#so yeah fuck the world but more specifically my lungs
antisocialgaycat · 5 months
man fuck asthma
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aidansloth · 6 months
Slow Dancing
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Summary: JJ and you slow dance <33 (short but sweet)
Warnings: dirty jokes (i mean, it’s JJ), swearing and nothing else really
Words: 1k
Posted this on AO3 too! You can find it here.
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Your head was laying against JJ’s chest, the two of you comfortably spread out on the Chateau's couch. It was just the two of you, late as it was everyone had gone home (but John B, obviously, who was already snoring in his room). JJ considered this place his home therefore making it kind of yours too. 
Air filled and emptied your lungs with no hurry. The world seemed to slow down at times like these, the only people to exist were you two. His fingers traced your arm gently up and down while your figure basically engulfed him. Softly playing in the background was the radio, whatever station it was set on didn’t really cross your mind, nor the song that was playing. That was until a specific song came up. With no hesitation, you pulled your top half up, looking at him.
His eyes twinkled as they followed your figure sprung up with a bubble of joy stuck to you; standing in front of him you put your hands in front, waiting. His eyebrows scrunched up while looking at them before his gaze lifted to your eyes, his mouth opened a couple of times but no words were uttered at first. 
Your eyes lit up, a painfully big smile popped up on your face and JJ swore he fell a little bit more in love with you.
"I love this song!” 
“What… what are you doing?” A giggle came out of your mouth as if he said the funniest thing in the world.
“Asking you for a dance, obviously.” 
“Obviously.” He repeated with a couple of nods and a half-convinced smile. His hands that were previously toying with each other came up to fix his hat: a nervous habit of his at which you smiled at.
“Sorry to disappoint babe, but I don’t know how to dance.” JJ had never had the need or want to learn how to dance but in that moment it was his biggest regret. Now, he clearly wasn’t unfamiliar with party dancing, with dancing that took place in bars or nightclubs; that dancing you could say he was very intimate with. But this dancing? Dancing that accompanied sincere feelings and longing stares? No. Nothing prepared him for the sugar-y rotten feeling in his gut that your request brought him. How could his movements ever compare to the gentleness of you?
 For reasons to him unknown but to which he was greatly thankful for, your smile grew wider. With a shrug you responded.
“Me neither,” your hands still sweetly tempting him, “But that’s what makes it fun.” 
And how could he ever deny you?
So that’s what he did. His hands rested on yours and you pulled him up with haste, as if you simply couldn’t wait to have him against you. His feet and hands had never moved so clumsily and he was suddenly grateful he took his combat boots off earlier. The only thing keeping him grounded was the feel of your hands on his. Such a soft touch so unfamiliar on him. 
“So, ehm- how, how do we do this?” His long eyelashes brushed his cheeks as he tried to move with you without stepping on your feet. Lips slightly agape, hair messy and his goddam nose sitting so fucking adorably on his face. God he was so fucking pretty was the only thought circulating your mind right now, so much you nearly got lost in it.
“Just- you just gotta feel it, you know?”
“Don’t mean to be rude here sweetheart but unfortunately I don’t feel it.” Your chuckle was heaven to his ears.
“Okay okay, just follow me then, alright?”
“Always sweetcheeks.”
Your arms moved in unison, as one was brought towards you the other one shifted towards him, along with your bodies adjusting to the rhythm. Simple enough. Light giggles filled the dim room and JJ’s muscles finally relaxed. 
“See ‘J? You’re a natural.” As your pretty (very very pretty according to the boy) eyes look up at him so dearly he can’t resist a joke.
“Yeah, guess you just took my slow-dancing-virginity.” His eyebrows wiggle and a shit-eating grin appears on his face. A laugh raptured from you.
“Your what?”
“My slow-dancing-virginity.” He stated with much conviction.
“Okay- are you enjoying this new experience then?” Your smile and eyebrow wiggle mimicked his.
“Oh,” he scoffed, "Don’t even have to ask babe. You've been an excellent teacher.” JJ couldn’t resist a wink. “Wouldn’t mind you teaching me some other things.” Was he saying all of this just to get your pretty laugh out? Maybe, but it didn’t make it any less true. Another snort left you.
"Forward much?”
He shrugged, another suppressed grin. “You know me. Straight to the point kind of guy.” 
With new found confidence he left one of your hands and lifted the other one above your head; quickly getting the signal you twirled for him. He bit his lip: you looked ethereal. He must have done some damn good deed in his past life to deserve this.
Nothing matched the giggle-leaking smile that adorned your face. Your lonely hand met his again. Normally you’d make a silly remark regarding his surprise cheesiness but the silence embracing you two felt too comfortable to break.
At this point the initial song had finished and already switched to some other lovesick tune. Your eyes were still drowning in each other’s, soft smiles the same. Gradually your hands came up around his neck and his rested on your waist, thumb caressing your skin. His head came to rest against yours, his breath just taking you in. 
“Careful there JJ, you might go soft on me.” You left out a giggle that slowly died down as he watched you oh so tenderly. 
His thumb still stroking your waist, eyes grinning with glee. “Yeah, just might.”
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Thank you for reading!! Constructive criticism/advice is welcomed.
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starsomens · 10 months
Homeboy is probably ready. He has already read all the books on the topic, hell maybe even read something like 'When There Is No Doctor' which is a real book btw by Gerard S. Doyle and good. He's nervous cause a lot of shit can happen but he's ready. Called 911 first, called the police, and after just got ready to assist you as best he could. Btw that would be an interesting little story..😬
@nyxthedestroyerofworlds HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE very short but you get the gist
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“I need to push now”
Noah stops completely in his tracks
Currently at exactly 40 weeks pregnant, just about 3 days past your date you had finally gone into labor. You didn’t tell Noah until he had gotten home since you started laboring around the morning and wanted to surprise him. Of course you’re weren’t able to since you started to get the strong contracts plus your water breaking, which was clear enough what was happening
Noah had demanded you sit down while he went and get the hospital bag and anything else you might need. He helped you change into a pair of sweats and one of his shirts and got your slippers on. He had gone the bag both of your IDs and wallets and the car keys. Right when he was at the door and ready to open it and leave ready to welcome your baby, the world you stayed, sat in your place.
“Babe come on your water broke and we can’t be wasting anymore time we have to get to the hospital” you were right your husband was a lot more nervous than you were. But all honesty you just could not get up. Even if you have forced yourself, you stayed in your place and you knew what was happening.
“ we’re not gonna make it to the hospital. This baby is gonna be in the car or here, but definitely not in the hospital.” you try to keep your cool to your body, knowing that you would not make it in the hospital. The pain only increased, and the time between them decreased it felt like you were on a roller coaster that kept elevating and elevating you can see where it finally stops and you knew what was gonna happen.
“Noah…” you pant “ the baby’s coming now and we have to stay here and call an ambulance because I don’t want to deliver our child on the road” tell him in a more demanding tone mostly out of sheer fear and pain mixed in
“Okay….okay okay! Hold on!” he dropped whatever he was holding and runs up into his studio. He grabs a couple of items and comes running back downstairs. His phone is between his shoulder and his ear as he speaks into the microphone “ she said that she’s not gonna make it to the hospital and we might have to deliver here…. Yeah that’s the right address….mhm this is my phone… okay”
He sets down some books and opens them to specific pages as he sits on the floor in front of you. He put the phone on speaker and rest his large hands on your knees.
“Princess, on the phone with a paramedics they’re on their way right now just in case they’re single phoning case we have to deliver the baby and have the books that I read on childbirth so in case, if things do escalate, I’ll have to deliver the baby okay?” he said it in a whispered tone. He felt like he was in controlled the situation, but he still felt like it was so spontaneous and he was honestly scared.
You nod your head as your breath starts to hitch once more, Noah takes your hand in his and lets you squeeze as hard as you needed
"Ah Noah! I-it's coming!" Noah grabbed a towel he brought with him and some pillows, he helps you to kneel on the floor and hold on to his shoulder while he held the rest of your weight. He hated to hear your screaming and clawing at his shoulder in pain, but he knew he had to help you get through this.
“Come on Y/N, you got this I’m right here” he held you up and made sure to keep a hand underneath you in case anything were to just happen suddenly.
“Fuck Noah! Ah it hurts!” Your lung empty whatever sir was left in a loud scream. You’re going to have explain to the neighbors what happened tonight
“I know baby, but you’re almost there come on! I’m right here” he was red to encourage you while also giving himself the confidence. After about 4-6 pushes on the 7th you give a final push and Noah catches your baby. Mucus, blood, cries and all you had given both and your husband delivered your baby on your living room floor in just a few pushes. Noah had gotten some extra soft and warm towels to keep your baby warm from the coolness of the home, while he turned the temperature up. Just in time the paramedics arrived and gotten you into the ambulance with Noah to take you to the hospital to be checked out.
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angelbambisworld · 8 months
Alcohol-Induced Buffoonery
A Gene Simmons(Specifically current Gene because yall know i love that silly old man) x Reader fic
Summary: Y/N returns home to Gene from a party, having gotten a little drunker than intended. Shenanigans ensue. Gets very crackfic-y at times.
Tagging some of my mutuals here: @elrohare @eatinaborgerwitnohoneymustard @starry-eyed-never-satisfied @namelessbutters-doodles
I'm sorry if I forgot anybody. It's hard to keep track of all yall
You wave goodbye to your friend, who was nice enough to drop you off at your house after she noticed you had had one too many drinks at the party you both had attended.
After her car has driven from your line of sight, you make your way up the steps to the front door. You dig around in your coat pockets for your house key and when you do eventually find it, the front door already opens. Standing in the doorway was your boyfriend, Gene.
You give him a big dopey smile and squeal out "GENE!" at the top of your lungs as you wrap your arms around him, squeezing him tightly. Gene immediately shushes you and covers his ears. "Don't yell so loud, I can hear you just fine!"
You stop smiling and look down at your shoes, apologetically. "Shit, my bad."
Gene returns the hug and then asks "So, did you have fun at the party?"
Your wide smile returned again. "Yeah, I had fun." The wind picks up and blows in your general direction as you shudder from the cold. Gene takes you by the hand and leads you into the house.
The world around you is spinning a little as you and Gene sit down on the couch in the living room together. Kinda like clothes in a washing machine. You laugh out loud at the thought of it. Gene raises an eyebrow. "What's funny?"
You shake your head. "Nothing!"
Then you let out a hiccup. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Your face turns red as you cover your face with your hands, utterly embarrassed. Gene can't help but chuckle at your cuteness, which only made your face go redder. "D- *hic* Don't laugh at *hic* me! I *hic* can't help it!"
*I know, sweetheart, I know." Gene says as he cards his fingers through your hair. "Do you want me to get you some water?"
You shake your head and try to get up to go get yourself some water. Only to bang your leg on the coffee table and fall back on the couch, thanks to your shitty balance. " *hic* Ow! *hic* ".
You try to get up again but Gene stops you. "Let me get you something to drink."
"I'm *hic* fine!" you protest. "It didn't even *hic* hurt that bad!"
"It sure looked like it did." Gene said as he walked into the kitchen.
Pouting, you stumble into the kitchen where Gene has finished pouring you a glass of water. He handed it to you and said"Go sit back down on the couch."
"No!" you whined, stomping your foot a little for emphasis. Gene rolled his eyes, slightly amused by your childish behavior. "Do you want me to fix you (Favorite Food) while I'm in the kitchen?"
You paused at the mention of (Favorite Food). A small little smile crept up on your lips as you said "Maaaaaybeeeee."
Gene nodded. "Go sit down on the couch and I'll bring it to you."
You shook your head. "No, I wanna stay *hic* here with you."
Gene didn't feel like arguing with you, so he pulled a chair for you to sit in while you watched him cook. You looked at your leg on where you banged it on the coffee table. There was a dark blue splotchy bruise there, which you stupidly poked. "OW!"
Gene turned to look at you, startled by your sudden yelp. He noticed the bruise on your leg and bent down to your level to inspect it. ((LOL Dr Love to the rescue!))
"Hmmmm...I think we're gonna have to amputate your leg."
You let out a horrified wail that was quickly broken up by more drunken hiccups. Gene immediately burst out laughing at your reaction. "I'm just messing with you, you're fine!"
"You can't cut off my *hic* leg, how am I gonna walk?!"
"Y/N, I was joking."
"How *hic* am I gonna live?!"
"It was a joke!"
"How are we gonna *hic* fuck?!"
That last sentence sent Gene into another fit of laughter. "Y/N, you are gonna be just fine. Don't worry about it."
Gene went back to cooking (Your favorite food) as you shook your head. How dare your beloved boyfriend fool you like that!
At least your hiccups were slowly coming to an end. Anyways, now that you had mentioned fucking, you were starting to feel a little...naughty, to say the very least.
Your eyes wandered all the way down to Gene's backside. You always joked that out of all the members of KISS, Gene's ass was definitely the fattest(and it was). That's when you got an idea.
You got up from your chair and raised your hand as high in the air as you get it and-
Gene immediately flinched once your hand made contact with his bottom. He turned around to look at you, blushing and eyes wide with surprise. "Did you just hit me?"
"It jiggled when I hit it."
You gave Gene's asscheek a squeeze and then another smack, this time a little softer. You look up at the stove top. "Is the (favorite food) done yet?"
Gene turned his attention back to the food. "Almost."
"Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?"
Gene looked at you and pondered if perhaps he was having a stroke. "What did you just say?"
You laughed. "It's a meme, you wouldn't get it."
"I guess not."
You wrapped your arms around Gene and slipped a hand under his shirt as he continued cooking. You started groping his plump man tits™️ .
"Goddamn, grandpa," you said out loud. "You got a nice pair of tits for an old man."
At this point, Gene was getting rather fed up with your shenanigans. "Go sit down on the couch and I'll bring you your food."
"Why are your boobs so big anyway?"
"They're not boobs!"
"Do you have to wear a bra when you go on stage?"
"Y/N, go sit the fuck down!"
Annoyed, you sat back down in your chair. "No, I meant in the living room."
You looked at the distance between where you sat and the couch in the living room. You decided that it wasn't worth the energy. "Noooo, I don't really feel like it."
You tried to scoot yourself into the living room while you were still sitting in your chair but you didn't get very far. "Get off your lazy ass and go sit in the living room."
You let out an overdramatic groan and stood up. "FIIIIIIIINE!"
You set up a tray in front of yourself as you waited for Gene to come back. Gene walked in with (Your favorite food) which you immediately devoured.
After that, you decided to take a shower. Gene insisted on taking one with you. "God only knows what would happen if I left you unattended in the bathroom."
In fact,Gene had to help you wash yourself since you were too busy staring at his glorious man tits™️ again
"Did you think I took you to a doctor and asked them to give you bigger boobs, they'd do it?" you pondered as Gene washed your hair.
Gene stuck you under the shower head as the shampoo ran down your hair, body, and into the drain. "I think they would lock you up in an insane asylum and leave you there."
You laughed. "That's fair."
After you both showered, you got dressed for bed and turned in for the night. Gene kissed you on the forehead. "Goodnight, Y/N. You're clearly insane and a pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass. I love you."
You tried to kiss him on the forehead back but missed and ended up kissing him on his left eyeball. "I love you, pookie bear."
The next day you woke up with the mother of all hangovers. But luckily Dr Love was there to tend to you until you were well again.
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dovesndecay · 2 years
As you said you're open to questions, and I've never seen a "needs space" leash before - is there like, an accepted universal response/behaviour around a dog with such a thing? Like, I know not to bother service dogs, and to respect a therapy dog needing personal space after they're done providing therapy, that sort of thing, and in like, a big park I'd just keep going on my path/sitting where I am/whatevs and trust them and their human to handle the situation as they see fit, because there is the space for them to do so, but what if, say, one is coming towards me on the sidewalk, and thus the space is limited? Should I still continue as normal, or try to provide more space on purpose, maybe by walking closer to the side the dog isn't so their human can be a barrier?
I love my boy, so I'm going to intersperse some of my favorite pictures of him throughout this.
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The day he came home vs a year later.
So, Aengus is fear reactive and incredibly anxious around people and animals he doesn't know -- sort of an automatic "I think these people are a danger to me and my human" thought process that means he does great big boofs, and sometimes will lunge at anyone who gets too close.
He was, unfortunately, already traumatized by the time he came to me -- he'd been anemic, stung by wasps, his poor little paws were rubbed raw from walking on hot concrete, and he was terrified of people.
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"Too close," for him, generally means within 10 feet, for people he doesn't know well.
I can usually keep him focused on our walks or a specific task ("sit" and "wait" are both ones he's gotten pretty good at) when just passing by people, provided that they ignore us (unless they also have a dog, and then it's, "okay, time to detour to get home faster and without an interaction").
In an ideal world, I would have the money to get him the behavioral training I know he needs, and the supervised socialization time with other dogs I wish he had. I want it for him so much, but... yeah. I lack the money for someone who knows what they're doing, and I'm too disabled to try and DIY it on a consistent enough basis to be beneficial to him. So we muddle through as best we can.
He's my baby, and I love him so so much
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When I take him out, the ideal behavior from people in the distance who see the "Needs Space" tag on his leash is that they will simply ignore us. Feel free to privately coo over how adorable he is, and even a friendly wave is fine from a distance. I love seeing people see him and have the "!!!!! I saw a dog!!!!" moment. It makes me very happy!!!
But, in the situation of crossing paths, yes, making it so that the owner is between you and the dog is the best choice. Personally, as the person responsible for my dog, I will usually do that immediately when I see someone coming our direction, and keep the leash tight and him close to me for both their safety and his. But sometimes folks will just see DOG and their self-preservation instinct shuts down with a quickness.
I can't tell you the number of times I've had children old enough to have been taught better just run up to us, completely unbothered by the fact that he is trying to protect me with his big ol' boofs of "get the fuck away" because Oh Cute Dog Trumps Animal Safety. I have to be like, "He's not friendly, sorry sorry sorry" and cut short our morning walks a million times. Which isn't fair to either of us.
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he loves rough-housing so much and he makes the best honking sounds
The handful of times I've taken him to one of the local walking paths, I have him sit on the side of the trail, holding him tight in a sit+wait, and having him wait until the other person has passed us. Sometimes, he's very good and not at all interested in the other person. Sometimes, it's more of a fight to keep him distracted.
So, I guess my overall advice is:
"Be aware of the potentially dangerous animal in your immediate vicinity, maintain reasonable and available distance, and take your cues from the owner. Prioritize your own safety, and that of the animal."
Something I wish more people used to inform their behavior around strange dogs -- but admittedly, my dog in particular, is that if someone (or more likely, in my neighborhood, their unleashed and uncontrolled dog 😡) just runs up on Aengus, and he freaks out and bites them, he's the one that dies.
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I ask him, "Where's your baby?" and he brings me his lamb-chop. (This toy has since disintegrated, and I haven't been able to replace it, unfortunately.)
So thank you so, so much for asking about this.
Don't get me wrong -- I don't want people to be afraid of my dog; he's a big ol doofus that trips over his own very long legs and sleeps with stuffies.
He learned how to throw his toys at me, and now he refuses to hand them to me when we play fetch -- he just lobs them at me from his mouth. He pounces on his toys like an arctic fox jumps into snow, and sometimes he sleeps like an AT-AT.
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But every dog has the capacity to be dangerous, and I wish people would spend more time asking these questions so I can give them the answers that keep them and reactive dogs safe.
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sarcasticscribbles · 5 months
Hey I’m back from the walls with more statement ideas, enjoy
-Vast statement, fish in space. Fish where it shouldn’t be? Why fish? Watch fish eat several celestial bodies while a man stargazing panics about the end of the world as he sees the fish swimming towards Earth. Spoilers: fish did not eat Earth
-Flesh statement, I gotta mention my favourite Meat House. Meat House, my beloathed
-Desolation statement, idea of the avatar came from murderandcoffee on here. It’s about a town whose prone to natural disasters, but they don’t happen for natural reasons. The town has an unspoken rule to not look at a specific dead body that shows up around town right before a natural disaster. The people even had so many unfortunate people who didn’t know what they were doing that they have a pretty good description of the body, its several forms, and the months it is most likely to show up (which is kinda funny bc I just imagine someone going ‘ah fuck it’s April, you know what that means’). A newcomer didn’t know this rule and looked at the body. When a blizzard hit a few days later, the only casualty was the person who saw the dead body.
-Buried statement, the idea was a soldier who just would not stop digging trenches even long after the wars had ended. Reports at the time from the second lieutenant who assisted in digging the trenches showed a slow descent into a digging frenzy where the entire trenchmen team (about 20 people) and the second lieutenant just kept digging due to a reported ‘siren voice calling them into the soil’. It goes into how the dirt managed to bypass their masks and filled their lungs, how even up to the very last second they continued to dig. All except one trenchman died since then, and that trenchman continued to dig ever since.
-Slaughter statement. You know that one slide called Cannonball Loop in Action Park? The one that reportedly got teeth lodged inside it and caused lacerations? Yeah it’s literally just that but slightly more paranormal, like the tunnel ate someone and blood gushed out from the other end of the slide.
-Flesh statement, someone bought a dress from a tailor online. They mention how the website they used didn’t seem strange, and was only creeped out when they had to pick it up from the tailor’s ‘office’. It turned out to be her apartment, and her entire apartment block smelled of blood. When they were given the dress and complained it was way too small to fit them, she just said ‘it’ll come to fit you’. The statement giver never wore the dress, instead their friend stole it to wear without the statement giver knowing. It’s implied the dress absorbed their friend. When they went to give it back, the tailor had vanished.
-Spiral statement, in the form of a recorded sleep diary. The person is experiencing insomnia, or what they believe to be insomnia. More entries reveal that they physically are unable to sleep for some reason. Their body doesn’t let them sleep at all. As the entries progress, the statement giver becomes more and more paranoid due to their lack of sleep and is certain about ‘some twisted human thing’ following them everywhere. The last entry just has the statement giver repeatedly muttering ‘I’m not crazy’ to themselves as their recorder is malfunctioning severely (think the weird whirring noise that happened when Michael was around, but layered and louder)
-Hunt statement, a previous zookeeper recounts one specific day. They had been doing their duties when they noticed a little girl reaching her arm into the lion enclosure. They quickly ran over and pulled her away, only to notice that the lions were acting strangely and pulling away in fear from the two, like prey animals facing their predator. The ex-zookeeper couldn’t think about it for too long before chaos erupted. Prey animals began attacking the zookeepers that were in their enclosure and ripping them apart: flamingos dragged one to drown in the water, zebras trampled one to death, and an eastern bongo impaled one with their horns. The statement giver tried to escape the zoo while the little girl just clapped and giggled happily. The statement giver escaped, but not before a giraffe ate their arm. They were recalling this statement as they read about a similar catastrophe in a different zoo.
the meat house was a success last time
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dnfao3tags · 11 months
do we have fem!dnf recs by chance?
there are actually so many good fem!dnf fics right now, i've been meaning to make like a masterpost of them or something so here it is:
rule 63 / fem!dnf
— you open like a flower by tippysleeps (expl. | comp. | 5k)
Dream takes off her shirt and George feels her brain white out. To see Dream in this context, all coy and expectant, with freckles and acne scars on her shoulders, makes her feel like the first person to discover desire.
— triple dog dare by tippysleeps (expl. | comp. | 12k)
It’s hard then, to determine exactly when this thing between them grows legs and darts, jackrabbiting from George’s heart. It’s not like it’s sudden. It’s not like one day George wakes, looks out her window, and realises the sky is different. It’s not like the rain falls any lighter because she is in love. It’s not like the world notices.
— unbreakable heaven by furculaed (teen | comp. | 5k)
“I didn’t mean for it to get so messy,” she breathes, “I thought we could, I don’t know, just do whatever and we’d be okay. I can live with just this, I promise. I can do with nothing, even. I don’t know. Just don’t ask me to stop.” Dream’s breath stops right at her chest. “Stop what, George?” “You know,” she whispers. George looks at Dream, beautiful and breaking at the seams. “Don’t make me say it, Dream. You know,” George begs.
— what a fucked up reality show by brokenlikeastitch (teen | comp. | 13k)
George giggles, pushing a loose strand of hair back behind her ear as she does. The giggle makes Dream feel a little faint, and she sits down in the offered seat just to make sure she doesn’t accidentally actually fall out in the library in front of everyone.
— my one and only, my lifeline by lodestones (teen | comp. | 4k)
They’re more than friends, and that should be enough. George knows specific labels don’t matter—Dream is hers, and George is Dream’s, and that should be all she needs to feel reassured about where they stand. And yet, Dream has never kissed her in front of Sapnap.
— parallel lines (stars all aligned) by ourwaterfalls (riversofgold) (teen | comp. | 3k)
“Should see you more in the sun, then,” George’s fingers are still on her face, so soft and barely there, but Dream feels it so strongly that it’s difficult to function. “Someone should kiss them under the sun.” Dream tastes acid on her tongue, laughing despite the strong urge to scream her lungs out. “Anyone in mind?” “Dunno,” George shrugs, and she drops her hand back down, pink spreading on the apex of her cheeks. “Maybe.”
— i want you in the picture by cryystal_m00n (gen | comp. | 2k)
5 times Georgia wishes she were dating Dream, and one time she realizes they were already dating.
— sweetness (heart's content) by heartinhands (expl | comp. | 3k)
Dream is incredibly weak for her girlfriend in an oversized hoodie. And her girlfriend's tits. Her girlfriend's everything really. Georgie wants her just as much though.
part 2 of around your soft neck (garlands)
— fall into me by havocrat (teen | comp. | 7k)
Handing the tube back, Georgina smacks her lips together, and they make a little pop sound. It’s a weird feeling, a little sticky, but she kind of likes it. She wonders if it’s anything like kissing Dream for real. “Nice chapstick,” she says, and her voice comes out a little hoarse. Dream’s throat bobs, and she wets her lips again. “Yeah?” “Yeah. Tastes good, too.” She’s aware she sounds like an idiot, but this is the only coherent thought in her head right now, the only thought that isn’t about Dream’s lips and Dream’s mouth and indirect kisses and direct kisses and– God.
— like lemongrass and sleep by findingahome (teen | comp. | 1k)
Georgie asks Dream to do her makeup.
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
I just read your writing about Platonic Chris Redfield with Childhood Friend F!Y/n and my heart fucking cried in happiness. I sincerely think that Chris and Leon need a good hug. Like a supportive and loving hug.
Then it hit me. What about...Platonic Chris AND Leon with a Childhood Friend F!Y/n ?
I just have so many brainrots for them in how would they spend time separately with Y/n.
Y/n is being the one that brings warm and well-made coffee to Chris when he is late working with paperwork then just entire time keeps him company so that he would be alone, then when he sometimes naps - Y/n would always leave a little note like "You are the best friend and leader in the world" .
Also Y/n being the one that helps Leon to feel less stressed by always listening to whatever he say and brings him hand-made gifts that always has note like "Thank you for being in this world" or "You worth much more than you think".
I just– I really think they need a friend that would just be there with them after all they went through.
I am really sorry if this is too specific.
Have a great day anyway!
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A/N: Okay, but this request is so sweet. And yes I 100% agree with you Nonny! The boys deserve tons of love.
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Chris Redfield
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🔆 Chris' and (Y/N)'s energies balance out
🔆 (Y/N), being the more fun and easygoing, never failed to break through his hard exterior
🔆 Still, being in his nature and the aftermath of years of traumatic experiences, Chris isn't very vocal about his emotions
🔆 Though that's not a problem for (Y/N), for they know him better than he does himself
🔆 He feels rough after a mission gone wrong? (Y/N) will give him the space he needs and comfort him, when he feels ready to talk about it
🔆 He struggles with paperwork? (Y/N) is already on the way with two mugs of coffee and jokes to brighten up the mood
His eyelids got heavier with every passing second, getting him dangerously close to a state of somnolence, but much to Chris' dismay the paperwork wasn't getting itself done. A deep sigh escaped his lungs; just when he thought he was going to spend yet another lonely night at the desolate office a knock came from the door.
Opening the door was (Y/N), the familiar scent of coffee tingled his nose; a tired smile appeared on his face.
"Your clairvoyant powers are only getting stronger." He joked; giggling at his cheesy comment, (Y/N) almost missed the dim shimmer that appeared in hooded eyes.
"It's basic deduction. I heard snores coming from your office, so I guessed you could use a cup of coffee and some company too." They smiled at him as they handed him the warm mug.
"Of course." He took it, not able to refuse such an offer.
🔆 In instances when they would walk in on him snoring above his keyboard, (Y/N) would leave him a short note and place a blanket atop his shoulders that they bought specially for him
🔆 Claire and (Y/N) are Chris' number one caregivers and supporters even if he likes to believe it's the other way around
🔆 (Y/N) is the type of friend that would accept him in their home at ungodly hours of the night just so they would comfort him when he needs it most
🔆 Chris has a key to (Y/N)'s house and so do they
🔆 Chris is just as willing to accept his friend in his home at any time under all and any circumstances
🔆 Secretly, he is the best cuddler (Y/N) has met in their entire life
🔆 Unfortunately for them, cuddles occur rarely, but that made it so much more meaningful when it happened
"(Y/N)..." His deep voice anchored their attention away from the movie the two of them were watching.
"Yeah?" They urged him to go on, whilst their eyes were still glued to the screen, watching in anticipation for how the movie was going to end.
"I-" He began, but then paused as if he searched for the right words to say "I just want to thank you. For always being by my side."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise, a pleasant one nonetheless. They rose from the comfortable spot they had found on his side to look at him; a soft smile curled the corners of their lips.
"Who are you and where's my Chris?" They jokingly hit his arm, causing him to shy away from them.
"I'm just kidding." (Y/N) wrapped their hands around his upper arm, bringing them closer to him. "I am just as grateful to have you. I can't imagine life without you Chrissy bear." They playfully mocked, causing him to let out a chuckle.
"I thought we talked about this nickname." He shot them with a questioning gaze.
"You better get used to it because I'm not gonna get tired of it any time soon. But seriously, I'm glad to have a friend like you." They wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Chris reciprocated and hugged them back. The warmth and comfort of the hug was a sensation he didn't realize he was missing, but now that he had it, he wanted to cherish it for as long as it lasted.
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Leon Kennedy
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Alexa play best friend by Saweetie feat Doja Cat
🔆 (Y/N) and Leon have the chaotic duo energy that's unstoppable
🔆 (Y/N) is the friend that always hypes him up when he feels his lowest
🔆 (Y/N) is the sober friend that always makes sure to get him home safe and sound
🔆 They are patient with him and listens to all of his drunken rants and comfort him when he gets gushy
🔆 They always leave him a glass of water and aspirin
🔆 They are his unpaid motivational speaker
(Y/N) let out a sigh of disappointment, their hands rested on their waist- they didn't have the energy to have this conversation yet again.
"Dear, how many times do I need to tell you this? You. Deserve. Better!" They clapped their hands after every word, emphasizing each one of them. Leon stood silently on the table; his head hidden in his hands.
"I just thought maybe this time it would've been different." His voice was quiet akin to a child, trying to calm their parent after they messed up- big time.
"Leon, she's not going to change, you realize that? She just likes to toy with you, it's like you're her puppet. Look" They sat across him, their hand taking his "you are a good guy and you deserve to be happy. As much as I don't want to say it well, nothing's going to come out of this."
"You did want to say it." He gave them a puzzled look.
"Yeah, maybe I did, but that's not the point. What I'm saying is that she has no idea what she is missing out on."
🔆 More often than not, Leon experiences stress
🔆 Especially after he returns home from yet another life-threatening mission
🔆(Y/N) always tries their best to distract him from the burden of his line of work
🔆 Most of the times, they succeed
🔆 When awful jokes don't do the job, (Y/N) takes things more seriously
🔆 Spending time with him just bragging about life is enough to make Leon feel better
🔆 But (Y/N) likes to take things further, gifting him things they are sure he will like and can't refuse
Rubbing his eyes open, Leon realized he had fallen asleep on the couch. Looking around the living room, he noticed (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. The coffee table next to him was clean of the boxes of Chinese takeaway, and instead there was an envelope, neatly tied with a ribbon.
Squinting his eyes in puzzlement, he opened it only to see a ticket. Along with it was a letter. His eyes widened.
'The world won't end if you take a break. You can't help anyone if you don't help yourself. You need to relax your mind for once and you need to get it in that pretty head of yours that you are worthy and loved. And I want to prove it you.
So, you better not be late for your flight. See you in Bali.'
Leon shook his head in disbelief; he knew there was no way of talking (Y/N) out of this. With a heavy sigh and a discreet smile, he got up- he had five hours until the flight.
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starlostjimin · 1 year
Title: special delivery Fandom: Stray Kids Pairing: Han Jisung/f!reader Rating: PG WC: 583 Warnings: minor language, CRACK, fluff, lame pickup lines, extreme cheesiness ensues A/n: So @matchy6812 sent this prompts list and said she'd REALLY LIKE a skz fic for one of them because I make my hyperfixations everyone's problem. This is 99% crack so uh...have fun!
“Hey, I’m putting in the pizza order,” y/n called over to Felix just as he started screaming at whatever computer game he happened to be losing at on the other side of the room. “Do you want anything specific?” 
“Yeah, put something stupid in the delivery instructions. I could use a laugh,” he said as he slammed his laptop shut. “This stupid Overwatch update is ridiculous,” he grumbled, going off on a mumbling rant y/n didn’t understand. 
Something stupid….y/n thought. Remembering a post she’d seen floating around the internet somewhere, she grinned and began typing in the special instructions box. 
Send your cutest delivery boy :) 
She added the last few items to the order and put in her payment information, then clicked the big, beautiful “place order” button that would bring pizza and cheesy bread into her currently sad, pizza-less world. “Thirty minutes, Felix,” she called out. “Wanna play Mariokart while we wait?” 
Her best friend’s face brightened at the suggestion. “Finally, a game I can win. Against you, at least,” he said with a wink. 
“Dream on, Lixie,” y/n said, turning on the Nintendo Switch and dropping onto the couch beside him. 
Thirty minutes later on the dot, there was a loud rap at the apartment door. Y/n dropped her controller and jumped to her feet. “Thank every god ever,” she said happily. Heading for the door, she swung it open –
To find the cutest delivery boy she’d ever seen. 
“Hi,” he said. “I’ve got your pizza here. Uh, we saw your delivery instructions, but I’m the only one working tonight. Sorry about that.” He chuckled and tried to balance the delivery bag on one arm as he scratched at the back of his head. 
Y/n lunged forward to grab the wobbling bag. “Oh no, uh, mission a-accomplished, I mean, uh, thanks for the pizza?” Heat rose in her cheeks as she repeatedly cursed herself while the delivery boy - whose name she hadn’t bothered to get - regained control of the delivery bag and started pulling out the steaming boxes. 
Luckily - good or bad, y/n didn’t know - Felix arrived at that precise moment. 
“Are you guys alright over here?” his voice was less worried and more amused, as he took in the guy standing in front of both of them. 
“Can you - grab - the stuff -” y/n said, her voice staccato as she attempted to regain some semblance of dignity. Felix obliged quickly, reaching around her to take the boxes of pizza and bread from the man standing in the doorway. 
“I’m gonna go put this on the table. Take your time,” Felix said in a singsong voice. 
“I’m gonna kill him,” y/n muttered under her breath. 
“I’m Jisung,” the delivery driver suddenly said. 
Y/n’s gaze snapped up suddenly. “Y/n,” she said. “Thanks for the pizza. And uh, for filling my request. Very well.” 
Jisung grinned. “My pleasure,” he said. “Though not as much as texting you later would be.” 
“That was horrible,” y/n groaned, though a grin spread across her face. “You’ll have to make it up to me later. I think you’ve already got my number.” 
“I’m not really supposed to use it that way, but what the boss doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Jisung said with a wink. “I’ve gotta get back but uh…yeah. Later. I promise.” 
10:00 pm.
Unknown Contact: I don’t normally deliver to the same person twice, but a promise is a promise ;) 
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faebriel · 9 months
fanfic end of the year asks: 1, 3, 12, and 14 !!
HI LAMBBBB :D happy new year!!
1. favourite fic you wrote this year
ez clap rousseau's man in the state of nature. yeah it's still in progress but idgaf. that one is so specifically for me and like four mutuals and i love it and i'm so excited to be able to clear out time to work on it more this year. i literally cannot listen to loscamp without getting infected with The Brainrot over it for hours
3. favourite line/scene you wrote this year
OOH. i think i would pick the fight scene from you think they'll make it? - i'm really proud of the imagery and descriptions there, and the image of niki smashing schlatt's face in with a guitar as it explodes into splinters is something that's been in my head for A While. also between the three of them schlatt is definitely the most difficult character for me to me to stick the characterisation landing on, but i feel like i did his villainous side justice pretty well in that fic (compared to rousseau's man, which is more of a before-it-all-went-wrong vibe). i'm still really happy with the following exchange right before hell breaks loose, esp bc we love an allusion to the festival:
“You made your deal, loverboy.” Schlatt jerks his chin towards the stacks of iron. “Get back on the line.” “That deal was made between you and I. She’s not involved.” Wilbur’s voice is raspy, dry and overworked, miles from the smooth melody it once was – but firm. “I can’t – I won’t let you hurt her.” “Oh?” Schlatt’s eyes light with sudden interest, floodlights zeroing in directly on the two of them. Niki’s skin crawls under the heat, and in spite of it all, she casts a wary look to Wilbur before she can remember to stop herself. “You won’t let me, is that it?” Niki watches Wilbur’s throat shift as he swallows. “I won’t,” he confirms – but the waver in his voice betrays him, blood in the water. He’s afraid. Schlatt heaves out a sigh, heavy, world-weary, as if the disappointment of the entire underground can be expelled through his lungs alone. A cigarette appears between his fingers – gods know where from – and Hadestown holds its breath as he flicks his lighter awake, a small, silver-oil thing, and turns to Niki with a conspiratorial look on his face.  “You lot,” he remarks – lifting the lit cigarette to his lips, and taking a long, complacent drag, “are beyond fucking insufferable.”
he's such a cunt in that fic. and it's awesome
12. favourite character to write about this year
i also started a death note fic abt near a while back, although it's on the backburner until they say we are asleep is finished at least. i feel like i'm flying blind on it but like i was having fun
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
and you caused it!! i had kind of accepted it wasn't ever gonna be fully finished a while ago and had no more thoughts on that. but around the anniversary of cause most of us are bitter i thought it would be a really nice way to tie up all the loose ends there, and i'm glad i did :]
ask game!! ✨
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gold-rhine · 8 months
Don’t worry, you have multiple Worm anons. What Vision would you give Taylor? Cryo would make sense, for similar reasons you gave for Rachel (troubled teen ostracized from society), but I could also see Anemo—tends to avoid her interpersonal problems, the claustrophobia/desperate need to escape of the locker incident, loss of close relationships (her mom through death, and her friend through betrayal), etc. Also, I feel like Anemo just works better with her powers than Cryo; plenty of bugs can fly, but just about every bug hates the cold.
And if you’re willing, maybe elaborate on Electro!Lisa (which you mentioned in the Cryo!Rachel post)?
how do i have multiple worm followers on my gebshin sideblog, when i dont have any on my main blog where i actually reblog worm sometimes lol
anyway. taylor is not anemo. shes like. the opposite of anemo. anemo is about reeavaluating your prev understanding of the world that was taken from u and accepting the loss, its about learning to let go and begin again, learning to go with the flow in new circumstances. taylor never let go of anything ever lol, she never met a situation she could not escalate by trying to solve it even if its not her fucking business. she's a definition of hyper-controlling freak lol. she's a queen administrator for fucks sake. like the only time you could say anemo even near her is at the end of the book where contessa asks her if it was worth it and she says no.
also, you should not get caught in subjects of powers. bugs is just aethetics, and both powers and vision bank much more on person's perceptions than on actual physicality. no one cares what bugs like. like, hu tao's symbol is plum's bloom, you could be like oh flowers hate fire! she can't be pyro! but its just aethetics, its about meaning to hu tao, not what actual plum flowers are like. with taylor, bugs are just infused witrh element and no one gives a fuck what they like. did bugs like biting lung's dick? natural properties don't matter
now about taylor's actual element... like i hope we're operating on the same understanding that powers manifest due to trauma and are ironic-tilted coping mechanisms? like im not actually in worm fandom on tumblr so idk if its a common understanding or not, but imma proceed like it is. visions are v similar to this, but not limited to trauma, they are about more general perception of the world, but obv if trauma is present, it will affect perception, and so, a vision, a lot.
so, what was taylor's trauma that manifested her specific powers? its not just bullying. its being watched, feeling like she's being watched at all times, like she can't have a safe space, they find her in the toilets, anywhere, etc, can't trust or count on other people. and so she gets power that lets HER watch everyone, lets HER be omnipresent, bc she thinks thats the only way to counter-act, and ultimately, lets her take direct control of other ppl bc she thinks she can't trust them to cooperate.
so like yeah. cryo kinda fits. but like. cryo manipulators are not blunt, you know what i mean? cryo like kaeya, rizzley, charlotte to the extent use social games and understanding of others to control them. taylor just brute forces it bc everyone's afraid of her.
so like. hear me out. raiden shogun. the theme of omnipresent watch over ppl. very strong warrior, but poor social skills\understanding of ppl. stubborn. thinks she knows best than everyone else despite not even knowing them. control of ppl for their own good. loss of close relationships, very solipsist. beating her head against the wall until the wall cracks (raiden fought her puppet for 500 years, taylor's... everything). raiden takes direct control of her puppet like taylor takes control of ppl. there's another toxic electro girlboss whose trying to manipulate her bc she thinks she's saving her (lisa\yae)
conclusion: taylor could reactivate raiden's vision
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iztopher · 1 year
🎵 and one for me!: qp royai
HEHE YES this took me. a while because royai is So Specific and in a full mix i'd definitely try more to encapsulate (gestures) the Everything but for a few quick songs:
Easy Silence - The Chicks
Canary in a Coal Mine - The Crane Wives
Run - Daughter
One Foot in Front of the Other - Emilie Autumn
explanations / lyrics under the cut!
Easy Silence - The Chicks
"Children lose their youth too soon / watching war made us immune / and I've got all the world to lose / but I just want to hold on to / the easy silence that you make for me / it's okay when there's nothing more to say to me / the peaceful quiet you create for me / and the way you keep the world at bay for me"
on one side of things this feels like a cop-out because Easy Silence is kind of my go-to QPR song but on the other side of things the way these two have their own fucking language that doesn't even need to include code words all the time. Yeah
Canary in a Coal Mine - The Crane Wives
"You and I are friends of empty graves / black air and black, black lungs / am I the only thing that keeps you safe when the light is gone?"
song about supporting someone through your shared/similar trauma even to the detriment of your own well-being, even when you're worried that support is all you're good for in your relationship! while I definitely think Roy and Riza's relationship is more solid for that, they're both colossally fucked up about what they've done and what they've been through and that's definitely a layer of the codependency going on.
Run - Daughter
"And we will step outside, checking that the coast is clear on both sides / Cause we don't want to be seen, now, this is suicide / But you can't see the ropes"
According to Genius lyrics the original intention of this song is about an impending breakup. But to me, it's always given across this sense of planning something with someone, something dangerous where you don't have all the steps in place yet and it could hurt one or the both of you, but you have to move forward and do it and - well, yeah.
One Foot in Front of the Other - Emilie Autumn
"We never will forget, and no, we will not forgive / We fought hard not to die, yet we don't know how to live / How do we change our world to what we want it to be? / How do we move beyond all of this misery? / One foot in front of the other foot / In front of the one foot in front of the other foot"
This song is technically very heavy and somber and it's also the most optimistic, encouraging song I know. Since canon ends with them on the next step of their plan, but not there yet, I really like it as an ending song on a hypothetical mix.
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primewritessmut · 11 months
47, 49, 81, 99
Also I'm soooooo curious about the 1930s Albany research 👀👀👀
47. what story are you most proud of?
Oh, damn. You just came straight out and asked me to choose my favorite child. 😂
I’m honestly proud of (almost) everything I’ve written but all for different reasons. Each one of them walks around with a special little trophy. First finished fic. First multi-chapter. First first person pov. First “dark” work. Etc. But the one I’m MOST proud of right now is the story I wrote for Spooktober; it’s the first original story I’ve actually buckled down and finished from beginning to end.
So now that I’ve proven I can do it, watch out world, I guess.
49. do you want to be published some day?
Yes? No? I have complicated feelings about being published, mostly because I don’t want this thing I really enjoy, that brings some small measure of peace in (gestures broadly) all this, to become something I have to do.
But, I also like to sleep with a roof over my head and eat so wouldn’t it be nice if this thing I spend so much time on could help with that?
I’ve “““monetized””” an enjoyable skill of mine before and still haven’t recovered. Funny to say here, maybe, but the social media requirements alone to be successful in a field like writing/publishing makes me want to disappear into a cave and never be seen from again.
I could go on so, yeah. Complicated.
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
Keep fucking writing, you industrial grade moron.
There was a looooong span of my life where I didn’t write anything at all. (Except those half-stories I’d tell myself to get my brain to chill enough to fall asleep.) When I look at the difference between things I wrote last year (when I got back into writing after way too long) versus stuff I wrote this year, the difference in quality is already so huge.
I just… I wish it was a skill I had kept up with instead of letting stupid adulthood raze everything to the ground.
99. was being a writer a dream of yours when you were little? or did it spring up when your older? or is it just a hobby?
It was never a dream of mine but, in a truly bizarro world twist, it was something both of my parents wanted me to pursue. Like, who does that? “No, Prime. Don’t go into astronomy or business admin, be a writer.”
Writing doesn’t really feel like a dream even now. It feels like coming home in a weird sense. Like breathing through a straw and then, finally, getting to fill your lungs all the way. So… I guess I wouldn’t call it a hobby so much as an imperative. That doesn’t mean anyone but seventeen people on Tumblr and 300 people on AO3 will ever get to read it, though.
In that sense, I suppose it’s a hobby?
Also I'm soooooo curious about the 1930s Albany research 👀👀👀
There’s this fic that takes place in the 1930s (shout-out to the Malevolent podcast) predicated on the fact that a Very Bad Thing™️ happened in Albany in the main character’s past. And he’s on this journey to find the thing he lost during the Very Bad Thing which takes him around various New York cities that eventually leads him back to Albany.
I’ve looked up census data, historical photos, distance between towns, the type of car someone might be driving and how fast it could travel, local churches (photos and floor plans), and then drew myself a dumb little map so I could trace his journey as I wrote it.
I don’t know if it’s made the story any better, but it’s definitely made me feel more comfortable when writing the scenery. 😂
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accursed-worm · 2 years
Idk.. this is kinda going off of that last ask you responded to but like. The last time either of them saw each other (or at least that we know of) was when they were at their absolute worst. It’s just so sad that neither of them got the chance to prove something to the other in any way. Ho16 was a major set up of them tearing each other apart while being undeniably obsessed/infatuated by the other behind closed doors, only to never properly discuss this mutual connection they have and maybe even hash out WHY they felt the need to do the things they did. It’s not only closure for the recent events involving the burger van, but everything that came before that they never got to talk about.
Yeah. Yeah, I'm totally with you anon. Handshake emoji. The entire Paradise arc was about Wilbur chasing after the rush of being alive, of feeling alive. The sprint up the steep mountain, to feel the air in his lungs, to feel the blood pumping in his veins, to feel human again after 14 years of nothing. It blinded him, this chase. His rivalry with Quackity. And the end of The Wilbur Van was the top, the "Wilbur felt alive," the peak so high he couldn't fucking breathe. The euphoric rush came crashing down, he’s alive and it is ugly. He's alive and he's doing harm, he's hurting people, he's become so focused on his goal he hasn't realised the consequences of his actions. That was the point Ranboo made, jumping off the pressure plate. Showing Wilbur how frivolous this whole thing is.
That whole scene, it was raw and harsh and it's abundantly obvious that the things Wilbur and Quackity spat at each other came from their own insecrurities. And that fist fight—it should have been a turning point. And I mean, it was a turning point in Wilbur's arc. But it should have been a turning point in tntduo's arc, in their relationship. It should have changed things. What it shouldn't have been was an ending. Yet it was. It was, and no matter what non-canon stream they do now, it doesn't change that fact. The Wilbur Van is tntduo's last canonical interaction.
In an ideal world, an ending should add to the story. It should create a new lens with which the audience can look back on what has happened. Reengaging with a piece of media after knowing how it ends should be exciting. You should be able to point out all the details and themes that then culminate into that ending, the parallels and setup and foreshadowing that built up into the satisfying payoff. And I understand, I really do understand that this is the fucking Dream SMP. This is a silly little minecraft roleplay and I'm taking it way too seriously. Except that... Wilbur wrote out this entire arc, right?? His pre-revival arc was so fucking wonderful, with such a fantastic finale in Nov 16. I just... I don't know. I feel a little bit lost, really. Maybe it really is just that my expectations were too high. That I was doomed to be disappointed no matter what. Except that... my expetations really weren't very high. All I wanted was something. And I don't think we. Got that.
I can't even point out any specifics, because their two finales were just so completely seperated. Absolutely no overlap (in events, not locations ofc), even though so much of the Revivedbur arc centered around Quackity. I'm very much aware that they are individual characters and not EVERYTHING has to be about their relationship, but. It really was still a very big part of things. And y'know. Something would have been nice. And... yeah, I think I'm talking a lot more about Wilbur than about Quackity now, simply because so much of Revivedbur's arc centered around Q, and we always saw it from Wilbur's POV, whereas Quackity's lore streams have always been focused on a lot of other things. NOT TO SAY that cQuackity wasn't invested in their rivalry, because there's so so much proof that he very much was, but y'know. I am talking about cWilbur now when I say that... his finale put such a terrible spin on the entire Revivedbur arc. Both the burger van and the apology tour... the first ended in a peak that got absolutely no closure, and the second ended in what amounted to one great bit gotcha! moment. And that just. That really fucking sucks. Looking back on the entire arc is kinda just. Sad. And a little bit hollow.
Anyway. That's what fanficiton is for!! Giggling and kicking my feet and writing more of Red Flags.
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
Hihihihihi tell me about ur fics pls ::) (only if u want i just like hearing about them)
*deep breath* I am going to talk about so many fics
Most of the fics i'm rambling about under this cut are my SNF works cause I like those ones the most, but there will be other ones. For the most part I'll be gushing because hey that's what I do best, but there will be world building elements added into the larger ones ramblings. All fics are linked, just click on the title and it'll redirect you to the fic in question, I hope the readmore actually works too.
Parlors and piercings
SNF tattoo AU, that's it, but wait! There's more, cause there will always be more and that is how we role in this household. For some reason my dumbass decided that Quackity, Karl, Wilbur, and for some reason Dream, all needed to be background drivers to this story which is most likely why I hit 7K. I only wanted to write a short little 1K bullshittery and be on my way, a little bit of crumbs for the SNF enjoyers, but uh, that didn't turn out how I wanted it too.
So I'm sitting there, staring at the 5K word mark and going, 'you know what this needs? a piercing scene' and then not waiting for an answer. I added it purely on a whim because Wilbur didn't have enough screen time and I wanted to make sure he got some form of banter with Quackity (who makes fun of him for getting a piercing). I wrote this like, four months ago so I don't entirely remember the thought process aside from the fact that I wanted one SNF tattoo scene to exist referencing a very specific post.
Also I never explicitly mentioned it in the fic but George works at a flower shop with Fundy, I think I was saving that for a part two. But it's been four months and I've yet to start a part two, so unless something happened George and Fundy working at a flower shop is VIP knowledge for anyone bold enough to click the read more. I do remember wanting Sapnap to give Dream the 'fuck you' bouquet with the help of Georges flower expertise-
Like your jacket
Not only is it the worlds first Kenikari fic, it is also the worlds first angsty Kenikari fic, and the first multichapter Kenikari fic. This one is a lot smaller, a lot simpler at that, basically I fucking hate the rolling rock sequence and took that out on Detah. He's my favorite he really is, and if you were around for my Danny Phantom era, you may or may not know that it changed me on an atomic level and I show I love characters by putting them through it.
I also saw Detah looking dead as fuck on the ground after the rolling stone puzzle and decided I should just, angst it up a little bit. Give him a broken ankle, it builds character, a bit of blood, heavy anxiety and minor gore never hurt. Don't worry though! He gets fixed up a little bit in chapter two :)
It's fungal not floral (yeah, specifically that chapter)
This fucking fic. I had so many WIPs going on when I wrote this, I had homework due when I wrote this, I had a family meeting the day after the night I wrote this. And guess what? I fucking dropped everything to write this, a moderately fucked up Hanahaki SNF fic where Dream is an unforgivable cunt cause thats how we do in this household. This shit pulled the E-brake on my return to Undertale brainrot, this shit pushed a rest button in my brain and threw me back into the SNF pool full force.
I have no clue how it did so, or why it decided to have an adverse effect on me, the author, but it did. It's been like, a month since I posted it, and I ended up deciding to write a part two for it as well, a part three waiting to be started. Since the release of it I've also hit 50K words of SNF cause it just, pushed me back into the deep end which really isn't that deep considering it's a moderately rarepair.
AND I BLAME ALL OF IT ON @sobredunia SHE CAUSED THIS. She dropped into my inbox and went 'hey Ace, what if you put mushrooms in someones lungs instead of flowers?' and then I did exactly that. So in this world George had mushrooms in his lungs (luminescent ones), has hollow bones, turns into a glowstick if he cracks his back, and he can purr also because of dunia.
I was sad that they didn't animate the taser torture scene, or ever go in depth on the trauma that he would've left with upon being tasered half to death while tied up in an abandoned warehouse. And before you go wondering what fandom this is for, it's Yugioh, it's a fic about Yugioh, specifically the manga. I would heavily suggest giving the mangas a read actually, it's full of Yami giving out junior Saw Traps to anyone who hurts his friends and family.
More or less I threw Jounouchi into a brand new situation that goes over the past trauma of getting electrocuted half to death in a brand new form because sometimes a girl needs to write about her favorite dude getting tortured. Another prime example of how the phandom has left me forever changed- also they literally tied him up like this in one panel mere moments before the taser part.
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Like, bro, chemically designed in a lab to be put through it and I'll do it if no one else will.
Just like you
Behold, the fluffiest fic I've ever written, not a whole lot is behind this one and all the props go to daydreamdnn's works for giving me a heady dose of inspiration. I just, the SNF brainrot man, it got me good, and then the notions of giving them a cat? Amazing, beautiful even, perfection in short fluffy oneshots with a sprinkling of suggestive themes underneath it all.
The only behind the scenes bit is that they probably fuck off screen, I don't know what else there is too it than that. I also like to imagine that they go back and get a dog too, said dog and cat mix like oil and water. Just a lot of fluffy potential is inside of this ficlet, a short sweet trail of crumbs for the SNF enjoyers because I know it can't just be me.
yeah, I'm too sore to talk about any of my other fics, cramps are a bitch, hope this satiated your desire to learn more though. maybe when my cramps go down I'll talk about them a little bit more in depth
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moni-logues · 2 years
Seokjin is 100% wrath. We’ve seen it. We have proof. He has the lung capacity to scream at his dongsaengs and the words to cuss the fuck out of them
Tae is envy (there’s a reason why he likes green yaknow) wether is the good/bad kind it depends on the situation or the person. Or the mood he’s in tbh
Yoongi is sloth impersonated. His deadlines are piling up but he just wants to lay on his studio couch. He’ll do them all but when he fucking wants to. He cant be bothered
Jungkook is obviously gluttony. That specific face he makes when the food is good? Yeah. And he can’t leave food on the plate, he has to finish it. If he did, he tried his best. He’ll be full af but he’s already thinking what he’s going to do with the leftovers for his next meal. A foodie baby star candy indeed
Hobi is very greedy. He always wants MORE! (u get it? More!! Like his so-ok) he could have just dropped jack in the box but no. He did a listening party. Exclusive signed gift boxes. A documental. Freaking hobipalooza. New Year’s Eve performance. Mama performance. Another two fucking collabs. WHEN DOES HE STOP?? (and no it’s not because he’s going next, I refuse to believe that. talk to the hand).
Jimin is sooo flirty and has that sensual vibe that is so endearing. Idk if lust but he’s always teasing us with his eyes or tongue!! Jail time. He also has a dirty mind and makes double meaning jokes. So yeah he’s lust. And his costume would be filter D2 outfit. Makeup tattoos and all.
Namjoon is pride but in a good way? Like he has to honor things. He can’t just talk about them, he has to praise them and make the world see things trough his eyes (idk if I make sense with this one but I’m trying ok my latina brain is leaking smoke by now lmaoooo)
This is my personal opinion and I don’t see it any other way😂😂😂 ok imma go do some actual work before I’m fired hehehee 💜💜💜💜💜 i had fun thinking about this!!
YES, girl, show your working!!!!!!!
JK with gluttony feels Real, True, Correct. It's gotta be. Man loves to eat
And I love greed for Hobi!
Sloth is a popular one for Yoongi, too!
Match the BTS members to the seven deadly sins!
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