#i just noticed each of these asks
erigold13261 · 11 months
Hello this is me again back with the HCs… since I can’t get enough of these characters interacting and JJK canon is… depressing as of now. (Seriously, don’t take this AU as a reliable source for what JJK is like because it’s 100 percent of me begging for a happy ending for the silly blorbos and none of them got that, sprinkled with canon info too) (and yes it is quite normal for Japanese kids to call each other by their surnames, even if they’re close, especially if they are of a different gender, but maybe in this world Shoko does refer to its friends with their given names)
Yu looks up to Suguru bc they were going to the same karate school (extracurriculars). Yu looks up to Suguru a lot. 
Shoko has a friend called Iori Utahime, and they are pretty close. However, Utahime hates Satoru’s guts, and maybe in this world would be disappointed at Shoko’s actions.
Although Kento is aroace, he has a close bond with Yu. Maybe it’s bc they never fitted in with their peers. Maybe it’s bc they both love helping others. Maybe it’s bc Kento was the first person to hear that Yu was trans other than his own family. (Kento is romance neutral, and sex repulsed.)
Hence: GhostAshFlower+Kento. You can just see each of them doing their own thing, drawing, reading, listening to music, but they find that they are close by. (Miles loves to touch Yu’s leaf hair, and Gwen is just snuggling with Miles. Kento is having some quality time with Yu.) (Kento is touch averse, but does not mind being touched by the other three + SaSiSu.) 
Suguru was the second person to hear that Yu was trans, and that made them start to question their gender.
Satoru and Kento both have a strange grasp on gender. They’re both cis… but not really? (Especially Satoru)
Yu didn’t know about the trans flag because his parents didn’t want him to step into the more… “unacceptable” side of things, being afraid that their son would receive hate. (His parents are actually Bi4Bi, and know what it is like to be in that circumstance of being hated due to who you are, so wanted to keep him safe.) Eventually they talked things out, and are all more out and proud. 
Miles has his sketchbook of people in Nueva York that he met. Each of the people on his floor has a page or more dedicated to them. 
Instrument HCs? Instrument HCs! Satoru can either go with the maracas or the launchpad, an instrument for mixing songs. By hitting one of the buttons, you can get a particular sound. Felt like this would fit him, since it’s filled with surprises and people wouldn’t know what sound would come out until you hit the buttons. (Reading this explanation, this might fit Suguru more.) Suguru with the piano or keyboard since it can go with multiple genres, just like their magic. (Also bc I read a fic of them with the HC that they used to play the piano.) It would be nice if Shoko could create sounds from its own body, since it is part glass, like a wine glass that emits sounds if you rub them with wet fingers. Both Kento and Yu play the guitar, since a guitar can also be used as a weapon to bash people or slice them. (Genre wise, Satoru is more EDM, Suguru is neoclassical like Yinu, Shoko is more rock based, and Yu and Kento are Rock.)
Of the JJK gang, only Yu is an extrovert. Everyone else either a) just not interested in making friends (Shoko and Nanami, although Shoko has another friend outside of SaSiSu and Nanami has Yu), b) have many ‘friends’ but they do not truly care for who they actually are (Satoru and Suguru).
It would be sad if SaSiSu didn’t know where they were going on the ride to Nueva York, but Nanami and Yu know. Liv shushes them when they try to tell SaSiSu that they are going fucking overseas, to another continent. 
The first few days the JJK gang were in Nueva York was quite wild. Satoru would be a bastard to anybody (far worse than usual), Suguru and Shoko are both pissed at themselves/each other for being caught, Yu is trying to pretend that everything is fine when he clearly isn’t, and Nanami has gone fully nonverbal and not responding to other people.
Did Liv ever do experiments or research on the kids at Nueva York? If so, I can see mostly (the sole exception being Ham) everyone flinching when they hear her voice. It’s worse in the JJK gang bc she was one of the people responsible for taking them here. 
The kids have learned quite a lot of swear words in various languages. EG: After Liv was defeated, Yu told her “¡Que te jodan, Liv!” (He saved up swearing for this moment, unlike the rest of his friends who were swearing regularly.) 
I can imagine Pav can summon extra sets of arms like his cousin. Seeing that, Shoko and Yu both tried to do so, and it worked. Magic buddies.
Hobie would never admit it, but they see SaSiSu as younger sibling figures. DJ sub sees Satoru as their son-figure to some extent too. 
DJ sub: “I have a son now.”
Neon J: “Did you… cheat on me?”
This is why I want Satoru and blues buddies to wear Halloween costumes based on the NSR megaartists. Satoru with a DJ sub hoodie, (it’s oversized, and blue decided to get as much candy as blue could as blue has a massive sweet tooth), Suguru as either Neon J or Catherine, Shoko as Tatiana (they use this chance to boss everyone around, trying to get the others to carry around their candy bucket, none of them mind), Yu as Neon J, Haym or Sayu, and Kento as Yinu or someone else. (Def not Eve) (DJ NECROPOLIS! THAT IS PERFECT FOR KENTO) (Although I would love to say Japanese Yokai would be a match for their costumes, it’s too close to the depressing canon material aka the Shibuya Incident arc, since they fight against them)
Miles and Gwen went for a matching costume, maybe as B2J? (Although Gwen was satisfied with a simple costume as a traffic cone, Miles went the extra… mile to get or make them a great costume) Margo dressed as Hatsune Miku, or maybe Peni did that (Peni can maybe wear matching costumes with Yinu, Carna, Synthia, etc), Noir as a pilot, (the goggles that they wear in ITSV are aviator goggles), Ham as Marilyn Monroe, Hobie as a glam rockstar ( or they say that Halloween is a capitalistic stunt that megacorporations pull and not join), Pavitr and Gayatri dress as matching vampires (anyway it’s romantic), Ganke as… (I am out of ideas lol) 
In canon, Suguru wears huge piercings and… *looks at Hobie and Bunny* … lets just say all of them jumped on the chance of being able to do some cool stuff 
Nanami’s Ratio power in this world sometimes works like Benny the space man in the Lego Movie. He could lightly hit something, and it would snap in the perfect ratio of 7:3.
How SaSiSu first met HC:
Satoru was forced to go through with an arranged marriage, with him meeting a bunch of girls. For obvious reasons, he isn’t interested. He would coldly turn them down, and now the Gojo clan was running out of options, and sought out the Ieiri family, with their daughter who has healing powers. Shoko met Satoru for the first time, and immediately told blues that they were not in this whole ordeal for marrying the strongest, they were in it for blues family’s money. Hearing how honest they were, Satoru laughed and told Shoko that he would “marry” them so that their parents could get off their asses. Both families are relieved that the two were getting along, and would follow their rules. Little did they know, these two were looking for Satoru’s potential boyfriend, while doing normal friend things for the first time. Then they meet Suguru. They are unfazed by the two, and tell them something. Satoru got pissed with that, but later realized that Suguru was seeing blues for the person blue really was. …the rest is history.
It makes me happy that these HCs make you happy! I hope you have a great day/evening!
Glad you like sending these in! One thing though, these asks seem to be getting bigger and bigger. Do you think you could try breaking them up next time you send in some? Like if it’s a group of headcanons connected then you can send in a longer one, or even a bunch of unconnected ones, but try not to make these asks super long.
I am ABSOLUTELY okay with you sending in multiple asks with headcanons! They don’t all have to be on one ask. I just know some people might get annoyed seeing a SUPER long ask (which is why I put my answers under a cut to reduce the length even more).
I’m definitely having fun answering these, but the length is getting a bit long lol. I’m totally fine with multiple asks being sent, so don’t worry about “spamming” my inbox or whatever! :3
[EDIT: I mess up the read more! Woops! So sorry about the SUPER long post because of that!]
Also that is neat to know about how Japanese kids (well the whole culture) use surnames! Love learning about different cultures!
(Also also, finally made a spot in my document for a lot of the basic info for each of the characters so I don’t have to keep trying to find an ask to corroborate my answer to ask lol)
-Karate: Suguru kicking Yu’s ass in a sparring match and Yu just being so impressed at Suguru’s skill lol.
-Utahime: I thought that said Utahime hated SHOKO’s guts and thought this was some kind of one-sided friendship like Vendetta and Charlotte in Making Fiends lol!
Anyway, I can see Utahime probably blaming Satoru for the whole scheme and saying Shoko is not at fault at all (basically being blinded by friendship). But she does end up being disappointed in Shoko’s actions when it explains that it was at just as much fault as Satoru (and Suguru).
-Aroace Kento: Heck yea! Me and Kento are a similar type of AroAce! :3
Glad him and Yu are really good friends though. I can kinda see Yu maybe having had a crush on Kento at some point. Maybe that helped Kento realize he was AroAce, or maybe he knew before hand and Yu absolutely respected that. I don’t know, but it’s a nice thought to think about to me that something like that happened and they stayed friends.
-GhostAshFlower+Kento: I find touch to be easier when it’s not skin-on-skin contact so maybe Kento leaning against Yu with a pillow or blanket between them (like back to back or side to side leaning) is a way for Yu to get a type of physical contact when Miles and Gwen are doing solo snuggles. 
Sure small touches from these three and SaSiSu are okay, but for longer touches I can see Kento needing something between him and the other person (also depends on touch, like enveloping touches like hugs are a no-go, but leaning against each other or holding onto a sleeve is okay for longer periods of time with these people).
Definitely think this would be something Zimelu would suggest them to try if Kento wanted to get more physical but did not actually want to be touched (I definitely have wanted hugs but not to be touched at all so I can see Kento wanted a hug or something without being touched or enveloped and so this is a kinda good solution/coping mechanism that could be done).
-Gender relations: Yu starting a chain reaction lol. Kento and Satoru questioning is pretty cool. I can see them being like cis+ or something. Like they explore gender and all that but might end up realizing they are cis except with a much better understanding of themselves because of that exploration (or maybe realize they aren’t cis, or are like cis adjacent where they are close enough to being cis but not far enough to feel comfortable to use a different label).
-Trans flag/Yu’s parents: Ah, the classic “we love and care for you so much we are going to shelter you” trope. Obviously they are doing what they think is best in this situation, knowing how unaccepting people can be, but hiding the “unacceptable” stuff can also cause their kid to end up in a bad situation because of lack of knowledge depending on the situation.
Thankfully Yu was able to find friends who loved and cared for him, and had a good family to support him (and was also stealth for a long time), so he didn’t end up in an area/situation where he could have gotten very hurt because he wasn’t given the knowledge on how to be careful.
At least that is what hiding information seems like to me. If I know a specific bad thing could happen because of how I identify, that is knowledge I can use to navigate a situation I’ve never been in before but know about. For Yu, because he was being protected from seeing the “bad” side of things, he could have gotten into a situation and had no idea how to handle it (also this brings up the idea of what some people see as unacceptable vs others and how it can really change what is hidden based on who is hiding information).
-Sketchbook: Love the idea that since Miles got to Nueva York he just started drawing a whole bunch lol. Like the schooling in Nueva York is probably not as advanced as his school (which I think is a private school? idk) so he gets a lot of stuff finished quickly and has a lot of time to kill between counseling sessions and mandated hobby activities. So he just draws a bunch and so has like 3-4 biggish sketchbooks filled out by the time he leaves (which is a lot of drawing for the short amount of time he was at Nueva York).
Wonder if he ever wants to give his pages away to people but also wants to keep his sketchbooks intact. Definitely ends up finding a printer/scanner and gives out his better works to people he’s drawn.
-Instruments: With how influential and controlling Satoru’s family is, blue definitely knows how to play some kind of instrument. Usually I would say that a rich family would make their kids learn how to play something classical like piano or violin, but with how EDM has been the dominant music genre for years in the world thanks to Vinyl City, Satoru was probably forced to learn some kind of electric instrument/music tool. Honestly, the electric violin seems like something Satoru’s family would force blue to learn.
When he gets some more freedom though, he would probably really like something percussion based like maracas (or even a tambourine) or the launchpad so blue could have fun and be unpredictable so that it feels so much more freeing to make/play music now than when he was with his family.
Suguru playing piano and then going to a keyboard is a cool idea. Makes me think that’s the reason Satoru even found out about the launchpad, because Suguru was playing on a keyboard that could record sounds (like Gene Belcher’s keyboard from Bob’s Burgers) and he was having fun making keys play random sounds.
As for Shoko, pretty sure the wine glass thing needs like an opening for that to happen, like it being a thin walled bowl, so I don’t think they would be able to do that. The only place on their body that could possibly do that is the back when the cork is out. However, it could be inspired in its own body and end up playing glasses as like a gimmick! (also for some reason like the idea that Shoko plays the flute, idk why but I like it).
Genre-wise, I definitely see Satoru having EDM as a kind of comfort pick since that is what blue knew for most of his life and played a lot. Maybe blue ends up joining Suguru in playing regular classical music Shoko with Rock as a change of pace and to break free from some negative emotions associated with EDM that he has from his family.
Suguru playing neoclassical is pretty good. Probably plays some classical music at times without EDM influences just to relax (or like, he makes a bunch of random sounds for each key and plays like Bach or Beethoven with random ass sounds lol).
Shoko, Yu, and Kento being rock I think makes sense. Imagine if that is another reason Satoru’s family didn’t like Shoko lol, it plays rock which is “obviously not a good genre since no Vinyl City musician plays it” (this is the family’s ideology with rock as they are powerful enough to see how rock was thrown out of the city over the course of a decade and realized it was a dying genre. All of this was before the revolution which probably didn’t change the family’s mind all that much).
-Introverts/Extrovert: Yu is the extrovert that drags the introverted friends around to make more friends lol. But honestly yeah, having a LOT of friends is really exhausting and also the fact it takes an introvert like me at least 2-3 years of knowing someone before I even call them a friend at all (which just makes the idea of making new friends super hard for me to want to do).
At least these 5 have each other for friends! I’m sure Yu will help the group grow more (like with the arachnikids) so hopefully the other 4 can make more close friends without even realizing it.
-Nueva York Ride: I honestly think they would know where they were going. The counselors (or even just Miguel) would have explained everything (or everything they needed to know) to the teens before getting them on the bus. They wouldn’t have a choice whether they were going or not, but they wouldn’t be kept in the dark because that could be a dangerous situation where people with powers are freaking out thinking they are being kidnapped or something (even if they have power suppressing watches on, having these teens freak out or be in the total dark is not something that will be good for them).
Olivia would honestly be really chatty with the kids. She would tell them how different exercises would go and how this is going to be a learning experience for everyone on how their powers work. Basically she would be talking more about the science side of things and how great this is and to look on the bright side. Honestly this would probably freak the teens out a little bit thinking that Miguel lied to them and they are being taken to a lab to be experimented on like animals (which… is kinda true).
-First days: Yeah, that’s basically how I see it going as well. Those reactions are basically the main reactions that come out of all newbies who get to Nueva York. Another reaction would be total obedience, thinking that doing everything you are told as perfectly as possible will get you out sooner. All these reactions apply to people who were forced to go to Nueva York, those who volunteered to go are a lot more calm about being there on their first few days (obviously because they had the choice).
-Experiments: Technically she does. But it’s more like she takes like blood and hair samples from the kids, helps with physicals, and makes them use their powers in certain tests for observation and possibly manipulation (like having a watch on a low setting and making the kids use their powers).
It’s not like she is sticking needles with multicolor liquids into these kids or performing vivisections or something. She probably would if it weren’t completely unethical, and anyone who works with her can tell that, which is why almost everyone who sees her scientist side is freaked out by her.
Did I say that Ham is not afraid of Liv? I swear I thought I said they were afraid of Olivia. I can honestly say that Ham would be the one Liv cared about least because their powers can’t really work when afraid, so them being afraid of her makes their power super weak as they can’t find humor in the situation. (Maybe Ham doesn’t flinch because they are frozen in fear. This is also why Jonathan has to be the one to fight Liv because she traumatized everyone else so much they are too afraid to fight, well maybe except Hobie who would have gladly fought Olivia if it knew it wasn’t needed with the Miguel fight).
Anyway, I like the idea that Olivia is like Moira from Overwatch. She is willing to do anything for the pursuit of science, even experimenting on herself or others. The only real difference is that Liv is a lot more friendly and hasn’t been pushed yet to actually commit atrocities to humanity yet like Moira has.
(Also, Olivia isn’t the only scientist doing these experiments that I said earlier, but she is the head scientist so she has constant interactions with all patients compared to other scientists, doctors, or nurses).
-Swears: Yeah, we are talking about a lot of teens who all know different languages. They are absolutely teaching each other swear words (especially Hobie who already knows a TON of swears in multiple different languages thanks to Ex-Jay and Bunny lol).
Also, Yu saving his swear pass until Liv is defeated is so funny to me. Because I can see him saying that, and Liv moves a little and he immediately backs up thinking she isn’t fully defeated and is still kinda scared of her.
-Extra arms: Love the idea that everyone was watching Eve on the TV or something doing a performance where she makes extra arms and people start asking Pav if he can do that too. He has no idea but tries and is able to do it (though they aren’t as real as Eve sometimes and so if they are holding an object sometimes they become incorporeal and drop what he is holding).
After a bit Shoko, Yu, and even Satoru were able to make extra arms, or at least like floating hands (Shoko’s being made of light, Yu’s made of ash with some like grass tufts in them, and Satoru’s being the most like Eve’s in a real sense but made of space and kinda see through).
-Familial figures: I can see Hobie just seeing a majority of the arachnikid and JJK cast as younger sibling figures. Definitely takes a bit longer to care about Satoru and Suguru with their attitudes, but once mutual respect is made I can see Hobie becoming very much protective of all of them like an older sibling.
As for DJSS, I don’t know. I don’t see Nova as one to really want to be a father figure all that much or would want to have kids/teens really. Like he has no problem teaching young minds, or helping take care of kids to an extent (like taking care of the younger 1010s or Yinu), but actually saying that they see Satoru as their kid/son-figure is not something I think would happen.
Having it the other way, where Satoru sees Nova as a kind of father-figure that is better than blues own father, is definitely something I can see happening. Nova would do their best to like, help out where he can, but becoming a fully father-figure for extended periods of time is not honestly something I see them doing.
Also, if this did happen, Neon would absolutely want to also be a father figure to Nova’s new son. He actually loves children/teens and wants to be a good father (now the question on if he actually IS a good father is a totally different discussion).
-Halloween (JJK): I don’t think Catherine or Neon J are really people to dress up as. At least not Catherine as she is just Yinu’s mother and manager to the public. Neon J probably started becoming a lot more active after the Rock Revolution so more people probably would try to dress up as him for halloween.
Anyway, Yu is definitely going as Sayu (and then him and Gwen have that moment of “well someone is going to have to change” because she also dressed up as Sayu that same halloween lol). Kento dressing up as DJ Necropolis is so funny to me lol.
I don’t know about the Shibuya Incident, but dressing up as Yokais would probably be pretty fun. Or like just different creatures from different cultures like the Gan Ceann/Headless rider of Irish folklore, or like Phoenixes from Egyptian myths.
-Halloween (Arachnikids): Gwen I can see wanting to be Sayu, but when she finds out Yu is gonna dress as Sayu instead dresses up with Miles. I can see Frankenstien and the Bride of Frankenstien being their costumes for some reason.
I like Margo dressing as her own version of Hatsune Miku a lot. Makes me think of all the different Miku designs that look absolutely beautiful and Margo would have so much fun making a costume of her own version of Miku.
Peni and Yinu I can see maybe doing some kind of matching costumes (don’t know what though), but Carna and Synthia wouldn’t. Marigold might match with Yinu and Peni. Carna does not like the idea of matching costumes at all and would rather do faer own thing. Synthia probably wouldn’t even get a costume. He would have to make it himself (or have the others help him but he wouldn’t ask for help so he’d make it himself). He’d probably be like a ghost or something simple, since he’s just in it for the candy and since his mom doesn’t want him around so trick-or-treating is the best thing he can do that night.
Ham as Mailyn Monroe. 100%. Love it! 
Hobie is probably gonna participate in the sense that they are gonna hang out with everyone. Probably tell them to make their own costumes and not just buy stuff to feed into consumerism and capitalism (especially people like Yinu who is very used to buying parts of her costumes instead of making things from hand, which she probably hasn’t done since her dad was alive). I will say though, Hobie is most likely buying a bunch of discounted halloween candy once the holiday is over. Sure it’s feeding the capitalistic machine, but it’s also candy that is gonna get wasted if not bought (and they could go and give it away to kids, friends, people who are down on their luck and need a small boost along with any other help Hobie is offering).
Pav and Gaya are definitely doing matching costumes like Miles and Gwen are. I like the idea of them being vampires. Seems really cute and they would definitely pretend to bite each other all throughout the night and be laughing and having so much fun.
Ganke also matches with Miles and Gwen, but in a funny way. So if they are Frankenstien and the Bride, Ganke is the doctor, or if they are Jack and Sally, Ganke is Zero. The three are gonna have fun with it lol
-Piercings: Hobie helping Suguru start getting piercings in Nueva York (with like a needle and fire, definitely not professional but Hobie does know what they are doing because of Bunny), but once they are out of there Hobie takes Suguru (and anyone else who wants piercings) to Bunny who helps Suguru start his journey for guages.
-Nanami Spaceman: I never watched the Lego Movie, but I looked up a video with all Benny scenes and omg he is amazing! Love that little Lego guy!
But anyway, you mean when Benny hits the spaceship and it falls apart? That power? Because honestly that is really funny to think about where like if Nanami is upset and so bonks his head on a table and then the table just splits in a 3:7 ratio lol. Because that would prove that sometimes Nanami can’t control his powers, which just reinforces Nueva York to keep him there (even though it is a very funny thing to happen lol).
-SaSiSu first meet: 
Satoru: “Let’s take a look see. Hate your hair. Not likely. Yikes. Yikes yikes. And, let me guess, you have a great personality?”
Love the fact that Shoko is just honest about being a gold digger lol. It was already scamming before the three were friends (honestly Shoko being the one who started the healing/power stealing scam seems a lot more likely now than Satoru).
Glad the three were able to become friends even with the weird ways they met each other.
Talking about headcanons is fun! So yeah, keep sending them in if you want and they keep making you happy! Just, you know, send them in multiple asks if they feel like they are getting really long. Just so people who don’t want to scroll a long time don’t have to.
I would say that headcanons like the instruments, the first meeting, and halloween costume ideas (both groups together) can each be their own ask. Like that is a good length to cut off size-wise. While things like the piercings, extra set of arms, introvert/extrovert, and sketchbook headcanons are all small enough to send as a single ask.
Obviously I’m not gonna be super strict about asks length honestly, so if you end up making a long ask that you can’t separate because it’s all one thing then don’t worry about it! This is just something to note because I can’t shorten asks like I can my answers and I know some people don’t like to see super long asks (I know sometimes I don’t when scrolling tumblr lol).
Anyway! This was all fun to talk about like usual! Honestly my fave part was talking about Olivia and how people are scared of her lol. Satoru being slightly unfazed because of his upbringing would be a neat thing that occurs, or blue is even more scared of her because of how he was treated by his family. Could go either way!
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Sae Niijima is such a good character it drives me insane a little. She's not a mother nor a maternal or doting older sister but instead a twenty four year old who was thrown into a position of responsibility that she never asked for. She loves Makoto just as much as she resents her and its so apparent every time they talk up until November. "Are you studying?" (I want you to do well) (I need you to get a job and stop making my life harder) "I'll use any method necessary to get this promotion" (Life will be easier for us) (So stop distracting me with your problems) "Focus on your future" (I know that you're capable) (I can't afford to waste my time on you, so stop wasting time on others)
Makoto is not only the sole reason she pushes as hard as she does for a promotion, for success, and the reason that she loses herself in her animosity over her fathers death, but also someone she can't stand for so long. Makoto was 14-15 when their father died. Sae was 21. As soon as she got the career she wanted and things started to look up, her stability was robbed from her and she was disillusioned with the system that her father had taught her to rely on and completely adhere to. How do you manage, the daughter of a cop, following his footsteps towards law enforcement, when you're suddenly reminded of how unfair it is? You can't quit, your little sister relies on you and she's so young and struggling just as badly with this grief. So you pick yourself up and you get moving again. You push harder, press further. You abandon your morals and your ethics because punishing criminals (guilty or not) is almost like punishing the man who killed your father.
And the whole time she's fighting for promotions, going for drinks with the SIU Director to make herself more favourable for promotions, trying to navigate being a woman in a competitive, suffocating, male-dominated field, falling behind despite doing so much where others are promoted for doing so little - all the while your little sister comes back from school and her biggest issues are so small compared to yours.
Persona 5 revolves so heavily around grief and loss and change and Sae embodies all of that so well, all of the sharp and unpleasant and jagged parts of grief.
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buwheal · 20 days
Nosy? I suppose that makes two of us ;)
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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Man of words
#s16 spoilers#iasip#it's always sunny in philadelphia#always sunny#macdennis#analysis#parallels#I didn't exactly know how to name this thread but i had some scattered thoughts on it#dennis is the one mac depends on to define things. he's the man of words. but this situation is very limiting#firstly because mac can't read subtext. and dennis will rarely be open in his words. but he also doesn't know everything.#cant define everything. and by forcing the situation to have dennis speak for both. what actually happens is mac gets silenced#and when mac cant speak. no one besides dennis can ever possibly understand him. and that is very isolating. because den wont be open. cant#but they trust each other. theyre following each other's lead. and they're missing the right words#den defines his own self worth in the relationship by being able to have the right words. mac is the man of action! after all#but if mac learns to speak for himself. if mac doesn't depend on den (chokes). if mac is noticed for his appearance as den becomes insecure#(''what if my shirt falls off?'') what does den have left for mac? but mac will fall for him no matter what.#''make up or not you are the golden god! it's all about what's in here💗''#maybe words arent necessary anymore. dont ask just do. and mac's the man of action... OR IS HE.#mac doesn't really act now does he. they got it backwards. don't they? mac got a lot better with his words in time...#idk lots to think about let me know what u think lolll#threads
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bimoonphases · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 28 – prompt 28: Langlock – word count 549
Langlock - Causes the target’s tongue to stick to the roof of his mouth
It was well past midnight in the dorm, and it was the fourth time Sirius had tried to sneak into Remus’s bed. Peter knew that, of course. He had known since the first times Remus had kept reading the same page of a book over and over again because he kept looking at Sirius. He had known since Sirius had started looking back, blush and babble some nonsense. He had known since that Gryffindor party when he had turned around and seen them way too close and with their cheeks way too red for a chat between two friends. He had known since the number of times he had found the door to the dorm locked or had heard Sirius’s feet quietly paddle to Remus’s bed in the middle of the night. He knew, and it was fine. They would tell them officially when they were ready. James, on the other hand, didn’t know and didn’t seem to notice anything. What James did know now was just that Sirius wasn’t asleep and he had taken that as an opportunity to talk to him across the dorm.
Sirius’s feet shuffled once again across the floor.
“Pads?” James’s voice came from behind the curtains around his bed.
Sirius’s feet quickly shuffled back to his own bed.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“Do you think I should get Lily flowers for Valentine’s?”
“Didn’t you try and get her flowers for her birthday and didn’t she smack them in your face?”
“Oh. Right. Thanks.”
There was a moment of silence before Sirius’s feet padded across the room.
Sirius’s feet padded immediately back.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“Do you think I should move on from her? Find someone else?”
“I mean, it could do you good.”
“But I love her.”
“That might make it hard to move on, mate.”
“Right. Thank you Pads.”
“You’re welcome.”
Another moment of silence, longer this time. Then Peter heard Sirius’s feet across the floor once more.
Sirius’s feet made a hasty retreat.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“I love Lily, but it doesn’t mean I can’t find other people attractive.”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
“Your brother is ridiculously attractive, Pads.”
“Merlin’s beard Prongs, if I had known kissing you as a dare would end up with you being attracted to Regulus I would never have done it!”
“Shut up, you loved it.”
“Go to sleep, Prongs.”
Another silence, and Sirius’s feet now gliding across the floor. Peter shook his head and took his wand from his bedside table, being careful to be quiet. He didn’t want Sirius to glide back to his own bed because of him. A slight shuffle from the other bed indicated that James was about to speak again.
“Langlock,” Peter whispered, pointing his wand at his friend’s shape through the curtains.
No one spoke, and Sirius’s feet finally glided across to Remus’s bed, where the curtains opened and closed in record time. Peter waited a couple of seconds then cast a sleeping spell on James. He didn’t want him to jump out of bed, panicked because he couldn’t speak, and interrupt Remus and Sirius once again. With a yawn, Peter put his wand down and settled back under the covers. One day he would tell his friends this story. Probably as part of a speech at their wedding.
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tennessoui · 2 years
silly soulmate au where everyone has the first words their soulmate said to them on their body somewhere and anakin’s are “excuse me sir, your shoelaces are untied” so he walks around with his shoes untied as a way of trying to bait life into giving him his soulmate
But one day he’s like super done with it and cranky after a bad day and someone taps his shoulder while he’s waiting at a crosswalk and says “excuse me sir your shoelaces are untied” and anakin snaps “your shoelaces are untied”
and obi-wan “afraid to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known enough to be loved” kenobi says “I’m not wearing shoelaces” kinda flabbergasted because he’s spent like 30 years wearing untieable shoes so no one can ever tell him “your shoelaces are untied” only to be thwarted by a beautiful, aggressive soulmate of a stranger
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problemswithbooks · 3 months
The 6 chapter epilogue moves to 'end' the Tododrama this chapter leaving a divided fandom...
For me I think that given the story the Todorokis have had up to this point it both makes sense and is the best we could have hoped for. I'm not one hundred percent happy with it, but I defiantly don't view as negatively as a lot of people seem to.
First off Touya dying makes sense and this is perhaps harsh but I hope he does. People theorizing that the mysterious Tenko like figure is Shigaraki and he will heal him and the rest of the LoV with his restored Overhaul powers is insane to me. With only four chapters left idk how that would even be covered or concluded, since even if they were healed they would all still be put in prison--it wouldn't erase the fact Touya killed 30 innocent people by his own omission. So, how Hori would cover that kind of plot in a cohesive way in four chapters is beyond me. It's pretty much people wanting a worse story because they want their favorite character to live.
Also, I'm a bit frustrated that yet again people are acting like Enji should die instead and making wild accusations based on nothing. Namely that Touya dying supposedly soonish negates Enji saying he'll watch him and his death will let him off the hook so to speak.
Enji has shown that he really loves Touya and feels immense guilt and rightful responsibility for how he treated him and his the rest of the family. Touya dying doesn't suddenly heal his permanently crippled body or give him back his Hero job. It will only make him feel worse. Also it's not as if once Touya is gone he'll ignore the rest of his family either. He still owes them as well, and will probably try to help them in whatever way he possibly can.
People acting as if Touya's death will free him or that afterwards he'll go on with his life completely happy and forgetting about him is just not in any way accurate to what we've seen of his character.
The other thing I've seen floating around is the idea that if Enji had been killed off during the first PLF War, Shoto would have saved Touya and the family would have been happy in the end. I don't think that's true. I will admit I'm bias because I like Enji and I'm not a fan of Touya, but given how Hori seems to have delt with the LoV and villains in general (unless he pulls a 180 and heals them last min) I think Touya was always meant to end up dying slowly in a hospital or get some other bittersweet ending.
BNHA is not grimdark by any means but it is not the idealistic manga of the past like Naruto. Hori punishes characters that make bad choices no matter how understandable or even shitty the choices they had were. Aoyama, despite helping defeat Afo, being a child and under the threat of death to him and his family, still drops out of UA because he feels he still has to earn his place there. Bakugou dies and his heart and hand will never be the same, while also having to deal with the guilt of Izuku loosing his Quirk (if that sticks). Enji, even though trying to change and atone for most of the Manga's run is still left permanently crippled, the job that meant everything to him, lost, his legacy gone.
For Touya who killed so many people without care, only to get back and his father. Who plotted to kill his little brother despite knowing he was abused. Not caring if his plans got his other innocent family members killed. After everything we've seen with other characters who did far less wrong and tried hard to amend those mistakes getting harsh consequences, I doubt it was ever the plan to have Touya sitting at the table with his family eating his favorite food with a smile, regardless of Enji being alive or not. To suggest that Hori only had Shoto fail because Hori needed Enji to be involved just isn't true. If Hori wanted to give Touya a happy ending he would have--many fans have already come up with how that could have happened even with Enji still alive.
The only criticism I agree with is Rei's ending. You can defiantly read how she wheels Enji around and answers his phone as them being back together or in the very least her becoming his caretaker. Now, That might not be the case--she could just doing those things because they were both going to see Touya and she's just helping him out that day, while they actually live separately, with Enji having a paid home assistant that couldn't or wouldn't go with him to see Touya (because of the stigma or visiting regulations). The issue is that we just don't know for sure and Rei has been shafted pretty badly.
That said, I wasn't expecting much from/for her anyway. I think getting a little blurb about what she was doing like Natsuo and Fuyumi did would have helped, but I sort of doubt Hori had any idea what to do with her character outside being Enji's abused wife and Shoto's mom. With him rushing to get these last chapters out I'm not shocked he just stuck her in the background, especially when Enji and Shoto as secondary characters needed the screen time.
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bunisher · 4 months
might be the aro in me but i think one of the reasons i don’t ship mattfoggy is because i enjoy the idea of platonic intimacy and friendship without romance. i enjoy them as best friends, because their friendship is not any less than romantic love or needs to be. especially for characters like them, i think it’s important that they have friendships that are not inherently romantic. matt, because he has severe abandonment trauma and avoidant attachment, where all of his romances have ended in some form of tragedy. he has trouble feeling comfortable with people, he feels like he has to perform in many aspects, and does not with foggy, at least not anymore. trust is a hard earned thing with him, but it’s not just about trusting with being a hero, but trusting to be himself. in regards to foggy, because he also has his own issues regarding family and not feeling accepted. he needs that friend who provides the motivation, validation, and feeling of being good enough just for being him. his insecurities often come from being underestimated, being awkward, not fitting in, and with matt he can just be. they’re able to have a relationship with each other that has rupture and repair, knowing eventually after time it’s them against conflict and not them against each other. they set the standard for each other in how romantic relationships are. they provide that safe place for love that doesn’t have the weight of being someone’s everything or partner. they’re already partners! they’re best friends. i personally am a little in love with all of my friends, and i am utterly devoted to them. i will be affectionate and supportive and loving and i am not dating them. so yeah i see how stuff could be read romantic, i understand why people enjoy the ship, i get it, i do. but it’s more powerful to me when it’s not. romance is not the end all be all and that’s why i am obsessed with their friendship without it being this stepping stone for romance or there being no other explanation.
#or maybe they’re in a QPR without it being labeled as such. that may be my new hc#i may even enjoy the hc that they did try to date for awhile and it wasn’t for them#but that’s also because i hate the idea that heteronormativity has that ppl cannot be friends with their exes#i’m also getting more into relationship anarchy because i think the focus on romance in our societies isn’t great#people irl and characters in fiction shouldn’t /need/ a romantic relationship to be fulfilled#it’s also why i don’t write my ships as super traditional with romance lmao#like no they aren’t living together. no they’re not getting married. no they’re not having a kid#their relationship does not adhere to all of these societal standards and expectations but it’s their’s and it’s real#they just enjoy each other for whatever time they have and that’s okay. they deserve that. they deserve that little break#they deserve to be able to rest and relax and no it’s not perfect but they feel understood and comfortable and it’s enough#it’s not full of pressure and this idea of scarcity. it’s because they genuinely enjoy being around each other#they’re their own people. whole and complete without each other. and then they find love and joy and comfort in each other#and it’s so special to them. their lives are constant chaos and they make time for each other bc those moments r precious to them#hell i hardly ever even label it lmfao they’re just doing stuff. they know what it is but if anybody asks it’s 🤷 who knows#and maybe that’s because of my own queerness and how it influences my writing but it’s just something i think i’ve noticed#anyways#matt murdock#foggy nelson#matt and foggy#fanfiction#amatonormativity#shipping#queer platonic ship#comics inspired#nmcu inspired#/rant#bun.txt
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Since eh... Michael is decomposing/rotting so to speak, would he still retain that same his "face"? Or would it melt like how Gabriel's did
he's uh. he's well.
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michael retains little of his angelic features, save for a few barbs/feathers that cling to the right side of his face. i liked the idea of him having something that mimics his light as he is not truly fallen, but i wanted it to contrast with fire in how it moves and behaves. i settled on a stringy, smog-like haze based loosely on soot tags, which are webbed threads made of substances that didn't fully burn after a house fire (do NOT look them up if you have a fear of spiders/spider webs!!! they're gross lol) the haze will slowly induce rot into anything it touches, though it doesn't seem to be spreading (good!) i also wanted physical remains of the lion flame that once crowned his head, so he has a set of lion teeth that overlap his angelic set (normally never seen beneath their face shield - i love giving angels all these like. weirdly vestigial body parts. they were never used, but instead something god left behind as he figured out how to make them and changed his ideas on how they would work) michael has not looked at himself, rather having raphael check beneath his helm occasionally to note any changes or deterioration.
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mad-hunts · 5 months
as barton was left to his own devices in the kitchen, it only then just occurred to him how the seven-fold bistro had a tv in the side of their lobby. and that could potentially be very bad if they weren't talking about the latest humdrum gossip in relation to bruce wayne or something — so, he would have to find a way to not appear suspicious and also, turn it off if they were talking about the death of the two guards already. barton sighed to himself as he pushed a chunk of the chicken on his plate to the side. he really had his work cut out for him here, didn't he?
of course, there might be a chance that jervis could handle it, he thought. but the last time he had handled something, he'd done it by sticking pins into someone. barton suddenly found himself standing up as if he was startled by the very thought of something like that happening to ravi. he had to create some sort of plan, for he couldn't just bust out of those doors, even if nothing was going on on that television. he tapped on the cold steel of the table below him with his sharpened nails as he contemplated what to do. maybe he could just stick by the almost saloon style doors of them for a bit and listen in on what exactly was going on out there.
just as ravi and jervis had made it to the front of the restaurant, his feet were carrying him to push his entire body flush against the doors, but with not enough pressure to actually open them. he thought he could hear jervis's voice now, but it was very distorted by the wall between him and the rest of the bistro. so he would have to get closer to the outside if he actually wanted to hear anything. while barton was now stressing, ravi honestly couldn't have looked more relaxed, as any friend of barton's was a friend of his. ( except they weren't really friends at all... but i digress. ) he smiled slightly whenever he heard him mention the soup out of approval, ❝ ooh... good choice. i love our mulligatawny soup, but it usually has rice in it, rather than on the side. but i could always request that our chefs put it there instead if you want. ❞
he shrugged nonchalantly and nodded, knowing that the kitchen would be more than willing to do something like that for jervis. ravi could feel his ears perk up and barton's ears did the same exact thing as a breaking news alert popped up on the tv. alright, well, he was not going to be waiting inside the kitchen any longer for something to happen — that was for sure — and so he opened up one of the doors in such a way that it wouldn't attract much attention. barton seemed to materialize out of quite literally nowhere, at least from ravi's point of view, before he was grabbing him by the opposite shoulder a little aggressively but not too much.
barton had played this off as him trying to playfully scare the other but what he was really aiming to do was turn the tv off. and that's exactly what he managed to do with the remote below the counter while ravi was too busy with being shocked, but then laughing in response to barton's 'cheeky' behavior as he spoke to him in between laughs and pushed him away from him, before punching his arm. ❝ oh, my god. you scared me! you jerk, why did you do that? don't tell me that this is you still being bitter that i beat you last time we sparred or something. ❞ ravi was still laughing, so he obviously didn't mean anything that he said in a malicious way as barton himself tried to catch onto the other's wrist before he punched him, but failed.
barton chuckled a few times before nursing the spot where ravi punched him with his arm. he made himself look guilty, only after winking at jervis whenever the other party wasn't looking, as if to say ' you're welcome ' and said, ❝ ahh, you caught me. but scaring you totally satisfied my need for revenge after you beat me. so, at least there's kind of a positive side to all of this. and just to keep you in the loop, jervis, me and ravi sometimes spar together because we're both boxers, ❞ barton gestured to the other man with one hand while ravi came down from his laughter. he made a playful ' shoo ' gesture towards barton, then. ❝ hey. me and your friend, who is also my friend now, by the way, were having a rather rousing conversation about his interest in the mulligatawny soup before you came along. so if you wouldn't mind... ❞
ravi left barton to fill in the lines of what else he was going to say before the blonde raised his hands in feigned surrender and sat down across a few seats away from them behind the counter. ravi laughed, making a ' come hither ' gesture towards himself, ❝ i was just joking, barton. you don't have to sit so far away. but anyway, i'll put in your order for the soup, if there are no objections? ❞ barton moved silently closer to ravi in particular, setting down his curry in front of him. he seemed oddly a bit protective of ravi based on the look he gave jervis.
it was one that said ' you better continue being nice to him or i'll kill you. ' and trust me, barton would do it, too.
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snakeeyesdraws · 10 months
have you read any good Super Mario fics and any you recommend?
figured today was as good as any time to answer this question so! I'll try to include a variety of vibes since you didn't specify what kinds! [cracks knuckles]
Anesthesia and a Dose of Brotherly Love by @roscolate has gotta be one of my favourite Mario movie verse fics for real, it has the EXACT sweet and silly vibes that I adore about the movie verse bros. I revisit it a lot and I cannot recommend it enough for your fill of brotherly love and teasing!
Sing for Absolution by @drones-of-innocence is an amazing look at Mario/Peach dynamic, absolutely love the characterization and concept of this one, plus it comes with some GORGEOUS illustrations!! Very soft for the loving and sweet fairy tale vibes of this
Luigi Wasn't Saved AU by @doodleydoo101 is perfect if you're in the mood for some bros angst (please read the warning tags on this!!) that is heartbreaking, but such a real and cathartic exploration of grief, it made me cry more than once. Very bittersweet but also extremely satisfying!
Always at Your Side by @theangelofangst explores one of my favourite Mario angst concepts! Great writing, also made me tear up, though this one has a happy and sweet ending <33 Really good bros dynamic here, I love it!
You Could've Hurt Him by @multicolour-ink is a very fun and cute read! It's an AU based off the His Dark Materials series, which cards on the table I've never read, but I followed this fic just fine! I adore childhood fics of the bros and it's so cute to see how their bond translates in an AU setting, this one squeezed my heart <33
The Line of Fire by @pianokantzart (please also read the warning tags on this one!) AMAZING drama and conflict in this one, such a great take on the Mario body swap concept made by @elitadream just, chefs kiss on everything in this fic, I can't say much without spoiling it but if you're into some Luigi angst DEF give this one a read, top notch work!
Traduzione, Per Favore? by @peaches2217 it's honestly SO difficult to pick a favourite from peaches because all of his Mareach work is mwah, chefs kiss, 10/10, has me giggling and kicking my feet over how the Mareach dynamic is explored and fleshed out, but this one is just so sweet and funny!! The way she writes Mareach makes my heart flutter I love it SO so much, def check out the rest of his work if you enjoy this fic/Mareach!
Gonna force myself to stop there before I list too many fics kjSDAKJDKSA but I hope you enjoy some of the ones I've linked!
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stergeon · 6 months
say it
Byleth makes Edelgard say swear words.
(~350 words; too stupid to post on ao3)
“Give it a try.”
“… Shit.”
“Very good. ‘Ass.’”
“That one is easier. I’ve said it before.”
“Then why don’t you say it now?”
“I… er…”
“If it’s so easy, then do it.”
“… Ass.”
“Don’t mock me.”
“How about this one? ‘Cunt.’”
“Wh—I actually, um, don’t know what that means.”
“You don’t know ‘cunt’?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Byleth, it’s simply not in my lexicon.”
“It means va—”
“All right, I understand. The gesture was absolutely unnecessary. I’m astounded at how many words there seem to be for the same thing.”
“If you think that’s bad, you won’t believe how many there are for pe—”
“Well, this has been a fun exercise and hopefully a source of great amusement to you, but I think I’m finished.”
“Wait, wait.”
“One more, one more.”
“Mm, no. I don’t think so.”
“… You know it’s not fair of you to give me those eyes.”
“Is that a yes?”
“All right. All right. One more.”
“Yesssss. ‘Fuck.’”
“What?! You said one more, and that’s the one to say.”
“I’m—I am not—”
“You can’t pull the same maneuver twice in a minute and expect to succeed. That’s poor strategy.”
“Is it working?”
“… Regrettably, it is.”
“Then it seems like a good strategy to me. Just say it. ‘Fuck.’ It’s easy.”
“It most certainly is not!”
“Try it. Say ‘fuck.’”
“… Fuck.”
“Oh, that’s rich. That’s very good.”
“Are you quite satisfied?”
“Nearly. Now use it in a sentence.”
“I’ll give you one. It’ll be easy.”
“I did not—and do not—agree to this!”
“Just repeat after me.”
“Say, ‘Byleth, I want you to fuck me.’”
“… Oh.”
“Go on, El. You can do it.”
“… Byleth, I…”
“Keep going.”
“Byleth, I-I want you to… f-fuck me.”
“Good girl. Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Less than I—ah—thought it would be.”
“Mm. Well, you’ve certainly earned a reward, haven’t you?”
“Yes, my teacher. Fuck…”
“Aren’t you a fast learner? I’m impressed.”
“If you don’t shut up and kiss me right now, I’m going to start swearing in earnest.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Your Majesty.”
#fe3h#fire emblem#edeleth#edelgard von hresvelg#byleth eisner#ficlet#sterge.rtf#sick of having this knock around in my drafts so now it is loose in the wild#but it’s so dumb that i really don’t want to bother posting it on ao3#if i got an email alert for this i’d be disappointed#besides i’m trying to pretend i’m hard at work on the vickyvesties right now#it’s not crack it’s just goofy#theoretically this takes place during the honeymoon phase of chapter 5 of shared space#since edelgard knows her swears by the time of muscle memory/shared space chapter 9#edelgard’s combination teacher/praise thing is truly unfortunate but what can you do. sometimes a girl is a gotdam mess#it’s not weird unless you make it weird. but she makes it weird.#i think sometimes (like here) she drops a ‘my teacher’ accidentally and byleth politely pretends not to notice#because if she Did call attention to it edelgard would be mortified and that would be the end of whatever fun things they’re doing#frankly no one deserves to say fuck more than edelgard#but with that giant stick up her ass she’d have a hard time getting around to it without some goading#i also hc that dropping honorifics is generally a Huge Turnoff for edelgard due to power dynamic shenanigans#their relationship is Complicated Enough in canon before i fucked it up more in shared space lol#so byleth is really asking for trouble here#but i also reckon ‘my teacher’ is a vibekiller for byleth so if anything they’re just riling each other up now#godspeed girls. hope you shut up long enough to get some
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faaun · 3 months
i feel rly sad and conflicted abt one of my best friends on earth but idk who to ask for advice bc i usually would have consulted her in this situation lmao
#shes cool and i dont want to lose her and i know Logically i love her but atm i feel so strange towards her#and idk what to do abt it bc i know in the past ive like...over-communicated a lot and over the last few yrs ive been trying to not do that#bc thats an anxious impulse i think .so like . self control#AND IMPORTANTLY . i may actually be the problem here ?? ok again i love her i dont want to lose her etc but basically ive noticed a pattern#which is that whenever she gets a bf/a man (even fwb) in her life she basically stops talking to me and the limited interactions we do have#become abt him. and while i support her it is acc too much. like we barely talked while she was w her ex bf until he became abusive and#then we talked a lottt like all our convos understandably were abt him . and then when they broke up we kept hanging out so i didnt rly see#the pattern there but still she seemed to centre men a lot in her life like sbe was excited to not date and find herself and then#immediately afterwards started seeing this other guy with whom shes basically in a relationship now#hes nice and all but like . HES ALL SHE TALKS ABT . actually we barely talk atp but when we do its abt him#she sends me reels sometimes but its all abt being jealous abt him etc . and shes bi but she said she doesnt like the idea of dating women#bc theyre scary . and i thought she was kidding in the ohhh women r so beautiful that theyre intimidating way but no she was being entirely#fr . she explained jts bc she was bullied by a girl in the past but like...bro ur ex bf literally abused you like surely you see men are#capable of just as much harm? but obvs who she dates is her own choice . but anyway she has consistently made plans w me then cancelled the#like an hr before . or asked to call me and then proceeded to not do so . when i ask her to meet/call its the same she just doesnt respond#or she cancels ? and while i understand anxiety sucks it feels SO WEIRD STILL . maybe im the problem slightly too bc ik i have no right to#feel this way but it rubs me the wrong way that ik she has so much time to spend w him/calls him all the time despite meeting him just a fe#months ago whereas i just have to like ...be ok w not actually having talked to her for a long time#its gotten to the point where when she says do you wanna meet/call i automatically respond yes and then just assume it doesnt happen . like#there have been several times over the past few months i double booked plans over when we were supposed to call/meet bc i was sure she#wouldnt show up and ive been right each time#like she sends me texts that she misses me or im her best friend etc etc occasionally and then acts rly . contrary to that ?#ive talked to her abt the issue w cancelling on me twice btw. when i was still dating the situationship person she would get sooo mad at#them for not respecting my time and shed tell me i deserve better etc etc and then like . she doesnt seem to respect my time at all#anyway she said she understand and she admits to like...being flaky etc but does nothing abt it#and its not like i can tell her to stop caring so much abt men bc we sorta had convos like that b4 she got This involved w this guy#and apparently it did nothing and the last thing i want is to police her relationships or get in her way#its just AUSHD AUGH#anyway i rly miss her it just doesnt feel the same at all anymore
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oifaaa · 1 year
Petition for Reverse Robins!Steph to always wear the "Best Batman" shirt around Bruce. She has multiples of the same shirt.
She has a wardrobe fulled with them of all different colours for every occasion
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Man this is so random but this theory is stuck in my head and I wanna see how other people feel about it because I don't see people talk about it a lot (I have no clue if the link will go through properly since I've never put a link in a ask box)
Oh god not this theory again. I really truly try not to be mean to people for no good reason on this blog, but this theory is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't talk about this theory because to me it's like the walten files theory equivalent of that tubby custard mechanically separated chicken post.
Most of the time I genuinely don't even consider it worthy of my time, because it's nonsense, but this is a very nicely worded ask, and I really don't mean to dedicate any of the vitriol I hold towards this theory to You, poor anonymous person, so I will deconstruct it. I will go through the theory point-by-point and deconstruct why I disagree with it.
First up, this:
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Showbear is not a character in The Walten Files anymore. Showbear was fully retconned and is never going to appear in the series again. He was effectively just a cameo of ThunderingStatic's (one of Martin's friends) OC, but when The Walten Files blew up and people started assuming Showbear was Martin's character, Static decided to withdraw his character from the series and focus putting him in other projects.
Martin talked about this on Twitter forever ago, but I wouldn't be able to find that tweet now. But here's a bit from the interview he did with KnowYourMeme back in 2021 where he talks about it:
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Now this:
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This is just stupid to me? Like a complete logical incongruity? I barely even know how describe what is dumb about this because I can't even fathom how anyone draws this conclusion from this information. How is it strange for a man to say 'if my wife isn't home by the time she said she was going to be, let me know, in case something happened.'????? Why would Rosemary be out cheating on her husband with her fucking daughter with her??? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would her whole life collapse when he went missing? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would she show up at the restaurant every day after he disappeared asking if anyone had seen him and hoping to find him alive??? Why would she make paintings of herself and him together after he disappeared????? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ok now this:
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Whatever. This is maybe the most coherent part of the theory, to me. I definitely agree that Sha evokes a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' sort of aesthetic, but I do remember Martin saying something in a Twitter Q&A at one point about how that wasn't actually intentional, and that Bon was the character he actually meant to seem unusually predatory. I looked for a while and couldn't find a screenshot of that, but I did find this one where he says the thing about Bon:
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So whatever. take that with a grain of salt.
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I don't even know what to say. here. Whatever. sure she was rolling in the hay
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yeah Rosemary is asking if she's still beautiful because she cheated on her husband and not because she was chopped up and stuffed inside a big animatronic sheep. I think this is correct and is the True Deep Lore.of the walten files. I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with the recurring motif of the double-meaning behind the word Beautiful either.
I don't know why it's weird that the lost lingering spirit of a mother would be calling out to her only living child. I Don't know why that needs additional explanation involving this batshit infidelity conspiracy theory.
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Sha's chest is also ripped out
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So is Banny's, honestly? Just a little less?
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ok now this:
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I guess I can't disprove this except that I think this is dumb. I think this is a really incredibly stupid logical leap to make. Y'know I really meant to go into this levelheadedly and very calmly go through every point and talk about why I think it's Decisively Disagreeable or whatever but I can't. I really can't. I just cannot keep my patience with this sort of thing.
You'd think if there was an infidelity aspect here it would've been lampshaded in some respect, at all, in the old /sophiewalten findjackwalten page text. Where it's literally Sophie talking to Jenny about what she remembers about her family.
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Especially if the idea is that Sophie is meant to have been there. You'd think something like that would have come up here. Not 'she was nice and a good mom until my dad disappeared and her mental health started getting worse'
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raifuujin · 4 months
Could you imagine if Ran tried confiding in anyone about her suspicions about Conan being Shinichi?
Like. Combining her past suspicions with people asking odd questions about Conan (like Heiji and Sera). Maybe talking to Heiji about it, if only because it would be so funny to watch him struggle to cover for Shinichi. Which would have been funnier before Shinichi ever got to hang around Heiji as himself and not as Conan, because then Ran could have been thinking 'I know those two have become friends after the first few times we ran into each other, I don't want Hattori-kun to get too attached to Conan if he's really Shinichi. I might not know what's going on, but I doubt Shinichi would want to stay a kid if he somehow turned into one, and I at least want to check with another detective about what I've noticed'.
Heiji struggling because he's not good at lying, probably sending a text to Shinichi about it as soon as he can. Silently thinking that she's smart and noticed some really good points (because of course someone who's known him since he was an actual child could notice more) while also trying to go 'wasn't there that time when both Conan and Shinichi were together? Though, if he did turn into a kid, he's really good at acting like a real brat sometimes...'
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