#i am having FUN!!!!! the haters could learn a thing or two....
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littlestpetship · 1 year ago
every time i refer to ghost i say he's a british "person" and hold my hands up doing the quotation marks and soap thinks im like the funniest person ever but ghost is just looking at me like. yiu think yer feckin funnay mate... (yes i do i am so much funnier than you)
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olderthannetfic · 3 months ago
Someone recently left a comment on one of my fics that they were disappointed I wasn't addressing any of the criticism or comments I got on Goodreads. After all, I reply to comments on the actual fic. Why am I ignoring the Goodreads commenters?
Well, 1. I didn't know there was a Goodreads page for my fanfic 2. I think if they wanted a reply they'd say it where I'm known to reply to every single comment without fail and 3. the kind of dumbass who treats 800k of free fanfics in a series like something they paid for is not the sort of person I want to engage with. If 800k of stories, with main stories, tie-ins, prequel asides, missing scenes, etc. for free wasn't to your liking, just... go read another? We have stories in this fandom whose whole series clock in at over a million words. We have stories where people have done fan songs and fanart and fancomics tying into their main work. We have stories with multiple timelines. You have so many options, all of them totally free and easy to access. If my stories, which I fully admit ares flawed and show some of my weaknesses as an author, don't do it for you, you have options. You have wonderful options.
If I had an editor and a publisher and my stories were actual books, I wouldn't have this reaction to this comment. But these stories have one person working on them total. I'm not making income off of this. This is what I write while working two jobs, for fun. As much as I do view writing fanfic as something that helps me learn the ins and outs of writing and put my all into it, it's going to be rougher than if I'd had help with it or had time to do more drafts than the three I normally do.
And if I was known for ducking criticism, I would get having comments on another site. There are authors in my fandom who delete anything that's not praise. But I have had long conversations with my haters in which I take everything in good faith and explain my writing choices, word choices and ideas. I have my tumblr which is just about my fandom stuff listed in the AN of every chapter. DMs are open and anon is on. My Dreamwidth account, also under the same name, also has DMs open. I have publicly stated when I have made shit narrative choices and owned that yes, sometimes I have genuinely dropped the ball. This has influenced later chapters where things go off of the original outline in order for the shit choice to have consequences in a way that makes sense and feels true to the characters in the story.
So "why are you hiding from the Goodreads commenters?!" feels like the most baffling thing I've ever been asked. I tried to be nice about it, but all I could think was, "why didn't the Goodreads commenters who wanted a reply post their comments where they know I 100% would've responded to it?"
(Also, lol, half the pro shit with a lot of comments on Goodreads is barely edited. Maybe they were bitching about content? But if it was whining about craft, the bar is in the floor and they have nothing to complain about.)
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lurkingshan · 3 months ago
(Different anon) I agree with and understand your points re: ~why you watch GMMTV if don't like??~ and why the question is/feels hostile.
But taking the question itself in good faith as "why do you (should I) keep watching shows I think/know I will not like based on how others have been handled?" in the genuine spirit of "explain like I'm 5 because I don't understand the lingo and background but want to understand the concept, how would you explain it to people not as into/knowledgeable/etc BL and the history of GMMTV?
Hi anon! This is an interesting question, because it depends so much on you as an individual and what makes you happy.
I think there is often a misconception that people who post critical meta are having a miserable time and torturing themselves with media they hate, but it's just not true. For folks like me who enjoy thinking critically, this is how we have fun. When I love something, I want to rip open its guts and see how it's all assembled. It's what stimulates my brain and gets me excited. And when I don't love something wholeheartedly, I am interested in figuring out why. I've often had the experience of watching something that I know should be working on me, and if it isn't, that creates an intellectual puzzle that I find very satisfying to solve. Why isn't it working, and what can that help me learn about storytelling? This is also fun for me.
Another misconception I often see in fandom is that if you like something, you can't have negative thoughts about it and you have to pretend it's perfect to be a good fan. Nonsense! Being a hater is fun, especially about things you truly love. I'll give you a really concrete example: Bad Buddy is one of my all time favorite shows. It first aired three years ago and I still think about it nearly every day. It's a show that stimulates my brain but also hits me straight in the heart. But I do not think it's perfect and I get a lot of joy from thinking about the parts that did not work (Wai's redemption, that stupid fake out in the finale, all of episode 9) and making fun of it (have you heard that PAT GOT SHOT??). This, too, is a form of love and source of joy.
So with those misconceptions addressed, why do I keep watching shows I suspect I won't like? First, because you truly never know until you try, and I like to be pleasantly surprised. Two of my favorite shows of this year, Cherry Magic Thailand and Knock Knock Boys, shocked the hell out of me. I went into CMT deeply skeptical only to be charmed against my will and so impressed by how they adapted it, and I went into KKB expecting it to be like 95% of weak Thai pulps only to realize its writing and themes were stronger than they had any right to be. If I stayed away from all media I thought I might not like, I would have never had the amazing experience of watching and discussing those two shows live with friends who also loved them.
Second, like I said above, I still have fun examining shows that are not quite working for me, and sometimes I am compelled by the ambition of shows even if I don't think the execution is serving. A great example of that is The Sign. I wanted to support that show because of who was making it, and it had so much early promise that when it fell apart halfway through, I stuck it out to try to make sense of what went wrong. In cases like that, I like to figure out what a show thinks it's doing, what it's actually doing, and where the disconnect is. It's a fun puzzle for me to sort through such an ambitious mess of a show. This is why, btw, I am never really moved by fanwanks to fill in gaps in story and characterization. I understand why others enjoy fixing shows in their brains and then pretending that's what they actually saw, but it's not what motivates me. My goal with shows like this is not to get myself to like it no matter what, it's to figure out why I don't like it and what could be changed to address that.
Third, I care about ql as a genre, and I like to be aware of how it's evolving and be part of the collective experience of watching it. QL fandom is tiny and I like to know what my friends are talking about! I can't watch everything because there is simply way too much content these days, but I like to watch or at least pay attention to most of the big buzzy shows to track trends and see what's getting the fandom frustrated or excited. I didn't watch We Are because I knew enough about what it was doing and who was involved to understand it was not for me, but I did pay attention to reactions to it. Watching Jack & Joker with Thai bl fandom right now is some of the most fun we've had since Only Friends killed our spirit. J&J is directed by my parasocial frenemy Tee Bundit, whose shows often frustrate the hell out of me and whom I have ripped to shreds on this platform many times over. But I'm not gonna let that stop me from having fun with this new show, because Joke is The Moment and we're all in this together.
So truly, anon: whether or not you should be like me and watch things you may not like or continue watching shows you don't think are very good depends on what motivates you. You should figure out what is most fun for you re: media consumption, and do that. You can seek out people who enjoy media the same way you do, and also befriend people who think differently if you want to learn from each other and don't mind a bit of productive discomfort from time to time. I have gotten better recently at recognizing when I'm just getting nothing out of a show and dropping it like a hot potato (because some shows are not bad in an interesting way, they are just bad), or realizing which shows I will like better on a binge (usually the ones with terrible pacing, that is not as tortuous for me when I can just watch it all in one go). You gotta do some testing to figure it out.
All of this has all been a really long-winded way to say you should do what makes you happy, and don't assume that just because someone else's happiness looks different from yours, that it's wrong.
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starlightiing · 2 months ago
No but for me it's like.
I've only known these two drivers since February. They're as new to me as the sport is. Have I learned a lot in this time? Absolutely. But I haven't spent as much time as some other people loving and supporting these guys and yeah, sometimes that makes me feel a little silly when I get this emotional over them.
But the human experience is a beautiful thing, and my interest in them isn't constricted by time or even the amount of weird fun facts and oddball knowledge I may or may not know about them. My interest is in them as drivers, as incredibly competent athletes in their sport, and it doesn't really matter if I've loved them since February or since 2016/17.
All it means is I have spent less time with them together, and will never have as much time with them together as some other people. I genuinely enjoy their talent (and silly little personas) and even their complicated past. I get the tropes are fun, friends to lovers to enemies back to lovers, or whatever combination you guys want to do with them, but personal issues put aside, I really enjoyed them as teammates at Alpine, too.
And just yesterday, I was lamenting over the fact that when Esteban goes to Haas, chances are low he and Pierre would ever do much interacting again (even if the interaction now is 'forced'). I wouldn't ever have them as teammates in this team again, or probably most likely any team ever again (who knows though). I wanted them to have something. For me. Selfishly. I wanted to get one last treat from my guys, together, as teammates in the same team, before the end of the season.
I never could have imagined it would be this.
Pierre, keep proving them wrong. No matter what it is, what you do, keep proving them wrong. Time and time again. You are not doomed to fade into the background. When given the right opportunity and the right car, you've shown over and over just how good you are. Let's hope Alpine is able to give you that car and that opportunity next year. This podium was fought for and earned and I'm so, so proud.
Esteban, keep your head held high above the haters. You are an incredibly talented driver despite what the media tried to claim of you in the past, incorrectly. You have had to fight for everything, tooth and nail, your entire life. It only makes sense you would fight just as hard on the track to achieve your dream. You are destined for much more than this, and I hope and pray you find that in Haas. For now, I am so proud to see you get what is likely your final podium with this team, and to get it alongside your teammate who, despite your differences, was also proud to stand alongside you for it.
I could not have asked for a better send off for Pierre and Esteban as teammates. I asked for a little and I was spoiled with the movement of mountains. Both of these men worked their ASSES off in this team with a car that barely knew how to get out of it's own way, but the TALENT behind the drivers in the seats brought those shitboxes up to P2 and P3 today without any issues while 80% of the grid (unfortunately) went off track, crashed, spun, and otherwise. This was an EARNED podium for them both, through hard work and dedication to their craft and their team.
I'm so happy for them and so proud of them. This is probably the only time in my life I will ever see them up on the podium together as teammates.
It's suffering, liking two midfield team drivers so much, that the one time probably ever in the next fucking 10 years they both manage to get on the podium at the same time together, you spend the better part of an entire hour emotional over it because you have no idea if/when it'll ever happen again (and even less likely to happen on the same team).
Today meant a lot to me personally for many, many reasons. Not even all of them were detailed in this rambling. I am just so happy for them, so happy that they had this moment together as teammates, who grew up with each other from little children with the fondest memories of karting, to both be in F1 on the same team and get a P2 P3 podium at the same time.
I don't care if I've only been supporting them both since February. It doesn't matter. They are my silly little sports guys and I am so incredibly happy for them!
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ashysmultifandomcatdump · 4 months ago
another roleswap AU (because i have lost control of my life)
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these things. are all i know how to make now.......
ANYWAY it's my take on a wander<-->sylvia roleswap AU!!! i didn't Properly draw sylvia here because i couldn't get her to look right, and she's basically the Same anyway. just without her saddle and with the hat tied around her neck. i don't know if i'm entirely happy with these designs (struggled with the colors for wander and i'm not sure i really like them) but they're all i could think of....and i didn't wanna just copy anyone else's. so that's how they Are for now until i think of something better! (general stuff about the AU and additional doodles under the cut)
for sylvia, i was thinking about her differences in reforming people compared to wander's. while we don't exactly see her do that in the show, she does get Somewhere with villains that wander can't/hasn't tried to do anything with: dominator and peepers. the fact that she almost got dominator to appreciate the beauty of life, someone who is Definitely irredeemable—yeah, i think she could definitely redeem someone, if she tried. how does her method differ from wander's?wander's is precise, time-tested, and based on his analysis of the other person's character; he constantly pushes their buttons to see what makes them tick. while sylvia, from what we see—it's just to mostly...treat them normally. like, relate to them: she has fun brawling with dominator, she and peepers find similarities in Their Idiots. she talks to them. basically, sylvia works from common ground and wander works from uncommon ground. if that makes sense
so, i imagine in wander's place, sylvia's just kind of. Chill! she doesn't have wander's thousands of years of experience, but she has her own down-to-earth attitude, and it's not like her less than thousands of years experience isn't valuable at all. she probably hasn't redeemed a villain before, but she's definitely helped people, and well if they cross paths grop darn it she's going to try. who knows? it could work! it worked with wander, at least. (and like, this is just a small thought that i'm not sure would apply but: mini hater and peepers swap perhaps, not in the complete roleswap way, hater's still the boss, but more like. maybe swapping who's the Main Guy to be redeemed? sylvia's way of relating to people might work more with peepers than hater...but i don't know, i could see it either way)
and speaking of wander: how's our non-violent do-gooder make it to the point of being The Fighter? what got him to abandon his carefree attitude to be The Protector? well! nothing!! he simply never had it in the first place!!! instead of learning to go with the flow and take things as they come...he kinda just Didn't. he never got the hat which to me is what allowed him to start doing that (i have a whole backstory about this but it's a bit long so i'll just move on) instead for the rest of his life continued living in a constant state of anxiety. which is, you know, Not Good for a guy, especially when this lasts thousands of years. i think he still has to help people, but he hasn't gained the courage to go above and beyond or confront villains like in canon. Wander With Survival Instincts, basically. and his main reaction to fear is to run away; but i think, over time, that might not be sustainable, or he might meet someone that convinces him to start fighting back just a bit.
yes, i am sneaking in just one other swap here: screwball and lil bits. this might seem strange and it kinda is. i'm still kinda workshopping it, like maybe screwball should swap with ryder instead...but i dunno, i've always just associated screwball and lil bits with each other. two villains specific to wander and sylvia respectively, whom the other is not able to understand as a threat throughout their debut episode. i think it would be funny. and screwball being a bounty hunter when swapping with bits just Fits, since wander eventually ends up as a bounty hunter before meeting sylvia...of course lending to the idea that they were partner bounty hunters in the past. which works really well, i think
and considering comedy and horror are two sides of the same coin, and that this wander is primarily focused on his Fear, it'd be fun if he had more of a horror theme. a really campy, goofy one. my thoughts are maybe that screwball helped guide wander to lean more towards a Fighting fear response, but eventually scared him away somehow. i don't know how yet, but i'll figure it out. here's a visualization:
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and as for how wander and sylvia met, i still have to figure out some parts, but i think that sylvia would notice how anxious wander is, ask him if he's okay, and he would promptly break down, as such:
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and from that moment on, wander solemnly swore that he would protect sylvia for the rest of her life, and she's been stuck with him since. (not that she's mad about that)
of course he's still energetic and hyperactive...i think his fighting would reflect that. he's a feral little creature
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oh, and for sylvia's relationship with The Hat: she probably found it beat up and bruised one day, with no one around (wander not stealing the hat all those years ago meant a happy ending for No One). yet another thing i have to figure out fully is how she ended up taking it with her, but she did. i don't think she fully understands it, she hasn't realized that it gives you what you need, but she does know that it dispenses items that are sometimes useful (it's a sassy little thing to her) and might somewhat realize its sentience, so she keeps it around, though she's still building trust with it
anddddd yeah that's basically it so far :) i'm always up for questions and suggestions! i hope people like it hehe
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likeadog · 6 months ago
can i talk about one thing about hazbin hotel thats bothered me like ever since i learned about it. even before i was a professional hater i fucking. the name makes no sense to me a has-been is someone who was notable in the past but is now washed up. i guess the idea is that they were sinners but now arent, but the rehabilitation effort is whats STARTING in the series, not concluding the people arent all incredibly well-known and established people in hell. why is it called hazbin. what were they.
sorry im watching that cassidy whiskey video and she talks abt how the hotel really takes a backseat so it doesnt stick with its premise and im like. SO WHY IS IT CALLED HAZBIN WHY IS THIS WORD HEREEEEEEEE this has bothered me since i learned about it. none of them are hazbins they are is-are's. am i insane. again even back when i was interested in it in like middle school this drove me crazy. say what you will about helluva boss but theres a BOSS. a hell of a boss. i think its a clever little name right idk i dont know how well the show sticks to it but like of course a demon workplace comedy helluva boss that makes sense. BUT WHO ARE THE HAS-BEENS HERE i know the lore is like alastor named it and hes an asshole or something but these people aren't even has-beens they aren't particularly important like sure people might know of them but theyre not the overlords or something i dont think an asshole famous radio host demon would even dignify them with the title of has-been this is just like the nobody motel.
idk what id call it if it was my thing but like in theory if the hotel was really relevant maybe like Corrupt-Inn if you want something ironic or Mediocrity Motel or Little Mercies Redemption Center where everybody can be you but better or Mortification Motel that one I could see actually i kinda like that it sounds like something out of Heck (book series) or the Repenitentiary or Motel Morphoses or Morningstar Beg-and-Benison or Habromania Hotel or Hamartia Hotel or Hamshackle Hotel or Haus Mannize or Hebetude Hotel or even Heresy Hotel really like i think you could swing that given it goes against the entire philosophy of Hell or Baumes Rush Lodge or Big House Hotel (20s slang for jail im clarifying because im not sure if thatd show up in a search) or Two-Bit Tavern or Changing Chumps Reformation Center or Flimflam Resort or The Mark (as in, the target of a con) Motel
sorry i just started having fun saying shit . none of that really matters
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autisticbokutoenthusiast · 1 year ago
when i first watched boston and nick walking in on sandray in episode 5 i assumed ray said they were friends because the last time he and sand agreed on a label that’s what they chose, but the more i think about it i wouldn’t be surprised if he also said that because he didn’t trust boston to know the details.
even though boston walks in on them kissing, ray seems to hold himself as if they weren’t, and it’s not until sand agrees to them all drinking together that ray goes back to his flirty body language with sand (though they were also drinking so that’s part of it)
and while i think a major reason for saying him and sand we’re friends was that they agreed to be friends and hadn’t talked about it further (not seriously anyway) i also think ray wanted to protect his relationship with sand from boston. (note when it just nick walking in on them there wasn’t the same panic in ray)
like looking back at the ray and boston interactions, the friend group in general have said things to/about ray that seem unkind to the audience but could seem harmless to the friends, but boston specifically sometimes interacts with ray as if he has the intention to hurt him (i’m not a boston anti this is just the way i interpret the scenes).
boston says this to ray in the first episode before the theme song even plays (i do admit there’s no proof that he said this specifically to be cruel to ray but it feels significant that this is what comes out of their first interaction together, especially after knowing what happens in episode 4/ learning more about rays character in general) (i’d also like to say about the second photo is cheum says “he’s gonna say he loves us again” and boston says “no he’s gonna say ‘don’t leave me’” which again could be boston joking around but has been keeping me up at night since watching episode 4)
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then later in episode 1 we get this shot of boston watching rays reaction to top flirting with mew
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this is another instance of boston maybe just being messy and watching rays reaction simply for the drama of it all BUT
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this statement feels especially mean spirited knowing boston was watching the pain spread across ray’s face minutes before and the way he says it seems like he intended to be mean to ray in this moment specifically (note this is the moment ray says “right i am just a burden” and storms off so we know this did in fact hurt rays feelings)
then we have boston saying this to ray while they’re talking about mew and top
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this in my opinion is another example of boston being in rays buisness more than being unnecessarily cruel to him but even boston is just poking fun at rays crush on mew (and i’m even giving him the benefit of the doubt when it comes knowing why ray has such a strong attachment to mew) it feels like he’s beating down his friend known for not being in a healthy mental space about a topic he’s sensitive about
(again i’m not trying to come across as a boston hater i just have to over analyze something to stop the episode 6 trailer from consuming me)
we of course then have the infamous meddling during the pool party. this is clearly using rays feelings for mew to his own advantage but what i noticed rewatching the scene is how upset ray looks the whole conversation and how boston just keeps going (or maybe uses that to his advantage as well)
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it’s too early for me to dissect episode 5 argument yet i need to let it settle but my initial thoughts on it revolve around boston seeing ray happy with sand and then proceeding to sabotage that, and continuing to bring up mew and rays crush on him despite ray getting more and more upset the longer he continues
all this to say from what we’ve so far seen it’s likely ray didn’t want to tell boston about sand not just because they’re interactions tend to be attacks on ray but also just that boston is always in his damn buisness like give him a break
(end unnecessarily long rambling about boston and ray cause they are my two favorite characters, very different reasons but still)
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princesslizzyfnafton · 8 months ago
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Hi Friends, This is not acceptable to say in any way, shape or form, no matter what the person is doing. TELLING SOMEONE TO KILL THEMSELVES IS NOT OK EVER. Grow up and get a life. You could be responsible for someone's death if you keep saying these things. IT IS NEVER OK!!! I have friends who struggle with this, and I struggled with this up until a few years ago.
Second, I know I am weird! I am almost 21 and I bought a build a bear last week. I have a collection of princess dresses, and I prefer not to curse. My mom can't change that, and neither can you :) I find joy in this, and maybe I am stupid, but I seem to have more enjoyment in my life than this person.
Third, Yes I am roleplaying as a child. I have fun doing it. The ship in question was actually agreed upon by two consenting adults, who are just friends in real life.
If you want to be a hater, go to an axe throwing park please or take a martial art such as boxing. I dance to get my frustration and anger out. I will be praying for you, but please don't do this again. Find something you enjoy too and stop acting like people who do things that are "weird" and "cringe" aren't trying to cope with the realities of life.
Thank you for reading this. I hope you have a fantastic day, experience a lot of sunshine, find joy and peace, and learn that this is not ok.
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courtofmatchups · 3 months ago
Hey hey! Your matchups are open? Could I get one for Obey Me! please, when you’ve got time?
Appearance: 5’5”, a little heavier set but it’s muscle too - especially in arms and legs. Im a trans guy. Fluffy brown hair, really pale (sun allergy…), with green eyes. I wear glasses and tend to stick to casual clothing - blue jeans, black band tees, black smallish ear gauges, sometimes I wear a pride bracelet or a silver chain necklace. I have multiple tattoos, with some on my wrists, my forearms, my chest, and the back of my neck. Nothing flashy or crazy, it’s all black ink stuff, mostly game references or spooky stuff
Star sign: Libra!
Sexuality: Demisexual with a strong preference for men
Personality: very introverted but not shy or bad around people. I’m actually very good at pretending to be very social and people rarely know I’d rather be home, it’s just draining to chat with strangers and I end up needing to be alone for a couple days after. I tend to prefer solo activities or one-on-one time with one or two close friends, but doing big group stuff once in a while is fun too! I’m a sort of “go with the flow” type and let others lead the way in activities and conversations, but if someone else prefers that I take charge and make decisions, I’m more than capable of doing so. Financially responsible, but also a fan of “little treats” and very prone to buying things for people I love. I laugh easily and love harmless jokes and especially puns/dad jokes. I’m polite, and folks seem to find me easy to talk to, to the point of often having folks overshare things with me because they know I’m not going to judge them for it, even if it’s societally weird. Overall my view is; do whatever you want, disregard haters, just don’t hurt people. When left on my own, I am somewhat prone to anxiety over my future and can spiral a little, but I try not to let others see me anxious or sad. I like to be strong for people I care about. People I don’t care about I’m not mean to, I just kind of forget they exist, so I don’t bother interacting with them, but I’m civil. Also, while I can generally read friendliness, I am sooo bad at reading flirting and other social cues, so I may come off a bit of a himbo/oblivious at times 😅😂
Hobbies: drawing, RPG and sandbox video games (FFXIV, Minecraft, Skyrim, Animal Crossing), baking and making chocolates, working with clay, BeatSaber for fitness, watching documentaries
Likes: trying new/unusual food, rain, cats, nature and conspiracy documentaries, metal/rock/alternative music, learning video game lore, dark colors, Halloween and all things spooky, horror movies, spiders and other often disliked critters, coffee
Dislikes: extended time in crowds, sour or briney foods, hot weather, cruelty (please don’t kill bugs, I’ll take them outside for you!), the texture of wicker (blegh…), overcooked food
What I like in a partner: Someone who is unashamedly and obviously in love with me. That doesn’t mean they have to shout it from rooftops, but if asked about us, I want someone who proudly and happily says I’m theirs and they’re mine. Someone who is playful, even if only subtly, with a sense of humor. Someone who will be willing to let me ramble when I get excited about something and not dismiss it as stupid or silly - and I’m happy to do the same for them! Someone who will be kind enough to let me safely trap and release bugs instead of just killing them, as that’s important to me - it shows compassion, both for the bug and for my emotions. Someone who is okay with occasionally needing to reassure me that they’re happy with me, as I sometimes worry I’m boring my loved ones. Someone who can have fun, but who also understands that I sometimes need to be allowed to be quiet and do my own thing, even if we’re in the same room. Someone who enjoys when I dote on them, but doesn’t demand/expect excessive affection either, as much like a cat, I can get very lovey but sometimes need space. I really don’t have a preference for either introverts or extroverts, as long as they can understand how I operate - everything in balance! I love to dote on and spoil my partner as often as I can, I just get turned off if they begin to expect it or demand it, because it’s not a transaction, it’s a show of love, so if it’s demanded it becomes obligation instead and I lose interest.
Thank you so so much in advance, and have a wonderful rest of your day! 💜
It seems to me, you've captured the heart of...
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Here's why:
Compassionate and Gentle: Simeon is incredibly kind and compassionate, much like how you value showing kindness to bugs and critters. He’s a patient man, and that aligns with your desire for a partner who listens to you yapping without dismissing you as silly. He'd encourage it actually, since he'd very much enjoy the sound of your voice
Reassuring and Supportive: Given your need for occasional reassurance, Simeon would be someone who subtly and consistently shows you love and support. He’s thoughtful, caring, and gentle, the type to quietly express affection but with undeniable sincerity.
Playful and Humorous: Simeon can be subtly playful and enjoys lighthearted banter, which fits your love for harmless jokes and puns. He also has a warm and understanding personality that would make him appreciate your humor.
Respects Independence: He would likely understand your need for space, letting you have your quiet moments while still being present. Simeon isn’t the type to demand attention, which aligns with your preference for a partner who appreciates affection but doesn’t expect it constantly.
Loves to Dote: Simeon is someone who enjoys caring for others, which matches well with your desire to dote on your partner while maintaining balance. He would love the small treats and thoughtful gestures you offer without ever making you feel obligated to do so.
Simeon’s grounded yet caring nature would complement your more introverted, kind-hearted, and thoughtful personality, making him an ideal match!
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dogsplayingpoker · 4 months ago
3, 14, 17, 24, 27, aaaand 34
I IMEMDIATELY FORGOT I REBLOGGED THIS i feel like it's been so long since i've seen this kind of ask meme. i'm happy to see them again they are fun
3. "3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?" -The Phantom of The Paradise -Dune 1984 - Jan Svankmajer's Alice
I agonized over this but this three make me scream the whole time every time i'm obsessed with these films please watch these films i can reccomend more films after you watch these ones thank god i decided not to pursue art direction for films but i used to be so into films. i should get back into films more
14."what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?" I think very many things. I lived my life in fear for a long time. I've been able to drive for quite a while now so I really need and want to get over traveling fears...I've never been on a plane because it's so expensive but also because it seems scary D: in general i am trying to enter an era where i have less regard for my own safety lol. i want to ride a rollercoaster without fainting. i want to have fune
17."name 3 things that make you happy" -human and animal companionship everybody so beautiful world so wonderful -reading about historical religious schisms and in-fighting -singing or yelling songs loudly while being drowned out by my sewing machine or at shitty karaoke or in the car with my mom. my mom and i's top car yelling choices are black sabbath, system of a down, and rage against the machine
24."what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?" this is a well-timed question to reflect on thank you. i feel like after i graduated i lost all momentum immediately and like everything had been such a waste of time and i hadn't accomplished what i wanted. but i worked really hard and grew a lot and in terms of like academic achievement my underclassmen voted for me to get a mentorship award which really really touched my heart. in the past four years i've gone from barely being able to leave my home or talk to anyone to achieving that, learning to drive, making friends, having lots of different jobs...it's hard for me to remember those things and feel a consistent sense of pride and growth, but i'm working on it.
27."any nicknames?" idk how to spell out the most common one. Saus-Cha. Sas Cha. two words. Also sauce, sauce-uh, saazh, and Sote (complex backstory inside joke matching nickname with my bff). my mom will call my like victorian men's names like frederick or chester. my older brother often calls me sasuke which i feel like coming from an older brother specifically could legally be considered a threat
34."any pet peeves?" i definitely have very many because i am a hater but i'm blanking on any of them now. i really hate when men effect that specific Stupid Vapid Woman Voice
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yourlocaldisneyvillain · 1 year ago
hii <3
i indeed would like to ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story :))
your rambling is everything, so go wild on poor little meow meow Larissa and our favourite menace Wednesday hehe
hiiiii!!! sorry it took me a bit before my brain got less mushy and i could string coherent sentences together! i'm still very much sick though so excuse me if i ramble a bit too much lol.
okay so these two live in my brain rent free now. it started off more as a challenge? or something to be like wooo controversy, and like. how can i make this work. but even though it started that way i never intended it to be like, badly done. from the get-go i put a lot of thought into it and wanted to actually make the story as high-quality as i could in terms of character development, their relationship and all the technical aspects (you know as you are one of the betas haha, and you know how many times i tweaked things, proofread, and how many times zephyr and i went through it). like i wanted to develop it as much as one can reasonably do in 14 chapters without getting sidetracked. and that was supposed to be the gimmick, like oh some ppl are gonna think it's controversial but it is actually well done and they might still be inclined to read it if they just bothered to try! (like a naive lil disney princess i forgot this is the internet lol)
the more i got into the story, the more i adored these two and their dynamic, or rather the dynamic i created for them. i think they just work, or more like, i've made them work. ppl have accused me of being a pedophile multiple times in the last couple of weeks while i've been posting the story lol, and asked me if i ship them in the show now, which is imo just fucking ridiculous. this is a separate universe that builds on what we had, or rather should have had, in the show, a story about two grown women who are both very odd in different ways and have found love and belonging with each other. i think neither of them could do a conventional relationship in my universe, and so this makes perfect sense for them!
i love writing larissa as a poor lil meow meow. there is just something about a pathetic, lonely middle aged woman that makes my brain go brrrrrrr. and wednesday is just a delight to write. i love channeling her voice. i used to be a lot like wednesday as a teen lol, that's sorta how i talked (i had no friends lol), so channeling her is a fun blast from the past and feels very natural to write.
it was a joy to write tbh! and personally, i don't think it's like.... even that out there or particularly (hehe) controversial? it's very much a coming of age rom-com sort of thing, but make it like... Quirky and include some dark humour. the outraged reactions i got to it honestly made me wanna write actually controversial stuff lol. i tend to want to spite the haters :)) and prove my point that fiction is fiction. i am very annoyed by the whole puritan internet culture, it really fucking irks me, esp when it's enforced by the self-proclaimed weirdos and goths and whatnot, who don't know what pedophilia even is lol nor could recognise it in fiction or real life. i know i won't get my point across to people who have already made up their mind about me being the actual pedophilic devil, but i will sure have my fun! i can't wait to challenge myself again! :))
also "particular" really inspired me to write longer works!! and i learned that i am most comfortable with that sort of format. all the things i am planning in the future are multi-chapter fics and rather long! and how i prefer to do it now is to write it all in advance and then post -- that way i know i won't lose interest midway haha. i am motivated by that sweet dopamine of wanting to share my work!
so yeah, i met some lovely people bc of this story (looking at you @the-frankenman-writes, actual gem and joy and delight), i strengthened some friendships, and i think it definitely made an impact on people! i grew a lot as a writer and it pushed me to refine my skills! so all in all, i'm very happy <3
stay tuned for the last chapter!!! a christmas special! :)))
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nuclear-frog · 11 months ago
Baldur's Gate 3 Playthrough Complete!
After 183 hours! Some final thoughts as well as details about the ending I got and where everyone ended up!
Will I play it again? I do not know. It is SO LONG. It has utterly consumed me for weeks. I need to put it down for a while at least. But I am satisfied with my ending and it's been so much fun!
Spoilers after the cut.
Raphael's battle theme was baller.
I wish I'd bothered to keep Jaheira alive at Moonrise, because being forced to kill Minsc as a result did not feel very nice.
Before fighting the brain, Orpheus declined to hear me out on the whole "if we need an illithid, I know a guy in the city who could be persuaded to help," so he therefore volunteered to become an illithid himself for the drama~. I was able to persuade him not to kill himself for the drama, though, so he is alive and well someplace where he keeps an eye on Lae'zel as she conquers Vlaakith and leads her people to glory.
In the end, we all lived. Except the Emperor, who didn't believe in the crew so hard that he just decided to join the haters.
Gale and I got married because I have a thing for nerds and he is a sweetheart. He goes back to Waterdeep and becomes a professor at his old school.
Wyll and Karlach stayed in Avernus and they do Doomslayer sh*t on the daily. At the timeskip party, it sounds like they fell in love and that is EXACTLY what I want for Karlach! Also they have leads on a fix for her engine! And I can hug her at the timeskip party!! But only once. Also, Wyll's somehow able to visit his dad? And his dad is proud of him.
Astarion has his freedom and is accepting of his inability to walk in the sun, but he's definitely keeping his eyes out for a solution. I was under the impression he'd go join the other spawn in the Underdark, but he did not explicitly say so. He is doing some general heroic adventuring! He seems satisfied. Though he is salty Withers did not provide blood for him to drink at the timeskip party. Fair.
Shadowheart has been chilling in a Selunite temple in Waterdeep this whole time and has presumably seen Gale AND Tara but not ME?? Gale has some explaining to do. Actually, that was only one stop. She's been travelling the world while fighting off the odd Sharran attacker or two. She accepts as many hugs as you want to give her, 10/10.
Halsin is the most precious. He has set up a settlement for refugees in what used to be the Shadowlands. He is much more at peace there and tells stories to the children. I'm glad he's settled and seems to have found his purpose. Also, he whittled me a duck! You can hug him as many times as you want, too (10/10).
The owlbear cub has made several new friends! One of which he ate in revenge. Well. I always have pets to spare for my good boy. I volunteered Shadowheart to take care of him and they were both exstatic with the arrangement. Apparently Shadowheart gave him many pets and treatos on our adventures, which is a cute tidbit to learn. I could also have volunteered Halsin, but I thought Shadowheart would most benefit from another companion.
Scratch is living with a new owner in Baldur's Gate and is still very happy to see you. I always have pets to spare for my good boy.
Volo came uninvited! He wanted to let me know he's been writing tales of our heroic deeds and forging my name on all the associated paperwork. Why did I help him, again?
Withers booked a bard named Milil to play for us during the party. He is apparently Important, but I know nothing about DnD lore, so I am grateful for my successful Religion check. He was upset no one knew who was playing for them. I told him it was an honor to listen to him and that seemed all he needed to cheer up. He and I and Volo all played a song together.
There are a bunch of letters from people you've helped in a box. My top 3 reveal that Alfira opened up a bard school, Arabella is learning magic from Gale (whom she calls Beard Man), and Dammon wants Karlach to call him, lol.
There are newspaper clippings on the wall beside the letter box that, among other things, mourn Minsc and Jaheira's deaths. I'm so sorry.
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echoesofadream · 1 year ago
Thank you so much for being so kind and thoughtful in your reply, I'm not used to that amount of kindness on the internet. Thank you for not taking offense! I never meant any.
This is about to be a bit of a mess as I reply to your reply.
What I meant by saying that an eastern artist who learned more about misogyny and such through interaction with western culture would probably expect westerners to know better and so would trust them enough not to really think too much into their lyrics. At least, the people I know who've been through such a process tend to think that way.
I see what you're saying about the MV. I agree, the MV is problematic, though only at the Harlow parts. I don't expect that JK has thought as deeply about that part as we have to realize the problem (by deeply, I mean we have it built into us to look for that sort of thing, while he tends to have an optimistic fun approach to things, especially these last couple of songs, and does not always look into the underlying tones), and I wish the director had not made it like that, but yeah. It is JK's song.
I understand misandry, and I absolutely do not think there's anything wrong with you not liking songs about sex, or heterosexual sex, or any song. I generally don't care for overtly sexual songs myself. Or at least, I'm a bit picky about them.
I also dislike the trend of Jungkook's music right now, but it has only been two songs. Not only that, but they aren't that personal to him. He's picked these songs to sing because he likes the fun vibes and he really hasn't overthought it (we are all obviously analyzing the meanings of the little things in it, especially the negative things, but he did not), and it helps him possibly break out of his baby image. I just think these sort of lack his personal touch. I mean the devotion in Seven and the fun lightheartedness of the MV fit him, like with Left and Right, and I did see bits of that in 3D as well, but I just think 3D really lacks his personal touch. Like it's someone else's idea of a pop star. But Jungkook has said he wants to try many different genres, and he is experimenting. I really hope the album showcases more of his personal talents. Especially since he's so talented in so many things. I guess these features make it easier to break into the Western market, but they are so unnecessary (and I liked Latto's verse in Seven). If JK wants rap in his song, he is totally capable of doing it himself, he is good enough for that. I just really hope his album shows more of his involvement, as the only thing he's really doing in these songs is singing them. At least with Tae's album (which I loved), even though he didn't write or produce for it, but it was his. You could tell just from the vibes and the overall direction how big of a hand he had in it. 3D doesn't seem JK. I hope his album does.
And if you see JK, he's so soft and sweet, and it's obvious he never means any harm. That's the one thing I am 100% certain of.
Nothing wrong with being a hater on your own blog, of course! I'm not trying to change your mind on anything, I just wanted to express my thoughts to someone, and I guess you were unlucky enough to be chosen. I'm sorry if I came across as rude at any point, that's not my intention at all. I love hearing your thoughts.
haha no worries
I really cant speak for that which you said about western vs eastern artists. I think it's very strange if an eastern artist would think, of all people, that a male rapper singing about women is probably 100% harmless. thats mind boggling to me. If jungkook is that clueless hes... like I just doubt it. also I dont know if BTS learned about misogony through the west lol. feminism is a pretty big movement in South Korea you know! let me refer you to this post about namjoon for example: https://leepacey.tumblr.com/post/722599357746216960/bts-member-namjoons-history-with-misogyny-and You can see it's not very umm west-focused. because he is korean. Sure I see your point about jungkook not thinking deeply about this. I dont think so either, and I honestly hope that he is as clueless as you think even though thats not good enough to evade responsibility. I guess you mean he has no intention of harm? I also dont think so. but at the end of the day, the fact that he can look at a music video like this and proudly present it – even if he hasn't put a lot of thought to it– means that somewhere his beliefs and values are ok with such content. wait im not sure how to explain this well..I mean like, he wouldnt have to think so much, because what this mv presents is pretty on the nose and one thing we know is that jungkook didnt oppose to any of it. like the fact that as far as we know he didnt feel any aversion is enough for me to judge him
i kinda agree with everything you said about jungkooks music. Im starting to feel like maybe music as a solo artist isnt for him, and that he saves that for BTS *shrug* like you said hes just having fun right now and not taking it too deeply or seriously. "someone else's idea of a pop star." FOR REAL goddd . Honestly yeah we shouldn't judge his whole future solo career based of what hes doing right now. Like I mean, we should judge this as its own things and then see what he does next. like his album. seriously all hes doing rn is try and appeal to the Western market like you said. and thats like. ok do that but im not gonna be invested or care for it.
"At least with Tae's album (which I loved), even though he didn't write or produce for it, but it was his. You could tell just from the vibes and the overall direction how big of a hand he had in it." YES!!!!!!
"And if you see JK, he's so soft and sweet, and it's obvious he never means any harm. That's the one thing I am 100% certain of." lol you are more confident than me and trust him way more than me, good for you honestly. For the most part I agree but I also dont know him and there have been some red flags honestly. and I know twitter armys would have me executed for saying that but its what I feel, I dont trust men and whether we like to admit it or not he is a 26 year old man they are pretty bad as a demographic.
nothing about what you said was rude and I didnt mind your asks at all! its totally fine you can express your opinions here whenever you want I love asks actually and i could talk about bts all day I already do it in my head so
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taylor carbon footprint swift justin anti lgbtq church bieber
Listen, if you want to list the crimes and sins of celebrities we're gonna be here for a while.
Explaining this slowly to see if the reading comprehension kicks in:
1) Regarding of whatever a teenager turns to be later in their life, I believe that no artist deserves to be used and abused as a teen by the music industry. I'm not saying they are innocent, I'm saying that it makes me mad when people refuse to acknowledge those artists as humans. They are not gods above you or the worst of the Earth, they have bad and good things.
2) I am specifically talking when people hate on an artist for the sake of it, not 'cause they are fighting against a bigger problem. Most Bieber haters I've met don't give two shits about queer people, they just hated Bieber for being "too feminine" and basically being a teen pop artist. Most Taylor Swift haters I've met just hate her for being a woman. I won't go against someone criticizing their lifestyle or life choices that are honestly criminal, but that's not the case most on the time, in my own experience of course.
3) I was criticizing the medium that creates them, actually. On the personal level, every celebrity has something weird and twisted going on that we can't dive in because it'd be a lifetime of trying to figure out stuff, but in the big scale? What I meant is that I'll defend the teens taking the worst of humanity for trying to share their art while being teens.
I'm talking about the age countdown on Billie Eilish because people couldn't wait for her to be legal so they could say whatever.
I'm talking about Disney and other similar kid tv corporations chewing children and teens and then people acting as if those celebrities are crazy by themselves. Drugs, sexual abuse and assaults, mental health deterioration 'til the kids and teens are sucidial...
I'm talking how growing up I saw no consent from teen starts to be touched but they still were touched, sexually even, whenever the hosts of tv programs wanted. Grown men making raping jokes about young boys, Like being a pop star was the biggest crime.
And meanwhile, sometimes the only defense those celebrities had were the crazy fangirls. Not even just in pop, fuck, I remember when someone tried to make fun of Fall Out Boy 'cause teen girls seemed to love their music. Like it was an insult. Those stupid teen girls and their stupid celebrities.
4) I get where you're going and you should really say it, those celebrities are not angels nor innocent souls. BUT that was not the point of my post and I am the grown person to attack, buddy. So for a second take that head of yours and learn to separate an issue for another. Just saying.
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It's been so funny and interesting to me getting into Taylor Swift after already having long been into Stray Kids and kpop in general, so here are some funny parallels I've noticed between the two and/or their fandoms:
Ryan Reynolds
The Vault/Chan's Laptop
Really dumb fun fandom energy. Like please, I did not expect the ship name Toe, but that is the only one I am using now. Please I am begging Stays to have this energy when skz start dating publicly
Videos appreciating them existing in cute
Taylor's cats 🤝 Minho's cats
Frothing at the mouth over good/cathartic lyrics and the analysis of such
Ed Sheeran appreciation
Being serious derps irl/online with fans
Loving how their hearts and minds work and how they convey the contents of the same
Reluctant song ranking tiktoks
Knowing exactly which era a photo was from solely based on hair and/or clothes
Knowing details about them that would sound really creepy to someone outside the fandom it's not creepy if they say it in an interview or behind the scenes I swear
TOO MANY SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS and on that note, lowkey wanna leave the list here solely for the sake of things
Learning vocabulary because of them. Seriously. Why did it take me until the last month to figure out that Miroh meant maze and that Clé means key when I've been stanning them since 2021. I'm so mad.
Songs instead of therapy but please go to therapy if you legit need it. "this is me trying" was not about using lyrics as a replacement for professional help. That's a Placebo.
"yes they can actually sing live and here's the proof"
Very involved in their songs from start to finish and it shows and we love them for it
OH SHOOT—I just realized Taylor's Versions vs SKZ 2020/2021—
ME! lol. I do mean the song but also technically me myself as well now heh
Writing love/breakup songs except it's completely made up
Extremely prolific
"so I made this song at stupid o'clock in the morning and here it is lol" and it's the freaking sparkly cd meme
We CARE care about album drops and about them making the money off of it that they deserve as artists
Wanting merch but wiping the lint off the bottom of our wallets to try to find the money
"Please let one measly concert seat be available even if it sucks"
"wait a second, they/their fandoms AREN'T hysterical like the media paints them to be?" *insert mental hurricane that eventually dies down here* "wait, am I actually considering joining them??" *narrator voice: but by then, it was already too late*
Seeing the same memes/edits but in different fandoms but it's not memes I've seen in non-music fandoms. Like literally. Just watched one.
Acronyms that look like keyboard smashes to everyone else please though Swifties you're way worse please have mercy on this baby I'm still learning—
Recycling quotes from haters into song lyrics, like please yes queen/king, continue, go off
Giant creepy creatures as tour set pieces
Taylor and Chan being parents even though they have never actually had children
And on that note, knowing everybody in their industries
Rolling out our list of reasons like a scroll every time we say we stan them and the other person so much as inhales to start a response. We could probably recite that list in our sleep at this point.
I seriously need to shut up or I will get nothing done today but yeah if you stan one, please give the other a chance because you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't.
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jasmine-tea-latte · 2 years ago
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I posted 916 times in 2022
51 posts created (6%)
865 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 908 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#zutara - 499 posts
#zuko x katara - 447 posts
#zuko - 212 posts
#katara - 195 posts
#not atla - 130 posts
#ooh this is pretty - 60 posts
#atla - 55 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 51 posts
#avatar: the last airbender - 49 posts
#zutara week - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#this is why i love fire lady katara. not only bc she would bring new ideology to the fn but bc she and zuko are great rulers together
My Top Posts in 2022:
delicate - chapter 18
In which Katara unleashes a display of power to save the Fire Prince while keeping her promise. But in doing so, lines are crossed that can't be uncrossed...
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FYI, I updated the tags, and while I tried not to make anything too graphic, some parts at the beginning may make you squeamish. Nothing like Stranger Things' Season 4 levels of graphic, but still reminiscent in a way.
Lastly, you're not going to like me for this cliffhanger (but just wait until you see chapter 19's - y'all are going to be MAD.)
Anyways, without further ado... enjoy!
36 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
delicate - chapter 14
In which Katara and Zuko join her family for a dinner at the Beifong’s, where their pretend courtship will be put to the test against the living lie detector known as Toph Beifong…
AKA, the chapter in which Toph and Suki channel their inner Rachel and Phoebe to figure out what these two pining idiots in denial are hiding, like in the episode of Friends when they find out about Chandler and Monica.
“They think they can mess with us? The mess-ers become the mess-ees!”
(technically Chandler’s line but who’s keeping score?)
and of course:
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While poor Sokka (who’s both Joey AND Ross in this scenario) just wants food and for this to all be over with, because this is his best friend and his sister 😩
See the full post
43 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
let’s go back to the start
Aang could only stare, rendered speechless as he watched his most loyal companion who he’d given up mastery of the Avatar State for - his forever girl - choosing to side with the Fire Prince instead.
It was all too clear now exactly where Katara’s true loyalties lied, and they weren’t with him.
Or, Aang finally awakens onboard a strange ship a month after the fall of Ba Sing Se to a new world, one where both the Avatar and a traitorous Fire Prince have been declared dead by the Fire Nation.
Now, the pair have no choice but to put aside their differences to form an uneasy alliance. The Avatar must learn to finally let go of his attachment to Katara, while the Fire Prince finds himself surrounded by former enemies who’d just as soon see him dead...
Sequel to Taste of a Poison Paradise.
50 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
When the ZK antis are trying to spread their toxicity yet again but you're too busy living your best life shipping ZUTARA and having ✨FUN✨ unlike those lame haters:
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So the next time you hear "iT's NoT cAnOn" just tell them to SMILE and thank them for letting us live in their minds rent free for 15+ years 💜
(and yes, I redid the gif from the OG post because that's been bugging me all this time ahahahaha)
53 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I am now the proud owner of Zutara mugs 🔥🌊
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(Hot Leaf Juice not included.)
111 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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