#mouthwashing au
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sodi-yum · 2 days ago
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“don’t try to understand them. Just rope and throw and brand ‘em” - ‘Rawhide.’ by Frankie Laine
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lilbitofsomthin · 1 day ago
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Hey look at that, Curly can talk! Anya doesn’t look too thrilled though 👀
Imma call this Part 1 of the Curly Talks AU (idk if they gave a reason for him not talking in game other than the whole no lips thing / let’s say this is about a month since the crash so his voice could heal up a bit)
I’ll link the next part as soon as it’s done cause I NEED more interactions between these two post-crash 😭
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chobbemoe-art · 2 days ago
also, swansea, does your hair stay actual hair or is it just downy feathers?
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[Additional notes: The hair will stay hair if his body has enough resources to create new feathers, if there aren't enough materials for the specialised keratin production, then the hair turns into feathers. It's harder for larger strands to become full feathers, so sometimes half transformation of the strands happen, when it does, it has the texture of baby plumes.
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fernsproutxx · 2 days ago
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Oooooooh you wanna draw mouthwashing so bad ooooooo
IT WAS BEAUTIFUL, OUUUUGH………… hear me out…
so a while back i saw this post and man…… if you read the tags i put in my reblog you can see where this is going, oh my lord
yesterday the idea crossed my mind again, and i had the opportunity to shout it at the void that is a discord server, but the void suddenly shouted back at me and oh boy did things move fast after that…
so anyways i couldn’t contain myself anymore and decided to draw that jimmy lookalike i was talking about
y’all know that thing that happens when you see an amazing artist and proceed to absorb their knowledge through osmosis when looking at their drawings¿
yeah well that happened to me when looking at @/linkcharacter asdfghjklñ
here’s the silly………. sobs
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and jimmy for comparison
what changed mostly was the eyes and nose really, also he’s my silly i can give him a septum and tooth gap if i want smh
oh and his name is calvin btw, i was having trouble naming this guy but i had this lightbulb moment when being reminded that jimmy was named after a song, so i went through my mouthwashing playlist and picked one that mentioned a name that i liked
ding ding the winner was…
i could yap a lot more about why i really like this name and the implications it has in this pseudo au, but ehh
next step was curly ofc and oh my god i cannot stop drawing that stupid blonde man it’s like a disease, and every time i drew him he looked different BUT I FIGURED IT OUT
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you can see i tried multiple times (i am not showing all my attempts outside of this page because they’re terrible lmfao)
i like giving my drawings little notes on how i rate them, it’s a thing i’ve done since forever heh
all this to say…
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i like tormenting curly even further than he already is :)
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gaykarcist · 6 hours ago
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Best friends :]
Based on the pirate AU made by @/anhaidule on Twitter!
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sl00tmachine · 3 days ago
TW: Blood but mostly Jimmy
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Well, honestly I need some money so I thought about starting selling comissions. If you're interested you can DM me whenever you like and I'll pass you my prices. It's not expensive at all, and you can see more references through my profile. Thanks so much in advance! Have a nice day.
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crescentdream3r · 1 day ago
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first batch of headshot designs for an au I’m developing !!
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anirx · 3 days ago
YESSYESYESYES how did one come up with this… 🙏🏼 ty op
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Hello I bring u a little thought experiment I had: Swapwashing. An au where the tulpar crews professions are all swapped amongst each other but their personalities remain intact hehe
Poor Anya surrounded by idiots and she is on her last strand of sanity
Little character dissection and possible plot under the cut!!
About The Crew
Swansea - The Captain - Swansea is the captain and has been serving for a while. He's made it to the top all the while having settled and had kids with his wife. All in all he's comfortable and self assured to a fault. He knows the ins and outs about the company, so he's able to lead his crew with a bit of of a softer hand and more chummy attitude. This is why he'd view Anya, a younger co-pilot that transferred onto the Tulpar a few years back, as a thorn in his side when she starts worrying about the ship and questioning his practices.
Anya - The Co-pilot - Anya is an accomplished Co-pilot, however she does not strive to become a captain. The work is arduous, tedious, it stresses her out to no end to the point that she's started growing grey hairs at the age of 32. She's a rather anxious person and in turn it makes it hard for her to enjoy her line of work. Instead she wants to keep the ship running well, but she does want to find work elsewhere, preferably in an environment that won't treat her lesser than her male coworkers.
Curly - The Mechanic - A low stress job that allows Curly to flex his muscles is something he enjoys. It allows him time and energy to both focus on his work and wonder what the next chapter of his life will bring. Overall he is outgoing and is looking forward to doing more for his crew; he wants to help them all as best as he can
Jimmy - The Nurse - Curly put in a good word for his friend Jimmy in the pursuit of helping him get a job. This, as well as the requirements for being a nurse while working at Pony Express, means that Jimmy has a bit more power than he's used to. He's keen on harassing his co-workers under the guise of "medical necessity", and he makes many nasty remarks to Anya specifically, disregarding her status. Anything he says or does is a "joke" and Swansea defends that.
Daisuke - The Nurse Intern - Daisuke is sweet, he does his best and tries to learn from the best. But Jimmy isn't exactly a positive influence, and Jimmy actively sabotages Daisuke's learning to ensure he does not become a nurse under Pony Express by feeding him false information and practices. The one thing he can keep alive though is his tamagotchi.
The Plot (WIP)
So my main idea for the plot itself hinges on Anya crashing the ship. While it may not be 100% in character, there's a reason for this. Jimmy isn't exactly the most above board nurse there is, neither is Pony Express. I believe Pony Express would use some cheaper, off brand alternatives to medication, including experimental drugs. Coupled with Jimmy not being the most attentive nurse, while also having ulterior motives, would try to harm Anya in some way. However this would essentially back fire, as the medicine would result in her having a psychotic break and crashing the ship. Her psychotic break would be mostly hallucinations, but they'd be led by her hatred for her situation. After all, the captain who has scorned her for most of her stay gets to have glowing recommendations and a chance at a job after the firing.
When the ship crashes Swansea is the victim, and the story would then follow Anya's guilt for what had happened, as well as her feelings of rage and anxiety as she's now the sole captain of a crew that sees her as lesser.
The story is still a bit of a WIP and i'll be sort of chewing it over, so things are subject to change. BUT that's my premise :D
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makanioverlord · 3 months ago
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me: I wanna make angst and cool art like other artists in the fandom
also me: *draws this instead*
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insomniphic · 4 months ago
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I’ve seen some people do some Regression!AUs of Curly going back in time, but I’m honestly more interested on how someone as clueless as Daisuke would handle the situation.
So here’s a Daisuke Regression!AU
[Next Part]
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a-substantial-trash-pile · 3 months ago
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my interpretation of swansea's wife:
her name is paloma. she's spanish because i heard swansea makes a mean paella and i like to headcanon that he learned how to do that specifically to try and win her heart (spoilers: it worked). i wanted her to give ms. frizzle vibes from the magic school bus series. she likes wearing different cute earrings and is just a funny, quirky auntie. she copes with things with humor. swansea is a softie with her and a total pushover. also she and swansea's dog is a yorkshire terrier named pío. he's a rescue who's missing an eye but that doesn't stop him from doing crimes.
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adamwilliamjohnson · 18 days ago
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mellowsharkpolice · 5 months ago
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Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
First part
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joetastic2739 · 3 months ago
// Jimmy didn't exist AU
Perhaps in another timeline, after countless space trips together, Anya finds peace and love with Curly, free from the darkness that never came.
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eggsistential-breakdown · 4 months ago
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Curly should've killed J*mmy this, Swansea should have killed J*mmy that,
Anya should have gotten to Brokenstar his ass
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Jackshit mouthwashing first human in the dark forest (warrior cat hell)
Edit: part 2 jotulism gets mauled by wcwiwc (warrior cat women in war crimes) in warrior cat hell
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konkeez · 4 months ago
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what if....
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