#i actually dunno why i forgot to post it here but here we go
kogglyuffs · 6 months
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la solitude
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syuga-s · 2 months
i made my fiancés tinder profile
w.c. 8.5k pairing. non-idol!jeon jungkook x fem!reader genre. cute and angsty friends to lovers <333 a/n. idk guys i wrote this like a month ago but I JUST GOT THE ENERGY TO POST IT so i apologize in advance if you find mistakes here and there, ALSO i made the playlist that inspired me to make this fic so i'll just leave it here if you want to give it a listen or save it don't look at my other playlists tho they're a mess 🦦
You always thought you were pretty good at giving dating advice. It’s easier when you’re not the one doing the dating, right? That’s how it all started with Jungkook. You two were chilling at your apartment one lazy Sunday afternoon when you suddenly blurted out, “Why are you still single, Jungkook? You’re amazing, good-looking, and fun. You should at least be on like three different dating apps.”
He laughed, running a hand through his hair in that effortlessly cool way he always did. “Dunno' just haven’t found the right person,” he said with a smile that made you heart do a weird little flip. “I don’t think I’m good at dating, haha.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you shot back, sitting up. “Let's make you an account. We’ll get you some matches in no time.”
He hesitated for a second, then shrugged. “Sure, let's do it.”
And that’s how you ended up setting up his profile, not realizing that this would be the beginning of the end of your denial and the start of a love story you never saw coming.
You grabbed his phone and he settled onto the couch next to you. “Okay, first things first. We need some killer photos. Let’s start with your main picture.”
You opened the camera app. You sat there, looking at his phone for a minute before he let out a loud laugh.
You looked up. “What is it?"
He grinned, pointing at something behind you. "It's just Tae taking a picture of us setting up a dating profile," Jungkook said, chuckling.
You turned around to see Taehyung standing in the doorway, holding his phone up with a huge grin on his face. "Don't mind me," Taehyung sang out, winking at the two of you. "Just capturing this for posterity."
Tae showed Jungkook the picture and a fit of laughter erupted again, now from the two of them. "Your face! You look so focused and super serious right now."
Rolling your eyes, you lightly smacked his arm. "This is serious business! We need to find the perfect picture to reel in all the potential matches."
Then you started browsing through his photo gallery to curate the most attractive selection of pictures.
There you had him on the gym doing weights, him on his boxing gear, with his dogs, him doing the dishes with a strangely tight black shirt, a few selfies on his car, with his motorcycle. You could sell a whole album with his photos, how on earth would you do him justice and only choose 10 of them?
"Why is this so hard?"
Jungkook chuckled. "Because you're not choosing photos for a profile, you're trying to find a reason to stare at me and my body for too long."
"Boy, I'm trying to help you here, and if I'm gonna do it, I might as well do this like a professional matchmaker." You retorted.
His eyebrows furrowed. "When have you ever paired someone up?"
You smiled smugly. "That's none of your business, Jeon."
"It is, actually, since you're helping me with this thing."
"Fine, if you must know, I hooked up one my friend's older sister with my college roommate."
"Really? How did that go?" He asked, curious.
"Pretty well, they've been together for a couple years now." You answered, still going through his photos.
"Wasn't your college roommate that guy with the blue hair?" He asked, his tone changing slightly.
"Uh-huh, why?"
"Wasn't he the guy you were dating during our third year?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."
"How can you forget about him?" He sounded annoyed. "You spent an entire week crying in my bed because he broke up with you."
"Oh my god, did I? I don't recall." You were playing dumb, of course you remembered but there was no need to talk about that. "What do you think of this one?" It was a shirtless picture, point blank.
"I think you look kinda slutty but everyone's gonna eat it up, you'll get a date in no time." You continued.
"I am not posting a shirtless picture, are you crazy?" He snatched the phone from your hand.
"Well, it's not like we're gonna sell the damn picture, it's just your torso and the picture is really nice, you look good, I don't know why you're making such a fuss."
He didn't say anything, just looked at you.
"What? I'm complimenting you, it's the truth." You rolled your eyes.
"Okay, thank you." He was blushing.
"Are you blushing?" You asked, amused.
"No, it's just really hot in here." He took off his hoodie, throwing it somewhere in your living room.
You didn't even realize how close he was sitting next to you. It wasn't like it was the first time he'd been on your couch, but something felt different today. It was strange.
All the photos that you chose showcased different aspects of Jungkook's personality. Each photo told a story about him - his love for his dogs, his passion for staying active, his playful side with silly selfies. As you scrolled through his gallery, you couldn't help but notice the genuine smile on his face in many of the pictures, a smile that seemed to light up the whole world.
After him putting up a fight on choosing his favorite photos of him, next you had to write him something for his bio.
Jungkook leaned in closer to read over your shoulder.
"This is stupid, what do you want me to write? My name, my age, my occupation?" He was whining.
"Yes, those things obviously, but also things like, I don't know a joke or something to sum up your personality. I want them to know you're fun and cute, mind-blowingly good at everything, something along those lines."
"I am mind-blowingly good at everything." He said, his tone confident.
You rolled your eyes.
"So let's say, what if I write 'shit i'd date the hell out of me', you like it?" You asked him with a smile.
He laughed. "I do, I really do."
"Okay, it's settled." You wrote down the phrase, and a bunch of things about him.
"Now we just have to add something that will hook them up."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, just be honest. Just, don't write that you're looking for a girl to have sex with."
"But I am looking for a girl to have sex with." Blank expression on his face.
"You are so dumb sometimes." You threw a pillow at his face.
He caught it mid-air. "God, you know I'm not look— this was YOUR IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He yelled, trying to defend himself.
"Yeah, but, just write something that will make you look not like a manwhore."
He thought for a moment. "I know, I got it."
"Okay, shoot."
"I'm a manwhore." He had the brightest smile.
"Oh, for the love of..." You couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Alright, fine. If that's what you want to go with, who am I to stop you?"
You two were done, and he was already getting notifications.
"Woah, that was... surprisingly fast." He was surprised, and you were proud of yourself.
"Of course, you're hot and cute. We don't see your type in dating apps very often."
He gave you a weird look, you couldn't quite figure out. "Thanks?"
"No worries, I'm sure you'll find someone in no time." You patted him on the back as you were getting up and ready to go to the kitchen and make some dinner. "See who you like and I'll help you on how to ask them on a date."
"Okay." He smiled.
"What are you smiling at? Are you looking at them already?"
"Yeah, I'm trying to see which one of these girls will be our first victim."
"Don't call them victims." You laughed.
The truth is that Jungkook only agreed to this because he loves spending time with you.
As you busied yourself in the kitchen, Jungkook couldn't shake the warmth spreading through his chest. He scrolled through the notifications on his phone, half-heartedly swiping left and right. His mind wasn't on finding a date; it was on you.
He couldn't believe he agreed to this. Making a profile on Tinder just to humor the best friend he was in love with, seemed harmless at first, but now, seeing the app light up with potential matches, he felt burdened. He wasn't here to date. He was here because he wanted to be closer to you, even if it meant pretending to search for someone else.
Each time a new message popped up, he found himself wondering if you'd approve. Would you laugh at the cheesy pickup lines together? Would you help him craft witty responses? He realized he didn't care about meeting any of these girls; he only cared about spending time with you.
But as much as he tried to focus on the dating app in front of him, his thoughts kept drifting back to you. To the way you laughed and teased him, to the way you always seemed to know what he needed even when he didn't realize it himself. Jungkook found himself longing for something he couldn't quite name, a feeling that stirred deep within him whenever he was near you.
He sighed, setting his phone down on the coffee table as he leaned back on the couch because he didn't bother looking through any of the profiles. Instead he made his way to the kitchen, where you were standing over a pot, stirring absentmindedly.
He stepped up behind you, watching as you stirred. His chest was warm, and he had a strange urge to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle his nose into your neck.
"Hey," he said, his voice soft.
You turned your head slightly, not looking at him but smiling. "Hey."
Jungkook took a step closer, placing his hand over yours. "Let me help," he said.
You handed him the wooden spoon, your fingers brushing against his in the exchange. He stirred the pot gently, mirroring the way he wanted to handle your heart. Neither of you spoke, the only sound filling the room was the clinking of utensils against the pot.
"You okay there?" Your voice broke through his daydreaming.
He answered you softly while running a hand through his hair nervously. "Yeah, just... thinking."
As the aroma of the dish wafted through the air, you felt his warmth seeping into you, comforting and familiar. You couldn't ignore the heavy tension that hung between you, thick like a fog.
He cleared his throat, breaking the spell. "So... what do we do now?" His voice was low, almost a whisper.
You turned around to face him, his eyes searching yours for answers neither of you dared to voice. "We eat dummy," you said with a laugh.
You and Jungkook sat down for dinner, the tension from earlier still lingering between you. As you ate, you caught each other stealing glances when the other wasn't looking.
"So...have you looked at any of the matches yet?" you asked, trying to break the silence.
Jungkook shifted in his seat. "A few, but no one really caught my eye," he said evasively.
You nodded, poking at your food. "Well if you see anyone you like, let me know. I want to help."
"Thanks, I will," Jungkook said with a small smile.
You returned the smile weakly, a pang in your chest at the thought of Jungkook dating someone else. You had pushed the feelings down for so long, not wanting to jeopardize your friendship. But your dumb decision of making him a dating profile forced you to confront how you really felt.
After you finished eating together, Jungkook helped you with the dishes. You dried off your hands, and he was ready to leave. Almost as if he was on a rush.
"Thanks for making dinner," he said with a smile.
You nodded. "Of course, you know I love having you over."
You stood at the door awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
Jungkook cleared his throat. "I'll text you," he said.
You gave him a thumbs-up, your voice coming out more high-pitched than normal. "Yeah, cool. See ya later."
He chuckled and leaned down to give you a hug. You wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his scent. You held him a little longer than necessary, wanting to memorize the feeling of his arms enveloping you.
Jungkook's hand lingered on your shoulder as he pulled away.
"Goodnight," he said softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek before he turned to leave. You watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside you. As the door closed behind him, you leaned against it, aching with the realization that you might have just pushed away the one person who meant more to you than just a friend.
If only you had the courage to do something.
The following week, you found yourself cleaning your house, the mess had piled up and you had a bunch of your clothes all over the place and that's when you found Jungkook's hoodie from last week. It had fallen between your couch and the wall, so you pulled it out with a considerable amount of force. That's when his iPod fell to the ground.
He still uses this thing? The corners of your mouth turned up involuntarily as you recalled teasing him about the ancient device.
You were surprised, most people uses their phones, or maybe he still has this thing because it was a present from you. If you hadn't seen it you wouldn't have remembered that you had given him this iPod for Christmas like 7 years ago.
You took the device in your hand and turned it on. You figured it would be nice to hear his playlists while you kept cleaning.
You should have just connected it and played it on shuffle. But I guess humans are very nosey creatures. Creatures who love to go through someone else's things, just to see another hidden side of said person.
So, like any other normal human being, you opened his lists, and started to go through them.
"Golden mix", "Euphoria", "OST's". Those were pretty standard. "Lonely nights" a bit of a stretch, "Best of the 00s", "Dance party" and "Songs to sing along". Fork found in kitchen. And there was one more playlist that caught your attention.
Simply labeled with— "Your name."
Your heart started beating faster. What is this?
You opened the playlist and you were welcomed by a list of what it seemed like... love songs.
The first one was "Best Friend". You didn't know what to think. Why did he have a playlist with songs like "Kiss me" by Matt Maltese, "Mountains" by Charlotte Day Wilson, "Making Time" by Rex Orange County. All love songs.
Then it hit you. He's in love.
You started panicking. Your heart racing with thoughts you couldn't ignore any longer. The playlist named after you echoed in your mind.
You couldn't believe it. Jungkook, your best friend, the one who always seemed so casual and carefree, had a playlist dedicated to you filled with love songs. Your mind raced as you tried to process this new information. Was it possible that he felt the same way you did? That the tension between you wasn't one-sided after all?
You sat down on the couch, still holding his iPod in your hands. The weight of it felt heavier now, as if it held all the unspoken words and emotions that had been swirling between you and Jungkook. You couldn't bring yourself to put it down; instead, you scrolled through the playlist again, each song title tugging at your heartstrings.
A sense of warmth washed over you, mingled with fear and uncertainty. What should you do now? Should you confront Jungkook about the playlist, lay all your cards on the table and risk changing everything between you? Or should you keep quiet, pretend you never stumbled upon this precious list?
You knew there was something going on, you weren't stupid. But you couldn't bring yourself to accept the possibility that the guy you love, might like you back. It's easier to pretend like nothing is happening. You have built this whole imaginary life with him in your head, but not once did you consider that it might be a two-way street.
"I already said I'm in love with you Can't you hear me? Why do you act like you don't? You know well the spark in my eyes when I look at you Can't you see it? Why do you act like you don't?"
You had been listening to the song on repeat for an hour. It was stuck in your head. Your heart was aching.
The reality was finally sinking in.
"He's in love with me," you whispered to yourself, the realization hitting you like a tidal wave. It explained so much—his kindness, his attentiveness, even his willingness to go along with making a stupid profile for a stupid dating app. But you had built walls around your heart, afraid to acknowledge the possibility that your feelings were reciprocated.
You felt a surge of emotions, a mix of joy and fear swirling inside you. Jungkook's unspoken confession through his playlist left you feeling exposed and vulnerable, yet strangely hopeful.
"Falling" played softly through the speakers, its lyrics painting a picture of longing and uncertainty. It mirrored your own inner turmoil, the battle between fear and listening to your heart for once.
You had spent so long convincing yourself that this was just a friendship, that any romantic thoughts were one-sided. Now, faced with the truth, you didn't know what to do next. Should you tell Jungkook? Should you pretend you never saw the playlist?
Your mind raced with questions, but deep down, you knew you couldn't ignore this any longer. Jungkook's feelings were out in the open, laid bare through these songs that said a lot about his emotions.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and let the music wash over you. Each melody, each lyric felt like a confession, a plea for you to see what had been in front of you all along.
"I already said I'm in love with you," the lyrics repeated in your mind, echoing the words you longed to hear from Jungkook himself.
The weight of the situation settled over you. You constructed the exact same playlist on your own phone, replaying it endlessly, searching for answers in the same songs he had chosen. It became a ritual, a way to understand what Jungkook hadn't yet said aloud. Each track felt like a message, a confession hidden in plain sight.
As days passed, the playlist became a lifeline, a connection to Jungkook that transcended words. You wondered if he knew the impact his secret gesture had on you, if he realized how deeply you analyzed each song, each lyric, each subtle hint of affection.
It was as if the playlist had become a conversation between your hearts, a silent dialogue that spoke volumes about your unspoken emotions. You couldn't deny the truth any longer—the love you felt for Jungkook had bloomed quietly, nurtured by his unwavering presence in your life and it reflected in the selection of songs carefully chosen by him.
And so you continued to listen, to immerse yourself in the music that spoke of love and longing. It was a soundtrack to his emotions, a testament to the unspeakable love that had grown between you and him.
The guys had planned a small gathering at your house. Hoseok, Jimin and Tae arrived at the same time around 8:00 p.m. with food, drinks and Cards Against Humanity. They were already having fun when they rang the bell.
"Hey," you said as you opened the door.
"Hey!" they greeted you.
You all headed towards the living room and they placed the things they brought on the table.
You chuckled, feeling a wave of warmth at their enthusiasm. "Thanks for coming, guys. I've got the place ready—cleaned up only for you the other day," you teased, motioning towards the neatly arranged living room.
As you all settled in, chatting and unpacking the snacks and games, there was a noticeable absence. Jungkook hadn't arrived yet, and though you tried not to dwell on it, his absence didn't go unnoticed by your friends.
"Where's Jungkook?" Tae finally asked, voicing the question that lingered in the air.
You shrugged nonchalantly, though your heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. "Not sure. He said he might be a bit late."
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing look with Jimin. "Didn't he say he was gonna meet with someone from Tinder?"
"You know, the dating app," Tae chimed in, taking a bite of a snack.
"I know what Tinder is Tae,” you replied with a laugh, trying to keep your cool.
"So you didn't know he was on a date?"
"No, he didn't tell me. Are you serious? He's on a date right now?" Your voice came out louder than expected, and you cursed yourself for the slip.
Jimin frowned, concerned. "Are you okay, Y/N?"
You waved dismissively, trying to downplay the hurt and disappointment. "Yeah, all good... well, more food and games for us until he gets here."
You tried to push down the gnawing feeling of jealousy that threatened to surface at the thought of Jungkook on a date with someone else. The idea of him with another person stirred up emotions you had been trying so hard to accept the past days. You forced a smile as you joined in the banter and laughter, attempting to bury your own conflicting emotions.
Despite their casual remarks, you couldn't shake the unease settling in your stomach. You hoped Jungkook would arrive soon, eager for his presence to dispel the nervous tension building within you.
The minutes ticked by, filled with laughter and infinite jokes over Cards Against Humanity. Each time the doorbell rang, you found yourself tensing, hoping it was him. But each time, it turned out to be someone else—a delivery person, one of your neighbors...
As the evening progressed, you couldn't help but steal glances at your phone, checking for any messages from Jungkook. But you decided not to keep waiting and decided to send him a text first.
'whats taking you so longggggggg' it read.
He replied instantly. 'i'm outside, coming now'
You put down your phone, your heart pounding. A few seconds later, you heard familiar footsteps approaching and there was a knock on the door. You got up, heading towards the door.
"He's here!" Tae exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face as he jumped up to answer the door with you.
You held your breath as Jungkook stepped inside, a sheepish smile on his lips as he greeted everyone. His eyes met yours briefly, and for a moment, the world seemed to slow down.
"Sorry I'm late guys," Jungkook said, setting down a bag of drinks next to Tae's.
Jimin smirked teasingly. "Lost track of time, huh?"
Jungkook chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Haha nah,"
Absolutely not. It was a disaster. Why did I agree to this? She seemed nice enough online, he thought, but in person... It just wasn’t there. The conversation felt forced, and I couldn’t wait for it to end. He grimaced, recalling how he struggled to find common ground and forced a laugh at her jokes. I should've been with y/n tonight, helping her get everything ready for this.
Of course, all of that stayed in his head. He was embarrassed to tell everyone how much he hated meeting someone new. It would just give your friends the opening to tease him more about it.
"Well, you made it, and we're all here now. So let's start" you suggested, breaking the silence.
His eyes sought out yours, finding a mix of emotions reflected back at him—surprise, curiosity, and something he couldn't quite place.
Everyone nodded in agreement and moved to gather around the coffee table, pulling your cushions closer.
With Jungkook's presence, the gathering felt complete, as if a missing piece had been found.
And as you all laughed and played into the night, you couldn't ignore the way Jungkook's gaze lingered on you, a silent reassurance of the feelings you'd been trying to suppress.
"I'm going to take a photo of this." Tae announced, lifting up his beer.
You and the others followed suit, holding your drinks up and smiling. Jungkook on your right got closer to you for the picture, cheek to cheek, his scent surrounding you. You wanted to lean in and practically inhale him.
"Perfect." Tae snapped the shot, and then showed it to the group. "What do you think, everyone?"
Everyone agreed that it was a good photo.
"We all look great," Tae said.
"But not as good as those two," Hoseok joked.
You rolled your eyes. "Please."
"It's true," Hoseok insisted. "You guys look good together."
Jimin nodded, taking another sip of his drink. "They're right. You’d make a cute couple."
Jungkook felt shy at their words. It's not like he was trying to hide his feelings for you, but he hadn't exactly made his intentions known, either. It was frustrating, wanting to be closer to you but not knowing how.
At least it was encouraging to know that your closest friends were seeing you both that way. That meant he had hope, right?
"Okay, that's enough," you said, feeling your cheeks heat up. "Let's keep playing."
As the game resumed, the group's attention shifted back to the cards.
You cleared your throat, shifting awkwardly on the cushion. "So... how was your date?"
Jungkook winced, not meeting your eyes. "It was okay," he said, his tone lacking enthusiasm.
You bit your lip, curiosity gnawing at you. "Just okay? What happened?"
Jungkook shook his head, still not meeting your gaze. "I don't know. It just didn't feel right, I guess."
You tilted your head, searching his face. "What do you mean?"
Jungkook shrugged, a sheepish expression on his face. "It was just... awkward. We didn't really click. I don't know."
Your chest tightened, a mix of emotions swirling inside. "Oh," you managed, turning back to the game. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not good at this kind of thing, you know? Meeting new people, going on dates. It's hard for me. I'd rather be with people I already know and trust."
You knew what he meant. The same went for you. It was hard enough trying to navigate your feelings without having to worry about other people, too.
You nodded, giving him a small smile. "I get it."
"I just wish it could be easier, you know? Like, finding someone you actually like who happens to also like you back, and not having to worry about anything else. Just enjoying each other's company."
Your breath caught, your mind reeling from his words. And from the way he was looking at you, you could tell he wasn't just talking about friendship.
"Why would you say something like that?" you questioned, the words tumbling out before you could stop them.
Jungkook's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? Say something like what?"
"That you wish you could be with someone who actually likes you and not have to worry about anything else."
"I... because it's true. I don't want to go on stupid dates anymore, I want to be with someone I care about. Someone I can laugh and have fun with."
You swallowed, your pulse quickening.
"Someone like who?"
Jungkook exhaled, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I think you know who," he said quietly.
You stared at him, speechless, as his words sunk in. Your heart was racing, your body buzzing with adrenaline.
Hoseok, who had been unusually quiet, suddenly made himself heard, "I think I'm stuck in your bathroom!"
You and Jungkook turned to find your friend, who sounded flustered and slightly panicked. Jimin and Tae burst into laughter, trying to contain themselves as Hoseok continued to tug at the bathroom door.
"What do you mean you're stuck?" Jimin managed to ask between giggles.
Hoseok yelled helplessly. "I went in to use the bathroom, and now the door won't open!"
Jungkook glanced at you with a bemused smile, the tension from earlier dissipating with the absurdity of the situation. "Seriously, Hobi?" he chuckled.
Hoseok sounded exasperated. "It's not funny! How am I supposed to get out of here?"
"I'll go get some tools," Tae offered, still chuckling as he headed towards the kitchen.
You stepped closer to the bathroom door, trying to assess the situation. "It's just stuck. Let me try," you suggested, reaching for the handle and giving it a firm tug.
To everyone's surprise, the door swung open easily, revealing Hoseok looking both relieved and slightly embarrassed. "Oh, thanks, I swear it was stuck…"
Jimin clapped Hoseok on the back, still laughing. "Sure it was, Hobi. Sure."
The rest of the evening passed by in a blur of laughter and games, and despite the lingering awkwardness from earlier, you were glad that the night had gone well.
It was close to 2:00 a.m. when your friends finally began to call it a night, and you were exhausted.
"Thanks again for coming, everyone. I had a lot of funnnn," you said, giving them each a hug goodbye.
Jungkook was still on your kitchen helping you clean up all the mess you made. Drying the dishes and placing the glasses on your cabinets. You were cleaning up the table when he walked up to you.
"Need any help?"
"I'm done, thank you."
"Are you sure?"
"I am, thanks Kookie,"
You started walking towards your room when you heard him speak up.
"I really liked being here tonight."
"I know it was a lot of fun," you replied with a small smile. You grabbed his hoodie and his iPod to return them. Staring at the endearing device. Almost as if it were something fragile.
"I'm glad you had a good time," you responded as you walked back to the kitchen, handing him back his belongings. As you stood there in the dimly lit room, a comfortable silence settled between you. Jungkook's gaze was intense as he looked at you, his eyes searching yours for something unspoken.
Jungkook paused his moves, as if weighing his next words carefully. "I was thinking... maybe we could hang out again this week, just the two of us."
"What about the girl from Tinder?" you asked as you returned to face him, your tone sharper than you intended.
Jungkook frowned, confusion clouding his features. "What are you talking about? You know I went on one date. I told you it was a disaster."
You sighed, suddenly feeling foolish. "Yeah, I know, don't know why I asked that, haha" you muttered. "Didn't know you still used this thing,"
He smiled, his fingers brushing over the iPod. "I still love my music in here, you know, it sounds a lot better"
"Yeah, that's what I thought,"
He looked at you intently, and the air between you seemed to grow heavy.
"I've missed spending time with you, Y/N."
Your breath caught in your throat, your pulse quickening as you stared at him. "Me too," you whispered.
"So, is that a yes?"
"A yes to what?"
"The offer to hang out,"
"Oh, right. Um, yeah, sure. Sounds nice."
Jungkook's face lit up. "Cool. Well, I guess I'll see you later, then." With a final smile, he turned and left.
You watched him go and your mind was spinning. Jungkook's words echoed in your head, his words sending a flutter through your chest. You couldn't help but grin. Maybe there was hope for you two after all.
The following day, you woke up to the sun streaming in through your curtains, illuminating the room in a soft glow. You stretched lazily, savoring the warmth of your bed, before reluctantly climbing out and heading to the bathroom to wash up.
Unconciously, you began to shut yourself out. You had spent the whole night awake, thoughts about the possibility of being with your best friend swirling around your head, preventing you from falling asleep.
As you brushed your teeth, you heard your phone buzz. It was a text from him.
'Good morning'
A smile tugged at your lips, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
'good morning'
'can we go out today? im craving pizza'
You bit your lip, considering the invitation. A part of you was eager to see him, but another part was worried that it might be awkward, especially after the scenarios you created in your head last night.
You ended up refusing to go out with him. And he started to get anxious. He thought he may have done something wrong. That you were actually angry for going on a date or that you no longer wanted him to be part of your life just because he went out with someone else.
Jungkook started panicking.
And so, he called the guys.
"I don't know, she's just not acting normal." he sighed.
"Did something happen the other night?" Hoseok asked, concerned.
"No, I don't think so. She didn't say anything to me,"
"So why is she mad at you?"
"I have no idea. I was hoping maybe you had an idea,"
"Did she say she was mad at you?"
"Not directly, but she didn't want to go out today,"
"Well, I'm not surprised. She's probably just tired,"
"Yeah, from work and all that, she's probably exhausted. I'm sure it's nothing."
"Do you think so? You don't think she's mad at me?"
"I really don't think she is. She'll probably just want to rest for a few days, and then things will go back to normal."
Your attitude changed so suddenly. You kept on cancelling on him. It’s been weeks.
"You have to talk to her, man," Jimin said.
"What do I say? How do I bring it up? Do I just ask her why she's been avoiding me? What if she doesn't know what I'm talking about?"
"Then ask her. Don't overthink it. Just say it."
Jungkook sighed, frustrated. "You make it sound so easy,"
"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. It's probably gonna be awkward as fuck, but you can't let it get in the way of your friendship. You've been friends for so long, and it's obviously important to both of you. If she really is mad at you, then you need to find out what's going on. But if she's not, then you need to clear the air and move on. Because otherwise, this is just gonna keep getting worse and worse for you."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm just... worried, I guess."
"I know, but don't be. Everything’s fine. It’ll work out, especially if you let her know that you like her."
"What? Are you crazy? I can't just tell her that."
"Why not?"
"Because... what if she doesn't feel the same way?"
"So what if she doesn't? You'll never know unless you tell her. And if she does feel the same way, then you can finally stop being all sad and pathetic."
"You think she likes me?"
"Well, only she can tell you that, but you'll never know if you don't talk to her. So suck it up and go for it."
"Fine. I'll talk to her."
"But... how do I tell her?"
"Just be honest. Tell her you've been worried that something is wrong, and you want to make sure everything is okay. Then let her know how you feel. But, be prepared for her reaction. If she doesn't feel the same way, it could make things weird. But you need to deal with it and move on."
That same day you were laying down in bed, scrolling through your phone. Reading over and over the lyrics of one particular song on the playlist.
"Is there a place for me? Is there a place for us? I can't tell you how much I love you, babe Open the door Open your heart Tell me how you're feeling, I miss you so bad I'm falling to pieces"
And just like that, your phone began vibrating, your heart beating rapidly as his name flashed across the screen.
"Hey, are you free? Can we talk?"
"Uhm... sure, yeah. Now?"
"If it's okay, yes."
"I'm coming up now."
"Wait, wha-..."
Jungkook was already at your door, knocking frantically. You opened it for him, your heart in your throat.
He stood before you, looking determined. His eyes were wide, his hair tousled, and he was out of breath, as if he had just run a marathon.
"Sorry, I was already on my way. I had to do it now. I have to say it, because otherwise, I won't have the courage to say it some other time,"
He inhaled deeply, his eyes locked on yours.
"Y/N, I really, really like you. And I've been so confused and conflicted because I've always liked you, then I started thinking that maybe there was more. And then I realized there was. I really, really like you."
You swallowed hard, the words ringing in your ears.
"It's okay, I just wanted you to know,"
You shook your head, struggling to comprehend what he had just told you. "I'm sorry, I'm just..."
"I know, and I'm sorry. But I had to say it."
"So, does this mean... what are you saying exactly?"
Jungkook hesitated, running a hand through his hair. "Look, Y/N, I don't expect anything from you, and I don't want things to get weird. But I just had to tell you. I'm crazy about you."
You nodded slowly, processing his words. "uh. I-... uh."
"I know it's sudden, and I'm sorry. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. But I don't want anything to change, I promise. I'll just go, and we can forget this ever happened. We can go back to the way things were, I promise. I'm sorry,"
"Jungkook, stop apologizing. It's not a bad thing, I'm just... processing. I've never had anyone say they're crazy about me before," with your phone in your hand an idea immediately came to you.
"Can I show you something?" you asked him.
"What is it?"
You walked up to him, your phone in your hand. You handed him your device and let him see your screen. There it was, the infamous playlist.
Jungkook's doe eyes widened, a small gasp escaping his lips as he noticed. "What... is this...?"
"I went through your iPod when you left your hoodie last time," you told him with an embarrassed grin. "They’re the same songs you have on yours,"
"This is so embarrassing," he groaned, his cheeks red. "You... you went through my iPod?" Jungkook asked, now with a hint of amusement in his voice.
You nodded, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief that he wasn't angry about it. "I was curious about the music you listen to. And I found… this,”
He stared at the playlist, then back at you, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "So... does that mean you... already knew how I felt?" Jungkook asked, hope flickering in his eyes.
Your heart raced at his words, a mix of excitement and uncertainty swirling inside you. Could this really be happening? Could your long-standing friendship truly be blossoming into something more?
"Jungkook," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I like you too. More than just a friend."
"So what does this mean? That we are supposed to be together?"
"Maybe, or maybe not. It could just mean that you have great taste in music and I admire it,"
Jungkook's eyes widened with hope, a grin spreading across his face. "I've been wanting to tell you for so long, but I was afraid of ruining everything between us."
You smiled, your heart fluttering. "Me too, I’m sorry for making you worry these past few days,"
"Can I hug you?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Jungkook held onto you tightly, his arms snug around your waist. You rested your chin on his shoulder, closing your eyes and inhaling his familiar scent.
After a few moments, he pulled away slightly, his hands still resting on your hips.
He looked at you with a mix of relief and uncertainty in his eyes. "So, I didn't ruin anything between us?" he murmured softly.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "You didn't ruin anything, Jungkook. If anything, you've made everything clearer."
His shoulders relaxed slightly at your words, a hint of a smile returning to his face. "I'm glad."
"I'm glad too," you began again, your voice steady but tinged with nervousness. "But I also want you to know that... I've been thinking a lot too."
Jungkook turned to face you fully, his expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension. "About...?"
"About us," you admitted softly, meeting his gaze. "About how much I enjoy spending time with you, about how much I admire you, and... how I've felt something more than just friendship for a while now."
His eyes widened slightly, hope flickering in them. "A while?”
You nodded, a shy smile playing on your lips. "Yes, Jungkook. A while. I've just been afraid to say anything because I didn't want to lose you in case you didn't felt the same way about me."
He stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out tentatively. "Y/N... I wish I had known sooner. I've been struggling with these feelings, not knowing if you felt the same way."
"I'm sorry for not saying anything earlier," you murmured, your fingers brushing against his. "But I'm glad we're talking about it now."
He squeezed your hand gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "Me too. More than anything."
There was a moment of silence between you, the weight of your shared emotions hanging in the air. Finally, Jungkook spoke again, his voice filled with determination.
"So... what do we do now?"
You chuckled softly, feeling a surge of affection for him. "I think we take it one step at a time. We've already taken a big step today."
He nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just... really happy right now."
"Me too," you said, squeezing his hand.
"I guess the only question now is... are we... together together?" he asked hesitantly.
You grinned, your heart pounding in your chest. "Only if you want us to be,"
"Yes, yes, yes. Of course, yes,"
"Then it's settled. We're together," you giggled.
Jungkook laughed, the sound sending a warm feeling through your chest.
Cut to 4 years in the future.
There you were at a dinner with friends and family. It had been four years since you got together, but it felt like an eternity. You both were so excited for each other, for your life from now on.
"Hey, you got a little something," he whispered, brushing away a strand of hair from your cheek.
You couldn't help but smile, his touch as tender as ever. "Thanks,"
"No problem," he smiled.
Then you could hear someone clinking a glass. "A few words from the fiancé!" Jin's voice reverberated through the dimly lit restaurant.
"Y-yeah, yeah," your boyfriend stuttered, clearing his throat and standing up. He was a nervous wreck, and it was adorable.
"Um, first, thank you all for being here. It really means a lot to us. We know how important it is to have your loved ones around you on a special day, and we're so grateful for everyone who's supported us. Second, a special thanks to my future father and mother-in-law. Thank you for always being there for us and for supporting our relationship. And, um, thanks to my own parents for, uh, also supporting us."
As the guests began to laugh, your boyfriend cleared his throat and continued, his gaze fixed on yours.
"But most importantly, I want to say thank you to my amazing girlfriend. Thank you for making every day better. Thank you for always being by my side and for loving me unconditionall—"
"We know that already! Entertain us or I won't pay the bill!" Jin's loud voice interrupted again.
You couldn't help but chuckle and the guests laughed again, amused.
Your fiancé smiled, clearly enjoying the teasing.
"Alright, alright," Jungkook cleared his throat before he continued, "actually, we agreed that we'd never tell anyone how we actually got together but I guess we're past that, right babe?"
"Oh no, don't!" You blushed, a little embarrassed.
"It's a funny story," he continued. "It's kind of a long one, but this girl right here thought that the best course of action was to make me a dating app profile before telling me that she was in love with me."
Everyone burst into laughter.
"I was dumb, okay?" you joked, earning more laughter from the guests.
"So, we ended up talking to some people on said dating app and went on a few dates, which were terrible—"
"Hey! It's not my fault that you agreed even though you were also in love with me!" — "Everyone, he had a playlist with my name filled with sentimental songs like the most lovesick boy on Earth!"
"But babe trust me, it's a great playlist, by the way," you added.
"And then we got drunk, and the truth was revealed."
"What?! No way," Hoseok laughed.
"We weren’t drunk, I’m kidding, I just told her that I had liked her since the beginning," he said. "We just made a disaster, and we were both scared shitless."
"But here we are," you added.
"So, yeah, thanks for coming everyone," your fiancé concluded, his voice breaking a little as he wrapped up his little speech.
You could see him trying to blink back tears as he sat back down next to you, and you gave his hand a squeeze.
"You did great," you whispered, leaning in to give him a quick kiss.
"Thanks," he replied, his voice hoarse.
Your parents got up, taking the floor after him.
"Thank you, thank you," your mom said, a bit embarrassed.
"We’d like to share a few words as well. First, we'd like to thank everyone for coming. It's such a privilege to have all our family and friends here, and we're so thankful for your support. And we're especially grateful for our beautiful daughter and our soon-to-be son-in-law. We are so proud of both of you, and we know you'll have a long and happy life together."
"Thanks," you managed to say, overcome with emotion.
"So, now, we'd like to present the couple with a little something. It's just a small token of our love for them," your mother added, signaling for someone to come forward.
Jimin, Hoseok, and Tae stood up from the table and approached the stage, each of them holding a framed collage.
"Here, you can pass these out," your mother said, handing each of the guests copies of the photos.
You and your fiancé were stunned as the three guys presented the photos to you.
The photos were a collage of different memories: you and him during his graduation, another one from yours, a candid shot of him cooking for you, a photo of the two of you smiling in front of the sunset, and a picture of him holding your hand while you were asleep.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took in the beautiful photos, each one capturing a special moment in your relationship. The love and happiness radiating from the images made your heart feel full to the brim. You glanced at Jungkook, whose eyes were also glistening with unshed tears, and you reached for his hand, holding it tightly.
"Thank you so much," you managed to say, your voice choked with emotion. "These are... perfect."
"I have a gift for you too," you told him, reaching under the table. You brought out a box wrapped in bright pink paper and a bow.
He looked at you with surprise, his eyes shining with curiosity as he took the box from your hands. Slowly unwrapping it, his mouth fell open in astonishment when he saw what was inside. Nestled within the box was a beautifully crafted watch, the silver band gleaming under the soft light of the restaurant.
"Oh wow," he breathed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It's... it's incredible."
"It's engraved," you whispered, pointing to the back of the watch where a message was etched. His eyes widened as he read the words: 'Forever yours, Y/N.'
"I was hoping you'd wear it to the wedding," you said, grinning. "But don't cry, you'll make me cry!" you exclaimed.
"I'm not crying, I just..." he trailed off, sniffling.
"I love it," Jungkook finally managed to say, his voice filled with emotion. He stood up abruptly and pulled you into a tight hug, “I love you.”
As you both separated, there was a collective 'aww' from the guests, making you both blush.
The rest of the evening continued with laughter and joy, surrounded by the love of friends and family. People danced, sang, and shared stories late into the night. It was a celebration of love and new beginnings.
As the night winded down and guests started to leave, you found yourselves standing alone in the dimly lit space. Jungkook wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close.
"Thank you for everything today," you said sincerely, looking into his big brown eyes.
"Thank you for being mine," he replied softly, feeling overwhelmed with happiness.
"I wouldn't want to be anyone else's," you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
Jungkook cupped your face in his hands and placed a lingering kiss on your forehead. The world around you seemed to fade, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of the deepest affection you’ve ever felt.
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disaster-racing · 11 months
I don't usually do text posts, but I just have to ask - has anyone else noticed something strange with the Screaming Meals streams recently? James and Clem have been making some weird comments about Marcus, and they sound... a bit worrying? So I went back to their previous streams to check, and here what they said:
Qatar quali stream:
C: "We're trying, you know, to really promote this channel… trying to make it grow, got no idea what we're doing. And Marcus Armstrong doesn't wanna help us." J: "Yeah. To be fair, he doesn't have a say these days in what goes on his Instagram." C: "Does he not? Oh! That's true, I forgot about that. That is true."
C: "So, so, can you… is that the real reason, the fact that you haven't got enough devices, that you're not listening to our stream, or is it sort of censored in the household, per se?" M: "Yeah, the US has actually censored Screaming Meals, umm…" C: "Oh, see, I didn't think it would have been–" J: "Sort of a North Korea situation, is it?" C: (laughs) M: (laughs) "For obvious reasons, mate, for obvious reasons." C: "Yeah, doesn't seem to be the US, but err…"
J: (talking to Marcus) "I don't know about you but the last time I checked my bank account, fuck me, there was some… there's gotta be some numbers missing, but…" C: (closes eyes, laughing)
Qatar sprint stream:
J: "Marcus gets to the UK sometime in November so we'll definitely be filming some stuff in November, as long as he's allowed to. Um, then you can get some more pods."
Qatar race stream:
J: "Marcus says please call a bit later than lap 15, with an x." C: "What a loser! Just always skiving off work." J: "Yeah, why, like… I dunno, he's probably getting screamed at or something, I dunno." C: "Marcus is? Yeah… well, he has been under quite a lot of pressure hasn't he, recently." J: "Yeah… " … C: "No, he hasn't lost control of his downstairs. He has lost control of his credit card, though." J: "He certainly has lost control of his credit card. Anyway!"
C: "Marcus joining us as well for a short trip [in Brasil]. Interesting." J: "Yeah apparently we're not allowed to talk about that." C: "No, we're not. Good times."
J: "Shall we give Marcus another go?" C: "Nah." J: "Fair enough." C: "He was being his usual 'I'm too cool for you guys'…" J: "He was being a bit, wasn't he. He's probably on another sanction from speaking to us." C: "I think so yeah. Must be one of those sanctions."
Mexico race stream:
J: "I'm gonna give Armstrong a buzz." C: "No chance he answers." J: "I believe he's due to fly out 9pm Mexico time." C: "He'll be under heavy control. …has your number not been placed on the 'banned' list?" J: "Ah, no, this is a burner." C: "Oh, mine has. Mine has." […] C: "Quite a lot of restrictions to get in contact with Armstrong these days."
Q&A stream:
(talking about what they would buy if they had to spend £1million on each other) J: "Then for Armstrong… ummm, I'd, I dunno, I'd probably just help him pay off his credit card debts." C: "True! Paying off his credit card debts would be something. Definitely."
C: "Look, we've got Loraine with the hashtag Free Marcus." J: (snorts) "No comment."
And when Marcus was on the sprint race stream last night, he seemed a bit tired and low energy, quite different to how he was on the streams earlier in the year. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I really hope he's okay and some of the things they've said aren't as concerning as they sound...
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
It’s me I’m back with Lesson 34 spoilers below. (including the hard lesson)
I always try to write these posts shortly after finishing the lesson so that it’s like… my immediate and unfiltered thoughts lol. Sometimes I change my mind about stuff after I see other people’s interpretations of things. So if you were wondering why I’m taking the time to write this at 2 am, that’s why. I totally forgot about the lesson during the day due to the whole Thanksgiving thing.
I feel like we got SO MUCH BARB in this lesson?? He was barely in it. But we had other characters talking about him and that honestly makes me happy, too. Probably because I like when they give us some perspective into his character.
Belphie. We were actually playing the role of Lilith in his little Celestial Realm dream sequence, right? And then at the end it’s all but we’re not siblings.
Listen. I just think that Belphie has a lot of unresolved trauma surrounding Lilith and I really don’t feel like having MC play hide-and-seek with him in a dream is going to be enough to help him move past it. Enough to make him want to help MC? Maybe. But I dunno.
However, I also think I probably shouldn’t expect anything more intense than that from an otome game. They were just trying to give us SOMETHING to explain why he was cool with making a pact.
WHICH WE FINALLY DID. With Beel, Belphie, AND Levi. I get Beel & Belphie doing theirs at the same time, but I’m still a little baffled about why Levi waited so long. There probably isn’t a reason, but who knows maybe they’ll surprise us with something lol.
Ah. Lucifer.
This was my favorite part:
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I love Mammon, he always just says exactly what he’s thinking (unless it’s how much he loves MC lol).
But we all knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, right? We knew Lucifer would be last. We knew that Lucifer would be the most difficult one to make a pact with. Remember what happened with him last time? Of course he doesn’t want to make a pact with us now. We’re likely going to be going through some kind of long drawn out drama that will eventually lead to Lucifer giving in and making a pact with us.
However, I found both Solomon’s and Diavolo’s reactions to this absolutely hilarious:
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Can the two of you take this seriously, please?? I know you both find Lucifer highly entertaining and yeah, I'm usually laughing at him most of the time, too, but I need that pact to get back to where I'm from, thanks.
But we’re only on Lesson 34. So I think we still have plenty of time to make a pact with Lucifer, learn the truth about Nightbringer, and return to our timeline (or have the timelines merge or whatever nonsense they’re gonna do).
I’m still hoping for all that to get resolved by the end of this season lol.
Now, I found this exchange from Belphie’s Celestial Realm shenanigans especially interesting:
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Assuming this is accurate to what actually happened when Lucifer was still an angel, this means that the angels knew Barbatos. They know him by name, they clearly think he’s a big deal, and they’re surprised that he’s agreed to be Diavolo’s butler.
I was always under the impression that the demons and the angels didn’t really know much about each other. But now I’m wondering if maybe Barbatos had something to do with the end of the war that happened before the Celestial War. The one that was between the Celestial Realm and the Devildom. I have no reason for thinking this other than the fact that as angels, Lucifer & Simeon clearly know him. And what else would they know him from? Though I suppose anything could have happened lol.
And then there was all of this:
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What does it MEAN?! (Obviously I chose the second option for MC's dialogue, which increased Barb's intimacy.)
Barbatos my true love. Why did you give MC a real piece of paper from your grimoire? He’s always been cautious, always keeping MC at arm’s length, and now all of a sudden it’s here’s a piece of my grimoire? There is NO WAY he doesn’t have all of the build up from the OG. I can’t believe that he would actually give MC a piece of his grimoire if he had only just met them at the beginning of Nightbringer. So I’m tacking this on as additional evidence that Barb knows all.
Also can we just appreciate Lucifer in 32-A? All his brothers are completely out of it and he single-handedly motivates every one of them back into action.
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It sure worked, huh? Do you think the credit card is in the freezer yet?
It was everything. I LOVE the Little Ds. I LOVE them hanging out with Diavolo. I LOVE that Barbatos couldn’t accompany MC because Diavolo requested some fancy human world dish. This entire hard lesson was *chef’s kiss*
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GOD I love Barb's knowing look and Dia's little frown. I love them so much it's almost painful lol.
Okay that’s all I’ve got to say about this lesson. In general, I enjoyed it. They coulda played up Belphie’s yandere tendencies a bit more. I felt like his change of heart was rather rushed, but they really can’t put him through the therapy he needs. I don’t think the lessons are long enough for that.
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Redneck Doug on ALL the other Clones in Star Wars!
As promised, for reaching a new number of followers, here's Doug's list when I asked him to name off all the clones in 'The Clone Wars' and 'The Bad Batch'!
Some are obviously repeats of other posts, and some are brand spanking new.
I'm using my autoethnography skills to their fullest extent, here, people.
This is LONG but hey! 7 seasons of The Clone Wars and 3 seasons of The Bad Batch means animated Star Wars in the Days of our Lives of animation.
If I'm missing someone, let me know! I'll reach out to Doug!
Enjoy, everyone!
CW: Redneck Doug just rambles needlessly about people.
And Clermont Lounge is one of the scariest and yet, most fun places in the ATL and I could 100% see one of the 501st working there.
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Bly: That’s a boy, his name’s Miguel. Got his friends, they drink Pabst, shoot the empty cans behind the garage when they done, and hit on every woman that walks by. But Miguel’s got his eyes on Babe-the-Blue-Jedi and steals flowers from people’s yard and gives them to her. Babe-the-Blue-Jedi knows the man’s not that bright but his heart’s in the right place and that’s all that matters, right? 
Rex: That's Rex. He's a king. Respect him. 
Cody: That’s Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend, he’s sad all the time. We know why. (Confirmed that Doug is a Codywan shipper and I don’t know what to do about that)
Howzer: That’s my niece’s boyfriend, Jorge. We all love Jorge, nice guy, owns an auto repair shop and always remembers plates and napkins for the cookouts after church.
Gregor: Jorge’s cousin, Manny. Met him once at Christmas in Miami, nice guy, only drinks brown liquor and insists everyone arm wrestle him. But he’s got a good job as a PE teacher, we respect education, come on now. 
Hardcase: Wiggles. He laughs at everything and never wears a helmet both on his big head and his lil head and that explains everything about the man.
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Kix: Nurse Mark. He's tired and sick of your shit, sick of the creeps trying to get the Fentanyl, that's a crime now, ain't it.
Echo: "Eh, Toaster Strudel. Homeboy looks like his daddy had an affair with a convection oven on shore leave and forgot to pay child support."
Mayday: Aw, I liked this guy so much! That’s Sassy Park Ranger, he’s the type that gives you your camping permits, warns you about the bears, and then is all disappointed when you don’t properly stow your food and the bears destroy the campsite. I need to go back to Little River Canyon, that place was pretty. 
Scorch: The Son of Robocop. His daddy told him to get off his lazy Robo-son ass and go get a job, so he works for the Empire now, because no one can get a job in Detroit. That’s why he’s a bad person. (Because he works for the Empire? “No, because he’s a Lions fan and that ain’t a good look for anyone.”)  
Fives: Alex-from-Manitoba. He reminds me so much of this awesome guy I knew, Alex, was from Winnipeg, we worked in oil together. Smart, knew his shit, loved guns and getting his hair did. No one listens to him, management hates him, and he gets fired. Man I was so pissed off when that happened with that damn alien that ran the ocean on the mall! He deserved better, damn it!
(Fives or Alex-from-Manitoba?
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99: 99!  
(You actually remember his name?  
“Hell yeah! He’s one of the most important characters! Why would I not?” 
::cue me, quietly staring at all the weird-ass names over texts and saying NOTHING in response::) 
Wolffe: Bernando. I dunno, man, he got that Bernardo energy. I’ve met three and they all looked like they wanna run off into the woods and come out when they got a deer they need to process and take a shower and find a lady before running back into the woods. Also Bernardo never has a girlfriend that lasts more than 6 months with him. Don’t know why. Just trust me. 
Gree: Carnie Joe. Man, he looks like the type of guy who drives an ice cream truck but there ain’t no Bomb Pops inside if you know what I mean. 
Cut Lawquane: Not-Wolverine. He ran away from the Empire, grew out his muttonchops, wanted to join the X-Men, Charles Xavier said ‘Nah son you need super powers for that’, and then Not-Wolverine stomped off into Tremors-land and started a pot-and-chicken farm like every other hillbilly in Kentucky. But he got a hot wife out of the deal and some nice kids and lots of guns, and ya know, that ain’t a bad ending for the man. 
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Commander Fox: Red-Chief-of-Police. He’s absolutely on them Ticky-Tack videos my nieces and nephews watch where the cops are doing bad things but they ain’t gonna get fired over it. Man. It ain’t right. 
Tup: Alex’s-Friend-Matt. Aw, Matt, good guy, but too much brain damage after that time he fell off the roof while laying down tar. He grew out his ponytail to hide the dent in his head and talked funny afterwards, but he real good at roughneck work and I can’t fault the man, nope. 
Hevy: That’s Ross. He’s always mad because he’s insecure. He’s got a lot of Nerf guns and only eats stuff you can find at 7-11. 
Jesse: That’s Jesse, he’s a trucker, was a bouncer at Clermont Lounge in Atlanta, and has three ex-wives who all hate him. He shaves his head because his hair hates him too. 
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Crosshair: So that there's Daddy Warcrimes. All you need to know is he lives on beer and Slim Jims, has more guns then Jesus got faith, and that he does your mom on the weekends, and then you thank him for his service.
Hunter: Aw man, we got Rambo up in this place. Daddy Rambo. He looks like he's got some hot wife with a huge butt who makes amazing biscuits, but he only showers on the weekends for reasons he won't tell you.
Wrecker: I know, I KNOW, he's got some cool Star Wars name, but in my head, he's Julio. He looks like a Julio, ya know? Every Julio's been the nicest guy with a truck and a million friends. I swear. I bet he's a contractor and lays pipe like you wouldn't believe. ::winks::
Tech: Hm, yeah, I know him. That's Ryan-from-Accounting, somebody's hipster dad. You know, everyone knows a Ryan who works in accounting, he's quiet, only drinks IPAs, and has a bitch wife named Laura who drives a Kia and is always yelling at him. Poor man. I hope Julio saves him from his bitch wife Laura.*
Omega: Little Orphan Blondie. I hope she gets real parents or something besides those freaky alien things running the mall on the ocean.
Emerie Karr: Stepsister-Beth. She’s got a stick up her rear, was in a sorority known for bitchy Daddy’s Girls who wouldn’t touch below the belt but are all about using other places for their date’s hoses to put out the fire, and only drinks almond milk lattes. She’s a bitch to waiters and drives a Prius. 
(“Doug I drive a Prius.”
“Yeah, but you ain’t a southern sorority girl so y’all forgiven.”)
Nemec and Fireball: Trigger and Nutsy. They’ve been in a survival militia in the Florida Everglades and that’s all you need to know. 
CX-2: The Guy from Tron. He’s a guy, and he was in the movie Tron. That’s it. 
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
furthermore going like okay not Sure of timeline things But. concerning bonus material Atlas's Actual Shirts deal
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a) that bonus material is bonus material but this sure seems to fall into the [could be canon] &/or [basically is, but unseen within the main material b/c there's not really a place for it there] realms
b) both acknowledging the Marriage(tm) with a critical deconstructing lens huh. the girls & the gays. fucked up that someone might for example have an ongoing Gayce Moment (presumably aro as well, hardly irrelevantly) where their transactional associations must hinge on math, murder, etc
c) appreciating like okay mordecai would've lost everything but the clothes he was already wearing when he had to impromptu hightail it out of nyc, so that's when atlas must've given him his own clothes; this is Definitely Years Later (edit: definitely Months! Perhaps years! plausibly like a year or two! and apply that throughout the rest of this post)
d) when i) mordecai can surely have afforded to replace all the lended clothes & ii) his fumbling to argue the Practical Reasoning behind currently(!) wearing atlas's clothes still means it's Not for practical reasons. years later. while dodging & glaring at & competitive with & needling at atlas's wife. Oh You Know
e) and what a choice on atlas's part to give mordecai his own clothes. sure, that could've been the quickest way to give him Anything to wear (not now bloodstained, for instance) but buying new clothes would be like some possible Next Day shit, or, i dunno, asking around for Other people's secondhand clothes, both of which account for: this being several years prior to when this conversation could've happened, mordecai was how old when he met atlas? 16-18? 21 while we have it that:
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this, after the fray at the lodge (noticing for the first time mordecai still has marks on his face from that here. it's been seventeen years Still noticing brand new things. like wick in volume one looking at a group photo in the café ft. the only characters known to us being mordecai, atlas, & viktor. what are you interested in about that hmm???) wherein, with the band on the stage, mitzi with a ukulele, & the dialogue suggesting as much amidst the context that atlas didn't really start being allied with marigold until after the lodge fray proper slaughter, atlas seems to be in the earliest stages of Meeting His Wife here. with his Ferocious Little Shadow. who i also note is looking Entirely Away even as prior i've simply interpreted this as Keeping An Eye Out &/or general disinterest in Anything going on at the speakeasies. competitive to near-homicidal relationship with atlas's ever-present wife....which, remembering what i was getting at in the first place. if atlas's shirts are noticeable big on mordecai at that point, surely all the more so originally. and he kept them! and kept wearing them! for Emotional Reasons Only Actually. goodness gracious.
f) where's the walking on sunshine mitzi & mordecai shopping montage? which did apparently happen, unless instead mordecai then rushed to get new bespoke shirts himself to avoid others Perceiving him judgmentally and the walking on sunshine montage specifically. she gives him a makeover (from buttonups to buttonups. whaddaya gonna do) she asks him for begrudgingly familial makeup touchups....she shares intimate exclusive secrets with him concerning my firm [they were both in on atlas's death, and so would atlas have to have been too] stance....Girl,
g) "atlas and i discussed that" what???? who???? when & why???? mitzi kicking her legs like so tell me about your Ferocious Little Gay Little Two Steps Ahead Shadow. did atlas volunteer mordecai's Entire Backstory as he knew it? did he provide it upon Request? did mitzi ask "why's ya boy wearing shirts that don't quite fit" and atlas goes "oh yeah that's because they're my shirts. i have noticed this without saying anything. for years" like imagine. what's going on around here
h) i forgot how i planned to work in this image of "i love this shot of & Look for mordecai." disheveled freshly wounded undershirt towel suspenders now as fashion accessories over pants Annoyed Sideeye & it Does help that elsa, real fave tertiary character, is here serving as well with the waist pants & putting her hair up & they're both always serving anyways. You Better Not Be Cunty Mordecai when i get over there to fish the shotgun pellets out of your body, Said No One!!!
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anyways recap atlas giving mordecai his own shirts (at all genuine or All about trying to spam the [benefactor] key so mordecai sticks around & shoots people for him?) mordecai accepting and continuing to wear them for years until thwarted by atlas's wife whom he is Competitor with and now in one of those classic duos of "do we hate each other? well maybe, but also no of course not. we also share an understanding we can't have with anyone else. which is a secret about the same guy who neither of us wanted to die but were both involved in his death" mitzi Knowing things about mordecai, oh i know all about you wearing my husband's shirts years later, mordecai is at atlas's funeral nobody else we know but mitzi & asa are there obviously mitzi would have to know about this too like. transcendent. fluorescent. head in hands. happy pride
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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22 - Answer’s Gonna Come Somehow
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr / lazyjunebug on twitter. these specific panels are from the digital zine juno posted. go buy and support!!!!! there’s so many phenomenal works in there and it’ll warm your little heart.
cw: n/a :)
Year: 1995
“And what’s that?” Bobby pointed to Dustin’s book.
“That’s a character guide,” Dustin smiled.
“And that?”
“Guide to NPCs.”
“What’s an NPC?”
“Non-playable character,” Dustin chuckled.
“And those?”
“Villains. Bobbs, did you know that your papa is a dungeon master? He knows a lot more about this stuff than I do.”
“Whoa, really!”
“Yes, really.”
“And what’s the game called again?”
“Got it. Papa!”
Bobby ran from her play room into the living room. Eddie was sitting on the couch, completing the finishing details for the campaign he’d be running later that day. Bobby crashed into the couch and rested her chin on the arm rest. 
“Hi, pumpkin,” Eddie smiled.
“What’s D-n-D?”
Eddie’s eyes shot open as he looked to his little girl. He set down his pencil and notepad as he slid to his knees. He braced his hands on Bobby’s shoulders and pulled her close.
“Bobby Judas, my sweet, sweet girl. I need to tell you, with every fiber of my being, that this is the best day of my life.”
Bobby smiled proudly as her father whisked her into his lap and explained what he was doing with his latest campaign. She reclined back onto him as she was sucked into the enchanting fantasy world.
“And what’s your character, papa?”
“I was initially a bard, but since becoming dungeon master, I’ve been a vampire—Kas—Vecna’s second lieutenant.”
“What’s daddy?”
“Daddy doesn’t have a character.”
“Why not?”
“I dunno, pumpkin.”
“Daddy!” She yelled.
Steve’s ears rang at his daughter’s shrill shriek echoed throughout the house. He dried his hands on a rouge dish towel and wandered off to find the hell spawn.
“Yes, Bobby?”
“How come you don’t have a DnD character?” she asked.
“Because I don’t play.”
“But why not?”
“I never really understood it.” He shrugged and tussled her hair.
“Hey,” she whined.
“Oh, sorry, bug, I forgot you had hair clips in. Here, let me fix them.” He knelt to her height and unclipped her barrettes, promptly fixing them. “Better?”
“Mhmm.” She kicked her legs, accidentally knocking Eddie’s knees and shins.
“Ow, Bobbs, be careful, please,” Eddie said.
“Sorry, papa. So, do I have a character?”
“You do, actually,” Eddie smiled proudly. “On your first birthday, we threw you a DnD themed party where everyone came dressed as their characters. Since you didn’t have one yet, I made you one.”
“What am I‽” She gasped.
“You, my dear, are a first level Neutral Good Human Paladin.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that you are destined to be the best person you could possibly be. You’re adaptable and take adventure seriously—I noticed all that when you were a baby, and I still stand by it.”
“Papa, can I play with you guys tonight?”
“I can ask the rest of The Party, but there shouldn’t be any issue, pumpkin. Dustin!”
“Yeah?” he hollered back.
“Why’re you still in my daughter’s playroom? Come here, please!”
“What?” He asked, running down the stairs. “Everything okay?”
“No, Henderson, why would you introduce my child to DnD?” Steve asked, hands resting on his hips. “Now it’s two against one,” he teased.
“Ignore him,” Eddie rolled his eyes. “Would you mind if Bee joined us during our campaign tonight?”
“No, not at all. What would she be doing?”
“Well, I’ll start her off as second in command as dungeon master, then when it’s safe enough, we’ll work her in. Does that sound good, Bobbs?”
“Does this mean it’s gonna be more tame?”
“Please,” Eddie scoffed, “as if my hell spawn couldn’t handle my sadistic campaign. Who do you think I raised?”
By four o’clock, the entirety of The Party arrived at the Harrington residence for an early dinner, prepared by Steve. The boys (and Bobby) dug in and by five o’clock, the game had started. Eddie lugged Bobby into his lap and leaned back in his masters thrown.
“Bee, you may begin,” he said.
In the deepest, gruffest voice she could muster up, Bobby leaned forward, only eyes peering over the master guide, and she set the scene for the campaign. Her voice changed with each character, however, sputtering a bit whenever she couldn’t pronounce something. Eddie would match whatever voice or tone she was putting on and sound out the words with her.
When Eddie knew it was safe for Bobby’s character to enter, he sat his daughter down in her own chair and set the stage to introduce her. He flipped his locks back and smiled proudly at his little twin.
“As you clear the luscious green hills after conquering the stampede of trolls, you encounter a lone traveler. Human, state your name and class,” Eddie announced.
“I’m Bonnie Priest, a level one, pala… pala… papa, help, please…” She leaned forward in her chair, kicking her legs aimlessly.
“Paladin,” he whispered.
“Level one paladin!” she cheered. “And I’m ready to defeat Vecna!”
Eddie quietly chuckled as he admired his daughter’s spirits. As she continued with her opening speech, he whispered, “that’s my girl.”
Unfortunately, the night came to an end quicker than usual, as Bobby’s bedtime approached faster than most assumed. Steve entered the basement at eight sharp to collect Bobby and get her ready for bed. With much protest, he managed to get Eddie to wrap up the one-shot and persuade the spawn upstairs.
But as soon as Steve scooped her up in his arms, she was dozing off within seconds. Eddie was left to say goodbye to The Party as Steve was doing Bobby’s nighttime routine. When it came to her bedtime story, she refused to sleep until Eddie read to her.
“Pumpkin, you’ve spent all night with papa—I’ve missed you. We usually have our movie and coloring night tonight. Can’t daddy read you a story to make up for it?”
“But papa does voices,” She pouted.
“I can do voices too. What do you want to read? Just tell me what you want, and if you don’t like it, then I’ll get papa, okay?”
“What do you want to read?”
“Tell Tale Heart.”
“Yes, again…”
“Alright, I’ll grab it.”
While Steve put in a valiant effort, Bobby still demanded to be read to by Eddie. For days to come, Bobby clung to Eddie more than usual, taking a particular interest in his hobbies.
One day, when Steve was stuck at work, Eddie picked Bobby up from school on his own. He sent her into the den to complete her homework—he was over in the next room plucking his guitar and scribbling down new lyrics. When she was finished, she wandered in and sat at Eddie’s feet.
“Hi, pumpkin,” he smiled.
“Can I play?” she asked.
“You can try,” he chuckled. “It may be a bit too big for you, but go for it.”
He handed the acoustic guitar over to her, sitting behind her to hold it and guide her hands. While her strumming was deafening, Eddie still egged her on, not wanting her to give up on any potential hobbies.
“You know, daddy used to sing to you before you were born,” Eddie said.
“Did he?”
“Oh, yeah, it was horrific.”
“Was it?” Bobby giggled.
“No, it wasn’t bad,” Eddie smiled. “God, he has loved you since day one, pumpkin.”
“You didn’t?” she pouted.
“No, of course I did, but… I dunno… I initially never wanted kids, but daddy? He wanted like five of them. He was so excited when he found out I was pregnant. But me? Lord, I was terrified. I love you more than life itself, Bobbs, but I was so, unbelievably scared at first.”
“That’s okay, papa. Babies are scary.”
“Yes, they are,” he laughed.
“Hello?” Steve called, walking through the front door.
“Hi, honey,” Eddie beamed.
“Hi, daddy!” Bobby cheered, storming the door and attacking him with hugs.
“Oh, bug, it’s only been like eight hours,” he chuckled.
“I love you, daddy.”
“I love you too, pumpkin. What’re you doing? Playing guitar with papa?”
“Learn anything?”
“Not yet.”
“But she’s getting there,” Eddie added. “Just a little more practice and she’ll be a pro.”
The family went about their evening as normal, ending with the boys putting Bobby to bed with a story of her choosing. Once she was sound asleep, they headed back downstairs to tidy up before hitting the hay themselves. As Steve washed the dishes, and Eddie scrubbed the counters, Steve let out a heavy sigh.
“Hey, Eds?”
“Do you think… have you noticed… uh…”
“Uh? What’s wrong, Stevie?”
“Do you think Bee’s been a bit, I dunno… off lately?”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s just been bouncing from hobby to hobby. A lot more than most kids her age do.”
“So? She’s just curious.”
“No, Eds, what I’m…” Steve trailed off.
“I think she has either ADHD or ADD…”
“Why do you say that?”
“Think about it, Eddie. Her grades have been slipping a bit, she had that weird stint with a temper last year, and now she’s trying to take on a million new hobbies at once. Her brain is going a million miles a minute.“
“So? I was that same way when I was a kid.”
“And you graduated high school three years late.”
“Yeah, alright, you make a good point,” he sighed. “What do you want to do about it?”
“I think we should take her to see someone… or at least start with talking to her teachers to see how she’s focusing and participating in class.”
“If you think it’s necessary, then I say let’s go for it. After all, this is your line of work.”
“Closer than mine,” Eddie shrugged. “But, Stevie, even if she has ADHD, would you really want her to be on medication so young? I mean, she’s barely seven.”
“I mean, kids can start taking small doses of medication as young as six. There’s a lot of research in this. I think it would be more beneficial to treat her and hopefully benefit her in the long run than to keep her off it.”
“If you say so…”
Several weeks passed and after a lot of conversation with several professionals, Bobby was eventually diagnosed with combined type ADHD. To accommodate both the boy’s wishes, she was initially placed in both behavioral therapy to try and gain control over some of her outbursts, then if that failed, they’d move on to medication.
Bobby wasn’t taking the treatment as well as they boys had hoped. She always threw a fit whenever they brought her in for her weekly appointments. She said that she felt like an outcast—a freak—and that was the last thing Eddie wanted for her.
Steve tried explaining that it was totally normal for some kids needing extra help in school, but she wouldn’t hear any of it. Instead, she barely spoke or even participated in her treatment sessions, so the boys were left with no choice but to start medication.
“I hate this,” Eddie sighed. “I really, really hoped she wouldn’t get any of my bad traits.”
“Bad traits? Ed, honey, it’s not a ‘bad trait’… she just learns a bit differently than others, and that’s okay. It’s normal.”
“She said she feels like a freak, Steve,” he teared up. “I grew up as the freak. Hell, even you, my own husband, used to call me a freak. I never wanted that for her.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a freak, Ed. Hell, I was labeled a ‘King’, and now I’m nothing but a lowly social worker. But you? Eds, you have albums out, you open for huge bands, and you’ve been on tour. There’s worse things to be than a ‘freak’.”
“I guess so,” he sighed. “I just know the feeling and it sucks. Kids are so mean. I just hope no one’s being mean to her at her new school.”
“If they are, then we pull her completely and just home-school her. At least that way you’ll be able to tour again,” Steve teased.
“Pfft, please. I’d rather her stay in school.”
“So she gets socialized and makes friends. At her age, it’s more important than traveling.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Steve took a sip of his coffee before glancing at the time and choking on his gulp. “Shit, we haven’t gotten her up yet. She’s gonna be late.”
“Fuck, I’ll get her. You start breakfast. Go, team, go!”
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2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about. Thank you for the tag, @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
Um. Coming to terms with the idea of 2023? I dunno. But certainly nothing creative happened here.
Boyfriend → husband (Schitt's Creek) — A side-by-side comparison of how David refers to Patrick in season 4 and season 6. (Brought to you courtesy of a lovely text post by @jesuisici33.)
David questioning Stevie's motives (Schitt’s Creek) — A fun look at David's expressive face. 😄
March and April
An existential crisis. Or two. Or five. 🙃 Managed to finish absolutely nothing.
I did come in contact with a lot of 911 Lone Star content, however. Which explains everything that follows. Oops?
Marry me. (911 Lone Star) — Ah, my first gif set for this show. A parallel of TK referring to Carlos as his husband when he proposes, and then during their wedding ceremony.
Wedding → honeymoon (911 Lone Star) — Holding hands right after they first kiss as husbands. (Promo footage that didn't actually make the final episode cut). And holding hands poolside on their honeymoon.
Note: From here on out, everything in this list is for Lone Star, unless otherwise specified.
TK and Andrea helping Carlos get ready — A parallel set highlighting similar moments from Best of Men and a deleted scene from In Sickness and in Health
We almost forgot. Your boutonnière. — In which I attempt to put a couple pieces of unaired footage back together: the deleted scene with Andrea and Carlos + promo footage of what must be the same scene
Heart tutorial — Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato teach Rafael Silva how to make a heart sign with his hands at the First Responders Reunion 🫶
🤨 (affectionate) — Listen. I love this dynamic. Had to do the parallel set.
Nothing ever stays the same, Carlos. — A look at TK and Carlos' conversation in 2x04 in parallel with Carlos' wedding vows. The first set I wanted to do for Lone Star. Took me a while to get to it because I wasn't sure how to put it together.
TK needs you all to RSVP — My first attempt at this type of post. Incorrect quotes? Text post memes? I don't know what to call them, really. But it was definitely fun. And then it became the thing I did most often. Lol.
And if it never changes? // What if everything changes again? — A parallel set for me and ~5 other people, putting Tarlos in 2x04 side by side with Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
You're a menace to society *smooch smooch smooch* — My next incorrect quotes/meme post. And my contribution to ascribing cat-like behavior to TK.
I like him a normal amount — A fandom reaction gif, essentially. Courtesy of Joey Tribbiani on Friends.
Love is stored in humans finding out we can make heart shapes with our hands — Had to revisit the heart tutorial for Rafa. This time as one of the incorrect quotes/text posts.
When you can be silly and slutty with them — Oh, I had fun with this look at TK and Carlos' relationship. 😍
Pretty sure this happened at least once — In which we learn TK was seen trying to catch a frog outside the firehouse. Obviously.
Carlos is lit like an angel — Commentary on that beautiful moment from 2x02 where TK falls into Carlos' arms.
I put my emotions into my cooking. // This tastes… horny? — A playful and sexy look at Carlos in the kitchen with TK, and then heading upstairs… 😏
I adore you. Why are you like this? I’m going to kiss you with such fervor… — Oh, just exploring the Tarlos relationship dynamic with a text post and a scene from 3x18.
Unedited Gif Game (26 entries so far) — This has been very fun. I think it was good for me to have a bunch of low-stakes gif projects where I was not in charge. Lol. I will spare you individual links to each of them. But they should all be in the tag linked here. I will probably make this an ongoing thing, as long as it's not annoying everyone.
Episode vs. Promo: Yee-Haw (1x02) — Let's start diving into some more unaired footage, shall we? And let's start with some alt takes on that first make-out scene.
Missing moments: then and now — From an almost-kiss in 1x02 to an alt kiss from their wedding.
You're a miracle, TK Strand. My miracle. — A rather large close-up gif of that alt wedding kiss. Why? So we can see the teardrop that beads up under Carlos' eye.
Tags below the cut…
Tagging: @rmd-writes, @reyesstrand, @strandnreyes, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @carlos-in-glasses, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @birdclowns, @welcometololaland, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @rosedavid, @heartstringsduet, @noxsoulmate, @chicgeekgirl89, @paperstorm, @tailoredshirt, @guardian-angle22, @swearphil, @carlos-tk, @three-drink-amy, @orchidscript, @danieljradcliffe, @lightningboltreader + open tag!
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minnie-shifts · 4 months
i’ve never posted on here before (and honestly probably never will again) but i kinda need to rant to someone, so why not send it off to the black hole of tumblr?
so i’m a reality shifter, but like… very inexperienced. i have minishifted once, to the maze runner but that was back in 2020/21… anyways i started to make more serious attempts probably around november 2023.
i have been extremely close to shifting before hearing sounds, seeing light etc. but never actually shifted (besides tmr).
where im getting to is… i think i shifted here? before, i couldn’t really understand why someone might come to my reality (my … or ig? it’s basically the same as here), but i get it now. I shifted here on accident.
i saw a post on here last night, i can’t really remember what was said but someone shifted a few times under the premise of “there’s a 50% chance that i’ll go to *insert place* and there’s a 50% that i’ll go to a reality similar to this”. (i forgot what post i saw, but i was really inspired by it lol).
i ended up giving it ago, affirming that there’s a 50% chance i’ll end up in one of my drs but there’s also a 50% that i’ll shift to a reality similar to my own (i was also motivated because i have assessments i don’t wanna do lol)
i didn’t really do a method, i only focused on my breathing and that affirmation then rolled over and went to bed. (which is strange, i’m an awake method girly yk?)
anywho, morning comes around and i go about my day as normal. though, i found that i look.. bigger? like i have gained a bit of weight and my voice is slightly deeper. i also just have this underlying feeling in my gut that something has changed.
like normally when i have a ‘failed’ attempt i try to convince myself i actually shifted to a reality exactly the same but not this time. i’m actually trying to convince myself i didn’t shift, which just.. seems so impossible. my gut is telling me i shifted. my whole body feels out of place.
NOTE: i also seem more.. confident? i randomly cut my own bangs (never wanted to do that), and im posting on here?? (i have severe online anxiety 😭)
i doubt that anyone is reading BUT if there is someone, i’ll try to shorten this up :)
so, fast forward about… almost three hours ago? i went to my sister’s room and told her about how i might of shifted here. for context, my sister is also a shifter (she’s probably shifted maybe 4-5 times?) and the person i tell everything too.
we start to ask each other questions. everything is starting to add up until we started talking about shifting. i mentioned that she has a ZB1 dr (a kpop group) where her s/o is Jungwon and i swear by this. she like leans back confusedly and goes “minn, i’ve never even thought about a ZB1 dr.. or Jungwon being my s/o, Heeseung’s my bias”.
I sit there in shock, this was the first indicator that something is up. I ask her about SVT (my fav kpop group), she says her bias is Jeonghan and my bias is Vernon (wrong btw, my bias is Woozi and her bias is china line like???).
My sister and i are really close, especially around shifting. so i started asking her about her shifting experience. THENN i started talking about an inside joke we have from a dr she has… she had no clue what i was talking about. Which is fucking crazy because we mention it ALL THE TIME!!! even out of shifting or non-kpop related stuff like???
i dunno what the purpose of this is. if you read this, thank you :) i’m feeling kind of weird, coming to terms that i actually left my original reality. i think i might try to shift to my main dr after i post this.
i guess i’m kinda missing my sister even though she’s in a different room lol or technically across the multiverse?? i dunno
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I’m a real big s3 fan but I haven’t seen s1 in quite a while(but I’ve seen it a few times before) . And I was rewatching it today, ………..DUDE it’s a literal different show!!! You know what Courtney said after eva’s elimination? Quote:” see, I told u , u can’t act like a total raging psychopath and then expect people to forgive you! No matter how tough and strong and fast you are. She’s never gonna have a career if she doesn’t get her act together” like WHAT💀💀💀💀💀💀 and don’t get me wrong, she didn’t say it in her know it all bossy voice, it was genuine and very kind(? If you know what I mean)
I know I posted a few posts here saying that “wow Courtney’s biography says she’s respectful and stuff they just forgot about that lol” but her character was actually quite kept. Although she did get a bit more ambitious(or aggressive? But not as she got in s3) after losing, her respect and kindness was still there in the following episodes, just with a bit more ambition? I dunno, so when did they assassinate her character? Or was it a slow progression…..killing the original Courtney bit by bit and slowly morphing her into the, erm, “control freak miss perfect paranoid Courtney” that we know now?
But honestly, I kinda can’t believe how “chill” island is, like man, it is so laidback compared to the other seasons, (apart from the last few episodes which were absolutely gross and kind of traumatized my childhood and that’s why I didn’t really dare watch island💀💀💀) I also think that’s kind of, how total drama worked itself into a corner, because as the show progressed (both in universe and outside) the stakes just got higher and the funds were huger and characters like Trent who were just made for a chill summer camp didn’t really need to go to an airplane ride for a million( I know they did Trent dirty in s2 but I think retiring him( along with Beth and the other characters) was a smart choice, Alejandro was like a new-improved Justin, since Justin wasn’t really made for something as intense as world tour) and that kinda peaked for me, after world tour, they still wanted to push the show even higher, further, intense-er, but they did that with mutant waste and that was erm, a bit overkill (including the seasons after that)
But I dunno about the reboot season, is it along the same chill vibes as island? Or is it intense like revenge of the island?
I literally have no idea what I’m rambling about but i love td
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lightsoutbfb · 9 months
hey everyone! if you're seeing this, then you're probably wondering: what IS Lights Out?
Well, I'm here to answer those questions.
Lights Out is an au of bfb/bfdi/tpot/(whatever other acronyms ya want for the show!). More specifically, of bfb, starting around the time of bfb 3-10.
Lights Out is a horror au that centers around Liy snapping after her elimination, escaping the EXIT, and going totally apeshit.
Lights Out was originally an au that I created back in 2019, and worked on with my old friend for a bit. But we never got anywhere, and he's not really my friend anymore, so I figured I'd just do it myself (with some help from a new friend! Sorry old friend. I won't post your name here in case anyone wants to hate on you for...whatever reasons. People are strange.)
Lights Out is a horror au, and features blood and gore, violence, death, trauma, hallucinations, weapons such as knives, baseball bats, and other creative things she finds ways to use. (And maybe a gun? I dunno.) and psychological horror. If you're a little kid, or you're sensitive to these topics, I don't recommend reading it.
That being said, if you're continuing, you prolly like this kinda stuff. So let's move on!
I plan on making it a fic, but I'd also love to make it into a comic someday. That being said, I don't have the time or art skills to do that right now, or I'd be doing it right away.
Well, I've had this headcanon for Liy for a while, and me and that friend were talking, and we were jokin around and one of us said something or other about this being a good idea for an au. So, voila! Boom!
I...dunno. I mean, she's portrayed as "snapping" in a sense during her actual elimination in bfb, so I guess I just wanted to take it up a notch.
This is just for fun! I always wanted to make it but I kinda forgot about it. I figured it might be fun to revamp it here, especially with a bigger audience than on the other site i was publishing it on. It's not paid, I might not get around to doing it for a long time, and I don't really need anymore help than I'm already getting!
Probably. I mean, unless your fav is Liy then...pretty good chance of it. I won't spoil it, though!
63 to go...
Probably here (on Tumblr) or on AO3. I'm undecided.
I don't know. Could be any time from within a few days to a few months. I'm a tad busy with stuff right now, so I'll get to it eventually.
With that out of the way, here we go!
Also, yes, I moved blogs. This is its own main now! Yippee ☆
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cult-of-the-eye · 10 months
MAG 86 here we goooo
Ok so I actually listened to this like a few days ago but I never got round to looking at the transcript but HERE I AM
God this is the blanket never did anything one
He says tucked in so fucking menacingly like Jesus Christ man
I can't get that one post out of my head that says how Tim was the furthest from being taken by the Eye cause he keeps tripping up on pronunciations and stuff in statements that other archival staff wouldnt honestly it's such a genius take
Oh shit this is getting really long I'll add in a read more
God I love how he's rebelling in every sense, he's doing the bare minimum, he's literally warning people away from it
It's kind of interesting the way he always thought the statement stuff was stupid but in the whole of season one and a lot of season two he managed to hide his distaste pretty well, like even when he lashed out at Jon about the Prentiss incident, he still didn't say that the statements were stupid, but he's saying it behind his back - maybe some part of him knew that Jon needed the statements to work and some part of him still felt for him enough to not point that out
He's kinda dramatic with it as well but I feel like in more of a self aware way than jon
You can feel his distaste honestly the statement just sounds wrong coming from him, which is interesting cause I didn't think that about when Martin did it
So he's mad at the fact that he put effort into a job that he wasn't even that comfortable with in the first place and now he's trapped in? Not about the monsters??
Jesus Christ Tim being a bit of a dick to melanie
HE BLAMES MARTIN????? Damn bro you weren't there how could you tell he didn't do it properly??
I think he's mad at himself for not being there and deflecting it on to martin
She likes that it's quiet!!! That's cute
Martin's not big on change AH neurodivergent vibes
All the archival staff are literally queer and neurodivergent you can't change my mind
Also the fact that he thinks that's the biggest reason why martin doesn't want Melanie around, not the Horrors and the same reason as Tim
I think Tim is refusing to think that Martin might see the situation in the same way as him because if he does then it means Tim's way of dealing might not be the best way and that's an unacceptable thought to him
Suspicious and resentful - my man is self aware I think he knows the way his path is going (hurtling towards destruction) but is too stuck shaking his fist at god to try and get out or he's sort of known his whole life that this is where he was supposed to end up, a terrible fate created by his own two hands that dug their own way down to rock bottom and he's just so tired of trying to do anything about it that he's just accepted it
Wow seeing firsthand the effects of the stranger, the way neither Tim nor Melanie can remember the real Sasha, but Tim has to live with the fact that he didn't notice and Melanie has to live with the fact that she did, but can't prove it
Oh I wonder why he left the tape running? I'd think he would've forgotten to turn it off but if so I feel like he'd have that shocked moment of remembering which he didn't
Maybe he wanted proof of the conversation? Maybe it was a warning to anyone listening to the tapes? See firsthand how terrible it is at the Magnus Institute so you don't work here? I dunno
Ha I had to ask my lovely mutual @melandrops to explain what a marker was
Oh god honestly this statement fucked me up I completely understand why people hate it I hate it
I was so scared of the dark as a kid and the idea of being reduced to that state of lack of awareness and vulnerability is actually terrifying
Also the dude dying in the blanket???? Ew ew ew
Love the fact that tma doesn't just go with a oh shit I forgot a torch so it was pitch black kinda horror but the I brought a torch, I even brought spare batteries but it still did nothing which in my opinion is even scarier
Oh god her whispering the blanket never did anything that was horrifying
Melanie was actually so good at giving the statement girl really got into it
I was also talking to @melandrops about archivist!Melanie cause I think that would be really interesting... she'd definitely bring a more proactive vibe to the role...
It's interesting to think that Melanie and Jon hated each other at first sort of because they're so alike? It's like the we are made of the same stuff (derogatory)
Love how she just checks out the dead guy
The way she's denying it even though she's literally had paranormal experiences before that's so Jon core she would be a great archivist
Oh shit I just realised he's labelled as Archivist...when did that happen??
That's so funny he's like bitch maybe I do have reason to kill you
Hmm nice touch of Melanie being like do you guys not want me cause I'm a girl?? Is this misogyny??? Good guess but unfortunately it's worse
It's quite nice that Jon's trying to save her even though the meetings about helping him and her quitting would mean he'd lose the one informant he might have in the institute
Shot in the leg by a ghost in India????
Ha Tim hates you and Martin's probably being watched
Love how Tim's hatred for Jon is so visceral and known that they don't even bother watching him
I bet Elias would delight in knowing about Martin's little crush on Jon and how Jon actually hated him in season one and then how their relationship progresses he'd thrive on the drama and the angst the little bastard
Ok ok it's good that he's on the right track, he guesses it was elias
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Was it a Trap? - An Aelita fanfic
I did not rewatch the episode this is based on so went off of several years old memory. Why did I feel compelled to write this? Will I post it on Ao3? Dunno. Anyway, enjoy!
Was it a trap? Probably. 
In fact I was 90% certain this was a trap. But just in case we were in the universe that fell into that 10% I had to check.
“See you in a minute, my dear.” The last words he spoke to me on Earth. They stared back at me as text on a now glitching screen.
90% chance Xana was using my emotions to manipulate me.
10% chance I got to see my father again.
I got up and walked to the factory. 
It was cold out. I didn’t really get where the idea of cold being “biting” came from but it sure did sting a little. I realized, partway out the door, that I forgot my coat in my hurry. Oops. It was fine. I could deal with it.
Everyone was going to have such a nice time on their winter breaks, with their families, and… Well, anyways, it made the campus very quiet. I could hear my footsteps echoing out, like I was doing something wrong and I was going to get caught. I actually looked over my shoulder a few times to make sure Jim, or, for some reason, Jeremie, wasn’t around to catch me.
I could handle myself. I could do things on my own. I wasn’t going to bother them.
If that message was the real deal, there wasn’t much time. It was risky to send a communication like that. That was the sort of thing Xana would find and use to track dad down. Into the sewer, into the factory, delayed virtualization and into the inviting scanner.
This was a bad idea. This was probably a trap. I had to do it anyway.
I landed on Lyoko. Ice sector. It had been…quite a while since I’d been here alone. The time I called this place my one and only home felt so far away. As I approached the coordinates I was given, nostalgia of things both remembered and not wracked my brain.
Any second, I expected Jeremie to get on his headset and tell me to turn back, that I was being stupid. I found myself looking over my shoulders more than usual, in case any of the others virtualized here to come after me. And to see if any monsters were around, of course.
No monsters, no friends.
But just ahead, the simulation bubble. I slowed to a stop just short of the bubble’s threshold. There was a lot of vulnerability in stepping into a simulation bubble. You let someone else hijack your senses and decide what it is you experience.
It was ok. I had my wits. I had my exit strategy. It was going to be ok. It was going to really be him.
A new sensation of anxiety. I’d been thinking so hard about “what if it isn’t really him” that I didn’t consider “what if it actually is him?” The idea of my father, the memories of him…what I saw in his video diary. They painted a very strange picture. Of course I wanted to see him…I wanted to see who I remembered. Would he be that? Was I the person he wanted to see?
Would we both just end up disappointed?
I stepped inside.
Snow. The cabin in the mountains where I grew up, before mom…yeah. I looked behind me. I knew there was a wall, but right now it just looked like a continuation of a snowy path. Ahead was the cabin. The snow crunched under my feet with uncomfortable accuracy, and my footprints stayed put as I plodded on toward the cabin.
The music floated toward me, the same song that played on my computer, along with the message to come here. My heart rate spiked, why could I feel my heart here? I broke into a run and flung the door open. I couldn’t help myself. Daddy!
He sat at the piano, back to me, like in so many of my nightmares. He finished the measure and turned, disturbed by the noise. We looked at each other for a moment, and then a warm smile spread across his face and he crossed the room to embrace me.
I froze, for a moment, my breath caught in my throat. Then I melted, I hugged him back and felt tears streaming down my face. That was being simulated, too? After what felt like a long time, but not long enough, he pulled back, hands on my shoulders, and took a long look at me.
“We have much to discuss, my dear.”
“We do.” Of course. This was. We had to discuss strategy while the opportunity presented itself. We couldn’t just. We couldn’t just spend time together.
“Please, take a seat. I made some hot chocolate. Your favorite, if I remember correctly.”
“Yes, that’s right. Thank you.” I managed a smile and sat on the soft white couch where she once sat, and flashes of memory lit up my synapses. Christmas presents, playing the piano, late nights waiting up for dad to come home, early mornings seeing him off with a hug and a cup of coffee and…
There weren’t a lot of good memories to remember. The ones that really stood out were the bad ones, the big dramatic ones. Most of the other stuff was just…gone.
“Aelita?” dad asked, jolting me out of my thoughts.
“You seemed distracted.” He handed me a mug of hot chocolate. I took a sip. It was strange, it wasn’t the taste of hot chocolate, but the memory of the taste. I guessed it was too hard to simulate taste dynamically.
“There’s a lot. Do you mind if I ask before we…talk strategy, are you alright?”
Daddy took a pause, holding his own mug in his hands. Like he was trying to decide how he wanted to answer that question.
“Xana is a dangerous and crafty enemy. It takes all of my intellect just to stay alive. I’m as alright as one can be in that situation. But seeing you, in front of me, alive and safe, is a weight off my shoulders.” I shifted my weight uncomfortably. “Are you alright?”
“I’m about the same.” I said, but then perked up a little. “But! I have my friends. We help each other a lot. Oh, speaking of friends. William-”
“Yes, your friend William. It’s a real shame, what happened to him. How goes your progress in recovering him?”
“Well, right now we’re using our virtual submarine the Skidbladnir to try and track down his location in the digital sea.” I smiled, I was sure he would appreciate that we named the ship after a precious memory.
“The Skidbladnir. What a strange name.” he mused. My heart sank.
“It’s the name of the mythical ship you used to read me stories about.”
“Ah, yes, of course. I must have just forgotten.”
95% chance Xana was using my emotions to manipulate me.
5% chance this was my father.
I had to think and had to think quick. There had to be a way I could check. What was something my dad would know that Xana would not? It would have to be something from before Xana was created that wasn’t in the diary.
Then it came to me! My mother. He avoided talking about her in his video diary. It was probably too much for him. I took in a deep breath, and noticed that there was no scent.
“You know…everything here is perfect, down to the last detail.” I started.
“Why, thank you, I made this all for you.” He gestured around.
“Except for one thing.” I cut him off. He furrowed his brow.
“What would that be?”
“My mother.” That gave him pause, so I continued. “You should know better than anyone how much I want to see her again.” There. If this was Xana, it would back him into a corner, he would make some sort of mistake. Franz frowned, was it really? I didn’t want to be right about it being a trap, but-
“Aelita. You’re asking me to puppet around a hollow image of my wife? Don’t you think that’s a little cruel?”
“I’m sorry…” I said, without thinking. I looked over at him. Maybe he really did just forget about the Skidbladnir. It had been a long time since those bedtime stories. I really wanted him to be the real deal. But before I could relax, before I could really and truly talk to him, I had to be sure.
“...Then maybe, instead, you could let me see my big pink teddy bear? You know, the one I always slept with and greeted you at the door with and had tea parties with?”
Another slight hesitation before he spoke,
“Yes. Of course, if that would make you happy. Forgive me if some of the details are incorrect. It has been quite some time.” And he pulled a big pink stuffed teddy bear out from behind the chair he was sitting on and he smiled, satisfied. “There. Now, if we could talk about-”
But there never was a pink teddy bear, and there never were any tea parties. I made it up.
99% chance this was Xana’s trap.
1% chance this was still my father…
“There never was a pink teddy bear.” I said, standing up. “I think I should go.”
I rushed over to the door, and opened it. On the other side, William was waiting. He smirked, grabbing my wrist. From behind, I could hear distorted laughter.
0% chance.
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lilicannotfly · 7 months
Azul Ship Headcanons
So I already made a thread ranking(?? Judging?? I dunno lols) all the Azul ships I care about and so here's a post with headcanons for them and I have important things to do but shhh don't remind me and I won't remind you :)
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Azuvil 🐙👑
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I dunno all my energy for this ship died but I think it would be fun to write or read or work with because imagine they're both doing it for like appearances or something else of that manner and someone catches feelings or something but also they both think the other one thinks it's real from the beginning ??? So fake dating but extra steps. There's like this one fic that put this into my head but I don't remember the name lols
Azujami 🐙🐍
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I really already explained this in the tweet but yeah this is only good when they get together after university (not NRC, but after they graduate and then graduate uni) and then get married and then divorced and then the story is them healing at fifty. Perhaps they become just friends, perhaps Azul learns to leave well enough alone, perhaps Jamil gets mad, perhaps they go their own ways, maybe one of them dies ?? I dunno this would seem fun to play around with :)
Jeiazu 🐬🐙
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I don't really have anything to say about this, except if you aren't related or already in different relationship, being business partners? Pretty gay ngl. Pretty queer.
Floazu 🦈🐙
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Do I have to write about this? Why did I include it. This is not a ship I care about like at all :/ Bumping it down to 1/10 ya'know I hate the childhood friends to lovers trope? It's too messy why would you date your childhood bestie I would let her kill me yes have we spoken in years no but would I date her no. No that's silly. I despise the trope actually. Please get it out of my face ahhhhh anyways
Azuide 🐙💀
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I don't know why I included this either errrrr.. though I feel like they would bond over chess. The whole thing with the game of life in the comic anthology was pretty funny and I feel like working with a relationship with them would be very silly because it would be like that all the time and also neither of them know how to give or recieve affection properly so lols
Azurook 🐙🏹
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As I said, this is literally just Rook being like "ooh interesting what if...I hunted you down??" and me projecting my unhealthy relationship with attention onto Azul. Oops.
Also I wanna be able to come up with cool ship names TwT I wanna come up with something like eight tailed arrow or something but everytime I try it sounds so stupidddddd how do y'all do itttttt I'm sure there are other people who have come up with this ship and maybe I just sound stupid let's move on.
Lizu/Water Spirit 👻🐙
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Okay so this is really a crackship like she found him not up to standard but imagine if she didn't and also imagine if they got married and imagine if the whole story was just them healing in the afterlife?? That would be pretty cool imo :) So yeah that's it. It's gotta be awful to be seventeen for five hundred years and I'm gonna be honest I don't remember how she died so maybe she could work through that and Azul can work through his self worth issues and body issues, especially that he is now without a proper form. It would be cute, imagine it !
Zuel/Sailor's Lungs 🐙🫁
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'Cause selfship names have no rules !!! But also this doesn't even count even because we're literally the same guy (not like I am him or vise versa but more like we're similar) so it would be like dating a fucked up mirror. Selfcest 😭😭😭 Zero out of ten, moving on.
AzuRid 🐙🌹
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I forgot to include this in the original thread, oops. They're t4t lesbians (transfem riddle and transmasc nonbinary azul <3) and also in love and also the healthiest relationship here (shhh these are my headcanons I do what I want they get along beautifully once they get together) and also happy !!! Finally !!! And also they would be fun to work with because academic rivals to lovers is always fun. (I know these images are crispy as hell shhhhhhh don't mention it)
End of Headcanons !!!
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If you have more please share I need more things to read to distract me from my schoolwork because my eyes hurt and my bones hurt an d I need to do something <3
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the-down-upside-finch · 7 months
OC in 15 (Tag Game)
I was tagged by @aziz-reads in this post! I'm excited to try this one for the first time, so thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I think for this one, I'm going to share dialogue spoken by Sterling from Minding Q's, mostly because it's going to be really funny to me at least (CW: strong language)
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“I wasn’t sure if it was gonna be warm or cold today, since it’s s’posed to rain later or whatever, so I just went with layers like usual. I think I made a mistake wearing pants, though. Damn, it’s hot out here.”
“Don’t die in there!”
“Wow—okay, stalker.”
“Okay, I should actually start heading back so I don’t get struck by lightning. Uh, but thanks for talking!”
“You’re not my real mom!”
“I don’t have a Pilea yet, actually. But-- I mean, if you want, we could swap. Not the whole plant! Just, like, a cutting. Or a leaf. I’d give you a cutting from one of my plants that you like. Maybe not the albo, though. Just ’cuz-- Sorry, I just sell cuttings from him, so I dunno if I could give you one for free. I could if I didn’t have to pay rent—but unfortunately, capitalism exists! And I have to buy groceries. Whiiiiich I totally forgot to do yesterday. Fuck—why does adulting have to be so hard?”
“Can you just let me deal with the consequences of my actions in peace?”
“Wait—oh my god, you’re right. It’s already Wednesday today. Ugh! I hate Labor Day! Not having classes on Mondays always fucks me up. I mean-- Sorry, you don’t mind swearing, right?”
“What! That’s lame. Seriously, why does being an adult have to be so lame?”
“Oh, sweet! They have grilled cheese sandwiches! I fucking love grilled cheese.”
“Sure! My class gets done at... Hang on. I literally just checked this. It ends at... No, not that button. That’s also the wrong button. Can I just-- Can I-- Oh my god—can I please open the right tab? There we go. That should not have been that hard. Uh... Thursday... Thursday... Where the hell did it go? Wait, I’m stupid—it’s right there. Jeez. Okay, it ends at two fifteen.”
“Yeah, I definitely was not paying attention.”
“That’s another thing I don’t like! Fucking roller coasters!”
“Huh? Oh. Oh, wait. Shit! I forgot—I’m super angry at you and never want to speak to you ever again!”
“Yeah, that’s prob’ly a good idea. I’m not really in the mood to die today.”
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Yes I put those entire paragraphs in there on purpose. It’s just who he is.
I'm going to gently tag @mary-is-writing, @veneritia, @maddstermind, @asablehart, @amaiguri, @macabremoons, and anyone else that managed to scroll all the way down here!
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
Newsies 30/07 matinee - closing matinee
So yes the show closed almost a month ago but I just found this in my drafts and realized I never actually published my notes from this show so... Here you go ! (Also let me know if you want my actual notes from closing night because I just kept ranting about random moments but can totally do an organized post if required)
Cast : all the main actors were on, Les was played by Harry and Bobbie did Hannah but not Splint since she was still sick
Josh's presence on stage at the beggining is so good- like man just owns the stage for the first 30 seconds and oh boy does he enjoy it. Race of all times.
After Buttons steals apples at the beginning he gives one to Ike and then they both spot Tommy boy kind of sulking in a corner and Ike throws him an apple while they both look at him like "take care, kid"
When Tommy boy comes back on for Carrying the banner the apple is still in his hand and I think it's adorable
Matthew was definitely already losing it in the Prologue and like. Mood. I kid you not he was crying for the whole show
Carrying the banner being the mess it usually is
Jacob Albert was back and ready to throw hands with anyone coming close to him. Especially if that person happened to be Oscar Delancey.
"Whatever happened to rOmAnCe"
Henry getting on his knees and crawling toward Wiesel with a pout and Wiesel just sighing and giving him the papes
Harry was such a cute Les oh my god. Actually everytime he was onstage I just kept turning toward my friend mouthing "he is adorable" but like he is so precious and must be protected at all costs
"and guess what ? 🎶He got elected🎶"
"buy a pape from a poor orphan boy ?" "nO he's not an orph-" ft jack holding his boyfriend back
"why don't you come home with us fordinnerimean"
Bowery beauties <3 also Lillie Pearl giving Les a feather from her costume while Davey's entire attitude is just "les NO"
For the first time I noticed Specs and Albert on top of the stage directing the lights during that's rich I love them
Also during That's rich Ike, Buttons and another newsie (if anyone remembers who PLEASE tell me i can't believe I forgot) are watching the show and they are a mess
"hey baby I was just talking about you !" *points at Ike* ft Ike standing up super excited and Buttons going "sit DOWN" while violently gesturing to prove Medda was pointing at him
And then "Life is too short to waste it on youuuu" *points again* and Buttons just mimics following her finger like "see she is pointing at ME"
Anyway also Alex looking at Lindsay for the whole song
When Albert is getting back down after That's rich and Katherine arrives he just looks impressed and stands aside
"we got a father too !" Davey desperatly trying to get his brother to stop talking
Oscar pacing back and forth before world will know while Morris is just sitting there with his legs hanging from the structure
I don't know if it was just me or because I was really close to the stage for the first time or something but Wold will know was the most intense I have ever heard ?? As in I always get chills during this song but then more than usual. Even in the evening it wasn't like that idk this one was just super intense I loved it
Finch physically dragging Crutchie away from the gates of the World after jack, Davey and les are thrown out
"two cents for a glass of seltzer ? Just give me a watah" then Race (who is sitting at albert's table) snatching the glass of seltzer from Jacobi's plate and Jacobi just grabs it right back in a way that says 1- he was expecting it 2- this is totally a thing Racer does every time
Race then proceeds to look personally offended for the next five minutes of the show
"I would say we launched our strike in the most auspicious manner" *longest silence you ever heard* "I dunno about thaAT"
Another one to add to the list of "who wants Brooklyn ?" reactions : mark spending a good minute wrapping his neck ribbon thingy around his eyes
"why don't I tell you what I'm hoping for for tonIgHt" and "can't you see it ? In my eyyyyes ?" This is true comedy right here. Jack trying so hard to be a straight guy and failing miserably.
Bronté legend queen goddess nailing the best Watch what happens ever
When the scabs arrive and Albert just shoves Tommy boy so hard he falls on the floor and Buttons has to help him up oh my god
Anyway I will make no comments about Seize the day nor Santa fe because I was bawling my eyes out at this point. And so was everyone on stage. All I can say is during the name call when it was Les's turn everyone started cheering and it was the cutest moment ever
ANYWAY king of new york my baby love of my life
Everyone rolling their eyes to high heaven when Katherine shows up
"the world's your erster !" Josh Race ceo of saying the dumbest things you have ever heard with an unmatched level of confidence
Featuring Henry's entire "what the absolute hell" attitude I love him like "your WHAT ?????"
I could talk about this scene for hours but anyway sitting in the bronx was so scary when they started spinning on the lamps lmao
The spoon crown is still the cutest thing ever done in newsies to this date <3
And like I never talk about it but I absolutely love how they removed the awkward moment when Katherine starts tap dancing and they all look at her legs because urgh I always hated this moment. But here ? Nothing ! They are just having good fun !
Anyway Matthew already crying during Letter absolutely broke me so I won't talk about it
Did I ever mention Davey is gay
"Front page news above the fold ! Oh yes. Above *flips paper* the *flap* fold *flip* !"
WWH reprise had me absolutely dying because of how adorable Les was okay bye
"Can we table the palaver and *angrily stomps foot* go back to business ??"
Jack and Davey are gay. If you even care.
The scene in Pulitzer's office is always so heartbreaking because you have jack being so confident and all but then the second Katherine appears you can see how heartbroken and lost he is
Michael's facial expressions >>>
Also the way he just has a flight reflex the second Snyder appears like urgh
And Oscar and Morris grab him violently and one of them (I wanna say Morris ?) growls "let's don't" like Jack is trapped in every way possible
Brooklyn's here my baby my angel love of my life
As much as I missed Stray I absolutely loved Lucy's energy on "when you doooo" and her lil high five with Spot
Brooklyn girlsies have my heart now and forever like "Pips !" "Ritz !" "Mack !" "SPOT !!"
Anyway the rally was. something. I was finally able to catch some of the unscripted comments (what with being in the bronx and all) such as Tommy boy going "how is that realistic ??" and it just made the whole thing so much more heartbreaking
Also the way Davey has to build up so much confidence to speak in front of everyone and then Jack arrives and turn everything he just did to nothing
Finch booing Jack with his whole chest is honestly one of the best moments of the show he just puts his whole heart into this
Gosh I had missed Michael and Bronté's dynamic during Something to believe in they are. they were. them. the best.
"It's good to have you back" "...shut up"
Jack's reaction to bill and darcy will never not be funny because he fully says "I suppose you are the son of William Randolph hearst ?" as a joke and then Bill answers with the straightest face possible and Jack is left like "?????" (Picture that one Pikachu gif if it helps because that's exactly the face Michael makes at this moment)
Spot and Race were flirting idc
"he can't talk right now he'll call you bAcK" *hangs up* *picks up the phone again* *incoherent sobbing*
"no you can't come i-" see uksies is great because they actually made spot scary. Lillie Pearl just has to stomp in front of Bunsen and he backs up to the other end of the stage
I missed almost the whole scene in Pulitzer's office after Once and for all because I was busy looking at Ross Lindsay and Josh in the aisles behind me leave me alone. Also because I was sat right opposite ross's sister and they just spent the whole scene waving at each other
"I am told we once shared a carriage ride !" "I TOLD YOU"
Roosevelt pointing at Les and harry's reaction was just adorable
There is something so personal about Race just going "it's Snyder the spider !" in such a genuinely mean way and Tommy boy having to physically hold him back and dragging him away so he can chill
Anyway I was full on sobbing at the end but during the bows I could see Ryan and Harry making up their bow choregraphy in the back and they were adorable
...this got way longer than I expected I am so sorry I think I am slightly in denial
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