#i just hope i dont lose motivation HELP
vnillatree · 6 months
I need to make this animatic so bad oh my god
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sleepless-crows · 3 months
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honeytonedhottie · 7 months
starting ur fitness girlie era⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌷
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starting ur fitness girlie era is actually super easy! its consistency and discipline where most ppl struggle. i hope this post can help make the sustenance of ur fitness girlie era super easy and fun + some fun working out resources to start ✨
when starting anything, the most important thing, although cliche is starting from a place of love rather then hate. it feels better and is more sustainable in the long run.
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be clear on your goals for ur fitness girlie era. is this something that u wanna maintain in ur day to day life for general health? do you wanna gain/lose some weight? do you just wanna be stronger?
knowing what ur trying to achieve makes finding workouts that target your goal specifically more easy (the more specific the better)
you should be fueling ur body properly in order for ur body to function well when ur in ur fitness girlie era. if ur goal for example is to gain weight but u notice that u have a habit to eat very little, make a log.
i started a what i eat in a day log for a couple reasons. one bcuz i love lists and documenting things about myself, and two bcuz i wanted to make sure that i was eating well and eating good quality foods. bcuz i notice that when i eat well -> i feel well.
eat to fuel your body, dont eat just to eat
include fresh foods
make sure that you eat healthy portions (calling four almonds a meal is NOT healthy, and calling six pizza pies a meal is NOT healthy)
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overall just be mindful of what u decide to fuel your body with. an easy drink that helps to be mindful with what u fuel ur body with is with SMOOTHIES.
im so sick of ppl sleeping on smoothies cuz if u dont like to directly eat vegetables or if u want an easy way to intake fresh fruits and veggies smoothies are the way to GO.
the fun part of the whole journey, romanticization. made a pinterest board for ur fitness journey aesthetic and make it super pretty. invest in cute workout clothes to motivate urself to workout.
formulate a playlist for ur workout, something that gives u energy and motivates you. find a workout class or a youtube channel that you love. dont make working out BORING. get a workout buddy, make some video diary entries about working out/ur workout for the day.
make a blog that records whatever workout that u did. find fun ways to work out, like dancing or going on hot girl walks. create an atmosphere where u can work out and treat the time that u spend working out as a time to nurture and nourish your body.
motivation isnt going to get u through a sustainable fitness girl journey, motivation can only get you so far. its DISCIPLINE that gets you the results that you want and consistency.
be patient with yourself even if u fall off ur routine and grind, ur only human so let yourself live. as long as you dont make falling off a habit, you'll be okay.
make sure that u emphasize the mind -> body connection bcuz thats super important. working out is not just about working up a sweat; it's about connecting with your body and embracing the mind-body connection.
le sserafim workout - i've done the le sserafim workout once or twice and it absolutely destroyed me 💀 but in a good way. its challenging but its also rly effective so i recommend.
dancing - if ur into dancing, find a way of dancing that u enjoy to do. some examples include ; ballet, kpop dances, jazz etc
join a sport - join a sport with a friend to make it more fun! but theres lots of different sports that u can play and not only is it good for ur health, but its also super fun
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rayraelleaizawa · 6 months
There better be a part 2 of "they say something hurtful in an argument" where they realized they fucked up. I swear on God's name I will not stop crying if you don't.
P.s: very good writing keep it up! ❤️
Side Note: I didnt think that there would be so many requests on part 2, so thank you all for the requests and the support! It helps staying motivated to keep writing :) I hope you'll like this!
Making up after an argument
Part 1: They say something hurtful in an argument
Tags: hurt/comfort, slight angst, making up
Characters: Shanks, Benn Beckman, Dracule Mihawk
He feels bad about what he said right after he saw that flash of hurt on your face, the sadness in your eyes and your quiet apology. Shanks immediately wanted to go after you when you left the room, but he was so wrung up in his blanket that he first had to untangle himself before he could go after you. He didnt care how he looked like, his shirt was all the way open, his pants were pulled up above his knee on one leg and on the other it hung down normally and his hair was a mess too. His shoes were completly forgotten somewhere in the room.
When he opened the door from his cabin with a rush and walked outside into the hallway, you were long gone. He instantly went looking for you, starting on deck and working all the way down.
His crewmembers, especially his closest friends, gave him weird looks and concerned stares, but he ignored all of their questions and just ran around looking for you. When he finally finds you, crying on the floor in a dark storage room, he felt a pang go through his heart.
He slowly came closer to you, not wanting to startle you, and started talking quietly.
"Hey, sweet cheeks" he said, sitting down next to you. "Is it alright if i touch you?" he said as he carefully laid his hand on your ellbow.
Seeing you in this state made him want to just wrap his arms around you, pull you close and kiss you all over and apologize to you a thousand times, but he held himself back. This wasnt what you needed right now.
When you didnt react to his touch, he laid his other hand on your shoulder. Shanks tried to catch your eyes, but your face was burried in your legs and your hands were shielding your head from him.
"Darling please look at me" he pleaded, and slowly you raised your head. He laid his other hand on your cheek and his warmth immediately comforted you, but you didnt want to give into his warmth. When Shanks saw your tear struck face and this unbearable sadness in your eyes, he mentally cursed himself for saying those reckless words.
"I'm sorry for what I said. I had no right to let my hangover frustration out on you. Please, forgive me. I love you, my sweet little dove" he tried to apologize.
"Am I really the reason?" you quietly asked, hiccuping from all the crying.
"What?" Shanks looked at you confused.
"Am I the reason why you keep drinking so much? Am I that insufferable?" you cried out, your body shaking at the thought.
"No, no! That wasnt what I meant, please, listen to me! You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I cant lose you. What I said was mean and a lie. Please believe me when I say I never wanted to hurt you. Please believe me that I didnt mean those words."
Shanks was on the verge of crying himself. The thought that he made his partner feel so bad made him hate himself, swearing to never get this drunk again that he would hurt his lover. He was scared you'd leave him. He wanted to make you feel better, but that was a difficult task when he himself was the reason why you were crying and shaking on the floor. He carefully put his arms around you and placed you on his lap and pressed a small kiss to your forehead.
"It's okay, cry how much you want. Be angry at me, hit me, let all your feelings out on me, I deserve it. But please" he swallowed hard "please dont be sad. Please dont leave me. Not because of my stupid mouth."
You looked up at him when he said that. You noticed his pained face and the fear in his eyes. A fear that he messed up for good. You still felt hurt, but you knew Shanks would never toy with your feelings like that. He was serious about this apology.
You pressed your head in his chest and your tears started to dry out. After a time of silence and him gently stroking your back, you murmered a "I love you, you drunk idiot" into his chest. Shanks felt a stone fall from his heart as he chuckled a bit, leaned down and kissed you on the head. "I love you too, so much pumpkin. I'll never hurt you again. I'll stop drinking so much. Pirate promise"
Benn Beckman
Beckman sighed for the seemingly hundreth time. He still stood on deck, leaning against the railing as he thought about what he had said. He didnt meant to hurt you, but he knew giving you a bit space for now was the right thing. When you calmed down he planned on talking to you, but right now he also needed to sort his own thoughts.
He regretted his words instantly after they left his mouth but the damage was done. He sighed again. Usually he would have smoked at least half a package of cigarettes by now, but he just couldnt bring himself to touch one. Those stupid things were the reason why he made his partner sad. No, bullshit. He couldnt blame anyone else than himself for this. He fucked up.
With one last sigh he left his place at the railing and went underdeck to find you. He had a guess where you were and what you'd be doing, so he went straight to your cabin. He calmed himself with a deep breath in and breath out before he knocked on your door and then slowly opened it.
He wasnt suprised at what he saw. You were at your desk, working away on whatever was laying on your table. Benn carefully stepped into your room and closed the door. You didnt give him any sign that you acknowledged his presence. He walked over to you and waited if you'd say something.
Benn wasnt sure how to approach, so he looked at the papers on your desk. When he saw how shaky your handwriting was and how the ink mixed with waterdrops at some places he sighed again, feeling helpess as he made his own partner cry.
"Hey, I'm sorry about what I said. It wasnt right of me. I let out my stress on you eventho you were only worried about me. I'm deeply sorry."
Benn apologized, but you didnt respond nor did you look at him. He got restless, the uneasy feeling in him became stronger with every second you didnt say anything. You were just writing away on your papers.
"Buttercup, please. I am really sorry. I didnt want to hurt your feelings. You know I love you deeply."
There was a begging undertone in Benns voice by now.
"You dont smell like smoke" was the only answere he got, and hearing your voice immediately eased his anxious feelings a bit.
"I just...couldnt bring myself to touch them" he admitted.
You turned to look at him.
"Maybe i should be upset because of you more often then?"
He breathed out as he sensed that you werent that upset at him anymore. There was a joking undertone in your words, but it was clear that you still were hurt. He laid his hand on yours and leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours.
"Please no. I cant handle this. I cant handle seeing you upset. I'm sorry, princess, i'll really try my best to smoke less. Please, I want to make things right again, I-"
He stopped when you laid your hand on his cheek, softly caressing it.
"I know that you're sincer when you start rambling, Benn Beckman."
Dracule Mihawk
Mihawk knew he fucked up big time when he wanted to go look for you but couldnt find you. He noticed your belongings were gone, and then saw footprints leaving away from the castle. Your footprints.
It was starting to become night so he immediately ran after you, following your steps through the woods. He prayed the whole time that you were safe, that nothing happened to you, that you didnt get injured because of his inability to deal with his emotions the right way.
It started raining and it got darker and darker. He hoped he'll find you in time. The nights are cold and the animals in the woods can be even more dangerous at night. Mihawk ran even faster as raindrops hit him more frequently, and soon it was pouring down. His clothes were complety soaked, but he couldnt care less. All he could think of was to find you and bring you back to safety.
While Mihawk dashed throught the woods with experience, you on the other hand stumbled around without orientation. Now that the darkness started to rise, you couldnt see anything anymore. The trees were so close to each other that you couldnt orientate yourself on the stars, and barely any moonlight came through either.
You couldnt count anymore how often you tripped or fell down a slope. Your arms, legs and face were covered in small scratches as you continued to push trough. You werent even entirely sure where you were going, but all you knew was that you wanted to put as much distance in between you and Hawkeye as possible.
Tears still welled up at the thought of him. Those soft moments between you two all seemed like a lie. You shook your head to get rid of those thoughts and carried on. You kept on walking, but a root stood out of the ground and made you trip again. You fell and slithered down another small slope and just as you cursed to yourself you heard a noise.
You stayed quietly on the ground as you listened, not sure if you misheared. No, there were definetely steps. But they were too heavy to be from a human. And Mihawk wouldnt come either. So what was that?
Then you heard a sniffing sound and a roar. And that's when you also got your answer. It was a bear. You tried to stay as calm as possible, but soon you realized why the bear roared so much. You fell in between the bear and it's cup. Which was the worst thing you could do - get in between a mother bear and her child.
You slowly started to crawl backwards, but the mother bear roared again and you heard her coming closer. You tried to hold your breath as you saw her shadowy figure infront of you, and the moment the bear roared almost into your face, you tried to stand up and run away, but of course that didnt work with a bear in front of you. You fell on your butt and tried to ready yourself for the heavy impact with the bears paw which she had raised, when a tall figure was infront of you suddenly, holding a big sword you'd recognise everyhwere. Mihawk. He wielded his sword and cut the ground, and the bear mother and her cup both ran away.
When he turned to face you, you couldnt decipher what his facial expression meant. You sat there, on the ground, cuts all over you and wet from the rain as he suddenly quickly walked up to you. You wanted to stand up, to talk with him, but before you could even say his name he was on the ground with you, kissing you feverishly.
You were confused about what was going on suddenly, but Mihawk pressed you against him in a way you couldnt escape. Not that you really wanted to, cause you felt so many emotions in this one kiss. Fear, anger, sadness, relieve... it seemed like all of those pent up emotions he couldnt let out came through in this kiss.
After what seemed like eternity did he break the kiss, panting as he looked at you.
"I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so glad you're alive. I- I love you."
Was all he said and you looked at him in shock. It was a rare treat to hear those words from him, and you didnt expect to ever hear them again. But here he was, saving you in the middle of the night, telling you his feelings.
"I-I know that you're always worried when I leave. I just didnt know how to break it to you when i had to leave for so long. I not only see the disappointment and worry in your face, I also see fear and sadness whenever i leave. I just...I didnt know how I should tell you that I had to leave for months, fighting some idiots without seeing you all sad about the fact that I might not come back? That's why i left without saying anything. I know i hurt you, my love. I know I said something cruel back in the castle. But this castle is not my home when you arent in it. I'm sorry for hurting you. I didnt know how to express myself. Please, forgive me. I'll work on it."
You only stared in shock as Mihawk talked about his feelings so much. But then a small smile broke out on your lips.
"You're an idiot. But you're my idiot."
He didnt respond, he only blushed which you didnt see in the dark nights, but then he picked you up and started carrying you back to your home.
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satoruhour · 9 months
Helllooo!!!! I hope you're doing well<33 I'm not sure if you're taking requests so this can be taken as a random rant as well. (I'm in my exam week-depressed-stressed era lol) but is it just me Or the animated version of choso and the mans voice actor just doubled his hotness!?? Hence why me is here to ask if you could do a choso street racer au, could be anything from him meeting at a race or him taking them drifting? Idk but I just need more racer choso au's😭😭😭
a/n: oh no my love i hope your exams went well and that you’re resting comfortably now ❤️ OFCCCC i planned to write a racer!choso for so long i just didnt have any motivation / tagging @screampied
wc: 3k
warnings: racer!choso, reader is ‘dating’ a weirdo, fem!reader, threat of sexual assault (from weirdo guy), threatening harm, flashback, unsafe driving tendencies (dont follow them in this fic lol pls drive safely), semi-public sex (parking lot), car sex, slight nipple play, oral (f! receiving) / cunnilingus, fingering, finger sucking, implied multiple rounds and p -> v sex later on, n*sfw under the cut
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choso hasn’t always been open about his origins — moving from the shimotsuma district to shibuya just two years ago in need of quick cash to send back to his struggling mother. it was a hard decision on both ends, with his mother advocating more for him to leave for a better life than the one she could offer. he acquiesced with a promise to earn enough to send back to her every month in return for the secret stash she provided for him and that promise meant everything. he was going to get money no matter what.
even if it meant meddling with the local yakuza, doing petty little tasks of collecting money, escorting the people important to the oyabun to their meeting places, being on lookouts while gambling and prostitution happens indoors. choso would never write back to his mother on what he’s been doing to get so much money, but if he’s able to send a hefty amount back to her on every 29th, he’s satisfied.
that is until he’s met with a couple arguing as they walk along the alleyway, creating such a ruckus that choso’s sure they could power the whole of shibuya — well, more of the man, anyways, saying something about racing and cars that he’s not even sure he catches on.
“well, if you just listened to her and opted for a flat-plane rather than use a cross-plane, maybe you wouldn’t have lost the race!” you’re throwing your hands up, struggling to walk behind in these new heels you bought while you navigate the dark alleyway. for a boy who’s expressed interest in you, he wasn’t doing well in trying to keep you one bit. you’d say he’s rather annoyed that you know so much about cars, trying to genuinely help him while he just sees it as attacks.
“yeah, well, if you kept your mouth shut, you wouldn’t have embarrassed me about losing to noritoshi.” you roll your eyes, unaware you’re passing a dangerous area with dangerous activities behind the door choso was guarding, nor do you notice the way the bodyguard perks up at the name of noritoshi, who sounds awfully familiar.
you scoff, “trust me, you embarrassed yourself the moment you tried to challenge the dude,” it was meant to be a harmless comment; noritoshi could never measure up to the famous four, but he practised his drifting hard enough and put in the hard work, stayed humble. he was everything that your “man” wasn’t, and it was only deserved that he didn’t win. ultimately, you didn’t expect much from a man in the illegal racing scene who only cared about who had the nicest engines and paint finishes.
“what’d you say?”
choso keeps a close eye on the both of you.
“it was nothing—” you sigh, reaching out to grab at his arm to get him to stop shouting so loud when you notice the person standing in front of a shady door — twin pigtails hairstyle with a dead look in his eyes and a tattoo across his nose, dressed up in a suit. it was scary enough walking through a dimly-lit alleyway, but your fear heightens when your eyes fall upon the surroundings of ashes of late night campfires, dried blood along the walls, and used condoms on the floor.
“no, no, tell me what you said, just so i know that i heard you right,” your “man” insisted, stepping up so close to you that your nerves were on high alert from the proximity and the possibility of that someone just a few feet away inflicting harm on the both of you.
“it was nothing! i just meant that you didn’t have a chance against noritoshi from the st—” it’s like you hit a sensitive nerve, because the next thing he’s doing is grabbing your wrist and dragging you along, not aware of how choso perks up even more, ready to leave his post. it borderline hurts with the way he grasps at your skin, paired with the discomfort of your heels and outfit, you can’t just wait to get home and rest up.
“ohh, so that’s what you said!” the man continues to tug you, not heeding your pleas for him to stop, “might as well just leave you here with the yakuza to see whether you stand a chance.”
that’s what the man was guarding . . wait.
a shout wretches out of you when you notice there’s no shadows at the door that’s lit simply with fluorescence at the same time the mysterious man has one hand each on your arms.
“who are you—” your “man” has the gall to speak first, shocked at the stronger grip of the other when he tears the fingers away from your wrist before stumbling back. the mysterious guy simply tugs you into his hold, levelling the other with just a stare from his eyes that’s got him babbling and stuttering in fear. you hate to admit that once the man beside you speaks, your body curls into his side — it’s like a smooth cup of coffee that you gravitate towards.
“do you want to repeat what you just said?” choso puts you behind him as he approaches the other, one step taken while the cowering one takes one step back. “because i can always open the door i’m guarding and let them take care of you, instead.”
“t-that wouldn’t be necessary—” he’s adamant on his threatening, taking out a flip phone and dialling numbers one by one, no doubt the number of his boss. he doesn’t even look at you, eyes trained on the pigtailed man as he continues to dial the number and pressing call. if choso’s being honest, he’s about to shit himself just as much, never having called his saiko-komon personally before so he only fakes the number, thanking the heavens that someone somewhere decided to call his boss’ phone just at the same time.
they all hear it, the familiar nokia ringtone from behind the door, but in choso’s ear, all it says is that it’s an invalid number that garners no answer. he talks over the operator’s voice anyway.
“yeah, i need you to take care of this guy. just outside here—” that’s enough for him to go running away, puddles splashing and his voice crying out for civilisation, although you’re not too happy yourself, afraid for your own fate. kept like a pet for the yakuza? made to work for them to pay off this small helping hand? commit—
you sit up from the hood, “you called a fake number?!” it’s hard to say when that fateful meeting turned into this over the past few months, asking choso to recount the night the two of you met out of curiosity when you realise that your yakuza-accountant boyfriend had dialled a fake number the whole time.
“i had just joined! i wasn’t going to phone my boss . .” he sheepishly says with head turned to you, and while you’re giving him brutal smacks on the shoulder (“what! if! he! hadn’t! run! away! were you going to let a phone operator beat him up?”), you’re still thankful he decided to step in at the right time even if his heroic act had been brought down a notch by this revelation.
it’s then that he asks about the whole racing thing you were involved in but you’re taken aback by the fact that he wasn’t going to make you do anything in return. even if the alley had boasted its dubiousness, you realise than the man standing in front of you was not much older than you, a childish sparkle in his eyes when you entertained the question. with a random number in your phone, it was up to you if you wanted to text him, but after a few races, you think that he was just too handsome to pass up.
choso picked up racing and drifting fast, joining your small group of friends of yuji, megumi and nobara who were all rising up the ranks. it was difficult, knowing the famous four, but it didn’t hurt trying to build a reputation in the underground scene. he practised around the docks, crashing into crates, sending the seagulls flying, and almost sending your scrap car over the edge.
“tokyo is pretty at this time of night,” choso mumbles as he sits up, too, liking the way you scooch closer to him on the hood of his 1967 Ford Mustang.
“tokyo is cold, i’m lucky i’m not freezing to death.” you tease him even when you’re wearing his warm jacket, squealing when his cold hands make it under the jacket and your shirt.
“how are you cold, that jacket’s wool!” he nestles his face into your neck, freezing nose touching the skin there and you giggle, trying your best to push him away. choso says that, but he’s happy to see you in his jacket while his arms tingle with both frost and lovesickness. “you’re just extra sensitive to the cold.”
before you can retaliate, though, he’s pulling away from your body heat to look you in the eye; it was a wonder he even got you, a girl who’s just so passionate about cars and who taught him everything he needed to know about it. six months down the road, he’s writing about something other than living paycheck to paycheck again, getting in some extra money from racing as well.
“wanna drive?”
you grin, hopping off his hood before jumping into the car beside him and he only laughs at your enthusiasm, hopping in after you and starting the ignition. you wish it was like this before every race: you beside him in the passenger seat as he gets ready to race against his opponent. the rev of the engine always excites you, knowing you contributed to the many modifications of his Mustang. but choso always says it’s dangerous for you — so you’re left to watch from the sidelines.
but now, as choso drifts down the mountain, you can’t help but stare at him as he changes gears every few seconds, hair blowing everywhere from the wind outside before he reaches the base and races off into the main road. you’re shouting in excitement, music blasting loudly from the cassette player while you dominate the streets at night.
“d’you think i can break 190, sweetheart?”
your jaw drops, “while drifting?” he nods, “you’re insane . . yeah, do it.”
choso’s laughter feels infinitely heavenly, stepping on the accelerator on a fairly empty road. he’s familiar with the traffic of the roads too, so at 4am, it’s basically deserted when he speeds down the gravel while he tries to break the speed limit. you feel on top of the world, a pretty road full of green lights on every turn; there’s a couple of sharp screeches from his tires as he navigates shibuya.
“hear that increased throttle response . .” you whistle when he presses his foot into the accelerator again, Mustang speeding off into the streets while you look over to him: hand holding the stick shift and one hand on the wheel. he’s as pretty as you remember him six months ago and his beauty truly hits you in the moment that you unconsciously rub your thighs together.
“all thanks to you, baby,” feels like the final blow, not knowing the effect he has on you until you’re waiting until he slows down to place your hand atop his on the steering wheel. there he lets you steer where you want to go, face melting into recognition at the place you’re taking him to.
“you’re nasty.” in the abandoned car park, he giggles when you’re shushing him as you make your way to the backseats, levelling him with a stare that begged him to hurry.
“yeah . . whatever, you like it.”
choso grins, switching off the ignition and climbing in after you, making you forget all about the cold season of japan in mere minutes. his lips collide with yours and his body naturally pushes yours to the leather seats, driving you crazy just with his mouth. his hands make quick work of your skimpy outfit, inching past your tight halter top and to your tits. you gasp softly into the kiss.
“may i?” even after all this time, choso still asks for permission, pulling down your top and bra when you nod.
his mouth is both warm and gentle when it meets with your nipple, tongue swirling around the bud and eyes looking up at you just to relish in the hooded lids and soft moans you give him. his free hand fondles your other, squeezing and playing, rolling the bud between his thumb and forefinger.
“just s’soft . . always,” he hums into your chest, kissing you down bit by bit and making you wait for it with each teasing journey he makes. there, he manoeuvres himself onto the floor, kneeling on the carpeted finishing as your knees hook onto each shoulder. the car is filled with your laboured breathing, watching him slowly undo the straps to your uncomfortable heels. it’s excruciatingly slow, pulling at the strings and removing each shoe before his lips leave fire along your shin, up to your thighs and to your pulsing core.
“choso . .” you whine, hips bucking off the leather.
all he does is laugh, hands spreading your legs before he’s licking his lips at the mess you made in your skirt, panties and back of the fabric soaked right through. your boyfriend pulls you forward with a certain fervour that makes you yelp and you match him with a nervous grin as he tugs away the underwear and marvels at the arousal that just sticks to your pussy, pretty and dripping right in front of him.
you have no warning before choso indulges himself in your cunt and you cry out in surprise, hand tangled up in the mess of his hair that falls from his pigtails. his warm tongue laps at your clit like a man starved, slurping up all of your arousal into his tongue. the cold weather is just the cherry on top, cold wind wafting through the walls and the windows, making you extra sensitive.
“c-cho—” you hum, one hand lost in his black locks while the other clutches tightly onto the seats for any sort of anchor while choso only pushes his face further in between your legs. he can feel your pussy clench around nothing, switching between sucking and flicking his tongue with a relentless pace that threatens your sanity. “t-too much . .”
all he does is laugh into your centre, eyes flitting to meet yours while he continues his ministrations, arms wrapping around your thighs. choso moans at how good and sweet you taste, a curious hand moving from your legs right to your hole where he plays with your folds. gently, he pushes past your walls and you whimper from the intrusion, clamping down around his finger.
“relax, darling, i got you,” he softly says, relaxing his pace just a bit as he starts to thrust his finger. while slow, his tongue doesn’t stop, however, still continuing to make the lewdest noises.
“pussy so damn sweet,” he groans, nuzzling his face right into your sloppy core before teasing a second finger; it’s easy to slip in but he still warns you wordlessly, inching them right in until they reach the knuckles, “and so tight, too—”
the car is filled with the smell of sex, the sounds of your pussy and your endless moans as choso starts to pump his fingers in and out, reaching so much deeper than any of your toys can and stretching you out just right. your hips buck uncontrollably as you feel that coil in your stomach, knowing that you were only going to get even more of this before choso properly fucks you — but it’s all he promises, that to make sure you’d cum on his fingers and tongue thrice before he even thinks of railing you like you deserve.
“c-choso, your fingers—!”
“yeah?” it’s breathless, bottom half of his face all soaked and wet, but he goes right back in.
“mmfuck— cho, cho, p-please . .” your words are jumbled up, babbling through your teeth while his fingers gathers all of your juices, “i’m g’nna—”
choso thinks you’re just perfect like this, moaning as much as you want in his Mustang and spread out just for him to eat. he cannot keep his eyes off you, curling his fingers just a bit to find your sweet spot as he flicks your bundle of nerves as his eyes stay on the way your lips part for little pants to escape. your eyes have fluttered close by now but he doesn’t mind as you continue to push his head towards your cunt.
“cum on my fingers, my love,” the other groans, words muffled a little, “cum on my tongue like a good girl.” 
“cho— f-fuuck . .” you writhe around on the leather seats as you reach your peak, voice descending into a silent scream while your jaw hangs open. at his peripheral he can see and feel your thighs tremble while you chant his name like a prayer, over and over until you think your voice is hoarse. his seats are wet, no doubt, and you wince seeing your cum decorate the leather, but choso quietens your worries as he leans up to give you a kiss. you can taste yourself.
“taste good?” you’re ruined despite it being your first orgasm, answering half-heartedly before slumping, a soft moan leaving you when he removes his fingers and strings of your arousal stick to each digit. his hand naturally gravitates towards your mouth, fumbling with your lips before he pushes in — distracted, he takes the opportunity to latch his mouth onto your cunt again and you mewl loudly.
“that’s just the start,” choso grins, laying a long stripe up your pussy and groaning softly at the way your tongue swirls over his fingers, “i’m sorry in advance . . hope you’re able to get out of bed tomorrow, baby.”
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kk43mi · 2 months
Tbh?? even though i find it kinda interesting i havent ready many fics w/ tickling kink in them but like.. a couple of them just feel like regular porn but the difference is (for example) getting someone off w/ a feather instead of Just stroking the 🍆. In others ive read, the tickling is just foreplay, like doing it playfully and then realizing that the other person is aroused by all the touching (this one is what i like the most especially with grumpy characters wr barely see smiling. They deserve to giggle)
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divider: saradika-graphics
cw: feather play, cum, weener, no proofreading, wc: 500+
"[name] i swear..to archons..!" you tickled the man in front of you, teasing his cock with a toy feather. handcuffed to the bedframe first thing when he woke up. you always loved the thought of teasing your boyfriend by a feather, it just seemed so hot to see your boyfriend struggle under you.
"what! its fun...~" you take the feather, wiggling it back and forth around the tip. looking up at him when his thighs quiver and the way he whimpered was so yummy. its like you wanted more out of him. "your way of fun isnt what i like." he exclaimed before popping your mouth onto his tip.
"agh fuck! you better stop with that shit-" you giggled, using the feather to tease him more, this is was much fun, you loved seeing him forced into submission. seeing the way pearls of sweat dripped down from his forehead and the way his abs emitted a shine from all of it...you couldnt stop yourself. "if you say it, ill let you cum~ if not, im adding another ten minutes."
"im not saying shit for your ass." "cmonnn you dont wanna be pent up with no release right? plus...youre handcuffed you couldnt even help yourself." you had a point, and he grit his teeth, all his ego would be lost begging for you to let him cum. tickling him on the base and you can see precum dripping from the side as his cock twitches, it was such a sight to see.
he huffs and breathes in heavily, just hoping he could get a release from the stroke of the feather. but you knew too well, knew how to control his own climax. hes seriously so pent up and needed a release. should he for his own pleasure....
"please.." he mumbled. "hm? whaddya say?" you stopped teasing him. he says something inaudible and you probably know what he said. "cmon say it louder, tell me what you want" "this shit is embarrassing." the way red coated his cheeks made you display a cheeky smile, you loved seeing him this way.
"say it and you get what you want." you stroke a lick against the veins of his base. he twitches and couldnt take it anymore. "please, let me cum, i beg of you." his hands tried getting out of the resistances, absolutely losing his mind from the lack of release.
"hehe, knew you could do it" and without any warning, you his whole cock entered inside your mouth and the moan he let out was heavenly. "ooh-! fuck [name]! your mouth feels fucking great" he let out. the way you slobbered your spit everywhere, bobbing your head up and down.
you eyes fluttered up at him and he couldnt get any hornier from this. he release was coming and you could tell from the way he bucked his hips up at you which made you gag. the slurp sounds and his whimpers were echoed around the room.
"keep going-im cumming-agh fuck!" you felt hot gooey substances shot inside of your throat, from the amount of times you edged him, there was no surprise how much came from him. you tried swallowing all of it, but the way it spilled was so much some came from the corners of your mouth. his breathing was uncontrollable, probably the best orgasm he had in a long time.
after swallowing everything up, you kissed his cheek. "still as yummy as i remembered, you came so much."
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scaramouche, diluc, alhaitham, abyss aether, kinichi, kaeya, cyno, tighnari, wriothesley, xiao any character of your choice!
sorry for the long hiatus, been really busy and lost the motivation. just wrote this real quick.
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Racer!jk might be my favorite one right now!!! Omg can we please have a drabble on that race where jk crashed?
...but also,,, pretty please can we have a drabble before jk was successful? Shes been with him thru thick and thin, i feel like it would be a great read to see how they were when jk got his first ever major win
I'm doing the second one, before his career really took off.
-> main work
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"It looks so cute!" You say, looking at the front of the car. "Like it's smiling!" You beam, and Jungkook laughs, walking up to you to look at the front as well. People are watching you- its the first time jungkook has taken you with him to a race after all.
"Huh. I guess?" He wonders, tilting his head a bit. "If you take the headlights as eyes and then the bumper as a mouth.. it does kind of look like it." He admits, and you laugh. You've not been dating too long- but he already knows that your laugh is the cutest he'll ever come across in his life.
"See?" You tell him, before you take a peek at the inside. "It's so small in there though.. and What're those tubes for?" You ask.
"Its called a cage. Basically, if the car flips, the cage stays intact and as result, I do too." He jokes- but he notices you tensing up a little. "It's for safety." He says, and you nod a bit more quietly now.
"And.. all the wires there? Are they gonna cover those?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"Nah, they stay like that. The car doesn't have to look pretty, just gotta accommodate me and keep me alive and well." He tells you- but it's clear that he's not very tactful in thinking about your emotions. He's not used to having a girl around in this setting- and it shows. "Hey- I'll be fine."
"But this is fucking dangerous, right?" You worry. "I looked up stuff online." You say, crossing your arms. "I'm not stupid." You threaten, and he moves to gently hold your cheeks.
"Baby of course you're not, never said you are." He reassures you. "But it's not my first time, I'll be fine!" He urges, and you can't help but let his big Boba ball eyes get to you. They're sparkling with the heat of his own pride right now, and he deserves to feel like that.
"..okay. sorry." You're not sure what you're apologizing for, but you still do- and he laughs, pecking your lips. Twice, because once is never enough. He doesn't care about his friends whistling in the back.
They're just trying to tease him.
"Dont worry so much. I've got experience, and my driving skills aren't half bad either!" He beams at you, and you smile. "And I've got my good-luck charm here too, so there's no way I'll lose this one." He purrs, pushing you back a little against the side of his car before he kisses you deeper than before, uncaring about looks.
"You sure I'm not distracting?" You ask, watching how he licks the piercing on his lip. "Kook you're literally staring at my tits right now, you're proving my point!" You laugh, and he grins as well.
"Nah." He shakes his head, shamelessly grabbing your ass as he walks you back behind the safety barriers. "I'd call it motivation." He responds.
"Motivation huh?" You tease, and he nods.
"To get back quick, and fetch my prize." He explains to you. "Take you out to a fancy dinner with that money I'll make."
"Maybe I'll let you have dessert in the car." You tease, and he grins.
"Deal." He grins at you, before he leaves to get ready for the dirt track race, leaving you behind with your suppressed worries.
He'll be fine.
Or at least you hope he will be.
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
one thing i have decided is that i should just..stop explaining myself and my choices at any given time bc at the end of the day this is MY blog and MY smau and MY characters and I get to decide what to do and how to do it and there's no point in trying so hard to adjust everything to everyone's liking bc there will ALWAYS be someone who's mad and triggered and annoyed and bothered and critical no matter what i do and hinestly atp im just..tired 😭
im one of the worst people pleaser ever but i have noticed that as soon as i start shifting my focus on the things people tell me to do differently (regardless of if i asked or not) i lose motivation bc i feel dictated and controlled.
what i'm trying to say is: if you feel triggered, mad or bothered by my smaus and choices, i unfortunately don't really know what to do other than try my best to be considerate but at the end of the day, your triggers are not my responsibility.
sending so much love to everyone and i know this will make me receive a lot of criticism but i'm willing to deal with it bc after 5 years in the tumblr writing community i have realised that i gotta stop pleaskng everyone and focus on myself and what i want bc this is MY art.
additionally to this: i started off quite strong with the depictions of my reader insert from hype boy through poison and SB all the way to CH did i go with the same concept of a reader insert, so im probably not gonna change it anytime soon bc it's what i feel the most comfortable with. and i know people dont get the whole why reader insert if you're gonna give them a face claim anyway but to me it's mostly bc i HATE writing in third/first person and i simply dont wanna create ocs. on top of that it's nothing new and has been done for quite a while. there are plenty of smau writers who take the reader insert literally and if that's what you're looking for, you should go and read that. no harsh feelings, nothing but love. i just wanna be sure i write for myself and myself only from now on 🩷
edit: a huge thank you to everyone who sent me an ask regarding the whole reader insert x trigger situation, i genuinely appreciate everyone's input on this topic and i hope you understand my decision of not responding to asks bc i have already come to a conclusion (mostly withy our help too) so thank you so much. i love you 💗
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
Im crying. I dont know what to do anymore. I just can't enter the void state,,, I tried so often, but I just can't! I wanna give up. My life is falling apart and I dont know what to do anymore!
I will never enter the void state and I started to lose trust in it! 😭
What should I do!...
Im so sorry for being so sad, but i am crying so much i don't know what to do..
Hi love! I honestly recommend looking into quantum jumping. I think it would help you out a lot. Here's a video on the science behind it and here's a quantum jump meditation video. I got this super cool success story that I think will really motivate you. There's honestly a lot of other great resources and in this video you'll see how quantum jumping and the void state is the same thing but perhaps reframing it as quantum jumping rather than trying to enter the void is the refresh you need. Hope this helps love 💗
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dk79484 · 1 month
you look so cool and pretty wahh?? if you don't mind asking, do you have any weight loss tips or something because i can't stand myself anymore
literally thank you so much😭
i got u, ive used this basic plan to get down 25ishkg so i hope it works for u too! :)
so i usually eat 500-900 calories a day, aiming for 600
though, i do have days where i eat whatever the fuck i feel like to avoid extreme binges, typically these are days when i am out with family. (Usually every 1-3 weeks)
i try to workout at least 30 minutes a day, i prefer leg day over arm day any day, but any sort of cardio will do
i USED to do 10k steps a day which really did help but ive been kinda unmotivated to do it recently
the longest ive fasted for is 24 hours and i genuinely felt like death so ive never done it since. don’t recommend it personally
also my biggest tip is to learn to be okay with waiting, its taken me about a year to get this far (with little gaps in between), the months will pass anyways, so try to stay motivated
i hope this kinda helped, if the calories are a bit too low i did have a portion of time where i ate 1200 a day and was still losing about 1kg a week (just remember a little workout)
oh and i dont weigh myself till the end of the week, cause if i do it everyday and i dont see progress every single day, it leads to breakdowns which leads to binges
seriously thank you so much! i rlly do hope this helped :3
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strawbs-screaming · 11 months
the boxers coaching little mac
Ok, theoratically, if doc were to not be here he would need to be coached by someone else and uhh i forgot, this was very fun to do actually (this turned into a "what if Mac had the boxers as a father/brother figure")
Glass Joe
- has hope in Mac But is also very concerned about everything else, his school life, his health, where the hell his family is.. all that useless shmuck
- has to cover his eyes when Mac gets hit from concern but then acts like nothing happened, he totally doesnt care about this child who he sees as a son and would fight a crocodile for
- his advice is semi-useful but he cant speak in a motivating manner to save his life
- "When i was little, i got my ass kicked all the time, Mac, But with more time and work, i only get my ass kicked sometimes now"
- "was that supposed to be helpful or make me feel concerned about my future"
- outside of the ring, people mostly confuse Joe as a babysitter
- when Mac loses, Joe takes him to get some food to cheer him up, he cant speak in a motivating manner but damn he can comfort a man
- cheers like he saw his least favorite celebrity get cancelled when Mac gets a strong hit
Von Kaiser
- very stern & a bit cold with him and doesnt show affection since he thinks it would "distract him" (he doesnt know how to show affection) but will go out of his way for him
- very strict training schedule with him, if he wants to skip a day he'll ask mac if everything is alright (wow Kaiser's on some school counciler shit)
- to help him after losses, he usually gives Mac some headphones and gives him some space to calm down
- Really good at motivational speaking but terrible at comforting, completely clueless on what to do
- people always assume that Kaiser sees Mac only during training due to how cold he comes off to Mac
Disco Kid
- pretty loose with training, if they do training together he'll turn on some music and cheer him on, doesnt really mind if he wants to train alone or not
- wonderful motivational speaker, also good at comforting too
- people keep confusing them for adopted brothers
- to comfort him after losses, he'll give him a pep talk and it works 70% the time, the last 30% is him just crying harder
King Hippo
- overly concerned for him, if he doesnt want to train he'll just assume the worst and ask if he wants to talk, if he gets hit a little too hard he gasps like your grandma finding out you got a piercing and gets worried for him no matter how much he says its ok
- cant really motivate him well so he justs does a war cry and it works really well, they just communicate in movements & weird sounds sometimes, no better advice than "WHAGGHHHH"
- takes Mac out to get some comfort food to cheer him up after losses
- cooks for Mac to make sure he gets his proteins & eats his veggies, when he found out Mac had some troubles with getting enough nutrition he got to making him some food instantly
- Mac actually knows some basic hippo language from him
- people actually see Hippo as his brother, less like a trainer
Piston Hondo
-cold but tries to show affection since he doesnt wanna come off as too emotionless
- good motivational speaker, horrid comforter
- strict training schedule but a lot of meditation sessions & reading times as well, helping Mac with his education since he doesnt have much time to go to school
- gets some tea with Mac to help him calm down after losses
Bear Hugger
- good at giving advice along with comforting & motivation, the holy trio is complete with him
- they dont train much together, he mostly has ms bear train with him & watches over them to make sure no one gets too hasty
- goes fishing & gathering with Mac sometimes and lets him take out some energy he couldnt take out during matches & training
- goes walking in nature with Mac after losses and lets him punch a few trees
- most of his advice is just "PUNCH EM İN THE EYE!!"
Great Tiger
- training with Mac & teaching him some magic along the side, showing great care for his education since hes pretty concerned how hes gonna do math when he needs to
- uses his clones to demonstrate how to do moves since Mac is a visual learner, including movements, down to how he moves his arm and everything
- doesnt know how to comfort him so he just goes "There there" as hes in pieces
Don Flamenco
- giving Mac life advice knowing damn well his own is in shambles
- starts a crowd chant for Mac to cheer him on during rough matches
- gives him pep talks when he loses matches and chants for him
-not really a brother or a father figure, more like a uncle figure??
Aran Ryan
- making up the most devious cheating strategies specialized for Mac, at first Mac was kinda taken aback but after chugging 25 redbulls and a powerpoint presentation, aran convinced him
- "ok so we're putting needles covered in peanut butter in your gloves since the bastards allergic to nuts, we'll just throw jars of peanut butter at him if that doesnt work"
- "ok??"
- says some truly dumb shit to confuse Mac when hes sad and make him focus less on his loss when matches go bad
- "ya crying?"
- "yeah"
- "i thought your eyes were sweating"
Soda Popinski
- keeps him away from his soda (or does his best since macs a sneaky little boy) he has no clue why Mac is getting stronger and stronger this quickly and just assumes its him eating his veggies
- horrible at giving advice, down to the shitter with it
- "punch him!!"
- "what do you think ive been doing all this time"
- "punch him harder!!"
- horrible at comforting Mac after losses so he just offers him up some books he has lying around or offers to watch a movie with him
Bald Bull
- riles Mac up by going nuts for him in the corner, it helps him win matches, also totally unrelated: mac needs to get anger management
- "yeah!!"
- cooks for mac since he doesnt get enough proteins, it started with him saying "dont expect this very often" But after seeing Mac live off pasta he took that statement back very quickly
- first time Mac called him dad he teared up on the spot
Super Macho Man
- both of them train on seperate times so the most he does is make sure he trains for the day
- bad at comforting and celebrating so he just takes him shopping, he won? Shopping, he lost? Shopping
- pretends to not care about him but would iron someones face if they spoke shit about him, thats HIS little punchy boy youre dissing
Mr Sandman
- comes off as cold but cares a lot deep down, he just doesnt know what to say to help him
- gives really detailed advice to mac that always works somehow
- "if you punch him on the forehead while he tries to jab you he'll fall to the ground and struggle for a while and not be able to recover, he'll also get up very slowly if he can since he has iron deficiency"
- "how do you know he has iron deficiency?? Are you his doctor or something??"
- gives some pep talks to him after tough matches, regardless if he won or not
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unlimitedhearts · 10 months
I’m dreading the third game of Spiderman might kill off Harry :/ either he’s goblin (solo or probably along with daddy-o) and dies a la Hero Sacrifice. Or kept comatose and in the end with grim results the decision is to pull the plug on him. idk I feel Harry’s fate is doom and gloom. But they could have killed Harry at the end of this sequel giving a strong motivation for Norman to be the Goblin and hatred for Spider-Man…yet they didn’t. idk rambling thoughts. What do you think?
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Personally i can see both options. I saw someone in the tags of my last headcanon post say that it wouldnt make sense to save him from death in this game only to kill him in the next. On some level i get that, why wait when you could do it now?
I have two worst case scenarios in my head:
Harry wakes up from his coma w amnesia a la the third Tobey Maguire movie. Hes unaware of Pete being Spider-Man and Peter, thinking hes protecting Harry, wont tell him. This may cause a rift in their friendship when Harry finds out - or if Norman ends up going goblin and dies - Spider-Man is to blame in Harrys eyes and he'll go after him then. To me this is a tired trope of Harry getting an intense hatred for Spidey and wanting to kill him over his father. It always felt out of character for me and i truly TRULY hope they dont go this route.
Harry becomes the Kobold. In the comics, Kobold is essentially Harrys way of making the Green Goblin a good guy. If he still wants to fight by Peters side, he'll find a way to do it. Kobold would make a lot of sense to me personally, as it kind of continues their dynamic from this game. Then at the end theres a heros sacrifice to be made and Harry goes for it despite Peters protests. This would be lazy to me too though because he essential already did the heros sacrifice in this game. Seems like theyd just want us to have more time with him to love him even more, just to make losing him hurt worse. I wouldn't put it past an intrepid writer to think they could make it work, but it just seems lazy to me.
Actual best case scenario for me though? Harry wakes up as the g-serum is being injected. Hes against being his dads experiment all over again so he runs and finds Peter. Hes not aware of his pseudo-retirement, he just goes straight to the place thats always been his safe haven; Peters home. He asks Peter to hide him from his dad. Tries to explain everything but hes exhausted and frantic. Peter agrees and they take him into hiding.
Norman, ever the expert deflector, doesnt see this as a failing on his part. Hes convinced spider-man had something to do with his son escaping so he puts out a hit on him. Hes ready, willing, and able to capture and kill at least one of the two spider-men it doesnt matter. We see him pardon Wilson Fisk for this job, and when Fisk cant do it, he has to. Normans going to go Goblin. I know it, i can feel it in my bones.
Miles asks Peter to get back in action and he does. Fisk, plus potentially Otto again, plus this brand new villain in town is too much for any one person to handle. Heres where i see Harry becoming a "Guy In The Chair" for Peter like Ganke is for Miles. Two Guys in the Chair helping the spider-men is definitely better than one. I could also see Harrys goblin powers start to emerge but he keeps pushing them down. Last time he gave into power it didnt end well for anyone.
In an effort to not write out the entire plot of the game as i see fit (because itd be long and there are so many moving pieces and characters and IDEK WHERE THEYRE GONNA PUT SILK IN-), i think if Harry does take on the cowl he'll be doing so against his father. I think i see Harry becoming Goblin/Kobold to fight against Norman and ultimately try to help Peter/Miles. This is where i see Harry either accidentally killing Norman or Norman killing his son (and of course, blaming Spider-Man)
There is also room, in my mind, to bring back Venom a la Lethal Protector/Agent Venom. But tbh if they do, i would much rather Venom go to Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson. But thats just the separate Venom Fangirl Entity within me.
Ultimately my hope of course is that Harry not die and they dont go down that all too tired and hackneyed trope of Harry growing to hate Peter dor whatever reason. I truly TRULY hope they dont go that route it is just SO tired and lazy. I want them to stay close and loving. Whatever route they go with will be SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL if Harry Osborn lives and doesnt make a full 180 on his best friend for no good reason.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
I just wanna say firstly that i adore your artwork and takes6on Zelda in general! Secondly, much as I wish you never had to deal with the frustrations of creating (especially when you tack on the stress of being on any kind of social platform), I'm glad you talk about your struggle. I've heard people talk about art block every day since I learned what Art was, but nobody ever mentioned "painting oneself into a corner". It's such an apt description that is so infuriatingly relatable that I had to stop eating to thank you for putting it into words. I really appreciate that you're willing to talk about your setbacks in a place like Tumblr, and still share your arts and thoughts. All the best from US of hellscape A, i hope you're doing well.
Thank you!
i used to call it artblock as well, its the most normalized term i guess; i randomly started calling it painting myself into a corner when i got stuck or frustrated on a painting bc welll, it sure feels like it, you painted the walls all around you and dont know how to get out now
it usually happens when i stop having fun and just draw what i want and instead keep subconsciously forcing myself into arbitrary rules; in my case its usually trying to be too perfect, i try to adhere to the sketch, i try to make every block of color have a perfectly clean edge, separate the drawing into way too many layers and am afraid to delete or erase anything, i tense up my whole body as frustration builds bc of impatience as this method of painting does not work for me at all and in the end lose motivation on it all and my nerves are stretched thin (i work best when i think as little as possible, just kinda loosely letting my hand do what it wants on few layers and no specific plan, after losing that its hard to get it back)
having those low moments with your art is normal as your skill grows, but even knowing so, and having gone through it countless times, it never stops making you feel like shit, and its especially frustrating when it happens when you just got enough time to work on stuff or have alot of ideas but you cant get it to work
(and funnily enough it also tends to happen after another work of mine got more attention than i thought .. even worse when it was just a sketch bc now i got the pressure on me to actually finish it and the fear of it doing worse once done looms over the whole thing- which doesnt mean i dont want people to interact with my wips, bc that also has an extremely demotivating factor to it bc it makes me think no one cares or it sucks and doesnt deserve the time i would need to spend on finishing it; also .. alot of my wips stay wips forever, which is fine, but like .. you cant always expect a finished tm version to happen)
i do find it a little funny you praise me for talking openly about it bc i am notoriously unable to shut up ever and only recently got better at NOT talking as much about it when i feel as shitty as this bc it doesnt really help anyone and gets annoying really fast xD (im also notoriously unable to not post absolutely everything bc i got no one to show it to and otherwise it will just collect dust on my harddrive so i might as well throw it out there no matter how much i might hate it, someone else might still enjoy it anyway)
and greetings back from the -not really much less of a hellscape- that is germany o/
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strawglicks · 9 months
cathal is a rlly fun character to dive into when it comes to his mental state and general view on life. they seek too much for a "meaning" to the things they do, and if they dont see a meaning or a point to it, it demotivates them from engaging in it at all. it causes them to slack off so much in their work bc they dont see an end goal to it, considering they find the toons vs cogs war pointless. if the cycle's just gonna repeat whats the point of trying? whats the point of doing any of his work?
and while this is frustrating to an outside perspective aka their coworkers, its clear that cathal is. depressed. their constant exhaustion, lack of motivation, and general apathy and carelessness points to this. these aren't just things any ordinary lazy person does.
HOWEVER i think its worth mentioning that, due to their environment, cathal has BECOME lazy, which might make the underlying issue (depression) less obvious . what i mean is, his job is directly harming his mental state bc it basically encourages his apathy and carelessness. they have everything handed to them without trying, so whats the point. when they get in trouble, their dad makes sure they keep their job, so whats the point of following the rules. they dont even need to do any real work bc, again, no matter what, they wont lose their job. so whats the point?
this will definitely steer someone in a more lazy direction even tho the root problem is something more serious . cathal is now unwilling to do even the smallest of tasks and would rather have his coworkers do them instead, as shown in that one comic from a few months back (i dont feel like grabbing it ill just assume you know what im talking abt LMAO)
this has also given them a bit of an ego! which is very bad. they actively take pride in their ability to waste time and how they dont have to try. which isnt something one should be proud of or strive for. its very unhealthy
i hope this gets built on and cathal doesnt get boiled down to "lol look how lazy this character is all they do is eat and sleep!!!" bc i think the laziness drives from a deeper issue . and their job rlly isnt helping
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thequietkid-moonie · 5 months
hiiii! I see you're opening a request…I've been waiting for you to open a request for quite a while and I really like your posts..can I make a request about Teru (tbhk) about s/o who loves the sea and I once had a wish that I would commit suicide at the beach…ummm..I know my request is quite strange, if you don't like it or don't want to write it, it's okay. Wish you have a nice day :333
S/O who loves the sea wanted to die there
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Teru Minamoto ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
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I completely understand that feeling, I think being hopless romantic and depressed isn't the type best convination
I really hope you like it! I did the best I can and I actually likes the idea, so thanks for requesting it 🖤
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Teru has dedicated his life at his work of being an exorsist and he doesn't really had much freedom to get interested or to dedicate time on something that he really wanted, his relasionship with you is one of the things he let himself to be a little more selfish with, thats why Teru loves whenever you talk about what you love and are passionate about
Teru probably doesn't particulary finds the sea that interesting but he loves hearing you talk about what you like, so if you love the sea then Teru loves hearing you talk about it whenever you are just having time to relax, even if you dont know much or just loves how pretty is that doesn't stop Teru from finding it quite cute (and will probably tease you about it)
Whenever you learn something new related to the sea Teru is more than happy to heard you talk about it, or even if you want to rant about how much you love the sea is fine for him too (just not when he is busy, he prefer it to be when is just the two of you because it helps him relax from his stressful life), he even motivate you to talk about what you love from time to time just to be able to see you all happy and excited
Teru sometimes likes to daydream about the posibility of going to the sea with you and sharing the experience that he knows you'll love, thinking if having just some time for just you two to have fun and relax, honestly Teru thinks it would be amazing but is more likely that it won't be able to happen (or at least not soon) because of how demanding his work as an exorsist it is and how there are still things he has to take care of, so he just hold that wish as a distant desire (and is more likely that he doesn't tell you about it neither)
It can be that you say it by accident or that you decide to tell him that once you had the desire that die on the sea, commiting suicide somewhere you love so much, no matter how you ended up telling him this it is going to be something that get stuck in his head for way too long, making him anxious and incredibly worried, even when he doesn't express it. Teru tries to don't have much of a reaction when he heards it, treating it more as a joke or asking you where did you get that idea from but it is all just to don't let you know how bad this is affecting him
For Teru, letting you be close to even be in a relationship with you show that you are really important, you mean way too much for him and losing you is something that scares him, so you admiting that you have a desire that involves your own death makes him really nervous. Teru won't handle it too well, being anxious by the idea of losing you and yet being too stubborn to show you how much he worries, is more likely that Teru will be paying close attention to you for the next days, wanting to find out if is just something you thought once or if it is that you have an actual suicidal ideation (or even worst), he is too scare of asking because he fears that the answer he gets shows that you actually want to die, so he will more likely be in denial while also trying to get more information from you
Even if you reasure him that is something silly you thought some time ago he won't be too convinced and will still be cautious with how he talks and behaive with you, not wanting to upset you and just making sure you know he does love you and he will be really affected if something happens to you
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In defense of my wife (one of them atleast) aka my rant about Engfah from The Secret of Us
In part two of the fandom not appreciating the complexity of the characters we have let's talk about Engfah. Engfah is introduced as a love rival. She has an obvious crush on Earn, she makes her move and is rejected.
She quickly pivots, offering to help Earn and shenanigans ensue. I love when stories take this route with love rivals but let's be clear Engfah has ulterior motives. Anyone in her situation would. My guess is it was a mixture of wanting to be close to Earn no matter what, hoping that their proximity would lead to a fake dating to lovers arc and wanting to torment Lada a bit because she's a little petty and Lada is the only thing standing between her and the girl.
This all makes sense and its realistic. No one magically lose feelings for a crush simply because they dont reciprocate it, even if they're dumb enough to volunteer to help that crush win over their ex. But to Engfah's credit she was a good wing woman.
She made mistakes like when she pushed Earn to kiss her when she clearly was not comfortable (again pulling for that non existent fake dating arc) and there's nothing that can justify that so I wont. However, the second thing she gets flack for makes less sense to me which is when she told Lada that Earn said they were just friends. People like to paint Lada as an innocent bystander in this scenario but she wasn't. She saw Earn and Engfah's closeness and she got jealous and took a cheap shot at Engfah.
So Engfah took one back. Some people say she went too far. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the chaos of that interaction so I dont mind it.
I'm not saying Lada was in the wrong. I dont think there was a right or wrong in that scenario. I think they were two extremely attractive women taking swipes at one another because they were feeling jealous and petty and feelings were hurt.
The reason why I like Engfah as a character, more than I've liked any other love rival in a gl show is the fact that she realised her mistake and she fixed her mess. She even went the extra mile to make sure Ratee stopped messing with Earn because she cared about her even after she realised they would never be a thing. She's not perfect and she's not necessarily a green flag given some of her actions but she's not the villain of this story. She's just a girl that liked a girl and did questionable things because of it. She exists in a gray area like most other gl women and we should appreciate that. Maybe we'll even get her story someday if TSOU is successful enough.
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