#i have full respect for each ship and its shippers
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Do you prefer Sokeefe or Sophitz?
Ah, the classic keeper question. Neither, actually! I don't have a preference for any pairing in the book at all, so long as it's done well.
Romance doesn't really interest me and the love triangle in the keeper series, for me, has been more like background noise I filter out whenever it comes up. I'm not opposed to it, and it can be sweet, but I wouldn't blink at all if it vanished from the books.
I want the romance, whichever pairing it is, to be done well with respect to their characters and their arcs. So in canon so far I'm not particularly pleased with either sophitz or sokeefe, but also not too upset over it because again, not super interested!
I've enjoyed fanfic of both ships (and sokeefitz), but at the end of the day I don't have a preference. I just want it to be well written and impactful, regardless of what ship it is. That's my preference.
This is generally my attitude for all ship situations in all books; I'm not a romantic person and look for other things to focus on :)
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yannaryartside · 5 months
If Sydcarmy is not engame….
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This is a rant. A sad rant but still. I know we have evidence, I would go to the supreme court with it, but hear me out.
If sydcarmy is not endgame:
It would make the show a disappointment for me. It will kinda ruin it to some extent. But not only as a shipper they had her expectations unsatisfied, but as a conscious viewer. I would like to explain why.
Part 1: the meaning of their connection
I was a shipper of this relationship the moment the characters met. She was cute, awkward and brilliant. He was cute, awkward and angsty. I normally go hard for shipping character where I find both of them interesting, and I like their dynamic. This is the ship that had consumed my head the most in all my years of consuming fiction. They both have real traumas and flaws. Even if the show wasn't so obvious with its intentions, I would have shipped them until they both got their respective soulmates. These two characters taught me how complex developing a romance could be, and how satisfactory if the pieces went together. Just the fact that they are so complex and I got to ship them is something I am grateful for. I will never write romance the same way.
Now, I don't know if is the time of the month fatalism hits, but I have been recently seriously considering the fact that it may not happen. That Claire was always supposed to be Carmy’s endgame.
Part 2: potential
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The first reason why I would be disappointed if they are not engame is because the concept of two people building something together while supporting each others flaws is what got me into the show. It is such a beautiful concept for a couple, and I know it works on friends, but I once read that romance appears in your life when you have to open yourself to new potentials. In Carmy, Syd saw the potential for grow and movement, in Syd, Carmy saw the potential for peace and sincerity. Not to mention I rather ship two messed up characters than one messed up character and another that the show has called “perfeft” multiple times.
Part 3: Claire
Thinking Claire bear is endgame is to admit that she has to grow of the flaws we all saw, that Carmy could make her better (wich I don't think because Claire seemed to have a lot of lack of empathy to begin with) but ok. The thing that could never work for me is that we know Syd can make Carmy feel peace but Claire can't. It is the theme of the show that a woman should learn how to be like other woman in order to maker her man happy? We will define how much good she can do to Carmy on how much peace she could bring like Syd did. That doesn't sound right to me.
Part 4: Syd
I don't think the purpose of Syd in the whole story is to be Carmy’s endgame, but a lot of her screentime so far has been defined by her relationship with him. In the good things she does for him and his family. We know she has feeling for him. We know that she has had her heart broken before and then this could break it again. Again, that is the theme of your show? That a woman needs to get her heart broken in order to grow or get to her full potential? Who asked for this?
You made her fall for a guy that may never support her creative journey, that may have defined how she view herself as an artist? That she will have to deal with her broken heart and decide to find another spot to work? Are we supposed to believe that is something good for her? You wanna to contribute to a narrative of glorifying women's pain to justify growth? You are gonna use these amazing character just to have her heart broken 3 seasons out of 4. Is that supposed to be her big lesson? Her motivation even?
Not that is justification for Carmy and Syd getting together, but what a waste of time. If you had established and denied the attraction earlier or just never make her have feelings for Carm you could have her a interesting arc worthy of such an interesting character.
Not only that, but it seems all so cruel, to create a dynamic that in friendship can make her grow but because she developed feelings for him can hurt her immensely.
Idk, maybe I just made a story on my head that I thought made sense but the author insist on disagreeing. Maybe I am making storm out of nothing since they may have us a satisfactory thing. But yet…
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percheduphere · 9 months
honestly I'm more at a loss when people say sylki is canon. I am...very confused by what people mean by that. they were never anything romantic together? I honestly feel like I've missed a whole season of the show when that gets said. that's not from a shipping standpoint; that's from nothing happening that'd make them "canon"
like, to ship sylki is still to ship something that isn't and didn't become "canon". it's still wanting something that didn't happen between them
like, even if sylvie was an intended "love interest" (was she? even? on the basis of her being a woman that loki connects with?), I don't call that alone a romantic relationship between them being "canon". Like, if elizabeth bennet and mr darcy never became anything, they're not "canon". that's just something that could have been but wasn't.
they were never actually anything?
I've been sitting on this inbox comment/ask for a long time because I wanted to make sure I respond in a way that feels productive, kind, and doesn't step on other fans' joy. Having said that, as a Lokius shipper, I think it's really important for Lokius shippers and Sylki shippers to unite on at least one subject and that's positive bisexual representation. This isn't meant to be a harsh reply--I understand what the anon is saying from their point of view--but I also want to delineate between canon and personal interpretation/taste.
I also want to note that it's unfair to disavow Mobius and Sylvie's impact on Loki, Loki's impact on each of them as a result of his individual relationships with them, and thus the impact Mobius and Sylvie have on one another separate from Loki. Doing so really halves the overall richness of the story, and taking this into account is why my metas are so annoyingly long. This one, in particular, is a mess but hopefully I've managed to wrangle it into some kind of coherence that addresses the anon ask that is respectful to Sylki. Fear not, Lokius shippers, I discuss Lokius in this post, too. But first, let's talk about canon and bisexual representation ...
Canon is often defined as: 1.) what is actually written in text (as opposed to subtext), AND 2.) what the creator(s) verbally confirm.
I've said before and I'll keep repeating: the most important aspect of art is art's relationship with the reader/viewer. Individual interpretation is what escalates a medium to a deeply personal and, at times, spiritual level. Art is supposed to make us think and feel. We're supposed to interact with it and do with it what we will. This is particularly important when we consider that much of consumable art is hampered by the demands of capitalism. Fan-interpretation democratizes what people without power want to see and hear, whereas canon (especially mass media canon) often self-censures to sell to the widest audience.
From the creators' standpoint, Sylvie has always been intended to be Loki's romantic interest, and Loki was always intended to have romantic feelings for her. This is what the creators tell us. Whether or not one likes Sylvie and Loki together is subjective.
As for the text, the plot between Loki and Sylvie has the markers of a romance, albeit one that doesn't come into full fruition. By full fruition, I mean a happy ending with each character affirming one's love for the other and committing to being together. Now, a relationship doesn't have to be successful or reciprocal to be considered romantic. Heck, it can be absolutely toxic and still be romantic. Whether or not the plot is convincing in its execution of romance, however, is also subjective.
What romance requires is: 1.) at least one of the characters desiring the other, and 2.) at least one of the characters willing to sacrifice for the other. Sacrifices don't have to be big, either. They can be small and cumulative.
Canonically, Loki fulfills both of these romantic requirements for Sylvie. (More on Sylvie below).
Subtextually (that is, not canon as defined above), Loki and Mobius fulfill both of these requirements for one another.
I'm gonna soap box for the next two paragraphs, so you can skip over this if that's not your jam. Both romances, canonical and subtextual, can exist concurrently without erasing the existence of the other. Even if Loki and Mobius had miraculously become canon in S2 (it's Disney, this never would have happened but let's explore the hypothetical), that doesn't erase Loki's former romance with Sylvie in S1. To erase that history is bisexual erasure, which isn't okay. Likewise, quashing the importance of queer subtext in order to "kill the other ship" isn't okay either, as it reinforces optical heteronormative romance in mass media and is also a form of bisexual erasure.
What's more important than either ship "winning" is the positive portrayal of a bisexual character. This means a character who demonstrates genuine love and devotion to people of more than one gender. If we accept the canon AND the subtext (we don't have to like it; Sylki's not my cup of tea personally, but I accept it as real), Loki fulfills positive bisexual representation, however restrained that representation may be. The social goal is to get to the point where a media juggernaut like Disney allows its franchise characters to experience relationships with more than one gender canonically and positively. We're not there yet and I'll probably be dead before Disney ever gets there, but Loki can be seen as a historical stepping stone distinct from Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens) and Steve Bonnet and Edward Teach (Our Flag Means Death).
(NOTE: Polyamory is a whole separate subject matter, which I'm won't get into here.)
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There's fan dispute over Sylvie's interest in Loki. I've previously written meta on Sylvie's sexuality and how she responds to Loki's romantic advances here. In S1, while she starts off frustrated, I think Sylvie slowly develops interest and was cautiously hopeful that she and Loki could figure out their futures together. Loki has been consistent about wanting to be with Sylvie and supporting her up until the necessary plot conflict of the series midpoint (S1E6; the S1 finale). This midpoint is the root cause for why Loki and Sylvie's relationship becomes strained. Again, this doesn't mean that the romance never existed--the plotpoints are there--but it does mean Loki's character development got in the way.
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So let's talk about the series' midpoint and the interplay of Mobius, Loki, and Sylvie's mutual impact. The three are so deeply entangled that it's worth untangling their cause and effect on one another.
I keep stressing in my other metas that the series' midpoint (S1E6) is the most critical. Structurally, midpoints are where the story turns. Midpoints occur on multiple scales: at the episode level (typically in acts 3 or 5, depending on how the screenwriter divides their screenplay), at the season level, and at the series level. Midpoints are what provide the overall narrative and character arcs with movement.
As a whole, there are 3 key midpoints in the entire series:
1.) S1E2/E3 - When Loki betrays Mobius for Sylvie (midpoint of S1)
2.) S1E6 - When Loki betrays Sylvie for the "bigger picture" (midpoint of the whole series)
3.) S2E3/E4 - When it's revealed HWR betrayed Renslayer; Victory Timely is brought into the mix, and Sylvie reluctantly joins the TVA (midpoint of S2)
There is another betrayal that runs near-concurrently with #2, which is Mobius's betrayal of Renslayer (it begins in S1E4 and continues into the S1 finale). Thematically, we can take Loki's betrayal of Sylvie and Mobius's betrayal of Renslayer as mirrors of one another because these are the only betrayals that are motivated by good rather than selfishness. The selfish betrayals of #1 and #3 bookend betrayal #2 to highlight the beginning Loki's readiness to become a hero in S1E6. Where S1 focuses on Loki exploring who he is, S2 focuses on the hero Loki will become. S1E6 therefore serves as Loki's turn, his launching point to get to where he lands in S2E6. The story is really well-structured!
The poetic irony is that Loki's S1E6 betrayal was not an act of villainy, but an act of character growth.
There is plot set-up for Loki's betrayal of Sylvie, and that set-up is 2-pronged: 1.) from Sylvie's end, her misinterpretation of Loki's intentions, and 2.) from Mobius's end, the provision of unconditional friendship. Building up to these prongs are S1E1 - S1E3, in which Loki's self-interest and impulsivity are emphasized. S1E4 pivots Loki from self-interest and impulsivity to consideration for others and caution. Sylvie did not bear witness to Loki and Mobius's interactions in S1E1-S1E2 and S1E4 in the time loop chamber. She has no context for why Loki would hesitate killing HWR. I'll discuss this more under "Prong 2".
In the scene below (S1E5), Sylvie makes an assumption about what Loki wants and Loki admits via subtext that ruling a timeline actually won't make him happy.
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Sylvie smiles in response, implying she understands what Loki means, however Loki often speaks in double-meanings (he cannot be trusted) and Sylvie has doubts (she cannot trust). From Sylvie's point-of-view, Loki has discussed the desire to rule with her 3 times (writers' magic 3s again). Above is the third. The previous 2 are:
1.) In their first confrontation in S1E2, when Loki offers Sylvie the opportunity to be his lieutenant. (Can't find the gif of this. Grr ...)
2.) On Lamentis (S1E3) in the scene below:
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By S1E6, Loki has no interest in rule.
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He's honest when he says he's worried about the greater ramifications of killing HWR. Sylvie doesn't believe him. The question is how did Loki arrive at this point in his character arc? Why slow down now? Why worry about the consequences now?
The answer is in S1E4.
It's established in S1E1 that Mobius knows Loki better than Loki knows himself and consequently better than Sylvie knows Loki. A lot of Mobius-haters despise Mobius's cold confrontational tactics but it is those same tactics that force Loki to self-reflect. And to be clear, Mobius uses cruelty in S1E1 because 2012 Loki would not believe in, let alone listen to, softness and compassion. Cruelty is a language 2012 Loki understands, therefore Mobius communicates with him on that level to get him to listen and start thinking about the answers to the hard questions.
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Not exactly the gif I wanted, but close enough. In this scene, Mobius wonders why Loki, who "has so much range", wants a throne. He then asks Loki, what's next? The implication of these questions is that Mobius knows Loki will never be satisfied. He knows, deep down, a throne is a poor substitute for what Loki really wants: love, acceptance, and companionship.
Mobius's tone is mocking, his note that Loki has a wide range is complimentary, and the question is serious. Further, and this important, Mobius gives Loki respect in conjunction with his cruelty, his compliments, and his seriousness by acknowledging Loki's intelligence ("I am smart"; "I know") and his potential to be more than a villain ("That's not how I see it"). Understandably, this strange, dizzying mix of seemingly contradictory truths puts Loki off-balance.
Their tenuous allyship becomes a friendship in Mobius's eyes near the end of S1E2. Mobius is practically squeeing about Loki's multiple breakthroughs and how well they work together to Renslayer:
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And Loki genuinely looks excited to help Mobius. Look at that fist-pump. Mobius doesn't see it, he's ahead of Loki, so his enthusiasm isn't an act. The seeds of mutual trust (rather than doubt) have been planted.
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Unfortunately, Loki's poor impulse control and need to hedge his bets out of self-interest lead him to betraying Mobius. Both Sylvie and Mobius take Loki's betrayals poorly.
The key difference is that Mobius cannot resist the desire to trust Loki, to want to be his friend. This desire creates Mobius's doubt in Renslayer, which in turn leads to his betrayal of her.
Forgiveness isn't easy. It requires the ability to accept disagreements and another person's shortcomings. It requires good will, faith, and a willingness to move on. It requires compromise and, at times, letting go entirely.
Mobius torturing Loki with the Sif memory loop was awful. His personal hurt is directly tied to the below admission, which informs Loki what Mobius thought of their relationship:
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And that revelation startles him. It forces him to evaluate his actions that led to Mobius saying such a thing (impulsivity; self-interest). Loki, who doesn't want to be alone, desires Mobius's friendship.
So when Mobius returns to Loki with an olive branch ...
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Loki offers Mobius an olive branch of his own by affirming the friendship Mobius believed in but felt betrayed by.
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Thus, Loki and Mobius accept each other's olive branches. They forgive each other and repair their relationship from there. This is critical thematically because Loki and Mobius each extend olive branches to Sylvie and Renslayer respectively, both of whom reject those olive branches more than once. Sylvie and Renslayer represent opposite ends of the chaos versus order ideology, for which neither is willing to compromise. Loki and Mobius also start out at opposite ends before meeting in the middle.
Sylvie unfortunately does not know anything about Loki's interactions with Mobius and how those interactions have impacted Loki's motivations. She doesn't know that Loki wants to "slow down and think about this" because the last time he acted on impulse, it turned out he almost threw Mobius's friendship out the window without realizing he had his friendship in the first place.
For her, the seeds of doubt have already been planted: Loki betrayed the TVA to pursue her, Loki expressed shock at Sylvie's desire to "walk away" rather than taking advantage of the "ultimate power vacuum" once the TVA is destroyed, he expresses the desire to rule 3 times. Therefore, it's perfectly reasonable for Sylvie to assume Loki would betray her for power even though she had hopes to the contrary. Romantic tragedy? Absolutely. Believable? Depends on who you ask and what your personal taste is.
There must be some kind of sentiment on Sylvie's part, however, because she chooses not to kill Loki. Instead, she kisses him goodbye and throws him through a time door.
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Mobius's friendship is therefore the catalyst for everything that unravels between Loki and Sylvie in S1E6 (the series' midpoint). I think it's safe to interpret Sylvie's tearing into Mobius in S2E4 as not only due to being in the TVA and having all her traumas brought to the surface, but also due to experiencing jealousy. This level of anger matches Mobius's outrage about Sylvie in S1E4! Note, however, that this interpretation of Sylvie's interaction with Mobius is subtext. Subtext goes many ways!
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Are Loki and Sylvie a believable romance? It depends on your taste.
A fictional couple's overall successful reception by the audience (which is rarely if ever 100%) is contingent on a few things:
1.) Character development
2.) Story execution
3.) Chemistry between the actors
Reception and interpretation of the above are all subjective. In addition to these elements, another important factor is couple trope. Depending on your preference, some tropes might be nope while others are yum. You might even like most tropes but the actor chemistry, character development, and/or plot are just not doing it for you.
Loki and Mobius follow the tropes of:
Opposites attract/Complementary set
Sunshine and cynic
Enemies to allies to friends to lovers
Sherlock and Watson
Slow burn
Ride or Die
Loki and Sylvie, on the other hand, follow the tropes of:
Exceptionally similar but with key differences/Matching Set
BAMF duo
Enemies to allies to lovers
Bonnie and Clyde
Fast and passionate
Ride or Die
Loki and Sylvie's romantic dynamic may be compared to the following couples in other media:
Batman and Catwoman
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Jack Sparrow and Angelica Teach
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Benedict and Beatrice
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If you notice, they all have very similar personality traits. They also fight and fight a LOT. It's part of their charm and can add to their chemistry.
Personally, I didn't feel any chemistry between Loki and Sylvie, I didn't feel like there was enough warmth between them, and I really wanted Loki to be loved by someone who makes an effort to understand him rather understanding his core traits off the bat by being the same entity. Loki and Mobius hit all the right story beats for me. Tom and Owen's chemistry as actors is remarkable. I'm also a sucker for ball of sunshine and cynic dynamics.
But that's just me. That doesn't mean I don't see what the creators tried to do with Loki and Sylvie in terms of plot, character development, and couple tropes. Some people felt chemistry between Tom and Sophia, others (like me) didn't. Whatever the case, the canon exists and the romantic tropes are there. I just feel the subtextual romance between Loki and Mobius is stronger and that, again, is my subjective judgment.
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
I find it interesting how frequently JK says something to/about jimin that could be used against jimin by antis and then jkkrs scramble to explain and try to find a different meaning to what he said. Why does everything he says need a lengthy explanation to clarify he didn't mean this or that? As soon as i saw the trailer i knew antis were going to latch on to the " i miss the members" part and Jimin saying he's a member too. And this is the beginning, Jk is going to say a lot more vague things on the show that could be used against jm. It's a pattern and I'm prepared lol. Reminds me of when he said he wanted to go to special forces in that live and jkkrs had to search up every military department to find minor differences bw his and tae's. I'm not a jkkr but I admit i enjoy watching their interactions, until JK says something like that and the haters are given new material to harass jm then I'm like yeah I can't be on board with this ship. I'm fully expecting a lot more when the episodes are released.
I personally believe you have the target on the wrong back. last week my blog was full of a discussion on whether the members act in ways to get fan attention. posting publicly to social media i think could be open for more debate but largely, i think bts have a solid few of army that isn't broken down into quadrants like fans view it (ot7s vs. solos. vs. shippers, etc.). it is hard to make a conclusive decision, since we don't know them personally, but.
i really don't think jungkook is conniving enough to plan out ways in which he can draw jimin antis out on twitter. i don't believe jungkook trying to plot the downfall of jimin. in my view, jungkook has demonstrated that him and jimin are very close and care for each other very deeply. i don't see him as someone would do such a thing.
point blank. it is the stans. not jungkook.
with all due respect, in this ask you are following the agenda pushed forward by these solos, looking for anyway to make jungkook the enemy. in the name of protecting jimin from these antis, you are doing the same to jungkook.
of course, there are stans that say things that are a lot worse. but throwing the blame on jungkook here, saying he starts the hate is just incorrect.
realistically, a comment about how he misses the members, wishing they could be here to experience this with jikook, (which EVERY SINGLE MEMBER has said in behind the scenes from solo era by the way) should not cause this much of a stir. but tkkrs will find a way to say jungkook wasn't happy while shooting this show, he was forced to do this, and he's not happy with jimin ever. do you see how the stans are projecting this narrative??
i think stan twitter and stan spaces in general have a way of poisoning the fan experience. realistically we should all just be happy that we got this show and that jikook worked hard in preparation for its release. but instead minds get plagued by how jikook's actions will have stan repercussions.
there needs to be a reframing of shipping at large, because i think it does more harm than good as we can see from your ask and anti behavior. i've largely disengaged with trying to prove ships are real and just began to appreciate jikook as a duo. and that's enough for me. yeah i'll make gay jokes and ponder it sometimes, but it isn't worth the inevitable disappointment when you realize they probably can never tell us about their relationship.
Why does everything he says need a lengthy explanation to clarify he didn't mean this or that?
you're calling direct attention to the problems that arise when you focus on the details to try and find the truth. again, i engage with this myself sometimes, i've done it on this blog. but do it enough with the wrong motivations and you drive yourself crazy. that is the space in which stans operate in.
while it's brought up, if anyone has the clip or the timestamp where jungkook said he wanted to go to special forces please let me know. because i looked it up recently and could only find an tkkr edited video where it doesn't even look like jungkook said a word.
i personally believe there's a lot more in jikook that can't be twisted in a way that doesn't look ridiculous than stuff that can be used against them in a tkkr sense. i hope you're able to find enjoyment in the show beyond the stan narratives, because i really think it will be such a comforting show to watch.
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caffeine-clouds · 2 years
What Your Favourite Sonic Ship Says About You! (Part 1)
(Sonamy, Sonadow, Sonally) FULL DISCLAIMER: Shipping is a hot topic of debate, but this post is lighthearted fun! I'm a multi-shipper, I love most of these ships - and I can see why some people like the dynamics that I might not. This is not a bashing post, this is fun time. So, without further ado- Sonamy
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You appreciate the simpler things in life. You decided to ship the protagonist with the main girl character just like 90% of all media writers, it's just what you're comfortable with. In terms of fanfiction tropes, do you happen to enjoy childhood sweethearts, meet-cutes, soulmates - that type of thing? I just had a feeling... Either way, you're just here for the cute vibes and the pining - and who can blame you? You probably really liked the fact that when you first came across the ship that it was the girl of the pair being the one so forward with her romantic feelings. But as time has gone on - you're either one of those people that really miss that side of Amy, or you're one of those that are so dang grateful they've toned her down. Either way, it's safe to say that this is one of the most vanilla of Sonic ships - and that's not an insult, vanilla is a good ice cream flavour. But no one is really going to fight you on your opinion other than the 5% of remaining toxic Sonally shippers, and those people that are somehow still living in the Sonic Heroes era. Sonadow
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You saw that Sonic and Shadow's rivalry has been going on for far longer than 7 years, so it must be gay - and honestly, I can't fault your logic. You're a sucker for two disasters who can't express their feelings, and you have just determined that fighting is simply their love language. Even with Shadow's limited screen time in Prime, you suck every single dang crumb you're given like a vacuum. And by the way, you definitely have an Ao3 account - don't try and hide it. We already know you're a sucker for enemies/rivals to lovers... and I'd also wager you enjoy just-one-bed. Also you like that thing where characters constantly call each other by a nickname, and only end up calling them by their actual name during a confession scene or when one of the characters is seriously injured. I dunno, just had a hunch you'd like that sort of thing. You are debating between two sides of yourself - part of you wants Shadow's old characterization back where he was a more in-depth character and showed Sonic more respect, but part of you also loves how so damn obsessive Shadow is in modern games over Sonic and how much he wants to fight him - because that at least implies that Sonic is on Shadow's mind literally most of the time. But when all is said and done, this is vanilla when it comes to gay ships in the Sonic community. It's too damn easy, it's why it's the most popular Sonic ship on Tumblr. This ship was made for the LGBTQ+ community. Sonally
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Opposites attract is your go-to, and it's been tried and tested - the formula works, I see it. You strike me as the person who really cares about canon material, and you tend to steer away from a lot of fanon. I also have a strong feeling you're a Sonic fan that's on the older side, back when SatAM and Archie were at their peak and considerably more popular. It's a ship with all the things you need to be happy - the characters have a deep, long-lasting bond, it's a sweet ship, and the two have constrasting personalities - so it doesn't get stale for you. You're probably into similar tropes as the Sonamy shippers - but you enjoy more drama and spice to your fanfics, and you won't shy away from angst - Archie loved its angst, I know you enjoyed that shit. You're either content with all the Sonally content you've gotten over the years, and will occassionally look at fanarts. Or you're one of those people who will not let the Archie comics go, you are still in denial - you are begging for Sally's return into the series and you're hoping now that Ian Flynn is writing for the games, that your dreams might just become a reality.
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amagnificentobsession · 9 months
Seems like a war has been waged.
Someone threw their halo.
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I’m seeing more and more venomous posts about the shipping of Michael and David. Aziraphale and Crowley have left the building for now it appears in this argument.
What is written here is MY opinion, no one else’s.
Choose to read it or not, it’s fine. But be respectful.
Not just of me, but of anyone.
The recent explosion of interactions between Michael and David completely and utterly enthralled us.
After the Twitter(X) debacle and the absolute HATE that Michael received for “not choosing a side”, his then attempt at explaining his thoughts (that he didn’t owe to anyone) for wanting it all to end, and civilian casualties to stop. Nope, not good enough Michael, you HAVE to pick a side. He was done. He didn’t want to do it anymore.
He’s working, has a family, came to (X) for a bit of fun and silliness. That was now gone. So he left. Probably in sheer and utter disgust. How can anyone blame him?
Now we have David Tennant, blooming like the most beautiful orchid, petals wide, labellum in its full GLORIOUS expansion, the likes of which we’ve never seen before.
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Good Omens, Staged, Litvinenko, Dr. Who, Macbeth, being a DILF (3 goes into 6 twice Michael 🤭) it just continues.
From his choice in clothing, the dignity and eminence with which he carries himself. This comes from a deep self-assurance and self-worth.
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Seeing the reviews for Macbeth, his stance onstage, the PURE divination on his face as he looked out and saw Michael. The LOVE in that moment would steal the last remnants of air from an exploding supernova.
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No one can tell me there isn’t a pure, abiding LOVE between them. PURE. In whatever way THEY choose to categorize it.
Michael Sheen, we can all agree, holds NOTHING back. If he felt in anyway infringed upon with these ideas, can you imagine him saying nothing? Can you imagine him allowing his BEST FRIEND, someone he deeply LOVES, to be accosted with lies and misinformation?
I certainly cannot.
Michael Sheen has always been a powerhouse. Barreling through on whatever chosen path he decided.
David Tennant has been a softly caressing wave on the beach. Doing as he desired, quietly, without much fanfare. Happy to be low profile.
That has all changed with the adjoining of these two humans.
As others have stated many, many times, “the biggest shippers of these two, are Michael and David.”
Does this keep them in the public eye?
Does this keep them trending and on topic?
Do I think they would continue to be this same way with each other if the world looked the other way and didn’t care?
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bomikalover · 4 months
heyy shyy!!!!!
i’m bored so imma ask rank ur top 5 df ships!!
(Jk love you girlie 🫶🏾)
OBVIOUSLY, WE ALL SAW THIS COMING. I’m a sucker for a good opposites attract but not too opposite?! If you know what I mean. Like Bose is a golden retriever dimwit who’s artistic and all about rule bending while Mika is a black cat brainiac who’s logical and all about rule-following. But they still are a match made in heaven because of their similar moral ground. Like Bomika are opposites but are aren’t polar opposites (like Bapa) The nicknames, the color coordination, the jealousy, all the tropes they fit, the height difference, the comfortability, and overall THE FACT THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS TO LOVERS. We literally saw their relationship go from strangers to friends to best friends to crushes to a couple! If S3 would have been a full season we would have seen canon Bomika!! They are a match made in heaven and the only confirmed canon ship of the show, I mean I will always be Bomikalover for a reason.
Now I will say I titter on the line about whether I ship them as romantic or platonic but I think I finally have chosen my shipping route. I chose platonic Chiles-NOW HEAR ME OUT! Ever since I saw Chapa and Ruby then Miles and Buddy, my whole perspective changed. Chiles definitely gives best friends, like bail out of jail type of friends. Like I just know Chapa and Miles have to be super close hanging around Bomika all the time. Since Bomika have Bomika Sunday and seemed to be comfortable hanging without Chiles, Chiles had to learn to do the same. They just seem so happy being friends and I genuinely think that them not being together is the best option.
Now Buddy and Miles became a new ship of mine ever since I saw them in Big Dynomite. At first I thought they were cute friends then in Bose’s Bday I saw them as something more. That episode was literally Miles choosing between Buddy and Sissy. And he chose Buddy. Plus in SwellMelonFest, Buddy had an arranged date with a girl and showed no interest at all. He showed disgust more than anything. The HeadCanon that Buddy is gay is just canon atp. They both have similar personalities and seem to be comfortable with each other as well. But Miles to me felt the closest to Buddy out of the four kids. Bose had one sided beef cause Buddy actually has a dad who wants to spend time with him. Chapa is most likely still warming up to him but I think she’s second closest after Miles. Mika just seems to be treating him likes she treats all her friends but it’s Mika so what do you expect. Miles and Buddy would have been such a cute dynamic to see more off and it’s sad to say we won’t anymore.
Honestly I see this as romantic or platonic. I switch back and forth on the daily. Like I see them as besties but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if Chapa was the reason Mika found out she was Bisexual. Like they make sense dynamics wise.
Rule breaker x Rule follower
Black Swan x White Swan
And many more. But I ship Bomika so hard, that I struggle to see Mika’s romantic dynamic with anyone else but that’s a me problem lol.
But Chamika is a great ship, and I support it 100%
Never have, never will.
It’s just not for me.
I can go on and on about why I don’t but I won’t out of respect for the Bapa shippers (who are actually educated and decent human beings) that do ship it.
But I adore the O’Brien De Silva twin dynamic. Like Bose and Chapa are so twins separated at birth core. Like 2 halves of the same person. They out twin the actual twins in the show. Like if I’m being honest it would have made more sense to have 2 sets of siblings than a pair of twins and 2 other kids. Or even better make Bapa step-siblings! Then their love-hate relationship makes a lot more sense. Like Chapa punched Bose in the face, pushed him in front of missiles, zapped him whenever she felt like it, dragged him around like a child, and told him that his dad wasn’t coming back. Plus many other things. Like that’s an older step-sister hating on her little bro right there.
I didn't include Ruby & Chapa cuz I didn't feel fair since they only share one episode together unfortunately 😔
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geekgirles · 2 years
So we're going the Feligami route, huh?
Disclaimer: I am well aware of the contents of the leaks. However, I will not discuss them in my posts out of respect for my fellow Miraculers that wish not to be spoiled. So, please, if you read this and are aware of the spoilers as well, refrain from discussing them. At the very least don’t do it on the notes. Please and thank you.
Before I say anything else, I want to first make it clear that this is in no way meant as an attack towards Feligami shippers. Just because I don't share your enthusiasm for the ship doesn't mean I'm going to declare war on its supporters. I just...I just need to get this out of my chest. Because I have so many feelings, and thoughts, and opinions regarding these two as a couple and its execution...and not necessarily of the good kind.
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You might be thinking my main beef with Kagami and Félix dating may come from the fact that, morals aside, these two are too similar.
Both are intelligent, capable, well-educated kids from rich families who at first glance have a more dignified and serious vibe going on as opposed to Adrien's more laid-back rich kid energy. A perfectly crafted image of elegance and aloofness that underlies strong emotions, a mischievous side, and a warm heart (which in Félix's case sort of contradicts his gremlin child personality from previous seasons, but that's a topic for another day).
However, while that does play a part in my disinterest in the ship, it is actually the least of my concerns.
So please let me explain why I just can't help but roll my eyes at this development:
1. It's rushed and feels forced:
Leaving aside the obvious reality that it is that Félix has only been featured in 7 episodes in the entirety of the show (with his Multiplication appearance being important but minor), there is also the fact that these two have interacted thrice in all that time. 
With their first interaction back in Gabriel Agreste being reduced to giving a side-glance to each other. And not even a friendly one.
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Truly, they are soulmates...
Now, the irony doesn’t escape me regarding the fact that some of the Love Square issues come precisely from the fact that it’s taken them too long for Adrienette to be canon. One of my personal issues with Feligami happens to be that their relationship came a tad too soon. 
Can you please explain to me how do we go from “I begrudgingly acknowledge your existence” to “I can’t stop thinking about you”? I’m sorry, but that is too much of a shoujo manga cliché even for Miraculous. 
Mainly because that was basically the kind of dynamic Marinette would have had with Félix had he remained Chat Noir and Astruc, being cognizant of this fact, chose to scrap him because of that.
Because at least Marinette crushing on Adrien after thinking he was a jerk comes from the fact that he went out of his way to apologise to her, make amends, and show he is truly kind at heart. Feligami just comes out of nowhere.
Moreover, their current relationship status also feels forced due to their previous interactions. I’m sorry, but let’s face it, nobody in their right mind would think falling for or even trusting Félix/Argos is a good idea. 
If my memory doesn’t fail me, in Multiplication Ladybug and Chat Noir declared Félix as a public enemy due to willingly betraying them and allying himself with Shadow Moth, which directly resulted in him getting the miraculouses and becoming Monarch. (I could be mistaken on this one, though)
And as former miraculous holder, someone who is aware of the fact that the power is granted by sentient beings whose fates are unknown to them, there is just no way Kagami would come to even consider trusting Argos. 
And don’t try to bring her friendship with Lila up because at least there she has the excuse of not being aware of the full extent of Lila’s maliciousness and manipulations. In Félix’s case, she is 100% aware of what he’s capable of. 
Hell, he literally snapped her loved ones out of existence! And regardless of how terrible Tomoe is, she is still Kagami’s mother and she loves her. Just how she adores Marinette who, to her knowledge, Félix almost killed for real.
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And you expect me to believe she would just move past that? Please, don’t insult me like that.
As much as I love my girl Kagami, there really isn’t enough content between these two to justify either of them falling for the other. 
Which sort of leads us to my next point...
2. The implications behind the ship:
There are a lot of unfortunate implications between their interactions. The kind that makes this pairing becoming canon very questionable because it just wouldn’t bode well in any long-term relationship, let alone a real one. And this actually comes from both sides. 
But let’s start with Félix, okay?
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Ah, yes. The ring close-up.
What was originally meant as a “mere” confirmation of the fact that Kagami is most likely a sentimonster as well (a shock in itself if you didn’t buy the Sentimonster Theory), has the unfortunate side effect of implying the main, or even sole, reason Félix ever developed a crush on her is because the two are sentimonsters...and that’s it. 
Which is a terrible thing to base an entirely relationship on, because it would mean that Félix isn’t in love with Kagami as her own person. Because, quite frankly, he barely knows her to really come to appreciate her as such. But rather, his interest is born from the fact that the two are one and the same. 
It just reads as Félix being desperate for companionship, instead of actively looking for Kagami’s companionship.
And speaking of things that just don’t bode well...Kagami’s side in all of this isn’t much better. 
Ever since she was first introduced as Adrien’s potential alternative love interest, or more accurately, ever since Frozer, Kagami has made it a point to let Adrien know she wishes he were more proactive and assertive, which sort of culminated with that harsh phone call from Risk. 
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And would you look at that!
Aside from his more manipulative side, being more proactive and assertive than Adrien sort of is Félix’s deal! Looks like Kagami finally found her match after all...
All that would be fine and dandy if it weren’t for the fact that all of season 5 so far, and especially Protection, have shown Adrien finally taking measures to try and be more in control of his life. Which good for him! We all know he needed the character development. Unfortunately this also comes with the canon fact that his new personality also reignited the flame of Kagami’s love for him. Which, again, was the main conflict in Protection: 
Kagami trying to keep her own growing feelings and jealousy in check now that Adrien and Marinette are an item. 
And where does this leave Feligami at?
Well, coupled with the fact that for some weird reason the Fathoms and Agrestes couldn’t be bothered to give their children individual looks, that is to say, that Félix is a carbon copy of Adrien and that Kagami was once again in love with him (Adrien) because he was finally turning into the kind of person she always dreamed he would be...let’s just say it all feels as if Kagami is projecting her feelings for Adrien onto Félix, rather than learning to love him for who he is. 
And that is just not fair for either character. Because it feels as if neither Félix or Kagami are being loved for who they truly are, but for what the other wants them to be. Which is the wrong approach to any relationship.
4. Kagami deserves a girlfriend
5. Even though my previous point is (half) meant as a joke, given what’s happened in Pretension it still holds a certain weight. Mainly because what ultimately seems to endear Félix to Kagami is the fact that some of his mannerisms remind her of Marinette.
I'm not making this up. Félix suddenly acting like a mess around Kagami could not be any more of an obvious parallel to Marinette's own bouts of nervousness around Adrien throughout the show.
Let’s that sink in for a minute, okay?
You’re telling me, Kagami for the most part is justifiably and understandibly hostile towards Félix, but the moment he starts acting like Marinette her whole demeanour softens? You say that she cares for Marinette so much that anything that resembles her becomes an immediate soft spot for Kagami?? And I’m supposed to believe she’s falling for Félix instead of getting deadass gayer for Marinette each passing episode????
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Now, if that’s not a comphet narrative when I see it...
Which, combined with my previous point about Kagami projecting her feelings for Adrien onto Félix, only gives further credibility to the popular “fanon” idea that Kagami is bi. Now, if you could just let her meet some nice girl from her fencing class and let her explore that side of herself in peace instead of forcing her into a nonsensical relationship, that’d be great. 
6. It just reinforces the show’s blatant amatonormativity
Believe it or not, this is actually my main beef with the pairing. This is what makes me grit my teeth and roll my eyes in annoyance.
I get it, I get it. 
“Miraculous takes a lot of inspiration from rom-coms”, “it’s a show based on magical girls; of course romance is important!”, “the Love Square is one of its main pillars, what did you expect?”
I know. 
However, and I cannot stress this enough, you do not need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy and fulfilled. Not only because of the existence of these wonderful groups of people called aromantics and aroace people, but even the most straight, cisgendered, hopeless romantic can be perfectly content single. 
Also, being in a relationship is just not something Kagami and Félix’s characters need. But the writers insist that being romantically involved with someone is the only viable happy ending for anyone.
In Kagami’s case, in my humble opinion, taking control of her life from her controlling and strict mother while working on building stronger platonic relationships with her friends would be a very satisfying way to conclude her character arc. Because as touching as it was to see everyone assuring Kagami that they love her in Perfection, aside from Marinette and Adrien the only person her age she’s been interacting with is Lila. 
Not exactly the image of honesty and genuine support one would expect in a friendship, huh?
Maybe it’s just me, but seeing the once lonely and socially awkwad Kagami aurrounded by people she’s actually friends with rather than kids that hang out with her by association (that is to say, they are either Mari or Adrien’s friends too and that day they just happen to be all together) would feel like we’ve come full circle. 
From the aloof and lonely girl that is only focused on being the best and making her family proud we met in Riposte...
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...to the warm and happy girl who greatly values her social circle she’s slowly been turning into.
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And as for Félix...
Well, truth be told, the show hasn’t really given us much to work with. But maybe a happy ending for him would be if aside from finally being free like he wants to be, he rekindles his relationship with Adrien. If the two really were close in the past, then it would be a pity to lose that. 
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But no. 
Instead, the show just has to reinforce the idea that the only way you can possibly be happy is by being in a romantic relationship. Never mind if they have neglected that subplot for so long it just comes completely out of the blue and feels unearned. 
I love Miraculous, I love the Love Square, and I am a shipper first and a person second, but this is ridiculous and a huge disservice to all parties involved.
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people say all of the susie/mage sisters ships are Kinda the same, which is a valid take to have, but i don't really think theres enough shippers/content of any of them to make that conclusion.
real quick analysis of all three first impressions (for fun):
flamsoos: my favorite of the three for a while. no clue why its the scarcest out of all them i don't think i've ever seen any ship content for them. a pyromaniac and mad scientist blow up machines and everything around them together. flamberges firery personality and zeal for life is contagious and makes susie appreciate the little things around her, and flam loves showing it to her and seeing how susies eyes shine the more she understands. flamberge teaches her how to let loose and have fun in a way she's never experienced before from her stale and sanitized life at hwc, which leads to susie having a seemingly 1-sided crush on an oblivious flamberge. insert love like you song from su that's them
fransoos: quickly rising up the brainrot charts for me. keep your friends close and enemies closer situation. rivals to lovers where both of them are too stuck up to realize they're much more similar than they think. francisca thinks susie is arrogant and full of herself and susie thinks the same of francisca, though they have a mutual respect for each others skill in their respective areas of expertise. despite this, they both try showing off and one-upping each other at every possible opportunity. both grow close as realize this lashing out is in some ways from how they've been hurt by the restrictive systems they used to live under, and how they're both struggling to adjust now that their previous lives have been upturned. in many ways both of them needed this rivalry. there's silent understanding and solace in each other's mere existence
zansoos: the most like a traditional relationship, is how i see it. not personally my thing but it is cute. zan and susie are wary of each other the first time they meet, and are curious about the expertise and lives of the other. then quickly come to the conclusion that the other is the more insane one, both in personality and lifestyle. they think this even as they get to become better friends. at first they pat themselves on the back for holding themselves back and being too polite to air that out, but those feelings later change to guilt. it comes as a relief when both of them admit they thought the other was nuts and they aren't being a bad friend for thinking that 1-way of the other. without the blockade of feeling like that have to hide their true feelings from the other, even in general after this, they're able to pursue a relationship built on trust. they're both a little messed up in different ways and that's okay, they love each other regardless. they're mildly toxic to strangers around them and support and enable each other doing that, like bullying children. the gaslight gatekeep girlboss ship
and just for fun, because i have polls now and we all know everyone with polls has to make at least one poll announcing it to everyone/lh, regardless of anything i've said above what's peoples favorite soos/tms ship. it's for science
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adversitybloomed · 1 year
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so i have two exclusive ships and part of the reason is they are my top OPT which they also know ━━ @battleguqin 's Lan Sizhui is one of my top OTP right now, considering we the mun's legit talk every single day. we write together every single day ( discord is our friend when we can't do tumblr ) && our muses really enjoy each other.
another one of my OTP is is @caracarnn 's Rand Al'Thor whom i adore. We get to talk as often as we can OOC wise && when we get to write a lot of the time it is both here but mostly on discord as well, which helps us a great deal.
it really depends. if its underage stuff, i struggle with it only because i dont mind writing puppy love, but i do not want them to go full out just yet. but considering most ships i have are immortal / power based ━━ it makes it harder to say. for me its not about that, its more about how our muses feel about each other && what we the muns feel comfortable plotting && writing. does this make sense ?
Anything that means clothing is off is considered nsfw && will be tagged as such.
HIGHLY. i have had really bad experiences with Mulan. like bro the stories i can tell you... i have had put rules up in place in order to protect not just myself but also Mulan from that happening again. I am a chemistry based shipper. so if our muses have it ? fantastic, lets ship. if only one does, let's do the one sided thing. but if there is no chemistry it is hard to have a ship.
i answered the three big ships above. but i also have a ship going with Merlin Nuallian, which is with @fatheredlegend && @calcifydamage 's Caleb Malphas.
Yes. If you have a ship you want to explore with me, ask. but also be prepared for the answer of "Lets wait and see". not because I do nto want to ship, but because I have been burned badly before && Mulan is picky.
I love shipping. legit love it. love all the aspects, the good && the bad. i won't lie, i will spam you with plots, i will spam with asks && images that remind you of our muses. but i also respect peoples time && will not hound for a reply && if my partner has other ships going ?? i want to read them && love on those too.
Yes. Let us spread the love !
erm. my mulan really does not fall into any fandom, so imma skip. just look at my above answer.
please just come talk to me ooc wise. let me vibe check with you. let me write with you && see how our muses get along. if we both feel something ? heck yeah let's ship. but please also understand, shipping is not my first priority. Mulan legit looks for friendships first && if she falls ? its legit news to her because she thinks she's getting sick >_<
but yeah, open communication is key to me. just come talk about it.
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tdp-fandom · 1 year
Favorite Ships Part 1 Discussion (2)
Shipping Poll Main Page · Full Ship List · Favorite Ships Results (Part 1) · Discussion (1)
Vote Breakdown
When asked about their favorite ships, most people filled all three available slots, while some only picked one or two. It was interesting to see a breakdown of these votes, since a ship that is listed as the only entry for favorite ship feels somehow more significant than a ship that is listed as third out of three. Then again, this may vary from person to person, as some people wrote a single ship because they don't care about shipping but didn't want to leave the field empty and some of those who listed three ships might ship them all equally strongly. Thus take the following table with a grain of salt.
The table below shows the total number of votes, the number of votes where the ship is listed as first out of two or three, as second out of two or three, as third out of three, or as the only entry.
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(This table on Google Sheets)
I would like to focus on the first 8 ships. The table below shows the vote breakdown for Rayllum, Viravos, Janaya, Ruthari, Claaravos, Sorvus, Virrow and Terridia. Each cell is color coded accroding to how common the postion was among the voters:
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We can transform them to percentages to make the data easier to compare:
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(These tables on Google Sheets)
What we can see is that Rayllum and Claaravos are most common as only ship choices for their respective shippers, with the second most common option being the first position. Viravos is most common as the first choice out of two or three, with second choice and only ship being the second most common options. All three of these ships are the least common of all these ships to be listed in the third position.
Janaya and Ruthari as most common among their shippers as the second choice, and second most common as the only choice. However, they are least common as the first choice.
Virrow is most common as the second choice and Sorvus is most common as the third, but they're both second most common as the first choice and least common as the only ship.
Terridia, just like Sorvus, is most common as the third choice, but notice how much bigger the percentage here is. Most ships' most common position ranges between 37 and 46%, while Terridia was chosen as the third option by 58.3% of people. Its second most common position is second choice and it's the only ship that isn't anyone's first choice. There are, however, 8.3% who chose it as their only ship.
Here are graphs for each individual ship:
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If we assume that being chosen as the only ship or on the first position out of two or three ships make a ship more important to the shipper (which, as I discussed above, is not always the case in reality), we can combine these two metrics and re-rank the ships accordingly:
The names in green rose in rank, the names in red - fell, and the names in black stayed the same. Ships with a red zero don't have any voted as only ships or first choice.
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This is how ship vote percentage changes in that case:
Chart on the left: all votes Chart on the right: 1st position and only ship votes
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(The table above and these charts on Google Sheets)
We can see that Rayllum immediately got a bigger chunk of the pie. Viravos, Claaravos and Virrow increased as well, while Janaya, Ruthari and Terridia decreased.
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helie-brain · 2 years
Overall a very nice ending to a great series. 
The small connections to the first season. 
The emotional scenes; Especially the one between Rosita/Eugen (not many words but the feeling is there) and Maggie/Negan (I like how instead of laughing or taunting him, she talks of Glenn and of why she can never forgive him but doesn’t hate him (beautiful acting)). Even Luke’s death was sad thanks to the acting of Magna, Yumiko, Connie and Kelly. 
The Gabriel’s character arch; from being full of fear and closing doors to his people to willingly being killed to open the gate to citizens and zombies. 
The overall feeling felt like a finale. I mean overall it was sad; deaths, saying goodbye. But it was also happy because we get to see our favorite characters finally live a little. 
The time jump: the new memorial with those lost in the battle, Eugen naming his daughter Rosita, Ezekiel being mayor of Commonwealth, Carol taking Hornesby’s job and the overall feeling is lighter. 
The special effects were great; the size of the explosion and the after effect were just amazing. Even the smaller explosions were well done. 
At times it was too corny. Like the scene in which Daryl gives a speech about how making things the way they were before was bad, it just felt flat and repetitive. 
The pacing was a bit fast. To me the episode felt really short for a finale, it was like fighting, crying, explosions time jump the end. 
The fact that only mid-way through the last season we are introduced to the variant walkers. If they were introduced earlier it could’ve shown how much of a threat they actually were.  
The whole shipping thing; I am a DarylxConnie shipper, but I can respect if Daryl ends up with Carol (I mean they have known each other longer) as long as he is happy. But the ending for all three characters felt weird. I mean through out most of the scenes between Carol/Daryl and Connie/Daryl it gave off a flirty even romantic feel to it. Like remember how protective Daryl was with Carol when he found out she was still alive in the Kingdom or how giggly he gets when he talks to Connie (he even learned ASL for her come on). Either have him end up with one or don’t have these kind of scenes. 
There are still quite a few open questions; what happened to Heath, What is happening in Oceanside and was it ever resolved, why are they so calm when there are walkers that can climb and hold weapons walking around, what happened in Connie’s past to make her save that baby in the cornfield, how come Connie and Magna not more effected by what they went through in the cave and after, Are there still Whisperers, is Hilltop rebuilt, what happened to Virgil, did the rest of the crew have to go through the processing to enter Commonwealth,
But overall I love The Walking Dead. It’s not just a show about zombies, its about how different people survive, family, community, lose, finding the joy in life no matter the hardship, everyone makes mistakes but what matters is how you resolve them. True not all the seasons were great but they were memorable, along with the characters.  I am going to miss it very much, I don’t think there will be a show like the walking dead. Don’t get me wrong there will be other great shows (like The house of Dragons). But nothing like the feeling of the Walking Dead. 
 Thankfully I have great fanfiction to read to maintain this feeling!
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chaos-husband · 11 months
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Your Boyfriend (Game)
Harry Potter
Anything that focuses on eyes (more than 2, eye horror, realistic eyes, etc.)
Medical themes (plague doctors excluded)
Bugs and spiders (Muffet from Undertale excluded)
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● This list is long, but not full. There are some sources I no longer interact with, but am still willing to edit for (E.G. South Park). The list is also organized in alphabetical order.
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Fallout (New Vegas and 4)
Final Fantasy (10 and 14)
Genshin Impact (Not an active player since 2.1)
Guilty Gear
The Legend of Zelda (Full series, but esp. Twilight Princess)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Murder Drones
My Hero Academia (First season only)
My Little Pony (Gen 1, 3, and 4)
MySims (Classic Wii, Kingdom Wii + DS, Agents Wii)
Naruto (No Boruto)
Okami + Okamiden
Persona (1-5 and spinoffs, but esp. 3 and 4)
Pokémon (Gen 1-8)
Project SEKAI (+ Vocaloid)
Shin Megami Tensei (3-5)
Sonic the Hedgehog
South Park
Splatoon (1-3)
Stardew Valley
Static Shock (2000s cartoon)
Steven Universe (Show + movie, not Future)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 and some 2003)
Total Drama (All seasons including 2023)
Undertale + Deltarune
Wings of Fire (Caught up to book 8)
Xenoblade Chronicles (1, 2, and X)
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wellship · 2 years
Hey so you’re like zosan gospel to me bc you are the ONLY person who’s done zosan in a way that i like. Do you have any fic rec for them?? I wanna try and Get It but i really don’t unless it’s your comics—a Lot of other zosan is either ooc or ooc and fujoshi.
Also i really really dig ur art and your writing for your comics, you grasp the characters of op (esp sanji) in such an iconic way idk its in character but also so much more mature at the same time, i respect it.
(Also also sorry if you don’t answer asks on this blog i just figured the ship fic rec ask should go to the ship blog)
Thank you so much for the kind words!! It's extremely flattering to think I can be showing people what zosan can be, HAHA. I know exactly where you're coming from. I was a young gay teen/tween when I first got into One Piece, and so I saw some potential chemistry between Zoro and Sanji, but it seemed like every other person I saw shipping them was shipping them for totally different reasons to me. It felt like a lot of them were totally ignoring what made their dynamic unique.
So I just kind of stopped trying to engage with other shippers and watched/read the whole series in a vacuum LMAO. The way I interpret the ship ended up shielded from the popular zosan vibe. I see them get forced into very strict, stereotypical roles that don't really match up with their personalities at all, like... the whole appeal of them, to me, is that they're as similar as they are different? Neither of them are going to be stoic all the time or none of the time, or bashful, or aggressive, etc... They can both easily have either of those traits depending on circumstance. A relationship where they end up stuck in the same roles forever just... isn't Zosan to me, haha. Obviously a lot of it is heteronormativity, too. A lot of preconceptions about how a relationship has to have one "wife" role and one "husband" role and then what those roles dictate... etc etc. Not only is that not really how gay couples work, full stop, it's also just totally not how zosan works LMAO
Sorry for rambling, this is kind of off-topic. I guess because you said you wanted to understand the ship I thought I'd explain a bit of why it appeals to me. At the end of the day I like their canon dynamic, I think there's a lot of love and trust behind it already, I just think it's totally possible there could be a layer of romantic love to it, too. Ultimately they both know the other person is someone they understand, and can rely on - being able to predict someone's actions, even if they're actions that are going to piss you off or which you'll disagree with, is a kind of comfort and stability, lol. They know each other inside and out. And also, it must be a load off each others' mind for them to think, "now there's a guy I don't have to look out for".
ALRIGHT ACTUALLY ONTO THE QUESTION YOU ASKED: I don't read a lot of fics, teehee! [Gets run over by a semi] BUT I can tell you right now you can't go wrong with anything by demonzoro on AO3. They have a really nuanced and beautiful comprehension of their relationship and their dynamic. They give zosan a lot of depth and emotion that's very compelling and sincere. I recommend starting off with And Then The Sun Came Out, which has been described as a "slow burn speedrun". The visuals in this fic...... they haunt me
I don't have any specific fic to link, but I also often enjoy the way 8ball (also on AO3) portrays them. It's a bit different from the dynamic I give them, but what I've read is good, well-founded, and draws you in. They also do doodles on Twitter - I've been greatly enjoying the childhood AU comics they've been posting currently.
On that note, if you like the ratbag dynamic I give zosan then you'll probably also enjoy pierogiy's stuff on Twitter, especially if, like me, you enjoy kicking Sanji around like a football
Thank you again for the kind words on my writing/characterisation of them! A lot of comic work focuses on the art but I work hard on the writing too, so this feedback means a lot!
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echotzzz · 3 years
I totally don’t mind people shipping lucien and Elain and in fact if Elriel not happen, I’m really okay to see how Elucien going to progress and I do enjoy some of their fanfic
But so far SOME (not all) of elucien really is an anti Elain and a Lucien stan first. Like they really hate Elain to the point of dismissing her feelings and her actions towards Lucien is nothing but she’s a brat or a bitch or just a dumb girl who don’t know how to decide. And how she is so cruel towards Lucien because she’s his mate. Like really…
First of all, i dunno how they could hate half of their fav ship. Like why?? If you dont like Elain then why ship her with Lucien??
“Elain need to get herself together to realize how wonderful and kind Lucien is” …
what if the reason Elain does not want Lucien simply because he is not her type?? Why some people think Elain not accepting Lucien is like some sort of scheme or her being blind to the magnificance of Lucien like.. What if she’s just not interested full stop. Why the need to theorize that “oh Elain is traumatize and have this vision thats why she couldnt accept Lucien yet..”
“But Elain treat Lucien horribly, thats why she’s a bitch playing his feeling..”
This is controversial but for me as an Elain stan first, I would say it’s not Lucien is the problem. Its the mating bond. Her being uncomfortable is because of the bond that existed. Let’s say Eris is her mate, she might be uncomfortable to him instead.
“But why can’t she give Lucien a chance? He’s nice and kind to her”
Look the bond is one thing but her feelings I mean her feeling as a woman towards a man is another thing. What if the reason she does not give Lucien a chance is because she likes someone else? And back to my previous first point that maybe instead of Lucien, Azriel is her type? I mean why not because for Lucien his type is Jesminda kind of girl. He said so. He said Elain is nothing like Jesminda.
I get Lucien stan are furious because he’s heartbroken but could you really blame Elain 100%? I mean some of yall are mad because Elain wants to kiss Azriel but what abt Lucien staying in the same house with another woman? Who knows what they do together in the same house? And plus “How Lucien withstood it, I didn’t know. Not that he’d shown any interest in bridging that gap between them.” - ACOFAS
Lucien at least to Feyre, did not show interest in bridging that gap. He has no interest. But is that his fault? NO! And same as Elain, she also has no interested in bridging that gap! But is that her fault? NO! Then why some people only fault it on Elain??
Elain is not Lucien’s type and Lucien is not Elain’s type full stop. Its that simple. The only thing that bind them together is the mating bond. The question is do both of them want the bond at the first place? NO! Let me show you
Elain had been … thrown at him. - ACOWAR
“It means nothing,” Elain said, her voice breaking. “It means nothing. I don’t care who decided it or why they did—” - ACOWAR
Both Lucien and Elain does not want the bond at the first place. For Lucien Elain is just another obligation that had been thrown at him while Elain sees the bond as NOTHING. Not a symbol of love or even a friendship. Thats her belief and people including Lucien need to respect that. And lucky for Lucien since he also dont want the bond so what keeping them from rejecting each other?
They will but wouldnt it be nice if its from their own pov aka Elain’s or Lucien’s book (so we have to wait maybe in 2023 or 2024)
Both of them purposely not rejecting each other because they know the advantages of the bond. Maybe they have their own motive to keep the bond. Alliances? Preventing a greater war?
So that being said, I have nothing against Elucien shipper except some of them that blaming Elain for everything. And I have nothing against Lucien as he’s also the victim of the situation. What if they reject the bond but still find way towards each other? That be great and I hope sjm execute it well
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a-slut-for-smut · 3 years
002 | for ereannie? ^^
OOO this is a good one! I actually been wanting to explore what draws me to this ship, so thanks for sending :D
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them:
Definitely that training scene where Annie wipes the fking floor with Eren- seriously when i saw that scene i was like OH HOHOHO N O I C E
Something about a woman so effortlessly handing an overconfident man his ass just tickles the ovaries so splendidly, ya know? i could (and will) dine on that scene for years to come, i mean, let's be honest- how could you not:
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My thoughts:
Full disclosure i'm not a hardcore ereannie shipper (altho i do crush HARD on Annie) but this is my preferred pairing for each of them, especially from the start. I just love a ship dynamic where both characters plays a huge role in each other's development, shared parallels and shown to have a mutual respect for one another. Honestly, if Eren had shown even a fraction of respect he had for Annie to Mikasa it would have made the ending much more palatable for me. Also I am so WEAK for ships where the women could very easily whoop the man's ass, just love the power dynamics involved lol. Admittedly my fervor for the ship waned when Isayama in his infinite wisdom kept Annie stuck in a crystal for 84 years/out of the story, and with the Return to Shiganshina/Marley arc i bought into Erehisu/Eren's baby theory because...well, it made perfect sense given logical character motivations and their development.
What makes me happy about them:
My headcanon of how Annie will time and again beat the crap out of Eren and he freakin McLoves it (he asks for it honestly) XD
What makes me sad about them:
How they didn't have any interaction in the ending/Marley arc. And as with most characters in SNK, it was upsetting how their characters ended up, development-wise. Annie brought back more like an afterthought but had no real service to the plot and ultimately just becomes a female love interest in the end. Eren...jesus i dont even know where to begin so i wont lol
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I'll be honest- i haven't read exclusively ereannie fics, what ive read is usually them as a secondary ship in a RM fic. In this instance, I would say one thing i dont generally vibe with so much is infidelity/cheating- its not something i can condone in real life and i have a mutual respect kink so it kinda takes me out of a fic/hard for me to invest fully in that kind of story.
Things I look for in fanfic:
hot steamy smut! (with explicit consent of course)
My wishlist:
I really wish they had an explicit interaction in the end. To think how much Annie contributed to Eren's character (and vice versa) and not having them say one word to each other? What a waste. (i know he "supposedly" spoke to her in PATHS but that whole sequence seemed pretty ehhh/hand-wavey to me honestly). Even Annie having one line/POV during the titan fest brawl would have sufficed- "Eren...was this who you were all along? I could never imagine you could ever be capable of this..." etc etc
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
As i mentioned above, to me Eren with Historia made complete sense given how the manga was progressing/logical motivations/their shared parallels not to mention the character development potential for both was through the roof.
I really vibe with AnnieHitch and Mikannie- i love their dynamic with each other, respectively. I dont mind Aruani (even tho him visiting her alone repeatedly and her having no choice in the matter can come off a bit…creepy...but hey isayama’s warped sense of romance rears it’s questionable head again) BUT i love how Hitch calls him out on it XD
Anyway I think i'd like it better if Annie wasn't brought back to essentially become a female love interest :/
My happily ever after for them:
Honestly...just an ending where their characters aren't completely butchered *sighs*
Actually...on second thought an ending where Annie personally whoops Eren's ass into the next dimension/PATHs or whatever (and he thanks her for it comes to his senses) because i am a whore for those kind of scenes XD
Thanks again for the ask! Happy to answer more :)
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