#and i wanted to do it for one of my favorite ships
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thevoidscreams · 2 days ago
Hope you doing very good! For the mating press march: need me my favorite emotionally constipated man, Lion. What if his wifey (arranged-bitter-marriage) and him get into a verbal fight and in the heat of the moment they end up having wild animal sex and now they can't get enough of each other??
Love a big grumpy man
Day 21 Year 2: Warnings: Arranged marriages, it's not quite angry animal sex but it is grumpy
Word count: 2704
How the fight got started you didn't even remember, you were just so frustrated with this man.
His insistence that he was right and his inability to read any emotions from you was all so much. Part of you regretted your arrangement with his family. Your world was compliant and safe and you hated it. Not that it was safe but that you'd been pawned off to this man.
You wished he was more like his brothers, but he wasn't. It was like he didn't know how to feel properly and was angry at you for having the power of basic emotional intelligence. Maybe that's where it had gotten heated.
"I don't know what you want from me." He snarled, his voice low, a threat in each syllable. "Well if you learned to listen, you might." You shot back. Lion was so close to just taking you back and bringing the world to heel by force if needed. But it'd been months since the wedding. And the trip would set them back more time then they could afford. "Well I clearly do not know, so you must not have made your point with any form of clarity, woman." Your anger was reaching a boiling point, something had to give. "I've told you I want to be treated like your wife! Not just some person who lives on your ship."
Lion had heard it before, but it wasn't any clearer what you meant by that. Emperor on Terra preserve him; he should have heeded Fulgrim when he came to offer advice in this matter. It was too little too late for that, he wouldn't go crawling back to his brother now, tail between his legs like some whelp. He ran his hands over his face in agitation. "Tell me what, in exact words, it is that you want from me." He growled again. You seemed to deflate, eyes growing wet as you threw up your hands. "How can I be more specific, Lion? You know what married couples do, do you not?" His chest tightened, not only in frustration but in that same damned feeling he got every time you looked ready to cry or did cry. He didn't want you to cry about this, he wanted clarity. "We are married. What more is there to do?"
You looked about ready to deck him, even with the tears burning just below the surface. "Well for one, we don't sleep together, we don't take out meals together, you barely let me spend time with you and when we're together you're angry at me for things I have no say or control over." You scrubbed your hands over your face, wiping away the need to cry, but your voice was tight. "You haven't even touched me, we never consummated our marriage. I feel like we're living in some big joke."
Lion ground his teeth. It made sense, he knew that those on Caliban had had traditions that they observed after a wedding but he'd never taken an interest in it. Now he supposed he should have.
"Very well." He growled, still angry at the other feelings you drew up from the depths of him. Especially when you looked sad or upset. He reached for you, grabbing you around the waist and pulling you in closer.
He understood the rudimentary functions of sex. Every beast on Caliban seemed to do it, so more energetically and frequently than others.
You wanted to smack him. "Not here, we're in a public space." You huffed and Lion felt his anger peaking again. "Then where? Warp damn you just tell me exactly what you want." "Your room, the bed chambers we were supposed to share after you took me as your wife."
It was fairly obvious once he thought about it. Tossing you onto the bed, he tugged off his clothes, you followed suit, undoing the threads that held your corset in place and kicked off your skirts. Lion was every bit as beautiful underneath as you had been expecting, if not more so. But when he looked at you, something changed in his gaze. Something impossible to define. You felt your cheeks heat up as you averted your gaze, laying there bare on his bed. Soon his heat was over you, his skin warm as he pressed his chest to yours. "Well, do you have anything else to complain about? Or may we get this over with?" "You can be such a prick, you know that?" You dragged his face down before he could protest and met him eye to eye. "You could start off with this." Your lips pressed to his. The primarch's body twitched at the sudden touches. But he forced himself to calm, to press his lips back into yours. The start was rough, as you both tried to find a rhythm that suited each other. Lion's body felt hot when you both seemingly figured it out. With a groan he pressed you down into the bed a bit more. His hand looked for the place between your legs where he needed to seat his cock in order to make this work. When he found it he seemed to realize how small you were compared to him. This would take some work, but he was determined now to see this through. Lips still locked he felt your hand slide over his, positioning one finger so it was brushing your entrance before pushing his finger in with a deep moan. He was surprised by the action but allowed you to guide his hand till he understood through feel. This was all new to him, kissing, fingering, he'd never seen any of these behaviors displayed before. Animals didn't kiss, didn't prepare their partners for copulation, they just did it. As he worked his finger he felt your body shifting under him and he broke the kiss to watch, your face was contorted into something that at first he thought was pain. But then you moaned his name, and it was the sweetest sound. He felt your body ease into him, relaxing around the one finger he tested the waters by pressing another one into the opening, listening to you gasp as he pushed it in further, running both along your inner walls. There was an odd patch where the flesh was rough, bumpy instead of smooth, he investigated further. "Fuck, Lion!" You gasped, hips bucking as he pressed there. It was like a switch had flipped. He needed more, needed to hear more and feel more. He kept up the assault until you were a wiggling, incoherent mess below him.
Your thighs clamped around his hand and your body bowed slightly as you let out a shrill cry, muscles tensing. He stopped and waited till you had relaxed again. "That was a good start." You hummed, hand on his shoulder as you guided him back over you, taking his cock in hand. It was fully erect, he hadn't noticed. When had it done that?
Lining him up you urged him forth as your legs on either side of his hips pulled, the stretch was a burning pain, even after he'd prepared you. But you endured, slowly each inch of him slipped inside. It was better than good for him, his teeth grit as he held back from just impaling you on his cock and fucking you until he came to his climax.
He lowered his chest to yours, and allowed you to wrap your arms around him. The anger that had consumed him had faded. Replaced by something new he couldn't describe. You patted his back, grabbing his attention. "Try moving now." He drew his hips back, tortuously slow till the tip of his cock was all that remained inside. You nodded and he slid back in faster by a mere fraction. When he was fully seated he was rewarded with a moan. He kept the slow increase in speed until you whined and raised your hips to meet his thrust, forcing him in. Lion gasped, practically choking on his own spit as the sensation of pleasure washed over him. "That felt.. that was excellent." He sighed softly, confused, maybe there was something to this sex thing after all. You grumbled up at him. "You should pick up the pace then." He grunted and rolled his hips down into yours with more speed and force, intent to make you regret your snark. Instead you both swore, your arms holding him tighter as he wrapped his arms around you to hold you close to him. His hips quickly found a rhythm that you both liked. Your moans and pants mingling in the late evening air. Your name rolled off his tongue sweetly and you wanted to cry again. Not out of sadness or frustration, but pure ecstasy and happiness.
At some point your lips had come back together, tongues fighting for dominance. He won rather quickly.
You came first, body locking around him as you cried his name, it was better than you'd ever managed. Lion's hips guided you through it, fucking you even as you came, his rhythm grew erratic. Hips stuttering as he gave you his first true orgasm. Filling you with his thick cum.
The aftermath was eye opening. "Was that acceptable?" He breathed. "Yes. Very." You rolled onto your side to face him. He watched you wiggle closer until you were on his chest, laying there and kissing him. He wrapped an arm around you, holding you tight as you both fell into a deep peaceful sleep.
Lion woke before you the next morning, his cock hard at the mere sight of you. He woke you with several firm nips to your neck. "Hey, ouch, stop-" He stopped your words with a quick kiss to the mouth as he rolled you under him. His cock sliding home, hands wandering over your body as he fucked you again.
An hour later you were both late to breakfast. Tossing on your clothes from the night before you half expected him to leave you behind. But he stayed by the door until your boots were on and he led you to the dinning hall. Luther met you halfway, likely coming to look for his primarch. The look of undisguised shock when he saw you with the Lion almost made you laugh.
Although the rest of his legion didn't seem nearly as phased, just curious when you joined your husband at the table and ate with him.
You followed him for the rest of the day until it was time for bed. You again expected him to send you off to your separate chambers but he grabbed you before you could stop and enter your room, carrying you back to his bed to sleep for the night. It felt good.
It went on as such for a week. He was approaching a new system with habitable planets. And he would be gone, on a campaign bringing other worlds into compliance if there were people there.
You kissed him awake that morning and felt an odd tug at your hearts at the thought of not seeing him. He held you close, one hand on your hip as his other arm held you tight to his body. "Do you think there will be much fighting with these worlds?" Lion grunted. "I cannot say, anything could happen, we will be prepared for any eventuality." You nodded. "If you have to fight, will you return to the ship often?" "Again, I cannot say. Why do you persist with these questions?" His lips trailed a line of soft kisses up your throat and over your jaw. "Because.." You blushed. "Well, you're my husband. And I want to see you." "You will see me." He replied, sucking a bit of your skin till a dark bruise was left there. "If I am gone for months then you will see me after those months. If I am gone a week then you will see me after that week. It will be how it is, and neither you nor I can change this fact. I have my duties to my father and they must come first." "I know." You drew in a shaky breath. "But I will miss you when you are gone." Lion pulled away to meet your eyes. "You confuse me. At first you could not stand my presence. Now you tell me you will miss it." He pressed a soft kiss to your lips. But he knew that he would miss you as well. "We will make the most of the time we have, and I will vox when there is a lull in combat. If there is indeed any." "I guess you might take over the world peacefully. Like you did mine." You told him. He went back to marking your skin. "Just so long as you don't marry anyone else." "Why? Most Lions have a pride." He teased in a rare moment of humor. But the thought of sharing him made you feel ill.
"So you would be alright if I married a planetary leader's son to bring that world into compliance?" You asked, almost too casually. Lions jaws tightened on a spot over your shoulder and he growled. An honest to goodness growl. Like some terrible forest beast. "No." He responded. "You are mine. I will not share you, not with anyone, not for any reason." He pulled you on top of him, cock pressing your entrance. "Well then I guess we'll both just have to agree that we're only for one another." You smiled and sat on his cock, letting it fill you fully. Lion growled. "What a wretched little thing you are. When I am finished with you you won't need those rings for others to know who you belong to."
The morning was spent much like that. When you could no longer put off the day you went to draw a bath to clean up. Your husband joined you, admiring your form as you sat on the edge of the tub waiting for it to fill.
"I was talking to Luther the other day." You said after a few minutes of quiet, Lion stepped into the tub first and offered you a hand stepping in.
"Oh, and what was it you both had to talk about?" He sat with legs splayed so you could sit between them. You reclined against his back sighing at the warmth of the water. "You." "And what did you two share about me?" "He told me you could sing so beautifully that it would make grown men and women weep to hear it." Lion grunted. "He exaggerates."
You looked up at him, turning to better make eye contact. "Would you sing for me?" You asked. He sighed and grabbed a bar of soap. "I suppose I could. Now sit still and I will wash you."
Luther hadn't been over exaggerating anything. You laid with your head on his chest, just listening as he sang an old folk song from the people who'd found him on Caliban. It was the most heart warmed and wrenched you'd ever been. His voice touched parts of you that were not physical. You were speechless. And when the final restrain wound down to its conclusion you just laid in his arms."Did that suffice?" He asked into the fading echoes of his song. You just sat there dumb founded. "I might need you to sing for me every day." You chuckled lamely. He nodded. "When I am able." It was a promise, and he would honor it for as long as he was able. He felt you relax into him again. How your relationship had evolved so rapidly was still a mystery to him. But he did not savor the idea of being away from you for so long as he had been away in the past. Both of you were fundamentally changed now. He could see it, but it was not a bad change.
He kissed your hair, and returned to bathing you. It was one week till he would be at the first planet in this new system. He would make the most of every moment until then.
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mcflymemes · 3 days ago
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2014) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary.
you can't! you'll die! why are you doing this? why?
it can't be done. you're asking us to die.
i have lived most of my life surrounded by enemies. i will be grateful to die among my friends.
you are an honorable man.
i will fight beside you.
well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that.
i just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you've accepted me despite my blunders.
it is good to once again be among friends.
i can barely see.
where did you learn to do that?
i'll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one.
nothing goes over my head.
i have a plan.
you've got a plan? first of all, you're copying me from when i said i had a plan.
i don't think you even have a plan.
we've already established that you destroying the ship i'm on is not saving me!
when did we establish that?
i wasn't listening then.
i just saved [name]!
you don't get an opinion.
that's a fake laugh.
it's barely a concept.
you're taking their side?
what the hell does that have to do with anything?
i am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.
no one's blowing up morons.
you just wanna suck the joy out of everything.
when i look around, you know what i see? losers.
i am not gonna stand by and watch as billions of lives are being wiped out.
leave it to me.
look at him. he's useless.
on that wall back there is a black panel. blinky yellow light. you see it?
how are we supposed to do that?
you must be joking.
i really heard they find you attractive.
we gotta move quickly.
for the record, i advised them against trusting you.
prove me wrong.
i am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your pelvic sorcery.
i'm a warrior. an assassin. i don't dance.
we have a legend about people like you. it's called footloose. and in it, a great hero named kevin bacon teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing is the greatest thing there is.
we're just like kevin bacon.
you've heard of this. you've seen this, right? you know what this is.
you're an imbecile.
what did the galaxy ever do for you?
why would you want to save it?
what should we do next? something good? something bad? bit of both?
we'll follow your lead, [name].
take my hand.
you said it yourself, bitch.
do you believe him?
your ship is filthy.
if i had a blacklight, this would look like a jackson pollock painting.
who calls him that?
i don't know how this machine works.
what are you doing?
dance-off. me and you.
quit smiling, you idiot. you're supposed to be professional.
i like your knife. i'm keeping it.
that was my favorite knife.
i live for the simple things.
he has no respect.
you're drunk.
this is exactly why none of you have any friends.
you've always been weak.
no one talks to my friends like that.
i only ask that you take this matter seriously.
you should have learned.
i don't learn. one of my issues.
what a bunch of a-holes.
you should try to be more nice to people.
hold on a second. you're being serious right now?
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 2 days ago
Ok, Top Form. I've had a bad week. Please be the glorious sexy mess that I hope you are.
I am so happy Smart is back!
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He was my favorite actor in Don't Say No, there was something about his charisma that just came right through the screen.
Ah, so Akin is already Very Big.
No, don't stop in the crosswalk, Jin baby... They really don't get how much they've traumatized us already, do they?
Although having him almost be run over by his own team is a new take, I guess!
Smart's hair looks so gooooood. I wanna touch it.
What a first meeting... love the framing. Akin so far above Jin at this point.
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Poor little mint.
Oh no, not the rating going down! Be nice, Akin, he's a baby.
Wait, wait, wait...this music is the same they used for the Our Skyy 2 teaser trailer, right? I'm pretty sure, I watched that trailer about 200 times.
Hehe, not the branding shade.
This is being shot in a really interesting way. I like it so far, it feels a lot less static than a lot of shows.
Also, gorgeous setting.
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I do feel for actors who are trying to do a proper scene, and getting a "the label's the wrong way" kind of feedback. That's gotta be so frustrating.
Ugh, Aof is the worst. This feels like it was written by someone who's worked with annoying brand owners, lol. Of course, I'm sure they'll still be doing plenty of product placement. Gotta get that bread.
I think Akin just got Jin to imprint on him.
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I am also very curious about how Boom and Smart filmed this, and if they were both able to cry on cue.
Also very interesting that Akin kept crying while Jin was acting...
I was wondering about Akin's motivation to help Jin, if he really just wanted to get it all over with and go home, but it does seem like he has a caring side if he's thinking about the crew. I like that.
Ok, you know what, I give Jin a lot of credit too! We've had too many shows where one character overhears a little snippet that can be construed badly, and runs off upset. Jin consciously decides to move past it. Good boy.
Oh, Akin, don't act unaffected. He's too adorable and you know it.
There it is!
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Damn, their chemistry. Just a shoulder touch is making me feel things!
So Jin is going to keep that mint box for life, right?
Geez, Jade has a dark view of success. Probably realistic for the industry, but yikes.
Lolol, Jin is too cute. Strong golden retriever energy.
"Where is your focus?"... Um, I think on how much he wants to do you.
Oh poor Jin. But heyyy, our director is finally doing some actual directing! That was some good coaching.
Ahhhhh, the layers! So much deeper meaning to the dialogue!
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Also people are 100% going to be shipping their characters in this cop show.
Damn, this is already so erotic.
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First episode, and I am sold!
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nebrasska-alasska · 2 days ago
The new tethered chapter has me crazy I literally called that this was gonna happen I'm so invested
Your writing style is really inspiring!! If I may ask a couple questions: who's your favorite character to develop in your stories? Who's your favorite pov to write from? And finally, what do you think your favorite piece to work on is? :33
I'M SO THRILLED THAT YOU'RE INVESTED IN TETHERED AT THE WRIST and thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my writing style so much! Also AGH what a fun set of questions! Here we go:
1) Other than Shadow being my first favorite (go figure) and Sonic being my second to develop, my favorite character outside of the ship by far is Rouge!!! She is just so much fun to write in the supporting role!
2) Shadow is definitely my favorite pov, which is so ironic because all three of the stories I'm writing at the moment are from Sonic's pov, and the next one that I'm going to start right after Secrets in our Quills wraps up is ALSO going to be a Sonic pov... which will make 4/5 of the stories on my profile from his perspective. Dawg. Like what even. I plan on writing the next three game!sonadow stories from Shadow's perspective to offset this imbalance haha
3) By far the most fun I have had has been on Silly Hats and Party Favors. Back when I was writing that one and Secrets in our Quills at the same time, I literally had to force myself to write the movie fic because all I wanted to do was work on Silly Hats. Out of the current three I'm working on though, the From the Shadows of the Deep has filled that position of being my favorite to work on ;)))
Sorry for yapping so much, this was just such a fun ask. Thank you so much!!! :D
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cha-melodius · 18 hours ago
20 Fanfic Author Questions
Hello! I emerge from the desert and return to civilization (and am no longer responsible for 10 undergrads lol). Thanks for the tag on this one @loki-is-my-kink-awakening!
ETA: I thought I remembered doing this one and I did, here, about a year ago. Interesting what has and hasn't changed. Why are some of my answers almost verbatim even though I didn't look at this before. 😂 Oh well.
1. How many works on AO3?
2. Total AO3 Word Count?
3. Top 5 fics by Kudos
(these are all RWRB, surprise surprise) Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood Nova, Baby Class(room) Warfare All the Old Showstoppers  Always Where I Need To Be
4. What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White and Royal Blue
The Man from UNCLE
5. Do you respond to comments?
I mostly respond to comments when I'm publishing a long multichap, so I can chat with people about the fic. I'd love to respond to all the rest and in my head I say I'm absolutely gonna do it someday, but... I have a backlog of about 4k unanswered comments lmao.
6. Angstiest Ending?
Black Moon (TMFU, Napollya) @heytheredeann recently reminded me that this is actually kind of an unhappy ending. More like... it's an open ending and the unhappy ending is implied by circumstances lol. But I think it's also my angstiest because of those circumstances.
7. Fic with the Happiest Ending?
This is nearly impossible to answer because so many of my fics go for maximum fluff at the end. But really any of my long multichaps because I feel like the endings are more fleshed out/we see an epilogue of them happily together in the future.
8. Do you get hate?
I've gotten my share of unkind comments, but I don't think any of them would classify as hate.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, though I don't really consider myself a smut writer. I don't do PWPs (no judgement to those who do! just not my jam).
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have in the past, though not for quite a long time. I think they're fun, but the audience on them is very narrow.
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
There was that weird 'audible for fanfic' website not that long ago that was ripping off fics and putting them up, and I had at least one on there. Side note they made these horrible AI covers for them and I kinda wish I'd screenshotted mine before it got taken down because it was so absurd.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a handful of TMFU fics, and @donghaian has translated 12 of my RWRB fics into Mandarin!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Nope. @cricketnationrise and I have fic that's been all planned out but we've not gotten around to trying to write it.
14. All time favourite ship?
UGH IMPOSSIBLE. I refuse to answer lmao.
15. WIPs you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If I want to finish it, I will. The things I won't finish are fics that I started and then either drifted away from the fandom or decided I didn't like it that much.
16. Writing strengths?
Action, dialogue (especially banter), plot. I've been told that my fics play out like movies in people's heads, which is an incredible compliment.
17. Writing Weaknesses?
Lyricism? Idk how to put it. I think my writing is more utilitarian than beautiful.
18. Thoughts on mixed language dialogue?
Sure! If it's more than a few words I like to see a translation somewhere, though. Unless the POV character isn't supposed to understand!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Xena: Warrior Princess. Er... 28 years ago lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
UGH AGAIN. You're asking me to choose my favorite child! How am I supposed to pick?
Ok, it's Body and Soul(mate). 😂
No pressure tags @pippinoftheshire, @justabigoldnerd, @cricketnationrise, @welcometololaland, @alasse9, @caterpills, @heytheredeann, @rmd-writes, @too-young-to-fall-in-love, @faketrex, @anincompletelist, @read-and-write-, @porcelainmortal, @sparklepocalypse, @blueeyedgrlwrites, @eusuntgratie, @ninzied, @firenati0n, @indestructibleheart, @inexplicablymine, @sherryvalli, @liminalmemories21, @kiwiana-writes, @iboatedhere, @thesleepyskipper, @noahreids, @tintagel-or-cockleshells, @leaves-of-laurelin, @14carrotghoul, @orchidscript, @clottedcreamfudge, @three-drink-amy
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youhideastar · 2 days ago
hello!!! First I love love love your stories. I have read pretty much all of them and my faves like 10x. I’m currently obsessed with Concord, which I’ve read at least 20-30x times in the last few months. I really, really love the angst in Concord—the pain is so deep and real and felt, but they aren’t trying to be cruel to each other. I wonder if you have any recs for fics that feel the same way to you? Or fics that inspired you? I love good angst and would love any recs from you. No pressure and if you can’t think of anything but come up with something in six months, it’s an always open ask :) thank you again for sharing your writing with us. HNY!
Thank you so, so much for the kind words, and for the ask! I love the opportunity to rec some of my angsty favorites. 😄 (I'm keeping this to just The Untamed/MDZS but lmk if you want other fandoms as well.)
The Right to Care by @travelingneuritis: you cannot go wrong with any of travelingneuritis's work (shoutout also to when the sun goes out and In Imitation of Life), but this fic in particular has those Concord-esque "the relationship is the plot" and "everyone is trying and everything still hurts" aspects. It's a modern AU where, as the summary has it, "Rising young musician Lan Zhan and underpaid babysitter Wei Ying fall for each other hard." Also check out pentimento by orange_crushed - very similar vibes.
Discomfort, Revisited by @existentially-yibo: another great angsty modern AU, with a super cool flashback structure (and, bonus, great Chicago sense of place) and a Wei Ying who believes his whole life should be about other people.
keraunography by spookykingdomstarlight: a Pacific Rim fusion, also with a cool flashback structure, really brutally angsty with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian each blaming himself for the horrible thing that tore them apart.
half agony, half hope by @queenklu: a Persuasion AU, with all the smothered yearning and long-nursed emotional wounds that a Persuasion AU should rightfully have. "Five years after their broken engagement, now widowed with a child, Wei Wuxian must navigate the re-entry of Captain Lan Wangji into his life." Sticks the landing, too, after more than 100,000 words, which is NOT easy to do.
the lantern by the door by Lirelyn: modern AU zhanchengxian, which, you know, if you want really juicy angst, that is a ship that's hard to beat. Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng figure out how to make their rough edges fit together after Wei Ying dies--and then each assume, when he turns out to be alive, that the other person will choose him over them. Outstanding. (shoutout also to this author's say it's here where our pieces fall into place, a wangxian kidfic modern AU that hurts sooooo good)
These Things Stay the Same by notevenyou: Modern AU where WWX is in a train crash after switching seats with Mo Xuanyu - WWX survives in a coma but everyone, including Lan Wangji, thinks he's dead. After he wakes up, he tries to figure out if his loved ones' lives still have a place for him. (They do, but it's a painful process.)
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myotherblogforrin · 15 hours ago
Warnings: Swearing, nothing happy here
You had seen this coming for weeks and though you had tried to prepare yourself for it, a chapter of your life was closing. Having dedicated two years to that specific chapter didn't make it any easier.
"I'm staying at her place so you can grab your things from mine," Rin spoke as if he was discussing lunch.
It felt like the wind had been knocked out of you as you simply nodded. With nothing else to say, the stoic Rin walked away, not looking back once.
You plastered a smile on and headed back to your office. Your phone rang, but instead of answering, you put it on silent. The assistant team manager came in shutting the door behind him.
"Go home. I can handle the rest of this week."
"Kai, I'm okay. I knew this was coming, but it still hurts. I have to call HR and PR..."
"Done. Itoshi isn't human, not really and you need to give yourself a break from his presence," Kai spoke kindly.
A knock on the door interrupted the discussion, Kai opening it and smiling widely.
"Kai, hey, how're ya?" Reo Mikage shook his hand.
"Good. What has you in our neck of the woods?" Kai laughed.
You hadn't seen Reo in months, but the two of you talked almost daily, your friendship solid from high school.
"A bunch of publicity for that upcoming exhibition game and I have a photo shoot for one of the sponsors. I was hoping Y/N had time today, maybe join me and we could grab dinner," Reo smiled.
"Y/N, go. I told you I'll handle the rest of this week. Keep your phone for updates on PR from me. Don't answer..."
Reo glanced between you and Kai unsure of what you were talking about.
"I know the drill. Thanks Kai."
"Later," Kai shut the door behind him.
You noticed the way Reo observed you and laughed because it was clear he already knew without a word being spoken.
"Is it true you have a photo shoot?" you asked.
Reo smirked, his hair falling in his eyes. Using the hair tie on his wrist he pulled it back in a ponytail.
"Tomorrow. I wanted to be here for you when that idiot...When Itoshi let you go. That's what best friends do, right? Buy tons of food, over eat and cry together."
You moved towards him and he was wrapping you up in his arms holding you against his warm body. Tears fell without your permission and you squeezed Reo tighter.
"Come on. My villa has been prepared for my visit and it's far too empty if I'm there alone. I've already had your favorite snacks shipped in and..."
You pulled back looking up at Reo suspiciously. There was no way he could have planned for this even though Rin had been flaunting his ex around the last two weeks.
"Reo, you couldn't possibly know..."
"I saw it coming, that's all. The minute you text me his ex was back in his life and he was spending time with her, I knew. It didn't help he got reckless the last two weeks and the rumors started flying."
You were emotionally exhausted and simply wanted your pajama's and bed.
"Can we go to my apartment..."
"Not unless we're burning his stuff," Reo teased.
"Reo you can't rescue me from every..."
"I can and I'm going to. I have someone grabbing your favorite blanket and pajama's to bring to my place. Pack up whatever you need from here and let's go," Reo smiled.
Reo watched as you tossed a picture frame with a picture of you and Rin into the garbage. Reo felt a little guilty, but he hadn't actually lied to you and there was no reason he'd ever have to tell you he'd been waiting for years to make you his.
Rin was exiting the locker room when he saw you and Reo heading out of the building together. It immediately had Rin flashing back to a week after he'd asked you out.
Two Years Ago
"You aren't going to keep her from me," Reo warned Rin.
"Just know when you let her go, I'm coming for her," Reo smiled before walking away.
Back to the Present
Rin didn't know why, but his chest tightened when he thought about you being with Reo. When his gaze fell on the two of you again, it felt like the breath had been stolen from him. Reo had his arm around your waist, you were leaning into him and Reo kissed the top of your head.
Rin knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was sure going back to his ex was the right decision. You didn't have to fall out of love with someone to leave them, he thought.
It was over, Rin reminded himself before continuing to exit the building.
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magnusunpopularopinions · 2 days ago
I just saw the anon opinion about doorkeay having so much more fan works and stuff than any of the women from tma, and I was literally just thinking about, and I wanted to add a thought that I had. I'm so sorry this is so long.
A while back, can't remember where, I saw someone use doorkeay as an example of a "non-toxic" ship, as compared to "toxic" ships like jmart, and it confused me so much, because jmart is canon and so we see what their dynamic is like in the show, but doorkey isn't so everything about them is fan-made. Now, let me be perfectly clear, non-canon ships are great, I love them, but comparing a canon and non-canon ship like that just does not feel like a fair comparison to me. But in think that kind of dynamic kinda contributes to this.
Gerry and Micheal (Shelley, particularly) really don't appear that much in the podcast, so we really doesn't know all that much about them. That means when characterizing them, you can kinda do whatever you want, since there's not much you're starting with. And that means, if you want, you they don't have to have any of those more problematic traits that characters with more major roles do. Couple that with the tendency of all fandoms to be come critical of female characters and more forgiving of the men, and you're got the potential for the perfect storm of favoritism (maybe not the best term, but I think it works). Melanie, Basira, Daisy, and Georgie all have messier, or even problematic traits, since they're in the show more and so we get to learn the """"bad"""" sides of them, but Gerry and Micheal get to be as nice and wholesome as you want. They get to be good and non-toxic, unlike the toxic women who seem problematic and bad in comparison.
I don't know if this totally makes sense, and again, sorry it's so long, but it's just been on my mind recently and I wanted to throw my two cents in.
Also, just want to finish by saying, I don't think there is anything wrong with liking Gerry or Micheal or shipping them (I do all of the above), and I don't even think there's anything necessarily wrong with fluffing things up in fan-works to make things more "wholesome" (again, I do it too), but it's just one of those things I think we should be aware about when interacting with a work.
Thanks for sharing! Let’s chat!
Anon is referring to this post!
Fans are allowed to interact with the content however they wish, and no one interpretation is better than another. This is has been said multiple times on my blog and I will never* not agree with it.
I agree- I don’t think comparing a cannon couple to a fannon couple is fair. It seems sort of difficult as well- those are very different relationships.
*the only exception being if someone is being racist, sexist, etc. in their interpretation!
Again, thanks for sharing! What about you guys? What do you think?
And as always, remember to keep your words kind!
>Hello! I’m E, and I created this blog to be a safe space to share Magnus Archives/Protocol opinions in! If you are seeing this in a reblog, I want you to know three things:
1) I value respect and kindness over anything.
2) I cannot control what others say in response to anyone’s opinions.
3) Only you can control your emotions/actions/words. Choose to respond with gentleness, not anger. After all, we all are here for the same reason- why not enjoy each other’s company?
Thanks, and have an awesome day/night!<
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shadowedpetals · 5 hours ago
Gwyn haters like you are disgusting
Honestly, I don’t understand why you would send this as an anon message. I would respect you more if you just wrote it directly under one of my posts. But since you accused me of being a Gwyn hater, I have the right to say that I’m not. Gwyn’s character was written to be likable and relatable. And while I’m neither of those things, I can totally say that I dislike this type of female character since I prefer to read about more complex ones that I can relate to, ones that intrigue me.
Personally, I regard ACOSF as wasted potential. The writing wasn’t great at all, and many characters could have been introduced in a better way, including Gwyn. The reasons I dislike her as a character have nothing to do with the ship war. I only joined the fandom months ago and had no idea that people took things this seriously. There are many other characters I dislike such as Helion and Mor, for different reasons completely...
Disliking something / someone doesn't mean I hate it / them
And honestly, I don't care that much about her to have the energy to hate on her. It's the way you gwynriels just want to shove her under everyone's noses and transforming her into the fanon version you created of her. Then complain when people don't match your enegry, but how can I like something isn't real?
I have my favorites too, just like you have yours But unlike you, I'm not a hypocrite. As you talk shit about Elain Archeron, then insert a Pro Elain tag under the post.
P.S: It's very obvious that my ask is dedicated solely to Elriel, and you didn't even respect that too blinded by your hate. I understand.
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theprinceandagcd · 15 hours ago
20 Fanfic Author Questions
Thank you so much @anincompletelist and @caterpills for tagging me!! These are fun and I haven't done one in while, so :)
1. How many works on AO3?
77 !!
2. Total AO3 Word Count?
3. Top 5 fics by Kudos
but daddy, you love him
this is the first time I've felt the need to confess
we broke all the pieces (still wanna play the game)
can this be a real thing (can it?)
one single thread of gold tied me to you
4. What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White, and Royal Blue now! I have written for others in the past but I'm a hyperfixation girlie at my core so just that one :)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I haven't always, but I do now! Sometimes I get behind but I try to go through my inbox and knock some comments out at least once or twice a week.
6. Angstiest Ending?
I don't really do angsty/not happy endings - it's not in my capability, honestly? you can run (but only so far) was angsty up to VERY close to the ending but that's probably the best I can do
7. Fic with the Happiest Ending?
I ALMOST answered this with gay chicken just because they do get a... happy ending. i'm SORRY.
Probably the but daddy, you love him universe - the third installment especially is just sob-worthy happy. (although, perhaps that third installment isn't their final story, either)
8. Do you get hate?
I did get one guest comment once telling me to kill myself? But otherwise not really - I'm really grateful for it, too.
9. Do you write smut?
I do!! I didn't in previous fandoms and didn't when I started with RWRB, but I've got a few now and have a multichap coming soon that is VERY smutty. I've gotten a lot more comfortable with it and it's a nice tool to have, although works don't need smut to be good and I like choosing to do stories without it still, too.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I do not - the hyperfixation is too real.
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few, yeah!! it's super cool. I'm always very enthusiastically supportive of people doing this.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not yet!! but there may be a doc that exists where someone says "okay hear me out" every five seconds
14. All time favourite ship?
excuse you
probably captain swan but don't tell firstprince i said that
15. WIPs you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh. i have a handful of multichap ideas/outline docs that like, just odds are that not all of them get written. not sure which ones, but I'm sure at least one of them will wind up not working out.
16. Writing strengths?
Dialogue!! my go-to beta thinks it's because I did theater in college and took script writing classes which are dialogue heavy, but I LOVE putting dialogue together. sometimes when i'm in the process of writing, I'll do dialogue skeletons just to feel successful in writing and go back later to add exposition and fill everything out.
17. Writing Weaknesses?
other than having sort of favorite words that I tend to overuse, I think my main weakness is emotional weight in stories. I've read so many fics where I'm practically gasping for breath at the end because it's really hit me in the heart, and I just don't think my writing has that? I tend to think my best writing is when I'm being funny or cute, writing in banter and etc, and when I try to do something heavy or emotional it never feels like it's quite got the same punch to it as what I wanted.
18. Thoughts on mixed language dialogue?
Love reading it - I don't typically write it because of time and not knowing any languages other than English and American Sign Language - which isn't easy to put into a fic. I've looked up small lines before for specific purposes and checked with someone who knows the language, but it's not something I typically have the time to do right - and I am NOT going to do it wrong.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh my god. high school musical. don't fucking look at me.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Can I say a WIP that I haven't posted yet?? I'm gonna say a WIP I haven't posted yet :)
no pressure tags! @agostobuwan @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites @clockwrkpendrxgon @dreamtigress @everwitch-magiks @fckngyrs @firenati0n @fullsunsets @henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jmagnabo92 @kj-bee @miharaikko @milowren29 @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @nontoxic-writes @onthewaytosomewhere @orchidscript @pinkamour1588 @porcelainmortal @priincebutt @read-and-write- @softboynick @sophie1973 @stellarmeadow @suseagull5914 @thesleepyskipper @thighzp @thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex @wordsofhoneydew
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acourtofthought · 24 hours ago
hello! so i wanted to ask you about something since I know that you believe eluciens book is next. what are your thoughts on the following?
sarah saying that we'll get elain "in some form" in the next book
sarah saying that by the end of acosf it is obvious who the next book is about
when asked about azriel getting his own book, she said its a journey she's excited to write and once again said it should be obvious in acosf who is the next main character.
i'm not trying to start an argument or whatever as i love elucien as much as i love gwynriel and i dont really care which ship has their book first but wouldn't these things lean a bit more toward an azriel book being next? i'm just really curious about your thoughts on this
Hi there! With Sarah saying "we'll get Elain in some form", that's a very Sarah-like non answer. Because Elain as the lead of the next book would be Elain in some form. But Elain as a side character as she's been thus far would also be Elain in some form. Since Sarah has said she's not telling us anything on who the next book is about, I think she answered in a way that is impossible to decipher with any sort of certainty. In response to your next two bullet points, I think we have to be sure to include everything Sarah has said starting way back during the time of ACOMAF. In 2015 she said this of the sisters: "Her sisters come back in later books, and I'd love to write their own spin-off books one day." and "I am so really, really excited to write about the dynamic between Feyre and her sisters, especially now that they've been turned into fae. The ladies in this series have come to be some of my favorite characters and I kinda just want to write a short story where ALL of them go out in Velaris one night and raise hell."
"They both have their own, major journeys ahead of them" She also spoke of how the sisters were having their own journeys beyond what Feyre could see and said:
"But I do know that the Cassian and Nesta book is next. And I know what I want to write for the second spinoff novel, but I'm keeping the door open after that." "Some of the books might take place after the series, some of them might take place before." Then in 2018: "When spring came, I was heavily pregnant - so I was really nesting - and we realized that the garden beds were pretty overgrown with ivy. There was literally ivy everywhere; in the garden beds, wrapped around the trees, crawling up the sides of the house. So I went into this obsessive, I-need-to-rip-out-every-last-strand-of-ivy-before-I-have-this-baby mode. And I remember the entire time I was ripping out the ivy, and trying to get some semblance of order into the garden beds, I just slipped into Elain's head. Elain is a gardener and everything I did during those weeks became research for her book." After the release of SF she was asked if it changed anything for her in terms of the initial pitch she gave to her editor (the one where she also said she knew who the first two books would be about but was leaving the door open for the third). Her response is that her plans during that initial pitch did not change, the world just expanded. She has now signed on for an additional 4 books beyond what she was original contracted for (though we don't have confirmation of what series those books are connected to or how many will be given to to the new series that Bloomsbury mentioned).
Sarah is excited to write Az's journey but, she was also excited way back when to explore the sisters journey's too and so far we've only had one of those journeys. "Journey" does not always mean "this character gets the very next book." Journey sometimes means Sarah now knows the direction she's going to take a character and will begin laying the groundwork for them to someday be a lead. Elain's journey began all the way back in ACOMAF and continued on in WAR / FAS / SF. Same with Nesta's. So Az's journey could mean he has to first witness the guy he claimed was not good enough for Elain getting his HEA with her and that sets the stage for Az becoming a lead in his own book and finding his own mating bond. As far as "when you get to the end of SF, you'll know who the next book is about", this is another non-answer. Yes she was directly asked a question about Az's bonus but she didn't say "when you get to the end of the bonus", she said "when you get to the end of SF." Az's bonus happened at Solstice and the book ended about 4 months later. SF ended with Nesta and Feyre repairing their relationship, with Elain, Feyre and Nesta taking Nyx to their father's gravesite, with Nesta placing Elain's wooden carving on their fathers grave as a "permanent marker of the beauty and good he'd tried to bring into the world". With Elain holding Nyx and she and Feyre smiling at Nesta, beckoning her to them. The sisters were part of the final scene of SF and Az was not. Do I think that's proof and there's no room for debate? Definitely not! But I do think it's enough to show that her answer was not really an answer at all and saying "it's obvious" is clearly not because there's enough to support all theories as to who is getting the next book. The book ended with the Archeron sisters, we know Feyre said they'd help one sister before helping the other, we know that Sarah always knew who was getting the first two books and she also said her plans did not change. Now she could have changed her mind, she could have decided to write Az's story first. But she also could have stayed on the path she initially spoke with her editors about, back when she was excited to write the sisters stories and back when she had already done research for Elain's book. We just don't know because she's said ALOT over the years, long before she started talking about Az as a possible MMC, which is why it's silly for anyone to claim people are delusional for thinking Elain might still be next.
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fortress-rising · 2 days ago
Yo! Ask if you got favourite duo in whole tf2 franchise! Doesn't have to be romantic, just two bff duo is freaking awesome :]
I'm assuming you're asking this of me given the wording (which I never really expected to get on this blog lmao). Oh boy, that's tough. I'm going to disregard romantic shipping here, since I really like to try that seasoning on most character pairs just to see if it adds anything. And anyone who has seen my main (and well. the subtext of certain answers here) can easily guess my favorite romantic pairs
Honestly, I really love Pyro's dynamic with every other merc. Pyro is such a homie. They just wanna have fun with their friends, and really dont care what they're doing in the process. Engie and his Pybro are the classic duo, but I'm very partial to Scout and Pyro. To me, they're the best goofballs to just put into whatever shenanigans. Scout who drags a happy Pyro into mischief, my beloved dynamic
One of my many headcanons is that, despite having so many of them, Scout actually wasn't super close to his older brothers. They spent time together, but if they weren't related, they wouldnt have been friends. For the most part. He was close to one of them. Regardless, in a lot of ways, he gets the sort of ride or die "friend to get into and out of trouble with" relationship with Pyro that he wanted growing up, and Pyro gets someone who doesn't push them away cause they're "busy".
If I'm allowed to talk about trios for a moment, may I just mention how much Offense delights me as a whole? Of the three class divsions, they're the ones I can actually see hanging out regularly and having interests in common. Not to mention, in situations (bases, hotels, ect) where there arent enough rooms for every merc to have their own, Offense are bunked together and told not to kill each other. Or destroy too much property. They usually do both.
My beloved trio of dummies. If offense were cats, they would all be orange, pam bless. They have three braincells to rub between them, and Pyro usually has all three dedicated to having a good time
ah shoot I need to add some art to this.... have some (admittedly lazy) doodles I did on copy paper while waiting on a ride home
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mageofquandrix · 1 day ago
OC Tag Game
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@biowaredisasterbisexual told me about this one, so I snuck on tumblr for a minute to post it.
Today I'm featuring Julien Mercar. There's tidbits about my Ashur/Rook bodyguard AU in there.
Name: Julien Mercar
Aliases: Rook, Jules, various Shadow Dragons code names over the years
Gender: male
Age: 36
Place of Birth: Ventus, Tevinter
Spoken languages: Trade, Tevene, a little Nevarran, and can read Old Tevene
Sexual Orientation: bisexual (and demi-biromantic)
Pre-Veilguard, he’s a retired member of the classis (Imperial Navy) who afterwards worked as a ship mechanic and sailor/dock worker while in the Shadow Dragons.
Post-Veilguard - depends, but in the happier versions, he’s the Archon Tilani’s bodyguard and extremely reluctant advisor.
Ashur/Julien AU: former bodyguard for the Divine for a decade (the maximum time) and then Maevaris’ bodyguard/Shadow Dragon.
Color: Red and Blue
Entertainment: He loves live music, and sports competitions (‘The Games’), especially track and wrestling. 
Pastime: nights spent wandering Tevinter nightlife, barhopping and running into friends while drinking, eating, dancing. Card games, chess (badly), going to watch sports competitions, playing pickup sports games, going to the bathhouse, running, reading, and long conversations over drinks. 
Food: Meal: grilled white fish with salad (greens and herbs) and a dipping sauce (think nuoc cham.) Snack: Sunflower seeds in the shell, salted or spiced, or any fruit.
Drink: I’m imagining some kind of clear liquor unique to Tevinter, that he drinks in shots, mixed with seltzer and citrus, or with coconut water. He likes to drink for long periods of time without getting wasted, and it’s hot in Tevinter; he doesn’t want something too heavy. He likes it with pistachios.
Books: history, mystery/thriller, and smutty romance. If they’re combined, even better.
Passed university: He’s been to military academy for two years between 16 and 18, so sort of?
Had sex: Yep. 
Had sex in public: Yeah - bar bathrooms, alleys, stuff like that. 
Gotten tattoos: Yep! He keeps them covered as a Shadow, and he actually got his favorite tattoo covered up - he had his father’s name, but he was worried about putting his dad in danger.
Gotten piercings: He had one, but he took it out so it wouldn’t get ripped out. 
Gotten scarred: Oh, tons. Especially notable: his left ear, left eye, and left corner of his mouth droop a tiny bit, due to nerve damage paralysis, and he has a long, stitched scar (a 'Soporati special') on the side of his neck and up his scalp.
Had a broken heart: No Ashur/Rook au - sort of? He’s been in a 12 year old situationship with the Divine and regularly breaks his own heart over it.  
Been in love: Sort of? He’s demi and bi and but didn’t realize he liked men for a long time, so he was in love with a fellow soldier but just thought of him as a friend.  Ashur/Rook au - he’s been in love with the Divine while serving as his bodyguard, but that doesn’t count, right? Everyone is at least a little bit in love with the Divine, right? Right, guys??
A cuddler: Absolutely. He loves cuddling and physical affection, even platonically. He’ll cuddle with the guys or with his dad- they take naps on the couch together, which always have Julien with his head on his dad’s chest, and his dad’s arm around his shoulders. They’ve done this since he was a baby. 
Scared easily: No, not at all. He doesn’t like spiders, though - he just kind of grits his teeth and deals with it, but he doesn’t like it. 
Jealous easily: Oh, absolutely. He doesn’t think he is, though, but really he’s just tamping it down.
Sibling(s): Only child!
Parents: He’s raised by a single father, Anatolius, who is a praetor in the Imperial army. They’re each other’s main family- Anatolius’ only brother died young in the military - so he worries a lot about his dad, and what his dad will do if he dies. 
Children: He would like to have several one day, he’s always wanted to be a father. Not yet, though!
Pets: Various stray cats that he and his dad fed or took for healing if they needed it, and a corn snake! He loves reptiles.
I AM TAGGING: I'm not sure who's done it already, so I'll just tag a few people! @biowaredisasterbisexual @blightedcrow @hyperions-light @vael-fire @thedissonantverses
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Ngl I've been kind of feeling odd, cause I know Gato has made ship art of them before,
but I really don't like Strade x Ren Not yucking anyones yum of course! y'all do whatever you want! this is just me personally! I kinda just..feel sick in my stomach seeing art or whatever of Strade x Ren (which is why I ofc have the tag blocked, cuz I genuinely don't like it) I know Gato has drawn it herself, but it just makes me personally feel icky again, if y'all ship it, it's fine! do whatever you want! Just my opinion! honestly, my favorite ship and only ship I like is Komodo x Dragon, so maybe I'm the odd one here LOL
(Lowkey been afraid of posting this opinion, mainly cause I know this fandom is with disagreeing takes, but I feel safe on this blog, so we're finally putting it up! ^^)
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daughterofheartshaven · 2 days ago
This is a post about my opinions about several prominent Doctor Who ships. I think they're all very valid! Any ship in Doctor Who is valid! But also I'm gonna be going into why I don't engage with them in some length, so if you're not in the mood for a breakdown of why I don't think your favorite Doctor Who ship doesn't make sense to me personally, then this post is not for you. Also, if you don't know, I am incredibly ace/aro, so this effects quite a lot about how I see ships.
Thanks @stopmyhearts for letting me know at least someone wanted to see this. Like a month ago but whatever.
Okay, so I think the biggest ship in all of Doctor Who is either Doctor/Master or Doctor/Tardis. I've seen people refer to both as basically universal, and that annoys me. If you ship either or both, that is completely valid! But, like, I can't even see where either is even coming from?
This probably deserves some more articulation than I can give it right now. I'll circle back around to this one later and maybe explain my position more.
My thoughts on some other Doctor Who ships I see, in no real order:
Doctor/Rose: Fine, I guess? I don't tend to like this, since I see a lot of people shipping this going "Rose was the most perfect special character ever", and, like. That's a valid opinion to have. I just firmly disagree. I think Rose is a great character, but not always the nicest person, and that her relationship with the Doctor (romantic or otherwise) was increasingly unhealthy by the point of Army of Ghosts / Doomsday.
Doctor/River: I like it. That being said, I think the Doctor is sex-neutral ace and on the aromantic spectrum, and is doing the romance and sex and dates thing with River because he loves her. He doesn't necessarily love her in that exact way, but she's important to him, so he wants to do things that make her happy even if he wouldn't care about them. Like having sex.
Doctor/Charley: I love the results we get from Charley crushing on the Doctor and the Doctor going "help I love you platonically" and all the fallout from that, so very firmly like their dynamic to remain like that.
Kate Stewart/Osgood or Kate Stewart/Mel: This is another one I just really don't like. I personally read Kate as straight, but even if you don't like that, I think any ship like that contradicts her being a very professional person who wouldn't date anyone on her staff. Kate has a personal life that she keeps out of her work and she keeps her work out of her personal life.
Doctor/Romana: To me, I don't think their relationship would be romantic in human terms, but the level of closeness they have would feel romantic to the largely aromantic Gallifrey. If that makes any sense.
Tegan/Nyssa: I can see it - with the caveat that Tegan was super closeted and embarrassed about the whole thing and so the two of them kept it secret bc Tegan wasn't comfortable with being public about that and Nyssa went along with that bc she obviously cares about Tegan's comfort. Not sure if I like to headcanon it or not, but I definitely see it.
Leela/Romana: I can't see it. Unlike some of the other ships here I have literally nothing against it, I just can't see it. This also applies to basically any other ship involving the Gallifrey cast.
Doctor/Jamie: I can see it, but I'm on the side of "they're platonic they're just a big fan of platonic cuddles". The Second Doctor era is especially important to me, and as someone who likes a platonic cuddle herself, seeing two friends just do that matters to me.
Doctor/Yaz: I really like the way the show handled this, actually. I get that that's not a popular opinion, but I think acknowledging that there were mutual feelings but that the Doctor just can't have a relationship like that makes perfect sense.
Doctor/Clara: Honestly, I don't care enough about Clara to form an opinion here. I guess it makes sense looked through the lens of how the Doctor kinda-but-not-really does romance.
If you want my take on a Doctor Who ship that I didn't just mention, feel free to ask
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vanillaaaaaaaaa3 · 10 hours ago
oh! Uhhhhh. I don’t currently have any obsessions? Either that, or I can’t tell what’s the difference between that and a hyper fixation. Uihhhhhhhhhgggggg.
Of course, we have the infamous the miseryfreak, who I actually really like, because the amount of deeper context stuff in the character, the lyrics, the MUSIC VIDEO ITSELF?????? Seriously, there’s a lot to unpack and I love stuff like that. Sometimes, I do like sing the vocals behind the main one in the first verses, because I heard it in an instrumental someone made before it was deleted, and they go so nicellyyy with herrr omgggggg. I genuinely felt like I was the only one who actually was hyperfixated on her, before I met my moot ofc :3, and it was devastating, cuz I was too afraid to show itttt. Oh, and the amount of art I see of her in sooooo coooolllll. I like everyone’s interpretation of her in their art style. Also, before I came back from my trip from Korea, I asked my cousin to sketch her in my iPad, and I was so so happy when she finished god I wish my iPad wasn’t taken away.
But I feel like you’ve already heard enough about her already,I want to yap about to things I barely yapped on here. Halley Labs and Salem.
I can’t believe this person has made more than ten aliases in the span of the mid 2000s to now. Sure, their music is more calmer now, but I still can’t believe they did this for about 20 years. Making gay furry music for 20 years. If anything, this and emoji cats were my furry awakening. Like I now have fursonas aside from emoji cats and Mr. Snoodle Smittens because of it.
Some of my favorite aliases are Bandetto, The Quick Brown Fox, Mayham, Furries in a Blender (aka Emoticon), and Azrael II (And I thought that Azrael are not two separate aliases). My favorite songs from there are Powerhaus 2014, baby so hardcore, ELECTRIC HEX, THANK YOU :3, PSEUDOSIDISM (ot whatever it called), Systen32, Hell Dive (TQBF remix), speedy snail, Lockdown, Carbonate, Sean Opens Up a MFing Carnival, and worst of all, CUM MONOLITH (yes that’s the name i swear there’s nothing suggestive in the song only the title and album cover). I love D.O.S and NERVE’S ENDING a lot :3. It makes me want to make music like that, but I’m afraid I’m going to end up like 4lung and Nekozuma/Glitterpop :(
Also, did you that Bandetto x TQBF is a canon ship?
Now, about Salem. He’s sooooooo siplllyyyyyyyyyy. At like May I was like, hey why don’t I listen to some other tracks Riproducer has besides Fruiting Bodies and It Should’ve Been Me? So I went to SoundCloud and listening to the Monochrome Mentality remastered changed my trajectory in my internet life. Because after listening to it after a few days I started to get jittery and nervous, and I realized I’m mostly listening to it because of Salem (I think me accidentally following RIP on SoundCloud made my hyperfixation worse). The fucking guy standing left on the thumbnail. I think I’ve never seen a guy like this. I like the confidence and sinister feeling in his voice. His hairdooingie is weird but suits very well. And the EYES. HIS FUCKING EYES. There’s something devious going behind him. He has commmited soooooo soooo many crimes :3 I’ve listened to The Monochrome Mentality so many times just because of him. And in my in repeat playlist, I legitimately skipped songs just to hear TMM for that reason as well. I hate the fact I like him a lot.
However, there are a lot of things I wouldn’t have done without being hyperfixated on Salem. I wouldn’t have drawn a character way too many times. I wouldn’t have known how to draw men. I wouldn’t have developed this art style. I wouldn’t have gotten into ghost and pals like at all. I wouldn’t have interacted with certain people at were in the riproducer and ghost and pals fandom. I wouldn’t have start to sing out loud again. I wouldn’t have created this account at all. And most of all, I wouldn’t have gotten into Miss Miseryguts, met my moot, and be the person who I am today. So thanks, you monochrome motherfucker who annihilates them with the violations.
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(the fact that I stole this gif from a stimboard instead of getting an actual screenshot says a lot… ✈️🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀) I also think he’s just really pathetic
TAGS- uhhhhhhhhhhh @orangeleftyart, and idk who else. I guess it’s open for anyone!
tag game!! ^q^
how it works: get tagged. yap about current obsessions.
i'll go first!! >_<
okay so uhhh.. yi xi!!! i love her voice, her fan designs.. aghhh i love her
i also really like the train bitch (choo choo) and project on her sm... ( 〃▽〃) she is on SO MUCH MATH WORK ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY
last off... teeptum (tptm)!!! it's weird, i'm uncomfortable with myself recovering, but seeing these girls — whether i relate to them or not — overcome their struggles (^-^; maybe it's just nice to have hope... OH ALSO DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW WELL WRITTEN EACH GIRL IS!!! ITS GENUINELY SO GOOD. I UNDERSTAND WHY SO MANY PEOPLE RELATE TO AT LEAST ONE GIRL. (personally i relate to tahira (splitter) and nora (caliber) but also some elements of freyja (faneint)
TAGS!! @charawara (go ahead. yap about the blue mouthed freak) @lordofthealfies (go ahead. yap about lotf) @fishtheflowerchomper @luckyloser6 @wkfn14kt829j2nq @toothandfeather @fearofajmetalalbum @madilynlovesbsdfr
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