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deceitfulmorals · 7 months ago
@aflockoffeathers || ( x )
No wonder his dad was freaking out like he was. He probably would have been too if he was in their shoes. & Yet, a sheepish grin is all he can offer as he rubs the back of his neck.
Wait. Did he really think he was spending time with one of those pixies? Even Peri couldn't help but make a face over it, quickly shaking his head. Though, he had to admit, he was curious about the beef between the two. Maybe he could ask once everything had calmed down. 
Just, a lot of different things were currently distracting him from giving his father a direct response. Why the heck Irep was stalking him & more importantly, how to get back on Dev's good side without pushing more of Da Rules on him. He does manage a weak smile at his father's apology. "It's not your fault, dad. I should've called at least. I just lost track of time." In my own thoughts, he added silently. He could always make up a sort of lie? He didn't exactly want to damper his father's now happy mood. 
"Bed definitely first." He agrees with a firm nod. He stretches his arms with a soft yawn. "Waffles sound great, dad." He pauses before leaning in, wrapping his arms around him in a brief, thankful hug.
"Thanks, dad." He was extremely grateful Cosmo didn't push the matter further. He was right. Talking could wait until morning. 
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It felt like morning came a little too quickly for Peri. 
He's yawning & rubbing the sleep from his eyes when the smell of waffles being made invaded his room. His stomach grumbled & he re-appeared in the kitchen. Still dressed in his pj's & his hair a slight mess. But he was hungry, that was a good enough excuse, right? "Morning, dad." he smiles lightly, taking a seat at the table. 
He waits patiently for his share of the food, a few idle thoughts still nagging in the back of his mind. He doesn't even catch if Cosmo is talking yet or not, Peri just fiddling absently with his fork.
"Hey, dad ? " Lips quirk as he looks up, figuring just to ask what's been bothering him. "How would you solve a ... 'dispute' between a godparent & their godkid ? " 
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ducknotinarow · 6 months ago
Blitz - Have you ever ... regretted falling in love with Stolas
| send my muse ‘have you evers’ and they have to answer truthfully!
This was the first time they had any sort of free time between jobs so, being the great boss that he is he told them all to take it off and blow off some stream. Loona seemed okay with it since she could hang out at some hell hound party.
Blitz was not joining this time.
Of course the insufferable couple were excited for a date night. Mox seemed pretty insistence to make sure Blitz knew absolutely no details about it. Fuck him he had better things todo than to follow them around anyway. Which was actually true but even if it wasn't true didn't mean shit and Moxxie should get over themself. He wasn't the only imp in a relationship after all.
Moxxie was just the only one who wasn't shit at them. Blitz still hadn't quit got his head around it, Stolas actually loving him. An imp like him. Not that Stolas hadn't shown him that wasn't true. The riding outfit for the hell horse lessons, the dang horse he kept in his living room now. Stolas need to prove it wasn't about the sex anymore. Blitz still had the letter Stolas sent him what felt like years ago now. Stashed away, where like he knew? The exact pile of clothes he shoved it in to the pile closest to his TV just under the edge of the window. Tail whipping back and forth as he was currently digging through one pile to find what to wear for tonight.
He knew for sure Stolas was going to look amazing, and make him look shabby in comparison. So Blitz just needed his best. Not really Stolas wouldn't care, Blitz might make a comment on Stolas outfit not quite the one he meant sure he wished he had said something other then it being a bit much but well Stolas would have got the wrong idea. But, Blitz didn't have to do that now right? The imp sighs and falls back to rest on his hunches as he runs a hand over his forehead. Blitz wasn't sure which was harder to wrap his mind around. That Stolas was able to be in love with him? Or that Blitz was in love with Stolas?
He wasn't some teen edge lord, he loved before Fizz was very much his first love. Did he love Vero? There was some love but keeping things away from that was more what he wanted and clearly that should be fine with a succubus till she said those dreaded words.
Stolas though? Yeah Blitz had to admit the deal wasn't the best but he befitted in some ways. Hated he grew attached after a quick time, part of him wonders if their past connection was why. A stupid delusion. Even with the annoying mentioning of him being a little imp and such. Not like Blitz didn't throw Stolas being royal back at times. But thing is? Stolas despite it all was perfect for Blitz.
All Blitz knew is? Stolas has been the best thing ever to happen to him. For someone he just wanted to use? And rather see he was being used by. But now? It was more that Stolas seemed to have a limitless supply of love to offer to the imp. Likes spending time with him even hell Stolas wants a relationship with Blitz. Blitz just didn't feel he was worth that all. Sometimes he wished they could go back to before. But he also never wants to not have what they do now. But, it was easier he could keep distance. He couldn't really lose Stolas because Stolas wasn't his.
Stolas makes Blitz want to always stay, even when he feels he don't deserved to. A heavy sigh as he looked back to his clothes he just grabbed for the first leather jacket he could and stood up. Smoothing it out as he checked the time. "Fuck im gonna late."
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gamblealifearchived1 · 3 years ago
@aflockoffeathers​​ || ( cont. )
      Moxxie felt awful after the whole ordeal down at Ozzie's. He no longer felt embarrassed for the way Blitz had full on announced that he watches them in the act, but more, so awful for him in general. So of course he'd want to check up on his boss after that little silent 'tantrum' in the parking lot. He just didn't expect to get yelled at for seeing if he was alright, for trying to be a friend. 
To care for his boss. Was is such a crime after what had happened? Why was Blitz so intent on pushing him away?
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It hurt. He thought they were sort of passed this after those agents got to them. He leaves, though, tail lowered, he casts a final glance at his boss before exiting the office. 
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The next day just seemed to drag on. Blitz still didn't seem up for conversation or an apology at the very least. The minute he sees their boss's retreating back, he gives Millie a reassuring look followed by a kiss upon her cheek. Standing up, Moxxie takes a deep breath, braving himself for anymore possible yelling Blitz might have in store for him. But, he wasn't planning on letting him mope alone. He had even taken the opportunity to grab some snacks & drinks along the way!
He doesn't say a word this time when he enters, having the faintest feeling it might upset him further. Instead, he gently sets the snacks & drinks upon his desk for him, a small, shaky smile tugging at his lips. He still keeps silent, gaze darting around the office until he spots another chair & brings it over to the desk, sitting not too close, but also not too far away from Blitz.
He just sits there in silence for a few minutes, sharp teeth chewing on his lip, gaze fully focused on the taller imp. "I thought you might be hungry, sir." He immediately shuts up after that. He takes another few minutes to let his boss process what was going on & he's silently hoping they're not going to get upset with him again. 
"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry." Don't ruin this. "For whatever is bothering you & yeah, yeah. I'll keep quiet now." But, he's not leaving. Good luck on trying to get him to leave this time, Blitz.
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jose-ze-carioca · 3 years ago
[Gordon] “Jose! Are you smoking a cigarette? You KNOW those are bad for you..” Oh, no, stop him. The bird’s about to go on a tirade.
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The other bird's voice cut into the recesses of his thoughts, causing him to inhale the smoke he was waiting to release. The parrot was sent into a coughing fit as small puffs of smoke jutted in plumes from his beak.
After Jose' finished his little hacking spell, he straightened up, cigar in hand. "Ah, Senhor Gordon! You startled me!"
He tried to sound his usual happy self, though it was though a raspy voice. Jose' could still feel the smoke burning at his trachea.
"This is not a cigarette!" He proclaimed and proudly stuck the cigar back in his mouth. "It is a cigar!"
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deceitfulmorals · 8 months ago
Misc. tag drop.
⋆Pixie Prince; Future Sadistic Ruler. - headcanon/aes
⋆Do you even see what you do to me? - Sanderson/Cosmo♡
⋆Allow me to be your escape; take you away from all of this - Anti-Cosmo/Wanda♡
⋆Can't believe you've got me still thinking about you- Anti-Cosmo/Cosmo♡
⋆I actually fully despise you. For everything. - Sanderson & Wanda
⋆You are my sunshine; my only sunshine - Leo/Mikey♡
⋆Together's where we both belong - Leo/Bishop♡
⋆No matter what the cost. Every time. - Leo/Raph♡
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ducknotinarow · 8 months ago
Blitz - Family Meme; all that apply uwu
| Talking about family
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"You want me to go on about my Loony? Oh sure I love my daughter, Course there is also my baby sister I can chat about here also no problem. Uh? Wait...all of them? Fuck my life. WHY!"
Send 👔 for my muse to talk about their father
"Oh yeah my Dad was a real great Dad, wouldn't dare consider ever giving up his gold ticket Fizz but me? Me he'll sell for whatever you got in your pocket. Though I'm pretty surprised he took the sale at all? So I guess I have some kind of value? Think he just hand me off."
Blitz's Dad aint gonna be getting a 'world's greatest Dad' mugs from Blitz anytime soon. Cash Buckzo is clearly not any sort of loving parents towards Blitz not above manipulating them as a small child using his Mother against him just to get what they wanted from Blitz. It's pretty telling that even as a small child Blitz wouldn't do just anything for his Dad but can be swayed by the mere mention of his mother. Blitz clearly has no real hang ups when it comes to father he seems happy to drop them and forget them especially since Cash was clearly the reason he never got to speak to Fizz again and he's not phased at all to see him being a reason for that. Blitz dose clearly wish to be a much better father himself. And maybe be why despite Loona's age he treats her how he dose.
I feel it's also a part of what makes him like Stolas a lot, he can tell Stolas is a caring father. When they got trapped in the van together and Stolas was worrying about Via? Yeah course that's important to him.
Send 👚 for my muse to talk about their mother
"....Mom? Well I mean I loved her a lot. She was the best, she wasn't in the best of health but she always just..just made things better." Blitz clearly has a real sore spot when it comes to his mother. She was already his weakness as a kid he would do anything if he felt it would help his mom. She seemed the type in indulge her kids in their talents like Blitz love to draw despite being bad at it he still dose it even being aware he is in fact bad at it but it makes him happy and if anything makes him think of her. Though the fire wasn't truly his fault just a freak accident it was the worse day of his life. His family fell apart because like he stated in the very first episode, losing a mother ruins a family. And Blitz blames everything on himself, he's the reason he lost his mother after all and he is the reason he no longer has his sister in his life either. Still can't say the loss of his dad means that much to him but thats a pain he's dealt with forever.
His mother clearly holds a special place in his heart seeing how he keeps the skull oddment she once wore around her own neck. Not to mention the sight of his mother in a photo can send his emptions over the edge. And him feeling he caused him to lose his mother really just seeped into any other possible relationship he might find himself in.
Send 🤜 for my muse to talk about (one of) their sibling(s)
"....I mean I got Blair still..at least."
Blair being @questionablemuses oc XD Who I just love so course I gotta mention her ;3; well get to her in a bit.
Blitz has a twin sister Barbie who he was once close to even having a twin act along with his sister when he got a bit older. Likely happening once Fizz gained more popularirty seeing how the pair of them used to be a duo. Blitz and Barbie instead became an act together and clearly Babrie also was a very talent act carrying her brother in their shows. Which as young kids likely didn't bug her at first but I feel over time? did start to impact her feeling held back by her brother when she could be more on par with Fizz if not for Blitz. But thats her brother after all. Untill the fire which took away any chance she had from her, took her own mother away as well. I feel barbie stayed in touched with her father and likely let him help her try and book some gigs for a time. But that would lead her down a bad path of addiction. Blitz dosen't blame Barb for hating his guts if anything eh feels she is right to hate him. But he still tries his best he really dose. Trying to visit her when she was in rehab no matter how often he was kicked out or screamed at by her. In fact? I feel Blitz is the reason she ended up in rehab just adding more to the conflict between them. Blitz trying to be there for the last bit of family he has left. But seen as ruining things for Barb because of the jobs she had that allowed her the drugs she was getting hooked on.
Blair is the last bit of family he has that dosen't hate him or is gone. Blitz often wondering how long ti will take till Blair wises up finally. Well trying his best to hopfully not give her a reason to wisen up so to speak. Blitz however can be a bit overbearing with being protective of Blair. When it comes to who she dates and works not really mattering who it is Blitz is not a fan of anyone sucking on his sisters neck u-u Sorry Blair he cares he just Blitz one day he'll clam down when hes like old XD
Send 👶 for my muse to talk about (one of) their child(ren)
"I love my daughter, look at all these cute photos I have of her! My Loonie is so perfect like always~ Others just haven't seen how great she is!" Blitz I feel adopted Loona over any other hellhound, because he saw himself in Loona. Loona dose share a lot of traits with Blitz and both coming from these troubling backgrounds being rejected and abandoned? It's like that phase be the adult that child you needed in their life. Blitz however even with Loona still has the hadbit of keeping distance his overbearing and grossly over affection he knows she hates is a good way to keep a bit distance between them. Well still keeping the relationship there, course he fears her leaving as well and likey why he isn't too knee on her dating because she might leave and never come back.
He dose try to parent here but he clearly has no idea what he is doing, not to mention not treating her at the right age she is in. Some part likely has todo with how Hellhounds work he just dosen't treat her as a work hand of sorts. Which maybe be why Loona dose have some softness towards Blitz she just also good at keeping people away and at a distance. Blitz kind of allowing the over aggressive version she goes about it dosen't help but dose create a sort of understanding between them. She wouldn't worry about him if she didn't bother to learn about him she kind of gets the closest look at the mess he is living with him after all.
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ducknotinarow · 9 months ago
[Buddy Richard uwu ice cream duck uwu]
Buddy smiled as they walked into the back office, a mug in hand, full of fresh coffee, with a little ice cream duck sat on top. They knew it was neither of their favourite, but, Buddy had chosen it specifically,
"Papá?" Buddy spoke up, moving to sit close, "I'm...not mad you yelled at me, or hurt either; I know you didn't mean it; you're not the type to yell for no reason."
Buddy gently placed the cup on the desk, pushing it towards Richard,
"You're not abuela, or abuelo, no matter what, so please stop beating yourself up over it Papá."
Buddy smiles at them, their eyes seemed to glow just a bit brighter,
"I'll always be your duckling, no matter what happens."
| Muse Interaction
Richard ear was pressed to the screen of his phone listening to the chicken and every so often that duck would try pipping in. It was just a follow up call. Though the chicken seemed more interested in stroking his ego over how he fixed up Buddy and such. The duck seemed to be trying to give that more personal care touch so not to make Buddy not sound like a living being. Richard did appreciate the call though. It helped assure that Buddy would be okay.
Sure, Buddy has gotten sick and hurt a few times here and there before. But this was still the most serious injury they had gone through. Made worse it wasn't an accident either, of course, they put a report with the police department on the matter. But Richard didn't hold much faith in that doing a thing. His main hope was who ever ganged up and jumped his son were satisfied and that would be the end of it. "Thank you." Richard stated before he ended the call and set his phone to rest on the surface of his desk once it was locked. The screen lighting up for a moment to show the family photo he had set to his lock screen.
Richard and Bailey side by side and of course Buddy, back when they were still pretty small. Happily between them, little duck baseball cap on their head. To protect them from the heat. Richard smiled at the picture before he was hit with the sudden recall of how he handle Buddy showing up to the cafe like that. Sighing as he set his hand on to his forehead. He knows it was a panicked response, it happens. generally to anyone sure, but for Richard it happens when he is set into a stressful situation. Just very reactionary. Bailey did offer some comfort that it was clearly just a knee jerk reaction on his part. Didn't really help Richard feel all that better. As he moved his hand to his cheek. It stupid likely, he was a grown man after all but this fear always felt so childish. Being too much like his parents who took strict to levels others would claim to be abusive. Any misstep was meat with such a harsh reaction. Why he was beating himself up for having the same towards Buddy.
Richard's attention looked down to the cup of coffee set before him, cocking a brow as he looked at the ice cream Buddy had set on the top of the coffee. Before Richard looked up to his son. "Thank you Mijo, did you need something?" Richard questions from the tone they used when referring to him. Gesturing to the spare chair beside his desk.
"I'm...not mad you yelled at me, or hurt either; I know you didn't mean it; you're not the type to yell for no reason."
"Well" Richard stated, as he felt slightly caught off, guess he was beating himself over it far more than he had even noticed if Buddy seemed aware of why Richard had been acting how he was after all. Made more known when they pushed the drink closer towards Richard. A habit he felt Buddy got from him, but a warm drink did always make things better more so when someone else made it for you. Least Richard felt as such why he always had one made up for Buddy or Bailey even. Richard offered a faint smile towards his son, he really was being dumb if he was making his own son worry about him. "No hay bronca." Richard tries to reassure his son. "I was just on the phone with Dr. Gearloose and Fenton. Making sure you are all good again." Thinking it would mask the worries he been carrying.
Sadly Buddy was a smart child, they could piece things together, puzzles weren't too much of a challenge to them for a reason.
"You're not abuela, or abuelo, no matter what, so please stop beating yourself up over it Papá."
Richard eyes widen a moment before he turned to shake his head, "Bad enough your father getting on me about it." He offers a faint smile when he says it. He shouldn't be surprised Buddy was a very observant kid always picking up on these things and well they knew very well what their grandparents were like. Why if Richard had it his way Buddy would have just been made to think they were simply dead instead. "A lo henco, pencho?" Richard asked "It's hard to explain mijo, and you might not fully understand unless you ever become a parent yourself." Looking at Buddy now as he reached over to ruffle up their dark red hair. "Ever since you were nothing but my little duckling, I just want to do right by you mijo. Not just the basics of keeping you fed, clothed and having a roof over your head. But being there to always listen or hear you out. To be there to help you out when needed, and more so to make sure I am doing right by you."
Unsaid but not needed to be said that included making sure Richard never, did anything remotely close to any action his parents would take. "But maybe I'm still looking at you like your nothing but my duckling?"
"I'll always be your duckling, no matter what happens."
Richard wasn't all that sentimental Bailey had that covered for the whole family maybe more in truth. But even Richard wasn't immune to the wave that hit him suddenly when Buddy said that to him. His smile softened as he moved in to wrap Buddy in his arms and squeeze them just enough to convey what he couldn't word very well himself. "Want me to get you a new duckie oneise then?" he was kidding of course well slightly.
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ducknotinarow · 9 months ago
MM Raph Don - Fatal Blow Meme
"Raph...c'mon Raph, get up...you gotta get up," Don begged softly, gently shaking their shoulder, "You're not gonna let Superfly stop you huh? Gonna let him stop you from being friends with humans! Come on Raph you can take down anything!"
This was the part in one of his animes where the hero grits their teeth and gets up, where they snap and suddenly everything makes sense and they can take down everything without a problem.
...But Donatello knows this isn't an anime. This isn't some show or movie.
"Raph...? Please...?"
| My character takes a fatal blow intended for your character. How does your character react?
It was just so sudden. A bright orange flash before the actual sound of the explosion hit his ears. Raph felt his body just rag doll and roll till the ground finally seemed to catch him and stopped his roll. The horn of the semi truck when Superfly kicked it he swore was just stuck in his head as he lied there. Everything looked like a disator movie right now everything was on fire people were screaming and running. Cars were turned over building parts were just scattered all over the place. Raphael was trying his best to gather his bearings. How did everything go bad so fast they were really living out their hero dream just moments before. Them and all the mutants who were on Superfly's side gathered together walking into the city already in chaos. Just a big grand face off that was meant to end the second Raph made the shot. Only to get a lame horse off Superfly's leg. Seriously one horse! Then what happened? an explosion he thinks right?
Raphael moved to sit up his head was throbbing and he kept hearing this loud ringing sound. Trying to open his eyes didn't help all that much as he looked around everything was just a blurry mess, these blob like objects moving around it was hard to tell the difference between the different blobs other than being pretty sure someone them must be humans since they seemed to be moving around. Raphael took a moment to rub at the side of his head he had to shake this off he needed to get back up on his feet. Hand feeling out for something beside him. Turning he tried to focus on it, looked like building rumble, grasping at a pipe or maybe it was those metal support rods. To use as a way to pull him self up on to his legs.
"Come Raph" The red banded turtle says to himself trying to build up the motivation. Looking up from where he stood he tried looking for anyone near by, vision still blurry and the ringing wasn't letting up. He didn't see any of the other mutants, or April even, worse he couldn't see Splinter or any of his brothers. Where were they did they get that blow far apart? Did he?
The thundering sound of Superflys voice was the first sound he seemed able to distinguished. As he turned to look up the blob was more fuzzy now but far easier to make out. Suddenly Raphael was so confident about how they were going to take him down. He was so big. He was like the monsters in those Godzilla movies, and them? Fuck him? Sure he was tough he was strong even. But how was he meant to fight against that? Raphael saw something flying in towards him, "wingnut?" He was pretty sure it was, they looked like a bat. Only for Superfly to smash her in to the towering building beside him. As if he were just swatting at some fly. That was all they were to him.
"Fuck." Raph looked down trying to just think but his mind felt so damn loud between the ringing in his ears, and the sudden wave of fear. It was like being caught in a whirlpool.
Raph lifted up his head finally able to hear the sound of one of his brothers voices, over the mess going on around them. Turning to it he could see a blur moving, squinting his eyes he could just barely make out who it was, it was Donnie. Limping forward, if he was calling out to Mikey he should be fine too right? Yeah. So Leo had to be near by too he and Don ran in the same direction.
Raph heard the warning call in Mikey's own voice as he looked back to Superfly watching them fling another car. Fist started to pound against his thigh trying to beat the muscle under his scales to start moving. As he starting to run towards Donnie slamming in against his twin was the best he could do to get him out of the way, taking cover behind an over turned car. It was hard to say who was more shocked by his sudden save between him, and Mikey. But man was it good to see their faces only better when Leo seemed to find them as well. They all got up to peer over the top of their cover Leo giving the slight suggestion of just having to wait out for Superfly to run out of cars he could use to throw at them. And just their luck he was next to a parking garage.
Just their luck uh? They all took to running Raph looked back and gestured for Mikey to move on ahead of him as he noticed how Donnie seemed to be dragging back. He must have hurt his leg, he was limping before? Raph slowed his pace so he could get behind his twin. Placing a hand on to the back of their shell. Knowing it would only hand strain but they didn't really have the luxury of just taking their time. Donnie needed to move, Mikey was doing fine and so was Leo. If they kept moving they could get away. They wouldn't get hurt, so Raph set both hands on to the back of Donnie's shell pushing him to match the pace of their brothers as they were moving to round the nearest corner. Well more cars just seemed to come flying. Why were Donnie and Mikey pointing out what type of car they were now wasn't the time! Raphael risked a look behind them seeing more cars coming, as he turned to look back Leo and Mikey already got around the corner but Donnie was still moving too slow! Pushing him wasn't enough. A push!
Raphael didn't think past that as he planted his feet to the asphalt and pushed with everything he had in him to send Donnie flying towards Leo and Mikey. Ready to follow after them till something slammed into him. Worse than the explosion, where he felt like he was just rolling. No this took him ripped him from where he was stood. Raphael couldn't even really feel it? He should be able to feel the force of a car right? Body rolled into the street again as he found himself lying there just stuck.
"ugh" Was all he could voice. Now he felt it, everything was screaming in pain, a crushing weight just bearing down on him.
"Raph...c'mon Raph, get up...you gotta get up,"
Raph turned to look at Donnie not even sure when they got to him, only feeling them shake at his shoulder. Least he got Donnie out of the way, looking to find the car that hit him was right on top of him. Explained the crushing part. Fuck it hurt, it hurt so bad and all Raph wanted todo was close his eyes. Helped before when he get hurt the just sleep it off wake up and be fine. Maybe his body just got used to that method. They didn't have much so he didn't like dipping into their first aid supplies or worse worrying Splinter.
"You're not gonna let Superfly stop you huh? Gonna let him stop you from being friends with humans! Come on Raph you can take down anything!"
He knows that! He just needs a second he's sure he can get this car off of him maybe. But he can't even move.
"Raph...? Please...?"
"I'm trying!" Raph bites at the air it hurt to talk, of course he wanted that it was all any of them wanted to get the humans to like them! So they wouldn't have to hide away like this anymore. Go to school, maybe Raph would finally meet someone out there who just got him and understood him. Someone who just took how he was and liked it about him. Liked that he a brute who lived for action. Who he could open up towards even because they would have his side without being all 'you got anger issues' or 'you need therapy' fuck them he didn't. Just meet people that liked the stuff he liked? Maybe even just one? Raphael tried lifting his arms blindly putting them on the car hes not even sure if he was pushing. The ground under him started to shake Superfly was coming this way.
He looked back to Donnie eyes wide, scared. He knows he told them he didn't want their faces to be the last he saw when he died. As he looked just past Donnie over towards where Leo and Mikey were. But at the same time he couldn't think of anyone else he wanted to see most in this time. Raph grit his teeth, "Go!" He managed to yell course Donnie didn't want to leave him, once more Raph just tried weakly to push at Donnie. "Jus' go!" please, he could bear himself dying and missing out on all of that life the four of them wanted more than anything. But he couldn't bear bringing any of them with him. Just begging over and over in his mind as he kept weakly pressing the palm of his hand against Donnie's leg to move. As the shaking of the ground got worse and worse the car over Raph shook and just pressed in more over him.
"FUCKING MOVE DONNIE!" Raph finally yelled unsure if Donnie did move or got pulled away, all he could hear was the rumbling. Keeping his eyes closed tightly. He didn't want to see Superfly he wanted to think of his brothers. All the nights going out 'shopping'. Jumping on the roof tops, sneaking out to see concerts or movies together. Yeah it sucked crouch and hide from humans to live in the sewers where they wouldn't be seen. But they at least had each other, always had each other. R. Its all he focused on even when the weight on the car had the add pressure of Superflys foot place on to it. Raphael could feel his shell starting to crack as it lowered more and more. Still he kept his eye closed and gritted his teeth. He focused on slicing watermelons. On pizza parties. And then it was like the world was silent.
Raphael was suddenly pushing his way into Donnie's tent throwing himself on to the mattress they had in there. Ignoring his twins annoyance. As he peeked an eye open at last. The yell tent filled with all of Donnie's nerdy shit, his drawings and stickers before looking to the screen. Pretending he wasn't totally watching the show Donnie was interested in. Didn't seem so bad he guessed, "They make anime off of sports?" Was his only question before Donnie started to ramble on and Raph regretted asking but still he softly smiled to himself.
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ducknotinarow · 9 months ago
[I had to xD also, i feel if Mikey heard this he'd be offended Von didn't go to him for advice for this u_u]
"Raph, should I wear the red dress or the black dress?" Von huffs, "I need an opinion, but Don's being a pain in the ass and just not answering."
| Muse interaction
Raphael had his feet kicked up on to the coffee table remote in hand as he was clicking through the channels giving each a few second at best before he flipped to the next one there wasn't really anything on that he had seen that caught his attention as he continued to surf the channels. Mikey was hanging behind the couch arms resting just a bit by Raphael's head. Clearly had wanted the TV for themself but Raph beat Mikey to it so they were left to see if Raph found something they might like to watch as well or that Raph would give up and give over reign of the living room to the youngest. Sadly though it seemed Raph found something to watch in the end. His free hand held on to the handle of a sai, as he was using the end of one point to pry at something they had gotten wedged in between his teeth, as if it were just a tooth pick.
Suddenly, he sat up pulling his feet off from the coffee table "Ohh yeah!" Raph grinned happily the second the announcers on screen started to introduce the wrestlers coming out to the stage before walking down to the ring. And Mikey groaned before dropping his face into the back of the couch. Defeat admitted as he could hear Raphael already rooting for his pick between the pair of wrestlers. Mikey quietly started to debate over waiting it out or going back to his room and reading comics. He wondered if he could ask Casey about getting his hands on one of those hand hold game systems instead. For times like this.
Though Raph wasn't in much better luck himself just as the match was really starting to get good a real tussle between the two wrestlers there was a sudden attack from a third out of no where. Really getting the crowd and by extension Raph hyped as well just as he was taken away from the hook of the current match by Von's huffing voice.
"Raph, should I wear the red dress or the black dress?"
Mikey was the only one to really look her way, as Raphael kept his own attention focused to the screen. "Why?" he asked showing she had his attention just split, but hey that was more than he sometimes would even give Casey when he was this engrossed in something.
"I need an opinion, but Don's being a pain in the ass and just not answering."
"Jus' kept sayin' your look fine in anythin'?" He breathes out a slight laugh. "Yeah sounds like Don, wear black looks better red makes you look 'ike a real bitch Babe." Raphael offers his thoughts. Before anything thanks could be given however Mikey let out the best offended sound he was able to muster. Actually breaking Raph's attention on the TV screen not even Von was able todo that. "what is your damage Mikey, 'm tryin' to talk to Von."
"Exactly!" Mikey soon exclaimed as he slammed his hands on the back of the couch ignoring how close he got to smacking Raphael and the warning growl the red banded turtle gave out as a warning. "Why would you ask Raph?" Mikey whined as he looked over to Yvonne. "Just look at him, look at whats he's watching! How he picks at his teeth with his sai, or throws his feet on to the coffee table. Hes got toe cheese bad! we put out food there! hell look who he is into even? And you think he has taste? you trust it even!" Mikey rants on ignoring the angry 'what' Raph let out off the string of insults that Mikey just went on about. As he moved away from the couch and made his way over towards Yvonne.
"When I actually know what works best together or clashes! I can see asking Donnie, not just cause you are a thing together. He'll at least give a somewhat decent answer though its all based on the practical reasoning so he totally ignores the major issues like how colors will clash! So of course he won't see that the red dress would be too much red because of your make up! Leo? I could see asking Leo even. Not that he any help he be worse than Donnie. Somehow! And Donnie clearly just wants to say whatever he thinks you want to hear cause hes a lock sick idiot. But to think you go from Donnie right to Raph of all of us. Over me!" Mikey's plea was cut off by the feeling of the remote flung at the back of his head.
"Yeah and clearly Von thinks your opinion is trash!" Raphael states as he stood up and wasted no time in tackling Mikey to the floor. The two struggling. Mikey trying to keep Raph from being able to hit him well Raph was left to focus on over powering Mikey so he could hit them properly with his fists. Minor insults tossed back and forth between the pair. About whose taste was more trash between them before Raph finally got a good hold on Mikey and pinned him down. Well timed with the sound of the bell from the match he had been watching. "Besides I get best friend 'ights. That trumps girl friends anytime." Raph states smugly as Mikey can do nothing but pout and accept the punch in his shoulder. "But yeah black looks betta' Von go wit' that." As if he and Mikey hadn't be fighting that whole time he continues the conversation even giving her his full attention. "What you getting dressed up for anyway?"
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ducknotinarow · 9 months ago
[Your Blitz, My Stolas - Reverse] "I need to rest"
| Send "I need to rest" for your muse to lay their head down in my muse's lap
Blizt pulled up his van up front like he always parked and hopped out the driver seat. Going the path he basically had so memorized it had become second nature. To cut through the bushes there was just enough spacing between them and the walls of Stolas' home that let him pass through nearly untouched. A thorn here or there at times could snag at him. But that would take the imp just below Stolas bedroom window. Blitz smiled to himself even if it was a lot of effort to climb his claws were more than sharp enough to hook into it. Giving him a good grip so he could scale up towards the balcony. That part was always a bit tricky to deal with the slope curve wasn't always easy to move around. But he managed just fine and soon as he saw the railings he knew he could just pull up and throw himself over.
Okay but why go through all this trouble? Blitz likely could just go through the front door like a normal demon coming to visit Stolas likely did. But that just seemed lame. Blitz always sneeked his way in and come through the balcony like so. Cause Stolas seemed to enjoy it whenever he did. Sure practical reasons okay more like Blitz half assed lies he gave anytime Stolas asked about it. There was just something about the little delighted look the owl eyes that made the extra effort worth it.
Besides the owl clearly expected it when he always waited in his room to meet Blizt at when knowing he would be coming by. Even if it did take a lot of effort he got pretty good at slowly sucking in hair to help himself cool down from the scurry to get up here. Smoothing over his usual jacket and fixing his collar as he went to stroll on through the doors. Ready to make himself known when he caught sight of Stolas asleep in the bed, and closed his mouth right away so not a peep was let out. Well the imp did let his brow scrunch up somewhat. Did Stolas seriously fall asleep?! He huffed out a short breath as he made his way towards the large ass bed.
Looking over the prince a moment. They seemed tired the imp quirked his mouth a little and shrug his shoulders moving to climb up on to the bed. Slightly crawling over besides the sleeping owl trying his best not to wake them up but those damn silk sheets were slippery making Blizt slip and fall every so often as he let out a string of swears before finally making it beside the owl prince. Blizt finding a nice spot beside him as he fell back setting his arms behind his head. This felt nice actually, Stolas bed was huge of course but couldn't knock how comfortable it was as well. But maybe all the shuffling or the sudden addition of Blitz self was enough to get the owl to break out from his seemingly deep sleep.
"Awake now? Guess you are dainty if I put a pea under your mattress think it keep you from waking up." Blitz tossed out trying to down play the current situation, but of course, Stolas the second he got a bit more coherent sat up seeming ready to ask questions. Questions he would want answer to from Blitz that he didn't want to answer can't this dang owl just not care for like two seconds. Annoyed still the imp sat up as well but unlike the owl he used it as a chance to reposition himself letting his head rest on top of Stoals' lap.
"I ain't moving, need to rest." He grumbled just a bit before he curled up just to make himself comfortable. This felt good too maybe better actually. The faint scent of the all the fancy shit Stolas put in his bathtub was still attached to his feathers, the tips of the exposed feathers slightly brushed against his face. Felt softer than anything really so be moved to nudge his head in closer for a better feel. Taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out as he felt himself honestly just melting into the owl almost. "I wanna die right here, don't move me for anything I don't give a shit if the place in flames even." Blitz said slightly muffles with his cheek pressed in against Stoals' legs. Before he let out a yawn in defeat at last. Keeping it all in his usual act seemed to more trying today than usual. Or maybe he just hadn't given it enough of a break who knows he didn't care right now he just wanted to relax. The low soft purr he started to let out showing that more than his current position even.
"Yeah this is just what I need," Blitz confessed before another yawn escaped from him. Lifting his tail to point at Stolas with since he wasn't willing to lift an arm. "Don't get too full of yourself Jelly. your just warm and soft and smell real nice tonight." Blitz stated hoping to cut any of Stolas' furthering questioning or whatever.
The imp just wanted the comfort and peace that his prince gave him. After a long week of pure bullshit seeing Stolas just seemed perfect. He did slightly turn his head to look at them suddenly recalling something. "You didn't see my text did you? 'bout coming over to see you?" Blitz manged to find a way to sound offended it was a very sudden thought on his part to be fair so chances are Stolas had already set his phone down and was going about getting ready for bed by the time he had sent the text to them. Whatever. After the week this just felt very nice. Letting his eyes grow heavy and close as he decided to make this is resting place.
"Well then that just means I ain't gotta move from this spot since you ignore my text." Blitz decided as if Stolas would ever deny Blitz well anything really. So giving the owl was and happy to do at that, even before being official. If anything Stolas got worse about it but Blitz didn't mind taking advantage of that fact. "go back to sleep bird brain." Blitz snips with a little before he tucked himself in more into a nice little ball.
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ducknotinarow · 10 months ago
Bailey: Richy, what goes up but never goes down?
Richard : the amount of stress you cause me
Bailey:... it was old age
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ducknotinarow · 1 year ago
MM RaphDon - "Just say it!" - Topic: Homework
| My muse struggles with the truth...Send "Just say it!" And my muse will confess to something they don't really talk about. Bonus: specify a specific topic and that's what they will talk about!
It was surprisingly easy for Raphael to lift the kid clear off his feet, holding them by the fabric of their shift alone as he slammed their back roughly against the metal lockers behind them. The sound of metal being hit rung out through the empty hallway. Luckily for him it was empty at least. The human on the other hand? wasn't all too lucky on their own end as papers flew right out from their hands. Scattering across the the dull titles of the school hallway. Everyone should be in in class. Unless you happened to be ditching. But that wasn't the point here. Even if that was how Raphael seemed to find out what was going on here.
Well what he thought he knew was going on at least, Raphael knew his brother's handwriting well enough but it wasn't the give away it was the drawing that made him notice that was Donnie's work. He seen enough of their fan art over the years to recognize the style his brother drew in. Raphael already knew a big strong scary mutant? when throwing in some force was more than enough to get a human to tell him everything. Of course, Raph had simply assumed they stole Donnie's homework. It made sense Donnie was like the smartest person to ever just exist after all. This kid might have bullied it out from Donnie!
Course that wasn't what this kid was telling him happened. Raphael's scowl slowly unscrewed from the mess of words they were letting lose right now. That Donnie did the homework for him, something about him not being the only one even?
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"what?" Raphael pressed them in against the lockers just assuming they were lying or something here to save their ass from the beating he was going to dish out to them. But as they kept talking Raph had to admit it sounded possible. After all he and Mikey were guilty of the same, and Donnie? Never really turned them down. But when they did it they offered him stuff like the last slice of pizza, or giving up their placement for the line up when it came to bathroom use. Raph couldn't tell how many times he got stuck with a cold shower cause of it. He needed to get to the bottom of this, letting go of the kid so they fell to the ground. Unlike himself, Donnie would be in class. "Sorry Case I gotta look in to this." He says to his ditching partner at the time.
Vaguely recalling his twins schdeual he stormed out from the hallway right away. Leaving behind his friend and the other kid to stay behind in the aftermath.
Donnie loved science stuff, so of course it was one of the classes he mentioned most. Which is how Raphael knew to head off towards that section of the schools building. Nit all to sure what the truth here was. If that kid had stolen Donnies work or froced them into doing it. Raph would get Casey to hold them down well theu got well aqinted with his fists. Good old three knuckle shuffle if you will. Seeing how he only had the three fingers after all. This kid had to be lying why would Donnie be just doing it after all?
Standing outside their class room he was quick to lie and say he had to speak to his brother. Well that parent wasn't a lie but it wasn't due to the family emergency he claimed. He'd done this before and told Leo he wouldn't. But honestly who was more at fault Raph for ditching? Or Leo believing him? When Donnie finally comes out though Raphael wasn't all to sure how to bring this up. And Donnie had to get back to his class.
"Just spit it out"
"Are you gettin' bullied or something?" Raphael asks right away of course, that would earn some confusion in turn. "I saw this kid with your work ready to beat his ass for you but he said you did his homework for him?" Raphael states waiting for Donnie to tell him clearly the kid took his homework or froced him todo it for them even. "So I just wanna know if it just him or am I going on a tour to dish out some hits?"
However, before Raphael could even think about roping Casey in to help Donnie came clean and told the truth.
"Why the heck are you doing thier homework for Donnie?." As if he and Mikey weren't guilty. "Is this why you ain't sleeping much? Cause you're doing all this extra work? I get you wanted go school so bad but that can't be why your doing thier work right?" Raphael really didn't follow what was going on here. For a number of reason as he huffed out a breath if air he been holding in longer than need be. Before he grabbed Donnie by the hood of their purple pull over. "Fuck making this quick you are telling me whats going on Donnie right now."
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ducknotinarow · 1 year ago
[MM RaphDon - rip Raph]
"I'm telling you Raph, it was amazing!"
Donatello hadn't shut up about that moment during their fighting against Superfly. One would think he'd be more excited about everything else, and not the random girl he happened to meet,
"I was like two inches away from a human, and she wasn't April!" Don went on, "She didn't even run away scared like the others, she said 'hi' to me, don't you see how amazing that is!"
Someone desperately needed to find where Donatello's 'off' button is,
"I just wish I got her name, New York is so big - I might never see her again," Don lamented, "I mean I said 'hi' back, I wasn't rude, but still!"
| Muse interaction
Raphael's shell was still sore from Superfly's vice grip that nearly ended him and his brothers. Now though? it was a pretty cool scar though Raphael had to remark on as he was holding up an old hand mirror just high enough to catch the reflection from the bathroom mirror so he could get a better look at the crack in his shell right now. It would maybe take awhile for them to not hurt as much but their Raph needed it to heal before they started up school so he could start looking into a sport to join. April had told him all about the different teams at the high school. Football, Hockey, wrestling, base ball, soccer. Raph wasn't sure which he wanted to join but he knew for sure he had to try out for ever one. Foot ball was always a big deal in all those movies they used to sneak out to watch in the park? It seemed like that could be fun? Running around and tackling people sounded like a lot of fun. Wrestling he wasn't too sure about he loved wrestling he was a huge fan of the WWE after all. But he wasn't sure? school wrestling was way different than on tv after all? there was no ring after all. Boxing had a ring but the school didn't have a boxing team at school. Besides it was only punching? Hockey was maybe an option? but then he needs to learn how to skate?
All lost in his own thoughts as he was trying and failing to tune out his twin brother at the moment who was still yapping away. Hadn't Donnie noticed he stopped listening not to long ago. slightly lowering the hand mirror as he looked over to his twin. Watching them go on and on. slightly picking up on the words escaping his beak at the time. They were still going on and on about some human they happened to see during the fight with Superfly. How Donnie found time to focus on that he had no clue about everything was just a mess, cars being thrown at them. The city was full blow chaos! Their were humans everywhere! and yet Donnie found it in him to focus on single person during all of that?
"I'm telling you Raph, it was amazing!"
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"uh huh" Was all Raphael offered. They been talking his ears off for what felt like half a day by now. Lowering the mirror down as he turned to give a clear fixed uninterested expression towards his twin. suddenly he found himself missing Donnie's rants about whatever anime show he was so all about over this. "Ya done?"
"I was like two inches away from a human, and she wasn't April!"
Clearly not. Raph gave a roll of his eyes and went to put the hand mirror back where he grabbed it from. Making his way out from the bathroom. Still not alone as Donnie seemed to follow. Was this how Donnie felt when Raph busted into his tent all the time? So maybe he should be a bit more understanding here considering when Raph did that to his twin? it was in truth out of him feeling lonely and in need of company.
"She didn't even run away scared like the others, she said 'hi' to me, don't you see how amazing that is!"
“No?” Raphael said but still felt like Donnie wasn’t exactly listening to him at the time. If this had happened any other time? Yeah then sure he would maybe understand why Donnie was so well like this right now. it was kind of their shared dream since any of them could recall after all. A life, (even if it wasn’t much of one.) spent hiding away like some shameful secret of the world that had to only forever stay looking at the world they lived in but could never truly take part in. Sneaking around to get their basic needs filled. Watching things like movies and concerts from roof tops miles away from the stage or screen. Seeing humans interact on the streets below so openly. Allowed to just be their in the first place might be the most out there bit of it all. Then they met April the first human to well not scream and run after seeing them so sure he could understand the excitement after all they all pretty much felt like April was like the only person who would be like that with them. Why they followed along with the plan.
Beat Superfly become hero’s get liked. Simple.
It hadn’t been simple at all. In fact? The whole fucking city became a battle field! Like some video game level! They weren’t really worried about staying hidden at that point anymore. So no he didn’t really get why Donnie was freaking out over this one off meeting? Maybe it was just cause it was just between him and this girl? Or maybe he was a fucking idiot like their oldest brother and all his hormones just kicked in after a girl looked at him.
He didn't get why that was such a big deal, first it was Leo and now Donnie? Jeez. Is that just what happens you get stupid? Raoh never wants to be stupid over some girl.
"I just wish I got her name, New York is so big - I might never see her again,"
Again all Raphael could do was roll his eyes.
"I mean I said 'hi' back, I wasn't rude, but still!"
Raphael stopped to look at his brother a second making sure he actually had thier attetion this time around before he opened his beak to speak. "Don, your one of four mutant turtles in New York that saved the city from Superfly." Was how he stated because that alone should have gotten his point across. But on the off chance the stupid had striked his twins brain cells. "Prettt sure she can easily track you down stupid. Jeez."
Was all Raph endless his remark with. He didn't see it as this one off meeting at Donnie was making it out to be all things considering. Man girls reallt make you stupid. He double down on his wish from before of never getting stupid over some guy like Leo and now Donnie were.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year ago
🎶 for all your Raph muses tbe music meme give me all the songs bich you can delete the post but that ain’t gonna stop meeeeeeeeeeed
| Send me "🎶🎶🎶" and I will share with you 1-3 music tracks that I associate my muse(s) with!
*Considering I have playlists for them all I just had to pick three songs XD Keep in mind a lot of these choices are solely based on events in rp on the blog at least stuff that has enough development for me to comment on in terms of songs. Or goes into my protryal of Raphael over all.
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We didn't start the fire
Is this love that i'm feeling
Beat It
*When it comes to all my 80's playlists I try so hard to keep the songs in that time frame but I have broken that over time XD but mainly it is still a good 80's mix. Anyway when picking his songs I tried to stick to his time frame. Can't say i'll be as dedicated on the others pft. Anyway time for my pop tart boy.
We didn't start the fire: I picked because it seems like a song reference he would make when it comes to how often him and his brothers wind up roped into situations he doesn't fully believe are their problem to deal with. But end up being their problem anyway. Like don't get him wrong when he feels it is their issue Raph's attitude is different like in the first season when it came to Splinter.
Is this love that im feeling: yes course this gonna be about Casey. Raphael just thought he had no real interest in romance why would he after all? He is a mutant turtle? maybe if there was a female mutant turtle? But even then he had doubts. The only time he kind of liked a girl was when he was hit with a love potion after all. He didn't seem to like girls so he wondered if he liked well men instead? based off his own comments he thought were just jokes. Then in came Casey Jones. Who he fell for pretty quick sure at first he found them nuts but he was attacking his brothers. And it didn't stop him from fighting Casey again later. But didn't keep Raph once they had a more friendship going on to wonder what was there. Turns out it was love its why he changed his tune to like Casey clearly. I also just like it for when he and Casey date. Sure loving someone is enough to date them but dating is how you see if you continue to love them. And that what Raph figured out. Also I like to think this is a song Raph would sign towards Casey uwu
Beat it: I find it funny and clear proof others don't watch the 87's series. Cause they have this weird outlook of Raph not lighting ti fight or being a fighter. And I agree he isn't looking to pick a fight but he is fucking petty and will start a fight. Raph is a very "I didn't start it but i'll finish" it type of fighter in this series. So a good song about throwing down to fight seems fitting for Raph's rude behavior.
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*Normally I put 03/07 together but I feel some songs will fit better for some themes in 07 story plots.
1. Hercules
2. Brother
3. I'll be good
+4. Bonus song My best friends Ex
Hercules: Generally I love this song because it really works to dip into Raph's need to protect. It's not just in a physical way either Raph despite calling himself a lone wolf is someone who really just looks out and cares for others. He comes off selfish and uncaring but then you see how he is quick to put others before himself. Down plays anything going on with him but will put more worry into it for others. He loves to have space but is quick to try and reach out to someone else if he feels they need it. His stubborn ass is what makes him so loyal he has so much faith in others. He really will shield others from harm when they can't themself.
Brother: I love this song for TMNT in generally because a brotherhood is just such a strong theming for the series. BUT I'm directing this to his brothers. Raph's heart is one of four, his brothers are his whole world. Anything happens to one of them? and best look out he will die if it meat protecting his brother or getting revenge for them. Raph can seem harsh and distract but in the moments that matter most? he is the one by his brothers sides first. When need be he will step up into leader role so to make sure the rest are safe if Leo isn't around like when Leo left to see the Ancient one and they got attacked by Karai. One thing you don't get between is Raph and his brothers even when Raph distances himself them he knows they have him and he knows they know he has them. Why they count on him and will call out for him when needed especially Donnie.
I'll be good: It's not secret that Raph is his own worst critic. It's why I feel Splinter never got on Raph's case as much as he dose Leo during Leo's emo arc. Splinter will step in if Raph's going to far and offer advice but he knows no amount of scolding is anywhere as bad or deep hitting as what. It's hard for Raph to understand where his anger comes from. He wants to protect his family and it scares him to see how big the world is out there if they stayed in a much smaller area easier to maintain it be easier to protect them. Raphael just feels like he can't do right he fears being the one to hurt his brothers why he has nightmares of him being the shredder. He regrets any fight he has with Leo, the times he went to far with Mikey hell he got regrets with Donnie too. He wants to be good he wants to be more positive like Mikey can be but he just can't he feels something wrong he feels if he could cut into himself deep enough maybe just maybe he can find what it is and take it out.
My best friends ex: I couldn't give up the last three for this song but didn't wanna leave it out XD. Raph and Von's friendship in 03 verse is just so damn good to me I love it I love them being besties so much. It's funny cause I feel you wouldn't see these two being so close. But I think Von just not caring to fall for the image Raph sets up allowed her to get close to Raph. Maybe cause of her background who knows. Just in my mind if Von ever dated anyone outside Donnie they knew/or knew about Raph that friend thats hates them funnier if Raph don't know them he hates them uwu.
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Danger to myself
Killing me
Danger to myself: For sure where Raph was at just after Leo had taken off. There was just a lot going on. Raphael hated that they were told they couldn't basically go on with their lives with Leo gone. Raph lost a good source of his distractions because of that and struggled with things going on with himself. Slowly he started to make things worse shut out his family, and pushing away those who he needed most. Donnie someone who always makes him feel a bit more grounded. But Raph lost his footing. Casey someone who always made him feel loved and needed. But Raph didn't love himself or feel he was needed. Night Watcher was so easy for him to hide anyway into. If he was the Night Watcher he didn't need to be anything more.
wannabe: Why this song? how do a spice girl song fit Raph. I feel like each of the adults have had moments where they are watch both Summer and Ariel on their own. Raph's soft for the two on their own as is. When they are together? He might as well be a floor mat for them. Just image them in a classic moment of the girls finding a way to rope Raph into thier antic and feel one is singing along to songs well messing around. Raph can act like he dont wanna be part of thier sleep over antics but I feel Casey walked in and found Raph singing along to the Spice girls with his daughters. XD basically it more a song that just makes me think of Raph in a parental route.
Killing me: May seem a bit misleading on how Im gonna be using this song but this is more meant for when Casey is going though his mid life crisis. You think Summer felt her dad just left? Oh trust Raphael felt the same way. But where Summer can speak on that and express how she feels Raphael will not. No different from how with his own family Raph seeing Casey going through what he was he in part knew that Casey needed to be allowed to. Raph had to go through his own stupid shit for a time. He saw Leo have to as well and even Donnie. But it wasn't easy, Raph had to keep things in home well in order. Had to make sure Summer was taken care of. Seeing Casey not in the right state. In truth I feel Raph reached out to April A LOT during this time. If he could swing it with disguises he of course takes Summer to practice himself. Raph didn't really have a support when he fell apart (he pushed them away that why) so he wanna try and give Casey the room to fall apart too and show Raph is there to help pull him back together like Casey has for him. But even Raph dose feel Casey's absence and it's killing him uwu
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Lost: Some of my favorite scenes dealing with Raph are when they see Splinter get thrown down into the sewers. And in his fit of rage Mikey hugs him to snap him out of it. And again during the space arc when one the angry planet Raph once more snaps and Leo hugs him. What snapped him out of it? Love uwu. Raphael is someone seen as uncaring he is quick to say he don't like ti deal with certain emotions. He is meant to be big bad tough Raphael. Yet, he is full of pain and a feeling of being just lost. Where he should be aware he is loved and needed sometimes he needs that assurance because Raph sees the worst in himself. Raph is hurting deep down and it come out in his anger and he wishes he knew better how to handle it to even understand why it's there so sometimes a bit of affection paid his way helps. Raph isn't bad a kid hes just very unheard. It shows that he can be heard by some and it should make Raph look weak that he dose need that at times. But to him dose. He just lost in the storm always in his mind. Sometimes he just needs to grab on to someone a moment.
Sharks: It's funny how often you can mirror Raph with some of the villains. You got of course his often foil in 2012 Fish face, the more obvious Slash before he was redeemed even being shown like a worse case for what Raph could become. And of course, there is the fact he and Leo are like a new generation of Yoshi and Saki. Often I feel why Splinter is how he can when it comes to Raph's anger and complaints on Raph likes to think he is better because hes good so he should be better he wouldn't sink to their levels. But he has he can even Slash alone showed what would happen if Raph let his anger consume him too much the beast he could become if he didn't have his brothers around? Raph would become so much worse. If he didn't have family he loves and looks out for than what would he have to keep him grounded?
Fine: Raph is the stereotypical character who talks shit about love and romance. Act like he so above his brothers who more open to showing they would like to fall in love. Raph very much that person who just can't understand someone loving him because of his own self hate. And he sort of projects that on the him and his brothers Who would love them. And yet? He wants it he wants to be stupid over someone, he and try and deny how he felt for hockey playing idiots all he wants but he don't want that he wants to also turn and say he's an idiot and he feels those things too. Cause deep down Raph is just a sappy romantic. He wanna just embrace those things too given the chance. So why not go ahead and show he might have intrest in his best friend just a bit uwu
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Can't take me down
I like it heavey
Can't take me Down: This is just a feel good song for Raph in general he is very much got this I can't be stopped mind set (boy do I look forward to him getting humbled or shown other wise that he isn't strong enough >:3) This is very much a how I carry myself kind of song. Despite how clearly everyone around him seems to look at him and see him needing some help professional level even or any time someone remarks on him going a bit too far? Raph will either defend it with a look of 'what do you mean?" or blow it off. He goes in loud with out a second thought. You can't take him down and much as they all hoped he thinks that's what will get people to love him uwu
Chills: I just like this for our rasey for mm with your take on MM casey uwu Since we always tend to give Casey the theming of ice. But it also just fits because Raph never been in love before not really something he thought of only to make fun of Leo over. The. Comes Casey someone who gives him litteralt chills uwu
l like it heavey: someone thar is a mutant? Yeah, this start of the song dots alone as is. But Raph himself? Someone who dose have a bit a different taste in well everything from his more violent tendencies to his love for wrestling even to point if hiw he wants to present considering he uses protine powders to help muscle growth. Even his sens of style? Some like it pretty, but Raph likes it heavey. Slightly to play into the sing above this jsut plays into why Raph himself don't think he goes to far or maybe even need help (he dose u_u) he just himself and wants someone who gets that who he is.
1. Hot n' cold
2. Chateu
3. The phoenix
Hot n' Cold: I'm sorry but not sorry hot n' cold os just Raoh generally over all. He can really just shift through his moods swings fast enough to give someone whiplash. Raoh has his moments where he can be sweet and caring and those moments should really speak the loudest to others. But other times? He's a oranry bitch. And he's pretty up front about it.
Chateu: since Raphs known casey the longest in this verse, i feel these two have had a lot of time to be all fuck this place mind set over time. Between Raphs family drama and Casey own. Raph has had Casey in his corner from day one. This is just a very nice song for Casey and Raph in general I feel ;3; they need each other, they make eachnothers hearts bear. Course, there's a reason it took them time to get together, but they been able to give up on some things thiwr hangs up and such cause they got the other ;3;
The phoenix: in truth this song I played on repeat often well playing the game it self xD It just fits!!! Anyway in universe I would say it's because Raphael is pretty goal set in the game. He feel long as they stay together as brothers they will get Splinter back because well he needs to or he will get hopless himself. So he talks uo loving the fights and such and enjoys when they get to certien maps in the game. Honestly the most break in this is when they are looking for Casey he gose from. But he picks himself back up after every loss or miss chance to get thier Dad back. Raphael isn't someone to get knocked down too easily like his fiery rage this turtle will rise back up like. Phoenix
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ducknotinarow · 1 year ago
MM RaphDon - [☕] our muses make hot chocolate together
| SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
Raphael looked like the couch was more eating him than he was sitting and resting out on it. He felt like he ran out of things to watch on TV after a few weeks to just sort of spend on a good binge watch. But in truth he had a millions things he wanted to just watch but he couldn't because he wanted to watch them with Casey. Letting his body sink in further back against the old worn and torn couch. Wouldn't be as fun and not like he hadn't thought about suggesting they still watch but do it over a call. Not that Raph had been all that great about returning some messages. Besides he didn't want to interrupt anything Casey had going on back home. He also didn't really wanna think about how Canada was home to Casey. Slowly letting himself sink further and further against the couch as the news was left to play not like Raph cared about anything it was saying.
Soon the turtle found himself resting on the floor from allowing himself to slump down so much. Raph had been spending a lot of time with some of the guys from his wrestling team over break so it's not like he was just alone or anything, actually he got pretty close to few of them and ended up having a sort of sleep over. Was kind of fun. Helped with the whole weirdness at home kind of. He closed his eyes as the News reports were talking about some reconstruction work still in progress since the Super Fly incident months ago. But Raph didn't wanna rely on that too much, might seem needy to his teammates. Besides they teased him over missing his boyfriend too much. Which made him moss his boyfriend more. he wasn't around them? He hung around Bepbop and Rock Steady. They started some moving gig, though not to many humans liked to move in the colder season so they been low on jobs. Meaning less for Raph to join in on. He rolled his head to the side finally. Letting the New Reporters talk about some dog, not sure why they were.
Letting his brow knit a bit he finally called it quits. Moving to sit up he flicked the TV off and set the remote back into place. Making his way towards the shared bedroom. With how cold its been they been sticking inside a bit more so seeing Donnie in his tent wasn't out there. Well never really was. Donnie basically lived inside of that thing. Raphael stood and waited around for a moment before he dipped back out of the room. Recalling something he saw the other day. The nice thing about Bepbop and Rocksteadys job was they let Raph work sometimes and it gave him some pocket change.
As he took out the stashed shopping bag he had. Smiling to himself he then grabbed for Splinters kettle and fillied it up before henset it on tonthe stove to warm up. When it came to Donnie’s interest in anime, Raph didn't follow or understand it in the slightest. There was some anime he found okay enough but even then he didn't get the whole investment on Don's side to be extremely absorbed into it all.
But sometimes he recognized a show on packaging like the hot chocolate bombs he found the other day. Seemed like a good time to use them now at least? He figures before he grabs for two mugs next, getting both filled up with the water once the kettle started to steam up. And grabbing for two spoons as well. Raphael looked between the two hot mugs and the bag trying to figure out how he was going to carry it all. Well tje spoons could rest in the mugs that was simple enough he figures but he couldn't really carry two cups with on hand. Looking down to his large hands with a but of a glare. He opted to just hold the top of the store bag between his teeth.
Making his way back into his and brothers shared room. Despite the amount of times he had tried to convince Splinter into letting him have his own. He was kond of glad he didn't at the moment. As he pushed his way into Donnie’s tent ignoring the usual greeting je got when ever he came in 'unwelcomed' to Donnies space. As if that ever stopped Raph, besides if it really bothered Donnie he wouldn't let it slide so much. Answering the upcoming questions of what he was doing in there by spitting the bag out infront of his brother as if he were a dog handing over a toy for attention. "I got ya somethin' " was all he offered to his brother for an answer. Before handing them one of the hot cups full of water.
Raphael moved to sit back making himself comfortable as he always did. Before he dug into the bag for Donnie, clearlt something he only got for Donnie or he would have brought them out sooner. He beams a little seeing the box and holds it out to his brother. "That's the guy on ya bo ain't it?" Smiling still as he slightly shakes it in Donnies fave and hands it off to them before he grabs his own. Not an anime charater of course, Raphael's was just a normal hot chocolate bomb outside the fact it came with cyanne to give the drink some spice.
"I saw 'em the other day when I was either my teammates. They said ya just drop in the water an' it melts. And lot of them got junk on the inside, like a charater marshmellow for yours." Raphael says a bit excited as he goes ahead and opens up his own and drops it into his cup, watching the chocolate shell start to milk away and let the power inside free. Kind of enjoying it as he moved to relax back into Donnies tent not taking a moment to bother to see what his brother had been doing in the first place.
Eyeing the screen of Donnies laptop now "what ua doin' anyway? Watchin' more anime?" He asks before sipping from his cup as he fixes the screen with his attetion. Didn't seem to lame compared to some of the stuff Donnie watched. Moving to sit where he could better see the screen besides Donnie. Keeping quite he knew asking to many questions would only annoy his nerdy brother after all he was sure he could just figure out what was going on anyway. This was much better then sitting alone so if he gotta watch the nerdy crap. Which actually kind of had his attetion at the moment, then so be it. Beside Donnie’s company was always welcomed.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year ago
03/07 RaphVon - [🎁] our muses exchange holiday gifts
| SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
Leave it to Mikey to somehow get Von and Don to agree to the baby shower idea. But hey did go all out even though at some point it seemed he forgot that it was meant for the mother seeing how the banned had to have Don's nah scribbled out and replaced by Von's. Idiot. Was Raphael's main thought as he been hanging back during most of this thing. Mikey manged to pull a few of the invited parties into the games which just seemed dumb to Raphael. He purposely said 'baby' near the start and gave his pin away to whoever was nearest to him and sort of hung towards the back of it all. The baby shower wasn't really his thing.
When he noticed Von as some point seem to take a moment to rest well Mikey had another of his game ready to start up. Raphael took it as a opening. As he made his way to sit beside Von. Holding a gift bag near his side just enough to keep it from Von's sight as he joined her. "Hey least Mikey invited you to your own baby shower in the end 'ight?" He smirks a little her way paying a second to make sure Von was fine. Offering to help her sit down if she needed it. But of course like Raph expected she was handling the whole being pregnant thing very well. But that was Yvonne for you stubborn to the bone.
Raphael's attention turned back to the party they were currently bobbing for pacifiers everyone Mikey got to go along with it had a bowl of water before them and had their hands set behind their backs. The goal was who ever got all three in their own bowls first won and Mikey manged to capture all of his before anyone else. He could just feel the flash backs to the Battle Nexus showing before his vision. Great that was going to be something to look forward too, man he is for sure staying with Casey tonight after this. "Though somehow I 'hink this turned into more for Mikey than either of youes." Raph points out.
Which took him back to his reasoning of sitting beside her now, away from everyone else, he knows they all had a gift to give for the baby coming. They were sure of the gender yet but a baby still needed anything they could offer. Or in some cases make. It was a sort of secret and not a secret. In that no one under any circumstances was to ever mention the fact that Raphael knew how to knit. But it wasn't like no one knew about him able to do so. Splinter had had him take up the habit in an effort to help Raphael with that ever burning flame the fueled his temper. And he found comfort in the repeated action. Splinter was the first to ever receive a gift made by Raph. And slowly everyone did. Sure it wasn't really for Von but thats how these worked the gift was to the mother for the baby. Von was just much more a risky gamble because she liked to push that whole deal when it came to fact about Raphael.
He still grabbed at the gift bag and held it out in front of her. Looking far off to the side not even towards the party, selecting a random brick in the wall to focus his gaze on to. "yeah I know were doin' gifts at the end but 'm gonna try ditch soon as I can. So wanna make sure you get 'his is all."
Raphael expresses only turning to face her again when he felt the weight of the bag leave his own hand. Slightly peering over to watch her look into the paper shopping bag, Peering in and it was clear to see right away that there was a purple knitted blanket in there. Bands of two shades purple and near the top right corner was a small fish done in a even dark shade of color. It was clear this had taken longer and more time to make compared to most of the other knitted gifts Raphael had ever given. Sort of outing a few more thing about this little hobby of the rough and gruff turtle. It was thanks to some help, outside help from a Ms. Morrison that he may have learned a bit more he could do.
Raphael wouldn't explain it but he did put a lot of thought into the look of the blanket he know both Don and Von had a liking for the color purple so course it was going to be those similar shades they both wore. The fish in their own shade of purple. Part of him wanted to try and make it look like the usual silhouette look of Ariel from the move Don just loved to death. But it had proved to be too hard for him to really do at the time. Besides? who was to say their kid would also like the movie? Pretty sure they would one way or another actually. So a fish seemed fitting in the end. Von like to sit out by the docks same as Raph after all and it tied back to the sea that Donnie loved and wanted to explore the depths of. Raphael felt it worked. And made sense and glared a dagger at Casey every time he sat down to work on it at the apartment. Or when he tried to ask for his partners thought about it because of how much thought he was expressing was going in towards the creation.
"I see that look on your face Von." Not really she was on his right side after all but he didn't need to be actively looking at her to know she was in fact making some sort of expression that would likely annoy him right now. "Kid needs a blanket 'ight? well should get a new one and not 'ike we can really come by that so easy." Okay sure Casey or April could help with that but then it was more a gift from Casey or April and not Raphael. Which is why he opted to making one himself. After all he knew how to do it.
Raphael finally sighs and givens in feeling better to get it over with as he twists a little to better face her. "What?" He says it like a warning, it was pointless Von was never really deterred but the tough act. Didn't stop the red banded turtle from giving it though. Even if he knew she wouldn't be thrown off by it. "Get it over wit' ya ya Raph made a blanket for the baby whatever ain't a big deal." He says doing his best to keep to his act. "Knew I shoulda jus' left with out givin' it to you personally." yeah right he wanted it know he had done it even if it meant dealing with this now.
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