#self conceed
radiosummons · 2 years
This obviously would never happen in SW canon, but like ... I can't help but love the idea of Count Dooku just continously attempting to convince Obi-Wan to "join the Darkside."
Not for like, potential Sith!Obi-Wan purposes, but for just the sheer comedy of Dooku finding increasingly ridiculous ways to spend time with his grandpadawan grandson on the battlefield, all under the very thin veneer of trying to convert Obi-Wan to the Sith's cause.
Idk just the mental image of Sith Lord Palpatine and Dooku sharing a holocall, and Mr. Sheev is all like:
**Sidious: My apprentice, Kenobi has already turned down your generous offer to join us in our crusade against the Jedi. Why do you continue to toil after him while he clings to the corrupt ideals of his wretched Order?
Dooku: My Lord, Master Kenobi is among the few noble opponents to our righetous cause as well as a potential assest I feel we would be remiss to ignore. While he is indeed intrenched in the mires of the childish idealism of his fellow Jedi, I have sensed great turmoil within him. A turmoil which, if exploited properly, could potentially stoke the flame of awakening that you, my Lord, instilled within me.
Dooku: The longer this war continues, the more Master Kenobi will see through the hypocrisy of the Code he has sworn himself to. I sense that with time, he will cease his meaningless repudiations of the truths of which I have envailed to him, and will thus join us as yet another avatar of the Dark Side's will.
Sidious (not buying it one second but completely resigned to the fact that Dooku will continue purusing this anyway): ... very well.**
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is getting increasingly confused as to the direction Count Dooku's "tactics" have been going. Dooku never stops, of course, being his hypocritical ass self, and continues to give his extremely opinionated takes on the "failings of the Jedi Order."
But overtime, they'll be locked in a deadly duel and Dooku will just randomly inquire what type of tea is Obi-Wan's favorite and if he'd ever be interested in sitting down together sometime to debate over the philosophical differences amongst various Force wielding cultures and the like.
Obi-Wan, naturally, does not allow himself to fall for this farce of an inquiry into his personal interests. Clearly, the Count is simply trying a new (and completely unorthodox) approach in attempt to throw off Obi-Wan's guard. Surely, this new more "sentimental" Dooku is going for is merely a ploy and nothing more?
Although, he did seem quite genuine in his interest. For what reason, Obi-Wan has absoutely no idea.
Cue several months worth of "coincidental" clashes between Obi-Wan and Dooku, the former seemingly aware of where Obi-Wan will be regardless of how well the Jedi Master goes to hide his whereabouts. The GAR and Jedi Council, obviously, find these "coincidences" to be highly suspicious and concerning. Obi-Wan does as well, but he can't help but try to think of potential ways they could use Count Dooku's painfully obvious interest in him to their advantage.
Nobody (besides Yoda-because of course he would) quite understands Obi-Wan's growing humor with the whole situation, but they can't deny that he has a point.
Anakin can't stop being annoyed that Dooku won't stop dismissing him, but conceeds that he'd prefer the contempt the Sith Lord has for him over whatever the weird quasi-familial relationship that his Master seems to be forming with the traitorous Sith.
Ahsoka doesn't understand much of what's going on either, but she sort of gets where Obi-Wan is coming from. If there's a way that they can keep Count Dooku's focus on one target and away from the rest of their campaign, then surely that's something they should at least try? But, yeah, it is really really weird how amused/excited Obi-Wan seems about the prospect of being Sith bait yet again.
Cody would just like one campaign where he doesn't have to witness his General engaged in a violent physical and verbal spar over where Obi-Wan's loyalties should lie. It would also be amazing if his General would stop making jokes about the Count kidnapping him one day and serving him vintage Serreno wine in his prison cell.
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parachutingkitten · 10 months
No actually, time can't pass differently in the never realm.
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Sorry Doc, but now that you're the one making lore tweets, you get the prolonged tumblr rants from me.
To be fair, he does seem to be handling things in a way I much prefer to tommy. Cryptic self deprecation at a (maybe?) mistake is always a better look than doubling down, so this is all incredibly light hearted, but here we go:
If time does in fact work differently, then I have to assume that means time is moving more quickly in the never realm. Zane gets sent to the Never-Realm, and in the time it takes for the ninja to follow, sixty years passes in the never. Great.
In show it seems like it takes maybe a day or two for the ninja to realize what's happened and follow after him. For some easy math, let's just round it out to about 6 days, meaning that each day in ninjago is a decade in the never.
Problem is, we see pix and wu waiting for the ninja to return. We have at least 2 incidents in ninjago taking place on separate days (The Absolute Worst and Kaiju Protocol), meaning at minimum, the ninja are gone for 2 days ninjago time, which would imply the ninja were in the never realm for 2 whole decades which... can not be true.
So, maybe I did some estimating wrong. What if it took the ninja a solid month to grieve their loss, and then realized there was hope and go after Zane? That takes the ratio down to about 2 years in the never for every ninjago day. 4 years is still an insanely long time which does not map up to what we see in the never realm. In MotM, the ninja refer to this and other missions as all happening within the span of "weeks", implying that not only do all these missions happen immediately back to back, but that their time in the never realm was no more than a couple weeks. Now, they may be referring to the time that passed in Ninjago alone, but the way it's phrased seems to imply the time experienced by the ninja themselves. It's phrased as a reminder that they haven't been home in a while, which they obviously wouldn't need to be reminded of, if they had spent more than a month or so away, nevermind 4 years.
But say that we assume the never adventure took place over the course of a full month in never time, the most I am willing to conceed before later statements don't make sense. That leaves us with a 1/15 ratio, meaning the gap between Zane being blasted away, and the ninja following after him is 4 years. That... can not be true. There is no chance it took Wu 4 years to go and visit aspheera for the first time. There is no way everyone looks the same, the team hasn't split up, and Pixal just happens to still be having plot relevant nightmares. There is no way the time skip between episodes 14 and 15 of season 11 is 4 times as long as between seasons 14 and 15.
All of this is not to mention, we're still using our extremely conservative estimate of the ninja being gone for 2 days ninjago time, which not only assumes that the absolute worst and Kaiju Protocol happen back to back, but also that the news broke to the papers that the ninja had left, it was printed, and a paper was discarded close enough to blow over prison walls, in less than a day.
So, unless "time passed differently" means that time literally started passing differently when the ninja entered into the realm, normalizing it to ninjago time... I do not see what this could possibly mean. We see a montage of time passing in episode 17 that shows us a day in the never is just about as long as we would expect, if not maybe longer. The only way I can think that this might make sense is if people in the never realm refer to a day as a year- meaning Zane was corrupted for maybe 2 months max. And that kinda undercuts the drama a bit, don't it?
Btw, any way you slice it, formlings definitely age differently. Akita's tribe gets frozen as winter comes to the never realm, when she's a child, and 60 years later, she is a teenager seeking revenge. Which for those who care (me, I'm saying this for me), means if you like the 'Lloyd has life extending Oni blood like his dad' HC, Akita may be a decent choice to ship.
I do appreciate his attempts to make this the canon answer, as it does feel less stupid than the time travel thing. The 60 year blast from tommy feels inherently random and without purpose, and so comes across as a plot hole filler more than anything else. Unfortunately, this explanation is pretty impossible unless you want to introduce some MAJOR time skips to the timeline, or change the 60 year timeframe all together.
Anyway, the consistent time difference is impossible, and Akita has a very long expected life span. Unless they explicitly decide to kill her off, there is no reason to believe she is dead.
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wandererstwo · 2 years
The trek to the Red Centre of Australia is a long, excilerating, yet tiring journey. The transition from the green rolling pastureland of the southern regions of South Australia to the flat plains and desert country of the North comes quickly then seems to go on forever.
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Ularu is the focal point for most excited travellers. One could almost say that for many Australians the overland trek to the ‘Rock’ is almost a rite of passage. The early European explorers named it Ayres Rock but particularly since the indigenous people of the area have taken possession back once again it has reverted to its original name of Ularu . ‘Climbing the Rock’ has been an experience most europeans love to engage in. The traditional owners feel that this dishonours their traditions. Many ‘whites’ are happy to conceed this and respect their wishes. I guess it helps relieve the guilt of past abuse and is a small attempt to honour a downtrodden people . Others more strident in their 'white mans all conquering world view’, proudly scale the rock with their metaphorical flag in hand and a few snide remarks about ’ those bloody abos’.
It was heartening to see many of the indigenous locals now employed in a type of tourism that attempts a compromise between engaging 'white fella culture’ with their own dreamtime stories and mythology. I often wonder how can this ancient people group sucessfully integrate their culture with the modern world? On the other hand the poverty, alcoholism and dispossesion of the majority is an on going generational cycle that has robbed them of their identity for far too long. It will take the wisdom of the Almighty and maybe centuries of trial and error to fully redeem these people
One of the first things we noticed, especially after setting up camp at the end of each day was the feeling of solitude. The silence of the desert to a city dweller is strange and mysterious with the capacity to cause an inner shift. On one level we were operating with our daily agendas and self constructed calendars, but on another the memory of city life was slowly fading into the background as time took on less and less meaning.
There seemed to be a back and forth movement between the two worlds. A threshold, that enabled two views of reality. A brief but curious walk into a five star tourist resort was one world. This world was abuzz with well heeled travellers jet setting in to take their obligatory photos of the Rock at sunset with cameras and chardonnay in hand. Within a few days most would be back in their structured cities planning perhaps for their next fly in fly out of Paris or New York. Then again, as we drove out into the surrouding areas of Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon we crossed the threshold and the mystery slowly returned.Walking along these ancient paths in a timeless land gives one space to reflect upon what is really important. I remembered during these times thinking how the ancient Christian Mystics disheartened and disillusioned by the ever growing and all encompassing Roman Empire of Constantine fled to the solitude of the desert for solace. These brave men and women grew in wisdom and stature as they allowed the desert to strip them of all their illusions. Desert places have that capacity if we can slow down to a different rhythm.
In this age of ever increasing Globalisation illusions are a dime a dozen as nations like Australia have all but hitched onto the vision of this current Global Empire - created largely by some of the largest nation states and global corporations the world has ever seen. I believe however that a remnant of the disheartened and the disillusioned have arisen within this system. Those on the fringes of this generation who see through the illusions of Empire. It is inevitable that this all powerful system will collapse leaving untold millions without an identity or a future. Left on the scrapheap of history like our aboriginal brothers and sisters to sift through what is left of their culture. Not knowing who they are or where they are headed.
Perhaps we would do well to consider the desert and to make a move either physically or symbolically, outwardly or inwardly in order to grow in wisdom and stature. Perhaps asking the right questions will begin to take precedence over having the 'right’ answers. A world where the best elements of the past can be integrated with new and alternate ways of living. A more sustainable world where the never ending growth of global capitalism can be replaced by a never ending growth in human relationships. Where personal, psychological and spiritual growth becomes the primary focus. I guess it sounds utopian, but every movement in history began with a vision of those on the fringes of Empire.Those who had been pushed into the extremes of the 'desert’ and finally arrived at their true Centre.
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
Imagine you are seduced by Lord Vader, eventually being catapulted into the Dark Force as his empress…
Warnings: smut and fluffy; unburnt Vader.
Recommendations: this is (loosely) based on Cobra Starship's "Good Girls Go Bad."
Somehow your innocence survives the fall of Republic and the rise of Empire. You content yourself in adapting from one side to another, the only concern is finding you job.
You are an orphan and lost many of your friends to the war. A deep and overshadowed part of you blames the Jedis for this: had they not been corrupted by their vanity, the Siths would have never come so far.
But this is not something you overthink about it. Life is what it is and all you wanna do is spend your life without finding trouble.
However, trouble inevitable comes to you. The day where you are off to the market, a guard of the Empire stops you by and discovers you have no documents.
“What do you mean?” You ask him, stupefied. “I am registered in the Empire yes. Why, I’m a legal citizen.”
And that’s how it begins. Next thing you see, you spend at least a whole month trying to prove the bureaucrats that you are not a liar or worse, a spy for the rebels.
“Look, all I wanna do is live my life without causing trouble ok?” But then you bluntly add. “By the way, since you have given me so much a headache in the last thirty days, could you give me a job?”
The captain H/N looks at you with disdain at your blunt request. Paradoxically, however, he conceeds you a job. You have to clean the ships.
“All right, if it’s worth good credits, I’m in.”
“Hey, do you wanna a job or not?”
“I still have dignity, my man.”
And there you are. Finding yourself a new job, eh? It’s not that difficult…
Vader is watching you, in between bewilderment and perplexity because, apparently, you had no idea who Darth Vader is and why people around the ship fears him so.
His eyes linger in your appearance: your hair is black but with shades in blue and red; your face is oval and your eyes possess some lividness that he’s never seen in anyone before. They are colored blue, the same shade that once colored his.
Vader swallows when noticing that. You stamp innocence and he hates it because some part of you reminds him of his old self. He breathes in, unwillingly to be seen.
He notices your hair is tied in a pony tail, though a few locks come to your forehead. His eyes linger again at the color that paints your lips. Red. Such strange choice.
He then notices your curves, which makes him aroused. Vader hasn’t felt like this for a long time. A sly smirk crosses his lips at the thought of you, completely bared before his eyes, begging for him. Not out of fear, but out of desire.
His breath hitches. He stops watching you for now. For his own sake.
It’s Friday night and the corridors of this great grey ship are empty. Your hands are begin to callous as a result of wetting the cloth and rubbing against the window in order to remove the dirt.
Sometimes you wonder if you didn’t deserve more. It’s when a man hidden beneath a dark cape comes close. You don’t pay him much attention until the two of you are engaged in a conversation.
“Feeling unsatisfied with your task?”
His voice gives a hint that he is not a good person, or someone with good vibes, but did you really care? He couldn’t be different from others who came accross you—all of them a victim of your fists.
“Not really”, you tell him. “I am just tired.”
“Wouldn’t you like to find something else to do?”
“Nah. I’m fine with the credits I get. They pay me enough.”
There’s silence. Vader is still baffled by how you do not recognize him at all. Perhaps he should force his signature upon you, but part of him is amused by this.
“Perhaps you should be promoted. You have a lot more guts than many men I know.”
You chuckle softly.
“You are kind, sir. But I’m good with what I have.”
Vader doesn’t like the answer. However, something about you prevents from you suffering a bad destiny. If only you knew…
“I insist. Your dedication should be better paid. It’s Friday night, and yet here we are.”
He steps closer to you. His breathing is slow, patient even. You feel it, you hear it. It gives you chills. Slowly, you turn your head to face his. You look into his yellow eyes. You forget how to breathe.
He is devilishly handsome, pure tentation. Damnation itself. But the barely look makes you wet. Vader feels it and presses you against the wall.
“What’s it I see in you, Y/N?”
How does he know your name? But you find yourself spreading your legs. His hand, methalic, runs over your thighs and rests right in the between them, not forcing any entrance upon it. He makes small circles, smirking as you squirm lightly.
“Fear?“ he whispers. “Do you fear me?”
“No.” You speak bluntly. “Who are you? And what are you doing to me?”
The two of you lock your gazes. You are invited to get to know him, just as the same he is to you. Usually, you are not the one to give in so easily but his power is alluring.
He presses your body against the wall. His hand slowly unzips your pants. You find yourself barely breathing again, butterflies going on your stomach. You don’t realize you are in silence until your mouth parts and you moan loudly. Because he inserts his hand on you.
“Hmm. The power I have over you is alluring.” He smirks at you, sensing his own arousal pulling against his leather pants. “Corrupting you has made me greedy.”
He whispers against your ear as he stimulates you. He knows you are a damsel in every single meaning of the word, hence why he said what he said. You used to think you’d have no interest in men or anything related to intercourse because wars took away any hopes you had of forming a family. But now as you are about to come so uneasily, you find out this stranger you desire has taken away your repressed feelings.
“Come to me, Y/N.”
And you did. Willingly so. It is when you recognize him. His hard features are softened when his lips look for yours. As you kiss him, you come to know this is not anyone. It’s Anakin Skywalker, the chosen Jedi who descended into darkness. And you just fell for him.
But you wake up panting. How can this be a dream? No. No. But you feel yourself wet, your nipples hard. Damned you are.
You decide to have a cold shower. It helps you to let go of that strange dream. You dress yourself for the job, going earlier than usual. Its 5 in the morning when you get there.
“Y/N”, the captain of the guards is surprised to see you. “A bit early don’t you think?”
“Keeping my mind and my body occupied is a good way to myself defy”, you smile as he chuckles at you. You do enjoy making people laugh. “It is what it is.”
And you walk in. You are about to begin your day, however, when you sense that breathing. The very same one of your dreams. Oh fuck. You pitch yourself. You are not dreaming.
The figure in dark cape steps into your direction. You can’t see his face, though weirdly enough you are familiar with him.
“Y/N”, he greets you. “You are early today.”
“How’d you know that?” You hear yourself saying.
Lord Vader chuckles.
“I’m a very observing individual, attentive to details.”
You swallow and lower your eyes. He moves closer, eyeing you intently. You feel exposed under his linger gaze. Especially when he says:
“I hope you’ve slept well”, earning you a blush.
You try to excuse yourself from him. But Vader does not let you. Instead he asks you a deadly question:
“Is this what you want? To be a cleaner all your life? You have ambitions, Y/N. Why don’t you bring them to me?”
Vader is entertained by the mix of your fear and defiance that conflict you. He tempts you, and you know it. But so far you resist it. This is only the beginning. The game is not over yet. So he leaves you free for your work. So far.
The next day, he visits you again. You somehow expect that… and somehow there is a part of you who is eager to see him. You wonder whether you’ll ever see him in trouble, an idea you are only entertaining when he steps inside the room you are cleaning.
“I am not one easily into trouble so I am rescued, Y/N.” So says Vader, but you detect an amusement in his voice.
You turn at him, emboldened as you say:
“Looks to me you want to be rescued from yourself. Otherwise why’d you be here?”
You test yourself and as Vader uses the Force to grip around your neck, thus impending the air going through it, you gasp. But somehow you don’t fear him. You hate his actions. This misleads Vader into thinking you are prompted to darkness. Perhaps you are, or perhaps you are more complex than you think.
The next thing you know he presses you again the wall. You dare to remove his cape and you gasp in surprise when seeing his handsome features. Vader laughs at your surprise.
“What? You were expecting differently?”
“Yes, my lord.”
How can you feel so bold before a man who inspires fear and hate everywhere? Yet, you know there’s more than this. But your thoughts are interrupted when you find yourself caressing his cheeks before moving down to his neck.
“I was a man once”, Vader confides you, mesmerized by your beauty and boldness. You don’t know what you are doing by locking gazes with him, but damn you enjoy it.
Your hand slips right to his pants. You are tired of playing this game, and you put your hand right into it. Vader’s breath hitches—the only sign that tells you he’s enjoying.
“You are more than a man”, you tell him, your voice melting with pleasure when holding his erect member for the first time.
How weird this connection between the two of you. His eyes never leave yours and you feel your body reacting to him almost instinctively.
“Down.” He commands you. “On your knees, Y/N.”
And you obey. You wait for his orders, you are but his subject. Vader smirks as he overpowers you. And you ever so eager to please him do not take any more time than using your mouth to do so.
He watches as he corrupts you, a sensation that only highlights the pleasure you give him. He feels you, not physically but mentally as well. It’s been a while he’s been so captured by someone…
Vader pushes away this thought out of his mind. I am in control here. The goodness in her will disappear.
He forgets about it when he reaches the climax and you swallow the warm seed that goes right into your throat. You feel hypnotized. But in fact because you’ve never felt desired before gives you a new empowerment feeling.
“Be mine”, you don’t ask him. You command him.
Vader smirks.
There change is coming. He knows it, he feels it. Right there where both of you are, he removes your clothes. Vader watches aroused as you feel so comfortable in your skin, spreading your legs at him.
Fuck. He’s trapped in you.
And you know it well because you smirk at him. You take his hand and place over your neck. There’s little need for words. He complies to you. He steps forward and lifts both legs around his waste all the while he kisses your neck. A smirk twitches in the corner of his lips as you respond him eagerly.
His lips burn your skin all the while his fingers run right into the between of your legs. You react like he expects you to: noisy and melting. It does not take much of a time before he begins the act of fornication.
“You are mine”, somehow it is ironic how his sense of possessiveness appeases his dark side. Breaking the hypnotic sensation that envolves both of you, you realize the complexity of Vader’s character.
It softs your heart. It makes him human before his eyes. All these games you both have been playing show a deeper meaning that goes beyond the temptation of corrupting your soul.
“I am, my lord.” You tell him gleefully. “I am indeed. As you are mine
You beam when his lips clash into yours. You are surprised to feel his gentleness in thrusting you, aware this is your first time. How he claims you is far from what you imagined. It’s even better.
“My empress”, he whispers against your lips.
He knows he wins the game, but as your moans echo loudly in that room, Vader also knows he lost. He may have brought you to his side, the dark side, but you are also the one who rescued him from the depths of his darkness.
“All hail Y/N!” You smirk when being introduced by all those men. Dressed in a long black dress with few details in red, your hair is braided and you feel yourself every inch the empress you are.
With Palpatine gone, the empire is your husband’s. And yours.
The taste for power is like a poison. You enjoy it even though it’s deadly. But somehow… you remain good. Not entirely bad.
When looking back at Vader, you feel the designs of your hearts have been aligned all the time. You step to where he is after your coronation ends and kiss his lips.
“I love you, my darling.”
In moments like these, he’s vulnerable and gentle. Not the cruel tyrant the circumstances force him to be. He smiles at you.
“And I, you.”
The two of you lock loving gazes before he engulfs you in his embrace, possessive as always. Possessive like you want him to be. Possessive…just exactly like you are.
And you both smile to each other because you know it.
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prettybirdy979 · 4 years
Summer Omens: Road Trip
Another flash fic from these prompts by @thetunewillcome. More Ineffable Husbands fics here
‘This wasn’t what I thought you meant when you said you wanted to do a road trip.’
Aziraphale beams at Crowley, swallowing down the last of his sundae. ‘My dear, you didn’t expect us to stop?’
Crowley raises an eyebrow, barely visible above his glasses. Aziraphale will see it anyway, he’s sure. 
He looks around the bright pink room they’re in, some chain ice creamery that Aziraphale could’ve found without coming halfway across the world and dragging Crowley on a road trip in some inferior car. Not exactly what he expected of their retirement, though he’s happy to indulge Aziraphale with anything he wants to have.
Even ridiculous road trips that stop at random places.
Crowley raises the other eyebrow as a child in the corner starts screaming because his ice cream is melting. Beside that family a man stews over his own sundae, touching his stomache occassionally as if to reassure himself. In the corner a group of friends are two words from a major argument over who is taking too much from their shared bowl and at the counter, one of the workers looks like they are about to live the retail dream of punching a customer in the face.
This random place is, in a word, Hellish.
‘This is full of misery and guilt, not exactly your style.’
That gets a huff of laughter. ‘Actually misery and guilt do sound like me,’ Aziraphale says and Crowley nods to conceed the point. ‘But really, this is all self inflicted. It’s just ice cream.’
Crowley hums in agreement. The angel isn’t wrong, exactly. This is human misery at its finest, all self inflicted, and a demonic part of Crowley is revelling in it. He didn’t have to lift a finger to do this, but he gets to watch the results and it’s delightfu-
‘Oh,’ he breathes, looking at Aziraphale who has a glint in his eyes. ‘Oh you bastard.’ The pride he’s feeling at his angel’s deception can’t help but come out in his voice. 
‘Who did you tempt?’
‘My dear,’ Aziraphale says, taking a bite of his newly refilled sundae, ‘that would rather spoil the game, don’t you think?’
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devintrinidad · 4 years
But, I like to think that 1146 is sort of oblivious when it comes to body types and such. - I actually really like that and think that’s pretty canon. If someone commented on what he liked best about her, he’d go on about her personality. Then get confused when asked about what features he likes best.
His friends would call her really cute and he’d be all ‘yeah her personality is cute. She’s like a grown up platelet sometimes’ (you can not tell me he hasn’t compared her cute attitude to a platelet. He practically did that in canon). His friends would be like ….Yeah that’s what we meant by cute. (Of course he’d see it that way). <_< 
Other immune cells (probably some rowdy Killer T’s before Memory T shut them up) would probably comment what a slick guy he is for getting a hottie red blood cell. 1146 would tell them she’s not hot. She’s perfect (in temperature but they don’t take it that way. They just think he’s being more smooth). 1146 has this reputation that 3803 is his RBC that he doesn’t know about). 
I think I got the idea he’d start to notice her beauty as a parrelell to NC. Maybe he’d hear NC comment on her beauty too much (I could honestly see NC asking 1146 why he likes 3803. After hearing him go on about her personality he gets a mix of competitive irritation and fascination. So he goes on a big lecture on why and how she’s so beautiful because 1146 obviously doesn’t appreciate her in a way NC does) and that’d make him a little furious. He’d be upset to see 3803’s former abuser only talk about her looks, Ecspecially when NC keeps claiming he’s trying to change and be her friend better. While NC conceeds 1146 has a point (maybe?) and he’s right about appreciating her personality more. Because he actually does. He likes how strong she was against him and others. But then NC asks is it really bad to appreciate how someone looks. =/ 3803 had told him in the beginning she loved his green eyes and the platelets told him the same now. Both times made NC really happy. Not to mention 3803 is very self conscious about her own looks and doesn’t like how different her body is compared to how the average RBC is. NC has noticed other cells like Macrophage and 5100 always call her features pretty or cute. Wouldn’t she also like to hear how beautiful she is from 1146?
1146 is stunned and doesn’t like this unknown direction. 0_0;,;;
NC somehow picked up on something crucial about 3803 that 1146 either didn’t pay much attention to (on account he can’t relate) or has been oblivious to. 
That gets him thinking if he’s been as attentive to her needs as he thought he had been or only seeing the things that matter to him about her. Then I guess he starts checking her out more and as a mirror to NC learning to love her personality more. 1146 finds himself really realizing how beautiful she is too (whether it’s because she is that pretty -she is- or because her personality made her really pretty to him). Which gets him flustered because he tries to compliment her looks, particularly after a incident when he over hears some cells whispering how weird she looks and wondering of her bad direction means there’s something physically wrong with her (the cells actually didn’t mean to be malicious. They were just curious in a insensitive way. But 1146 knew 3803 still heard them despite her smile never leaving her face). But he gets to shy and fumbles his words and ends up looking like a weirdo so much 3803 wants to get him to the infirmary because maybe he hit his head too hard in that last battle. 
But yeah that’s it. 1146 would like her plump soft rosy cheeks the best after seeing how much 5100 fixated on them so much. Which caused him to start thinking about them a lot. His most embarrassing secret becomes a desire to touch them with his bare hands (2626 would say, man THAT’S your darkest secret? I can’t decide if you’re just too pure or too dorky you know that). Yep, that’s right. 1146 would love her cute perfect heavenly soft looking cheeks. One time when he caught her and they ended up in a blood clot. 1146 was chill just chest to chest with her wrapped up in his arms. Because at least they were more comfortable this way. He was just mainly focusing on not trying to get too grumpy about his current trapped situation because this seems to happen to him a lot. But then a shift happens and 3803’s cheek ends up smooshed against his cheek. She’s totally fine and oblivious to his sudden stiffening because at least she can rest her head against him in more comfort. 1146 on the other hand feels like he’s been triggered by Dendretic Cell’s stash. Her cheek feels even more soft and warm and plump then he imagined and he’s trying to keep it cool because they’re going to he like this for 3 days (Dendretic snaps several photos of his position and he doesn’t even bother hiding it. 1146’s growing horrified expression make it better. Plus 3803 is turned away so she doesn’t see and 1146 keeps his trap shut because he thinks his voice would squeak from how overwhelmed he is from having his dorky innocent dream come true. And he doesn’t trust that Dendretic doesn’t also carry sound recorders)
Honestly it’s just too pure to imagine 1146 suddenly thinks her cute cheeks are the best in the whole body and the rest are just so inferior to her goddess level cheeks. XD
He’d still be most attracted to her character. But I could see him,becoming attracted to other parts of her because they’re her.
As for 3803, she likes his biceps. She kept grabbing them to keep her safe so of course she’d plainly say 'yeah WBC’s biceps’ if asked what she thought was 1146’s best physical feature was. Unlike 1146 she wouldn’t think the answer was a big deal and would easily answer the same question about the rest of the WBC boys. =P
Oooohhhh! Love the parallels that you drew here. Furthermore, love the idea that 1146 tries to think of ways to compliment 3803... Hehehe, and the whole spiel about him wanting to plump up her cheeks,,... That was so adorable!
And of course, I love how different 3803 is from 1146 in this regard. She would definitely be more straightforward and will definitely answer questions about the WBC if need be. 
(Much to everyone’s pleasure, 1146 is somewhat annoyed that 3803 is willing to give her opinions on the rest of the squad). 
2001: Definitely the lap and chest. Once 3803 smuggles on top of him, she can easily lay back and enjoy how firm his chest is and his thighs are plush enough so that she doesn’t get uncomfortable.
4989: His smile. He’s always so smiley and happy and it’s multiplied whenever he manages to invent a whole new weapon and doesn’t get caught by cell management, hahah.
2626: His eyes. 3803 has definitely seen his eyes many times and will never tell anyone what they look like except that they are beautiful.
2048: His legs. They’re very strong and powerful and sometimes, 3803 and 2048 race around the body to see who’s faster. (It’s 3803.)
Any spare thoughts and opinions? 
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
8, 6, 32 w minicat pleeeease! :D
Okay, last of the drabbles and this one is a doozy. >.> Like 10 pages long, ugh. But Grace deserves it cause she’s been my rock during these drabblez and really helped me commit to getting them done. Thank you so much for your support! Please enjoy this as my thanks. 
AU: College 
Trope: Fake dating
Prompt: “Shut up for a second, will you?”
Pairing: Minicat
Tyler wasn’t stupid; he knew he was one of the last choices people thought of when needing help with something on campus. In his defense, he was busy; his parents’ low income meant he had to have a full time job while also maintaining a high GPA for his scholarships for his overly priced college. His classes were tough, never wasting time on filler courses when he was paying thousands of dollars to attend. It meant hours of homework after long shifts, sometimes all nighters. He didn’t have the time of day to breathe, nevermind think about others. Brock, probably being too understanding of a roommate (Tyler didn’t give a shit what anyone thought of him, but Brock’s sad eyes always hit him far too hard to ignore), never pushed him to engage in extra socializing or unnecessary events. Brock’s dumbass boyfriend tried (seriously, how did Brian manage to swindle Brock into falling in love with him? Gross.) to provide Tyler with ‘the college life’, which was harder than getting water from a rock. 
But even Tyler wasn’t a big enough dick to miss Brock’s birthday party. 
At least the venue was nice; Tyler swirled the water in the fancy glass while he leaned on the country club’s bar, watching the large group of strangers mingle. Brian came from money that far exceeded Brock and Tyler’s wildest dreams. Brock almost never allowed Brian to spoil him, which had been a different experience for Brian. It still bothered Tyler how lost Brian first looked when they both turned down his money for ‘hanging out with him’. Tyler had seen his flustered roommate refuse to let the rich brat pay for a two dollar water bottle once. So when Brock had finally, finally caved enough to let Brian pay for his birthday party, Brian didn’t hesitate to go over the top. Every person who Brock had ever met seemed to be at the event, filling the room with hundreds of people. 
Tyler hadn’t bothered following his roommate when Brian pulled him somewhere twenty minutes ago. Honestly, knowing those two, he didn’t want to see what they were up to. Brock had morals, but Brian was a charmer. He used it for teachers, police, and anyone who had eyes and the smallest of hints of attraction toward men. Seriously, Tyler had seen Brian give far too many straight guys a gay panic for it not to be seen as a freaky mutant power. Brock was helplessly in love with Brian (seriously, why?), which meant he was even more likely to fall for any of Brian’s sneaky schemes. 
Especially when it resulted in sex. 
“Ugh.” Scrunching his nose at the thought, Tyler took another swig of his drink before scanning the crowd again. So far, the event had been pretty tame, which was saying something for Brian. His parties were always over the top for all the wrong reasons. If the police weren’t called, it was seen as a failure, according to Panda. But Brock had asked Brian to make the party alcohol free, and like the sucker for pretty brown eyes he was, Brian had agreed. 
Tyler glanced down at his phone again, wondering when Evan and Panda were going to show up. They were the only friends he bothered with when Brock hung a sock on their apartment door. Evan had texted saying they’d got stuck in a late lab and had told them he’d be coming late. So Tyler, lacking the only three (and a half; Brian was okay when he cooked breakfast) people he actually liked at the party, was alone. But what the fuck else was new? It was better that way. He knew that too many people would just distract him from was important. His grades, his future, and his goals in life. So what if he spent more Fridays alone than with people? That his phone could go three days without a text? That he hadn’t gotten laid in over a year? And so what if some nights, his stupid heart wondered what it’d be like to have a disgusting relationship like Brian and Brock, to be pointlessly cared for and overly adored-
“Really, you should go.” The voice that cut into Tyler’s self-loathing made him frown, refocusing his eyes to pinpoint where it’d come from. Two seats down from the bar he’d inhabited alone (because who would wanna hang out at a bar with no alcohol?), a guy that Tyler recognized looked stiff when staring at another leaning completely into his space. It took a second for Tyler to realize who it was; Craig was a high school friend of Brian’s, and had become one of Brock’s good friends when Brian and Brock started dating two years ago. Craig also went to their college, making a name for himself despite the thousands of students. He was always busy, invested in way too many clubs and groups between his classes. They were so different, that Tyler saw no reason to befriend him. 
Except Craig had tried to get to know Tyler. Despite being busy and having far too many social groups for Tyler’s liking, Craig had actually always made an effort to create small talk whenever they bumped into each other. They weren’t friends, really; maybe acquaintances if Tyler was being generous. Since Craig was Brian’s best friend, he was around more often than Tyler was comfortable with. 
Because Craig was good looking, flirted worse than Brian, and was just a damn distraction. He was someone that could yank Tyler’s attention from important homework or project’s due dates to argue about how ‘culturally important’ The Office was. Sometimes he got Tyler to explain what he was working on, which devolved into little conversations about their lives that had nothing to do with the original topic. Craig learned about Tyler’s complicated relationship with money, while Tyler heard stories about Craig’s struggles with depression. He knew about Craig’s promiscuous years when he was a teenager, which led into the conversation of how both discovered their bi-sexuality. One time, Craig’s eyes shined with excitement while he told Tyler all about his dream of becoming a marine biologist.
Tyler had barely finished his term paper that night.
In a little over two years, Craig snuck his way under Tyler’s skin like a weed. Each time Tyler swore he wouldn’t let Craig get his attention (because he had to stay focused), the busy body made it a point to prove him wrong. Brian had mentioned Craig to Tyler a few times when trying to get him to come out with their group, like he was some bargaining chip. Like Brian knew something that Tyler didn’t. 
It annoyed Tyler how often he ended up at those events.  
Normally the first to wear a grin far too big for his face, there was no sign of a smile now. Craig’s body language was telling Tyler all he needed to know about the predicament; these two were not friends. “Does Brian even know you’re here? Because I doubt Brock invited you.” 
“I’m a plus one of a friend. The new boy toy seemed to forget my invitation in the mail.” There was a cockiness in the stranger’s voice that instantly pissed Tyler off, his eyes narrowing as the conversation continued.
“Yeah, maybe because you’re Brian’s shitty ex-boyfriend, and he’d rather eat shards of glass than see your face again. And Brock’s not a boy toy; they’re actually in love. I know, new concept for you.” Craig’s snark was coated in a sweet tone that seemed to rub the ex the wrong way, though Tyler got a small chuckle out of it. Craig was always presented as cheerful and energetic, but one on one talks proved there was more sarcasm than sweetness. He was Brian’s friend after all.
“You think Brian’s going to actually manage to keep an innocent guy like that? We both know he’s far too self-destructive for that kind of happily ever after. Why do you think he always comes back to me each time?” Okay, Tyler could conceed he wasn’t always the nicest to Brian, but he also knew the guy wasn’t trash. Brian was good for Brock, as annoying as that was. And this punk was really starting to push Tyler’s buttons. 
“Brian’s happy, actually happy. Brock wants him, not his wallet, and you’re not ruining that. So you need to leave, now.” Craig’s firm words didn’t have the effect that he wanted, and Tyler felt his teeth clench when the other man stepped into Craig’s personal space, posturing. 
“Don’t think you can really make me. Last time didn’t go so well for you, did it?” This guy had muscle, and was obviously taller than the man sitting on the bar stool. Craig’s lips looked tense when they pressed together tightly, but Tyler could pick up on the slight flinch of his shoulders. This guy didn’t just bother Craig; he scared him. He was trying not to show it, but Tyler was sure it was a well known fact by how cruel the smirk on the other man’s face was. “How’s your arm, by the way? Fractures can be a pain in the ass, so I’ve heard. Still got that pop in your shoulder?”
“It’s fine.” The tone was quieter than before, and Craig pressed closer to the stool’s back, Still, his eyes shone brightly with defiance, unwilling to lower. And after a moment of tense silence, Craig surprised Tyler when his lip rose in a half-cocked grin. “How’s your dad? Divorces can be a pain in the ass, so I’ve heard. He still got that freckle on the tip of his-”
“You fucking slut.” Tyler was out of his seat before the guy could raise his fist, catching the punch inches from Craig’s face. Craig let out a surprised squeak, but Tyler didn’t look back when he used the contact to shove the man back, stepping between him and Craig.
“Don’t even think about it.” He didn’t need to posture or present himself as intimidating; his broach shoulders and tall genetics already did the work for him. While this guy had looked impressive in front of Craig, he wasn’t nearly as intimidating when compared to Tyler’s glare and tense shoulders. 
“Who the fuck are you? His boyfriend?” The words were snapped off like an insult, as if the guy thought dating Craig was the worst punishment someone could have. From the corner of his eyes, he picked up on the wince behind Craig’s glasses, knowing he’d heard the same disgust Tyler had. Craig’s sexual history wasn’t hidden knowledge, though how much he’d changed since high school seemed less known. Sighing, Craig pushed out of his seat, shoulders dropped in shame. Like maybe he agreed with the scumbag.
“Yeah, I am.” In a move that was far more suited for Brian, Tyler reached out, snagging Craig’s hip and yanking him closer. It was impulsive and fucking stupid, but Tyler’s heart lost track of it’s beat when feeling Craig’s warm body meld against his. It felt like a perfect match, with Craig’s head bumping against his collar bone before settling into the crook of Tyler’s neck. He let his arm drop around the waist, keeping Craig plastered to him to support the act he still wasn’t sure he wanted to perform. “Is that a fucking problem, asshole?” 
“Tyler…” Craig’s lost tone didn’t sound right for the man who two nights ago gushed about the astrology compatibility on Tyler’s couch. He tried not to focus on how annoyed that made him, burning his glare into the man who now snorted.
“Oh, wow. You really want to claim this trainwreck? The kid’s had more people in him than the New York subway station.” The insult was tossed out without hesitation, like it was used far too often in correlation to Craig. The body against his tensed for a second before going limp, the words sucking whatever fight was left in Craig’s body out. And Tyler didn’t know anything about this situation, shouldn’t have cared about Craig’s happiness or the weird past these two had. This was Brian’s drama, Brock’s fight, Craig’s problem. It didn’t mean shit to Tyler, had no correlation to his future. Because it wasn’t his job to help people. 
But that excuse wasn’t good enough this time.
“You talk about my boyfriend like that again, and I’ll knock your fucking teeth out.” He added no growl or movement to his threat, making sure his words were clear and deadly in their presentation. His hand squeezed the hip under his palm, letting the line between pretend and reality blur for a moment. “He’s mine. I don’t care what people think of us; I don’t give a fuck what he did before me. And I ain’t worry about anyone else coming after me, cause I’ll make sure he doesn’t need to find someone else. If those idiots couldn’t keep him satisfied, that was their loss. I don’t have a problem in that department. My only problem at the moment is you.”
“I never fucked-” But Tyler didn’t want to hear what this asshole had to say.
“Out of respect for my roommate, I’m not beating the shit out of you for hurting Craig before. But I’m really losing my patience. If you ever come near Craig again, I’ll make sure they don’t find your body. And since my boyfriend likes that dumbass Brian, he tends to hang out with him alot. Enough that you might bump into Craig if you bug him. That would be a bad day for you. You understand, or do you need specific details?” 
Tyler didn’t interact with people often, but he sure as hell knew how to threaten someone.
“You-whatever. Brian’s not worth this shit. Enjoy your five minutes with Craig while it lasts.” Tyler could hear the fear in the guy’s voice when he turned tail, but he didn’t let his eyes move away from the glare he’d pinned on him since the threat. 
“Your dad’s dick is small!” Craig’s shout at the guy retreating made Tyler roll his eyes, sending a look that made Craig smile sheepishly. “Well, it is.” 
“I don’t need to know that,” he answered, feeling the chest against his ribs vibrate with Craig’s laugh.
“Aw, come on. You know what you were getting when you made me your boyfriend.” Craig’s smile was a nice change of pace, and Tyler’s arms pulled him closer without thought. A moment of surprise passed through both of them, Tyler unsure why he hadn’t dropped his hold on Craig’s waist. He knew the guy was long gone, and their act didn’t need to continue. Yet his brain and body didn’t seem to be on the same page. Craig looked pleased at the lack of distance, curling a hand on the back of Tyler’s neck. But the hesitant bite of his lower lip proved that the bravado wasn’t fully felt. “Rumors are gonna start, you know. If you’re looking to get yourself out of this alive, we shouldn’t be so close.”
“I already said I don’t care what people think of us.” 
“But that was when-”
“Shut up for a second, will ya?” Tyler sighed at the headache that was forming behind his eyes. This was why he didn’t deal with people. “If it’s going to bug you or whatever, then we can make sure Brian spreads it was a joke. But I don’t have a social life, and I really could give two fucks what anyone but my teachers think about me. And if having people think I’m your boyfriend keeps assholes like that from harassing you, then use it.”
“You don’t mind? You really don’t mind being labelled as my boyfriend?” There was a spark of excitement in Craig’s tone when his eyes looked up at Tyler with an awe that made him squirm in discomfort. He felt his face flush at the attention, his stomach twisting in a way he couldn’t explain. 
“How many times do I have to say that I don’t care-” 
And then Craig was kissing him. The suddenness of the lips on his made Tyler’s mouth part in surprise. Craig took the opportunity to deepen the kiss and hum in pleasure. The softness of the tongue against his was mind-numbing, Tyler unsure how to counter the skill that Craig used. But after a second, he decided he needed to try. The fingers trailing lightly along the back of his neck during their leisure kiss had goosebumps rising on his skin, Tyler’s hands yanking Craig closer to feel the smaller body flush against his. The slight wiggle of Craig’s waist against his own proved the movement was appreciated, and Tyler only broke the kiss when soft lips sucked his tongue in a way far too familiar to an act he didn’t want to think about in public. 
“That was nice.” Craig’s grin was pressed to Tyler’s slack lips, his breath even as he dropped a small peck between his next sentence. “We should definitely do that more to sell this whole boyfriend thing. Maybe in a bed and with less clothes on. A snapchat or two, you know, commit to our roles and such.”
“Jesus Christ.” He wanted it to sound exacerbated, not breathless, but it was obvious he missed his mark when Craig tossed his head back and laughed. Tyler stared down at the bright smile of his… something, arms tightening to keep Craig close. Unsure how he had gotten there, he only knew one thing for certain.
He was never helping someone out again.
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officerfifgun · 4 years
Ppl get get inffected ovwr some bullshit
I see a lot pf ppl that see wat ppl are doing and they do it wrong
I go to see god everynight
And pray to the higher ppl even if u dont know
Those games are made to make u rich
From verizon pay it forward
Im doing a kerticy for the ppl
They dont even know that im payed for my way
Out of the hood
This ocean bay is not the hood
This is a private vector
And i is in jail for life without the ppsible chance of parroe
I shot myself in the leg i burn myself. Alive
I killed myself in the electric just beciase i payed for it i shot ppl in the head in game mode to prove that wat they do is wrong i even shoot myself to sleep and woman come and police come to see if im still alive
I even shot dead pool in the head for hitting and killing those real gangster that were dilivering
Pharmacy drugs to far rockaway certified everything
And they still prove cardi x and the hole industry
That they got thier games and they ask me for adive to beat the games and finnally get money
Make sure u give back to kie
I payed ur way so ppl in theor own world in thier minds to concee thier own world
Like black hole black soul
Gods u just have to ask and pray
I pray every night to everything
They love that o get gratified
I feel in my own world that i visite even in heaven on far rockaway
O get sad because ppl are still doing me wrong
By jumping without signin in to the bulding
In speaking all including cops and fbi
Sign in so i can give u ur money
And o can finally get mind
Yes i just pay u off with gold and pay ur phone and give u everything
Mom is abdexent woman and i took her to school
And she bought her way to finnaly finnish
The reason why ppl hit me
Becuase u are not signing in to almeda and u come as crooks
And i pay u off billion here and invest
Why i dont have money and why my room looks like that is becise i have alot ppl that see and eat with me every single they get hungry
They sign in to me and smoke with me
I make buissnes with prifesional gangster that .know they speak proper and talk proper
Now that a way of my american buisness
Im a fbi so im a train mother fucker
U diss me u loose and u dont get payment from the president
Imy family and all have badge to protect them self
From dieing
U kill u will be prosicute like i did
My mom i dont know if she killed i hear alpt of things
But shes in court for that
Im a gang leader for all gangs in nyc and all china and all middle easten sector and all spanish and all white and all race u have to come threw me if
And only u rpent to me that when i pay u forward
And if u did a good job afterwards i send the gods to u and they check u put and they been checking me out cuz of my smoking way of new and different way of dealing with volent
They all play in movies if u want real sign out its disterbing u die ppl love to stay in the movies cus they get shot different way from the shooting
U get shot wit everything
And including woth money
They pay u off and i get a little becuse i have alot
I payed the music industry
And all crimals taht hang out with me
Yes i hear alot of sorry but u still diss and do
The same if from of the cops and president that
Hangs out with me
Yes trump still does hangs out
I held down trump
And beought him to savety
And he passed and i win that he didnt die
He got infected becuse u all were on top of him saying foolish stuff and black virus is not to play
Its to see all tge black sociaty that are hurt and
Fustrates so they can come and see me get a case and i tell u all wats wrongs and right u did wait give a god rapits that sees the future
And u can get free and. Finally see the wprld like my family are trying to do
U all can see ot to i made all shegods and all adults most of them still dinale see
Keeping it low in voces will keep u stupid
Live high voice tell me ur succes and u moght just win
And im gwtting biting by these mosketo ahhhhhiiii juat know that i cured coronavirus games and gave it to china and. All ma are learing cus they juat got birthed by me
And. The game of games i drink milk in the joker house and get prenate but ppl still want to stick
Their dock in me
Shegods and females and gays family i loves them all they love me and i care fpr them like i make family
I even cured cancer
And aids i still have to do for some humains taht
Need me juat come and see yes i do get tired by jumpees i fall a sleep faster
Cant do my job and u dont gwt ur money and i dont gwt my money from my family
I have a job to prove
That i dod it end found the cure for everything i
Left to heaven and ask
Save me and i save u
Yes im a super hero that earning my way to fly
I shot my self and i have to start over
Im in jail and i have tobwait to the cops say so
In pcean bay their every where
now with ppl
Long time ago i said to my mom
Promise i will get money and get out we all got money
And i just cant invest cuse want to smoke and and get healed by my code
Dont diss me they all see me and i love u all
And i work for the president of far rockaway
He sees me i have side jobs still with the games
To surly prove im always distracted by paying and i cant evwn help the millitary
Cus won of my family member werent ready so i have sign in to the millitary and help and tell them to bring renforment to help me succed
All war on tv is a joke ppl show u all dieng so u go out and do it to die
So u dont gwt ur money and i can succed with in helping ur freedom
Yes that trure keith ahas ur freedom
So do right and ppl can get out calmly
And see the world u kill u dont go anywhere
The goverment says deal with it ge telwl that to me to
Becare wat u do to keith cus i repented to the gods and brought back an army
And they wayching if anybody kills me so they can end all games u all have for ur freedom that including terrorist and rapits and murderrs and victim and crimes
I have to intervine woth wat ppl are doing in my hoiae they are infecting a hero keith i save u becare full i did get hit by the real tv
The real tv is not for terrrprist is foe buisnees
And stop jorge ocscar jeminez stop from disconecting my tv i have buisnes woth mom and the family that see and atay in the house
Yes jorge ur family comes and see me fpe payment they alreaady got when they need
I seee wat they did good to the kids
And i paythe kids grades are must 100 all the time for all humains and darksind and all evil
And good
Grade u all in school evwn if u are not playing u have kids u have to treat them with repect
I have grade to give i have my grade to deal with
Bod mind and soul repect loyalty
And fine woman i have to prove to the woman to
And all men that come to my house and talk to my mom and not me u infect my family i take ur money show ur grade and u go outside and work
Geades are a must 200 the prinsipal says yes i have my own school keith i teach ppl how to win
And all kids win too all i teach
They still say inffexted they come to me and ask me wat they did wrong i tell them all their hearts
Thank u all i gratify that i get a pass from the goverment amd i surly prove u that i have all codes to fix ur life
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gaycrouton · 5 years
The Newlywed Game
early msr // fluff // fake marriage but real yearning
This is dedicated to the always wonderful, always supportive Brandy (@dbebrandy) who was AMAZINGLY GENEROUS and helped me get some awesome merch when I couldn't. My grattitude is endless.
Part of her should have known that burying her face in the menu and crouching wouldn’t have gone unnoticed by Mulder. Nothing ever did. It was just her first instinctual move when she saw her ex walk into the bar. He looked good, smiling, a young girl hanging off his arm like a trophy. Maybe they were celebrating her high school graduation.
Fucking asshole.
She didn’t want to draw any attention to him, or herself, but she heard a gentle psst, and she peeked around her menu to see Mulder mimicking her. “What are we hiding from?” he whispered.
How Mulder of him, following her on simple blind faith. She was just as embarrassed at her frivolous desire to go unnoticed by her ex as she was irritated that it had to happen on one of the rare nights Mulder and her stayed so late they ended up getting dinner together. Quality time with him without mentionings of chupacabras or paranormal activities were few and far between, not only that, but last week had been so hard on him with the Roche case - and she felt like he was finally getting back to his old self. “It’s stupid,” she whispered back, but not moving to let her face be seen.
“Scull-ee,” he whined. “Tell me.”
She rolled her eyes before peering over again, “An old boyfriend of mine is here and I don’t want him to see me.”
“Did he do something to you?” Mulder asked, still confused by her out of character actions.
“No,” she corrected, raising her voice a little. “The break-up was just awkward and I don’t want him to-”
“Dana Scully, as I live and breathe,” she heard a familiar tenor proclaim in faux enthusiasm.
With a sigh, she let the menu fall and she was met with the sight of Paul Staehle standing in front of her with a boastful smile and a protective-puppy Mulder glaring across from her. “Hi, Paul,” she sighed, putting the menu down. “How are you?”
“I’m fantastic. I’m here with my girlfriend,” he boasted. “What about you, Dana? Is this a colleague?” He was clearly teasing her and she simply drew in a breath to conceal her reaction.
“No,” Mulder interrupted, drawing both the parties attentions to him. He smiled the most radiant smile she’d ever seen on his face as he reached across the table and grabbed her hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb. “I’m her husband.”
She felt her eyes widen involuntarily as a waiter walked passed and filled their cups, oblivious to the tension. “Married? Really? Since when?” Paul asked.
“Six months ago,” Mulder answered, his voice barely concealing his happiness. He was such a good actor it was startling. “But we’ve been together for a little over four years now.”
“Where’s your ring?” Paul asked accusatory, trying to catch them in a lie.
“In Dana’s line of work, it’s dangerous to wear it. She keeps it close to her, but it’s personal,” Mulder informed seriously, so convincing she could even believe it. She was still reeling from hearing her name and those words come out of his mouth when she heard Paul’s disbelieving grunt.
“Huh, well Dana. I never thought I’d see you like this. You were always so...frigid. I’m glad to see you’ve chilled out,” he smiled, as if that was actually a compliment.
“You should probably get back to your date,” she responded evenly.
They both watched him leave and Scully turned to Mulder with a raised eyebrow. “Married?” she repeated.
He shrugged his shoulders like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar, “You looked upset, so I wanted to help.” He noticed he was still grabbing her hand and shyly let go, with a little laugh. “So, why was the breakup awkward?” he asked.
“Because I told him I realized I was a lesbian,”she deadpanned honestly.
A look of embarrassed shock passed over his face and he incredulously asked, “Y-you what?”
She smiled at his expression before explaining, “I know it was awful of me, you should never use someone else's sexual identity like that, but he was so weird.”
“Weird’s not your thing?” he asked, sounding exaggeratedly disappointed, but she could tell the disappointment was real.
“I like my weird on the spooky side, not the borderline stalker type,” she laughed, taking a sip of water to avoid his eyes while he digested that.
“So you told him you were a lesbian?”
She blushed lightly at her youthful antics, “Well,” she chuckled in embarrassment, brushing her hair behind her ear. “In my defense, I was in high school, so blame it on childish foolishness. I wasn’t receptive to his advances and when I told him I just wanted to focus on my schoolwork he fetishized it.”
“Smart is sexy,” he mimicked.
She exhaled a small laugh, “Not like that, more like the sexy school girl fetish.”
“Oh,” he said, his eyebrows shooting up. “How did the lesbian route possibly stop that from happening?”
“Oh, I’m sure he thought about it a lot with his hand, but he left me alone,” she chuckled. “And - nevermind,” she laughed, shaking her head.
“What?” he asked, fully curious.
“I asked one of my friends to pretend to be my girlfriend, so anytime he came around, she’d be all over me,” she explained, blushing.
“Scully, I don’t mean to sound like a caveman, or objectify women of that community, but how did that possibly stop him from following you?”
She smiled at his honesty. “Because she could have gotten in a fight with Hulk Hogan and come out without a scratch.”
They both started laughing when the waiter from earlier came back over, but instead of re-filling, he gave them a look that could rival a car salesman. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but did I hear you guys say you were married?”
“N-” she started correcting.
“You sure did,” Mulder beamed, sending a teasing look to Scully.
“Oh thank god,” the young boy exhaled in relief, much to their confusion. He must’ve caught sight of their curious expressions when he explained, “We were hosting a Newlywed’s Game here tonight, but the couples didn’t show. There are people who came just for the event and we don’t know what to do, and I’m getting in trouble - and I really, really, really, really need you guys to say yes,” he rambled, wearing a sheen of sweat acting as an attestment to his anxiety.
“Yes to what?” Scully asked skeptically.
“Will you guys be the couple of the night and play?”
Scully laughed and gently responded, “No, no. I’m sorry.” She was surprised to see there were two disappointed faces looking back at her rather than just one.
“Come on,” he drew out, pouting his lip like a little kid in the hopes that if he endeared her, she’d agree. “It’d be fun.”
“Mulder,” she chastised, “You’ve never remembered my birthday for the past three I’ve had with you. I’m just sparing you embarrassment.”
“Scully, have you met me? When have I ever shied away from public ridicule?” he smiled. “Come on, let’s do it”
“No,” she stated plainly, looking at the menu while trying to ignore his attempts and the waiter’s desperation.
“The prize for the winning couple was a year’s worth of free pies, and since you would be the only couple, if you say yes it’s a guarantee,” the teenage boy offered.
“Scully, the pie. If not for me, do it for the sweet goodness,” Mulder pleaded.
She had to admit, as selfish as it was, she was kind of excited to hear Mulder try to answer personal questions about her. He was so absorbed sometimes that she was honestly curious how much he did know about her. That, and she simply couldn’t resist the puppy dog eyes he was giving her. “Fine,” she sighed relenting, snapping her menu shut and standing up.
She had to bite back a smile at the beaming grin that passed over Mulder’s face. Despite his relentlessness, he apparently hadn’t expected she’d conceed. However, her smile quickly disappeared as she followed the boy to the impromptu stage. All it consisted of was two barstools with dry erase boards, markers, and hand towels sitting on top - the finishing touch being a microphone standing proudly in between.
She made sure to send Mulder a few pointed glances as she settled into the chair, gathering the materials on her lap. The lights dimmed as the boy spoke into the microphone and it made it impossible to see how many people were actually out in the audience, or even, how many were actually paying attention. She didn’t know if that made her feel better or worse, but she didn’t spend much time worrying about it as she focused on the boy’s words. This was moving too fast and she was already regretting saying yes.
“Lucky for us, we were able to find a newlywed couple to step up and play for us all! So let’s allow them to introduce themselves.” He turned and gestured to Mulder.
He sat up in his chair and she got a little enjoyment seeing that, despite his previous confidence, he was just as uncomfortable being up here as she was. “Oh, uh, hello. My name’s Fox Mulder and this is my wife, Dana Sc-Mulder.”  
She saw the way his lips twitched when he said wife and called her by his surname and she tried to stop herself from seeing what she wanted to see. “And how long have you been married?” he asked, turning to her.
“Uh, six months,” she stumbled, appreciative that their fumbling could be blamed on the newness of their relationship and not the compulsive lying it was.
“Congratulations! So, we’ve compiled some questions from the audience and a few of our staff and, customers, if you want to participate, write down your prediction on who will win and, if you’re right, your meal will be half off! Okay, so, for those that don’t know, we’ll simply be asking different types of questions and we want to see either who is right, or if they are able to agree. So, let’s begin,” he exclaimed, grabbing a folded piece of paper out of a bowl. “Where did you go on your first date?”
Scully pursed her lips in thought as Mulder started writing immediately. How was he writing like he already knew? It hadn’t even happened. She wasn’t sure if he was just making something up, or if he was writing where he would take her? She felt a blush creep across her cheeks when she wrote ‘Chinese takeout at his place’, as far as she was aware, that was the first thing they’d ever done off the clock together, so it probably counted.
“What did you put Mrs. Mulder?”
“Yeah, what’d you put Mrs. Mulder?” Mulder teased, enjoying this far too much in her opinion.
“Um,” she started, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear nervously. “Chinese at his place,” she murmured, turning her board around.
Mulder smiled sweetly at her and she instantly knew that wasn’t what he’d put and she felt exposed. Every part of her wanted to whisper that she hadn’t actually considered it a date. She just thought-
“Bellefleur, Oregon. A romantic walk through the rain,” Mulder laughed, with similar chagrin she’d been feeling. She smiled and giggled lightly at the fact he’d put their first case.
“Oh yeah,” she mused, pretending like she’d simply forgotten such a strange first date.
The announcer seemed confused, and she could hear the audience chattering amongst themselves, speculating how walking through the rain could be a date. “Um, hahaha,” the announcer awkwardly laughed, “Okay, uh so. Next question.”
This was going to be a long night.
Soooo, I have a few already, but I mean, you guys ARE THE AUDIENCE, so what pressing questions would you like to have answered? ;)
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fipindustries · 5 years
This is more of a mess every week. What even the fuck is up with chris arc for christ sake. Like is this subvertion? Is this clever. We are textually forecasted and make clear he is a monstrous asshole. We are shown in advance how simurghs plan accounts for his behavior. All conventional narrative wisdom would expect a twist, a final reveal. For chris to come to some revelation, or a moment of growth, or some form of catharsis. Or perhaps even a final takedown, his fall from grace to culminate in something interesting. But no. In the end the guy we always knew was a monstrous asshole turned out to be... A monstrous asshole. Shocked. And also this big plan we've been building up for an entire arc... Ehh... Oops? Its just dropped i guess. Not taken in a new direction or subverted or anything. Just a giant waste of time. I feel i learned nothing here about anyone. I feel the plot was pushed back a whole arc and we have been just twiddling with our thumbs for the last couple of weeks. The only point that im going to conceed here is that clearly genocide was never going to be the answer and chris being the only voice of reason on that regard in this entire situation is a beautiful bit of irony that i imagine has to be on porpuse. But as someone else pointed out, the narrative is so immersed in vicky's petty and spiteful point of view and so consistently corroborating her judgements that is hard to tell. Like sveta and rain, the clear moral centers in this situation, are agreeing with vicky and th narrative is clearly trying to tell us that chris is a broken misguided asshole who cant reconcile with himself. Vicky's speech about self acceptance is clearly supposed to show she has grown and has the moral highground over him. And yet jessica herself points out that, you know, maybe mass murder is not a choice you get to make victoria. And yet she replies some bullshit to the tune of "well it wasnt his choice to stop me from killing everyone so who is the real monster here jessica?"
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spazbotoz · 4 years
MeGAhurTz its hard to believe and conceed defeat and regress like the rest and just join the fukin sheep… but its neat to be neat and to accumulate paper and then turn ur back on those below you that are so low coz ur now sooo much higher..self rightious about addictions,..and contradicting ur afflictions by using and its not hard to tell…coz ur so fukin smug hiding ur condecending like ur so cool spending.... in ur clostet, but its greed that u need to conceed and neva read , and bleed about ur insataiable need to know in your heart ur now a tech lovin junkie addictited to da money, and ur shielded from kindness and u get high on blindness, U see, Been draggin this blood stained sword around for eternity, no mystical powers or legends abound this blade just dark black infinity, mentally heavy , my mindz spineless use of brainpower, to create a holographic hell, just for me, must be bored, a cruel and creative twist of hate not fate ? insomnia blocks sleep , no reprieve , no escape, in Australia , democracy and free externally, consciously internally in a level of hell my spaztik brain has produced in HDMI a movie , the pain feels real.... .. black clouds acid rain hit the streets , nanosecs of light and warmth front a deceptive dark illusionary holographic sprites ... Fuk fuk wiv me, fuk wiv me, I ponder, if could take back control this subconscious powerhouse, imagine that ? could time travel each way and astral- space jump out of a black hole. I got a dik in my brain yer fucked in the head , like shady, a deep dark black hole of sortz, always there, keeping my mentally down and tryin to rattle my sporadik clarity, enough to make xtc like highz a rarity, …..smashing mental purity of thought, with Thor’s hammer, ideas like perfect amazing diamonds , flash and die, at 3 × 10°8th implode reverse engineered back into charcoal, erased by my fukin beautiful mind.. . Listening to now oldskool golden era shit givez my dopamine receps a natural short lived rush, then of course the >>> reverse crus >>>>....
bak to black to im and zero time houghtz and repeative chemical kickgrey matter when the clock and space time created started the timeline of a universe became the light of life, creat ed from nothing, the energy dark matter born from the elemental forces  we were a twinkle in the universes eyminde  ush…rereadgsgresion a to  big bang wouday 0, year 1, ld take our evolution and  eons of  human  sadden the eygptian .gopegz givez me da same crankdup rush that shady always gitruckves me, my muzikal natural, powerful adrenaline rush, ...now etal and slipknot and Co. ignite that slush , to then become dust, and a cock teasing like crush a ….
..those kuntz risk of  can turn my blackBoX cunt of a brain from massively depressed dark place to warmth and sunlight... like I luv them like brotherz but fuk this endless plight..time to explore  the wonders of orion and titan..smoke weed and get high with the alien race and win die..my great utopia or my fate to RIP in the universes kaos and beauty, the silence of peaceful void in infinate space no humans no inuendo or greed, just  , bury me on saturn, the enlightened race, fuk been on this rok..the outcome
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schism-reboot · 6 years
Tumblr media
"Long story short.. Ish. As short as I can get it anyway. A tale of two parties: The first comes across a revolutionary method that can change the lives forever for millions of people suffering from a wider range of illnesses and disorders involving the brain. It's a major game changer for the betterment of society.
Except the societies and factions today? They don't give a shit about the greater good, any sort of unity and cooperation. Anyone with any amount of power uses it to grab for more and bully the rest into submission to keep their stronghold on the population.
Enter party number two: They're very interested in party one's discoveries. Want it before anyone else, so they provide the funds and research to develop it and allow them to keep and administer their original, alturisic goals to those it could help. But of course, they're not interested charity. In improving lives. So party one has to conceed to sharing everything they learn to party two who can then develop their own uses for it. Who of course have much more self-serving ideas.
Party one decides it's an acceptable if unideal compromise, because of just how much good it could do and how wide-reaching it's effects could be when applied to other areas. They're kept in the dark about party two's applications. They turn a blind eye. They CHOOSE to ignore just how maliciously it could be applied.
Enter a hacker, an intern and an amazingly charming man. They discover party two's plan. They decide it's threat to the state of this world, shitty and corrupt as it may be, is too great to ignore. They act.
We're still paying the price for that. But we haven't given up yet."
- An excerpt from a important scene of the comic. It happens early enough that it's fine to share and lays out the main plotline without giving to much away. (You can probably guess who's speaking, lol.)
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ladyaranel · 6 years
My coworkers enjoy making life miserable.
So today one of my coworkers decided to take it upon herself to chastise me and martyr herself. The topic of this? My attitude. She assumed that because she took the prior day off, I was mad at her. She assumed because I didn't say good morning to her, but waved instead, that I was brushing her of for the aforementioned reason.
The way and words she used immediately triggered every bad memory I have from both my mother and the job that gave me even more PTSD. Negative. Self centered. Immature. And she did it once she had me alone with no back up. She chose to do it when we went on our walk. She WAITED until we were out of the building. If she wasn't as naive and clueless about how the world operates, I would say she did it on purpose. Honestly she's not that bright.
It was such a strange moment. Surreal almost. There we were commiserating about how this week has been terrible and how hard it was to deal with the constant crashing of our entire computer and database system and she suddenly turns on me like a wild animal. She started off with saying she could tell I was in a bad mood because I only waved to her. Clueless about what was about to fall on me I explained that was because I was on the phone with a woman yelling at me because I couldn't magically make the computers work.
I have already spent the whole of this week getting berated, scolded, questioned and screamed at because the computers have been down for a week and I have no answers. I've had it. I was in a terrible mood this morning. I grumbled, I complained and I pounded on my desk once. I was over it all. I didn't want to take it anymore. But I calmed down as the morning wore on.
The avalanche came with no warning. After my coworker finds out that I wasn't just blowing her off she called me rude. That was the moment my heart skipped a beat. I asked how I was rude. She couldn't answer that. Instead she launched into berating me for being too negative. Those words hit me like a slap to the face. I was having flashbacks to the office where I was interrogated and told countless times that I was too negative. I couldn't respond to her. Then she went on to say I act like I am the only one these things happen to and that I have no reason to be that way. Oh hello mother. Nice to see you here telling me how worthless I am. The rant rounded out with calling me immature MULTIPLE times for pounding on my desk the one time.
I tried in vain to come up with some way to defend myself, and in the end I just stopped walking and turned around to go back to work, crying. I spent an hour crying silently in my cube.
Did I need an attitude adjustment? Absolutely. Did she have the right to do that to me? No. She is not my mother, she is not my boss. I will conceed that she had a right to ask me to stop but she attacked me. Or at least my PTSD says she did.
I spent the rest of my day silent, listening as she and the gal next to me complained about the systems failing yet again. I came home and couldn't function. I relied on my only methods of coping: retracting into myself and escapism through writing when I got home. Even now, writing this, my heart is hammering in my chest.
I don't know. I'm confused. I don't know if she's right, wrong or somewhere in between. Either way it sobered me up.
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icharchivist · 5 years
What do you think would be Lavi's reaction to Allen's distrust despite also wanting to believe him? It would definitely be quite a reversal from the usual bookman pick up and go and leave people behind stchick he's been trained for. Now he'd be called out for being 'friendly like always' as his usual mask motto went and he'd have to justify faking for other people and even Allen and the others in the beginning. He might have to really open up about why/how he changed from that in order to -
2 appease a much more fragile Allen then he's used to dealing with. It could be better or worse depending on if Kanda's there (I could see Kanda either being more neutral. But once he's alone w/Lavi he might threaten him to be legit and not cause physical/emotional harm to Allen or else. But Kanda might be nicer about it to Lavi then had been to Link) That's also a new thing Lavi would deal with. A Kanda who prioritizes Allen. Boy did he miss a lot. Poor Johnny's going to be busy chaperoning).
Ooooh that would be a complete reversal! 
Honestly i think if Allen and Lavi are alone during that arc things could turn pretty bad pretty quickly. I could see Kanda have a no-nonesense policy extending to Lavi and shaking him up about how he has been behaving, especially on Allen’s sake. Same, could see him be “nicer”, but like, Kanda’s brand of nice. I think he would be more willing to conceed to Lavi’s situation than he was with Link (since he still acts for Lveille in his particular goal you know?”). But I also can see Kanda lose his temper really quickly with the Bookman’s bullshit and totally connect why Lavi is completely unsufferable in general.  But yeah i’m with you there, Kanda would 100% prioritizes Allen. Especially if, as we discussed, the Bookmen started to take decisions that would endanger Allen’s sense of self. With Kanda learning more about Allen’s past lately, he could also work to anchor Allen  more - as a reminder of “remember what was your actual childhood, not whatever bullshit they’re putting you through” (a call back to Allen snapping him out of the Alma’s memories if you will).
Johnny would get a lot of work though yeah if he’s here. I think he will probably be the one to more clearly see through Lavi with his undeniable faith in people. that could help a lot balance a dynamic, and Allen’s own trust/distrust dynamic with both of those corners.
Anyway back to Lavi and Allen, I think Lavi would be kinda messed up to see Allen distrusts him this much. I mean the most distrust Allen had ever shown in front of Lavi was... Tyki and Road at the end of the Ark? Even with Cross Allen trusted him, for all the animosity there was during that scene.
So I doubt he could take it lightly to be put on the same level than say, Allen’s murderer. And it might push him to actually try to prove himself more toward Allen. And with Allen being more fragile and it being more of a danger for his own sense of self, I could see Lavi try at least to make Allen understand more of the details f what’s going on. Cue to finally a heart to heart about Lavi’s situation and his dynamic with being a bookman, for the first time with someone else than the gramps. And for all it is, I think Allen is the best person for him to open to. For the multiple reasons we know but also because this would be the perfect timing to do so to try to gain Allen’s trust back. But even if Lavi neglects that it is going to have an impact on the Bookmen Clan (after all he himself had been recently tortured and might want to reach for an ally/make sure Allen stay away from the Noah/look for comfort even against his Bookman’s better judgement) that could at least set reccord straight... and have an impact on how the Bookmen would react to it?
I don’t know this is where it starts to get fuzzy for me... so much things could go in so much direction it’s hard to tell welp
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poemboirydander · 6 years
Crow’s Crimson Eyes
You flew by so fast, I hardly knew at the time You followed a path, your own life's rhyme You went there with purpose, that much I knew But I had no idea what reason there was for you
You flew by so fast, and came to a stop You turned back to me though I were on top You looked at yourself and then flew away Till we would meet another day
You flew by so fast as I glided in the air You saw me look effortless, me without care You looked at yourself with a judging gaze Then you flew off, to find your own praise
You flew by so fast, faster now today You glance at me, seeing as I look your way You turn back to me, say we're rivals in flight That our airborne movement is now some kind of fight
You flew by so quickly, till you found me mid-glide You looked at your self, tired with crimson eyes You were determined, oh crow of the sky As I saw you fly on by
I hoped you would see me, the bluebird that flies I hoped to be more than competition to your in skies I hoped to see that smile I knew to shine above To see that crow who I used to love
You flew by so quickly, I met your pace Our flight soon devolved into an agreed upon race I was proficient, much fasted indeed I won, it's over, yet you wont conceed
I hoped that in racing, we'd see each other for fun That all this competition would finally be done Still you work yourself feather to bone Still practicing, in solace, in the skies all alone
You flew by so quickly, I now moved on I flew to the sunset, to the sun as it dawned I sighed as I lost the friend I once knew Who through life away because of his stubborn views
You flew by so quickly... Why do I care I see you, in practice, so high in the air I see you, and know of the friend that I lost Still you see us as rivals, and continue no matter the cost Why, please stop, you're hurting yourself But you're determined, you'll beat me, pulling your health on the shelf
You're hurt, you are injured, please heed my replies Oh crow I have known, filled with crimson eyes Your lust for victory has only seemed to have grown Where did my friend go, the crow I had known
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msfbgraves · 3 years
Heard a lot of TERF nonsense yesterday. The gist of the fears seems to be:
If trans people get the right to self identify as women, they're taking away the right of cis women to do the same
This'll be enforced by social media, hounding any cishet woman who self identifies as such out of a career for being anti trans
If people get the right to self identify as women, cishet men will do so en masse to rape cishet women and get easier sentences when they do. In prison they will immediately go on raping with no one to stop them
If you make sports inclusive all men will always beat all women but the trans ones in everything
While we conceed that intersex people and nonbinary people have always existed, their self-identification and inclusion is... eh... well, they're not an issue we want to deal with here, they're too few
Inclusion means we'd have to change society, which otherwise would have been static
Anyway, trans rights will hurt cis rights through cancel culture and the gender binary is beneficial to women's rights
All of this is demonstrably bullshit
Nobody has told cis women not to self identify. If anything, they're in favour of self-identification.
Follow up: maybe but I don't want to identify as anything but the default! Not being the default is a violation of my rights!
No cis woman has been harassed out of a job for being cis. Those people who have, have been actively spouting antitrans bullshit
Follow up: who said they weren't right to be anti trans? Possibly they have studied the subject in depth we don't know
Actually that is not how rape works women don't get lighter sentences and even if they did we have allowed men to be raped in prison forever why is it only ok when it's men, that is sexist.
Follow up: OK right fine that is dodgy.
Sports leagues have historically been formed to harm women not benefit them.
Follow up: I straight up don't believe you any time a woman has beat a man that has been an anomaly.
That has been a pretty consistent anomaly and what about all the biologically intersex people how should they play sports? They have been around for millennia as well.
Follow up: this isn't about that this is about cancel culture
Society has never been static I don't see you wearing a toga society will always change!
Follow up: Fine but you shouldn't be cancelled for saying you're a woman! (Nobody is!) But those strong reactions in favour of trans people are making me feel unsafe! (Trans people aren't doing that!) No but the media are! I cannot be myself anymore. (You have your own rights!) But nobody has ever forced me to examine what they are and possibly defend them against people who would harm me and I don't like it!
And that is the heart of the matter. Simply not being the default is so threatening it feels like a violation of rights that aren't being violated. But they're afraid they're going to be crucified through Twitter anyway for self identifying as they always have, because sonehow they feel that the self-identification is anti trans, and not the part where they're being anti trans by stopping trans people from exercising the same right.
God they're so busy siding with people who have wanted to keep women out of sports (sports leagues) public life (society is static) and afraid (all men will rape you) it is staggering. And they're throwing people who are not cis under the bus to protect themselves from completely imagined harms (rape by cishet men and Twitter cancelling).
Do you know who agrees with them on all that? Misogynist conservatives!
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