#how to create colorful content for education
writingcold · 3 days
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Chapter Eight - Internal flaws and internal conflicts will lead the way
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Content Warnings:  I need to put this here - this is a work of fiction. There will be imagery of violence, character deaths, inequities, poverty, heavy angst, and adult sexual situations throughout the story. Please read at your own discretion. All characters are fictional, though some of the big events that are shown are historical, but may not be historically accurate. 
Thank you to @edgingthedarkness for all of her help as my all mighty beta for this fiction. She listened to me drone on and on about it for months on end. She really took a bullet for this one! She created the banner for this story as well! Also thank you to @katuschka for her amazing skills in bringing our hero Jakub to life. Divider art by @ firefly-graphics.
The Dead
Jake X Fem!Reader
Chapter Eight word count: approximately 6000 words
Warnings in this part: Sibling arguing, feelings of self doubt, grief.
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Chapter 8.1: Swansong in the Graveyard
     “Spill it,” Owen said as he stared directly into his phone.
      Fighting the urge to laugh, I found distraction in yanking the pan of eggs from the stove before they burned. “Spill what?”
      “Gran says that you’re still in Frankenmuth.”
      I nodded as I plated up my breakfast. “So?”
     “I don’t know when the last time you were in a single place that long just to do research,” he jabbed. “If you wanted a dude in lederhosen, I could’ve flown you here to-”
     I grumbled, bobbling my plate and coffee to the table away from the phone. “It’s just more than I planned on. That’s all.”
     “Still not talking about the story is what is bothering me,” he admitted, turning back to the screen just as I returned to grab my phone from the counter. “Typically you’re done with research and writing by now. How interesting can that touristscape be?”
      I rolled my eyes and moved the topic away from me but it boomeranged back within minutes.
     “What about that literacy bit you have - isn’t that coming up?” 
     Eating slowly, I explained how the conference would traverse across three days and many state-based authors and educators of all levels teaming up for more impactful and meaningful methods of catching the interest of kids and adults …
      “Stop,” he growled as I finally hit the bored button. A twinkle in his eye caught me off guard as he leaned in close. “You gonna take the cute pilot to the conference?”
     I blinked. I blinked again as my brother’s grin grew smug. “Pardon?”
     “The pilot? Maybe he can fly you two out and then-”
     “Owen,” I tried to break in, but he continued to ramble. He spoke unabashedly. “Owen, please.”
     “Come on, Y/n,” he jabbed. “He’s a good looking guy. How could you not-”
     “I’m hanging up.”
     “No! What the hell is going on?”
     “Don’t want to talk about it.”
     He sat back in his chair. When I finally looked at the screen and took in his expression, I knew he got it. Maybe.
     “Since when?”
     “Since when, what?” I dodged.
     “You’re not seeing that guy.”
     “Well, since it wasn’t anything but fun anyway-”
     “Jesus,” he huffed. He did not bother to wait for my response. “When are you gonna give this up and take meeting someone seriously?”
     “Maybe when you-”
     “Dumbest argument ever.” He flipped me off and my jaw dropped. “I at least got married. Divorced, yeah. But I was married and loved it, remember? You won’t even try for fuck’s sake.”
     “I’m just saving a whole lot of trouble for someone.”
     “Bull shit.”
      “You’re not my therapist.”
      “Considering you don’t have a therapist, I kinda am, sis.”
      “Owen, let it drop.”
      His eyes pierced the screen and hit mine and my cheeks colored all the more. It was the same look mom would deal out when we were caught avoiding chores or doing something naughty.
      “I just want you to be happy.”
      “I don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy.”
      “No, but you sure as shit deserve to be happier.” He fell quiet and I picked at a bit of dry skin on my palm. “I know this year is hard. Shit, every year has been hard.”
      I swallowed. He looped us back to a conversation from my prior year’s birthday. I had officially out-lived my mother. To think that by the time she was thirty two, Corrine had lived her whole life. The notion made all the bruises of losing her and Dad all the more fresh. Grief is strange that way. Loss does not get easier as the years pass. It doesn’t heal. No. Those are the kind of wounds that are permanent. They rear up every day and your brain just puts the pain into a box with a lid and a label to remind you. But it never goes away. Owen was the only one who knew who Mom and Dad were for us. Gran might have been her mother, but Corrine was our mom. That kind of permanence doesn’t go away. Not ever.
      Feeling wrung out and done, I told my brother that I loved him and would talk with him in a few days. Upset was not the right word. It was easy to brush others off as just not understanding the situation. With Owen, hiding was not an option. What was an option was to shove the whole conversation to the side and ignore it for a few blissful hours to focus on research. 
     “Fuck,” I sighed as I looked at my scattered pile of notebooks and the singular tab that was open on the laptop. 
     What was there really to research? I had followed the thread of Jake Thomas and of Yakov Petrov to its end. Whoever the hell it actually was in that cemetery was just as elusive as the story itself. Was there a pirate? Yup. Was there a love story right out front and center? Yes. It hurt my head all the more that both were dead and stuck in a cemetery trying to figure out how to ‘move on’ but not leave each other.
      “God, this sucks balls,” I griped.
      How dramatic would it be to torch a manuscript? Would it hurt? Would I laugh maniacally as I dropped it page by page into the open flame? Or perhaps let it spoil in the rain. Ah, even better - cast it to the wind off some mountain would be delightful, I would imagine. The writers of old must have relished in the self murder of their work, unlike what it takes today. Striking a simple delete key does not seem to have the same killing stroke.
     My vibe must’ve been casting a bat signal as a text came through from Vin, scheduling a check in in a few days. I grimaced. I was going to have to get my shit together and make my story the best ever gothic pirate romance. Fuck my life. In truth, I was at a dead end. No pun intended, of course. Guitar Jake or Yakov the Artist. There was no real way to incorporate them in the story either. Maybe they could be side characters? The dynamic could add to a comedic element. Twentieth century hedonist rock star meets nineteenth century hedonist artist from deep in his own family tree…
     “I have officially lost my shit,” I muttered as I made myself move away from my perch at the table.
     Truth be told, if my research was complete, there was no reason to stay in Frankenmuth - was there? The idea seemed wrong. The thought was frayed at the ends like it was trying to stop me from leaving. I melted into the soft cushions of the sofa. Funny idea that was - but why? My fingers found the comfort of the tangled, corded fringe of a pillow as my mind began to drift.
⭒☾   I smoothed the scratchy lace down across the bodice of the dress. The pit of my stomach bristled with opposition. I did not need another party. I did not need to dance and smile and laugh falsely. I did not need to breathe in smoke and the same conversations over yet again. I wanted to lay with my Jakub and feel his warmth around me. I wanted to read to him and him to me and listen to his breathing with the crash on the velvet shore as the sun cast its last rays to the sky. I wanted to feel his strength and bask in the heat of us.
      However, there I was, walking down the grand stairs, eyes cast to me as if I were some entity to be in awe of. Father was clapping his hands and his voice was booming across the house guests in a tone of celebration. The players began to draw their bows across their strings in a lively jig that tugged the gathering to the wide planks of the ballroom. I blew out a breath that was sour as I cast a wary eye at the backs of my guests. I took refuge with my lovely sister-in-law, Celeste, in the sitting room where voices were hushed and tempers were placid. Somehow, she had hidden a tiny book of sonnets in the folds of her skirts. We read together and kept out the voices of those around us. 
      “Have you seen him? Has he been here to call upon you?” she whispered, her voice full of conspiracy wrapped in grace.
      I nodded as I turned the page. “Been here two days and every moment he can, he is here.”
      “I thought I had caught a glimpse of him on the beach when Astrid and I were at the market this morn,” she said. Her smile was dreamy as she leaned into me. “He’s so handsome. If all you say is true, Maéva, he is a good man that you love.”
      The words shivered across my skin and tingled in my breath. Celeste was my only confidant. She was the only one that knew of how my heart fluttered and my smile sparkled any time my Jakub was near. She was the only one I knew would not cast judgment to his station in this world, as she herself was the daughter of a stablemaster. And she was just as giddy as me when it came to my tales of how we would dance in the tide as it tumbled ashore, or the little trinkets that he would bring to me from his ports of call. She would swoon just as much as I would over the pretty little rock or the pressed flower that would remind him of something I wore or made him feel.
     “Dance with me.”
      I looked up to find Matthias hovering above me, his hand, although turned up for me to take, was kept against his hip bone. I did not like his face. There was a darkness about him that he did not shake, nor did he try to truly hide. His status as a future viscount was his bank that he had overdrawn upon to make himself elevated over the rest of us. We all knew why the viscount had brought his family to this place - he was poorer than those that made their way on the beaches and on the ships of the harbor. He only presented lavishness and superiority due to the blood in his veins. Looking into his dead eyes and his flat mouth, I made my apologies that I was not well enough to dance. Celeste slid her fingers through mine to hold me close.
      “I am sorry, sir,” she said as if her tone was filled with silk. “But our Maéva feels a fever coming upon her-”
      He reached for our joined hands and separated us. “She looks plenty strong enough.”
      I searched for my father, but he was too busy clapping Matthias on with encouragement that I knew any argument would be for not. The anger toiled under my breath as I voided my expression. One dance. And then I could build upon Celeste’s fever fib. My eyes stared forward while my feet and frame moved in time with the players. I imagined my Jakub, dressed in the fine fabrics that Matthias wore, showing off the strong body and grace he had been blessed with. I saw him with his hair drawn back and his hands polished. But that was not him. No. My Jakub was wind blown and wild and hardened by work. His mind was open and his words were shaped by his experiences. That was the man I loved. Threadbare and hungry.
      Father and the viscount were close, talking with wide smiles. Their words were fast and glib looking. Father’s excitement was palpable. His hands were like two excited birds flitting around him. I gave the man I danced with no satisfaction of words. But then he gave me only silence anyway. It was as if he and I were in unvoiced agreement to pacify the patriarchs that were obviously so much more aflutter over our nearness. Soured thoughts were bending the joyful notes that filled my ears. Each face that I looked upon held anticipation and cheer. Anxiety stabbed at my feet. My limbs turned heavy as I turned away from him to give me some distance from his nearness. Celeste hurried towards me, her pretty face stretched with concern.
      “Come. The air grows too close for us here,” she was saying as Matthias reached to catch my shoulder.
      “They expect us to dance, madam,” he said, voice icy and hand heavy on my skin.
      “They can be disappointed then,” she remarked.
       My feet fumbled forward. I was thankful for the full skirt to hide such ungainly steps. My breath felt hot in my mouth and my stomach lurched. Everything felt woozy as Celeste maneuvered us through the tangle of guests. I wanted my rooms, but instead, she drew me to the parlor where she could shut away the eyes and wagging tongues but get me to sit.  
      “You do have a fever,” she said as she cast the window open.
      “No,” I said, wiping at my mouth. “I was just faint. Perhaps his sickish perfume was too close to my nose.”
      “He really is a brute. I heard Abel saying some rather unkind statements about that one.” She was pouring a few drops of wine into a tiny glass as I tried to compose myself. “We can hide here for a while. I’m sure Papa will be on the hunt for us, but I say let him hunt. I do not trust him when he is with the viscount. He changes when that man is near.”
      She was correct. Father changed in the face of bred privilege. My soul quivered across the notion. My father’s intentions were becoming very clear. It sickened me. I wondered if they were in negotiations for my hand already, or perhaps still in the discovery phase like two dogs, sniffing at each other to see if the carcass of the other was willing to submit. Tears prickled at my eyes at the thought. I had no control over this and it was as if I was a prized bitch looking to be sold. Celeste took to my side, but I could not be consoled. I wanted my Jakub. Such a simple dream to love him and be with him… ☾
      My lungs burned like I had been under water too long. I sputtered and coughed through emotions as I pushed away from the couch. I was crying. My cheeks felt hot and sticky and wet with strangled cries that I had just been having in my dream-state. I was quick to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water to cool the effects. The dreams were getting harder to take. I had tried to write them down as is, but they were like smoke through my brain, too thin and elusive to really record. Although, I was discovering that elements of these pieces were landing more often into the story. Spooky. It was the sense of my brain leaking out uncontrollably onto the proverbial page that bothered me more than the gothic pirate love story as a whole.
     I needed out of the rental for a bit. It was too late for lunch, but early supper wasn’t a horrible thing. Deciding on the diner, I packed up my bag and thought perhaps I could tuck into a corner and proof the last few pages over coffee and sandwich without having to hog a booth or table during a rush. I was correct that it was not busy, but there was a rather large, loud group that had pushed six tables together in the middle to accommodate their numbers. By the look of it, it was a men’s group that was meeting for their afternoon dose of gossip.
      I slid into the booth that the server had waved me to. My eyes rolled closed over the first sip of steaming coffee. God that was good. I tucked behind the laptop, fighting to keep my expression blank as I read over the squishy words that I was daring to call worthy of a story. I sat back as the server returned to take my order. As I handed her the menu, I noticed a set of eyes I had seen before - faded blue jean colored and a very sun weathered smile met my gaze. I grinned at the kind man from the park who had been working.
     Dinner finished, and some hot gossip taken in with hearty laughter, I decided to walk through the park by the library, and perhaps step foot inside as it had been a few days since I had looked across the books and care that Becca and the others had helped me through. Stopping at the florist, I purchased a few large plants to take along in thanks. It would be my first step in severing the connection here. I owed them so much, even if it did not amount to what I would really be using in the story. 
      “I come bearing gifts,” I announced as I struggled through the door.
     Becca was quick to help. “Oh, these are lovely.”
     “I thought a little more green in here would keep you bright,” I said, smiling across the wide range of plants and live displays that would carry the library through the winter.
     I helped her put them close to the windows by my workstation. I grinned as I looked at her. “I’m afraid I’m nearing the end of my stay,” I admitted, my fingers drifting across the huge binding of the newspapers.
     She smiled. “You’ve found what you’ve come for.”
     I nodded, though reluctance swam across my heart. “I believe that I have. You have been so good to me here.”
     Emotional outburst aside, it was going better than I planned. We chatted a bit before I set into the books that had become the path of my story that made my fingers itch, despite not really liking the plot. Perhaps I will settle into it at some point. 
      “Oh my goodness,” Becca exclaimed from behind the glass of the back office. 
      I was not the only one to sit up, prairie dog style looking for the source of upset. She was making her way towards me with a look that might have been inspiration. I glanced around to find that other patrons were just as puzzled as I was.
      “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before, Y/n,” she proclaimed as she had eyes cast down on her phone, scrolling. “What was I thinking? Or… well. Not thinking is more like it.”
      “Uh, wanna catch me up here, Becca? I’m not from here, remember,” I laughed at her flustered state, sure she was thinking full sentences, but what was coming out made no sense.
      She grinned as she waved at me. Her exuberance washed over me and it was hard not to get caught up in it, even though I had no idea what was going on. “I have someone I need you to meet.”
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Chapter 8.2: Swansong in the Graveyard
     “We need to run.”
     The words blazed in my thoughts as I watched the creature rise from my grave once more. I had come to the decision that this feminine form could not be Maéva. If the memories that had been shown to me thus far were true, then this thing could not be her. If this thing were my soulmate, there would be no hesitation within and know me for what I am - hers. And the truth would be the same for me, but all I could feel towards it was… curiosity. Perhaps anger. Jealousy, even. How such a creature could be doomed to repeat or seem to repeat the same construct of a path over and over without meaning…  Wait. What am I if that road of thought were true?  What am I in this half existence but the same as the creature - am I nothing more than goo from the ether that has been chained to a strip of ground because of some man’s greed and foul nature? For lack of a better phrase, I closed my being off from the lights of the world as the creature slipped away once more. Could something such as myself be petulant? The stray thought struck as the gate whined to its closed position.
     “We need to leave.”
     Her hands were shaking against my chest. Whatever had happened had just occurred. She had run to me still dressed in her fine cream and olive green gown. The lace puckered and draped across her breasts and dripped from her shoulders. I could not stop myself from dragging my fingers across her collarbones and up along her graceful neck. I tried to soothe her with my words and touch and kisses, but she whipped herself away from me.
     “Jakub!” she cried, her delicate fingers tucking into tight fists.
     “Just tell me then what has happened,” I said, unable to keep the edge of impatience from my tone.
     She withdrew a few steps. Her features slacked with an expression that made me quiet. “I am to marry.”
     The bottom of my very shallow world fell away. I could not understand her words that she continued to speak. Every bit of me was frozen on the notion that she was meant for another.
     “Jakub,” she whispered.
      I kissed her. It was all I could do. Our dream was to be severed. I pressed my fingertips into the plump of her blurred out cheek and the hardness of her back as if I could force her to be part of me through this mourning. She reeled back from me with a frustrated cry.
      My thoughts thinned and I found myself kneeling, hands dug into the darkness of the dirt. I begged the cosmos to allow me to see her - to see my Maéva. To know her features, her expressions, her… her soul and how it resided in her eyes. I could feel her innocence. I could feel her goodness. It danced across my fabric. But to just glimpse her eyes and know her. My chin tipped and I looked into the velvet of the night sky and the swirl of songs and begged for that scrap of memory.
      “No- no, Jakub,” she stammered. “We can leave this place - together. We can go to the east! We can build our lives there!”
     “Maéva, you don’t know what it’s like-”
     The sound she made hit me. I had insulted her.
     “I don’t know what? How to live without my family? Or do you mean to say I do not know how to live without my family’s wealth?”
     I felt a sigh bubble through my chest. “You don’t know what it truly means to be cold or hungry. Despair is not what I ever want for you.”
     “If it means we are together, I would gladly show you what strength lies in these bones of mine.” 
     She was so resolute. So sure of herself. It was the trappings of her always having what she needed that gave her that kind of confidence. I felt small for these thoughts. She possessed such knowledge, such a drive to learn - but this. What she was asking would take away the shelter that allowed her to thrive in that world.
     “Jakub - you could learn to farm, or build ships or apprentice in some other trade,” she was explaining. “And I could teach!”
     “I taught you. Surely there is no other more stubborn student!” Her laugh was pulling at my resolve. “Or I can learn to be a clerk, or even farm at your side if you are willing to have me.”
     She was reaching for me once more and I could not keep my hands from passing across the fine fabric that held a menagerie of flowers and moths and swirls of colors that I could’ve studied for days to pick out all of the finer details. She knew there was nothing I would not do for her. But this - to just run. To leave them all behind and live in this world together - as equals.
      “My mother,” I whispered into her hair.
     “Of course we will bring her,” she said without hesitation.
     Her exuberance was hard not to purchase in to.
     “You have been to Boston and New York. We can make our life there. We could be free there,” she continued on.
     I paused, knowing that no ship would be leaving any time soon. “When does your father expect this wedding?”
     The lake ice would have the harbor locked up for a few more weeks. If LaBeau was willing to wait to give his daughter away, that gave us the opportunity to book passage. My purse was too light to do this - to make our escape. I was already a beggar. How was I to do this without coin, without…
      She kissed me and led my hands against her fine dress. She was shivering with cold. I folded her close knowing that I needed to return her to the cage of her rooms - at least for now. I wrapped my coat around her, the bite of cold nipped at me but she allowed me to hold her close as we began to walk. Maéva was like a bird, chirping out plans and flittering with excitement. 
     The doubt attacked in the silence of my brain once it was alone. How could I care for her? Surely she would come to regret stepping so willingly into the depths of poverty and find her love turning to resentment when the realization came that her belly was empty and her body exposed to the true harshness of this world. To know that she would willingly walk into the sheer unknown only because she loved me, set my brain on needles with thoughts of unsureness. She trusted that I would provide what I could and in trade she would care for me. Though these lands of the new world were framed as obtainable dreams, that was still only true for those of wealth. Maéva would grow tired of the scrabble to just survive on the daily means of hard labor. Perhaps I should walk away and let her to her path of husband and titles and …
      My gaze turned to the way the tops of the trees bent under the angry gust of wind. It matched my own thoughts. I had entertained leaving her behind? I wanted to leave her to a fate chosen by her father? If an entity such as myself could feel shame, I am sure I was feeling it the only way I knew how. The waves of color that thundered around me, billowing into storm clouds, were gathering to punish me. Fun was on them - apparently all of this was punishment across all time.
     I had watched the ice slowly crush against the shore. Maéva fought with me to take her purse and purchase three tickets on the first ship that could carry us east. It was going to be hard enough to try to get her aboard without recognition, but to be forced to use her own money - it was not the start to our lives that I wanted and it bruised my ego in a way that was difficult to swallow. After years of watching my mother struggle to keep us alive, then adding my hands to the work, it was beyond hard to take her money, no matter the cause. I had fought my way through this life. I would fight my way to get away with her, even if it meant I had to take her as a married woman - take her from that rogue of a man her father deemed better.
     It was bitter. My need to stand in our way because of some perceived notion that I had to be a man for her was dragging upon us, threatening the tender thread of a chance that waited for us. What a fool I was.
     Another grand ball celebrating the engagement roused me from my sulking, for that was what I really was doing - acting like a child who had been scolded and paddled. I snuck up onto the side patio, staying to the shadows with my eyes searching for Maéva. There were musicians playing and people moving around with huge smiles that oozed privilege. I saw LaBeau waving his arms around and acting like he was the rooster on the field while his daughter stood at another man’s side. I hated it - the sight of that man, that Matthias, being so close to her made a rage boil in my belly that I could not tolerate. 
     Their hands met and he guided her through a dance that made the guests of the party clap their hands and smile their most beautiful smiles. No smile was upon Maéva’s mouth, however. Quite the opposite. What more, Matthias mirrored her hard expression. I watched as she turned, full of grace, full of beauty while her father beamed in his greed and lust for title for the family. And the man who was equally bright - that must have been the viscount. He was practically leering over the merchant’s purse that swung so heavy at his side and dripped from the walls of his marvelous manor house. They were the mechanism that drove this union, surely.
     I caught Maéva’s eye, but withdrew deeper into the shadows. Amongst the smiles and delicate music, I solidified my presence as an outlier. I would free her from this fate that her father wanted more for himself than for her. To know that he would damn her for a few scraps of veneration was sickening. Was his wealth not enough, must he really have a title to put before his name as well? 
     The veil of clouds streaked across the velvet of night, curling and swirling through the air like the smoke from Monsieur LaBeau’s fine pipe. I could feel the anger I had felt across the expanse of time. If that was a lesson that I needed to learn from, then in my stubbornness, I never learned to let that malice subside. I could feel it still bubble and toil on my echoed thoughts.
     I stole away from the manor house like a stray cat turned away from its supper. I lingered on the edges of the beach, not wanting to be seen by anyone for fear of seeing the toil of my struggle over her. I had sequestered her coins under the floor of my bed. I would collect those coins and find a ship to the east coast. It would be easier to hide in a city. Perhaps we could get to Savannah. I had listened to a fellow deck hand ramble for hours about the warmth and wild beauty of the near tropical port. Or maybe Philadelphia. There were many, many people there making hiding amongst them easier.
     I knew she would be in the market the following day with her matron. We’d found it easy enough for me to shadow her for a chance to talk. It was always near the baker when Leila would have her attention pulled enough away from her charge that we could sneak away for long enough for the woman to take no notice. The morning found me lingering amongst the fringes of the market square, my stomach empty. Mother had used the last few coins for medicine for the woman next door. The babe had been sick for days. Mother had been trying to apply the typical remedies, but the fever was slow to break and it was obvious that the child's needs were beyond her hands. She bartered where she could, but when there was nothing left to barter with, she would turn to what her body may earn. I would be sure to beg the stable master and the blacksmith for work, even if it meant for a few scraps to get us through a few days.
      And there it was once more. I hid this from Maéva. This aspect of struggle. I wondered if I did it to protect her or keep her blind? It did not matter. She would hear me once more lay out what was ahead, but I knew in my heart that she would not listen. She would have to learn hunger and need through experience and I would have to keep my tongue about me as she waded through the mire in hopes that she would not wake and realize the horrible mistake that she was making on loving me.
     Close to midday, I was near giving up that she would arrive, and getting more frustrated as I knew I should be finding work for my hands, not standing idle. Finally, she appeared, fresh and bright amongst the damp and dingy pier. I fought my heart from just running to her. How foolish would that be. No. I waited and quietly watched as she looked over the wares she was there to procure for another day in the grand house. Her matron was already looking thin of patience. I wonder if Maéva had deliberately worn her through before even reaching the market for the sole purpose of this visit. I bided my time, moving slowly and making sure to look at the different vendors before stopping once more before the baker’s stall. My stomach stabbed and complained. I was fighting the urge to snatch a lump of bread that had been cut apart and tossed to the side as stale as it was easier to feed it to the birds than a human in need. I dug my fist deeper into my torn pocket in hopes that it would keep me from the easy notion of theft. She approached, relieving my thoughts of my hollow belly.
      “Good day,” she whispered, hiding her mouth in her outstretched arm.
      I smiled and nodded as I looked for the matron. “Talk?”
     I moved away as was our warrant in such affairs. I would find her once more closer to the beach once she was able to slip the eye of Leila. There was a spot under the well trod boards of the pier that was in between the massive pylons where the boulders sheltered the land. I waited, breathing in the soured, fish riddled air. Maéva appeared in all of her faceless brightness, but I could feel her smile radiating off all of her body. It was always the same without fail whenever she came near. I could only imagine what I actually looked like, but on the inside - I swooned over her nearness.
     She took my hand and I leaned in to kiss her mouth, but I stopped before the sweet crush touched my lips. “Will you want to go to Savannah?” I whispered.
     Half of a breath later, her arms were thrown around my neck and her lips to mine with a trill of laughter. I found myself caught up in her exuberance. My love for her was absolutely consuming and yet so strong that I felt as if I could sustain on our love alone.
     Coyotes chirping in the distance drew my eye back to the present. The creature was once again laying upon my grave. It was torture not knowing the significance of this being. Or perhaps it was the anguish of knowing this lingering was my form of purgatory. I was languishing across centuries of time that I should have been with her - with my Maéva. 
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Yeah. So where do we go from here? 💚
Tags are in the comments as it seems to work best that way! If you want to be added, let me know.
@edgingthedarkness @its-interesting-van-kleep  @lvnterninthenight  @katuschka @thewritingbeforesunrise @ignite-my-fire @takenbythemadness @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @fleet-of-fiction @demonrat444 @klarxtr @peaceloveunitygvf @hollyco @lipstickitty @joshym @itsafullmoon @josh-iamyour-mama @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @way-to-go-lad @jjwasneverhere @gretavangroupie @emojakekiszka @wetkleenex-gvf @vanfleeter @losfacedevil @myownparadise96 @lizzys-sunflower @literal-dead-leaf @musicislove3389 @raceb14
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joseefinwrites · 6 months
Ultimate "Know Your Character Inside Out" Template
The ultimate template for creating a character, without losing your mind, while you're at it.
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Character Background Template ... (open)
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Gender & Pronouns:
4. Physical Appearance:
   - Hair color:
   - Eye color:
   - Height:
   - Build:
   - Distinguishing features (scars, tattoos, etc.):
5. Background and Upbringing:
   - Where were they born and raised?
   - What was their family structure like (parents, siblings)?
   - Describe their childhood environment and upbringing.
   - Were there any significant events or traumas in their past?
6. Education and Skills:
   - What level of education did they receive?
   - Did they excel in any particular subjects or skills?
   - Have they pursued any additional training or education since then?
7. Personality Traits:
   - Describe their personality in a few words.
   - What are their strengths and weaknesses?
   - How do they typically react under stress or pressure?
8. Motivations and Goals:
   - What are their short-term and long-term goals?
   - What drives them to pursue these goals?
   - Are there any fears or insecurities that motivate or hinder them?
9. Relationships:
   - Who are the most important people in their life?
   - How do they interact with family, friends, and acquaintances?
   - Do they have any romantic interests or significant relationships?
10. Past Experiences:
    - Have they faced any major challenges or setbacks in the past?
    - How have these experiences shaped their beliefs and values?
    - Have they experienced any significant losses or tragedies?
11. Worldview and Beliefs:
    - What are their core beliefs and values?
    - How do they view the world around them?
    - Are there any cultural, religious, or philosophical influences in their life?
12. Inner Conflict:
    - What internal struggles do they face?
    - Are there any unresolved issues from their past that continue to affect them?
    - How do these inner conflicts impact their decisions and actions?
13. Connection to Outer Conflict/Plot:
    - How does their personal journey intersect with the main plot or external conflict?
    - What stakes are involved for the character in the larger story?
    - How do their goals and motivations align (or conflict) with the central conflict?
(Shorter) Knowing Your Character Inside Out Checklist
Personality Traits:
   - Introverted/Extroverted
   - Optimistic/Pessimistic
   - Assertive/Passive
   - Empathetic/Self-centered
   - Logical/Emotional
   - Adventurous/Cautious
   - Honest/Dishonest
   - Ambitious/Content
Beliefs and Values:
   - Religious beliefs (if any)
   - Moral code
   - Political beliefs
   - Views on relationships
   - Attitude towards authority
Fears and Insecurities:
   - Common fears (spiders, heights, etc.)
   - Deep-seated insecurities (failure, rejection, etc.)
   - Traumatic experiences (if applicable)
Desires and Goals:
   - Short-term goals
   - Long-term aspirations
   - What motivates them to pursue these goals?
   - Intellectual strengths
   - Physical abilities
   - Emotional resilience
   - Social skills
   - Unique talents or abilities
   - Personal flaws
   - Areas of vulnerability
   - Bad habits
   - Limiting beliefs
    - Family background
    - Childhood experiences
    - Significant life events that shaped their identity
    - Education and career path
    - Previous relationships
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mclalan · 4 months
Can you share what your art-making process is? What software and tools do you use?? I'm falling in love with your work!!
Thank you, I'm so happy you like my work and are interested in the process. The short answer is I mostly use Adobe Animate.
I hate how I'm using an Adobe product (although I still regard it as a MacroMedia Flash product), but there's just no other software that compares to its jankiness. Perhaps it's just my long familiarity with the program, but nothing I've experienced matches how it simultaneously feels like drawing in MS Paint and using Microsoft PowerPoint vector shapes. The result is something that feels in-between the two; handmade yet computer-generated.
Typically, I'll start with a hand-drawn sketch, often beginning as a thumbnail done with pencil and paper.
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I'll then do a mix of hand drawing and vector shape tool rendering. I use the Paint Brush tool to hand draw strokes, and the line and shape tools mixed with transform to make more geometrically accurate shapes. The design is rendered into divided closed loop shapes, ready to be filled with a solid. The strokes are kept or removed depending on the design.
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These fill shapes are then either coloured and rendered in Adobe Animate, using fills, gradients, or a more complex process of masks and effects.
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Alternatively, I'll bring all these vector shapes into Photoshop and use them as clipping masks. The vector shapes act like masking taped areas or shields to maintain sharp edges, while the brush is like an atomized airbrush used to build soft volumed forms.
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Please excuse all that horrible Adobe Cloud and AI bloatware...
And there we go!
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Variations in the process include just using MS Paint, index color in Photoshop, or 3D programs.
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Very old works of mine were almost abstract, just exploring digital mark-making, which was a trend I was following in the mid 2010s that I loved. This kind of stuff.
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While my current work uses its digital material specificity as an intermediary to the subject in the illustration.
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For example, #ersatz.world parodies clip-art and flash edutainment styles but imagines the characters living within that kind of world. The designs are meant to be cute, easy to read, light in computer processing, but also irreverent, janky, and generic too.
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People typically regard this sort of clip art style as ephemeral trash, but I always found them charming. I use Ersatz World primarily as a satire vehicle, parodying educational formats to spoof corporate explainer content and digital media.
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However, part of the problem with Ersatz is I've made it look too polished, complex, and I've grown too attached to the characters, which I imagine is a typical issue with overbuilding a world. So recently, I've made an even jankier Ersatz-like set of characters to play about with, using an even simpler style with less cohesion. I like to try and use slightly different styles and digital material styles to relate to the property at hand.
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That’s why #autonymus has a bitmap digital material and a denser feel to it. Unlike Ersatz, Autonymus is not meant to be an overt semi-meta fiction. It’s not exactly pixel art, but the pixels are just about visible, as the intention is to create a digital expressionist depth to the setting. Although it’s still stylized and not realistic to our world, I definitely still want to evoke semblances of our world. That’s why there’s attention to landscape, plant life, and implied life beyond what you see in the frame with the characters, etc. But I'm still making a cartoon, and I still want it to feel at ease with itself being a digital material work. Characters are therefore flat, simple, stiff, and the speech style is like a bad Shakespeare parody. I like to balance between ugly and appealing, simple and complex, familiar and unfamiliar.
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In regard to things like inspiration, references, and my relationship to aesthetic genres; these things certainly factor into my work, perhaps I'm even overtly dependent on them. My work can definitely be post-modernist in method; creating new, ironic, or fragmented interpretations through deconstructing a mix of various styles or methods. But at the same time, I'm still trying to make a digital gestural representation where the aesthetic is driven by my relationship to the software and techniques directly—not simply in an attempt to reference a style. For example, I like drawing lines in sweeping strokes, not to a point of geometric perfection, but just in a way where the curves are smooth and simple. But if I want perfectly curved or straight lines, I'll use the vector tools.
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Working this way, you can sort of learn why certain styles and design choices in past vector aesthetics were made, as they would have also needed to make similar choices. That’s why I’m more mindful of using digital material specificity as a foundation to build narrative and subjects upon these days.
For example, genre references like cyberpunk clichés for #cyberhell or late medieval design for #autonymus or 2005 to 2015 era subculture fashion for #gradientgoblinz.
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I think it’s important to take inspiration and reference from a wide variety of sources, but I think they’d mean nothing without having something to say or express. Autonymus, although it is a collection of tropes and clichés, isn’t just about that. It’s a story about the tensions of socially constructed systems and how that shapes faith, technology, and the natural world, or at least that's what I'm aiming for anyway.
But despite all that, I think there’s a danger of locking myself into the past by using these methods. For example, using nostalgia and references to past aesthetics can result in just recreating the past in a form of role-play. To avoid that, I try and evoke the past through a messy, inaccurate pastiche rather than caring to accurately re-enact anything. I’m probably not always successful at communicating the deliberateness of this, and it can certainly get very frustrating and pedantic. To be honest, I do kind of hate aesthetic labels (terms like Y2K, global coffee house, utopian scholastic designs from a pre-9/11 world).
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I do not believe that a project aimed solely at mapping history through aesthetic styles is worthwhile. Sure, they can be handy for organizing style trends, but they can also be reductive and ahistoric. Who are these people to define the history of these design eras? The result is a kind of suffocating simulation of design history but removed from context, perfect for moodboardism. I wish it felt more tongue-in-cheek, less absolute of itself in its own practice. Instead, it acts to legitimize and engender those making these labels, almost giving them ownership of the design styles. It’s similar to the logic and process of generative AI and its databases in a way, just done manually.
I’m very inspired by artists like Oneohtrix Point Never in this regard, as I think he’s able to create an aesthetic portal to all kinds of memories, feelings, and worlds reminiscent of the past, while still being in the present. It’s more a reflection of how timelines are messy now, like a memory or dream, rather than an audacity to say the past was actually like that, or to try to actually map some kind of timeline.
I think the benefit of this process is how it avoids the other side of the spectrum—being locked into chasing the cutting edge of digital processes. I don't necessarily think using an old digital process means your work inherits the semiotics of old aesthetics. Non-digital mediums don’t have this issue to this degree, as you can still paint in oils and be considered contemporary, or at least it's not frowned upon to such a degree. And I also don't think anyone in the heyday of Flash ever made work the same as I do, especially as computers are more powerful now so can handle more. I probably shouldn't boast too much about that though, as artists at the time probably just had more sense than to use Flash like a painting program! So then, why is my use of Adobe Animate critiqued as obsolete and an aesthetic dead-end? Because to whose standards is this process obsolete? If you value digital aesthetics as an apparatus in industry practice, then sure, my work is redundant.
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But as wonderful as the latest tech can be in creating new aesthetics, I do feel it can be overtly dependent on the trends and directions of tech corporations, and therefore act as an indirect propaganda tool to their hegemony over digital aesthetics, such as the ever-demanding processing power needed for simulated realism. If anything, work that does follow in the direction of the latest tech trends is ironically the quickest to date once the trends move on.
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I've noticed I've not really described what my work is about, just the process, in this text. But I don't know, maybe I like Flash because it is regarded as redundant. No one really cares about it, so I feel free to make whatever I want, and can decide on form myself, to my own standards, the quality of my work. As fun as making images is, I find it difficult to put into words what it is exactly I'm expressing in my work, and perhaps that would spoil it anyway.
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p3ndeja6 · 2 months
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stray kids x reader
bangchan! and hyunjin! edition (separate)
Content Tags: smut! cheating! toxicity! piv! riding! slight mommy usage! dom bangchan! sub hyunjin! creampie! squirting! jealous reader and jealous chan and jin! non established relationship! fwb type shit!
word count: 2.5k
NOT PROOF-READ (just lazy)
a/n: this is probably ooc since im not educated on skz fandom so please don't execute me for any inaccuracy. Also creating this bc we saw them at lollapalooza and started brainstorming after leaving the festival LMAO (they were all so fine)
Inspired by: (my favorite) song B.A.S by Megan Thee Stallion..
☆ dedicated to my best friend @lilmeowneow ☆
Ever since you’ve been sleeping around with chan and found out that you werent the only one who also has been fucking him; you wanted to be sad about it but you knew better… way better. So if he can sleep around with other girls, you can too and sleep with the other guys in your DMs. They were all great really, made sure to let them who really was in charge, but deep down you loved the way chan fucked you senseless everytime. He was the only one you would obey to when he told you to turn around and take it. The way he would make you feel, it  was like no other guy has made you feel before, the way he would be gripping your thighs as he pounded into you tight, wet, cunt.
But you had to keep the charade going.
One night you were in your apartment waiting for a guy that slide into your DMs for a quick fuck, he was cute and tall, might as well. You were getting ready and preparing the drinks into your room when you got a phone call, you looked at the caller ID and it was no other than chan, you chuckled debating to answer. But the guy was about to arrive soon. Fuck it
“Hello?” “ hey girl” “hi chan what brings this phone call?” “well nothing really wanted to know how you were doing and was wondering if you were free tonight?” you smiled, you knew what that meant, but you had to stay strong. “Ooh yeahh, no i'm actually busy at the moment-” 
At the exact time the doorbell rang, “what do you mean?” you walked towards the door and opened it to see him holding flowers, you smiled and let him in. “thank you so much for the flowers r/n!” you said into the phone to make sure you heard. 
On the other line he grew suspicious and was taken aback to have heard a male on the other side of the line. “Y/n? Do you have company over? Hello??” Y/n?” “If you want, just start heading towards my room and we can get started.” You saw him walk into your room and as he walked in you turned around and resumed the phone call.
“ so yeah chan i can really hang tonight im a bit busy” you slyly said. “Who are you with right now?” “nun” “nun who?” “nunya” you heard him groan on the other side of the phone. “Okay bye chan!” “no wait y/n-” you ended the call and blocked him.
“She fucking blocked me..” 
Days have passed and you were lying around your apartment watching tv, just letting time pass by and watching the sunset go down. Looking at the beautiful ombre of red and orange colors filling your living room. Then you heard the doorbell ring. It caught you by surprise because you weren't expecting anyone today. You get up and peek through the peephole and see no other than chan waiting for the door to open. You giggle and open the door, he looks up and scans you up and down,salivating at the way you look in your “i don't care” outfit. Booty shorts and a big t-shirt that was cut from the top that slips down your shoulders. 
“What a surprise to see you around here” you told him. “Yeah well i was just passing by and wanted to come and see you” “oh yeah? You wanted to see me?” “yeah of course” you let him in, not breaking eye contact with him. You eyed him up and down, wearing his black jeans and his leather jacket, seeing he was wearing his white wife beater. Feeling the wetness pool in your cunt. You look away to close and lock the door and once you turned back you felt a full body pressure on your lips, pushing you up against the wall. Kissing you harshly, gripping on your ass, “jump” chan says in between your lips.
He kisses you so passionately and roughly, he goes down your neck and sucks on your sensitive skin, he stops and looks at you for a second. “ I see he left his mark on you” you gave him a blank stare, “so?” still holding you, with his hands underneath your ass. “Can't believe you had another guy over” “oh yeah? Well i know you be fucking other bitches when you aint with me” he looks at you surprised that you knew that. You laughed in his face,  “well I was just saying!, i dont give a fuck who you have over, but you have no need to lie to me, might as well tell me” “seems like you” “no i dont, he’s definitely not hotter than me so i could care less”
 you rolled your eyes and grabbed his face and continued to kiss him, falling back down to the ground, you led him into your room and pushed him on the bed. He looked at you in lust, just waiting to be able to tear your tight pussy up. You take your shirt off, revealing that you weren't wearing a bra underneath. “Fuck baby” you push off his jacket as well and his beater. You were getting desperate, you needed him. It's been weeks since you had chan in you, the other guys couldn't compare to what chan made you feel. You took your shorts and your panties off and helped him get his off as well. 
You pushed him down the bed, ready to center you cunt on his big, thick, cock. “Ughh just sit on it already” chan said as he pulled you down. You let out a loud whiny moan as you were stretched open. You wasted no time in bouncing on him, you grabbed onto his strong shoulders and bounced. You and chan were a moaning mess, your tits bouncing at the rhythm of his pace. You looked at him, smiling with your lustful eyes, he looked up and smiled at you and chuckled. “What's so funny?” you asked and at that moment he flipped both of you over and now he was on top. 
He caught you by surprise, but you werent gonna deny his dominance. You could let him dominate you whenever and wherever he pleased. He grabbed onto your leg and threw it over his shoulder and leaned in. making him go deeper into you. “Fuck.. just like that daddy, m’need you so bad” “atta girl.. You.. take .. me .. s’so good” 
he grunted going feral at the nickname you just called him. “Y-yeah? Daddy? When it comes from you it sounds better ""oh? Others called you daddy too?” you panted out and rolled your eyes. You tried to be mad but the way he was having his way with your sensitive wet cunt, you couldn't bear to start an argument. Hearing the pornographic noises of both your slicks being pumped in and out of you, and the sound of his balls hitting onto your ass. He leaned forward pushing your leg so far up, hitting you in that one spot that did it for you.
You soon start to feel that tightening feeling in the pit of your stomach starting to fuel up. You were about to cum. “F-fuck chan, im gon’ cum” he grunted and deeply moaned “s-shit hold on baby, just hold it, i’ll tell you when” chan kept pounding into you so relentlessly. Gripping onto your thighs so tight, leaving bruises on them, you couldn't hold it in anymore, the pressure building up was getting too strong, too strong for you.
 “please! c-chan i can't-""one..more..second” tears started to form as you were fighting the urge from coming, you crossed your other leg behind his ass, pushing him slightly closer to you as if he wasn't close enough. “Y’yeah baby, you are such a good girl for me, no other guy can.. Fuck you like this.. You’re mine.. Only mine” you were looking away trying your hardest to keep in your orgasm that was so desperate to come out. Chan noticed and grabbed your face to make you look at him. “Hey look at me when im talking to you, no one..can fuck you this good like me, do you hear me?” “ y-yes! Yes daddy! You make me feel so good.. Only you!” “good..now cum for me pretty girl” the second he gave permission, you let out your loudest orgasm yet. The same time Chan came and pulled out to shoot it on your cunt. 
Mixing both your messes, he then shoved it back in with his dick. Making you whiny-moan. He stayed like that, inside of you. Both of you are trying to catch each other's breaths, sweaty and hot. You hold onto him as you look up at your ceiling seeing white. You both stayed like that until he pulled out of you slowly, watching both your cum spilling out of you. “Only for me” he said in triumph. You let out a laugh and looked up at him. He was confused by you laughing. 
You start to get up and get back into your clothes that were spread around your room, “nah christopher, i got some other guy taking me out for lobster and pasta later tonight” you walk past him, and he grabs onto your arm to make sure to get a good look at you. “What do you mean you got someone taking you out tonight?” 
He almost looks hurt that after a night of passion, you are going to spend the other half of the night with some random guy. “Yeah well I've been hanging out with him some time already and I enjoy spending time with him, plus he takes me out on dates and buys my clothes” you told him nonchalantly. He looked exasperated, how could you!
“Yeah well I can too!” “oh yeah?” “yeah!” “Then why don't you do it?”
guess we both aint shit
“You like that dont you?” you panted out. A moaning mess you were as you were on top of hyunjin. He was sprawled out on your king size bed. He was handcuffed to the bed frame, he wasn't allowed to touch you while you rode him. You were punishing him
You had found out that he was having sex with the sweet girl that lived next door to you. She was sweet and all but you hated her. No need to give an explanation why. He doesn't know why he’s being punished, you do though.
“Ple-please y/nnn” he whined. God you loved the whiny noises he made underneath you, you yourself tried not to cum by the sounds he was making, begging to release. 
“C’mon jinnie, think why would mommy want to punish you this bad?” you said condescendingly. He looked away trying not to cum by your dominant persona.
You grab his face, squeezing his cheeks, holding him steady making sure he was looking at you. “No no no, i didn't say look away, did I?” he shook his head no, tugging on the handcuffs trying to break free, he just wanted to touch you hot, sweaty, skin. Grab on to your beautiful squishy thighs. 
“N-no! I have n-no i-idea why!” he was practically crying at this point. 
You stop your motion, making him open his eyes in a whiny confused look. “W-why did you stop?” “You seriously don't know why I'm punishing you?” still confused, he had no idea.
“ I saw you go to my annoying neighbor's house the other night. You got out of her apartment REALLY late; care to explain what you’ve been doing in her apartment for that long?”
He froze… he knew what he did. He had sex with her. Why? Because he knew that you hated her. You knew everything she did annoyed you. If you could do anything in your power to abolish her, you would. He knew what would have happened if you found out he’s been having sex with r/n. He wanted to push you.
In reality he was doing this to get back at you for sleeping around with guys that weren't him. He hated that you were spread open for guys that weren't him. He saw you hope out that guy’s black Challenger, pulling your skirt down. He knew, what other way to get back at you? Sleep with your annoying neighbor you hated with your dear life. 
Still panting, “why do you hate her so much? She’s so sweet and she bakes cookies”
you guys weren't together but you were together, and you hoped nobody catched onto you guys
you groaned in annoyance, began to bounce on his dick. He moaned at the sudden friction, he was literally on the verge of cumming. “Oh yeah? You wanna know why I hate her sooo much?” you were panting at the rhythm of you bouncing on hyunjin’s big cock. “Because ever since you’ve been coming around, she has been trying so hard to get into your pants, shes not sweet, she's evil, and she knows that.” 
you were angry, bouncing so aggressively on his dick, he couldn't keep up anymore, you’ve been teasing the shit out of his cock for almost two hours, he can't do this anymore. 
“you’re mine!”
“y-y/n im gonna cum!” he whined-moaned. You were so into the anger you built that you didn't hear his pleas. “Fuck! Y/N! Please please!” he was being so loud you were pretty sure your neighbor heard. “Yes! Yes! Just like that please!” 
You finally realized he was about to cum, you made sure he got louder for your neighbor to hear. 
“Yeah baby? You wanna cum? Get loud for me then, don't hold back baby” you demanded.
This set of hyunjin off, he let out the most stomach-twisting, pussy-gripping, toe-curling,yummiest orgasm yet. You kept riding him until you were getting close to yours. “p-please n-no more!’ m’too much, c-cant” “yes im not done yet baby”
You were so close to your climax, just a bit more. You bend back putting your hands on his knees, holding onto something as you fucked yourself on his dick. Mouth gaping open, eyes rolled back, moaning mess, you were fucking yourself to him reaching for your high. 
‘Mmh yes!, so so close baby” “fuck! m-me too!” 
You leaned back forward to kiss him and moan into his mouth, you let go and cried-moaned out loud, cumming all over his cock and the sheets, squirting all over. He came as well just by seeing the mess you made on him, his cum filling you up to the brim once again. You rode your high, falling down onto him panting, feeling light-headed.
You both stayed quiet, trying to catch your guy’s breath. Once you finally relaxed you slowly slid out of him, both of you moaning and the loss of warmth. You plop down next to him, “hope this teaches you to not go fucking around with that girl” you said to him. “Oh yeah? Well i guess if you werent fucking that guy in his car, i wouldnt have” he spat back. You leaned up and gave him a shocked look. “H-how did you know that?” “i saw you y/n”
“guess we both aint shit”
The next day, you walked out of your apartment and ran into your neighbor, she gave you a scared and awkward look, avoiding eye-contact. You smiled at her
“I know you couldn't make him feel that way the way i make him feel, you wished you were me, you wish your camera rolled looked like an onlyfans of him”
“Fuck you”
“He already does and it feels great”
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damnfandomproblems · 4 days
Responding to 3 anons in #5796
"I agree with this tbh. Like adults are the ones making things unsafe for minors in fandom spaces. YOU are the ones who approach minors unprompted. Minors are just minding their own business in fandom, then you all come along and bother everyone."
Predators that are adults are not synonymous with all adults in fandom. It's not the fault of the vast majority of fandom that kids purposefully bust into adult spaces and arbitrarily believe the creeps saying they're "safe" adults. It's the fault of your parents for not reaching you worth a damn and the predator. And yes, kids do fucking barge into adult NSFW spaces. None of the the ones that say they mind their business actually do.
"I agree with this post, cause like... the ones doing the most harassing are adults. I am a minor, and it makes me feel unsafe in fandom spaces. Especially when I see adults drawing nsfw of characters who are MINORS! aging them up does not excuse that gross and creepy behavior. Just stop and give us a space where we don't get pushed into a corner and called annoying. Leave our fandom spaces!"
It's gonna be really funny when you age out of your favorite characters and have a moral dilemma over the fact that you don't stop thirsting over Bakugo or whoever the fuck the minute you're older than him.
And aging up is...how time works. That's like saying no one can view anyone sexually, fictional or real life, because they were once a child. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? If you don't want to be sat at the kids table, learn how to behave rather than screaming at the main table because Aunt Milly told an off color joke and Grandpa Joe has a naked Princess Peach tattooed on his arm.
"I see people getting mad about Fandom Problem #5796, but that kind of is just proving the point? You all act like the minors are the biggest problem in fandom, but you are the ones constantly inserting yourselves and making it about you.
I see adults say things like:
- "Fandom wouldn't exist without adults."
- "Who do you think created fandom? Not minors!"
- "Minors wouldn't have content if it weren't for adults."
All are ignorant of the idea that minors are the foundation to fandom. Fandom would not exist if it wasn't for minors being interested in it and starting groups for people to join. Often times, the best artists and writers in the fandoms are THE MINORS.
Adults make the space uncomfortable by inserting themselves and putting NSFW fics and art of minor characters. Then they get pissy when a minor points out it makes them uncomfortable and go "stop invading our space!"
You are the ones trying to push minors out when we just want to have fun! Just leave us alone!
-A minor"
Minors aren't the biggest problem, no. But by food are they the loudest. You say you just want to have fun but minors have on mass harassed people that were leaving them alone simply because they didn't understand the concept of dead dove don't eat.
And no, you are not, nor have you ever been, the foundation of fandom. It has always been adults, from the very beginning when Sherlock Holmes novels gained an international fan club unlike the world had ever seen to the 1960s housewife Spock/Kirk shipping Trekkies starting conventions, mailing lists, having coalate parties for zines, and laying down the foundation we have today. Adults were the ones that got sued my lunatic writers in the 90s, and they're the ones that, 90% of the time, are buying the services or media for you to consume in the first place.
And I'm sorry, but the best artists and writers in the fandom are never minors. Exceptionally talented minors are exceptional for a reason. The rest of you sit somewhere between "average and has potential" to "would make My Immortal hide its face in secondhand embarassment." Art and writing are skills, and anyone under the age of 16 likely hasn't been writing fiction long enough to run with the heavy hitters. Considering the state of the US education system, this is an even more laughable stance.
Many minors have great potential, but acting like your the best in show when you just made it out the gate is the height of hubris.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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authoralexharvey · 3 months
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A Sharper, More Lasting Call for ARC Readers
Do you like dark academia? How about fantasy? How about stories set on a magic college campus? How about tragic tales? Monsters? Mind-melding drugs? Toxic best friends that can't live without each other?
All of this and more is found within my debut novel, which is currently open for ARC Readers!
After their girlfriend’s best friend is wounded in a monster attack, Simone Allard stumbles across a plot much deeper than they anticipated. As they work to find a cure to their own forming illness and find out the truth, one question remains: how was Nadia involved in this?
Nadia DuPont doesn’t know how much time she has or even what is ailing her, but it all gets more complex after meeting Simone on a field trip. As they both work to find a cure to her ailment, all Nadia is certain of is she's on the path to ruin.
Dual-POV third person present tense
Roughly 71,000 words
For fans of Ninth House, A Deadly Education, and Strixhaven
Content warnings include: Body horror, Death, Drug use, Sexual content (including mild kink), Suicidal ideation, Terminal illness, and Violence
Representation includes: nonbinary main character, black main character, main characters of color, gay main character, sapphic main character, mentions of polyamory, a main character with chronic illness/terminal illness, neurodivergent main character, side characters of color, plus-sized main character, disabled side character, queernormative society
ARC Readers will be accepted and contacted by July 1st
Completion expected by October 10th, 2024 (ASMLP's release date!)
All ARCs are digital at this time, so an email will be required.
This ARC is prior to final edits, so there may be some changes upon publication.
ARC sign up form
Add ASMLP on Goodreads!
ASMLP Tag List (Ask to be added!): @magic-is-something-we-create , @wildswrites , @chishiio , @broodparasitism , @writeblrsupport , @original-writing , @artcoffeecats , @asterhaze , @linaket , @ryns-ramblings , @stesierra
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hello! I love your blog and would like to ask for your advice. I want to look like an elegant, expensive woman. However, I am having a hard time applying makeup and setting up a skin care routine. Do you have an tips or resources on how to wear makeup elegantly and care for one's skin (for those new to makeup and skin care)?
What are the basic products needed for a dewy, classy make up look? Do you have any tutorials?
What are the basic products needed for healthy, minimal skin care routine?
Thank you for reading this ask! Have a great day!
Hi love! Sharing some of my tips below:
Always use a disposable cloth when washing your face: Regular towels store bacteria and can cause breakouts too easily. These facial wipes from Amazon are my holy grail.
Wear sunscreen daily: Yes, even when you spend all day indoors. UV rays can interact with your skin through windows, too.
Niacinamide, Vitamin C Hyaluronic Acid, & Tea Tree Oil are among the few skincare ingredients almost everyone should consider incorporating into their skincare routine.
Learn the correct order to apply the products in your skincare routine: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Eye Cream, Spot Treatment, Moisturizer, Sunscreen (or Retinol/Skin Oil at night).
Remember: From a dermatologist's perspective, your face starts (or ends) at your nipples. So, ensure you're cleansing, exfoliating, and applying sunscreen daily to your neck, chest, and décolletage to keep your skin smooth, youthful, and well-hydrated.
Vaseline is a great (affordable) alternative to traditional eye creams.
Sugar scrub your facial hair for a more gentle alternative to waxing (Combine sugar, lemon, and water). Laser hair removal, especially under your arms and your arms/legs is life-changing.
Follow up a warm shower with a dry brush and coconut oil for smoother, firmer skin.
Always apply a hydrating lip balm, mask, or Vaseline, hand cream, and moisturizer to your feet before going to sleep.
Layer complementary scents. Ensure the scents of body wash, lotion, and perfume work well together and don't clash.
Learn your skin undertones and educate yourself on color theory (I can create a short ebook/PDF if you want some more educational content on these types of topics – I write about them for a living!).
Test any foundation, concealer, or face powder on your wrists, too.
Don't forget to color-match your bronze and blush: They can appear orange or muddy if you don't find a product with the correct shade or undertones for your skin type.
Invest in products that go on your face, brow products, and eyeliners. Great mascaras and lip products are easy to find at a drugstore or relatively cheap (I suggest Covergirl and NYX, respectively).
Apply concealer in a triangle; don't dot it around your eyes for better coverage.
If you have oily skin (or it's humid outside), apply powder before your liquid/cream products. Set them again with a light powder to lock the color in.
Apply mascara from tip to base for the best lashes of your life: One coat on the tip, another from middle to tip, and the last coat from base to tip.
In a pinch, use a fragrance-free moisturizer and a Q-tip to remove excess makeup (no more raccoon eyes).
Use a light nude or white eyeshadow underneath your brow to make them appear more defined.
Apply face powder under your eyes to help the eyeliner on your waterline last longer.
Create a simple daily makeup routine formula: 1 skin coverage (foundation/concealer), 1 skin color (a favorite blush or bronzer), brows, mascara, an eye-definer (eyeliner or shadow), and a signature "your lips but better" lip shade (1-2 shades deeper or lighter than your natural lip color): This formula provides you the basics, so you never have an excuse not to put yourself together for the day (5-10 minute routine here).
Discover your day-to-night hero product: Always keep a slightly deeper lipstick, a smoky eyeshadow, or liquid liner in your bag to transition your day look into the evening with one portable product.
Hope this helps xx
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signedjehanne · 1 year
dear white bandom tumblr, what the hell do you want us to say?
i’m tired. i’m really, really tired. 
look, what do you want us to say at this point? this was supposed to be a safe space, for the freaks and the outcasts, but we’ve long established that it is very much not safe. it’s crystal fucking clear.
and honestly, pretty much every white user on here is actively contributing to the hostility here. whether you like it or not, it’s not good to only reblog empty reassurances of anti-racism that do more service to yourself than to others. it’s not good to see poc on the dash trying to educate the white majority and doing everything possible to educate you, and either A) ignore it, B) like it, but don’t reblog it, because god forbid you sit with your discomfort for more than five seconds, or C) send racist anon hate to the original poster, or try to deflect their points. it’s not good to see something racist and let it slide. let me get this straight: none of these fans of color owe you anything. fans of color don’t owe you the time of day, fans of color don’t owe you education, and fans of color don’t owe you the dignity of a levelheaded reply in response to your racist comments. 
often times, we try to educate because we want this space to change. i mean, i didn’t have to write a five paragraph essay dissecting anti asian racism in mcr’s content. i did it because i was angry, and tired, and frustrated, and wanted the space to change. the same reason that every other ignored dissection and analysis that spent blood, sweat, tears, and emotional labor to make was created. a lot of the time you guys just don’t understand how much effort things like that take. and to be clear, this is not just the usual “oh my post didn’t go viral and i’m not a celebrity i’m so sad,” this is “i poured all of myself into trying to educate people that turned out to never care. i have been blatantly shown that the people around me aren’t interested in changing, no matter how much they claim to be.” 
and like, do you want me and countless other users to go in depth again? do you want us to jump from racist incident to racist incident? to hold your hand through explaining why making art of ray being arrested is bad, why gerard’s fetishization of asian people is bad, why making rising sun art and designs is bad, why reducing all of pete wentz’s work to being about mikey way is bad, why shaming people with non-european features for “not looking emo enough” is bad, why insulting and degrading pete and ray for their natural features is bad, why cropping ray out of tour videos is bad, why calling people slurs in their askboxes is bad? (and so much more that i didn’t add.) do you want us to go over the history of racism in alternative spaces as a whole? do you expect us to do all of those things for you on a whim, to make it palatable to you, as if we weren’t real people with real feelings behind the screen and as if we had infinite time and emotional energy? really? when there are many resources already out there, both online and offline? 
what all this tells me is you don’t see us as human. simple as that. you expect us to be able to take the abuse, to be able to silently let your racism pass, and if we ever speak up, you ignore the work we give to you and demand inhuman feats of patience and generosity, answering your every question and responding to your every debate and coddling you as you refuse to sit with the reality of the space you’ve helped to create. and that’s only if you claim to be on our side. 
it’s insane hearing you try to placate yourselves. trying to mindlessly agree without looking inward. i know this sounds harsh, but i know that most of you need to hear it. i just want this space to actually change, like i was begging for back in january and february. of course, i was foolish to believe that it ever would. and i’m foolish now, writing this as if people are ever going to pay attention. even if it does break a few hundred notes, it’s not like the message is going to stick around. sure, you’re “doing the work”, “listening and learning”, but how am i supposed to know that when your responses never change, and this scene stays the same as it ever was?
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beemovieerotica · 5 months
while we're talking about ofmd and race, i think there's a really interesting discussion to be had about how colorblind and color-conscious casting happens for historical content -- and the basis for why any of this is happening is that actors of color want to be able to engage with history in a way where they're not continually being asked to play slaves/servants/the singular empowered POC who dies tragically
and while money isnt being put toward stories centered on historical people of color with anywhere near the same frequency as white stories (Woman King was a huge breakaway from this where we actually had african-centered history that made it to white audiences) we're still talking about diasporic actors and writers of color whose families are rooted in the west and who grew up on western history. and on one level there's the instant recognition for these western stories by audiences (and recognition = less financial risk for producers) but on another level, POC want to have the same ability to play around with the historical contexts and stories they grew up seeing. and while people have their gripes with things like bridgerton (no media is without problems) it was a rare instance that let actors of color get to play the high society lords & ladies, have more screen time, and fundamentally get paid more for having a good time, and they're not being asked to engage with generational trauma
and i see ofmd on the other end of the spectrum from this where there was a deliberate choice made not to explain the casting & historical realities of slavery in any narrative sense -- it just is the way it is. so you have your options of 1) create an alternate timeline to explain the presence of POC in these roles and the reality of slavery (bridgerton), 2) dont explicitly explain the casting, dont change the reality of slavery, but weave in the commentary on the actors' races in a meta-textual, self-aware way (hamilton), and dont explain at all, just let things be (ofmd)
and the first two are conducive to drama with elements of comedy, but they're two very different genres from each other and extremely different from the conception of ofmd as a 20-minute-per-episode comedy. so you have a 1700s colorblind comedy that does not engage with the history of slavery -- actors and writers are able to play with the setting without switching genres, and the show is hugely successful
so the key question is: does this all meaningfully change the way that people then engage with the history of that time?
im not really concerned with discussions of "should [media] have been made" because it's here. it already exists. someone wanted to make it and audiences liked it enough to keep it around. im also not really concerned with the personal morality of media consumption, because again, the media exists and people are watching it without you. im asking if there is something like a "bridgerton effect" that distinctly alters people's perceptions of history itself because of the way a historical piece is satirized, modernized, played with, and reworked for modern audiences. and even then we can have another discussion on top of that on whether, if the answer is yes, this is the responsibility of the writers and creators, or of existing educational gaps. i think that's compelling and kind of the only thing that matters in these discussioms imo.
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getjoys · 9 months
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Dazzling Daisy Bloom: Her Internet Fame Journey
Some people are born to shine, and Daisy Blooms is one of them. The 22-year-old social media sensation has captivated millions of fans with her radiant smile, uplifting posts, and generous spirit. But how did she go from being a regular girl named Daisy to a dazzling celebrity known as Daisy Blooms? In this article, we will explore her remarkable journey to internet fame, and how she uses her platform to spread joy and positivity to the world.
Birth, Parents and Education of Daisy Blooms
Daisy Blooms is not her real name, but a stage name that she adopted for her social media career. Her real name is Jameliz Benitez Smith, and she was born on June 9, 2001, in the United States. She is of mixed ethnicity, as her father is African-American and her mother is Puerto Rican. She has a younger sister named Jazmin, who also appears in some of her videos.
Daisy Blooms grew up in a musical family, as her father is a rapper and her mother is a singer. She was exposed to various genres of music from a young age, and developed a passion for singing and dancing. She also learned to play the guitar and the piano. She attended a local high school in the United States, where she was popular among her peers and participated in various extracurricular activities, such as cheerleading, drama club, and choir. 
In 2019, she completed her high school education and made the decision to pursue her aspiration of becoming a social media influencer. She then enrolled in an online college to study business and marketing. She enrolled in an online college, where she is studying business and marketing. She hopes to use her education to expand her brand and reach more audiences.
Rise to Social Media Stardom
Daisy Blooms started her social media career in 2022, when she was only 18 years old. She created an Instagram account under the name @jellybeanbrainss, where she posted photos and videos of herself wearing colorful outfits, posing with flowers, and sharing positive messages. 
Daisy Blooms quickly gained a dedicated following due to her cheerful personality, unique style, and motivating captions. In addition to her successful Instagram account, she also established a presence on TikTok under the username @daisyblooms. Her content on this platform included dance, lifestyle, and modeling videos set to popular rap and hip-hop songs. 
Daisy rose to fame on TikTok after a video of her dancing on top of a car went viral and amassed over 2 million views. As a result, she became one of the most influential and well-known celebrities on social media, with millions of followers across various platforms.
Daisy Blooms has collaborated with other notable stars such as James Charles, David Dobrik, and Emma Chamberlain. She has also secured endorsements from major brands including Nike, Sephora, and Coca-Cola. Her success has also been recognized by various magazines such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and Teen Vogue. 
Daisy Blooms is a social media star who has not revealed much about her relationship status. She does not share any videos or photos that indicate that she has a romantic partner, nor does she refer to anyone in her captions or comments. She seems to focus on her career and her fans, and does not disclose much about her personal life.
Social Media
Daisy Blooms has a presence on Instagram.........Read More
Source: Getjoys
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izicodes · 2 years
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Cut to the chase, this will be a very long post because of the amount of information the people presenting gave us! So much! Anyhoo, the 1.5-hour Zoom meeting was a bunch of representatives from mostly tech companies giving out advice for CVs/Resumes, practical career advice, interviews, and technical interviews. Though this is targeted towards tech people, anything can find the information given to be somewhat helpful!
The Sections
CV/Resume Advice focused
Preparing for first round Interview
How to Stand Out on LinkedIn
Technical Interviews and how to stand out to the Tech Hiring Manager
Career and CV/Resume tips for Tech Graduates
Warning Signs from An Interview
Section 1 - CV / Resume Advice 💻📑
Employers only read your CV in 30 seconds - make the information they are going to read count. 
Make it personal to you AND relevant to the role you are applying for
Make sure the content on your CV is concise - don't ramble on forever
The layout should be easy on the eye - not all stuck together in terms of text but not too colorful and in your face
Formatting - The most important and relevant information at the top. 
Create a punchy Bio summary at the top - Three-four sentences about who you are and what you do - what you are passionate about
It’s okay to have a 2-page CV/Resume IF the information is all relevant. If not, keep it to 1 page.
Skills - Technical skills and soft skills listed
Your experience ✨
Don’t copy the job descriptive
Talk about YOUR achievements
Don’t use too much “I did this… I am this…”
Your education 🏫
Include everything relevant like bootcamps, apprenticeships in the area you are applying for 
Keep high school information minimal if not relevant
Hobbies and Interests 🎮🎲
Share hobbies that show a skill
Think about what the company does e.g. A gaming company and you're a gamer
Share you’re creative - an eye for colour, design, and creative thinking
Know how to destress - you like yoga and mindfulness
Don’t include hobbies that are more lifestyle e.g. shopping and eating out
Include awards you have gotten that would be relevant to the job you are applying to.
Section 2 - Preparing for first round Interview 👩‍💻
❌ Don't ❌
Do not speak negatively of your previous company/employees - it has a bad look on you and might jeopardize your employment stage if you get the job when they talk to your previous manager
Do not appear to be disengaged/uninterested when interviewed - body language can be assessed also
Do not give false information - about your skill set, don't lie saying you know a language when you don't, and be transparent
✅ Do ✅
 Do ask for clarification if you are unsure about anything. Could be about the job description, or want them to expand on things, do ask questions 💯
Do active listening and respond 👂 - ensure that you are present in the moment
Do ensure you sell your strength/have a positive attitude - sell yourself so that they can pick you
What is the typical interview process? 🎬
Phone/Video Screening with the hiring manager/someone from the company
1st interview -  Face-to-Face / Remote with the hiring manager/member of the team via Teams / Zoom etc
2nd Interview
Stakeholder/Hiring Manager
Might do a presentation or a task (technical interview if for a tech role)
Give yourself enough time to complete the task
Key Tips to succeed in the interview 🔑
Preparation - ensure you look up who the attendees are for the interview (e.g. via Linkedin)
Research - Look up the company information/Statistics/Glassdoor reviews/Social media content. See how they are online, what the company’s culture is like, pros and cons
Questions - Do not be afraid to have a list of questions for your potential employer / take a notepad with you, to prompt this / take responses down.
Review - Study the job descriptions to identify the pros and cons of the job.
Structure your answers - STAR approach - Situation, Task, Action, Approach
Time management - If you have multiple interviews to prepare for, schedule allocated time in your day to prepare for each process
Rest - Ensure to have a good night's rest prior to the day. Allow yourself no distractions in the last 15 mins leading up to your interview!
Section 3 - How to Stand Out on LinkedIn 🙌
Going through each section of your LinkedIn profile and tips on how to improve it!
Having a banner is best, don’t leave it empty.
Make it related to your desired role - a techy image for tech people, the image of the city’s business sector for business people
Profile picture
Have a profile picture to have an idea of who you are
Have the “Looking for work” banner on 
The headline: Be passionate about who you are. Have key elements of who you are.
Have your name and pronouns
It's okay to use emojis in your profile - shows personality
Featured Section
Use the featured section to show off who you are
Show pieces of work you’ve done
Have certificates? Show them here
You can have up to 5 pieces in the featured section so choose wisely
It shows the employer how active you are in the community for tech people
Write posts every so often
Use hashtags (only 4-5 at most) to make your post reach more
Use hashtags that have a lot of followers (search in on LinkedIn to find out how many followers the hashtag has)
If you have recently been let go, make a post about it, with the hashtag, and people will repost or comment to help you
Another part where you can talk about yourself
Make it really personal
Be specific - not just a long paragraph about yourself
Key skills - programming languages, even things you are currently working to learn
Talk about your strong areas
Add a GitHub, Replit, GitLab, etc
If you have worked somewhere else, have an ex-coworker make a recommendation for you - employers love to see how other people who have interacted with you have to say about you
Talking to Hiring people - Not a section but a to-do
It can be scary but it’s okay to message the hiring individual to say “Hey I have recently applied, is it okay to look out for my application” and go on more about why you would be a good candidate.
The hiring managers have to look at so many applications and CVs/Reumes and they find it difficult to see people’s values and personalities so giving them a message will prompt them to search for your application and read through it.
Section 4 - Technical Interviews and Standing out to the Hiring manager in one 🚀🤘
Each company is different and will be doing it in a different way - e.g. one company tests your C# skills and another might test your PHP skills
Prepare by asking questions about what it would involve - most employers tell you what languages will be involved, if they don’t, ASK!
Coding exercises and Take-Home challenges are the most common
Understand what platform and what format will it be in e.g. what programming language you will use
Ask questions if you don’t understand something! - You don’t understand one part of the coding exercise, ask. It’s not weak to ask questions, you don’t want to do the exercise completely wrong.
Use Google - It's okay to Google to refresh your knowledge you've forgotten a bit. Googling is a skill in itself.
Use the STAR technique
Be honest and be yourself - don’t lie, be honest if you completely don’t understand something
Be confident in what you CAN do
How to Impress a Tech employer 👀
Ask questions 🤔
The relevant question to the job role
Ask about the team, company, culture, responsibilities, and career path, and even ask the Hiring Manger why they like their job also!
Don’t wing it
Highlight additional learning
Coding bootcamps, open source contributions, online free learning
Showcase your previous work
GitHub, GitLab, Projects, Presentations, etc.
Section 6 - Warning Signs from An Interview 😰❌
Not every company knows how to hire and interview well - making the whole process even worse. Here are some things to watch out for...
Structure ❌
No structure to the interview
No intro to set expectations
Not being able to articulate what the company does not get you excited about the work they do
Or it’s like they asked to do an interview with 10 minutes notice…
The Interviews 😨
Whenever you ask how long the interview process / how many rounds there will be and they don’t give you a concrete answer… start to worry…
Rule of 4 interviews - having so many rounds wastes your time and the company’s time. 4 interview rounds at most!
Quality ❌
It might be structured but they might be asking shit questions that have no relevance to the job role at all
E.g. “How many golf balls can you fit in a mini car?” Why are you asking me that when I’m applying for a C# Developer role?
Power to the people!!! 🤘💯
Leave reviews on Google, Glassdoor, or anywhere else if the interview process was terrible.
Let other people know what the company is really like!
Call them out and make them improve their interviewing process.
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Well, that's all! I hope some or all of the information I collected help you! If you think any of the information is incorrect or false, take it to the companies because I just copied what they presented on their slideshows 😋
Have a nice day/night and happy programming 👍🏾💗
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 9 months
♡Weekly Chronicles♡
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December 15,2023
Hey babes! This week was amazing I am so happy I have created this blog I love being a blogger. I've wanted to create one for yearssss but I never got the time to do it and didn't know what to base my blog on. I love seeing other girlies on the same journey of self-improvement<3.
The semester is officially over for me on Saturday I am so excited I need this break because school in general can be so stressful and I need this time to relax and pour into myself more I'll probably be uploading here more frequently while on break. 
I started antidepressants a little over a month ago and have been loving my journey on them my mind is clearer and I don't feel that little gray cloud following me anymore. I am present and not constantly worrying about others and things that I can't control. This is my first time using medication to finally have control over my mental health. Other than that my mental health has been so good. If you deal with seasonal depression you got this girl it's tough. Trust me I get it I've dealt with seasonal depression and anxiety for years and my inbox is always open for a chat but I ask before you tell me your problems ask how I'm feeling in the moment <3
I have been super consistent with my diet! Eating clean and working out every day I have been lifting 3 times a week. I didn't get to lift today because I am currently at work while typing this lol but I will make up for it by lifting tomorrow. I am currently fasting trying to make up fasts from Ramadan before Ramadan comes around again in March and I'm not going to lieeee it has been helping me look extra snatched now! Like I woke up looking in the mirror like yesss but fasting has so many benefits besides keeping you snatched it helps a lot internally as well. I recently ordered some items for my gut health journey and it's at the post office so I'm going to pick it up tomorrow super excited! This is unrelated but last night I didn't want to get out of bed to do my nightly skincare routine but I forced myself to remember my goals so I'm proud of that.
I have been consistent with my Italian lessons on Duolingo which I highlyyyy recommend for anyone trying to learn a new language the way its set up is perfect for me with the colors and drawing it feels like a game to me lol. I haven't been reading like I was supposed to I think I only read 2 times this week that’s super baddd I need to stay on top of it. I have been blogging consistently and I love seeing you girlies reflagging and hearting my content it means a lot and I def need to do a Q&A I’ll drop one next week for sure. I want to invest in soap making as a new hobby for me it looks like so much fun! 
♡Plans For The Weekend♡
I have a trip coming up next week I'm going to Maryland for a convention with a couple of friends from the 23 to the 27. I am super excited it's going to be so much fun. So this weekend I'm getting a lot of things together. I have to look for a few of my outfits for my trip and I'm waiting for my shoes to come. Also, I have my final this Saturday and an appointment with my OBGYN ladies don’t forget to book appointments for your check-ups your inner health is super important please take care of yourselves!
This was this week's little journal entrieee not that much occurs in my life but I still love the little update I gave you ladiesss. Comment your plans this weekend and how did your week go?
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itgetsbetterproject · 9 months
📢 Calling LGBTQ+ creators, storytellers, artists, cosplayers, drag performers, comedians, and educators on TikTok:
Applications are OPEN for our next round of LGBTQ+ It Gets Better TikTok Creators!
If you can see yourself...
🟣 Filming a skit about how you came out to your parents or friends
🟣 Telling entertaining queer stories and starting conversations for viewers to join in on
🟣 Mixing up some satisfying slime in the nonbinary flag colors while saying queer affirmations
🟣 Doing a GRWM while talking about the unexpected parts of your transition
🟣 Filming a queer craft tutorial
🟣 Taking us along for the day while you attend a protest/do community work, or
🟣 Filming a timelapse drawing or cosplay of your favorite queer character while talking about representation in the media
...then you’re probably a good fit!
LGBTQ+ creators 18+ can apply now to be part of our ongoing paid TikTok Creator program to create content for our itgetsbetter channel that helps uplift, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth.
Learn more about the program and apply now through through Jan 7, 2024 here: itgetsbetter.org/blog/tiktokcreators
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medievalproject · 2 months
Textile Time: House of Dragons Season Two Opening Credits
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It took nearly 2 years for House of Dragons to come back to us and yes, this post is a bit late with only one episode left of the season 😬 but I’m trying to embrace the "it's better late than never," and I'm working on being an im-perfectionist these days, so here we go.
A rush of excitement ran through me like an electric jolt as I heard the first notes of epic opening credits theme.
I settled in on the couch and to my utter delight, I saw not the expected template of blood spreading rapidly while fueling the mechanical architectural map of last season and GoT but a fabric becoming blood stained as it is digitally embroidered, threading a chronicle of Targaryen history (updated throughout the season) and expanding before our eyes.
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What makes the new opening credits so stunning beyond the Targaryen content is the method in which the captivating digital embroidered effect, coined “threadification,” is executed by design studio yU+co’s 3D division. Kudos for taking a medieval art and a modern art form and created a striking Medieval-esque masterpiece.
The success of which can only be credited to the commitment in understanding the threading process and how it could be transformed into a digital media.
I embroider myself and am self-taught. It was something I picked up more than a year ago, so this truly hit the spot for me.
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Research pays off
yU+co’s design team studied the embroidery process from the Game of Thrones Tapestry and examined the Apocalypse Tapestry. It comes as no surprise that the GoT show runner would pitch The Bayeux Tapestry as inspiration for yU+co. 
The Bayeux Tapestry is not a tapestry!, it is a 1,000 year old embroidery narrative depicting the series of events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066, fought between William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and Harold, Earl of Wessex, later King of England.
Using this real world pictorial testimony of medieval war as a guide for the House of Dragons opening scenes only adds to the credibility and stellar execution.
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Now a confession -
I was only this many years old when I found out about the existence of the Game of Thrones Tapestry😳. I thought I was a fan.. but apparently I was living under a rock because how did I miss this amazing piece of GoT content and art???!?
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Game of Thrones Tapestry, Season 7, Episode 4 📸 Kal242382, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
I believed the new opening credit sequence was completely original, as in no embroidery existed in the GoT world until HoD’s season two opening. Nevertheless, the opening credits are still amazing, still impressive, still educating people about the middle ages and how not dark they were.
Embroidery vs Tapestry
Magaret Wade Labarge in her article, "Stitches in Time: Medieval embroidery in its Social Setting," defines embroidery as:
"..the art of applying decoration by needle and thread to the surface of a piece of woven cloth, usually called the "ground." It is an optional decoration worked after the while weaving process, including the dyeing and finishing, has been completed."
When we look at the Bayeux Tapestry we clearly see the richly colored stitches embroidered on top of a cloth. The “design” is independent of the weave.
See what the Bayeux Museum has to say for itself-
So why does this misnomer matter? Because knowledge is power or maybe not, but you never know when this topic will come up at a dinner party or when you might bump into Chris Helsworth.
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But really why should you care? First of all, it's important not to take things at face value, like The Bayeux Tapestry. And also this visual record is an extraordinary piece of history. Do you know how difficult it is to find textiles that survive, let alone in this condition?
The Norman Conquest was a big deal in European History. French speaking Normans ended up conquering England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and even got to Southern Italy and Sicily! And, in doing so, they brought a wealth of new words, thousands of which are still used by us English speakers today.
Want more?
How the Medieval Tapestry in the New ‘House of the Dragon’ Opening Sequence Got Its Weave
Game of Thrones Tapestry
Frenchified English - thank you, Normans
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annbourbon · 10 months
The Useful Post (Part Two)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six
>-< Because apparently only 100 links are allowed per post.
I'm gonna finish the other one and edit both to make it look a bit more... clean.
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Be That Girl 101
Although it's not the only blog with this kind of content, it is one of the best I've seen. So follow @prettyinpink for more content. The list I'm creating of course doesn't only includes her blog but others too. If I find it's interesting, useful or something along the lines, it'll be here.
♡ Learn something new
♡ Making your phone to be intentional
♡ Making Friends
♡ Self care 101
♡ How to stop procrastinating by managing your emotions
♡ How to romanticize exercise
♡ How to be the Main Character
♡ Cariona: Pads that actually help
♡ Success Formula 101
♡ The It Girl Mindset
♡ 5 Habits to Fix your Problems
♡ Sexual Education
♡ Ultimate Friendship Guide
♡ Things to Manifest
♡ Watch your posture
♡ How to Build an unshakeable confidence
♡ How not to Die if you have an ED
♡ Don't let others to paywall human connection
♡ Read only women
♡ How to stop overthinking
♡ Youtube Channels 4 Girlies
♡ Stop self~sabotage and doubts
♡ Becoming an adult
♡ You can do this
♡ Set your own pace
♡ Friends
♡ Content creators
♡ Don't date for love
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Ballet 101
♡ Diet
♡ Routine
♡ Victoria Secret Workout
♡ My own Diet & Workout Routine
♡ What is healthy for one person might not be for another
♡ How to lose weight fast naturally
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Food 101
♡ Pancakes to cure depression
♡ Vegetarian recipes
♡ Vegan recipes
♡ Gluten Free Ideas #1
♡ Prosciutto & Blue Cheese (I don't support EDs but these recipes are so tasty!!)
♡ Food List & Some advice
♡ Common myths about migraines
♡ Fluffy Bread
♡ Eating Tray Hack
♡ Pasta
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Nature 101
♡ Orchids
♡ Identifying Plants?
♡ Learn How to Like Bugs
♡ Birds
♡ Plants can talk
♡ Bees are dying
♡ Frogs
♡ How to grow....
♡ Worms
♡ Dandelions
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History 101
★Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.~ George Santayana. ★
♡ Disability History
♡ Who are you? *Master List*
♡ Irish Mythology
♡ Autism through the years
♡ White People Culture: Long post
♡ History is closer than you think
♡ Asexuals and Aros through history
♡ Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
♡ Belgians
♡ European History is not white
♡ Ronald Reagan
♡ Pompeii Fact
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Art 101
★ This category includes Drawing and Painting, among other forms of art. It also includes some authors I really liked and works to use as inspiration, or to at least have some knowledge of their existence.★
♡ Art: Vintage
♡ Drawing cozy interiors
♡ Beautiful...
♡ John Singer Sargeant (watercolor)
♡ František Dvořák
♡ Primary colors in a fight
♡ 3D Website
♡ Outfit References
♡ Fake Colors
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Etiquette 101
♡ Be polite!
♡ Stop your Lizard 🐊 Brain 🧠
♡ Emotionally Competent
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♡ Useful for anyone with an appendix
♡ Ad Blockers on YT
♡ Books should be free according to Human Rights
♡ Libguides
♡ What makes Theatre great
♡ Librarians & Teenagers
♡ American Archive
♡ Sundown Towns
♡ Use this instead of
♡ How to keep following people when a social platform implodes
♡ How to Network
♡ How to use Google & Pinterest
♡ Youtube - No Ads
♡ How to find a post really fast
♡ Nothing to do online??
♡ Mythbusters: Sleep
♡ WWC’s A Beginner’s Guide to Academic Research
♡ Wayback Machine
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If you want to be here, write me. I'll check on your post and see if I can make it work 😉
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authoralexharvey · 9 months
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Or, A Sharper, More Lasting Call for Betas
Do you like dark academia? How about fantasy? How about stories set on a magic college campus? How about tragic tales? Monsters? Mind-melding drugs?
All of this and more is found within my debut novel, which is currently in need of beta readers!
After their girlfriend’s best friend is wounded in a monster attack, Simone Allard stumbles across a plot much deeper than they anticipated. As they work to find a cure to their own forming illness and find out the truth, one question remains: how was Nadia involved in this? Nadia DuPont doesn’t know how much time she has or even what is ailing her, but it all gets more complex after meeting Simone on a field trip. As they both work to find a cure to her ailment, all Nadia is certain of is she's on the path to ruin.
Dual-POV third person present tense
Roughly 70,000 words, ~350 pages
For fans of Ninth House, A Deadly Education, and Strixhaven
Content warnings include: Body horror, Death, Drug use, Sexual content (including mild kink), Suicidal ideation, and Terminal illness
Representation includes: nonbinary main character, black main character, main characters of color, gay main character, sapphic main character, mentions of polyamory, a main character with chronic illness/terminal illness, neurodivergent main character, side characters of color, plus-sized main character, disabled side character, queernormative society
Searching for feedback on... anything, really, but especially on characterization, cohesion of the timeline, and worldbuilding. But again, anything (save line edits, that'll come next) is fair game.
Betas will be accepted and messaged by February 1st
Hard beta deadline of April 1st, so there's a 2 month reading period.
Beta reading will be conducted via Google Docs, so a valid Google account is required.
Beta sign up form
Add ASMLP on Goodreads!
ASMLP Tag List (Ask to be added!): @magic-is-something-we-create, @wildswrites, @chishiio, @broodparasitism, @writeblrsupport, @original-writing, @artcoffeecats, @comicgoblinart, @asterhaze, @linaket, @arigalefantasynovels, @ryns-ramblings, @stesierra
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