#hyperactive mind
Brain Noise
I wanted to share this and see if it resonated. Because until a few months ago, I didn't realize other brains weren't as noisy as mine. This is what clued me in on having ADHD in addition to the Autism. When I say my brain goes from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep, I mean it.
My brain noise comes in 3 types: Loop, activity, thoughts.
Loop: whatever's looping that day. Sometimes it's a song, but not the whole song, just a part of it. Sometimes it's a quote, sometimes it's some kind of Muzak. Today, for example, it's Bob's Burgers with Gene singing "I'm a little tigerrrrr, a sexy little tiger, rawr!" on repeat. One time it was Rose from The Golden Girls in the middle of a St. Olaf story: "I guess after the baby came they needed to make some more room."
Activity: Whatever I'm currently doing. So because I'm typing, brain chatter is just reading "aloud" what I type. But if I'm making coffee, I'm telling my body what to do now, and what to do next, be mindful of my place in space, don't knock this over, hold that steady. Don't drop the-FUCK. Okay, go pick it up and clean that up....
Thought: whatever else is going through my head. Could be about the future, the past, the present, whatever. Sometimes it's about what I need to do that day, that week, next week, sometimes it's doing a body scan to see if I'm hungry, horny, whatever, sometimes it's thinking about some cringe shit I did in high school or my last attempt at a hookup. Sometimes I'm thinking of video games, or sex, or daydreaming about a future boyfriend, or imagining myself as successful, happy, within community. It's truly chaos, and can switch tracks any second.
And it's all going on at the same time. Always. So when I say my brain is loud and noisy, this is just a taste of what I mean.
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hyperactiveraven · 1 year
As an author with ADHD, it is so hard to stay committed to one story when my mind is constantly creating new ones that I NEED to write NOW 😆😅
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lavendersyrupart · 2 years
Busy minded 💡☁️💙
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Many thoughts -- head full
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Hi, I’m Emma, honours student at the University of Manitoba, and principal researcher of the “Mind wandering, inattention, and attentional control” study, which aims to investigate the cognitive mechanisms underlying mind wandering and its relation to Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
We are currently seeking volunteers to participate in our online study. This study is intended for any adults, regardless of whether you have been diagnosed with, or suspect you have, ADHD.
In our study, you will complete a sustained attention task known as a go/no-go task. Periodically, the task will pause, and you will be asked to report on your thoughts and experiences just prior to the prompt. Following the sustained attention task you will complete brief questionnaires about your personality, prior experiences, and demographics.
The study will take approximately 30 minutes. You can complete the study anytime online at:
This research has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry campus, and is being completed under the supervision of Dr. Nicholaus Brosowsky.
Your participation is extremely important for the study, which we thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
Emma Fernando
Principal Investigator contact information:
Emma Fernando, Student
University of Manitoba
Principal Investigator contact information:
Dr. Nick Brosowsky, Assistant Professor
University of Manitoba
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vykodlak · 9 months
Miss Cleo
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it's one am and i'm hyperactive and i would like to ride wednesday until i tire myself out thank you
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callixton · 3 days
um. does anyone know how to not live your life through obsession and sort of how to think abt more than one thing at once. or perhaps how to release what you can’t stop thinking about at will
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sso-montana · 5 months
i offer you my first older justin drawing (look might be subject to change bc this is the first time i've drawn more than a stubble on a chracter) featuring the witch girlfriend wife herself
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
My Incredibly Serious pitch for twew3 takes place around 10-15 years in the future where many of the protags have since settled down, gotten married, and had kids, most importantly Neku and Rindo, with three kids between them and their respective partners. All's well until one day, through some good 'ol fashioned UG bullshittery, the kids are pulled into the Reaper's Game and are left wandering Shibuya scared and confused and alone until they're noticed by a hoard of Noise and attacked...but just before any blow can land, they're saved by a mysterious figure in a long black cloak and...are those cat whiskers??
Sho doesn't have a clue how or why these kids ended up here, but he does know whose they are. And he definitely knows that he can't just leave them like this...
Meanwhile, back in the RG everyone's understandably freaking the fuck out over their missing kids, and it only helps slightly when Uzuki shows up to explain the situation to them.
"Relax, alright! Your kids are fine. We have someone looking after them while we try to figure out how to get them out of this mess."
"Who?? Is it Kariya? Coco? Is it one of the Shinjuku Reapers?"
"Well, no. It's...someone else you all know."
"Someone we...NO-"
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uniforestchan · 6 months
Initially, I wanted to draw in the style of traditional art with a depressive message, but I drew a semi-realistic grox-boy standing in the rain. Why🧐
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alr hear me out
Nahida's normal attack sequence but instead of it coming out as dendro she's holding a gun
her e's charged attack is just her holding it up and pointing the gun with the both of her hands
no she won't float while doing it
and no she isn't using her catalyst (or any tbh)
just gun
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 9 months
please come send me asks, I have been ill and I am sad and now I am procrastinating a very difficult WIP, give me anything to work with here
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crimson-synths · 5 days
time to stay up until I stop being so hyper
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altruistic-meme · 13 days
you ever see something that is so painfully wrong it hurts. please. bestie. that's not how that goes.
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lost-in-fandoms · 30 days
there are many things i love about tumblr tags but one of the best features is that it doesn't embarrass me when i try to write the same tag twice. because yes, i will do it. often.
i tend to automatically write my system tags and focus on my rambling instead so sometimes i reach the end of the sentence and think wait hold on did i already tag this with the proper serious tags? but my beautiful lover, tumblr tags, doesn't make me go back to check, doesn't make me delete doubles, it simply sorts it all out for me. i love you tumblr tags.
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difty-dift · 1 year
Artfight! It's still going on! And I'm still in it baby 😎 (though very behind <<':3c (though doing pretty good so far imo tbh lol))
Only 3 drawings in yet I feel considerably more confident about getting things done this time around! And more positive about the whole thing too (excluding the webbed site :)) haha) anyways what I got
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Attack on @the-worm-man featuring his Scrya and 👁️!
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Attack on @blasphemousfungus featuring her Willow Waxing!
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A (late 💀) birthday attack on @eyerolls-the-view featuring his Luio Algriond!
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