#i cant tell how i actually feel if this feeling is real or just depression. but i just want to be alone. im fine with people irl and on here
moodr1ng · 1 month
ik im being mean and petty again even tho i just said i was gonna have an apple juice and a pastry but i feel so 🙄🙄 whateverrr... when people are like are you struggling with cleaning due to depression? try this trick! and the trick is ALWAYS a variation of "choose a relatively easy cleaning task you can do in 5-10 minutes and then just motivate yourself to do it because 5-10 minutes is fast". like ohh we are NOT operating on the same level of depression lol. you got no idea...
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g0thsoojin · 2 months
#i regret not talking more w him abt what i wanted#when he said he fantasized abt taking me away from my world and keeping me to himself i shouldve shared my fantasies too#i have this issue where i thini every word i say i need to be held responsible for#but i know that he is like me#he fantasizes abt it but wouldnt do it for real#unless it was 100% consensual#so insstead of being scared of me sharing my fantasies would mean that i'd say i wanted to for real be#non consensually kidnapped by him -_-#i wish i hadnt been so paranoid and just talked to him abt it all#bc now that i know i cant do that anymore... i dont think i'll ever be able to trust or KNOW someone well enough to do that#and like the thing is fantasizing abt being kidnapped and stuff is only smth i feel with *him*#i trust and love him. he would never be actually abusive. all of those dark sides would be safe to explore w him#like yeah it's just that i know and i understand him and i KNOW deep in my heart i'd be safe with him#that doesnt exist w anyone else and idk if i can know anyone else again :((#bc i just /know/ him well bc i get him and we were made of the same stuff#i havent met anyone before that i just know bc i feel like our souls were meant to connect#fuck... it's all making me so depressed i cant believe i fucked up my chance at like profound epic love#it IS once in a lifetime to come across love like that and i messed it up and idk how i'll ever forgive myself#like i see pics all the time that im like omg....#him kidnapping me aesthetic!!!!!! ^-^ but then im like oh yeah#i cant tell him any of this and it will never happen bc he is thinking these things abt another girl!!!!!!#i wanna die </333
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Adults stop telling kids how much "adulthood sucks" challenge. You might be jealous and nostalgic but you never know which one of those kids *already* has an awful life and can't stand the thought of things getting any worse
Btw, if you are that kid, it doesn't get worse. Adulthood actually gets much better, don't let assholes scare you
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mainfaggot · 9 months
in conclusion, I have no choice but to try to recover again. or else another two years will pass me by and I'll be so fucking tired
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thedevotionaltour · 1 year
i think i need to be alone actually maybe forever they're saying it's the sound of the summer to be alone in your own little corner and rot and be a generally miserable person to view
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thatsalotofdragons · 26 days
some other feeling to see it written down that disrupting healing + excessive scratching/picking at skin counts as self harm
#talkin tag#what about biting mr doctor? how do i get my friends to be concerned about my biting too mr doctor?#we have a problem re: self harming cuz like. we arent brave enough to cut . we've tried#we tried age 13 (thankfully we didnt do it then. cuz we were pointing blades at the Inside of our wrists)#(like. that wouldve been SOOO bad we wouldve lost so much blood so quick)#but we just ran a razor across our knee yesterday and didnt cut but ohhhh the urge was THERE#currently experimenting w hair tie on wrist and flicking it every so often#otherwise the biting was good. we're also Excessively biting at our lips#feels a BIT pathetic ngl. like . such a failure u cant even self harm properly#i worry though that 5 years ago it was serious and now its more serious and in 5 years does that mean we actually Do something#see this is why we need to get help. like real actual help#fuck man. self introspection can only go so far#people who arent depressed dont spend hours looking through anti suicide websites watching videos reading articles#dont search up how to cut safely dont genuinely in earnest hold blades to their skin#and nobody TALKS ABOUT IT. we're all fooling around about wanting to die but if the train came would i move?#yeah. i mean. yeah. of course. would i want to?#now there's a damn question.#we're all fooling about saying we shouldn't talk about killing ourselves but can we please be serious for FIVE minutes#because i actually want to kill myself and i dont know who to tell or how to tell it#tw suicidal ideation#tw sui talk
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somefisher · 4 months
Im gonna throw up im sick of feeling awful all the time
#dont want this to become a vent accoutn but i dont like venting on servers 😭#anyway i cant tell whats wrong with me. i dont even know if this is even depression i think i just really hate myself guys#because ive been depressed my whole life and i know what that feels like? maybe its a different kind. i got depression v2.0#but what do i even do about hating myself . like how do i even fix that.#i get mad at myself for not doing anything and then i actually accomplish something and im like. you didnt do it well enough? hello#i think one of my biggest current problems is that i dont like anything. like nothing is enjoyable to me anymore enough to commit to it#but i dont have anything else to do right now so im just sitting around wasting away and starting things but not finishing them#like what am i supposed to do. im not unhappy all the time but nothing is fun im just existing#i was joking but maybe I actually did unlock depression 2#which is another problem because none of my mental illnesses have ever been treated in a helpful way in my entire life#and i have some kind of if not multiple undiagnosed neurodivergences definitely. but im scared to try and get them diagnosed#because the last time i did i got told it was anxiety (IT WAS NOT I DONT HAVE ANXIETY ANYMORE AND I STILL HAVE THE SAME PROBLEMS)#and i cant even get anything done because i need help to do anything!#i feel so useless i cant do anything on my own because i just dont care enough id rather just like. sit here and die i guess#like im not even close to being s******* i know what thats like and its so much worse. thats part of why i feel so bad im not even that SAD#i just dont care. i think ssris fucked up my brain can i be real#oughh whatever. rant over back to playing pokemon#vent#talking#can i get an emotion. please one spare emotion#reading all of this back i truly think i just need to be pit on stimulants. but how do i get there i dont even have a psych rn...
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early-october-skies · 6 months
I can not sleep
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You could drink your whole life away and still never get that taste out of your mouth.
half commission for @salempie half completely self indulgent dreck pieced together from our insane conversations abt franke and elka. told myself id finally write a big explanation for all of the dum shit between these two for context so Thats Under The Cut.
so I already wrote some stuff about elka and franke's relationship back in whispering rock so feel free to look at that too . it goes over elkas blindness/‘seeing’ with clairvoyance and how her and franke started talking & all that good stuff
SO FOR STARTERS. a lot of thsi wont make sense without a big breakdown of elka herself. because elkas potential as a character is like insane to me. like just the idea of her in the long run of her life reads as something so potentially tragic; a young girl whos plagued with visions of doom and destined to be an outcast even in her own home for things she cant control and clings to the One vision of her wedding that she thinks is 'happy' even despite the fact she doesnt really love the person in it. im choosing to take the li-po doc as canon here because its funny shes the only one with backstory-
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but my fucking god even the smallest look into what her parents are like is soo fucked up to me. and i do think elka especially gets a lot of influence from her mother; its funny how easily you can fit mabel doom into a box just from what elka says about her. knees deep in an avon-esque pyramid scheme and leaning into her daughters depressing ass visions & taking her to therapy at age 11 (which would be good if not for the kind of person you can already assume she is & so i doubt the therapist she has really does her any good. i think they share one). she reads as a very I Am My Daughters Best Friend type of mom to me and i can see elka being a centerpiece of the conversation when she has her Amway Girls over for drinks. wine-mom that lets her kid sip from the glass so she can feel like a big girl type deal.
and you can tell that elka is trying to hard to be too mature for her age even in her campster posts. how she writes letters to nils' mom and exchanges baking recipes with her and that feels like she really only interacts with middle aged women and not really many people her own age outside of camp (like her moms friends). which makes sense shed feel the need to ‘grow up’ early when shes probably had to process so many hard things at a young age bc of her visions.
theres a lot of filling the blanks here of course.
elka obsesses over nils to an overbearing degree even despite the fact he treats her like shit ('you promised no talking' and so on) and she treats him bad right back. she leans onto stereotypical heterosexual ideals like taking care of him and overblowing how Manly and Protective JT is and she admires romance stories like pride and prejudice and it feels like she Projects Soooooooo much of what she wants onto boys she barely feels anything for without knowing what its actually supposed to feel like. and clearly she WANTS that ideal future, a happy marriage, an actual romance- but according to nils even when they were dating she ignored him most of the time, which just seems Very Telling
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like shes filling a role, overcompensating for emotions and lacktherof she cant digest quite yet, and it only makes more sense when you know shes had visions of their future together. how could that be bad for her? shouldnt it be like the books and movies? but she doesnt really connect the fact that her visions are only for Doomed futures, and if she does she certainly doesnt show it. Doomed relationships. it's been a part of her family for generations and she isn't turning out much different, is she? i dont think she even realizes thats all she ever sees yet, just that its Going to happen. that it's Her future, and it always will be
and like, her only reference for a real marriage so far has been her own parents, and she already Knows they have an affair, and theyre doomed to split, (and i actually like to think they were in rough waters anyway and elka was a child meant to mend a crumbling marriage but thats a whole other thing) and so without a framework for what an actual healthy relationship is supposed to be like she cant really grasp that her relationship with nils Isnt that and isnt ever going to be. she can only cling to this one happy idea of the future, and thats why she keeps chasing him, self fulfilling the actuality of her situation and creating and fostering the unhappy life they will inevitably live together.
and that bleeds into everything else in her life, of course, because as the years go on, as the visions grow in number it just makes sense for her to fall into the predictability of her life. she always knows whats going to happen, her visions are Never wrong- so why try to change things? shes had time to process tragedies days, weeks, months, years before they happen, shes had time to settle into every crack of her life. her parents divorce, her various break ups, her future with the psychonauts.
“and she's already seen so much of a future with [nils] she feels trapped almost. Like she has to be happy in it or else it just means her life is miserable. And it's a mixture of pride and fear of the unknown that keeps her clinging to the One thing she knows. BUT LIKE!!! She knows what's gonna happen! It's easier to grieve when she's been grieving for years... She wants so badly to be happy, But to do that she has to step into the unfamiliar. And that's more terrifying than staying the same miserable person she's always been.”
and thats where franke comes in— and yeah you Do have to take a lot of liberties for frankes character since it’s basically, like, all the info for her is just that shes a Supreme Baby Dyke but thats enough for me. i think she has protective butch itch in her . on campster shes defensive over other women evidenced in the way she keeps watch over the girls cabins for lili when elton is pursuing her . but shes also eager to please and constantly trying to make kitty laugh and also Very naive. but she tries! and i think it only solidifies more as she gets Older and really gets a hold of her feelings & her powers. this is incredibly franke to me
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and i think as they grow older together— because i think franke and elka Do stay friends, both because elka is just pathetic and needs that positive connection even if she doesnt realize it and because i think franke is a very Loyal person & annoyingly persistent if you let her be . and i am also a kitty/franke truther. because kittys also important in this web we weave
because i think franke and kitty stay together after camp, to a point— theres a falling out facilitated on kittys end and they break up, but reconnect, and franke kind of... saves kitty from herself a little, from her strict military father whos love only extends thru finances , from her own stifling future , she drives all the way to bakersville in her shitty van handmedowned from her dad and they move in together eventually . they get jobs at the motherlobe , because it’s a pipeline to a decent job, because it’s whats easy, because franke doesn’t really have a future, because she’s never really been good at much, because shes never had much sense, because franke doesnt really care as long as she can live and help, sometimes, if she can, and because kitty’s there, and because elka’s there, and shes so used to being elkas eyes now and shes good at it. shes good at being the muscle of the missions when her colleagues lack it, when hypnosis and predictions arent enough. she likes it that way.
and elka appreciates frankes company. she listens, shes sweet, she does little things for her that no ones ever really put the effort for before; she likes her. franke is strong and bold and makes her laugh and shes always there but god elka cant let go of that future, of that box shes put herself in, that her mothers put her in, of being a Good Wife to a Loving Husband, of getting married normally and falling into unfailing familiarity. thats all shes ever wanted and shes not going to jeopardize that . not for franke, who may not be a boy but is handsome like one, whos always held her after every break up with nils and the men that filled empty days inbetween.
and elka is too stubborn to recognize those feelings anyway. too prideful to accept a way out. too set in her cycle no matter how much she hates it, her little self fulfilling tragedy of her own making, wallowing in her own doom. she struggles for control of her own life when she feels like every choice has been made for her anyway, she puts up her walls and carefully constructs what people see. but franke was always harder to trick, because while empathy isnt a particularly useful psychic power it’s certainly an inconvenient one. all franke has to do is get too close and all those carefully crafted walls fall apart, and elkas control is gone, and thats all she really has. and she tries to distance herself, really she does, but franke is also too persistent. and elka wears gloves, keeps contact that would make her walls crumble from happening as best as she can, but she cant really keep herself from the brief moments where she feels like someone actually fucking cares about her.
and that slightest lack of control, the need to wrestle it back is why she proposes to nils the next time theres a falling out— she knows how it happens, she plans every detail. and he accepts, despite everything. gets her a cheap ring and it feels like lead on her finger and its nothing at all like how shed thought it to be when she was a kid, theres no feather light feeling in her chest, only that dreadful reality that she cant turn this back. BUT WHAT CAN U DO LMAO
elka doesnt tell franke about this engagement until later, on their way back from a mission. late at night when neither of them can sleep, and franke invites elka to smoke in her van, because its been so long since theyve been alone like that, because elkas been so strangely absent lately. and because of everything, because frankes always so damn nice, because elka hates the feel of the ring on her finger, because she let herself get high alone with franke fucking athens whos always been so good at pulling her apart— the truth of it all spills out and its messy and emotional and she hates it, she hates the life shes made for herself, but franke makes it easier to bare and now shes here and shes so close and god she wishes she could see her smile again, she wishes she could see franke, thats all she needs right now and she cant but she can touch her and she can hold her and for tonight, she can be known, she can let those walls crumble, she can be something else just for once here with franke . she can kiss her here in this van, touch that happiness for just a moment, and forget the future that waits for her outside of it. franke begs her to forget the wedding, to just let herself be happy— and god, she wants to, but it means turning her back on everything shes known and everything shes saw to be inevitable, and franke has never been in her future, so if it were supposed to work out why hadnt she seen it and she cant, she cant take that risk but she can have this, even if its temporary, she can have it.
and just as soon as she gets a taste of it, its gone. after that night, after the missions over and theyre back at the motherlobe and have to pretend like nothing happened (franke doesnt, of course she tells kitty about it, she tells kitty about everything.) but that brief moment together haunts elka every time she sees franke, sees herself through frankes eyes, sees herself in her wedding dress because god its all franke can think about! of course it is! she knows how much elkas destroying herself she knows how much misery shes wallowing in that kiss in the van felt like an emotional punch to the teeth and she hasnt ever forgotten it and all she can do is sit and watch while elka throws herself into a loveless marriage. she can come to her wedding and see the way the bride and groom kiss with the emotional weight of a wet towel no matter how hard elka tries to hide it under a pretty dress and bouquets of flowers and meticulous planning.
and elka resents nils but she cant really hate him, its not his fault, not really. he feels trapped just like she does and his feelings of misery only cycle back into hers . they fight and gnash and wear away at each other and its a relationship thats crashed and burned a million times before elka even said i do. and its inevitable that she falls into her mothers habits, a sip of wine here and there to loosen up, until it turns to a glass, until it falls into a bottle on nights when whatever work nils does runs late.
but franke’s still there. shes always been there, hasn’t she? always trying to play knight, always trying to save her, dragging her home when shes stumbling over herself because god who else is going to do it but her? who else is left to care? certainly not nils. never nils. because franke knows her. because franke pities her. shes always pitied her. shes always known. and elka hates it, she resents it, but god in the same breath she’s desperate for it, she envies it to her very bones. elka is a mess but after frankes done with her she has someone to go back to that loves her. and god what elka wouldnt do to have that. to take it and keep it for herself because shes never ever got to have that movie romance shes always wanted.
so now comes this.
because elkas particularly miserable and particularly spiteful and she needs to get franke to understand, just for a moment, drink with her and get on her level and she needs her there with her no matter how her pity makes her feel. no matter how much it makes her shake with anger and envy and desperation, but god the way franke looks at her, the way she still tries to salvage what they have, the soft, slurred way she tells her that it’s okay but its not okay, none of this is okay, it never has been and she just wants franke to shut up and see that, and if she cant then she’ll show her, she’ll show her all the raw angry desperation, with too much teeth and hands that claw and grab and she’ll know why everyones always said she’s too much.
and she knows this puts her on nils’ level too. that this makes her a cheater, that shes no better than he is now. no better than her father and his affair. but god, she wants to be selfish. she wants to be in control. just for once. she wants to feel right and she wants to feel happy and she wants to feel loved. thats all shes ever wanted. and franke will let her have that, just for a little while, at the very least.
anyway. sorry. sorry for being crazy . this isnt even getting into the shit after the comic takes place . elkas stupid brainworld thag she has to overcome in order to finally be allowed in the polycule and live happily ever as worlds first lesbian divorceman
sorry for all the shit i make up instead of caring about actual characters with screentime . bye !
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queenoftheantz · 6 months
Top 5 Anime/Manga characters of all time and why?
oh wow hmmm....
Completely subjectively:
Oikawa Tooru (haikyuu!!)
Oikawa... he is just yknow. My Character. But I also often in my daily life have a little Oikawa in my head reminding me that my passion is my passion because it's fun and I love it. That talent and skill are intertwined but also not static or pre-determined, that I might not be as good as I think I should be, and I might never be, but if I don't try I definitely won't. Maybe I will reach my goal today, or tomorrow, or in 30 years. And I can do it at the pace and path that suits me. He speaks of all this AS WELL as the very bitter feelings that preceeds these revelations. I also really love his focus on facilitating others, of reaching potential together, of trust and faith in his team and their in him!
2. Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
Oh Marcille. (Manga spoilers here) Marcille started out so silly and to be honest? Annoying? Girly and anxious and squemish. But then you realise that these parts are absolutely true, but she is also determined and loyal and scared and unafraid and skilled. The firly and squemish becomes charming in contrast to her being excited to experience death and morally ambigious enough to use ancient magic or become a dungeon lord. And then you learn even more about her and her family, the way she grew up and how she probably is... pretty young, considering everything. The knowledge and life experience of someone being 40 maybe, but with the brain to handle it of a 19 year old... she is so afraid for everyone to die away and yet she cant help but love people! Isn't that lovely!? And as someone very afraid to lose my parents I really really feel for her relationship with her father. I think Marcille was a character who really illustrates the progression of tone in Dungeon meshi, represents the themes of the story so well, and really grew on me. Also gay. hi.
3. Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
I know people don't like this guy but he shaped me so much as a teen. I think his journey through lacking self-esteem and depression and self hatred is both fascinating, nuanced and in the end, encouraging! Imagine being offered to join humanity all as one, never feel rejected or alone again and then DESPITE all he has gone through, chosing to be yourself after all! And frankly I love that the show lets him be cowardly and weak and unsympathetic, it makes him more real and make his strong moments stronger. Also gay. hi
4. Mob (Mob psycho 100)
Mobs story is more low key, but I also enjoy a story about a young boy who FIRST has to find the motivation to improve himself, and THEN has to realise that improving yourself and being a good person does not necessarily mean to surpress any negative or strong emotions. Once again, a story about acceoting yourself, even the sides you have a hard time controlling and find off-putting or scary. And I think Mob gets to realise this in a silly and gently way!
5. Abe takaya (ookiku furikabutte)
Oh Abe. It's that one page. When he is explaining to Sakeaguchi his backstory with Haruna, and he is talking about it so casually, it's no big deal, but you can tell. "Everyone is afraid of pain". It makes my heart clench every time. It's his control-issues, his fast felling into caring about Mihashi as a person, but then slowly realising what that actually means. It's him being shocked by the smile, it's him doing anything to win, it's him not realising how mean he is. In a different story Abe would have been a bully. But fortunately for him Momoe and the team and Mihashi himself are not putting up with any of it and he slowly and also gently improves himself. I gotta catch up with oofuri. (also gay. hi)
Shout outs to: Hinata Shoyo (of course), Mihashi Ren (also of course), Edward Elric, Sophie (Howls moving castle movie), Reigen (im not immune), Tamaki (ohshc, sometimes i just think about him and hes so charming and fun and i relate), Kanamori (Keep your hands off Eizouken!, shes just. so cool. It's a fun show but every time shes on screen im blushing a bit shes just! Wow!), and the straight college student from one of my fave BL's who has to go on a personal journey to accept that he actually likes a man who's bigger and taller than him and has a big ass. Shoutouts to him too.
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starzgaze · 2 months
imagine aroace!darling is so sick of Hae-In's and Jinwoo's bullshit that they straight up just say "is Beru and option?" when the the two ask which one they prefer.
also, unrelated; i'm pretty sure i just dreamt of a Beru x Reader fanfic and i started looking for it right when i woke up, only for it to not be real. the brainrot is getting to me..
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omfg i had this idea too like a few days ago and it's funny to think about cz just imagine you're just some low profile worker within the association that is trying your very best to live a peaceful life. just a normal person you know?? like no big ambitions nor had any notable achievements except the random ones you would get back then in your school days but yet!
you still caught two of the s-ranks 's hearts in the country, really baffling actually.
whenever you're in the room with the two you can't even ignore the obvious deadly tension the two had even if you tried to, you can't imagine how people in the news assume they're in love with eachother when hae-in looked like she's about to pull jinwoo's head off his body and jinwoo is about to gut the blonde on the spot.
like is it really about you at this point? just get a room oh my god and what's worse you... you don't even see them as anything more than friends it's insane.
even if hae-in would bashfully gift you things and listen to your rants or tries to hint that she has feelings for you, every one of these things you would dodge like it was the plague
and it was the same with jinwoo! everytime the man saves you from some magical beast that was suspiciously near your place even if there was no gate that broke in your area, jinwoo would be there to save you like some shining knight in armor and it would play like some romantic scene except you would be there to painfully remind him that it's nothing more than a moment with a truthful "ahaha thanks a lot jinwoo, you're such a great friend!" which was definitely on purpose.
but the only problem was even if you dropped sooo many instances that you were not interested with the two, the damn duo was so persistent that it's genuinely tiring you out like what was it with you that was intriguing?? you're literally a low profile office worker within the association that showed the two a semblance of human decency are they that deprived of love?
like at some point you were (forcibly) hanging out with the two and they were bantering once again over you before they both turned their heads to your direction which honestly creeped you out then finally asking who did you prefer.
"[y.name]! please tell me you prefer a girl like me and not this awfully depressing dressed up loser!" hae-in glared at jinwoo while barking out her words that was definitely an attack to jinwoo's way of fashion
"wha— the hell? my fashion isn't that bad you asshole- oh whatever ignore her [y.name] I'm obviously more desirable" jinwoo deadpanned as he ignored hae-in's glare.
you looked at the two with tired eyes, dreadfully done with their bullshit before declaring your answer
"oh I'd choose neither... actually is beru is an option? i think that ant is more acceptable at this point"
the reaction they had was priceless, especially jinwoo's. you prefer the damned ant?? the ant that bodied hae-in the moment it popped out of nowhere or the same ant that jinwoo obliterated with a punch...? are you serious..
if you squint closely you can notice a wisp of black shadow on jinwoo's person that had a tint of pink blush that awfully looked like an ant. you didn't know if you were seeing things but you swore that it was beru blushing over your decision.
anyway wow i went on a tangent LMFAOOL I CANT BELIEVE I WROTE ALL THAT??? HELLO ANYWAY THIS IS INSANE I LOVE THIS also u dont know j mean... maybe it did exist and the author just got beamed off the internet
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jennilah · 4 months
hi there!
please do share your thoughts on canon vs non canon (TO YOU) scenes from saw if you feel like it
this seems like a fun topic to explore 👁
i was thinking about this all day im gonna hella ramble too much
to reiterate and expand on what i kinda said in that post's tags: im genuinely cautious when it comes to the canonicity of deleted scenes and script changes for most things because, well, things dont get included in the final product for a reason sometimes.
trust me i know about deleted scenes. ive had months of work erased from existence because of deleted scenes. and sometimes it really was for the best
and im equally if not more skeptical of things like.. lore coming from outside sources. if its not in the original media, its questionable. film novelizations, game adaptions, spin-off comics, all that stuff is usually written by some third party with little to no input from the real writers. unless it gets some serious seal of approval and that shit actually gets referenced in the next film, then im like "ok im listening." Otherwise, i shrug it all off as maybe-canon side adventures until contradicted
sometimessss those nuggets of lore or characterization from deleted scenes/iffy canon off-shoot material are sick af so we just kind of adopt it anyway!!! we all do it!!!
FUCKIN. The goddamn Saw franchise makes me insane with the different cuts of each film so we basically choose our favorite canon already. so. its a bit loosey goosey here sometimes
ok first of all i KNOW im gonna forget things so imma just kind of list and describe what i can remember off the top of my head. i dont actually have things like the scripts memorized i only know some moments that get passed around between us little freaks like drugs
like this one
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i dont care if this doesnt happen on-screen in Saw IV, it happens in my heart
and this little bit of characterization from all 3 goofballs here despite us not really seeing much of it in the film:
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Strahm being a butthead just interrupting Perez and Hoffman having a nice little talk because he hates his ass so much
Hoffman being more of the annoying little flirt that i know he is in my heart
Perez being charmed by him, the two of them having a cute little bonding moment as acquaintances for a moment there, and then STRAHM AGAIN being a butthead
i love them. i LOVE THEM
its very important to me that Perez kind of liked Hoffman. it makes his betrayal hurt so much more
this whole moment. i love this. ough. as much as i loved this scene already, in my head i pretend the scene played out like this....
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falls onto his ass
angel of death
my fucking goodness
also, i cant list off everything because theres so much its a little depressing, but there's a lot going on in the Saw 3D script that is tragically cool. they really leaned into Hoffman going off the deep end and i enjoyed that. and how grisly his scar was originally supposed to be, and the symbolism with his declining mental state. and his interactions with Lawrence being a little more fleshed out. its just kind of neat. i think the film would have been a bit stronger if they stuck closer to a few of their earlier ideas
and as for spin-offs that are absolutely not canon, this description of Hoffman from the video game from Tapp's POV is intriguing.
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i love annoying and weird colleague Hoffman but i also really enjoy the idea of shy and weird colleague Hoffman.
also, boring cop Hoffman who wont bend the rules? that is so much more interesting than the hashtag brutality moment.
too bad this game is like. well. yknow. not very good. i dont think thats a controversial statement
but you know what IS good?
Saw the Musical
thats canon to me. no notes
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moondeer1616 · 1 day
Spoilers for TADC episode 3!!
My thoughts:
Oh my god I loved the new episode 😭😭😭
The parts that stuck out to me the most was Kinger saying "In this world, the worst thing you can do is make someone think they're not wanted or loved." And then later on when the adventure is over and Pomni walks over to Ragatha and let's her know that's she's grateful for Ragatha being there for her 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭 my heart is in shambles.. I wish I was Ragatha here 😭😭😭😭
And then the stuff about Zoobles therapy session and Kinger loosing Queenie iagqjeidhdbsjj 😭😭😭
As for the stuff with Kinger and Queenie, it's just so sad 😭😭😭 the part where she was calm for a moment when she abstracted and felt Kingers touch 😭😭😭😭 the way Kinger is lured into the mouth of the creature because it reminds him of Queenie and says "You look beautiful honey.." 😭😭😭😭 No wonder he went insane, I can only imagine the pain of losing the person that was closest to you in a digital hell you can't escape 😭, I also find it interesting that his "room" is just his pillow fortress in the main circus area instead of his (and or Queenie's) actual rooms.
It's so depressing that Zooble doesn't like themselves and has different parts solely for the purpose of trying to find the right parts to finally feel comfortable in their own skin and love themselves 😭 and then the fact that they don't open up because caine forgets what they say about it and it makes them feel like nobody listens or cares about what's they're going through uagqidjshsbshgshs zoobles just like me fr, I wish I could give them a hug and tell them that they're perfect just the way they are. I wonder if zoobles feelings about themselves changed when they came to the circus, or if that's something they've always felt, even when they were human and it's part of their memory.
I'm really curious about what memories specifically they remember. Do they remember their childhoods? Their traumas? The people they knew in the real world? The only thing that we know for a fact that they CANT remember is their names so I'm not sure, I guess we'll have to see as the story progresses
And then the other stuff like gangle drawing, all of them having different effects when holding their breath, caine making the circus glitch while questioning his existence 😭, the cute ghost and Martha Mildenhall, ragatha and gangle just having a tea party of her while talking about how men are while jax is tied up LMAO
It's amazing 😭😭 I can't wait for all the fanart, including the ones I'll make hehehe
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lousirs · 1 year
ewew ok so I think it's safe to assume that the toy brand of pretty dolls probably gained success in the 60s or 70s given some of the little details in Lou's house and his style. The factories work all year round right and are automatic as seen in the movie, but most things required actual human workers back in the day. HERE'S THE STINGER. I read somewhere I forgot where, but back in the day workers in factories didn't work in the winter time because it was too cold. so basically if we applied this to the uglydolls world, there was a rather long period of time where there was no income of dolls in perfection for the ENTIRETY of winter. So Lou had absolutely no company whatsoever in the winter for like 40+ years give or take (I have no idea when automated factories became a thing)
ok now I'm just making things worse but I also had another headcannon where weather in the real world also applied in uglyville and perfection and like the dolls in perfection got winter uniforms and all that (ugh now I might rant about this). So yea it was snowing, no other dolls in perfection, kind of depressing given that probably by then Lou had cut off ties with Ox. YOU CANT MENTION THE BOTS IN PERFECTION BC NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE YET (lol that means Lou was COMPLETELY incharge of everything, maybe he had assistance in doll form?)
yea but this probably played a role in the downfall of Lou's mental wealth like man just lost his best man Ox so being alone for a whole month once a year was definitely not a silly goofy moment for him.
ok that's the end of my ramble 😼😼
NO NEED TO APOLOGISE FOR RETURNING! i love me some headcanons :D
that's a big ouch for lou, but you are probably right there. lou (and also mandy) have 50s/60s- style houses (i believe so anyway) so how long would that be if we say lou's breakdown was about 2020 so (the movie is 2019 but im rounding it to 2020 for my brain)... OUCH AROUND 70 YEARS. SAVE LOU OH MY DOLL--
love your headcanons though, and i have a few of my own for that:
(under the cut, cause i can already tell this is gonna be a long one vvv)
perhaps since the factory closes for winter, the batch made right before stay in the institute for winter? yeah yeah lou could probably send them to the big world when the factory closes, but knowing him, he'd probably keep them for the holidays at the very least. cause he craves for that company.
it would be so cute though! lou would hold a big winter party with singing and FIREWORKS and whatnot. side note, i headcanon that lou loves fireworks. i mean, he uses them all the time (during ugly truth... during his lessons... etc) and i can so see him going all out on the fireworks budget. anyway, i feel that such parties would bring temporary joy to him, as he finally feels part of a family, with every doll laughing and chatting and overall having a good time.
...and then they would leave him again. and again. and again. and again... i feel like after a while he'd give up on the festives, as temporary joy and love isn't fulfilling anymore.
with the weather, i have a really dumb theory that the institute is within a dome. think about it, uglyville has a yawn ball for a sun with messy clouds...
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and in the institute, the clouds are perfect (more realistic even) and there's no sun in sight (as far as i know)
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uglyville probably has all kinds of weather, whilst at the institute it is always a fair temperature. no rain, clouds are always light and airy... etc, due to the factory operating the weather system within the dome perhaps. that changes when the uglydolls infiltrate, the sky in the institute turns to a dark greeny colour. and then when the two sides join, they destroy the dome.
anyways, perhaps during the winter, when the factory is shut down, they shut down the light and airy atmosphere of the institute too, leaving a cold, snowy breeze in its wake (especially during lou's earlier years). and i doubt his home is very warm either, as it's so large with barely any furniture (at least in the foyer shown in uglier truth).
and with lou's company over the years, i feel that after his bond with ox, he became desperate for the company again (who could blame him?) and tried his hardest to keep as many dolls by his side as possible, ending up with the spy girls and mandy (and perhaps the backup singers)(i don't know about them). he would probably manipulate them in some way to staying, perhaps threatening recycling and the washing machine out of pure desperation to keep someone around. so i don't think he'd be totally alone, but i feel that the spy girls and mandy were only close to him in a business relationship-type way. they were only there if he needed something to be done. he was the leader of the institute after all, he always seemed one level above the rest of the dolls, and being personally close to him seemed like something impossible.
and yeah, the assistance bots were there, but even if artificial intelligence somehow existed during those times, or if someone higher-up was controlling the robots, they wouldn't have a genuine bond with lou anyways, as they are just assistant robots who are meant for helping out with training and the gauntlet only (or so i think).
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thedevotionaltour · 8 months
anyone else ever remember how they are gonna end up in some dead end soul sucking job instead of the actual career they wanna pursue because they are far too unskilled for it. just me. awesome.
#sometimes i get a twinge of hope bc my classmates will say nice things and then i remember the reality that exists and is real.#where i just suck. i lack so much technical skill. i feel like i have to reteach myself how to draw constantly. my style is not distinct.#it looks like the quality of a middle schooler's sketchbook where it's a drawing they're proud of but in comparison to anything else#it is just garbage. utter garbage.#i have been in such a horrific slump of feeling about what i make. and i tell my therapist about it. and he never ever actually reassures m#doesnt tell me to maybe ask if im being unfair in my standards. or says i should have some more compassion towards myself.#or finds it an issue in regards to my generally low self esteem. im so fucking tired of being told well. you can always go back to school#to pursue something else after wasting all your fucking time on this stupid fucking degree that will get you nowhere!#i feel hopeless! so utterly fucking hopeless! it doesnt matter when my peers with more skill than me say they like my work bc im positive#they are just being nice. i cant imagine you look at your work and then mine and still find it good and having worth. i cant.#i cant make anything good. im so tired of not being able to make anything good. im tired of not being able to have the motivation to do wor#in my own time to help improve my work because im too fucking tired because im too fucking depressed to do anything. im a failure.#im literally watching myself become a failure in real time and i cant stand it some days. genuinely what a waste.#i dont know what gave me the right to think i could possibly succeed at this. i feel like an idiot for wasting so much time and money.#im not saying this to seek pity or comfort either. im just talking about how i feel. because it just sucks. it just sucks#it sucks to know you will never make it. because even on the days you think maybe you can. it just comes crashing down again to remembering#oh. i wont. because i have none of what it takes for it at all.#man. what even ever at this point. who cares. i'll get over it. it just sucks.#vent.txt
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suffarustuffaru · 11 months
im back on my reinhard/julius agenda but hear me out okay.
au where they become friends much sooner. childhood friends au.
julius’s whole world shakes when he goes to the knighting ceremony for children of noble knighting houses and he sees reinhard there—reinhard, whos powerful and Amazing and intimidating and it makes julius realize that hes far behind reinhard. it makes julius realize that he has to work harder to reach reinhards level of skill and power. but hes all starry-eyed, and he manages to catch reinhard after the ceremony and starts excitedly talking reinhards head off because reinhard is just so—awe inspiring—and ten-year-old julius at this point has way less filter and impulse control so why shouldnt he try and get close with reinhard of all people?
meanwhile reinhard is even more depressed after recently being 1. officially knighted and 2. officially given the “van” title and 3. his dad is gradually getting worse and he feels like its his fault, but julius is the first person around his age that actually shows interest in befriending him, so reinhard is just awkwardly going along with it because he doesnt want to chase julius away. hes super SUPER eager to finally have a friend. thats what they are right?? hopefully?? and reinhard is desperately holding onto this because yeah, julius likely wont like him anymore real soon, but itll be good while it lasts right?? he doesnt even mind that julius keeps asking questions about knighthood and training, because everyone does that anyway, so reinhard offers to help train julius and BAM they are now gonna meet regularly 👍
joshua meanwhile is Suffering even more than he already was because not only did julius develop an infatuation with reinhard, joshua also—like in canon yeah—faints during the knighting ceremony because FUCK I CANT LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH JULIUS IF HES GONNA BECOME FIXATED ON REINHARD AND LEAVE ME BEHIND AND ALSO I HATE REINHARD AND JULIUS FOR BEING SO PERFECT, and then joshuas worst nightmare becomes true because reinhard notices this and offers to help joshua and julius home, and julius accepts of course, and joshua wakes up to reinhard and julius being buddy buddy and then reinhard starts visiting the juukulius mansion regularly so joshua is absolutely SEETHING. SEETHING.
anyway reinhards regular visits go great 👍 all he has to do is walk (Travel At Extremely Extremely Fast Speeds) to julius’s house and back 👍👍 and it doesnt take much time for julius to get out his favorite books and info dump excitedly to reinhard because reinhard of course will listen to all of this and feel all warm inside because 1. oh are we friends now? 🥺 and 2. aw julius is so passionate about this 🥰 but then it takes a turn because of course julius has his hero worship with REID ASTREA. theres a tappei qna that confirms that reinhard Knows what reid was like, and if reinhard knows that at this point, he just sits there awkwardly while julius goes on and on about how cool and awesome reid was.
reinhard then has to decide whether to break the news to julius or not, but given how in canon julius didnt know what reid was like until he actually met reid, reinhard probably didnt tell him if reinhard knew at that point. so little eight year old reinhard sits there and goes “aha yeah… reid… what an interesting person…” which then turns the subject to reinhards family, which then leads into some talk about julius’s family too—but while julius is more likely to open up a tiny bit, reinhard is more like “my father is a good person who tries his best 🙂” and julius is like “i hear that hes. kind of not. but ill take your word for it i guess haha i mean IVE never met the guy” (he recognizes reinhard getting Upset about this subject) and reinhard is like “my father is a good person yes 🙂”
meanwhile alviero juukulius is very aware of all those nasty rumors about heinkel astrea and the astreas in general and alviero is Very Aware about his nephew/adopted son’s budding friendship with reinhard, who now regularly shows up to the mansion via Speed Walking, but alviero is like. well reinhard is a very well meaning child, i just hope no drama comes out of this haha.
anyway one day little ten year old julius with his Reduced filter and impulse control (tappei has said that younger julius was a Bit of a troublemaker) goes “reinhard you should sleep over at my house please 🥺 and maybe we should sneak out of my house past curfew and go on an adventure or something lol” and reinhard is like going ??? because of course breaking rules almost never occurs to him and the idea of breaking one makes him anxious. but julius is like “cmooon please 🥺🥺 itll be fun 🥺🥺 we’ll be out and back here so fast, no ones gonna know, itll just be us 🥺🥺” and reinhard of course 1. cant say no and 2. julius would be very happy if he agreed, so he goes along with it. they go have fun they have some kind of adventure and for a moment reinhard forgets all about all the Various Pressures he is under <3
and then they go back to julius’s house and alviero is waiting there casually like “snuck out again julius? *insert exasperated sigh*” and reinhard FREEZES UP hes like “oh sir ahah its not julius’s fault. it was all my idea actually. all mine. i dragged him along with me. you should punish me instead. im really really sorry i broke the rules sir” because he’s afraid julius will REALLY get in trouble. and julius and alviero stare at reinhard like he grew another head because “jesus christ its not that deep, youre not in That much trouble. im just gonna like ground julius for a bit, its not like im gonna. kill him. or anything.” and also “JESUS CHRIST YOU ARE NOT OKAY??”
anyway yeah reinhard is a very welcome visitor to the juukulius mansion (unless youre joshua) but every time he goes home, carol and grimm help make sure reinhard’s visits arent noticed. but. well. one day heinkel will notice. its inevitable, especially when eventually reinhard and julius will officially join the knights together. and heinkel will probably give this nasty little laugh and go “well. have fun while that lasts.”
and it doesnt last.
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