#not DEATH deathly but like. allergic
jrueships · 2 months
anybody else have a food they're allergic to but still eat anyway
#not DEATH deathly but like. allergic#im allergic to shrimp and guac but i still eat it ..#my throat will get itchy and swell and breathing feels more closed#wherever the food touches also swells in bumps but usually only wherever the food makes contact#but yall. it's so good#the food not the swelling lol i have to sip on water while i eat to help gauge the significance of the throat swelling#i can usually eat up to 2 or 3 big shrimps until i hit my ok.. one more and this will hurt me lots#ill probably still be able to breathe but like it'll be an even bigger struggle than it is now#i think im also allergic to this common italian herb thingy anise? but thats fine bcs i dont like it anyways#but grilled SEASONED shrimp is my weakness. i LOVE SHRIMP!!! add some buffalo sauce and my my my..#idk tho my friends hate when i eat shrimp and will moderate my moderation#'ted ure a medical man. u should be against this' i hungry#idk maybe i dhould cold cut endulging in my allergies now b4 it becomes a lifestyle#i remember when i was younger my boss order me chinese food for doing a Lot of open2closes#and i ordered shrimp and lo mein(iLOVEEEE LO MEINN!!! when i was lil i would get PLATEFULS of JUST lo mein)#(id remove the veggies bcs they got in the way of my noodles)#(but now im older and the texture is too much sameness so i get even amount of lo mein and some sorta meat for Balance)#and i ate like a bit then put the rest in the cooler and he was like 'ure not hungry?' and i told him im allergic#and his eyes got real big and he was shouted my full name like a worried parent#i mean i explained my eat 2 then wait for the swelling to die down and eat 2 more till the inability to breathe gets annoying#but he was still anxious and watching me like a hawk#so#maybe.. i shouldnt do this anymore#does anyone else do this if they have the ability to?#perhaps i am dancing with the devil here#the devil wears privilege
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
It's a bit late, but I figure I have to touch on the big news from today, which is that for an (early) April Fools celebration Sega went and released a free visual novel about Sonic getting murdered
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Here's a thing you should know about me: I am deathly allergic to ironic visual novels, and the related trend of announcing dating sims (which are synonymous with the medium of visual novels as a whole to many people) on April Fools
Aside from an incredibly small selection of titles that have seen wider success, it feels like much of the game industry is only willing to acknowledge visual novels as a punchline. And said jokes about dating sim stereotypes have been done a million fucking times by now. They're parodies of parodies of parodies. Even when these prank dating sims actually go and get made rather than just being a few fake screenshots, it feels like it's just because VNs are seen as cheap, disposable entertainment compared to "real" games. Companies can afford to commission some bullshit like the KFC dating sim and write it off as a marketing stunt. And it works. These games will get widely reported on for being so ~wacky~, while devs pouring their hearts into doing sincere, interesting work with the medium of visual novels are usually out of fucking luck. It's so, so tiring. The fact that this happens like clockwork every year has made me come to dread April Fools Day
So imagine my surprise when The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog drops out of nowhere and it's actually one of my favorite Sonic games in years
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Aside from the intentionally tongue-in-cheek, attention-grabbing title (and Sonic doing the Family Guy Death Pose), there isn't an ounce of irony here. It's just a straight up whodunnit VN set on a train, albeit a lighthearted and pretty easy one. It's still a Sonic game, after all, and Sonic games are for kids. But it's so clearly made out of a place of love, both for the characters and for murder mysteries, rather than being a parody that's constantly winking at the camera and going "haha, isn't this absurd that this even exists at all?" Forget that. This wants to tell a genuinely good little Sonic story. Not to mention how gorgeous all of the artwork is throughout, with character illustrations from IDW cover artist Min Ho Kim (AKA deegeemin)
Like, for real. I've wanted the Sonic games to explore the supporting cast more for years, and I can't believe the game to finally do it is a murder mystery visual novel released for April Fools. This might be one of the best showcases of the cast... ever, in the games? The script from Ian Mutchler is so, so great, with fun and cute moments for everyone involved. And, smartly, you see the cast through the eyes of a new character (I named them "Blorbo") who isn't necessarily familiar with things like Blaze being a princess from another dimension, making this a surprisingly valid way to introduce people to the supporting cast. I'd say more, but it's a short game, so I think everyone should just go out and play it if you haven't already
There is still part of me that wishes a Sonic visual novel like this could've been greenlit for release any other day of the year, rather than being yet another April Fools visual novel. But regardless of the excuse they used to make it, I'm extremely happy that this exists
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itstheghostofmypast · 6 months
Pollen Love (1/2)
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Florist Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: The world had always been a bit too dull for the florist, a bit too rough for his petal like soft heart, stomping on it whenever anyone would deem fit - but was she any different? If so, why was she out of his reach, why did the world pluck away the flower that was supposed to put his bouquet back together?
Genre: Hurt + Comfort
Warnings: heavy self-criticism, violence, language
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4.3k
Est.Read Time: 25 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @san-network
Banner: @cafekitsune
A/N: A two part treat till I work on my main series.
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"Woah there, what happened- did the boss come at ya, at like-" he turned to check the giant clock at the opposite end of the floor, "8 am- you want me to go knock some sense into him?" he asked, pulling out a dozen tissues from the 'free tissue box' and pressing them on her nose, signalling for her to blow, only for her to smack his hand, and point at something.
"What- oh" he stared at the bouqet of blue roses wrapped in a pastel yellow paper, all tied up with a with bow. "Wait- he made a move on you?"
Snatching the tissues she blew in an extremely ungraceful manner before throwing them away, "You idiot, they're your birthday gift, take them away before I die."
His fingers touched the soft petal of a rose, smiling at the sweet gesture before turning around to hug her only to be smacked across the face with a file. Letting out a mixture of a whimper and a growl he stared at her, hand on his now pink cheek, "So many mixed signals."
"I'll kill you, wash your hands! You know im deathly allergic to pollen!" protesting she sat down on her swivel chair, crossing her legs and glaring up at him. "And what mixed signals, you should be thankful I didn't shove them up your a** for not inviting me to your birthday party."
Letting out an exaggerated fake gasp he knelt down infront of her, placing a hand on his heart, "And for that I am truly sorry, my bestfriend since childhood, but please understand how the guys wanted me to go with them to a certain club where I couldn't possibly take you."
"You shouldn't be celebrating your birthday at a strip club anyway, it's extremely unhygienic," she mumbled, glancing at the flowers and then back at him on the floor on his knees, the usual Wooyoung theatrics.
"Yet, so entertaining -"
"You're disgusting."
"But a simple man."
"Get out of my cubicle".
That was three days ago, today was a Thursday, a regular, boring Thursday so did Wooyount expect to find another bouqte in his cubicle, no. Did he find one, yes, this had been going on since Monday and at this point Yunho and a few on the others floor had begun to assume there was something going on between the two. So, like any best friend,  he decided to confront her during break.
Turning off the faucet she shook her wet hands over the sink, looking in the mirror to check up on her makeup, her ears picking up the sound of the door opening, "There you are!"
Turning to look at the all too-familiar voice before letting out a shriek and throwing the bar of soap at him, as he ducked skillfully,  being all too aware of her habit of throwing things at him.
"Well I'm having lady issues," he said before aiming the bouquet of sunflowers at her, only for her to take a step back gasping, "My lady, mind you a horrifying one, has been leaving me these bouquets when I clearly know she doen't love me enough to face death each day." as soon as he was done they heard someone flush and the last stall open, his eyes widening in fear, about to make a run for it but she grabbed his hand, "Oh no, now you face the consequences."
"So, who are you in love with?"
"For f***'s sake." hissing she face palmed, Wooyoung's boistorous laugh echoing across the tiled walls. Before them, Yunho stood infront of the sink, rolling up his sleeves as he begun to wash his hands, turning his head to meet her questionng glare to which he shrugged, "Ladies washrooms are cleaner, men use toilets like pigs and..." moving closer to reach beside her, he pulling out a few tissues, "Ya'll have tissues."
Rolling her eyes at this  statement she turned to Wooyoung, motioning for him to move, only for him to move the bouqet closer to her face, watching her nose scruntch as she covered her mouth. Muffling out a whine, "Wooyoung, come on, its nothing, just let it go, I let go the fact that you went to strip club to your birthday and didnt celebrate with me-"
"THAT'S WHAT YOU TOLD HER ?"Yunho, who was now leaning against the counter hollered. That's when she noticed it, the silence, the way Wooyoung was shaking, in...fear. No...this mf wouldn't have...could he?
"Yunho" he hissed, slowly moving back as she stepped closer to him, "You a**hole." is all that escaped him before he made a beeline for the elevator, "I SWEAR I WANTED TO TAKE YOU BUT YOU HAD YOUR PROJECT THE NEXT DAY" he yelled running into the eventor, pressing on the close button before she could jump in. Unfortunately for him, she was able to stick her hand in before the doors closed, automatically opening again.
He backed into the opposite wall, "I c-can explain." holding the bouqet to cover his face until she snatched it and started beating him with it, "YOU PROMISED TO GO WITH ME- f*** I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU WENT TO THE IMAGINE DRAGONS CONCERT WITHOUT ME!"
"IM- ow- SORRy-STOP"
The elevator stopped at a random floor and dinged, not that the two even pressed a button in this first place, they only stopped when someone cleared their throat. Pausing midscene the two- Wooyoung who was covered in petals and Y/N who was holding the dead beat bouquet,  the wrapping paper crumbled to shreds- looked the people standng at the entrance.
"Everyone, but these two, are normal." Jongho explained and entered the lift, someone next to him nodding and entering. That's when Wooyoung noticed, buff dudes hang out with buff dudes, that and how his bestfriend was twitching, slowly moving behind him, trying to hide, like she was...shy? He hadn't seen her ever flinch around any other man, let alone shy away from one. It was at this point when is gaze moved from her, trailing to catch the face of the man standing next to Jongho, who was offering her a shy smile in return. He was an eight...or at max a nine...or 9.98- point is he wasn't extraordinary, in fact, when did he start working here? Wooyoung always knew everyone, and this strange, tall mountain of a man was not part of the everyone, nonetheless, the creep was disturbing his dear darling demon, which is why he chose to speak up.
"Haven't seen you before?" his words calm but with an edge to them causing Jongho to let out an exagerted sigh and the man to nod at him, an introvert huh, still had the guts to hit on her? Creep and a weirdo.
"He doesn't, I just wanted to show him the gym here." Jongho turned to face the two idiots, the lady who sends him her work in late almost every week and her scoundrel of a friend who makes sure to finish all the morning free muffins before the poor bear can reach the break room.
"I almost couldn't recognise you without the mask?" the stranger spoke in a hushed tone, causing her to dip her head even more, mumbling a, "I didn't think you would."
"You know this creep?" Wooyoung turned to her, before biting his lip when he felt her heel dig into his toe. Pretending she wasnt doing that she bowed in apology, only for him to smile at her, "It's alright, so, this is who you buy flowers for each day?" his voice as soft as the clouds, as smooth as velvet, though unknown to her, those words, the sight of her standing so close to the rude guy, watching them physically engage before the two had entered the lift had set something burning in him, anger? Jealousy?
F*** no, they were not for this moron, but would she tell him the real reason? Of course not, shaking her head, she was about to speak when Jongho cleared his throat, "Anyway, San, let's go ....and you two...stay out of trouble." with that he walked out, her frantic gaze meeting San's calm eyes, with one last dimpled smile he walked out with a "Hope to see you around Miss."
With the doors closing she bit her lip, this is not how she wanted to him to see her, this is not what she wanted him to think- wait, was he going to stop being nice to her? Or would he just treat her like any other customer? Or-
"So, that's him, huh?" his words broke her train of thought, slinging an arm over her shoulders, "That's the guy, you face death for each morning, the guy you are willing to buy for, because he got your itty bitty heart in his palm and he has -until today- not seen you without a mask, not because you're hygienic,  no, because you'd literally get an allergic attack and die?"
Sighing in defeat she rested her head on his shoulder, "I'm pathetic, aren't I?" as she let him lead them out to their floor, as fun as this was, they still had half of the day left and he had some investigating to do.
"Nah, not pathetic,  just desperate and stupid."
"Thanks, Woo."
"You gonna do something or just stare at the weights?" Jongho asked as he got off the treadmill, noticing how his friend had been distracted ever since they got off the elevator. To be honest Jongho had brought him here because this was closer to work and San's shop, and since he'd get off work late it was easier for them to continue with their routine at this office gym, rather than the one near their apartment complex.
"Oh- no, sorry." San mumbled, sitting back on the bench, reaching to pick up a dumble, only to freeze at the next choice of words his friend spoke so casually, "Can't believe thats your masked lover."
"She isn't my lover." he hissed cranning his neck around to glare at the man who was now sitting on the bench next to him, chuckling before chugging down a whole bottle of water.
"No" sighing, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "She's got you whipped, but you didn't know she was in a relationship- you're such a romantic Sannie."
"I'll throw this at you. I swear." placing the dumble back down, grumbling he got up, no longer interested in working out anymore, choosing to stretch out the tension in his muscles instead.
"And I'm surprised you never bothered asking for her name."
"Drop it." with that he grabbed his duffle bag , "I'm going to hit the shower."
"Mhmmm...so what was more distracting? Her skirt or the fact that you saw her face for the first time-" Jongho's sentence was cut halfway when a towel was smacked on his face, San's attempt to shut him up before disappearing around the corner to the washrooms.
Today was not a good day. Well, yesterday wasnt one either, well it was till he found out that the lady he had been saving his extra silky ribbons and prettier flowers for was in fact in a relationship, or at least what looked like one. Today, he had gotten up earlier than expected, a minute before his alarm rang, which only added to his anger. Then the water ran out while showering, so he had to stumble out of the tub, eyes closed, trying to keep his eyes safe from the suds of his shampoo, almost tripping off what may have been his own pants. After that fiasco, he had missed the bus, which meant he was late, which meant he wasn't opening his flower shop, his pride and hardwork on time. But was he upset about that or the fact that since he was late, he wouldn't be able to see her today- wait why is he even thinking of her?
In midst of his crisis he missed someone standing in front of him and bumped into them, thanking God for his cat like reflexes as he balanced himself quickly, hands instinctively reaching to grab the hand of the falling individual, pulling them up into his chest.
Her forehead bumped against his chest, his arms secure around her waist, her own palms pressed against his warm chest, the sweater warm and fuzzy under her finger tips.
"S-sorry." peaking up through her lashes, her face flushed at the sight of his curious gaze. "It's alright" smiling down at her, suddenly his day turning a bit brighter, "No mask today ?"
"W-what? Oh, " her fingers instintively reaching to touch her lips, before nodding, "Yeah, I forgot...you're late today."  eyes meeting his once more, as he gave her an apologetic smile and nodded. Never had she been able to look at him up close, sure she had seen him work before, thats how she started to develope these feelings. The way he'd be so focused, his sharp gaze to the way the tip of his tongue would peak past his pouty lips, the way his hair would fall over his forehead, caressing his eyebrows-
"I leave for three minutes."
In an instant the warmth around her was gone, much to her displeasure, he had moved back, hands at his sides, no longer holding her close, much to his own displeasure.
"Morning" Wooyoung cleared his throat, before taking a sip of his coffee, eyes on the man who was staring back at him. To her, it looked like a gentle stare, but Wooyoung could see the swirling emotions behind his dark orbs, the anger, the jealousy- oh he was going to have so much fun with this.
Clearing her throat, she turned to Wooyoung, "What are you doing here?" who smiled at her, one that anyone who didn't know him would feel was the most honest smile one could see, but she knew better. He was up to no good, as he walked up to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling hercloser, "Didn't we see you yesterday?"
San's eyes caught th visible the dicomfort that she displayed for a second, certain gears in his head working quick, fists clenching at his sides- this wasn't his matter, and Jongho had told him to stay away from this stuff or he would kick him out, this was a new start, and he wasn't going to ruin it.
"You did," averting his eyes from her face he eyed Wooyoung, scanning him, he was smaller than him, in stature and build, bet he was quicker than him though- no, he wasn't supposed to be thinking like this anymore.
"San...right?" her words catching him off guard, inhaling sharply he turned back to her with a smile, "Nodding, yes, San, Choi San." Noting how her she was mimicking a smile of her own, eyes swirling with untold stories, ones he'd love to hear, all the time.
"Wooyoung" he brought his hand forward, somewhat coming infront of her, much to San's displeasure, but he shook his hand nontheless, with a fake smile, before catching her eyes again, his fake smiling morphing into his dimpled one.
"Will you be coming in today?" he asked them, "Give me a minute I just have to open up-"
"N-no its okay, we were just passing by!" she cut him off, before looking at how the two idiots were still gripping onto each other's hands. Wooyoung was going to be the death of her.
Turning his head to look at her he nodded in understanding before he felt the idiot squeeze his hand,  only sparing  him a glance then looking at their clasped hands, an awkward silence settling between the three.
With a firm nod he let go, smirking at the way the bigger male wiped his palm with his pants, trying to be oh so discreet about it.
"Good grip" was all he said before moving to Y/N, "Let's go, love." walking ahead as she sighed, wanting to smack him so hard right now. Turning to San she bowed politely, "I apologise, he can be a handful sometimes, it was nice seeing you."
She was almost a good foot away before he called out, "WAIT!" causing her to freeze in spot, whipping her head around to stare at him all doe-eyed, his heart hammering against his ribcage, demanding to leave with her, "I didn't catch your name..."
"That's because you never asked me, silly." chuckling at his curiosity veiled with his shy demeanour, "It's Y/N."
With that she was gone, running after the a**hole, according to San, who had noticed how he was making her uncomfortable by the passing minute. A part of him wanted to go and give him a good piece of his mind, but he knew not to, he had promised Jongho he wouldn't get into fights anymore, he wouldn't let the world write his story for him.
"Having fun?" she hissed, entering his cubicle, noting how  she was ignored. Her source of anger was glued to his desktop, glasses at the tip of his nose, eyebrows scrunched together in concentration. Eyes skimming each word before him.
"Wooyoung I-"
Words pausing at the rude gesture, a finger pointed in the air as if asking her to shut up for a moment. Huffing, she stood there, leaning against the entrance of his cubicle, arms crossed as she looked around waiting for him to finish with his dramatics for a good twenty minutes.
"Aaaand done." twirling around in his swivel chair he stared at her, manspreading, "Yes, child."
"YES MA'AM." fixing his posture in an instance he cleared his throat, sitting cross-legged watching her lean against his desk, eyes frantically darting from her face to the screen.
"Let's go, Love?" quirking a brow she asked, "Are you trying to ensure I have no shot with him?"
"Quite the opposite, stupid one, I'm trying to ensure you do."
"You got a shitty way of showing it."
Clicking his tongue he rolled his chair closer to his desk, smacking her knee, then pointing at th screen, "Look."
Rubbing her knee she stood up, turning to look at the screen, "What- oh my god, you're stalking him- Oh he looks cute her" her words rushing out before she could bite her tongue, earning a high pitched laugh from her friend.
"Stop" whining and covering her face with her hands she peeked through her fingers, watching him scroll through the florist's shop's social media account.
This was the most fun Wooyoung had had since highschool, it had been so long since he'd seen his oh so perfect friend a mess, sputtering nonsense. "My point is, he has no personal account, and this one is recent too, its only for the shop and considering he only has male staff- this other dude - man do all buff people have like this secret club-"
"Your point?"
"Yeah sorry, my point is that he has no lady in his life, so you've got a shot."
"And pretending that we are in a relationship is going to work how?"
"He's shy and you're hopeless at this, someone has to tip the scales and be pushed to make the first move- and we all know how your first moves involve stupidity."
"I regret knowing you for so long."
"Ooooh what are we discussing here?"
The two froze at the third, new voice entering the scene, "But, I feel like people who come in late should be more concered about their work, not Sannie's love life."
"Sannie?" the two squeaked but with different tones, with different intentions.
"Yes, Sannie, San, Choi San, man who is not part of your assignments for the week. Neither of yours." he stated as a matter of fact, slowly nudging Wooyoung's chair out of the way as he moved closer to the screen, "New account, huh..." scrolling down at an inhumane speed he hummed, "So, how's his shop?"
"Wooyoung, you've never been there." She sighed at his comment, "It's not average, its very nice, its pretty and colourful."
"Wow, bet saying that would get you in his pants, huh?" Wooyoung mocked, rotating in his swivel chair, smirking at the sight of her tainted cheeks- perhaps he did want to show their boss, that he deserved the raise rather than her, or maybe just embarass her because it was fun, or just both.
Luckily for her Yunho had completely ignored that  statement, instead  turned around to her, "So, you're allergic to pollen and you still go to the shop?"
As embarrassing as it was, it was true, "Yes." mumbling she stared at her shoes, instantly glaring at Wooyoung who had whispered, "Simp".
"Does...he know?" Their boss inquired, before closing the tab and turned to face them completely.
"No! God no, he'd never let me in the shop if he did, I mean he seems like the caring type and-" her words came to a fault at the sight of the two men smirking at each other, cause her to whine and slap Wooyoung's shoulder.
"He's our boss."
Huffing she turned to look at Yunho who gave her a gentle smile, "You're  right, he is the caring type, but" his lips quirked downwards, something she noticed instantly,  "He's not s pet project, so is this a little crush or do you actually like him, which brings me to my next question, how could you like someone without even knowing their name?"
"I..."her words hugged the silence that came after, staring at her shoes then at Wooyoung for some help, but he looked at her with the same look her boss was giving her, she did like him, but she didn't know a lot about him either- well technically a while ago she didn't even know his name.  What if this was a meaningless crush? There was no guarantee that he felt the same way either, what if he thought she was some annoying, clingy customer that-
A gentle squeeze of her hand had her look up from the all too interesting floor, only to find Wooyoung standing right before her, giving her a small smile. He raised his hand, watching her flinch but he chuckled, "You're crying silly..." he whispered, the thumb of his free hand stroking her tear stained cheek, watching her let out a shaky sigh.
"I- I wont- I mean I-"
"He didn't mean it like that...he just wants you to be sure of your feelings...I think they were close friends." Smiling at her he made her sit down on his chair, "Don't worry, I get it, I've never seen my demon sent to me straight from hell cry for a guy, so you must really like him, we just gotta figure out a way for you to get to talk to each other without chickening out, yeah?"
She nodded only to look at the person who cleared their throat, Yunho, standing there awkwardly, "I uh...I was only kidding, I didn't doubt your intentions....but damn...who knew I'd see the employee of the month, the holder of Woo's reigns, end up crying all because of Sannie-"
"I hate you." She hissed, grabbing a tissue box and flinging it at him, only for Wooyoung to catch it mid air, "Holder of my reigns?" He turned to Yunho who shrugged, "It's a name that stuck, most of us did think you two were an item" the taller man shrugged before looking at her sitting there in self-doubt, making him feel worse, "I, I think Wooyoung should go on with his jealousy plan, if Sannie didn't have the slightest crush on you, he wouldn't have smiled at you like how Jongho told me he did."
"You spoke to Jongho about this?"
"Yeah, well he did talk about the way San was distracted at the gym thanks to your skirt-"
"Jongho also said get back to work and not waste the first half of the day playing matchmaker."
The three froze at the new tone, slowly turning to find the bear like man standing there with his arms crossed, shaking his head, "I'll count till ten"
"Oh I'll win because I'm already at my desk." Wooyoung smirked earning an eyeroll from Yunho and scoff from her, watching the two walk out as he stared at Jongho who was glaring back at him, "Is she serious about him? He's been through enough as it is, it took us some time to bring him back on track."
"She is. I- its actually the first time I've seen her act this way, the real question is, is your boy fixed enough to treat her right?"
"Guess that's something you'll have to check for yourself....you are her...boyfriend after all, even if a fake one." With that Jongho left the cubicle, leaving Wooyoung alone with his thoughts, on one hand he was debating whether this interference was worth their time, but then again, he was right, he'd never seen her like this, not when he had confessed to her back in highschool and she had politely declined his offer, or when that guy in college asked her put publically- well, technically she had put him back in his place there and then and Wooyoung thanked God that he had the bestfriend privilege back in highschool too because if this is what she'd do to someone who tried to pressurise her due to the public presence even if she did once say this guy was cute- he'd hate to see how she'd deal with someone she disliked.
So, there were two questions that bothered him, was the flowerboy fixed enough to handle her? And did she now possesses the gentleness to handle delicate flowers?
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @marsvillee @spooo00oky @the-kpop-simp @mlysalt
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darylbae · 3 months
i wanna request another vampire Daryl x fem reader pretty pleaseee
I would write this myself but I do not trust my writing skills LOL. A basic summary would be a lone reader who kinda just travels around, and one night when seeking shelter from a thunderstorm she finds this guy named Daryl, barely alive, and nurses him back to health (as much as she can by feeding him rabbit and meat barely cooked per his request), before realizing that Daryl is a vampire but couldn't really care less ("There's dead people walking around and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?").
Maybe for some backstory the reader is looking for their dad (or something like that) who got taken by raiders, so she's traveling around trying to find him and killing anyone who gets in her way, so by the end Daryl and the reader make a deal that Daryl will help her, and she just has to provide the corpses.
Ofc, don't feel obligated to write this, I'm sure you get so many requests anyway 😭😭 Again, love your fics!
sweet thing — daryl dixon
in which you meet you make a deal with vamp!daryl, hoping to benefit each other
note: i hope this is what you wanted anon, and u are too kind! i am so grateful for every lovely comment i get, it really keeps me motivated to write.
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The rain was pricking at your cold skin, eyes almost closed to keep the droplets from invading your sight, and there wasn't an end in sight. You had to find him. Your dad, the only familiar sight left in this damned world, was gone. You'd sat around a fire one night, sharing a can of beans, giggling about another guess the song game you'd been playing. Then you'd woken up, and he was gone. You knew he'd been taken, it wasn't hard to realize, his stuff still surrounded you as you cried into his jacket that morning. There had been raiders on your trail for a while, it was actually a group you'd split away from a while ago. Looking to drag you back in. Why hadn't they taken you too? You wondered every day since, all thoughts leading to you feeling too useless to anyone. So now you wander, hoping to find a lead to get you back on track to finding your dad again. You'd spotted a metal panel propped between two trees, it had almost resembled a hut, and it seemed the only shelter for miles. It'll do for tonight.
You'd lost count of the days now, it all consisted of walking, stopping to eat and drink, kill walkers. Still in the same God forsaken woods that you lost your dad in. The raiders typically stayed in wooded areas, easier to conceal themselves, which was proving to be true. Leaning against the coarse bark of the tree beside you, you'd sighed deeply and readjusted the gun on your hip. Another stolen prize from the raiders which had helped you immensely in escaping. It was time to search for a place to stay. It had started raining again, however much worse than it had last time. Thunder was booming around you, the rain quick to soak your clothes and your hair becoming stuck to your skin. In the distance you could see a shed, or what looked like a small house. Your brain had squeezed onto the hope of shelter, picking up the pace as you broke free of the woods. It was, in fact, a small home. A bungalow of sorts, good enough for you for a few nights. It didn't seem occupied, but you were still cautious, so you'd equipped your blade and held it up as you breached the door. It was worn down, seemingly vacant since outbreak. But in the corner, by a fireplace, you had spotted a shadow. A moving shadow. You hadn't thought it through, you just rushed over to the person, in hopes it would have been your dad. It wasn't. But it was a man, who seemed to be on Death's door. Wheezing in and out, shivering as his coat laid over his body, ghastly pale. You'd thrown your bag off your shoulder, ripping it open to find your makeshift First Aid kit. "Hey, you still awake over there?" You asked, incredibly surprised at your confidence around a stranger. A wounded stranger. He grumbled, giving you enough confirmation to keep administering First Aid. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch."
Turns out he'd been stabbed, too weak to patch himself up. These were all just guesses, as he'd remained silent in the corner ever since you'd gotten here. However, he stayed. Even as you went out to find some dry firewood, after the rain had stopped, he was still sprawled out in the corner of the room. You'd started a fire, and sat comfortably in front of it as you let your food cook and clothes dry. "Do you have a name?" You asked, glancing over to the man. He met your eyes for one second, pulling them away from yours in the next. He remained quiet. "If we're going to inhabit the same home for a while then the least I expect is some information." You spoke, stabbing the bits of rabbit with a stick on your improvised grill made of wire and clothing hangers. "Daryl." He mumbled, taking the coat down from his face and sitting up. It was nice to see more of his face now, and strands of his hair stuck on his face. His voice was smoky, gruff, kinda hot. You hadn't thought about someone like that since before the world ended. It had just been you and your dad, except for the group of raiders you'd abandoned. You smiled into the fire, happy you were making progress. "Want some rabbit?" You offered, waving the end of the stick over at him with a cooked chunk of rabbit meat. He shook his head. "I'll find my own food." "Come on," you huffed, "eat some damn food. You need it if you want to heal." "I like it rare." "How rare?" You asked, ready to chuck some more on the grill. "Not touched the fire kinda rare." You grimaced, gesturing towards the cut up meat on the floor next to you. He leaned forward, wincing as he held his stitches, and stole a few pieces for himself. It didn't satisfy him like you probably would, but this was unbeknownst to you, he had to sit in the corner and control himself. You'd been nice enough to keep him alive, so he owed you that much. "So why do you eat raw meat? Won't you get sick from that?" You questioned, done with your food for the night and just using the fire for warmth. He shook his head. Guess that was too far. Silence lay heavily on the pair of you, Daryl too interested in a crack on the wall, and you watching the flames dance in front of you. It was you making all the conversation, so you had assumed that was it for the night. You'd climbed onto the couch, laying as comfortably as you could, and closing your eyes, hoping to have a dreamless night. "Ya won't believe me. You'll run." You heard, and you'd sat up, facing Daryl who was now sat up, arms resting on his knees with his head dipped down slightly. "Why?" You asked. "Why would I run?" Daryl paused. He didn't want to be alone again. As new as you were to his life, he liked company above all else. Even if you were pushy. "I prefer humans." "You're a cannibal?" You shivered, sat up properly now, ready to make a run for it. "NO." Daryl answered, "well, kinda." "Vampire?" You asked. Judging by his silence, you were right. And it shocked you how... normal you were about it. "Okay." You laid back down, clothes still damp and uncomfortable. But sleep was catching up quick. "Ya ain't gonna run?" He asked, and there was a hint of innocence you could hear. Like a child that had been walked out on one too many times. "No," you answered, still laid down but eyes open and looking at him, "the world has ended, the dead are alive, and you think a guy sucking blood and being deathly allergic to garlic will astonish me?" "Myth." You smiled, happy to close your eyes again. "You gonna suck my blood?" He wanted to, so bad. He wanted to taste that sweet blood pumping around that pretty body. "No. Don't wanna hurt ya." Your heart quickened, and you were embarrassed how much of an effect this stranger was having on you. You needed some action. Bad.
The fire was out when you'd woken up, and the man in the corner, Daryl, was gone. You lifted your head, noticing the coat that had once covered him, was now covering you. Your cheeks tinged pink at the sentiment, as you'd sat up fully now, still keeping the coat nicely snug around you. He hadn't left, surely? You'd made your way outside, the heavy thud of your boots alerting him of your presence, as you'd found him on the porch smoking. "So you can still smoke, huh?" You asked, sitting down next to him and observing his demeanor. Even the way he moved was hot. "Same as you are, just different diet." "Guess that answers my question of how you're in the sunlight." You giggled, and you could almost see a smirk threatening to show on his face. "Want your coat back?" "Nah," he croaked, mid-inhale, "looks better on ya." You couldn't quite believe your life had come to flirting with a vampire in the apocalypse. "Going somewhere?" He asked, and he was a lot more talkative than yesterday. You shook your head. "All I've done is wander the woods for God only knows how long, I plan on staying for a while." Daryl knew it was a topic for another night. So he stayed silent. "Gonna find some dinner. Stay inside." He instructed, standing up and stubbing the end of his smoke. You nodded your head at him, planning on making this home a bit more homely.
Daryl had been gone a while, and you'd cleaned up the place a bit. Making it look not-so-run-down. And you'd even found a book, to accompany you as you waited on dinner. He'd returned back after sunset, having been gone all day. And you were becoming ravenously hungry. "Took you a while." You commented, slamming the book closed and getting up to get the fire lit. "Yeah, sorry," he grumbled, "see ya kept ya'self busy." He looked around at the space you were sharing, seeing it didn't look nearly as bad as it did when he found it. You had only just looked up at him, seeing a sleeveless shirt and being more interested in that than the deer slung around his neck. His toned arms, patches of blood and debris from hunting all day, it was enough to drive you mad. "Hey," he clicked at you, and you felt shameful, "eyes are up here." He joked, and you smiled awkwardly at him. "Ready to eat?"
You'd eaten a good amount of meat, both of you now sharing the couch. Shoulders touching, thighs touching, your heart was beating loudly in your ears. "What's got ya out here?" He asked, his gruff voice sending goosebumps up your arms. But the question was something you didn't know if you were ready to share the answer to. But Daryl could help, he could get you closer to him. Finding your dad again was all that matters. "It's been me and my dad for the longest time. We'd met up with a group of raiders a while ago, who did things we just weren't okay with, so we up and left in the middle of the night." You sighed, heart aching for your dad and wherever he was. "They've been hunting us since. And we settled down one night, and when I woke up, he was gone. Taken. I've been trying to find him ever since." Daryl's hand found your thigh, and you almost jumped at the contact. "I'm sorry." He offered his condolences, and the feeling of his hand on your leg was starting to catch fire. "Not your fault, unless you were a raider." You turned to him, and he shook his head, that smirk appearing once more. "What's your plan next?" "I'm not sure, I just needed shelter for a few nights so I could conjure a plan, until I found you." You admitted, a sweet smile upon your lips and you looked at him. Friendships tended to form a lot faster in the apocalypse, but you weren't sure what this was. Daryl was silent for a moment. "You given up?" "No. Never." "Well let's look for him, together." He suggested. "I'll rip through that whole group if I have to." "You'd help me?" You asked in disbelief. "I like ya company," he confessed, like a dirty truth, "wanna keep ya around. Gotta help each other out." You were beaming on the inside, if this wasn't confirmation of a friendship, then you didn't know what was. "What do I do for you?" Daryl looked at you, your sweet, innocent features, eyes full of curiosity and hope. You'd seen things, but you were truly broken yet. "Help me find bodies, people, not worthy of life, and I'll help ya find ya dad." He demanded, but his voice was low. You found yourselves inching closer together, and Daryl's thumb delicately dragged over your cheekbone. "Sweet thing. I'll help ya."
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hummingbird-hunter · 5 days
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: Not Having It, Death
Alien shape shifter appears: Fear me and tremble mortals, for I am your death.
Human: Bullshit; you’re not death.
Alien: Oh but I am.
Human: Death is covered in chocolate, and I doubt your dry ass is white chocolate.
Alien: What?
Human 2: Yeah I don’t get it either.
Human: What’s not to get?
Human: I am deathly allergic to chocolate, therefore death is chocolate.
Alien: I will not suffer this inso-
Human 2: Now that’s not the same thing.
Human 2: What you are describing is what will kill you, not death itself.
Human 3: At best that could be argued that chocolate is your personification of death.
Alien: I-
Human: Well even if chocolate is my personification of death, and it kills me; then clearly it still is death!
Human 3: *Turns to human 2* He does have a point there.
Human 2: By that logic anything that you are allergic to can be considered death.
Human 3: It’d be gerbils for me.
Human 1 & 2: *Look at human 3*
Human 3: What?
Human 3: I flare up when I touch their fur and my throat closes up.
Human 3: I’d be dead in minutes if I touched one of those furry fuckers.
Human: So death for you is tiny little gerbils?
Human 2: *Snickering*
Human 3: It’s not fucking funny!
Human 3: Those little bastards scamper all over the place and you can barely hear them.
Human 3: One could brush up against me and I wouldn’t know till my throat locked up.
Alien: Are you all implying your species version of death is what you are allergic to?
Human: Well yeah.
Human 2: What else would it be?
Human 3: Well we deal with those all the time so they’re not really as scary as you think.
Alien: Why does death need to be scary!?
Alien: Death is death!
Human 2: Exactly!
Human 2: Which is why death is really being eaten alive by those little fish at malls that nibble on your dead skin cells of your feet.
Human 1 & 3: *Groaning*
Human 3: Show me one instance of that actually happening and I will admit that those little fish are really death.
Human 2: That’s just it!
Human 2: There are no examples because they cover them up!
Human: I have seen our government fail to cover up sex scandals in the highest seats of political power, but you’re telling me that they are really just diverting all their efforts to cover up deaths by little mall fish?
Human 2: It’s a bigger business than you would think.
Human 1 & 3: *Groaning again*
Human 3: You sound more like a pyramid scheme now.
Alien: As fascinating as this philosophical debate is about what death is, I really just want to kill you all and harvest your life essence.
Human: Look at Mr. Fancy britches over here.
Human: *Mocking tone* I’m too important to wait on you, so just die already. Hurdy, hurdy, hur.
Human 2 & 3: *Laughing*
Human: Look, we’re going to let you kill us but we first have to decide on what form of death you take or you won’t get as much life essence.
Alien: *Stops itself from eating Human 3* Wait, really?
Human 3: *Still between the jaws of alien* Oh yeah; when we are killed by the real death we give out a shit loads of life essence.
Alien: Why are you telling me this then?
Alien: Why not save your selves by trying to distract me?
Human 2: Because in our way we feel the least amount of pain.
Human 2: So giving us less pain gives you more life essence; win win for everyone.
Alien: *Sets human 3 down and nods*
Alien: Why not let me kill you each one at a time, so I can be your own versions?
Human: Won’t work now since we all know we have different versions.
Human: We need to agree on all the same version or it won’t benefit any of us.
Human 2 & 3: *murmur in agreement*
Alien: Okay then, why don’t we start what you all think is death and we’ll narrow down from there?
*Six hours later*
Human: Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll get my fingers slit open when I open those little blue candy bars and I’ll bleed to death.
Alien: *Banging head against rock*
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my5unday · 1 month
Helloo everypet 💜 today me, @octonauter and one of our friends (who i dont think has tumblr) worked on the second chapter of that evil vinnil angst fanfic from a while ago err have fun reading 😭
It was the coldest day of the summer but the most humid, tere was a negative and uncomfortable energy that clung to the air of the petshopt. It was awfully quiet.. Apart from Sunils WICKED giggles. The other pets were huddled around the campfire singing the campfire song. “C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG” they chanted in unison. Sunil was in a secluded corner of the day camp, scheming up an evil plan. He felt that Vinnie had disrespected him immensely by launching him into the ocean then giving him cpr in front of Youngmee, Sue, Jasper.. YOU GET IT. To get back at him, Sunil had the grandiose idea to grow black mold in the petshop and give Vinnie black mold poisoning, because he is deathly allergic to it [most people are.. I think.. But hes worse]. Sunil used his magic to create black mold spores on the corner of the day camp he stood in front of. He then used his magic even more to speed up the spread of the black mold. He let out a wicked laugh, excited to get his revenge on that green goblin.
Speaking on thr vinnie, no one had seen him in two days. He hadnt showed up to the day camp at all. All the pets just assumed that vinnie had just stayed home. He heard coughing from the other side of the room, volient and deadly, sickening and heartstopping. He turned around, pennlyling collasped on the floor, clutching her stomach. The animation meme black goo poured from her mouth. The pets payed no mind to this and continued singing the camp fire song because it was more important than penyling not succumbing [cucumbing[cucumber] to a slow and painful death [C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁]. She was expenspensible in the senseless world. A baby panda like her was all too rare in the cat and dog world. Sunil rushed to Penny lings side, dousing the fire so the pets would shut the up for once. They all groaned in annoyance. Despite gaining this illness less than ten seconds ago she was dawned with the heroin chique, her facial struture bolden and cheeks caved in gibing her that sickly starving model look. “Oh my John Eclipse penny ling! What in dogs name happened to you?” Zoe asked, appalled and honestly disgusted. Pennyling tried to respond but only coughed violently in response. She became delirious and suddenly got the urge to write on-twitter…
“Fetch me my cellular, heathen!” Pennyling shouted like a queen, and Zoey quickly did as she was told, believing this request to be her dying wish. She snatched the cellular from Zoey and began writing her first tweet on her account “PLMofficial” [Penny Ling Moulding]. Her first tweet read “The mold would NEVER bless trans people #moldingout #themoldsaves #jesusmolds #moldlovesmeyesIknow” The mold had turned Penny Ling PROBLEMATIC!! Zoey starts to feel weird as the mold starts to corrupt her brain 2. The animation meme black goo pooled at the corner of her mouth as she became chronically online. Zoey snatched the phone off Pennyling and read her tweet. “Wait.. IM TRANS! IM TRANS AND SHES SAYING THIS ABOUT ME” Zoey yelled in her mind. Chronically online rage consumed her.. “I… I HAVE TO RATIO PENNY LING!”
SHe typed furiously on her own phone and  whipped up a horrible comment that we don[t get paid enough to show and PLMofficial Was so offended she spiraled into depression within 10 seconds and  typeda undercover compliment comment to self medicate her self.
¨fr¨ the comment read, and penny smiled to herself.¨ Inally, someone cares…………..”she said, but she realizwd she forgot to switch accounts! Üh oh wrong account she posted and became mad at ZOey for tricking her [she didn really but pennyling was delusional] And a fight started brewing!
Blythe meanwhile was in her room, eyes red from being awake for the past 3 days. She had a twisted smile on her face, one of pure insanity. Huddled underneath her blanket she clung onto her phone which was scorching hot from over using it, the extreme heat burning off her fingerprints. She was playing dressed to impressed, desprate for the role of top model, refusing to eat or sleep until she achieved her goal. Everyone was worried about her, Youngmee, Sue, Jasper, Mrs Twombly, her father, all the pets owners and cousins and all the kigs’ horses and all the king's men havent seen her since this addiction started. Mr baxter decided enough was enough and forcibly burst down her dor with a machine gun. Instantly exploding into pecices “blythey, this HAS to stop!” he cried “DAD not now! Im playing roblox.” he unplugged her phone wich had been running on -1 percent and she let out a shrill shreik. He slung her over his shoulder and marched out the door. “Your going to rehab!”
at the pet shop, all the pets starting to place bets on whod survive the fightn when all of a sudden… “GUYS! COME OVER HERE YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!” Russel shouted. Everyone ran over to see Blythe being forcibly pushed into the back of a cop car!? “RELEASE ME I WANT MORE MORE” Blythe screamed as the cops finally managed to shove her in and lock the car door behind her. As they drove off, Youngmee, Sue, Jasper, Mrs Twombly, her father, all the pets owners and cousin and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men stood there in shock when a somber voice broke the silence. A group of government official looking peeple walken up to the crowd. “We’re sorry, everyone,” they said, “but vinnie’s body has been found.”
Blythey sat in a room of the rehab facility, sitting on one of those loungey chairs at therapy. Her rehab guy began asking her questions. “So, Blythe, tell me when this addiction first started.” Blythe looked at the rehab guy with an ellie and mason LOOK 💜 “Four days ago.. A uh… talking lizard introduced me to the game” Rehab guy gave Blythe a confused look. “A talking lizard showed you dress to impre-?” “YES! 😁😁😁🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😜😉😉😜😜omg😜😜😜😜😜😉🤯💅💅💅💅” she replied, instantly excited over the mention of the game by name. Rehab guy began writing notes in >*~-THE BOOK OF NOTES-~*<. “Blythe, you have a serious addiction to roblox games, in order to get you under control….” The words seemed to blur out after that in her mind. Her fingers began pointing to the assortment of clothes around the rehab room. “Blythe.. Blythe.. BLYTHE!!!” rehab guy yelled, finally catching her attention. “What are you doing??” he asked, to which Blythe replied, “Dressing💅up..” Blythe addiction had worsened to the point she thought the real world had turned into Dress to Impress, perchance a side effect of her withdrawal. She had to be strapped down to a stretcher as she began to lash out when the game was taken from her and she halucinated themse before her “NO! NO ! A FUR COMBO! I WONT LOOSE TO A FUR COMBO!” she screeched. And was locked away in a paddedroom.
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thiawen · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 9
Prompt: Bees
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Warning: Allergic Reaction
Jim is standing on the sidewalk, waiting for Spock, when three children careen around the corner at top speed. They slam into Jim, childish laughter giving way to startled shrieks.
He wraps his arms around them instinctively, protective .He twists his body as they fall, turning away from the unforgiving stone. They have a much softer landing on a flower bed where they land with a cloud of pollen and petals.
He feels a sharp momentary sting on his neck but ignores it.
They lay there for a moment, the children stunned silent, dread slowly crawling across their faces.
That won’t do.
He laughs and grins at them. “Are you guy okay? You came out of nowhere! I’ve never been taken down so fast! I think you girls could teach my security guys a thing or two!”
Reassured they aren’t in trouble, he soon has a lap full of giggling girls clamoring to introduce themselves. Sophie was human with red hair and green eyes. Xisa was Andorian, her snow white hair up in two adorable little buns. Baela was Orion, her green skin and hair made her look like a personification of spring.
“Captain, are you alright?”
Spock was standing above them, concern shining through his Vulcan mask.
“We’re fine, Spock,” he grinned at up at his first officer. “Just a small tumble.”
The words are barely out of his mouth before he is overcome with a coughing fit.
“I think,” he gasps between coughs, “I breathed in too much pollen.”
The children are patting his back, worried and trying to be helpful.
They really are too cute.
“Then I believe it would be beneficial to remove yourself from the source.” Spock hauls him to his feet just as a young woman runs round the corner.
“Oh my goodness! Captain Kirk! Are you alright?! I’m so sorry! They ran ahead and I couldn’t keep up! Girls! You apologize for running into Captain Kirk!”
Jim waves away the apologies, more concerned with his growing difficulty in catching his breath.
“No harm done. I’m just glad they’re alright.” He can barely get the words out.
Spock grabs his hand from where he had been unconsciously scratching at his neck. Jim feels breathless for more than one reason.
Spock leans in close and touches his neck. “I believe you have been stung by an insect. Logically, a bee would be the most likely culprit.”
“A bee?” He gasps, feeling himself pale. “I’m allergic to bees.”
Spock met with his captain everyday for a meal. Some days they had every meal together. When the weather was fair, they would meet in the park and take a stroll to nearby cafe. The fresh air and exercise was beneficial to Jim’s continued recovery.
Spock had been running late, a circumstance he was not pleased with. He knew his captain would not mind, but more and more Spock loathed anything that took away his time with Jim.
He had just set eyes on his captain when he had seen three young children run into him. Jim’s training prevailed and he maneuvered them safely. The worry he felt was immediate and immense.
Jim was still recovering from his death and resurrection. A fall, even a controlled one, could be serious.
His worry seemed to be founded, though not for the reasons he at first assumed.
Allergic. He felt his heart begin to race in alarm.
“Elucidate on the severity of your allergies.” He demanded.
Spock knew the answer before Jim spoke. His lips were tinged blue as he wheezed. “Deathly.”
Spock did not hesitate.
He scooped Jim into his arms and began to sprint in the direction of the hospital.
“Call the hospital!” He yelled behind him to the children’s caretaker. “Tell them I’m on the way with Captain Kirk!”
Jim clutched at Spock’s shirt as he struggled to breathe.
“Spock.” He gasped.
It sounded just like before. In the warp core.
Spock ran, uncaring of the people or obstacles in his path. He was close.
When Spock felt Jim’s breathing cease, so did his own.
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
That are some dnd race quirks you like to add for flavor?
I like to add that Gith flick their ears forward like Frilled-neck lizards to signal a non-verbal warning and chirp like tree frogs when very happy. ( they will try to kill others to hide it.)
Elves can purr but Drow can't, kinda like how some big cats can't roar but can meow.
Drow blink slowly to show affection and their eyes reflect how stimulated they currently are. ( they will also try to kill others to hide it.)
-githzerai anon
I really like your concept about gith, honestly it's very wholesome.
The frog symbolism works especially great with the mindflayers octopus thing since frogs start their lifecycle as aquatic tadpoles and are able to go on land.
Hmm for me.
I like the idea that elves are inherently just plants/fungus. Cannibalism has no consequences for them because of it but the modren elf doesn't bring it up much. Like while it would take a life or death situation for a human to eat the flesh of someone else, it would take much less for an elf to do it.
Humans start with an xp multiplier because how can you justify having a human wizard and an elf wizard be at the same level? So humans just tend to learn or absorb things faster
Gnomes have the most complex and intertwined political structures between all the other races, they're just veru secretive about it.
Dwarves treat your birthstone like how humans treat your zodiac signs.
Dragonborns and Gith bond over being born from eggs. Drows take care of gaint spider eggs for Lolth a lot so they can relate a bit.
Dragonborns and Draconic bloodline people do take some personality traits from the dragon they're based on, gold ones tend to be chatty and social while red ones tend to be arrogant. It's not a very prominent thing, your own personality traits will shine more but sometimes the dragon's traits slip through.
Oh and they can eat gems, both of them. It does nothing.
The feeling of shame, self loathing and jealously are inherently human traits. Other races feel them but at a much more watered down version
Likewise elves can feel so many other types of love that most races can't comprehend, but also much more types of hate.
Passion for dwarves shapes the meaning of their lives.
Tieflings are allergic to holy water, not deathly but more of a sneezing and itching allergy.
Half-orcs have very advanced and affordable dental care.
Dragonborns do shed their scales like snakes, their scales are extremely sensitive after so they do it alone.
Curly hair is exclusive to humans, Haflings, and tieflings. If you have it, there is a big chance one of your ancestors mingled with one of those races to add it to the gene pool.
Same with brown eyes, it's very common in humans but very rare in other races. A lot of them are really fascinated by it.
It's mostly why Dwarves think humans were carved out of great rocks deep in the earth. They see them as an excellent work of art and their creator should be praised.
But well, humans don't have a creator in dnd, no god and no origin.
I like that a lot, because when a god exists and is omnipotent, it technically erases free will for that race. If the god knows everything you're going to do before you do it, then you're predetermined.
But with humans, there is no god, so they are the most free and unpredictable of the races. Even when they try to sort them into boxes, the idea of humanity is that there is no ideal shape for a human to be moulded into.
Another flavour text i like to add, is that maybe humans were made in the image of the said gods but without any of the godly powers. So they have extremely short lives where they feel like they're missing something greatly and are never satisfied with all the powers or knowledge they collect. They always want more, to go further or deeper or faster.
Maybe try to weave the whole forbidden apple into it, humans were cursed by it to be the thing they are today. They are born with inherited sins. It explains why they are so squishy and defenceless, they were meant to stay in a safe bubble in heaven the gods created for them and not roam the dangerous lands.
But they got too curious for their own and paid the price.
Still i do prefer the no-known creator origin for humans, i a world so well documented it is funny to think human origin was the biggest mystery all along.
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minhosimthings · 1 year
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Skz hyung line as quotes I found on Pinterest!
Warnings : FLUFFY FLUFF, mentions of abuse in Chan's
A/N : I'm kinda on Writer's block right now, so this is to make up for lost time. I am not gonna do a maknae version though so sorry about that! This is the Skz version of the Enha thing I did a few days ago.
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Bang Chan - You deserve to be loved without hiding the parts of yourself which you think are unlovable.
It was one of those days again. The days where everything was wilting and the leaves were sad. The days when everything smelled off rain and everyone reeked of guilt. You didn't have these days often but for some reason your guardian angel decided to put one on you today. You had woken up in an empty bed because your husband Chan had gone to work early. The days where you needed your comfort pillow the most was the day he wasn't there. You looked in the bathroom mirror, and stared at all the bumps on your face and all the dark marks which trailed your arms. The dark marks weren't your fault of course. It had been your abusive ex's but you still blamed yourself for not being able to leave him earlier. You blamed yourself for everything today, even the horrible weather. Evening came very quickly for you and you were waiting for Chan to come back home. You looked at yourself in your phone's camera again and you looked like shit. You simply couldn't look like this for Chan to come back home to. You sprinted upstairs to the bathroom where you found your makeup and started rubbing skincare all over your face. You didn't even take note of what thing you were using and you accidentally used Chan's facewash, which you were deathly allergic to. Chan came home that day to a hot plate of food on the table and a passed out you on the bathroom floor. When you had woken up, several hours later in the emergency room, he wasted no time in getting up and peppering kisses all over your face. You realised that you probably didn't have makeup on right now and you tried to hide your face from Chan. "Baby what are you doing? Why did you use my facewash, you know you're allergic to that thing." A dam of tears welled up in your ears and you couldn't fight them back anymore when you saw Chan's soft eyes and the dam broke as you cried out "I-Im sorry Channie! I was tr-trying to just look like an actual human being and not an ugly monster when you came home and I acc- accidentally used your facewash. I'm so sorry I know I probably look like shit right now." Chan's heart broke at hearing your sweet voice so panicked and crying. He took your face in his hands gently and said "Jagi. You know you don't have to do that for me right? You are picture perfect for me. Please don't harm yourself. You deserve to be loved, without hiding the parts of yourself which you think are unlovable." He pulled you into a tight hug and you refused to let go, seeping into soft dreams filled with him and just him.
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Lee Minho - Everyone else are merely words, but you? You are poetry.
Deciding to talk to Minho was one of the best decisions that your twenty year old self had ever decided to take. There he was, a cat cafe owner next to your art store. You guys mostly talked about your shops in the beginning, but as time moved, you progressed on to the words of death, life, philosophy and cats. You adored his cats that he had and he was basically a dad to your own Scottish fold cat. You would bring him tiny canvases from time to time and he would make you the best boba tea you had ever had in your life. Asking him out on a date wasn't hard but it wasn't easy either. Your nervous ass was basically already dead by the time you sneaked in a 'Wanna go on a date with me?' written in tiny handwriting on the newest canvas you gave him, which was decorated with the painting of the cover of his favourite book. He sneaked you a 'Cecily's Diner. Tomorrow. 8 pm. I'll pick you up.' on the bill of your daily cup of boba and you celebrated by shouting into your pillow. You still laugh at that memory now, thinking about how you went from being so shy with Minho, to basically laying on top of him every night even though he told you to get off but you know he secretly enjoyed it. Your life did take a 'Crazy rich Asians' turn though when Minho' parents invited both of you for a party. A very rich party. Turns out Minho's parents owned a very important buisness in South Korea and he was basically an heir but he chose to open a cafe. He shrugged when you asked him what to wear for such an important party and said "Whatever you want kitten. Plus I'll rip it off of you after the party anyways." You threw a pillow at him. At the party, you felt very left out in your emerald green off shoulder dress in the sea of people wearing all kinds of luxury brands. Minho's parents were very nice to you and warmly accepted you into their family but looking at all the other girls there just made you insecure. Minho noticed it from time to time and finally at the point when you were about to crack, he excused himself from the party, took your hand and went straight out to car and drove you to your favourite park. You were on the verge of having a panic attack and seeing all the people at the park sort of calmed you down. "Kitten, you're ok right?" Minho knelt down in front of you and gently brushed your hair out of your face. "Minho, why did you bring me to that party? I could legit sense all the people there judging me with their fancy ass carats." Minho softly smiled at you and gently took your hand in his. "You know one thing that makes you so beautiful? Everyone here and at the party and everyone in the world are just words. But you? You are poetry." Your heart lifted up gently as he said that. You layed your head on the top of his shoulder and squeezed his hand. "To be fair, Jisung is also poetry." "And you ruined the moment Min." His and your laughter harmonized with one another to create a beautiful melody which echoed throughout the miracles of the night.
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Changbin - No human being has ever stood so close to my soul as you have.
If someone ever said, soulmates weren't real, you would probably shove the thousands of couple photos you had with Changbin in their face (and he would probably try to hold you back). The concept of soulmates was probably proved true to you when you had met Changbin at a charity event you were catering at. You were supposed to be the boss of the catering event, but you always liked to help out instead of order around, so you had picked up some drinks and gone around giving them to the people dressed in expensive suits. This was an event to raise money for the wellfare of poor children living in Israel and you hadn't expected so many people, when the host of the event asked you to cater. Nevertheless being your father's headstrong and stubborn daughter, you picked up the order pretty quickly and the people seemed to enjoy the food very much. Walking through the crowd you accidentally bumped into a stout man, dressed in Ferragamo, who was eating one of your cupcakes. You profusely apologized to him as he looked on, mesmerized by your voice and your face. Later on the man, Changbin, asked you out and you, after some thinking said yes. Now, he was your boyfriend/almost fiance who you had been living with for god knows how much time. Changbin was the definition of "I love my girlfriend more than I love myself." Boba dates, a trip to Hawaii, buying Lord of the Rings merch, whatever you wanted his rich ass got it for you. Both of you were cuddle bugs so you were basically made for each other. One day you were casually watching a movie together on the bed whilst you layed you head on his chest. You really couldn't stay up watching movies especially when you were in Changbin's warm embrace. So you fell asleep right as the climax of the movie came on. Changbin was so excited and he was about to say something to you when he looked down and noticed that you were softly snoring. He admired you for sometime, looking at how your hair perfectly shaped your face and how your eyebrows gently decorated your closed eyes. Changbin was never much of a poet but at that moment, when he thought you were fast asleep, he whispered in your ear "No human being has ever stood so close to my soul as you have bunny." And he promised himself that he was going to get you the most expensive ring in the world tomorrow.
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Hyunjin - If you were to die, I would envy even the earth that wraps your body.
Hyunjin was a drama queen. Actually no. A drama empress. And he was petty. And that was one of the things you adored about him. Arguments with him were sort of funny in a way, whenever he would toss his hair behind him or hold his hands like one of those queen bee girls you'd see in movies. He wouldn't get jealous quickly either. Even if he did both of you would laugh it off like it was nothing. But today was different. You had a reunion with some of your college batch and Hyunjin was excited to be there. He wanted to meet all the girls you used to hang out with and he wanted to know what you were like in college. But one problem was there. Your ex. Your toxic ex who still wanted you. You and Hyunjin were just standing there by the bar talking with your friend Yeji as you ex smoothly slided to you guys and proceeded to keep his dirty little hands on one of your shoulders. "Y/N! It's good to see you! I see you're with a new man now eh? Gotten over me then?." You were clearly uncomfortable and Hyunjin's brain just saw red. He couldn't keep it in anymore when your ex tried to grab your waist as with all his might, he punched your ex straight in the face. People stared and people clapped but you were just there looking up at your boyfriend and wanting to marry him right then and there. On the car ride back home, you said to him "Was that punch because you were jealous or because you noticed I was uncomfortable?" Hyunjin threw his classic ferret smile at you and answered "Maybe it was both. But mainly because of the second one." "You don't really feel jealousy do you Jinnie?" Hyunjin thought for a while and said "I do but I don't show it. If you ever asked Han that question he would probably pull out a presentation on why I'm the most jealous person on this earth. But seriously though, if you were to ever to die, I would be jealous even of the earth that wraps your body." You were slightly stunned at that. "Didn't know my artist was also a secret poet." He threw you a cocky grin and asked "Are you trash? Cause I wanna take you out." "Nope I take it back."
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electrons2006 · 3 months
A Life of Illness
Chapter One :
Death by Milk??! Part 1
(writers note: this story is based on true facts and and real life experiences of a real person. And yes before u kill me I do have their complete consent to write this)
Whumpee's allergies have been getting worse recently. Every other thing they eat, hives and rashes all over their skin. Caretaker is so worried for their beloved whumpee. "I don't want to eat anymore. If I don't eat there won't be any allergies right?",whumpee says sort of comically sort of in sorrow. "Don't be silly whumpee. I understand it's not easy and you're constantly in discomfort but you'll get better I promise".Whumpee just nods. They are otherwise a very lively kid but this deathly combo of allergies and asthma has affected whumpee more than physically. Just imagine being a 10 year old kid who is allergic to chocklate and wheat! No cakes no pizzas no burgers nothing. All while your friends munch on them and those nasty bullies mocking you when u can't eat the things you love. If that's not enough whumpee can't even play any sports with their friends. They just have to sit outside and watch. Their asthma prevents them from any physical exertion. Days pass weeks pass. Whumpee keeps becoming sadder. They are no longer the lively jumpy kid they once were. But they're a fighter. Caretaker knows that and they're proud of how enduring whumpee is.
Caretaker is extremely careful not to let whumpee get in contact with anything that they are known to be allergic to, but some things just happen. Whumpee isn't the biggest fan of drinking a large glass of milk every morning but if caretaker says it's good for them then it's good for them. Whumpee gulps down the glass full quickly and just as they're going to wash it they collapse. The glass shatters on the floor. Hearing this caretaker runs out to see what happened. Whumpee is on the floor. Their hands and feet flopping like a dying fish. They're unable to breathe. THEY ARE IN ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK. Whumpee's wind pipe has narrowed to the point its hardly letting any air through. The organ that's supposed to put air into their lungs is itself choking them to death. Without wasting a second caretaker calls for an ambulance.
Unfortunately epi - pens aren't a thing where they live so caretaker can't do anything for whumpee. They walk over to them and even though they're panicking they calm their voice down and tell whumpee that they need to calm down too and stay as still as possible. Whumpee needs to preserve their oxygen. Hardly any air is entering their lungs and whumpee has to take huge efforts for that too. Two minutes go by. Caretaker's hand is on whumpee's forehead trying to calm them down. Whumpee's hands and feet are no longer moving not because they're calm but because they simply don't have the energy. Any energy is spent in trying to breathe. They're tounge has swollen which is making breathing even harder. Whumpee's eyes are wide open in terror. They have experienced difficulty in breathing before but nothing like it.
10 minutes pass. The sound coming out of whumpee's throat is straight out of a horror film. Whumpee's breath has slowed they're getting tired. Caretaker notices. "No whumpee you must try harder. Keep breathing." Since breathing is no longer involuntary if whumpee passes out they are sure to die. Caretaker knows this and it terrifies them. They feel whumpee's pulse. Weak and fast.
"I'm so tired. Am I going to die? Die like this? In the most horrible terrifying way possible? No I must fight I must live", whumpee thinks as they turn their vision from the celeing to caretaker. They can't die on caretaker. Not after everything they've done for whumpee. With a new rush of energy whumpee tries to breath harder. The sounds get louder.
15 minutes pass. Caretaker finally hears the ambulance arrive. They stand up and run to the door. No time for door bells. They open it and 3 people come rushing in. One with a gurney one with equipment to intubate and one with a vial of epinephrine and a few syringe's "300 micrograms epinephrine" they say as they fill the syringe and jab whumpee in the thigh. A lot of time has already passed. Epinephrine takes about 5-10 minutes to take effect. They may not have that kind of time. The person with the gurney who seems to be the oldest of the 3 puts it down. "We have to intubate. Can't take any chances." With the help of caretaker they put whumpee on the gurney and carry them to the ambulance. The person with the epinephrine now attaches a leed to whumpee's finger and a monitor lights up. "You were right sir need to intubate stat. Their O2 SATS are tanking" . (They are referring to whumpee's blood oxygen concentration here). They pick up an iv needle. The vein on whumpee's arm is pretty visible. They insert the needle, whumpee flinches." That's it I'm done. Now you can sleep we'll take care of you" the doctor says as they inject a sedative into the IV. "Night night my prince" caretaker says as tears roll down their eyes.
"why is God so cruel to my dear whumpee" he says aloud without realising. The doctor puts down the syringe for a sedative, squeezes caretaker's shoulder and tells caretaker that whumpee will be fine. The doctor means that in a physical sense but caretaker knows after everything whumpee has been through they will take a while to mentally recover from this trauma. Not being able to breath is no for 15 minutes is no joke. Meanwhile the person with the equipment hands the older one the endotrachial pipes(endo-trachea meaning inside the trachia or wind pipe where the tube is supposed to go. ) and uses the laryngoscope to move the tounge and the epiglottis(a small movable lid above the larynx or voice box that prevents food or water from going down the wind pipe) out of the way to give clear vision into the trachea. The other person opens the bag with the larger tube and guides it into the trachea through the mouth. Or atleast the try "aaah too much constriction it won't go in". They take the pipe out of whumpee's mouth and toss it pick up the smaller one and repeats. Meanwhile the 3rd person grabs the equipment for a tracheostomy ( a surgical procedure where an insicion is made in the neck into the trachea from outside and the tube is sent through there) just in case even the smaller tube doesn't fit through whumpee's mouth, but thank god it does. No surgery for dear whumpee. With one hand holding the pipe they remove a seal from the part of the tube which is outside whumpee's mouth. The person with the loryngoscope takes it out and attaches a bag on this side of the pipe and starts pumping air into whumpee's lungs. Within a minute whumpee's O2 SATS start to normalise. The doctors take a breath of relief. Caretaker has been looking away. This is all too much for them. Their heart breaks for one and one person only and that's their beloved whumpee. They're sobbing their fists clenched. They're blaming themselves for what happend. They should've never given whumpee the milk its all their fault. That's what caretaker thinks. The older doctor who's job is done for now looks towards caretaker. They're very experienced and know exactly what caretaker is thinking. "It's not your fault there was no way for you to know this was going to happen. Your whumpee is going to need you to be strong when they wake up." Yes anything for whumpee. Caretaker wipes his tears off and grits their teeth "I'm always here for you whumpe" they whisper. The panic is gone and there's a sense of calm in the back of the ambulance. The driver still rushing at top speed to get to the hospital. "Uhh sir. Why are they going into tachycardia? "(irregular and fast heart beat) The youngest doctor asks looking closely at the monitor . Their voice full of panic.To be continued....
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um-jammer-rammy · 1 month
i have seen people making headcanon lists so i wanted to make one too starting by rammy because like she's one of the most irrelevant characters lore wise (appears twice on um jammer lammy, only real context given on website bios is that she's skillful at the guitar but never can be in a band because she gets fired instantly)
anyways i made some headcanons about her before but those are outdated so have these instead
rammy headcanons
* real name is ramona, rammy is only a nickname unlike lammy's name being genuinely lammy.
* 18 years old
* australian/chilean (speaks english and spanish)
* bipolar
* trans girl and bisexual, as in the opposite of lammy she's more into guys than girls
* orphan
* actually a ram, not a lamb, unlike lammy. you can't really tell since they both cut their horns short, but if you let them grow rammy's horns would be bigger.
* favorite genres are goth rock, darkwave, nu-metal, death metal, and black metal. but also enjoys things like shoegaze when in a less energetic mood.
* anything she wears instantly turns grayscale for unknown reasons
* lowkey thinks she's superior for celebrating christmas in summer, halloween in spring, ect.
* doesn't have many friends, the closest to her is colonel noodle who she met through him accidentally summoning her with an ouija board
* huge twilight fangirl, she drags noodle to watch the movies with her in the hell theaters (poor guy)
* usually screams in a guttural metal tone when frustrated about something
* has a monster high doll collection she thinks is embarrassing to show
* absolutely can't cook. she lives off pepsi, coffee, and quick ramen/mac n cheese meals.
* slowly has developed a crush on colonel noodle and flirts with him to call his attention but his dumbass never catches her indirect signals of affection.
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next up, we have parappa because he's the 2nd one i have most headcanons of
parappa headcanons
* japanese/south korean
* 18
* cishet ally (has no idea what what lgbt is but tries to be supportive)
* has adhd
* dating sunny funny since 1999
* best friends with colonel noodle (he's fairly short on money so colonel noodle tends to give him many discounts to the point he at times gets free food)
* considers katy to be like a big sister for him, she usually helps him with his music videos and was the one who pushed him forward to get into a musical hobby.
* relationship with pj is eh. they don't actually like eachother much.
* allergic to chocolate (he's a dog, duh)
* favorite genres are nu metal and rap
* favorite artists are snoop dogg, eminem, beastie boys, linkin park, and limp bizkit
* dresses like the nezquik rabbit, according to katy
* bald, since he was playing with pinto as hairdressers and pinto accidentally fucked up his hair so he had to cut it off so that's the real reason he's embarrassed of taking his hat off (as a human i also headcanon he would be deathly pale to the point he easily gets sunburnt as an alternate reason for always wearing the beanie)
* very hot headed and can come off as mean since he takes no shit from others and will fight for people in trouble on his neighborhood but has a heart of gold
* grew up in tokyo in an era where western things like rap/hip hop/rock were considered taboo but was always against it.
* i scream was initially gonna have more serious and vulgar themes but due to his parents' influence he decided to make it more friendly and try to be a good example for his little sister, pinto, as mentioned before those topics weren't well seen in that era. that's why the name is i scream however he rethemed it to ice cream as a coverup.
* huge fan of videogames, specially violent ones like mortal kombat, but he's only allowed to play them while pinto is not around.
* has one of those do not enter signs on his room's door like the average 90s teenage older brother
* hydrohomie. doesn't love anything more than a good glass of water. this freak's favorite way to drink water is a straw.
* chop chop master onion is like a secondary father or even grandfather to him and his biggest inspiration. he actually got his i gotta believe catchphrase from him just like lammy did.
colonel noodle headcanons
* real name is yoshihito omohiyama
* transmasc and a straight ally
* 18
* japanese/german (from osaka)
* polyglot
* autistic
* his hair is actually straight and he feels ashamed of it. his hair without curling is a little longer than shoulder length
* parappa is his best friend, he's however not that close to the rest of the friend group since they are kinda afraid of him after the war, specially tamanegi sensei and takoyama for the way he treated them.
* has kind of a double identity with his glasses (colonel noodle) his glasses have a more tough and violent persona that is destined to help him with his tougher moments in life which usually backfires, like him accidentally killing his dad during a heated argument. only his colonel noodle persona is aware of this incident.
* dislikes girly things with a passion such as teriyaki yoko's music.
* lives off coffee, noodles, and a compliment from a few years ago
* very close to rammy and is unaware of her crush on him
* hates casual clothes such as hoodies and always wears an apron over his clothes. in his colonel noodle persona he dresses in a rather extravagant way. his wardrobe is mostly black.
* refuses to sleep because it's "a waste of time and for the weak". tends to pass out at work in inconvenient moments.
* was a hikikomori for most of his teenage years as he fell into a deep depression.
* not a fan of videogames since they are a waste of time for him but everytime parappa challenges him in the arcade he wins
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phunockery · 2 months
Trigger warning allergic reaction, random etymology facts pertaining to sexual acts, talking about death, the melodrama of trying not to die.
(Spoilers) If you're reading this, it means I survived the night.
This is a timed log after finding out I poisoned myself. I don't think I'll die from it but this sucks and I'm feeling emotional and melodramatic.
If I die tomorrow, I didn't mean to. I promise. I just wanted a drink. I usually don't, it usually upsets my stomach. But tomorrow I turn 34 and I was feeling frisky and wanted something to drink while I play my traditional birthday (and sad mood) game: Sonic 2. So I grab a Kirkland hard seltzer from the fridge. Never tried the brand, but it was black cherry and I like that.
I decided to try to time some of my runs, nothing serious. Beat a couple of my pbs feeling good.
After drinking about 1/4th of the seltzer and I notice that my head is feeling funny and I wonder how a 5% drink was making me feel like that. My game play gets bad, but I beat my PB on Chemical Plant 2.
Aquatic Zone is a mess, mild improvement in act 2... And I start feeling itchy. Hives are building. I grab some Benadryl, chew two and as my chest tightens I look up what could be causing this.
Apparently there is a filtering process called finning that run the alcohol through animal products, like gelatin.
That comes from pigs.
That I am deathly allergic to.
The company does not have to disclose this information and honestly this a best guess, because what else would make me allergic to an alcoholic beverage?
Now I am sitting here, trying to differenciate anxiety and anaphylaxis. Taking deep breaths, epi pen in hand. I'm not going to call 911 because I can't afford it, if you're mad, join the club. (🦅 Insert screams of eagles and freedom here 🇺🇲)
It's almost midnight. I am almost 34 and I am live blogging my allergic reaction because I have nothing else to do
'call 911' that is far too expensive and I don't want to leave my kids with massive amounts of debt because I decided to get treatment (eagle screaming and freedom noises here 🦅)
I messaged a few friends, but they're busy. My friend is probably going to kill me in the morning when she sees this if I'm not already dead.
I'll probably live... I once survived a wedding where the brides mother unintentionally tried to kill me. I was lucky then because there was a doctor in the house... But that was worse. I had lost my ability to breathe immediately.
I'm just itchy. Soooo itchy. I am covered in hives... It doesn't help that my other friend made dinner and no one put cast iron that has cooked bacon and allergy together yesterday... Which I suffered for. Granted I suffered less then than I am now. Now now, but still itchy and cramps.
I hope to make it to cramps. I should. I can still breath. I am just so itchy. I hate this. I should be getting rest so I can pretend to have a good birthday. Instead I will pretend to have a good birthday and deal with aaaallll the fallout of having a full allergic reaction.
Chest is no longer feeling tight. A friend has message saying they are going to bed. I sent a message asking if they have a few moments to just sit with me. I think it was too late, they're offline.
11:40 I'm still itchy. My legs, my arms, my scalp, my chest, my armpits... It all itches. This really sucks. (Remembers that sucks used to be a euphemism for bjs and this fact gives me the chuckles of strength).
double checked messages to other friends. All unread. Some are online, some are not. But I am still alone so you, future reader, remain my emotional support pen-pal.
The skin around my eyes is itchy like I was crying. I don't think I've been crying. I'm upset, but not like that.
Good news: this won't be my worst birthday.
My worst birthday was in 2009. I was BMT for the USAF and on my 19th birthday, two days before graduating, I was acting unusually confused, was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with viral meningitis. I was booted from the USAF shortly after recovering.
11:50 Hell this isn't even as bad the last 7 years that just got progressively worse. I was let go of my job on my 30th birthday and became disabled two days later. (Barely related). Last year I was coerced into going to a water park (I don't do good with loud noises any more) and I wound up breaking a tooth trying to swim in the shallow waters. My ex was not comforting about it and suggested that I not make a scene in front of my kids because they would get upset.
11:55 I can breathe a bit easier. Still left unseen and I turn 34 in 5 minutes.
3 minutes to go and I am trying to fight the sleepy of the Benny's until I feel less itchy.
2 more minutes, I really hope I don't die, my friends don't deserve to have a corpse in their guest room
12:05 made a happy birthday post on TikTok. My voice is definitely affected, but I can talk and breath.
Still left on unseen. I feel bad that they're going to wake up and find out that a friend reached out for help and help wasn't available. That is going to suck. Hopefully I'm still alive and can tell them they're good and deserve sleep.
12:20 a rando has become the first to wish me a happy birthday. A friend messaged to let me know they're glad I'm safe and they're going to bed so they can work in the morning. They hope I find someone to talk to. It looks like it is just you and me
12:23 the stomach has put in its bid for attention. I will spare you the details. The Benny's are taking effect. I am soooo tired and the body itches slightly less. Except around the eyes, it still feels like I've been crying
12:29 my apologies to my friend: I fear I have destroyed your toilet. It should be fine in the morning.
12:30 the stomach still hates me. I hate me. I just want to go to bed.
12:40 tired. Imma go to bed with my Epi Pen on the bedside table. I wake up to everything anyways. The sudden inescapable lack of breath should be more than enough to wake.
I could really use a 'there there's and a hug. And now my eyes are itchy again, at least I know why this time.
Good night.
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cleverchildblizzard · 2 months
Destiny Démbéle
This will be a two part bio cause Tumblr won't let me post it! Hope you enjoy my Pico's School oc!
I wanted her bio to be like these ones!
Age: 13 (Pico's school and Pico 2 demo) 19-20 [Friday Night Funkin]
Gender: Female [often mistaken for a male]. Status: Alive (despite her death in Pico 2 demo)
JD- twin brother
Unamed mother
Pico - Friends (Pico is said to have a small crush on Destiny)
Darnell - Friends
Nene - Frenemies
Debut- Destiny's Rumbling Fist Fight (1999) Latest appearance- Friday Night Funkin Voice-sketchyfrogz
Destiny is one of the many characters from Pico's School,having a close relationship with Pico,Nene and Darnell.Although she attends another school in Philadelphia,named "Philadelphia Boarding School".Debuting of her own spin off game "Destiny's Rumbling Fist Fight",Destiny an extreme masochist,enjoying the feeling of blood on her and the sight of gore,and goes insane when exposed to it.This is further proven in Destiny's Rumbling Fist Fight,where she ends up going on a homicidal rampage after accidentally going to far and killing one of the students.
Destiny is also said to be deathly allergic to peanuts and nuts,as her head will explode when eating them (idk why I made this canon lol)
Destiny is known for having a both a Jamaican and African American heritage; her unnamed mother being African and the unnamed father being a Jamacian man.Destiny is also known for being raised in a Christian household,but she had later grown out of the religion in her adult years.
Destiny is a very trigger-happy masochist,and is said to try and fight of the intense masochist tendencies but can never really fight them of,leading to her taking on a much more violent approach.Destiny also has a high intellect of 247; however she doesn't enjoy school,usually sneaking out to go somewhere other than what she likes to call: "Some fancy ass load of shit.".
Destiny's greatest strengths are known to be hand to hand combat,as she is said to have trained in kickboxing since early childhood; taking on gymnastic classes later on.These could be a reason for her skill in flexibility and strength when faced with combat.And Destiny always has some sort of weapon with her due to past trauma,like knives that are usually tucked away under her skirt.She heavily enjoys being the cause of pain and blood,her masochist desires growing when experiencing the feeling of blood on her.
Pico - The two are said to be good friends,Destiny sneaking out of her school just to go hang out with him and the others.Outside of school hours,Destiny and Pico enjoy hanging out along with Darnell and Nene,usually getting into crazy shenanigans and memorial adventures.Although,it could be hinted that Pico could have small feelings for Destiny. As in the Pico 2 demo,he expresses his concern when Destiny demands for him to leave the school after the Ghettobots attack.
Darnell - Darnell and Destiny are confirmed to be friends,but are never seen taking that much.However,Destiny enjoys building pipe bombs and other items to support Darnell in his pyromaniac needs.This could hint the two still get along on some cases.
Nene - The two are stated to have a rocky relationship,having been stated frenemies.The reason for their relationship remains unclear,however it could be due to different beliefs and interests that the other disagrees about.
Destiny's Rumbling Fist Fight
In her debut,Destiny's Rumbling Fist Fight,Destiny gets into a small quarrel with some students that have been causing trouble for her in school.She then battles them on in one of the alleyways of her school,using hand to hand combat and random items scattered around her to her advantage.Although she ends up going to far,accidentally killing one of the students and being exposed to the blood seeping out of them.This then triggers her more masochist side as she goes on a homicidal rampage,killing the remaining students and about 3 other teachers who attempt to stop her.Once she calms down,Destiny observes the brutal gore before her eyes,as well as her now blood stained school uniform.Panicked,she stated how her mom will freak when she sees Destiny's bloodied uniform (as if that was more important than the massacre she had committed) and then hurriedly leaves the scene to clean up.
Pico's School
In Pico's School,despite not being physically seen,she is briefly mentioned by Pico after he killed Cyclops,stating that "Thank fuck Destiny isn't here,she would've gone crazy at the sight of all that blood!"
Pico 2
In the demo for the cancelled Pico's School sequel Pico 2,Destiny isn't seen until Pico goes to search around Philly.There,he sneaks into the school to see Destiny and explain the situation with the Ghettobots,catching Destiny bunking class in the toilets.Their conversation is cut short as gunshots and screams are heard outside in the school hallways as the two discover that the Ghettobots have invaded Destiny's school in search for Pico.Enraged,Pico takes out his uzi and states of how he will take care of the Ghettobots as he heads towards the door.But Destiny blocks his way,complaining of how the Ghettobots are only here for Pico and how he should just leave the school; adding that she will take care of the Ghettobots herself.Despite his protests,Pico is forced to leave the school.But if Pico decides to come back to the school after the Ghettobots leave,he can spot Destiny's dead body in the school hallway admist the many other corspes; indicating that her plan of taking on the Ghettobots didn't go so smoothly.
Newgrounds Rumble
In Newgrounds Rumble,Destiny appears as a playable character,using mostly hand to hand combat in fights (though in some of her moves she gains twin sais).She enters the battle to become "King of the Portal" to prove she could be worthy of being in such a powerful position,along with her dream of manipulating the world to her desires.
Friday Night Funkin
In Friday Night Funkin,Destiny is shown attempting to kill BF (and even GF) for money Daddy Dearest promised her,though she didnt get angry when Pico failed to get the money,maybe just a bit disappointed.
Destiny and Pico didn't officially date until after entering their early years of adulthood,Destiny not confessing until later because she had been afraid of rejection. However,Darnell and Nene are not aware of Destiny's and Pico's romantical relationship.
Destiny also simply likes being an assassin as it is an excuse to kill people (she would be fine living without that job) but would refuse to kill innocent people; she wants to be the reason a bad person suffers and experience death.
"What fun is it to kill some random person for living? I want to be the reason a disgraceful person experiences pain and rots into the ground.Otherwise you can count me out."
@myvirtuallove no cause WHY did tumblr suddenly decide to let me write all this like this is the whole thing 😭 enjoy your meal ig...also mightve changed something with the FNF part.take a look >////< ... @myvirtuallove okay so cause of this I might make an au where Destiny is dating Jay instead of Pico <3 my oc x canon desires needed to be fulfilled :3
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imustbenuts · 10 months
a nonsensical rambling about Yin Yang in FEH
if this is anything for a FE theory:
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theres a decent chance kiran and grima have a yin yang relationship. specifically, grima is yin (black) and kiran is yang (white).
apart from the visual design of one dressed in black and the other in white, we have a spring alfonse saying how kiran is warm like the springtime sun, and grima's alts are associated with harvest & autumn, complimentary with their Moon named attacks:
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(more under the cut)
aside, there is some sus stuff about theming in FEH. the realm alfonse belongs to is midgard but is more often called Zenith.
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in this case, it seems like definition 2 is the most apt here. it's implying that the word of FEH is the closest to the realm of the gods. this is evident in the sheer amount of gods in FEH compared to any other FE entries, and they are also proper gods. not the ambigious powerful dragon deity types that qualifies due to perceptions most of the time.
(the og japanese text meanwhile uses the word: 至天 which is. not. really. a proper word. its a frankenstein of the word solstice 至点, read also as shiten, but the kanji for point 点 has been replaced by heaven 天. so, it reads like this place is the place closest to the heavens. Zenith is apt.)
so extrapolating that, the fact that kiran is, 1. referred to as us the player, and 2. gets summoned from breidablik in a goddamn temple is... sus. its pointing towards a case of either zenith or kiran being associated with the heavens/sky. their main mode of summoning heroes also invokes the idea of them being summoned by a beam of light from the sky. bonus: the description about breidablik makes it even more explicit.
meanwhile, grima is a fell dragon, which is more associated with the earth. they are made in an underground lab and sealed for a long time underground, and one of their main power is zombification, also associated with death and the earth. (heres my more insightful rambling about fell dragon's roots in buddhism about it)
in FEH's A Day In The Life comics, this as close as we can get canon kiran is also very bright, bubbly and assertive (to the point of chaos).
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grima meanwhile is mostly broody, recessive chuunibyou and hellbent on destroying the world and plunging it into despair. their FEH appearance keeps some of those traits but has them scheming something in the background while being deathly allergic to chrom and robin whenever they do interact.
anyway, kiran is a positive person while grima is very very negative.
their method of fighting is also very telling.
kiran uses live heroes, grima uses dead people/'heroes'.
kiran cant fight themself and gives the buff to their heroes. grima can fight themself, and uses the dead as cannon fodder.
kiran is a hope bringer, grima is a despair bringer
kiran is mortal, grima is immortal
kiran is, if you are willing to entertain this write up i did some time ago, an extremely lucky person/idol/entity of the highest degree. and grima is has 0 luck:
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if two halves of a whole refers to theming, then kiran and grima fits this for the taoism yin-yang.
worth noting b4 i close off is also, Grima is excessive yin. the books ive read about this refers to yin and yang being energies that can go out of whack if unbalanced. too much yang (white) manifests as rage, stress, anger, and too much yin (black) manifests as death. ie activity vs stagnation
so maybe this is something or not even anything at all lmao
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klarionthewizard · 2 years
Imperial Headcanons: Thrawn
-can't draw a stick figure to save his life
-writes lovely poetry if you don't mind an excess of blood, war, death, tactics, and hunting instincts metaphors
-his best work is in his native language, his Sy Bisti stuff is decent, some of his favorite metaphors don't carry over that well into Basic
-hates the idea of eating bugs
-is deathly allergic to capsaicin, the way he finds this out is very unfortunate
-bleeds white, this makes his uniform convenient for him and hell for his medics
-can and will bite, every bite leaves scars
- has a rumor circulating about him that says that his bite is poisonous. It's not true but Thrawn does nothing to correct it
-in the end, all the rumor manages is to confuse Thrawn about the difference between being poisonous and venomous
-mostly carnivorous but adores jorgan fruit
-has a ridiculous sweet tooth even by Chiss standards, could and would eat an entire crate of licorice by himself if you let him
-his favorite licorice is the salty brown kind, this information nearly caused a mutiny on the Chimera
- can't see as well in the dark as a human without his infared sight
-his range of vision is something like 425-1200nm, this means he can't see most shades of purple
- actually likes the taste of bacta
-also adores lum ale (which is an actual canon thing, the ale anyway, and apparently what bacta tastes like)
-likes strategy games, his favorites are Rack and Ruin, Stay the Course, and Alterstar
-thinks dejarik is over rated and not challenging enough
-wears subtle red and very occasionally gold eyeliner
-when he can be convinced to do something elaborate, his skill with eyeliner and eyeshadow art is ridiculous
-loathes the texture of lipstick
-his office has an arcane organization system that appears messy to the outsider. the only thing that looks organized is his art collection
-will walk off being shot, absolute baby about getting anything more serious than a three day cold
-the piece of Chiss tech that he misses the most are the blasters. the Imperial ones are atrocious to everyone but Thrawn has a special hatred for them that's infamous among Imperial command
-least favorite art styles: suprematism and pop art because he's a major art snob
-favorite art styles: specifically Chiss impressionism and Denon's neoclassicism, though he has a fondness for street art of any flavor because of how inventive and interesting it can be
-seems like he would be a sad drunk, is actually very inquisitive and impulsive. this is a problem because his basic is very bad when he's drunk
-is one of the few people Piett knows that can outdrink him without cheating (aka: using the force to filter the alcohol out of your blood, my lord)
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