#Josh: the fuck you just said
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keferon · 2 days ago
Two Peas in a Pod: part 6/?
Thank you for the cake and the art and your crazy tags♡♡ you feed me so well so here's some more words!!
Lets see how many of you guest right, lol, they're both stupid, I love them.
A group walking down the corridor on the other side of the glass before six a.m was unusual. And given the volume and rapid chatter, something had either excited them or had them nervous. But when one stopped to peer through the window, looking for Prowl – they would not see him, he refused to be gawked at – there was a possibly it had something to do with him.  
Prowl suspected that if that was the case, his mobility played a key part. The humans had been more skittish since he had first left the hammock yesterday. Their fear was not misplaced, with the returned ease of swimming, his threat value had more than doubled.  
While he would not act unless pressed – as it would be wasted effort with the current situation – Prowl was not completely against whatever illusion that the humans had of him. Let them fear him. It would keep most away and leaving fewer for him to deal with; those brave or stupid enough to still come near him. 
The elated shout of Jazz that came from beyond the wall drew in his attention. Prowl sighed softly, recalling the current state of the language barrier. What he wouldn't give for a stylus and a data-pad. Even a simple drawing one would suffice. 
He didn't get to linger in dismay as he heard Jazz swim by, but not stay. The view port on the gate was still shut from yesterday so maybe Jazz had just come to check if they would open it? But then he came by again a few seconds later, and then again.  
Swimming laps. But was it excitement or anxiety?  
Prowl silently approached the gate and rested his forehead against it, listening. The body of water on the other side was much bigger, that much he already knew, but most of the walls and floors of this place were like stone, leaving empty spaces all over his vision. Places sound bounced off of, but didn't pass through.  
Metal wasn't necessarily any better, but it tended to reverberate; depending on its composition, and if one was skilled enough, you could see what was beyond or within the metal.  
But the gate was metal, and Prowl was that skilled. Tuning his sonar with careful precision, he eventually found the frequency that gave him the best image.  
Inside, it was primarily hollow, with large connecting rods and cylinders leading to alien machinery that was too complex to make out with outside noise causing glitch-like distortions across what he could see. But the guts of the wall weren't his goal currently. 
Outside was where he drew in his focus. Towards the centre he could very faintly see Jazz as he circled. His sonar images may be in terrible quality, but Prowl had become quite familiar with the other orca's particular blob. It was like watching something move from darkness to light or adjusting the contrast of an image. Jazz was bright and his silhouette shape clearly a mer when he was close, while dim and barely a lopsided oval when he was far.  
He was tempted to calculate the distance and overall, the space Jazz was swimming, but – to the right he had picked up on a platform. One that more and more humans seemed to be gathering on. At first, Prowl was worried that the other mer might be in danger, but after a few more laps Jazz approached and waited at the edge. 
For a few minutes, nothing changed. Until Jazz moved to somewhere in the middle, almost straight out from the gate, and the humans began to spread out. Something was up and Prowl kept searching and listening for anything that might give him insight.  
Till the screeching hiss of the machine attached to the gate suddenly came to life, causing Prowl to recoil. Losing his sonar temporarily as he worked through the noise. It was like a camera flash that blinded you for a second, only this one was a flash against your mind and a bang in your ears at the same time. But Prowl was used to ambushes and this certainly wasn't the worst sonar attack he's experienced, so this wouldn't hinder him, it was just annoying. 
Pressing himself against the floor and the wall out of view of the door, he waited. After the passageway had slid completely open, Prowl remained only for an extra moment, just long enough to tell that nothing was coming. Then he cautiously moved to investigate. 
With the recovery of his sonar and the obstacle removed, Prowl sent a few quick clicks to pinpoint all the humans. There were seven he could find, though there could be more outside his currently limited range. A poorly laid out ambush regardless, if that was the plan, and chances were very low – seeing as the humans were providing him with medical treatment, they clearly wanted him alive – but it wasn't zero. Prowl really didn't want to fight at this stage of his imprisonment, firstly; his wounds still posed a risk to his overall survival, secondly; he needed to gather more information before he could put together a plan of escape.  
When Jazz waved at him, Prowl resigned to the fact that he – or perhaps they – were being closely monitored and there was nothing that could be done about it. So, for now, he would resume gaining an ally, or at the very least a cooperative collaborator. The other captive orca remained at the top of his priority list for making any future plans have greater odds of success. Working out the communication issue aside, he needs this 'first meeting' to go properly and smoothly before anything else could proceed.  
And it looked as though the audience had Jazz tense and on the defensive. Nothing a little show of reassurance of Prowl as an ally couldn't remedy surely. 
So, Prowl approached with an appropriate speed for closing the distance between an acquaintance, with his arms set at a relaxed, yet polite place along his sides. When he stood before Jazz, he made sure to keep a respectable space, posed with and holding a practised expression of polite professionalism. Choosing to have his most vulnerable side forward in a grand gesture of trust, further expressing that he had no intentions of bringing him harm. 
He anticipated a moment of hesitance, allowing Jazz the time to observe him, to look for signs of deceit. But when his roaming eyes became fixed on his wounded flank, admiration showing in his expression, Prowl flicked his tail for Jazz's attention. Prowl wouldn't look too deep into it, but past experience made him keep note. 
Jazz showed that he was at least slightly embarrassed – good – but when he did not make a move to greet Prowl with the same gesture of goodwill. Continuing to face him head on had Prowl now searching for signs of what his intention were. But while he did, Prowl began to express slight irritation, in hopes the other would cease and desist.  
The other mer reacted by rising and Prowl tensed. Jazz must have had trust issues from past bad experiences if he was attempting to intimidate him with the present state of their body. Where he had been found gravely wounded, Jazz must had been found starving… Or there was the very slight chance that he had recently hit his last growth spurt and he was just a lanky cocksure young adult wanting to show-off. 
Jazz quickly paused, pointing and waving for Prowl to follow. Obviously wanting to move to the surface to speak. Fine.  
But then he smiled, and not in a friendly way, no, this one was clearly practised. Smooth, confident, and forward. Prowl had dealt with plenty of celebrities and politicians to know what a charming smile looks like, and very aware it was an illusion of friendliness to lure or entertain. Cocky youth had adjusted from 'very slight' to 'likely'. So, Prowl readied for a foolish game of posturing. 
{Sorry, Prowler.} Was the first thing out of his mouth and his smile diminished to a more acceptable nature.  
Good, Prowl thought at first, maybe Jazz had realized that he would not sway Prowl. However, Jazz still refused to back down, flaunting confidence with lax posture. Speaking in an almost gentle reassurance, {it's okay. Prowler, it's okay.} 
Then everything started coming together – prolonged staring, hints of interest, slight embarrassment, insistent forward facing, too friendly of smiles aimed at a stranger – and the almost certain likelihood of Jazz's youth. Prowl was both irritated and bewildered at his own conclusion; Jazz was flirting with him. 
Primus, he wanted to be wrong. But… nothing else made sense about Jazz's behaviour! 
Not wanting this nonsense to continue, Prowl kept his formal disposition of his side facing Jazz and backed off just enough to show refusal, but not a sign of submission. Prowl firmly said, {no.} 
{Wait! I —– } Jazz started to approach.  
{Stop,} he said as his scowl had grown into a harsh glare and he quickly turned his body to face him fully, but didn't back away. {trying okay.} 
Jazz did stop his advance. Though now apparently, they were locked in some sort of stare down. How else could he express his rejection without this braking out into a physical confrontation? 
Again, Jazz moves, this time slowly opening his arms to boldly offer a hug and still keeping a steady friendly smile. Like he's asking for a chance. But was only baffling Prowl further. Why are you so instant? 
" 'tzz." He said, the other mer's name was still difficult to pronounce, but he wanted to be clear. Speaking with a warning as he readied to strike. It wouldn't be the first time a pursuer needed a smack to take a hint. But Prowl really didn't want to fight. {Stop.}  
Jazz was back to rambling in the human's language, his tone was wavering between calm and frustration. But when he pulled away; after his words had done nothing to change Prowl's stance, Jazz squared up. 
Prowl did not hesitate and made a clean charge to Jazz's chest, forcing them both under.  
While Jazz recoiled and darted away to collect himself. Prowl rolled his shoulder in discomfort. The impact had still jostled his injuries, but it had been the best option. Biting would have been taking it too far, using even his right arm would have been agonizing, and spinning around to use his tail would have allowed Jazz time to react. No, this was good enough.  
Or so he thought when he returned to Jazz to see if he was willing to be respectful of the situation. While Prowl was willing to try and start anew with a mutual understanding, side-ways faced and still offering trust with showing his wounded side.  
Jazz looked upset, understandably so as that harsh of a rejection was never pleasant. But this language barrier was really getting in the way. He was speaking human words again, irritation clear in his voice. But then he took a deep breath and started slinking towards him. Still openly refusing Prowl's offer of peaceful intentions. 
And... now we've come down to a battle for dominance. Wonderful. Prowl had a slight bit of respect for the other's determination in not wanting to submit when clearly out matched, but this was hardly the time nor the place. Prowl fixed Jazz with a glare, promising punishment as he started to plan out his attacks that would not cause too much pain, but enough to humble the punk. 
{Please, Prowler, stop.} 
Gladly, but you first. {No, you stop, ['tzz.]}  
He did, {what,} but not without pointing back and forth between them, {why?} 
Despite his mounting frustration of being unable to explain or even have Jazz possibly clear things up on his end as well. Prowl did his best to make it as physically clear as he could by returning to the calm request and offer to have no ill intentions between them, that they can be on equal ground. He even went as far as to break eye contact and look away, just in case that was feeding into his miscommunication with Jazz. 
{Prowler,} Jazz sighed, calling out to him softly, and daring to inch closer.  
Prowl tensed; he had tolerated that nickname due to his own inability to say Jazz's properly. But him using it– using it like that was–  
That was not– I'm not submitting to you, you punk!  
Bristling, Prowl twisted and lunged for the other mer. Only clipping him this time, but was swift with a sharp turn to follow through with his earlier threat. And Jazz tried and failed to escape him. Charge after charge, Prowl battered him with carefully made strikes. Making it clear that when he stopped and let Jazz get away, that he had allowed it to happen.  
When he met Jazz on the surface once more. Prowl remained facing him head on, silently asking if he wanted another round of showing just how out of his league he really was. Regardless if that kind of movement put strain on his healing body, that he could feel the sharp pull of new tissues fighting against the flex of muscle. He could probably get away with a few more attacks before something popped open. 
{Please, Prowler. Please, stop.} Jazz begged. 
But Prowl waited to see if Jazz was being honest about putting this to an end. After a minute of neither of them making a move. Prowl once again turned so his side face Jazz and this time Jazz mirrored him.   
Prowl then gave a loud breath of relief and laid down to float on his back. Finally! No more idiotic posturing.  
Jazz also followed him in releasing the tension and floating, though he looked humiliated. 
Good, you should be embarrassed. 
I hope you found this as funny as I did. XD And now that the boys can be in the same pool, it's time for bonding and shenanigans!! >:3c
Prowl: doing everything by the book and reading into every micro expression to aim for the best results.
Jazz: trying to restrain his overflowing excitement and desire to make a friend. (but also has a budding crush) be cool, be cool OuO;;
Prowl: sees Jazz's not-so-hidden excitement and desire. what – here – right now – but also why? … sigh, you're just a shameless flirt aren't you? :/
IS IT really a jp fic if they aren't– Check List ✔ Arguing at least once ✔ Fighting at least once ✔ Jazz being an absolute flirt (unintentional currently, but still counts!) ✔ Prowl greatly misunderstanding a situation with Jazz at least once
Also, I've seen the pleas of the lovely readers!! I will post this fic on ao3 in the next day or so. But since this is my gift to my platonic love ♡♡♡Keferon♡♡♡ updates will be delivered here first.
Until you want me to stop dropping the fic in your inbox♡ -GLC
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE oh my god they're fucking stupid ahahajjakfkfmgndb
I was wroNG ahaha I was completely wrong. Jazz wasn't saying "fuck you" in the last part it was "let's fuck" /j
To be fair. If I was held captive with the other random human and they greeted me by staring at my ass and then enthusiastically approaching despite me showing that I'm not okay with them flirting with me? Yeah no I completely understand Prowl haha.
Also. This isn't directly related to this part but. Sigh. I made some doodles of Blaster after reading the previous part and then.uh. completely forgot to show them. So I guess I'll throw them here now lol
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cleolinda · 5 months ago
Have been dealing with my Anxiety Disorder™ lately, because [gestures at everything]. Normally it’s a real low level kind of thing, I’m on medication, I occasionally have therapy, but I think now we’re all just kind of In It for a while and that’s just something we gotta deal with.
I would strenuously encourage everyone reading this to find the things that keep you afloat, whether it’s a video game, a TV show, standup comedy, anime, a book series, your favorite YouTube channel, one song on loop for eight entire days, whatever it is. Just find something to climb into for a few hours and protect your peace, build up your reserves, for as long as you can.
I feel like I haven’t done much in 2024 except hang on by my fingernails, and sometimes you gotta call that good.
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wildbluesorbit · 1 year ago
What the hell is this, Joshua Michael?!
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ectonurites · 1 year ago
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#tragically had to skip the 'are you afraid of me' exchange i love at the start bc. this scene is Long#super dark times#josh templeton#zach taylor#sam edits#btw i'm firmly in the 'Josh didn't kill John' camp. bc to me THIS scene is the point that... makes the most sense as Josh's breaking point/#'villain turn' if that's what you'd want to call it. because this is really when Josh... sort of 'officially' loses Zach. from early on in#the movie it becomes clear how much Zach is like... an anchor for him—the way Josh is just fucking *chanting* his name in distress during#the Daryl accident. The way Josh begs Zach to believe him that it was an accident. The way Josh turns to Zach for answers/clarity/direction#Like even if we want to take a cynical approach and think of it as Josh just latching onto Zach in the Daryl situation because he was There#rather than that being an established thing w/ them... in the aftermath of that same incident Josh is still looking to/depending on him!#Josh self isolates at first... but after they talk & Zach tells him they shouldn't act weird Josh goes back to school. (yes#he lashes out there because He's Dealing With The Crushing Guilt but *all* of 'em are acting off then—Charlie specifically calls attention#to the idea they all probably are) Josh goes to the party just like Zach said they should and is *visibly confused* when Zach seems mad to#see him there. He goes to Zach's house to talk and you can SEE how caught off guard he is by what Zach says. Even though the script version#of this scene is VERY different from the final version I do think this one bit of description from it is... insightful: 'Josh seems sincere#almost vulnerable. But Zach is too focused to see it.' LIKE in this scene Zach is already convinced Josh has lost it! He's trying to act#more neutral about it (claiming they could just 'draw a line') but we saw his phone call with Charlie. Because of his own guilt-fueled#paranoia—something shown pretty clearly through the assorted dream sequences and like tht scene of him walking in the hall hearing people#gossip about Daryl—it seems like everything lines up too well! that '*of course* it's Josh and what if it's *been* Josh all along and well#then the role *I* played in the situation really isn't *my* fault because it was all *Josh* and...' etc. even if that's more subconscious#But like... this scene is really when it hits Josh! from the moment he asks if Zach's afraid of him now like... there's a shift. although#Zach says he isn't... i mean he fucking stumbles on the word 'afraid' (like... he hangs on the 'f' sound a moment too long to sound natural#its very subtle but like Noticeable). But Josh sees right through him. Zach doesn't trust him anymore. Zach thinks he's the bad guy. the#monster. Josh feeling like he lost the last person he had in his corner feels like the most realistic thing to... push him over the#edge. like that's a compelling tragedy to me—the idea that these two poorly coping with the Daryl situation in these separated ways where#they *aren't* talking/communicating ends up CREATING the feedback loop that makes everything get worse and worse.#But for that to be the case... it wouldn't make sense for Josh to have just randomly killed John before this scene. I think it's a more#interesting story if certain things really ARE just coincidences but it's that Zach's paranoia won't let him see that 🤷
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the-acid-pear · 1 year ago
Money Heist is kinda funny bc their whole thing was that they wanted to NOT hurt the hostages because they wanted to appear LIKEABLE but both tokyo and berlin fucking raped someone, well, for tokyo it was more like sexual harassment, but she was a FUCKING MINOR, so you know. Like imagine getting out of this whole situation and these ppl are being painted out as heroes i think i'd become the joker or something man.
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werothegreat · 3 months ago
The governor of Pennsylvania (the state the Adjuster was found in), Josh Shapiro (who was on the shortlist to be Kamala's VP pick lol) just said at a press conference: “In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint."
What, Josh, exactly, are we supposed to do?
Vote? Thanks to gerrymandering, the electoral college, politicians being funded by corporations, and "news" organizations peddling propaganda, that does shit all.
Protest? We try doing that and we are just ignored. The right makes jokes about running over protestors (because apparently only the lives of rich white people matter).
Call our politicians? They don't fucking care. We've been trying that for decades and they barely passed Obamacare, which Trump now wants to dismantle.
MLK said "a riot is the language of the unheard." We have been screaming at the tops of our lungs that these "policy differences" are killing us. Costly private medical insurance is killing us. Lack of gun control is killing us. Rising food and fuel prices are killing us. Microplastics everywhere is killing us. Fossil fuels are killing us.
And people like you, Governor Josh Shapiro, do nothing except protect your rich friends.
I'm surprised it's taken this long, and I'm surprised there haven't been copycats yet. Let me know when I should grab my torch and pitchfork, because my student and medical debt ridden ass is very ready for some good old-fashioned revolution.
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pomegranatesarchive · 10 months ago
PR nightmare | oscar piastri
paring: oscar piastri x singer!reader
summary: y/n is considered a pr nightmare. let’s watch her get into her first relationship.
notes: yet another repost from my old account, i tired to make it exactly the same, enjoy!
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— y/n has posted new pictures!
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liked by mclaren, f1, yourbrother, and 737,938 others!
yoursername: my manger told me to tell you guys that the illuminati is NOT real and i was just joshing around !! 😂👍👍😂
view comments below!
user1: ugh this is SO BELIEVABLE
user3: yeah let's all ignore the "i wrote songs about an f1 driver!!!!"
user4: the pictures 😭
yourmomsuser: pic credits?
yoursername: you're like 60 why do you know what pic credits are ??
user5: the illuminati is totally real 🙄
mclaren: 👀
user6: no offense, but how did you stumble across F2 oscar???
yourusername: my brother is like a HUGE f1, 2, AND 3 nerd and he always forces me to watch races with him 😣
yourbrothersuser: you literally ask me to tell you when oscar's back on the screen???
yourusername: okay kill yourself????
yourbrothersuser: @/yourmomsuser
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ynupdates: y/n and her brother; jacob, were seen at the airport earlier today, she later posted the picture on the right, on her story, confirming that she is in fact traveling. y/n has no shows coming up, and she rarely travels with jacob. thoughts?
view comments below!
user7: guys guys..the monaco grand prix in literally in two days.
user9: why's her brother kinda??
user10: you can't even see his face 😭😭?
user11: everyone saying she's going to the grand prix are like getting my hopes up??????
user13: okay guys..but we never talked about what songs could be about oscar
user14: OKAY OKAY!! one that REALLY stands out to me is "my love mine all mine" because, we all know y/n has never had a boyfriend before, SO when she writes love songs, obviously people speculate that she's in a relationship
user14: WHEN SHE WAS ASKED ABOUT THE INSPIRATION FOR "my love mine all mine" she said "i sadly do not have a boyfriend yet. but there is someone i've had my eye on for some time." SHE COULD HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT OSCAR AND WE DIDNT EVEN NOTICE
user15: istg if y/n doesn't show up in the paddock tomorrow, i will throw a fit.
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liked by mclaren, f1, yourbrother, and 837,938 others!
yourusername: i could tell you where i am and what im doing, but its funny reading the theories
view comments below !
user15: are you going to a secret illuminati meeting user16: pls y/n pls just tell us
user17: this is cruel AND YOU KNOW IT
user18: pls lord, let y/n go to the monaco grand prix🙏🙏
user19: there's no way she ISNT going to the grand prix, i mean she's with her brother, and he's literally like the biggest f1 fan ever?? why else would they be traveling together
user20: maybe they're traveling together because they're siblings😭😭 ?? it doesn't have to connect to f1
yourbrothersuser: y/n pls put the phone down. i need a good nights rest for tomorrow.
user21: TOMORROW ???? IS ??? THE ???? GRAND ??? PRIX ??? ARE ???? YOU ??? GUYS ???? GOING ????
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ynupdates: it seems like the rumors are true! y/n and jacob are currently at the grand prix!
view comments below!
user 22: 1 FUCKING KNEW IT
user23: everyone knew it...
user24: WHOO CAREEESSS oscar and y/n interaction WHEN ???
user25: ugh i NEED grid x y/n interactions RN
user26: y/n this, oscar that. WHAT I NEED IS TO SEE Y/NS BROTHER MEET MAX
user27: omg can you imagine how happy he is rn
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— mclaren has posted new photos!
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liked by yourusername, f1, yourbrother, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 837,938 others!
mclaren: monaco was a dream! thank you y/n for joining us view comments below!
view comments below!
yourusername: thank you for having me🧡
user29: okay now make oscar and y/n kiss
yourbrothersuser: thank you for making my dream come true 🙏🙏
redbullracing: @/yourusername our garage next
yourusername: i think @/yourbrothersuser would enjoy that more then i ever could
redbullracing: he's always welcome to join 💙
yourbrothersuser: AHHHHHH OMG OMG
user30: okay now more grid x y/n content
user31: the way this became like a meet and greet for y/n was INSANE
user32: who would've thought there would be so many y/n fans at a F1 race??
user33: everyone's a y/n l/n fan.
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— y/n has posted new photos!
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liked by, mclaren, landonorris, oscarpiastri 763,928 others!
yourusername: do you think he'll try weed with me now that he's my boyfriend?
view comments below !
user37: okay let's just pretend that doesn't say what it says 😭
yourmanger: y/n please change that caption.
yourusername: i don't know how ☹️
mclaren: in case that caption isn't a joke, y/n please refrain from getting our drivers high.
yourusername: YOU GUYS ARE NO FUNN
user39: i love how public y/n is. like she genuinely acts like she doesn't have millions of followers
oscarpiastri: love i already told you, we cant get high.
yourusername: YOU WOULD IF YOU LOVED ME.
maxverstappen1: i'll get high with you y/n 🙋‍♂️
redbullracing: no you will not.
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paegei · 1 year ago
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what sounds do the seventeen members make in bed ?
a/n: GUYS i am so sorry i haven't written in so long ╯︿╰ i lose motivation for things VERY easily. anywho,,, if anyone has any requests or anything feel free to send them in ! ( just be prepared for me to take my time to respond ϵ( ‘Θ’ )϶ )
when i tell you this man has the PRETTIEST moans i mean it. borderline angelic. every noise that comes out of his mouth has you on the verge of orgasm LITERALLY. he's upstaging you i'm sorry !
the things i would do to hear him moaning.... 28:50 of the youngji interview is EMBEDDED in my brain. def more on the quiet side, his moans are pretty low in volume, but he is for SURE right next to your ear cuz he knows how much his moans affect you.
pathetic moans. PATHETIC. loud, whiny, GUTTURAL moans. he also has no shame. and i mean that. does not care how loud he's being. he has to let you know how good you make him feel, who cares about who hears ? also def makes those ah- ah- ah- sounds before he cums
hao's moans are like josh's, low in volume but close enough for you to hear. gives me the vibes of someone who doesn't make much noise in bed, he prefers to focus on your blabbering, but when his sounds grace your ears, it is HEAVENLY. ( his moans are borderline whimpers too just saying )
DEEP. DEEP. SO DEEP. yk that one good to me performance where he said "make some noise" in his deep ass voice ? yeah, that's his tone in bed. moans coming straight from the chest LAWDDDDDD. was pretty shy at first when it came to making noise, but after seeing how badly it affected you ( because who wouldn't go insane hearing them ), he just goes AT IT. unless he's in sub mode and is borderline sobbing
bro. words could not describe how hot this man sounds ( i would know we're actually married ). GUTTERAL groaning. genuinely sounds like he is working out >︿< lets out a groan every time he pulls out, followed by a whimper when he shoves his cock back in :/
practically inaudible with how deep his groans are. all you would be able to hear is this deep grumble. rarely likes making sounds in bed as he prefers to be all ears for your moans, but hey, sometimes good sex makes a man whimper okay there's nothing wrong with that :3
kinda like jun, in the aspect that his groans have a pathetic tilt to them. every sound he makes, no matter how hard he tries to keep them in, just ends up sounding absolutely RUINED. im talking you'd think he was crying from how desperate he sounds ( maybe he is who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
he's right on the barrier between groans and gasps. OMLLLL HIS LITTLE GASP WHEN HE FIRST SLIPS IN !!!!!!!!!!! no shame either he wants to let the whole world know he's getting the best pussy of his LIFE. anime girl ~gah~ kinda noises IM SORRY
dooooont care what you think. he WHIMPERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his whimpers are very low in volume however, he knows that if the guys ever found out the little noises he makes for you he would be a goner. tries his hardest to hold the whines back, much to your dismay, but at least then you get the gorgeous sight of him biting his lip till it bleeds (/▽\)
man does not care how embarrassing his sounds are he NEEDS you to know how good you feel. he is the EPITONE of whimpers. men be afraid to moan in their girls ear, but seokmin is sobbing out "f-fuck oh m- oh my god- 's good, 's good-" and other barely audible curses :3
his whimpers are WET sorrynotsorry. im saying he's borderline drooling. dumb puppy can't help it if your cunt feels so good :( sobs, cries, just the most desperate and shaky words tumbling from his mouth ( if he can still form words is a different story ).
does not give a FUCK what noise he is making, he's just going for it. somehow sounds like whimpers, cries and growls all in one ?? also yes 80% of the time he is growling but are we suprised. just says any word that comes to his mind too. bro does nawt understand why people hold in their moans... if it feels good, it feels good you know ?
not proof-read ! lmk if there's any mistakes (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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starkwlkr · 7 months ago
Oh my, imagine you and Hugh have a teen daughter who is like 16 or something, and she goes live and just keeps talking in brainrot terms while you don’t understand what she’s saying.😭😂
ps: love your writing💗
HOT TO GO! | hugh jackman
an: thank you anon for this request, it was so fun to write!! love youuuu
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“And there’s my mom . . .” Olivia had walked into your room where you were doing your makeup at your vanity. She held her phone in her hand pointing it at you. “‘Mother is mothering’ I know right? She’s out here serving cunt on a Tuesday afternoon.”
Serving cunt? Did you hear that right?
You stopped applying the red lipstick on your lips and looked at your daughter. “I’m a cunt?”
Immediately the teen bursted out laughing. “No, oh my god! I didn’t mean you. You look great, that’s what I meant.”
The comments on Olivia’s instagram live were going crazy. They found it funny that their favorite actress was clueless.
natsyelena y/n is so adorable 😭
y/nupdates please tell her she’s mother
“The comments are telling you that you’re mother.” Olivia said to you. Again, you were confused.
“I know.” You reply. “I have three kids.”
Olivia chuckled. She then set her phone against the vanity mirror and posed while you continued doing your makeup. It was date night and Hugh had gotten you tickets to see Stevie Nicks perform. Olivia was heartbroken she wouldn’t be able to see her favorite singer, but Hugh promised her they would go see her at her next show as a family.
“What does that mean?” You pointed at a comment that caught your eye.
y/nstyle donatella VERSACE 💜
Olivia looked at the comment and laughed. “It’s a meme, mom. Donatella commented that on Bella Hadid’s post.”
Another comment caught Olivia’s attention.
Olivia gasped then grabbed your phone since hers was on live. She searched on YouTube for the specific video and showed it to her mom eager to see her reaction. As whistle played and pictures of Josh Hutcherson appeared, a smile formed on your face.
“It’s Josh! I haven’t seen him in so long.”
“Wait what?” Olivia paused the video.
“He visited Jennifer on the set of X-men when I was visiting your dad and we hung out. Your brothers were also there too.”
“And you never told me?!” Olivia yelled. “The mom lore is insane.”
After learning more about you, the comments wanted you to react to THE Pedro Pascal, Steve Harrington, and other specific edits. Olivia gladly showed them to you.
Once you saw the Pedro edit, you giggled. “I’m going to send that to Pedro.”
“Guys, hide the fanfics!” Olivia shouted at her phone.
After coming back from the corner store with snacks, Hugh walked into your room where Olivia was teaching you the HOT TO GO! dance. He looked so interested in what you two were doing.
“You can take me hot to go!” Olivia finished the dance. “Look, the comments are saying you ate that up.”
“What the fuck?” Hugh said when he heard that.
“Guys, don’t worry I’ll teach her everything,” Olivia took the phone from the vanity and saw her dad with snacks. Some comments had recognized Hugh’s voice so they demanded Olivia to show him. “After this I better be everyone’s favorite nepo baby.”
“You’re not even my favorite nepo baby.” Hugh teased. Olivia then showed Hugh waving hello to the live.
“The viewers want me to teach you the hot to go dance.” She read some of the comments.
“Oh ok so you hate happiness in others? I see the type of person that you are, Huge Ackman!” Olivia left her parents’ room to go continue her instagram live in her room.
Hugh stood beside you confused. “How did we raise completely different kids?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know, but I learned so many things today.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months ago
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words: 1.7k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, semi public sex, server!reader, p in v sex, unprotected sex, workplace romance
“alright.” you clap your hands together. “where is my trainee?”
“hey.” your eyes widen as you take rafe in, his arms crossed over his wide chest, biceps bulging against the sleeves of the uniform polo.
“wh-what?” you take a staggering step back. 
“won't be here long.” rafe says quickly. “just… got in trouble with my dad.” his voice turns softer, but not for your sake, simply for his pride as he looks around.
“and so you had to get a job here of all places?” you question.
“most fitting for punishment. he said if i last two months then he knows i can commit to something.”
“so you're going to be working here… for two months. great.” you try to add some cheer to your voice, but it certainly fails. it was hard enough when rafe would come in to dine at the country club, having to serve alongside him will certainly be hell.
not that he does anything to intentionally upset you, his very presence gets you frustrated. from the second he walked in and you saw him for the first time, your face got hot and flushed and you had to hide in the walk in freezer to cool yourself down.
“so, where do we start?” rafe asks.
you snap out of whatever thoughts you were having. “your section.” you state, the unofficial leader of the servers, having worked at the country club for by far the longest of all the staff, even outranking your current manager in seniority.
“rafe, you're at a month and a half, you're so close.” josh says, eyes glancing between the two of you from the other side of the managers desk. “and y/n, you know better than to argue in front of customers.”
josh stands, hands on his hips. “sasha and i are going to take over your sections while you two… work out whatever is going on. just talk it out then get back on the floor.”
he walks out without another word, leaving you in the office alone with rafe.
“you made me look so fucking stupid in front of my regulars.” you grumble. you asked for something very simple. for rafe to bring your table sparkling waters, and he took them tap instead.
“i didn't know.” rafe huffs back, not turning to fully look at you. “sorry, but you still got your fucking tip.”
“just pay attention next time. i know you don't give a shit about this job but some of us need this paycheck to fucking live.”
“alright, i said fucking sorry.”
you both sit in silence, the time stretching out between the two of you. 
“you're still mad.” rafe states.
“im just… frustrated.” you sigh, wishing you could pinpoint why your stomach always tightens when you're around rafe, why no matter how many shifts you work with him he puts you on edge, makes you act different.
“sounds like you could use some-” rafe cuts himself off.
you snap your head towards him. “some what?”
“i was gonna say some dick.” rafe turns his eyes back forward, even though there's nothing to look at but an empty wall.
“some dick couldn't satisfy me, you guys never make me cum.” you say it to upset rafe, hopefully dig into some insecurity he holds, but rafe just smirks.
“i could make you cum. and then we'd both be less frustrated.”
“both?” you question.
“yeah ‘cause you'd get your o and id finally get to fuck you.”
“i guess the only thing stopping us is locking the office door.” 
you both move rapidly, hands meeting at the same time your lips do as you turn the lock and hear the satisfying click of confirmation. rafe instantly presses you against the door, his mouth devouring yours as his body presses in close.
all rational thoughts go out the window. if you were in your right mind, if rafe didn't drive you so crazy, you would never do something so brazen.
rafe reaches down, one hand delving under your assigned polo shirt while the other grips your ass.
you moan against his lips as his hand covers your bra, fingers quickly pushing the material out of the way to get at your nipple, his palm rubbing against you so perfectly you have no doubt in your mind of how skilled rafe is.
“fuck.” you gasp when his hand gripping your bum moves, somehow managing to get your belt off as he pulls it away, undoing your slacks to reach into your underwear.
he finds your clit and taps at it, teasingly, but with just enough constant stimulation to keep you from crying out as you kiss him, pulling back only to look at his face, the way his eyes have dropped and darkened with pleasure, his mouth pink and wet from your kisses.
“don't stop.” his voice is grisly as he begs, and you lean in and continue to kiss, tongue pushing into rafes mouth and taking dominance, but it's all for naught as his finger on your clit so effortlessly controls your entire body, reading your reactions and what you like most as he rubs and touches.
“need you shirtless.” you tell rafe, tugging at his collar. “take it off.”
rafe doesn't want to pull away, it doesn't seem worth it, but instead of continuing to kiss him, you pull his collar more until he has no choice but to unmold himself from your body and take a step back to toss off his shirt, watching as you do the same, revealing one cup of your bra pushed down to reveal your pert nipple.
rafe moves quick to press his lips against your breast, hands working to undo your bra before he's back inside your pants, circling around your entrance and spreading your wetness up to your clit before continuing to rub, hearing your soft moans and whimpers as he switches to your other breast.
“need your cock.” you beg, but rafe isn't ready yet. he knows it will be the ultimate end to your mutual suffering that was just used to hide your bodies attraction, sexual frustration boiling over.
as much as rafe likes sucking your nipple into his mouth and feeling how warm and soft your skin is, he's desperate to move back to your mouth and swallow more of your moans, not so they don't get heard by your coworkers, but so they can become his and his alone.
“on the desk.” rafe pulls away, and a devious smile comes to your lips, knowing you're about to get what you want.
you push your pants and underwear down your hips in one go as you sit on the desk, glad josh keeps everything clear and clean as you spread your legs, rafes eyes dropping to your pussy.
you chuckle as his tongue darts out to lick his lips, but he doesn't have time for a taste as his hands begin to work on his own clothing until rafe is just as naked as you.
he pauses for a moment, standing a foot away from the desk, his cock standing up, calling out for your pussy. he gives you a look, and you know it's a question. a question you would have raged at fifteen minutes ago but you now know is what you've needed this whole time.
“yes.” you tell rafe. simple. one word. one syllable for rafe to surge forward, his arms around your body as he captures you in another kiss and pushes his cock forward against your entrance, burying himself in one smooth motion.
your head tips back, but rafe follows, hips snapping forward and instantly picking up pace, feeling how wet and warm you are, so good that he can't help his loose tongue.
“feels so good.” rafe grumbles. “can't believe we took so fucking long to do this.”
“maybe if you weren't such a-” you gasp at a particularly hard thrust, your sassy comeback stopping halfway through and quickly leaving your mind all together.
“mhm, that's what i thought.” rafe chuckles, but he's barely handling himself better than you, forcing himself to stay somewhat quiet when really he wants to shout your name for everyone to hear, to know he's claiming you.
“t-touch me again.” you tell rafe, and he knows what you mean, yet he's not ready yet, not ready for this to end, so instead one of his hands moves to your breast while he continues to thrust.
you let out a little growl, tempted to reach down yourself and rub your own clit if rafe is taking so damn long to do it, but both your hands are certainly needed to stabilize yourself against the desk.
“perfect pussy.” rafe says, stating it like it's a fact. it almost makes you laugh, but there's not a hit of humor in his voice, his eyes completely glazed over at this point.
he finally reaches down to your clit, beginning his motions from earlier this time with his thumb, remembering exactly what you like and what gets the biggest moan out of you.
you pussy clenches around rafe and he can tell you won't last long, his own speed increasing as his thumb runs so vigorously he's worried only for a second that he's being too rough before remembering who he's with.
“f-fuck!” you squeal. “rafe!”
your back arches as you cum, entire body shaking as your arms collapse underneath you, falling back against the desk as rafe continues to fuck you through your orgasm.
the feeling of your pussy constricting around him sends him over the edge, filling you up with a grunt and a mumble of your name.
“shit.” you gasp, sitting up as you regain some control of your body. “josh is going to be pissed.”
“hey, he told us to work out our frustrations.”
“happy six months.” you poke rafes side, making him flinch and then frown at you as he drops a fork in a clatter back onto the table.
“can't believe i could have gotten away with just two.” rafe sighs dramatically.
“hm, part of me thinks that you purposely got in trouble again so you had to stay working here.” 
“now why would i do that?” rafe smirks, very obviously checking you out, looking past your gleaming name tag declaring your newly promoted position as manager to the cleavage peeking from underneath your top.
“meet me in my office when you're done rolling silverware.” you take a look around the country club restaurant, it's certainly not busy and your other staff can handle it as the night is coming to a close anyways.
“am i getting written up?” rafe questions, smile still on his face.
“no… but if you're quick you will get ridden.”
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romaevelizz · 10 months ago
Never let them know your next move˖ ࣪⊹
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Summary: them kissing up on you then they do the unspeakable
Characters; bokuto, kuroo, tanaka
Warnings: chaos, cursing, play fighting, kissing, little hot n sweaty. Not proofread! Touchy grabby boys what can I say.. fem!reader
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
☆ “your being mean baby..” he whined, ko had been loving up on you for the past fifteen minutes. You’ve only been ignoring him because you were working on school work. “I’ll give you attention in a minute ko.” You hummed.
His dramatic sighs causing you to laugh. It wasn’t like you never payed attention to him it just happens to be kniw when wants it the most. Acting like a puppy who’s deprived. He watched his head resting on your shoulder his eyes wondering your fingers that typed on the keyboard.
How could you ignore him he thought, “you hate me..” he muttered his lips kissing your shoulder. “With everything in my body.” You smiled, feeling his lips travel up your shoulder. His large hands squeezing your hips. “Jus’ want you to love on me.. wanna feel you on me..” he whispered, his tone seductive.
You bit your lip a tingle forming in the pit of your stomach “Ko-“
“AHH!” You yelled, feeling the wettest of his tongue like the side of your face. It wasn’t even small teasing he licked the whole side of your face, quickly pushing himself back knowing your were about to fight.
“You’re fucking kidding me” you laughed discarding your lap top going after him, a fat smile on his face as he grabed your arms pining you down. “Koutaro! Let go of me..” you groaned his big arms holding you against him.
“Nope! I’ve got you now!”
☆ His eyes watched you as you wondered around your room, your body pacing impatiently. Kuroo had come over as you were cleaning your room, bad timing yes but he wanted to see you. He wanted a danm nap but you just had to be set on cleaning your room. “UGH!! we can clean it later baby! For the love of god come over to me.” He fake cried sprawling out on you bed.
He watched as you rolled your eyes in the mirror of your vanity, you focused going back on organizing the drawers. He huffed pushing off your bed you watched as he walked up behind you.
“Let me finish I don’t even have that much to do..” you whined feeling his cold hands go under your shirt. “Tetsu my parents are home.” He nodded taking in what you said.
His hands cupping your Boobs over your bra fondling them you felt him smile on the nape of your neck, him enjoying himself. Yet when he looked in the mirror you practically ignored him, though the heat radiating of your face spoke other wise. “Just come lay down with me.” He squeezed a bit tighter.
A pleasant little groan leaving your lips caused him to chuckle mischievously. His lips starting kissing your face a small smile appeared on your face as he did so. But the moment was to nice..
“YOU DID NOT!” You yelled the feeling of your boyfriend letting go of you quickly.
Turning around he was laughing, laughing his ass off. He had licked you!
“AHH BABY PLEASE I WAS JUST JOSHING!”he yelled as you ran at him.
A fit of giggles coming from him as you whipped your wet face against his, “no!” He cried out.
“That what you get motherfucker,” you spoke quickly licking him back after.
“What going on?” The sound of your fathers voice spoke, him witnessing you beating your boyfriend your body on top of him.
“Never mind.. I don’t even wanna know..” he groaned.
☆ Let’s be honest you’d kind be used to it with him. But in this case you were not!
You two where out with his family at dinenr his family sitting around you, two talking amongst themselves. Tanaka was not afraid to kiss up on you in front of his family as nervous as it made you he loved doing it. His lips kissing your hand as you told him to stop “Ryu your grandmother is staring at us.” You whined.
His grandma was in fact staring a smile on her face as she watched her grandson love on you, “you’re so beautiful, I can’t keep to myself.” He said his head falling on your shoulder his lips still kissing on your fingers.
He was normaly very lovey dovey on you but there was just this feeling, you knew something was about to happen you could feel it. And it did happen.
Ryu licking the back of you hand. The back of you hand quickly meeting his mouth popping him. “Ryu! Fu- nasty!”
A heavy laugh left him as you beat on him, his family watching in amusement as you beat on him, “Licking me really! And I knew it was gonna happen!” You spoke is a hushed yell.
“Ahh! Please mercy, baby mercy!!” He yelled dramatically falling into his sisters side for protection just for her to gang up on him as-well.
“Please guys I couldn’t help myself.”he spoke putting a fake frown on his face.
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chleem · 4 months ago
Casual /extra II
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One shot; college students drew x reader
Summary: “Baby, no attachments.” yet, you’re at his childhood home, laughing with his parents, bonding with his siblings. 
Genre: situation-ship, smut, fluff, slight angst (read at own caution
⋆.˚ pls don't copy or translate my work
⋆.˚ official one shot | extra | extra3
♡⸝⸝ "fucked you in the bathroom, when we went to dinner"
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Where you going?”
You ask, as Drew stands up. The warmth of his hands caressing your thighs is gone, now running through his hair. “Bathroom,” he mumbles, barely meeting your eyes. He walks off, without another glance back at the table. 
His sour mood is evident, by not only you, but all of your friends. 
To be fair, he didn’t even want to come tonight. He pleaded desperately for you to stay in with him, offering things to you that was ridiculous. Such as, doing your laundry for a month (he doesn’t even do his own). 
But you haven’t hung out with all your friends in a long time, and you missed them. So, tonight was non-negotiable with Drew. 
And he gave up with trying to reason with you, hence, why he decided to join you here, at the nice restaurant. He didn’t even make an effort to engage nicely with them, chuckling under his breath at random times and answering questions with short answers. Whenever you were talking, he would purposely distract you by touching you under the table, making it awkward for you and your friends. 
Drew knows your friends don’t like him; that’s why he’s sour. That’s also why he shows up to these hangouts, just to rub it in their faces. 
“Why did you invite him?” Lucy groans, after Drew was out of eye sight. Your five other friends of this group nod too, all letting out groans of frustration. “Hello, earth to y/n, we. Don’t. Like. Him.”
“He insisted on joining,” you shrug, forcing a smile. 
“Um, you could’ve insisted on him not joining,” Janet, another friend adds on. 
Your friend group was filled with weird people with different opinions, but one thing they’ve collectively agreed on was: they hate Drew. ‘Hate’ is a strong word, but that was the only way to describe their feelings towards Drew. 
They’ve expressed it a lot of times, so it’s become numb to you. 
“Are you guys finally together though?” Gary asks, sitting beside you. 
Oh. Every time they see you, they ask this question. 
“Of course not,” Lucy answers for you, sending you a cocky grin. One you always disliked, because it made you feel small. “Classmates, huh?”
“A really bad label,” Stacy adds on. Yeah, as if you didn’t already know. 
Great. Now it’s just your whole friend group judging you for being with Drew. Again. The last thing you needed from them.
“I visited his parents,” you aggressively say, stabbing into your food. Hopefully that will convince them Drew is a better person that what they think, right?
Wrong. They all ‘tsk’ in a disappointed manner, shaking their heads. “And…still classmates?”
“Well, he said I was his best friend,” you stuff the food in your mouth, “To his family.”
“He probably had to,” Josh speaks up this time, “and wow, is that the first time he called you his friend?” 
You don’t miss the sarcasm in his voice, and you send him a glare. He raises his hands in defense, the table laughs. 
You don’t find the humor in this situation. Why were they so judgmental towards the relationship with Drew? It’s not like he’s the biggest jackass ever. You’ve seen every side there is to Drew, they just don’t know him like you do. “Can you guys cut it off?” You say, not trying to hide the annoyance in your voice. 
“We’re just joking,” Janet laughs, glancing around, “besides, we’re worried for you.”
You chew and swallow the food in your mouth, sending her an unappreciative smile, “‘worried’ for me?”
“Yes, he’s obviously not… well, in love with you,” Janet continues, “we don’t want you with someone who clearly doesn’t care for you.”
“He cares for me,” you defend, furrowing your eyebrows at them. You look around the table, seeing your friends glance down at their food, afraid to meet your eyes. “He cares for me.”
“Sure he does,” Stacy bitterly agrees with you. That tone pisses you off. “Maybe privately, he does, but what about in public? Starting off with the most basic, labels.”
You hate how right your friends are. As rude and mean they’re being, deep down, you know they’re right. The ‘no attachments’ thing is bullshit, especially when nothing about the two of you is casual. 
Five, no close to six months, nothing about that is causal. 
“That…doesn’t matter,” you murmur. Wrong; it mattered a lot, to everyone and to you. You just hated to admit you weren’t as chill or casual as Drew was, how he made everything romantic seem friendly with you. 
When you look around, everyone is now staring at you pitifully. 
You didn’t like that. That pity stare. There’s nothing to be pity of. Bunch of people around the world right now might be having situation-ships too. Nothing to pity. Nothing to be ashamed of. 
Yeah. That’s what you keep brainwashing yourself to believe. 
‘The girl that he bangs on his couch’. Yeah. Nothing to be ashamed of. 
Your phone on the table lights up, and it reads bathroom. now. 
Drew. “Um, excuse me,” you stand up, excusing yourself to the bathroom. 
As you slowly get up and walk away, your friends weren’t very careful with the volume of their voice. You hear one of them calling you a loser, still hanging around just for a good dick to suck. 
That must be Janet. Her lonely ass must be jealous. 
But part of you knew she wasn’t wrong. You were a loser. The biggest loser to exist. The loser of losers, if that even is a thing. 
Casual. Your friends succeeded once again, in making you doubt everything with Drew. 
“Really boring, right?”
Drew pulls you in by the waist, a lazy smile on his lips as he stares down at you. He leans against the sink, making you stand between his legs. 
This restaurant had two bathrooms, each with their own sink inside. So, Drew took full advantage of that. 
“Hmm,” you hum carelessly. You didn’t want agree with him; you tried to make this evening nice, but his attitude towards your friends just weren’t helping. You keep your gaze around the collar of his jacket, not wanting to meet his eyes. 
“Something wrong?” He asks, playfulness still hinted in his words. His hand rub circles around your waist, as he tries to make eye contact with you, bending his head down to your level. 
You advert your gaze even more, now focusing on the bracelet around his wrist. Now that you think about it, he always has this on, since the day you got it for him. 
Was that casual to do? To keep the bracelet on at all times. 
“Look at me, would you?” Drew’s tone turns serious, and he pinches the side of your waist harshly.
You flinch, finally looking up at him. You meet his blue eyes, a mix of concern and something else that you can’t read. His raised eyebrows tell you that he wants you to talk, to tell him what’s on your mind. 
Should you? But, where do you even start? With his attitude tonight, or with your friend’s comments? Or with this whole casual thing, which is basically the beginning to it all.
Your lips pout on its own, resting your hands around his wrist. “That was uncalled for,” you murmur, looking down at his bracelet again. 
“What was?” Drew’s pinch one your waist is more soft this time, wanting to get the words out of you. 
“Doing that,” you say, playing with his chained bracelet. Shit. You’re gonna say it. You’re gonna call him out for his behavior. “Being rude to my friends.”
A scoff escapes Drew. He then brings his hand up to your face, forcing you to look up at him. Like second nature, you lean your face into the palm of his hand, waiting for him to explain himself. “Babe, your friends were the rude ones.”
The feeling inside your stomach is indescribable. The nickname sends you butterflies, but the words that follow don't. 
“How?” You ask, crossing your arms.  
He licks his lips, squinting his eyes at you. “It was so fucking obvious.”
“Was it?” 
“Yes- yes, it was,” Drew straightens his posture, taking his hands off you. The warmth of him is gone, now with the presence of a man trying to explain his reasonable case of being bratty. “They asked loaded questions to me this whole night.”
You furrow your eyebrows, thinking hard to the stuff they asked Drew. Shit. They were. Your friends didn’t even trying to hide their discontent with him tonight. 
“They hate me,” he adds on, “C’mon, I leave the table for like, a few minutes, and they talked shit, right?”
The way he looks at you; he challenges you to disagree with him. But you couldn’t; he was right. Your friends hate him, making you constantly doubt whatever this was with Drew. 
“Wasn’t all shit,” you lie, sending him the smallest smile ever. 
Drew makes the ‘tsk’ sound, shaking his head as he gives you a tired smile. “What they say then?” He asks, leaning back against the sink again. 
His eyes look at you in anticipation, biting down on his lips. 
You do not want to tell him what they said. It was rude, and although it was about Drew, it affected you more than it should have. The seeds of doubt are always planted by your friends, they never put you at ease with this relationship. 
You give him a lazy smile, snaking your arms around his neck. You lean in close to him, a seductive look in your eyes. “Does it matter? They talk shit, all they ever do.”
Drew’s lips slightly part, and he glances quickly down at your lips. A smile appears, “I see what you’re doing. You’re distracting me.”
You shrug lightly, before planting a small kiss on his jaw. “Is it working?”
You hear a chuckle escape from him, and his hand wraps around the back of your head. His eyes keep bouncing between your lips and eyes, smiling from ear-to-ear, “annoyingly so, you minx.”
Without another comment, Drew kisses you, soft and slow. 
You return the kiss, escalating into a whole make-out session. 
You hate how your body reacts to him; feeling a pool of wetness form between your legs. Fuck. 
Something pokes against your lower stomach, and you pull away from Drew. You glance down; he’s erected. “Shit,” you curse, as his hands slide down your body. He squeezes your ass, burying his face into your neck as he breathes the skin there. 
“I…I can’t go back to the table like this,” he murmurs, referring to his erection. 
You watch as his back rises and falls, through the sink mirror. Even with this thick white jacket he has on, you can tell his breathing has sped up. Your lips form a straight line, running your hands through his short hair. 
In the bathroom? Right in the middle of dinner? It was highly inappropriate. 
Wrapping your hands around his face, you pull him up to meet his eyes. He looks at you pleadingly, lips parted with drool on the corner of his lips. 
Fuck. How is one suppose to say no to that look? He looked as if he physically needed you; needed you to calm the… ‘growing’ in his pants. 
“Ten minutes,” you tell him, which immediately lights the spark in his eyes. He looks like a puppy! You smile at that thought, as he straightens himself, switching your positions. 
“Ten minutes? Enough for two rounds,” he teases, lifting you to sit on the sink. 
“No! One round,” you say, which gets cut off by Drew kissing you again. As much fun as two rounds sound, the longer you linger in here, the more obvious it is that the two of you are fucking. 
He groans into your mouth, spreading your legs to stand between them. His hands move fast into your dress, slipping your underwear off. The cold surface of the sink hits your thighs and pussy, adding to the heat growing within you. 
Drew trails his kisses down your neck, as your hands work on undoing his belt. 
You moan when he sucks on the sweet-spot around your neck, the belt dropping onto the floor with a hard thud. “Drew…” you moan out, messy hands tugging his hair as he continues to form hickeys around your neck. 
You want to run your hands around his stomach, chest, abs. But the jacket he has on prevents that, being zipped up the whole way. This jacket looked great on him, but would look better on the floor. 
Your hands fidget with the zipper, tugging with no luck of it moving. 
Drew pulls away from your neck, a chuckle escaping, “babe, gently.”
His hands overlaps yours, guiding you to pull the jacket zipper down. It reveals that he isn’t wearing anything inside; a feast to your eyes. “Is that why you refused to take this off?” You ask, referring to before the dinner started.
“I was invited last minute,” he shrugs the jacket off, as if it wasn’t his fault for the improvised outfit. 
“Right, but you weren’t invited,” you remind him, when he insisted on joining you when you were leaving, throwing on a random outfit nearby. You were busy putting your heels on, so you couldn’t see the moment when he got dressed. You didn’t even know he owned a jacket like this. 
“Mmhm,” his mind was elsewhere, attaching his lips to yours again. Sloppy and more lustful this time, as your hands wander around his body. It’s hot under your touch; his abs flexing as you run your hands over them. 
His hand grips onto your thigh, before moving closer to your heat. 
When the warmth of his fingers hit your pussy, you moan loudly into his mouth. 
“Shit,” he chuckles, “we’re in public, babe.”
The tip of your ears heat up too, from the embarrassment and realization that you’re in public, most likely having people hear you from the other side of the door. “Sorry,” you murmur, burying your face into his neck. 
Drew sticks two fingers into your hole, and starts thrusting at a faster speed than usual. Your breathing becomes uneven, as you try to tone down your moans. 
Drew wasn’t having it easy either, as you hear low grunts escaping him. “Fuck,” he curses, adding another digit, “you’re tight tonight.”
“Just fuck me already,” you manage to say, hands gripping on his biceps. Surely, this was enough foreplay, right? 
He chuckles again, this time at your impatience. He pulls his fingers out of you, his hands going to the back pocket of his jeans. 
The familiar gold packaging comes out, and his hands skillfully rip them open. 
“…couldn’t put on a shirt but bought a condom with you?” Laughter escapes you, as you watch him unzip his pants. 
He glances up at you, and when he sees you smiling ear-to-ear, he can’t help but match you, “wasn’t gonna show up totally unprepared, right?”
You laugh again; what an unbelievable guy. “Shirt’s optional but condom a must. Got it.”
Drew lets his pants and boxers hang around his knees, his cock standing proud. The sight immediately wipes the smile off your lips, gulping as you imagine it stuffed inside you. 
“The chances of fucking you wherever and whenever is high,” Drew says, wrapping the condom around his dick. 
He looks up at you, seeing your gaze fixed on his hard cock. A smirk helps themselves to his lips, as his hands tug on your waist. An idea flashes in his mind as he looks over your shoulder, at the big sink mirror. 
“Get off,” his voice brings you back, looking at him with confused eyes now. “C’mon, trust me.”
You let him bring you back onto the ground, before flipping you over. You see both your reflections in the mirror, your back hitting his chest, his dick poking your upper ass. 
When you meet his eyes through the mirror, you understand where this was going. 
“Watch yourself while I destroy your fucking pussy, hmm?”
Oh. Oh. Was it possible to be turned on by words? 
Drew lifts up your dress, revealing your wet core. You hold onto the sink for support, grip getting tighter when you feel Drew’s tip against your entrance. 
Then, he slips in, going deep until it’s completely nestled inside you. 
“Fuck,” you moan, glancing up at Drew. He sends you a smirk, enjoying this too. His hand goes to your stomach, and he lifts you backward, resting against his chest again. 
“Grip my hair, and keep your eyes open, alright?” His voice drops low, one hand moving to knead your breasts. 
You nod, bringing your hands behind you; one tugging gently around his hair, another around his arm that’s supporting you. 
He starts to thrust into you, rather roughly and fast. “Shit,” you moan, the sensation sending you to outer space. With his thick cock slamming into you, his hands roaming your body, your hands running through his short hair, it feels euphoric. 
Your eyes can barely stay open, as you look at the reflection in the mirror. Drew leaves a trail of sloppy kisses along your shoulder, which sends goosebumps to your skin. 
You watch as one of his hand slips between your thighs, starting to massage your pussy. “Fuck,” you moan, louder than you should be. You couldn’t help it, the pleasure was extraordinary. 
He kisses your earlobe, “i’know baby, but keep it down, alright?”
“Y-yeah,” it barely comes out, as the thrusts and massages to your core intensifies. The familiar knot in your stomach forms, informing you that you’re close. “Drew…”
His pace doesn’t stop, and when you lean your head back on his shoulder, he goes harder, “close?”
You nod with any energy left, and Drew uses his free hand to lift your face up again. He kisses your cheek, “use your words.”
You flutter your eyes open, looking at the two of you in the mirror. It was extremely hot, to see Drew filling you up, his hands all around you. The mirror starts to fog up a little, with all the grunting and pressure filling in here. 
“I’m coming,” you force out, and meet Drew’s gaze in the mirror. His blue eyes meet yours, seething with lust. 
You clench around him, your hand going around Drew’s, which is massaging your pussy. He stops massaging, and he intertwines your hands together. The stickiness doesn’t bother you; why should it?
“Fuck,” he groans, his thrusts to your g-spot growing sloppy. 
You tilt your head sideways, and you give him a quick kiss, which sends you over the edge. Your orgasm explodes inside of you, cum dripping out and over Drew’s cock. 
Body giving up, you lean completely against Drew, as he helps himself to his. His cock twitches, and you feel the familiar hot liquid filling up. 
Both of you are breathing heavily, euphoria radiating off your bodies. Fuck. This might just be one of the best fucks you’ve had with Drew. But in a public restroom? Who would’ve thought. 
“You’re so hot,” he compliments, before planting a small kiss on the side of your face. 
You giggle at that stupid comment, looking at him through the mirror; He’s got a playful smile on his lips, looking at you with smitten eyes. “You’re great with your words.”
He chuckles, his hands tapping against the side of your waist, signaling you to move. You use the energy left inside of you, helping him slip out. Leaning against the sink, you watch as Drew grabs tissues to wipe your core, then throwing his condom away. 
After that, he grabs your underwear on the floor. You get yourself dressed, him doing the same thing. 
“Look, only…only seven minutes passed,” Drew comments with a sly smile on his lips, showing you his watch. 
You roll your eyes, your lips betraying you by forming a smile. “Cocky much?” 
He puts his jacket back on, the last piece of clothing. “Well, you've definitely enjoyed the taste of it.”
You hit his chest playfully, his remark sending butterflies to your stomach. He laughs, zipping his jacket only halfway. Your eyebrows furrow at his exposed chest that pierces through the top; and you reach for the zipper. 
Drew stays in place, and you feel his gaze on the top of your head, his hot breath hitting you. You ignore the tension that pulls; when you’re done, you pat his chest, “all done, buddy.”
“‘Buddy’?” There’s a hint of amusement in his tone, eyes squinting down at you. 
You send him a soft smile, seeing him glance down at your lips. “What?”
“Call me buddy one more time,” his hands wrap around your waist, and he leans closer to you, “and you’ll get it.”
His dirty and challenging tone sends shivers down your spine, something you find yourself liking a bit too much. The pit of your stomach yells at you at how hypocritical Drew was being right now, but you ignore it. 
And just because it’s fun, you lean into his ear, and whisper, “best buddy ever.”
Tickles are sent to the side of your body, making you jump and melt into his arms. You laugh uncontrollably; Drew knew you were ticklish, using it to his full advantage. 
“Stop! Stop!” You yell between laughter, your legs ready to give up. 
“Don’t call me that then,” he stops tickling you, grip on you tight to make sure you don’t fall. He kisses the tears of laughter from the corner of your eyes, “I don’t like it.”
“Noted,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around his neck. You glance down at his lips, and he does the same to yours. 
Drew gives you the look; he wants to kiss you. 
And you let him, closing your eyes and feeling his lips against yours. 
Is it still casual if you kissed me like it’s the last time you ever will? You hate how this thought appears in your mind again, haunting you. 
You pull away, the pressure of it getting overwhelming. “Let’s head back, yeah?”
“We have to?” His eyes stay glued to your lips. “You know, We could…we could just leave.”
You furrow your eyebrows at him, “no!”
“Say you got plans tomorrow morning,” he shrugs, “I’ll say it for you, if you can’t-”
You cross your arms, looking up at him. “Why would I leave early?”
Drew parts his lips, and he brings his hand up to your elbow. He rubs the area there in soft circles, a playful look in his eyes, “…grab some froyo?”
You drop your arms, looking at him disappointedly. When he saw that, he hurriedly adds, “and I got errands to run. Really.”
You contemplate in your mind about this; ditching this dinner to hang out privately with Drew? Yeah, that sounded like something fun. It must be better than staying awkwardly, having your friends judge Drew. 
Casual. Casual, casual, casual. Some casual froyo with Drew, and maybe ending up with sex in his dorm room. 
Yeah. Seemed like things people whose ‘casual’ would do. 
“Fine. You’re treating me though,” you unlock the door, walking out the bathroom. 
“I always treat you,” you hear him murmur behind you, following closely behind as you two walk back to the table. 
You interrupt the conversation they’re having, grabbing your purse from your seat. They look at your questionably, before their gaze lands sourly on Drew behind you. “i’ve got something, tomorrow morning, so we’re heading off,” you try sounding apologetic, “sorry to leave this early.”
“Oh, um, okay,” Lucy glances between the two of you, “text us when you get home.”
“Yeah, sorry,” you apologize again, before your friends wave goodbye to you. You don’t miss the hateful looks they leave on Drew, as they tell you to take care until the next time you guys meet. 
After that, you and Drew leave the restaurant, letting the doorman do his job of getting a taxi. 
A warmth around your hand catches you by surprise; Drew holds your hand, pulling you closer to him. You look down at the holding of hands; then back up at him. He’s staring down at his phone, scrolling through his insta feed. 
Holding hands. Something very casual to do, apparently. 
“What are you watching?” You ask, leaning on his shoulder. 
He laughs, showing you the screen. It’s a video of a monkey pointing towards the glass, which has different play-doughs lined along it. 
You don’t get the humor in it, but you smile, because it makes Drew smile. 
The two of you stand there, watching different posts on his phone until the taxi arrives. 
Your mind finds it strange how ‘casual’ you two are. 
Because, in the bottom of your heart, you weren’t so sure if this was casual anymore. Along the way, the lines of ‘no attachment’ seemed to have blurred. Blurred to the point of no return. 
word count: 4.1k
ִ ࣪𖤐 a/n: goddamn, i would fall for this toxic relationship too T_T
sry for not posting lately, i got very busy lately! i promise you, flashing lights 6 & not a big deal pt4 is coming sooooon. but hope you enjoyed this extra, and also, thx for blowing up the halloween special, was NOT expecting that. thank you sm! your lovely comments inspire me to write these fics!
btw, watched obx s4, and the ending broke me T_T like tffff
elevator | other | official one shot | extra | extra 3
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lovebugism · 8 months ago
What if reader's friends convince her to go on a date with another guy, and this guy is an absolute jerk? I think reader would call Eddie and ask her to come pick her up - why is every guy an asshole? Except Eddie of course 🖤
ty for requesting :D — grumpy!eddie rescues you from a bad date then offers to take you on a better one (friends to lovers, hurt/comfort ish | 1k)
bug's summer fic fest (⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
The sunset matches the color of your Slurpee. A fiery red and orange hue, like the mango and strawberry concoction in your cup. You sip from the plastic straw and pretend to taste the sky in your mouth — pretending not to notice the pounding bass of Eddie’s van as he peals into the parking lot. 
You sit on the curb and keep your eyes trained on the cracked pavement under your feet. All cool. Like you hadn’t called him for help at all.
“You could’ve been more specific about where you were, you know?” Eddie shouts, punctuating his question with the slam of the car door. His worn sneakers scuff the concrete with each of his rushed strides. You’d almost think he was actually worried about you.
“I told you I was at the payphone by the Seven-Eleven,” you shrug, tilting your chin to look up at the boy when he stands ahead of you.
“There’s four of those,” he argues, with his lanky figure looming over you. He pushes his leather jacket off his sides (which he wears in spite of the summer heat) to put his hands on his hips. “Seriously. I counted ‘em all in the half hour it took me to find you.”
You squint up at him, hardly apologetic after the shit day you’ve had. “Well, sorry for not being more clear,” you spit in a cynical monotone.
“Apology accepted,” Eddie shrugs. He huffs and sits on the curb next to you while you slurp audibly at the slushie in your fist. He leans over to knock your shoulders with his. “What happened?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Figured… Can I have some, at least?”
He’s only partly surprised when you hand over the drink without protest. He takes it in his ringed fist, looks inside to observe its content, then sips at the red straw (trying to ignore the nagging thought that your lips have been where his are now). The strawberry-mango mixture melts quickly on his tongue, foreign and sweet. “’S nice.”
You scoff like you’re owed the compliment. “Right? I let Josh try some earlier, and he said it tasted like shit. I was like, you know what, this is my final fucking straw.”
Eddie’s face screws. He wipes dramatically at his mouth with the back of his hand, hopelessly trying to erase the other asshole’s DNA. “Are you serious?” he mumbles, all annoyed ‘cause you hadn’t thought to warn him beforehand. You don’t seem to understand his meaning, though, as you shrug lazily in response.
“Well, him trying to feel me up in his car was my actual final straw. But then he hated my all-time favorite Slurpee, and I didn’t even want to look at him anymore. I just told him to leave me here.”
The only thing Eddie hates more than putting his mouth where Josh’s has been — other than the thought of Josh taking you on a date at all — is the idea of Josh not treating you right. His chest burns with a withheld rage.
“Are you talking about fucking Josh O.?” he scoffs and passes the styrofoam cup back to you. “Like, the moron from Mr. Mundy’s, Josh O.? That’s who Steve set you up with?”
“Unfortunately,” you grumble and take another sip, more casual about the subtle spit-swapping than the boy beside you had been.
“He was basically setting you up for failure, then. You know that, right?”
“I just wanted a free meal,” you confess quietly.
Eddie squints. His eyes flit from your profile, to your fidgeting hand punching holes in the ice with your straw, and back to your profile again. “Well, did you get one?”
“Yep. We split one burger at the diner.”
A laugh sputters from his pink mouth.
Your head whips to glare at him. “It’s not funny.”
Eddie props his elbow on his knee to hide his smile behind his ringed hand. “I mean… It kinda is, though. ‘Cause even I could buy two meals for us, and I’m basically the brokest fucker in this town.”
“Are you offering?”
His brows pinch. “Offering what?”
“To buy me a burger,” you say in a mousy voice, pretending to be innocent as you peer at him beneath your lashes, all doe-eyed.
“What?” Eddie scoffs through the sparkling in his chest. As a self-proclaimed metalhead, there was absolutely nothing metal about confessing to stupid crushes. “No.”
“Well, it sounds a lot like you’re offering,” you tease before wrapping your lips around the straw of your drink.
“Well, this sounds a lot like talking for someone who doesn’t wanna talk about it,” he mocks.
Your eyes narrow in annoyance. You part from your Slurpee and mumble through the ice on your tongue. “I wasted my quarters on you,” you deadpan.
Eddie rolls his eyes. He rises from the curb with a huff, wincing at the distant ache in his long legs. “C’mon, weirdo. Let’s go,” he urges, towering over you again.
You shake your head, gaze averted, suddenly shy. “I’m okay here.”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m serious, Eds. I don’t feel like going home right now—”
“I’m not taking you home,” he scoffs like it’s obvious. Your eyes flit back to his, suddenly hopeful again, and he tries not to cower. “I’m taking you to the diner. So I can get you a real meal.”
You seem particularly moved by the uncharacteristic act of kindness. “Really?”
“Yes, really— I don’t want you to starve to death,” he grouses, feigning annoyance ‘cause it’s easier than facing his real feelings in the face. “Now, let’s go before I change my mind.”
He walks off ahead of you on long legs, leaving you behind to catch up. But, because he isn’t a total asshole, he opens the squeaking passenger side door for you.
“Can I get a milkshake, too?” you wonder with a scrunched nose, helping yourself onto the cracked pleather seat.
“Don’t push it,” Eddie squints. He goes to shut the door, then catches the pretty pout pinching your features. “Fine,” he groans before slamming it shut.
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slut4thebroken · 7 days ago
Bark Like You Want It
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Dick Grayson x kinda dom!reader
Summary | “Please… I promise, I’ll be— I’ll be a good boy…” -Josh Hutcherson in that one film
Warnings | Smut, dry humping, very subby!Dick, multiple orgasms, overstim, praise, begging, sex pollen, creampies, my man loves tits fr.
Words | 2.6 k
Notes | Three fics in one day? I promise I’m not on crack or anything, guys… 😭🙏
Ao3 link | <3
Kinktober | day 28: sex pollen
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“Please— Please,”
“What is happening right now?” You muttered to yourself, watching him drop to his knees, reaching out for you. 
“Please… I promise, I’ll be— I’ll be a good boy.”
You and Dick have been unofficial vigilante partners in Blüdhaven for a few months now. You’ve gotten used to the constant flirting and the over confident remarks, the smirking and teasing… but this behavior was definitely new. 
Batman had sent him on a retrieval mission of some sort because it was closer to Blüdhaven than Gotham, so Dick brought you along. Truthfully, the mission went by without a hitch. Even when you both got attacked by some goons that were “guarding” the place, you took them down easily. That was where the problem started though. 
During the attack, one of the vials in his pocket shattered, quickly seeping through his suit onto his skin. Neither of you notice at first though. 
Once you were surrounded by a few unconscious men, you were ready to go, but Dick made you wait a moment for him to catch his breath. Then he was fanning his face and complaining about how hot it was— which was mostly odd to you because you were a little cold this late at night and he didn’t even break a sweat during the “fight.” 
Then he started getting whiny though… 
You sighed and reached down, gripping his chin to turn his head side to side, examining his flushed cheeks, making him moan softly at the contact. You took off a glove and put the back of your hand to his forehead, feeling how warm he was.  
“Fuck— please, sweetheart.” He begged, leaning forward with a whine to chase your touch when you pulled your hand away. 
“Phone.” You said plainly, holding your hand out. He whined again, but obeyed nonetheless, scrambling to retrieve the device for you. “I need to call Batman.” He was clearly displeased by that and he squirmed at your feet. When you raised your brows impatiently, he pulled up the number and started the call, handing the device over to you. 
As soon as it stopped ringing, you didn’t let the person speak before you said, “Batman?” 
“…Who is this?” He replied.
“I’ve been working with Nightwing. I went with him to retrieve that substance you wanted.” You explained, then quickly continued. “What is it, exactly? And is it deadly?” 
He sighed over the phone and when Dick whined again, you gently nudged him with your boot to shut him up, but it just made him mewl. 
“Not deadly. It’s an upgraded version of Ivy’s sex pollen.”
“Sex pollen?” You echoed, groaning in your head to yourself at what that meant. “Is there an antidote?” You sighed. Dick was moving toward you, seemingly trying to mount your boot or something, so you took a step back and held your finger up, wordlessly telling him to wait. 
“Not for this version… That's what I was going to use the sample for.” 
You cursed under your breath and groaned out loud this time. “So, can he just wait it out?” 
“Not likely. From what I’ve heard, Ivy updated it to cause excruciating pain without stimulation, and the time needed for the drug to wear off also increases significantly if ignored.”  
“Of course it does.” You muttered to yourself. “Okay— I’ll figure something out. Can you come get the sample and start working on an antidote though?” 
“Yes… However, this kind of thing takes time. It’ll mostly likely be faster if you just… reach out to one of his old friends for assistance.” You tried to ignore the way your stomach twisted at the idea. 
“I said I’ll figure it out, just come get the damn sample and make the antidote!” You snapped, immediately regretting it when all you heard for a few seconds was uncomfortable silence. 
“Robin is closer than I am. I’ll send him.” He finally said, then the call ended. 
You let out an extremely heavy sigh, then put his phone away and grabbed his arm to haul him up. “You gotta help me out...” You grunted, struggling to lift him until he staggered to his feet. 
“Shut up. I have to get you somewhere safe.” You huffed impatiently, starting to become a little affected by the way he was whimpering and writhing…
“Can you drive?” You asked, getting your answer when he nuzzled the top of your head while trying to press his body against yours. “Right.” You muttered. So you got on your bike, having him sit behind you— You didn’t even need to tell him to hold on in his delirious state because he was already wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your hair, inhaling deeply as his hips started rutting. You could tell by his strained movements that he was trying not to start dry humping your ass, but he just couldn’t help it. 
Reminding yourself it was just the drug, you quickly drove off, trying not to focus on it or on how your clit was starting to ache too. 
When you finally made it outside his apartment, you turned the bike off, then his phone was ringing. You struggled to pry him away from your body enough to grab his phone, but eventually you managed. 
“This is Robin— I’m five minutes out. You’re at his place, right?”
You practically breathed an audible sigh of relief. “Yeah, we just got here, I’m going to try and get him up.” 
That was easier said than done. Dick refused to let go of you, his hips still grinding a little. 
Until you finally snapped. 
“You have three seconds to get off the damn bike or I’ll tie you up and leave you like this until Batman finishes making the antidote.” You said firmly, making him whine again. “Three… Two…” He finally dislodged himself from you and got off the bike, needing to hold onto you again because he was so out of it. But you managed to get him upstairs after a while of senseless begging and pleading from him. 
The front door wasn’t even shut for ten seconds before someone knocked. 
“It’s open.” You called out, dropping Dick onto the couch unceremoniously as the door opened. You got on your knees on the floor to search the rest of his pockets carefully for the remaining vials as the younger boy walked in. When he got a good look at Dick, he laughed quietly. 
“He looks terrible.” 
You rolled your eyes, trying not to blush at the way he moaned as your hands searched all of the pockets in his suit until you found the samples. 
“All the more reason to get this antidote made quickly.” You finally responded, handing him the vials. 
“…Did Batman not tell you?” 
“Tell me what?” You sighed, sitting back on your heels and finally taking a breather. When Dick reached out for you, you slapped his hands away. 
“It’s going to take a while… Waiting for an antidote is pointless, he’ll just suffer longer.” 
“Okay, so what the fuck am I supposed to do?” You snapped, the frustration and jealousy finally getting to you. 
“Look, “sex pollen” is a misleading name, okay? It mostly just increases arousal and lowers inhibitions… So anything he’s saying he wants right now.. he’s already been wanting.” Robin said carefully, looking between you and Dick. “And it doesn’t really seem like he’s calling out for Barbara or Kori…” 
“It’s just because I’m in front of him right now.” You muttered dismissively, barely believing it yourself, but you still couldn’t believe that Dick actually wanted you. 
“Yeah, that’s not how it works.” He snickered, making you glare at him. 
“Okay— You’ve made your point, Boy Wonder. Go meddle somewhere else.” You snapped again, this time out of embarrassment. He held up his hands in mock surrender as he backed toward the door. 
“If you don’t believe me, I’m sure Kori would love to help.” He said coyly, now just blatantly teasing you about it. Before you could yell at him, he was already leaving. 
You sighed quietly and turned back to Dick, frowning at how miserable he looked right now. 
“Okay… I’m gonna help you, alright?” You said softly, trying to pull him up again so you could move to the bed. Instead, he grabbed onto you and pulled you down, making you land against him with a startled sound. 
“Please… It hurts— make it go away.” He whimpered, his hips rutting up against you. 
“I’m gonna make it go away, don’t worry.”
He moaned your name, sounding like he was in so much pain, and you could feel his bulge even through his padded suit, so you knew he must have been incredibly painful by now. 
“You gotta let go of me so I can get your suit off, Dick.” You said gently, trying to pull away. He didn’t hear you though. All he registered was you trying to move away, so he flipped both of you over, pinning you to the couch on your back, laying on top of you… Then he just started humping you as he held you down. 
You blushed furiously, but you couldn’t do anything other than lay there and take it because he was far stronger than you. After a few seconds, he nuzzled your neck and his sounds got louder as his hips stuttered— He was coming already… 
“Thank you— Thank you! More… Need more.” He mewled, sounding so incredibly desperate and pathetic. By now, your cunt was throbbing, needing relief. 
“Dick.” You tried, but it went ignored by him. When you struggled under him, he put more of his weight on you. So you grabbed his hair and yanked his head back as hard as you could, making him cry out, but start rutting faster. “Dick!” You yelled, slapping him across the face when he still wasn’t paying attention. That made him finally freeze, staring at you with wide eyes, panting like he just ran a mile. 
“Do you want to keep humping me like a dog or do you want to fuck me?” 
His jaw fell open slightly and he stared at you for just another second before he snapped out of it and started frantically removing his suit. You pulled down the zipper of your own suit and peeled it off your body down to your knees. But he wasn’t satisfied with that, so he pulled off your boots, then undressed you the rest of the way. He ended up removing his whole suit also because he was sweating and flushed, and felt too constricted. When his messy cock was freed, he breathed a sigh of relief, but didn’t waste any time lining up between your legs. 
“I-I’ll try to be gentle,” As you got a good look at the absolute monster between his legs, you appreciated the sentiment, but you were too fucking needy to give a shit about him being gentle right now. 
“Just fuck me, Grayson.” You huffed impatiently, making his eyes darken. Then he slammed in. You cried out, clinging to his bare shoulders to ground yourself. 
“Fuck…” He choked out, his second orgasm hitting him before he could even get all the way inside you. “So fucking t-tight.” He gritted through pathetic whimpers and moans. Then he started rutting. He winced, his brows knitting together in an extremely attractive display of pain from overstimulation, but he didn’t stop.
“Good boy…” You cooed, just trying it out to see how he’d respond. He mewled, almost sounding like your praise was making his pain worse somehow. “Fuck— you feel incredible, baby. So big…” You moaned. He finally dropped his head into your chest and you smirked at how much he was suffering from pleasure. 
Only after his face was buried in your cleavage, did he finally remember that you had tits he could play with so he quickly pulled your bra down and latched onto your nipple with his mouth. His hips started rutting faster, humping your body desperately, his thick cock sawing in and out of your leaking cunt. The squelch of his come sloshing around inside you was completely obscene and made you blush.  
“Gonna- come again. Please…” He whimpered, barely pulling away from your nipple enough to speak. 
“Go ahead, baby. Fill me up again… You can do it.” You cooed softly, encouragingly. He sobbed out a moan in response, then moved to your other nipple while his hand cupped your breast. You cursed under your breath and arched up into him, giving him slightly better access. He whined and started rutting more eagerly when your hands threaded through his hair, tugging gently. 
Finally, he was coming for the third time. His seed was gushing out around his cock, rolling down your ass and staining the couch, splattering over your thighs and his balls as he continued thrusting. He was moaning around your nipple, suckling on it for comfort as he clung to you. 
Barely seconds after his orgasm faded, he was pulling out and flipping you over, then lifting you up onto your knees and plunging back in. You cried out, frantically moving a hand down to start rubbing your clit. Dick laid over your back, wrapping his arms around you as he nuzzled the crook of your neck. 
“Feels so good… Thank you,” he gasped out, humping you like a literal dog in heat. He just kept getting more desperate and more pathetic… which kept turning you on more and more. “‘m your good boy.” He murmured, sounding almost delirious with pleasure. He was rambling incoherently, but you could kind of make out more begging and pleading, and even asking you to say it. So, of course, you complied. 
“You’re my good boy…” The sound he released almost made you feel bad for him. “Did such a good job waiting patiently for me to help you… I’m so proud of you, baby.” 
“Fuck- please…” He whimpered brokenly. 
“Is my good boy gonna help make me come?” You could feel him nodding, then he was rambling senselessly again, but you could understand that he was agreeing. “Keep going then, angel.” He didn’t have to be told twice… 
He was bucking into you desperately, moving his hands to grope your tits and roll your nipples between his fingers. You started rubbing your clit faster, feeling yourself slowly start to approach the edge. 
“C’mon, baby… Make me come.” You said softly, encouraging him to thrust harder and faster. “There you go… Good boy, keep going.” You moaned. 
Dick was only getting more eager and frantic, panting heavily against the side of your neck while he lost himself in the overwhelming tightness of your velvety warmth. 
Finally, your orgasm crashed over you. When your cunt clamped down on his cock, fluttering wildly, he choked out a moan and followed suit. Not wanting to ruin your orgasm, he did his best to keep thrusting, but was having a much harder time than just a moment ago. He hugged you tighter, gently biting down on your shoulder, and you moved your free hand up to hold onto his hair. 
The pleasure eventually faded and overstimulation quickly replaced it, making you reach behind yourself to grab his hip, holding him still so you could take a moment to rest. He whimpered, trying to be obedient and not squirm, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“Please… Just need a little more.” He pouted, rocking his hips to try and get the stimulation back. 
“I need a break, angel.” You said gently, but firmly. 
“But it still hurts…” His whimper made you roll your eyes and finally push his hips back to dislodge his cock from your pussy, a gush of his seed following suit. He whined loudly in displeasure, but didn’t try to stop you when you pushed him away so you could turn over onto your back again. 
“Fuck my tits and mouth. After you come again, you can keep fucking my pussy.” You said plainly, catching him off guard. But he nodded frantically and eagerly straddled your torso to get started. 
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hannieehaee · 4 months ago
How about Joshua with a s/o who always wears baggy clothes and doesnt feel attractive because she doesnt wear revealing ones ?
If u want to write it pls do it only if u are ok with it and feel inspired ♡♡
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content: bf!joshua, established relationship, some talk about insecurities, fluff, etc.
wc: 605
a/n: so sorry i took so long to write this!!
"hey, babe, have you seen my shirt? you know, the grey one with the loose neck? i thought i- oh."
"huh? what was that?", you asked as you took out an earbud, turning to look at the boy who'd been trying to call your attention.
chuckling, he rounded the kitchen island to reach your side, hands practically attaching to your waist like magnets as he aided you in removing the other earbud, placing both on the counter next to you.
"i was just wondering where my band tee went, but i think i have my answer," he chuckled, pressing a sweet peck to your temple.
"oh, fuck. sorry, josh. do you want it? i can go change," you went to disconnect from him, but he wasnt having it, instead nuzzling his head on your shoulder.
"hm. it smells of my cologne still," he said almost to himself, "you don't have to take it off. i like you in my clothes," he reassured.
you could only scoff.
"your clothes are baggy on me. just like all my other clothes. what difference does it really make?"
joshua shrugged, "just like knowing you're wearing something of mine. you're style's cute. you're cute."
"flattery will get you everywhere, hong," you laughed.
it was one of those nice, domestic moments that occurred every so often. you basked in it, enjoying it before the two of you went back to your regular days.
it wasn't until later that you started to think about what you'd said to joshua earlier.
you did have a tendency to wear baggier clothes. hell, there really was no difference between wearing something of his and a piece of your own. it was incredibly rare for you to show skin or any sort of silhouette, and those instances were really reserved for nights too warm to handle in which you had to opt for some shorts and a tank top.
but even then, you went for looser ensembles. clothes that showed your figure were never really your forte.
you couldn't help but wonder if this ever bothered josh. would he have preferred if your style varied more? what if he thought of you as a prude? maybe he-
"what's got you thinking so loud?", the boy in question interrupted your inner turmoil.
you hadn't realized as you sat in front of your vanity, face wash in hand and still unused, that you'd frozen in place as you thought. his presence in the restroom hadn't registered until he spoke.
"just, uh," you pondered as to whether or not to voice your concerns, but his compassionate smile reflecting on the mirror made you decide, "i was thinking that maybe you'd like it better if i dressed differently? you know, maybe show more skin?"
you voiced it as a question, insecurities building in you as you sought a direct expression of his preferences.
"are you kidding? i like how you dress. and it's not really something that bothers me. you're comfortable and you're beautiful. it's a win-win situation for me," he kind of chuckled as he spoke, finding your question very sudden and unnecessary.
you felt a bit dumb now.
"has this been worrying you? you know i'm like obsessed with you, right? you could wear a trash bag and i'd still be as obsessed," he joked, closing in on you similarly to how he'd done earlier in the day.
he finished his statement with a kiss pressed to your lips, humming when you kissed back.
"this just gives me free reign of your closet. i hope you know that," you jested.
"baby, i'm rich. take whatever you want."
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totalswag · 22 days ago
Hi, Hope you are doing well ! :)
Can you do a famous #singer!reader where she just broke up with someone other minor celebrity that was using her 6 months ago. Another male famous celebrity comes to her concert, wanting to check her out and ends up dating her ? (The famous celebrity could be Drew Starkey, Austin Butler,etc.)
locking eyes for the first time ⎯ DREW STARKEY!
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authors note thank you for giving me this request. this was so much fun to write. i'm using feather by sabrina carpenter for the "revenge song." request are open again.
taglist ✎ ̼ if you would like to be notified every time i post you will type in your username then be all set to go.
summary after getting heartbroken by a guy you were talking to six months later you perform at your sold out show and meet drew starkey for the first time.
warning(s) betrayal, breakup, cursing, music, and dating drew starkey.
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Six months ago.
You've been talking to this guy⎯he's been the spotlight for quite some time. You found out he was using you for more "fame" and recognition connections. This shattered your heart but confronted him about it⎯he denied it first then admitted at the very end before you kicked him out your house.
His dad is a producer in the music industry. You met at an after party one night and hit it off. He made you fall for him as if he casted a spell on you. He knew what he was doing the entire five months you were together.
"So all of this was a lie, Adam?" You ask, crossing your hands over your chest in disbelief⎯staring at him like he was trash sitting in front of you.
Adam runs his hands down his thighs, sighing, "Look, Y/N, I don't know where you got that information," he pauses looking around, "It's not true," his voice trying to come off convincing.
You scoff, sarcastically nodding, "oh okay, so, Josh, you, and the rest of the guys weren't hanging out and you didn't say you've been using me?" your voice raises, emphasizing using.
"Who told you that?" He questions you in an almost panicked tone. The look on his face said it all: he'd been caught. 
You nod, frustrated. "doesn't matter, is it true you've been using me?" Your voice rises, pointing at yourself.
"Yup," was all he could say.
You huff, "Dude, fuck you," chuckle, "Get out of my face and leave my house," and motion to the front door.
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As the months continued to pass, you focused on yourself, surrounded yourself who those who bring you comfort, wrote music to let it all out on pen. You began to feel like yourself again.
Recently came out with a single for your music. This song is based on your experience with Adam. Let's be honest, he tried coming back with all these apologies to come back. You weren't having it.
You're on tour performing your new album and singing one of your popular songs⎯it's about what happened between Adam and you. Everyone knew about the breakup after they saw Adam with a new girl two weeks after.
The first show will be held at the Inglewood Forum. Tonight, your good friends are coming to support you. Madelyn, one of your good friends, will be joining with a few of her Outer Banks co-stars. You were taken aback by how many people were coming from your inner circle.
Madelyn mentioned one of her co stars, Drew Starkey, wanted to come see you perform after listening to your music. You've heard about him⎯good things.
After the show was over, you thanked your fans for coming out for the first show of tour, and cannot wait for the upcoming shows.
"Y/N, you did fantastic out there," Maddie grinned as you turned the corner where everyone else was waiting. 
"Thank you, mama; I'm glad you guys came to watch," you grin, moving away from Maddie and indicating to the rest of the cast. Drew Starkey stood out to you the most.
Everyone is having discussions while showering and changing. When you emerge feeling refreshed and clean, you approach Drew and introduce yourself. 
"You're Drew right?" You ask him abruptly, "My name is Y/N," with your hand out.
Drew turns around, amused to see you. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Drew," he smiles, gently shaking your hand, "and you did an amazing job tonight."
Drew and you get to talking for a bit until you exchanged socials and numbers. You two began hanging out in private⎯getting to know one another. Learned so much about him and grew to form feelings for him⎯he felt the same way.
Two months later, Drew and you are happily together. Never felt this way about someone in a long time. Feels like he was sent to you for a reason. When you soft launched your relationship to the media, fans were nuts over it⎯even Adam.
Adam: so you're dating someone?
Y/N: and why do you care if you used me? goodbye.
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