#ofts spoilers
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misspoetree · 1 year ago
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distant-screaming · 1 year ago
Imagine it's your birthday and you're not really a huge fan of parties so you don't really announce it and your friend/sex buddy/not boyfriend wants you to jerk him off which gets interrupted so he then decides to spend the whole day with you so you guys go on a not-date when halfway through it your mom calls you and says there's debt collectors at her door so you rush over with your Guy and find it's just a surprise birthday party at the go go bar you were raised in (but it's not even technically your birthday yet) and you coerce your not-boyfriend-not-friend into serenading you and your mom nudges you and you kind of admit you might like this guy and you go home and get high + drunk with Pretty Boy and get cockblocked Again by your roommate and his definitely-not-crush who happens to be your boy's friend, so all four of you get high together and you find out your not-crush is in fact in love with a friend of several years and is using you as a rebound. And your name is Sand because your mom conceived you on the beach. What would you even do.
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nanihirunkits · 1 year ago
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Only Friends Episode 11 Preview
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gdragonflyy · 1 year ago
Literally everybody at the party that aren't in the main group as 20 different dramas happen in the space of an hour
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meltaeing · 1 year ago
why does top and mew's relationship feel so forced? it's like they're treading through all the steps of being a happy couple (the cute perfect dates, the premature i love yous -yikes-, the posting on instagram) and yet it all seems so superficial.
top goes with it because he needs company at night and mew (believes he) needs to stop being a prude and catch up to his peers. but do they really need each other specifically or is it just about convenience? tbh I'm getting nothing from them chemistry-wise
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firstkhaolesbian · 2 years ago
i can’t get over nick. nuts over a singular shirtless selfie on a customer’s phone. proceeds to take his own shirtless pic on said customer’s phone in the most cringefail attempt at rizz ever. and somehow this circles back round by being so pathetic it’s actually sexy. mark pakin served us pure gamerboy loser CUNT
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nyttvera · 1 year ago
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I don't need the world to see That I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me
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loveisonlyforthebrave8 · 2 years ago
Boeing is the ex he stole from Sand isn’t he?
God, I hope it’s Mix
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ba0shanblack · 1 year ago
No symbolisms, no rushing, no dramatic music, no ablative mood, no camera angles.
Screams, and snots, and Khao's voice raising and falling octaves, and hysterical smiles and uncontrollable crying and sore throat.
It was raw, and ugly, and hurtful, and real.
Exactly how one feels when they are betrayed, and exposed, and vulnerable.
A fight scene worthy of the name.
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misspoetree · 1 year ago
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distant-screaming · 1 year ago
I've been rotating Nick in my head for a hot minute but @ranchthoughts helped me straighten out my thoughts, so here's a little brainworm I had.
I think Nick reads as a voyeuristic character, not just in terms of the character itself but also as a narrative device - he acts as a sort of close proxy to the viewers. Nick goes through Boston's phone the same way we (as viewers) would be able to go through his phone by virtue of peeking over his shoulder, he wiretaps the car and is able to hear Top + Boston the same way we are, he's privy to Sand + Ray's private moment just like the viewers are - and it's almost like Nick seems to have full agency in the story but still doesn't manage to affect the plot in any significant way (thus far, at least!).
It's also very interesting because despite Boston's need for control and Mew's idea of being in charge, the character with the most information and cards up his sleeve, so to speak, is Nick. I wonder how that's going to play out.
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nanihirunkits · 2 years ago
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Can't you remember anything? When did you black out? Why am I at your place?
Only Friends | Episode 1 [2023]
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jgyapologism · 2 years ago
anyone else thinking of the seven deadly sins while watching only friends??? I mean, we have 7 main characters who all exemplify each of the sins at least a little bit, but some prevail a bit more than others.
We have Boston, who is the sluttiest of them all, but honestly? I think his pride will be his downfall. He can't handle rejection. He needs to be wanted, and he's proud of the fact that he's want-able. We already see him trying to screw over Mew and Top out of jealousy .. but I think it's really out of spite more than anything. Top rejected him for Mew, and he absolutely cannot stand the hit to his pride. Boston's excessive pride will be his downfall.
As for lust? I mean, we'll see next week what happens between Top and Boston, but I think that if Boston succeeds in convincing Top to fuck him again, it's going to be the driving wedge between him and Mew. Top's lust is going to be his downfall.
Ray is easy. Ray has a drinking problem. He drinks too much to the point where he blacks out, can't walk, etc. He's been called a "burden" multiple times by people because of his alcoholism. Ray's gluttony (aka drinking excessively) will probably lead to some sort of fallout or explosive confrontation between the friend group.
If I remember the trailers correctly, I think Nick's downfall will be his wrath. He has a sex tape of him and Boston (I don't think he's taped it yet tho??) and based on previews for ep 3, he becomes aware of the sexual relationship between Top and Boston. He is willing to use these things as blackmail in some shape or form to keep Boston around. I guarantee it.
Sand is a tough one to crack, but I think based on all the crying we've seen him do in the trailers, his envy of Ray and the love he has for Mew will be his destruction. He already said in ep 2 that sleeping with friends is like playing with fire. We already know he's going to catch (has already caught*) feelings, and he's not going to be able to stand idly by and watch the man he's falling in love with love another man who doesn't love him back. It's going to be messy as hell.
This one may be controversial, but Mew's deadly sin? Absolutely has got to be greed. He wants Top to be with him, and only him, and I'm sure he has to be aware of Ray's feelings to some degree, and yet actively ignores them because he wants to maintain a friendship with Ray, without caring how Ray hurts in the process. He wants things to go HIS way. I think he's greedier than he lets on, and I'm interested to see how his character progresses.
We honestly haven't seen enough about Cheum yet (sadly), but I think her sin is sloth. She doesn't recognize that her friends are falling apart, or she just doesn't want to acknowledge it in order to keep the peace. Her inability to act in order to save her friend group may cause some problems in the long run.
What do yall think? Any one agree/disagree? I just had the thought and would love to hear others.
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le-trash-prince · 1 year ago
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Our fave toxic ships owning their flavor ✨
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firstkhaolesbian · 2 years ago
ray and boston are both kings of mixed signals, for wildly different reasons.
boston is straight up manipulative, and seems to take genuine joy in playing his entire friendship group like a game of chess. he’s equal parts sweet and noncommittal towards nick, keeping him hoping for more by saying whatever he wants to hear. ton relentlessly chases top, not for love but for an ego boost. he can’t bear the thought of mew ‘winning’, since it threatens his own sense of superiority.
ray on the other hand, is coming from a place of abject loneliness. he craves sand’s care, attention, body and company - to the point where he’s always looking (hoping) for a reaction. he’ll flirt, tease and distance sand all within the same sentence. even after spending the entire episode trying to charm his way back into sand’s pants, his reaction to mew’s call was instant . sand is left bewildered and ultimately scrambling to put his walls back up, reminded that he’s second choice.
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jamiesugah · 1 year ago
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I live here now.
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