#the sugar is kicking in uh oh
alr hear me out
Nahida's normal attack sequence but instead of it coming out as dendro she's holding a gun
her e's charged attack is just her holding it up and pointing the gun with the both of her hands
no she won't float while doing it
and no she isn't using her catalyst (or any tbh)
just gun
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arminsumi · 1 year
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
you and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
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Chapter index
Summary : you've come to visit Japan to meet these two boys you met online. Though Satoru can't speak English and you can't speak Japanese, the two of you still fall in love. Very cute. Very cheesy. Oh no... wait is there a tension between you and his best friend, too? Oh boy...
Warnings : romantic tension with Suguru / potential love triangle, cat scratch
Note : i think of this fic a lot and i found the continuation hiding out in my drafts sooo here 👍
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works
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Satoru blinks awake to see your face. His heart beats harder.
結局昨日は夢ではなかったのか? Yesterday was not a dream after all?
He's not an early bird at all, but from the first day of your visit he magically woke up early as if his soul was too excited to sleep when it knew you were right there, in the flesh. No screen. Just you.
When the first day starts, it feels like you've always been together. Was there ever a screen separating the two of you? And were you really going to disappear behind one again in just a month?
今のところ、彼女はここに留まるように感じています。彼女が訪問を終えて出発するとき、私は空港で赤ん坊のように泣くことになると思います。 For now, she feels like she's here to stay. I think I'm going to cry like a baby at the airport when she leaves after her visit.
Morning routines are carried out. The sky is cloudy at first, threatening rain, and by the time you three cluster into the kitchen to make breakfast together, it starts raining.
You and Satoru banter like two cats. Suguru's morning rasp is very strong.
"Satoru... uh... sugar?" you ask, preparing to make yourself a second one and automatically making Satoru another one, since he looks still very bleary-eyed even after spending an hour freshening up in the bathroom.
"...? Yes?" he tilts his head, then you raise the sugar cube jar. "Yes. Uh... four. Thank you."
Suguru's blushing because of the cute tension between you and his best friend. It fills the whole kitchen, which already felt full with their two bodies and a third one now. Everyone keeps bumping elbows and yet not complaining about it, in fact it's enjoyable to be squished together. Maybe because you three waited so long to be together in person, you don't mind it. There's a silent, ever-present comedy in the air about the tight proximity.
You hum happily, tossing in one, two, three... four? That's a lot of sugar. "Suguru, tell Satoru he mustn't have so much sugar all the time. It's not good for his health."
Suguru laughs. "I try to tell him that every day. But his sweet tooth is incurable."
"His dentist must hate him." you smirk at Satoru, who's been looking at you blushingly after hearing his name mentioned.
彼女の声が今では一番好きな音だと思います。 I think her voice is my favorite sound now.
もう一度私の名前を言ってください。 Please say my name again.
"Satoru? Coffee?" you interrupt his lovey-dovey thoughts and he suddenly reanimates himself, because for a moment there he zoned out and just stared at you with those pretty eyes.
"Mmm... thanks." he takes the coffee from you with a noticeable timidness that you can't quite explain. There's a lot about him that's indescribable, you're having a small internal crisis; aren't you supposed to be fluent in English? And yet you can't even begin to describe just how sweet and gentle Satoru behaves. The most you can do is use metaphors that barely justify him.
"Suguru, tell her... her voice is nice, and also sorry for cuddling you in my sleep (and that she can definitely kick me away at night if it bothers her.) Also!" (the three of you head into the living room, and Suguru habitually trips over the cat who stalks under his feet too quietly to notice) "Also tell her... if it rains today, does she still want to go out? Because if we go out in the rain, she might get sick. And I don't want her to get sick on her trip. Not that I'd mind taking care of you, Y/n, of course."
Suguru lets out a long sigh and pulls a funny face. You smile amusedly.
"...It's too early to be a translator..." he grumbles in English after Satoru overloads him.
"What? C'mon tell her everything I said!"
"Let me have my coffee first. How about the two of you write to each other?" he suggests, putting the rim of the cup to his lips and sipping languidly.
"Eh, fine." Satoru pouts, and stalks off into his bedroom to get his phone.
Then, when he's in his bedroom, his chest flutters for some reason when he sees your suitcase standing there opened and emptied into the free cupboard space. He takes his phone, smiles at the homely feeling of seeing your belongings in his room, and leaves.
"Oh..." he has a sudden idea, and remembers the magnetic drawing board that's hanging in the kitchen. He and Suguru usually use it for writing reminders to each other, like get milk or you're an idiot or sometimes it has doodles of Mint the cat with sunglasses on.
So he returns to you with this magnetic drawing board, and points at it meaningfully, then holds one finger up and bows his head as he begins writing very slowly.
Suguru's checking the weather forecast and muttering sour complaints under his breath to you. "Of course it would rain for three days just when you arrive... at least by the weekend it will be clear and sunny..."
"Mmm... it's alright. A little rain never hurt nobody." you respond.
"I like your optimism." Suguru compliments flippantly at first, but then continues; "It's really uplifting. I think Satoru said something about you being a joy once, he said it really poetically but I can't recall it now."
"Aw..." you dip your head beneath your coffee cup, hiding the bashful expression on your face, which Suguru chuckles at.
And then, for a long moment, you just stare and watch Satoru writing on the board. You're completely captured in this moment, completely captivated in his enveloping presence as he sits next to you. He has slow, meticulous wrist movements. His knees press together, like he's worried that he'll invade your personal space if he sits too comfortably close to you. Funny, considering he cuddled you all night and you had no complaints about it.
He's writing very simply and neatly, just like how he texts you. You're a bit baffled by the characters he's using, though he's trying his best to avoid using any kanji knowing that you don't know a lot of it. He's sure you can figure things out by slowly pronouncing each hiragana character, or at least he hopes.
"Here." he hands you the magnetic drawing board, and then raises from the couch to go feed the cat.
"Minto-Minto... " he calls after the cat and makes a small cute sound to lure her out.
You're trying to read each hiragana character, eyes squinting a bit.
Suguru leans in close to you. He just takes a look, but the proximity for some reason gives both of you butterflies.
"Ooh... that's cute." Suguru comments after reading what Satoru wrote. His voice reaches deep in your tummy.
"Hm... I'll spell it out and... figure it out... anyways, why did you name your cat Mint?"
"Oh... well. There's two reasons. So the first..." he sets down his coffee, like he's about to tell you a great story, "Is because Satoru watched this show called Tokyo Mew Mew growing up, and he liked the character Minto. So he calls her Minto. And then I agreed on calling her that, but I call her Mint, because I hate mint the herb."
"You — haha, wait what? You call her Mint because you hate mint?"
"Yes. I hate mint, both the herb and the cat. She hates me too, clearly." Suguru raises his hand to remind you of how the cat scratched him the night before.
"Such a cute Hello Kitty sticker..." you tease.
"Thank you. Only the manliest men wear Hello Kitty Bandaids."
"How did she scratch you anyways...?"
"Oh, she likes to hang out in the washing machine if Satoru accidentally leaves it open. And when I try take her out of her comfy spot, she scratches me."
You sympathize, "Poor thing."
"What, the cat or me?" Suguru laughs.
"The cat." you lie teasingly.
"Wow! And here I thought you were being sympathetic!" he raises his brows.
You giggle and look at him, eyes finally making contact — ooh no that's bad bad bad, better break it immediately. So the two of you look away like you've both just indulged in a taboo intimacy. His stomach flips.
"Minto has been fed. She gave me cuddles." Satoru comes back into the room, and you admire the feeling he brings with him.
"No scratches?" Suguru asks.
"No, obviously, she loves me more than you." Satoru cheeks.
"Fuck you, haha."
Satoru makes his voice lower and leans to Suguru, "(Did she figure out what I wrote yet?)"
"Y/n did you figure out what he wrote?" Suguru asks.
"I'm trying so hard. What does this part mean...?"
Suguru shakes his head and puts his hands up. "Like I said, I'm not Mr Translator in the mornings."
"But you've had your coffee! Please, just this part..." you beg, and he can't deny that sweet begging. He easily folds for it, just like when Satoru begs for anything.
"Okay, where — this? Uh... Satoru your handwriting isn't usually this neat, is it...? That part means... 'voice'."
"Oh... ohhh!" you suddenly realize, and then the boys swoon over you when you pronounce the characters out loud to yourself.
"Uh... I think I know what it means..." you feel your cheeks warm up from the crown to your jawline.
あなたのこえがすき。 a-na-ta-no-ko-e-ga-su-ki.
"I like your voice, too." you respond to Satoru, and he half-gets it and gives you a thumbs up.
You look at each other and then promptly look away with shy smiles.
"You two are cute." Suguru comments.
"Ahah... ahah shut up... hey, the sky has cleared up." you point out.
"Ooh... it cleared up 'cuz Satoru walked back into the room."
You awe at what he said.
"Hey, Translator — (stop talking about me behind my back!)"
Suguru chuckles, "I wasn't! I was just — never mind. Let's get ready to head out."
And so you head into Satoru's bedroom to get ready, and Suguru heads into his bedroom, and Satoru himself goes into the cramped bathroom. Poor boy. He's really too tall for that archway, he bumped his head again.
彼女に花を買ってあげるべきでしょうか?それともちょっと多すぎますか? Should I buy her flowers? Or is it a bit too much?
(なんてことだ)、なぜこのシャツには穴が開いているのでしょう? (Oh my god), why does this shirt have holes?
The door slides open, he steps out of the bathroom half-dressed, and intends to quickly slip into Suguru's bedroom to borrow a shirt instead of awkwardly knocking on his bedroom door and disturbing you.
But oh, you know what? The cheesiest possible thing happens instead. The universe likes making Satoru's life a little more fun in odd times. So the two of you encounter each other in the hallway; you're fully clothed and he's got just pants and socks on.
He stutters once, swallows awkwardly, and even more awkwardly places his hand on your head as if to say sorry for this inconvenience.
But you laugh in response to the funny situation.
ああ、またあの美しい笑い声。 Ah, that beautiful laugh again.
"Sorry." he mutters, and disappears to go get a shirt from Suguru.
"It's okay." you reply.
The image of your pretty smile is burned in his head.
You can hear him telling Suguru something in the other room, and then you hear Suguru's muffled laugh as a response.
"(Don't laugh! I'm embarrassed! She's seen me shirtless now! No one's seen me shirtless except you!)"
"(You're such a virgin.)"
"(Say that again, I dare you.)"
"(Sorry, I don't understand you. I don't speak virgin, only English and Japanese.)"
You're wondering why Satoru sounds so embarrassed and annoyed, and then he groans down the hallway. It feels like you're their roommate, it's funny.
The two of you encounter each other in the hall again. This time he has a shirt, yes. And this time Suguru is there, too, and he's holding back an amused smile. He fluffs Satoru's hair as a way of embarrassing him more.
So Satoru leaves, and he leaves in such a way that it's super comedic, making you and Suguru laugh. Ooh, what a laugh that boy has; his Addam's apple shifts up and down deliciously.
"Ah... Suguru? I need help with the washing machine..."
"...this kid on the plane who sat next to me, he spilled strawberry juice all over my shirt and now it's sticky."
"But at least it smells like strawberries, right?" he jokes. "You can put it in the washing machine, I'll be doing the laundry in a second anyways..." there is a small moment of eye contact shared, then Suguru looks down, and frowns at something he sees, "(SATORU YOU LEFT YOUR SOCK ON THE FLOOR AGAIN!)"
"(Haha, sorry.)" you hear Satoru half-heartedly apologize from the other room.
So Suguru picks up the sock like an annoyed mother and goes to lecture Satoru.
"(You're embarrassing me in front of our guest. For the love of god, don't leave your goofy ass socks on the floor. What if she slips on them?)"
"(You're such a mother, Suguru.)"
You're calmly and casually going to put your juice-stained shirt in the washing machine like Suguru said, but then...
(the boys are talking and there's just this hilariously dramatic scream from the laundry room)
"(Did the cat scratch her?)"
"Ow, y-yeah!" you whine.
Suguru's the first one at the crime scene, and he picks up the cat and proceeds to lecture the cat as if it understands Japanese. It licks its lips and nubby nose and has an evil stare. You giggle.
"I'm so sorry... come, uh — (Suguru, we still have Hello Kitty adhesives somewhere, right?)" Satoru instinctually holds your hand that got scratched.
And he holds it so tenderly and caringly that it makes your whole chest quake for him.
彼女の手の傷はとても小さなものですが、それでも私は心臓がチクチクするのを感じました。 Although the wound on her hand was very small, I still felt my heart tingle.
He leads you to his bedroom, picking up some adhesives and antiseptic on the way, and sits with you on the unmade beds. You watch his fingers nimbly peeling the plastic off the adhesive, admiring how swiftly and perfectly he does even the littlest things. He has such a great attention to detail, it makes you self-conscious; is he thinking of you with the same attention to detail as everything else? Yes... he is.
He dabs some antiseptic on your small scratch, and then gently wraps and pats the Hello Kitty adhesive around it. You're pretty sure he's the one who bought them. Oh, if only you could ask him, but where even is your phone? Lost in a void somewhere, probably.
"Thank you, Satoru."
His eyes light up. His heart thumps. Why did those small, simple words have such a great effect on him?
"Mhm." he hums in acknowledgement. "You're welcome."
あなたの傷がもっと良くなるようにキスしたいです。 I want to kiss your wounds to make them better.
A second after thinking this and looking at your hand, he brings it to his lips and presses a very delicate kiss to the edge of your wrist, where the small cut spanned up to the base of your palm. Can you even call it a kiss? It's more like his lips graze your skin, hovering timidly.
And for some reason... the atmosphere becomes very intimate. Is it because of the place where he kissed you? The inner wrist has never occurred to you to be an intimate spot, and yet you're feeling as if he just kissed you on the lips.
You hear him audibly swallow, like he's conscious of this, too. The both of you become very aware of the tension in the atmosphere.
And then he looks apologetic, as if he overstepped a boundary. So you mutter a small, whispery "thanks..." which lifts his heart up into his throat and reassures him that you don't mind the intimacy.
"Mmm..." he blinks at you, pursing his lips.
His eyes linger on your lips for a moment, and it feels like he's about to... well you know his body just wants to... he sort of...
"Hey, how's the wounded patient?" Suguru interrupts, and you and Satoru spring apart like you're elastic bands that just got released after being stretched.
"Ahah, I'm okay. It's not a bad scratch." you lift your hand, "I'll cherish this Hello Kitty Bandaid forever, thank you."
"Yeah, Satoru bought 'em so you can thank him."
"I knewww he bought them, haha! So expected... cutiepie." you admire Satoru, and he's pretty sure that the last thing you said is some cute nickname, so he smirks.
"Okay, well... anyways, let's head out before the sun rises too high and it gets too hot to walk."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
Life is like a Box of Chocolates || LandOscar
Summary: When you take an edible chocolate with your boyfriends it has an unexpected side effect. Warnings: 18+ only, edibles, smut, oral (both), mmf. WC: 2. 3k
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The box looked inconspicuous enough. 
Oscar turned the packaging over and read through the ingredients while you and Lando opened three individually wrapped treats. They looked like any other boutique chocolate you had tried but this one promised more than a sugar high. 
“Bottoms up,” Lando said with a grin. 
You tapped your square of chocolate against his with a reciprocal smile. “I hope so.” 
You both bit into the treats and moaned at the decadent richness that coated your tongue. You couldn’t even taste the drug that would absorb slowly into your system, leaving you with a long lasting high that would surely make the boring dinner party better. 
“Oh my god, that was so good!” you hummed as you licked your fingers clean and found Lando had finished his too. 
Oscar chuckled as he saw a spot of chocolate in the corner of Lando’s lips and kissed it clean before grabbing his own piece. “We normally take half.”
“You’ve never been to this event before, trust me, you’ll need a whole one,” Lando assured him, taking the chocolate and guiding it to Oscar’s parted lips himself. 
Your body started to heat in response to the small sounds Oscar made as Lando fed him. “Why are you two teasing me? You know we don’t have time to play before the car gets here.”
Reluctantly, Oscar pulled away and swallowed his mouthful before returning to pack up the box. He opened the box again and put the few remaining wrappers back in, before noticing the instruction booklet under the tray. “Uh, guys, I don’t think this was weed,” he mutters.
“What do you mean?” Lando said with a laugh. “This is the box Daniel said to get.”
“Wait, Danny?” You hoped you hadn’t heard correctly. “The same Danny who has been trying to get back at you for the prank in Vegas?”
Lando laughed and shook his head, but realisation seemed to slowly dawn on his face and he snatched the box out of Oscar’s hands. His eyes scanned across the page of tiny disclaimers until it fluttered with his shaking hands. 
“What did you give us, Lando?” you asked as you looked between both of your boyfriends. “Osc?”
“Okay, so, don’t panic,” Oscar’s words immediately made your heart start pumping faster and he pulled you into his arms to draw soothing circles over your back. “It’s fine, baby. You might just feel a little…”
“Horny,” Lando answered for him before he couldn’t suppress his laugh any longer. “I’m going to get him for this.”
“You don’t sound very worried,” you said to Lando before looking at Oscar. Obviously, he was never one to worry so he just shrugged.
“I’ll take care of you if you need it,” he promised.
“I can’t tell if this is the chocolate or me,” you grumbled as you sat between your boyfriends in the backseat of the car. Your hands gripped their thighs in an effort to keep them from roaming any higher, but it was a losing battle. 
“That’s just you, baby, it said it could take an hour to kick in,” Lando said, fiddling with his tie again. “Why do these have to be so tight?”
“He says it like he didn’t asked to be choked last night,” Oscar chuckled, reaching over your shoulder to tuck the tie back under his collar. “Now relax.”
“That was the plan,” Lando said with a roll of his eyes. “I’m going to fucking kill Danny.”
“Worry about that later, we’re here.”
You accepted Oscar’s hand and stepped out after him to the flash of cameras. It was hard not to feel inadequate when you were standing beside two of the most handsome men you had ever met, but when they curled their arms around your waist and whispered sweet words the worry fell away. 
“You look so beautiful, darling,” Lando said softly as he brushed his lips over your cheek. “I’m having a hard time keeping this PG-13.”
Oscar caught his finger under Lando’s chin and turned his hungry eyes away from you. “Stop looking at each other like that, you’re not the only one having a hard time,” he groaned. You couldn’t help glancing down his body but the black suit pants hid the ‘hard time’ he was growing in them. “Stop looking at me like that,” he warned. 
“I can’t help that I am infatuated with you two,” you said innocently, a sweet smile drawing his attention to your kissable lips. “Tsk, tsk, stop looking at me like that, Osc. Have some self control.”
Lando laughed and led you away from Osc as he tipped his head back with a silent prayer to survive the evening with his brats. When he had his composure back, he scanned the area for you but in those short seconds you and Lando had disappeared into the busy venue. “Fuck,” he groaned before beginning his search.
The crowd of businessmen swallowed you whole and it was only Lando’s hand that kept you from being swept away as he followed the bodies into the venue. His stiff back that you tucked in behind was the only outward sign that he hated the event but it was a night that couldn’t be avoided as McLaren needed investors to continue its growth. 
“Drink, love?” he asked over his shoulder.
“Only if it’s strong,” you winked. He smirked before suddenly changing direction and towing you towards the bar. “Shit!”
Lando turned quicker than your eyes could follow and he was glaring at the shocked stranger who stared at the damp splash in your dress. It would have made you laugh if the dress wasn’t worth more than your monthly pay and currently freezing from the icy drink that now decorated your bodice. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there,” the man apologised. 
“You didn’t see her?” Lando asked in disbelief. He couldn't understand how anyone could miss the most beautiful person in the room. 
“It-it’s just water,” he stammered as he reached to brush the water drops away but Lando caught his wrist before he could touch you. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, I wasn’t paying attention,” you said as you peered around for the bathrooms before spotting the arrow pointing down a hall. “Come on, Lan.”
“Watch where you are going next time,” Lando imparted the advice as he turned with you, feeling your elbow nudge into his ribs at the attitude. “What? There is no way he didn’t see you. Everyone else can’t take their eyes off you.”
You rolled your eyes at the idea and stepped into the room as he opened the door for you. “It’s you they are staring at,” you corrected.
He slipped inside the powder room behind you and checked the attached room for the toilet was empty before he attacked. His lips threatened to ruin your makeup as he pinned you between his body and the wall, grinding himself along your front until your eyes fluttered shut. “You don’t see what I do,” he murmured between his heated kisses to your neck. His hand ran up your thigh, finding the slit in the dress so it could climb higher and brush the edge of your panties. “So fucking sexy and everyone knows you’re mine.”
A throat cleared and your eyes flew open to see Oscar leaning back against the door, an amused smirk on his lips as he watched the show unfold. “Yours?” he taunted as he snapped the lock into place.
“Ours,” Lando accentuated with his usual sass that had Oscar pushing off from the door and crossing the distance in two long strides. 
Desire was pooling at your core as you watched Oscar’s hand envelope Lando’s throat and pull him closer. Their lips collided with a fierce need to determine dominance and Lando tried to fight it before he succumbed to Oscar with a moan. Satisfied, Oscar pulled back to see Lando’s pupils blown out and a breathy whimper escaped his swollen lips. 
“You are both mine,” Oscar clarified before his eyes danced over your body and noticed the wet material. “What happened?”
“Some idiot spilt his drink on her.”
Oscar grabbed a hand towel from the shelf and started to dab away as much moisture as he could but every brush of the material sent little bolts of lightning across your body. Suddenly it felt like your body was on fire and you bit your lip as the flames reached your core.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned as the last touch caught the underside of your beast and it felt heavy with need. “Do that again, please.”
Lando was feeling the same heated effects course through his veins as the chocolates reacted with his body. “I think it’s been an hour,” he chuckled, reaching for the stiff peak he could see pressing against the thin material of your dress. He brushed the back of his knuckles over your nipple and hummed at the sound you made for him. 
Oscar abandoned the cloth and sank to his knees on the tiles. He swore he could smell your sweet arousal, the mouthwatering scent driving him insane as he bunched your dress up and kissed your core over the lace. The ax of time hung over your head as you all knew the dinner was about to begin but you didn’t care  the moment you looked down at Oscar’s eyes. 
“Just a quickie,” he agreed as he read your mind. Lando crushed his lips against yours as Oscar pushed your panties aside and tasted you with a languid swipe of his tongue. One boyfriend made you cry out and the other stole the sound with his kiss. Your hands tangled their hair, feeling the different textures between your fingers as you deepened the kiss and rocked your hips against Oscar’s face.
“Fuck,” Lando groaned at the pretty sight. “I’m so unbelievably hard right now.” He grabbed your hand to prove his words and you stroked his length over his trousers. “I don’t know if I want to kill Danny anymore.”
Oscar laughed against your clit and the vibration curled your toes in your heels and you cried out at the sensation. The sound cut through Lando’s amusement and his belt snapped open, his trousers falling just enough to free his cock. Your hand wrapped around him and he covered your hand with his, guiding you up and down in long slow strokes. 
“We are going to make a mess of your dress, baby,” Lando moaned as he felt his orgasm coming embarrassingly quickly thanks to the chocolate. You barely heard him as your own impending release hazed your mind but Oscar thought quick enough to pull away. Your body missed his mouth instantly but your cunt clenched at the sight of him taking Lando’s cock deep in his throat. “Fuck, Osc, that’s it, babe.”
You could hardly breathe as you watched Lando’s jaw clench and he shuddered as he spilled himself in Oscar’s mouth. Your boyfriend’s throat bounced as stood up and he swallowed the mouthful down, leaving Lando to sag against the wall while he recovered. 
“You missed a spot,” you said as you leant in and caught the drop of cum that clung to the corner of his lips. A soft hum reverberated as you shared the taste with a kiss and you pressed yourself against him to feel just how much he was feeling the drug too. “Need a hand?”
“Not quite,” he smirked, turning you around to face Lando. “Hold on.”
Lando reached out and you gripped his forearms as Oscar bundled your dress up in one hand and pushed your panties aside again with the other. He gave no warning before he sheathed himself deep inside your cunt and you buried your face in Lando’s chest with a gasp. You felt impossibly full before he snapped his hips back and then buried himself in you, over and over, an unrelenting pace that quickly brought back the edge of your orgasm.
Your cries were muffled by Lando’s dress shirt and your nails threatened to rip the expensive jacket he wore as you were rocked by your release that came so suddenly white spots danced across your vision. For a second your body was disconnected from your mind and the two only collided back together when Oscar joined you, warmth pooling in your core as he filled it with his seed. 
“Wooow,” Oscar chuckled as he pulled out and combed a hand through his hair. “That shit is strong.”
“At least we have something to take the edge off,” Lando said, before tossing the hand towel to Oscar. Oscar ran the towel under the warm tap and carefully cleaned up the mess he made before he pulled your panties back into place and let your dress fall around your unsteady legs. 
Oscar curled a brow at his boyfriend and the glint in his eye that said he expected a few more stops to this room during the night. “Let’s try to make it back to the hotel next time.”
“No promises,” he said with a wink. “Now, shall we go and sit through a bunch of old man speeches and try not to fall asleep?”
You looked down at your dress and found the wet patch had dried considerably, so much that it wouldn’t even be noticeable in the dim lights of the hall. “You still owe me a drink.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Lando gave you a salute and unlocked the door, opening it to an empty corridor. “A strong one. Osc?”
“No, thank you, one of us has to be responsible.”
Lando looked at you, his lips barely suppressing the grin on his face. “He says it like he didn’t just fuck you in a bathroom.”
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writing-fanics · 8 months
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Playful Banter ‘Stayed Gone’
Alastor x Reader
[a/n: I’m not a song writer don’t be mean if the lyrics don’t match up I’m sorry I tried! I haven’t written for Alastor since I think 2020. The entire song isn’t here in lyrics it opens when Alastor and you are walking down the stairs]
Alastor and You, walked down the stairs and noticed sinners gathers around the Voxtech television. You glanced up at him knowingly, and you couldn’t help put clip your heels together. As you made you swiftly made your way, to the radio tower.
‘While they’ve hid in radio, we've pivoted to video’
‘Now their medium is getting bloody rare.’
‘Hell's been better since they’ve split’
You grinned dusting off your clothes; bringing the cup of tea taking a sip. As you glanced ver at Alastor smiling, “Let’s have some fun shall we, darling?” He asked, and you lifted your head with an upturned smile. “We shall.” You chuckle, as you turned on the broadcast. Leaning in closer into the mic.
‘Where's they’ve been? Who gives a shit?!’
You had a devilish smile plastered on your face, “Salutations!” You and Alastor said into the microphone, grinning ear to ear. “Good to be back on the air,” You smiled, holding your cup of tea in hand.
You were ready for some fun, excited, Vox didn’t know what he was getting into with you two.“Yes, we know it's been a while.” You two sang, into the microphone.
“Since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast” You two said into the mic, “Sinners, rejoice!” Alastor and You exclaimed, as the crowd seemed to gather around the old timey radio.
The sinners gathered in front of both, glancing back and forth between the two. “What a dated voice!” Vox spat, and You could only chuckle as you brought the mic closer.
“Instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast.” You and Alastor sang, smiling
“Come on!” Vox shouted, angrily annoyed. As the two went on, “Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure?” Alastor sang, and making fun of Vox.
“Fitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?” You sang, smirking and standing beside Alastor.
“Ignore their chirping!” Vox spat.
“Every day, he's got a new format!” Alastor sang, grinning. Vox groaned in annoyance.
‘You're looking at the future, he's the shit that comes before that!’
Alastor sang, “Is Vox as strong as he purports?” as other sinners listened in the feud, “Or is it based on his support?” You sang.
“He'd be powerless without the other Vees,” Alastor sang, then leaning closer into your respective microphones. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“And here's the sugar on the cream,”Alastor sang, leaning closer into his microphone a a devilish smile on his face.
“He asked us to join his team!” Alastor sang, revealing the truth. “H-hold on!” Vox stammered, nervously. You smiled grinning ear to ear leaning closer holding; your microphone close to you.
A devilish grin grew across your face, “A jealous one he surely is!” You sang, stifling back a laugh. Remembering when Vox asked if you wanted to go out. As in start a relationship with you. You couldn’t help but laugh back then. And still laugh even now.
You chuckled slightly,“years ago he asked if we could court!” You sang, into the microphone. You could only imagine the horrified and embarrassed looked, on Vox’s face right now and thought alone. Made your grin wider.
“I said no, and now he's pissy.” You say down in your chair, next to Alastor and smiled. “That's the tea!” Alastor and You sang, sitting back into your respective chairs smiling. Leaning back in them kicking your legs back, as you two sang.
“You two old-timey pricks, I'll show you suf-ffering,” Vox stammered, as his screen started to buffer. “Uh oh, the TV is buffering!” You and Alastor sang into the microphone, with you adding slight coo at the end.
Vox stammered as he started to shorting out, his screen buffering continuously as he was about to lose single. “I'll destroy you, yo-ou lit-tle—” He stammered, suddenly all power across Pentagram City went out. The only source of power coming from the radio tower, attached to the Hazbin Hotel.
Alastor chuckled statically, “I'm afraid you've lost your signal,” You said, grinning. You looked down for a moment before looking up. Your eyes glowing a bright red.
“Let's begin.” Alastor sang into staff, as he slowly transformed into his demon form. Placing down bis staff as his eyes glowed bright red, and his antlers grew bigger. His form slowly started to resemble that of a wendigo.
“We’re gonna make you wish that we’d stayed gone, tune on in,” you two sang, as you slowly transformed. Your body stretching and neck becoming longer.
As your body stretched, into its demonic form. An ‘X’ revealed itself on the side of your neck. As your nails became sharp claws, as you gripped the control board. “When I'm done, your status quo will know its race is run,” You two sang leaning closer, as your eyes and body grew longer.
“Oh, this will be fun,” You and Alastor sang, smiling. Vox stared at the screen in disbelief, as it went blank and fell back into his seat, “Fuck!” he whined, their laughter continuing to taunt him. Leaning back into your chair you smiled, “We still got it.” You said, smiling of course the two of you would. Nothing beats, radio. “I couldn’t ask for a better co-host.” said Alastor, as he smiled at you. “And I couldn’t ask for a better husband,” You said, blowing a kiss his way a smile on your face.
Wonder what Vox’s reaction would be since he still hasn’t moved on, from you rejecting him. To him noticing a ring on your finger.. hmm I’d imagine he’d be buffering
a/n: I did my best with this.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
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—cw: fem!reader, diabetes worth fluff, soft and protective dads, megumi, tsumiki as yours and toji's kids, mention of childhood trauma in geto's, dad jokes, not proofread
—a/n: I hope you shed a tear and laugh out loud. Don't let this flop. I actually wrote all of these from my personal emotions and experiences :)) Reblogs appreciated.
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#mlist #art commissions #taglist
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All these jjk women clowning gojo makes me think his daughter roasts him at every chance she gets. It's not even on purpose. It's just wise words out of a child's mouth.
"Hana-chan~" he calls her in a sugar laced tone. "How do I look in this?" Satoru pointed towards the awful shirt he was wearing. The outfit was all over the place. It was so bad that even your five year old could tell it.
"Papa's good at fighting, not fashion." His jaw immediately dropped and he could hear you trying to control your laugh.
He knelt so he could be a little more "Hana-chan, don't be mean to papa. It's making me cry."
"She's not being mean, baby. Just telling the truth. I'll divorce you if you wear that one more time," you stated, walking towards both of them.
"Oh yeah," he picks the five year old in his embrace, "I'd fight your lawyer. Daddy's the strongest. Right, hana-chan?"
"But you lost the argument to mama las' night." It was amazing how she can sounds so sweet while ripping your husband apart. You finally laughed out loud because you just couldn't control it.
You would expect Toru to put up an argument at times like this but he just giggles, and squeezes you both in a tight hug.
Yeah. He might be the strongest, but he'd always loose to his two girls.
Your four year old and seven year old were determined to surprise their daddy for father's day. Toji never credits himself. He does so much, but expects nothing back. The thought of "what my kids might gift me for father's day" doesn't even strike his mind. He goes out and sees all the decorations on the stores with big glittered alphabets spelling "happy father's day" that's how he comes to know about it. Yet, the man wouldn't expect anything. He knows you three love him. He just doesn't want anything in return. His love doesn't come at a price for you all to pay. So when he came home to utensils clanking to the ground, he was worried.
"Oné-san, no. That's not how I wanted yout two write," megumi complained.
"Megumi, I am older. I know what to do." They both were trying to dominate each other on what to write on the cake. When they heard Toji's footsteps, the little boy pushed you towards the kitchen entrance.
"Mama, don't let papa come in now." You were laughing as you get kicked out of your own kitchen.
"Hey, sweetheart. I heard some noise. 's everything alright?" Toji gave you a quick peck after the question.
"Oh? Oh that yeah! Everything's fine. I just dropped the pan."
"Are ya hurt?" His eyes look completely concerned.
"Uh hun, I am fi—" before you could complete the sentence, your two cute munchkins came squealing, holding the little cake with small hands.
You moved your figure out of the way so your man can see what his kids made for him.
"Happy father's day, papa." They both wished him with a hearty smile. Toji was surprised. His heart suddenly warmed up to the feeling of the view in front of him. His two babies with flour patches on their tees, tsumiki's messy bun and megumi with cream near his lips, confirming he must've snuck in a taste when his sister was looking away. He wanted to cry.
You looked down and noticed there was a spelling mistake with the word "world" on the cake which was supposed to spell "to best daddy in the world"
"Gumi, Tsumiki, there's a mis—" Toji looked at you and shaked his head, speaking with his looks, telling you to not say it. He did notice it, but he didn't care about the mistake. All he wanted now was to gobble down the cake that his babies made. He pat them both on the head, ruffling their hair. "Thank you, little bears. Lesgo' enjoy this and then papa will take you and mama to the game world you like."
With the way he is looking at them, you're sure he'd eat that cake even if it was poison.
Geto didn't think he'll ever have kids, but when he was gifted with twin girls, he claims he is the luckiest person alive ever since.
He loves spoiling his little girls. He takes them shopping, pampers them all the time, helps them learn their nursery rhymes. If they ever were to grow up being too bratty, you are prepared to blame him because he never scolds them. He would dare not to. But that is the thing about kids. You don't yell at them. You don't have to be so harsh. You just have to ease it in and make them understand how their wrongdoings can affect others, hurt others as well as themselves.
Something always triggered inside you when you saw him being soft with Rumi and Arohi. You wished you were treated that way in your childhood. You only thought about them being bratty if not yelled, because that's what your childhood was like.
You were working on some documents, when you heard the door unlocking. Rumi and Arohi walked in with their pink bunny bags on their back.
"Mama, we're home!!" they squealed and ran into your arms, as you quickly set the files aside.
"Aww, seems like you had fun without mama. Where's your dad?"
"There." They pointed at the 3 foot box with legs on the door.
"AH! OH MY GOD. Who are you? How did you get in?" Your mother instincts hid the girls behind your back, as you tried to find something to hit the man with.
"Y/N, NO. IT'S ME," the box monster yelled. He moved his head revealing his fox eyes and you could recognize him.
"Suguru? Oh dear."
"A little help please," his voice felt struggled. You quickly sprinted towards the door, and helped him trying to get the box on the floor only two reaveal all the bags he had behind him.
"Did you guys buy the whole store? And what's this? A lego set?"
"That's for you, mama," Rumi stated.
"Yes mama, we got it for you. The biggest one in the store," said Arohi, running towards her shopping bag filled with toys.
"Suguru, for me? Why?"
"Darling. I always see you doing so much for us," his palms now cupped your cheek. "It broke my heart when you told me that story when you wanted the lego set but the responsibile daughter in you felt you did nothing to achieve it so why ask for it. Well here you go."
"I still don't understand," you shaked your head.
"Y/n. It's okay to spoil yourself. You don't always have to work hard to give yourself a little love. These things that you wanted were always yours even if all you did was try." Tears started streaming down your eyes. You felt the seven year old girl in you finally smile.
"Rumi-chan. Arohi-chan. Let's play with mama's gift." All three started sabotaging the tapes and lables in the big blue box.
You felt happy to have this family. You know why he's a great father? Because Suguru doesn't care for two kids. He spoils three. Your daughters, and that little girl in you who wished to have all that you do today.
A man like nanami will always be a great father. No doubt. But here's one thing you probably don't know about Nanami Kento.
He's a full time salaryman, and part time comedian. Well...probably the worst one because his dad jokes are awful. You wanna know how it started in the first place, right? So it was when you were feeding the two year old the baby food, that you suddenly heard your phone ringing. Kento quicky replaced your place and took over the feeding as you walked towards the hall.
"Aww look at you. Aren't you the cutest baby in the world?" He took the spoon off the alligator cartooned bowl and extended it near her mouth. "Do you want to hear daddy's joke?"
Three mintues later you walked in two the sound of your little girl giggling and laughing. She's never laughed so loud.
"Oh my god. She's laughing."
"Yes. I made her laugh, beloved." Kento looked so happy with the biggest smile.
"Really? What did you do?"
"I said a joke." You luaghed too soon. Was that line a joke because Nanami Kento being comical? No. Impossible.
"I am sorry, baby. It's not true, right?"
"It is. You wanna see? Okay here we go." He moved his head back to harumi. "Harumi, do you know what do you call an alligator in a vest?" Your eyes were hooked on to them.
"An investigator." You couldn't believe your eyes nor your ears. She was really laughing. You chuckled too. Harumi must really loved his dad. Either that, or she has a poor sense of humor like the blonde in front of her.
Since then, Kento always collects dad jokes like pokemons and records her giggling.
Trust me or not, Sukuna is a great father. I'll tell you why. You don't see his protectiveness? Yeah he doesn't show much care on the surface, but you don't spot how he is always lurking behind you to whoop anyone's ass who tries to hurt his loved ones?
That's how Sukuna is even as a father. He wants his kids to stand up for themselves, but he'd always be having their back. To hold them and catch them if they trip.
"Oh they sure do grow up fast. You blink and they're already in college, y/n," your neighbor laughed with you. It was Akio's fifth birthday party.
"Everything looks great, but... " she scanned around, "don't you think pink theme is too girly for a boy? Especially the flower tiara on Akio's head.
You were irritated. How dare she say that? Unfortunately for her, Sukuna heard it and quickly walked to you. He kneeled to place the sanrio stickers on Akio's cheeks.
"Yeah so?" Your husband questioned the woman. "Who said pink is for just girls? And even if it was, there wouldn't be anything wrong with Akio liking it." The silence followed made it clear she didn't expect the clapback.
"Plus the tiara makes him look the cutest. Maybe you should try one. It's on the counter. You can surely use..." he eyed her head to toe"...some glow up.
She immediately rushed out of the door with her son and not apparently the counter. You three burst out laughing.
"Ugly Bitch telling my son what he should like."
"KUNA!" you slapped his back for swearing in front of your child.
"What?! Hey, if Akio ever wanted to call her that, I will galdy let it slide. In fact, I'll support him."
He might act like an immature kid sometime, but you know you had kids with the right person when he makes sure his children are raised in healthy environment.
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Taglist: @denji-star @simp-lauren @katsukichu @bbytamaki @thebrokenkitkat @his-saiko @loml-riri @milophiliac @aztecbrujeria @tohokuu @chailattle @erintaro @pumpumrins @lilitudemon @suyacho @keiskyutie @aiizenn @fluffy-ai @bibemiiu @4sat0ruu @namcore @yuujispinkhair @buerriberry @vagabond-umlaut @thedead101
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
yacht party
toto wolff
cw: smut/pwp, yacht sex, toto being a possessive old man, age difference (20s/50s), i'm sorry george russell, bimbo!reader, daddy kink, sugar baby au, jealousy, punishments, drinking, spanking, choking, doggy style, oral sex (toto receives), unprotected sex,
bunny says: i got messages saying more toto! so here it is!
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you could never say no to a boat party! being on toto's expensive yacht was something that you'd deny yourself the privilege to be on. so after monaco you were happy to be out of those pretty dresses that toto often dressed you in and into something a little more comfortable.
that came in the form of a white bikini with a heart clasp showed right down the middle of your breasts and did nothing but make you look like the little slut you were.
there was a reason why toto kept you on a tight leash. but even he liked to show you off a little. you hung around your older boyfriend as he talked to those he had invited.
you were just the pretty arm candy, your nose often buried in toto's arm as he kept his hand around your waist.
"in a moment, liebling." he said as he held you closer and continued his conversation. you snaked out of his grasp however when you saw george come through the crowd with a bottle of something expensive in hand.
"georgie!" you squealed as you went up to him. you threw yourself at him and gave him a huge hug. he caught you with ease and you kicked out your legs as you were lifted.
sometimes you were just too innocent for your own good.
when you let go you beamed at him for a moment. you chirped, "oh wine!" before you took the bottle from him, "thank you so much, georgie!"
george couldn't look away as you scampered away from him to say hello to someone else and put the bottle with the rest. his eyes were glued to your ass as it bounced. the white bikini made you look almost innocent (he was lying to himself).
toto chuckled as he leaned in to the other man, "like what you see?"
george swallowed, "i'm so sorry! i've just never seen her so excited before. i really am sorry!" he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
"she's a pretty sight isn't she?" toto couldn't be too upset with george. he trusted george, george was his superstar on the track! so it would be a little curel to let something like jealousy curl up in the older man's stomach.
you on the other hand would be dealt with.
toto would feel controlling if he said that he had rules for you. rules made you seem like you were a dog to be trained rather than a little girlfriend who was just a little too excitable.
they were guidelines, suggestions with consequences. he believed that good behaviour should be rewarded. and the rewards weren't cheap, so there was an expectation to be managed that were guided by a set of... rules...
toto found you on your second glass of wine and a little tipsy in the kitchen. it was easy for him to crowd your space, he was almost two heads taller than you. and his presence was often grounding for you, like a big shadow to protect you.
so it was easy for you to fall into your arms and giggle as you rubbed your face all over him. toto chuckled and took the glass from you. you looked up at him with big innocent eyes.
"hello, daddy." you had a cat's smile on your lips as you looked at him.
his hand was on your lower back, "do you remember our little agreement, liebling?" his tone wasn't harsh, but it was a little stern. he held you against him as you swayed from side to side.
you nodded, "yes, daddy, uh huh." you were a giggly mess.
he cupped your face, "did you do this for attention, little one? i saw how you threw yourself at russell. and i saw how he looked at you when you ran away. maybe i should bring him over next time?" he knew that he'd never actually do that, not without a few stiff drinks in him. he was a dirty, possessive old man with too much money in his account.
you replied, your glossed lips in a 'o' shape, "oh no daddy, not at all." you held onto him a little tighter.
he leaned down and whispered in your ear, "come now, let's get you sobered up." and you knew that meant going to the bedroom on the yacht that had a lock on the door. and the sound proofing.
this wasn't the first time that toto punished you for being a "dumme kleine schlampe." nor would it be the last. toto stayed close to you like a shadow as you tried not to wear your anticipation on your face. the bedroom was nicer than some you lived in and quite big considering you were on a boat.
toto gave you a nudge to get inside before he looked around and closed the door. he locked it and turned towards you. he looked very nice in the crisp white button-up tucked into beige pants. his shoes were shined to perfection (you'd know, your last punishment was to shine every last pair to his liking!). and there you were on the bed in strappy heels and a white bikini.
you pouted at him and said, "i wasn't doing anything bad!"
he sighed and took his belt out of the loop of his pants. he put it down on the chair nearby before he approached the bed. it was a shame that he had to punish his baby girl during a party. you should be your sweet self. but, rules were rules.
"remember rule number twelve, kleine hure? no throwing yourself onto men who aren't me, you should've waited for me and we both could've greeted george. but instead he got a full view of your whorish little body as you ran off." he sat on the bed beside you and he grabbed you by the back of the head.
you blushed as you looked at him before you reached for the front of his pants. you undid them and got his shirt out of the waistband. you swallowed as you took his impressive cock out.
you measured it once because you thought he was lying. he said he was a modest six inches to make you less scared. he was in-fact almost nine inches. just shy of the threshold, even when painfully erect. while most overcompensated, he lied so you wouldn't be so nervous to take him.
you licked your lips before you placed your lips on the head. his fingers knotted in your hair as he moved your head up and down his cock. drool went down your chin as so much of his cock was crammed in your throat.
you somewhat believed that toto wolff ruined your gag reflex, that the blunt tip of his cock had battered it down until you could almost take every inch.
there was little time to adjust to his cock in your mouth before you were deep throating it. it throbbed in your mouth as your were moved up and down on his cock like the toy you were.
"filthy little thing. i'm starting to think you like being punished. maybe i should open the door and you can put on a little show for anyone who comes by. maybe next time you act like a little slut, i'll pass you thought all of mercedes from bottom to top, let them fill every hole they want. maybe that'll give you the attention you want, you little greedy whore. even when you take my cock you still want more." his voice was sharp and its stabbing tone let warmth in your gut.
your pussy ached for him, he was right. you were greedy. a little whore for his cock, his attention and anything else he'd give you. from kisses in the paddock to flowers after dinner to nine inches stuffed in your poor abused cunt.
you looked up at him and tried to pull your head off to tell him something, but his grasp was tight. it was unrelenting as you were forced to continue to orally pleasure him.
there was a thrum in your head as you could hear the party outside the room. his words melted in your brain, leaving it fuzzy and your body hot. you yearned for him in a way that made you want to yell.
but you couldn't yell with his cock in your mouth. it was heavy in your throat, you could taste the salt on his skin as the precum almost made you choke as it oozed down your throat.
"i've given you so much, little one." he said with a hint of disappointment, "why can't you just behave? let daddy take care of you, but instead you have to be a little whore. you made poor george all flustered by acting the way you did. that's not fair is it, liebling?"
you maintained eye contact and shook your head as much as you could. he tapped the side of your face before he pushed you as deep as it could go down your throat. it choked you slightly, but that only made the rush to your core more intense.
the pressure in your throat and the slight cut off of oxygen made you see stars behind your eyes when you closed them. toto rocked his cock up into your mouth, the tight feeling around his length was painfully erotic.
he had spent so much time shaping you into the perfect liebling. the perfect little thing that always got him all riled up. from your cute little behind to those soft breasts, your cheery smile and those precious eyes. he pulled his cock out of your mouth so you could breath and rubbed his wet length up against your face.
you whimpered and tried to move away, but his hand in your hair kept you still. feeling your own spit against your face was a weird feeling.
"be good, liebling. i know you can be." he said he tapped his cock against your face. you whimpered before your head was moved to choke on it once more.
the pleasure was felt in your core, your pussy clenched when your throat stung. it was painfully erotic and you yearned for more. toto thought you looked like a doll in the cute bikini that he picked out for you.
he was thinking maybe next time to get you like a collar or something. a little tag that had his name, address and phone number. just in case you strayed a little too far. can't have his beautiful angel got lost on him!
the debauched sight of you made his cock throb and when he was about to cum, he pulled your mouth of his cock and finished all over your sweet face. painted white like the bikini you wore. globs of cum were in your hair all the way down to your chin.
marked as his.
you whimpered and tried to open your eyes but cum threatened to get in it. he wiped it away from your forehead and pushed his thumb in your mouth to lick it off.
"good girl." he purred. he then watched you get it all off your face and into your mouth. your movements were slow as you collected the cum onto your fingers then put them in your mouth.
the salty taste was heavy in your mouth but the stickiness on your face remained, the glossy leftovers of the pearly cum were drying on your cheeks.
toto just thought you looked more angelic. he got you on your stomach with your hips raised. then with a little help from you, got the bikini off of you. he tossed them over in a corner somewhere you won't be finding for the rest of the night.
you were going to be in time out for the rest of the party, young lady.
he got out of his own attire, they remained a little more central in front of the bed before he climbed into bed with you. he rested on his heels behind you and then leaned forward to wrap a strong arm around you.
he laid down the first smack across your ass and your toes curled. you whimpered, then another was laid. then another, followed by two more in quick succession.
the pain in your backside bloomed and toto found you responses to it very erotic. his praises were interwoven with degrading words about your character. you were his beautiful princess, but also his whorish little girl who he'd happily throw to the dogs.
"leave you tied up against russell's car, thighs spread open. tell everyone that you're a good luck chair for the race." he landed a harder slap and the sound rang through the room, "a beautiful fall from grace, i wonder how many loads you'd take before nothing could fit. but you'd always make room for me." he raked his nails across your bruise forming on your cheek.
you almost kicked out your legs from the sensation but he pressed his nude body against yours. he kept you pinned under him, his wet cock painfully close to your pussy. one wrong move and he'd sink it with ease.
you were soaked like a fountain with your need for him. it was almost leaving a painful feeling in your gut or a carnal want. he teased you a little before he sank it all in, it only took one stroke before he was bottomed out in your cunt.
the stretch burned as you felt almost nine inches of cock fill you up. you gripped onto the bed under you and arched your back. you let out a shaky breath as the feeling of it all was a little overwhelming.
"beautiful, little thing." he purred, "perfect for your daddy. i think you're a good girl." he said, "you just act out because you want my attention solely on you." he gripped your thighs and began to thrust his hips. he loomed over you as he had you face down and ass up in the bed.
the party outside was quieter than the thumping of your blood in your ears. you felt light headed but also that your skull was made of lead. the sounds of your fucking filled the room but didn't go past it. your little slice of paradise while out on the water.
everyone else was drinking, smoking and doing god knows what else, meanwhile the host of the party was too busy making sure that you didn't forget what it felt like having his cock pushed up into your cervix.
"please, daddy!" you whimpered as you arched your back and clawed against the bed. you greedy slut, you still wanted more of him! you panted with your mouth wide open, gasping for air as he pushed it out of your lungs with every hard thrusts.
his voice was in your ear, filling your head as he kept thrusting, "good girls stay under me. all open and ready for my cock. i know i'd make the paddock for you, but i know you'd never run off from me, kaninchen." he laughed.
you whimpered as you felt your eyes flutter shut, your brain slowing down to process all the pleasure in your body. you felt him practically rearrange your insides with each of his movements.
you rubbed your face against the bed pathetically, and his grip only tightened. orgasm was quick to grab you, you felt the pleasure up to your ears and you clenched around his cock as you coated it even more in your wetness.
then you were just a panting, whiny mess. no words came out, only pathetic little noises as he continued to slam his hips against your ass. you were such a good girl, a dumb little slut, but a good girl! he continued to bully your cunt with his hard thrusts, until they started to stagger as the pleasure clouded his brain.
with one last hard thrust, he finished inside of you. you felt most of your body go limp as the weight of his cum filled your poor little pussy.
the older man pulled out and got you settled into bed. he then pulled the covers over your exhausted body. the last thing he saw before he pulled the covers was globs of his cum oozing out onto your thigh. he was a bit proud of that.
he found his clothes and tried to straighten them out as much as possible. his little girl would be out of commission for the night. he left the room and closed the door behind him before he re-entered the party. he saw george once more and slapped the man on the back and leaned in to him.
"what happened to-"
toto just smiled, "you know how she is george, all that energy and then she has to lie down. the wine didn't help either, good choice by the way."
george nodded and thanked the man before he walked off to get a drink of his own. the smell of sweaty hung for a moment, but george sniffed his collar to make sure it wasn't him. the scent was familiar, like sweat and pussy. <3
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scribblesofagoonerr · 4 months
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— I'm never babysittin' again!
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Thanks to the anon who requested this one, I've been working on this since I got in and fun fact, I've had no sleep whatsoever, so definitely gonna regret that at work later...
Anyways, I am working through other requests and stuff. If anyone has anymore, let me know. Always willing to write stuff within reason.
Also, massive thanks to @alotofpockets who helped me come up with some of the idea's to add in.
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pairings: kim little x reader, leah williamson x reader, arsenal wfc x reader
summary: readers' a menance on the trip to melbourne along with her partner in crime, kyra, and poor kimmy's almost having a nervous breakdown over it, so she has to call in reinforcements back home in london.
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"I'm bored," You let out an exagerated sigh and kicked your legs back and forth as you had been forced to sit on one of the seats in the secluded lounge area as you had to wait for your flight to board.
You were partaking in a friendly game in Melbourne with the rest of your Arsenal team mates against an A-League team, you had been so excited about this ever since you found out that you'd made the squad.
"How much longer?" You can't help but be bored, being forced to sit in an airport certainly wasn't your idea of fun, neither was being stuck under the watchful eye of your Captain either.
You swear that the club, and Leah in particular, had planned this on purpose.
It's like they knew already, somehow.
You wouldn't call yourself a troublemaker, persay, buts' what fun is life without causing a little mischeif, sometimes?
Apparently, the rest of the older girls' didn't have the same thoughts about it.
At least you had Kyra on your side to involve her in the chaos, the girl was a bit older than you but she was your partner in crime, you two always fun causing mischief together.
"It won't be too much longer, Y/N. Just be patient," Kim, your captain and unoffical babysitter for the trip, tries to reassure you, but never the less, you just feel further restless.
In your defence, you can't help the boundless energy you have inside of you, its' like your body feels like lightening bolts are itching to strike and you just want to be up and racing about.
The confides of the hard plastic seat make it difficult to do that though.
"But I'm bored, Kim," You repeat in a whiny tone of voice, throwing your head back in frustration. "Nobodys' letting me have fun around here!"
"There's a difference between fun and trouble kid," Steph, another one of your team mates, chimes in, amused by your antics.
"It won't be too much longer now, Y/N. I'm sure you can wait just that little bit longer," Kim states, although her patience is wearing thin.
It hadn't even been 24 hours yet, and the Scottish women was already on the brink of a nervous breakdown.
"Are you excited to be going to Melbourne, kid?" Steph wonders, trying to keep your mind occupied for the time being, already being able to see how fidgty you have become, "It's a cool place, you're gonna love it!" She adds.
"Uh huh. I'm excited-- Oh wait, I still need sweets for the light!" You suddenly realise, attempting to make a break for it when you can.
Kim shakes her head in disagreement, "Its' too late now, Y/N. We're going to boarding the flight soon," She interjects, trying to reign you in.
"Yeah, and you definitely don't need anymore sugar because you're already hyper enogugh," Steph adds in, which you respond to her with a pout.
"Aw, man. Leah would let me if she was here," You try and protest, however, your words are very much incorrect and of course the rest of the girls aren't stupid enough to believe that either.
You know that Leah, if she was here, would most definitely not allow you to have sugar at all.
In fact, she'd purposely try and make ham sandwiches in an attempt to steer you from even going in the direction of the shop.
"No she wouldn't," Katie, one of the older girls on the team comments as she passes by.
"Yeah, we all know what you're like without sugar. You don't need any of it,Titch," Caitlin, one of the Aussie girls on your team, adds in.
You huff in further protest, your bordem is slowly persisting and it feels like you've been waiting for the flight to board for ages.
Desperately trying to find something to occupy your time, your eyes gaze upon the several dogs' lined up near the barriers to get through security.
"Bingo," You think to yourself as your eyes' light up in delight, wasting no time to jump up from your seat and dart in the direction of the dogs.
All you want to do is pet them. They look adorable in your opinion.
Before anyone could even stop you, you'd already successfully made it halfway across the terminal in the direction, however, the annoucement of the flight to boarding to Melbourne had gotten Kims' attention now.
"Right, our flights been called. See Y/N? I told you it wouldn't be that long," Kim spoke aloud, not realising that you'd somehow managed to wander off in the time that she'd turned round to speak to Steph, "Where's Y/N gone?!" She questions, her eyes widen in panic when she doesn't see you in her eyesight.
"Look's like she went to pet the dogs," Kyra snickers, amused with your antics, and although she should try and stop you, she wanted to see how far you would succeed with your little adventure.
"She wants to make friends with them," Teyah joins in, just as amused as she watches the scene unfold.
"And neither of you tried to stop her? You know what she's like!" Kim shakes her head in disbelief and her eyes' almost buldge out of her sockets when she spots you nearing the dogs, "Oh, God-- Y/F/N!"
"You might wanna grab her before she gets' her arm ripped off, Kim," Katie jokes, watching in amusement.
"Unbelieveable," Kim mutters to herself as she races' quicker than ever in the direction of you.
Unfortunately before you'd made it nearer to the dogs, you feel a firm grip on your upper bicep that's starting to tug you back forcefully.
You spin round and are met with your Captains' stern face, "Kim!" You whine in protest while trying to wriggle free from her grasp.
"What an earth are you doing, Y/N? You can't pet the dogs!" Kim scolds you, remaining to still have your hand on you tightly to not allow you to run off again. "Come on, we need to board the flight," She adds, sternly.
"But the dogs though. They're adorable!" You pout in further protest, not happy about being pulled away before you even had chance to pet them.
"Mhm, as adorable as they look, they're patrol dogs and they have a job to do here," Kim remarks sarcastically, dragging you back in the direction of your team mates so you can board the flight.
"Maybe you need to invest in a leash for her," Alessia, another one of your team mates pipes in as she watches you be reluctantly dragged back to the group of girls while Kims' already rubbing her temples in dispare ahead of the flight before its' even taken off.
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"Pst, Kyra," You nudge the older girl not so gently to wake her up, having been bored on the flight while the rest of the girls seem to be asleep or doing their own thing, "Wanna play a prank on some of the others?" You question, mischeviously.
So far the flight to Melbourne hadn't been that adventurous, somehow through luck though you managed to be able to sit next to your partner in crime.
It was great for you, however, not so much for Kim, whos' been frazzled and trying to keep things under control the whole time on the flight.
"Absolutely," Kyra grins in respose as theres' a matching mischevious twinkle in her eye, "What'd you have in mind?" She wonders, curiously.
You grin and proceed to pull out a whoopee cushion from your carry-on, "Well, we could start with this?" You suggest in a quiet whisper, to not get the attention of Kim, whos' got her head buried in a book at the moment.
"Genius!" Kyra's eyes light up in glee, "Whos' our first target?" She questions.
"Caitlins' dozzing off," You gesture in the direction where Caitlins' half in and out of sleep.
You and Kyra both share a look before the older girl sneaks over to Caitlin and slips the whoopie cushion underneath the older Australians' seat.
"Show time," You smirk as you wait for her to sit on it.
Caitlin wakes up startled when it suddenly goes off and she looks around confused, "What the--?"
The pair of you can't help but giggle uncontrollably.
"Y/N, Kyra," Kim catches onto your troublemaker ways and narrows her eyebrow, "Behave!"
"What? We didn't do anything!" You feign your innocence, holding your hands up in protest.
"Let's move on to Steph," Kyra encourages you to continue with your pranks.
"Yeah, good shout," You nod in agreement and find the packet of gummy worms in your bag, you could easily eat them but pranking the Aussie women was more worth it. "Lets' put these in her bag. She'll totally freak out!" You add in.
Kyra eagerly accepts the packet of sweets and sneaks over to Stephs' seat, cautiosly depositing the gummy worms in her open backpack, "Done. Now we just need to wait for her to go in there--"
"Ah! What the hell?" If Stephs' facial expression is anything to go by then you guess Stephs' found them already, "Y/N! Kyra!"
"It weren't us," Kyra plays it off and shrugs her shoulders.
"Yeah, you have no proof," You give the girl a smug grin.
The older Australian women shakes her head in annoyance, "Pests. You're both a pair of pests, honestly," She mutters aloud.
"You two are something else," Katie overhears the commotion and shakes her head.
"Dare I ask what you pair did now?" Alessia questions, joining in as she overhears the noise from her fellow team mate.
"I don't know what you're talkin' about, we're just havin' a bit of fun," You still continue to act innocent, although you personally don't understand what the fuss is about when you're contained in a metal box with no escape.
You need to entertain yourself, somehow.
Pranking your team mates is the perfect opportunity.
"Hey, Alessia! Do you like spiders?" Kyra smirk mischeviously, already ahead of the plans for another prank at the expense of the older blonde girl, who you both know has a bad fear for them.
"No, not really-- Ah!" Alessia shrieks loudly when you toss a fake spider in her direction, doing no more than jumping up onto her seat before she realises a fake plastic one and is now glaring at you, "Y/N! Kyra!" She yells, annoyed with you both.
"That's enough!" Kim shoots up from her seat, giving you both a pointed look. "Both of you, sit down and behave!" She bellows.
"Yes, ma'am," You pretend to be serious and move back to your seat.
Kyra gives your Captain a mock salute and continues to follow suit, "Aye aye, Captain!" She jokes with her.
"I don't want to hear anything more from the pair of you for the rest of this flight," Kim warns you both before she returns to reading her book.
"Pst, Y/N," It's Kyra's turn to nudge you know with a knowing look on her face, "We should try and see if we can balance peanuts on Frida's head while she's asleep," she suggests the idea to you.
Never being the one to turn down a challenge, you smirk and nod your head in agreement, "You're on. That'll be easy!" You insist.
With the task in hand, you both lean across your seats' and carefully begin to place peanuts on Frida's head, one by one.
"Wow. I didn't think this would actually work," You whisper in amazement and try to stifle your giggling, however, thats' not going to plan when Frida wakes up and the peanuts' fly everywhere.
"What..." Frida looks completely baffled, while you and Kyra still continue to hold back your laughter even more.
You can't hold it in much longer before you end up bursting out in laughter, "That... That was great!" You state in amusement.
"Y/F/N! Kyra! I swear, if you don't behave then I'll have the captain come talk to you!" Kim chides, feeling like she's ready to blow with the mishchief that you pair have caused. "I mean it when I say no more trouble from either of you for the rest of this entire flight, understood?"
You still can't help but laugh out loud at the misfortune of Frida wearing half a bag of peanuts on her head, "Someons' salty. Get it, cos' they were salted peanuts!" You crack up into more laughter.
"I mean it, Y/N. I will get the captain, or when we get to Melbourne, I'll have no problem in telling Leah all the antics you got up to," Kim threatens you and your face pales immediately.
Sure, the captain of the plane might be terrifying, but your blonde vice-captain was someone you definitely did not want to be in hot water with.
Unforuntately, you seemed to find yourself on the end of stern lecture with her one too many times.
"Okay, okay. I'll stop, I'll behave-- Don't phone her!" Your quick to plead with your Captain, really not wanting her to make that call.
Kyra nods but she keeps her fingers crossed behind her back, "Yeah, we'll be good," She states.
"I'll believe it when I see it," Steph mutters, shaking her head.
Caitlin nods in agreement with the older Aussie girl, "Them pair are magnets for trouble," She remarks.
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It wasn't long before you had arrived in Melbourne, when your flair for trouble is encouraged once again by Kyra and the pair of you can't resist goofing off inside the gym.
"Kimmy!" You all but plow yourself on the older women, whos' peacefully minding her own business on one of the massage tables until you came at her like a full whirlwind.
Somehow, Kyra decides to get the idea to improvise giving your Captain chest compressions or something along the lines of what it looks like.
Also, trying to encourage you to hang of the pull up bar with the overshadowing of a bet on the tables.
You have always loved to bet on things. Your not turning down this opportunity.
"Kimmy! Kyra' reckons I can't hang off the pull up bar. Watch this!" You tattle, before you make your way over to the bar.
"Y/N, no. You'll hurt yourself!" Kim's quick to bolt up from the table to stop you from attempting to break your leg with your attempt to hang upside down on the pull up bar.
Kyra giggles mischeviously and watches as Kim almost has a near heart attack watching the trouble unfold, "Nah, Y/N. You've gotta do it like this!" With that, she pulls herself up onto the bar and flips herself over so she's dangling upside down.
"The pair of you get down before you get hurt!" Kim chides, trying to keep a stern facade when dealing with the pair of you. "Y/N, I'm serious. Get down!" She repeats, trying to reason with your chaotic antics.
"Your no fun. I only wanted to swing from the bar like a monkey," You huff in protest and begrudingly get off the bar to save your Captain from having an annuerysm.
Unfortunately for the older girl, your trouble doesn't seem to stop for too long and between you and Kyra, you had managed to mismatch everyones' boots when they were mostly preoccupied.
"Why do my boots' feel different?" Katies' the first one to realise as she looks at them in confusion, "These aren't mine," She notes.
Caitlins' just as quick to realise her own pair are missing, "Hey, who took my boots?" She questions.
"Seriously, guys?" Steph huffs, holding up two different sized boots in each of her hands.
Kim spins' round to look at you and Kyra, "Girls, did you do this?" She asks, her voice sounding calm, which is weary in itself.
"Who, us? Never!" You can't help but grin, which is a dead giveaway from your latest shenanigans.
"Yeah, we were just standing here," Kyra feigns her innocence and holds her hands up in mock surrender.
Alessia can't help but laugh and shake her head, "I bet it was you two. Your always up to something," She states.
"Maybe," You let out a small giggle.
Kim exhales a sigh at your antics, "Just switch them back. We need to start training soon!" She tells you both, sternly.
"Yes, ma'am," You joke and pretend to be serious with your Captain.
"Right away, Captain," Kyra gives Kim another mock salute as the pair of you set the boots to the right players.
"Why do I put up with this?" Kim mutters to herself, although its' loud enough to be heard from a few of the girls.
"Remember what Less said about needing a leash for Y/N," Steph chimes in, reminding the Scottish women about the idea.
"At this point, I'm actually considering it," Kim remarks, already having thoughts about it.
"Hey, I'm not a dog!" You overhear the conversation and shout in protest.
"Ha, could you imagine? Y/N on a leash at training," Katie snickers in amusement and shakes her head, "That'd be hilarious!"
"Might actually be a good idea," Vic, another one of the girls on the team, chips in.
"I'm deeply hurt by this suggestion!" You still continue to act offended.
"You know its' true, Y/N/N," Caitlin laughs at your own expense, going to take a sip of her water but pulls away with the frown when there's a revolting taste from it, "Ew, why does my water taste horrible?" She asks, confused.
"Oh God," Steph exhales a sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose, "Kyra, Y/N, what have you done now?" She questions, glancing in both of your directions.
"Oh no, we must've got the bottles all in a pickle," Kyra smirks and gives the clue away as you both share a look with one another.
You can't help but burst out into laughter again, meanwhile Kims' slowly rubbing her temples and trying to refrain calm over the situation.
"Right, that's it, Y/N-- I'm callin' Leah. I've had enough of your troublemaker ways!" Your Captain states in outrage, shaking her head.
You freeze in your tracks and immediatly start to shake your head in protest, "No, no, please, Kim... Please, don't do that!" You plead with her.
"One more chance," Kim warns, firmly. "One more slip up and I'm phoning her!" She adds, shaking her head and questioning her life decisions on how she got stuck babysitting the kids (the untrustworthy and non responsible young adults) for this trip.
Better yet, the younger girls' that had joined them on the trip were better behaved than you were at times.
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Having this be your first time in Melbourne, let alone Australia, you were keen to explore and when the prospect of a trip to the zoo was on the tables, you were more than ecstatic to visit there and see all of the animals.
Ever since Kims' threat to phone Leah back home in London, you been trying to remain on your best behaviour. You really didn't want to be in trouble with the blonde again, so you'd done your best to avoid your troublemaker partner.
However, that is easier said than done sometimes.
"Wow," You spoke aloud in amazement as you walk through the entrance of the Melbourne zoo, with the rest of your team mates in tow, keen to see as many of the animals as possible.
"Stay close, Y/N. I don't want to loose you," Kim warns, already thinking ahead of your disappearing act in the airport previous to this.
"I want to see the Koalas," You huff in protest and try to figure out a way to get away from them.
"You will, there'll be plenty of time for that. You just need to be patient," Kim reassures you, although her patience is way past the point of calm.
"Come with me, Y/N. I'll show you where they are," Kyra offers the opportunity for you to sneak away from the rest of the girls in the search for the animal you want to see.
"Okay," You don't think twice before being led astray by the older girl once again and make your way to the enclosure where they are, "Wow, they're so cool!" You stare at them in amazement.
"Aren't they just?" Kyra murmers, looking at them.
"Hey, I have an idea," There's a twinkle of mischief in your eye again as you look at the older Australian girl, "Bet you can't get a selfie with one of them!"
"Oh, yeah? You're on!" Kyra isn't one to back down from the challenge, completely missing the 'no entry' sign in clear view, she creeps towards one of them and you get your phone out and hold it up ready to take the photo.
"Hey! What're you doing?" The loud voice of a zookeeper startles you both, almost causing you to drop your phone in the midst of it all, "You can't be in here!" They shout.
Without any hesistation, you both are quick to make an escape from there and scramble back over the railing.
Back with the rest of the girls, its' dawned on them that they've one again lost you both as they begin to search around for you.
"Y/N?" Kim shouts aloud.
"Kyra?" Steph and Caitlin both call out for the younger Aussie girl.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Katie chimes in, jokingly.
Alessia exhales a sigh and shakes her head, "How can they wonder off again without us realising?" She wonders.
Steph looks around and spots you both near the kaolo enclosure, "Oh boy," She mutters to herself.
"You might really need to invest in that leash after all, you know, Kim," Vic chips in, amusedly.
"I'm staring to think so too," Kim remarks, exhaling a sigh.
"I knew you'd come around," Alessia jokes, overhearing the conversation.
"There you both are!" Kim strides over with a stern expression, taking a hold of your upper bicep again. "That's it, that's the final straw. I'm calling Leah!" She states, already having made her mind up.
"It's not just me, its' Kyra too," Your quick to throw the older girl under the bus in protest.
"Hey!" Kyra whines in protest.
"You're meant to be setting an example, Kyra!" Caitlin scolds the younger Australian girl.
"You're older than Y/N, Kyra. You should know better!" Steph chimes in.
You can't help but smirk in satisfaction that you're not being scolded for once, "Can we go see the kangaroos now?" You question, innocently.
"Don't look to happy yet, Y/N. I'm still calling Leah when we're back at the hotel and telling her how much trouble you've caused over the last 24 hours," Kim remarks, which causes you to furrow your eyebrows. "And until then, I want you right by my side for the remainder of time that we're here so I know where you are!"
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"Sit," Kim orders straight away as you follow her into her hotel lobby and begins to dial Leahs' number on her phone as she paces the floor back and forth, "Come on, pick up, pick up," She murmers as she waits for the response on the other end of the line, despite the time that it might be.
You can't help but sit there and hope that Leah doesn't answer, because you really knew you'd done it now to be in trouble, yet again.
"Hey Kim!" Leahs' voice answers on the other end of the phone, connecting the video call to where it looked like she was in gym surrounded with the rest of the girls back in London.
"Hi, Kimmy!" Beth pops her head in the video call and waves at her Captain. "Hows' Australia?" She wonders.
"It's a disaster, girls! I can't take it anymore!" Kim tells them frantically.
Leah looks immediately concerned as her eyebrows knit together, "Whoa, what's the matter?" She asks, confused.
"You look like you're about to have a nervous breakdown there, Kimmy," Beth jokes, seeing the exasperated look on the older women's face. "What's up?" She asks.
"Y/N and Kyra! Between them, they're both driving me insane!" Your Captain admits out loud, and you try to slump down in your seat to try and hide from the telling off that you know is iminant when Leah finds out what's been going on.
By this point, all the girls' in the gym have decided to surround Leahs' phone to find out about yours and Kyra's antics.
"Uh oh," Viv murmers, shaking her head. "What've they done?" She asks.
"I think its' more like what haven't they done," Beth jokes, trying to keep the mood light in the room.
Kim shakes her head and settles on the bed, trying to keep her attention between you and the phone call, "Leah, its' like Y/N is out to be a complete menace this trip," She pauses as she glances at you to make sure you're not doing anything you shouldn't be. "Together they've done nothing but cause trouble, from switching everyones' boots during training and putting pickle juice in the water bottles, and causing trouble on the plane with their pranks and don't even get me started about the airport either!"
"Wait, someone actually drank the pickle juice?" Manu looks considerably confused at the mention of the pickle juice in patricular.
"That doesn't sound good," Stina comments, laughing.
Laia smirks in amusement, "I can't believe it," She states.
"What happened at the airport?" Lia asks, curiously.
"Well lets' just say that Y/N wanted to go over and pet the friendly dogs," Kim remarks sarcastically, shaking her head.
Beth snorts in realisation, "The friendly dogs? You mean the patrol dogs-- Oh dear," She shakes her head in utter disbelief.
"I feel like I'm at my wits end with them both. We couldn't even go the zoo without them wandering off and getting into trouble, Alessia even suggested that I get a leash for Y/N and I'm half tempted!" Kim rambles to them over the phone, ready to pull her hair out after dealing with both you and Kyra for the last god-knows how many hours.
"I knew I should've come on this trip, Y/N's always a handful, but this sounds like its' too much," Leah exhales a sigh and bites her bottom lip. "Is she there with you now?" She asks.
"Shes' right here," Kim nods in agreement with the blonde, panning the camera to face you. 
"Hi Leah," You wave innocently at the blonde, hoping that she'll go easier on you.
It's needless to say that the blonde looks that impressed.
"Where's Kyra?" Viv questions, arching an eyebrow as she doesn't spot your counter part in the room.
"With Steph and Caitlin, I needed to seperate the pair of them. They're talking to her about this, but feel free to call in as well," Kim tells the Dutch.
"I'll call her afterwards. Can't her go anywhere unsupervised," Viv states, shaking her head in disappointment.
"You're doing great, Kimmy. Just a few more days!" Beth chimes in, trying to keep your Captain in high spirits. "Hang in there!"
Kim shakes her head in protest, "I'm never babysitting again! I'm gonna need a holiday after this-- I'm getting grey hair! I thought Y/N was bad on her own, but she's even worse when Kyra's with her!" She exclaims to the  girls.
Leah exhales a sigh, feeling for the older women as she pinches the bridge of her nose, "Right, okay. Put Y/N on Kim. Maybe I can get through to her," You can tell that the blondes' trying to remain calm and collective, but she feels annoyed at your behaviour still.
"Please do," Kim murmers, feeling relieved as she turns to look in your direction. "Y/N, come and talk to Leah!" She calls over.
"Uh no, no... I'm alright actually, I think I'll just--" You try and back out of talking to her, not ready for the confronation from the blonde.
"Over here, Y/F/N!" You hear Leah call you out directly and you inwardly curse, having no choice but to do as your told for once, waiting to speak again when you were in front of the camera, "What the hell are you playing at, kid?" She cuts straight to the point with a tone of voice, which makes you want to shrink onto the floor.
"Nothing, I'm just having a bit of fun..." You try and come across as innocent, hopeful that it'll cut out some of the lecture, "Hows' London? I miss you!" You add.
"Cut the bullshit, Y/N," Leah scoffs and shakes her head. "Listen, just because I'm not there doesn't mean that you can still get away with stuff like this, yeah? I trusted you to go on this trip, you have a responsiblity to set an example, there's girls there younger than you and this is the way you act-- It needs to stop!"
There's something about her scolding that scares you, but you're not too sure about what it is yet. Maybe its' the firm scary facial expression, or the way her words' are just straight to the point, something makes you fear the blonde.
Maybe its' the fact that shes' your hero, she used to be the one youd' look up to and aspire to be like, so to be letting her down seems like the wrong thing to do right now.
Despite your inital fear, you still can't help but act like a troublemaker.
"I don't see what the big deal is though? I'm just having fun. It's harmless, Le," You shrug your shoulders and bite her lip.
Leahs' look continues to be firm, "Enough, Y/N. You promised you would be good and if you keep on causing trouble like you are then I'm going to take away your sweet privledges for a month," She threatens you, which just seems out right criminal. "And if you make Kims' job any harder, then I'll personally make sure you're on a leash next time."
"A... A month without sweets? And a leash?" Your eyes' widen in realisation that maybe you really do need to sharpen up on your behaviour, with the threat of no sweets on the table, you need to actually do as your told now.
"Yes. A whole month without sweets and a leash. Do you understand?" Leah continues with her firm words.
Surely she's just bluffing? Like she'd actually do that, you think.
"You can't do that," You whine in protest.
"I can and I will, because as long as you live under my roof, then you follow my rules," The blonde warns you, firmly. "Do you understand?"
"But Le, that's... that's not fair!" You still can't help but whine.
"Oh this is better than reality TV," Beth chimes in from the side of the camera, where the rest of the girls are still crowded around the phone.
"Beth," Lia nudges the blonde and rolls her eyes.
"What? It's true!" Beth exclaims, shrugging her shoulders.
"It's completely fair, Y/N. I want you to have fun out there in Melbourne with the girls, but not at the expense of the every one," Leah still stands firm on her words. "Behave yourself, or there will be concequences!"
"Fine, I'll try and be good," You sigh dramatically.
"That's all I'm asking for, please," The blonde softens slightly and nods. "I'll check in with Kim later to see how you're doing. Be good, alright?" She tells you.
"Yeah, I will," You reluctantly agree with the blonde, "Now can you go and give Kyra the same lecture, cos' its' not fair if I just get in trouble for this!"
"Oh don't worry, kid. Vivs' already on that one," Beth jokes, panning the camera around to where Vivs' stood off on the other side of the room giving a lecture through the phone to Kyra to where you can even hear the tailend of the conversation. "Having fun at whos' expense? That is no way to act!"
You can't but giggle and shrug your shoulders, "Okay well that makes me feel better at least," You murmer as you wave to the rest of the girls and pass the phone back to Kim.
Leah shakes her head in amusement at your care-free attitude, "Hang in there, Kim. She'll be better now, but if she gives you any more trouble then call me, alright?" She reassures her Captain,
"You got it. Thanks, Leah. I appreciate you talk to her," Kim smiles in agreement, bidding their goodbyes and ending the phone call. "Right, you. How about we go and find the rest of the girls?" She makes the suggestion.
"Yeah, I wanna go and find out how bad of a lecture Kyra got," You smirk mischeviously at your Captain before you both exit the lobby in search for your troublemaker partner. "Race you to the lifts! Last one there's a rotten egg!" You add.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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luvlloyd · 6 months
🌿 | 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔: drabbles
╰┈➤ how would the ninjas react to you telling them that you love them for the first time?
🍃 WARNINGS: fluff, sarcasm, minor wound (Jay), mentions of cursing and self doubt (Kai), nightmares (Lloyd)
🌳 CHARACTERS INCLUDED: Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd, Nya, Zane (separately), x (gender neutral) reader
🌴 AUTHORS NOTE: tehe first writing post, hi buddies!! :) A bit of OOC Nya but I still think what I wrote for her was too cute to change <3
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓒𝐎𝐋𝐄 〙ˎˊ˗
"Cole… That’s too much sugar-" You interjected, grasping your boyfriend’s arm before he could empty the sugar into the mixing bowl.
“Oh.. my bad, (Name)." Cole chuckled sheepishly, his smile betraying his embarrassment as he glanced at you, “Sorry,” He added.
With a playful roll of your eyes, you aided him in adjusting the sugar amount, "No wonder you’re a sucky chef, Cole," you teased, prompting a scoff from him.
“Me? A sucky chef, please!" He exaggerated the ‘please,’ earning a knowing look from you.
“What? Did you know I’m secretly Gordon Ramsey’s love child?" He grinned.
“In your dreams you probably are," you laughed, causing his face to drop in mock disbelief.
“How dare you? Take this." Cole took the flour that was laying on the counter, grabbed some from the packet and tossed it into your face.
“Cole..! Stop!" You squealed, shielding your face with your arms.
“Nuh uh, you are going to face my flour wrath, (Name)!" He persisted, continuing to shower you with flour until you managed to wrestle the packet from him. Soon, both of you were engaged in a flour war, filling the kitchen with laughter.
Eventually, his arms found their way around your hips, pulling you close as you leaned against his chest, both of you still giggling,
"Cole, I love you so much," you said playfully, feeling him freeze at your words. His pause prompted you to furrow your eyebrows and stare up at him. Cole gazed at you with eyes filled with passion and adoration before he leaned in to peck your lips,
“I love you too, (Name)."
He kissed you again, and again and again. Until you both were just contently sitting in each other’s arms, embraced within the euphoria.
Unfortunately for the two of you, the euphoria was to be put on hold—You both had a bit of some cleaning up to do…
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓙𝐀𝐘 〙ˎˊ˗
The brown haired boy seemed to be bubbling with anxiety, fidgeting with his fingers as he kicked his feet against the medical bed. You grabbed the first aid kit, placing it beside him with a huff, meeting Jay's eyes.
“Do we really have to do this?" he whined, but you reassured him with a smile.
“Of course, dear. We don't want your boo-boo to worsen, do we?" His ears turned pink at your pet name as you dabbed antiseptic on a cloth.
“It's just a cut, (Name)! I don't want to go through all this," Jay pleaded as you brought the cloth closer to him. You looked at him sympathetically,
“Exactly, it's just a cut, so why are you so scared?" You paused, a playful glint in your eye, "Aren't you supposed to be my brave boyfriend?" Jay's expression softened, a grin spreading across his face,
“You're right! I am your brave boyfriend!" he proclaimed proudly. You grinned as you brought the cloth to his cheek.
He winced softly at the burning sensation before the feeling got replaced with your delicate fingers. You applied a Thomas the Train band-aid to his cut and swiftly placed a small kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek, “There you go, your boo-boo is all better now,”
“Thanks doc,” Jay said, his smile cheesy and so incredibly contagious that it brought a smile to your own lips. His bright brown eyes staring into yours as though you were a delicately painted painting, simply a work of art for him to stare at. You cusp his cheek as you both continue staring at each other, you caressed his soft yet warm skin under your fingertips,
“I love you, Jay," you spoke softly. He grinned cheekily, his cheeks lightly dusted pink at your words.
"Well, I love you more!" he retorted playfully.
“No, I love you more," you countered.
“Nope! I love you the most mostful and mostest!" he declared, pulling you into a tight hug and nuzzling his head into your neck. As you let out a small giggle he whispered into your ear,
“I love you, (Name), forever."
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓚𝐀𝐈 〙ˎˊ˗
After enduring the agonizing training, you found yourself sprawled on the floor, Kai, your boyfriend of two months, grinning down at you, his weapon by his side.
His sweat-dampened hairs framed his face as he leaned closer to tease you, but suddenly, his playful smirk fell. He tumbled forward, landing directly on top of you. He muttered a curse as his eyes locked with yours, and your breath hitched. You both were merely centimeters between each other and in that moment, you swore the world seemed to stand still.
"Hey, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice soft and gentle, “Seems like I fell for you,”
"Hi Kai," you snickered, finding his attempt at being flirty endearing. "Seems like I caught you."
"Sorry about that," Kai chuckled, rolling off to lie beside you on the dojo floor. Together, you gazed up at the ceiling, embracing the silence in the room, until you couldn't resist stealing a glance at his side profile. Holding back the urge to caress his face, you traced the features with your eyes. You met his gaze as his smirked, his eyes staring into yours knowingly.
He wiggled his eyebrows playfully as he teased you, "Like what you see, sweetheart?"
"I love it," you whispered sweetly, brushing a strand of his hair before meeting his eyes again. "I love all of you."
Kai froze, his confident demeanor crumbling as a blush painted his cheeks. His face turning as bright as his gi. His face faltering into a slight frown.
“You don't mean that," his voice dropped low into a whisper, insecurity lacing his words. You could tell he was feeling incredibly vulnerable.
"Of course I do," you promised him, a gentle smile gracing your lips as you stare into his crestfallen eyes, “I love you Kai.”
He stared into your face, trying to decipher if you were truly being genuine with him. His face brightened up as he realized you were. A sly grin returned to Kai's face, but his eyes held a warmth that made your body melt. He grabbed your hand from your side and put it up to his lips,
“I love you too, sweetheart."
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓛𝐋𝐎𝐘𝐃 〙ˎˊ˗
Lloyd woke abruptly, his body drenched in sweat, heart pounding against his chest as his nightmare caught up to him. They’ve begun appearing more frequently the last couple of years… His eyes darted anxiously around the room, paranoia lingering in his gaze.
“Lloyd?” You whispered, concern lacing your voice, you could barely see him though the darkness.
"Sorry for waking you, darling," he murmured back, his voice quivering. Sitting up, you touch his trembling arm softly,
“Another bad dream?” you asked. The boy didn’t vocalize his thoughts but instead turned to you to nod his head at you like a sad puppy.
"You're okay, Lloyd," you reassured him soothingly, you brushed a strand of his sweat drenched hair away from his troubled face.
“You’re okay,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around him. You felt him crumble beneath your touch, he sunk into your chest as he stared into your eyes. Searching them for reassurance. You begun playing with his blonde locks, a soft hum escaping your lips. You stole a glance at him. The moonlight cast a gentle glow upon his face, revealing the subtle contours of his gentle features. His eyes closed, his breath steadying into a rhythmic pattern,
"Lloyd?" you whispered, uncertainty lacing your voice. There was no response, only the soft sound of his breathing filling the room. Did he already fall back to sleep? You paused, carefully staring down at his face,
“Well, good night Lloyd... I love you," you murmured softly, turning your gaze towards the window.
Unseen by you, a small smile graced his lips, a ghost of a whisper that you unfortunately didn’t pick up,
“I love you too,”
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓝𝐘𝐀 〙ˎˊ˗
You sighed softly as you slipped into your gi, the weight of your mission pressing against your shoulders even before the sun had fully risen. With your weapon at your side, you gazed out at the horizon, thinking about the mission you had to do. It was a task that demanded your immediate attention, one that couldn't wait for the rest of the ninja to stir from their slumber.
As you prepared to summon your elemental dragon, a familiar voice yelled out to you,
"(Name)! Wait!" Your girlfriend, Nya, still in her Spiderman pajamas, dashed towards you with urgency in her step,
“Nya? What’s wrong?" you asked, concern knitting your brow.
"Nothing! I just wanted to say goodbye to you before you left," she replied, quickly kissing you on the cheek. A warmth spread through you at her touch, a feeling of comfort and belonging that only she could ignite.
"Bye (Name)," she said, her smile gentle, but then she hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features.
“What’s up?” you prompted, curious about the sudden change in her facial expression.
With a sheepish grin, Nya shook her head and presented you with a basket of food. "I um... I also wanted to give you this basket of food. I didn’t want you to be hungry while on your mission, so take it as your breakfast... I mean it’s obviously not going to be as great as Zane’s cooking, I’m sure—"
You interrupted her rambling by accepting the basket with gratitude, your heart swelling with affection for her thoughtful gesture,
“Thank you, Nya,” You stared into her eyes in adoration. Sincerity seeping through your words.
"Of course! Stay safe, (Name)!" Nya beamed, her happiness contagious as she pulled you into a quick one-armed hug.
"Bye Nya, love you," you said absentmindedly, your focus already shifting towards the task at hand as you climbed onto your dragon's back. You weren’t paying attention to her flustered behavior.
You soared into the sky, leaving Nya behind on the ground. Little did you know, as you flew off into the distance, Nya was left beaming with joy, her heart bursting with the simple words you had spoken.
"I love you too, (Name)!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness as she watched you disappear into the horizon.
With a gleeful bounce, she couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "THEY SAID THEY LOVE ME—“ She quickly scowled to herself,
“Control yourself, Nya, but still!! They said they loved me!!" she squealed, her laughter echoing in the quiet morning air. Most likely awaking most of the Monastery.
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓩𝐀𝐍𝐄 〙ˎˊ˗
You sighed in frustration, your forehead meeting the cool surface of your desk with a dull thud. The blinking cursor on your computer screen taunted you as you tried to summon the words for your research paper. Procrastination had led you to this point, with the deadline looming close.
Lost in your thoughts, you barely registered the muffled noise at your door until it creaked open, revealing the analytical gaze of the ice ninja, Zane,
"Forgive me for interrupting, but I heard sounds of frustration and thought I would offer my assistance," he said, his voice calm and measured.
You managed a weak smile at his considerate gesture. "It's not a problem, I've just hit a roadblock," you admitted, gesturing helplessly towards the computer screen.
"I see no genuine roadblock, do you perhaps mean that figuratively?" Zane inquired, his literal interpretation of your words drawing a chuckle from you. As he approached your desk and effortlessly began typing away at the keyboard, you watched in awe as he swiftly completed the research paper that had been taunting you for hours,
"I believe this should suffice in terms of information. All that's left is to write your conclusion," he remarked, turning towards you with a straightforward expression.
You were dumbfounded by his efficiency, unable to believe he had solved your problem in mere minutes,
“You didn't have to do that!" you exclaimed, your gratitude tinged with surprise.
"I was simply assisting you," Zane replied, his tone neutral, mistaking your reaction for displeasure. You rose from your seat suddenly and enveloped him in a grateful hug,
"Thank you, Zane. I love you," you murmured against his shoulder.
For a moment, there was silence as Zane processed your words, his expression unreadable. Slowly, he brought his arms back up to exchange the hug,
"(Name), you are the optimal configuration for my circuits, the irreplaceable code for my function. To put it in simpler terms, I love you too," he finally responded, his words tinged with a hint of warmth that belied his nindroid nature.
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TAGLIST: n/a if interested in getting tag for when I post a specific character lmk!!
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©LUVLLOYD | please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my work anywhere without my consent.
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Thank you for reading! If you like or reblog or even decide to follow me, thank you sm! And if you don’t do any of those things, it’s all good! You spending your time to read this makes my day better nonetheless, so have a good one and drink lots of water and just know that I love you! (and so do these lego characters)
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princessbrunette · 7 months
peeked at your second acc n stepbro!jj is so the type that you two are watchin a movie while your parents are out of town n he starts rubbin your pussy through your little panties cos he's just 'admiring' - 🍓
‧₊˚ 🐚 ✩ ₊˚ 👙 ⊹ 𓇼
you loved quiet moments with your step-brother, domestic bliss as you pretend the house belongs to just the two of you— parents away for the weekend.
you lean against his warmth on the couch, the two of you watching one of the weird old shitty horror movies with terrible CGI about cannibals that he’s always making references to. he continually talks throughout the viewing, pointing to this screen, but your eyes fall on his bracelets and you bring his hand back down to where it rested on your stomach, playing with them.
“intestines should not look like that dude.” he speaks to the tv absentmindedly and you wrinkle your nose, not too interested in the movie.
“how’d you know?” you ask quietly.
“uh, seen some weird shit on reddit.” he blinks, doing a double take when your baggy sleep shirt rides up, now revealing the pair of cotton panties that had been hiding beneath. you feel him looking at you turn your head innocently to smile at him, before swivelling back to between your legs.
“oh, these are new. aren’t they cute?” you chirp softly and his hand hovers in the air for a moment before sliding hesitantly downwards.
“yea—” he clears his throat trying to sound casual despite his heartrate picking up and the obsession kicking in. he did not care about the movie anymore. “yeah. real — uh, real cute, sweetie. what, s’that a bow?” he uses his curiosity as an excuse to pluck at the ribbon at the top of the panties, his grip on it tugging the material up to wedge between your folds, creating a clear camel toe.
you bite your lip shyly in acknowledgment and his eyes flutter, dick stiffening in his shorts. he glances at you, licking over his lips— and he decides it’s going down tonight, he’s refrained for too long. “bet they’re like… super soft too, right?” he slides his fingers gently over the length of the panties, over where your clit lays and across the folds. your legs fall open and a shaky breath leaves you, but he’s having too much fun pretending he’s admiring the garment to stop.
“how much were these? look pretty good quality to me like… this is that fancy shit huh?” his finger teases along the waistband and you try and gather your thoughts, already feeling a wet patch starting to form where your hole is. as if he senses this, his middle finger starts to creep towards it.
“uh— don’t— don’t remember, was on sale. maybe like 20 dollars.” you shudder and he nods, feigning interest.
“damn, still a little pricey in my broke ass opinion… but i guess this crown jewel deserves only the best…” his thumb slides over your covered clit in reference and you pant, holding back a mewl as he digs his middle finger into your wet patch, stuffing the material into your hole slightly. you brave turning your head to look at him, gazing up at him with doe-like, blown out pupils.
“jayj… are you really that interested in my underwear?” there’s a tinge of innocence to your voice, like you truly believe there might be a chance he’s not messing with you. he huffs a chuckle out his nose as he smirks down at you.
“nah… you caught me…” his hand slides upwards, before his fingertips breach the waistband and he starts to push his hand inside the fabric. “guess i kind of just wanted an excuse t’play with this pretty pussy…” his fingers freeze above your clit, and he brings his mouth down to your ear. “you wont tell on me, right sugar?”
‧₊˚ 🐚 ✩ ₊˚ 👙 ⊹ 𓇼
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tojisun · 4 months
I’m in such a soap mood rn and that hockey!soap ask just near ruined meeeee!! What if he is dating a more alternative girl and he goes out of his way to find his tooth on the ice, making sure his team know that it’s not weird and he is not being over dramatic cuz its actually a very big deal. The next time his team sees her is at their engagement party and when they ask to see the ring she shows off a real pretty gold band with a pointy tooth replacing a stone.
this is so fucking peak im shaking like an old dog
part of this rambling teehee; f!reader // sugar, spice, everything on ice (hockey au mlist)
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“wan’ ma’ fuh-kuh’ tooh’,” johnny grumbles, throbbing mouth muffled by the towel he’s using to stop the bleeding, before turning to kyle who blinks at him.
the game hasn’t resumed yet which is honestly a drag at this point, johnny thinks, because there’s only nine seconds left and sure miracles can happen within that time—some teams seem to have abundance of those—but does johnny even care anymore? no.
he’s angry and tired and in pain, and all they gave him was a white ass face towel and pinched smiles, before handing his team a four-minute penalty too. what the hell?
he would’ve complained if it wasn’t for the burning feeling in his face, thrumming from the base of his jaw to the tender press inside his cheek where the tooth was ripped out of his gums. he’s glad he was able to throw a punch in retaliation, that and the fundamental silver lining—
his loose tooth is out there.
johnny needs it.
“you… want your tooth?” kyle asks, looking at him like he’s the oddest creature in the rink. “why—”
the face-off begins, kyle and johnny turn, watching the puck fall, lumbers smacking against each other in the final grapple and skates slashing the ice, taking speed and taking force only—
the horn blows, marking the end of the game.
“fuh’ yeah!” johnny screams, banging on the glass protector, before he curls in the open arms of his teammates, laughing, bloodied gum forgotten.
they’re kicked out of the penalty box, finally—“it’s been twenty seconds, ‘tavish.”—and johnny gargles something unintelligible to price who skated towards them for a celebratory hug because there’s something johnny needs and he needs it now before the ice girls come in to swipe the rink.
he whirls past teammates trying to pull him in, waving his glove in lieu of a response because he can’t dignify them a proper one, not with the way his eyes are trained on the ice like this is his first time skating again, hesitant and eyes all-seeing.
he skates at the scene of tragedy, nose scrunching at the faint blood but otherwise empty patch of ice. god. where the hell did that go?
johnny almost gives up, almost decides to just knock out another tooth, probably the molar this time, when his eyes finally snag something that looks like it doesn’t belong on the ice. it’s tucked there in the corner of the rink, unassuming and still pink with blood.
“oh, y’r tooth,” simon grunts beside him.
“ye’,” is what johnny manages. “‘m taki’ it home.”
“…sure, whatever,” his friend says like he hasn’t done anything weirder. remember montreal 2019? yeah.
johnny skates towards the little thing, plucking it off the ice and holding it tight within his palm. he turns, blinking in surprise at seeing both kyle and john there beside simon now. the other guys are still parading, celebrating their victory with the audience, so johnny doesn’t know why his closest circle are here.
“y’know you don’t need that for the implant, right?” john asks slowly like johnny’s some spooked thing.
“uh-huh,” is all johnny says, not understanding what price is insinuating now that the adrenaline’s wearing off, and the sharp stinging pain in his gums thrums harder from within. “leh’ go. wan’ medi-hin.”
kyle huffs, shaking his head fondly, before leading the pack out of the ice after a last lap for the audience. johnny keeps up with them, bright in his own happiness, pain be damned, because their fans deserve to see the fruits of their unwavering support.
besides, he knows someone’s out there, cheering for him louder than anyone else is.
“ah, there it is!” johnny cheers as he rummages through his locker, grinning when he meets the curious eyes of his teammates to show off his prized possession.
“your tooth?” enzo asks, face scrunched in his slight disgust. “don’t you wanna, you know, chuck it out?”
kyle murmurs something to reyes, something distinctly like, “just leave him be, mate,” but johnny bulldozes through, excited, and replies, “hmm? nae. i’m givin’ it to my girl.”
johnny doesn’t even notice the sudden silence in the room until the awkward petering laughter of gus.
“he smashed his head harder than we thought, no? probably needs more than a dentist.”
johnny rolls his eyes with a huff and flips him off, but he stops when he noticed the genuine concern in kyle’s face, the poor lad looking at him like he truly believes gus’ words and that he’s a second away from dialling for the standby medical team for johnny.
“what,” he bites out, shoulders hunching because why are they looking at him like that?
“it’s your loose tooth, johnny,” kyle answers, bug-eyed like there’s something obvious that johnny isn’t getting.
“i know.” it’s johnny’s turn to be confused. “‘s why i’m giving it to ‘er.”
“oh for fuck’s sakes— johnny, fill us in: why are you giving your girl your tooth?” price finally pipes in, looking more tired than he was on ice.
oh! johnny thought, his mind finally catching up to the situation. he breaks out into a smile, giddiness going rampant in his chest again, his stomach swooping at the thought of it—
“i’m proposin’ to her.”
a beat.
“that answers fuck all!”
he doesn’t even know who screamed that anymore, jumping in his own surprise at their explosive reaction, before yelping when a leg pad—probably price’s—was flung over his way with sharp accuracy.
you and johnny invited the boys and their plus-ones to celebrate the engagement, keeping most of it as private as one could after johnny posted a picture of you crying in his account, with the caption, “she said yes!”
(“couldn’t you have posted that selfie of us with the ring instead, baby?”
“shit, m’bad, bon. s’just that ye were too cute cryin’, almost had me panicking when you wouldn’t stop heaving.”
“…right. okay. can i post a different picture then?”
“of course, bonnie.”)
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liked by jmactavish.91, specgru_newscentral, and others
yourname a lifetime with this fool <3… (read more)
jmactavish.91 your fool
yourname my fool 🩷)
the party was vibrant, formalities thrown away at the promise that not a single photo would be posted without anyone’s permission. any news sites were explicitly banned, guests screened because you and johnny had wanted to, at least, keep one celebration for the engagement closed off to the world.
you’re chatting with simon’s girlfriend, who is so shy and sweet, bug-eyed because she said she’s only ever seen you from her phone when she watches your games, when johnny returns with his mates and instantly slots himself beside you.
simon nods at you in greeting, while john and kyle repeat their congratulations, beaming at your quiet chuckles while johnny preens at them, so boyishly charming and endearing.
you can’t help but brush a kiss on his jaw, faint as to not transfer your gloss to his skin. johnny tips his head down and looks at you like you’ve hung the moon for him.
“since y’r engaged, i just gotta say,” kyle begins after sipping from his flute. “did you know ol’ johnny wanted to propose to you with the tooth he lost last season?”
johnny snorts and you two share a fond look, even as you quirk your brows up because you are so sure he told them, at least.
“lord,” john whispers, catching on.
“oh,” kyle adds, humour leaving his face, and is replaced with incredulity. you would have giggled if it weren’t for the fact his eyes are now trained on your hand as if to gauge how it looks.
simon grunts before you can show it off to them, and when you all turn to him, he just shrugs, avoidant, until his partner pokes his side with a confused tilt of her brows.
“i mean,” he begins, almost petulantly. “it’s johnny.”
he sniffs like that explains anything, and, given than you’re the person marrying johnny, it really does. you can’t help the giggles now, and you turn, smothering them on johnny’s shoulder who is busy cussing out his friend in murmurs.
“may i?” john asks, apparently tired of dancing around the topic.
“or course!” you reply, smiling, and put your arm out to show to them the pretty ring that your boy has given you with a warm promise of an eternity shared with him. if you’ll let him.
(there were so many more you wanted to tell johnny, so many more you wanted him to hear, but they all fell short. they all felt incomplete. but right there, in that moment, you knew what it was that you had to say. what it was that would let this bring his promise to life.
“yes,” you gasped out, choking on your own tears. “a hundred times yes, johnny!”
you two were trembling as he slid the ring on your finger, hearts throbbing with all the love reserved for each other.)
they crowd around your arm, leaning, their eyes bulging at seeing johnny’s tooth nestled there, in between the gold and the little diamonds surrounding it, and—
“i saw that fall off his mouth, oh my god.”
you laugh at kyle’s words, your heart so full and so fond because everything is just so beautiful.
johnny nuzzles his nose on your cheek, ignoring his lads in favour of kissing you.
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thebearer · 1 year
the milestones menu: teddy's toast
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prompt: you and carmen tell teddy some big news.
the rest of the milestones menu can be found here!
contains: fluff. dad!carmen x mom!reader but truly just fluff :)
3 tablespoons granulated or brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Pinch of kosher salt
Unsalted butter, for cooking
4 slices of brioche bread
In a small bowl, stir together the cinnamon, sugar, and salt. Melt some butter in a nonstick skillet over medium-low; you’ll want enough to lightly coat the bottom of the skillet when melted. Swirl the bread around to absorb the butter. Cook until light golden brown. Add another pat of butter. Sprinkle the toasted tops edge to edge with a thin layer of the cinnamon sugar. Cook until the underside is golden brown. 
“Daddy.” It was hardly a whisper, teetering on the edge of a hiss. Carmen’s vision blurred, still foggy with sleep, making out a mess of curls in front of him. 
“Daddy,” Teddy’s voice was louder this time, ticking up in octave the way yours did- a sweet coo you always used when you were coaxing her out of bed. Carmen’s heart swelled, she’d picked up on that. Teddy was acting more and more like you every single day, and Carmen couldn’t be happier. 
“Yeah? Yeah, ‘m up.” Carmen groaned, rubbing the heel of his hand to his eyes, rubbing out the sleep in them. His body ached, sore from the long week. Hamstrings burning in the most miserable way. “What’s up Teddy Bear? You sleep good, hm?” 
“Yeah.” Teddy giggled, pushing up on the edge of the mattress. She was still too little, which selfishly made Carmen smug. She was so big now, four years old. He blinked, and now she was her own little person. 
“Where’s Mama?” Carmen muttered, looking around. It was too late in the morning for you to be in bed. The doorway was vacant of you leaning against it, a tiny smile and cup of coffee cradled to your chest, soaking in watching Teddy and Carmen interact. 
“She’s throwded up again.” Teddy frowned. “She not feel good?” It was a question, head cocked to the side and brows furrowed.
“I think she ate somethin’. Got her tummy all messed up.” Carmen muttered, tickling Teddy’s little tummy, leaving her squealing and kicking in his arms. He hoped it would distract her. Stop her from asking too many more questions. 
“Are you hungry? Mama made you breakfast yet?” Carmen asked, sliding out of the bed with Teddy on his hips. 
“No,” Teddy shook her head, tiny, chubby fingers poking at Carmen’s chain. “She was gonna until she gots sick.” 
“Oh,” Carmen nodded slowly, opening the door. Anchovy chirped, stalking in and out of his legs, head nuzzling against his calves while he walked. He wanted Teddy down, the toddler and the cat had been inseparable since birth, but Carmen liked to tell himself Anchovy was excited to see him. 
“How about we make somethin’ that will make Mama feel better?” Carmen suggested. He could hear you in the guest bathroom, water running and vent going to drown out your heaves. It had worked at the beginning, but now Teddy was catching on. 
“What?” Teddy asked, head tilting to the side so sweetly Carmen wanted to squeeze her. 
“What do I make you when you’re feeling gross?” Carmen asked, settling the toddler on the counter, one hand on her hip to steady her, the other preheating the oven. 
“Soup?” Teddy chirped. 
“In the mornings.” Carmen tried again. 
Teddy thought for a moment, a grin spreading across her face. “Teddy’s Toast.” 
“Yeah,” Carmen smiled proudly. “You think that will help Mama feel better?” 
“Uh-huh.” Teddy nodded, curls bobbing when she shook her head. “I helps?” She pointed at herself, lips rounding cutely when she asked the question. Carmen was sure his heart might just swell and burst out of his chest, she was so cute sometimes. He didn’t know how he’d handle two. 
“Yeah, you can help. Get me the bread?” Carmen put her on the ground, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before nodding to the pantry. 
Teddy scampered past you, nearly knocking you over in the process. You looked sick, a little woozy still. It was less now, just a little upset in the morning, then you were fine. 
Carmen’s eyes flicked over to you, rounding with concern. “Hey, mornin’, baby.” He muttered, a hand running across your back when you met him. “You feel alright? You good? Need some ginger ale or Sprite?” 
“I just need water.” You swallowed the spit that filled your throat, still a little sensitive from the retching moments ago. 
Teddy swung the bread on the counter, jumping with raised arms to Carmen so he could lift her up- so she could ‘help’ him cook. 
Carmen passed you a glass of water, which you took gratefully, lifting Teddy on the counter. “Gotta sit still, Dorothea, alright? You start movin’, you’re down.” He gave her a stern look, which she just waved off with a cute nod. 
“Teddy,” You cooed, voice still a little raspy. “Did you go wake up Daddy?” 
“Yes.” Teddy nodded. “‘Cause you-you was sick, Mama.” 
Carmen’s eyes met yours, a knowing look shared between you. “I was. Thank you for getting Daddy. That was a good thing to do.” You praised her lightly. 
Teddy beamed, looking at Carmen gleefully while he cut the butter into slices. “Now we make you breakfast, Mama.” Teddy nodded. 
“Oh? What are you making me, Chef Teddy?” You asked, head leaning into the palm of your hand. 
“‘S a secret.” Teddy whispered, fingers pressed to her lips. “Surprise!” 
“Oh, it’s a surprise, hm?” You asked dramatically, hoping to reach her level of excitement. 
Carmen smirked, wrist rotating the butter on the pan. “Yeah. You’ll like it, honey. Promise.” He winked at you softly. You flushed, cheeks tingling with heat. He could still make you flustered, still make you swoon. 
“Yeah, pwomise.” Teddy added with a little bob of her head; her own nod of approval. 
“Hey, Teddy. Could you do Mommy a big favor?” You ask, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “Could you get Mommy’s phone from the living room and bring it in here? Two hands, please?” 
Teddy nodded, Carmen setting her down so she took off, two feet pounding against the hardwood floors. “Do you think we should tell her?” You asked, sipping the rest of your water, eyeing Carmen carefully. 
“Tell her now?” Carmen pointed towards the counter, sprinkling the sugar mix on top of the browning toast in the pan. 
“Yeah, I mean… She’s catching on.” You mutter, hearing Teddy’s rough grab of the charger ripping out of the wall with your phone. “Might as well tell her before she starts telling everyone I’m sick and they get worried.” 
“Yeah, we-we can do that.” Carmen nodded, flipping the toast gentled in the pan. “If you want, honey.” 
“I think it would be best. Try to do it and then I can get the thing out of the closet for her.” You mutter, Teddy running back in, announcing triumphantly she found your phone. 
“Thank you, my sweet girl.” You coo, lifting her in your arms, peppering her face with kisses while she squealed and squirmed. Carmen tensed at you lifting her, eyes glaring at you in warning before turning back to the food in front of him. 
Teddy sat in your lap in the nook. You weren’t sure why you wanted to hold her, cuddle her softly while she babbled to you and Carmen, feeding you pieces of ‘Teddy Toast’ with an excited screech. You’d blame the hormones, mixed with the anticipation of telling her the news. 
“‘S good?” Teddy asked, turning to you with bright eyes- identical to Carmen’s. You wanted to melt. “Feel better?” 
“So much better.” You nodded. “How did you know this would make me feel better, hm? You’re so smart, aren’t you Teddy Bear?” You baby talk her, pressing kisses to her cheek. You know you shouldn’t anymore, she was four, growing up now, but how could you not? She was still so little to you. 
“Hey, you done?” Carmen asked, wiping Teddy’s hands when she nodded. He pushed the plate away, eyes cutting to yours carefully. “Teddy, we gotta tell you somethin’, ok? Somethin’ big.” 
Teddy stilled, ears perking at Carmen’s words, his tone. “Big?” 
“Mmhm.” You nodded, smoothing a hand down her curls. You moved her, turned her in your lap so she was facing both of you. “You know Mama’s been getting kinda sick lately?” 
“Yes.” Teddy nodded. “‘Cause you ated something.” 
“Right.” Your eyes cut to Carmen’s. “Well, not really ate something… Do you remember when Aunt Sugar had baby Jamie?” You started. 
Teddy’s lips twisted in thought, nodding. “And you remember Aunt Sugar had Jamie in her, uh, belly?” Carmen tickled her tummy softly, a lopsided smile spreading across his face at her little squeals and giggles. 
“Yeahhhh…” Teddy sang, collapsing into Carmen’s arms dramatically. 
Carmen snuggled her to his chest, nose pressed to her hair, looking at you. “Well, Mama’s been a little sick because,” You took a shuddering breath, clammy hand smoothing over your tummy. You weren’t sure why you were so nervous, so nervous to tell your toddler. 
“Because Mama has a baby in her tummy.” Carmen finished it for you, found the words that were choking in your throat, struggling to make their way out. 
Teddy frowned slightly- confused. You wanted to laugh, she looked so adorable. “A baby?” 
“Mmhm,” You nodded. “Your baby. Well, our baby, but your baby brother or sister.” You and Carmen paused, looking at Teddy, analyzing her every little move- every tiny tick and quirk as she thought silently.
“There’s… There’s a baby… in there?” Teddy processed it slowly, pressing a tiny finger into your ribs. 
“Yeah, right in here. That’s your baby brother or sister.” You nod slowly, voice calm and even, hoping to help her understand. 
“That’s why Mama’s been a little sick.” Carmen added. 
“Because of the baby?” Teddy clarified. 
“Because of the baby.” Carmen nodded slowly. 
“Because you ated it?” Teddy’s brows furrowed, looking up at you. 
You and Carmen paused, looking at each other. You’d played hypotheticals for weeks now- what if Teddy was upset, how would you say it, should you tell her until you’re out of your first trimester, what if Teddy didn’t want the baby? 
You hadn’t planned for this. 
“Uh, I didn’t…” You looked at Carmen for help. 
“Mama didn’t… she didn’t eat the baby.” Carmen said slowly. 
“Then how’d it getted in there?” Teddy asked, throwing her tiny little palms out for emphasis. Not at all affected by the news of a sibling- oh no, your child was worried about how the baby got in your tummy. 
“Uh,” Carmen looked like he might throw up, looking at you for help. 
“Daddy put it-” Carmen’s eyes widened, face reddening furiously. “I mean, Daddy and I got it at the store, and-and we have to grow the baby.” You stuttered, heat rising up your own cheeks. “Like-Like the flowers we grew in the backyard, remember?” Teddy nodded. 
“It’s like that. A little baby seed that has to grow in my tummy, then you’ll have a brother or sister in a few months.” You said as calmly and confidently as you could. 
Teddy was silent, nodding slowly, finger tracing on the table slowly. “Are you- You have any questions for us, Teddy Bear?” Carmen asked hesitantly. 
“Where did you buy the seed at?” Teddy turned to look at Carmen. 
“Target.” You said smoothly, ignoring Carmen’s bulging eyes at you. “Anything else? Are you feeling ok?” 
“Can I buy a baby seed?” Teddy asked, little hands pressing into her chest. 
“Absolutely not.” Carmen scoffed, louder than he meant it to be, harsher. 
Teddy’s eyes rounded softly, shining with hurt. You glared at Carmen lightly. “No, baby. You have to be older to buy it.” 
“A lot older.” Carmen added, holding the tiny toddler closer to his chest. 
Teddy thought for a moment, silently processing everything. “Do you have any more questions, baby? I know this is a lot of big news. It’s ok if you do.” You say softly, grabbing her little hand in yours. 
“Can we go to Target today?” Teddy asked, eyes shining bright and excitedly. “Yeah. Yeah, we can.” You giggled, tickling her sides softly. You grinned, beaming at her. She looked just like Carmen, but she was just like you. You hoped the next one would look just like Carmen too, act like him too.
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guilty-ff · 2 months
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭: 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞
Summery: Y/n’s world is turned upside down when she is diagnosed with cancer, leaving her to confront the darkest fears of her life. With Wade Wilson by her side, their bond deepens as they navigate the struggle between despair and hope.
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x (cancer!fem)Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: swearing, mental health, cancer
Word count: 2694
The idea of writing this One Shot was a suggestion from a cancer survivor, and it is dedicated to them. Wishing you all the best. 🫶
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The day the doctor said the word "cancer," Y/n's world felt like it was collapsing around her. The sterile office, the birght lights overhead, and the sympathetic look in the doctor's eyes all blurred into a foggy haze. She barely heard the rest of the conversation, her mind stuck on that single word, echoing over and over.
She knew she had to tell Wade, but how? How do you tell the love of your life that the same disease that had torn him apart was now threatening to do the same to you?
She stumbled out of the doctor's office in a daze, clutching the diagnosis papers like they were a death sentence. How could this be happening? How could her life take such a cruel twist?
By the time she got home, her hands were shaking. The apartment was too quiet, too empty. Wade was not home yet, and she was glad for it- she needed time to process this, to figure out how she was going to tell him.
But, as usual, Wade had impeccable timing.
The door burst open, and in walked the love of her life, Wade Wilson. He was in full costume, as usual, but even with the mask on, Y/n could sense something different about him today. Maybe it was the way he moved, a little less swagger in his step, or the way he did not immediately launch into some ridiculous story.
"Hey, sugar tits," he called out, his voice humorous but mixed with something she could not quite figure out. "Guess who just gave the bad guys a five-finger discount on their lives?"
Y/n managed a weak smile, but it did not reach her eyes. "You always know how to brighten up a room, Wade."
"Damn straight," he replied, finally noticing the tension in her voice. "Uh-oh. That tone. What's wrong, babe? You sound like someone kicked your puppy and didn't even leave a note."
She could not meet his eyes. How could she? How could she tell him the very thing that had nearly killed him was now inside of her, too?
"Wade..." Her voice cracked, and she hated how fragile she sounded. "I... I went to the doctor today."
He stiffened, the air in the room growing heavy with unspoken fears. "And?"
"They said... they said I have cancer."
The silence that followed was deafening. Wade stared at her, his mask hiding his expression, but she could feel the shock radiating off him. Then, slowly, he pulled off his mask, revealing the scarred, yet still incredibly expressive face beneath.
"Y/n," he said, his voice rough. "Are you... are you sure? Like, actual cancer? The C-word?"
She nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. "I'm sure."
For a long moment, Wade just stood there, his gaze locked on hers. Then, to her surprise, he crossed the room in two quick strides and pulled her into a fierce embrace, holding her as if she might disappear at any moment.
She nodded, biting her lip to keep from crying. Wade immediately dropped to his knees in front of her, taking her hands in his gloved ones. "Nope, nuh-uh, not happening. We already did this dance once, and it sucked, remember? So, here's the plan: we're going to kick cancer's ass together, and then we're going out for tacos. Sound good?"
Y/n could not help but smile through her tears. "You make it sound so easy."
"Because it is," he said, with that trademark Deadpool confidence. "You're the toughest chick I know, and I'm... well, I'm Wade Wilson, so we're basically unstoppable. Cancer doesn't stand a chance."
Y/n clung to him, letting the tears fall freely now. "But what if... what if I don't?"
He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, his hands cradling her face. "You will. Because you're strong, and because you've got me. And I don't lose, baby. Ever."
She could not help but let out a watery laugh. Trust Wade to make her smile even in a moment like this. "You're a cocky bastard, you know that?"
"And you love me for it." He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Now, we're going to fight this together. You're not alone, Y/n. Not ever."
Y/n hadn't spoken much that night. The treatments had taken a toll on her, and Wade could see the exhaustion in her eyes, even as she tried to keep a brave face. He hated seeing her like this, so drained and defeated. But more than that, he hated that there was not a single thing he could do to take the pain away.
Wade lay beside her, propped up on one elbow, his gaze fixed on her pale face. The shadows cast by the city lights danced across his features, softening the harsh lines of his scarred skin. He watched her, his heart aching with a mix of helplessness and determination. He wasn't used to feeling powerless—he was Deadpool, after all, the guy who could take on anything and come out the other side with a snarky comment and a grin. But this... this was different.
"Hey, you still with me?" Wade's voice was soft, barely above a whisper as he reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. His fingers lingered against her skin, warm and comforting.
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, and she gave him a small, tired smile. "Barely," she mumbled, her voice weak but laced with affection.
"Good," Wade replied, forcing a grin onto his face. "Because I'm not done annoying you yet. You know how it is—'til death do us part and all that jazz. And even then, I'll probably just haunt you, so really, there's no escaping me."
A soft laugh escaped Y/N's lips, though it quickly turned into a cough. Wade's grin faded slightly as he scooted closer, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into his chest. He felt her relax against him, her head resting on his shoulder, and he held her tight, as if he could shield her from the world.
"You know," Wade began, his voice low and soothing, "I've been thinking... I mean, I know that's dangerous and all, but just go with it. Remember when I first found out about my cancer? I was scared shitless, thought my life was over. But then I met you, and suddenly, the idea of sticking around didn't seem so bad anymore."
The days that followed were a blur of doctor's appointments, treatment plans, and long, sleepless nights. But through it all, Wade was there. He was at every appointment, holding her hand, making crude jokes to lighten the mood, and telling the doctors exactly where they could shove their needles if they so much as looked at Y/n the wrong way. He kept the mood light, refusing to let the dark cloud of cancer take away their laughter.
When the treatments started, and the side effects hit hard, Wade was there too. He stayed by her side when the nausea was too much to bear, when she was too weak to get out of bed, when the fear and pain became overwhelming. He held her through the tears, through the anger, through the darkest moments when she did not think she could go on.
One day, as Y/n was sitting in a hospital chair, hooked up to an IV, Wade leaned over, his face just inches from hers. "You know, if I had known you'd be spending so much time in bed, I would have gotten one of those fluffy pillows with my face on it. You know, for comfort."
Y/n rolled her eyes, a small smile across her lips. "I'm pretty sure they'd kick you out of the hospital for bringing that in."
"Oh, I see how it is," Wade teased, pretending to be offended. "Here I am, being all supportive, and you're rejecting my face pillow idea? I'm wounded, Y/n. Deeply wounded."
She chuckled, the sound weak but genuine. "I love you, you idiot."
"I know," Wade said, grinning as he kissed the top of her head. "And that's why I'm here, annoying the crap out of you, until you're cancer-free and we can go back to our regularly scheduled programming of bad guys and bad decisions."
But Wade never wavered. He was her rock, her anchor in the storm. He understood what she was going through in a way no one else could. He knew the fear, the anger, the helplessness that came with a cancer diagnosis. And he fought it with her every step of the way.
But not every day was full of jokes and smiles. There were times when the treatments left Y/n too weak to even laugh at Wade's antics. On those days, they would lay in bed together, Y/n curled up against his chest. Wade spoke softly, his voice filled with a tenderness that was reserved only for her. 
"You know," he began, his fingers tracing idle patterns on her back, "when I found out I had cancer, I thought it was the end. I thought my life was over. But then I became Deadpool, and well... let's just say, shit got weird."
She laughed softly, her head resting against his shoulder. "That's one way to put it."
"But you..." He paused, searching for the right words. "You're different, Y/N. You're not just fighting for yourself. You're fighting for us. And I'm going to be here, every step of the way, making sure you kick this thing's ass."
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and gratitude. "I couldn't do this without you, Wade."
He grinned, that familiar mischievous glint in his eyes. "Damn right you couldn't. I'm your secret weapon, babe. Cancer doesn't stand a chance."
"Hey," he said "you know how I'm basically invincible, right? Like, I've been blown up, shot, stabbed, and I'm still kicking?"
"Mm-hmm," Y/N mumbled, her eyes half-closed.
"Well, I'm basically like a really ugly cheerleader. I'll keep cheering you on until this cancer thing gets bored and leaves you alone. And then we'll go get ice cream. Or, you know, find some bad guys to punch. Whatever you're in the mood for."
Y/n closed her eyes, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear. It was comforting, grounding her in the moment, reminding her that she was not alone. Wade's words were like a lifeline, pulling her back from the edge of despair.
"I know you're scared," he continued, his voice softening. "Hell, I'm scared too. But you've got something I didn't have back then- you've got me. And I'm not going anywhere, okay? We're in this together, and I'm not letting you face this alone."
Y/n's hand found his, their fingers intertwining. "I don't want to be weak, Wade. I don't want you to see me like this."
"Hey, hey," Wade said, gently squeezing her hand. "There's nothing weak about you, Y/n. You're the strongest person I know, and trust me, I've met some tough bastards in my time. You're allowed to be scared, and you're allowed to have shitty days. But don't for a second think that makes you weak. You're fighting a goddamn war here, and you're doing it like a champ."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, but she blinked them away, burying her face in Wade's chest. "I'm so tired, Wade," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I don't know if I can keep doing this."
Wade's heart broke at the raw vulnerability in her voice, but he refused to let her see his pain. Instead, he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his lips lingering there as he spoke. "You can, and you will," he murmured, his voice firm but tender. "Because you're Y/n, and you don't back down from a fight. And when you feel like you can't go on, you just lean on me, okay? I'll carry you if I have to."
For a long moment, they lay there in silence, the weight of Wade's words settling over them. Y/n could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, the warmth of his body pressed against hers, and it gave her a sense of comfort she hadn't felt in days. With Wade beside her, the darkness didn't seem quite as overwhelming.
"Wade?" she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah, babe?"
"Thank you... for being here. For... for everything."
Wade smiled, even though she couldn't see it. "You don't have to thank me, Y/n. This is what love's all about, right? Sticking around through the good, the bad, and the 'oh shit, we're out of toilet paper' moments."
Y/n chuckled softly, the sound muffled against his chest. "You really know how to ruin a moment, don't you?"
"It's a gift," Wade replied, grinning as he held her a little tighter. "But seriously, Y/n... I love you. And I'm not going to let you go through this alone. Not now, not ever."
"I love you too, Wade," Y/n whispered, her heart swelling with a mixture of love and gratitude.
They stayed like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other, with Wade occasionally cracking jokes to make her smile. And as the night wore on, Y/n slowly drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and loved in his arms.
Wade stayed awake, watching over her, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts. But one thing was clear: he wasn't going to let cancer take her away from him. He would fight it with her every step of the way, and they would come out on the other side stronger than ever.
Y/n snuggled closer, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. 
As the months passed, Y/n's strength began to return. The treatments were working, and slowly but surely, she started to feel like herself again. Wade was there to celebrate every small victory, every piece of good news. He was her biggest cheerleader, always ready with a joke or a sarcastic comment to keep her spirits up.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the day came when the doctor delivered the news they had been praying for.
"Y/n, your scans are clear. There's no sign of the cancer."
She could hardly believe it. Tears welled up in her eyes as the weight of those words settled over her. She was going to be okay.
Wade let out a whoop of joy, scooping her up in his arms and spinning her around the room, much to the dismay of the startled doctor. "I knew it! I fucking knew it! You're a goddamn superhero, Y/n!"
She laughed through her tears, clutching him tightly as he held her. "We did it, Wade. We really did it."
He set her down, cupping her face in his hands as he looked into her eyes, his own brimming with tears. "I knew you could. You're the strongest person I know, Y/n. And I'm so fucking proud of you."
They kissed then, a kiss filled with love, relief, and the unbreakable bond they had forged through their shared struggle. In that moment, nothing else mattered. They had faced the darkness together and come out the other side, stronger than ever.
As they left the doctor's office hand in hand, Wade turned to her with a grin. "So, how about we celebrate by doing something completely reckless and dangerous?"
She raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on her lips. "Like what?"
He smirked, that familiar glint back in his eyes. "I'm thinking chimichangas, a bottle of tequila. You know, the usual."
She laughed, feeling lighter than she had in months. "That sounds perfect."
And as they walked off into the sunset, ready to take on whatever life threw their way, Y/n knew that with Wade by her side, she could face anything.
In sickness and in health, they were unstoppable.
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amphibiahawks321 · 5 months
[Harley unlocked the door]
Harley : Mama's home!
M!Reader : you really gotta do that every time huh?
Harley : Chuckles I unlocked the door before kicking it open didn't i~?
[Harley jumped onto the couch and landed on Y/N's lap]
Harley : Your sexy clown sugar just came back home and no kisses? :<
[Y/N Kiss her forehead]
M!Reader : Chuckles that enough~?
Harley : HA! Good joke!
[Y/N kiss her on the lips]
M!Reader : Was that enough~?
[Y/N puts his book down]
M!Reader : You know that i-......Huh?
[Y/N noticed handcuffs on her hand]
M!Reader : What the!? Harls what did you do! And more importantly how much will the damage gonna cost-
Harley : Haha! Don't jump into conclusion THAT fast!
Harley : I just stole it from a cop's belt!
M!Reader : Oh thank goodness–Wait a minute! Why did you steal a cop's handcuffs?!
Harley : Wanna go upstairs and find out~
M!Reader blushing : Oh...OH! U-Uh don't you think we should eat first-
Harley : Nope!
[Harley immediately grabs Y/N's collar and drags him upstairs]
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hazbinshusk · 3 months
A kiss influenced by alcohol or a kiss to the back of the hand prompt with blitzø please🫶
prompt #23: a kiss influenced by alcohol/other substances
Your cab pulls in behind Blitzø’s van, and you pay the driver without tearing your eyes away from the house, the pounding music already far too loud for your sleepy brain. You’d woken to your phone pinging with texts half an hour earlier, and had been more than a little surprised to see Loona’s name on the screen.
Her messages hadn’t held a lot of detail, but it’d still been enough to make you drag yourself out of bed and throw a jacket over the t-shirt and shorts you sleep in. You side-eye the broken pot plant on the curb as you pass, recognizing a few hellhound and imp faces as you enter the party. Someone presses a cup into your hand at some point, and you hold onto it purely because you have no idea where to put it down.
“Blitzø?! Blitzø?! Where are you shithead?!”
You stop as you recognize Loona’s irritated shout, spotting her weaving her way through bodies. “Loona!”
She stops, ears flicking upwards as she hears your voice. She sighs in relief, her shoulders relaxing as she turns her eyes to the ceiling. “Oh, thank fuck you’re here.”
“What’s the matter?” you ask, closing the distance between you. “Your texts weren’t exactly—”
“Blitzø is somewhere here and completely trashed,” she explains. “I just need you to drive us home. After I find him and kick his ass.”
“Fair enough.” you raise a brow in concern, scanning your eyes over the crowds of over-indulging bodies. “D’you want some help tracking him down?”
“Ugh,” Loona groans, rubbing and hand between her eyes. “No… for some reason you seem to actually like my… Blitzø, and he’s so fucking far gone right now… if you could just wait by the van and I’ll get him. You really don’t need to see him like this.”
“Oh.” you grimace, halfway between apologetic and exasperated. You point a finger towards the next room. “Too late.”
Loona turns to follow your gaze, and she growls. Blitzø is wrapped in the arms of another imp, sloppily making out with him. Despite yourself, you feel a small pang of jealousy in your chest, and you quickly shove it down. You can already tell just how drunk Blitzø is, and besides, you had no claim to him.
“Oh, piss on a dick!” the hellhound grabs her father by the collar and forces them apart. “What the fuck are you doing, Blitzø?!”
“This guy!” Blitzø slurs in response, bravado tainted by too much booze.
“It looks like you’re in the middle of a goddamn orgy! Stop!”
You clear your throat awkwardly, jerking your thumb back towards the way you came. “I’ll, uh, I’ll be at the van.”
“Sugar…?” Blitzø sounds confused, like he’s only just realized you were there, and you spare Loona a sympathetic glance before making your way back outside. There’s something about the way Blitzø is carrying himself, in Loona’s tone, that makes you think you shouldn’t be in audience to this particular conversation.
You’re not waiting by the van long before Loona appears with Blitzø thrown over one shoulder, and you catch the keys when she tosses them to you. You unlock the door and hold it open for her, and she drops Blitzø unceremoniously on the passenger seat.
“He okay?”
She shrugs a shoulder, the callousness of her words undermined by the concern in her tone. “Is he ever?”
A small frown touches your lips, and a voice calls out to Loona as she moves to hop into the van. You spot Vortex standing in front of the house, and Loona glances back at you.
“Go say goodbye,” you tell her, closing the door behind Blitzø. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
She smile gratefully, tucking his hair behind her shoulder before she turns and heads towards the other hellhound. You watch them for a moment before you hear Blitzø groan through the window, and you roll your eyes, rounding the van to the driver’s side door.
“Heeeeey…” he slurs as you slide into the seat, flinching as the door closes. He’s laying face down on the seat, his eyes half-closed and a crooked smile on his mouth. “Heeey yoooou…”
You raise an eyebrow, amused despite yourself. “Hey, B. You good?”
“Always,” he says, all drunken bravado, propping his chin up on his hand only for it to slip off, his face meeting the torn seat cushion. “Ow.”
You chuckle, smoothing your hand over his horn. “Uh-huh.”
Blitzø pushes himself up on all fours, leaning towards you unsteadily. His tone is flirtatious, and he blinks out of sync. “Gonna tell me what you’re doin’ here?”
“Loona asked me to take you two home,” you explain patiently.
“Suuuuure,” he sing-songs. “Tryin’ to make sure I’m havin’ a good time?”
“I think you were managing to have one without me,” you say dryly, and Blitzø blinks again before he realizes what you’re talking about.
He snorts, bumping his forehead against your shoulder. “Fuckin’ Dennis…” his breath is warm against your arm, and he almost collapses into your lap. You catch him by the shoulder before he can, holding him steady. “The fuck names their kid fuckin’ Dennis?”
“It’s one of the universe’s biggest myster—”
Your comment is interrupted as Blitzø’s lips meet yours, his breath hot as he moans into the kiss. His tongue presses into your mouth and he pushes the hand holding him up away so he can cup your cheek in his hand. He tastes of Beelzejuice and he leans heavily into you, and whether or not he means to, you’re not sure.
You push him away gently despite the excitement roiling through your stomach, and Blitzø lets you, collapsing against your shoulder. “You’re drunk, B.”
“Yeah…” he groans, but there’s a dazed smile on his face. “Worth it, though. Got to do that.”
You flush, hurriedly fumbling to stick the key in the ignition as Loona opens the passenger side door. She rolls her eye as she sees him leaning so heavily on you, but he waves her away childishly, losing his balance and falling onto your lap.
“For fuck’s sake, Blitzø—”
“It’s fine,” you assure her, starting the car. “At least he’s not trying to drive. Ready to go home?”
She nods, leaning back against the seat with a sigh. “Thanks for coming, Y/N.”
You smile, glancing down at the imp in your lap before you pull away from the curb. Blitzø has curled his hand around your thigh, his face buried stubbornly against your lap.
“Any time.”
send me a prompt and either husk or blitzø
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spidernuggets · 6 months
Jason Todd x Bitchy!Reader
Note: It's note really "bitchy" per se, but idrk what else to put
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You didn't think you were THAT mean of a person. You were only mean when you needed to be. You know, standing up for your friends, standing up for yourself. But sometimes, you think, is it too much?
You were never good with expressing your own emotions. Every time someone gave you a gift, you'd reply with an awkward, muttered "aw.. thanks, it's great." And you'd genuinely love it, but you're just too enclosed to express your gratitude.
Or when you get compliments from your friends, you telk them to shut up and go away. Your friends know you, luckily. They know you appreciate the compliment based on the flushed look on your face when they call you cool or pretty.
But when you met Jason Todd, your friends noticed how happy you looked. They knew you had an on and off relationship with your parents, causing you to act better than everyone else when really you feel like the worst person in the world. Luckily, your friends are supportive of you, and no doubt, did they get excited over your new love interest.
"You know you're not subtle, Y/n," your friend once said to you. "Every time Jason comes by to pick you up or something, your pupils form heart shapes."
You rolled your eyes at the memory, walking into Jason's apartment.
"Hey, Jay," you say, walking up behind the couch, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's shoulders and placing a loving smooch against his cheek.
He smiles, his heart getting warm and mushy from the soft affection.
"Hi, babe. I... I got something for ya," he quietly says, reaching for something in the pocket of his sweatpants.
You perched over his shoulder, trying to see what he got.
He pulls out a small black box, and upon opening, it reveals a shiny, sliver necklace with a heart charm. "It's uh..." Jason awkwardly scratches the back of his neck as his cheeks heat up and pink flushes across his face. "It's for the last time you gifted me that switchblade."
Jason wasn't the most confident in gift giving, but the fact that he tried made your heart swell. The hard part was trying to express that feeling.
"Oh.. it's really pretty, Jay. Thanks.." In your language, it translated to 'Oh my god, it's gorgeous, I want to marry you, you're the absolute love of my life'
At this point in your relationship, Jason was well aware of your shallow reactions, but knew that you appreciated the things he offered to you, so he never took your awkward reactions to heart.
Your heart was racing, but you kept thay information to yourself, so you kissed the ruffles of his hair and thanked him again.
You told him you were going to change into your pjs (his hoodie), so you speed walked to your shared room, and quickly shut the door behind you.
Your face was so warm, and you wasted no time putting the necklace on. You held the charm close to your chest, mentally screaming and kicking your feet at the gift and changed into a comfier shirt and sweatpants along with Jason's hoodie.
You were ready to go out to spend some more time with Jason, but he came into the room in a rush.
"Hey, sugar, I got some last-minute work that I got called in for," he kissed your forhead before walking past you, grabbing a bag from the closet.
"I'll won't be back until late, so don't stay up, okay? Make sure to get some sleep, sweetness."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," you mutter as he sped out the door.
You sighed and laid on your bed, staring at the cracked ceiling. This wasn't the first time Jason had sped out for a last-minute call into work. It was probably due to his little secret life he's hiding from you.
You wanted to tell him that you knew about his Red Hood alter ego, but you wanted to let him tell you himself when he was ready.
But this dash out the door has become so recent, him leaving even outside his usual schedules that you observed, you're beginning to think that..
What if he's leaving just to get some space from you?
It's a ridiculous thought, but you honestly wouldn't blame him. You agreed with the idea that your lack of words of affection and gratefulness, and attitude could eventually get exhausting.
Another memory with your friends flickered in your head.
"Does your boyfriend ever question how you act?"
A new person was introduced to your friend group. They weren't really aware of why you acted like you did.
"What do you mean?" You sharply replied.
They laugh. "I mean.. you're not the most.. expressive person, Y/n." They reply with a grin. You never like this person. Luckily, they were kicked out of the group shortly.
"Dude-" Your actual friend tried to cut in.
"Ha," you chimed. "Well, it's kind of none of your god damn business." You snarled.
They held their hands up in sarcastic defence. "Calm down. I'm just saying. Show some smiles and gratitude once in a while."
You were close to punching them right in the face before the rest of your friends told them to piss off.
But maybe they're right. Jason deserves more than a weak thanks. He needed more affection, more smiles, and more love. He definitely needs it after every shift from work.
Your relationship might be on the line if you don't up your game.
So early the next morning, you awoke to Jason's arm loosely around your waist. You smiled at his light, tired snores, kissing his chin lightly before rolling away from his warmth and comfort. You tucked him back into the blanket before heading to the kitchen.
It's been almost an hour before you heard Jason's heavy padding for footsteps coming into the kitchen.
"N/n?" He groggily calls out, rubbing his eyes, and the sight was so fucking adorable.
"Morning, Jay Jay!" You excalimed, mentally cringing at the extra sweetness. "Want some breakfast?" You brightly smiled, plating the final portion of scrambled eggs and placing it onto the table, along with the bacon, pancakes, toast, and juice laid on the table.
"Wow, this is a lot. What's the occation?" He asks confused, still tired from waking up.
"What? Can I not spoil you, handsome?" Your stomach churned from your newfound personality, which also cause Jason eyebrow to raise in question.
"I guess?" He said, unsure from your more cheerful mood. "You okay?" He carefully asked.
"More than okay, now that you're awake, baby," you walked up to him, placing a lingering kiss to his lips.
His brows furrowed. "Baby? That's new." He commented before sitting at the table. He knew that the cheesy nicknames were his department. For you, it was either Jay or a joke nickname that had some significance that only the two of you knew the context behind, like troublemaker or stubborn.
"Did you sleep well? How was work last night?" Another development. Needing to know how he was after every activity.
"It.. Good. It was good. You sure you're okay?" There was nothing wrong with the questions you asked. It was just new to him. And the seemingly forced smiles that looked like they were making your cheeks hurt were new, too.
Your smile faltered. "Yeah... why d'you ask?"
He put his utensils down. "It's just new. It's not bad, but.. it seems kind of unnatural for you." He calmly says. Then slowly questions, "Can I ask what brought it on?"
"I..." You hiccuped. All you thought since last night was the thought of Jason leaving you because you can't express your emotions as well as most others.
You didn't even notice the light tears rolling down your face.
"Hey, hey, sweet thing, what's the matter?" He quickly asks with worry, both his hands cupping your cheeks and wiping away your tears.
"Don't leave, please.." you whimper.
His face softens. "What? Babe, why would you ever think that?" Your tears are wiped away, but he continues to caress your face.
"I- I thought you were getting tired of me.. I thought I needed to- to be more caring or- or emotional, devoted? I don't know.." You stammered, looking down at his knees, avoiding his attempts to look in your sad eyes.
"Oh, my sweetness, I'd never get tired of you. I'm so crazy for you. You don't even know."
"You're always gone.." You pathetically whine.
Jason's hands move away from your face, then quickly occupied to your hands. "Please look at me, Y/n?"
He asked so nicely. You couldn't possibly deny his request. So you look up to share his gaze.
He sighs and starts his long explanation of his occupation as Red Hood. You only knew about the Red Hood part. But he revealed to you everything. From when he was brought in by Batman, he became Robin, died, all the nitty gritty.
And he ended it by revealing he was Red Hood.
You sniffled. "I know." You say quietly.
"What?" He asked dumbfounded.
You could only let out a light giggle. "I already know your Red Hood. You accidently left your thigh holsters in the closet."
And hearing your faint laugh made Jason smile. "Well, why didn't you tell me, N/n?"
"Wanted you to tell me when you were ready," you shrugged. "So.. you're not gonna leave?"
He laughs. "My sweet thing, I love you so much for you."
Your eyes slightly widen. "You love me?"
"You've no idea," he smiles, holding your chin, pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
"Mm, whatever," you mutter between his lips. Instantly, he knew that meant that you loved him too.
"That's my darling."
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roosterforme · 1 year
Pour Some Sugar On Me | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Bradley loves it when you take time out of your busy day to give him a little treat. He knows how smart and capable you are, and he is going to work so hard to be your star student.
Warnings: Fluff, swears and smut
Length: 2100 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time! This was written for a request.
Check my profile for my masterlist
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Bradley had become accustomed to a certain way of life since you moved to San Diego. And it involved a lot of dirty sex on campus at San Diego State University where you worked. Your office door had a lock. And so did the library study rooms. Although he was partial to the study rooms in Virginia, he had to admit these ones were very nice, too. 
The fact that you and he had been messing around in study rooms at two different colleges on either side of the country had him smiling every time he met you on campus. He could get hard just thinking about it. 
When he occasionally called you on his way home to see if you were still working, he always asked you the same thing. "Do you have time to pour some Sugar on me?"
You always laughed, but you were usually game to meet him for a quickie before he went home to make dinner. This was his routine, and he loved it.
On Friday, when you were kissing his lips softly while he helped you pull your skirt back down, he whispered, "I'm going to head home and make spaghetti. And I'm taking your underwear with me."
You moaned into his mouth as your fingers skimmed along his uniform insignia pins. "So I'll just be a mess until I get home then?"
"Uh huh," he confirmed. "And then I'll feed you dinner and mess you up again."
You kissed him one more time before you promised to be home soon, and then you unlocked the study room door. "Oh, don't forget, I have to be on campus tomorrow morning. I have to take those proficiency exams using the school's wifi connection."
Bradley linked his fingers with yours and just mumbled, "But, Sugar, I love to sleep in with you on Saturday mornings. When I don't, it feels like I'm deployed or you're at a conference."
You looked up at him like he was the sweetest thing you had ever seen. "Sorry, Beer Boy. But we can always get back in bed when I get home."
But Bradley already had a plan.
Your desk was a mess with papers, and you were tired and hungry, and now you were going to have to take a series of California state mandated math proficiency exams while you tried not to chew your arm off. Because you left your lunch at home. 
You know you shouldn't have skipped breakfast today, but you were running late, and Bradley kept kissing you and telling you to stay in bed. You leaned back in your chair and listened to your stomach growl as you thought about whatever Bradley was making for lunch today.
Then there was a knock at your door. Of course. Because you had just kicked your shoes off underneath your desk, and now you couldn't find the left one with your foot. 
"Come in!" you called, hoping you could get rid of this person without having to stand up since you were wearing shorts and only one shoe. 
"Hey, Sugar."
You laughed as soon as you saw him in his jeans and the tie dye shirt that you had claimed as your own. "What are you doing here?" You walked around your desk with one shoe on and hugged Bradley tight. 
"Brought you lunch," he replied, holding out a container of food that was still warm, and you moaned as you opened it. He handed you a fork as well, and you started digging in. 
"How did you know I was starving?"
He plopped down in your desk chair and made grabby hands until you sat on his lap. "I didn't know. I just missed you." He kissed your neck and shoulder around your tank top while you ate, and his hands started to explore your bare thighs.
"Beer Boy," you warned, glancing at the time on your computer as you set down the fork and empty container. Your next exam was going to start in about five minutes. 
He whispered. "I just want a little Sugar. Pour some Sugar on me?"
His words were low and a little rough, and you felt yourself clenching at nothing as he whispered your name and nosed his way along your collarbone. "But I have a test," you complained as you stood to lock your door. And then he was making grabby hands again before you watched him reach down to run his hand along his cock through his jeans. His erection was so pronounced, your mouth was watering with need. 
"I can wait until you're done with it," he promised, but then when you started unzipping your shorts, his eyebrows shot up. "Hell yes."
You kicked off your right shoe and stepped out of your shorts and underwear as Bradley unzipped his jeans. His eyes were glued to your every move. "If we do this, you need to behave," you warned, standing in front of him between his spread thighs, facing your desk. You bent over to log into your exam, and his hands came up to gently caress your rear end. When you wiggled it for him, he moaned. 
"What exactly is happening here?" he grunted.
You looked at him over your shoulder, and his eyes were wide with intrigue. "Pull your jeans down, and I'll warm your cock while I take this exam."
He was immediately pulling down his pants and boxer shorts and stroking himself. "Oh fuck. Sugar. You're gonna kill me, baby."
You just smirked and he moved the chair a little closer to you.
Bradley reached for your hips as you sat back on his lap with that gorgeous ass. You were going to take a math exam with him inside you. A timed, mandated math exam. With his cock inside your pussy. "Okay, Professor Sugar." It was like a fantasy roleplay, and he needed to be good and stay still so you'd pass your test. 
"Mmm," you hummed as you gripped his cock and slid your pussy down around him until you were sitting snug against his balls. 
Bradley panted as he tried his best not to move, but your ass looked so pretty and you were pulsing gently around him. He held your hips and leaned forward to kiss the back of your neck. Then you propped your feet up next to his thighs and arched your back as you leaned one elbow on your desk. "It's about to start," you whispered, looking at him over your shoulder. 
He had to force his gaze up to meet your eyes as he stroked his fingers along your ass. "How long is it?" he asked, voice hoarse and needy.
"Thirty minutes," you replied, and then you turned back to your computer. "But I'll try to be quick." Bradley watched you answer three questions in a row that he couldn't even understand. Every time you hummed or clicked your tongue, his eyes rolled back, and he had to work to regain his focus. When you eventually had to pull your calculator out of your desk to solve one of the problems, he found that insanely hot.
"Sugar?" he groaned, pushing himself deeper inside you. When you wiggled your hips and glanced at him, you shook your head with a smirk.
"I need to finish this, Beer Boy. Just try to relax and enjoy yourself."
He tipped his head back and took a deep breath while stroking his fingers along your thigh. "But you're so fucking tight. All I want to do it fuck you."
When he bit his lip and managed to get control, he looked over your shoulder again, groaning in your ear. You were on problem ten, scribbling down some nonsense on a sheet of notebook paper that he supposed meant something to you. "How many questions are there?" he asked, rubbing his mustache along your neck and inhaling your scent. He thought that would calm him down; it only made it worse. 
"Thirty questions," you said softly, turning to kiss his lips softly. "You can do it. This is fucking hot."
"So damn hot!" he readily agreed, chasing your lips as you turned back toward your computer. "Fucking hot," he grunted, palming your ass in both of his hands. You were a third of the way done. He could hang on a little longer. 
"Oooh, linear algebra," you mumbled happily, and your pussy clenched around him. 
"Fuck! Sugar, are you getting turned on by math?" He dug his fingers into your thighs to keep himself still.
"I always get a little hot for a good linear algebra problem," you muttered, once again scribbling down some numbers. "You know that."
"Some things never change," he grunted, thinking about how you'd sit on his lap in the study room at UVA and pause your work to have sex with him. This was the same thing. Somehow he was still living that same dream more than ten years later.
"This exam is not actually that hard," you remarked, selecting answers for problems fourteen through seventeen without too much fuss. 
"Something else is definitely hard," Bradley panted, thrusting involuntarily.
"It's a lot easier than I thought it would be," you said as you grinned at him over your shoulder. 
"Are you kidding me right now, Sugar? I can't understand any of it, and I've been reading it over your shoulder." But he was getting desperate now. Every time you turned and looked at him, he thought he was going to finish. 
"I'm almost done," you promised when you turned back to the screen.
"Me too," he growled, shaking his head. "If your ass didn't look so perfect just chilling in my lap like this, I'd be a lot better off."
"You're strong, Bradley. I have faith." 
But now you were starting to clench around him again as you entered something into your calculator. "God, you're so fucking smart. Makes me insane for you, Professor Sugar."
"Be my star student, Lieutenant Bradshaw, and don't cum quite yet."
He was such a goner. All he could do was count slowly backwards from one hundred and try to enjoy your tight warmth around him while holding himself off. Fingers digging into your ass, he knew he wasn't going to be good for much longer. "Baby?"
You reached back and grabbed his left hand with yours and guided his fingers to your clit. "Three more questions," you whispered as he stroked you, making you gasp. 
"You can answer them while I touch you?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed. 
"You're a fucking genius," he said before he nibbled on your neck and eased his right hand up inside your shirt to your tattoos. He knew where they were by heart. And he knew how to get you off with his fingers like an expert.
By the time you were working on the last problem, he was whispering, "You got this. Come on, baby." And when you clicked the Submit icon at the bottom, you and Bradley both saw your score before he grabbed you by your hips and stood, still buried deep inside you.
"100%. Perfect score. You're perfect," he grunted as you planted your hands on your desk while he railed you. 
"Oh god!" you moaned as his fingers found your clit again, the slapping of his thighs meeting yours filling the room. 
"Math makes you hot, and that makes me hot," he growled as he fucked you harder. "And it always will."
You arched your back as he whispered your name and came so hard, he was shaking. No longer able to form coherent words, he kept his fingers moving against you while he fucked his cum deeper inside you. 
Then you were whining and bucking back against him, and then he could feel you squeezing him so sweetly. "Yes, yes, yes," you chanted as you came. 
When you caught your breath, Bradley withdrew himself from you. He helped you get cleaned up and get your shorts back on, and then you curled up in his lap in your desk chair. 
"You got a perfect test score while I was inside you."
You kissed along his scars and his mustache and laughed. "I guess all that time sitting on your lap and studying really paid off."
Bradley wrapped his arms around you and hummed in agreement. "You wore me the fuck out, Teach. Please take me back home for a lazy Saturday afternoon in bed."
"Anything for my star student."
This was written for a request as well as for my friend Jay @thedroneranger who really wanted some Beer Boy and Sugar love with this song title!
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