#i have NO clue what new 52 is
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ouuuug i’m having a good time getting into dc comics so far but oh my god the timeline is so hard to follow. how am i supposed to know what 2 read 😭 reading order lists have been very helpful so far but man i just wanna know what’s going on there’s So Much
#like i know the basic gist of every character#i have NO clue what new 52 is#like at all#sigh. want 2 read more abt nightwing specifically but i’m struggling#at least there’s not a billion different universes like marvel but that means i have to actually keep up#anyway. if someone has tips/a complete reading order pls lmk#i’m kinda just picking storylines at random that look good#jack talks
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Unknown Sender
happy valentine's day!
MONDAY: 13:52
‘hi.’ Peter squints at the message, then the unsaved number. He's not sure how, but it’s a scam.
‘i’d like to have your attention, please.’ Peter rolls his eyes, swiping left to not only delete but report the number as junk. No doubt it was a bot or someone with a flair for sextortion.
A new number. ‘that was actually so rude of you, parker.’
‘unblock me right now.’
Peter shifts in his seat, he does a slow look around the room and finds nothing off putting or alarming.
‘Who is this?’
Green bubbles pop up. ‘unblock me and i’ll tell you.’ Peter was right to guess about extortion. Another swipe, blocked and reported. Peter wasn’t participating in any games.
A new number. ‘oh, now you’re just being cute.’
Peter feels his heart pick up a bit, it’s a tad threatening and now he’s overthinking it a little. What if someone has it out for him? Is there a mark on his back? ‘Please leave me alone.’
‘can we play 21 questions?’
Peter’s face scrunches up, he spins his head around one more time, someone is fucking with him. He has no clue who has time for something like that in university, but he’s not a willing participant anymore, not since high school.
‘Leave me alone. Go torment a freshman.’
‘i don’t like freshmen. i like you.’ Peter chews at his bottom lip, there was a second of hesitancy but he knows the truth deep down. ‘I’m blocking you.’
‘sure. i’ll keep texting you, too.’
‘I’ll change my number.’
‘noooo please don’t do that. i had to work hard enough to get it the first time.’ Peter doesn’t respond. He blocks the number and moves on, and they don’t try to text him again.
Until the next day and Peter knows two things for certain. There is a note in his backpack, and it wasn’t there before his econ lecture. He remembers pulling that pocket open before he started notes, then when he went to zip it up, a note.
This upsets him. What good was any sense when someone could get that unnoticeably close to him without him knowing? Second, it’s a little frustrating not to know who this person is and how it most likely is connected to the texts he had a few days ago, and that it’s an extremely long played joke that’s mostly boring.
‘Peter Parker-
You’ve been secretly admired. It might not be very secret, because I think you’ve caught me staring at you a thousand times. I like you a lot.
Hopefully liked back,
But a part of him believes it’s true. He’s trying to think of who’s in his lecture, if he’s caught them staring then they’re either to the side or behind him. There are too many faces, too many times he’s been looked at, he’s almost centered, it’s his fault for choosing a focal point.
Instead of throwing it away, he refolds the pink handwriting and puts it back into place before hitching a strap over his shoulder and sliding behind chairs. One, two steps up he glances at your face, you have a weak smile, he returns the same kind, it’s more like a polite nod. Peter’s always thought you were pretty and he thinks you're nice.
But really, he’s wondering who left the note.
‘did you get my note?’ Peter does his normal scan across campus, again, his fault for being out in the open. This person could be anywhere, he’s on a picnic bench with a group of friends. If he’s smart, he’d start limiting himself to contained spaces and make you show yourself.
‘Yeah. Who is this?’ Peter’s thumbs dance around the screen waiting for a reply, it comes quick. ‘i told you. x.’ He stops himself from rolling his eyes, he doesn’t know anyone with an ‘X’ anywhere in their name.
‘Is that an initial?’
‘actually, i’m pretty sure it’s british for kiss.’
‘That’s a wild take. Are you saying the UK is responsible for XOXO’s?’
‘i’d like to make you responsible for my xoxo’s.’ Peter chews his bottom lip, he won’t play into anything in writing. He doesn’t believe this for a second, everything about this feels off. Someone’s fucking with him and they’re also in his class, or they have someone in on it in his class.
But this is too advanced.
‘sorry. i don’t mean to like harass you or anything. you’re really hot but you scare me, i don’t think you would like me so idk, maybe if you talk to me you’d like me for me or something.’
‘i just think i’m punching wayyyy above my weight class here and i may be making this worse because there is no doubt you think im weird.’
‘i am weird. i should leave you alone now. i’m sorry.’
Peter reads his screen four times, it’s still not clicking. He’s nothing special and he doesn’t mean that in a way to dog on himself, he’s just nerdy and quiet. It seems a little too authentic to be fake, but he’s got to make sure.
‘How’d you get my number?’
‘your friend. they have been sworn to secrecy but they know what i’m doing and they are in full support. take that as you will.’
‘Depends on the friend.’
‘i’ll tell you when you find out who i am.’
‘I’m going to find out? You’re not going to tell me?’
‘i don’t think i’ve been hiding it. you just haven’t been paying attention and now i want you to.’
‘Oh, but you’re shy?’
‘i’m about to pass out on the lawn behind this fucking screen, don’t play with me parker.’ A slip, you’re around him and you just admitted it. ‘Tell me, admirer, what are you wearing?’ The more detail the better, but he could work off of just a color.
‘nice try. but you’re looking mighty handsome in the blue.’ A glance down, he suddenly feels watched. ‘Are you stalking me?’
‘oh no! no no no. i PROMISE you i’m not that fucking psychotic.’
‘i’m just a “sneak a note into your backpack” level of crazy. i’m here with my roommate and her boyfriend. i saw you and just wanted to know if you got it, i promise.’
‘You do understand that this situation makes you seem psychotic, right?’
‘yes. but i am not.’
‘That sounds like something a crazy person who got my number from a third party would say. Especially after I blocked you six times.’
‘it was three and you didn’t understand my intentions but okay. you have a fair point and i extend the olive branch of brett. he gave me your number and he knows me pretty well.’
Brett? Easy enough, he nods his head towards him and slides his phone across the table. “Explain.” His friend scrolls through the thread, a trustworthy smile spreads. “Yeah, I gave her your number.” Her. Okay, it’s something. “Who is she?” Brett shrugs, “you know her. She’s kind of a firecracker, you just make her nervous.”
“That gives me nothing, Brett.” His friend blinks, “she’s not crazy. She likes you a lot for whatever fucking reason and has no idea how to approach you.” Peter’s letting his words soak in, “don’t believe me? Ask her about the grilled cheese, and make sure you tell her that I told you about how she went on for five fucking minutes about the grilled cheese.”
“What grilled cheese?” Brett slides Peter’s phone back, he’s telling him to ask you. Something tells Peter it’s enough to embarrass, or it might be Brett being the ultimate wingman.
‘I’ve been told to ask you about the grilled cheese.’
‘oh god. there is no need to ask about the grilled cheese, did brett tell you about the grilled cheese?’
‘He told me to ask you. And to specify that you went on for five minutes about it.’
‘five is excessive, it was more like three. second, there is nothing to speak about.’
‘I would like to hear about it.’
‘i’d prefer if you didn’t.’
‘But you’ll do it for me?’
‘i’m weak for you and you know it. it’s sicking, parker.’
‘i heard you talking about making one in class and you said something about the crust and i really fucking love grilled cheese’s so i had a trip to fantasy land where you made me one and how it’s probably the best thing i’ll never get to taste.’
‘Wow. Five whole minutes on that?’ Peter won’t admit it made him feel a little warm on the inside, the most mundane of things to have someone so squirrely makes him feel unworthy.
‘Tell me who you are and I’ll make you a grilled cheese.’
‘you have no idea how much that almost worked.’
‘What’s the plan then, master manipulator?’
‘i don’t know yet. i’m hoping you show me how smart you are and figure me out, then you can do all the hard questions.’
‘Hard questions?’
‘you know, do you wanna go on a date, do you wanna be my girlfriend, do you want to take my hand in marriage and have a summer home in the french alps? that kind of stuff.’
‘Totally not psychotic.’ Peter tucks his bottom lip between his teeth to hide the smile that wants to spread.
‘mostly not.’
Peter doesn’t know who X is, but they’re clever and have zero effect on his sixth sense. He doesn’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. Either way, he’s reading a note scribbled in blue pen and as he studies the words he knows it was rushed. It’s proof that he wasn’t being followed everywhere, instead you saw an empty table and an opportunity.
You use mostly gender neutral pronouns. I think that’s very cool. Is it weird that I notice those things about you? Also- what is it that you’re always drinking from Nuthouse? Asking for a friend…
Have a good day!
-Your not so secret admirer, X.
‘Not so secret,’ Peter isn’t sure about that. You’ve done a good enough job at not trying to be obviously known, he might have looked up your number last night to find dust. One was from an app, but the one you’ve been using is a burner phone.
What he’s really not understanding is how you’re able to get so close to him without him noticing. You had to have been millimeters away when you rested the letter on his backpack, he was gone for less than two minutes and he had zero awareness.
Peter folds up the note and sticks it in the same pocket as the other one, his back slung around one shoulder as he moves up the stairs for the library. At the same time, you come down the opposite side, Peter gives a friendly acknowledgement.
You choke down the lump in your throat. “Hi, Peter.” He’s already past you, it’s echoed behind his shoulder. “Hey.” It’s something. You’re trying, you’re trying to be bold for him. But he’s not going to notice, he’s never going to notice you and if you tell him who you are you’ll never live past his disappointment.
Your phone vibrates, the other phone. Your heart picks up, Peter texted first.
‘Dirty chai.’
‘best of both worlds. how fitting. you’re such a nonconforming king.’
‘I don’t even know what that means.’
‘But thank you?’
‘you’re welcome!’
‘anything fun on the roster today?’
‘Roster? Who are you?’
‘idk you make me nervous. blame yourself.’
‘Well, coach. Nothing fun on the roster, just some math. Wanna swap places with me?’
‘gross. i hate math so if you like it that’s good with me. one of us has to be smart and it’s not me.’
‘Smart enough to use a burner phone.’
‘oooooh, someone tried to find meeee.’
‘Can’t blame a guy for being curious, can you?’
‘were you disappointed when you found nothing?’
‘A little bit. But, you know, it keeps the imagination alive. A little unfair advantage on your side though, you already know what I look like.’
‘if it helps, you already know what i look like too.’
‘I do?’
‘yeah. we’ve talked before.’
‘Wait, so I know who you are?’ Brett said he did but Peter thought he meant you’d be familiar, not that he actually knew you. This just opened the floodgates to a million more possibilities.
‘not really but yeah i guess. you know i exist but we’re not friends or anything.’
‘I’d like to think we’re friends, but okay.’
‘not outside the texting.’
‘That’s your decision.’
‘Anymore hints?’
‘.... no.’
FRIDAY: 12:15
You’re about to spill hot tea everywhere but it’ll be worth it to see his face. You ignore your pounding heart and stand in front of him. He’s got no clue you showed up, zoned out looking at the clock on the wall across from him.
“Hi, Peter.”
Full frontal attention, he’s looking at you. He’s perceiving you, he’s smiling at you. “Hi,” your eyes expand, he knows your name and it sounds so nice coming from his mouth. Sure, you’ve chatted with each other- even shared a few highlighters, but nothing serious. You’ve always been too scared to try anything else but maybe your fear has been mistaken for indifference.
“I um, I lucked out today at Nuthouse so if you like dirty chai’s I got an extra one.” Your knees feel weak at his bright eyes, “my favorite. I’d love one, thank you.” You pass over the paper cup, your fingers brush and you think you’re about to collapse.
“Yeah,” a weak laugh. “I had a feeling.” Peter tilts his head at you funny, you wonder if you pushed a little too far. “Okay, um, I’m gonna… have a good… lecture.” Peter nods and watches you go two rows up, he’s finally got a gut feeling. And it tells him to keep an eye out for you.
TUESDAY: 12:10
Not that Peter was reliant on your attention, he was used to it. So when the texts stopped for three days and he was unable to find any letters he assumed you had lost interest and moved on. That felt fair to him, no harm no foul, at least he never really got to know you.
Nevermind, there’s a folded notebook page on his miniature desk and his heart speeds up. His next task, put eyes on you. Bottom level, book and pencil in hand. He makes sure to note it’s a pencil and not the green ink that’s spread across the page.
Peter thinks it’s a mind game, you were smart enough to know he’d look. Unless he was totally wrong on his guess.
I ran out of minutes on my phone and I’m having a broke college kid moment. However, a friend took pity and donated a twenty to the campaign. I hope you’ve been good- I’ve missed talking to you.
- Your not so secret admirer, X’
ps. stop keeping your backpack so close to you.’
It wasn’t anything personal, you just ran out of minutes. Peter smiles so wide he has to drop it, he almost clutches the paper to his chest in a thank you. Eyeing his backpack, he nudges it a little further behind him, following instruction. He’s kept it close in hopes to catch you, but instead he’s pushing you away.
Peter’s committing the writing to memory as if he’s going to find you by the handwriting alone. A quick glance at footsteps, you’re three steps away when you smile. “Hi, Peter.” He nods, “hey.” You pause for a moment, mind racing for words.
“Did you, um- did you do anything fun this weekend?” You’re about to crawl into a hole and die, it takes a moment to click that you were speaking to him. He went as far to look behind himself, then he spewed the answer to try and make up for the lost time.
“Oh, uh not really. My aunt got a new bed so I had to lug the old one down seven flights of stairs.” Your eyes widen, you feel your mouth go dry and your tongue go thick. “By yourself?” Peter crosses his arms over his chest, a boyish grin swept over and you feel heart eyes form.
“I’m a good nephew.” You want to pat his head and tell him you’re sure he is, then maybe hold him at gunpoint and tell you more stories about how he’s a perfect humanitarian. But you act like a normal human and smile back, “you sound like it.”
Peter thanks you and you return to your seat with wobbly knees and a weak stomach, it’s silent torture to tease yourself like this with him. But you can’t help it and it’s only in effort to go after what you want. Even if it blows up when he figures out who you are.
‘you’re looking mighty handsome today, mr. parker.’
‘I’m wearing a hoodie, but thank you.’
‘i said what i said.’
Boldly, ‘i see someone had another dirty chai. can’t stay away from them, can you?’
Another tick in Peter's stomach, he almost looks behind his shoulder at you, but he doesn’t. ‘It was a generous donation from a classmate.’
‘oh? pray tell, peter. pray tell.’
‘What? You don’t have a clue about who gave it to me?’
You swallow thickly, before you could get something out he sent another message. ‘No chance you didn’t see it go down?’
‘how could i? I was still on my way.’
‘... or was i?’
‘Tell you what, X. It one of the best teas I’ve had in a while.’
And you’d be damned if that didn’t make your entire chest flutter.
FRIDAY: 15:29
“Here,” Peter’s hand clasped over the paper slapped into his chest. A hint of a syllable, Brett cuts himself off. “She asked me to give this to you.” Peter quickly read it and stared down before confiding in his friend for a second.
Roses are red, violets are blue, all that I think about is you.
It’s sweet in a cringy way, right? Boo on you for skipping class today, if you want, I could get you some notes.
I hope I’ll see you Tuesday.
-Your (really) not so secret admirer, X
ps. A pen exploded in my pocket. 10/10 chance my thigh will be stained.’
“I think I might know who it is.”
“Uh, huh.”
“But, she’s way out of my league.”
Peter raised his eyebrows, “so it’s her?” He clarified with your name, Brett shrugged back.
“I won’t be confirming or denying.” Peter knows what that means, “the lack of a no usually means yes.”
“Bro,” Peter starts sputtering, “oh, c’mon! You know what I meant, I just meant that, I just- c’mon, Brett. Is it her?”
“I have no idea who that is.” Peter wants to call bullshit, he has a gut feeling and he swears it’s you. You’re right, it’s not so secret. In fact, you’re painfully obvious.
FRIDAY: 23:14
‘you are soooooooo cute’
‘like your hair is so cute’
‘i looooove curly hair on guys and you have that!!!!!!!!!’
‘and you’re really funny cause like it’s so quick and witty like you have such good one liners’
‘also you’re really fucking hot and i KNOW you’re hiding something under those fucking sweaters and the second i see skin i WILL go feral.’
‘Something tells me you’re at the Kappa party.’ Peter’s pretending he doesn’t have a searing blush. If he’s got an inkling this could be you… then he might have proof for the non-believers that god exists.
‘yes!!! are you here?? i should come see you.’
‘I hate to disappoint you, but I’m currently at a friend's house playing a Mario Kart drinking game.’
“But it’s nice to know that you’d give me your identity that quick.’
‘oh i can tell you who i am.’ Peter frowns at the text, he’s been doing nothing but crave the answer to who’s behind the love letters but it feels wrong. It’s not satisfactory enough for him, it’s also not what you want, you’re just drunk- and Peter’s going out on a limb here- horny.
‘Save it for later.’
‘And maybe drink some water.’
‘i’d do anything for you cause you have the world's prettiest brown eyes’
‘Thank you for the compliments.’
‘you’re super welcome i try to hold them back because i’m a good girl but you’re just so cute i had to let you know’
‘I think you’re going to super regret this in the morning.’
‘false. maybe fact idk’
‘i should trust you tho because you’re super smart and you’re a nerd.’
‘I fear this is taking a turn for the worse.’
‘and that is so fucking HOT’
‘Oh. Back to compliments. Thank you.’
‘if you were here i’d give you a kiss’
‘Not ignored. How cute.’
‘screaming crying throwing up’
‘i really didn’t mean to send that it was a joke ha ha funny.’
‘Idk, sounded authentic to me.’
‘i’m a little drunk rn. and you should know how cute you are.’
‘Oh, I’m talking about record breaking levels of regret. This is amazing.’
‘i have to pee but i do not reget this!!!!!!’
‘i stand by my claim and do not regret a thing.’
‘correction. i regret this hangover and the way my previous texts are not very cool girl of me.’
‘but i would like to know if you won mario last night.’
‘also, who’s ur fav character?’
1. Proud of you for owning it, that’s very cool girl of you.
2. I did not win.
3. Petey Piranha.
‘who tf is petey piranha.’
‘Mario Kart Sunshine. Came out in 2002. (Originally on GameCube but recently released on switch.) (Hell yeah.)’
Your heart thumps, he’s such a nerd and you wanna kiss the air out of his lungs. ‘out of all the characters and u choose him. why petey piranha’
‘One guess.’
‘you’re petey piranha <333’
Peter fights a grin, ‘I am.’
‘you’re so cute. i love that.’
‘Personally, in the past 24 hours I don’t think I’ve heard enough about how cute I am.’
‘you’re insufferable and it’s sexy.’
‘Oo, new one to the mix. You’re making me blush.’ You really are. He’s never been considered sexy before and it feels really nice.
‘and i bet you look super cute.’
‘Super true.’
TUESDAY: 12:34
‘white t shirt white t shirt white t shirt WHITE T SHIRT.’
‘You like?’
‘i’m about to cry i’m biting my fist so fucking hard.’
‘you’re so ubuibabeyia.’
‘Bless you.’
‘Sorry, I assumed you sneezed.’ Peter never whipped his head around so fast at an audible laugh behind him. It was short, it had escaped without being thought about. He’s looking for you, but it doesn’t seem like it was you who laughed. You’re engrossed in chatting to your neighbor.
On the other hand, you almost blew it by clasping your hands over your mouth. Instead you looked next to you and said, directly and with a burning gaze, “I need you to pretend we’ve been talking this whole time.”
‘Someone’s losing their edge, you’re just begging to be caught.’
‘oh, i’m begging all right.’
‘can you hear me whimpering too?’
‘Easy, killer. Let’s not start sexting at noon on a Tuesday.’
‘are you saying there is a time for it?’
‘Give me a little wave and we’ll see.’
‘too late, i’m passed out on the floor. the only thing that can resuscitate me are those thick arms wrapped around me.’
‘Let these strong arms sweep you off your feet, all you gotta do is come talk to me after lecture…’
Peter says that, but he doesn’t mean it. He’ll definitely eat his words when he sees it’s you, then he’d be coming up with a thousand ways to back out of it. He’s so much more than you deserve, you feel so safe behind a keyboard but in person you can barely say a sentence.
It’s stupid and a little humbling because you’ve never felt this way about a guy before.
‘trust me, i’m better in your imagination.’
You know a little about a lot and I think that is one of my favorite things about you. Or maybe it’s your voice. I could listen to you talk forever.
-Your not so secret admirer, X’
A note under his textbook, if he follows his hunch then he’d be looking for… you. Conveniently three tables away and to the right of his own, you’re not looking for his reaction, you’ve got your focus on your own textbook but he swears you’re retaining none of it. It’s a distraction, or maybe it’s a diversion.
Peter doesn’t mind. He’s going to wait. He has all the time in the world today and he’s going to sit here with his eyes on you until you look up at him because he knows you’re going to and once you do, he’s going to have his answer.
If he’s right, and he swears he is, he’s going to absolutely lose is shit because what do you mean you like him and are intimidated? You boldly lied when you said you were punching above your weight class. Does it make him a jerk to say he wasn’t even thinking of you as a suitor and maybe a girl with a much more average look?
Peter counted to sixty twice, you glance up, eyes shooting to the note you left on the table. The next stop, Peter’s face. And oh, you were not prepared to have him looking right back. Panic, you shoot a wave, a desperate attempt to pretend you’re seeing a familiar face.
Peter waves back but he looks much more satisfied than you did, you wonder if the jig is up. Did he crack the code? Was he just trying to find a friendly way to let you down? Deny til death, he has no proof it’s you. You pack your things up, a hurried scramble before you could lose your cool.
On the way out you almost stop breathing, your forearm caught in Peter’s hand. You’re staring down at it, he’s not removing it. It burns in the best way. “Hey,” you wait, you can’t stop looking at his hand, the muscle, the subtle flex, his fingertips paler to show his grip. “Hi, Peter.”
It’s breathless, you think you’re about to die. If he asks, you don’t know how you’ll lie your way out.
Guess who’s got a stained pocket? The corner edge darkened with black ink that would never be washed out. Peter has his answer. You’re her. You’re X. “Thanks again for the tea.”
Maybe you wanted more, you feel a bit deflated when it’s all you receive.
“You’re welcome.” Your arm feels cold when he drops his touch, you linger for a second too long, you’re not sure when you’ll be this brave again. It was too much of a close call. “I hope the rest of your day is good.”
Peter’s got a charismatic grin, he feels settled now that he knows you’re the anonymous lover in his life. Even more so when you find yourself shy and reserved in person, it almost makes him giggle to think of the stark changes in confidence.
“You too.” Your body engulfs into flames when your arm is caught again, you’re struggling to keep calm at his boyish smile. “Quick question,” you nod slightly, trying to show zero paranoia for the following words.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
Short circuiting. You see black spots, you think you’re about to pass out. There is only one thing that means, no guy asks that if they weren’t interested in changing that, right?
“No.” It’s anything but graceful. It sounds like you’ve never had a boyfriend before. It makes you sound like you’re scared he asked it.
But, Peter doesn’t take it like that. He smiles wider, like he already knew the answer before he asked it.
A new letter, stuffed under the top handle of his backpack. Peter listened and stopped setting it next to him, in return he was rewarded. He can’t stop the small smile, you make it involuntary at this point. Peter’s never felt so special in his life, a little part of him wants this to never end. But he’d much rather look you in the eyes.
I had a dream with you in it last night. Don’t worry, you had your clothes on. I’m not sure what we were doing but you were across from me at a diner and we were sitting in those super thick booths and our friends were there.
I don’t know who these friends were, and I don’t think you do either. But I knew them as our friends.
It felt really nice. I’m happy to know you, even if I just get this little piece.
-Your not so secret admirer, X’
Peter’s been wrong a lot in his life but this time he really thinks he has it figured out. He’s much more bold now, this letter tells him it’s not infatuation, it’s love.
You love him and he thinks he could love you too.
FRIDAY: 20:08
‘Hey.’ Peter could be making the worst decision of his life here, he could be reading everything wrong and ruining this for himself.
‘hi peter!’ But he really thinks he’s got it right.
‘I really, really liked talking to you for the past few weeks but I think I should tell you that I like someone else.’
Gut wrenching despair. You knew it was too good to last, you knew he’d find someone more in his league. Someone who’d be willing to show him their face. There was no reason to respond because what would you say to that?
‘thank you for letting me know that opening up to you was all for nothing!’
‘thanks for making me doubt love!’
‘hope you and her are so fucking happy together!!!!!’
Fuck it all and fuck Peter. He just liked the attention until it came from somewhere else. You don’t think you like him all that much anymore. You think you’re lying, too. Before you can give into the desire of hurting him just as bad, you calmly turn the phone off and stuff it in the back of a desk drawer to never be uncovered again.
You slowly sit in bed and tug the blankets over your head. And only then, do you allow yourself to sob.
Peter chewed on his bottom lip and waited an hour with constant phone checks before he realized a response was never coming. It really set in during the weekend but even further when he got no note or letter on monday. Not even when he left his backpack unattended for five minutes.
TUESDAY -he was able to see you and how you avoided his eyes. How you pretended you didn’t see him send a small wave. How you had pulled back from him.
And if he hadn’t hurt your feelings, or X’s feelings, why would you do that?
You look up at a two fingered knock at the corner of your desk. “Hi.” You blink and ignore the white noise buzzing in your ears at the sight of Peter standing in front of you. “Hi, Peter.”
“How was your weekend?” Bitter. Terrible. Lonely.
“Fine. Nothing exciting.” Besides you breaking my heart.
Watching his fingertips dance on the edge of the plastic, you feel everything in you brighten. “You look sad.” There’s a burn in your stomach, he’s the reason for both the sting and the sadness.
“Do you need something? Or are you just doing a friendly check in?” Peter bites back the grin when you snap at him, he’s so, so, so right and it feels so, so, so good. “Neither. I’m just confirming my suspicions.”
“Yeah. You passed.” Your eyebrows furrow, before you could try to question further Peter was giving half a wave, saying bye, and skipping a step to his aisle.
FRIDAY: 12:08
You stop breathing for a solid second before feeling your brain spark back to life. It could be anything, it could be from anyone, but you know there’s only one person who would’ve left a note on your desk.
Your fingers slightly shake when you unfold the graph paper, little squares bled through with black sharpie.
Am I right?
- Peter’
You can’t breathe, you can’t talk, you can’t move and you definitely can fucking not look at him. No, no, no. You can feel his eyes on you, you know he’s watching for your reaction. Peter figured you out and had his own fun along the way.
You were the girl he liked. Oh, wow. Is this how special you’ve made him feel? Something just for your eyes, from him. A secret you both shared between lines.
You spin and swear you can feel his gaze running over your back, he’s aching for the answer. You almost scream at a tap on your shoulder, a peek lets you know it’s the person you’re hiding from.
Another note, folded up just like the other one. It’s pushed into your hand, Peter doesn’t say a word, he just offers and leaves. He’s not watching this time, he’s sitting and focused on the front, you feel air leak back into your lungs.
Full on panic shaking, you’re so happy he’s not watching.
Your name is addressed on the front, just like you do for him.
‘I like you.
I think you not so secretly like me too.
We could talk more about it at dinner tonight. Will you let me take you out?
Circle yes or no.
- Peter.
PS. XOXOXO now you’re responsible for mine, too.’
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Barbara Gordon is the type to be like oh Cass is such a little sister to me oh Cass is my coworker and friend I am never going to think about how she considers me the mother she never had nope no siree.
And then Duke is like "Sorry Cass I won't apologise for the truth. Your mom is a milf." and her first instinct is outrage because hello she's sitting right here? Before she realises Duke was talking about Shiva. Because of course he was. Cass has an actual mother out there who she's bonding and going on adventures with and she doesn't need Babs, who's still struggling to figure out who she is between the two versions of her, oracle and new 52 batgirl, that now exist in her memories. Cass doesn't need her. She probably never did. It's fine.
Cass, reading every single emotion Babs experiences during this train of thought and having absolutely zero clue what any of it means: ???
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Link 1, Link 2 :)
Digital Good Omens 2 Sountrack is coming out in 4 days! 🥳 CD version in October! :) ❤ Coming soon on vinyl…
Out to Stream/Download from 25th August. Out on CD 13th October. Coming soon on vinyl…
David Arnold’s ‘end of the world’ complex and multi-genre soundtrack.
From the Award-winning composer of Sherlock and Casino Royale comes a follow up to the hugely successful, Emmy nominated Good Omens soundtrack.
Good Omens series 2 premiered on Prime Video on 28th July. The series follows the odd couple, angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and demon Crowley (David Tennant) in their quest to sabotage the end of the World. The six-episode sequel to the popular adaptation of the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, concerns the Archangel Gabriel (Jon Hamm) arriving without his memories to Aziraphale’s bookshop. Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to find out what happened to Gabriel, whilst hiding him from Heaven and Hell, both eager to find him.
The Soundtrack
David Arnold’s soundtrack to Good Omens was first released in 2019 to favourable reviews, with BBC Music Magazine calling it “a rollicking trip to hell and back”. Blueprint Magazine described it as “a great listen” and Sci Fi Bulletin commented on “plenty of memorable themes” to conclude that “This is another work of art from Arnold”. At times nostalgic and eerie but always varied, beautiful and full of excitement, the Good Omens 2 soundtrack showcases Arnold’s every skill from his composer arsenal. Featured here are orchestral arrangements with sprinkling of Sugar Plum Fairy pizzicato and percussion, jaunty strings and mighty choral sweeps from Crouch End Festival Chorus. Added to the mix are rock guitar riffs, and psychedelic 70s sounds and all together they create a haunting otherworldly feel, complementing the fantasy and the quirky humour of the show. The spirited Waltz of the opening theme is also present in the second series and it wonderfully sets the scene for fantastical mayhem. In series 2, this robust, evocative, and funny music entity, becomes yet again another character in the story. Award-winning composer David Arnold is well known for his blockbuster scores, including Stargate, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Hot Fuzz, Paul, Independence Day, 2 Fast 2 Furious and Casino Royale as well as for his TV work such as Sherlock and Dracula. Also available: The original soundtrack to the first series of Good Omens >
– Disc 1 – Chapter 1: The Arrival 1. Before the Beginning 2. Good Omens 2 Opening Title 3. Into Soho 4. Something Terrible 5. To The Bookshop 6. Maggie and Nina 7. He’s Smoking 8. Tiny Miracle 9. Heavenly Alarm Bells Chapter 2: The Clue 10. Avaunt! 11. The Song is the Clue 12. It’s What God Wants 13. A Mighty Wind 14. Whales 15. Gabriel Returns 16. His New Children 17. Am I Awful Now? 18. Fallen Angel Chapter 3: I Know Where I’m Going 19. Police Arrive 20. Scotland 21. We’re Going to Hell 22. People Get a Choice 23. My Car is Not Yellow 24. Beelzebub in Hell 25. The Book 26. The Fly 27. Mr. Dalrymple 28. We Need to Cut 29. I’m Going to Save Her 30. Crowley Goes Large 31. Not Kind 32. Beelzebub Isn’t Happy – Disc 2 – Chapter 4: The Hitchhiker 33. Hell-O 34. Nazi Zombies 35. March of the Nazi Zombies 36. Crowley Pep Talk 37. The Magic Shop 38. Catch The Bullet 39. Zombies in the Dressing Room Chapter 5: The Ball 40. I’ll Let You Have It 41. We’re Storming a Book Shop 42. Monsieur Azirophale 43. The Candelabra 44. Here Comes Hell 45. Gabriel Gives Himself Up 46. Shax 47. The Circle Chapter 6: Every Day 48. Bin Through the Window 49. Gabriel Leaving Heaven 50. The Halo 51. Gabriel Revealed 52. Gabriel’s Love Story 53. Leaving The Bookshop 54. Gabriel and Beelzebub 55. Crowley and Muriel 56. I Forgive You 57. Don’t Bother 58. The Biggest Decision 59. The End?
#good omens#gos2#season 2#GOS2Spoilers#good omens spoilers#music#s2 music#david g arnold#s2 soundtrack#wahoo!#shut up and take my money :D
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when she first heard the demo, she didn’t think it’d be her favorite song ever 😭 but she ended up really liking it!
misun wrote a little bit of box and unknown !!
and so her ranking goes unknown > breathing > box > smoothie > icantfeelanything > carat cake 🤭
her hair was blonde this era!! she had a moment where she had pink hair ?? but then it was back to blonde so like??
she did multiple tiktoks with other idols !! txt’s taehyun, kiss of life’s julie, illit’s yunah and minju. even idols that weren’t promoting like aespa’s karina
she was on the k-star next door with jaemin, jeno, chenle and jisung 🎉 she loves jonathan it was so fun
she met zb1’s hanbin who she knew already bc she was the one who got chenle to watch LOL she was also a sung hanbin stan ^_^
misun was on eunchae’s star diary LOL it was fun misun had to do most of the talking and she insisted eunchae called her unnie. and like of course eunchae had to say misun and chaewon looked like twins…
eunchae: misun unnie, you and my chaewon unnie look alike
misun: … i have no clue what youre talking about *literally clueless*
eunchae: ??? … okay anyways
okay and when they had their fansign (240407 withmuu fansign), misun had like ?? sports gear on. don’t ask me what sport but you can see it below !! ↓
misun did dream vs dream with jisung!! FINALLY. jeno and her will be next, trust. (insert link here when i post it…)
she also went on inssadong sulzzi with lee chaeyeon!! she had sm fun and she loves interacting with other idols
she wanted to go on jaefriends but figured sm would’ve told her no
she also kinda hinted to a nct xs comeback?? she posted multiple pics of the girls in the practice room and studio on her instagram story but no comeback news yet
she’s super excited for tds3!!! she enjoyed spoiling the setlist with chenle
smoothie era was rather eventful for her? she tried her best not to go on social media and mostly just interacted with fans through weverse. it was her safe space
as soon as smoothie promos were over, though, she went silent lol per usual
surprisingly no headline worthy dating rumors this era!!
icantfeelanything teasers


LEFT TO RIGHT: icantfeelanything, smoothie

Erased from my mind [ 0:50 — 0:52 ]
두려움을 딛어
자신을 믿어 [ 0:59 — 1:02 ]
Erased from my mind [ 1:40 — 1:41 ]
가차 없이 비틀어 논 다음
삼켜 sip, watch how I blend it up [ 0:15 — 0:19 ]
Smoothie, smoothie, smoothie
Smoothie, smoothie, smoothie
가볍게 씹어 삼켜
Smoothie, smoothie
Smoothie, smoothie [ 0:53 — 1:01 ]
Shower that in all this ice
결국엔 녹아 fade out [ 1:15 — 1:20 ]
거칠게 mess up, yeah [ 1:50 — 1:53 ]
달콤함만 기대한 적 없어 난 [ 2:26 — 2:30 ]
(가볍게 씹어 삼켜 smoothie) [ 2:53 — 2:56 ]
Nobody lockin' me up [ 0:37 — 0:39 ]
더 자유롭게
��추지 않을래, ooh [ 2:06 — 2:12 ]
Carat Cake
넌 못 감춰 saying "Wow!"
외쳐 asking how [ 0:22 — 0:25 ]
That's a carat cake [ 1:01 — 1:02 ]
Oh, 손에 잡힌 그 순간 [ 1:35 — 1:36 ]
투명한 그 빛 hit the heart likе clink [ 1:58 — 2:00 ]
Why'd you ever doubt it?
No never be scared of trying [ 0:27 — 0:30 ]
Dive in, dive in, into the unknown [ 1:01 — 1:04 ]
다시 널 찾아가 into the unknown [ 1:10 — 1:12 ]
Don't change, let go
Be brave, be strong
But take it easy, no rush
I know you got it [ 1:58 — 2:05 ]
But take it easy, no rush
I know you got it [ 2:48 — 2:51 ]
(I know you try) [ 3:20 — 3:23 ]
아주 당연했던 감각, oh
잊어버린 것만 같아, oh [ 0:36 — 0:41 ]
I've been searching for another meaning
나아갈 수 있을까 [ 0:55 — 1:01 ]
I know I'm no good without you
Baby, can you stay all night? [ 2:50 — 2:53 ]
마주 잡은 손 느낄 때
And my heart starts beating [ 3:55 — 4:04 ]
#⁽ ⠀ ҉ ⠀ ⁾ ⠀ ⠀ misun ⠀ / ⠀ * ⠀ discography.#ficnetfairy#fictional idol community#nct dream 8th member#nct female addition#idol oc#nct female member#nct imagines#nct female unit#fictional idol oc#nct 27th member#nct fluff#nct reactions#kpop idol oc#kpop female member#kpop female idol oc#kpop female addition#kpop oc#kpop oc group#fake kpop idol#idolverse#bts 8th member#bts addition#bts imagines
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im sorry why haven't tim drake fic writers used any traits from his New-52 "counterpart" (bros completely different but that besides the point-) in their own canon?
i would love to see a Tim Drake Joins the Batfam Late fic, where he accidentally joins, and pulls off a quadruple flip or smth, and Dick just. Stares. He's befuddled. Absolutely baffled. He was under the impression that Tim just happened to know more aerobics and gynmastics than normal people who join the nightlife.
Dick: ...
Tim: c'mon let's go for patrol
Dick: ... I-
Tim: ?
Dick: since when have you been able to perform my whole routine from Haly's????? What???? I slip up on it once, you don't let me live it down, but Tim?!?!?! When did you- I just- huh???
Tim: ...you'd think the World's "Greatest Detectives" would've looked me up? Wdym you don't know? No Dick. Stephanie stop laughing- Dick why would you accept me into vigilantism if you didn't know????
Bruce: I knew.
Tim: You don't count.
Steph: I Kn-
Tim: you were thirsting over me during the Olympics, you don't get a word. don't think i didn't see those live-tweets.
Dick, still standing and staring. No clue how to react. I dont even know how to make him react that doesn't lead to anger.
#severely out of character#i confidently belive the ooc-ness#but imagine if people used new-52 stuff in their older-set fics#give me a tim and dick that will have olympic-level gymnastic “comps”#they wipe out anyone who tries to join in#imagine dick kept refusing the Olympics committee and is actually what led to TIM being on the team itfp.#like tim was second runner choice for the USA#and dick kept refusing#so they looked at tim and were like sure#imagine dick learns that later and has an aneurysm#dc comics#tim drake#dick grayson#new 52#young justice#ooo would Cissie just stare at him in an identity reveal and just go: that makes a lotta sense#and bart just: whats the olympics?
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We need a version of the Justice League where Wonder Woman's team mom.
I noticed that the Justice League is primarily made of orphans. Even if they're not an orphan, they've at least lost a single parent, usually their mother (because woman in the fridge is such a prevalent trope).
So... Diana is over 2000 years old in most comics. Even if we're just counting years spent outside of paradise as a demi-goddess experiencing the rest of the world, she'd still be around 85 mentally, even if she doesn't age. So when she starts finding these wayward children, she starts getting attached to them as if they were her own children.
Here are some ideas for how it could work:
Superman - She was a close family friend of the Kents while Clark was growing up and would often watch him while they were on a date night or the like. She was around so often that she acted as a secondary mother figure. Having multiple strong feminine influences during an overall good childhood makes him the most well adjusted member of the Justice League and he attributes a lot of that to Diana. She sees Clark as her son.
Batman - Adult adoption. This is after he's adopted most of the bat-family, she asks him why and in a moment of vulnerability he tells her that it's because he knows what it's like, it's why he love Alfred, because Alfred's been a father to him, even if he didn't really know how beyond being protective. That he had a rough childhood. Diana's motherly instincts kick in and she starts comforting him. After a while, they get close enough to be considered family, some of the bat-family actually start calling her grandma and she's more or less become a part of the family. She asks him if he'd be interested in adult adoption and though he struggles with it, Bruce eventually says yes. She brings presents for Bruce's kids every time she comes around. She includes Barbara in the gift giving too so she doesn't feel left out.
The Flash - Adoption. Barry effectively becomes an orphan in his backstory due to his father being in prison after being wrongfully convicted of the murder of Barry's mother. She raises Barry from childhood having no clue that he'd end up getting his powers later in life. Using New 52 here because they actually made Reverse Flash a good villain instead of being a lazy palette swapped evil version. It also amuses me to think of Bruce and Barry as siblings.
Aquaman - She knew Arthur's father while he was growing up. While she'd only see him while she was in Boston, he left a lasting impression on him as one of the few feminine influences he had. After the first few times she'd even bring gifts for both him and his father from Metropolis.
Green Lantern - Same as Arthur, knew Hal's parents growing up and got super close with the family.
Martian Manhunter - Close friends. He's the only other member of the group who can comprehend living as long as she has.
As other members start joining, she starts feeling responsible for them. Effectively mothering most of them. She also formed the Justice League in part to protect the salt of the earth, working class people that raised most of the other founding members. These are the people she spends most of her time with when she's not out saving the world.
She also has a red lantern ring that only activates with her mom rage. Gods help any soul dumb enough to hurt one of her children.
Clark suggests calling the organization the Super Friends and Diana's like "I love you Clark, but we need something a bit more official, like the Justice League." Bruce and Barry simultaneously chime in with "I agree with mom." Barry doesn't waist time doing the jinx, he's just adjusting to having a much older brother very quickly.
#dcu#batfam#bruce wayne#dc comics#dc universe#superman#wonder woman#diana prince#green lantern#hal jordan#martian manhunter#j'onn j'onzz#aquaman#arthur curry#justice league
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i was gonna ask how inertia II (helped superboy prime fight the teen titans) fit in the too many thads AU cause i originally thought he was an thad/bart clone but? he's just some dude? i feel like your (fantastic) fic gave him as much mind as the comics
truly that version of Inertia is such a mystery to me GOD i have so many questions. like, he isn't paid much mind within the actual narrative bc there's like 8 different fights happening all at once and Superboy Prime is the main antagonist but, straight up Who Is He.
like in the span of #98-100 there's a couple things that do get confirmed about him
for instance:
"After this is over, I gotta talk to them about this costume they gave me, I mean - green? It's the color of a turtle. Talk about Irony." - "This Inertia hasn't got a clue. He doesn't know that the last speedster to wear that costume killed me. I got better. But the scars run deep."
New Inertia says "they" gave him the Inertia costume. Who is "they"? Superboy Prime? CRAYDL? Someone else?
Bart concludes that New Inertia doesn't know how the previous one killed him. I assume just based on New Inertia's irreverence? But unclear.
"Inertia killed Bart, but that's not the same one. He's two inches taller. No doubt the costume choice is deliberate. Bart only has a few buttons, so it's easy to push them."
Tim notes in his narration that this Inertia is two inches taller than the last one. Why? What purpose does that serve?
Superboy Prime has proven himself capable of making clones, given the gaggle of Kon clones that show up in this fight, but if he made New Inertia to be another clone of Bart or of the previous Inertia, why the physical difference?
Even Bart can't figure out if this guy is a clone or not:
"What's the deal with all these clones? Is that Inertia one too? Or just another speedster?"
Which is kinda wild because although there is a wide selection of speedsters in present, Bart knows pretty much all of them. And even if this is a Random Guy With Superspeed, what would compel him to be here, fighting Bart?
And before any questions can be asked or answers can be given, Bart gets a lil lost in the trauma sauce (can't really blame him) and kicks the shit out of New Inertia
"I died. That happened. Inertia was the catalyst for it. He delivered the fatal blow. But I'm back, and this isn't the same Inertia, right? This is real. I've played out this scenario in my head over and over again. And every time, it felt better and better. Inflicting pain. Destroying him. Avenging myself." "So much anger - radiating like the sun. A dark, black sun. Bart is seething with rage." "It's what he deserves."
the "it's what he deserves" line always gets me. because they've already established this is a New Inertia, he literally hasn't done anything except fuck around causing trouble along with the rest of Superboy Prime's posse. anyway Bart obviously has lots of baggage surrounding Inertia, with the actions of one bleeding onto the other.
(fun fact Raven's description of Bart's emotions being a dark black sun informs a lot of the imagery in chapter 21 of Frequency)
"I... I could've killed him." "But you didn't. You controlled your emotions." "Yeah. See, Raven - we all got our demons inside."
AND THAT IS THE LAST WE SEE OF THIS GUY. Where does he go after this? Is he still unconscious after the fight or does he get away while they're going after Superboy Prime? Who does he go back to? Who The Hell Is He? Fuck you they gotta punch Superboy Prime so hard he ends up in purgatory.
Then of course the run is over, the universe is rebooted, and we get New 52. So all these questions will presumably remain unanswered forever.
But Canon Things About New Inertia Include:
he's "new to this"
not the previous incarnation of Inertia
two inches taller than the previous Inertia
received the Inertia costume from someone else, only referred to as "they"
working with Superboy Prime, but with zero on-panel interactions with either Superboy Prime or any of the other villains who have joined the fight. the degree of familiarity is unclear if not nonexistent.
irreverence regarding his predecessor implies he doesn't know the full history of what went down between Inertia and Bart
may or may not be another clone
gets the shit kicked out of him
it's so frustratingly vague lmao.
so yeah i took that and ran with it to inform Six's traits and backstory: The "they" who gave him the costume becoming CRAYDL, the other Six's, (and Project Inertia more generally). His height because he's slightly older than the previous Inertia was.
Follows-up on the previous Inertia's antagonism with only vague knowledge of what actually happened. Underestimates Bart's feelings on the topic. Joins up with Superboy Prime, not because of loyalty or familiarity but because going solo is what killed the old guy. Irreverent, uncommitted, overconfident. Tends to get the shit kicked out of him.
and then to follow up on this fight, Six's "first" meeting with Bart becomes his own weird revenge quest over that one time Bart kicked his ass. mostly just wanted the closure there, and for Six to have held a grudge about it for literal centuries bc it is funny 2 me.
my motivation for writing Frequency came from a frustration at the contradictory/unexplained/unexplored plot points and storylines specifically surrounding Thad/Inertia, this whole thing being a major one. At its most basic, Frequency is just my attempt to weave the disparate elements of canon into a cohesive narrative.
#asks#reversedumbrella#got carried away with this one lmao i just#i still dont know why this new guy showed up or what he was even doing there#its gonna eat at me forever#the multiple clones theory is a very convenient explanation that nonetheless remains fanmade#frequency fic
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Tony wasn’t drunk (or explanation of his plan to die alone in IM2)
Seems like people often watch but don’t see a movie. And this particular situation is one of the most common in my experience – people think that in Iron Man 2 during his birthday party Tony was drunk, reckless, narcissistic etc. And they base their understanding of the character on scenes like this, which they completely misunderstand. I’ll explain here what I mean.
What we have in the movie overall? Tony is dying from palladium poisoning. Damage spreads quickly, not many days are left for him to live. He has 2 most important things to do before he is gone: transfer his company to the capable and trusted hands of Pepper, and to give his armor and superhero responsibilities to his best friend Rhodey.
At first we can see that Tony didn’t want to die alone, since on the way back home from Monaco he asks Pepper not to throw a party and to fly to Venice instead (0:41:20). He wanted to spend time with her. His last days. “It’s a great place to be healthy” he says. He gives her a clue, which she doesn’t recognize. He can’t tell her what exactly is happening because he hates when others feel pity to him and he is not confident enough to speak about his own feelings and well-being. I will write more about it in the future.
At 0:47:50 Tony gives a clue about his condition to Rhodey. Not, not like that. A CLUE. Rhodey looks, but does not see.
Tony gives up on trying to show them. He’s just going to pass his armor to Rhodey, push everyone away from himself, and die alone. Terrible plan, but not from Tony’s perspective. There is no consideration of his own feelings that we can see.
Let’s take a closer look on what’s going on at the party:
0:52:00 – toxicity in Tony’s blood almost reached its maximum. Not much room for alcohol there. He says Nat “I should cancel the party, huh? ... Cause it sends the wrong message”. He is drinking a cocktail, and it is probably the only drink he’s had that night. Why? Read further.
0:54:00 - the party is in full swing and Tony is trying his best to show that he is completely drunk, has slurred speech and can’t even stand.
0:57:00 – Rhodey put on Mark 2 – Tony’s goal is almost reached. Coordination and clarity of speech is back as soon as the fight between them begins. Magic?
0:58:25 – Tony roars at the crowd to drive them out of his house.
0:58:50 – Tony is checking if Rhodey is ready to be new Iron Man and knows how to use the armor by “crossing the streams” in the house that he had just cleared of civilians.
1:01:20 – Donut and Fury scene.
1:01:40 – Tony is back to acting before Fury.
1:02:35 – Fury is explaining to Tony that he knows about his plan.
1:02:40 – Tony is trying to convince Fury that it wasn’t a plan, but Fury is not convinced, because despite having only one eye he sees more than Tony’s two-eyed “best friends”. Natasha backs him up with knowledge of Tony’s security system. Tony gives in, smiling at them, “What do you want from me?”.
What do I want to say with my essay? Be like Fury – WATCH the movie.
#tony stark#iron man#mcu#marvel#iron man 2#pepper potts#james rhodes#rhodey#nick fury#natasha romanoff#black widow#war machine
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Comics this week?
Absolute Superman #4 - I loved the bit where the citizens tell Lois that they want Superman to flip out and start massacring Lazarus. Suddenly clicked why that feels so topical: the recent murder of the United CEO. Guy shot him in cold blood and everyone was cheering on social media because of how predatory the American healthcare industry is. People that Lois interviews are hungry for blood, for revenge on an oppressive system, they want Superman to slaughter every member of the elite, and that sadly is how plenty of real world folks feel too. Certainly fits with how I feel these days. If mainline modern Superman is all about hope, this Superman is all about wrath. Aaron's talked about the influence of the Siegel and Shuster original stories on his run, and one highly underrated feature of that run is how angry it is. You can feel the rage Siegel was harboring towards the various social ills that he had Superman tackle, and in how he wrote Superman himself. That is definitely present here in this take on Superman and I love it!
Very intrigued to see Jimmy being a terrorist, Absolute Jimmy is "Mr. Action" it seems. Also I’ve been playing Cyberpunk 2077 recently and it strikes me that Lois is basically a Corpo while Jimmy is a Solo and Kal is a Nomad. Love that we’re getting another version of the franchise where Jimmy and Kal are around the same age like the New 52 (and Lois is possibly the same age as well?). Hmm maybe Omega Prime is Lucy Lane? If it is Lucy and she cut off Sam's legs that's nuts! Still no real hints towards the identity of the Director of Lazarus, hope Aaron starts giving us some clues as to who they are and what they want. And what's Brainiac's angle in all this?
Lex Luthor Special #1 - Was expecting more of a twist with regards to the music, I thought Williamson was building up to it being tied with why the suit of armor Lex built sent out a signal to deep space. Maybe it is but Williamson is saving that reveal for the main series? Movie is coming out so Lex is going back to being a villain, please let this be the last fakeout of "good guy Lex" for a while. These always go nowhere and are just a waste of time.
Batman: Off-World #6 - Final issue at last come out and I think it's solid. Fun Batman miniseries that takes him completely out of his element and let's him kick ass.
Ultimates #9 - What more need be said than A.A.I.M.A.B? In the hands of a lesser writer that scene at the end with Cage wearing handcuff chains and proudly rocking the 70s afro could have come across as cringe. Instead Camp made me pump my fist and grin.
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can you tell me a little bit about audo? pretty please 🙏🏼 what's his personality like? did you create him for veilguard and give him the backstory after, or did you play him as Inquisitor? and I know they have a long history of flirting and I think kept it pretty casual, but he and lace are endgame, right? what do they do after Veilguard?
I'm so glad you like him/them, y'all have no clue.
Audo was indeed one of my Inquisitor AUs! I cannot tell you how obsessed with DAI I was almost literally right up until Cyberpunk 2077. I got sixteen Inquisitors and they all exist in each others canons and I played multiple of them more than once; they got the kind of lore that makes you look like the Pepe Silva meme if you try to actually explain it. You know how it is.
But yeah, I thought it would be really fun to do a playthrough and romance no one but Lace out came Audo. Half-brother to my canon Trevelyan, in his Inquisitor AU, they were just a super duper flirty slow-burn. He beat Cory, met Ameridan, and then went beyond the Deep Roads in that order. They became a Thing before the Deep Roads, and it had the same really cute and really awkward vibe that the beginning of her romance in Veilguard does. But also boy was he jealous of Kenric's time with her in the Frostback Basin. Kenric totally had a crush on Lace too and Audo was simply so jealous. His AU was definitely one of my favorites, so I knew what I had to do when they revealed she was fully romanceable.
Before Veilguard, their canon lore was pretty similar to what it became now at the start. He was back and forth between Ostwick and Skyhold and eventually he was at Skyhold more, doing actual work for the Inqiusition until his mother died in late 9:44. He and Lace flirted and chit-chatted and became friends and flirted some more until he went back to Antiva. After a bit of time, he returned to working for the Inquisiton. This is where the new canon diverges, he simply never went back.
Audo himself is brash and relies on luck more often than not. He's a hot head against people who present themselves as above him. Nobles, magistrates, Chantry mothers, cranky First Wardens all get under his skin all too easily, and it's a crapshoot whether or not the interaction will end well. More of an act first, think later kind of person. He's impulsive and relatively outgoing and personable when he wants to be. He was the sweet talker and/or distraction when he and his friends pick-pocketed people as a kid. He always spares a coin for beggars.
After Veilguard, he and Lace go to Ferelden, and I imagine they work with the Inquisitor again -- but not before the longest vacation they could muster. Lace demanded Fereldan, cottage, quiet, at least for a little while, and that's what they do. When he finally meets Ma Harding, he charms her right away. As time goes on, he'll dote on her as much as he would have his mother. But eventually, I imagine her newfound abilities get her attention from other dwarves, even Orzammar, and some of their life might revolve around that. And sometime during all this, they'll have kids, Phil and Lil type twins. In the original canon, it wasn't until about :52 they were born, so now, I imagine it'll be sometime :57/:58.
hopefully there's some coherency in here sdkjgdfsjklg
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so I've been watching Bluey and I'm on episode 37/52 in series 1 so I feel like I've seen enough of it to have genuine thoughts (I skimmed the wikipedia page too)
the reason I started watching it was because of its reputation among millennials with kids who have been swearing up and down that it's basically free therapy for our age group. I'm definitely in the market to having my brain chemistry altered but after 37 episodes, I don't know that I'm there yet. there is still a lot of show left to go though, and some of the most-circulated clips I've seen on social media have been in episodes I haven't come across yet, so that is subject to change.
what I CAN say is that Bluey is objectively a very good tv show that 100% deserves its Peabody award. it's thoughtful, fun, and honestly funnier than it has any right to be. I've laughed out loud more than once. Joe Brumm made the show with the intention of it being entertaining for both kids and parents and he absolutely nailed that balance, I think. in that way, it's not a kid show; it's a family show. and I like that (and I'm pleasantly surprised by how well it works!).
I haven't been a kid for a long time so it's hard for me to put myself in the shoes of a child, especially in a world that is so drastically different from mine. I think this is the first kid show I've seen that prominently features things like smartphones. I know those shows exist--the new Blue's Clues is a good example of how things have been updated to suit modern audiences--but it's something that caught my eye as an Old Fart (in internet years). Not as a bad or good thing, just as a "wow I'm getting older and it's getting harder to relate to or even understand childhood" kind of way. Maybe that's why people want to be parents so badly. To reconnect with that. I can sympathize with that feeling.
the show focuses a lot on Bluey and her sister and friends navigating the world through imaginative play, which I love and has a solid backing in child developmental psychology. I actually just started learning a little bit about play therapy (I follow a play therapist on tiktok who kinda got me into it, I love her), so I feel like I've been getting a little bonus bit of enrichment out of the show for that. it's like when you're watching a movie that's partly in another language and you don't speak the language but you recognize it and can maybe pick out a couple words? it's like that.
I think Brumm really captured lightning in a bottle with this project. you can feel the love it's made with. the storylines are grounded with just the right touch of an almost magical or fantastical quality that really makes you feel childlike wonder even as a cynical and deeply depressed 30-something. There's conflict and mess, sure, but built on a foundation of safety and community, and I think that's probably what's resonating with (american) millennials. we inherited so much instability and pain from our previous generations that it's hard to believe a world or even a family unit like Bluey's could exist. parents who love each other? who are active in their children's lives? who apologize when they do something wrong? COULDN'T BE US!
all this to say I'm enjoying the show, it's heartwarming, it's charming, it's delightful, and I hope Joe Brumm lives forever. but it's also very much designed for children so like. I worry the millennial parents crying over this show on tiktok may be overselling it.
#my diary#watcher diaries#idk do I tag this for real in a detectable way#children's media#bluey#idk if there's a way to come out of saying 'I think kid media is neat' without sounding like a creep or a loser#but it is what it is idk it's interesting from a developmental psychology and sociological perspective I think#I don't know that this show is healing my inner child or anything like that#but it's been a fun way to take breaks between assignments cuz the episodes are only 7 minutes long#I DEFINITELY would have made my sister watch this if it had been around when she was little#this show is babysitting gold right here#you can also tell that the original seed of a concept was like 'peppa pig but make it australian'#I don't think I've seen enough peppa pig to say if bluey is better or not#but I can see the inspiration now that it's been pointed out to me#it kinda reminds me of the rugrats with the story beats and how it handles humor#I'm having fun!#also I see why people wanna fuck the dad dog now#I don't want to personally but I can see why people are being like that#he's funny and charming!#dude's got two kids he obviously has game
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Thrawn is what happens when one man and his ego write the whole show. I get that the rebels have plot armor but come the fuck on. Honestly, I prefer Zahn's writing and nuance to Filoni's Saturday morning cartoon oeuvre and warmed-over mythological hash. The Norns? Really?
Disney is MCU-ifying the SW universe after the shitshow of the prequels. While I did enjoy some aspects of the MCU, comics for the most part bore the everlasting shit out of me. How many reboots are we going to get here? At some point you lose emotional investment in the characters (I am looking at you, MCU, New 52 and whatever dog's dinner they're making of the X-Men now). I get that corporate wants to keep cranking the money machine, and no shade to the actors, but FFS. I'll stay with the books and Thrawn as a complex antagonist. Filoni wouldn't know nuance if it ran up and whacked him with a clue-by-four.
Long live Zahn!
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Double trouble: Hypermobility may increase Long Covid risk - Published Aug 6, 2024
“For a middle-aged woman who hasn’t had any actual injuries, I’ve had a huge amount of physical therapy,” says Liza DiLeo Thomas, a 52-year-old emergency medicine doctor in New Orleans and mom to five kids. “My neck muscles were always weak, my knees were bad. In retrospect, I was actually hypermobile, I just didn’t realize it.”
Hypermobility is a catch-all term for a spectrum of disorders characterized by joints capable of moving beyond the normal range of motion, often due to abnormalities in connective tissue. The most common of these disorders, which range from mild to severe, is known as Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (HEDS).
HEDS seems to be more common in women and also may be connected to some cases of Long Covid. A recent study found that people with the condition were 30% more likely not to have recovered fully from Covid-19 infection, based on symptom surveys.
“I got my first Covid infection in March of 2020,” Thomas told The Sick Times. “After [my] second infection, I never recovered.”
Thomas has not been able to return to work in the ER. Worse still, her kids brought home more Covid-19 infections, and each reinfection over the course of the next three years triggered novel, debilitating symptoms, such as painful skin rashes and mild myelitis, an inflammation of the spinal cord. “I believe I’ve had Covid a total of five times,” she said.
In April 2021, she ended up at the office of Tulane University School of Medicine neurologist Michele Longo, who was helming a new Long Covid clinic. Longo and her colleagues have discovered that vulnerability to Long Covid may sometimes be linked to hypermobility.
Longo referred Thomas to multiple specialists, including Dr. Jacques Courseault, founder of Tulane’s specialty hypermobility clinic, launched in 2022. It is one of the few of its kind in the world. Collaboration between that clinic and Longo’s Long Covid clinic has yielded novel clues to the connection between the two conditions.
“The specialist at the clinic pushed along my iliotibial band and other parts of my leg,” recalled Thomas. “And he said, ‘Your muscle pain is not due to muscle damage. You’re hypermobile.’” Muscles will chronically contract to stabilize weak joints in hypermobile individuals, leading to chronic pain.
That insight gave clues to what might be off balance in Thomas’ body, and pointed the way for treatments that helped improve her function, including antihistamines, low-dose naltrexone, and lots of saltwater to help increase blood volume, as she was later diagnosed with dysautonomia and small fiber neuropathy. With her condition better managed, she now works part-time for the same hospital in an administrative role, mostly from home.
How a connective tissue disorder might increase risk of Long Covid Longo, the Tulane neurologist, is the kind of doctor who listens closely to her patients
“My migraine headaches brought me to neurology as a profession,” she told The Sick Times. “I’ve been living my whole life in that space of having a chronic condition that does not have a biomarker. That lends itself very well to believing my patients and empathizing with them.”
Early in the pandemic, she started seeing chronically ill individuals who were much younger than her typical patient, and who had not recovered from an acute Covid-19 case.
At her Long Covid clinic, she began to notice that some of her patients were hypermobile. She diagnosed them via the traditional Beighton scoring system — a simple in-office test which checks the flexibility of joints such as the fingers, elbows, knees, and spine. Then, she sent them over to the EDS clinic, where Courseault inevitably confirmed her suspicion. “Every patient I sent him was indeed hypermobile,” she said.
This past April, Longo and colleagues published a report on five hypermobile females with Long Covid aged 33 to 51. Once diagnosed and treated at the EDS clinic for common issues associated with hypermobility, they began to see some improvements. Longo and colleagues are now putting together a case series on fifty patients.
Read the rest at either link!
#covid#mask up#pandemic#covid 19#wear a mask#coronavirus#sars cov 2#still coviding#public health#wear a respirator#long covid
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fuck the dc reading order i’m reading whatever and wherever i want. this comic from 2010 followed by that comic from 1994 followed by another from this week and another from 2016. new 52, rebirth, pre crisis, post crisis, dawn of dc. i literally have no clue what is happening.
continuity? idk her. everything i learned when reading in an order? inconsequential. none of it sticks. making my own canon ig.
(can you tell im fed up with trying to follow the comics into new 52??)
#my comic book reading adventure#dc comics#literally what is happening#tim drake? idk him and neither do the current runs#so time for a new character ig#and i still have to finish batgirl 2009 and batman and robin 2009 while simultaneously reading batman and robin current run#dc
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hii update on xael’s languagey thingy it went well :D
it was a christmas gift i think i said friend in original ask it was for my brother but hes my friend lmao so it was a bit of a piss-take/jokey because we’re like that idk
the like actual gift was a gift card for like a local games/anime/comics/pop culture stuff store called area 52 but their gift cards are metal tokens which is cool but yeah so was inspired by that to do something alieny
and was heavily inspired by i recentlyish had played started playing roblox pressure with a tumblr friend and love the documents i was gonna like redact with marker some things but forgot (redacted in the images here uh place names even though ive said the store name and its local to our city and also his name for idk a smidgeon of privacy)
(made my own stamp out of floor mat foam but forgot to mirror it so had to stamp it onto a piece of paper and then onto the file so thats why that is shitty)

(i had to make up a few characters sorry i went through again and couldnt find L i know you mentioned that you have used it before but i couldnt find it, i think i used my own B G L and X didnt do j q or z because yep) (also huge shout out to your updated Y its so much easier lmao) (like the three diamonds i was getting good at writing by hand ( idk if youre stylus or mouse or finger when digital arting but i can imagine if i were using a mouse itd take me probably 6 minutes to draw one Y) if did the top ^^^ then the bottom vvv instead of 1 diamond 1 diamond 1 diamond but yeah idk lmao)

the notebook was the day by day musings of detective inspector theodore allen from PISSER and his like descent into obsession over glorp over the course of like a week and yeah basically had a translation table from xaellian(?) xaels series of glyphs to english in it because hes not as like pattern coded idk (me when i saw 1234 (what) and 4234 (that) in one of your xael arts and that led me to fit together almost their whole character set) but yeah he had to like translate a series of clues that led to more clues that led to his actual gift which were yeah metal gift tokens which its sci-fi so glorp called them credits it did take him about an hour to solve everything lmao but it was like 11pm when he started and had been a big day idk
so yeah idk just wanna say thanks to you and to xael hope theyre chilling in the void all nice style and i hope youve had a good past couple days and wish you the best in the new year :3
bit of long ask(?) bit rambly but yeah just wanted to update, again thanks for letting me use their language :)
No problem, im incredibly happy you wanted to use the glyphs in the first place ^w^ that gift is so creative and awesome!! I bet your brother had an amazing time figuring out all the clues n such :D
Ive been doing well, and i hope you have been too! May the new year be fortunate for you as well :3
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