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neopronouns · 3 months ago
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flag id: a flag with 11 stripes, with the sixth being much larger than the rest. they are dark indigo, medium dark cool purple, purple, medium light warm purple, light pink-purple, black, light pink-purple, medium light warm purple, purple, medium dark cool purple, and indigo. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
hyperandrogynous: expressing one’s androgynous gender with more intensity than is considered common; identifying with a certain lingender more intensely than is considered common
[pt: hyperandrogynous: expressing one’s androgynous gender with more intensity than is considered common; identifying with a certain lingender more intensely than is considered common. end pt]
androgynous equivalent to hyperfeminine and hypermasculine for a request!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @p-rtyboy, @pawsibell, @dragonpride17
dni link
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↜𓆩 hyperxenogender 𓆪↝
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Xenohypergender is gender where one is over 100% a xenogender (typically 150% gender).
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losergendered · 11 months ago
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ID: a set of 28 images in 14 pairs. each has one image of the listed regretevator character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Bive from Regretevator is an intersex transnull transentien fessivoia animinsequikenic paralurdarean oculagoric masc futch demiboygirl womanthing who is bisexual and demiromantic! She uses she/it and nameself pronouns! It suffers with PPD, bipolar-2, insomnia, nightmare disorder, agoraphobia, anthropophobia, and tokophobia!
Dr. RETRO is a hypergender hyperfeminine hypermasculine genderdoctor gendermedic gendermedical optiminihilismic lifemitres rotlace imagifriendic evclardette cat-thing catgirlthing who is aromantic bilechen and lesbilechen! Mew uses mew/she/it/that pronouns! She has C-PTSD and several charges of aggravated assault against it but we don't talk about that!
Gnarpy is a genderless stellavenostalgic alienthing cat-thing who is canonically aroace! They have delusions of grandeur and mythomania!
Infected is a genderfluid bigender emorosboy emothing scenething frutiaexplosion metalheartexplosion oldtechexplosion gendertoxic genderthmpk lovirium pinkthing guything who is a lithsexual gay guy! He uses he/it/O_o/XD pronouns! It is a nonhuman otherkin, specifically catkin, sparkledogkin, zombiekin, skeletonkin and robotkin! O_o has depression, separation anxiety, BPD, autism, nyctophobia, autophobia, and chronophobia!
Lampert is a luxthing deminonbinary demiman who is panromantic and orchidsexual! He uses he/him pronouns! He has intermittent explosive disorder, autism, and cyclothymia!
Mannequin Mark is a genderqueer butch gay man! He uses any pronouns and suffering from major depressive disorder!
Party Noob is a xenogender pasteinbowin rainbowfleuric confettigender cakegender birthdayboy birthdayspike sillyaean bubblexplosion strortcakexplosion funfettiexplosion cakexplosion sprinklic cakecoric kandigender confettium nonbinary partyboything! They are acrisexual and toric and use they/he/it/🥳/✨/🎉/🪅/🎈/🎊/🍰/🎂 pronouns! He has autophobia, atychiphobia, ADHD, and autism!
Pest is an intersex genderless agabless agender transnull adexsexual gay bugthing! He uses he/it/one pronouns! It has ASPD, PPD, BPD, bipolar-1, hypermania, and hypersomnia!
Pilby is a heehoogender clowngender sweetnsillygender kidcoric clowncoric xenogender sillygender clownish asclownbunplushic nonbinary bug! They use they/zhe/clown pronouns and are pansexual demiromantic! Zhe has social anxiety, autophobia, atychiphobia, equinophobia, hypomania, and seasonal affective disorder!
Prototype is a transentien genderless xenogender bubblegender computerthing who is also laimoromantic and caedosexual! He uses he/they/shi/bubble pronouns! They suffer with mild dysmorphia!
Split is a dessertgender cakegender gxrlfluxthing womanthing bambi lesbian! She uses she/her pronouns but also doesn't mind any other pronouns being used for her! She has BIID and BPD!
Spud! is a caedorose genderless being who uses any pronouns! They suffer with PTSD, anger issues, and insomnia!
Unpleasant is a binary abinary rosboy azurgirl bigender demiboy demigirl nonbinary genderfuid genderqueer xenogender genderweird sceneg3nd3r hypermasculine hyperfeminine zoomiegender faggit genderexplosion queerweirdo! It uses any pronouns and is bi gay! Xey are alterhuman, foxkin, wolfkin, zombiekin, and godkin! Shi has klazomania, egomania, mythomania, dermatillomania, hypomania, bipolar-2, and depression!
Wallter is a cis gay man who uses he/him or any pronouns! He suffers with PTSD and depression!
For 🎀 anon!
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kerestheghost · 1 year ago
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A gender that is more then 100% conected to Horror. Coined by me.
[ID: from top to bottom the colors are a red-ish grey, a red-ish lighter grey, a dark red, a dark red that looks like black, a dark red, a red-ish grey and the last stripe is a red-ish darker grey. ID end]
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revenant-coining · 1 year ago
Hyperboy Alt Flag
[pt: Hyperboy Alt Flag /end pt]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: darkish purple, blue, green, pale yellow, green, blue, darkish purple. End ID]
for a friend
Alternative Hyperboy Flag; “Hypergender: experiencing a gender with more intensity than is common for your identity.”
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a yellow line divider outlined in brown. in the center is a yellow star outlined in brown. End ID]
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mogai-headcanons · 1 month ago
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icon id: 16 icons in 8 pairs. in each pair, both icons have the listed flags in order in the background and the left icon has an image of the listed character with a white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
Candy from Five Nights at Candy's is a webcoric nyancatic 2010scoric 2010shorrorgender webcorestalgic 2010scringic >w<gender cringecoric webgender clowngender clownboy hypergender clownthing clowncoric candygender candygoric ringpopic being who uses XD/XDs, :3/:3s, nya/nyas, silly/sillys, XP/XPs, web/webs, cringe/cringes, pop/pops, creepy/pasta, vocaloid/vocaloids, emoticon/emoticons, kit/kits, dizzy/dizzies, horn/horns, and swirl/swirls pronouns!
Cindy is a backroomsgender backroomic backroomspinnic catbackroomic deathmothgender entity99ic level!ic robocatgender glitchsilly cybercattic kittykaomojic catdigital cybercatgender voidcatgender spookycatgender voidgender darkgender being who uses !/!s, =)/=)s, ?/?s, bone/bones, crimson/crimsons, eye/eyes, glitch/glitches, ice/ices, moon/moons, moth/moths, neon/neons, void/voids, 🌀/🌀s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌑/🌑s, 🍄/🍄s, 👁️/👁️s, 🥀/🥀s, 🥩/🥩s, 🦴/🦴s, 🦷/🦷s, 🩸/🩸s, 🩹/🩹s, nya/nyas, paw/paws, meow/meows, nip/nips, zi/zis, bot/bots, vy/vyms, ke/kims, kit/kits, net/nets, mew/mews, dark/darks, and death/deaths pronouns!
Chester is a GNC bassgender bassguitagender guitargender guitarweaponic rockmasc rockgender plushicuddlic plushgender genderplush cuddlegender chocogender cocopupgender genderfuck anarchogender being who uses beat/beats, black/blacks, cream/creams, metal/metals, radio/radios, riff/riffs, rose/roses, scorpion/scorpions, shred/shreds, 🎵/🎵s, 🎶/🎶s, 🎸/🎸s, bite/bites, cute/cutes, decora/decoras, kawaii/kawaiis, milk/milks, bat/bats, rebel/rebels, rip/rips, xe/xir, 🩸/🩸s, 👁️/👁️s, and 🔪/🔪s pronouns!
The Penguin is an angelprogram angeldigital digiangel genderstatic divinelexic computer who uses holy/holys, chain/chains, code/codes, malware/malwares, 01/01s, halo/halos, devine/devines, celestial/celestials, and soul/souls pronouns!
Old Candy is a genderclock timegender techthing bytegender cyberthing techbodiment robogender internetic techcoric viruscoric bluescreengender internetgender genderloading nocturnalgender decaygod deathbodiment being who uses chime/chimes, dial/dials, night/nights, daem/daems, eon/eons, chrono/chronos, lyre/lyres, it/its, cyber/cybers, online/onlines, neon/neons, internet/internets, code/codes, death/deaths, and grim/grims pronouns!
Shadow Candy is a voidpunk voidattractional ACryAB gendervoid rosevoidic divinevoid gendercryptid darkvoidic being who uses void/voids, night/nights, dark/darks, 0/0s, zero/zeros, shadow/shadows, obsidian/obsidians, end/ends, space/spaces, glow/glows, eye/eyes, cold/colds, hx/hxm, it/its, noir/noirs, x/xs, and !/!s pronouns!
Vinnie is a deerkin ADAB dollgender dollcoric hypergender dollmasc ghostiformic shadowcomfic daroric figuric phosdimial shadowthing deerboy deerthing weirddeeric dxxric deerskullskeletic deerheadlightsgender deerwolfteethix cryptidgender anomalyic crypticutie foretidian boycreature who uses doll/dolls, joint/joints, stim/stims, shadow/shadows, glitch/glitches, obsidian/obsidians, abyss/abysses, haunt/haunts, blood/bloods, cryptid/cryptids, beast/beasts, creature/creatures, thing/things, and that/thats pronouns!
RAT is a dollkin gay ratvesil neutral-feminine ratplushic eepygender tiredlexic ratsweetic fallratgender sillyratgender sleepbodiment sleepic sleepycute sleepygirl apocalyptenic apocamaschelpic apocanamic apocasunsetic apothelyptic calamic demosinian postspesic warfaren mousedollic mousegender being with insomnia who uses eep/eepy, nap/naps, dark/darks, death/deaths, and star/stars pronouns!
dni link
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gender-buddies · 1 year ago
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Gender Buddy: Hypergender (91/120)
Level: 3 Element: Air FRND: 60 PWR: 160
Abilities: Scamper: Time to give chase! Dust Devil: An incredibly chaotic way to get objects and Buddies to go away, that's for sure!
Bio: If you find yourself deep in the forest, you might find this Buddy up in the treetops. It's great at climbing trees and can use its long, prehensile tail to hold onto branches. It's a very fast flier and if you blink, you might miss it zooming overhead. Supposedly, it doesn't sleep much and is constantly active. If you want to be friends with it, try giving it some candy!
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queerness-lover · 2 years ago
Link is Transneutral, Enbyprox, Androgyne, Androgmasc, Angleargender, Neutrois, Neutrogender, Paleolithgender, Asteriagender, Xhobisean, Hypergender and is Sapphic, Achillean, Trixic, Polyromantic, Queer, Caedsexual, Icularomantic.
⚔️ use They/Them, He/Him, Ze/Zir, Sword/Swords, Dae/Daem, Leaf/Leafs, Fai/Fairy, Cent/Centuries, Year/Years, Time/Times, 🍃/🍃s, 🌿/🌿s, 🗡/🗡s, ⚔️/⚔️s, ⛰/⛰s, 🌋/🌋s
[For an alter :)]
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[START ID: A DNI with a purple, orange, blueish galaxy background with small white text that states, "DNI: racist, antisemetic, islamophobic, militant shipcourse (proshipper/anti, map/nomap/pear; use DDLG/ageplay to justify pedophilia, terf/swerf/radfem, truscum/transmed/radmed, gender critical/nonbinary skeptic, exclusionist, anti-mspec, aspec exclusionist; hate groups/babs/lsl/gkg/etc...; anti-mogai, anti-queer; pronoun policer, anti mspec lesbians/gays, against non-woman using femme/butch, anti-self-dx/pro autism speaks, sysmeds; anti-endogenic, anti-masc lesbians and fem gays, anti-gnc/pnc, anti non-woman being lesbian, anti non-man be gay, anti-multigender lesbians/pays, super straight/gay/lesbian/etc..." on the right of the text wall there's a boba drink with a clear cup and straw in it to see the drink inside, starting from the top of the liquid it's purple, and it's a gradient to pink going downwards. There's tiny planets and stars in the drink most of them being purple and pink to resemble pseudo boba. END ID.]
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vhvrs · 1 year ago
they/she edd in a masc way. cant elaborate.
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neopronouns · 3 months ago
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flag id: a flag with 11 stripes, with the sixth being much larger than the rest. they are dark red, red, bright pink-red, bright red-pink, pink, black, light turquoise, turquoise, medium dark cyan, dark sky blue, and very dark sky blue. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
hyperfemmasc/hypermascfem/hyperfemasc: being both hyperfeminine and hypermasculine; expressing one’s femmasc/mascfem/femasc gender (or one's feminine and masculine genders) with more intensity than is considered common; identifying with a certain femmasc/mascfem/femasc gender (or with certain feminine and masculine genders) more intensely than is considered common
[pt: hyperfemmasc/hypermascfem/hyperfemasc: being both hyperfeminine and hypermasculine; expressing one’s femmasc/mascfem/femasc gender (or one's feminine and masculine genders) with more intensity than is considered common; identifying with a certain femmasc/mascfem/femasc gender (or with certain feminine and masculine genders) more intensely than is considered common end pt]
combination of hyperfeminine and hypermasculine for a request!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @p-rtyboy, @pawsibell, @dragonpride17
dni link
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demontisms · 1 year ago
idk if non-rowenagirls recognize this so i felt the need to make a post ab it but rowena and dean have some of the same issues fr. like rowena is also hypersexualizing and hypergendering herself to boost her self esteem and prevent abandonment after a traumatic life. idk where u missed that in the narrative bc its THERE. it's all a performance, for the both of them!! its a performance where if you fail you die!! thats both of their lives!!!
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kerestheghost · 1 year ago
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A gender more then 100% conected to the 2000 subculture scene. Requested by @artsyaech Coined by me.
ID coming soon.
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ballsalsda · 11 months ago
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[PT: Hyperxenogender /end PT]
Hyperxenogender is like xenogender, but more complicated. It's when your gender is so complicated, deep, infinite, unique, indescribable, alien, xeno if you will, that you need an essay just to explain what it is. It's like a xenogender, if the xenogender was it's own complicated, fleshed out universe. If the xenogender needed worldbuilding to explain. Hyperxenogenders usually have multi-paragraph definitions that are usually much more complicated and long than normal xenogenders.
Flag made by me but i think the flag looks like SHIT so feel free to make a new one
Possible suffixes for hyperxenogenders might be -hyperic, -hypergender, -hyperid, -hyperxenogender, -hyperxeno, -hypercharic, -hypercoric, -hyperkin, -hyperstimmic, -hyperspinnic, -hypersongic, etc.
I already coined a hyperxeno: KEINhypergender, or kenohyperchoric
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This is an umbrella term for any hyperxenogender that is kenochoric in nature (KEIN).
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transosdd · 2 months ago
May we have a level 3 foodtive (food Introject) of your choosing, please?
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︵⠀ ⟢ NAMES – strawberry, strawb, berry, cake
︵⠀ ⟢ AGE – 13-18
︵⠀ ⟢ PRNS – she/her, they/them, it/its, fluff/fluffs white/whites, sweet/sweets, candy/candies, berry/berries, fleur/fleurs, 🍰/🍰, 🧁/🧁, 🍓/🍓
︵⠀ ⟢ GENDERS – fem-aligned, pawthing, strawberrygender, strawbcakepupgender, hypergender, rainbowcraystar, starbeadic, sprinklesjoyic, strawberrycushiongender, bakeradored
︵⠀ ⟢ ORIENTATION – reciprosexual
︵⠀ ⟢ ROLES – hyperempathetic, comfortformed, stim holder
︵⠀ ⟢ TRANSIDS – cupcakescentic, pinkbloodic, kleptomania, neko, magicalgirl
POS: baking, bakery scents, sweets/candy, pastel colors, parties/gatherings
NEG: feelings of loneliness, feelings of anger, body being yelled at or scolded, arguments, messy environments
LIKES: cooking/baking, candies or anything sweet, talking to others, happy/upbeat music, stuffed animals, cleaning, soft textures, gentle music like lullabies, comforting others
DISLIKES: silence, hot environments, bitter flavors, being rushed, sharp objects
︵⠀ ⟢ COMMON OUTFITS – O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6
︵⠀ ⟢ FAVORITE MUSIC – O1, O2, O3, O4, O5
︵⠀ ⟢ PERSONALITY – she is warm, gentle, and inviting, much like the comforting sweetness of a strawberry cake. she exudes a soft energy, always wanting to bring joy and calm to those around her. optimistic and lighthearted, she avoids negativity and instead focuses on creating happy environments. she has a delicate yet bubbly nature, with a tendency to shy away from conflict, preferring to smooth things over with kindness and charm. though she can be a bit sensitive, her main goal is to make others feel cherished and at ease. (MBTI : ESFJ)
︵⠀ ⟢ ROLE/DUTY INFO – she fulfills her roles with a gentle, intuitive approach, always attuned to the system’s emotional needs. as a hyperempathy holder, she deeply feels the emotions of both the system and others, using this understanding to provide tailored comfort and reassurance. her role as a stim holder involves engaging in soothing, sensory-based activities—like running her fingers over soft fabrics, humming calming melodies, or tapping rhythmic patterns—to help regulate the system’s emotions. as a comfort-based headmate, she actively seeks to create a sense of safety and warmth, offering kind words, a nurturing presence, and a focus on positivity to ease tension and bring the system back to balance. everything she does is centered on providing calm and reassurance in the most compassionate way possible.
︵⠀ ⟢ INNERWORLD BEHAVIOR – in the innerworld, she is a serene and comforting presence, often found in a cozy, inviting space that mirrors her nurturing personality. her home may resemble a small, pastel-colored cottage or a warm bakery filled with the scent of strawberries and vanilla. the space is likely adorned with soft pillows, warm lighting, and delicate decorations like flowers and ribbons, creating an environment that exudes comfort and calm. she spends her time preparing small, thoughtful gestures for the system, like baking treats, organizing spaces, or leaving positive notes around the innerworld. she’s always available to lend a listening ear or a warm hug to any headmate who needs it. her movements are gentle and deliberate, often engaging in activities like arranging flowers, knitting, or humming soft tunes to maintain a soothing atmosphere.
︵⠀ ⟢ OUTERWORLD BEHAVIOR – while fronting, she exudes warmth and gentleness, focusing on creating a calm and harmonious environment. she speaks softly and kindly, often choosing her words carefully to avoid discomfort. when interacting with others, she prioritizes emotional connection, offering reassurance, encouragement, or simply being a comforting presence. she may gravitate toward conversations that allow her to uplift or support others, but she avoids confrontational or overly negative topics. her actions are often sensory or comfort-focused, such as cleaning, organizing, or preparing food, as these activities help ground the system and maintain a soothing environment. if no pressing tasks are required, she leans into creative or self-soothing activities, like drawing, journaling, or simply relaxing in a cozy spot.
︵⠀ ⟢ EMOJI PROXIES – 🧁, 🍰, 🧺
︵⠀ ⟢ CREDITS – art = lenadoodllles (pinterest), divider = seulzitos (tumblr)
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pocket-deer-boy · 2 months ago
This very strange and hypergendered way people talk about planet venus
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eclipian · 2 months ago
BATIM Fictive
pt: batim fictive
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reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
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divider credit
Name: Bendy , Squirm , Silly , Goober , Ink , Ooze , Toon , Toony
Age: Ageless Little
Pronouns: He/Him , Hy/Hym , Hu/Hum , Ha/Ham , It/Its , Ix/Ixs , Iz/Izs , They/Them , Thy/Thym , Thuy/Thum , Thxy/Thxm , Xe/Xem , Ze/Zem , Cae/Caer , Dae/Daer , Thon/Thons , Bloop/Bloops , Ink/Inks , Dem/Demon , Ie/Ink , Fun/Funs , Silly/Sillies , Play/Plays
Gender: Boy , Brown and Yellow , Ink Xenintation , Demon Xenintation , Bendyobsic , Inkblood , Inkcute , Blackinkic , Inkthing , Sillyguyic , Sillyfuckoff , Necesilly , Sillydemon , Hypergender , Sillypanion , Friendsilly , Phosillial , Sillybodiment , Sillyevilthing , Dai , Pandemonic
Attraction: Familial Attraction and Silly Attraction , POSIC+
Other IDs: Non-Vox , Their Domain , Inkstudden , BATIM Hearthic , BATIMnatrued , BATIMmusicaexper , Intusinkcreature , Alderinkblood , Alderink , Sillyvalper , Silly Emsoul , Silly-Blooded , Sillyvesil , Silly Omninoun , Assigned Silly At Birth , Demon-Blooded ,
Species: Ink Toon Demon
Role: Sillyroleic , Delight , Beauheur
Aesthetics: Old Hollywood , Roaring 20s , Nostalgiacore
pt: name , age , pronouns , gender , attraction , other ids , species , role , aesthetics
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artist credit & artist credit | tags: @bahtive
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