong. I am one to have multiple homes.
10. Do you like space or the sea, why or why not?
- Ahh man, I know this is a cop-out but I love them both!
11. What’s your favorite type of food?
- I love Asian, Indian, & Italian food.
1. What are your favorite letters and why? (doesn’t even have to be letters in the English alphabet) 
- Idk? Y is kinda cool, cause there are so many different ways to write it and everyone can kinda make it their own.
2. Describe your fashion sense.
- My style is eclectic/comfy. I mostly keep it pretty casual, but I love comfy, girly attire like sundresses and maxi skirts. Occasionally I’ll try & pull off something funkier like an old t-shirt & leather jacket.
3. What is your wand information? Do you like your wand or nah? Why?
- According to Pottermore, my wand is Ash wood, 10 ¾ in with a phoenix feather core. I adore my wand, and I think it fits me perfectly. Ash wood is incredibly loyal to it’s original owner, and is suited best for those who are stubborn, courageous, strong, and wise, with the potential to discover new knowledge. Ash was thought by the ancient Norse to “hold the earth and the sky together”, and is said to possess indescribable knowledge of things we cannot comprehend. It is also said that king Odin sacrificed himself on an Ash tree in order to gain knowledge and wisdom of ancient runes. The Druid saying for Ash is “Know yourself, and you will know the world.” In Greek mythology, Ash is representative of protection and strength and is very suitable for healers (which definitely applies to me, since I’m a nurse). It is also a wood type commonly found among Ravenclaws (my house) & Rowena Ravenclaw is said to have had an Ash wood wand. Phoenix feather is the rarest core type, and is capable of the greatest range of magic. Wands with this core type are extremely picky of their owners and are the hardest to tame, but once they are, their allegiance to their owner is nearly unbreakable.
SO I guess what I’m trying to say is……
 It’ll do, fo sho.
4. What is your patronus? Do you like it or relate to it? Why?
- I have gotten both an otter & a Thestral as my patronus and I just wanna say, for the record, I’M COOL WITH EITHER. Otters are one of my favorite animals and Thestrals are my favorite magical creature. Otters bc they’re cute and fluffy, they love to swim and they mate for life! Thestrals are incredibly misunderstood & even considered a bad omen, but thanks to the OG Luna Lovegood, we learned that they are actually very gentle and intelligent. I also think it’s cool that you can only see them once you’ve witnessed death. As a nurse, I’ve had to deal with my fair share of death, & I think they bring something profoundly beautiful to it.
5. What genre of music are you and why?
- The relaxing, instrumental guitar songs you hear in coffee shops, or the Sia “CHANDELIER” song. There is no in between.
6. What is one way you’ve changed in the past 5-10 years?
- I’ve become a lot less reliant on others for things, both emotionally and physically. I’ve gained more mental strength & resilience & am able to bounce back from the negativity in my life much more quickly than I used to. 
7. What would your boggart be?
I’m like Molly Weasley when it comes to this one. The death of a loved one is the worst thing I could possibly imagine.
8. What element do you identify with the best? (the four elements, not the periodic table…)
- Water!
9. What wild animal would you wish to own? (if it was safe for both you and the animal of course)
- An otter, wolf, or tiger.
10. If you could live in a different time period and place, what would it be?
- I don’t think I’d want to live in any other time period permanently, but it would be cool to visit some other eras/places. I’d be so intrigued to see the future, but also terrified!
11. List all of the labels you use to describe yourself (christian, humanist, gay, vegetarian, etc. –as long as you’re comfortable listing them).
-Christian. Vegetarian. Bisexual. Animal activist. Feminist. Nurse. Nerd. Her/She. HUMAN BEING
1. What really pisses you off?
Oh LORDD, don’t get me started. 
- Just to name a few: Internet scrolling/bullying (actually, make that ALL bullying), animal cruelty, close-minded people, laziness (extreme cases–I understand everyone can get lazy on occasion), when people are just hateful and negative for no damn reason.

2. What are your favorite features on your own body? What about in your personality?
- My eyes & eyebrows. I have a giant heart and a good head on my shoulders. I like my sense of adventure (& get bummed sometimes when people aren’t on the same level as me).

3. Sun, moon, or stars?
- Probably the stars, but I love the moon too!

4. What is a cool fact that you know?
- Your skin is actually the largest organ in your body, and your liver is the only organ that can REGENERATE ITSELF.

5. What’s your favorite tv show?
- I have waaayyy too many. To name a few: Grey’s Anatomy, GoT, Parks & Rec, Brooklyn 99, Outlander

6. Do you want to have kids? Why or why not? How many?
- I go so back and forth. I know I don’t want to have any for a few more years, there is still a lot I want to achieve for myself before I settle down & have a family. However, I can’t imagine going my entire life without them.

7. What’s your favorite genre to read? What about to write?
- I love mystery, thriller, paranormal, & adventure/fantasy. I love to write Draco fanfiction, or any fanfiction for that matter.

8. Cats or dogs?
- I love them both, but probably doggos

9. Where would you love to live?
- I’m pretty open to a lot of places. Some places that would be super cool are NorCal, the Pacific Northwest, Arizona, Colorado, somewhere with lots of history and beautiful buildings like Charleston, SC or Savannah, GA, or somewhere in the gorgeous Blue Ridge mountains like Asheville, NC. Even if I’m not living in a large city, I’d like to be relatively close to one! 

10. If you had all the money in the world, what is the first thing you’d buy for yourself?
- An awesome camper van & enough supplies to road trip around the US for a year! I’d also buy my parents a nice vacation home!

11. What is something you hope happens before you die?
- I get to see as much of the world as possible & have a happy, healthy family
1. What is one skill you wish you had?
- Telepathy. That shit would be so useful and a great party trick. Realistically though, I wish I could paint and be better at public speaking.
2. What are your favorite names? 
So this is kinda pathetic, but I actually keep a list of names I like for future reference! London, Peyton, Paris, Parker, Harper, Ezra, Rowan, Bailey, Jackson, McKenna, Norman (for a pup), Austin, Jasper (for a pup), Theo, Tristan, Amelia, Summer, Grayson, Finnick (for a pup), Reese, Oakley (for a pup), Bigby (for a pup)
3. Tell me about your dreams! Do you remember them? Are they in color or black and white? Any really weird or interesting ones lately? Recurring dreams?
- I very rarely remember them. Sometimes I’ll remember bits and pieces or a certain feeling they leave me with.
4. Tell me about something beautiful that other people might overlook.
- A homeless person sacrificing something or doing something kind for another person.
5. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
- My husband trying to sing in a high pitched voice o_O
6. Tell me a fictional character you relate to and why.
- Hermione. She can be a bossy & stubborn know-it-all, but she has a huge heart, means well, and truly cares for those she loves. Plus, she was one of the only ones fighting for the equality of House Elves (whether they wanted it or not). #spewforlife
7. Describe your perfect meal.
- At this very moment: Fresh, homemade papperdelle noodles with vodka sauce, spinach, tomatoes & mushrooms with a large glass of red wine/rose, followed by coffee & chocolate lava cake for dessert. On a balcony. In Italy. At nighttime. Stars everywhere. Aaaaaaand I’m drooling.
8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
- I think I actually answered this one earlier :)
9. Where/when/how did you meet your favorite person?
- I met one at a Mexican restaurant with mutual friends in high school (my best friend) and the other at a wedding in Florida before my final year in college (my husband)
10. Do you sing along with music? Are you any good at it?
- I always sing along. I love to sing! I’m actually pretty good at it, but there are only a few people I’ll sing in front of.
11. Tell me something you wish you had said, with or without context.
- NO. (That’s my answer! I’m not saying no to the question, haha) I say this bc I have a hard time saying “no” to people. I’m a big people pleaser.
WHEW! My brain hurts. Hopefully I got them all :)
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