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Two Peas in a Pod: part 6/?
Thank you for the cake and the art and your crazy tags♡♡ you feed me so well so here's some more words!!
Lets see how many of you guest right, lol, they're both stupid, I love them.
A group walking down the corridor on the other side of the glass before six a.m was unusual. And given the volume and rapid chatter, something had either excited them or had them nervous. But when one stopped to peer through the window, looking for Prowl – they would not see him, he refused to be gawked at – there was a possibly it had something to do with him.
Prowl suspected that if that was the case, his mobility played a key part. The humans had been more skittish since he had first left the hammock yesterday. Their fear was not misplaced, with the returned ease of swimming, his threat value had more than doubled.
While he would not act unless pressed – as it would be wasted effort with the current situation – Prowl was not completely against whatever illusion that the humans had of him. Let them fear him. It would keep most away and leaving fewer for him to deal with; those brave or stupid enough to still come near him.
The elated shout of Jazz that came from beyond the wall drew in his attention. Prowl sighed softly, recalling the current state of the language barrier. What he wouldn't give for a stylus and a data-pad. Even a simple drawing one would suffice.
He didn't get to linger in dismay as he heard Jazz swim by, but not stay. The view port on the gate was still shut from yesterday so maybe Jazz had just come to check if they would open it? But then he came by again a few seconds later, and then again.
Swimming laps. But was it excitement or anxiety?
Prowl silently approached the gate and rested his forehead against it, listening. The body of water on the other side was much bigger, that much he already knew, but most of the walls and floors of this place were like stone, leaving empty spaces all over his vision. Places sound bounced off of, but didn't pass through.
Metal wasn't necessarily any better, but it tended to reverberate; depending on its composition, and if one was skilled enough, you could see what was beyond or within the metal.
But the gate was metal, and Prowl was that skilled. Tuning his sonar with careful precision, he eventually found the frequency that gave him the best image.
Inside, it was primarily hollow, with large connecting rods and cylinders leading to alien machinery that was too complex to make out with outside noise causing glitch-like distortions across what he could see. But the guts of the wall weren't his goal currently.
Outside was where he drew in his focus. Towards the centre he could very faintly see Jazz as he circled. His sonar images may be in terrible quality, but Prowl had become quite familiar with the other orca's particular blob. It was like watching something move from darkness to light or adjusting the contrast of an image. Jazz was bright and his silhouette shape clearly a mer when he was close, while dim and barely a lopsided oval when he was far.
He was tempted to calculate the distance and overall, the space Jazz was swimming, but – to the right he had picked up on a platform. One that more and more humans seemed to be gathering on. At first, Prowl was worried that the other mer might be in danger, but after a few more laps Jazz approached and waited at the edge.
For a few minutes, nothing changed. Until Jazz moved to somewhere in the middle, almost straight out from the gate, and the humans began to spread out. Something was up and Prowl kept searching and listening for anything that might give him insight.
Till the screeching hiss of the machine attached to the gate suddenly came to life, causing Prowl to recoil. Losing his sonar temporarily as he worked through the noise. It was like a camera flash that blinded you for a second, only this one was a flash against your mind and a bang in your ears at the same time. But Prowl was used to ambushes and this certainly wasn't the worst sonar attack he's experienced, so this wouldn't hinder him, it was just annoying.
Pressing himself against the floor and the wall out of view of the door, he waited. After the passageway had slid completely open, Prowl remained only for an extra moment, just long enough to tell that nothing was coming. Then he cautiously moved to investigate.
With the recovery of his sonar and the obstacle removed, Prowl sent a few quick clicks to pinpoint all the humans. There were seven he could find, though there could be more outside his currently limited range. A poorly laid out ambush regardless, if that was the plan, and chances were very low – seeing as the humans were providing him with medical treatment, they clearly wanted him alive – but it wasn't zero. Prowl really didn't want to fight at this stage of his imprisonment, firstly; his wounds still posed a risk to his overall survival, secondly; he needed to gather more information before he could put together a plan of escape.
When Jazz waved at him, Prowl resigned to the fact that he – or perhaps they – were being closely monitored and there was nothing that could be done about it. So, for now, he would resume gaining an ally, or at the very least a cooperative collaborator. The other captive orca remained at the top of his priority list for making any future plans have greater odds of success. Working out the communication issue aside, he needs this 'first meeting' to go properly and smoothly before anything else could proceed.
And it looked as though the audience had Jazz tense and on the defensive. Nothing a little show of reassurance of Prowl as an ally couldn't remedy surely.
So, Prowl approached with an appropriate speed for closing the distance between an acquaintance, with his arms set at a relaxed, yet polite place along his sides. When he stood before Jazz, he made sure to keep a respectable space, posed with and holding a practised expression of polite professionalism. Choosing to have his most vulnerable side forward in a grand gesture of trust, further expressing that he had no intentions of bringing him harm.
He anticipated a moment of hesitance, allowing Jazz the time to observe him, to look for signs of deceit. But when his roaming eyes became fixed on his wounded flank, admiration showing in his expression, Prowl flicked his tail for Jazz's attention. Prowl wouldn't look too deep into it, but past experience made him keep note.
Jazz showed that he was at least slightly embarrassed – good – but when he did not make a move to greet Prowl with the same gesture of goodwill. Continuing to face him head on had Prowl now searching for signs of what his intention were. But while he did, Prowl began to express slight irritation, in hopes the other would cease and desist.
The other mer reacted by rising and Prowl tensed. Jazz must have had trust issues from past bad experiences if he was attempting to intimidate him with the present state of their body. Where he had been found gravely wounded, Jazz must had been found starving… Or there was the very slight chance that he had recently hit his last growth spurt and he was just a lanky cocksure young adult wanting to show-off.
Jazz quickly paused, pointing and waving for Prowl to follow. Obviously wanting to move to the surface to speak. Fine.
But then he smiled, and not in a friendly way, no, this one was clearly practised. Smooth, confident, and forward. Prowl had dealt with plenty of celebrities and politicians to know what a charming smile looks like, and very aware it was an illusion of friendliness to lure or entertain. Cocky youth had adjusted from 'very slight' to 'likely'. So, Prowl readied for a foolish game of posturing.
{Sorry, Prowler.} Was the first thing out of his mouth and his smile diminished to a more acceptable nature.
Good, Prowl thought at first, maybe Jazz had realized that he would not sway Prowl. However, Jazz still refused to back down, flaunting confidence with lax posture. Speaking in an almost gentle reassurance, {it's okay. Prowler, it's okay.}
Then everything started coming together – prolonged staring, hints of interest, slight embarrassment, insistent forward facing, too friendly of smiles aimed at a stranger – and the almost certain likelihood of Jazz's youth. Prowl was both irritated and bewildered at his own conclusion; Jazz was flirting with him.
Primus, he wanted to be wrong. But… nothing else made sense about Jazz's behaviour!
Not wanting this nonsense to continue, Prowl kept his formal disposition of his side facing Jazz and backed off just enough to show refusal, but not a sign of submission. Prowl firmly said, {no.}
{Wait! I —– } Jazz started to approach.
{Stop,} he said as his scowl had grown into a harsh glare and he quickly turned his body to face him fully, but didn't back away. {trying okay.}
Jazz did stop his advance. Though now apparently, they were locked in some sort of stare down. How else could he express his rejection without this braking out into a physical confrontation?
Again, Jazz moves, this time slowly opening his arms to boldly offer a hug and still keeping a steady friendly smile. Like he's asking for a chance. But was only baffling Prowl further. Why are you so instant?
" 'tzz." He said, the other mer's name was still difficult to pronounce, but he wanted to be clear. Speaking with a warning as he readied to strike. It wouldn't be the first time a pursuer needed a smack to take a hint. But Prowl really didn't want to fight. {Stop.}
Jazz was back to rambling in the human's language, his tone was wavering between calm and frustration. But when he pulled away; after his words had done nothing to change Prowl's stance, Jazz squared up.
Prowl did not hesitate and made a clean charge to Jazz's chest, forcing them both under.
While Jazz recoiled and darted away to collect himself. Prowl rolled his shoulder in discomfort. The impact had still jostled his injuries, but it had been the best option. Biting would have been taking it too far, using even his right arm would have been agonizing, and spinning around to use his tail would have allowed Jazz time to react. No, this was good enough.
Or so he thought when he returned to Jazz to see if he was willing to be respectful of the situation. While Prowl was willing to try and start anew with a mutual understanding, side-ways faced and still offering trust with showing his wounded side.
Jazz looked upset, understandably so as that harsh of a rejection was never pleasant. But this language barrier was really getting in the way. He was speaking human words again, irritation clear in his voice. But then he took a deep breath and started slinking towards him. Still openly refusing Prowl's offer of peaceful intentions.
And... now we've come down to a battle for dominance. Wonderful. Prowl had a slight bit of respect for the other's determination in not wanting to submit when clearly out matched, but this was hardly the time nor the place. Prowl fixed Jazz with a glare, promising punishment as he started to plan out his attacks that would not cause too much pain, but enough to humble the punk.
{Please, Prowler, stop.}
Gladly, but you first. {No, you stop, ['tzz.]}
He did, {what,} but not without pointing back and forth between them, {why?}
Despite his mounting frustration of being unable to explain or even have Jazz possibly clear things up on his end as well. Prowl did his best to make it as physically clear as he could by returning to the calm request and offer to have no ill intentions between them, that they can be on equal ground. He even went as far as to break eye contact and look away, just in case that was feeding into his miscommunication with Jazz.
{Prowler,} Jazz sighed, calling out to him softly, and daring to inch closer.
Prowl tensed; he had tolerated that nickname due to his own inability to say Jazz's properly. But him using it– using it like that was–
That was not– I'm not submitting to you, you punk!
Bristling, Prowl twisted and lunged for the other mer. Only clipping him this time, but was swift with a sharp turn to follow through with his earlier threat. And Jazz tried and failed to escape him. Charge after charge, Prowl battered him with carefully made strikes. Making it clear that when he stopped and let Jazz get away, that he had allowed it to happen.
When he met Jazz on the surface once more. Prowl remained facing him head on, silently asking if he wanted another round of showing just how out of his league he really was. Regardless if that kind of movement put strain on his healing body, that he could feel the sharp pull of new tissues fighting against the flex of muscle. He could probably get away with a few more attacks before something popped open.
{Please, Prowler. Please, stop.} Jazz begged.
But Prowl waited to see if Jazz was being honest about putting this to an end. After a minute of neither of them making a move. Prowl once again turned so his side face Jazz and this time Jazz mirrored him.
Prowl then gave a loud breath of relief and laid down to float on his back. Finally! No more idiotic posturing.
Jazz also followed him in releasing the tension and floating, though he looked humiliated.
Good, you should be embarrassed.
I hope you found this as funny as I did. XD And now that the boys can be in the same pool, it's time for bonding and shenanigans!! >:3c
Prowl: doing everything by the book and reading into every micro expression to aim for the best results.
Jazz: trying to restrain his overflowing excitement and desire to make a friend. (but also has a budding crush) be cool, be cool OuO;;
Prowl: sees Jazz's not-so-hidden excitement and desire. what – here – right now – but also why? … sigh, you're just a shameless flirt aren't you? :/
IS IT really a jp fic if they aren't– Check List ✔ Arguing at least once ✔ Fighting at least once ✔ Jazz being an absolute flirt (unintentional currently, but still counts!) ✔ Prowl greatly misunderstanding a situation with Jazz at least once
Also, I've seen the pleas of the lovely readers!! I will post this fic on ao3 in the next day or so. But since this is my gift to my platonic love ♡♡♡Keferon♡♡♡ updates will be delivered here first.
Until you want me to stop dropping the fic in your inbox♡ -GLC
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE oh my god they're fucking stupid ahahajjakfkfmgndb
I was wroNG ahaha I was completely wrong. Jazz wasn't saying "fuck you" in the last part it was "let's fuck" /j
To be fair. If I was held captive with the other random human and they greeted me by staring at my ass and then enthusiastically approaching despite me showing that I'm not okay with them flirting with me? Yeah no I completely understand Prowl haha.
Also. This isn't directly related to this part but. Sigh. I made some doodles of Blaster after reading the previous part and then.uh. completely forgot to show them. So I guess I'll throw them here now lol

#I thought they were fighting#I was wroNG this is worse/j#Prowl: being polite#Jazz: 👁👁#Prowl: hooookay you're creepy so imma show that I want to keep it nice and peaceful using body language beca-#-use it's the only language we both can speak right?#WRONG HAHAH#Prowl: turns his face to the side#Jazz: you're bratty#Jazz: keeps facing forward#Prowl: YOU'Re bratty!#Everyone else in this goddamn room: what is this are they flirting or are they fighting I don't have phd in whale romance#Josh you are a wet bread moron they're dolphins not whales#my apologies but I don't have phd in dolphin romance either#Fred from the other side of the room: Mermaid gay drama hurt/comfort slowburn no archive warnings 999k words (sorry I got hit by a bus)#Josh: the fuck you just said#Fred: *grips tranquilizer harder* nothing#maccadam#transformers#prowl#jazz#jazzprowl#apocalyptic ponyo#blaster#GLC#ponyo jp writing
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Happy Rebels day!
#sorry I don’t got nothing big and cool#I had class today :///#and every other day of the week too ughhhhhh#anyways#REBELS!!! YIPEEE#the show that you are#star wars#star wars rebels#ezra bridger#kanan jarrus#hera syndulla#zeb orrelios#garazeb orrelios#c1 10p#chopper#sabine wren
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AsaDen x Metaphor Re:Fantazio
#*akademia theme plays*#i dunno what really possessed me to do this tbh#i just really love the art direction for metaphor#the menu art is just... so perfect to me#and i wanted to do it for one of my favorite ships#the longer i look at it the funnier i feel because like#why did i make this aldkjas#literally just THEM doing nothing#but i guess its just a thing where i combine two things i love#i already loved asaden and got inspired to do more art for them when i posted a piece on reddit#and then metaphor came along and completely took me by the hand and inspired me to do more#if you havent go look at the menu art for it and listen to the akademia theme#you'll get it once you see it i think#i dont really expect a ton of people to like this since it feels so normal haha#also im always cursed to draw one or the other slightly off#and this time it's denji lol#also i know they'd have some softer features bc theyre japanese#but i'm always weirded out by not showing jaws n stuff#idk its a style thing#also yes this is my mobile banner now im sorry sasunaru#anyway im done rambling in the tags sorry about that#my art#chainsaw man#asaden#asa mitaka#csm fanart#denji#denji hayakawa#csm x metaphor#artists on tumblr
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Tuvok is not as autistic coded in-narrative compared to what I've seen of Spock or T'Pol where they're othered heavily by those around them and have themes and arcs about struggling/striving to fit in BUT I do think he provides the vital autistic representation of not really angsting about your differences from other people because you're too busy and unaware and then even when you ARE made aware you mostly just think 'glad that's not me'. I think it's vital to have that sort of totally unbothered rep. I love that Tuvok is completely satisfied and proud of being Vulcan, doesn't long to experience emotion or struggle with a desire to express himself in a way his crewmates will understand, to be closer to them. I love that he has a long time and close friend that respects who he is and doesn't try to change him and that how close they are isn't framed as being in spite of his Vulcan nature. I love that being Vulcan isn't framed as a hindrance to him, like a roadblock to living a full and rich life. He has a wife and four kids and is a devoted husband and father. He's getting into gay horror scenarios. Tuvok was born on autism planet and he's thriving.
#there were apparently multiple friend group dramas in high school that I didn't pick up on at ALL#I'm drawn to how at ease Tuvok is with himself and I personally like that Humanity isn't appealing to him#It was at one point when he was a young but not anymore#I personally (it truly is personal) don't like when Vulcans' way of life is framed as being incorrect. I see it a lot in fanfic where part#of showing romance or friendship is that a Vulcan will emote more or 'loosen up' but I don't like it...I think it's a bit boring and that#them being alien with a completely alien form of emotional control/expression is what makes a Vulcan interesting. Otherwise#they seem like nothing more than overly repressed Humans. I do get the appeal of a repressed character being freer but I don't like#the implication that an entire culture is restrictive and bad bc it isn't easily understandable as 'good' in our view. So um...it's like??#I don't like when it's like 'this Vulcan is acting more like what I a Human think is good - they're acting more like me so it's healthier'#does that make sense?? I want it to be...less about bringing someone over to your side and more about love and understanding even if you#aren't the same. It doesn't have to be the same to be lovely I think...and I like how Tuvok and Janeway are so exemplary of their species'#values and that DOESN'T mean they butt heads. They work exceptionally well together and trust each other and care about one another a lot#and I like that a lot! I wish we got to see more of that. WHAT a RANT!!! Sorry!!!#Tuvok#autistic tuvok#star trek voyager#voy#I like Tuvok because I personally can't relate as much to characters like Data who wish to be Human and as a kid I thought of myself as#an alien taking Human form - I didn't want to be Human. I was just there amongst them. I liked that difference...#it made me feel a little lonely and a little special.
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"cordelia could you please drive me home?" "of course" OF COURSE she replies to buffy, softly, without hesitation. even if she goes right back to harping on about the world ending, of course she'll help buffy. head in my fucking hands
#HELLO THIS IS SUCH A NOTHING POST SORRY ??#I just rewatched helpless and I'm just having Feelings over these two again#she's still going on about the world ending but helping buffy is. like. duh#buffy needs help? well of course she'll be there. but she's still gonna complain about it#and the way cordy totally starts wailing (well as best she can I suppose) on that guy when he pushed buffy aside#like ew annoying guy whatever. WOAH don't touch buffy??? also buffy jeez at least do something next time. but also dw I got you#my first ship in this show was cordy and buffy and idc what anyone else thinks I was sooo real for that#cordy my queen she was my like second favourite character for s1 and in my top 5 for s2-3#oh. oh I wish she was still around#cordy I miss u terribly#coffy#cordelia chase#buffy summers#btvs#buffy the vampire slayer
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#this is the first time I share my wips on tumblr...#but why not i guess??#for the last couple of weeks there have been air raids and explosions every evening/night so this series is taking a lot of time :(#and I thought I'd show you what I've got so far#there is nothing to show for the fourth picture yet#sorry! but there will be summer too#wip
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Honestly I've never read a show that felt as much of a waste of time as oshi no ko did because damn how did the author manage to destroy the entire character development of both protagonists in a few chapters (that should actually be studied now). Like why even waste screentime if you're going to ignore their entire development in order to make choices that make zero sense from a writing and plot perspective (aqua's plan was literally so stupid and preventable and considering that he's supposed to be the "intelligent schemer" that kind of discredits his whole personality)
Thinking of that ending again makes my blood boil because I feel scammed. Like it was definitely a mistake to get invested if the author doesn't even bother to hide the fact that he grew bored of this story and wanted it to end already so he can work on his next story. Count yourself lucky if you didn't get invested in the story and it's characters unlike me
(let me mention again that it's not the tragic ending I take an issue with. I love tragic endings and angst. But in this case the writing was rushed and sucked)
Thank god the fandom carries with alternative ending content which is so much better. Apparently this guy also completely rushed the ending for kaguya sama which makes sense now (it seems like he tends to get bored of his current story really fast whenever he starts planning a new one like he currently does or what happened back in kaguya sama when he started planning onk)
Anyone can write a storyline but it takes a writer to write an ending and that definitely wasn't the case here
#ceces rants#sorry I got reminded of that show again and felt the need to complain#there's nothing worse than an ending with no passion in it#even if the ending still made no sense it would've atleast felt better if you could tell that the author poured his blood into it#but considering that aka failed even one of the most fundamental writing rules at the end: “show don't tell”#as well as erase both aqua's and especially ruby's entire character development for no reason#it's just so clear that aka didn't care about this story anymore#oshi no ko spoilers#oshi no ko
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lord its so dark in here the sahara desert of tsaritsa content you are like a shining oasis. your characterisation of her compels me & mihoyo would be hard pressed to top it imo.!! caaaaan i humbly request yr thoughts on her first meeting w a reader of any kind, or maybe even multiple kinds (sagau, sagau god au, isekai, etc) if you so desire...
it really is like a desert here. being the fan of a character we aren't getting until the last damn nation is driving me up a wall but i will persevere bc if nothing else i support morally bankrupt women in media. we r in a severe drought over here but i do my best. unfortunately nothing i say is ever coherent so pull out your translation notes its abt 2 be messy
also this got out of hand but thats bc first meetings w the tsaritsa are tricky to write + a LOT of her characterization lies in deeper exploration then just surface level yknow...NOT A DIG AT YOU this is just my excuse for rambling. gently pats the tsaritsa she can hold so much complexity i do not have the word count to delve into it completely :]
gonna talk cult au for a bit here though because that's 99% of my content. and honestly? she thrives in sub au's of the cult au like villain au + imposter au. it's basically made for her. i mean, early days, the imposter au had been going around for a little while but one of the first few ideas was the Fatui taking reader in so like. it kinda technically actually was. pretty sure cult au Tsaritsa popped up because of the imposter au. a lot of it's writers kinda left though which. man am i getting old or.
there isn't much of a chance her first impression is all that positive. at best it's usually neutral, imo, but rarely if ever positive. specifically because i view the Tsaritsa as someone who isn't as fanatical as most of the acolytes typically are towards the creator. she's not exactly going to worship the ground you walk on unlike a certain geo lizard. which is partially why i think she thrives in the sub au's i mentioned.
imposter au, for example. she meets you at your lowest. there's no gaudy extravagance or pampering from the acolytes waiting for you because your own acolytes have turned on you. for all intents and purposes you aren't a "god" at all. which is why i don't think she meshes well with normal cult au reader. the Fatui are made up of outcasts, basically, and imposter au slots right in just perfectly. you're weak, at your lowest, when you meet the Fatui in the imposter au. and the Fatui can help you, too.
a mutual exchange, really. the Tsaritsa sees a tool she can use to one up the rest of the nations and especially Archons, and she has no qualms about you using her and the Fatui in turn. you both want something out of it, after all. whether you just want to be safe from the rest of the acolytes, or you want revenge, or whatever else..she'll give you the power to fulfill it, and she gains the strongest piece on the chessboard when all is said and done.
the best way i can describe the first meeting is "practical", i suppose. she sees an opportunity in you. the ultimate gamble. because if she "saves" you, and you dont trust anyone else because they tried to kill you, well..she holds all the cards, doesn't she?
but the Tsaritsa, imo, is just as capable of being just as fanatical towards you as anyone else. she just won't worship you as the creator. but as yourself? clawing your way back to your divine power and taking back what belongs to you? the Tsaritsa is, to me, a character who's character flourishes in long-term fics more because she changes a LOT between "just met reader" and after having been with reader for some time. she's practically apathetic at the beginning but a lot of her character, in my characterization, shines through LONG after the first meeting.
#asks#Anonymous#sagau#tsaritsa#like. am i explaining this coherently?? first meetings r GOOD and i could go on a tangent of like. first meetings w zl and make it work#but first meetings w the tsaritsa is like. you just cooked a 5 course meal. took one bite. called it a day.#so much of my characterization lies in the “after” of the first meeting#because her first meetings are generally the same. she's apathetic at best!! she does not gaf abt the creator in the SLIGHTEST#but show that you are more then the creator? that you do not cling to the title like a shield? that you do not rely on it?#youve got the worst person youve ever known ready to kill a man for you.#tsaritsa is very like. EXTREMELY hard to earn the trust of but when you do she will kill someone for you no hesitation no question#which is why she works SO WELL in villain au and imposter au!!!!!!!!!#esp if theres a fake “creator” calling you the imposter. she hates their ass and was .5 seconds from dethroning them anyway#you just made it 10x easier#also cant do just first meetings bc i am incapable of not shoving themes of love into every fic w her SORRY#tsaritsa going on a full multiple month long mental breakdown bc she is not in love with you but she would destroy everything for u..#(shes in denial)#tsaritsa and complex themes of love and what it means for the god of love to be incapable of feeling it + what it means when reader shows u#LIKE UGHHHHHH okay. i guess ill write another tsaritsa fic and put it in my vault#aka my drafts#i hold so many fics hostage there its crazy#this answered like 0 of ur questions sorry i see tsaritsa and black out and this happens#i just think first meetings dont let her character really come thru but my response got out of hand so uhhhhh everyone look away. please#putting tape over my mouth now so i shut up before this gets worse#basically tsaritsa gravitates more towards outcast reader rather then one who has already become accustomed to the adoration of the acolyte#does that make sense........#i havent slept in forever and im running on nothing but spite and dreams atp dont expect coherency when it comes 2 the tsaritsa from me#head in hands someone please stop me i keep rambling abt the tsaritsa it makes me go NUTS#lays down. explodes
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#sorry for disappearing :( i’m in a really bad place right now. thanks for being patient. if you see this i love you.#tried to post these last night but tumblr was not having it and i was far too exhausted to fight with it. i’m really still too tired to do#much but i wanted to post … something#these are things from an au that i’ve been thinking about cuz of a video i saw on tiktok LOL nothing interesting just a kemonomimi au where#kieran is a crow and javier is (obv) a coyote and they like to play and have fun like the little animals in love they are#except the javi’s in the bottom left corner. those are just doodles. i love his responses to arthur antagonizing him LOL#and also finally jotted down the difference in javier’s hair bows after he got together with kieran#hopefully i’ll do something more with that but for now i’m just glad to have it down on paper somewhere#also sorry they’re all naked. clothes are a hassle.#i’m gonna try to get to some asks soon :’] slowly but surely … thank you to those who keep giving me the time of day despite my inability to#actually show up. it means a lot. i’m really struggling right now but it helps me to know that i’ve got somewhere i can come back to when im#able and that there are people out there who like what i do enough to wait for me#i’m not going to tag this with anything outside of my blog specific tags#other than#rdr2#and for organization purposes#image#art#hero draws sometimes#hero’s kieran#hero’s javier#hero’s javieran
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James Vowles, you will not see heaven
#f1#formula 1#formula one#alex my love i am so sorry but like oscar i have beef with your team principals/owners & am praying on their downfall#*music blasting from speakers* i hope you know i hope you know that this id nothing to do with you!#I've got your back girl (alex & oscar) from right over here (as far from james vowles & zak brown as possible)!#but like how did he make thr apology worse?#and him dancing around nicos direct question about mick#also the wanting to bring a driver from the academy up is great yes we love to see that BUT IT AIN'T WHAT HAPPENED#franco has no prospect of a williams seat for next year#and logans treatment shows that they are very willing to throw their young drivers under the bus#as cutthroat as red bulls decisions were and there were unquestionably cutthroat#they were at least fighting for wins & for p2 in the championship in 2019&2020 & then were in position to go for the title in 2021#if you're going to engage in dog eats dog you actually need to be one of the big dogs#anti james vowles#mick schumacher#edit: i just saw the “hes reached the limit of what hes able to achieve & in fact its almost unfair on him to continue that” comment#logan is a fucking person not an terminally ill animal that has to be put down!#logan sargeant
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is it just me or does cardan from his own POV completely differ from how people see him from outside?
#just goes to show#Your face is your greatest weapon#Everyone has their own fight ig#And you never know how someone feels#haha im sorry this was supposed to be happy#Be happy guys#its harder than being sad#But easier on your facial muscles#And I assume we’re anti-Botox?#No hate if you’re pro-botox#My cousin got it for medical shit#My other cousin got it for non-medical shit#also may I mention that smiling leads to nice wrinkles when you’re older#Do we like that#Idk lmfao#cardan greenbriar#jude duarte#how the king of elfhame learned to hate stories#the cruel prince#the wicked king#the queen of nothing#jurdan#jude x cardan#oak greenbriar#haha I loved oaks pov#Cardan does laugh and laugh#Be like cardan
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can i just be totally honest for just a sec. this past year hasnt been my favorite. it hurt a Lot and i really didnt think id be as happy as i am when the end of the year came around. it was not the best year by far for me. kinda nothing has been Great since i was like 12 honestly. But also i've learned a Lot about myself this year. I've healed, hurt, loved, laughed, everything in between, and will continue to do all that because thats life and im living (!!!!). I'm about to have a birthday that i didnt even think i was going to get to see like 4 years ago so. yeah. happy new year everyone and im really really happy im here <3 thank you all
#camera talks#sorry for getting real for a second LMAO#umhmhm#happy new year <3#im really really glad yall are around and im around#ive had a Lot of struggles this year#(from what i can remember. tbh ive blocked out So So much pain i know im forgetting stuff)#its been bad but i know its been worse. sorta. tbh this hasnt been a good year thinking about it but i dont want to think about it rn so#But i know i didnt think id reach the end of the year like this#im very happy ive gotten here. im so happy ive accomplished everything ive accomplished#and im almost okay with what im going into next year.#its scary but ive got people and support and i can make it through#i feel more loved and safe#and i hope it'll mostly just go up for me in a lot of aspects from here#okay. thx for reading if you read all the way through this :)#i love you guys <33#thank you to the mutuals and followers who have been here since my early days and who have recently showed up#you're all amazing and i wish you nothing but the best <3
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Watching Perfect 10 Liners is just me trying not to beam all my divorce kid trauma onto Faifa.
#hmm prominently raised by your mother and carried a lot of her emotional labor so#you make yourself smaller and more accommodating to get through it all#wonder if he licked the grease off a fridge shelf because there was nothing else to eat too#with the way she didn't remember this allergies i wouldn't be surprised#wonder if the soundtrack of his childhood was hearing his mother cry through the wAlLs-#sorry to vent but uggghhh#perfect 10 liners#don't even get me started on yotha-#oh your father is all emotionally closed off and distant?#so you aren't emotionally sound and latch onto those more open than you for better or for worse?#so you are stunted socially and emotionally?#and it just makes you an ass to everyone around you even people who care#but at least you know there is a meal on the table because your classmates have gotten concern about your thin frame#and your bones showing through the skin#and you say you are done when youve barely eaten#but you know you should eat more because you dont know when your next meal is#and your dad teaches you art but your mother teaches you music and they can never cross#yet you are driven up the wall when in silence because it reminds you of your childhood isolation#because you werent independent because you wanted to be but because you had to be while they got work done#sleep deprivation is getting to me#calciumsays
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oo who are your top dc picks for rapunzel?!! mine are raven from teen titans, wally west, halo and jason todd (in an unhinged way where he leaves the tower to commit murder)
cass cain is my #1 forever dc rapunzel <333 the way she never got to experience the world outside of the narrow view she was shown by the person who raised her, then got a glimpse of the life she wanted and chose to leave said parent and experience it for herself. soooo rapunzel-coded <3 plus the way she believes in the best for everyone and refuses to see people as evil or irredeemable <33333333 theyre the same character to me
also!!! mia dearden!!!!!!! trapped in a life by someone who claims to love her, then some guy (with a goatee) comes along and makes her realize that theres a life outside her "tower" so she fights the person trapping her then leaves to hang out with the guy that saved her :') obviously not a one to one comparison because i am NOT saying that mia & ollie are the same as rapunzel & eugene since. ollie is her dad. but the idea is there
and im giving rose an honorable mention because shes not as much of rapunzel as the other two but if you don't think about it too hard nightwing #112-115 can be tangled with rose as rapunzel, dick as eugene (PLATONICALLY), and slade as gothel 🥰
anyways thats all i have to say but im using this opportunity to go on a new rose tangent
rose can also be eugene-coded. take my hand. sort of an orphan (both technically have alive fathers but their fathers didnt raise them) that turns to a life of crime because they feel like its the only thing they're good at (and in fairness they ARE really good at it) and they like doing it. theyre selfish and kind of an asshole but they have so much love in their hearts and genuinely want to help people but they look out for themselves first. then theyre given a chance to have a family & leave it behind so they do but no one trusts them bc they've hurt everyone around them before even though they've changed now </3 they also cover up every feeling they have by being an asshole and the only people that get to see their actual emotions are the people close to them. then once they show a genuine emotion then the dam is broken and they can never stop
all this to say. cassrose tangled au now please
#honestly i dont know much about raven wally or halo but from what i do know i love them as rapunzel#jason... i disagree but i LOVE where your head's at#i think hes more like cassandra from tts#>adopted by loving father#>raised by said father and learned to fight and developed strong morals from him#>always vying for approval but never got it in the way he wanted it#>later felt betrayed by the person closest to him so he started killing people#>shaky morals as a villain but he already chose a hill to die on so hes NOT giving up now#the titans tower fight is sooooo nothing left to lose coded if youre insane#<-please.... my target audience (the 3 people who like jason and also have seen tts)...... i need you to consider this#dc#cassandra cain#mia dearden#rose wilson#<- IF THIS SHOWS UP IN THE TAGS IM SO SORRY. these are my organizational tags and i know im gonna want to come back to find this 💔
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Wait a minute

I can literally just put them on my backpack front and center. (Plus a close-up on the cluster of Things where Céline lives!)
#fire emblem#I GUESS#funny how now it's just a fe themed chain. it used to have more variety!#rip venti yanfei....... i will always love you..... even if i'm over your game now..... i'm so sorry you're trapped in there 😔💔#also middle name reveal. SCARY#you better believe i am clattering around like a motherfucker when i have this fuckass bag. always.#but it's Worth It ..... my little guys......#also you catch a glimpse of the charas i hold dear but i'm not like. unhinged levels of autistic about#marth is just there. as a representative.#do i tag all of them...? maybe not......... it's more of a personal post LMFAO i got nothing to prove#i just wanted to show you... where my askr sibbies live now.....#fe alfonse#sharena#<- topic of the post so I WILL tag them. always#can you guys tell i have a certain type of character i get attached to.......#this is just a glimpse. of course.#i have a few. i think.
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Did you know. Between Falce and Meta, Meta Knight is the "extroverted" one
#choco says...#meta knight is not exactly extroverted to me#hes mysterious and all but for me. he has a side that loves to be show off and probably an ego#then we got falce standing in there with thumbs up. like he does strike poses and all. for himself. he likes to feel cool#but you won't see him bragging around as much as meta knight#also yeah. falce may represent sun but whooo said the sun character always has to be smile!!! yipee!! mega extroverted!!!#sorry cough. nothing bad with that trope but hmm kinda tired of that pne#evennn if i did that before. but yeah#kirby oc#falce knight#meta knight
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