#i ate my veggies
avopumpkin · 8 months
Today Kakashi tricked me into eating vegetables.
"But how he tricked you into eating vegetables?" you may ask... I had a dream. In this dream Kakashi told me to eat my veggies or he will be sad. And it worked. I literally made myself a breakfast with vegetables because I didn't want Kakashi from my dream be sad.
This man really has a good influence on me, even tho he's fictional. 😭
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angelmush · 2 months
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we had a very beautiful time stomping around in lake superior n staring into the woods
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gaylactic-fire · 2 months
Oral allergy syndrome is fucking crazy like I'm allergic to 90% of raw fruits and vegetables (and some nuts) and I didn't even know it existed til maybe a year ago. Everyone I've spoken to ALSO had no clue it existed. And apparently everyone who has hay-fever has it to some degree???
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hybridheroes · 9 months
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Chapter 7…
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boyswanna-be-her · 3 months
Yesterday I:
1. Found out some cosmic shit that will make me feel happy EVERY time i remember it, possibly for the rest of my life
2. Had food poisoning
1 made me so mentally satisfied while simultaneously feeling physically ill and puking from 2 that it gave me whiplash. I've never been so elated while sick.
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jrueships · 3 months
anybody else have a food they're allergic to but still eat anyway
#not DEATH deathly but like. allergic#im allergic to shrimp and guac but i still eat it ..#my throat will get itchy and swell and breathing feels more closed#wherever the food touches also swells in bumps but usually only wherever the food makes contact#but yall. it's so good#the food not the swelling lol i have to sip on water while i eat to help gauge the significance of the throat swelling#i can usually eat up to 2 or 3 big shrimps until i hit my ok.. one more and this will hurt me lots#ill probably still be able to breathe but like it'll be an even bigger struggle than it is now#i think im also allergic to this common italian herb thingy anise? but thats fine bcs i dont like it anyways#but grilled SEASONED shrimp is my weakness. i LOVE SHRIMP!!! add some buffalo sauce and my my my..#idk tho my friends hate when i eat shrimp and will moderate my moderation#'ted ure a medical man. u should be against this' i hungry#idk maybe i dhould cold cut endulging in my allergies now b4 it becomes a lifestyle#i remember when i was younger my boss order me chinese food for doing a Lot of open2closes#and i ordered shrimp and lo mein(iLOVEEEE LO MEINN!!! when i was lil i would get PLATEFULS of JUST lo mein)#(id remove the veggies bcs they got in the way of my noodles)#(but now im older and the texture is too much sameness so i get even amount of lo mein and some sorta meat for Balance)#and i ate like a bit then put the rest in the cooler and he was like 'ure not hungry?' and i told him im allergic#and his eyes got real big and he was shouted my full name like a worried parent#i mean i explained my eat 2 then wait for the swelling to die down and eat 2 more till the inability to breathe gets annoying#but he was still anxious and watching me like a hawk#so#maybe.. i shouldnt do this anymore#does anyone else do this if they have the ability to?#perhaps i am dancing with the devil here#the devil wears privilege
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nordfjording · 1 year
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have you considered that the flavour might be the fuckng problem
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the---hermit · 4 months
You know that medieval illustration of a knight fighting a huge snail with his sword?
Well i now understand the monk who drew that on a spiritual level, i too would very much like to have a garden knight ready to fight off the fucking snails
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meatexe · 3 months
wait opinion on mushrooms :0 are there veggies that u dislike
wait ok so i used to rly rly hate mushrooms n sometimes i still do but im warming up to them u kno? theres a place near me tht does a soy marinated mushroom dish thts very yummy n i enjoy them on pizza but theyre def not my go to veggie quite yet :T um i cant stand eggplant or squash n i have tried very many times to like okra but i think there is a texture similarity between the three tht i cant get past </3
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girlscience · 4 months
Okay. I know I have a lot of cooking mutuals, what do I need to do to make cooking enjoyable??? I am so fucking tired of eating canned soup and kraft mac n cheese and "concoction" (ground beef with whatever else I have that needs eaten and every spice I own). I know people say "if you don't like veggies try different ways of cooking them!" here the thing though, I hate veggie prep. So even changing how I cook them, everything else about veggies is an awful experience for me so I never want to do it. I know people talk about "15 minute meals!" and "one pan recipes!", but so far those have all been lies. People talk about experimenting and trying new things, but I straight up don't know how to do that. People say to listen to podcasts or audiobooks while prepping, but either I focus on the prep and hear none of the story or I focus on the story and struggle with the prep. I am not fast with prep, so meals that require prepping multiple things at once or prepping something while something else is cooking never fails to stress me out to a wild degree. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep everything from burning and keep things stirred and chop up everything and get the next ingredients out and clean as I work all at the same time. I do not enjoy picking out recipes or buying groceries (genuinely hate more than any other chore besides laundry), so meal prep is next to impossible for me. I forget to thaw meat nearly every time I want to cook something and so end up putting it off for days. I can never seem to get my roasted veggies to actually roast, somehow they just steam themselves in the oven. I do not want or like cooking gadgets, so I am doing everything with the very basic supplies. I am cooking for one person so leftovers are a constant issue (I have eaten so much left over food that I find genuinely sickening because I didn't want to waste it). And then I have to do this every day forever till I die. How do I make myself like this??? I am so fucking tired of eating gross food.
#the last time I cooked something myself I genuinely enjoyed was a pork tenderloin and the time before that was a soup#both were delicious and amazing#and both took well over several hours to complete.#I did nothing but cook those nights and didn't get to eat until like 8 or 9#in theory!!!! neither should have taken that long but I am not speedy!!!!#but anyway because they were so time consuming and messy and stressful I have never made them again#and it's been 2 years since the soup and probably almost 1 since the tenderloin#I tried other ways of cooking pork tenderloin and they were meh to actually gross and I was fighting my gag reflex#to force myself to eat the whole thing (homemade mustard for a crust without the correct ingredients is nasty fyi)#I have a handful of cookbooks some of which have recipes I would genuinely like to eat#but it's just so much#I don't know what to do#I ate some chicken strips and lettuce (both dipped in ranch) and cottage cheese last night#and I was actually forcing myself to eat every single bite because it was so gross feeling in my mouth and the taste was not good either#today I made some pilsbury cinnamon rolls and eating them was also just disappointing#I thought about making chicken and rice for dinner#I got a seasoning packet to try that my family said is super super good#but the chicken is frozen... I guess if I got it out now it would thaw#and the rice I have is eugh. it never cooks fully (tbh I'm not a huge rice person anyway)#and I don't have anything to eat with it? some frozen veggies but they don't feel like ones that would go#and I can never get frozen veggies to actually cook properly so I hate the way they feel when I eat them#I could make a muffin mix but I'm so tired of just eating carbs#I want to cry. I hate this
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
y’all I just got the MOTHERLOAD of all pastries
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ubejamjar · 5 months
I’m pretty sure if you tapped my veins like a maple tree you would get chicken ramen. That’s probably fine right?
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prommethium · 2 years
He said that he was craving Aztec soup.
Because he is my dad, of course I made it!!
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Now, I'm sharing just because I'm saving MY recipe here and for the ones who would like to eat some decent fucking Mexican food.
6 big tomatoes
4 garlic cloves
1 big ass onion
2 chiles guajillo (dried mirasol)
2 chiles de guisar/ancho (dried Capsicum annuum)
120g of chile chipotle 
1 chicken leg (or just a chicken bone... any bone)
2 chicken breast
carrots to taste
potatoes to taste
Cucurbita to taste (that green veggie)
2 Avocados
Fresh cheese to taste (when I mean fresh, I mean; go and buy it from your local market, not the shit that has probably 6 months in a fridge, this needs a cheese that breaks once you slightly press it between your fingers) if you can't get it, use mozzarella.
15 tortillas (please use tortillas made of CORN, but if you don't have them... well then the dish you will prepare can't be called "Aztec," but hey, you have my permission to use bread or even those shitty nachos BUT YOU CAN'T USE DORITOS... or I'm personally chasing you over and murdering you.)  
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1) Bring half a liter of water to boil, turn the energy down (fire or ignition WHATEVER!), and add there the dried chilis (this will help them soften.) Leave them to rest. (just look how sad they look and how happy they turn after a nice hot bath 🥺✨ if you are weak and can't tolerate spicy food take away the seeds and the little veins, Omacatl is going to curse you without friends bc of your puny palate.)
2) In a pot, add 2 liters of water, add salt to taste, and put there the chicken; (as it cooks, take away all the foam.) Cook medium-high heat for 35 min.  
3) Cut the tomatoes and the onion into big chunks, and peel the garlic cloves (do it with your fingers pretend they are the eyes of your enemies and release some anger.) 
4) in a very hot comal (or if you are basic, in a nonstick pan,) put your tomatoes and onion to cook, DO NOT USE OIL!! just let them cook on a hot surface.
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k: omg!! they look burnt!! are you sure is that the right way???
c: STFU YOU WEAK HUMAN, THEY NEED TO LOOK LIKE THIS if they don't look like this you are doing it wrong; if you don't do it like this the nearest Mexican human corpse is going to haunt you down.
5) Take away the chicken from the broth, and put it in a bowl.
6) Take away from the jacuzzi those dried chilis and put them on the mixer, add the cloves of garlic, tomatoes, and onion you just cooked, the 120g of chipotle chilis, and now my fellas, dear colonizers reading this, pay attention, this is crutial THIS IS WHAT MAKES IT TASTE GOOD:
add a pinch of: 
salt, black pepper, cinnamon, powder of cilantro seeds, brown sugar, thyme, AND 3 PINCHES OF DELICIOUS GLORIOUS CARAWAY. Add a liter of water and mix it well, once looks as homogeneous as it can be, pour it into the chicken broth.
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Just look at how pretty that looks!!! That looks like decent food, that looks like something my ancestors would be proud of!!! *honestly I got some tears after tasting this, ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!!*
7) Use any method you like to make eatable those chunks of meat, I like to separate the meat with my hands.
8) Add the meat again to the chili-spicy/broth and add the minced veggies 
9) cook for 40 min, low heat.
10) Mince the coriander
11) If you are a cool decent human cut the tortillas into small rectangles and fry them until they are hard 🔥😏 2 to 3 tortillas per serving. If you are not cool use your shameful nachos. 
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In a bowl, serve the meat and veggies, add some chili broth, put in the center your tortillas, around the tortillas the cheese, on top the minced coriander, and decorate with slices of avocado. 
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now that is decent food 😌🔥 you are very welcome.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 5 months
Yesterday's food.
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I have to go back to work and I don't wanna.
I am trying to regulate meals when I have been over eating for 25 years. At least.
Normalize portioning. Lots of protein, lots of veggies.
Meats are mostly turkey or chicken.
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Ways I get fruits n veggies in me:
- putting oranges and peppers on the counter where it’s easy to snack on while I make other food
- buying frozen strawberries for cheap to make smoothies which are cold on a hot day
- buying 100% fruit juices or 100% fruit popsicles so I have cold juice to drink on a hot day
Ways I do not get fruits n veggies in me:
- buying frozen veggies I don’t really want to eat because I think they’re healthy
- buying fruits I don’t really like because I think they’re healthy
- buying fruits or veggies which require prep time to eat in a way I like
- getting upset at myself for not eating enough fruits n veggies
Notice how the ways I eat the fruits and veggies have a built in incentive to eat them?
- peppers n oranges on the counter are easy to eat and require no prep time. If I want a meal, or I’m just I the kitchen, they’re easy to grab and munch on.
- I get bored and distracted when I cook. Having something to do with my hands, like peeling an orange, keeps me busy while keeping me in the kitchen near my food. And then I peeled the orange so I might as well eat it.
- smoothies and cold juice/popsicles work because the weather is hot and I already want to cool down. The incentive exists naturally because I like how they taste and I’m already looking for something cold.
- smoothies/juice/popsicles also have a consistent texture, which unprocessed fruit and veggies do not have. Texture is a big driver of what I eat or don’t, so having a pleasant/consistent texture makes me more likely to choose something.
If u prep ur own food and are worried ur not eating enough fruits n veggies, it might be time to go through how you usually choose what to eat and what’s blocking the fruit and veggie choices. Usually there is something that makes the alternate choice you make more appealing (including not eating anything, that is a choice that you make too).
Does having to cut/peel an orange take too long, so you pick the easily openable chips? That’s great! You have chips! But if you want fruit too, maybe get something you can just pick up and eat, like an apple or pear.
Does having fresh veggies sound great, but they’re not warm and you’re already freezing, so you pick the warm tater tots you can make in the oven? That’s great! You have tater tots! But if you want veggies too, maybe make some warm vegetable soup, or get a microwave pack of steamed green beans or broccoli.
Do you feel like you want to add more vitamins to your diet, but you don’t like the taste of vegetables or fruit, so you just stare in the cabinet and then don’t pick anything? Get something that has what you need that tastes different. Maybe that’s a supplement (talk to your doctor first, those still can interact with other meds or general health), maybe that’s a protein bar you like, maybe it’s chopping veggies up real tiny and putting them in your pasta sauce. It’s okay if it’s not the most “economical” or “healthy” solution; if it results in you actually eating more of what you’re trying to eat, it’s worth it.
This applies to other foods too; I need more protein in my diet, so I buy protein bars and oven-bakeable orange chicken, even if there are “healthier” more protein dense foods. I don’t like kale or beans, eggs and I are frenemies, and steak (my beloved) takes a lot of time and attention to cook properly. I need to drink more water, so I buy powdered lemonade and sparkling water. Maybe you hate chicken and protein bars and sparkling water and lemonade. You’re not me. What do you like? What do you need? What makes your needs more likeable? Go buy/make/do that.
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Not me air frying pizza rolls as a fourth meal.
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