#I yap
Okay hot take
Pre-internet, death threats were perceived as a very hostile thing to be taken seriously. But now, anyone who dissagrees with your opinion can just say "kys". People are more than just what you see of them. What we write about ourselves anywhere online is just a sliver of our real lives. We have people around us who care, lives we have to live, expectations to meet.
Saying kys is too normalized, and it needs to stop.
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sorikufeels · 6 months
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they are,,, they are watching a meteor shower,,, 🥹
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thebirthofvenusfly · 2 months
1, 2, and (most important of all) 25 for the isat ask game!
Favorite Character?: Odile but Siffrin is such a scarily close second... i love old woman yuri and depressed small cat-crow child Least Favorite Character?: Copout; the King. But like, if you mean characters that actually deserve happiness and joy, Isabeau :( It is nothing personal I just do not gravitate towards masculine characters very often and out of the main cast, he was the last to grab my attention... that being said, he is an angel and a gentleman and a darling. i don't think he's BAD i just think out of the main cast, i naturally gravitate to him the least
Which bird in Dormont is your favorite?: like why would you pit a group of bad bitches against each other. i love them all. next question
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tealeafstew · 4 hours
maybe I actually will wear converse to my wedding
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sheep-doll · 4 months
Realistically, I think I'd get along well with Kylar the most. He probably likes spooky and supernatural sorts of content. He also watches true crime documentaries, video essays of obscure media, etc. This little nerd (affectionate) probably knows a bunch of SCP entries by heart.
Second closest one is Robin. Bro just wants to game. Me too, Robin. Me too. He gives the vibes of someone you can hang out with on sunny summer days just binging shows, anime, or games.
I'll probably cry if Whitney looks at me. He'll probably make fun of me for having asthma and allergies lmaooo
Sydney... he's a good guy. But *points at the temple* trauma. I'll eat his cross and drink his markers dry if he tries to bring me to the temple.
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cin3maa · 4 days
ive got no idea who u are but im following u so im considering this divine intervention
wha....maybe u saw my art and followed me?
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axel-tiredstudent · 1 month
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jackmerrizzler · 3 days
this isnt even lotf related but guys the amount of 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 max x bradley art im getting on here is INSANE. HELP ME. ANYONE PLEASE.
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lamslover · 4 months
Have u ever had the sudden urge that came out of nowhere to draw something and u can't take out that urge until u draw it?
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localicecreambiter · 6 months
Zelda Main Theme/Title screen tier list
before we begin, this is my own opinion and preference in music! we all have different taste, so dont let mine invalidate yours!
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im putting explinations for my choices below the cut, so if you wanna hear me yap about zelda music nows your chance
Triforce Heros: 10/10 i absolutely ADORE the triforce heros sound track! (actually listening to it as I type this) its such an underappreciated title (being the "bootleg" four swords lol) but has such good composition its hard not to love it. its similar to botw's rito songs in which acordians are found in a lot of the tracks- anyway back to the topic of the main theme: its great. a refreshing change from the main zelda theme (as was trend with the DS games) and has a lot of character to it. high energy too!! exactly what i want to hear! a straight vibe that id wait to start the game just to listen a little longer
Spirit Tracks: i think we all know why this is 10/10 spirit tracks is another one of those underrated titles, especially for its music! i love how the melody (extremely catchy by the way) is played by a flute here, corresponding to the instrument you get in game :) it feels like im about to embark on an epic cross country ride
Wind Waker: even without knowing the plot of the game it feels like a sailor tune that would be played at dinner on a ship. its simple, and cutesy like the games art style, but fun and catchy too! a classic, one that really gets you into that sea fairing mood
TOTK: The only reason this one isn't higher is because I don't like that beginning bit with all the weird whisper singing. it fits the game really well! its just not my favorite sound in the world, but the melody hits HARD and really plays with the emotion of the scene that accompanies it in game. its high energy, but not in the same way triforce heros was, rather in an epic way rather than bouncy (if that makes sense?) its composed SO well, AND THAT BIT WITH THE SMALL BIRST OF PICCOLO??? chefs kiss. favorite part. not to mention the small zelda's lullaby motif at the end?? THE BOTW MOTIF??????
Skyward Sword: ballad of the goddess is genuinely just SUCH a good song, and the way its composed for the main theme gets you in all the right ways. the deep brass makes it very dramatic, especially with the drums it uses (love me some boomy drums). I love the woodwinds playing with the brass too! scratches the itch just right
BOTW: another great theme! it manages to change up the format a bit, but still keeps that dramatic vibe a zelda theme should have (for the more serious games, I mean, triforce heros doesnt count-) the acordian returns!! the melody! oh my god the melody!!!! its definitely a breath of fresh air (hehe get it?) it manages to encapsulate what a plesant breeze blowing against your face feels like somehow, and im living for it. i love the use of the dragon instruments after the pause! it feels like all the different cultures of botw hyrule has been rolled into this song with the instruments and all that
hyrule warriors: bet you weren't expecting that one, huh? its the only semi-traditional zelda theme in the top tier, and why? im a bitch for motifs, okay? I wasn't diging it at first, because it just sounded like a recomp of the classic zelda theme just really damn epic, but then it hit me with that tiny twilight princess motif and I knew I was in for a ride. THE BALLAD OF THE GODDESS MOTIF GAVE ME CHILLS i was not expecting it at ALL! and tHEN IT TRANSITIONED INTO HYRULE FIELD FROM TP??? AND THEN IT DOES IT AGAIN LATER IN THE SONG? i love you hyrule warriors NOT TO MENTION THE OTHER MOTIFS IT SHOVES IN THERE?? OOT?? MORE TP????? i am unapologetically a motif lover and i will stand by my decision
Minish Cap: i was ranking the track "story" since the intro screen was just 8 seconds and not really a song. i love how peaceful it sounds, and really befitting for a legend. ironically, it reminds me of The Legend from deltarune in a way. the whole song feels like an exposition, and personally one of my favorites which is why it ranked so high
Age of Calamity: ah, hyrule warriors' more popular, edgy, younger sibling. i wont lie to you, the melody is killer! and i love how it goes from eriee to epic final battle-esk music half way through. it feels like a final stand, and my GOD is it good
Twilight Princess: its so empty and woeful sounding, yet oh so full of hope and light i can't help but love it. its so pretty, so SO pretty. it does so much with so little and thats one of the things i love about it. i think the best compliment you can recieve is "you look the way the twilight princess main theme sounds" plus the wolf howl at the end is so funny
Ocarina of Time: i love that OOT makes the ocarina the main melody player and started the trend of the main game instrument being featured in the title/main theme. this one is pretty in a different way than twilight princess, this one is peaceful which is so misleading from the actual game story that i love it even more
Links Awakening (2019 Switch Remake): I separated this one from LADX because its VERY different from the original opening. Obviously, this one isnt retro music and that kind of adds to it, but its also the different beginning bit that sets it apart. the small mabe village motif before the actual zelda theme plays? love it. i really liked how they composed this version with all the different koholint instruments, it was like giving the song a new coat of paint. i love the classic zelda theme, but once you hear it so many ways it can get a little old, so it was great to see them do it like this :)
Majora's Mask: this is really only ranked so high because clock town is an absolute killer song, and I listen to it on loop. the only other reason is because that sharp turn at the end? my god its so disruptive but so good at the same time. the way the background cello gets intruppted by an ominous bass that grows louder, and how the clock town melody abruptly stops? such an amazing and indirect way forebode the dark theming of the story. both MM and OOT have such peaceful themes for their story lines, its good to see mm actually show that in the theme music
The Legend of Zelda: a classic, and what started it all. its simplistic with a great, strong melody, and i like how its paced a lot slower than most of the other games. that opening bit and the transition with the bassline is my favorite part.
Four Swords Adventure: this was another one I wasn't digging at first, but once you got into the meat of the song it was really nice. It starts as one melody, but gains a trumpet echo and a violin. its somehow chaotic but cohesive? i like how that reflects on the game
Oracle of Ages/ Seasons: OOA/S has nearly the same exact theme as LADX and four swords, only composed slightly differently. It keeps things simple, yet its very effective and plesant to listen to. a bouncy rendition of the main loz theme, just like FS and LADX. the only reason this one is ranked higher is because i liked the lower tone of the ooa/s rendition compared to LADX
Four Swords: im going to be honest, the retro sounding bassline with what i think is a snare? it felt a little strange, but i liked the little bits of the higher sounds acompanying the melody here with it. it felt like it was trying to be grand, but didn't quite hit what it was aiming for all the way. it was the beginning that through me off, really-
Links Awakening DX: simple, effective, yet a little too simple compared to the previous two since its the same rendition just with different make ups (if thats the right term) i know it was literally the 4th game to come from the series, but the original zelda theme felt like it had a bit more going on. still a good rendition of the main theme though! i like its bounciness
A Link to the Past: iconic. but, this was difficult to categorize since theres not much of a title theme? theres the selection screen music, but that became the fairy theme so i dont know if that counts either? either way its an 18 second clip or the fairy theme, which both are good, but just not really a show stopper (dont come at me alttp fans i dont mean it like that!! spare me!! mercy!!!!)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: why are you so LOUD holy cow- i like the theme, its pretty, but its short so it gets repetative if ykwim. i like the part with what im assuming is supposed to be some sort of bassline :) its my favorite part
Phantom Hourglass: i know its a wind waker sequal and i guess it makes sense, but just reusing the great sea music and changing up a part slightly felt kind of lazy to me? i do like the parts they added though! i think they're great sounding! but still feels a little lazy :(
A Link Between Worlds: I know what you may be thinking: "why is it so low? you LOVE albw" and to that I have to say, you know me so well, dear reader. You will also know, that just like the game its made after, there isnt really a title/main theme. the intro bit is about the same length as alttp so it gives you little to work with in terms of song. plus after the opening bit, it just kinda repeates the same few notes. going through the playlist i was kind of disappointed getting to albw, because at least alttp had selection music. this game has some of my favorite tracks to come from the series in it too so the intro being as it was (outside of a music standpoint, the intro is absolutely epic, don't get me wrong) i was just sad
anywayy! that was all of them!! if you actually sat there and read all of that, im proud of you. thanks for reading my yappage
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sorikufeels · 5 months
i’ve seen people complain about how square keeps making sora more dumb and i get that and agree sometimes because i do think that there are some moments where sora is definitely smarter than depicted. however, i sometimes i think it fits and its not because he is actually dumb but because he’s had his mind messed with a lot. and it was messed with during his formative years. in later games, sora is often forgetful, asking what other characters consider to be dumb questions, and shown being slow on the uptake. these things make sense when you consider that:
a) sora’s had his memories scattered and rearranged
b) had an entire year of his adolescence (an important time for brain development) forfeited to a coma in order to fix said scattered memories
c) has been manipulated and the victim of mind games multiple times
d) incurred heaping amounts of trauma in a very short amount of time
don’t get me wrong, i feel like sora is definitely smart in his own way and deserves to have more moments to shine in that regard, but when there’s moments where he forgets things or isn’t able to connect the dots as quickly as everyone else, it makes sense to me. it feels logical, understandable. when those moments happen and other characters make fun of him, i’m always like this kid’s brain has gone through hell and back, it’s a miracle it’s still functioning at all so give him some slack for fucks sake!
he’s still missing memories and it seems like he’s lost more in kh3 (if we’re assuming he forgot about riku’s sacrifice and the realizations he had regarding riku as the light) and might continue to keep losing them in kh4. his mind has suffered a lot and i wish the other characters would be more understanding. but for me, when i see him acting “dumb,” it doesn’t always feel out of character given what he’s gone through. he’s not dumb, his mind has just endured a lot and it makes sense that there are lasting effects from those events.
i have no idea if this is intentional, though lol if it’s not, then square, stop making him so dumb because he’s way smarter than that and you know it.
but if it is intentional, then i love it because it gives me so much satisfaction when events have tangible lasting effects, especially in ways that aren’t outright stated. it would also be cool if this was intentionally supposed to be a factor in sora’s self worth arc. because of his perceived increase of “dumbness,” other characters make fun of him more, making him feel worthless and wrecking his self esteem even further. it’s not his fault he’s having a hard time but he doesn’t understand why it’s happening and it’s another thing for people to shit on him for and eventually he’s going to snap or break under the pressure from all that shit. if this or something like it is the intended outcome, i think that would sick
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machiavellli · 3 months
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4000 post! I am indeed a noisy being
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liljafish · 4 months
the relief after stopping friendship with toxic friends
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rusurrone · 2 months
what i dont understand about russian history™ enjoyers is why y'all care so much for arakcheev?😭
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axel-tiredstudent · 1 month
I'm most likely gonna get drunk at some point this weekend we're so back let's do the asks while drunk thing then 😁
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yelenapines · 3 months
is there more joy than leaving long detailed comments on a fic and being responded with an equally long paragraph from the author. methinks not.
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