#i am asthmatic as fuck
cuntwrap--supreme · 7 months
Nothing kills your feeling of having made progress in the weak lungs department like panting your way up a hill and being passed by someone a decade older than you, smoking, running up said hill.
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lesbxdyke · 9 months
Me: If I manage not to throw up from coughing today, I'll do raid tomorrow!
Me, fifteen minutes later: So guess what! No raid! You'll never guess why!
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It is moments like this. I realize how truly isolated I was as a child ;]
One of my friends asked me if I wanted to go to boba, And here I am anticipating that. I'll freak out for a 1/2 hour, So I set an alarm to remind myself to text my mom if I could go go 💀
I've literally been to a total of... 5-ish hangouts in my Nine years of schooling & maintaining friends
Because I was born with beautiful half-working lungs To the point where I was stuck inside So often I barely remember the majority of my childhood because it was spent looking at the same walls (I know it's normal not to remember most of your childhood, I just feel like I remember specifically little- Like I remember the times people yelled at me, and a few miscellaneous memories from school or going to little amusement parks and thats it), I don't even really know how to dress for warm weather man ;] (Cause I was stuck hiding from smoke season, I have a whole post from last year transcribing me as I'm laying on the floor and I'm barely able to move from exhaustion & fatigue from just being outside in the smoke for an hour, It wasn't even particularly thick that day, my body just can't handle it.) Smoke season is so bad where I live, I'm getting a respirator this summer ;> Gotta love asthma my man/s ;>
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betty-bourgeoisie · 1 year
Sometimes I see people suggest bikes as an alternative to cars and I'm like "ah, another person who lives somewhere without hills or mountains"
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umemiyan · 7 months
when COVID first happened it was almost like my allergies barely existed because i didn't have to go outside ever LOL
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I’m not gonna lie, I’m the type of person to sound like I’m literally dying over the most minor and mundane stuff.
*starts wheezing and coughing like a 70yr old smoker and sounding like a kazoo after laughing too hard*
“*wheeze* I’m *WHEEZE* fine *WHEEZE* I need my meds I’ll be *WHEEZE* fine.” (Actually I am not fine I just don’t like worrying people. But if I didn’t have my meds near me I’d be freaking the fuck out actually.)
*gets a bit too cold because I didn’t anticipate the weather changing so quickly.*
“oh. My hands are super cold and my arms and legs and I’m super itchy now. *looks diseased and about to die of chicken pox or something worse* guys I’m f-f-fine I just need to warm up and I-I-it will go away.”
*goes outside when there’s a high pollen count, or smoke or air pollutants of some kind*
“achanooie, I’m fine guys I’m just having allergies. *eyes literally go red and puffy and is dribbling snot out my nose.* I’m fine :)”
*randomly touches something or brushes against something.*
“Oh shit. What was it this time? *a small or big amount of hives starting to form* I must have touched something on the table I’m allergic to I gotta go wash my arm I’ll be back. *disappears to the back rooms and comes back* well idk what it was but I’m not touching anything else.”
life with chronic illness is fun.. yay
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cappucosmico · 3 months
going to kill myself over the state of my wallet rn
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antisocialgaycat · 5 months
man fuck asthma
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beast-feast · 1 year
If I see one more of them Plushie Dreadful things I'm blocking that account I swear to fuck
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oneknightlight · 2 years
You know how do teachers get away with so much like. Blatant bullying? I was just thinking about my middle school experience and realizing that if another student would’ve behaved towards me as the teachers did, they would’ve been called to the principals office and punished.
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ihatebiden · 2 years
my mom : getting mad cause i didnt go to school all week
me, about to pop a fucking lung from coughing due to the covid she gave me
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werehamburglar · 2 months
man, i ran to the bus the other day, and FIRST OF ALL. i couldn't run all the way. so jot that down. it was a block and a half away and i couldn't run all the way. three minute fucking walk. and then i ended up panting for eight minutes and coughing for thirty. the entire fucking bus ride. like some sort of sick freak. and i was sitting there, looking up WHY IS MY ARM NUMB. WHY DOES MY SHOULDER BLADE HURT WHEN I RUN. ONLY WHEN I RUN. HI HELLO. I CAN'T STOP COUGHING. HELLO ANSWERS PLEASE. IT HURTS UNDER THE SHOULDERBLADE<3 COUGH COUGH. anyway that's why i stopped running in my senior year. my band director and i were both fed up of me hacking up a lung all practice long because i ran during our warmup. and i forgot i can't run anymore. because i was going to be late for the bus. and then the BUS WAS FUCKING LATE ANYWAY. hell on earth
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dancingwithdoom · 8 months
I will crash and burn and take anyone and everyone with me
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purplequeen0 · 11 months
Problem: Dog is bored inside and wants outside.
Solution: Let dog go outside more.
Problem: Dog can't go outside more because she won't stay on her harness or in the fence.
Solution: Slowly work the dog into staying on command and coming back when called.
Problem: Dog gets so excited when she gets to go outside that she forgets to listen and runs off anyway.
Solution: ?!?!?!?
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taylorsverz · 1 year
it’s been a day
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lehhoh7822 · 2 years
bro i need to be like. idek at this point i have enough problems that whem i go to be like, i should be more normal about this thing that i am passionate about
i just feel sad
like the idea of it is sad to me, i want to care about things and care about them deeply and irrationally
how else will i know im alive
who else is gonna be passionate about it for me? who else? who could encompass the feelings the same? isn't it worth celebrating that i feel deeply and uniquely?
i dont know the merit of cringe other than a joke or that fear of the passion, because caring is scary and caring can hurt and caring can look weird or take work. i don't know the merit of me being like. i need to be more chill about this take a chill pill and shut the fuck up because it feels like hate more than any im ugly ever has
what could be worse than like. your passion is ugly. your caring is ugly. your thoughts and interests and wants do not matter and never will. your passion is ugly. what is more hateful. whats a worse thing i could say to myself
while this is all wholly metaphorical and i think if i go like. but lollll this isn't a realllllll problem like starvinggggggggg to deathhhhhhh there are starving children innnnnn [country], it's the exact same sentiment but in different packaging
and i know there is worse that can be said worse that can be done. you wouldn't be smart to respond to this and be like, what if someone told you that you were the reason like. your mother passed away or some shit that wouldn't be funny you would not have a point more than just being a fucking dick but.
what is more hateful than you, what you want, the proof that you are living and caring and still undefeated by apathy and exhaustion and pain, the things you are passionate about and care about. they do not matter. you do not matter. be quiet. be still. copy pasted from a rant i left in general lollll thought maybe yall would like it
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