#i guess this is a vent post idk
mintyyukimevt · 8 months
Some days I want to pull the bomb out of my chest (my heart) and throw it into the center of the earth and blow the whole place up :D
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kuuttituutti · 3 months
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makes you think
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rat-on-string · 8 months
My Voice Betrays Me- 4 page comic about being nonbinary.
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sealbuffed · 1 year
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i'm not what i'm supposed to be
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khaire-traveler · 1 month
My third day of work was, in fact, so wild that I left with a migraine and threw up four times when I got home. My back hurt so much that I could barely bend over by the time I left. 💀 Someone's stalker came in so we had to call the police, someone stole something, a manager yelled at someone through the radio that we all have while I was working with a customer on that guy's last day, a lady kept asking me whether or not she should buy a brand new red jeep Cherokee then proceeded to advertise her old black Lexus to me (I was just her cashier, like, why), some guy told me about how he can't give anyone his email because he's part of the FBI senior program (?), I saw two dogs, I didn't get to take either of my 15 minute breaks so just my 30 minute lunch break, my trainer was talking so much in my ear that I straight up disassociated during the middle of a customer interaction, I helped a super angry customer fax something and he told me that his partner had died and how he needed to get stuff to the state or else, and many, many, MANY other things. This job is low-key awful for me, personally. TvT
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How much do you have to know before you write a book? How did other people define enough? Everyone is always telling me to write or start a podcast but I feel like much of what I have to say has already been said more eloquently by smarter people who have more experience and deserve way more flowers
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its-a-beautful-day · 9 months
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Been thinking about how it feels, being the wild child
the struggle of not feeling human, when emotions get too strong,
when hands feel like paws and teeth become fangs, shoulders and hunches raised in anger and low growls of fear,
somehow this body language is easier, is more natural than my own
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idiot-mushroom · 7 months
keep hearing ppl on here saying shit (or talking abt what ppl said/say) like ‘csa is such a uncomfy topic!!’ or ‘ i don’t really feel comfortable with that stuff…’ or ‘kids shouldn’t know this adult stuff!’
guys, i’m a minor, a chunk of my ttnm iteration is literally about my experiences with sexual harassment, be it I don’t rlly show it via art, i do talk abt it, dude i made a whole fic abt it!! I even made a sequel to the fic!!
and yeah if it does make u uncomfy, i always tag trigger warnings, so you can block those tags or just ignore the post, but don’t say i have to stop talking abt something that is so common and ignored and misinterpreted in the present day. sure my experiences can’t sum up everyone’s experiences but that’s the thing! they’re my experiences!
thank fuck that ppl don’t say shit like ‘you should take this down’ on my vent posts abt this shit bc i would honestly block them and then have to think abt how fucked up it is that as soon as I actually try to really dive deep in myself and be vulnerable and show the world my experience and emotions and thought and my memories and raw feelings i would get shut down because it made them ‘uncomfy’.
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paranormeow7 · 1 year
gonna rant for a second bc I’m gonna have to go back to school soon and I’ve been thinking about this. I am literally so sick of South Park being a funny trendy thing that TikTok kids like bc it’s literally making them think it’s okay to be antisemetic. “that’s too harsh!! where’s the proof?” well, one of the reasons I don’t want to go back to school is because I don’t want to hear the South Park fan kids make jokes about loving Hitler and being lizard people, and then proceeding to excuse it by saying they have a Jewish great uncle or something. As a practicing Jew, especially going to a school that prides itself on acceptance and diversity, it hurts to see that that doesn’t seem to carry over to Jewish people in a lot of progressive spaces, especially because of something as stupid and unimportant as a shitty adult cartoon. You will never be progressive and accepting if care more about a cartoon and it’s unfunny jokes than the comfort and safety of your Jewish peers. Also, if any of the kids who like South Park and like to make these jokes see this, fuck you. I’m done with your bullshit. You’re not funny. Disrespecting my culture and my religion will never be funny. Find another adult cartoon to make trans headcanons of. (I recommend moral orel, it’s actually smart, poignant and much funnier than South Park)
Probably gonna get deranged hate for this. Whatever man, bring it on. Probs gonna delete this anyways.
Goyim can interact, but don’t add on or comment. South Park fans fucking leave. I’m frustrated and hurt and don’t want to debate.
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goodartitude · 3 months
i've been thinking about unmasking and letting yourself be comfortable a lot, and you know what? It makes me so mad that when you google things like "i don't want to look other people in the eye", you immediately get "tips" like "how to overcome struggles with maintaining eye contact"
what if i don't want to overcome that? what if i want to beat my feelings of guilt over not looking people in the eye because doing that causes me So Much Discomfort? what if I just want to accept myself instead of forcing myself to perform for the sake of someone else's approval?
i HATE how we don't get advice on how to accept ourselves and show ourselves compassion and gentleness. it pains me how everyone is always expected to conform to other people's expectations which are literally so irrational. the weight of those expectations is difficult enough to deal with, but when paired with your own feelings of guilt over not fitting in? it's the worst
so a friendly reminder to everyone: you don't need to look other people in the eye, hide your stimming, sit with your back perfectly straight, wear that uncomfortable shirt... the list goes on
your needs and experiences are valid, and you can be you, because you're awesome <33
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witchqueen · 2 months
Does anyone have any tips to help stop yourself from comparing your artwork to others, or equating your value as an artist with likes and reblogs?
I've struggled with this for a while and it's getting old, I don't know how to just shrug it off. Any genuine advice would be nice
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paoofthestars · 3 months
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Feels like in the upcoming months & years it's gonna be the end of the world, but in super slow motion as we melt like candles & billionaires become trillionares
In the meantime, this is how I cope while doing adult responsibilities [[gov. bureaucracy & discrimination included]]
Here's the original image I've referenced
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labrayic · 2 months
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teehee more vent doodles
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candyheartedchy · 11 months
Feeling disconnected again…
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ectohybrid · 1 month
i kinda hate that when im searching for posts to help me feel like part of community instead of a freak all i find is terfy debates abt athletes and ABO. why is this the intersex experience why cant people be normal. god are you listening its me fiona if i search intersex headcanon and see secondary sex pheromone mpreg again im going to shoot myself about it
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superbellsubways · 2 months
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