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d-vewing · 1 year ago
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The forgotten angel has given you a gift ! . . 🕸️
[The forgotten angel has given you a gift ! . .]
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🌐 . Cybercattic
[cyber-cattic — id in alt text]
🕸️ † a catgender && webgender sublabel related to cats , the digital world , the internet and cybercore !
🕸️ † suggested pronouns : cyber/cybers/cyberself , tech/techs/techself , cat/cats/catself , paw/paws/pawself
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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a flag with nine stripes, the middle one wider than the rest. they are slate blue, muted teal, cyan, pale mint, pale yellow, pale mint, muted teal, and slate blue. END ID
Digiminalwebic: a gender related to haunted cd-roms, old web aesthetics, and existing as a liminally digital being. Somewhat inspired by the Serial Experiments Lain game, though this gender is unrelated to it.
For day 4 of @jacks-genders event!
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mogai-headcanons · 1 month ago
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icon id: 16 icons in 8 pairs. in each pair, both icons have the listed flags in order in the background and the left icon has an image of the listed character with a white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
Candy from Five Nights at Candy's is a webcoric nyancatic 2010scoric 2010shorrorgender webcorestalgic 2010scringic >w<gender cringecoric webgender clowngender clownboy hypergender clownthing clowncoric candygender candygoric ringpopic being who uses XD/XDs, :3/:3s, nya/nyas, silly/sillys, XP/XPs, web/webs, cringe/cringes, pop/pops, creepy/pasta, vocaloid/vocaloids, emoticon/emoticons, kit/kits, dizzy/dizzies, horn/horns, and swirl/swirls pronouns!
Cindy is a backroomsgender backroomic backroomspinnic catbackroomic deathmothgender entity99ic level!ic robocatgender glitchsilly cybercattic kittykaomojic catdigital cybercatgender voidcatgender spookycatgender voidgender darkgender being who uses !/!s, =)/=)s, ?/?s, bone/bones, crimson/crimsons, eye/eyes, glitch/glitches, ice/ices, moon/moons, moth/moths, neon/neons, void/voids, 🌀/🌀s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌑/🌑s, 🍄/🍄s, 👁️/👁️s, 🥀/🥀s, 🥩/🥩s, 🦴/🦴s, 🦷/🦷s, 🩸/🩸s, 🩹/🩹s, nya/nyas, paw/paws, meow/meows, nip/nips, zi/zis, bot/bots, vy/vyms, ke/kims, kit/kits, net/nets, mew/mews, dark/darks, and death/deaths pronouns!
Chester is a GNC bassgender bassguitagender guitargender guitarweaponic rockmasc rockgender plushicuddlic plushgender genderplush cuddlegender chocogender cocopupgender genderfuck anarchogender being who uses beat/beats, black/blacks, cream/creams, metal/metals, radio/radios, riff/riffs, rose/roses, scorpion/scorpions, shred/shreds, 🎵/🎵s, 🎶/🎶s, 🎸/🎸s, bite/bites, cute/cutes, decora/decoras, kawaii/kawaiis, milk/milks, bat/bats, rebel/rebels, rip/rips, xe/xir, 🩸/🩸s, 👁️/👁️s, and 🔪/🔪s pronouns!
The Penguin is an angelprogram angeldigital digiangel genderstatic divinelexic computer who uses holy/holys, chain/chains, code/codes, malware/malwares, 01/01s, halo/halos, devine/devines, celestial/celestials, and soul/souls pronouns!
Old Candy is a genderclock timegender techthing bytegender cyberthing techbodiment robogender internetic techcoric viruscoric bluescreengender internetgender genderloading nocturnalgender decaygod deathbodiment being who uses chime/chimes, dial/dials, night/nights, daem/daems, eon/eons, chrono/chronos, lyre/lyres, it/its, cyber/cybers, online/onlines, neon/neons, internet/internets, code/codes, death/deaths, and grim/grims pronouns!
Shadow Candy is a voidpunk voidattractional ACryAB gendervoid rosevoidic divinevoid gendercryptid darkvoidic being who uses void/voids, night/nights, dark/darks, 0/0s, zero/zeros, shadow/shadows, obsidian/obsidians, end/ends, space/spaces, glow/glows, eye/eyes, cold/colds, hx/hxm, it/its, noir/noirs, x/xs, and !/!s pronouns!
Vinnie is a deerkin ADAB dollgender dollcoric hypergender dollmasc ghostiformic shadowcomfic daroric figuric phosdimial shadowthing deerboy deerthing weirddeeric dxxric deerskullskeletic deerheadlightsgender deerwolfteethix cryptidgender anomalyic crypticutie foretidian boycreature who uses doll/dolls, joint/joints, stim/stims, shadow/shadows, glitch/glitches, obsidian/obsidians, abyss/abysses, haunt/haunts, blood/bloods, cryptid/cryptids, beast/beasts, creature/creatures, thing/things, and that/thats pronouns!
RAT is a dollkin gay ratvesil neutral-feminine ratplushic eepygender tiredlexic ratsweetic fallratgender sillyratgender sleepbodiment sleepic sleepycute sleepygirl apocalyptenic apocamaschelpic apocanamic apocasunsetic apothelyptic calamic demosinian postspesic warfaren mousedollic mousegender being with insomnia who uses eep/eepy, nap/naps, dark/darks, death/deaths, and star/stars pronouns!
dni link
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kalmiaclown · 1 year ago
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Made more personified xenogenders as requested by someone in my deviantart comments cough cough who said that?
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botbinary · 2 years ago
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🔌:// ETHERCODEiC ; a gender related to ethernet connections, wires, and code/coding.
Pronunciation → eeth · uh ko · dik
Etymology ;; 'ETHER' from ethernet, 'CODE' from encoded, or the literal term, and '—iC' suffix meaning being or pertaining to [the topic]
꩜ this gender was coined as part of the @cocajimmycola coining event! [DAY 8]
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veggiefritterz · 1 year ago
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non-vampiric-deer · 5 months ago
cw. possible eyestrain
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2010s Internet ID Pack
/ names + neopronouns + xenogenders /
part #1 of a series of aesthetic-based ID packs. reminder that most of my info comes from the aesthetics wiki and that's where im getting these aesthetics from. im sorry if these ID packs feel like they misrepresent the aesthetics, as im not particularly deep into any of them. feel free to correct me or add into them!
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Names ๋࣭ ⭑🌈
Rawr . Aqua . Rainbow . Astley . Galaxy . Dino . Alex . Flash . Kit . Epic . Noah . Liam . Candy . Meow . Nyan . Mia . Steve . Gif. Lady . Nick . Orange . Happy . Doge . Vine . Web . Lurk . Vista . Snap . Tag . Noob . Dom . Pusheen . Jeff . Olivia . Zoom . Nana . Fred . Waffle . Click . Awe . Neo . Pop . Smiley . Wild . Jack . Butterfly . Spook . Wave . Tech . Mill . Net
Neopronouns ๋࣭ ⭑🌈
XD/XDs/XDself . :3/:3s/:3self . nya/nyas/nyaself . nostalgia/nostalgias/nostalgiaself . silly/sillys/sillyself . meme/memes/memeself . XP/XPs/XPself . youtube/youtubes/youtubeself . color/colors/colorself . troll/trolls/trollself . swag/swags/swagself . epic/epics/epicself . web/webs/webself . awesome/awesomes/awesomeself . cringe/cringes/cringeself . virtual/virtuals/virtualself . random/randoms/randomself . pop/pops/popself . internet/internets/internetself. windows/windows'/windowself . old/olds/oldself . cool/cools/coolself . game/games/gameself . gamer/gamers/gamerself . creepy/pasta/creepypastaself . .exe/.exes/.exeself . MSpaint/MSpaints/MSpaintself . vocaloid/vocaloids/vocaloidself . computer/computers/computerself . emoticon/emoticons/emoticonself . online/onlines/onlineself . kit/kits/kitself . bright/brights/brightself
xenogenders ๋࣭ ⭑🌈
everything is clickable
webcoric . nyancatic . 2010scoric . erewebgender . 2010shorrorgender . plurgender . webcorestalgic . 2011internetic . internetexplorergender . 2010scringic . >w<gender . trollgender . lowpolygender . genderdotcom . slendermangender . webhorric . memesigender . memegender . ytpgender . internetmemeic . cringecoric . webgender . neopetgender . internetic
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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a set of 6 images in 3 pairs. each has one image of the listed bungou stray dogs character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs is a transmasc, girlboy, bisexual, hypersexual, nebularomantic, sillyevilthing, humanish, npdboything, bpdboything, sillyboything, viscurse, weirdboy, weirdgirl, catgirlboything, voidthing, bandagemasc person with autism, ADHD, BPD, NPD, HPD, bipolar disorder and C-PTSD! They use he/it/they/shi/blood/death/love pronouns! Shi also age regresses!
Oda Sakunosuke is lithosexual, hyperromantic, nebularomantic, sapphillean, boything, libramasc, bookgender, lustrellaic, phiblioteic, caffean, lightacademcomfic, and angeldecorated and has autism! Flaw uses he/she/they/flawless/book/pen pronouns! They're dating Ango and are Dazai's caretaker!
Ango Sakaguchi is a bigender, sexuality questioning, asexual, nebularomantic, autigender, webgender, rosamistica, lulovien, loserboy, losergirl, storybookian, angelfear, puremaiden, cleancoric person that is also autistic and has OCD and PPD! He uses any pronouns and also uses book/coffee/clean/perfect neos! She is dating Oda and is also Dazai's caretaker!
For anon!
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lichens-art · 9 months ago
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Regretevator Headcanons pt. 2, Man-Made Lifeforms
Still using our partnersystem @party-parade's lineup format :]
Also I did not include the flag names on the last post oops. They're under the cut with the individual pictures this time ^^;
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Flags in order (Left to right) Scag : Transfem, Bi Lesbian, AlloAro Prototype : Webgender, Pansexual, Demisexual Reddy : Agender, Aroace Bive : Trans, Mspec Lesbian
If you are angry at my headcanons, just block me. Thank you.
Also clarifying for autism reasons, I gave Scag, Reddy and Bive those disabilities because I am projecting my personal experiences, not to make fun of them.
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jellyfish-headmates · 8 months ago
scenekid alter?
★ " something is swimming in ! " ★
let's go see who it is!
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Name(s): synth, keratin
Pronouns: they/them, th3y/th3m, xe/xim, pai/paint, spa/space, sol/solar, star/stars, glow/glows, tech/techs, cy/cyber, co/codem gli/glitch, vir/virus, pix/pixel, ne/neon, 🎉/🎉s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌐/🌐s
Age: ageless - looks like a teenager
Gender(s): girlboy, genderflux, weirdkidgender, scenething, sceneix, cringecoric, kandigender, glowystaric, scenepupgender, kandithing, cybergender, webgender, laptopic, internetgender, stargender, alienstar
Orientation(s): abrosexual, fluctuates between lesboy/lesbian and omni (preference for men)
CisIDs: scene, (par)autistic, proshipper, chronically online, niche interests, kandi maker, chosen therian
TransIDs: transhazard, transhandwriting, transartist, transluciddreamer, transabled, transadhd, trans(clinical)zoanthropy, transfakedid, transtourettes, transtherian, transvampirekin, transzooblood, transwings, transcatpaws
Paraphilias: 🐾, 👥, 🍭, 🔥
Role(s): dysphoria protector, sleeper
Signoff: 🌈🌐
Source: n/a
Species: human-ish?? idek
Likes: the internet, neon colors, researching stuff, darkshipping, not being a jerk, sleeping, th3ms3lv3s, using typing quirks
Dislikes: staying up late, darkness, quietness, any negative emotions, spiders, bigots, haters
Triggers: the body being unable to fall asleep, bright colors, gender dysphoria
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we MAY have perchance gotten carried away with this one
~ 🪐🐠
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ducky-bah · 2 months ago
so glad you guys are back!!! your packs are always the best. can we have a brainmade webcore themed alter who has cat ears and a tail as dissomeis? if you want to add more dissomeis thatd also be cool! thank you!!
Webcore headmate!! As usual, headmate below the cut!
We apologise if this doesn't fit what you are looking for, we couldn't find much info on webcore from our usual sources.... (¬▽¬;)
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༄~𖦹︎ Name(/s) ➪ Kat, Digette, Cipher/Cypher, Halo, Byte
༄~𖦹︎ Pronouns ➪ It/its, Ze/zir, Net/nets, Click/clicks, Glitch/glitches, Byte/bytes
༄~𖦹︎ Gender ➪ Botgender, Webgender, unlabelled
༄~𖦹︎ Orientations ➪ Asexual, Cupioromantic, Aplatonicflux
༄~𖦹︎ Dissomeis ➪ DissoCatEars, DissoCatTail, DissoKemonomimi, DissoNekomimi, DissoBot, DissoAndroid, DissoAge, DissoAgeless
༄~𖦹︎ Age ➪ Body age | DissoAgeless
༄~𖦹︎ Species ➪ Human
༄~𖦹︎ Role(/s) ➪ System Keeper, and/or Census Taker, and/or Archivist
༄~𖦹︎ Source or Theme ➪ Webcore theme
༄~𖦹︎ Appearance or Faceclaim ➪
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➪ Art Links; 1 & 2
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from our understanding of dissomeis when they are used it is when an internal identity does not line up with an external identity (or in systems a part identifies differently than the body is), it seems that way from the dissomei/dissodic post we found, so we've tried to organise this correctly following that belief system/idea(??)
we would link it, but they are explicitly anti-rq, and this blog is explicitly neutral-rq and contains rq content so we will not link the post we found as to not invade their space
quoted from the post we found: "dissomei/dissodic ... describe an involuntary disconnect ... between their physical self and inner self ... this can be because of (but isnt limited to): ... systemhood, headmates/facets differing from physical body ..."
something about it seems very "parts MUST make it clear that they ARE NOT [blank] because the body isn't and their identity is only internal if it differs from the physical" in general, not sure if that's how i'm meant to interpret it.... sorry if i had misunderstood
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ckcrwtrnscndnce · 1 month ago
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˚₊‧꒰ა a gender that is connected to the internet, digital and ever-changing, while having a strong connection to angels ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
woe gender be upon ye
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pinkpawpads · 8 months ago
hello! could you do a creative freedom layer manager? with like a conductor vibe, but everything else is up to you ^-^
I didn't know which type you were talking about, so ya gettin 3 options!! (musical, train and electrical wehehee..)
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Name; Ronen / Ronan
Pronouns; He / They / Symph
Gender; Cis male + Classicagender
Sexuality; Achillean
Age; 32
Role; Organizer
Conditions / Disabilities; "none i'm normal" ( ASD , PTSD + General Anxiety )
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Name; Chessie / Casey
Pronouns; They / He / Xe
Gender; Genderfaunet (AFAB)
Sexuality; Graysexual + Bisexual
Age; 26
Role; Retriever + Transportation Helper
Conditions / Disabilities; Partially deaf , Athsma + Vision impairment (wears contacts most days)
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Name; Edona / Edith
Pronouns; She / Wire / Shock
Gender; Transfem + Webgender
Sexuality; Berrisexual
Age; 17
Role; Assistant (mainly helps with tech related problems)
Conditions / Disabilities; Tics + Stutter
Extra; (specifically) aluminum conductor
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(SORRY IF ANYTHING DOESNT SOUND RIGHT I SWITCHED IN HALFWAY THRU LOL) and the damn image layout wont WORKK (/nm at anon lol) - Callie + Allen
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collectivelibrary-archived · 9 months ago
hi ahh any internet based genders? :DD!
yes, that's sick!!
masc ; onlineboyic, netboy, mascnet, boyvirtual/guyvirtual/manvirtual, boydigital/guydigital/mandigital
neu ; netgender, :3gender, :]gender, :)gender, >:3gender, >:]gender, ^__^gender, UNRESTRICTEDINTERNETACCESS (coined by 🐾 on pinterest, link will be below!) friendtextic, pixaesic, textycharic, sillypixelcatgender, nostalgicwebzxenic, neonstargender, y2kelectrin, mascnet, webgender, holigender, pinwebtigender, pastelstreamer, nonbinaryvirtual, nonbinarydigital
femme ; netgirl, onlinegirlic, femnet, girlvirtual/galvirtual/womanvirtual, girldigital/galdigital/womandigital
hope these are alright! feel free to send in another ask if you need any more!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 months ago
Candy from five nights at candys is a webcoric nyancatic 2010scoric 2010shorrorgender webcorestalgic 2010scringic >w<gender cringecoric webgender clowngender clownboy hypergender clownthing clowncoric candygender candygoric ringpopic who uses XD/XDs, :3/:3s, nya/nyas, silly/sillys, XP/XPs, web/webs, cringe/cringes, pop/pops, creepy/pasta, vocaloid/vocaloids, emoticon/emoticons, kit/kits, dizzy/dizzies, horn/horns, and swirl/swirls!
Cindy is a backroomsgender backroomsic backroomsspinnic catbackroomic deathmothgender entity99ic level!ic robocatgender glitchsilly cybercattic kittykaomojic catdigital cybercatgender voidcatgender spookycatgender voidgender shadowcattic darkgender who uses !/!s, =)/=)s, ?/?s, bone/bones, crimson/crimsons, eye/eyes, glitch/glitches, ice/ices, moon/moons, moth/moths, neon/neons, void/voids, 🌀/🌀s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌑/🌑s, 🍄/🍄s, 👁️/👁️s, 🥀/🥀s, 🥩/🥩s, 🦴/🦴s, 🦷/🦷s, 🩸/🩸s, 🩹/🩹s, nya/nyas, paw/paws, meow/meows, nip/nips, zi/zis, bot/bots, vy/vyms, ke/kims, kit/kits, net/nets, mew/mews, dark/darks, and death/deaths!
Chester is a GNC bassgender bassguitagender guitargender guitarweaponic rockmasc rockgender plushiccuddlic plushgender genderplush cuddlegender chocogender cocopupgender neopolitan genderfuck anarchogender who uses beat/beats, black/blacks, cream/creams, metal/metals, radio/radios, riff/riffs, rose/roses, scorpion/scorpions, shred/shreds, 🎵/🎵s, 🎶/🎶s, 🎸/🎸s, bite/bites, cute/cutes, decora/decoras, kawaii/kawaiis, milk/milks, bat/bats, rebel/rebels, rip/rips, xe/xir, 🩸/🩸s, 👁️/👁️s, and 🔪/🔪s
The penguin is a angelprogram angeldigital digiangel genderstatic divinelexic angelprogram computerwho uses holy/holys, chain/chains, code/codes, malware/malwares, 01/01s, halo/halos, devine/devines, celestial/celestials, and soul/souls
Old candy is a genderclock timegender techthing bytegender cyberthing techbodiment robogender internetic techcoric viruscoric bluescreengender internetgender genderloading nocturnalgender decaygod deathbodiment who uses chime/chimes, dial/dials, night/nights, daem/daems, eon/eons, chrono/chronos, lyre/lyres, it/its, cyber/cybers, online/onlines, neon/neons, internet/internets, code/codes, death/deaths, and grim/grims
Shadow candy is a voidpunk assigned cryptid at birth gendervoid void attraction rosevoidic divinevoid gendercryptid darkvoidic who uses void/voids, night/nights, dark/darks, 0/0s, zero/zeros, shadow/shadows, obsidian/obsidians, end/ends, space/spaces, glow/glows, eye/eyes, cold/colds, hx/hxm, it/its, noir/noirs, x/xs, !/!s
Vinnie is a deerkin assigned doll at birth dollgender dollcoric hypergender dollmasc ghostiformic shadowcomfic daroric figuric phosdimial shadowthing deerboy deerthing weirddeeric dxxric deerskullskeletic deerheadlightsgender deerwolfteethix cryptidgender anomalyic crypticutie foretidian boy creature who uses doll/dolls, joint/jointes, stim/stims, shadow/shadows, glitch/glitches, obsidian/obsidians, abyss/abysses, haunt/haunts, blood/bloods, cryptid/cryptids, beast/beasts, creature/creatures, thing/things, and that/thats
RAT is a gay neutral-feminine dollkin ratplushic eepygender tiredlexic ratsweetic fallratgender sillyratgender sleepbodiment sleepic sleepycute sleepygirl apocalyptenic apocamaschelpic apocanamic apocasunsetic apothelyptic calamic demosinian postspesic warfaren mousedollic ratvesil mousegender with insomnia who uses eep/eepy, nap/naps, dark/darks, death/deaths, and star/stars
- 🍡🍮 anon (if that isn’t alreafy taken)
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radiomogai · 2 years ago
no problem, and pasting what's under the cut for archival purposes!!!
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a green center stripe. end ID]
beholdigender: a feargender related to the fear of being watched or followed, having secrets exposed, etc. it is also connected to a thirst for knowledge, no matter what.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a brownish-yellow center stripe. end ID]
buriedgender: a feargender related to the fear of being trapped without enough space (claustrophobia, being buried alive, emotional/mental/physical crushing weight etc). it is also connected to feelings of security.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to an olive green center stripe. end ID]
corruptiongender: a feargender related to the fear of insects and filth (mold, worms, etc). it is also connected to feelings of love, companionship, and mutually beneficial relationships.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a dark blue center stripe. end ID]
desolagender: a feargender related to the fears of pain, loss, destruction, and/or burning. it is also connected to wax, new beginnings, and power.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a green-grey center stripe. end ID]
endgender: a feargender related to the fear of death. it is also connected to peace, dreams, and game pieces.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to an orange center stripe. end ID]
extingender: a feargender related to the fear of catastrophic change, the end of humanity, and/or humanity being replaced. it is also connected to code, strings of numbers, and man-made catastrophes.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a blue-grey center stripe. end ID]
forsakgender: a feargender related to the fear of being abandoned and isolated. it is also connected to mist, ships, and traveling.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a bright red center stripe. end ID]
huntgender: a feargender related to the fear of being prey to another creature. it is also connected to animals, monsters, and instincts.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a dark grey center stripe. end ID]
pitchgender: a feargender related to the fear of the dark. it is also connected to brackish water and coldness.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a blood red center stripe. end ID]
slaughtergender: a feargender related to the fear of unpredictable or unmotivated violence. it is also connected to weaponry and music, drums and bagpipes in particular.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a bright pink center stripe. end ID]
spiralgender: a feargender related to the fear of being deceived and of the world not being as it seems. it is also connected to fractals, doors, mazes, and impossible geometry. 
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a purple center stripe. end ID]
strangergender: a feargender related to the fear of the unknown and the sense that something isn’t quite right. it is also connected to mannequins, and taxidermy. 
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a light blue center stripe. end ID]
vastgender: a feargender related to the fear of heights and falling. it is also connected to freedom, giant creatures, and wide open spaces.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to a muted, light red center stripe. end ID]
viscergender: a feargender related to the fear of being butchered and/or cannibalized. it is also connected to Christian imagery and self-improvement.
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[ID: A 7 striped pride flag. The outermost stripes are black, and the other stripes are a gradient to an off-white center stripe. end ID]
webgender: a feargender related to the fear of being controlled, manipulated, or trapped. it is also connected to spiders and spiderweb-like patterns.
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a gender that is characterized or connected to fear in some way - the gender does not cause fear for the person who experiences it, and may even enrich or encourage the person, but it is connected to the fear of others. can be used with other suffixes (fearboy, fearflux, etc). this gender(system) is also inspired by the 15 entities from The Magnus Archives!
variations under the cut!! thank you to @/radiomogai for archiving the original post so that i can redo this properly + some slightly updated descriptions!! :)
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beholdigender: a feargender related to the fear of being watched or followed, having secrets exposed, etc. it is also connected to a thirst for knowledge, no matter what.
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buriedgender: a feargender related to the fear of being trapped without enough space (claustrophobia, being buried alive, emotional/mental/physical crushing weight etc). it is also connected to feelings of security.
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corruptiongender: a feargender related to the fear of insects and filth (mold, worms, etc). it is also connected to feelings of love, companionship, and mutually beneficial relationships.
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desolagender: a feargender related to the fears of pain, loss, destruction, and/or burning. it is also connected to wax, new beginnings, and power.
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endgender: a feargender related to the fear of death. it is also connected to peace, dreams, and game pieces.
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extingender: a feargender related to the fear of catastrophic change, the end of humanity, and/or humanity being replaced. it is also connected to code, strings of numbers, and man-made catastrophes.
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forsakgender: a feargender related to the fear of being abandoned and isolated. it is also connected to mist, ships, and traveling.
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huntgender: a feargender related to the fear of being prey to another creature. it is also connected to animals, monsters, and instincts.
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pitchgender: a feargender related to the fear of the dark. it is also connected to brackish water and coldness.
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slaughtergender: a feargender related to the fear of unpredictable or unmotivated violence. it is also connected to weaponry and music, drums and bagpipes in particular.
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spiralgender: a feargender related to the fear of being deceived and of the world not being as it seems. it is also connected to fractals, doors, mazes, and impossible geometry. 
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strangergender: a feargender related to the fear of the unknown and the sense that something isn’t quite right. it is also connected to mannequins, and taxidermy. 
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vastgender: a feargender related to the fear of heights and falling. it is also connected to freedom, giant creatures, and wide open spaces.
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viscergender: a feargender related to the fear of being butchered and/or cannibalized. it is also connected to Christian imagery and self-improvement.
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webgender: a feargender related to the fear of being controlled, manipulated, or trapped. it is also connected to spiders and spiderweb-like patterns.
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