#i chose a bat because obviously but they really could be anything
itzscribz · 1 month
I realized while browsing Mage’s wiki that Mitch’s story (and other Demi-human storylines) and the Vampire hunter storyline both happen in the same world actually ? Meaning that THEORETICALLY, there could be a Demi-human vampire ! I really like the concept so here’s Pandemonium and his big sister :D
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Found family siblings duo my beloved <3
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babyangelsky · 2 months
Back in March when I was doing the BL Challenge (brought to us by the lovely @negrowhat), I mentioned in my post about Korn Theerapanyakul that it isn't often that we get an actual villain who isn't just a love rival in a BL. The presence of an antagonist in a story doesn't necessarily make them the villain and not every story calls for one either. That being said,
Jak is a villain.
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I want to break down this shot because it tells us a lot about the dynamic at play and Jak's point of view.
There's a lot going on here. The first thing my eye is drawn to is the line between them (and how Mut is just slightly crossing it since he stepped into the lion's den). Once you see that, the differences between both sides of that line become more obvious.
Mahasamut is dressed in a dark cool color and he's in shadow but his face is catching the light. The flowers, fireplace, candles, and TV behind him feel warm and homey. Fitting for a cafe. On the other hand, Jak is dressed in a warm light color and he's sitting in the light but his face is in shadow. The windows behind him and his positioning makes it feel like he's sitting at a desk in a corner office in a high rise instead of a cafe.
I weirdly wish they'd shown us when they arrived at the table because I would bet you anything that Jak sat down first. He's the older one, he's relaxed, etc. It makes sense for him to have sat first which means he chose that specific seat and the only reason I mention it, and really the only reason it matters, is that it tells us how Jak sees himself in this situation.
He's sitting there in the light in his dad sweater telling Mahasamut about wanting to fulfill his role as Tongrak's father and that he's so sorry about his behavior in the past and wants to atone for it and it's all bullshit because look at this man's face.
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It is completely shadowed, just like his intentions and his agenda whereas Mut's is completely in the light.
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And the difference becomes even more stark once Jak tells Mut to break up with Tongrak.
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Jak is spewing nothing but ill-intentioned bullshit and Mahasamut sees it for what it is and makes it clear that he isn't going to fall for it, which is why things devolve.
Now. Just so we can get it out of the way, yes, obviously Mut should not have agreed to that meeting. He shouldn't have engaged and should've put the baby in the car and driven in the opposite direction. I was screaming at my screen for him to do just that, as were many of us I'm sure. However, I have to point out that it is not inconsistent for him from a character writing standpoint to have agreed.
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Lest we forget, he said this to Tongrak last week when he was explaining why he turned Prin down when she tried to buy him.
"But Leah the dad is so much worse how could he not see—!" I know. Trust me, I do.
I'm gonna put on my baseball uniform and go to bat for my man for a second though because I think part of the reason that he agreed to talk to Jak is that he vastly underestimated him. And to be completely fair to Mahasamut, I did, too.
If I had to guess, I would say that he was expecting to be dealing with someone cut from the same cloth as Prin. Maybe a little worse since he knows what Jak has done in the past but certainly nothing he couldn't handle. Mahasamut is not a reckless or a thoughtless man. I don't believe for a second he would've even walked in the building if he didn't feel confident that he could deal with Jak.
The problem is that Jak is very much not cut from the same cloth as Prin.
I noted in my expressions post that it looked like the only time Jak was actually feeling something was when he accepted Prin's offer to destroy Tongrak but that's not entirely accurate. Having gone back to watch his scenes, there's a second instance where genuine emotion peeks through.
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There's such a cold rage in his expression when he reproaches Tongrak for choosing his mother and cutting ties with him. And make no mistake, he's not angry because he loves his son. We already know that he doesn't. He's angry because in his eyes, he lost to a woman he felt nothing but disdain for.
If Tongrak and Kwan had chosen Jak over their mother, do you think Jak would be out here causing problems? No, he would've flat out ignored them. He wouldn't bother keeping such close tabs on Rak and his relationships because he would've already won and if he's doing it now, it's because he wants to win.
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This is a game to him. This is fun for him.
His son is terrified and begging him not to hurt an innocent little girl and a young man and Jak's response is, "Don't be greedy."
He tries to force his son to choose which one of the people he loves most in this world gets to be safe but the choice isn't really a choice. He says he'll choose for Rak and he already has. Jak had already had Mahasamut beaten by the time he comes to see Tongrak and we know that because Mut's injuries have been treated when Rak gets home and Vivi is already there.
Matter of fact, the only reason Jak is even here talking to his son is because his attempt to convince Mut to leave has failed and he knows that going to Rak won't fail. He knows his son is afraid of him and he knows he can use that fear to get what he wants, which is why he brings up the uncle doctor.
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Although we've gotten little of Jak so far, it's safe to assume that he is not a man who makes empty threats. Tongrak knows this, too, which is why he becomes so panicked when the doctor is brought up. We as the audience don't know who this doctor is but we can surmise from Tongrak's expression that he's important enough to be used as a weapon by Jak.
Until this point I don't think Tongrak realized that his father had anything to do with whatever happened to this doctor, he looks genuinely surprised. But all Jak had to do to prove how serious he is about his threat is mention the man. That's all he does. Rak puts the pieces together himself.
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And here is where I bring up next week.
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If you can look at this man's face as he rips the contract and think for a moment that he's going to try to push Mahasamut away for some flimsy petty reason, I am here to tell you that you are dead wrong. If I so much as SEE the words 'noble idiocy' I'm going to kick off.
Because we know that by the time Tongrak picks up this contract to rip it, Mahasamut has already been beaten twice and that Jak made a barely veiled threat to have him killed. Rak is rightfully terrified of his father and afraid for his boyfriend's life and wanting to keep Mut safe and ALIVE is not noble idiocy.
Now is it going to work? Smart money says no, wild horses couldn't drag Mahasamut away. He loves Rak too much to take any threats lying down. But as much as I understand why Mut talked to Jak, I understand why Rak wants to keep him safe even more.
Jak didn't accept Prin's offer because he wanted to help her. He doesn't give a single shit about her agenda except to mock her for it. He agreed to destroy his son because he wants to, because doing so will allow him to win and get back at his ex-wife. The money is just a bonus.
Jak is a Villain.
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Hyunjin in relationships
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So, right off the bat, Hyunjin can definitely be prone to using certain...Tricks in relationships? This is the real pisces man energy tbf. But he can be prone to manipulation to get certain outcomes from things in the relationship. Like, he may be prone to playing the victim or withholding information from his partner that he knows his partner will dislike. He'll drop hints and do certain things to get what he wants from his partners. He can also try and adopt certain behaviors or traits he knows his partner likes/of people his partner is close to.
It's never for malicious reasons, moreso trying to...Keep the peace, I guess? Trying not to get his partner mad at him, and trying to keep his partner happy and content, but the manipulation aspect still isn't very good. With that being said, it's also something that can be broken in a sense? Like if his partner calls him out and makes him realize it's not something healthy to do in a relationship then he'll definitely make that attempt to stop.
He likes planning things for him and his partner to do. Like he'll plan out these grand plans for him and his partner to do, and all these things he wants to get them/do for them. Like the type to take his partner out on these really well-thought-out very personal dates.
He both does and doesn't like making decisions about the relationship. Like he likes the fact that his partner may trust him enough to let him decide on big things or even little things in the relationship, but he's also afraid he won't really get it right, and doesn't want to disappoint his partner.
He can also be mildly controlling though? Not in a major or bad way, but he wants certain things done a certain way and if they aren't he's convinced hell will freeze over. He also wants the best for his partner, so a lot of the time he'll try to give advice when unprompted? But again, it's something he'd work on if his partner wanted him to.
He's very happy when he's with his partner. Like, when he's with his partner he's all smiles and adoring looks. It's almost like he worships the ground his partner walks on. He wants to celebrate every little thing they do, because to him all of it is absolutely magnificent, and he tries to be very positive in his partner's life.
His partner is nervous about a job interview? He's their professional hype man, hyping them up at home and talking to them on the way there about how he's sure they'll do good. His partner doesn't get the job? Clearly whoever chose not to hire them doesn't have good decision-making skills.
He's pretty much blind to his partner's faults. If there's an issue, it's obviously his fault. His partner is a fucking psycho? Well, there's more psycho people out there, and they can work past it. Highly delusional.
He especially likes when his partner succeeds though. He feeds off it almost. Because he knows that they'll get the recognition they deserve, and if they don't...More of an excuse to celebrate them. He's happy when his partner is happy, and sad when they're sad.
He hates conflicts though. He avoids them like the plague. Which is interesting, because I can definitely see him with somewhat of a temper. But he's the kind to just shut up and ignore it when his partner makes him angry, if at all. He can have a temper with other people, but with his partner? Non-existent. His partner could literally verbally assault him and he wouldn't say anything back because he doesn't want to rock the boat or risk losing them.
This is definitely where the aforementioned manipulation can come in. Like his partner is screaming at him and then here come the crocodile tears, or even real tears because let's be real here he's very sensitive, because he just wants it over with.
He hates arguing about things. His mentality is more like: "Well, we're different in this aspect so why can't we just respect that? I don't want to fight. Can't we just agree to disagree?"
He has a horrible track record with relationships, especially when it gets to the point of like...Domesticity. Probably because of the avoidance of fights. There are bound to be fights in relationships, but he still fights for his life to avoid them. They also just make him very emotional, and he's a very sensitive person who can't handle being screamed at.
It also doesn't help that, like I said, he's highly delusional. He expects perfection from his partners, and he also is highly delusional, so if his partner somehow manners to shatter this like...Delusion he has, or his image of their perfection (Though the image of perfection part is hard because his partner could run a man over and in his mind the man deserved it) he's just highly turned off by it. Plus he gets the ick very easily early on.
I'm also getting that he's HIGHLY turned off by his partner being like "Desperate" or wanting him too much. Honestly, all this combined probably means he attracts very toxic people who don't give a shit about him. And like I said, he adopts traits from his partners, so it wouldn't be a stretch to say he picked up that manipulation from all his manipulative partners in life. He probably thinks it's normal since it's always happening to him. Either that or that's just how he is, I dunno. That's my inference.
I'm getting a very traditional vibe here. Not in a sense of like, "Oh I need a woman who's a submissive little doormat", but rather he likes to take care of his partner. He likes to make sure his partner can lean on him, and doesn't want for anything or have any worries. And trust me, he has MONEY so he can do that. Like he spoils his partner to no end. You know Captain-Save-A-Hoe? That's literally Hyunjin. Like the end part in particular is SO Hyunjin. (He may attract gold-diggers because of this though.)
Fuck that what they talkin' about I save a hoe Yeah baby, what's up you wanna get your nails done? Come on let's go down to Lee and Kim Nail's, yeah We can get your nails done, get your hair done What about your kids? How many kids you got? Two? Oh, that's cool, yeah, we can go feed and cloth them kids We can go down and get the hookup at Durant Square Yeah baby, I do anything for ya Want you phone turned on? I can get it turned on to my name Matter of fact I get you a cellular phone and a pager We can get that package deal down there at Cellular One Baby, I'm, I'm here for you, I got you
Also, that's ANOTHER thing. He's def the type who you could baby trap with kids that aren't even his. Like you can have a five-year-old when he gets with you but he'll stay no matter what because he doesn't want your kid to be without any type of father figure since his partner is a hoe. (Same thing happened to a friend of mine who’s like…WAY too empathetic) Which is frankly WILD.
It’s also kind of like how Hyunjin let Felix use his card and (To my knowledge/memory) didn’t seem very mad when he full on lost it
But we're getting off track here.
He also probably wants to have a familiar family structure in the future. Him, his spouse, two kids, and a dog with a white picket fence and a nice little SUV. Obviously not that exactly, but to really put it in perspective.
He's also the type who bends to his partner's every whim in both a good and bad way. His partner jumps and he doesn't even ask how high he just fucking ascends. No hesitation. He's definitely the type who'd be easy to just...Use in relationships, and he'd let you because at least he has a use. (This is making me a wee bit sad.)
He also probably tries to emulate his parent's relationship. Granted, it was probably a good example, but he also probably thinks that anything that strays from that is inherently bad. (Though he'd internalize that.)
That's another thing. I can see him being very critical about his partners but idealistic at the same time, and internalizing all of that.
He works really hard for his relationship to work. He pushes through anything that happens, and works like his life depends on it to make it through, and there's that like diligence here. It's both a good and bad thing. Like his partner could be BEATING ON HIM and he'd still be trying to work it out with that "I can fix them" mentality.
When he's with someone, they become his entire life. Like i'm talking he neglects his relationships with his friends/family because he's pouring his all into his relationship, and when it falls apart he falls apart. He'd even cut off friends if he feels like his partner dislikes them. Because he feels like that's what he has to do.
Odd little detail, but he's probably going through a breakup right now, actually, or it's actively ending. So that's...
In relationships, I see him being very very insecure. (Even though he's Hwang motherfucking Hyunjin) Like i'm talking, he's very easily jealous and is convinced his partner is going to trade him in for a better model if he does one thing wrong. He holds his partners to high standards, but also convinces himself he's not good enough for them or enough for them. But he never voices this. He pretends to be all confident and secure, but really he's out here having a mini panic attack if his partner laughs at the joke of another guy a little too hard because he's convinced his partner is about to leave him for someone funnier or smarter or nicer. And then he mentally spirals while outwardly seeming like he's perfectly fine, and all of a sudden he's convinced his partner is going to dump him any second.
He's probably been cheated on a lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. His exes were also probably very...Verbally abusive? Maybe physically, but definitely verbally abusive. (I feel so bad for Hyunjin) and I can probably count on one hand the amount of partners he's had that were ACTUALLY into him. (Not even in love with him, just into him.)
Poor baby
He moves fast in relationships. Like, i'm talking if his partner proposed on the first date he'd say yes and get married the next. Like, he just decides "Yeah, this is my person. I want them, i'll have them. They're mine." And then BOOM he's asking them out and they're together.
He moves quickly in relationships, but also moves on just as fast. Breakups absolutely WRECK him, but he moves onto the next best thing in like half a business day or something. He's a quick mover. With that being said he also has a bad habit of going back to his shittiest of shitty exes if they so much as blink at him.
So, these two flew out of the deck together. (The fast moving and the next section), so it's safe to say they work hand in hand.
He ignores his intuition and pushes it down. He listens to his heart, and nothing else. He also listens even more to his delusions. His delusions mask anything. His partner could murder someone and he'd find a way to spin it in his head like they're the victim. (I wouldn't be surprised if he's held someone down while they're in jail because he's that type)
Unconsciously, he pushes down any kind of red flag he gets. Like, my partner just squeezed Bangchan's ass? Well, clearly that's an issue with me. I caught my partner cheating? Clearly I was lacking. My partner just got arrested for shoplifting? Well, they shouldn't have made the clothes so expensive. My partner is mooching off of me? Well, i'm being useful.
This has been genuinely saddening to make, but yeah, that's the conclusion of this reading. Someone check on my man Hyunjin.
Astrological ver.
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gatorbites-imagines · 3 months
Would it be too wild of me to ask for plastic man because my autism chose the silliest guy to be my favorite 💔💔
I dont think this is too insane but I'm literally desperate for any content I'm going to explode I don't even care if it's just headcanons sfw or not or anything I will implode into confetti
this would obviously be with male reader but I don't mind if it's ftm because I am trans so uhmm do whatever
Patrick “Eel” O’Brian
Sfw alphabet
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Plastic man has a special place in my heart too, so I get it. have an alphabet.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It depends on who you are, but assuming that you are his romantic partner, then I could see him being very affectionate. Both physically and emotionally. Since he doesn’t age or has the ability to die, Patrick would hold onto you and love you as much as he could, since there will be a day where he is gonna lose you. Shows his affection mainly through physical affection, its not unusual for some part of him to be coiled around you whenever you guys are together.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Patrick would be a great best friend, he’s ready to square up with anybody who crosses you, always batting for your team as long as you aren’t extremely in the wrong. He has moments where he would be quite insightful as well, if that’s what you needed. The friendship probably starts because you are a hero, villain, etc, too. Or because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Pat loves to cuddle, he wraps himself around you like a blanket most nights. He will keep human shape if that’s what you prefer though, he just loves to be completely wrapped around you and just squeeze you close.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I could imagine part of Pat wants to settle down and just live a normal life, but its hard when you have the powers he has. he would be willing to give it a try though, if that’s what you wanted too. I’m not sure I can imagine him as the greatest cook out there, but I also don’t see him as someone who’s against doing chores and manual labor.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It depends on why you guys break up. If it was something like to keep you safe, then he might come up with some cover or excuse. But if it was for some more painful reason like cheating or something along those lines, then he would be a lot more blunt and just tell his partner to their face that its over and why its over.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like settling down, I can imagine part of Pat really wants to get married. Hes loyal to a fault when it comes to the one he sees as his one and only, and it all depends on his partner how fast he wants to get married. I could see him as the kind to have dated for a short while and think “yup, I’m gonna marry them”, but he doesn’t want to rush you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I think Pat would forget his own strength sometimes, resulting in too crushing hugs or you getting thrown around from he’s excited, but he always apologizes whenever it happens. Hes also gone through quite a lot in his life, so he would have a lot of insight in emotions, but I could imagine its hard for him to talk about at times.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Yes I think Pat doesn’t just like hugs. He loves hugs and he would hug his partner any chance he gets. Just being close to you is a blessing for him, especially if it’s after that time he was “dead” and putting himself back together for thousands of years.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It depends. Some might see Patrick as somebody who would drop the L-word immediately after you guys start dating, but hes also been through quite a lot and has lived a long life with a lot of experiences, so this is an area where I could imagine he takes his time since it’s a very serious word for him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don’t think he gets jealous super easily, since hes sure in his relationship with you. That doesn’t mean he never gets jealous, just that he doesn’t get jealous by small or everyday things. He still get jealous if somebody else flirts with you, which ends up with him hooking an arm around you and butting in in some way.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Like hugging, Patrick would love to kiss. He kisses you all over, littering you in pecks all over your face, neck, hands, etc. but when it comes to kissing you on the lips, Pat would take his time to really put his love in it. he loves to kiss you pretty much anywhere, but he does prefer on the lips. Which is also why he likes being kissed on the lips the most. He comically melts every time you do, since he has the ability to do so.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
In the comics, Plastic Man has a kid or kids, but it all depends on you if you guys have any. I do imagine he’s great with kids though, taking his time with them and letting them feel safe and heard, especially since he grew up with an abusive father. He wouldn’t want kids to feel unsafe around him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Pat is one of those people I can imagine wakes up refreshed and bright eyed, or is it goggled in his case? Hes always more refreshed than you, but he likes to just lay and admire you for a while. Being stereotypically romantic, Pat would probably also bring you breakfast in bed if you guys have time for that. Likes to wake you up with kisses before your alarm goes off.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
When he’s really tired, Pat will just start outright melting or deflating and collapsing on the floor or on top of you, sighing and complaining about how tired he is. Ends up with you dragging his deflated body to bed where you guys can cuddle, which is one of his favorite times of the day. Because of his powers, I don’t think Patrick needs much sleep, but he wants you to get a healthy amount of sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He comes across as a very easygoing and bright guy, but I think it would actually take quite a while for Patrick to open up about himself and his past, like his childhood or how he used to be a criminal, unless you somehow already knew that, like if you were a hero too. Things would get told little by little over time as he starts to feel safer and deeper connected, most stuff you learn being from comments or things he does without thinking too much about it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
When it comes to you and everyday things, I think Patrick would have quite a lot of patience. Why get angry about not being on the same page about dinner, or who needs to do which chore, especially when you can live and have lived as long as Patrick. He would get frustrated and angered if you put yourself in danger though.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He shocks you by remembering quite a lot about you, remembering small details you have mentioned maybe once or twice. He tries to remember important days too, but he never feels bad if you don’t remember it in return.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you agreed to be his partner, or if you guys are married, when you said yes to marry him. Other than that, his favorite moments are the small everyday domestic things, like going shopping together, cooking together, or just sitting and watching a movie.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Being a superhero, there is a level of protectiveness in Patrick, especially with the kinds of baddies he fights and the kind of rivalry he has going on. He doesn’t joke about your safety, and would also make sure you teach you how to defend yourself, or get you in contact with other heroes that could keep you safe if he couldn’t.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Goes comically over the top, its honestly charming how much he cares. Like the type to set up a whole thing on the beach with balloons, roses, candlelight and the works. If you don’t like huge shows though, Pat would do something more lowkey but just as meaningful.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I could see a bad habit of his being not telling his partner when he goes on missions, or dangerous missions. I don’t think he does it on purpose most times, it just slips his mind since its such a normal part of his life. He always makes sure to apologize and make up for it though, and he does try his best to remember.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Pat would act like he doesn’t care too much about his appearance. But I think after a while of dating you, he might start doubting himself, seeing as he has one outfit and one color scheme. Hes pretty good at hiding it, but you’ll figure it out at some point where you reassure him that it doesn’t bother you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would. Those times he’s gone longer periods without his partner always left him feeling hollowed out and like something important was missing. This is also why he does his best to live life to the fullest with you, since he knows there is gonna be a day where its just gonna be him. He doesn’t want to think about it, but he lays awake at night sometimes thinking about it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
A cat person. He doesn’t hate dogs, he just likes cats more. He always jokes that they’re long and loose like he is, and that like cats, he’s a liquid too.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If you were a judgmental person, and didn’t believe that people could change if they truly wanted too. With his background and experiences, I couldn’t see Patrick dating somebody who looked down on others, especially if that other person was in a bad spot.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Clingy sleeper, like you don’t need a blanket because he just turns into the blanket and wraps around you like a burrito. Better get used to not being able to move too much at night, it’s like a sleeping bag, or like a bat with its wings wrapped around it.
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cat-mentality · 1 year
One day people on this forsaken site will realize Cellbit is not nearly as trusting and naive as he makes himself to be, and that is the day I will finally be at peace.
Cellbit knows he isn't trusted!
He has known this since the very moment he got back and he acts accordingly because this man values trust and loyalty more than anything and he knows how to protect himself, it's just that the way he chose to go about it is not the way people expected.
The Order is an open secret. Because Cellbit wants it to be. He wants people to be included in the investigation, he wants to show them that they are trying to go against the Federation, that they are the problem and leaving the Island should be a main goal. Even if some of the members are so very obviously very fine with said Federation he still wants them to know what is going on.
Foolish is a friend. We all joke that Cellbit is his biggest apologist and honestly I think there is a bit of truth here in the way Cellbit remembers how, even in the middle of his darkest moment, Foolish was still there, he was one of the people who didn't judge him for any of his actions and that is a very important ally to have.
I think Cellbit also understands that Silly Guy Foolish is much more clever than anyone gives him credit for, and much darker as well, and in the end he will choose the side that benefits him and his family more.
And Cellbit wants that side to be the Order, not only as "fuck you" to the Federation, but because he sees a friend in Foolish. Is he someone he really trusts with all his secrets? Absolutely no, but he is someone he cares about and care for him is very tightly connected to trust.
And Jaiden!!!!! Cellbit knows Jaiden is very fond of Cucurucho but she is also someone he cares about, someone who is also very dear to his husband, and he also knows very well what loneliness can push you to do. He doesn't want her to feel excluded because he understands that will be the quickest way of shoving her into the Federation's arms.
So he keeps her close. He shows her the games the Federation plays with them, he exposes their cruelty and manipulation, he offers her a place and he hopes that it will be enough.
Cellbit has experience with how quickly things can go downhill in a group when he refuses to share knowledge with people, when he tries to control them. And he is not that man anymore, he is not the man who isolates himself to the point he has no one to watch his back.
But there are very few people who Cellbit trusts with his darkest secrets, with all the information he has collected. Richas, Roier and Forever. Those are the people who he knows have his back, the ones who would never willingly betray him as long as they could and those are the people Cellbit allows access to his true investigation, mas has a literal hidden room in his castle to store the important things he finds and that literally only his close family even knows that exists.
He doesn't show all his cards even if he does share much of what he finds- The truly sensitive shit? The mysteries without a conclusion? Those Cellbit keeps close to his chest, to be shared as the need arrives, if it ever does.
And also, Cellbit is fucking good liar.
So good in fact that he has managed to trick everyone into thinking he is a bad one. So when he does have to actually lie nobody bats an eye because they don't believe he is capable of lying so easily.
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dead-enby-detective · 4 months
I love the Dead Boy Detectives show so I decided to watch the Doom Patrol episode: Dead Patrol which includes their version of the DBD Agency because I was curious about the different portrayals.
(This is a long post, I’m sorry, I have a lot of thoughts 💭)
First- gotta say, it’s wild that Ruth Connell plays both versions of the Night Nurse (when I heard her voice in the Doom Patrol episode I was like !!!) when they are SO gosh darn different.
In DBD she still feels like a person. We, as the audience, know she’s in the wrong about the boys but we can also see her point of view. If the show continues I’m excited to see where they take her character.
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In Doom Patrol… she’s just creepy AF! I mean she’s a horror movie monster whose face splits apart and turns people into zombies by throwing up on them like WTH? I’m good with not seeing her again, no matter how well Ruth plays her lol.
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Anyways props to Ruth fr because dang, she’s got RANGE.
Speaking of the Night Nurse-
It’s interesting to see the different reactions the boys have in the Doom Patrol episode to her compared to in the show.
Firstly, in Doom Patrol they already know her versus in DBD we see them meet her for the first time.
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In Doom Patrol they’re kind of chill about it, like this is an enemy they have to deal with now and again, nbd versus in DBD it’s a new threat they don’t know how to handle. It feels like there’s far more weight in DBD to their interaction, in my opinion.
But I think the understanding versus uncertainty of her also impacts their overall reactions to the threat of her.
Both Charles’ react to one) protect Edwin and two) get the Night Nurse to get the heck away from them.
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While trying to get the Night Nurse away DP Charles hits her with a bat and DBD Charles with the lullaby machine and then DP Charles throws a grenade and DBD Charles kicks her into a giant fish’s mouth.
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Now obviously: different actors, writers, universe, 8 episodes versus 1 but it’s interesting to note that the Doom Patrol boys are much less reactive to their own/each other’s violence.
DP Edwin doesn’t react much to DP Charles hitting the Night Nurse and then throwing an explosive at her, DBD Edwin however is devastated by DBD Charles’s intense reaction to the Night Nurse trying to take them away/separate them:
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DP Edwin doesn’t really say anything about it just kind of tells her off and DBD Edwin tells Charles his reaction was extreme.
Then in the aftermath DP Charles just walks (runs) away from the situation, seemingly fine with the whole thing while DBD Charles breaks down after the whole affair
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Like DBD Charles is wreck by the whole thing.
Again I’m fully aware that having eight episodes dedicated to these characters stories compared to about half of one dedicated to them allows for very different stories but I think it’s neat how different their reactions to violence, their violence are.
Throughout the DBD show the phrase “a good detective does what they must to solve the case” but really, they have instances where they could have used violence to solve or speed up their case work and they actively chose not to, because they truly don’t want to. Charles does, even before this, have moments of violence but it’s clear it’s something that hurts him and it’s not usually his first reaction. They tend to try to avoid being violent if they can.
Compared to the DP dead boys, it feels almost like a means to an end for them. It doesn’t feel like they of out of their way to be violent but also like they’re less likely to avoid it overall. And it doesn’t impact them the same way.
I just think it’s neat how vastly different two portrayals of the same characters can be especially with such core traits.
They’re the same characters, different fonts and it’s so fun to compare and contrast.
I have more thoughts but this post is getting pretty long so I think I’ll make another post/posts about em later.
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deacblues · 9 months
In your opinion, what makes a good spider-variant design? I'm trying to avoid the pitfall of "bunch of normal ass clothes over the suit" I typically see, but also struggling to come up with anything that's clearly a spider-man when you look at it and doesn't confuse with peter parker's spider-man
That's a good question! So good that I'm going to bust out the proper capitalization and everything.
I'll give you a freebie right off the bat, because this is probably going to be a long post: one easy way to distinguish your character from Peter Parker is to draw them with a different body type. That way, even if their costume was similar to Peter's, it would obviously not be him.
Now, before getting into what I think makes a good Spider-Man design, I feel obligated to speak on what makes a good superhero design. Namely: Keep it simple, stupid! The best superhero costumes are pretty easy to draw, probably because they were designed to be drawn a million times by a million different artists. These costumes are simple enough that they can reduced to bands of colour and stay recognizable.
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I promise that keeping your design simple will undoubtedly make it better-- or at least more superheroic, because this applies to Spider-Man, too!
Onto making a Spider-Man costume that is recognizably Spider-Man, but clearly not Peter Parker's. Obviously this costume is going to look different than Peter's classic costume, so we could start by figuring out what about that costume we can change. Thankfully, they already stripped Spider-Man down to the essentials in 1984.
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Mike Zeck's black costume identifies these necessary elements of Spider-Man's costume:
Those luchador eyes
The front and back spider emblem
Form-fitting tights
The rest of the costume (the segmented colours, the web pattern, etc.) are basically fine for you to ignore or change at your leisure. Okay, maybe not... you could just draw Green Lantern and put a spider on his chest and back, and that probably wouldn't make for a great Spider-Man. But it's a place to start, at least. As long as you're putting serious thought into this costume, though, you should be able to ignore pitfalls like that.
Hey, speaking of thought, I thought I should cover some of those extraneous details Ditko included in his iconic Spider-Man design! Namely the way he chose to segment the reds and blues, he actually put loads of thought into it:
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Namely, the high-rise gloves and boots help Peter's costume remain invisible beneath his civvies. I actually think these logistics are important to consider when designing a Spider-Man costume (or really any costume).
Anon mentions the "bunch of normal ass clothes over the suit" trend in spider-design in their ask, which I was happy to see because it means I can talk about something that really bugs me about recent Spider-Man stuff: How does Spider-Man stick to walls through regular shoes? No, seriously? Think about it for a second! When Miles wears Jordans over his Spider-Man costume and tries to stick his feet to a wall, wouldn't his feet just stick to his shoes instead?
Ditko rationalized this by deciding that Spider-Man can stick to walls through thin fabrics, but that rule has basically been forgotten. Despite how I sound, I'm mostly fine with this change (this is a textbook 'rule of cool' case), but these kinds of things are worth thinking about.
In that vein, keep in mind that Spider-Man's superpowers really lend themselves to acrobatics. Your spider-character probably shouldn't be wearing a suit of armour, or something that would greatly restrict their movement or sticking ability. That's why I labelled "Form-fitting tights" as a necessary characteristic of a Spider-Man costume earlier on in this post.
Before I wrap this up, one more thing you can try doing if you're stumped is looking at real life for inspiration. Whether that's going back to the old strongman outfits that gave way to the original superhero costumes, looking at modern day equivalent athletic wear, or even looking at actual fashion (as long as you're not just putting that fashion over the suit), there's bound to be something that could give you ideas.
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averygayplant · 2 years
Nahhhh, cause listen up Ninjago tumblr, I'm about to take ya'll on a ride
Misako, right? Lloyd's mom, dropped him off at a boarding school designed to teach kids to be completely evil when he was literally a fucking baby, we forgave her for some reason and now she's sorta kinda not really involved in Lloyd's life.
So, here's the issue: Lloyd is a fucking blonde We all know this, it's a funny laugh in the fandom, silly blonde little emo- Take a look at his parents, though. Neither of them were blonde. In fact, both of them were literally brunettes.
Now, obviously this isn't actually indicative of anything, considering that being blonde is a recessive gene and that both Garma and Misako could have easily had it. But then you remember that Wu, who was blond, was actually fighting Garma for Misako at one point, and that she was convinced she loved both of them before that letter got swiped. Then you remember that in her debut, she and Wu had some pretty high-strung romantic tension pretty much off the bat and continued to have it throughout the entire series.
But, hey, maybe Misako just regrets who she chose, she's not a homewrecker and Lloyd is still Garmadon's son.
But then I feel obligated to remind you about how the Spinjitzu brothers acted in their youth. Garmadon is portrayed as responsible and mature since day 1, while Wu is shown time and time again to have been childish and naively optimistic. Even at his lowest points, though, Wu is consistently portrayed as unfailingly good natured and trusting to the point of fault- retaining this trait even as a much wiser man. Remind you of anyone? Because, ya know- But, hey, maybe you're not convinced. After all, Garma was a pretty good person before the poison got to him, and even after that he did his best to make Lloyd feel supported as much as he could, being an evil warlord trapped in the underworld, and all that. Allow me to continue, then. Ignoring the fact that Misako and Wu continued to have a weird flirtatious thing going on and off for several seasons, there's also the fact that, of the First Spinjiztu Master's two children, Wu was the one influenced by the Dragon, by the 'light', so to speak. Then you have Lloyd, the only grandson of the FSM. No matter how hard he tried, he lacked the resolution it took to even properly pretend to be evil, and we swiftly learn this is because he is destined to be the Green Ninja, a wielder of light and energy that is meant to directly oppose the shadows. Anyway, both of them are blond, and while there is no solid proof of Misako being a whole ass liar about who Lloyd's dad is, my personal disdain for her has led me to take this list of thematic connections and fucking run with it-
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nayeonline · 1 month
MADE IN KOREA: EP. 1 (my thoughts on the tv show for that british kpop bg sm decided to do for some unknown reason)
So if you didn't hear, SM Entertainment is the latest kpop company to dip their toes into the concept of a western kpop group - we had VCHA from JYP and their show A2K, KATSEYE from HYBE with their show Dream Academy (and I believe upcoming Netflix docu-series?), and now we have 'Dear Alice' from SM with the show 'Made In Korea: The K-Pop Experience'. Unlike the previous two groups, Dear Alice is a boy group, and are specifically all British, whereas the girls of VCHA and KATSEYE are from all over the world. As your local british kpop stan with access to BBC iPlayer (where this show is streaming) I decided to watch and drop my thoughts on the show and see if its any good, basically.
Right off the bat, the pitch to SM was clearly: 'we will make you a new One Direction' - like you can easily pick out of the lineup who is supposed to be Harry and Zayn and so on. It's not a stupid idea because after South Korea, the UK is probably the biggest exporter of music groups beloved internationally, but I doubt whether kpop stans will take to this well. At least they are promoting this on the BBC, directly to the UK, which is presumably their target audience.
They keep calling this whole thing an 'experiment' which it obviously is, but the higher ups at SM seems to be very on edge about the whole thing - after the groups first performance to Heejun (the director basically) she called a fucking emergency meeting with the SM team and the british producers - there generally seems to be a lack of confidence in the success of the group.
In the beginning of the episode they briefly mention (but for the most part gloss over) the audition process for this show, claiming they chose the five boys for their talents in singing and dance. Throughout the episode though it becomes apparently clear though that they (in the nicest way possible) don't really hold a candle to the debuted idols from SM. The whole show is based on this 'make a british kpop group in 100 days' gimmick, but the truth of the matter is you need a lot more than 100 days to become idol level good at dancing and singing - most idols train for 2 years minimum, some upwards of 6. I have no idea why they didn't choose boys with more preexisting skill in the audition process, or just give them longer to train - perhaps there could've been a bootcamp for a month before the going to korea bit to build basic skills - none of the 5 seem to be overly familiar with the kpop industry and it seems that pretty much all of their context as to what is expected of an idol is drawn from the SMTOWN concert they attended before their training began. They came off as quite unprepared, and Heejun's harsh comments to them in their evaluation clearly came as bit of a surprise to them. It is only episode one though, so i think if anything, now they know the level they are supposed to be at.
All of them apparently have a background in theatre or dance in some capacity (one of them is a tiktoker... ok) but only Dexter and maybe Reese struck me as having much aptitude for kpop dancing, but again it is only episode one so I'll cut them a little bit of slack. They struggled a lot with coordination and accuracy, but from my perspective as a dancer myself and kpop stan, the dance they learned to their song 'Feel the Vibe' (we will get to that don't worry lol) was not what I would call hugely difficult?? the members other than Dexter lacked a lot of fluidity but none of them were awful and I think with a lot more training they could be quite good. Olly seemed to struggle a lot with the dance, and there was some chatter from the producers that members could be cut, and if I had to guess anyone right now to be dropped (momentarily, I'm assuming anyone they kick is going to pull a Momo and be brought back) it would be him.
The song 'feel the vibe' is like.. what you would get if you asked an AI to spit out a 'boy group song' - it has a little bit of RIIZE energy so I wouldn't be surprised if this was an abandoned demo of theirs, but it also feels a little kidz bop? lmao? It's fine basically, not very exciting but not totally unlistenable. My main concern is that its quite a high song especially in the chorus, and the boys seem to struggle to hit the notes. Giving them a song that is out of almost all of their ranges is kind of setting them up to fail especially when they had a week only to learn it. Their poor vocal performance also explains why Heejun was so unconfident in this groups success - SM is is the kpop company known for its vocalists, being able to sing like Ningning or Taeyeon may not be necessary to succeed and debut in other big companies, but in SM vocals are crucial. Again they did only have a week, so at the very least potential is there.
They did a lot of b-roll content of them seeing the sights of Seoul, they did a gangnam style bit (god help me) met with Shindong (...), met RIIZE and TEN of WayV etc etc which was cool i guess - i hope this is a mainstay in the series and not just an introductory element.
Overall the show is not boring by any means, if a little cringey at times, my only concern is that the group that will emerge on the other side will not be up to par? I guess we will see.
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
Bruce Wayne meeting you would include
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Masterlist | Taglist | Library | More Bruce Wayne | AO3
synopsis: When a new journalist moves to Gotham City (and by choice, can you believe that?), Bruce Wayne discovers that he isn't prepared to overcome everything and everyone.
warnings: fluff. grumpy x sunshine. optimistic reader. being a hostage in a bank robbery. threats of murder. fighting. no one dies cuz he is Batman duh.
note: basically, I love him so much that I took the reader-insert and turn it into a author-insert by making the reader a journalist :D
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• Who, in full conscience and access to information, would choose to live in Gotham City? Well, you did. There were many reasons for you to not leave your old life behind and move to Gotham (the majority of them involving violence and death), but you also had so many reasons to forget about all that and at least try.
• You have a reputation in the journalistic world, and the Gotham Broadcasting Company has expresed interest in having you as announcer and columnist. And it turns out that Gotham is spending a lot of money into convincing people with degrees to stay there. Is not like you would be rich or anything near that, but it would be easier than in your hometown.
• Also, its not like the place you lived before was that good. You found a really great job that actually pays well, a great apartment that costs quite the same as your old one, and maybe there you could do something good. Thats why you chose this job: to spread knowlegde is to change peoples lifes. And in a city with such a bad political environment, anyone with good intentions will make a difference.
• Like Batman. Not that you think of yourself as someone as great as Batman, but you can't help yourself from daydreaming. Batman is there, making more good things than half of the elected politicians, and for what? He is not gaining money, or fame, or status. No one knows who he is. He is just helping because he can.
• Would he agree to be interviewed if you was a hostage in a bank robbery? A bank robbery happens at least once a week, so maybe...
• What you didn't expect was that, well, it would work. Not that you really was a hostage just to get a interview with Batman, you were just trying to solve a problem with your bank manager and then one person screamed to everyone to lay on the floor and one thing lead to another and suddenly you were a hostage.
• The only thing everyone need to do was to lay down in silence but what did a women just did? Yes, she runaway. While crying. Really loud. Obviously it wouldn't work, but it did start a clutter. You felt one of the thieves lifting you by your hair and demanding to everyone to shut up or they would start killing people.
• And then Batman came in. And he was... wow. He jumped into the bank by a windown, crushing a thief and fighting with two others near. The man holding you started to walk backwards, yelling something to his gang. They did fought back but who would win against Batman? When remained just the man holding you and Batman, he did threatened to kill you. But with just one move Batman threw his bat shapped blade and the thief fell back, already unconscious.
• You would have fallen to the ground if it wasn't for him. You may be dead if it wasnt for him. Batman was more than just a guy with a mask. He was a hero. Your hero. And when he asked you, with that rough and deep voice that chills you to the bones, if you were hurt... of course you said the only thing that no one with a good mental health would say.
• "Are you interested in giving an interview to Gotham Broadcasting Company?"
• Bruce Wayne is prepared to everything and everyone. He is ready to defeat any hero or villain. He knows how to use all kinds of weapons, and how to transform anything into a weapon. Bruce knows all types of combat styles, is polyglot and is can manage his family enterprises. And yet, that took him by surprise.
• Batman didn't answer you, not with words at least. Because that night, trying to sleep but failing miserably, you could still hear his laugh. And it was enough. At least by now.
• If only you could imagine that, at same time you were hearing his surprised laugh on your bedroom filled with moving boxes, Bruce Wayne was thinking about giving an interview to Gotham Broadcasting Company.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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getvalentined · 11 months
What are your thoughts on the First SOLDIER trio(Glenn, Matt, and Lucia)?
To be completely blunt, I'm not a fan.
I've got a long-winded and spoiler-filled explanation that I'm putting under a cut, but to put it simply I hated them to start, but I'm comfortable putting up with them now. The story is going to have to do a fair measure of work if SE wants me to do more than put up with them—but I admit that's entirely possible, because the narrative and characterization shift in Chapter 5 impressed me so much I actually want to see where things go.
As stated, I started out pretty much hating them, because their whole dynamic seemed super forced (to put it lightly) and it felt as if the narrative wanted me to see them as fun quirky people while they're running around assisting in literal genocide. That's pretty fucking bad. The FS trio aren't lifelong victims of Shinra's propaganda machine like the cast of CC, either! Lucia is clear from jump that Shinra is in the midst of wiping out the Rhadoran people and that's why they're likely to be violent, and they're justified in that response; she doesn't like it, but maybe they shouldn't have turned on Shinra and then they wouldn't have this problem. Glenn is not only okay with it, he kinda seems excited to get into it. Matt poses himself as perfectly comfortable with the whole affair.
In the first three chapters, these characters come off as genuinely evil people under a thin veneer of extremely forced hijinks.
Glenn referred to Refu by the name of Shinra's propaganda mascot and then declared that he was going to shoot him to death in order to create a diversion. Matt subtly noted to Glenn that they were probably going to have to murder the kid that just saved their lives because he appeared to be Rhadoran. Lucia and Glenn both referred to native Rhadorans as monsters.
Glenn doing the mission to get money for his dying grandmother, who is implied to be his only living family, was almost good! And then it was immediately revealed that the only reason he doesn't have money is because he gambled it all away when she went into the hospital. His refusal to refer to Matt by anything other than a nickname that he obviously hates and asks repeatedly that he stop using was almost worse. The fact that Lucia fucking trained him and he's ordering her around because "I'm the leader!" is literally repulsive.
The narrative seeming to push that all of this is okay because these are the main characters and they're friends so they're allowed to treat each other like literal shit and also they're Funny! so it's okay that they're behaving like actual monsters? That made the first three chapters of First SOLDIER a teeth-grinding, sickening experience that I'd like to never repeat.
The revelation in Chapter 4 that they aren't actually really friends, that Glenn chose Matt and Lucia to come with him on the mission because they trained together and he doesn't seem to really know anyone else? That was good. That was genuinely good, and I appreciate it. The slow building implication that their horrible behavior has been them trying to out-posture each other was also very good, to the point that I assumed it was wishful thinking on my part—until Chapter 5, when Sephiroth does what they never would have, and they react with appropriate horror.
The sheet gets ripped off and it's proven that no, they're probably not evil, they've just all been trying very hard to be the biggest badass in the idiot brigade, and actually that's extremely fucked up. And now there's someone here with more skill than they could possibly match and more trauma than they could possibly comprehend, and their stupid posturing is literally the reason that a kid like Sephiroth is in this position in the first place. Because they insisted that they could do the job without batting an eye, but they were never capable of that level of atrocity—and so Sephiroth, who has nothing but Shinra, has to clean up the "mess" they left. He has to do the hard part, because these shitty adults have been more interested in how they look than how they actually operate.
That? That was fantastic. Sephiroth's massacre and explanatory tirade and subsequent breakdown was brilliant. The response was excellent.
I appreciate the narrative twist, and I'm interested to see where it goes from here. Their interactions and behavior in the Halloween event have given a slightly better look into their actual behavior, and I think they may actually be interesting people! They may be fun characters! I want to see who they are now that they're done pretending they're totally fine killing children, pets, et cetera.
I still don't like them, but I do understand them, and I'm eager to see where they go from here. They may even win me over eventually.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
*approaching hornets' nest with a baseball bat* it is 1:30 AM and I have opinions about Jason, Nico and Will's dynamic and what I want it to be in TSatS. But I will put them behind a cut (provided it works properly, I am on mobile).
First: Nico loves Will. I feel like this should be obvious all things considered. But I keep seeing people saying that Will's a rebound or a consolation prize because Jason (or occasionally Percy) was taken, and... no. Nico loves Will. He loves Will so much that when he looks at the personification of love itself he sees Will. That's not a rebound situation! Nico chose to be with Will because he wants to be with Will, not because "the better options were taken". I'd say at the absolute most Jason already being in a relationship made the decision easier, but Nico chose Will because he wanted Will.
Second: Nico also loves Jason. Whether you view it as romantic or platonic he 100% loves Jason. Personally some things in both he and Jason's POV chapters in BoO make me think that both of them had at least some romantic feelings towards each other, but what pushes me into really thinking that there was definitely something there is the bit in the excerpt where Nico is speaking to Favonius in his dream and (paraphrasing, I don't have the excerpt in front of me) he asks "Will Jason be there when I talk to Cupid?" and Favonius replies "No, he's gone, they all go eventually", because that last bit feels like it's referring back to Favonius's relationship with Hyacinthus and how that was an explicitly romantic relationship that could've been something other (and maybe even better) than it was but was ultimately cut off by the presence of someone else (and eventually death) and now they'll never know. Which to be clear is not me making a dig at Piper or Will, neither of them did anything wrong and it's a shame I feel like I have to clarify that (and it's not an exact parallel, obviously, Nico sure as hell wasn't responsible for Jason's death for one), but it does lead into my next point.
The dynamic I want here is that Nico loves Will and is so happy with him, but Jason is always going to be his biggest "what if". And importantly that does not in any way devalue his relationship with Will! You can be in love with two people, and choose one of them, and still wonder what your life would be like if you'd chosen the other without that lessening your love for the one you did choose! But there's always going to be that little niggling voice, sometimes easy to ignore and sometimes not, asking what if. What if Jason and Piper had broken up earlier, before Nico and Will really started heading towards a relationship? What if Nico had really probed his own feelings for Jason and considered what exactly it was he felt for the guy? What if he'd sat down with Will and Jason and the three of them had had a talk about feelings and romance and where they wanted to go (because polyamory is an option here, Nico has two hands and all)?
And the really fun and angsty question: If Jason had ended up dating Nico, would he still be alive? Because the impression I got was that he went to school in Pasadena to be close to Piper, so if he was dating someone who stayed at camp for the year... maybe he would've gone to school in Manhattan. Maybe he would've been out of Caligula's reach. Or maybe it was all inevitable and there was nothing that could've saved him, but they'll never know now. And it's that fact, the fact that they will never know what might have been and will never have the chance to explore it, that I think would haunt Nico. They could've been happy, it would've been good (especially with the aforementioned polyamory), and now that path is cut off forever and he will never know what they could have become.
Also: I really want the inevitable pre-ToA flashbacks to show Will and Jason interacting with each other as well as Nico. I feel like they'd be friends, if only in a "We don't actively dislike each other and this person we both really like really likes both of us and would be sad if we couldn't get along, so I guess we're friends now" sort of way.
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lost-eternity · 8 months
Supernatural Matchup -Closed-
This is a matchup trade with @perseephoneee
TW: Substance abuse (alcohol)
Let me know if I am wrong but.... are you a Dean Winchester girlie by any chance?
Idk that’s the vibes I got from reading over your blurb. 
That being said... I am not sure he is the best fit. 
Mainly because y’alls love languages clash hella. I can’t see Dean enjoying physical displays of affection to any extent (especially if it is public) and validation and compliments from him are exceedingly hard to come by. 
He is more likely to insult you than praise you for.... Anything really. 
You would have to thrive off playful banter and keep a tough exterior because Dean would accidentally just take it way too far. While also being okay with never actually hearing him say things like “I love you”. Or anything that indicates he actually cares. 
So I don’t think this would be a super healthy or satisfying relationship. (Obviously besides the fact that Dean, in of himself, is a flag redder than Mars but sometimes we need to be a bit delusional to fuel the soul). 
So, if not Dean then who? 
Well, without further ado here is your mans.
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•──⋅☾CASTIEL ☽⋅──•
Right so, I knew immediately off the bat it was either going to be Cas or Sam. Both of these men are more sensitive and willing to listen. Both would try to take an interest in the things you like and would not disregard them as fanciful or frivolous (looking at you DEAN). But ultimately I strayed more towards Cas than Sam. 
Cas is clueless. We love him, but it is true. 
That being said, he does try his best. He would not understand wtf you are talking about, but he would delight in the way your eyes light up when you begin to speak about something you are passionate about.
The sheer joy that these topics bring you would be enough for the man to be enamored with what you are saying. 
Just be prepared for a lot of questions. 
Because like I said, he is clueless. 
I chose Cas over Sam mostly for this reason, actually. 
While I am sure Sam would do his best to take an interest in the things you like and listen to you when you speak of them, he is much more grounded. I could see him being “too busy” and not devoting his full enrapt attention to you. So you may end up feeling like he is being dismissive of you.
Moreover, you and Castiel are very similar in your self-sacrificing tendencies. Which, I suppose would compound a pre-existing issue. But I also think it means you will take care of each other. 
He would do whatever he can to make sure you are taken care of, even at his own expense. And you would do the same for him in kind. As a result, both of you serve each other in a way that is completely selfless and wholly dedicated. 
Which I think is very sweet. 
But I could see this getting toxic if taken to extremes. So please set boundaries. 
Another reason I selected Cas for you. 
You said that you enjoy emotionally unavailable men. 
Well. Here you go. 
As an angel, Castiel expresses very little external emotion. 
Especially earlier-seasons Cas. 
He is very objective and collective. Which, I suppose would make communication easier. But it would be difficult to rile him up about anything. 
I do not think he would get into many fights or disputes for this reason. 
But I could also see it being very frustrating. 
Trying to coax even the smallest amount of emotion out of this man would be like pulling teeth.
Especially if you are already frustrated with him?
Imagine trying to scold him for his recklessness and disregard for his own life on a past hunt and he just stares at you blankly and hits you with the “Okay.” 
Like, dude. 
Some amount of concern for personal safety would be nice????
Also, it is just really hard to argue with someone who agrees with everything you say.
Perhaps most hypocritically, I could see him getting genuinely pressed if you acted with the same disregard for safety. 
Your self-sacrificing nature reflects his and he would not be happy about it. 
Probably would scold you for your disregard for personal safety. 
And if you try to point out the hypocrisy in his argument he will just get even madder. 
Mainly because he cares. Buit does not really know how to express it. 
And he does not care if he dies. 
But losing you?
Somehow, that is so much worse than death. 
I also think your feistier side would be so cute with Castiel’s deadpan countenance and inability to grasp sarcasm. 
He would try to learn from you. 
But it would come out like a boomer trying to use Gen Z slang.
And you are all just staring at him like “Oh, hunny. No.” 
I think the two of you would play off each other very well.
Similar to how Dean and Cas do in the show. 
He would not get ANY of your references. 
But that is okay because you will force him to get them.
Please educate this man. 
Although he WILL try to also make references. And it will come out super awkward. 
Again he is trying. 
Many date nights for the two of you would likely consist of movie marathons/netflix binging. As it is your sacred duty to update the funny angel man. 
Just wait until you have to explain to him what a Dashcon Ballpit is 💀
Cas strikes me as the type who is silently touch-starved. 
But he would not know what to do with the affection. 
You could run up to him and wrap your arms around him and he just tenses up. 
Not because he does not like it. 
But because he does not understand how to react. 
He eventually learns to crave it and will pout if you don't hug him enough. Not that he’d say this. 
Okay okay but like. Imagine...
Castiel hasn’t been doing too great. He carries the weight of a silent storm, his once calm and reserved demeanor eclipsed by shadows of turmoil and despair. His temper is short, his eyes are defocused and cloudy. He hangs around like a mere shadow of his former self, the fading embers of a dying flame drenched in self-doubt. 
And you have no idea how to help him. 
You are biding your time, your lithe fingers flitting across the worn pages of the novel, tracing the well-traveled path of smudged ink. The world beyond your book seems to fade into obscurity. Each word, each sentence, is a lifeline to a reality untainted by the chaos that threatens to consume your life in the real world. 
The clamor of metal against concrete shatters the fragile illusion of peace. Alarm rips through your spine and you immediately spin around, instinctively reaching for one of the blades positioned by the reading table. 
And there he stands, a disparaged silhouette against the threshold of the doorway. Castiel is leaning against the wall, his iconic trench coat stained with a mystery liquid you would rather not question. His usually-tousled brown hair clings damply to his forehead. His eyes are half-lidded and hollow, haunted by specters of a past he can never reclaim. They wrinkle ever so slightly in the corners as he squints against the dim mood lighting of the room. 
The two of you remain there for several moments, merely regarding one another. It is hard to get a reading of the angel’s deadpan visage and your expression is tinged with concern. You open your mouth to speak again but Castiel interrupts. 
"Cas?" you call out, the syllables hanging in the air like an unanswered prayer, but he offers no response.
He awkwardly shuffles forward, his movements hesitant and disjointed, staggering and leaning against the table with a shaky exhale. 
With a trembling hand, he reaches out, his palms are clammy and cold against your wrists. The acrid scent of alcohol bathes your tongue. He pulls your arms up and gently lowers them around his neck then stoops forward, standing there, head hanging. 
Without words, without preamble, you understand.
“You want a hug, don’t you?” 
The words are mumbled so quietly even you can barely pick up on them. 
A frown tugs at the edge of your lips but you do not hesitate. With gentle hands, you enfold him in your embrace. He leans into you, his weary frame finding solace in the warmth of your touch, resting his forehead against your shoulder in silent reverence. 
Okay, depression is over. 
But like.
The same thing would apply to kissing. 
He has no idea. 
Not a clue. 
You will have to train him. 
But it works out because he is not about to be upset or offended by it. He will readily take your advice and apply with exuberance. 
Sometimes too much exuberance. 
Either way, it makes him infinitely better than most men. 
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rel-bis · 2 years
Re-reading Ao no Flag cause I'm buying the physical volumes, so some thoughts specifically about Masumi's ending
So in the ending Masumi marries a man, and as a bi woman I have some thoughts about that, positive and negative. Let's start with the positive
I saw some comments from people saying its not explicit that she's bisexual or that clearly her husband is a beard and she got a sad closeted ending. I was confused about these comments tbh, I believe that it's clearly implied she's bi because of this page:
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Her husband mentions being jealous of both men and women. And then he basically says "she chose a person, not a gender" which is LITERALLY the message bi people have been trying to get other people to understand forever! Even the comment about her "not belonging to either side" is something any bi person can relate to.
Also he's talking with Touma here, and asks him if he "gets it" regarding being jealous of men and women, and Touma responds in the affirmative("Really? You too?") because he's also married to a bi person(Taichi). Just a tiny thing that only makes sense when you learn that Touma is the POV character lol
It's unfortunately a common trope in Japan that sapphic relationships among young girls are not taken seriously and are treated as just a silly playful phase they go through and eventually grow out of. When I saw Masumi ended with a man, I winced, bracing myself for this scenario. However, her husband clearly acknowledges her attraction to women and her bisexuality by saying she didn't "choose a side", she chose him. It's rare to see such a clear messaging of bisexuality in manga, so this dialogue was honestly a very pleasant surprise to me.
Now the negative. I was happy about this sure, but it was also a bit awkward and hard to accept this happening in the very last chapter when for the entirety of the series, Masumi was coded as a lesbian. In real life no one would bat an eye at Masumi, someone who identifies as lesbian and previously only liked women could discover later she's actually bisexual and anyone who judged her for that would be an idiot, same thing if it was the opposite. But this is fiction, and what you portray and HOW you portray it matters.
One of the main evidences of her lesbian coding is that all her relationships with boys in high school fail, even though they're "perfect boyfriends". I guess you could interpret this as, obviously she couldn't force herself to like these boys regardless of gender while she was still in love with Futaba, but that's me making sense of it retroactively, the story doesn't make it clear and "lets you believe" she's a lesbian, because why wouldn't you, that's a pretty common way of coding it.
Another thing is Masumi's conversation with Akiko, where Masumi reveals that her internal struggles come from the fact that she wants to fit in heteronormative society because things would be easier that way. Her happiness comes from the people she loves being happy and not worried about her, which they would be if she "went against" society. So seeing her end up with a man can be uncomfortable as it can be seen as her making the choice to fit in with society.
SO YEAH I have conflicting feelings about this, I thint it definitely could have been handled better. I think the ending was very clear about her being bisexual and I like that, but there's also definitely a conversation to be had about lesbian erasure regarding how her arc was handled, and I understand the feelings of those who were upset and frustrated by it.
Sorry if I forgot anything lol and feel free to add any comments if you have them
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
121. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Midge strides into the Button Club and rests her elbows on the bar as she waits for Joel to turn around.
When he does, he jumps a little in surprise. Got him. “Joel...?” She drawls through a very obviously fake smile.
“Midge...?” He replies nervously.
“I just had a very interesting interview,” she explains. “She asked me about my new boyfriend.”
“Uh...that’s nice?”
“But here’s the funny thing, Joel,” she adds without dropping her smile. “My new boyfriend and I haven’t gone public yet. We’ve been keeping things quiet.”
“And here’s the thing,” she continues, folding her hands on the bar in front of her. “I did a little digging, and it seems that two weeks ago the same reporter did a little profile on up-and-coming clubs, and one of those clubs - ” She gestures to the room “ - was yours.”
Joel at least has the decency to look guilty at that. “So Joel,” she continues, “would you please explain to me why the hell you decided to go against my explicit wishes and tell the press about my relationship?”
“It slipped out, okay!” He cries, and some of the liquid in the shaker he’s holding splashes out. “Shit,” he mutters, grabbing a towel. “I’m sorry!"
Midge finally drops the facade and pinches the bridge of her nose. “There are a million things you could have talked about, and you chose to tell a reporter about my relationship? A relationship that is only a few weeks old, by the way.”
Joel puts the shaker and towel on the bar and leans on his hands. “She was...nice - ”
“And by nice, you mean she flirted with you,” Midge bats back with an arched brow.
“No,” he protests, but the slight reddening of his ears gives him away.
“For fuck’s sake, Joel!”
“I’m sorry!” He shouts again. “But look, I have a business to run here, and if I’ve got a chance to tell a reporter that - ” He lowers his voice “ - Lenny Bruce likes to hang out at my club, I’m going to do it! Because it’s good for my business.”
“Why did you tell her we were dating?” Midge presses.
Joel sighs. “Because she asked. Apparently there have been rumors about you two for a while, and him hanging out at your ex-husband’s club where you happen to perform semi-regularly raised some flags.”
“I know there are rumors,” she tells him. “That’s why we’ve been flying under the radar.”
“Midge, what do you want me to say?” He asks, sounding defeated. “I told you I’m sorry. I am. Even though you think I’m the bad guy, I really didn’t mean to fuck with your relationship.”
She considers him for a long moment, searching for any sign of duplicity, but there’s none. He really does seem to be contrite. “Okay,” she concedes, deflating a little. “I just...I really want this to work. I don’t want anything to scare him off.”
“You think your relationship is really that fragile?” Joel asks, his brow furrowing.
“No,” she answers honestly. “But then...” She eyes him meaningfully.
He sighs. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Did I...did I ever tell you I’m sorry?” He asks. “What I did to you...I was unhappy, and I went about it the wrong way.”
Midge nods slowly. “Yes, you did,” she agrees.
“I’m sorry, Midge. I really did love you.”
She swallows thickly. “I really loved you, too,” she breathes, and they look at each other for a long moment. “Thank you...I didn’t realize how much I needed that.”
He gives her a gentle smile. “And now you have Lenny.”
“And you have Mei,” she agrees. “We ended up where we needed to be.”
He nods again. “So...I should get back to work.”
“Right. Okay. Well, if any reporters come snooping around, just...tell them Lenny likes your lineup of comics. And if anyone asks about us - ”
“He’s your friend, I got it,” he promises.
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notbeyondbirthday · 11 months
Okay. Here me out. I'm LITERALLY supposed to be writing for them right now (the prompt is due tomorrow but guess who's gonna be LATE, probably REALLY LATE) so let's talk about this.
Obviously Beyond Birthday is a blank slate character in a lot of ways. I can only speak to my characterization of him. However, there is something about him we know for certain. He was prepared to throw his entire life away for a chance to defeat L, the World's Greatest Detective.
Light Yagami as Kira arguably achieved what Beyond Birthday set out to do - he defeated L. Not only did he defeat him but he killed him, held him in his arms as he died, monopolized his last moments, his last days, weeks, months, years...
Light Yagami is the criminal L failed to defeat. His humiliation. His subjugation. Everything B ever wanted...everything he lived and died for...accomplished by a police chief's son, a pretty boy who's been in the paper for playing tennis and good grades.
B never had anything Light Yagami had. A family, adoration and praise, (save for the begrudging respect that must come with being one of the best of his generation) acceptance, a place in the world, a choice in what he would become, and depending on how you imagine his past, L's respect and undivided attention.
I like to think that Light reminds B ever so slightly of his rival and counterpart, A, back at Wammy's House. Another blank slate character, but it's popular to imagine A as a contrast to B in certain respects. Usually by making A more prim and proper and concerned with decorum.
Put B in a situation where he isn't stuck in jail or killed by Kira, and what will he have left?
For me, it's revenge against Wammy's House, or Kira, the person who stole the centerpiece of his life right out from under him.
Let him see the kind of person Light Yagami is and it is a goddamn recipe for disaster.
A murderer, no better than him, but with a mask and clean hands. This is the person L chose and lost to. A golden boy, a liar, someone arguably lower and more depraved than him but no one will ever say it. But in this way, B thinks of L and Light as similar...people who have had everything handed to them, and present a facade of infallibility to the world to shield their own weakness and ego.
Um. I'm rambling. The point is B would loathe Light Yagami for so many fucking reasons it is head spinning. Just the concept of him digs up so much trauma and he is the last person Light wants escaping from prison and paying him a visit.
Haha awesome I've barely talked about their dynamic.
I think B would try his damnedest to take Light down a peg and I don't think Light is used to interacting with people so determined to humiliate him, so full of disgust for him right off the bat. He is a wild card, a genius and he has the eyes, there are so many ways he could stick a wrench in Light's plans and I just love the idea of Light being afraid and confused and unable to understand the consequences of his actions, of /L's/ actions because of how far removed he is from L's past.
To Light, B is just some unhinged monster except he's brilliant, terrifyingly brilliant and he cannot understand him nor reason with him, he is more a force of nature than a human being and I imagine it would be hellish and maybe even a little thrilling for Light to try and navigate around someone who will refuse, full stop, to entertain /any/ of his bullshit.
B will force Light to take off his mask and get on his level so they can have a true meeting of monsters. Light is convinced that he is better than Beyond, and Beyond will never let him believe that unchallenged. :)
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